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The Original Horse N Ranch TM Volume 4 Issue 7 2018
Free Take One
MENDING at the Ranch A Closer Look at TACK Leaves of Three... Leave Them Be
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VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 7 2018
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Essential horse care solutions for every season.
Long summer days mean more time for riding, but also bring heat, humidity and insect pests. Keep your horse cool, comfortable and pest-free this summer with Horse Health™ products. Reliable, hardworking equine care solutions at prices that won’t break the bank.
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For more information, visit Ambush, Apple-Dex, Cool Pack Green Jelly, Electro Dex, Horse Health, Horse Health purple, Horsemen Choose Horse Health, the horseshoe design, Icetight, Reach and Shur Hoof are trademarks of Farnam Companies, Inc. ©2018 Farnam Companies, Inc. 18-10500
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678-776-7770 Kevin
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15 yrs old. 16 hands, TW. no papers. very smooth, broke to do field trials, but we only trail ride, loads ties UTD teeth feet COGGINS shots. stands for mounting. (386) 559-1230 Lynn FREE Classified Ads Must be • Under 20 Words • Non-Commercial Limit 3 Classified Ads • Emailed to 20-40 words: $5.00 Each additional 10 words: $2.00 Photo Classified $15.00.
Your Horse Resource! 423.933.4968
Ads received before the 15th of the month, will be published in the next month’s issue. Horse & Ranch staff are not liable for misprints, spelling errors, typographical errors, etc. We reserve the right to edit any material we receive for the publication.
events - trails - tips - advice news - inspiration - products real estate & more
The Original Horse N Ranch TM Volume 4 Issue 7 2018
Everything Horse Related Slotted Crystal Lyons..............................................................10 Last Chance Corral....................................................12 Farnam: Peace-of-Mind Protection for Both Horse and Rider........................................13
Mending at the Ranch.............................................14 Western Dressage: A Closer Look At Tack - Lynn Palm......................16 Calendar Of Events............................................ 20-21 Leaves of Three...Leave Them Be Robert Eversole.........................................................22
Owned by HorseNRanch Magazine 4 Horses Publications PO Box 62, Ocoee TN 37361 · Lisa Fetzner, Publisher 423.933.4968 Dennis Fetzner, Publisher & Sales Rep. 423.472.0095 Alison Hixson, Graphic Design 423.316.6788 Horse N Ranch is distributed to businesses, horse shows, trail rides, Expos, auctions, and all advertisers. We reserve the right to edit any material we receive for publication. Horse N Ranch Magazine and staff will not be responsible for any claims or guarantees made by advertisers. The articles printed do not necessarily reflect the opinions of 4 Horses Publications, LLC. All ads created by 4 Horses LLC, are the sole property of Horse N Ranch Magazine. If ad is to be reproduced in another publication, there will be a fee assessed. Please call office for more information 423-933-4968. 4 Horses LLC, dba Horse N Ranch Magazine hereby limits all liability from any and all misprints. No warranties are expressed by Horse N Ranch Magazine, Publishers, Reps or Employees; and are not solely responsible for typographical errors. Horse N Ranch Magazine stresses the importance of correctness and therefore proofreads all ads as accurately as humanly possible. for advertising call 423.933.4968, Lisa Fetzner
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 7 2018
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Proudly presents:
September 8, 2018- 1st Annual Fall Select Registered Horse Sale Starts at 12:00 p.m CDT Located at: HOUSTON COUNTY FARM CENTER 1701 E Cottonwood Road • Dothan, Alabama 36301 Consignment Fee: $125.00 10% if horse is sold No Pass Out Fee Horses sold in catalog order All horses must have coggins prior to consignment Vet on call Credit cards accepted: (4%)
Huge Tack Sale* September 7, 2018 Starting at 6:00 p.m. CDT
Future Registered Sale Dates: March 9, and September 14, 2019
FRIDAY NIGHT HORSE AND TACK AUCTION dates (starts at 6:00 p.m. CDT)
Aug 10, 2018 • Oct 19, 2018 • December 14, 2018 For information contact:
R&M Auction LLC. 2547 Ed Tolar Road • Pansey, Alabama 36370 Email: 334-726-1681 (Mark) • 334-714-0883 (Rhonda) • 229-220-2707 (Tub) 6
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 7 2018
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Located beside Interstate 24 Exit 111 Manchester TN (615) 828-3844
Prices Subject To Change Without Notice • Financing Available • Trade Most Anything • Cash For Used Trailers
3 horse slant Bee weekender with AC good condition $6550
Used 2 horse slant/dresser/drop windows/ramp $4950
3 - 2 Horse Bumper Trailers in stock $1250 each
Maroon 16’ G.N. Livestock Trailer H.D. Axles $2950 Now $2550
3 horse slant 8ft, rear tack, 7ft tall $4950
16 ft Aluminum Goose Neck Cato stock trailer 7’W x 7’T, $9850
Used 2 horse, roof A/C, ramp $6500 Now $4950
Beautiful Tennessee Walking horse, very gentle, 7 yr old, buckskin gelding, $3850
16’ + 3’ metal deck H.D. equip/Hay trailer $2550
HD 15ft John Deere 1508 Cutter $5950 $3995
14FT Bumper livestock trailer $2950
3 horse Titan, ramp, AC, weekender, nice trailer $6550
Used 2 horse dresser/AC $2550
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 7 2018
Great Deal!
Used 3 or 4 horse slantwalk in tack $4950 Now $3950 OBO
Dual Tandem 25’ pintle hitch trailer $2150
Very classy 12 yr. old tri-colored quarter horse gelding extremely gentle, great trail horse $1650
6 roll hay trailer, self unloading, $1250
2-horse straight load $1250 Now $1050
Super nice cargo trailer 7 ft x 24 ft on the floor plus the neck $6950 Now $4950
2 Horse Aluminum Featherlight with Dresser $6995
Titan 3-horse slant, 7’W/7’T, roof A/C, stud dividers, pull out ramp $6550
14FT Bumper livestock $3850 Now $3650
Say you saw it in HORSE N RANCH TM
12x7 ft tall Jackson $3650
12 ft livestock trailer $2650
2 Horse Slant Walk in Tack, 3 in stock, Now $2950
Used 7 Tall / Ramp $1950
20ft x 7 wide, Aluminum 12’ Bumper Livestock Barrett livestock Excellent condition $10,500 $9850 $3850
John Deere factory 8x20 farm trailer $1650
Nice 16’ Bumper Livestock $3950
Used 2 horse/dresser/ walk thru/new wheels & tires $2950
S&H 2 horse $3550
JULY 28-29
Rich Vigue, Broker
MAR 3-4
MAY 19-20
JUL 28-29
SEP 29-30
Scan here for more information
JRV Realty of North Georgia 1150 Old Talking Rock Highway Talking Rock, GA 30175
My Mountain Peace Farm consists of a stately brick home with 3 bedroom suites incl master on main, finished terrace level with garage and private entrance, and a patio with fire pit and spa; A top of the line center aisle barn with tack room, wash rack, half bath, and plenty of storage; 150x75 arena: ~ 10 acres pasture, and wooded riding trails. This 22 acre property is in a much sought after location one hour north of Atlanta. Offered at $999,000.
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 7 2018
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Professional Farrier Services available at the
CASEY Horseshoeing School
Does YOUR Farrier offer all the latest technology to analyze your horse properly?
During the EFT
Visitors ALWAYS Welcome!
Bring your horse to our facility for a five-star treatment that can’t be beat! Casey Horseshoeing School, in affiliation with the Farriers’ National Research Center,
offers YOU and your HORSE the BEST service available We specialize in standard trims and shoeing to the most advanced corrective procedures and lameness
offer owners a chance to bring their horses for a complete overview using the Thermal, The Track, Treadmill, our cameras & EFT. Excellent for event and performance horses but also for the owners who just want an easy and safe ride on the trail.
Georgia’s only
Horseshoeing School Voted #1 for 29 years! 3rd Generation Farriers
Full Time Trade School Tuesday – Saturday, year round Fact: A REAL Education 100% Hands-on with Live Horses !! No Cadaver hooves shod at this school !!
2 days- 24 week courses - School tuition includes CLEAN lodging, hot meals, tools, anvil and forge !!
Call 706.397.8909 Call for a Free Color Brochure 14013 East Hwy. 136 (in Villanow) LaFayette, Georgia 30728 Exit #320 Just 12 miles off I-75. 75 Miles North of Atlanta 35 Miles South of Chattanooga Office Hours: Mon-Sat 8:00 - 5:00 School & Visiting Hours: Tues-Sat 8:00 - 5:00
Fact: #1 Horseshoeing School preferred by Veterans in the U.S. VA approved for GI Bill Post 9/11 & Voc. Rehab.
Give yourself a raise! $$$ Become self employed as a professional CERTIFIED farrier!
Casey & Son Horseshoeing School • Founded by Navy Veteran • Owned by son, Link Casey VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 7 2018
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SLOTTED by Crystal Lyons
have this mental system. Whether it’s a right thing to do or not, I’m not entirely sure but it seems to work for me. I have “slots” for people. Say for instance, I come across someone who promises to be able to do something, but in actuality, they never back up what they say. After a few times of that, you realize that they have a great talk but you simply cannot put your trust in them to actually DO what they say. So in my mind, into a particular slot they go. Their slot may be titled something like this....”Enjoy their company but put NO WEIGHT in what they say.” Or if I’m looking for a one word title, it might be, “Undependable”. The reason I do this is to keep my emotions from being disturbed and being angry with them. That way, once I have established in my mind the fact that they will never come through with the goods, I stop being disappointed with them as a person. I’ve slotted them in that pigeon hole that keeps them further from my heart. I can therefore enjoy that person’s personality per say but keep myself free from the wrecks they invariably will cause. It’s like some horses we’ve had. Some we could count on through thick and thin and some.......well, you know. I figure it this way; every person has their place. Very possibly NOT the place God intends for them to be but by their own choices, it’s where they seem to reside. I am NOT their integrity police, therefore, if I have no authority to demand change in those areas....I “slot them” and move on. That way I am not having to deal with inner anger every time they are around and I SURE DON’T put myself in a position where I’m hung out to dry if they don’t come through. Like that horse you may have owned at one time, you know the one! I owned one of those. I had him from a baby and at 8 years old, he still could swallow his head for no apparent reason and drill you like a yard dart. He was a cool horse but you just could NOT put your trust in him enough to ever relax! You have to “slot” the horses you can and cannot do certain things on if you want to continue riding without getting into a wreck! Finally
at 50 years old, (me....not the horse) I was riding him one day and kept feeling that knot in his back and reality FINALLY broke through the fog in my brain and I said WHY am I still riding this horse??!! I got off him that moment, before he acted on what was obviously running through his mind. I called a PRCA stock contractor who tried him, bought him and he earned a place bucking in his A string for a few years. I placed the horse in his correct slot and I was no longer agitated by his behavior! It’s amazing how that works. I have a friend who has a saying about ordeals that are outside her circle of influence. “This isn’t my circus and those aren’t my monkeys.” It pays to know a horse before you put your foot in the stirrup......and it pays to know a person’s character before you hitch your wagon to them. Not everyone deserves your trust! We can save ourselves from a few wrecks in life if we pay attention and take note of people’s patterns; because in reality,.,,,you didn’t “slot” them....they did that themselves, You simply recognized it.
For more information on Crystal or to be put on our mailing list you can go to our website or e-mail us at: 10
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 7 2018
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Shoo Fly! Shoo! We’ve Got HORSE FLY CONTROL for the Barn, Stable & Pasture!
Saddles Tack Barn Supplies Full Line of Feed 423.745.0443 920 North Congress Pkwy. Athens, TN 37303
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 7 2018
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We work to alleviate the suffering and senseless slaughter of domestic equine and to provide an environment for rehabilitation and carefully select adoptive homes At the age of 12 Victoria rescued her first horse. Since 1968 she has always taken in the horses that everyone has given up, trying to turn their life around by giving them one last chance. In 1991, orphaned nurse mare foals were brought to Victoria’s attention. Since then, Nurse Mare Foal Rescue is our main priority and has progressively grown to save THOUSANDS of foals. We offer a neonatal and intensive care facility for orphan nurse mare foals. We provide the foals with the necessary attention in order to secure a future in adoptive homes. Annually, we save 150-200 throw away foals from a certain death and provide them with the opportunity to a healthy life. One or two at a time, horses have come in and out of her life inspiring her to firmly believe that there is always a horse out there in need of refuge, and always a need for someone to feel responsible and intervene on that animal’s behalf. Establishing the Last Chance Corral in 1986 was the realization of her vision of creating a muchneeded facility to offer horses asylum. Today, the Last Chance Corral proudly offers horses hope, shelter, and opportunity regardless of their situation or problems. Be it psychological
or physiological we are committed to addressing the individual needs of each rescued animal. Our work begins with developing an individual diet, treatment regiments, and a training program for each horse according to its needs. When a horse has been sufficiently rehabilitated we go about the work of finding appropriate adoptive homes that suit the horse’s needs and abilities. 740.594.4336
VALLEY VIEW RANCH Equestrian Camp for Girls
Since 1954
for girls ages 8-17
Located a’top beautiful Lookout Mountain on 600 acres of lush pastures, wooded trails, and panoramic views
2018 will be our r! 64th Summe
Equitation lessons in English & Western for beginner to advanced riders. Experience the full opportunity of horsemanship through instruction in the ring, time in the saddle on trails, and the care and responsibility of having your own ranch horse. Enjoy 4-6 hours daily with your horse. Limited to 50 campers per session.
English and Hunt Seat, Western Stock Seat and Barrels (Gymkhana), Trails, and Vaulting. Our Program also includes eco-education, swimming, canoeing, arts and crafts, archery, pottery, and of course, horsemanship. 606 Valley View Ranch Rd · Cloudland GA 30731 706.862.2231 · 12
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 7 2018
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Farnam’s Dual Defense™ Offers Peace-of-Mind Protection for Both Horse and Rider
Don’t let concerns about insect-borne disease ruin your summer. Farnam’s Dual Defense™ Insect Repellent for Horse & Rider lets you quit worrying and keep riding. “Horse owners are greatly concerned about Lyme disease, as well as Zika and West Nile viruses, so having one product that’s proven effective for both horses and humans is ultra-convenient,” notes Tina Anderson, Director of New Product Strategy & Development - Equine for Farnam. Dual Defense™ Insect Repellent for Horse & Rider provides long-lasting 12-hour protection from mosquitoes that may transmit West Nile, chikungunya, dengue, and Zika viruses, and ticks that may carry Lyme disease, plus 8-hour protection from a variety of biting flies, chiggers and Scottish biting midges. The EPA-registered active ingredient in Dual Defense™ Insect Repellent for Horse & Rider is picaridin, which is known for its efficacy. In addition, picaridin is reportedly less irritating to sensitive skin than repellents containing DEET. “Not only can this well-known active ingredient be used on the whole family, it also provides great repellency for horses at the same time. You can use it on your children, as well as your horses to protect them and you don’t have to keep reapplying it,” says Anderson. Any insect repellent is only as good as the application process and Farnam’s new EquiVeil™ 360° continuous spray bottle provides efficient application at any angle, even upside down. It’s perfect for hard-to-reach areas, including under the horse’s belly and inside the back legs. Simply shake and spray for a fine, even mist that provides uniform coverage for ultimate protection of your horse and everyone in your family. Never greasy or sticky, Dual Defense™ Insect Repellent for Horse & Rider has a mild, pleasant scent and won’t damage leather tack or synthetic materials. Satisfaction is guaranteed or your money back. To learn more about Dual Defense™ Insect Repellent for Horse & Rider and protection from insect pests, visit Founded in 1946, Farnam Companies, Inc. has grown to become one of the most widely recognized names in the animal health products industry and one of the largest marketers of equine products in the country. No one knows horses better than Farnam. That’s why no one offers a more complete selection of horse care products. Farnam® Horse Products serves both the pleasure horse and performance horse markets with products for fly control, deworming, hoof and leg care, grooming, wound treatment and leather care, plus nutritional supplements. Farnam, Dual Defense and Equiveil are trademarks of Farnam Companies, Inc.
estled just off a curvy back road in Tennessee lies a small horse ranch with a big purpose. It’s easy to miss among the barns and pastures that scatter Red Clay Road, but the impact it has on some children and parents in the Chattanooga/Northwest Georgia area is unforgettable. Mending Arrow Ranch is a facility that offers a safe haven for children and teens to experience healing and personal growth through interactions with horses. Situated at the southern edge of Cleveland, Tennessee, the fence line at Mending Arrow sits at the crossroads of both Bradley and Hamilton County (Tennessee), as well as Whitfield and Catoosa counties, in Georgia. Its quiet, country atmosphere is perfect for completing the tasks for which the owner finds herself compelled. In August 2016, Mending Arrow Ranch opened its gates and hearts to children with special needs and at-risk adolescent girls, absolutely free of charge. Each child that comes to the Mending Arrow has had to deal with their own set of unique challenges in life. Serving emotionally wounded, physically disadvantaged, discarded, lost, or broken hearted little souls, the ranch aims to help students experience healing by fostering relationships with horses. The mission of Mending Arrow Ranch is simple- to meet the full potential of each child by linking them to the spirit of a horse through passion and love. Students participate in tailored, one-on-one sessions with an instructor that include horseback riding, equine groundwork exercises, animal care, farm chores, and a variety of other activities. The staff at the ranch strives to equip students with life lessons and tools they can use to rise above their circumstances and enrich their overall quality of life. Mending Arrow Ranch is fully funded by individual and corporate donations, fundraisers and grants. Every aspect of the ranch is FREE of charge for participants and visitors. Your gifts enable us to continue serving kids and families at no cost to them. If you would like additional information about our programs, to refer a child, volunteer, donate financially, donate items, or sponsor a horse please contact us at www. We are profoundly grateful for your kindness and support. God Bless. | | 14
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 7 2018
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Saturday, October 13th 10 am to 4 pm
2370 Hightower Rd - Ball Ground Ga Free Food - Prizes - Give Aways ALL FEED ON SALE! Special Pricing And Deals On Feed & Farm Supplies Venders Galore Get Your Questions Answered Directly From The Experts
Food! Fun! Fellowship! BALL GROUND GA
2370 Hightower Rd Ball Ground, GA 30107
check Website & Facebook for MONTHLY SPECIALS!
PALM PARTNERSHIP TRAINING™ Building a Partnership with Your Horse
By Lynn Palm
WESTERN DRESSAGE: A CLOSER LOOK AT TACK Any time you are getting into a different discipline, it is important to know what tack is allowed in competition. The smart rider will research ahead of time to learn all the rules about what tack is permitted and what is not. I recommend practicing at home with the tack you plan to use at the show. This is so important! Train with at home the bridles, bits, and saddles/pads that you would use at a show. This allows you and your horse to be familiar with the tack and helps avoid unpleasant surprises on show day. Most people will have a nice show saddle that fits the horse and rider, but never use it unless they are at a show. Instead of using their “good” saddle at home to school and practice in, they may have a “working” saddle, but one of poor quality that does not fit the horse and rider. If you want to ride well you have to have properly fitting tack for you and your horse. Properly fitting tack will allow you to have better balance in the saddle. Bits are another topic. Some people will train at home with a milder bit and use a harsher bit at the show. I advise against this practice because it will only cause problems. When a horse goes to a show, he is in new and unfamiliar surroundings. A new place will always make a horse more sensitive. Using a more severe or responsive bit to get control of a horse who is more reactive at a show will only intensify the horse’s reactions even more. Keep the same bit and use the mildest bit possible to promote relaxation. A relaxed mouth will always give you a more responsive horse. The Western Dressage Association of America is very new, only a few years old. The association just released their rules a few months ago, which you can find at their website, Please refer to page 14 through 17 for all the tack and attire rules. Let’s summarize what tack is required: Headstalls and Bits • Western headstalls - a western cavesson is optional
• Smooth snaffles, 3-piece smooth snaffles, or mullen mouthpiece bits are allowed. Use the snaffle for any level test and all ages of horses. Snaffles are ridden with two hands. • Hackamore (bosal) can be used in Introductory and Basic Levels only. • Curb bits can be used on any age of horse and any level. They can be ridden with two hands. If you refer to the tack rules, you will find the specific sizes and types of bits that are legal. (You should also review the section on illegal bits so you don’t use the wrong one.) Saddles and Whips • Western saddles that are permitted include stock saddles, work saddles, Aussie, or native or side saddle can be used. Silver on saddles will not count over good working equipment. A horn on the saddle is not required. • Whips are allowed no longer than 47.2”. • Check out the section on illegal equipment, as it shows other miscellaneous Western tack that it not permitted. I have worked for years developing an appropriate, handsome and comfortable western dressage saddle. Go to and click on the “boutique” button to learn more about this saddle. If I can help you with any tack questions or fit, please email me at Now, get out there and try a western dressage test to get your feet wet. I know that if you do, you will love it! For more information about training courses, educational materials and much more, please visit or call 800-503-2824.
PALM PARTNERSHIP TRAINING ™ Building a Partnership with Your Horse
We love to share our dressage backgrounds and knowledge with you and would love to have you come ride with us. You can join us at our farm in Ocala, Florida, or at one of our Ride Well Clinics on our USA Tour at a location near you. If you would like to train with Lynn & Cyril at home with Western Dressage, take advantage of the following supportive training materials: BOOKS: “Head To Toe Horsemanship” “Western Dressage—A Guide to Take You to Your First Show” “A Rider Guide to Real Collection” DVDS: “Dressage Principles for the Western Horse & Rider” Volume 1 Parts 1-5 “Dressage Principles for the Western & English Horse & Rider” Volume 2, Parts 1-3 “Let Your Horse Be Your Teacher” Parts 1&2 For more information about training courses, educational materials and much more, please visit or call 800-503-2824.
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 7 2018
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In Chattanooga!
7966 Ferdinand Piech Way
Harrison, TN 37341 (423) 893-3500
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 7 2018
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Creating bonds that will last forever! • Professional dog trainers focused on client safety & satisfaction • Over 40 years experience in the animal training industry • Schutzund Training • Programs from basic obedience to search and rescue • We offer the top of the line European German Shepherds for your families protection. Puppies available
Protecting your home, family & property!
Florida Dog Academy 7551 SW Citrus Blvd. Palm City, FL 34990
Everything You Need! 770.943.5493
4070 Macedonia Road Powder Springs, GA 30127
We Are Always Raring To Go! Livestock Feed & Hay Apparel • Tack • Supplies Gifts for the Animal Lover
“I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me” Phil 4:13 18
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 7 2018
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Sat March 17th Equine Trail Sports St Patrick’s Day Challenge
eridian Sat March 24th MEEC/ LFF Hunter Series I (MTHJA Show)
2018 2018 EVENTS EVENTSAT AT MERIDIAN EQUINE MERIDIAN EQUINE This year bebusy busyatat Meridian. We be willhosting be hosting This yearisisgoing going to to be Meridian. We will 6 trail 6obstacle trail obstacle challenges on 3 dates through Equine Trail challenges on 3 dates through Equine Trail Sports, 2 open
Sports, 2 open breed Western shows, and a new 4-show breed Western shows, and a new 4-show hunter and jumper series. hunter and jumper series. The hunter series will be co-hosted The hunter series will be co-hosted in partnership with Lucky Fox in partnership with Lucky Fox Farm, and 2 of the shows will be Farm, and 3 of the shows will be MTHJA rated. MTHJA rated.
We are excited about the 2018 show season. It is going to be a lot of fun, we hope to see all there. We areand excited about theyou 2018 show season. It is going to be a lot of fun, and we hope to see you all there.
To register for any of our events, please go to the Events page at
To register for any of our events, please go to the Events page at
**Every event hosted at Meridian Equine helps benefit our IEA Team and our Therapeutic Riding Program** **Every event hosted at Meridian Equine helps benefit our IEA Team and our Therapeutic Riding Program**
quine ducation enter Sat April 14th Spring Fling Open Western Show
Sat May 19th MEEC/ LFF Hunter Series II Sat June 30th Equine Trail Sports Summer Fun Challenge Sat August 11th MEEC/ LFF Hunter Series III (MTHJA Show) Sat September 15th MEEC/ LFF Hunter Series IV Sat September 22nd Equine Trail Sports Fall Harvest Challenge Sat October 13th Autumn Classic Open Western Show 7930 Murfreesboro Road Lebanon, TN 37090
7930 Murfreesboro Road TN 37090
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 7 2018
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r a d n e l Ca
First Monday of month - Burrell Horse Auction, Horse & Tack Sale: Tack 6:00, Horse 8:00; 6450 Bates Pike, Cleveland TN 423-472-0805 First Tuesday of every month National Racking Horse Assoc, Choo Choo Chapter meets at Wally’s Restaurant in East Ridge Tn @ 7pm. New members and visitors always welcome! Jerry Clark 423-667-0440 Fourth Thursday of every month Gordon County Saddle Club monthly meeting @ Gordon County Agricultural Service Center Visitors welcome! Info: (770) 548-5956 First Monday of every month Club Meeting 7:00 pm Last Monday of every month BOD Meeting 7:00 pm Murray County Saddle First Monday of every month Meeting 7pm Bartow County Saddle Club 3rd Saturday each month - GA Catoosa County Saddle Club Monthly Horse Sales/Adoptions Second Saturday: Gleason, TN. West TN Auction Barn. 330 Fence Rd. 6:30 pm. Chucky Greenway 731-571-8198 Second & Fourth Saturday: Scotts Hill, TN. Scotts Hill Stockyard. Info: James Linville 731-549-3523.
August AUGUST 2-4 St. Jude’s Children Hospital Rodeo 11738 AL Hwy Ringgold, GA 30736 8 pm, Yates Farm AUGUST 3 Cookeville, TN. IPRA 2nd Sanction. AUGUST 3 Treadway, TN. Valley View Farms. Jackpot Barrels and Poles. 865-210-0073 AUGUST 3-4 Dayton, TN. Rhea County Fair Rodeo. Info: 865-556-9154 AUGUST 3-5 Barrel Racing Memphis, TN. Show Place Arena. Lucky Dog Barrel Race. Info: 870-930-7717 AUGUST 4 AL National Racking Horse Association Tri-State Exhibition Center AUGUST 4 College Grove, TN. Traveler’s Rest Farm. CTDA Schooling Show AUGUST 4-5 East TN Cutting Horse Assn. Roane State Expo Center Roane State Community College, Harriman, Tn;
9 16 23
3 10 17 24
4 11 18 25
30 inta
14 21 28
15 22 29
AUGUST 17-18 Sevierville, TN. Sevier Co. Fairgrounds. Info: 800-639-9002
AUGUST 5 Ben Carol Roping Tri-State Exhibition Center
AUGUST 17-19 Murfreesboro, TN. TN Livestock Center. TN Valley Paso Fino Volunteer Spirit Show. Info:
AUGUST 10-11 Barrel Racing Murfreesboro, TN. Miller Coliseum. TN IBRA State Show. Info: Jamie White 901-378-7470
AUGUST 18 Barrel Racing Harriman, TN. Roane State CC Expo Center. NBHA. Info: Pam Brown 865-973-0030
AUGUST 11 Lebanon, TN. Meridian Equine Education Center. MEEC/LFF Hunter Show; MTHJA sanctioned. Info: Cristin Jordan 615-289-7539
AUGUST 18 Lebanon, TN. James E Ward Agriculteral Center. Greystone Dressage Show Info: Kim Carpenter 931-452-9225
AUGUST 11 Shelbyville, TN. Hagewood Arena. SSHBEA Youth Council Horse Show
AUGUST 18 TN National Racking Horse Association Tri-State Exhibition Center
AUGUST 11-12 Knoxville, TN. Penrose Farm. ETHJA show
AUGUST 18 NBHA Barrel Race Roane State Expo Center Roane State Community College, Harriman, Tn;
AUGUST 11-12 Ranch Horse; 10am/8am Tri-State Exhibition Center AUGUST 11-12 Martin, TN. Hot To Trot Circuit. AUGUST 17-18 Lexington, TN. 16th annual St. Jude Rodeo. Info: 731-968-4226 AUGUST 17-18 Nashville, TN. Bridgestone Arena. PBR Music City Knockout
ts018 of Even ber 2
AUGUST 18 Lebanon, TN. James E Ward Agricultural Center. Greystone Dressage Show, includes Driving Classes. Info: Kim Carpenter 931452-9225 AUGUST 18-19 Shelbyville, TN. Clearview Farms. Western Dressage Show. Info: 931-619-0773. AUGUST 19-20 Lenoir City, TN. Noah’s Ark. ETHJA show
Please call before you haul. Always verify dates and times BEFORE you travel. FREE CALENDAR of EVENTS LISTINGS: If you would like to include an event please Contact: Lisa Fetzner , 423-933-4968,
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 7 2018
Say you saw it in HORSE N RANCH TM
AUGUST 24-25 Crossville, TN. IPRA 2nd Sanction. www. AUGUST 24-26 Memphis, TN. Show Place Arena. MegFord Show AUGUST 24-26 Murfreesboro, TN. Miller Coliseum. CTDA, USDF Ole South Prelude and Ole South Shows AUGUST 25 Knoxville, TN. Stone Gate. ETHJA show AUGUST 25-26 Franklin, TN. Brownland Farm. No Frills 4,5 AUGUST 31-SEPT 2 Germantown, TN. GCHS Arena. WTHJA Tenn. H/J Classic AUG. 31-SEPT 2 Volunteer Ranch Horse Show UT MARTIN AG PAVILLION AUGUST 31- SEPT 3 Labor Day Weekend (Horses & OHV) Circle E Guest Ranch, LLC 50 Circle E Lane; Belvidere, TN 37306 (931) 962-1790
September SEPTEMBER 1 Chapel Hill, TN. Double H Farm. CTDA Schooling Show SEPTEMBER 1-2 East TN Cutting Horse Assn. Roane State Expo Center Roane State Community College, Harriman, Tn; SEPTEMBER 1-2: Murfreesboro, TN. Miller Coliseum. TN State Championship SEPTEMBER 5-9 Franklin, TN. Brownland Farm. Fall I SEPTEMBER 8-9: Bristol, TN. Fox Hollow. ETHJA show SEPTEMBER 8-9: Knoxville, TN. Select Sport Horses. ETHJA show SEPTEMBER 5-8 CMSA Eastern US Championship TENNESSEE MILLER COLISEUM MTSU Murfreesboro, TN
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 7 2018
SEPTEMBER 6,7,8 National Racking Horse Asso. World Show Tri-State Exhibition Center
SEPTEMBER 15 Olive Branch, MS. 13600 Looney Rd. Oak View Stables Show. Info:
SEPTEMBER 7-8 Oneida, TN. Big South Fork Recreation Area. Info: Eric Rueter 865-986-5966;
SEPTEMBER 16 Nashville, TN. TN State Fairgrounds. TN State Fair Horse Show
SEPTEMBER 7-8 Blue Grass Festival Circle E Guest Ranch, LLC 50 Circle E Lane; Belvidere, TN 37306 (931) 962-1790 SEPTEMBER 7-9 Morristown, TN. Hillbilly Truck Roping. Info: SEPTEMBER 8 Lynchburg, TN. Metro Moore County Project Graduation Horse Show SEPTEMBER 8-9 Lynnville, TN. Circle G Ranch. Dressage at Circle G. USEF/USDF rated. Info: SEPTEMBER 12-16: Franklin, TN. Brownland Farm. Fall II SEPTEMBER 13-16 American Kennel Club Tri-State Exhibition Center SEPTEMBER 14: Treadway, TN. Valley View Farms. Jackpot Barrels and Poles. Info: 865-210-0073 SEPTEMBER 14-15 Rodeo Booster Club Barrel Race UT MARTIN AG PAVILLION SEPTEMBER 14-16 Murfreesboro, TN. Miller Coliseum. TQHA Circuit (WTQHA dual points) SEPTEMBER 15 Stillwater Trail Sports Buckle Series Stateline Arena, Ringgold Ga Info. 423-331-8055 or Facebook SEPTEMBER 15 Nashville, TN. Walnut Trace farm. CTDA Schooling Show. SEPTEMBER 15 Lebanon, TN. Meridian Equine Education Center. MEEC/LFF Hunter Show. I nfo: Cristin Jordan 615-289-7539
SEPTEMBER 16-22 Memphis, TN. Show Place Arena. NWHA National championship SEPTEMBER 20-21 Equestrian team - Auburn UT MARTIN AG PAVILLION SEPTEMBER 21-23 Ride & Slide The Ranch (OHV Only) Circle E Guest Ranch, LLC 50 Circle E Lane; Belvidere, TN 37306 (931) 962-1790 SEPTEMBER 22-23 Franklin, TN. Camwood Fall I. Info: (513) 267-8157 SEPTEMBER 22-23 Talbot, TN. Walnut Grove. ETHJA show SEPTEMBER 22-23 TAGDEA Clinic Tri-State Exhibition Center SEPTEMBER 25-27 Murfreesboro, TN. Miller Coliseum. TN IBRA National Finals. SEPTEMBER 28-29 Lebanon, TN. Wilson Co. Fairgrounds. Mending Fences Cowboy Church Rodeo. Info: 800-639-9002 SEPTEMBER 29 Murfreesboro, TN. TN Livestock Center. TN Paint Horse Show. Info: Marvin Butler 615-397-6754 SEPTEMBER 29-30 East TN Cutting Horse Assn. Roane State Expo Center Roane State Community College, Harriman, Tn; SEPTEMBER 29-30 Knoxville, TN. Fiesta Farm. ETHJA show
Say you saw it in HORSE N RANCH TM
CLINICS/CLASSES AUG. 3-4: Byhalia, MS. Balance Beam Dressage at Red Hill Farm. 217 Lenderman Rd. Horsemanship Clinic. Info: 662-8012936. balancebeamdressage.wordpress. com AUG. 31-SEP. 2: Lynnville, TN. Circle G Ranch. Craig Cameron Horsemanship Clnic. Info: SEP. 27-30: Thompson’s Station, TN. Jaeckle Centre. Therasage EMC SEP. 28-30: Lynnville, TN. Circle G Ranch. Josh Lyons Horsemanship Clnic. Info: www. OCT. 3-4: Thompson’s Station, TN. Jaeckle Centre. Sonosite. OCT. 12-14: Shelbyville, TN. Clearview Farms. Buck Brannaman Clinic. Info: 931619-0773. https://clearviewhorsefarm. com OCT. 19-21: Lynnville, TN. Circle G Ranch. Kerry Kuhn Horsemanship Clinic. Info: OCT. 27-28: Crossville, TN. Otter Point Farm. Barb Gerbitz Horsemanship Clinic. Info: Christie Walling Riek 309-781-4825;
SPECIAL EVENTS SEP. 11-23: Tryon, NC. Tryon International Equestrian Center. FEI World Equestrian Games. SEP. 28-30: Fort Collins, CO. Certified Horsemanship Assn. International Conference. Temple Grandin, Keynote Speaker. Info: conference OCT. 4-7: Lexington, KY. KY Horse Park. 2018 Thoroughbred Makeover. Info: www. OCT. 6: Germantown, TN. GCHS Arena. Horse Fair & Food Truck Festival. Info: Wanda Chancellor:
TRAIL RIDES/TRAIL CHALLENGE SEP. 22: Lebanon, TN. Meridian Equine Center. Fall Harvest Obstacle Challenges. Info:
SEP. 27-30: Alamo, TN. 95 Weaver Rd. Buck Creek St. Jude Trail Ride. Info: Kathy Moore 731-617-1225; buckcreek2015@ & facebook.
Save e! the Dat
Leaves Of Three... Leave Them Be! Poison Ivy: Spotting the threat poison ivy. • Eastern poison ivy is usually and treating the rash. Summer and fall is prime horse and mule camping season. But beware what you may encounter while riding or when gathering firewood for the campfire. Here in the Pacific Northwest most of my local trails are dusty, dry, and sparsely vegetated. Until fall arrives when they come to life in vibrant shades of red. One of these beautiful plants that keeps me on my toes is poison ivy, that infamous, itchy adversary with beautiful crimson leaves. Fortunately, Poison ivy is easy to spot– especially in fall. Here are some tips to identify (and treat) poison ivy all year around. I learned the hard so you won’t have too! Poison ivy is one of North America’s most common type of poisonous plant. Exposure to the plant’s urushiol containing oils is what causes the nasty allergic reactions that give the outdoors a bad name. Poison ivy is abundant in the lower 48. Riders and campers across north America will encounter members of the T. Radicans family. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) reports that western and eastern poison ivy can be found in all states (except California, where poison oak is more common). These hearty noxious plants thrive in almost any environment, and can be found in woods, wetlands, alpine deserts, and urban environments like backyards. If you’re riding off trail, be wary of stream beds where poison ivy thrives. Your best option to protect yourself is to wear long pants, long socks, and sleeved shirts. “Leaves of three, let it be.” This is generally good advice, although in some rare cases leaves of five have been reported. Here’s a few ways to ID your local variant of
hairy, with shiny leaves budding from a single stem that grows as a rope-like vine through aerial roots. • Western poison ivy is typically a low shrub with three leaves. The western variation doesn’t form a climbing vine like its eastern cousin. • Both species have white to greenyellow, or amber colored bunched berries that are easy to identify in fall. Quick Fact Poison ivy is very sensitive to carbon dioxide levels. Higher carbon dioxide levels increase the rate of plant growth, and causes them to produce more urushiol, which causes stronger reactions in humans. Studies have shown that poison ivy’s growth and potency has already doubled since the 1960s, and it could even higher as carbon dioxide levels increase due to climate change. What to do: People react to the plant’s toxic oil, urushiol, 12–72 hours after exposure. The oils can remain active for several years, so handling dead leaves or vines can also cause a reaction. In addition, oil transferred from the plant to other objects (such as pet fur) can cause the rash if it encounters your skin. If you think your clothes were in contact with poison ivy, wrap the exposed clothing in a plastic bag and wash them in detergent and hot water when returning home. For similar reasons, wash your dog if it was exposed. Quick Fact: People who are sensitive to urushiol can also experience a similar rash from mangoes. Mangoes are in the same family as poison ivy; and the sap of the
By Robert “TrailMeister” Eversole mango tree and skin of mangoes has a chemical compound similar to the urushiol found in poison ivy. Treatment: Even small amounts of contact with poison ivy will cause about 80–90% of adults to have an allergic reaction. Typical responses include itchy rashes, bumps or blisters, and swelling. Although extremely annoying, poison ivy rashes will pass after a few weeks. To prevent this Immediately after contact wash your skin with rubbing alcohol or a detergent (like dishwashing soap). The goal is to remove the oils so use plenty of water and rinse frequently. Apply a wet compress, calamine lotion, or hydrocortisone cream to reduce the itching and blistering. Antihistamines, such as Benadryl, may help relieve the itching. If you are suffering from a severe allergic reaction or you had a severe reaction in the past be safe and call 911. Finally, never burn poison ivy. This can release the urushiol particles into air which if inhaled could elicit a potentially fatal inflammatory response, closing off the airway. For more information on trail riding, horse camping and more visit www.TrailMeister. com. Enjoy the Ride!!!
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 7 2018
Robert Eversole; Trail Meister Owner and Chief Trail Boss. 513-374-9021;; TrailMeister is The Largest Equine Trail and Camping Guide in the World
Say you saw it in HORSE N RANCH TM
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Hit the Show or Trails !
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At Select, we know horses and trailers. Being in the equipment business since ‘72, this fourth generation family business has seen a thing or two. Thus- we can help you fit your horse, fit your truck, fit your budget, and even fit your lifestyle. Come in and join our extended family with a new Sundowner, Exiss, Lakota, or pre-loved trailer. Call us- we’ll both be glad you did!
Huge selection of Lakota slideouts in 13-17’ LQs. Come pick yours out today!
TAEP Qualified and in stock !
2018 Lakota Stock LQ! Full 11x15’ Living Quarters with Slideout, large kitchen setup, a nice bathroom, and all the feel of home. Full midtack with ramp, AND a 16’ stock area in the rear. Haul lots of horses, show stock, side by side, or whatever! Discounts to $53,278 or about $465/Month
Exiss 7X00 series. Nice all-aluminum, with front dresser and folding rear tack. Extruded sides, aluminum wheels, HD drop windows and more. A great value- 3, 4 and 6 horse in stock now. Just in, and ready for you.
Exiss STC6820. Handy all-around trailer for all types of uses. Haul a lot of horses, sheep, goats, cattle, college students, and so on. Front tackroom, with 16’ of hauling space. Starting at $17,459.
Sundowner Rancher TR - All aluminum, do it all trailer 7’ tall,20’ stock area, 4’ tack room, Rubber mats, 5 saddle seats, HD Fenders, Priced to sell - $21,597.00
Sundowner Rancher Express- This value minded all-aluminum stock trailer features a full aluminum floor, cut gate, rear swing with slider, storage area in nose, and 2 escape doors. Priced & built to move you along. Torsion axles, radial tires, and more. 16’ Bumper $10,490; 20’ gooseneck at $15,444.
Sundowner Super Sport Bumperpull - 3 Horse with lots of options! Escape door, Rear tack, Extended tongue – great for motor homes or RVs. Only $17,668
Sundowner 2H Gooseneck- This is truly the ½ ton truck friendly gn. With proper axle placement, it balances nicely. Yet the 4x8 dressing room comes with a walk thru door, nose windows, and carpeted. Just right for day use, or light camping. And at only $19,423 or about $250 a month, easy to make it yours.
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