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Your free NATIONAL magazine

Riders with summer style top tips for looking hot this season

June/July 2014

Travel and transport regulations where are we at?

Perfect posture

Riding high riding hat showcase

in the saddle

Stresses and strains of a new horse

Competition supplements

Managing those ner ves!

Gemma T gives her attersall top tips IN

• WIN • W

up ! grabs



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Products to help make your horse sparkle!

Inside this issue... Contact Horse Scene


Horse talk news, gossip and updates

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Letter scene your views & experiences in the equine world


Legal scene travel and transport regulations – where are we at?

Horse Scene Team Subscriptions & Back Issues E: Cover image Rob Ditchfield Contributing writers Natasha Baker Lucy Cartwright DWF Equine KK Equestrian Society of Master Saddlers Gemma Tattersall Published By Horse Scene Magazine is published by KCD Publishing. All contents are copyright. All rights are reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, stored or transmitted in any form without prior written permission from the publisher. Whilst every effort is made to ensure accuracy, no responsibility can be accepted however caused. Contributed material does not necessarily reflect the opinion of the publishers. The Editorial policy and general layout of this publication are at the discretion of the publisher. No responsibility can be accepted for articles, photographs or illustrations whilst in transmission with the publishers.


Tack talk perfect posture in the saddle


New on the scene new products to the equine market


Competition supplements products on the market


WIN Speedi-Beet from British Horse Feeds


Stresses and strains of a new horse


Riders with summer style top tips for looking hot this season




WIN lots of giveaways up for grabs!


Get ready, set and go! Tips on successful outings with Paralympic dressage rider Natasha Baker


Products to help make your horse sparkle


Dedication to rider safety


Riding high riding hat showcase


WIN Golly Galoshes Equine Gaiters


Fuelled for success! How a fibre diet can provide sufficient energy for the competition horse


Warm up and wake up! Top tips from international dressage rider Lucy Cartwright


Style through the ages style tips from tweed experts Timothy Foxx


On trial read our product testing reviews


Managing those nerves! Gemma Tattersall gives her top tips on beating nerves




A sad goodbye Beware of sycamore warns Blue Cross week. Although his field did to bus stop Heath, the rehomed Blue Cross pony, who died from not have any sycamore trees Buster Atypical Myopathy nearby it is thought that he

22-year old Buster, a 34-inch grey Shetland pony who made national news last October has passed away peacefully. Buster was rescued by equine welfare charity, HorseWorld having been abandoned, tied to a bus stop on a bustling street near Bristol’s city centre. “When we arrived, Buster was being tormented by children,” said HorseWorld’s Equine Husbandry Manager, Joanne Vaughan. “We untied him, loaded him up and brought him back to our welfare department where he was given a full veterinary MOT.” Buster was adopted into a loan home in February by Sian Thomas, her mother Corrine and sister Pixie, an advanced eventer. Having appeared to be perfectly fit and healthy only hours before, Corrine and Pixie found Buster had quietly passed away in his field on Wednesday 14th May with no signs of distress. Sian shared a touching tribute “RIP Buster. The happiest little pony I have ever had the pleasure of knowing. I’m glad I could rescue you and give you a better life for your last few months on this earth. You gave us so much joy, happiness and most of all entertainment with your crazy, wonderful antics. I love you and will miss you so much. Goodbye Buster the Bristol bus stop pony. ” Corrine, Pixie and Sian with Buster

had ingested seeds brought in by floodwater. This tragic incident has bought it home how horrific this disease can be and how all horse owners have to stay alert to the dangers to try to minimise this dreadful disease.” The Blue Cross Education Department has worked with veterinary experts at Bourton Vale Equine Clinic to put together some tips to help horse owners prevent AM:

Blue Cross is urging horse owners to stay vigilant and keep their horses away from sycamore following the tragic death of one of the charity’s rehomed ponies from Atypical Myopathy (AM), which is thought to be caused by toxins from the seeds of the tree. Atypical Myopathy is a highly fatal muscle disease in the UK and Northern Europe. It is thought to be caused by caused by the ingestion of hypoglycin A, a toxin contained in seeds from the sycamore tree (Acer pseudoplatanus). British vets have seen an alarming rise in new cases of AM this spring. Young horses appear to be more susceptible as are those

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being grazed on parched land. Blue Cross vet Natasha Seely of Bourton Vale Equine Clinic in Gloucestershire said: “Horse owners need to be alert at all times but especially during the spring and autumn months. If they are worried that their horse may be showing and symptoms they must call their vet immediately. The signs range from depression, muscle weakness, recumbency, choke or coliclike symptoms to dark red urine. The sooner AM is diagnosed the better the likely outcome.”

• Feed forage such as hay in parched fields- off of floor in haynets or feed racks • Do not over stock • Limit turnout. Ideally stable horses over night • Section off areas around poisonous trees and collect and dispose of leaves • Remove young sapling plants • Be careful of streams running through paddocks as this is thought to be more prevalent in moist places • Be vigilant of the potential signs of this disease and act quickly if your horse becomes poorly • Ensure you check your horse regularly at least 2x daily • Check your vet insurance is up to date

Gemma Taylor, Education Officer at Blue Cross, continued; “One of our horses in an experienced loan home unfortunately lost his battle with this fatal disease last

For more information on Atypical Myopathy please visit BEVA website or visit

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scene Letter St ar letter

The versatile Highland br eed After a fourteen year friends hip with my pony Goldcrest of Dykes, I didn't think I would ever find another Highlan d pony to fill her shoes. Dixie was a 14hh, yellow dun Highlan d mare, who introduced me to sho wing and provided me wit ha wealth of fond memories… I first came across Taliske r Bow Bells on Facebook in June 2012, when he flashed up on my news feed. Bow is by Highlan d Chief of Whitefield and out of Blaven of Talisker so I arra nged to visit Talisker Stud in Cambridge for a proper loo k.

of keeping him fresh for his ridden career which will beg in next season. I am hoping to start with Hambleton Sho w and end with a trip to Equifes t and the Southern Highlan d Pony Show. Bow is maturing all the time and currently sta nds at 13.3hh. I expect that he will make 14.1-14.2hh. The most exciting part of this year will be breaking him in in Oct ober/ November when my showin g season has come to an end. My main aim for Bow in the future is for him to be a lifelong friend; a successful ridden pon y in the show ring and one Bow was enjoying a suc day cessful stallion at stud. It has always been my dream his summer in the to own a Highland stallion, and so I feel very blessed to hav field with some e found such a beautiful pon y of his quality. I am looking fell colts and forward to enjoying the loc al circuit with him next sea Catriona Carnegie one son but day, my ultimate aim would be to stand in the top 3 at showed him to Horse of the Year Show wit h him and to qualify for Oly me on behalf of mpia (my life long childhood dre am!) Most importantly, I just Jenny Crane who want to show how versatile owned him at the the Highland breed can time. It was my be and I want to enjoy first time viewing hacking out, hunting, a yearling to buy working hunter pony and so I was classes and dressage grateful for the with Bow. second opinion of my good friend Kirstie Cai ster, who viewed him with I feel blessed to have me. At the time he stood at about 12.1hh and his little head bar three lovely novice ely fitted over the breast bar in the horsebox but he trav young ponies to watch elled very well. I will never forg et the first time I put him progress and mature. I in to his new stable: he looked so small and timid! enjoy breaking and Bow enjoyed the summer sch ooling ponies and and the majority of the nex t winter living out. I handled him eac setting them up ready h day and got him used to been groomed and led. In his two for their careers as open year old year, he really ma tured with the help of some goo pon ies. d grass! His personality and character also emerged and Samantha Osborne I soon learned how playfu l and active Bow could be. I hav e never seen a Highland pon y reach such speeds – even my boy friend, who is a former professional jockey, was sho cked by his impressive gal lop! a pair of The highlight of 2013 (Bo w's two year old year) was him passing the very rigorous vet inspection and being awarded his stallion licence, but I hav e decided to put off allowin g him to cover until after his ridd en career. The winner of the star lett I don't like to see youngstoc er will k overshown and I do bel win these fantastic breech ieve in babies being allowed to be es, babies; however, I do believe featuring four-way stretch lightly showing inhand can be a great experience for sch oeller fabric for maximum ponies, and so with this in mind I decided to take him to two comfort and mobility, stre shows at tch the end of the summer. His Clarino full seat, front zip first show was Royal London and Show where he stood 2nd unique hand pocket design out of 22 in a mixed youngs with tock class. I then took him to my piping effect. Ariat’s patent favourite local show: Yorksh ed V3 ire Horse of the Year Show, wh syst em in the waist and CFS (Calf ere he won all three of his classes and stood supreme champ Fit System) ensure these breeches ion of show! He was impecc ably not only perform in the sad behaved and a delight to dle but show. look great too. Available in white, Bow is rapidly approachin beige, navy, black or truffl g his third birthday. I am pla e in nning to do about 3-4 shows with sizes 22-36. ! him this season, again wit 9 9 . 4 4 h the hope 1 rth £


Ariat Olympia Full Seat Breeches

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Second chance

Beautiful ‘Dolly’ Sent in by: Demi Charlton

Want to be the next HOT SHOT? Send your picture to

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I just want to share my feeling of gratitude to my horse Carnsdale Charisma, or Splodge, and everything he has taught me. He came to us 6 years ago, but having only discovered his history in the last few years, I decided to compete him we believe he was previously a HOYS competitor, but a run in with an electric fence left him permanently scarred, meaning he was worthless in the showing world. So he is now competing in local riding club dressage with me and doing really well - he is definitely teaching me lots (I have some catching up to do!) and I have lots of exciting plans for our future!! Lyndsey Hampson

legalscene Travel and Transport Regulations – where are we at?

Now that the eventing season is upon us and we are managing to get out and about more with our equines to attend shows and pleasure rides, many of us will be hitching up the trailer and getting the wagon out ready to go a bit further afield, but how many of us will consider whether we are breaking any laws as we transport our horses and ponies? Shelley Williams, a lawyer and equine specialist at leading law firm DWF LLP, considers the travel and transport regulations which apply to the transportation of equines, whether you transport professionally or for personal reasons. On the 05 January 2007 and in conjunction with DEFRA, the EU introduced new regulations intended to protect the welfare of equines in transport. These regulations were implemented in England by the Welfare of Animals (Transport) (England) Order 2006. However, discussions within the equine community appear to indicate that a number of years on, people are still unsure as to whether or not these regulations apply to them. Within this article we hope to make the position clearer by summarising the legislation which applies. Why do we have transport regulations? The regulations were introduced with the aim of protecting the welfare of equines and other livestock whilst in transit to ensure their comfort and safety, as well as the safety of those persons transporting them. A number of the regulations also seek to safeguard against equines being transported illegally, by ensuring that the correct paperwork is carried by transporters, particularly in light of the recent horsemeat scandals, together with campaigns for better quality transportation conditions where livestock is transported abroad for slaughter. Who do the regulations apply to and are there any exemptions? The regulations affect farmers, equine and livestock hauliers, breeders and those persons who transport to and from markets and slaughter houses. However, DEFRA have made it clear that the regulations do not apply where “the transport is not in connection with an economic activity”. Where the transport of animals is undertaken as part of a business or commercial activity and with the aim of achieving financial gain, this is considered as transporting in connection with economic activity. This exemption would, therefore, apply where persons were transporting their horse or pony on a private journey, for example, in order to take part in a show or event. But, what about those persons who

8 HorseScene

give their friend’s horse or pony a lift in their trailer or wagon and the friend contributes towards the associated fuel costs? It is reassuring to note that DEFRA do not intend for the regulations to apply in these situations. It has also been confirmed that those animals transported to and from veterinary practices or clinics under veterinary advice are also exempt. Complying with the regulations The requirements differ for journeys of up to 65km and for those over 65km.

Our expert

DWF is a leading national law firm with an equine team committed to horses, with some owning and showing their own horses in their spare time. The team has developed a breadth of expertise in contentious and non-contentious equine matters spanning the full services that DWF provide from varied property transactions, business acquisitions and employment matters to complex contractual disputes, rights of way issues and insurance related claims. We have the capability to assist a wide range of clientele consisting of, for example, owners/ breeders, racing managers, racecourses, corporate entities, charities and competitive bodies/organisations. DWF are the appointed solicitors to The Pony Club and can be contacted on 0845 404 2293

Journeys up to 65km • Transporters are not required to have vehicle authorisation or training, nor certificates of competence, however they must comply with the general rules which cover: i. animals being fit to travel ii. the vehicle and its loading and unloading facilities being designed, constructed and maintained to avoid injury and suffering iii. to ensure safety, water, feed and opportunities for rest being made available to the animals; and iv. for non-export journeys, documentation should be available to show the origin and ownership of the animals and the place of departure and destination.

Journeys over 65km • Those who transport two or more horses for “profit or gain” will need to apply for an authorisation certificate from DEFRA (this includes livery yard owners charging clients to transport equines to events etc). The authorisation certificate will be granted and valid for five years so long as the transporter can comply with the following: • The transporter has an established business or if outside of the UK, is represented in the country. • Can demonstrate that they have the appropriate staff, equipment and operational procedures to transport in compliance with the regulations. • The transporter has no records of infringements of animal welfare in the three years preceding the application for the certificate. • Lorries must have partitioned stalls with adequate space and journeys should be no longer than eight hours and unbroken horses may not be transported in groups of four for more than eight hours by road.

• Foals must have appropriate bedding and unless accompanied by their mother, may not be transported for longer than eight hours by road. • Where unregistered horses and ponies are being exported a journey log must be completed. • Those driving and handling horses must undergo thorough training.

Consequences of non – compliance Failure to comply with the regulations can result in fines of up to £5,000 and/or imprisonment for up to six months if convicted. It is, therefore, important to ensure that if you are transporting equines for anything other than for personal purposes e.g. to travel to and from shows and events, you ensure that you first check out whether you require an authorisation certificate in order to do so. In circumstances where you carry out transportation on a regular basis and/or receive payment for it, it is well worth discussing your activities with an appropriately qualified regulatory lawyer who is also aware of the rules and specifics which relate to the transportation of equines. DWF has a number of transport and regulatory lawyers who are able to provide the advice that you require, whether you are worried about a breach of regulations or are facing possible prosecution. Our lawyers are also able to assist in providing advice relating to tachograph recording of driving speeds and distances.

The natural choice for Sweet Itch

No.1 Best Seller

The Ultimate 2 in 1 Fly Repellent & Skin Tonic You will need an airtight plastic container and a sponge. Wash your horse and

TOP TIP partially dry them, then sponge this product all over their body, ensuring ears are sufficiently coated. Using a body brush go all over the body ensuring full coverage is established, then dry as usual. This helps the essential oils penetrate into the skin, soothing minor cuts, bites or “Sweet Itch” problem skin. Spray your horse every day throughout summer, but remember to always sponge or apply with a cloth onto the facial areas, ensuring that the ears are sufficiently coated, as insects tend to like them! Applying once daily to a dry coat with a sponge ensures much better coverage and can last up to 24 hours! The natural essential oils in this product will give your horse’s coat a gleaming natural shine, as well as keeping over 500 blood sucking biting insects away! The oils also help to keep the horses skin toned and supple. This product can be used during the winter months too, for Sweet Itch suffering equine, to protect them from biting insects and bed bugs. Can also be sprayed on to bedding.

Special offer for Horse Scene readers - save £56.00!!! Buy t wo 5litre refills and get 1 FREE! When you buy from Please email to let them know you have seen this page.

Tacktalke in

r u t s o p t c Perfe e l d d a s e th

Checking the leg position


I have just got back in the saddle again after a good 10 years on the ground. After buying my horse I had a Society of Master Saddlers’ Registered Qualified Saddle Fitter out to check and fit a second-hand saddle but is there anything I can do to help improve my riding technique in the saddle?


The Society of Master Saddlers replies: As riders, we are always looking to improve our technique and performance in the saddle. However, it is all too easy to develop bad postural habits which affect our position in the saddle. We have carried out a number of research projects to establish if physiotherapy can positively affect rider asymmetry and balance in the saddle. It is quite common to see riders who are crooked, riding over to one side or gripping up with their knee more on one side than the other, and not even know it. These small misalignments can have a significant effect on how your horse moves and can cause him to become crooked too. During our research half of our sample riders were selected randomly and given simple exercises to do by a physiotherapist to help correct their imbalances. We found that those riders who received exercises significantly improved their postural stability by reducing

Discussing rider position

sideways movement. The control group, who did not do any exercises, did not improve their stability measure. At all four points of the biomechanics testing it was noted that those who had taken part in the exercises were sitting up straighter in the saddle. The riders who exercised were significantly more symmetrical showing pressure readings that were much more even on both sides when tested again. From carrying out the research we found that improving your core strength allows other muscles to work more efficiently, reducing fatigue, helping prevent injury and improving technique. Improving your overall fitness and suppleness is very important; it is not all about strength. A strong pelvis helps riders to absorb the forces of their horse’s movement without losing control of their arms and legs. Try some hip and knee exercises, such as squats, with resistance bands to help strengthen the legs and pelvic area. Upper body exercises such as ‘upper body’ press ups can help stretch and strengthen the lower back and core muscles which can help you sit straight and balanced in the saddle. Exercising two to three times a week can help significantly improve your posture in the saddle and hopefully help improve your riding too. Most importantly you need to make sure you are exercising correctly and not encouraging a bad posture. If in doubt make an appointment with a physiotherapist for a personalised exercise programme.

on research carried out by the Society of Master Saddlers visit



on the


Put a casual spring in your step this season

Perfect for the summer months, nautical style and country casuals have been brought together to create the Ariat Women’s Yuma! The traditional boat shoe design incorporates a comfortable footbed to provide the support and durability that you would expect from Ariat, making these shoes a must-have for sunny days this season. Team the Ariat Yuma with skirts, shorts and all manner of denim for a variety of different casual looks. The Ariat Yuma are made from a suede and leather upper with rawhide laces and a rubber ridged outsole making them perfect for a day in the countryside, a spot of sailing or just for wearing at home! The Ariat Yuma are available in ladies sizes 3 – 7.5 & 8.5, in Weathered Brown, Brownstone/Picante or Driftwood/Marina. Priced at £79.99 For more information visit

Something new from Wintec!

Dublin Supa Shape It Performance Full Seat Breeches The New Dublin Supa Shape It Performance Full Seat Breeches are part of the new range from Dublin that offer a choice of three fits and fabrics, all with the emphasis on comfort and fit. Made from our technical high performance woven fabric, that has been developed for breathability and to aid movement, these breeches are ideal for the rider who wants the ultimate comfort. Incorporating Meryl for its quick drying and muscle support properties; and Dri Lex in the calf area, for breathability, stretch and to help reduce bulk and rubbing under long boots or gaiters. Featuring a Clarino full seat. Beautifully tailored fit that flatters a more curvy shape, with a navel high waistband. They are ideal for competing, schooling or everyday riding. Available in beige, charcoal, navy or white in sizes (ladies) 8/26” - 18/34”. RRP £69.99. For more information visit

12 HorseScene

The new WintecLite All Purpos e saddles feature hi- tech, weatherproo f, durable and easy care materials that are extremely ligh tweight, close fitting and comfortable for both horse and rider. The key points of difference in these new saddles are that they are significantly lighter than a trad itional leather saddle and feature a uniquely removable and customisable cantle. Ideal for pleasure riding or part icipating in multiple disciplines and at less than half the weight of a traditional leather saddle, and with the opt ion to customise the saddle’s cantle, the new WintecL ite saddles truly offer… half the weight and double the fun. Available in 5 sizes, from 40cm to 46cm (16” - 18”) in Blac k and feature the CAIR Cushion System and the EAS Y-CHANGE Fit Solution. A comprehensive range of replace ment cantles are available to purchase as accessories from fun designs to safety conscious high vis. For more information visit

Competition supplements Pure Creatine from Equine Answers To help with building muscle mass and to increase energy consider using Equine Answers Pure Creatine. The effect of creatine is that it allows the muscles to store more energy. This allows muscles to be able to contract more intensely, for longer durations and more frequently. Creatine also helps the body's ability to produce the proteins used during muscle contraction and results in increased muscle density, size and strength. The same is true for horses and creatine is a valuable supplement for all horses competing in demanding disciplines such as racing, eventing, showjumping and endurance though only savvy trainers seem to be switched on to the benefits of using creatine. RRP £11.95 for 500g. For further information please visit

LitoVet leading the way in joint health LitoVet, from Lanes Health, is the only equine supplement in the UK that contains GOPO - one of the main active components found in the Rosa Canina rose-hip. GOPO (glycoside of mono and diglycerol) has been shown to help to maintain, soundness, suppleness and mobility in equine joints and joint tissues. LitoVet is 100% plant-based and vegetarian. Prices start at £49 for a 1.5kg tub which will last one horse approximately two months. For further information please visit

Aloeride good all-rounder!

Aloeride is a pure organic aloe vera supplement, which offers a natural approach to your horse or pony’s well being all year round. Aloe vera has long been recognised as an important plant in human holistic supplements with regards to supporting a healthy immune system and digestive system, as well as helping to promote healthy skin, hair and nails and now these benefits plus numerous others can also be offered to your equine friend via taste free easy to feed Aloeride powder sachets. 30 sachets (30 days worth) contain a massive 12 litres of aloe vera juice, so your horse can look and feel his best. Alongside a glossy coat, healthy skin and strong hooves, Aloeride can also help assist in accelerated rejuvenation and recovery and offering antiinflammatory properties. Aloeride aloe vera has also been tested by an accredited Newmarket laboratory and does not contain any synthetic compounds, so whether you own a top competition horse or happy hacker, you can be reassured that your equine friend has pure aloe vera and nothing less or more when you feed Aloeride. RRP: £55.20 (1 x months supply). For further information please visit

14 HorseScene

Lifeforce Elite - supporting competition horses through nutrition Competition horses in every discipline are athletes that require both physical and mental effort to be able to perform to the best of their ability. To meet the demands of this lifestyle these horses need to be fed the correct balance of high quality nutrients. Supporting a healthy digestive system is a simple and positive step towards reducing stress and producing a fit and healthy horse that is more capable of fighting infection and recovering from injury. Lifeforce Elite from Alltech is specially designed for competition horses and creates an ideal digestive environment and enhances peak body and muscular condition. Containing all natural ingredients Lifeforce Elite supports a healthy immune system, increases the availability of antioxidants, stimulates an antiinflammatory response and naturally maintains hydration which helps aid recovery. A 5kg tub of Lifeforce Elite retails at £120 and is a three month supply. Alltech, the title sponsor of the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games 2014 in Normandy, France, has developed the LIFEFORCE Range of all-natural daily digestive aid supplements. These products are designed to benefit horses at every stage of life, from breeding stock to pleasure and performance animals. For further information please visit


k c i u Q – t e Speedi-Be s e k a l F p l u P t e e B g n i k Soa


ba g for g s up rabs

Worth around £10.95! Speedi-Beet is a highly nutritious micronized (cooked) beet pulp feed which provides an excellent source of digestible fibre and is approved by The Laminitis Trust. Due to its unique manufacturing process, Speedi-Beet can be soaked and ready to use in just 10 minutes. Feed either cold, or as a warm mash in winter to help raise core body temperature. Speedi-Beet can also stabilise the ingestion of sugars present in spring grass when it is fed before turnout.

How to enter This competition can only be entered on the ‘’Horse Scene Magazine Facebook Page’’. Come and join us and be in with a chance to win this fantastic prize. Closes: 17th July 2014

Haycube - straight to the horses mouth! The Haycube, designed in 2012 by Group 2 British Dressage rider & List 4 Judge ‘Danielle Steed’ has been specifically produced with both you & your horse in mind, providing you with the opportunity to easily soak hay, transport it and safely feed it to your horse – whilst also maintaining a natural ground level feeding position. Having discussed with a large pool of equine experts the benefits of floor feeding, hay soaking & trickle feeding of roughage – Danielle designed the Haycube to provide a complete product that is easy to use, is cost and time effective & most importantly has numerous health benefits for both horse & rider.

field and to take away to competitions & training events!

The Haycube is the first product of its kind offering a complete soaking, transportation and feeding solution.

• Improves roundness and carriage

Not only is the Haycube suitable for stabled horses, but also for use in the

Did you know that feeding from a Haycube is the cheapest, simplest and most effective way of improving all of these common issues… • Relieves tightness through back & neck • Enhances shape over a fence

• Prevents coughing • Aids respiratory system • Minimises risk of contamination

And best of all: Buying a Haycube works out at MUCH LESS than the cost of the hay your horse is currently wasting! … and no doubt the money you are paying out in vets bills & physiotherapy treatment!! Dimensions: 500mm (H) x 600mm (W) x 600mm (D) Colours: Black,Green, Blue,Red, Pink, Purple Capacity: 1/2 of a standard bale of hay / 90 Litres Black Haycube’s are made from recycled material

Exclusive UK stockists:

Stresses and strains of a new horse So you’ve finally got your dream horse and brought it home, and now you find that your horse is not behaving the way you expected, and your dream is becoming a nightmare! Experiencing behaviour problems, although they may well be temporary, are beginning to make you wonder if it was such a good idea. But think of what you have just done - the poor horse has been taken away from all his mates and stuck in a strange place. Remember your first day at school - sitting in the hall like ‘Billy no mates’ waiting for your name to be called and told which house or form you’re going into, and think about how long it took for you to make new friends - now think of your horse!!! Hopefully your horse will experience no problems whatsoever and will settle in really well - or you might just experience a few teething problems. Lots of horses exhibit various levels of stress when moved to a new place especially if with new people. So what problems could you find? And how could you deal with them? As with any move, a horse can become a little unsettled - not eating, restless in the stable, napping etc. So how are you going to manage them? Read on!!! Lots of new horses can go off their feed on arrival to a new yard. After a few days a horse should start to settle, as long as he is drinking plenty of water the problem is not that serious. You can tempt the horse with apples and carrots in his feed, most horses can become fussy, so spoil them - it will help make that special bond. Remember to ask what feed your horse is normally fed before you bring him home. So often we try to be nice and give our horses far too much food, they are already on a high with the move, so better to under feed than over feed. It is also a good idea if in a DIY yard to get all the horses fed at the same time, this way they do not become quite so agitated. Some behaviour changes can look quite dramatic, for instance, box walking or weaving. Horses that start box walking are showing a high anxiety level - tell

tell signs are the tracks they make around their box. Try to give them plenty to play with, or trickle feed throughout the day - with low energy snacks only. Weaving can vary from a gentle swinging of their head, to rocking their whole body from one foot to the other - the easiest way to help relieve this is by putting a weaving frame up for a few days. You could also give your horse some toys to play with, such as a nut ball - the hexagonal ones are good as they are more robust and don’t tend to break under the strain of the horse taking out all his excess energy on it or you could attach a swede to a bit of rope hanging in the stable or put it on the floor. We use footballs in the stables and have even been known to put a fluffy toy in with some of our horses. Usually, all these unwanted behaviours should subside in a few days. Try introducing the new horse with a barrier between them

take away a lot of the pressure by opting for individual turn out. Regardless of what you decide we would always recommend booting up any horse when turning him out. If you have electric fencing, make sure it is on - as they will soon learn not to go near or through it. When turning out a new or unknown horse it’s a good idea to have a hard hat on and wear gloves. It is always advisable when doing anything in the stable with your horse, to tie him up - after all, you don’t know him and he doesn’t know you - better to be safe than sorry - even if your horse is well behaved, he could still be spooked or distracted by another horse and end up treading on you, or worse! Horses are very territorial - especially when they have their food and can become very protective of it, so avoid doing anything with your horse until you have a better understanding of each other. You have to put any behaviour issues into perspective, remember back to how you felt on your first day at school. If you find the problems are not going away, or are getting more persistent, maybe you should seek some professional help.

Turning out your horse for the first time, as with any new horse that has to go into a herd, can be a bit worrying. After all, you might not know if your horse kicks, bites, pulls tails, rips rugs etc (maybe something you should ask before purchasing). It’s best to be present when your horse goes out for the first time so you can keep an eye on him. All horses have to sort out the pecking order, and sometimes accidents can happen. You could always introduce them by putting a double row of electric fencing in the field - so they can get used to each other over it, allowing for a bit more safety. Of course you can always

Horses need to know what they should be doing, they thrive on routine, and there should be a mutual respect. Your horse has to know he can trust in you. After all you’re going to spend all your hard earned cash on him, so enjoy him. If you experie ncing behaviou r problems and require an y help, we are always willing to help , We presently have two extra spaces fo r full liveries, an d are available to ta ke horses in fo r schooling and holiday co ver. So if you w ant to relax in the sun for a week or two you can send your horse to us at “boot ca mp”. We regularly hold clinics and tra ining sessions in various disc iplines so chec k out our face book page for more inform ation. www.facebook .com/KKEques t?fref=ts

Our experts KK Equestrian is run by Kate Rowland and Karen Bennett. Both are national level dressage riders and have many wins and a wealth of experience between them. Kate has also show-jumped for many years and is known for bringing on young and difficult horses. One of her passions includes being an international dressage groom. Karen is very good with nervous riders, she loves judging and is a stickler for a rider’s position. KK Equestrian is based at East Herts Equestrian Centre and offers competition, selling and training livery.

18 HorseScene

Riders with summer style Alison Nye-Warden is MD of premium online retailer Dressage Deluxe and the company’s very own personal shopper. Travelling all over Europe to handpick the very best brands and products, Alison gives readers her top tips for looking hot this summer in this super feature! Rider revelations This summer, we are seeing more and more riders looking to give their own competition outfits that individual touch: From contemporary jacket designs in technical fabrics, through to the trend towards safety hats and the opportunity for designer bespoke headwear, it seems top riders want to set trends, not follow them! The days of traditional tailoring in the dressage arena are certainly changing. Over the past 12 months, we have seen a real shift in design. To service this growing market, we created our own 'Dressage Deluxe Competition Jacket Collection', which marries contemporary design with classic tailoring. Our jackets are made exclusively for us by Mears. Riders are also changing their attitudes towards their shirts and whilst we still offer plain White competition shirts, we have also searched extensively to offer something more unusual. Many riders love our collection of striped shirts or those with crystal buttons, because as temperatures rise, you want to look as good on the horse as you would walking around the show ground. Riders are also really embracing the new safety hat, choosing to wear safety helmets, even at PSG. Samshield are a

real ‘must have’ helmet brand and with Samshield’s clever ‘configurator’ option (which we offer through our website) this gives dressage riders the opportunity to design their own hat. I have one with a Crystal Fabric top and 255 crystals in the trim – maybe a bit bling for some, but we are finding that customers are mostly opting for sparkle on their hats! Samshield are constantly introducing new additions to their collection, giving customers even more choice this summer. Patent leather is also still a huge story when it comes to riding boots and we are delighted to stock Petrie Boots alongside Konigs boots. Some styles of the Petrie boots are narrower at the ankle, making them ideal for those who find dressage boots uncomfortable, where the leather creases. Something unique to Petrie is that they offer a complete patent finish, from toe through to shaft, which really does add a glamorous finish to the riders’ attire. We are also finding more men are becoming regular customers and we pride ourselves on offering a really good collection of men’s attire from breeches for everyday through to competition wear. I think that with so many top male riders in the style spotlight, that brands are really raising their game, when it comes to producing stylish men’s riding wear which ensures that men look good in and out of the saddle! It has always been our mission statement to source and stock quality men’s clothing and accessories; in fact, top professional rider Damian Hallam (Now our sponsored rider) was a customer for many years, for that very reason. Men like the easy shopping service we offer and they also like the vast range that we carry.

For women, we have gorgeous delicate pearl and crystal bun nets, crystal embellished belts, stunning semiprecious stone stockpins and limited edition vintage stocks, all of which can really add those special finishing touches to an outfit! If you still need some help and advice, why don’t you drop me a line at: Include a brief outline of what you are struggling to find, your body measurements and full length photograph of yourself dressed in fairly body hugging clothing and I will help you find the perfect jacket or breeches to suit your shape and build. It’s a free service and could save you a fortune! For more information, please visit: or call 0800 321 3001

Next month Alison gives readers tips on equine trends…. HorseScene 19


Fantastic kits from Flyaway

worth £51.44


for kits up ! grabs

3 lucky winners will each receive one of these fantastic kits from Flyaway. Each kit contains: Every Day Tangle Away - maintain a tangle free, conditioned full mane and tail. Seal to Heal Summer - to keep flies out of wounds, reduce infection and assist in healing, winter - when the first signs of mud fever appear. Germ Away - formulated to kill harmful bacteria in seconds. Max strength - our strongest totally natural fly repellent ever. Anti–Parasite spray - gets rid of lice, mites, midge, ticks, mosquito, black flies as well as helping to prevent fly eye. Aloe Vera - soothing gel which helps maintain healthy skin & aids natural recovery.

Win the official mascot to the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games


We have teamed up with Alltech to give four lucky readers the chance to win a sets up Norman, the official mascot to the Alltech for gra bs! FEI World Equestrian Games and a Games Polo Top. Riders from 72 countries will compete in the eight official disciplines, with competitions taking place in and around the beautiful city of Caen, Normandy. With every possible equestrian discipline on offer from show-jumping, eventing and dressage to the more unusual reining and vaulting. Once the games get underway Norman will act as Captain of all the supporters, leading the cheering, celebrating with the winners and consoling those whose events don’t go so well! The Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games takes place from the 23rd August – 7th September. The Polo Top is available in XS – XL.

KM Elite's new Ultimate Oil

worth £32.99


up for! grabs

Five winners will each receive a 5 ltr bottle of KM Elite’s new Ultimate Oil. A perfectly blended high-quality oil for the optimum health, appearance and well-being of your horse. Contains a sustainable source of essential oils of coconut, rice bran, flax seed and sea buckthorn. 190+ bio-active nutrients and high ratios of Omegas 3, 6, 7 & 9. Formulated for all leisure and performance horses and ponies. Nourishes with essential fatty acids, minerals, antioxidants, and antibacterial nutrients. Relieves itching and encourages hair growth.

15kg Garlic Horslyx and 15kg Horslyx Holder

worth over £45.00


sets up for gra bs!

In this issue, we have four Garlic Horslyx plus holder, to offer our readers. Garlic Horslyx offers owners a simple and cost effective method of feeding Garlic, whilst also offering a unique vitamin, mineral and trace element package, which provides multiple health benefits, in just one tub! Every tub of Garlic Horslyx contains the optimum level of pure garlic oil alongside a package of nutrients, including Biotin, Methionine and Chelated Zinc for healthy hooves, high oil content to maintain coat condition and antioxidants Selenium and Vitamin E to support the immune system. The 15kg Horslyx Holder gives horse owners a simple and safe way of protecting their Horslyx from wayward hooves, whether in the field or in the stable. The re-usable 15kg Horslyx Holder still offers a totally weatherproof, and cost effective feeding method.

Protexin hamper of goodies

worth £100.00

Protexin Equine Premium would like to offer one lucky reader the chance to win a hamper of goodies from the Equine Premium range of probiotics. This super hamper contains: Gut Balancer 700g - an everyday palatable probiotic and prebiotic powder up for Quick Fix 30ml - a highly grabs! concentrated probiotic and prebiotic paste Recover Aid 14x15g - containing an effective combination of B vitamins, antioxidants, probiotics and prebiotics. Plus an Equine Premium saddlecloth, baseball cap and two pens, all contained in a handy trug.

1 .c e in z a g a m e n e c s e rs o Enter online at: www.h on our website. 20

. See full T&C’s Closes: 17th July 2014

Get ready, set and go! PLAN AND PREPARE

When it comes to successful ou tings, multi Gold med allist Paralympi c dressage rider Natasha Baker certainly has a few tips up her competit io n sleeve, courtesy of her sponsor Verdo Horse Bedding , the cost effec tive and environmentally friendly solutio n for the modern horse owner.

As I travel the horses long distances to competitions and abroad these kind of checks are vital, however I would recommend that all riders whatever your level keep an eye on these areas to ensure that your horse remains fit, healthy and happy throughout the season. As well as planning in my schooling and training, I also look at my horse’s diets: if they are growing youngsters then their diets need reviewing regularly to ensure they have the energy to do the work that is required of them.

We also use it to cover the lorry flooring as well because it’s highly absorbent. Being a pellet product, it’s also great on saving weight and space in the lorry, unlike shavings or straw – important considerations when you are transporting your horse and everything else you have!

HOME OR AWAY I always focus on my training schedule around key competitions with the aim of being prepared both physically and mentally for them. Horses being horses, means that this doesn’t always go to plan of course, however having a good idea of what you would like to achieve in the months ahead, does give you some direction and goals to aim for, which personally as a rider, I find I need!


I also have to plan ahead when it comes to ordering additional bedding and feed to cover us, when we stable away from home. We use Verdo Horse Bedding at home and away, because not only is it virtually dust free and easy to skip/muck out, its so easy to transport, as you just add water to the pellets when you need the bedding, which expands the bedding and leaves you with a lovely fluffy low maintenance bed.

Finally, I would say that when preparing for any competitions, don’t forget to enjoy your relationship with your horse – make sure you make time to enjoy each other’s company, from grooming through to hacking – all work and no play is no fun for anyone! Good luck for the season ahead!

I always get my saddle checked and as part of their routine I also get their backs checked over and double check when their vaccinations are due and book these in around any competitions.

HorseScene 21

S parkle

Products to help make your horse Transform your horse into a gleaming superstar! KM Elite showing range Champion Black RRP £12.99 A professional concealer used to cover marks, scars and stray dark hairs or to add definition to dark legs. • Ideal for last minute show touch ups. • Covers blemishes. • Adds definition to dark legs. • Conceals marks and stray hairs. • The ultimate showing product. Champion White RRP £12.99 A professional concealer used to cover marks, scars and stray white hairs as well as to whiten socks and cover over last minute stains. • Ideal for last minute show touch ups. • Covers blemishes. • Whitens socks. • Conceals marks and stray hairs. • Eliminates yellow staining. • The ultimate whitening product. Champion Sparkle & Shine RRP £12.99 Provides an all over glossy shine to your horse's coat, neck, plaits and quarters. It will enhance and sharpen any black points, enriching the depth of colour and shine, resulting in the ultimate professional finish. Will even put a glisten into a grey's tail. Quick and easy to use in final preparation on show days and excellent for 'fixing' quarter markings. Champion Highlighter RRP £10.99 A clear facial highlighter which illuminates, enhances and defines eyes, muzzle and bone structure giving the finishing touch to show ring turnout. Create an eye catching glisten and glimmer with Champion Highlighter. A little goes a long way. • Accents eyes and muzzle. • Highlights facial bone structure. • Helps cover scars and blemishes. • Contains sunscreen. For more information

22 HorseScene

Lincoln Silky Shine A superior hair polish and detangler containing provitamin B5 and silk protein for sustained condition, sheen and manageability. RRP: £9.50 for 500ml. £15 for 1 litre. For more information

Lincoln Silky Shine 2 in 1 Shampoo and Conditioner A superior conditioning shampoo containing provitamin B5 and effective moisturising and conditioning agents for sustained condition and manageability. RRP: £7.00 For more information


Coat Shine and mud repeller from Fly Away Offers instant shine and condition, coating individual hair strands and protecting against dust and stains. It will also help to prevent thinning of tails, as the comb will just glide through. Encourages easy grooming and will add shine to any black points, manes and tails as well as being an excellent detangler. Leave mud to dry and it will easily brush off. Saves hours of grooming time. Gloss in a bottle! This all in one fine mist is a professional level grooming product to not only show your horse’s coat at its best but also detangle tails and repel mud, saving hours of grooming time and preventing your horse from becoming sore and sensitive from harsh grooming or losing tail hair. Allows your horse to look like a winner and gives you more time to ride. Also works on dogs too! RRP 500ml – £7.47 / 1 litre - £13.50. For more information


Show Shimmer from Fly Away Ultimate Equine Coat enhancer providing an all over glossy shine to your horses coat, neck, plaits and quarters. Will enhance and sharpen any black points, enriching the depth of colour and shine, resulting in the ultimate professional finish. Will even put a glisten into a grey’s tail. Quick and easy to use in final preparation. Excellent for ‘fixing’ quarter markings. Catch the sun, glisten under light and make your horse stand out from the crowd with this professional level shimmer product. Show your horse to his true potential and use it to fix quarter marks and plaits too. Shimmer in a can! RRP £9.99. For more information

a a a


Dedication to rider safety Head injuries present the most serious risk to riders; therefore it’s crucial that an approved form of protective headgear is always worn while riding and preferably when handling horses too. helmet may fit slightly differently. To help make sure you choose the best hat for your head it’s essential that your hat is fitted in store by a qualified hat fitter as they will be able to guide you as to the best style and fit for your head shape and riding requirements.

Fixed peak versus skull cap?

When it comes to safety there should be no compromise and developments in materials and designs mean that most hats on the market today are lightweight and new ventilation systems help to keep the head cool, making them extremely comfortable to wear. Horses are extremely unpredictable creatures and it’s far better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your safety. The Champion brand is renowned for its total and absolute dedication to rider safety. Based in Cardiff in Wales, with all Champion products designed, manufactured and tested here in the UK, Champion has been a driving force in the design and development of protective riding hats for over three decades. Over this time, design and production technology has been refined, enhanced and perfected to ensure Champion products are based upon the most up-to-date, scientific safety research. Tony Palkowski, head of design at Champion explains how to choose the best hat for you.

Choosing a riding hat When deciding on the purchase of a new riding hat, first and foremost you should consider what types of activities you do with your horse and if you compete under rules you must ensure that your hat is up to the standard specified by the organisation in question, e.g. Pony Club, British Eventing or British Show Jumping, etc. Aside from the standard that the hat is certified to, it’s important to ensure that the hat you choose fits properly and is comfortable for you to wear. Different brands of riding hat fit differently and may suit different head shapes and even within one brand, different styles of

24 HorseScene

The choice between a fixed peak riding hat or skull cap largely comes down to personal preference and the style that fits you most comfortably, once the hat you choose is up to the standard that you need to compete. Modern fixed peaks are flexible or detachable and so will not hinder the protection offered by your hat in the event of a fall. In fact, some research shows that fixed peaks offer extra protection to the nose as they can help to prevent full force facial impact in the event of a face down fall. Fixed peaks have an advantage of helping to shade your eyes in bright sunshine and help to keep rain from your eyes during bad weather, but they can hinder line of sight when you’re riding in a forward, cross-country seat, hence why the vast majority of cross country riders choose skull caps for cross country riding. Fixed peak hats are permitted for cross country riding under British Eventing rules, though not under Pony Club rules.

Standards There are several different standards of riding hat available on the market today, with the most important current standards to be aware of being BS EN 1384, PAS 015 and Snell E2001. PAS 015 and Snell E2001 provide a higher level of protection than that provided by BS EN 1384. If you compete under rules you must ensure that your hat is up to the standard specified by the organisation in

question, e.g. Pony Club, British Eventing or British Show Jumping. For example, British Eventing does permit hats that are kitemarked to BS EN 1384 2012 standard for cross country riding, but the Pony Club does not. Champion recommends that all riders should choose a hat that is certified to the higher standard of PAS 015, to help cope with the extra risks and rigours involved in cross country riding. Many hat manufacturers such as Champion also submit their products for further testing by the British Standards Institute, where the tried and trusted Kitemark is awarded. What this means is that a Kitemarked riding hat offers additional safety reassurance as it is tested on a continual basis, with every batch produced passing through the BSI’s rigorous testing system for each of the four main areas of testing: penetration, shock absorption, harness strength and stability. Many riding organisations, such as British Eventing and the Pony Club, require that riders wear hats that carry the BSI Kitemark, so this is important to look out for.

For more information please visit Champion Ventair Helmet, certified to PAS 015 2011, BS EN1384 2012 and carries the BSI Kitemark Champion Evolution, certified to PAS 015 2011, BS EN1384 2012 and carries the BSI Kitemark Champion Junior X-Air Star, certified to BS EN1384 2012 and carries the BSI Kitemark Champion Air-Tech with its adjustable sizing ring, certified to BS EN1384 2012 and carries the BSI Kitemark

Jewellery, clothing, accessories and gifts.

Riding high

Riding hat showcase Legend Riding Skull from Harry Hall

The Samshield Shadowmatt Helmet

Ideal for riders going cross country, the Legend Riding Skull features front ventilation to keep your head cool and a low profile top with a rubberised finish, the Legend Riding Hat also comes with a free ventilated hat silk to complete the package. The Ultra Riding Skull conforms to EN1384 and BSI Kitemark. Supplied with a high quality carry bag. Available in black only. Junior sizes 63/8 – 63/4 Adult sizes 67/8– 71/2 priced around £79.99

The Samshield Shadowmatt Helmet is the entry-level hat of the Samshield range, yet it has all the specialist features and standards as the Premium helmet including a clever air vent at the front, which gives you mobile air conditioning as you ride and with a removable washable lining, hat hair is also a thing of the past! Available in Matte Black, Pearlescent Navy and Brown. Supplied boxed and in a drawstring bag. Certified to EN1384, ASTM and SEI standards. Sizes 52cm to 55cm also available RRP: £210.00 & For more information please visit Sizes 56 - 59 RRP: £253.00 For more information please visit

Champion Evolution Couture The new, limited edition Champion Evolution Couture features genuine Swarovski crystals and a striking synthetic crocodile skin finish, for a high impact look you will love. This stylish low profile, modern and lightweight hat is made by Champion in the UK and is built with a glass fibre shell which incorporates a high tech ventilated airflow system. Kitemarked to PAS 015 2011 and BS EN 1384 2012, the harness of the Evolution Couture is made from soft padded luxury synthetic nubuck with a rear drawstring and incorporates a quick release buckle for ease of use. Sizes 61/4 - 73/4. Colours: Black Couture The Champion Evolution Couture retails at approx £140 - £170 depending on size.

Prestige Riding Hat from Caldene The Caldene Prestige Riding Hat is an elegant touch for the show ring. The hat is a winning choice for safety and style whilst competing. The superb quality velvet riding hat features a soft padded harness, so you look the part. The Prestige Riding Hat conforms to the EN1384:2012 and BSI Kitemark guidelines. The riding hat comes in a high quality carry bag, so it stays clean and protected. Junior sizes 63/8– 63/4, and adult sizes 67/8– 71/2, in black and navy and offered at the great price of around £59.99. For more information please visit

26 HorseScene

For more information please visit

Ultra Plus Riding Hat from Caldene Highly ventilated with front ventilation grills and beautiful diamante crystals , this hat is perfect for any rider that spends hours in the saddle keeping them cool and comfortable. With a patterned fabric covering, removable lining and padded harness this hat will keep your customer’s comfy for hours. The Ultra Riding Hat conforms to EN1384:2012 and BSI Kitemark. Supplied with a high quality carry bag. Junior sizes 63/8 – 63/4, Adult sizes 67/8 – 71/2, priced around £107.49. For more information please visit

Champion Junior X Air The Junior X Air ventilated riding hat from Champion combines safety, security and peace of mind with exceptional value for money and is now available in two gorgeous new colours - navy & hot pink and black & slate. Certified to BSEN1384 2012, the Junior X Air features a faux suede covered exterior for striking good looks and an integrated ventilation system for exceptional comfort. Colours: Black, Navy, Navy & Hot Pink, Black & Slate. Sizes: 61/4 - 73/4 For more information please visit

Champion Ventair helmet Champion’s extremely lightweight Ventair Deluxe Jockey Helmet features a design registered ventilated airflow system that is styled to increase airflow and to help keep your head cool. Certified to PAS 015:2011 and BSEN1384:2012, the Ventair system features a uniquely tailored harness for complete stability and security and, as with all Champion hats and helmets, offers further safety reassurance by carrying the BSI Kitemark, guaranteeing you that it will comfortably outperform the four main areas of testing: penetration, shock absorption, harness strength and stability. Colours: black, pink, navy or silver Sizes: 61/4 - 73/4 For more information please visit

Flower Power from Dressage Deluxe Featuring a delicate embroidered flora pattern, which weaves it way down across the centre of the helmet with Swarovski crystals incorporated into the design, the helmet is certified to EN1384, ASTM and SEI standards. Available in Black, Brown and Navy. Black and Navy are available with either Silver or Black chrome trim and Brown is available with Gold chrome. Dressage Deluxe stock this hat in Navy with Silver or Black chrome, but other colours are available to order. Prices start at £575 for sizes 52 – 55cm and £690.00 for sizes 56cm – 59cm. For more information please visit

HorseScene 27



alkalising the skin can solve the problem

y’ Golly n o p ll a m ‘s A set of Gaiters e in u q E s e Galosh Colour my pony beautifully! Whether your pony looks pretty in Pink, awesome in Orange, mellow in Yellow or beautiful in Black, we have a full set of small pony sized Golly Galoshes Equine Gaiters up for grabs! Breathable and waterproof, Golly Galoshes have been created to help to keep your pony’s protective boots and legs clean and dry, whatever the weather and whatever fun you and your pony get up this summer! Featuring a secure hook and loop fastenings, full length zip with protective fleece lapel and a bold reflective strip (making them great for visibility out hacking too), Golly Galoshes really are practical pony wear for cool ponies! Prices start from £25.99 per pair Miniature Pony through to £34.99 for horse sizing. For more information:

How to enter Enter online at: Closes: 17th July 2014. See full T&C’s on our website.

The present view is that sarcoids are in fact, locally invasive, non-spreading tumours of the skin. At first they look like a wart, but as they grow the skin covering the sarcoid becomes thin and breaks, allowing an ulcer to develop Sarcoids can occur anywhere on the body, either singly or at multiple sites and seldom undergo spontaneous remission. Notoriously difficult to treat they have a tendency to recur when removed by surgery. It is possible that sarcoids develop as a result of earlier non-productive infection with the virus that causes juvenile warts or due to infection with the virus that causes warts in cattle. We know that after the inoculation of young horses with an extract of bovine papilloma virus, a sarcoid-like growth appears at that site. How to get rid of them? Research has shown that they thrive on acidic conditions, so alkalising the body from the inside stops the virus from feeding, making it harder for them to grow and establish. At Forest Farmacy we take the approach of alkalising the skin (thus reducing the food supply to the virus). This rids the body of sarcoids from the inside out. Our 100% herbal powder ‘Power against Sarcoids’ helps rid the body of Sarcoids without needing invasive treatment and

“I have only been using the product a few weeks and the sarcoid has already gone! No sign of it at all!! Great product." Catriona time off from exercise. The Herbal Powder contains ingredients that alkalise internally and are designed to encourage the body to produce an alkaline state, strengthen the immune system, support the body’s natural defences and make the bowel lining as resilient as possible which all helps to give your horse the tools to fight the Sarcoids virus naturally. Horses can still be worked, and will start to feel fitter and healthier. ‘Power Against Sarcoids’ contains 100% organic herbal ingredients; it does not contain any banned or prohibited substances. ONLY one scoop a day and is totally palatable. It has been used effectively on broodmares and is totally safe for foals!

SPECIAL OFFER for all Horse Scene readers £10 off voucher code “TEN”

Fuelled for success!

Dengie’s Senior Nutritionist Katie Williams, MSc (Dist), explains how a fibre diet can provide sufficient energy for the competition horse. Trials conducted by the Institute of Grassland & Environmental Research (IGER) found that sugar beet has a prebiotic effect and can increase the digestibility of other forages. Adding sugar beet, therefore, is a great way to increase energy supply without having to resort to using cereals.

Most owners appreciate the important role that fibre – in the form of forage and fibrebased bucket feeds – plays in a horse’s diet, but some still need a little convincing that it can supply enough energy for competition. Research carried out in Sweden produced compelling evidence to support this when it showed that horses in training maintained their performance levels and body-weight on forage-only rations. The study featured Standardbreds that were exercised at high intensity twice a week, with low-intensity work the rest of the time. Researchers also found that a fibre-only diet could help in reducing the risk of dehydration, as horses given this type of feed were able to retain more fluid in their digestive systems, which in turn helps to maintain hydration.

Get it balanced Plants are packed with plenty of naturally occurring vitamins and minerals, which the horse absorbs. The mineral levels reflect those of the soil in which the crop is grown. Soils in the UK, for example, are lower in selenium than those in the USA, so the plant material we feed our horses tends to have less of this particular mineral. Although many fibre feeds contain plenty of useful minerals, they are not balanced, calling for a balancer or supplement to be fed alongside them. There is a wide variety available, with each formulated for different levels of work or age groups. If you are competing regularly throughout the season, a supplement specifically formulated for performance might be required.

Energy from fibre The ability of a high-fibre feed to supply enough energy for a horse in work depends on how much energy the feed actually contains and how efficiently the horse can extract energy from it.

Feed for fast work A horse working at low intensity can utilise the energy released from fibre immediately or store it as fat for later use. The liver of horses on high-fibre diets is also able to convert energy into glucose – albeit rather inefficiently.

Sugar beet is a good example of a high-fibre, low-sugar feed with great energy levels. It has between 11 and 12 MJ DE/kg compared with the 10MJ DE/kg of a cool mix.

Glucose is seen as the basic energy source for faster work, as it can be used anaerobically (without oxygen). The reality is that, if a horse

has a good level of fitness, it is only when topflight competition is reached that it works in this state. Horses competing at high levels – depending on their temperament and natural athleticism – will differ significantly in the type and amount of dietary energy they need. Some event horses, for example, have no problem making the time cross-country but are extremely difficult to keep calm for their dressage test. In situations like this, a fibreand-oil diet is ideal, as it provides plenty of slow-release energy. A fibre and oil diet supplies 12.5MJ/kg DE which is comparable to a competition mix, but with 10 times less starch. A limited appetite Many sport and performance horses are given a cereal-based diet due to a range of different factors. Fit horses often tend to have reduced appetites caused by gastric ulcers or because they do not want to eat much. Fibre is extremely light in weight, so a horse needs to consume a larger volume to receive adequate energy. A fibre diet also provides a longer chew time but, for a horse with a limited appetite, this can sometimes be difficult, so adding herbs to a feed can make it more appealing and more likely to be eaten. For further information on nutrition and a healthy fibre diet, telephone the Dengie Feedline on 0845 5115 or visit, where you can chat live to a nutritionist.


Warm up wake up!

Images: David Miller Photography

Courtesy of Aloeride, the natural aloe vera supplement, top international dressage rider Lucy Cartwright gives readers her top tips for warming up your horse on her own beautiful horse Waterloo V. have your horse in a long and low outline to start with, however if your horse finds this hard in the beginning or he is resistant, then aim to start the session gradually by doing lots of easy transitions and circles and encourage your horse to develop the stretch over the back and down into the contact, so that at least during your walk breaks and at the end of your schooling session, he or she will seek to take the contact down and stretch.

Aim to keep your horse calm and relaxed

As a rider and trainer, your goal in the warm-up is to make your horse relaxed and warm up his muscles and body ready to for more demanding work. You need to take into account the time of day and also the weather to allow plenty of time to vary accordingly. On a cold winter day or riding first thing after your horse has been stabled all night could mean that your warm-up ends up taking up much of your entire session as oppose the just 10 -15 minutes. There is no point trying to ask more of your horse until he feels relaxed and physically able to do more, so every time you sit on your horse make sure you analyse how he or she is feeling under saddle and adapt the length of your warm up to suit that session. Having said that every horse is an individual and some need more work than others, but as a general guideline, I tend to give the horse a really good walk for 5-10 minutes on a loose rein where possible. I also try and do walk work out of the arena where possible, for example down our long drive and back or around a field if the ground allows. This is great for perking lazy horses up and getting a nice active walk before you start your schoolwork. After you have walked, you can then start to pick up a contact so you can begin your warm-up. Right from the start you need to be sure your horse is working in front of your leg, otherwise when you come to pick him up into a more collected frame, you will just create more tension again. The aim is to

30 HorseScene

Ask for a little flexion in your warm up - not too much to start with

As you walk, trot, and canter around the arena, check that the rhythm is always regular and the tempo is not to fast or too slow. Concentrate on rhythm and tempo

Focus on keeping your horse supple and relaxed both mentally and physically. Trying to work with any tension present will not help you or your horse and when you create suppleness in your horse, you'll also relax him physically and once he's physically relaxed, he'll relax mentally. When warming up I ride lots of transitions to help keep his attention: anything from riding small half halts through direct transitions such as trotwalk-trot or canter-trot-canter. Once you have riding these around the arena going large, then start thinking about riding lots of changes of rein including serpentines, circles and loops in from the track.

With the right warm up, your flatwork will be hugely improved

If your horse is at a level, whereby you are riding lateral movements, then incorporate these on early on. I like to do some simple Leg-Yields and Renver with a lovely stretched neck, as I think a lot of horses benefit from doing some movements where they are more relaxed and very often find it easier with a stretched neck and therefore you get a more flowing movement without tension or resistance. For the more advanced horses, I use the leg-yield the whole way across the school, so I can put myself in a position whereby I am not holding on the reins (It’s a good correction exercise for the rider as well!) On this note, it’s important for all riders to think about their contact. Straightness is also an important factor to consider in your warm up. Visualise riding with your horse's head and chest in front of his hind legs and ride off the line and use your centre line to check you are straight! Once you have warmed up your horse and he is feeling supple and relaxed, then give him another short walk break before commencing work. This might sound a bit odd, but you need him to understand that work doesn’t always mean collected, so that when you do pick up the contact he doesn’t always think of being Don't forget to cool up and down afterwards as together as this well can in itself again create tension. By encouraging him to offer a long stretch and plenty of flexion, you will hopefully create some great building blocks to more advance work.


through the ages

Tweed experts Timothy Foxx dress women of all ages and backgrounds from teenagers and their mums, through to city slickers and fashionistas. Teaming up our gorgeous coloured over the knee cable socks over a pair of skinny jeans and knee length boots adds a splash of colour and a fashionable twist to winter wear and for women over fifty, our brightly coloured tights are perfect for wearing underneath our collection of longer length skirts.

In this feature, designer Rosalie Eustace gives readers her top tips on style through the ages… “We believe that whether you are a golden oldie or young gun, we all want to look and feel great, which is why we have created a diverse collection that means we can dress anyone regardless of age and give them that wow factor!

Our hoodies might be the must-have item for the under thirties, but if you want to keep it casual but grown up, choose a crisp polo shirt. Our polo shirts offer a feminine cut with contemporary styling and designer details and look fantastic thrown together with one of our tweed jackets, jeans and pumps.

We believe its not about what you wear its HOW you put it together! For example, for younger women, our collection of Aimee skirts and hot pants, slogan tees and hoodies are perfect. Teamed with over the knee socks and boots, this look is strong and confident. However for women in their twenties and early thirties, team one of our tweed jackets with a shirt, the same skirt or hot pants, tights and heels and you then have a sexy grown up take on these garments!

Our Isabella jacket is timeless and works on all age groups: Worn with skinny jeans, trainers and one of our slogan T- Shirts or worn with a longer length skirt such as our Maud or Florence Fish Tail Skirts and crisp shirting, either way this jacket offers classic styling to young or mature wardrobes. High neck lines are great for flattering mature jaw and necklines by adding a vertical draw down and away from these areas. Our signature play with design and colour also mean that flashes of Hot Pink and Pillar Box Red on lapels and turn back cuffs, can give you a young and fun approach to your wardrobe. As we age, we tend to lose our waistline, so our jackets are all cut to create curves! Complimenting those curves which you may have AND creating those which you may not have anymore! Clever darts and pocket placements also help keep you looking feminine even with our full length Isabella Jacket. So, whatever your age, we believe fashion is there to have fun with, so enjoy!”

HorseScene 31

We have put 9 products to the test this month, check out what our testing panel think to them, their honest opinions may help you to make a good choice... Ariat Coniston Boot

Indica Full Seat Breeches from Horze

These breeches are not only incredibly attractive, but Testing these from Ariat, are very comfortable to I can honestly say that I wear all day - both on have never come across a and off the yard. They more versatile pair of boots. have a stretchable full I have been able to wear seat and feature two them to ride, walk in the pockets at the front, outdoors, but also out in my and two at the back, leisure time and I have always making them feel like a received compliments normal pair of jeans. whenever I wear them. They These breeches have a have a flattering slim line changeable logo patch/ design which gives a perfect keychain on the fit, teamed with a stylish waistband which I found lace up front. In this a great detail - the velcro unpredictable British is very strong so you can weather, they have been clip your keys to this waterproof, keeping my without worrying about it feet dry but also have falling off. The breeches kept my feet cool in have elastic leg bottoms the heat, due to their which I found added to the breathability. At comfort. A really great pair of £259.99, these breeches at a reasonable price of would be a £84.99 - I would highly brilliant investment for anyone wishing to purchase recommended these! a pair of boots for all seasons.


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Kensington Fly Rug from Shadow Horse

Ice-Vibe Hock Wrap from Horseware My horse suffers from hock problems so I was really excited to have the opportunity to test this product. The Ice-Vibe hock wrap is really easy to fit and teams massage with heat/cold pads and gives you a wide variety of healing treatment. The vibrating panels come with different settings enabling the best option for your horse. I have used these before exercising my horse which has reduced the swelling and stiffness and has really made a difference to his performance - it also reduces the risk of injury due to increasing blood flow. I then used them after to reduce inflammation without compromising healing. Having a spooky horse, I was a bit worried about how he would react, however, they are very quiet to use and he wasn’t upset at all. For how well they have worked for me, at £175.00, they are definitely worth every penny. For more information visit

32 HorseScene

Normally my horse’s fly rugs don’t last more than a week but as soon as I opened the Kensington Fly Rug, I knew this one was different. The rug is a mesh of very strong material that even after a whole month of wear, still looks as good as the first day I used it. The rug blocks most of the harmful UV rays and kept my horses coat clean whilst fulfilling its job of keeping the flies at bay. What I really liked about the rug, was the versatility - it has a detachable belly band and a removable tail flap so you can change it depending on the horse. Even though the material of the rug is so tough, I was amazed that he was never too hot - even when out in the hottest part of the day. It is also super stylish in its Burberry print! At £116.00 it is great value as in the winter months it can be teamed up as a protective top layer for other rugs - which is perfect if your rugs are always getting ripped!


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Joint and Muscle Maintenance liquid from Nettex

KM Elite Space Fly Mask

I am always aware with my older horse that his joints need to be in tip-top condition to carry on competing. When I started testing Nettex Joint and Muscle Maintenance liquid, I noticed during the month that he was a lot looser and more flexible and seemed to perform better all round. The anti-oxidants in the liquid remove toxins and allow speedier recovery whilst the glucosamine builds new cartilage - the difference in my horse was remarkable and will continue to use this product. Priced around £40.00 this is well worth investing in.

I must confess to always having bought cheap fly masks in the past as my mare has always managed to rub them off and tear the ears within a couple of days. The Space fly mask is different due to it’s durability, and after a whole month it still looks as good as new. Its efficient velcro fastenings keep it in place so that she doesn't get flies in her ears and the stiff hoop at eye level keeps the mesh from touching her eyelashes so she is not irritated by it. It also features a detachable nose flap. It has been such a success that another three horses on our yard are already wearing one! It's extremely good value for money at £24.99 - highly recommended.


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Nettex Hi-Shimmer Coat Spray In the show ring, its always nice to stand out with an extra bit of shine on your horse. Nettex Hi-Shimmer Coat Spray really does leave a high gloss to all my horses coats, manes and tails no matter what their colour. I have found that the sparkle is really noticeable in both artificial inside lighting, and natural sunlight when showing outside. You can always ensure that your horse will stand out where ever you are competing. Priced at only £8.99, it is an essential piece of kit to have in your grooming box.


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KM Elite Showing Range - Champion Black When I am showing my horse, it is extremely important to have a good concealer - this covers blemishes and also adds definition to dark points on my horse. This KM Elite Showing Range spray has been brilliant for those last minute touch ups before going into the showring. The colour doesn’t run, and it lasts the whole day which is essential to give the best impression we can. At £12.99 you really can’t go wrong with this helpful and useful grooming product.


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Fly-Repel Spray from Equine America The Equine America Fly-Repel Spray has a main ingredient which is a natural repellent so I was very interested to see the difference between other synthetic repellent sprays. When I opened the product I noticed the smell was very strong but more pleasant than a lot of other fly sprays I had tried in the past. When applied to my horse I noticed an immediate difference to the amount of flies landing on him, they all disappeared and he was fly free for the day and you could still smell the fly spray on him when he came in from the field. I would say this is the longest lasting and most effective fly spray I have used and at around 12.99 it is great value for money.


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HorseScene 33

Managing those nerves! You have a big event looming and in the build up you start to feel those nerves creeping in: You feel sick and worried and despite putting in the hours preparing you and your horse for your competition you suddenly feel unable to cope with the pending day. Sound familiar? Rider nerves affect the majority of us at some point in our lives, however how do the top riders cope with competing at international level?

In the run up to an event, try to improve on you and your horse’s performance but don’t push yourself beyond your capabilities

Courtesy of Childéric Saddles, - we caught up with top event rider Gemma Tattersall for her top tips on beating nerves. You should enjoy riding and your horse so don't let nerves ruin it

Focus Concentrate

Photos: David Miller

Making sure that you have a clear plan for your warm up can also help focus the mind. Concentrate on riding and warming up to the best of your ability rather than worrying about the actual competition.

Ditch the nerves A

sk yourself the question Ask yourself what you are nervous about and why in order to address it. If you are nervous because you don’t feel ready to be competing at that level, then don’t! Just because everyone else at the yard thinks you should be competing higher, it doesn’t mean you have to! It is better to get your confidence at a lower level then gradually build up than have all your confidence wiped out in one disaster outing.

If you don’t feel ready to be competing at a level, then don’t!


e realistic Try to improve on you and your horse’s performance but be realistic and don’t push yourself or your horse, beyond your capabilities. You do need to do your homework and of course concentrate on the weaker areas, but don’t forget to make a mental note also of all the good things!

34 HorseScene


mpower yourself Preparing for an event in terms of practical, will also give you one less thing to worry about. For example making sure all of your riding stuff is ready and clean so you don’t have a last minute panic is not only sensible but can also be quite therapeutic and empowering, because you are doing something positive and taking positive action to ensure things run smoothly on the day.

If you have had a bad fall, then go back to basics and build up slowly. If your horse was naughty at say a ditch and you fell off, then ask your instructor to school your horse over ditches in order to regain confidence and be armed with the tools to help you tackle this situation should he or she try to put a stop in again.

Finally if nerves are really affecting your riding and competing then maybe consider getting some help. Working with a sports physiologist or life coach could help you refocus and dispel nerves. Even at the top, riders can have confidence crises so don’t feel like you are alone.

Run through your test mentally

The expert’s advice Anna Morris is an experienced and qualified life coach with First Focus Consultants, specialising in rider confidence issues. Anna is a former event rider herself and has this advice for readers: Goals Set realistic goals - Take things in steps. Ambition is great, but being overambitious and often failing is difficult to cope with. As with a horse, you don’t want to be over faced, but need to feel like you’ve achieved something. So maybe if you’ve never done a marathon but want to do one, start off with a half marathon and see how that goes first. Harmonious thoughts Think positively! - Professional riders use sports psychologists who work with them to get them into the right positive frame of mind. Self confidence is very strongly linked to thinking positively and practice at home

Inspiration Keep a positivity diary, where you write down the positive things that have happened to you every day. Jump with your mind As with everything in life, the more you practise, the easier it becomes. Visualise yourself doing a course or a dressage test, taking time before you go in to really think about how you and your horse will respond to the different pressures and situations. Prepare in your mind how to cope with your nerves by breathing and staying focused on your body, as well as the job in hand. Knowledge Finally, why not have some coaching on confidence and assertiveness from the coaches at First Focus Consultants to help give you tips and strategies on how to become more confident and positive. It really works!

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