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The Original Horse N Ranch TM Volume 4 Issue 10 2018
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VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 10 2018
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CHEROKEE FEED & SEED BALL GROUND, GA 2370 Hightower Road (Hwy. 369) Ball Ground, GA 30107 770-887-0440
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JRV Realty of North Georgia 1150 Old Talking Rock Highway Talking Rock, GA 30175
Rich Vigue, Broker
MAPLE RIDGE FARM is a 25 acre legacy farm that includes a remodeled 3BR/1BA country home, 4 bay garage with 2BR/1.5BA apartment, center aisle 9 stall barn with tack/feed room and wash rack, ~ 10 acres in cross fenced pastures, and miles of wooded trails. This private and well maintained piece of heaven can serve as a weekend getaway, full time residence and, with its natural beauty, a special events facility. Located in Northwest Georgia convenient to Chattanooga, this family treasure has many memories and is ready to make more for the next lucky family. Offered at $450,000.
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The Original Horse N Ranch TM Volume 4 Issue 10 2018
Everything Horse Related Working Out The Knots Crystal Lyons................................................................ 6 Vaccine Wars: The Great Debate............................. 8 Equine Hoof Fungus Casey & Son.................................................................10 Lips & Whiskers........................................................12 Western Dressage: Improving The Walk - Lynn Palm........................16 Calendar Of Events............................................ 20-21 What To Look For In A Horse Trailer Robert Eversole.........................................................22
Owned by HorseNRanch Magazine 4 Horses Publications PO Box 62, Ocoee TN 37361 ¡ Lisa Fetzner, Publisher 423.933.4968 Dennis Fetzner, Publisher & Sales Rep. 423.472.0095 Alison Hixson, Graphic Design 423.316.6788 Horse N Ranch is distributed to businesses, horse shows, trail rides, Expos, auctions, and all advertisers. We reserve the right to edit any material we receive for publication. Horse N Ranch Magazine and staff will not be responsible for any claims or guarantees made by advertisers. The articles printed do not necessarily reflect the opinions of 4 Horses Publications, LLC. All ads created by 4 Horses LLC, are the sole property of Horse N Ranch Magazine. If ad is to be reproduced in another publication, there will be a fee assessed. Please call office for more information 423-933-4968. 4 Horses LLC, dba Horse N Ranch Magazine hereby limits all liability from any and all misprints. No warranties are expressed by Horse N Ranch Magazine, Publishers, Reps or Employees; and are not solely responsible for typographical errors. Horse N Ranch Magazine stresses the importance of correctness and therefore proofreads all ads as accurately as humanly possible. for advertising call 423.933.4968, Lisa Fetzner
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 10 2018
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VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 10 2018
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Working Out The Knots
by Crystal Lyons
I hadn’t started a colt in a loooong time and I was actually kind of excited about getting to start Strider’s first colt. Within 5 rides, we were venturing outside the arena where a whole new world of ‘boogers” exist. Seven was doing great and I had a couple of events in AL and MS so it was a great opportunity to haul him along with Strider and get him acclimated to all kinds of new sights, sounds and experiences. I had opportunities to ride him in a few state parks that had horse trails so he could experience more than the inside of an arena. By the time we got back from that trip it was time to up the game. Horses are pretty much like us in some ways. When they’re young and untested, they will have their imaginary boundaries and if you never push them past those, you will have a horse that will be willing to do so much......but no more. He will be a perfect angel as long as you don’t mess with his koolaid. But if you start expecting more from him than he thinks he should give, oh brother, the fangs come out! I sometimes call it a “knot”. You know, like when a massage therapist finds that tight spot in your neck or shoulders and that’s where they immediately camp. Everything feels GOOD until they start attacking those knots!
“I hate going in circles. In the arena and in life.”
Well, that’s kinda what we have to do when riding those young horses. You find the “knot”.... that spot where they say...”Uh-uh!” “I’m DONE here!” One of the best way I know to bring those knots to the surface is by loping circles. You can walk and trot big, nice circles and all will be fine. But up the speed one notch and start loping and whatever “knots” are in there, will surely work their way to the surface! Course, in all honesty, I can’t blame them. I HATE going in circles. In the arena AND in life. The colt has to think....”this makes NO SENSE!” “We’re going NOWHERE!” “My rider must be an idiot!” “I’m DONE with this!” And they grab the bit, or simply just stiffen their neck and blow off down the pen, hoping to escape the tyranny of it all. I don’t know about you, but I’ve done the same thing. I have found myself in situations that made NO SENSE to me at all!! I would be going nowhere....just flying a sort of holding pattern. Not going ANYWHERE
but seemingly never landing anyplace in particular either. I’ve grabbed the bit and tried to make things happen with the hopes of it getting me out from where I was. Every time I did this.....I (just like that colt) had to circle LONGER. Until I would surrender, quit grabbing the bit and instead, YIELD to the pressure that I was under! Once that colt quits fighting and yields to what we’re asking, we release the pressure and reward him with REST. That’s exactly how God handles us. Once we quit fighting Him and YIELD....He rewards us with rest. God is gonna put pressure on our “knots”, I can guarantee it! Might as well yield to Him, because it’s always about making us a better person and bringing us to a place where He can reward us with greater blessings! When you can’t make any sense out of where you are, that’s when you need to trust Him most! Let Him work that knot out......REST will immediately follow.
For more information on Crystal or to be put on our mailing list you can go to our website or e-mail us at: 6
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 10 2018
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Located beside Interstate 24 Exit 111 Manchester TN (615) 828-3844
Prices Subject To Change Without Notice • Financing Available • Trade Most Anything • Cash For Used Trailers
3 horse slant Bee weekender with AC good condition $6550
Used 2 horse slant/dresser/drop windows/ramp $4950
3 - 2 Horse Bumper Trailers in stock $1250 each
Maroon 16’ G.N. Livestock Trailer H.D. Axles $2950 Now $2550
3 horse slant 8ft, rear tack, 7ft tall $4950
16’ + 3’ metal deck H.D. equip/Hay trailer $2550
Nice 2 horse Bonanza $2950
2 horse Big Valley 7 tall w/ dresser and tack $4250
12 ft livestock trailer $2650
Used 3 or 4 horse slantwalk in tack $4950 Now $3950 OBO
2 Horse Slant Walk in Tack, 3 in stock, Now $2950
14FT Bumper livestock trailer $2950
3 horse Titan, ramp, AC, weekender, nice trailer $6550
Great Deal!
Dual Tandem 25’ pintle hitch trailer $2150
Extremely nice 6 yr old, Rocky Mtn Gelding, great trail horse, very gentle $4500
16 ft Aluminum Goose Neck Cato stock trailer 7’W x 7’T, $9850 $8950
Used 2 horse, roof A/C, ramp $6500 Now $4950
Titan 2 or 3 horse with awning, A/C, weekend package $4950 OBO
2-horse straight load $1250 Now $1050
Used 2 horse dresser/AC $2550
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 10 2018
2 Horse Aluminum Featherlight with Dresser $7500
14FT Bumper livestock $3850 Now $3650
Titan 3-horse slant, 7’W/7’T, roof A/C, stud dividers, pull out ramp $6550
12x7 ft tall Jackson $3650
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Used 7 Tall / Ramp $1950
20ft x 7 wide, Aluminum 12’ Bumper Livestock Barrett livestock Excellent condition $10,500 $8950 $3850
John Deere factory 8x20 farm trailer $1650
Nice 16’ Bumper Livestock $3950
Used 2 horse/dresser/ walk thru/new wheels & tires $2950
S&H 2 horse $3550
VACCINE WARS: The Great Debate
Are you over- or under-vaccinating your horse? Hear both sides of the debate surrounding horse vaccinations to decide what’s best in your situation. Should you or shouldn’t you? All the controversy surrounding horse vaccines has made horse owners anxious. Here’s what you need to know to make the right decision. Vaccination has been called “medicine’s greatest triumph,” responsible for nearly eradicating childhood killers such as polio and smallpox. Vaccinating your horse protects him against equally frightening diseases, including tetanus and sleeping sickness, both of which are almost always fatal. In the past decade, however, vaccine opponents have raised concerns about vaccinations and even begun to question whether they’re necessary at all. Should you continue to vaccinate your horse? If so, which vaccines should you give? It’s hard to know what’s right. In this article, I’m going to investigate the top five arguments I’ve heard made against vaccination in both human and veterinary medicine. While some of the concerns are legitimate, many more are not. Once you’ve heard all sides, I’ll give you a set of rational questions to ask to make educated decisions about your own horse’s vaccination plan. The Arguments Point #1: Vaccines are dangerous. Overheard: “They lead to a hyperstimulated immune system and all kinds of health problems. I’ve read on the Internet that vaccination causes headshaking and allergies in horses, too.” Counterpoint: When it comes to horses, there are no legitimate studies that link vaccination to diseases related to an overstimulated immune system such as allergies or skin disease. The stories you hear are just that...stories. While there may be other reasons to question whether or not to administer a certain vaccine to your horse, this simply isn’t one of them. Point #2: The side effects are awful. Overheard: “OK, so maybe there’s no scientific proof that vaccination causes other diseases, but the side effects from vaccines are horrible. Every time my horse gets vaccinated he can’t lift up his head for days. 8
Death is even possible.” Counterpoint: Yes, vaccinations can cause side effects, some more than others. And this is clearly a legitimate reason to consider your horse’s vaccination program carefully. Some horses are more sensitive to vaccines than others, and if yours is one that seems to have a problem every time he’s vaccinated, you may choose to take the minimal-vaccination route. In this situation, the concept of “herd immunity” comes into play: If 80 percent of the population in a herd is vaccinated, the remaining 20 percent have some protection against a serious outbreak. If your horse is a reactor, you should look at individual vaccines carefully. Vaccines for some diseases are more problematic than others, and different forms of vaccines for the same diseases have different reactivity. Ask your vet to help you decide which vaccines are most important due to exposure risk and severity of disease. Once you’ve decided which diseases are most important to target, look at the different forms of each vaccine available. For example, killed-virus vaccines may not be quite as effective as modified-live-virus vaccines, yet they typically cause much less significant reactions. And intranasal vaccines for respiratory diseases are often much less reactive than their intramuscular counterparts. If you’re considering strangles vaccination (a vaccine with high risk for side effects), you can measure antibody levels in the blood prior to vaccinating; if antibody levels are high, your horse is at greater risk for serious side effects (and could be protected anyway), so don’t vaccinate. Finally, if your horse is exceptionally sensitive, ask your vet whether it would be advisable to administer a dose of a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medication such as flunixin meglumine (Banamine) prior to vaccination to minimize side effects. Point #3: Vaccines are unnecessary. Overheard: “I’ve never known a horse to get any of the diseases we vaccinate against.” Counterpoint: Guess what? I have. And if you’ve ever seen a horse with tetanus, I can promise you won’t ever want to see it again. One of the factors contributing to the current trend against vaccination
is a bit ironic. We live in the vaccination age. Many of us have never seen these diseases, because they’ve been held in check so effectively by vaccination. Young mothers have never seen a child with polio or experienced a measles outbreak, and horse owners have been saved from the heart- ache of watching their horse die of tetanus following a simple wound. Yet if you look around, there are countless examples where serious outbreaks have occurred that could’ve been prevented by vaccination. Eastern equine encephalitis, a form of sleeping sickness, has been on the rise in the United States. Outbreaks have been reported during the past years in many states, including Florida, Michigan, New York, Maine, Georgia, Louisiana, Connecticut, New Hampshire, and Massachusetts. This mosquito-borne disease is almost always fatal, can spread to humans, and is completely preventable by vaccination. According to the Center for Disease Control, nine human deaths from EEE have been reported during the past six years. Most of the reported equine cases in recent out- breaks have been in unvaccinated horses. West Nile virus is another interesting case. When this disease first hit the East Coast in 1999, many horses became ill or died. By 2001, a vaccine was developed, and widespread vaccination of horses across the country occurred. As the disease spread west, the incidence and severity declined significantly. The reason? Vaccination clearly played a role. As horses were vaccinated, they became less likely to contract the disease, both limiting its spread and helping to minimize the severity of disease for horses that did become ill. On the human side, measles and whooping cough, two diseases that were unheard of several decades ago, are on the rise. In fact, a number of reported epidemics have included infant deaths, most commonly in areas where parents are turning away from vaccination. The lesson here is that we can’t become complacent. Just because we don’t see the diseases at the barn next door doesn’t mean they no longer exist. Point #4: Vaccines are expensive. Overheard: “You can save hundreds of
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 10 2018
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dollars if you just skip them.” Counterpoint: This is faulty logic. The cost of vaccination pales in comparison to the cost of treating a serious disease. For example, an annual tetanus vaccine costs between $10 and $15 (it might even have sleeping sickness included in that price). To provide supportive care for a horse affected with tetanus would run in the thousands. And what if your horse doesn’t make it? Costs associated with less deadly diseases add up, too. Consider an outbreak of a simple respiratory virus in a barn. Although it may not be terribly expensive to treat each individual horse, it can mean weeks or even months of lost training time and missed competitions. Point #5: Vaccines don’t work. Overheard: “I’ve heard of vaccinated horses still getting the disease in question, so vaccinations aren’t really effective.” Counterpoint: Simply not true. Although vaccinations won’t completely prevent every instance of disease, they do make a difference. Some, like tetanus and sleeping sickness, are extremely effective for preventing clinical illness. Less effective vaccines can still help keep symptoms to a minimum if your horse does get sick. And most play a big role in preventing outbreaks by helping to control spread. In fact, estimates from human medicine say that we’ve added 30 years to our average lifespan just because of vaccination. VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 10 2018
So while you can’t expect vaccination to be 100-percent protective, you should recognize the importance of a vaccination program for keeping your horse healthy. Decision-Making So, should you vaccinate your horse with every vaccine available, or not at all? Just as with most great debates, the answer to the vaccine question rests somewhere in the middle. Most importantly, you should evaluate risk vs. benefit to your horse for every individual vaccine. In other words, is the risk of the vaccine greater than the risk of the disease? If so, just say no. If not, consider vaccination. The bottom line? Use common sense and your veterinarian’s good advice to devise a vaccination program that will be safe, effective, and potentially life-saving for each of your horses. When deciding whether or not to vaccinate, it’s especially important that you get your information from a reliable source. Your veterinarian is likely to know more about the different vaccines available than anyone, and is certainly more reliable than the Internet or your barn buddies. If you’re a scientific type and need to see solid proof of efficacy or safety studies, your vet can provide you with those answers in addition to his or her personal opinion. To help you decide on a rational vaccination program for your own horse, ask the following questions about each vaccine
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you are considering: How bad is the disease? Is it almost always fatal, or likely to spread to humans, such a tetanus or EEE? If so, vaccinate if you can. For diseases that are usually mild or easily treatable, such as strangles, vaccination may not be as important. What is your horse’s exposure risk? Does your horse live in a pasture by himself with no exposure to other horses? If so, rabies vaccination might be more important than influenza due to his potential exposure to wild animals that carry the rabies virus. Does he live in a stall in a busy competition barn? He’s less likely to contract rabies, but vaccinating against influenza would be advised. Where you live and your horse’s lifestyle play big roles in determining his risk for specific diseases. Ask your veterinarian for advice. How effective is the vaccine? There’s no doubt about it: Some vaccines are more effective than others. And a vaccine that’s more effective is more worth giving. Vaccines for tetanus, Eastern/Western encephalitis, and rabies are all known to be highly effective. In most situations, it just makes sense to vaccinate. On the opposite end of the spectrum is equine herpes virus (rhinopneumonitis). Although the vaccine for this disease may help minimize signs, it’s unlikely to prevent illness completely, and has no efficacy at all against the most severe, neurologic form of the disease. It may not make sense to administer this vaccine unless exposure risk is very high. What type of side effects can you expect? Some vaccines carry much greater risk of side effects than others. If a vaccine is known to cause more reactions, and/or if your individual horse seems particularly sensitive to it, that could be one to skip, particularly if the disease is a less serious one and/or your horse’s risk of exposure is low. The take-home message? Vaccination is truly one of medicine’s greatest triumphs. Take advantage of it. By asking the right questions, you can protect your horse against devastating disease with minimal risk through a carefully designed vaccination plan. BARB CRABBE, DVMMAR 11, 2011
A Happy Horse = A Happy Owner!
Equine Hoof Fungus There is an infectious skin condition known as scratches or greased heel. The first stage of this skin infection is known as scratches, the second stage is known as greased heel. As seen in these photos, is the condition of scratches. This condition usually starts in the hairline above the bulbs but can spread around the hairline. What causes this, is wet, muddy and unsanitary conditions. When moisture and debris collect on the hair it will start to infect the skin almost like dermatitis. This condition is very simple to treat with a Betadine Solution and a soft bristle brush. The skin and hair can be cleaned and should be kept dry. If this area is not cleaned and kept dry it will develop into a greased heel. Greased heel is when the infection has migrated into the skin and it will have a liquidity discharge also having a greasy texture: hints the name ‘greased heel’. This bacterial infection is very simple to prevent by keeping your horse in dry clean areas, or at least out of the mud. Horses with long feathers are more prone to this condition. So more preventative measures will be required. Submitted by: Link Casey, Certified Master Farrier & Educator Casey & Son Horseshoeing School, Farriers’ National Research Center, La Fayette, Georgia More “Healthy Horse & Hoof Care Maintenance Articles by Farriers” can be obtained at and We welcome your questions for future feature articles 706-397-8909 10
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 10 2018
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Professional Farrier Services available at the
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Casey & Son Horseshoeing School • Founded by Navy Veteran • Owned by son, Link Casey VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 10 2018
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Lips & Whiskers
orses are sensitive. If you are around horses for any length of time, you see that in the way their skin flitches at the slightest touch of a fly, how they shake their head when we tickle their ears, or lift it when we touch their mouth. Every fiber of their body reacts to touch; including their lips and whiskers. I love watching my horses use their lips, and the funny expressions they make with their mouth. My horse Trooper even likes it when I play with his lips and tongue. In turn, he likes to nuzzle me and I take pleasure in the feel of his soft, fuzzy nose and ticklish whiskers. When I put my hand out flat he will wiggle his top lip back and forth across my hand. He makes silly sounds by smacking his lips together or hangs his tongue out of the side of his mouth and turns his head almost like he is sticking his tongue out at me; Nah nah, na, nah, 12
nah. In reality, all this touchy feely stuff is his way of communicating with me and using the tools he has available to him to do so; lips and whiskers. The fleshy lips of a horse are pink, soft and sensitive to touch, warmth, and cold. Used as a tactile sensory, their lips have nerve endings that react as part of a horse’s touch senses. Did you know that the majority of a horse’s lips sit inside its mouth? The lips create a cushion to protect the horses’ bars, which is the flat space along the jaw that lies between the front teeth and cheek teeth. Only a thin layer of skin cover the bars and this can be quite sensitive to a horse. Since most bits lie over the bars, their lips protect the bars, creating a cushion from the direct pressure of a bit. Their lips are also considered a prehensile organ. The word prehensile is derived from the Latin term prehendere, meaning “to
grasp”. Therefore they are an important aid for exploring objects. Without the use of hands, a horse will use its lips for grasping, holding, picking things up or feeling around. Their lips are sensitive enough to be able to sort through grain to find the tastiest morsels, or choice grasses. Many horses become very adept at using their lips like humans use their hands for some tasks. You may have heard of numerous stories about horses that can untie their lead rope or open a gate. They also use their lips as a valuable tool for communication. In addition to the nicker, whinny or blow that you hear from your horse, a horse will also use its lips to communicate, much like we use our hands for sign language. Watch your horse out in the pasture and in time you may notice different facial expressions using their lips, ears and eyes. A combination of these will send different messages to the receiving party. If their lips are relaxed or drooping, they are usually comfortable or relaxed. If they are tight it means they are angry or anxious. A horse that flaps its lips may also be showing signs of being sensitive or nervous about a situation. They can also use their lips to aid their brains in processing information. How many times have you laughed at your horse when he does that funny thing of raising his head and curling his lip? This action indicates the flehmen response which allows your horse to understand unfamiliar scents in their environment. Try wearing a different perfume or cologne near him and see their response. Likely he will
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 10 2018
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extend his neck, raise his head, inhale, and roll his upper lip back and under itself thus exposing his upper teeth and gums. This action facilitates the ability to send the scent to the vomeronasal organ which is located above the roof of the mouth. There is a duct there that exits just behind the front teeth. The scent is inhaled and “captured” by the lip curl so the horse can process it. Often times we think our horse is laughing when they do this. It makes for a great picture, ready for caption! A large part of a horse’s sensitivity is located in their whiskers. So much so that in some countries, it is illegal to trim or remove them. Essentially, whiskers are well-innervated hair follicles which grow around the chin, muzzle and eyes. They serve as vessel or a means for distributing information. Whiskers are found in various areas on a horse, however the mystacial vibrissae (where a moustache would be) and the mandibular vibrissae (under the chin) are likely the ones used most often. Have you ever noticed that there is a pattern to how your horses’ whiskers grow? The arrangement is not random. Look closely and you’ll notice that they are in rows or grids. The longer whiskers are towards the back, with shorter ones in the front. This tells them how close they are to an object. Since horses have a blind spot under their mouth, their whiskers allow them to explore this area by “feeling” around what is under their nose. He relies on them to determine distance to things, such as the sides of their stall, or the width of a door or other opening. The longer their whiskers, the less likely they are to bump into objects and injure their faces and eyes by accident. Horses’ Mystacial vibrissae are broken down into two groups; The macrovibrissae and microvibrissae. The macrovibrissae are usually thicker and stiffer. They grow from a special hair follicle containing a capsule of blood called a blood sinus. Each follicle can consist of 100–200 nerve cells used to send signals to the brain. These nerve cells help their whiskers to be sensitive to the slightest touch. This comes in especially handy when interacting with other members of the herd. By using their whiskers as an enhanced sense of touch, a horse can actually “feel” the muscles of another horse as they contract or relax, signaling the current state of the other horse. Without the use of their whiskers, a horse actually loses an important part of their sense of touch. Horses may not be able to use words, but if you watch them closely, they will definitely communicate to you with the tools they have. So the next time you are petting your horse and playing with his whiskers or lips, consider the message you are sending him. Whatever method you use, your hand, leg or body, will send a signal to your horse. The same can be said for the touch of a rein which controls the pressure of the bit on their lips. A soft, light touch can tell a horse a lot about you. VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 10 2018
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Submitted by Donna Martin, OHP True West Campground, Stables, and Mercantile 3341 Leatherwood Ford Road | Jamestown TN, 38556 931-752-8272 | Check us out on Horse Trail Directory! Check us out on Social Media! |
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SnuggitTM Winter Turn-Out Blanket
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ALL THE EQUIPMENT YOU NEED Saddles Tack Barn Supplies Full Line of Feed 423.745.0443 920 North Congress Pkwy. Athens, TN 37303
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 10 2018
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PALM PARTNERSHIP TRAINING™ Building a Partnership with Your Horse
It probably comes as no surprise that a good walk is important in a trail horse. However, a horse with a comfortable, groundcovering walk is one that will be appreciated by real working cowboys, dressage riders, endurance and competitive trail riders, as well as weekend trail riders. That is because the walk is one of the hardest gaits to improve in a horse, and yet it is the gait most commonly used by most riders outside of speed events. Although it is difficult to improve the quality of a horse’s walk, there are some exercises you can practice to teach your horse to walk at a comfortable, controlled speed in a straight line. When your horse is in a controlled walk, it is much easier for him to stay balanced when he is going up and down hills. If a horse is balanced and moving in a straight line, he can better transfer his weight to his hind end when going downhill as well as negotiate rough terrain much more easily. Practice the following exercise in your regular tack in an enclosed area at first before you take it out on the trail. Make sure you are sitting balanced in the center of your horse’s back and that your cues are clear so that your horse understands them. THE BASIC WALK Many riders create problems unintentionally when they either kick or grip the horse’s side to get him to walk forward, but these two actions actually make the horse resist. Try pounding your ribs with your fist to get an idea of what your horse feels if you do this. Remember that a horse is sensitive enough to feel a fly land on his skin so he does not need much of a leg aid when you ask him to move forward. Use your calves, and not your heels, in as light a touch as necessary to ask your horse to walk forward. If your horse does not step forward immediately into a walk, slide your calves slightly backward and ask again. If that doesn’t work, use a “clucking” sound with your leg aid or touch his side with your crop or the end of our reins just behind your leg or on his rump to give him even more encouragement to move away from the touch. As your horse walks, practice staying balanced and let your hips move back and forth naturally as they follow his motion at the
By Lynn Palm
walk. This will synchronize you with the horse, and both you and he will be more comfortable. It also will encourage him to relax his back and use his hind legs more. You keep the horse moving straight and maintaining speed by using light support with your legs and reins. You can tell if your horse is comfortable and relaxed in the walk if his ears are forward and he is moving along without resistance. If your horse is relaxed, clearly understands what you are asking of him, and trusts you, then he will be easier to work with and enjoy the ride too. If you are unbalanced or heavy-handed, however, your horse will be frustrated and anxious for the ride to be over with and may challenge you in some way. There is less momentum at the walk to help your horse stay straight. If he is having trouble staying straight at the walk, practice transitions between the walk and the trot. Walk straight and at a steady pace—without slowing or speeding up. Next, practice varying your speed at the walk. After practicing walking in a straight line, walk in circles at a steady pace. Remember, that when you circle your horse, he should have a slight bend or curve to his body and not have just his head turned to the inside. Always be aware of your position in the saddle. Your spine should be centered over your horse and an observer should be able to draw a straight line from your ear to your shoulder to the middle of your hip, to the back of your heel, and down to the ground. Your eyes should always be looking ahead to where you want to go and not down at your horse. Remember, if you have trouble controlling your horse’s speed at any gait, bring him into a turn because bending will automatically slow him down. At a walk, initiate the turn by using an upward motion with your outside rein only. This will shorten the horse’s stride at the walk. Think of your outside rein as your “brake.”
PALM PARTNERSHIP TRAINING ™ Building a Partnership with Your Horse
We love to share our dressage backgrounds and knowledge with you and would love to have you come ride with us. You can join us at our farm in Ocala, Florida, or at one of our Ride Well Clinics on our USA Tour at a location near you. If you would like to train with Lynn & Cyril at home with Western Dressage, take advantage of the following supportive training materials: BOOKS: “Head To Toe Horsemanship” “Western Dressage—A Guide to Take You to Your First Show” “A Rider Guide to Real Collection” DVDS: “Dressage Principles for the Western Horse & Rider” Volume 1 Parts 1-5 “Dressage Principles for the Western & English Horse & Rider” Volume 2, Parts 1-3 “Let Your Horse Be Your Teacher” Parts 1&2 For more information about training courses, educational materials and much more, please visit or call 800-503-2824.
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 10 2018
Say you saw it in HORSE N RANCH TM
We work to alleviate the suffering and senseless slaughter of domestic equine and to provide an environment for rehabilitation and carefully select adoptive homes At the age of 12 Victoria rescued her first horse. Since 1968 she has always taken in the horses that everyone has given up, trying to turn their life around by giving them one last chance. In 1991, orphaned nurse mare foals were brought to Victoria’s attention. Since then, Nurse Mare Foal Rescue is our main priority and has progressively grown to save THOUSANDS of foals. We offer a neonatal and intensive care facility for orphan nurse mare foals. We provide the foals with the necessary attention in order to secure a future in adoptive homes. Annually, we save 150-200 throw away foals from a certain death and provide them with the opportunity to a healthy life. One or two at a time, horses have come in and out of her life inspiring her to firmly believe that there is always a horse out there in need of refuge, and always a need for someone to feel responsible and intervene on that animal’s behalf. Establishing the Last Chance Corral in 1986 was the realization of her vision of creating a muchneeded facility to offer horses asylum. Today, the Last Chance Corral proudly offers horses hope, shelter, and opportunity regardless of their situation or problems. Be it psychological
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 10 2018
Say you saw it in HORSE N RANCH TM
or physiological we are committed to addressing the individual needs of each rescued animal. Our work begins with developing an individual diet, treatment regiments, and a training program for each horse according to its needs. When a horse has been sufficiently rehabilitated we go about the work of finding appropriate adoptive homes that suit the horse’s needs and abilities. 740.594.4336
Seasons Greetings from our family to yours!
Apparel Gifts for the Animal Lover Livestock Feed & Hay Tack • Supplies
770.943.5493 4070 Macedonia Road Powder Springs, GA 30127
“I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me” Phil 4:13
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 10 2018
Say you saw it in HORSE N RANCH TM
VALLEY VIEW RANCH Equestrian Camp for Girls
Since 1954
Located a’top beautiful Lookout Mountain on 600 acres of lush pastures, wooded trails, and panoramic views
Equitation lessons in English & Western for beginner to advanced riders. Experience the full opportunity of horsemanship through instruction in the ring, time in the saddle on trails, and the care and responsibility of having your own ranch horse. Enjoy 4-6 hours daily with your horse. Limited to 50 campers per session.
for girls ages 8-17
English and Hunt Seat, Western Stock Seat and Barrels (Gymkhana), Trails, and Vaulting. Our Program also includes eco-education, swimming, canoeing, arts and crafts, archery, pottery, and of course, horsemanship. 606 Valley View Ranch Rd · Cloudland GA 30731 706.862.2231 ·
Cattle and/or Horse Farm for Sale
All in Coweta County - city limits of Grantville 84+/- acres with 10 acres stocked lake. 2 houses and a third place that can easily be fixed for a third house. Property is completely fenced with no climb horse wire. It is crossed fenced as well. MAIN HOUSE 2400 +/- with full light basement. Not finished but has, washer & dryer connections. Hardy plank exterior, with stone in front inset and first floor in basement. Great deck, 4 levels with gazebo at last level. Granite counter tops. The lake has a seawall made with 2700 blocks weighing 90lbs. each. Steps to walk in to lake. Lake is spring fed. The property has 3 wells, city water & sewage is available. BRICK HOUSE with 4 bedrooms, 2 full baths, dining room, large family room. Big storage room with 2 car garage attached. 2 car garage carpeted upstairs & 2 car garage down stairs with carpet & lots of cabinets. 4 metal horse barns, 7 metal sheds, 1 metal 32’ x 70’, 3 drive-in doors, 2 barns for large tractor. 3 road frontage, some timber, some hardwood & spring for watering cattle. A beautiful triangle, no close neighbors. For Sale by owner. Asking $1,500,000.
Jerry Green 770-328-6393
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 10 2018
Say you saw it in HORSE N RANCH TM
r a d n e l Ca s of Event
8 1 0 2 r e b m e c e D r e Novemb
First Monday of month - Burrell Horse Auction, Horse & Tack Sale: Tack 6:00, Horse 8:00; 6450 Bates Pike, Cleveland TN 423-472-0805 First Tuesday of every month National Racking Horse Assoc, Choo Choo Chapter meets at Wally’s Restaurant in East Ridge Tn @ 7pm. New members and visitors always welcome! Jerry Clark 423-667-0440 Fourth Thursday of every month Gordon County Saddle Club monthly meeting @ Gordon County Agricultural Service Center Visitors welcome! Info: (770) 548-5956 First Monday of every month Club Meeting 7:00 pm Last Monday of every month BOD Meeting 7:00 pm Murray County Saddle First Monday of every month Meeting 7pm Bartow County Saddle Club 3rd Saturday each month - GA Catoosa County Saddle Club Monthly Horse Sales/Adoptions Second Saturday: Gleason, TN. West TN Auction Barn. 330 Fence Rd. 6:30 pm. Chucky Greenway 731-571-8198 Second & Fourth Saturday: Scotts Hill, TN. Scotts Hill Stockyard. Info: James Linville 731-549-3523.
November NOVEMBER 2-4 Memphis, TN. Show Place Arena. MegFord Show NOVEMBER 3 Ranch Horse 10 am - 8 am Tri-State Exhibition Center NOVEMBER 3-4 TENNESSEE HS RODEO ASSOCIATION (731) 658-5867, Fayette, AL NOVEMBER 3-4 Bristol, TN. Fox Hollow. ETHJA Show
Harriman, Tn;
NOVEMBER 10-11 Murfreesboro, TN. Miller Coliseum. Volunteer Ranch Horse Show
NOVEMBER 30-DEC. 2 Memphis, TN. Show Place Arena. Lucky Dog Barrel Race. Info:
NOVEMBER 11 Stillwater Trail Sports Ultimate Buckle Challenge Stateline Arena, Ringgold Ga Info. 423-331-8055 Or Facebook
NOVEMBER 17-18 NTRL Roane State Expo Center Roane State Community College, Harriman, Tn;
DECEMBER 7-9 IEA Show Tennessee Miller Coliseum Mtsu Murfreesboro, TN
DECEMBER 8 Buchanan, TN. Milam’s Horsebarn, Hwy 218. Pro and Non-Pro Bull Riding, Mutton Busting. 8pm. Call Monday, Dec. 3, 4-10 pm @ 731-642-8346. Info: 731-644-5665
NOVEMBER 3-4 Knoxville, TN. Select Sport Horses. ETHJA Show
NOVEMBER 17-18 Thompson’s Station, TN. Jaeckle Centre Hunter Show & MTHJA Finals. Info: & facebook
NOVEMBER 8-11 Germantown, TN. GCHS Arena. WTHJA Harvest Time
NOVEMBER 17-18 White Pine, TN. Walters State Expo Center. ETHJA Show
NOVEMBER 10 Thompson’s Station, TN. Jaeckle Centre Jumper Show. Info: 855-523-2553 ext. 788;
NOVEMBER 19-20 4-H Livestock Camp Williamson County AG EXPO Park Franklin, TN (615) 595-1227
NOVEMBER 10 TAGDEA Dressage Show Tri-State Exhibition Center
NOVEMBER 30-Dec 2 TQHA Hillbilly Classic Roane State Expo Center Roane State Community College,
DECEMBER 8 Working Horse Cow Clinic Tri-State Exhibition Center DECEMBER 14-15 SRSA Rodeo Roane State Expo Center Roane State Community College, Harriman, Tn; DECEMBER 28-30 4-H Horse Camp Williamson County AG EXPO Park Franklin, TN (615) 595-1227
Please call before you haul. Always verify dates and times BEFORE you travel. FREE CALENDAR of EVENTS LISTINGS: If you would like to include an event please Contact: Lisa Fetzner , 423-933-4968,
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 10 2018
Say you saw it in HORSE N RANCH TM
JANUARY 11-12 Women’s Pro Bulls & Barrels Roane State Expo Center Roane State Community College, Harriman, Tn; JANUARY 12 Buchanan, TN. Milam’s Horsebarn, Hwy 218. Pro and Non-Pro Bull Riding, Mutton Busting. 8pm. Call Monday, Jan 7, 4-10 pm @ 731-642-8346. Info: 731-644-5665 JANUARY 12-13 Thompson’s Station, TN. Jaeckle Centre. IEA Horse Shows. & facebook JANUARY 19 Thompson’s Station, TN. Jaeckle Centre Jumper Show & TJC Jumper Classic. Info: & facebook
JANUARY 20 Thompson’s Station, TN. Jaeckle Centre Equitation Day. Info: & facebook JANUARY 26-27 Thompson’s Station, TN. Jaeckle Centre Snowflake II Hunter Show. Info: & facebook JANUARY 19-20 IEA Zone 4 Roane State Expo Center Roane State Community College, Harriman, Tn;
NOV. 3: Thaxton, MS. 11347 Hwy. 6. Horse & tack Sale. Info: 662-840-2427 or 662790-3699 NOV. 16-17: Rainsville, AL. Northeast Alabama Agri-Business Center. BLM Mustang Adoption. Info: DEC. 1: Thaxton, MS. 11347 Hwy. 6. Horse & tack Sale. Info: 662-840-2427 or 662790-3699
Give Thanks
MAR. 30, 2019: Knoxville, TN. UTCVM Horse Owners Conference. Info: https:// aspx
FIRST SATURDAY: Hattiesburg, MS. T. Smith Livestock sales. Tack 10:30 am; Horses 1:30 pm. Info: 601-583-0828
SECOND SATURDAY: Gleason, TN. West TN Auction Barn. 330 Fence Rd. 6:30 pm. Info: Chucky Greenway 731-571-8198 SECOND & FOURTH SATURDAY: Scotts Hill, TN. Scotts Hill Stockyard. Info: James Linville 731-549-3523. https://www.
SATURDAYS: Pontotoc, MS. Pontotoc Stockyard. 11 am. Info: 662-489-4385.
SECOND & FOURTH SATURDAY: Carthage, MS. Farmers Livestock Marketing. Tack 1 pm; Horses 5 pm. Info: 601-267-7884; 662-317-9021
NOV. 3: Hillsboro, AL Banakhead National Forest. 25/50. Info: Judy Rogers-Buttram 256-476-7339;
Mark Your Calen der!
Save ! e t a D e h t 114-Acre Horse Farm In The Heart Of Coweta County Ga. Main house 5,000 sq ft with pool, second house 1500 sq ft. w/12-stall horse barn w/shavings bin, wash & tack room; pole barn. Quiet country living! $1.9 million. Call agent 770-354-8542. Video tour Sheila Rambeck 770-354-8542; REALTOR®, Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices Georgia Properties, 300 Clover Reach, Peachtree City, Georgia 30269, 770-487-8300 (Office)
2019 Coming Soon!
15 yrs old. 16 hands, TW. no papers. very smooth, broke to do field trials, but we only trail ride, loads ties UTD teeth feet COGGINS shots. stands for mounting. (386) 559-1230 Lynn
AQHA #5155916 Broodmare. 12 yr, excellent conformation & disposition. Gr-granddaughter Mr Gunsmoke / Great Pine. Gr-gr-granddaughter Easy Jet / Cutter Bill. $2500. (865) 406-1684 Vicky
FREE Classified Ads Must be • Under 20 Words • Non-Commercial Limit 3 Classified Ads • Emailed to 20-40 words: $5.00 Each additional 10 words: $2.00 Photo Classified $15.00.
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 10 2018
Say you saw it in HORSE N RANCH TM
Ads received before the 15th of the month, will be published in the next month’s issue. Horse & Ranch staff are not liable for misprints, spelling errors, typographical errors, etc. We reserve the right to edit any material we receive for the publication.
WHAT TO LOOK FOR IN A HORSE TRAILER By Robert “TrailMeister” Eversole
A horse trailer is a big investment and comes with a lot of big decisions to ensure that we make the right choices for us and our mounts. Let’s break down these decisions into the main factors to consider. Here are my top considerations. Size is Important - Does the trailer fit both your animals and you? Your horse or mule doesn’t get to decide on whether it’s going for a ride so we need to make sure that they’re as comfortable as possible. If the space is too small, he’ll will be cramped, likely unhappy, and may decide that he doesn’t like trailers in the future. Measure your horse from nose to rump (height, length, and width) before going trailer hunting. And consider how many horses you’ll be hauling. The right trailer is not only comfy for your horse(s), it should be the right size to tow safely behind your vehicle, and hold all the gear you need for your riding and camping adventures. Bumper pull vs Gooseneck From one horse bumper pulls to gooseneck LQ’s with all the bells and whistles you have a lot of choices! Bumper pulls are generally the least expensive and simplest of trailers. Some of them can even be pulled by an SUV. Gooseneck trailers offer better stability and often come with added options such as living quarters, but require a robust truck to pull them. These trailers offer the most room for you and your horses, and can be outfitted as opulently or as simply as you desire. Think long and hard about how you plan on using your trailer and features you’ll want and need. I ride and pack in remote areas throughout the west with 3 or more animals for several weeks at a time. What I need for those trips is far different from someone who takes a single horse trailhead camping for a weekend. Like most horse owners, I started my horse trailering adventures with a bumper pull model. My 12-foot aluminum EBY stock trailer has taken me and my animals from coast to coast with no problems. Now that I’m hauling more animals and staying out longer on my trips I’m moving to a gooseneck trailer that is both easier to tow and can carry more animals and “stuff.” Ventilation - How well does it breathe? Not all trailers have adequate ventilation, which is vitally important for temperature control and air quality. Heat is far more of a concern than cold in this instance. Consider a summer day when you’re hauling to a trailhead and you’re stuck in traffic. The interior of the trailer is going to become much warmer than 22
the outside temperature in a hurry. Couple the rise in temps with the less than adequate ventilation that most horse trailers have and you’ve got a recipe for disaster. The best way to fight both the temperature and the humidity in the horse compartment is by adding air. Lots of air. I fight both heat and stifling humidity by going with stock trailers instead of traditional, enclosed, horse trailers and here’s why: Stock trailers have a naturally open and free flowing design that provides plenty of ventilation for the animals traveling inside. By going with a stock trailer I’ve dramatically increased my horses comfort level. Since I’m on the topic of stock trailers here’s three more reasons why I’m a big fan of them. 1. They can do a lot more than haul horses. Horse owners haul a lot more than horses, we move hay, barn materials, heck I’ve even trailered my tractor. A stock trailer has the flexibility to easily accommodate these frequent and varied uses. 2. You have more options when hauling horses. Stock trailers are designed to haul completely open or with only a few dividers. There’s a lot of empty space in a stock trailer, which can be good for larger or multiple horses who need to ride together. You can also haul your horses untied. 3. There are no dividers for your animals to get stuck over, under, or in between. In my mind this makes the stock trailer much safer as it removes the possibility of having a horse become wedged under an immovable metal object. Consider the case of a roll-over accident where what once was the floor is now the ceiling. With a stock style trailer, there are no barriers to keep your animals from finding solid footing. For the comfort of my animals I went with a stock trailer for the reasons listed above. During the design process with the professionals at EBY, we also raised the height of the trailer roof to provide even better ventilation, and accommodate my mule’s majestic ears! Safety – Will it keep me and my animals safe? Safety is my catch all because everything about a trailer factors into this area in one way or another. From design and materials to the items we’ve already discussed, the safety of me and my beasts is paramount. Design – Trailer loading issues are what keep clinician’s kids in college. It seems that everyone has had a loading “event”, myself
included. I’m convinced that we cause a lot of them by trying to force a 1,000lb animal into a tiny enclosed space. Which would you rather walk into; a dark, stuffy, cave or a wide open, airy, space? Our ability to safely and efficiently load our animals often reflects the design of our trailers. I’m a fan of stock trailers but good design goes far beyond that. Materials – A popular argument is aluminum vs steel. They both have benefits and problems. For me aluminum works best for several reasons. Weight is one. Aluminum weighs less than steel, which makes it easier for my truck to pull it, but it’s not the only factor. Aluminum doesn’t rust which makes maintenance an easier task for me. [Note: Although aluminum doesn’t rust it will corrode, especially when covered with urine and manure. For this reason, I went with an impermeable rubber flooring from WERM that completely seals the floor. It’s non-slip and cleaning is easy and simple with no mats to move.] Third, Aluminum trailers have been shown to hold their resale value better than steel trailers. My EBY aluminum bumper pull is over 20 years old and it looks like new, despite my near constant abuse. I want a trailer that will last and hold its value. I think the biggest safety factor is the company that manufactures the trailer. How well their engineers designed the rig, and how well their mechanics built it. Do you have a backup plan? If it can go wrong, it eventually will. And at the most inopportune time. For those instances, I’ve always carried road coverage from US Rider because AAA won’t help with horse trailers. US Rider provides not only roadside assistance for your truck and trailer, they can also help with vet recommendations and even stabling help in the event of a problem on the road. Peace of mind is good thing. Buying a horse trailer can be a daunting experience, but it doesn’t have to be. Don’t rush, do your homework, and you’ll be fine. I look forward to sharing my new trailer adventures with you. Next month we’ll look at the world of trailer jacks and other accessories to make your hauling life easier.
VOLUME 4 | ISSUE 10 2018
Robert Eversole; Trail Meister Owner and Chief Trail Boss. 513-374-9021;; TrailMeister is The Largest Equine Trail and Camping Guide in the World
Say you saw it in HORSE N RANCH TM
Round Pens Include:
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Fall & Winter Riding Buys!
Year End Specials!
Large Enough To Serve You.
Small Enough To Care About You.
TAEP Qualified and in stock !
Rodeo Rig! Lots of new Lakota’s rolling in. Many smaller units perfect for tight roads & 3/4T trucks.
Come see them!
Been looking for that economical rig to haul your family around? 4 Horses, hayrack, 14PR tires, and so much more! The 11’x16’ LQ has a REAL SOFA SLEEPER!! Full stud divider and 8’W give you great storage- and all for only $60,402 or about $503/Month
Sundowner SuperSport BP. 2 & 3 horse models on hand, even have 1 for a motorhome! Starting at $14,633. Or about $270/Month
Exiss 7X00 series. Nice all-aluminum, with front dresser and folding rear tack. Extruded sides, aluminum wheels, HD drop windows and more. A great value- 3 and 4 horse in stock now. Just in, and ready for you.
Exiss STC6820. Handy all-around trailer for all types of uses. Haul a lot of horses, sheep, goats, cattle, college students, and so on. Front tackroom, with 16’ of hauling space. Starting at $17,459.
Sundowner Charter- The classic warmblood/big horse trailer. We have bumperpull and gooseneck models on hand, in addition to the popular 2+1 that has rear AND side ramps. Come pick yours today!
Sundowner Rancher Express- This value minded all-aluminum stock trailer features a full aluminum floor, cut gate, rear swing with slider, storage area in nose, and 2 escape doors. Priced & built to move you along. Torsion axles, radial tires, and more. 16, 20, & 24’ on hand - Starting at $14,904!
Sundowner 2H Gooseneck- This is truly the ½ ton truck friendly gn. With proper axle placement, it balances nicely. Yet the 4x8 dressing room comes with a walk thru door, nose windows, and carpeted. Just right for day use, or light camping. And at only $19,423 or about $250 a month, easy to make it yours.
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