Postharvest Directory 2019

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The Directory for Growers, Packers, Processors and Distributors

Fruits, Vegetables and Ornamentals

Coordinated by:

Alicia Namesny Antonio Delgado

SPE3, s.l. -

Editor: SPE3 - Especialistes en Serveis per a la Producció Editorial, s.l. Coordinación: Alicia Namesny / Antonio Delgado Pere Papasseit / Claudia Conesa Realización y Diseño: Virgilio García Producción, Distribución y Copyright: SPE3 - Especialistes en Serveis per a la Producció Editorial, s.l.

Doctor Manuel Candela 26, 11ª 46021 Valencia - España Tel.: +34-649 48 56 77 /

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Member of: Sociedad Española de Ciencias Hortícolas, SECH International Society for Horticultural Science, ISHS Asociación de Periodistas y Escritores Agrarios de Cataluña, Agropress Asociación Iberoamericana de Periodistas Especializados y Técnicos, AIPET

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Information to arrive with the

The Postharvest Directory is an information platform for the fruit and vegetable industry on materials, equipment, technologies and services to offer the best quality in these products.

Supports The Postharvest Directory counts on three supports: • The Internet portals, and • The electronic newsletters, Postharvest News and Poscosecha News • The Postharvest Directory and Directorio Poscosecha The portals count on daily updated information. The electronic newsletters arrive weekly to their subscribers; the English language version, each Monday. The Spanish language version, Tuesday and Friday, the last mainly to Spain, Portugal and Latin America. The directories are renewed annually at the beginning of the Northern Hemisphere summer. They were published until 2010 on paper and now are available on the Internet as free pdf.

Information in the Postharvest platform The process that culminates in enjoying a delicious cherry, for example, begins with the choice of variety, and culminates with the logistics that allow the product to reach the point of sales and the consumer's refrigerator. The last decades, the breeders started to pay great attention no only to yield and resistance characteristics of fruit and vegetables, but also to organoleptic and postharvest behaviour treats. The genetic material is of interest for the postharvest. The production techniques affect the final result, more or less directly. The first are part of the technology collected in the technical information of Postharvest, as well as about the best harvest moment, and cares during the next steps: packinghouse, storage, transport and display stages. New technologies are specifically dedicated to prevent the product from being damaged while it remains, already harvested, waiting to be moved to the warehouse. This is the case of the pallet covers developed by Paclife, to maintain the


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best product to the end customer

quality of especially sensitive products such as cherries and blueberries. Cooling, and an adequate relative humidity rate, continues being the main tool to maintain the quality of produce, slowing the metabolism of fruits and vegetables, and their potential pathogens. The management of gases during storage and distribution is another key tool in the process, especially for prolonged conservation. The consumer wants produce to enjoy; to count on ripe products is a key point for an increasing number of markets. Ripening technology matters. Selection and grading focus on achieve homogeneous product in size and quality. New improvements are continuously added to the packinghouse lines to get a better detection of external and internal defects, also allowing to enjoy fruits with consistent quality, including sweetness and firmness levels. Reaching the market and the customer home demand machinery and packaging materials, from bulk presentations to the multitude of packaging "for the consumer", going through its different formats, capacities and materials. The social questioning of plastics has answers in the industry through the use of recycled materials, smaller amounts of raw materials, bioplastics, ... a real effort to have containers that guarantee food safety. Instruments that allow to control composition, texture, temperatures, gases, times, location, ...; the logistic tools to move the product from the field to the cool chambers; generation and dissemination of knowledge for a continuous advance of the industry ... are relevant aspects for postharvest. This new edition, the 21st. of the Directory, shows the offer of companies playing at first level, specialized in postharvest technology for fruits and vegetables, to reach the markets with top quality produce that satisfy the final consumer and guarantee the repetition of the purchase. It is made to help you in your business. The participating companies and we hope to achieve this goal.

Postharvest Platform team

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Summary of SPE3 websites with information on cultivation, postharvest and marketing, and healthy nutrition Fruits, vegetables and ornamentals Postharvest Postharvest information in English language • Postharvest, daily update, • Postharvest News, newsletter, 1 time a week, • Postharvest Directory, pdf yearbook, Poscosecha Postharvest information in Spanish language • Poscosecha, daily update, postharvest information in Spanish, • Poscosecha News, newsletter in Spanish, twice a week, • Directorio Poscosecha, pdf document, annual update, in Spanish, Tecnologia Hortícola Information on open field and greenhouse technology for fruit, vegetable and ornamental production in Spanish language • Tecnología Hortícola, • THM News, fortnightly,


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Biblioteca de Horticultura Online library with monographs, mainly in Spanish, but not exclusively, on production, postharvest, nutrition, ... • Biblioteca de Horticultura, • Biblioteca de Horticultura News, in Spanish, ACTUAL Fruveg Information on healthy nutrition in Spanish language • ACTUAL Fruveg, • ACTUAL Fruveg News, fortnightly, -historico-boletines Special products • Info Hortalizas Subterráneas, pdf document, annual update, in Spanish language, about growing and postharvest technology for root vegetables (potatoes, onion, garlic, carrot, parsnip, …), • Info Berries, pdf document, annual update, in Spanish, about growing and postharvest technology for berries and other small or soft fruits (blueberry, strawberry, raspberry, cherry tomato, fig, olive, kiwi, cherry, …) • Info Tomate, pimiento y berenjena, pdf document, annual update, in Spanish, about growing and postharvest technology for tomato, pepper and eggplant, Activities • Curso de Tecnología Poscosecha, course about postharvest technology, activity coorganized with the Polytechnic University of Valencia, UPV, SPE3, s.l. -




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General Index

Activity sectors.............................................................................................. 12

Enterprises listed by alphabetic order.................................................... 15 Outstanding international enterprises................................................... 18

Enterprises, products and services..........................................................21

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Activity sectors

Varieties of fruits, vegetables or ornamental species with outstanding characteristics for the consumer or the distributors: long life, taste, flavour, nutritional content, etc.


Agrochemicals (Phytosanitary products) ●

Cooling and controlled atmosphere ●

Packinghouse machinery

Minimally processed, ready to eat, and processing equipment ●

Packaging and labelling Equipment ●


Postharvest fungicides; waxes; hormons, cleaning products and products to disinfect packinghouses, grading lines, cool chambers, etc.; products to preserve flowers, cool chambers, sanitizers, etc. Humid air precooling systems, vacuum coolers, hydrocoolers, cool chamber equipments, icing machines, isolating panels, thermic aisling, aisling doors, CA generators Fungicides dosifier equipments, lines for conditioning produce and flowers, bunching machines, machines to take the leaves away, bin dumpers, washers, transport chains, color selectors, waxers, cleaners, brushers, fruit labellers; tray, box or bin fillers, etc., graders, shell brokers

Washers, cutters, dryers; lines to produce juices; freezing, canning, pastes; hotel, restaurant and catering machines

Wrapping and packaging machines, 2nd. peel, netting machi­nes, sewing machines, weighers, flow pack, thermoforming, vertical packaging, labellers (except fruit labellers), pricing, label printers, code machines, palletizers, etc.

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Packaging and labelling Materials and Auxiliary equipment ●

Consumer packaging: punnets, trays, bags, flexible plastics, papers, etc. Transport packaging: boxes, crates, bins, pallets, corners, palletizing materials (netts, plastics), strapping machines and materials, stapling machines and staples, labels, etc. Machines to open plastic boxes, to conform carton boxes, to recicle boxes, to clean boxes, etc.

Logistic and distribution

Palletizing, cool transport (refrigeration equipment for trucks, trains, containers, etc.), controlled atmosphere transport, containers, racks, separating materials (blowed bags), forklifts

Point of sale

Bar code readers, weighers; normal or refrigerated showcases, posters for shelfs, vending machines, illumination, other decoration elements, promotional articles, floral foam, decoration for ornamentals (ribbons, decorated papers, etc.)

Information, administration, planning and services ●

Control and measuring devices ●

Laboratories, consultings and engineering (plant design and turn key projects), techniciens, quality control and certification, magazines, videos, internet sites, software, research institutes, work wear, credit companies, insurance companies, banks, exhibitions

Laboratory equipment, glass materials, refractometers, thermometers, ripening determination, etc.

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Enterprises listed by alphabetic order

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Agricoat Natureseal Ltd. ................................... 72

Greenkeeper ....................................... 77

Pac Life .................................................. 80

Growpack, Ltda. ................................. 85

Plastidom Plásticos Industriais e Domésticos s.a. ............................... 81

Agrosta s.a.r.l. ...................................... 22 Analytica Alimentaria ....................... 24

Giró GH, s.a. (Iberia Sales Central).......................... 48

Analytica Alimentaria GmbH ......... 24

Giró GmbH ........................................... 48 Giró Italia s.r.l. ..................................... 48


Giró Pack Inc. ...................................... 48


Giró Pack, sa de c.v. ........................... 48

BG Door International b.v. .............. 73

Grupo Giró (Headquarters).................................... 48

Bizerba Ibéria España, s.a.u. ........... 26 Brifer Services, s.l. .............................. 46 BrimaPack b.v. .................................... 74

H Helios International ..................................... 44

C Catalytic Generators Llc .................. 75


Citrosol .......................................... 30, 76 Interko .................................................. 78 Isolcell Italia S.p.A. ............................. 52

D Decco Ibérica Post Cosecha, s.a.u............................. 34


Sienz Europa ....................................... 58 Sienz Latinoamerica ......................... 58 South Africa Fruit Technology Ltd. ................................. 68 Stumabo International nv .............. 38 Switrace sa ........................................... 86

T TECNIDEX, Fruit Protection, s.a. .......................... 86 THM, Tecnologías de Horticultura Mediterránea ...................................... 82


Tomra Food.......................................... 60

Janssen PMP Argentina.................... 54


Janssen PMP Belgium....................... 54

T.R. Turoni s.r.l. .................................... 62

Janssen PMP Japan............................ 54

Fam n.v. ................................................. 38 Fam-Stumabo Ibérica s.l. ............................................. 38 Fomesa Fruitech, s.l. ......................... 40 ..................................... 44 Fruit Logistica Messe Berlin GmbH ................... 46, 85

Janssen PMP Singapore................... 54

ULMA Packaging ............................... 64

Janssen PMP US.................................. 54

Unitec s.a. ............................................. 68 Unitec s.p.a. ......................................... 68


Unitec Asia Pacific Pty Ltd. ............ 68 Unitec Chile S.p.A. ............................. 68 Unitec East Llc .................................... 68

Macfrut - Cesena Fiera S.p.A........... 56 Moelco Levante, s.l. ........................... 79


Productos Citrosol, s.a. ............. 30, 76

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Unitec France s.a.s ............................. 68


Unitec Ibérica s.l. ................................ 68 Unitec Sicilia ........................................ 68 Unitec Turkey A.S. ............................. 68 Unitec USA Universal Technologies .................... 68 Urschel International Ltd. ............... 82

V VDH Products ..................................... 83

X Xeda International s.a. .............. 84, 87

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Outstanding international enterprises Agrochemicals (phytosanitary products) Agricoat Natureseal Ltd. .........................72 Decco IbĂŠrica Post Cosecha, s.a.u. ...................................34

Moelco Levante, s.l. ...................................79 TECNIDEX, Fruit Protection, s.a. ..................................86 VDH Products ..............................................83

Fomesa Fruitech, s.l. .................................40 Greenkeeper ...............................................77

Packinghouse machinery

Janssen PMP ................................................54

Growpack, Ltda. .........................................85

Productos Citrosol, s.a. ............................30

Sienz ...............................................................58

TECNIDEX, Fruit Protection, s.a. ..................................86

Tomra Food ..................................................60 Unitec s.p.a. ..................................................68 Xeda International s.a. ...................... 84, 87

Cooling and controlled atmosphere

Catalytic Generators Llc ..........................75

Minimally processed, ready to eat, and processing equipment

Productos Citrosol, s.a. ............................76

Fam n.v. .........................................................38

Interko ...........................................................78

Urschel International Ltd.........................82

BG Door International b.v. ......................73

Isolcell Italia s.p.a. ......................................52


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Packaging and Labelling Equipment, materials and auxiliary equipment Bizerba Ibéria España, s.a.u. ...................26 BrimaPack b.v. .............................................74 Grupo Giró (Oficinas Centrales) ...................................48

Control and measuring devices Agrostra s.a.r.l. .............................................22 Switrace sa ...................................................86 T.R. Turoni s.r.l. .............................................62

Pac Life ..........................................................80 Plastidom - Plásticos Industriais e Domésticos, s.a .......................................81 ULMA Packaging .......................................64

Logistic, distribution and point of sale Bizerba Ibéria España, s.a.u. ...................26

Information, administration, planning and services Analytica Alimentaria ...............................24 Fruit Logistica ...................................... 46, 85 Helios International ..............................................44 Macfrut Cesena Fiera S.p.A. ....................................56 THM - Tecnologías de Horticultura Mediterránea................85

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Enterprises, products and services

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AGROSTA SARL 13 Rue du Bastringue 76440 SERQUEUX (FRANCE) Ph. +33-(0)6 89 49 43 40 Today, Agrosta is the most innovative company in electronics for fruits and food business, and provides reliable instruments worldwide Our instruments are produced in France, and have all been designed with users, and modified according to their requirements Each new model is tested directly on several batches of fruits or food in our lab Each device is seriously tested and calibrated before expedition Every day, we work at improving our instruments, and we propose new generations according to the progress of electronics and computers The next step for Agrosta is to design instruments dedicated to surgery, medicine and veterinary research - We have started several projects in this field. PENEFELÂŽ LC

Low cost but powerful penetrometer made in EU

ter for measuring the crispness / firmness for crisp fruits like apples or pears. It is a digital statistic instrument. Made in EU. Available only online, AGROSTA invites to buy this penetrometer for replacing your old handheld penetrometer, and obtain the average for each batch. Its capacity is 20 Kg with a precision of +/-1 gram. The average of the batch is displayed on first line, and the current measurement is displayed on second line. It can be mounted on a stand. Available in Grams or Lb versions. AGROSTA 100 USB

Firmness tester for soft fruits

The Agrosta 100 USB, by AGROSTA, is a firmness tester for soft fruits and vegetables such as tomatoes, cherries, blueberries, strawberries, peaches, etc. It has been designed in 2016. It is a PC powered instrument, based on Durofel principle, provided with a software for Windows. A voltage booster has been embedded in this last version in order to keep accuracy even with very low battery levels of laptops or tablets. On top of that, its price is very competitive! AGROSTA BALANCE

A very interseting weight recorder for fruits PenefelÂŽ LC, by AGROSTA, is a penetrome-

AGROSTA is pleased to present this very special weight recorder. Just place your fruits one after each other

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on the weighing sensor, and the weights are recorded on the SD card.

displayed directly by batch after measurementThe maintenance is very simple, you just need to clean the tip after use.

Agrosta Balance classifies the data by batches and provides statistics. AGROSIZE

Digital Caliper for Fruits


Automatic texturometer for fruits

Cross the plastic door with the fruits of your sample, the size is automaticallycalculated, memory 500 data that can be exported directly to Excel with the softprovided for windows - Precision 1mmExists in 2 different sizes - Contact us for more info AGROSTA14 MOTOR

Automatic penetrometer for fruits We are really proud of this instrument, which is the most modern penetrometer worldwide - Including technologies like Touch switch, SD..It is adapted for apples, pears, peaches, apricots, cucumbers, potatoes.. firmness measurement by penetrometry. The sensor moves down, touches the fruit, penetrates with very precise run, and comes back automatically. The storage capacity of the sd card is huge (More than 10 000 batches of 450 fruits…), and compatible with Excel - Statistics are

Measure the firmness of any citrus fruit… on a very precise way, avoiding operator mistake - Completely designed and produced in Europe (Electronic boards from Italy, all other parts + assembly and calibration from France).

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Analytica Alimentaria “WE ENSURE FOOD SAFETY” ANALYTICA ALIMENTARIA is an internationally operating company dealing with food safety issues. We are an independent laboratory, specializing in the analysis of pesticide residues, pathogen germs and other food contaminants, mainly on fruit and vegetables. We combine testing strategies, onsite presence in cultivation areas and first-class analysis. This enables us to offer strategic advice across the entire supply chain. We understand our work as a highly reliable tool to enable our customers to make the right decisions. With the high standards that we set ourselves, we ensure our customers comply with the most demanding standards of global markets and can offer healthy and safe food to consumers. For this, the samples for analysis have to be representative, they need to be taken in the right place and time. The results need to be highly reliable and delivered fast. Together with our outstanding team we provide across-the-board expertise. Continuous innovation and research enable us to develop new analytical methods. This concerns standard analyses, but also tests for substances that suddenly gain relevance and pose risks. Through our close contact with producers and traders, we are aware of market developments and can act fast to protect our customers, e.g. when it comes to the control of critical production or post-harvest schemes. To ensure our high performance, we regularly take part in comparative and undercover tests for residue analyses in fruit and vegetables worldwide. Our highquality services are based on our core values: Integrity as a basic principle in all our actions, passion and perseverance for food safety, development and evolution dedicated to consumer protection – the combination builds the foundation of true and reliable food safety. Analytica Alimentaria holds ISO/IEC 17025 accreditations from European and international accreditation bodies for all relevant sampling and testing activities.

ANALYTICA ALIMENTARIA GMBH Berlin-Brandenburg site Dreilinden Technology and Industry Park Fahrenheitstr. 5, 14532 Kleinmachnow, Deutschland Ph. +49-33203 88480 ANALYTICA ALIMENTARIA Polígono Industrial, Sector 20, C/ Carbón Portal 2 04009 ALMERÍA - SPAIN Ph. +34-950 622 809 Fax +34-950 220 522

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BIZERBA IBERIA ESPAĂ‘A, S.A.U. C/ Pallars, 461 08019 BARCELONA - SPAIN Tel.: +34-902 760 376 Retail scales Slicers and food processing system Retail Software Industrial scales Dynamic Checkweighers Weigh price labeling systems Inspection systems Logistics systems Industry software Labels Care products Dynamic checkweigher CWE maxx

avy or light products. Bizerba is displaying the BRAIN2 Capture software module to optimise and analyse the production facilities or lines: it records the data of all connected Bizerba devices, such as checkweighers, price labellers and inspection systems. The program stores individual values and data records or information on metal identifications in a central SQL database. Metal detector Varicon+

Quick and reliable detection of all ferrous and non-ferrous metals in packaged and unpackaged piece goods. Compact metal detection system for inspection of piece goods of up to 50 kg. The robust s/s conveyor belt construction guarantees highest search sensitivity and stability. For automatic ejection of metal-containing packages, an optional separating system including pusher and reject bin is available. Thanks to Bizerba’s extensive range of accessories numerous different systems can be customized for your specific needs. The VARICON+D series is designed for dry areas and the VARICON+W series for wet areas.

Standard checkweigher for quality assurance at the highest level.

These devices are conform with BRC, IFS and HACCP guidelines Integrated models are available for the Bizerba checkweighers and GLM-I series labelers.

The standard model of the dynamic CWEmaxx checkweigher is designed for outputs of up to 400 weighings per minute. The device categorises fruit based on defined weight classes and sorts these into heMore in Postharvest



X-ray inspection systems

it is also suitable for use as a total value printer for price labeling lines and checkweigher lines. In the GLM-B maxx, label rolls with a diameter of up to 300 mm can be processed. Thus retrofitting time is reduced - especially with large labels. Label Dispenser LDI-20

The monitoring and analysis of all relevant quality parameters from formulation and completeness check through to foreign object detection, packaging and labeling are top priorities for food manufacturers. Product inspection system MXV PACK ensures 100% control. Logistics labeling system GLM-B maxx

Individual labeling of fresh produce such as apples, kiwis or tomatoes is becoming increasingly significant in retail. In particular, consumers are expecting information on the origin of each product. In order to react to customers’ wishes, fruit and vegetable retailers are increasingly labeling their products individually. Marketing messages or competitions can also be communicated via labels. The new LDI 20 excels at this task. Price and goods labeling system GLM-Ievo 200

The automatic Bizerba labeler GLM-B maxx makes things easy for you: It can be easily integrated into conveyor systems and data systems and thus ensures correct labeling from the case to the pallet. Devices of the GLM-B series can be used as OEM belt labeler in stand-alone operation or can be directly controlled by EDV systems. Thanks to the Bizerba system design,

Big 3: Performance, Plug-In™ Label and Quality Check Inside - more customer benefits for future requirements. The intelligent labeling line GLM-Ievo designed for automatic weighing and labeling of prepackaged goods comes in different versions. Due to its modular design it can be optimally configured for products and performance requirements in the food

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area. Thanks to the modular system and an output of up to 200 packages/minute there are no limits for today’s and future requirements in the industrial food area.

Weigh price labeling system GLMEmaxx 50/70

Label printer GLPmaxx 80/160

Exact weighing, accurate labeling – and saving a great deal of time. The GLM-Emaxx is a fully automatic labeling device of space-saving design which has mainly proved successful as entry level class.

Thermal direct / thermal transfer printer for more features, more convenience, more functionality. Regardless if used as standalone printer, total printer or if used for weight-related product labeling, the GLP maxx with its Intel® Atom™-based hardware is the ideal solution for today’s and tomorrow’s requirements. The GLPmaxx can be used as a label printer for product labeling in the food processing industry as well as in manufacturing trade and logistics. It is perfectly suitable for dispatch and stock labels. In combination with the Bizerba weighing technology it is the perfect starter kit for manual price labeling.

Impresses in many industries: For variable weight price labeling and product labeling in retail, trade and small industrial plants GLM-Emaxx offers most up-to-date features. Performance taking up minimal space. This compact, fully automatic machine with a small footprint can be used as a selfcontained device with manual feed or can be integrated in existing production lines for fully automatic weigh price labeling. The GLM-Emaxx can be connected to two labelers which work with either air-jet or piston applicator. Another highlight is the high quality, easyto-clean frame of the GLM-Emaxx.

The printers are network compatible and can also be controlled directly via the Internet. Settings and maintenance of the printer unit can be made without need of any tools - reducing costs and increasing print quality.

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Industrial software _portionControl.BRAIN

on the efficiency of each work station and the tasks of your staff. Thanks to the intuitive user-friendly system users become quickly familiar with the system without special training. About Bizerba: Bizerba offers its customers in industry, trade, and logistics a globally unique solutions portfolio of hardware and software around the central value “weight�. This portfolio includes products and solutions related to slicing, processing, weighing, cashing, checking, commissioning and labeling. A wide range of services from consulting and service, labels and consumables to leasing complete the portfolio.

The iS20 becomes a compact scale solution, when combined with the iL Economy 300/SP Type2 industrial scale. Optimize your manual filling process with _portionControl.BRAIN Software _portionControl.BRAIN optimizes the process of your products to be packaged. The system signalizes if a tray is under- or overfilled thereby allowing fast and accurate filling. Easily manage article data, tare values and tolerance limits in the central system. Due to the networking of up to 32 scales per line you can centrally manage and control them in an industrial terminal. Weight values are stored in the central database.

Since 1866 Bizerba has made a significant contribution to the developments in the area of weighing technology and today is represented in 120 countries. The customer base includes globally operating companies in trade and industry as well as retailers, bakeries and butcheries. With 3,400 employees worldwide and with its headquarters in Balingen, Baden Wuerttemberg, Bizerba has been in the same family for five generations. Additional production facilities are located in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, France, Spain, China and USA. Bizerba also has a global network of sales and service locations.

The _portionControl.BRAIN software combined with a _portionControl scale, central network approach, high accuracy and instant weight detection provides you with the perfect filling workstation. Send articles, tare values and tolerance limits from the iS 70 terminal to the weighing stations. Depending on the scale being connected, tolerance limits are optimally shown by an integrated LED display or via bar graph. Increase throughput with _portionControl.BRAIN and be up-to-date

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Productos Citrosol At CITROSOL, for over 50 years we have devoted ourselves to research and to development, introduction and commercialisation of post-harvest technology and treatments to maintain the commercial quality of fresh fruit and vegetables. We ensure that fresh fruit and vegetables reach the consumer without losses, with all their flavour, with maximum life, at the best moment for consumption. Our ADVANCED POST-HARVEST SOLUTIONS are blazing the trail for post-harvest technologies and treatments: CITROSOL A S UE wax for citrus products, with its low drying temperature, which achieves considerable energy savings and a remarkable reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, the ZERO SPILL SYSTEM®, which maintains initial treatment effectiveness without generating fungicide suspension residues, the Fortisol Ca and Fortisol Ca PLUS plant strengtheners, hydrosoluble salts of Ca, P and Na that stimulate the natural defences of the product, helping to control post-harvest decay and rind breakdown, and the combination of X3 NEBULIZER + GLOCUAT PC or QUACIDE PQ60 EC, a simple but innovative technology for disinfecting packinghouses. We are currently working on the control of post-harvest diseases in other fruits and vegetables, including peppers and tomatoes. We will soon be marketing an integrated system for washing peppers that ensures the food safety of the product, controls decay in all varieties of peppers and achieves a considerable reduction in water consumption. Citrosol has treated over 200 million tons of fruit (citrus, pears, apples, bananas, etc.), and this has enabled us to offer the best solutions to thousands of customers all over the world and to design new developments in more effective and more efficient postharvest systems. We have a multidisciplinary team specialising in postharvest technology and biology, electromechanics and engineering, quality control, chemistry and microbiology, working in a matrix organization system, constantly alert to detect and satisfy the needs of our customers and society in our area of activity.

PRODUCTOS CITROSOL, S.A. Partida Alameda, s/n 46721 POTRÍES POTRIES (Valencia) - SPAIN ESPAÑA (Spain) Tel./Ph.: Ph. +34-96 +34-96 280 05 2801205 12 Fax:+34-96 Fax +34-96280 28008 0821 21

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Productos Citrosol X3 NEBULIZER + GLOCUAT PC

Effective disinfecting has never been so easy and cheap as nowadays

The winning combination that CITROSOL has developed: the X3 Nebulizer mobile unit together with Glocuat PC, a “ready to use” biocidal disinfectant. The nebulizer mist behaves like a gas that can reach any area or surface in the packinghouse, and on contact with walls or objects it becomes a liquid with practically total fungicidal/bactericidal effectiveness. The mobile unit allows the introduction of sequential C+D (cleaning+disinfection) programs in all rooms and areas in the packinghouse, with very low structural costs.

greenhouse gases (CO2, CO, etc. ) during this process is, as a consequence, also lower.


A new system for on-line application of fungicides which reduces treatment variability by keeping the concentration of fungicide constant


CITROSOL has developed a complete line of citrus covering waxes that is also effective at much lower drying temperatures This low drying temperature wax allows energy savings of 60-70% compared to traditional waxes. The amount of energy needed for drying the wax is therefore reduced. Emission of

This fungicide application system is very superior to other systems presently used in pre-grading – both pools and on-line systems. It reduces treatment variability and keeps constant fungicide concentration. Besides, consumption of those agrochemicals is sharply reduced. It includes our technology ZERO SPILLAGE SYSTEM®.

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Phytofortifiers against postharvest decay and rind breakdown


Excellent efficiencies in environmental Citrosol has developed FORTISOL® Ca Plus water-soluble salts of Ca, K and P that produce greater stimulation of the fruit’s natural defences against active pathogens in postharvest treatment of citrus. Fortisol® Ca has proven effectiveness in reduction and control of postharvest discolouration and in decay control. Fortisol® Ca PLUS has an enhanced efficiency in decay control. Both phytofortifiers are effective in controlling postharvest decay and rind breakdown.

disinfection and surface disinfection of cold stores


Is the first industrial system that has a maximal efficiency and homogenity in controlling rot and decay It keeps the fungicide mixture in the drencher and deposit unchanged, allowing its continuous recycling and obtaining a constant efficiency in the treatment. At the same time, the need to treat surplus mixes is avoided, because their composition remains unchanged. The mixes can be recycled and used again during the whole citrus harvesting season.

FUMISPORE® has excellent efficiencies in environmental disinfection and surface disinfection of cold stores and several items of packinghouses, including machinery, as it is not corrosive or toxic, neither for humans or the environment (the security time is 4 hours). The combination active substance + ignition system can achieve high biocide efficiencies in any area due the high diffusion of the produced gas. Its efficacy in disinfecting field boxes and bins is also particularly high and relevant.

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Decco World leader in post harvest solutions since 1934. For decades growers and packers have trusted Decco, and Decco has come through with quality post harvest products, equipment and services, helping process countless billions of citrus, apples, stone fruits, potatoes and many others... treating each piece like it was the most important one ever grown. At our Decco manufacturing and research facilities we constantly strive to improve our formulations, product and equipment services.

PRODUCTOS DECCO IBÉRICA CITROSOL, POST COSECHA S.A. S.A.U. Villa de Alameda, Partida Madrid, 54s/n - Polígono Ind. Fuente del Jarro 46721 PATERNA 46988 POTRIES (Valencia) (Valencia)--ESPAÑA SPAIN (Spain) Tel./Ph.: Ph. +34-96 +34-96 13 44280 01105 12 Fax:+34-96 Fax +34-9613 280 4308 907 21

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- NATURCOVER. Edible coating (citrus, pears, apples, potatoes..). Decconatur Waxes: CITRASHINE PLUS NATURE & CITRASHINE NATURE DOBLE. DECCO STORAGE SOLUTIONS

Liquid formulation of micronized calcium carbonate. It reduces crop stress face to high temperatures and drought, protects against sunburn, acts as a barrier against fungi and improves postharvest quality extending shelf life of treated products. Recommended for melon, watermelon, apple, pear, olive trees, citrus, vineyard, mango, avocado, pineapple and other vegetables (tomato, pepper..).


Line of products that provide protection for the flowers, fruit and vegetables in post harvest. DECCO- ADSORB. Combination of high porosity zeolite with potassium permanganate. Delays ripening and aging by oxidation of ethylene and volatile. Tubes for trucks and containers. Sachets individual boxes. Machines for cold storage or market. DECCOPAC. Modified Atmosphere Packaging (MAP). DECCO-SENSORS. Temperature recorders for transportation and storage. DECCOPOT

Alternative Product line with Zero Synthetic residue. Decconatur cleaner: DECCOSOL. Decconatur Disinfectant: DECCOSAN FH. (Hydrogen peroxide + Peracetic acid). Decconature treatments. - DECCONATURE. Strengthener vegetal extract - DECCOFITO. Potassium phosphate. - DECCOPLUS. Food additive for decay control

Product line of fumigants for disinfection of empty rooms, trucks and containers. Allowed in food industry and livestock.

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Deccofenato POT. Orthophenylphenol Deccoamonio Pot. Quaternary ammonium DECCO AEROSOL PLUS

DECCO AEROSOL PLUS is an innovative system of disinfection by cold fumigation using a full-discharge aerosol. This aerosol pot is fitted with a valve that is pressed until trapped, staying then opened until all the content in the pot is released and diffused into the air. Full-discharge pots Decco Aerosol Plus contain E-202 preservative. This food additive is effective against fungi, bacteria and yeasts. It is used in food industry as a preservative in refrigerated dough, pasta, prepizza, frozen pizza, beverages, tomato sauce, margarine, cheese, stuffing, yogurt, nuts, ice creams, sausages, etc, and it is authorized for fresh citrus treatment. Consequently, Decco Aerosol Plus can be used in empty rooms in any type of food and/or agriculture industry.

Decco Aerosol Plus full-discharge system is comfortable and safe for the user. It does not require any application equipment nor represents any risk for the facilities, since there is no combustion. Pots can be applied in any closed environment or room

such as cold rooms, chambers, manipulation rooms, cooled trucks, etc. Using preservative E-202 does not trigger the appearance of resistant strains of microbial flora; therefore, pots can be periodically used. Its frequent use allows reducing or maintaining low contamination levels, (avoiding fruit inoculation during fruit and vegetable postharvest period), as well as avoiding food contamination in food industry. Industrial applications in cold rooms or trailers showed a reduction of ambient contamination between 70-80%. Having in mind that this is a food preservative with the mentioned advantages, we can consider Decco Aerosol Plus as a powerful tool to be used in food industry at a low cost. MELANITEÂŽ

Decco New postharvest synthetic fungicide developed for Geotrichum and Penicillium control of citrus fruit. Melanite is formulated as emulsifiable concentrate (EC) with propiconazole. Melanite used in in-line drench application acts on citrus cell membrane with protective and curative action against sour rot and green mold development. Melanite residue is authorized in the EU, United States and Canada. MRLs: EU 6ppm. USA and Canada 8 ppm It shows low toxicity and it is compatible and shows a positive synergy with other fungicides.

SPE3, s.l. -



Stumabo – High Quality Precision Blades in the Food Processing Industry

FAM N.V. Neerveld 2 2550 KONTICH - BELGIUM Ph. +32-(0)3-450 92 20 Fax +32-(0)3-450 92 50

FAM-STUMABO IBÉRICA, S.L. C/ Ollers 13, Local 15, parcela 12B 46980 PATERNA (Valencia) - SPAIN Ph. +34-961 366 724 Fax: +34-961 318 638

For more than 65 years, Stumabo International has been designing, manufacturing and selling industrial precision blades for the food processing industry, covering both food processors and machine manufacturers. With an annual turnover of more than 1.4 million blades, Stumabo is a well reputed, leading supplier, active worldwide, serving both local processors and well-known international customers in 5 continents. FAM Dorphy

Small giant among dicers

STUMABO INTERNATIONAL NV Industrieweg 3 2630 Aartselaar - BELGIUM Ph. +32 (0)3 870 70 10

FAM – Market Leader in Industrial Food Cutting Machines FAM is one of the world’s leading designers and manufacturers of industrial food cutting solutions. The company is present in more than 72 countries and has over 4.500 operational machines worldwide. FAM distinguishes itself with its customeroriented philosophy, innovative applications and product quality. The products range from perfectly aligned.

The FAM Dorphy is the answer for those looking for low cost cutting with perfect cut quality. It has the ruggedness and reliability of a high strength cutter in a very compact design. The tri-dimensional dicer can cut different types of fruit & vegetables in a large variety of shapes. Which means you can have your potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, mushrooms, tomatoes, cucumbers or peppers and apples, pears, strawberries, mangoes or papayas in flat slices, strips and cubes. And the amount of wasted product is kept to an absolute minimum. This versatile cutter is especially designed for new projects, for processors with small to medium capacity and for catering. In addition, large processors use it for special, small volume productions.

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FAM Tridis™ range

Tridimensional dicers for fruit, vegetables and potatoes

The FAM Tridis™ range for the cutting of fruit, vegetables and potatoes is being expanded with the FAM Tridis 180. The Tridis range is FAM’s product line of tridimensional dicers designed to excel in the most crucial performance indicators: cut quality, capacity, hygiene, maintenance and simplicity. The Tridis 180 is a dicer especially developed for food processors that are looking for medium high capacity, with room for growth.

shredders and innovative, patented cutting heads and impellers that improve quality and capacity. The product range offers a very economical operating cost. The FAM Centris 315 – for lower volumes – and 400 – double capacity of the currently available centrifugal slicers – are particularly designed for companies looking for perfect cut quality, long shelf-life, flexibility and speed. The unique design of the cutting heads considerably facilitates the changing of blades, handling and cleaning. The patented cutting head technology, fitting on most common centrifugal cutting machines, guarantees a consistent slice and shred thickness throughout the slicing process. The product can be cut into a variety of shapes: both slices (flat cut, crinkle cut and V-shaped ) and strips ( V-shaped, oval, julienne and wide ribbon cut) are available. The FAM Lifis.2

Highly hygienic, flexible V-belt slicer

FAM Centris™

Product range for high quality centrifugal slicing and shredding

The FAM Centris product range consists of high & mid capacity centrifugal slicers and

The FAM Lifis.2 is a highly hygienic, flexible V-belt slicer used for cutting all sorts of elongated vegetables & fruits. Its large product opening guarantees a free and smooth passage of the product towards the cutting wheel, allowing optimal use of the maximum capacity. The machine easily handles products up to 180 mm in diameter and width (220 mm in case of leafy products). It offers an amazing quality and yield of cut products. It is also especially fitting for those who focus on superior sanitation, high machine safety and easy maintenance.

SPE3, s.l. -



Fomesa Fruitech FOMESA FRUITECH mission is to provide our customers with excellence in the postharvest protection of fruits and vegetables, through products, equipment and techniques, that guarantee maximum safety for the consumer and respect for the environment, with customized and close advice that ensures the confidence of our clients, being “Your postharvest partner”. We have more than 65 years of experience, with ethics and integrity, in the main global post-harvest markets, contributing to the reduction of food waste and sustainable development. Our recognition to the efficiency and personal effort our team members, promoting a critical spirit that helps us to promote quality, creativity and innovation, constantly.

FOMESA FRUITECH, S.L. Camí del Racó, 10 - Pol. Ind. Norte 46469 BENIPARRELL (Valencia) - SPAIN Ph. +34 96 121 18 62 Fax: +34-96 121 41 13

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Fomesa Fruitech FRUITGARD-TEBU

Postharvest citrus fruits Fungicide

Emulsion of the fungicide TEBUCONAZOL to be used on line or added in the coating, for the postharvested citrus fruits. It controls the main fungi that cause decay in citrus fruits (Penicillium Digitatum, Penicillium Italicum y Geotrichum Citri). FRUITCONTROL BRICAM

Supervision and data recording of storage rooms


MAZALIL fungicide smoke bomb for postharvest treatment of citrus fruits

IMAZALIL fungicide smoke bomb for postharvest treatment of citrus fruits, conservation rooms. It controls the main fungi that cause decay in citrus fruits: (Penicillium Digitatum, Penicillium Italicum y Geotrichum Citri). GREENGARD-SCALD

It maintains the initial colour of the fruit New product of the Green-Line range, to reduce the incidence of blanching in apple cv. Golden Delicious and pears (cvs Blanquilla, Conference and Rocha). It has an anti-senescent effect acting on the evolution of maturation and as a consequence, helping to maintain the freshness and the initial colour of the fruit. FRUITCARE-SK

It is a powerful computer program for the visualization and registration of the variables involved in degreening and conservation: temperature, humidity, carbon dioxide, ethylene, equipment operation ... as well as for the programming of the desired levels of each of these variables. It also allows us to send alarm messages when the pre-set limits for each variable are exceeded.

Protection for harvested fruits and vegetables Protects harvested fruits and vegetables by improving their response to external aggressions. Composition: Potassium sorbate (E 202). 30% P / P. Properties: Appearance: Yellow-orange liquid. pH: 9.40 11.00. Dense: 1,110 - 1,150 g / mL. Presentation: Plastic carafe. Net content: 25 kilograms.

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Imazalil & Thiabendazole fungicide

Concentrated fungicide suspension for post-harvest citrus treatment. It controls the main fungi that cause decay: Penicillium, Alternaria, Botrytis cinerea, Diplodia, Phomopsis ... It works by inhibiting the sporulation of existing fungi, thus preventing their spread. GREENCLEANER

Detergent for fruits in organic farming Product that cleans the dust, bold, molasses and remains of fruit. TO BE USE IN ORGANIC AGRICULTURE.


Coating for fruits and vegetables

GREENGARD-LC, besides improving the appearance of the fruit, has an effect on the conservation of weight and the maintenance of the firmness of the fruits during its post-harvest life. WATERWAX

To improve brightness and preserve citrus fruits Citrus coating that improves its appearance and conservation. Range of different formulations adapted to the main consumer markets (EU, USA, Japan). The wax is sprayed on the fruits, through the nozzles placed on a brush machine. TOPPER


Phytoregulator for harvested apples Sistema de generaciĂłn in situ de 1-MCP FYSIUMÂŽ is a phytoregulator used in the storage of harvested apples. The active ingredient 1-MCP maintains the firmness, reduces the internal production of ethylene, maintains the acidity and delays the maturation and senescence of the treated fruits.

Phytoregulator that prevents the blackening and calyx loss in harvested citrus Product based on triclopir that prevents the blackening and calyx loss in oranges, lemons and tangerines, durning long storage, commercial manufacturing (especially during brushing) and during the degreening process. Likewise, it contributes to reduce the incidence of rot and dehydration of stored fruit, thus maintaining the quality of the same for longer.

SPE3, s.l. -


POSTHARVEST DIRECTORY 2019 is the Leading BtoB website for Fruit & Vegetable. is also providing: News, Databases, Leads Generation, Promotion campaigns, e-mailing campaigns… on 5 continents. Since 1935, Fructidor has won a unique reputation as an expert INFORMATION and SERVICES provider for growers, importers, exporters, pre-post harvest professionals in the industry. First, Fructidor is publishing an extensive database of Fruits and Vegetables professionals WORLDWIDE. This database is both printed and online with a total of 110.000 professionals in 138 countries. Information includes: - List of professionals: Growers, Importers, Exporters, Packers, Wholesalers, Transporters, Buying Groups, Hypermarkets, Pre-post harvest companies as packaging, grading machines, laboratories… - Activity types - Products - Seasonality - News ... Today with online technology, importers, exporters, pre-post harvest companies use our services to acquire new customers, to level up their visibility, to provide their sales team with QUALITY LEADS and DATABASE. is also providing: - News - Databases - Leads Generation -.Promotion campaigns includinf editorial coverage -.e-mailing campaigns… on 5 continents Thanks to our world trade network and a growing presence on the main world events, the directory FRUCTIDOR.COM is an inestimable, comprehensive and reliable BOOSTER for your activity. We speak English, French, Italian, Spanish, Turkish, Russian… come and meet us !

HELIOS INTERNATIONAL BP 51269 84911 AVIGNON CEDEX 9 - FRANCE Ph. +33-(0)4-90 89 33 00 Fax +33-(0)4-90 88 28 49


SPE3, s.l. -




Fruit Logistica This specialist trade fair offers the sectors connected with the fresh fruit and vegetable business an ideal opportunity to present their products across the entire added-value chain, from growing to the point-of-sale. Compact duration, focused appeal to target groups and maximum effectiveness are the key features of FRUIT LOGISTICA. Products on show include fresh, unprocessed fruit and vegetables, dried fruit, nuts, herbs and spices, organic products and self-service flowers and potted plants. Suppliers of products and services for packaging, storage, transport, warehousing and product presentation also exhibit their offerings. A further important element of FRUIT LOGISTICA is the service market with IT solutions. FRUIT LOGISTICA: The whole spectrum of the fresh fruit and vegetable sector Fresh fruit and vegetable Dried fruits and nuts Packaging & labelling Transport and logistical systems Produce handling and storage Press and media Computer and internet solutions Cultivation systems Represented in Spain By Brifer Services, s.l.

BRIFER SERVICES, S.L. Representante oficial de Messe Berlin en EspaĂąa, Andorra y Gibraltar Arturo Soria, 320 - 9ÂşD 28033 MADRID - SPAIN Ph. +34-917 672 767 / Fax +34-917 669 932 /


SPE3, s.l. -


SPE3, s.l. -



Girรณ is the worldwide leader in horticultural packaging systems integrating the production of net, printed film and machinery. More than half a centrury in the industry guarantees their reputation in the development and distribution of net packaging solutions. Nowadays, Girรณ is present in more than 50 countries offering the widest range of systems adapted to fulfill the market needs.

Where to find us

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End-to-end Giró’s multi-produce bagging line Giró has the best proposals in the market to carry out the automatic weighing, the net bag packaging, and box filling. Furthermore, the control devices ensure the quality of the product. In addition, the GirControl system monitorize the line in real time and provides the specific production indicators. 1. PDC500 Fruit buffer integrated with an inspection table 2. PDG4L Dynamic Weigher 3. GirBagger UB-S60: up to 10 different bagging styles 4. CA-10 Clipping machine to make Clip2Clip or Wineglass netbags 5. CHW-S60 Check weighing unit 6. GBF-100 Box filling machine 7. Box de-stacker and filling device for GBF-100 8. Box check weighing and rejection system

GirBagger Speed Line The new GirBagger-S is an improved version that has been developed after 15 years of experience and 3.000 units sold proven track record sales worldwide, setting a benchmark in the horticultural sector. Giró offers the bagger that overcomes the GirBagger reputation range as a key element in the packaging lines.

• • • • • •

Up to 36 bags per minute 30% higher productivity than GirBagger Classic More than 3.000 units sold worldwide 10” full colour touch panel GirControl embedded 10 different bag styles with a unique machine

SPE3, s.l. -



Innovation in packaging Girรณ dedicates resources and knowledge to develop new packaging solutions that satisfy the market needs.

1. Handle Bag

Handle Bag is a compact packaging system with a horizontal presentation. The film upper side used as handle, for an easy transport and high product visibility.

2. Window Compact

Window Compact is an innovative bag with horizontal design that integrates a large window with an aperture that allows better visibility of the content. It is designed for a horizontal exposure at the point of sale.

3. Clip2Clip New Concepts

Girรณ takes one step ahead with the new concepts in clipped net packaging by offering Clip2Clip labelling, deploying variants that deliver multiple creative options to packaging in order to improve their appearance at the supermarket. Now, C2C also can be Fashioned, Paper or Collectible.

4. Paper Film

The Paper Film brings a totally different aspect to the packaging offering them a more traditional and ecological appearance. The paper film is ideal for high added value packaging and that require a greater differentiation at the point of sale.

5. Film Fashioned

The Fashioned film allows you to create 3D designs through the die-cut to emphasize certain elements and makes the sent message easier to understand. The Fashioned film is ideal for packaging with high added value and has a great capacity for attraction.

6. Easy Open

Esay Open system allows the consumer to easily open the bag by tearing the flap. The window shown after tearing the flap is big enough to reach the fruit with the hand. Once used, the adhesive label attached to the flap is ideal to re-close the bag.

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Ecogirรณ: The new alternative for a sustainable world As market leader in the development of net packaging solutions, Girรณ is focused in the research of environmental friendly materials and packing technologies to be applied to the fresh produce packing industry.

Ecological efficiency of different types of packages that are usually found in commerce. The graph shows the grams of packaging needed to contain 1 kilogram of product. It is appreciated how the horticultural net packages are extremely light compared to the resto f the packages and, therefore, their environmental impact is much lower.

is the brand through which Girรณ expresses its compromise with the environment and sustainable development. Two of the three programs are based on lighter plastic packages and the third is based on certified compostable materials.

SPE3, s.l. -



DCA-CF allows to control scald, avoiding at the same time the use of chemical antioxidants - like DPA (diphenylamine ) and ethoxyquin – in the postharvest treatments.

ISOLCELL S.P.A. Via A. Meucci, 7 39055 LAIVES (BZ) - ITALY Ph. +39-0471-954050 Fax +39-0471-953575 ISOLCELL develops and manufactures high quality systems for controlled atmosphere: nitrogen generators, oxygen and CO2 adsorbers, ethylene adsorbers and converters, gas analyzers , computerized control systems, and air sanification systems. Furthermore, ISOLCELL supplies complete solutions for the realization of controlled atmosphere normal refrigerated and low temperature rooms, including sandwich panels, gastight doors, impermeabilization and cooling plant. DCA, an exclusive Isolcell product

Scald control without postharvest chemical treatments

In the industry sector of the storage of apples and pears, a new technology called “DCA-CF Conservation” (Dynamic Controlled Atmosphere with the use of chlorophyll sensors) is being increasingly used.

The system, patented by the Government of Canada and developed by Dr. Angelo Zanella, is distributed throughout Europe exclusively by ISOLCELL SpA. This method replaces the static conservation parameters with dynamic ones resulting from the response given by the fruit itself. It uses a special sensor that measures the fluorescence emitted by apples and pears, thereby identifying the minimum threshold of oxygen tolerated by the fruit. The AC conservation takes place at a value slightly above that threshold, dynamically adjusted throughout the storage period. By lowering the level of oxygen in the storage chambers, internal metabolic activity is drastically reduced, which results in a better maintenance of internal and external characteristics defining product quality. Using this technology, ISOLCELL meets the growing consumer´s demand requiring produce free of chemical residues. Another advantage of DCA is the drastic reduction of internal browning in varieties like Granny, Braeburn, Pink Lady and Fuji. And also the exclusion of drencher as post-harvest treatment to apply antioxidants, significantly reduces the percentage of rotten fruits in storage. Due to this experience and to the close cooperation between research institutes, technology companies and customers, ISOLCELL has demonstrated once again to be at the forefront of fruit storage technology. This new storage technology is used with commercial purposes since 2003 and its use is extending rapidly overseas. The graph shows the development of DCA cameras in the last 7 years in Italy (blue), other countries (gray) and the sum of both values(green)...

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Janssen PMP JANSSEN PMPŽ (Preservation and Material Protection) a division of Janssen Pharmaceutica NV in Beerse, Belgium is a long-established world leader in devising and formulating new and highly effective compounds to protect the produce and products on which we rely. We have a parallel and equally important focus, which is to protect the health and well-being of the people that use and benefit from our products and the environments in which they are used, from initial application to consumption or disposal. FROM HARVEST TO HOME: Our products are working around the world to protect fresh fruit and vegetables along the Food Chain from processing through transport, storage and shelf, to the consumer’s home; reducing waste and preserving nutritional value. OUR MISSION STATEMENT: Your reliable worldwide partner in developing sustainable and high performance solutions for the prevention of biodegradation.

Global presence of Janssen PMP Janssen PMP Belgium Turnhoutseweg 30B-2340 Beerse TAV BE 0403.834.160RPR Turnhout - BELGIUM,

Janssen PMP US 1125 Trenton-Harbourton Road Titusville, NJ 08560-0200 - UNITED STATES,

Janssen PMP Argentina Mendoza 1259C1428DJG Buenos Aires - ARGENTINA,

Janssen PMP Singapore No. 2 International Business Park,Tower One, The Strategy, #07-01 SINGAPORE 609930,

Janssen PMP Japan 5-2,Nishi-Kanda 3-chomeChiyoda-ku Tokyo 101-0065 - JAPAN,

JANSSEN PMP Preservation and Material Protection Division Janssen Pharmaceutica NV Turnhoutseweg 30 - B-2340 BEERSE - BELGIUM TAV BE 0403.834.160 RPR Turnhout /

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Janssen PMP


40% w/v pyrimethanil PENBOTEC® 400 SC is a Janssen PMP product with a novel mode of action in the area of postharvest treatments. It is an ideal solution in case of resistant strains in pome fruits as well as in citrus fruits. FUNGAFLOR® - FUNGAZIL® 75 SG

75% w/w imazalil FUNGAFLOR® - FUNGAZIL® 75 SG are water-soluble granules recommended for the preventive, curative and anti-sporulation control of storage diseases of citrus fruits and bananas. FECUNDAL® 50 EC

50% w/v imazalil FECUNDAL® 50 EC is a Janssen PMP formulation recommended for the preventive, curative and anti-sporulation control of storage diseases of citrus fruits. The product contains 50% w/v imazalil and its dose rate is 100 cc/hl when applied as a high-volume spray, 200-300 cc/hl in a lowvolume spray and 400 cc/hl when mixed into a wax.


20% imazalil + 20% pyrimethanil PHILABUSTER® 400 SC is a new and reliable tool for the control of resistant strains of Penicillium against the currently known and used products in postharvest of citrus fruits. Seen the fact that PHILABUSTER® 400 SC contains two active ingredients, included at Annex I, it can be seen as the solution for the future of the citrus sector for the control of the major diseases.


10% w/v imazalil-sulphate FECUNDAL® S7.5 is a formulation recommended for the preventive, curative and anti-sporulation control of storage diseases of citrus fruits, melons and bananas. The product contains 10% w/v imazalilsulphate and is applied at a dose rate of 500-600 cc/hl. The use of the product is permitted in IPM production and it has the necessary MRL’s available in a large number of destination countries like the once grouped in EU and Codex Alimentarius.

SPE3, s.l. -



Macfrut Macfrut is international trade fair for Professionals operating in the fruit and vegetable sectors, displaying a great variety of products, equipment, technologies and services. This is a B2B event for the whole Fruit and vegetable supply chain: it involves 11 sectors (Seeds, Breeding & Nursery, Crop Technology, Production, Trading & Retail, Processing Machinery, Packaging Materials, Fresh Cut, Dried Fruit, Logistics and Services), as well as additional events to offer visitors an occasion for learning and discussion. Furthermore, Macfrut has a new international venue, Rimini Expo Centre, a growing number of foreign participants and a wide range of initiatives promoting innovation and internationalization. Macfrut, an event of great importance both for companies belonging to pre-harvest and post-harvest sector.

MACFRUT - CESENA FIERA S.P.A. Via Dismano 3845 47020 PIEVESESTINA DI CESENA (FC) - ITALY Ph. +39-0547-317435 Fax +39-0547-318431


SPE3, s.l. -




SIENZ EUROPA C/ Túria, 5 - Pol. Ind. Mediterráneo 46550 ALBUIXECH (Valencia) - ESPAÑA Ph.: +34-960 010 843


Compac is also at the forefront in the detection and classification of internal characteristics with the recent launch of Inspectra2: sugar, dry matter, defects ... And behind all this potential is the human team that makes up Sienz. A nice mix of personnel with a lot of experience in the sector with new and dynamic blood with the desire to push.

Feeding and treatment

Dr. Cassanello s/n Zona Franca Colonia 70000 Colonia del Sacramento URUGUAY Ph.: +598-4522 9802 SIENZ leader in turnkey solutions, is able to offer the full range of machines necessary for the processing of fruits and vegetables. Sienz was created in 2017 by the founders of Compac, and is made up of more than 150 professionals and two manufacturing plants in Spain and Uruguay.

SIENZ offers an extensive range of machines, both for the feeding of lines and for the treatment of the fruit.

The signing of an exclusive distribution agreement with Compac for the Latin American and Mediterranean markets, makes Sienz a reference of the highest quality to design the best solution thanks to its extensive catalog: line feeding, treatment, packaging and palletizing.

- Semi-automatic bin dumper. Maximum production: 20 bins / h - Unitary semicontinuous bin dumper. Maximum production: 100 bins / h - Continuous vertical bin dumper. Maximum production: 120 bins / h - Depalletizer-dumper 2 boxes: Maximum production: 720 boxes / h - Depalletizer-dumper 6 boxes: Maximum production: 1440 boxes / h - Baler of empty boxes: Maximum production: 1440 boxes / h - Bin destacker / stacker: Maximum production: 120 bins / h - Brushing machines - Wax / fungicide applicators - Continuous drencher - Horizontal and vertical drying tunnel.

All its peripheral potential is completed by the Compac graders, without a doubt, the best option available in the market. Thanks to Spectrim, selecting quality (selection of defects or rotten are some examples) is possible today, and many customers have already minimized and even eliminated the manual selection staff.

The main examples are:

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SIENZ counts on the full range of packaging developed for years in its facilities, attending all the customer needs. The main examples are: - Weighing-filling boxes in bulk - Rapid-pack, semi-automatic system for filling alveoli or boxes to one layer - Fompack automatic case packer, mainly for citrus “pitufo” packing - Front packaging tables, capacity of up to 6 sizes - “Rotofiller” bin filler, for delicate fruit.

Thanks to the agreement with Compac, SIENZ is able to offer the highest quality in graders. In addition to the classic tilting roller calibrator or the weight calibrator, Sienz distributes the latest generation Compac electronic graders:


• Spectrim Electronic grader (color and 2 infrared) for classification by shape, size, weight, density and quality (detection of external defects). Undoubtedly the most accurate and effective gauge on the market. • Inspectra2 Electronic Near Infrared Calibrator (NIR) for the determination of internal parameters (sugar, internal defects, dry matter ...). Determination of the Shelf-Life of the fruit and the Eating Experience of the final consumer.

SIENZ develops and configures palletizers according to the formats and sizes that each client works with. It can be converted into a fully automatic system by adding a pallet feeder, a full pallet carrier and a strapping machine.


SPE3, s.l. -



TOMRA Food TOMRA Food designs and manufactures sensor-based sorting machines and integrated post-harvest solutions for the food industry, using the world’s most advanced grading, sorting, peeling and analytical technology. Over 8,000 units are installed at food growers, packers and processors around the world for fruits, nuts, vegetables, potato products, grains and seeds, dried fruit, meat and seafood. The company’s mission is to enable its customers to improve returns, gain operational efficiencies, and ensure a safe food supply via smart, useable technologies. To achieve this, TOMRA Food operates centers of excellence, regional offices and manufacturing locations within the United States, Europe, South America, Asia, Africa and Australasia. TOMRA Food is member of the TOMRA Group that was founded on innovation in 1972 that began with design, manufacture and sale of reverse vending machines (RVMs) for automated collection of used beverage containers. Today TOMRA provides technology-led solutions that enable the circular economy with advanced collection and sorting systems that optimize resource recovery and minimize waste in the food, recycling and mining industries. TOMRA has ~100,000 installations in over 80 markets worldwide and had total revenues of ~8.6 billion NOK in 2018. The Group employs ~4,000 globally and is publicly listed on the Oslo Stock Exchange (OSE: TOM). For further information about TOMRA, please see

TOMRA FOOD Research Park Haasrode 1622, Romeinse Straat 20 3001 Leuven - BELGIUM Ph.: +32-16 396396 Fax: +32-16 396390

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T.R. Turoni For over thirty years T.R. Company has satisfied the needs of all who are involved in fruit-growing, horticulture and floriculture, by manufacturing analysis, control and measurement instruments which have become well-established in the Italian and foreign markets, thanks to their precision and reliability. The T.R. Company offers a complete range of instruments helping the customer in all phases of agricultural production: • Instruments for the analysis of the chemical-physical characteristics of soil and water such as pHmeter (acidity), conductivity-meter (salinity), soil moisture meter, etc. • Meteorological instruments such as thermometers, hygrometers, electronic frost indicators, anemometers, pluviometers, etc. • Harvest control instruments such as refractometers for reading the sugar concentration, fruit pressure tester to detect proper picking ripeness and control fruit softening during cold storage, etc. • Control instruments for the preservation and transport of goods both in refrigerators and in refrigerating trucks such as high-precision thermometers, hygrometers, psychrometers, thermographs, etc.

Hardness tester flat tip

Non destructive instrument, perfectly fitted to detect fruit and vegetable softening. Enables to determine the appropriate harvest time for fruits such as tomatoes, cherries, avocados, etc. Range 0-100 shore.

FruitFirm meter

Fruitfirm by T.R. TURONI, is a small, hand-held, self-contained device for non-destructive firmness testing of kiwifruit and other produce. FruitFirm allows firmness to be monitored throughout the supply chain.

T.R. TURONI S.R.L. Via Copernico 26 47122 FORLI (FO) - ITALY Ph. +39-0543-724848 Fax +39-0543-774670

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ULMA Packaging Due to more than 50 years of experience, ULMA is able to offer the widest range and most innovative solutions for packaging equipment and systems, providing a shure added value to his customers. ULMA Packaging can now be found in a wide range of markets thanks to its unique multiline offer: - Stretch Film - Flow Pack - Thermoforming Tray sealer - Shrink Vertical. This offer is complemented by a Packaging Automation Service which gives solutions to integrated systems from product loading to palletising. Products: Flow Pack (HFFS). Thermoforming and Blister. Traysealing. Vertical (VFFS). Shrink -Side seal. Stretch film. Shring - Sleeve wrapping. Integral solutions. Lid machines. Stretch bundlers. Shrink tunnels. Packaging solutions: Fresh Food Packaging. Food Packaging. Medical Packaging. Non Food Packaging. ULMA Packaging is the only company in the sector that is able to offer such a variety of packaging solutions in a complementary or alternative manner, providing a singular and customized offering, with innovative applications, adapted to the client needs.

ULMA Packaging , S. Coop. Barrio Garibai, 28 - Apdo. de Correos, 145 20560 OĂ‘ATI (GuipĂşzcoa) - SPAIN Ph. +34-943 739 200 Fax +34-943 780 819

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ULMA Packaging Sleeve wrapping

Wrapping in shrink film, single or multiple units, stacked or not

Packed with flat shrink film, cross weld to pack multiple units and stack the product. Normally, complete closing of the pack it is not needed, but this operation is possible using sleeve wrapping with four weldings. The machine is useful to pack canned food on a cardboard sheet.

Flow Pack wrappers (HFFS)

The machines use a single coil for wrapping

Automatic machines for high productions. Horizontal packing using a single film coil with three weldings: two cross-weldings and one longitudinal welding. This type of machine is aimed at food and non - food markets. Thermoforming

Package shaping within the machine

Stretch film

High yield wrappers

Highly flexible automatic machines to pack fresh products in trays using stretch film. This type of machine is exclusively aimed at the food market.

Horizontal automatic packing machines characterized by package shaping within the machine using two film coils normally made of different materials. Depending on the material used, packages can be flexible or rigid. This type of machine is aimed both at food and non-food markets.

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Vertical wrappers (VFFS)

Thermic tray sealing

Heat sealing of various products, possibly with modified atmosphere (MAP) within the trays

Tray automatic sealing machines with facilities for vacuum and/or gas injected packages. This type of machine is exclusively aimed at the food market.

Its main field of application includes loose products, granulated products, doughy products or products difficult to handle

Vertical automatic packing machines for flow pack wrapping with the possibility of using modified atmosphere (MAP). This type of machine is aimed at both food and non-food markets.

Shrink – side sealing

The machine obtains a high quality package without folds

Delegations in Spain: - Northern dealership - Central Spain dealership - Galicia dealership - Catalonia dealership - Levante dealership - Southern Spain dealership - Canary Islands dealership International sales network

Automatic machines and shrinking tunnels that work with all kinds of shrink films when a total sealing is not required. Two cross sealing coils obtaining a shrinking packaging around the shape of the product.

SPE3, s.l. -

- France - United Kingdom - The Netherlands - Germany - Italy - Poland - Russia - Portugal - USA - Mexico - Brazil - Argentina - South Africa - Rumania - Australia - Ucrania - Belgium



UNITEC Group UNITEC S.p.A. is an international group that operates in more than 65 Countries all over the world and it specializes in the design and manufacturing of innovative technologies for the processing, quality selection and packing of over 35 kinds of fresh fruit and vegetables. For over 90 years, UNITEC has been committed to improving fruit and vegetables processing quality in the several Countries of the world where it operates, providing technological solutions and services based on innovation and with the highest standards in terms of reliability and profitability for its Clients. At an international level, UNITEC has created its own network of operational branches in some of the leading fruit and vegetables producing Countries (Washington and California in the USA, France, Spain, Chile, Argentina, South Africa, Turkey, Russia and Australia) and a sales structure that allows it to meet Clients’ requirements. UNITEC S.p.A. Italy - 48022 Lugo RA - Via Prov.le Cotignola, 20/9 Ph. +39 0545 288884 / UNITEC Sicilia Italy - 97100 Ragusa RG – Viale delle Americhe, 50 Ph. +39 0932 765013 / UNITEC Ibérica S.L. Spain - 30169 San Ginés, Murcia - Aptdo Correos 206 P.I. Oeste, c/Amistad, Mod. A-2, Parc. 19 - Ph. +34 968 882952 UNITEC France S.A.S. France - 84000 Avignon - 440, rue Rudolph Serkin, ZA Réalpanier Ph. +33 4 90251434 / UNITEC Chile S.p.A. Chile - Rancagua, Manuel Montt, 2960 - Bodega 1 - KM 90 Ph. + 56 7 22275040 / UNITEC S.A. Argentina - R8324JUK Cipolletti - Río Negro - Tres Arroyos, 535 Ph. +54 299 4774044 / UNITEC USA Universal Technologies, Inc. USA - Lodi CA 95240 - 310 N. Cluff Avenue, Suite 117 USA - Wenatchee WA 98801 - 2623 Euclid Avenue, Suite B Ph.: +1 209 369 6200 / South Africa Fruit Technology Ltd South Africa - 7646, Paarl - Western Cape Plot 31258, Unit 2, Zandwyk Park Ph. +27 21 862 1974 / UNITEC Turkey A. Ş. Turkey – 35070, Izmir Karacaoglan Mah., Bornova, Cad. Izeltas – Galeria Site Ph. + 90 212 2197835 / UNITEC East LLC Russia - 344090 Rostov-on-Don pr. Mashinostroitelniy 7/110, building “A”, 1° floor, No. 55 Ph. +7 928 1118054

UNITEC Asia Pacific Pty Ltd Australia - 3134 Ringwood, VIC - 4/5 Oban Road Ph. +61 3 9870 0155 /

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UNITEC Cherry Vision 3.0: cherry business enters a new era


Cherry Vision 3.0 is provided with very high-resolution “eyes”, which scan all the cherry surface to classify its characteristics: internal defects, external defects, degree of softness, with or without stem, in addition to size and color. This system is very reliable and allows to respond coherently and professionally to all delivery of goods to the Organized Large-scale Distribution.

After the excellent results of Cherry Vision and Cherry Vision 2 systems, the new Cherry Vision 3.0 is a smarter technology which allows automatic selection and promotes a new era for the business of fruit and vegetable packing plants which process cherries. An era of the best possible results in the automatic quality evaluation of this precious fruit. Thanks to Cherry Vision 3.0, UNITEC Research & Development department has given a new and important response to the need of reducing costs in processing cherries.

Consistent quality over time that leads to fidelize Customers and End Consumers. Cherry Vision 3.0 technology guarantees consistent quality and thus builds trust in consumers at each purchase. The image and credibility of companies which choose this technology increase exponentially to their Customers’ and End Consumers’ eyes, who are led to choose UNITEC selected products all the time. It‘s evident that Cherry Vision 3.0 technology allows UNITEC Customers to enlarge their business and to enter markets never considered before, even more demanding, but far more profitable. Cherry Vision 3.0 becomes a strategic ally for the development of fruit and vegetable packing plant business, since it allows to build major trust in the cherry market.

Cherry Vision 3.0 is a very innovative system which represents an important step forward towards total automation – in many cases this has already been achieved in some UNITEC processing lines – in the cherry classification process, without the aid of manual selection in such a difficult and complex phase. Thanks to this new technology, labor costs are now minimized, up to reduced to zero, with a total increase of the process efficiency.

UNITEC technologies for quality selection are nowadays the most advanced in the world in the consistent classification of fruit and can be applied to many types of fruit (blueberries, apples, pears, kiwis, oranges, plums, apricots, lemos, peaches, nectarines, tomatoes, etc.) guaranteeing reliability, cost reduction and increasing trust between Suppliers and Customers, Producers and Consumers. More information on Cherry Vision 3.0

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UNITEC Blueberry Vision 2: “A revolution in the blueberry industry”


UNITEC Blueberry Vision 2 is the first technology in the world to be able to remove all defective products, by inspecting 100% of fruit, both internally and externally. This is a turning point towards a new frontier in blueberry quality selection and sorting, as both fruit flesh and surface can be inspected in their whole. Thanks to UNITEC Blueberry Vision 2, fruit can be selected and sorted according to their internal defects, external defects, shape defects, degree of softness, in addition to their size and color.

sion 2 technology, and this made it become one of the biggest lines in the world to process and sort blueberries according to their quality. It is able to process around 3.000.000 fruits per hour, that is an average number that may vary according to fruit size. With Blueberry Vision 2 patented technology from UNITEC, fruit and vegetable Packing Houses are able to have guarantees in the fruit quality selection and sorting phases and can increase their competitiveness in the different markets they operate or would like to operate in the future to expand their business. It constantly offers their Customers fruit of consistent quality over time and completely removes possible complaints deriving from the fact that fruit do not comply with agreed quality standards. In this way, consumers will never feel betrayed. More information on Blueberry Vision 2

So, great results have been achieved by the fruit and vegetable Packing Houses that have chosen Blueberry Vision 2 from UNITEC for their blueberry selection and sorting. Concrete results have been achieved also by Coophuelva, Onuba Fruit, leader in Europe for the growing and export of small fruit, which has relied on UNITEC, by buying 32-lanes installation – 2 sorters each of 16 lanes – equipped with Blueberry Vi-

SPE3, s.l. -




Special post-harvest coatings for whole fruit AGRICOAT NATURESEAL LTD. 7B Northfield Farm - Great Shefford HUNGERFORD, BERKSHIRE RG17 7BY UNITED KINGDOM Ph. +44-(0)1488-648988 Fax +44-(0)1488-648890 AgriCoat NatureSeal Ltd. manufactures specialist coatings for postharvest protection of fruits and vegetables during packaging, storage, and trading. Semperfresh is a coating based on sucrose esters. NatureSeal maintains the natural taste, texture and colour of ready-to-eat fresh cut fruits and vegetables. NatureSeal FS is a chlorine-free product for washing and decontaminating fresh produce before cutting. Based on a mixture of fruit acids, NatureSeal FS reduces bacteria and spoilage organisms and is also permitted as a processing aid in organic produce. NatureSeal products are sulfite-free (GRAS), Kosher, Halal and contain no GMO’s. Several formulations have been accepted for use in organic production. NatureSeal is recognized for meeting the industry’s highest standards for quality, performance, consistency and functionality. AgriCoat NatureSeal has made a long term commitment to superior research and development, quality control and good manufacturing practices. Recently accredited with the BRC-7 certification.

Semperfresh is a coating developed by AgriCoat for postharvest protection of fruit such as apples, pears, melons, pineapples, kiwis, cherries, tropical and subtropical fruit. Its components are approved by the European Union and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States for the superficial treatment of produce. In order to obtain the best results it should be applied after hydrocooling. It can be applied at the same time as fungicides. NatureSeal

Edible coatings for shelf-life extension for ready-to-eat produce

NatureSeal is a blend of vitamins and minerals, easy to apply and there is no requirement for packaging with modified atmosphere. NatureSeal inhibits enzymatic browning, maintains fresh cut colour and appearance without compromising the flavour. NatureSeal also maintains the texture of sliced produce, ensuring the fresh cut fruit and vegetables maintain their desirable crisp mouth feel. Shelf life is extended up to two weeks beyond normal, allowing time for product distribution, improving production and processing efficiency.

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lled areas. Extremely user friendly and suitable for frequent use. The door consists of sections and is 80 mm thick. The insulation core consists of CFC-free solid polyurethane foam.

BG DOOR INTERNATIONAL B.V. Zuideinde 44 2991 LK BARENDRECHT HOLAND Ph. +31-88-0285300 BG DOOR International manufactures industrial doors and precooling systems. The company is highly specialized in gastight sectional ripening room doors for a wide range of fruits, including tropical fruits and especially bananas. Due to the characteristics of ripening, BG Door has developed a superior range of gastight doors using high grade materials and seals. Fruit ripening and storage as well as pre-cooling systems require an efficient energetic solution. BG Door supplies sectional doors for cooling and pre-cooling as well as the equipment to handle it. Thanks to our broad experience and close cooperation with major refrigeration specialists in the field of ripening worldwide we can offer you several disciplines. Our tailormade advice is the starting point for successful projects.

The interior and exterior sheet, consisting of 0.5 mm thick galvanised steel sheet, have an oven-hardened, polyester coating. A partition between the interior and exterior sheet guarantees a high insulation value; bottom and top profile are thermal bridge interrupted. Mobile Precool Unit

To cool down produce rapidly to the desired temperature

The Mobile Precool Unit, by BG DOOR, allows you to cool down your (soft) fruit and vegetables rapidly to the desired tem­ perature. The movable precool unit uses the existing cool air from your cold store. It distributes the cool air actively and efficiently through the product in the boxes. The unit can handle two rows of pallets up to a maximum of 24 pallets.

Iso Therm Door

For temperature controlled areas The Iso Therm Doors, by BG DOOR, suit for cold storage rooms, temperature-controMore in Postharvest



BRIMAPACK B.V. ‘t Goor 18 NL-7071 PB ULFT THE NETHERLANDS Ph. +31-315-640 731 Fax +31-315-640 700

Through its focus on supplying System Integrated Solutions, rather than individual machines, BrimaPack offers complete packing solutions for pack house and field packing operations, which saves up to 50% on packaging costs and enhances shelf life and product presentation.

For in-field applications, a complete range of state of the art self-propelled field rigs, have been developed. They are suitable for both planting and harvesting jobs. Each unit is tailor made to suit your needs. BrimaPack has become a leading player for vegetable handling solutions for Iceberg Lettuce, Broccoli and various other vegetables and fruits. BrimaPack has developed the “NicePack” packing systems giving superior shelf life and lower packing costs compared to other technologies.

BrimaPack’s unique e-Drive system is lowering fuel costs and greenhouse gas emissions drastically and is giving you optimal drivability suitable for today’s demands and future expectations. Our approach toward System Integrated Solutions (including pre- and post-sorting technologies, data technology, labelling/printing and logistics) ensures an optimal solution tailored to your specific needs.

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ments. For larger rooms, additional units easily achieve proper ethylene levels.


Ethy-Gen® II Ripening Concentrate, powerful, clean, and pure, approved

1185 Pineridge Road 23502 NORFOLK - VIRGINIA ESTADOS UNIDOS Ph.: +1-757-855 0191 Fax: +1-757-855 4155 Más de 40 años perfeccionando la tecnología de maduración aplicando etileno. Pefecting ethylene application ripening technology for more than 40 years. Easy-Ripe® Ethylene Generator

Ethy-Gen® II’s active ingredient is all-natural & GMO-free, and is the only “ripening fluid” approved by both the US EPA and the UK Chemicals Regulation Directorate (CRD). Ethygen-Concentrate specially formulated by CATALYTIC GENERATORS, LLC, EthyGen® II is the efficient and clean way to convert to ethylene. You may have heard it called “ripening fluid,” because that’s exactly what it does. Simply pour it in or connect it to one of our generators, and watch the safest and most effective consistent ethylene production begin. Since we manufacture Ethy-Gen® II with only the purest ingredients available, there are no harmful byproducts produced when converted to ethylene in one of our Catalytic Generators.

Easy-Ripe® Ethylene Generator, by CATALYTIC GENERATORS, is the safest, easiest & most dependable method for ethylene application is available for lease (North America and UK) or purchase (worldwide). Our Easy-Ripe® Generator provides consistent, non-pressurized ethylene on a continual basis in order to achieve uniform ripening and degreening. Ethylene output is adjustable for multiple room sizes, which means the Easy-Ripe® can adapt to any ethylene PPM require-

Also, ethylene is odorless and without measuring the level in the room, there’s no way to know it is present in the ripening room. No ethylene = no ripening. That’s why ethylene created from Ethy-Gen® II has a slight sweet smell…letting you know it is there, doing the work to help make delicious fruit. Available by the case in several different container sizes.

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Allows automatic control of working / environmental conditions in rooms for cold storage and degreening/ripening of fruit PRODUCTOS CITROSOL, S.A. Partida Alameda, parcela C 46721 POTRÍES (Valencia) - SPAIN Ph. +34-962 800 512 Fax +34-962 800 821 At CITROSOL, for over 50 years we have devoted ourselves to research and to development, introduction and commercialisation of postharvest technology and treatments to maintain the commercial quality of fresh fruit and vegetables.

It is a system for control and regulation of cold storage and degreening rooms. Electronic sensors that measure humidity, temperature and infrared CO2 sensors are used for automatic management of fruit storage and degreening/ripening rooms. Chambers equipped with CITROGAS-CONTROL achieve a more precise control of temperature and relative humidity. Besides, measurement and control of CO2 levels allows for optimal ventilation, reducing the operating time of the humidity, warming and refrigeration systems and thus achieving important energy savings.

We ensure that fresh fruit and vegetables reach the consumer without losses, with all their flavour, with maximum life, at the best moment for consumption. Service managers in charge: Valencia (Spain): Javier Monzonís, Castellón (Spain): Cristian Ortells, Murcia (Spain): Raúl Ortiz, Málaga (Spain): Francisco Palomo, Sevilla (Spain): Antonio Herrera, Internacional: Julio Marín,

In those degreening/ripening processes, the equipment also regulates automatically ethylene levels, adjusting its consumption and keeping the right concentration to make the process develop correctly. This leads to better degreening or ripening and longer shelf life, without decreases in the organoleptic traits, weight or skin appearance of the fruit. This system permits connection to a PC on which all the relevant parameters of its functioning are recorded.

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Blankets GK4/P (MF o MF Ad)

GREENKEEPER Sierra Vieja 13 28031 MADRID - ESPAĂ‘A Ph.: +34-91 380 04 08 Sachets GK4/P

The pantented GK4/P sachets are used to reduce the ethylene level in a very effective way during the transport and storage of a wide range of fruit and vegetables, both in the wholesale and retail. Easyfit Filter EF (100) (75) (50)

The Easyfit filter, manufactured under high quality and R&D standards, has not only been designed thinking about the produce to be protected but also the people who assemble it.

The ethylene and other volatiles emitted by fruits and vegetables accelerate their ripening, senescence and rotting. The patented GKI blankets reduce the concentration of contaminants during transport and distribution, thus maintaining quality and extending fruit postharvest life.

Blankets GK4/P (M B+P) The etylene emitted by plantain accelerates the ripening, decay and incidence of soft-green fruit during the transport in green, as well as losses by rotting and over-ripening after the artificial ripening. The patented GKI blankets reduce the concentration of ethylene during the transport, thereby extending fruit postharvest life. The GK4/P Blanket (M B+P) is used for banana and plantain. Blankets GK4/P (M P+S) The ethylene and other volatiles emitted by non-climacteric produce like pineapple accelerate their senescence, decay and rotting. The patented GKI blankets reduce the ethylene and volatiles of contaminants during distribution, thereby maintain quality and extending fruit postharvest life. The GK4/P Blanket (M P+S) is used for pineapple and berries.

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Our ULTIMO ripening room ensures maximum efficiency for heterogenous ripening. For precision ripening and maximum flexibility we offer the random access AXESSO room. Our systems are standard equipped with our REVERSO fans designed to ripen at full air flow with minimal energy usage.

INTERKO Nijverheidstraat 8 2751 GR MOERKAPELLE THE NETHERLANDS Ph. +31-(0)79-593 2581 Fax +31-(0)79-593 1204 Chris Maat Managing Director/Partner

Revolutionary ripening Interko is the global leader for the design, manufacture and installation of state-of-the-art ripening systems for fresh fruit. Founded 50 years ago, Interko develops reliable systems that are built to last. Since its creation, the company has installed over 5,000 ripening rooms for bananas, avocados, mangoes and papayas, the earliest of which are still in operation and performing well today. Nowadays we install about 200 rooms per year.

Simple solutions Interko has a well-earned reputation for quality ripening at attractive overall costs and the development of systems that require only minimal maintenance. Clear instructions mean that the systems can be up and running quickly. Gassing systems and gas-tight doors can be delivered as part of the package. Installation can be coordinated by one of our local partners. Assembly can also be arranged. By choosing Interko you benefit from premium fruit quality, a longer shelflife, minimal product losses and lower operational costs.

Clients Interko works with a wide range of clients throughout the world, from family-owned businesses and service providers to large distributors, the big banana brands and retailers. Please contact us to find out how you could benefit from quality ripening systems you can trust.

State-of-the-art systems Interko offers everything from a plug and play ripening solution in a basic room to high-end, multi-layer ripening rooms for big distribution centres used by established retailers, distributors and importers. We are proud to provide custom-made solutions to ripen just a few boxes of bananas in the smallest room to as many as 72 pallets in a large room and everything in between. More in Postharvest



MOELCO LEVANTE S.L. C/ Orión, 13 Polig. Ind. La Estrella 30700 TORREPACHECO (Murcia) SPAIN Ph. +34-968 336 175 Fax +34-968 336 198 Moelco Levante specializes in fast cooling or precooling. Its products are: “Vacuum Coolers” or vacuum precoolers, refrigeration chambers for cooling and storage, control and automation systems, and services related to refrigeration: chamber sizing, upgrading of existing chambers, design, construction and installation of refrigeration equipment; legal questions.

The vacuum cooler brings the product to the optimum storage temperature in less than half an hour. Cooling speed is very important today, due to the commercial dissemination of fresh cut presentation for fruit and vegetables and increasing demand for fresh produce throughout the year. This implies production of the same vegetable species in different climates according to season and also to displace the location of produce handling facilities. The shelf life of the product becomes an essential aspect for companies engaged in international trade of horticultural products. The faster a low temperature is achieved, longer is the average shelf life of the produce.

The largest vacuum cooler facility in Europe

Vacuum Cooler Vacuum Cooler is the most effective way to cool leafy vegetables such as lettuce Iceberg, Romaine, Batavia, Trocadero, chicory, cabbage, endive, or spinach. It also cools mushrooms, flowers, strawberries, etc. Cooling time is less than 25 minutes; equipment with capacity ranging from one to thirty pallets is available, also with vacuum coolers with capacities between 7-150 m3.

Moelco, as a specialist in vacuum coolers, has build the largest facility of this kind in Europe for Urcisol Group, located in Murcia, Spain. With a turnover capacity of 60 pallets/hour, the facility processes and trades 800.000 lettuce units a day, keeping the highest quality for each one unit.

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PAC LIFE Los Duraznos #0683 LA PINTANA - SANTIAGO DE CHILE CHILE Ph. +56-2-2820 0400 PAC LIFE has its origin in the name given to a new generation of high permeability packaging material to be used in the preservation of fruit and vegetables. Bags made of such material are “ACTIVE VESSELS� that interact with the products they contain, changing the composition of the atmosphere inside them and increasing in that way the postharvest life of fresh fruits and vegetables.

produce, keeping its taste and also its organoleptic characteristics. Inside the bag, high relative humidity is kept, allowing for firmness of the produce and to reduce dehydration and weight losses. Much more effectively than an usual perforated bag. Besides, the additives included in the material take care of excess humidity, avoiding condensation and reducing the appearance of produce rotting. Pac Life, modified atmosphere vessels

Preserve quality

The Pac Life technology, modified atmosphere packaging of PSS Packages Spa for the manufacturing of active packaging materials, is a last generation polymeric blend that improves permeability, and includes special additives in its molecular structure. Ethylene absorbers among them. The final result is an optimal balance between oxygen and carbon dioxide, eliminating humidity inside the bag, avoiding condensation and rotting. The Pac Life technology is available for the main kinds of fruit (apples, kiwis, cherries, peaches, nectarines, avocados, asparagus and other vegetables and flowers).

The technology is a new development patented by the company that starts working since the moment of the sealing of the Pac Life bags. The fruit or vegetable goes on breathing, lowering the oxygen and increasing the CO2 concentrations inside the package. Inside, a balanced atmosphere develops, increasing shelf life of the More in Postharvest



PLASTIDOM - PLÁSTICOS INDUSTRIAIS E DOMÉSTICOS, S.A. Rua Flores, Carreira de Água-Barosa 2400-016 BAROSA (Leiria) - PORTUGAL Ph. +351-244-880 160 Fax +351-244-880 161 Plastic products for agricultural and domestic use and also for the general industry. Boxes, containers and plastic pallets Domplex.

Foldable, low priced box

Export of fruit and vegetables

Domplex ITC Ref. 845E0N1

Bin G4 1.2/1.2-0.76 CA The boxes sized 60 x 40 cm at the base and 20 cm deep and the boxes sized 50 x 30 cm at the base and 15 and 20 cm deep are made of first, food use raw materials. Pallete DLP 1.2/0.8 c/ 3 Trav. Inj.

Domplex ITC Ref. 620F Size: 1200 x 1200 x 760 Capacity: 795 l Colors: White and grey

Foldable plastic box

Available in different shapes The boxes sized 60 x 40 cm at the base, are 11, 18 or 23 cm deep; and the boxes sized 30 x 40 cm at the base have a depth of 18 cm. The boxes are made of first, food use raw materials.

Ideal for storage and transportation of agricultural products. It has three rungs across that give it solidity. Size is 1200 x 800 x 165 mm.

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URSCHEL INTERNATIONAL LTD 1200 Cutting Edge Drive IN 46304 CHESTERTON - USA Ph. +1-219 464 4811 Fax: +1-219 462 3879 Urschel Laboratories, Inc., headquartered in Chesterton, Indiana, U.S.A. is the global leader in food cutting technology. Since 1910, Urschel Laboratories has been designing and manufacturing precision size reduction equipment including: commercial potato chip slicers, high capacity cheese shredders, dicers for a wide array of fruits and vegetables, high speed french fry cutters, meat dicers, peanut butter manufacturing mills, fish processing equipment, poultry dicers, precision lettuce shredders, crumblers for bakery rework, bulk bread cubers, wet and dry milling equipment for the food and pharmaceutical industries, and a wide array of other cutting applications. With over 100 years of experience, Urschel has a global network of experts in services, sales and support to assist you with any cutting application.

Worldwide With a range of over 50 different models of cutting machinery, URSCHEL processing equipment is used by leading manufacturers of food processing in the United States and throughout the world.

The latest addition to the Urschel line of dicers, the Sprint 2 builds on the technology of the DiversaCut Sprint® Dicer and is inspired by the longstanding Model G. Accepting an infeed product up to 6.5” (165.1 mm) in any dimension, the dicer offers a stainless steel sanitary design throughout with the food zone completely isolated from the mechanical zone. The new Sprint 2 offers an alternative for the Models G, G-A, GK-A, H, or H-A Dicers with increased horsepower and benefits, and is available in two versions – with and without a builtin conveyor. E TRANSLICER® CUTTER

Engineered to produce continuous precision slices with extensive detail given to key elements throughout the machine, the efficient E TranSlicer® Cutter represents the smallest footprint in the production-proven TranSlicer series in the Urschel line-up. The E TranSlicer uses interchangeable 20” (508 mm) diameter cutting wheels (MicroSlice®, slicing, shredding, and julienne) to produce a full range of cuts at high capacities. The machine accepts firm infeed products up to 4” (102 mm) and compressible products up to 6” (152 mm).

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a painstaking process that involves regulating temperature, gas concentration, humidity, ventilation and pressure – fully in line with the demands/requirements of their clients.

VDH PRODUCTS Produktieweg 1 9301 ZS RODEN - HOLLAND Ph. +31-50-3028900 Fax: +31-50-3028980 VDH Products is one of the world’s leading manufacturers for more than 40 years of accurate control systems in all situations where temperature, pressure and relative humidity are critical parameters. VDH Products is known for the innovativeness and reliability of its solutions, combined with the high quality of its products.

The PROBA 5 is the latest generation fruit ripening controllers for ripening and degreening chambers and is the most recent addition to the successful PROBA series. Its predecessors have proven to be a true business asset worldwide, as they are reliable, versatile, economical and simple to use. VDH has already supplied more than 8,000 operating systems for ripening chambers and has acquired comprehensive knowledge of the do’s and don’ts of the industry. The result is a truly professional system that offers you more ripening process parameter options than any other system in the market. Fruitstorage

Solutions from VDH Products are used in e.g. the following branches: Fruitripening Controlled cooling and storage of both hard and soft fruit is a very carefully process in which the temperature, humidity, ventilation, defrosting are regulated very precisely. The MC3-FRUIT is a smart storage controller for the cooling and storage of fruit. The system monitors and regulates the entire storage process. Tropical-fruit retailers want their fruit delivered with a specific ripeness and in specific numbers. It is up to the professional suppliers to ensure that they meet their clients’ requirements. The PROBA 5 controller enables suppliers to control the total ripening process in their warehouses – More in Postharvest





THM - TECNOLOGÍAS DE HORTÍCULTURA MEDITERRÁNEA FRUIT LOGISTICA MESSE BERLIN GMBH Messedamm 22 14055 BERLIN - GERMANY Ph. +49 (0)30 3038-0 Fax +49 (0)30 3038-2325 Fair specializad in fresh fruits and vegetables and its technology. Annual. Represented in Spain for Brifer Services.

GROWPACK, LTDA. Feliciano Rodriguez, 2664 11600 MONTEVIDEO - URUGUAY Ph. +598-2-706 7992 Fax +598-2-706 7992

Dr. Manuel Candela 26, 11ª 46021 VALENCIA - SPAIN Ph. +34-630 871 738 THM group, Mediterranean gardening technologies, is an initiative of a group of companies to contribute to knowledge on technologies and trends in the horticultural industry. Companies participating in the THM group, Mediterranean gardening technologies, adopt a commitment to create synergies and complementarities between private and public, among horticultural producers, companies and scientists, and thus contribute to creating opportunities in a concept of horticulture as a development factor. THM Group provides consulting deals and aim to fulfill our commitment to contribute to an efficient and modern horticulture.

Representation, advising and services for post-harvest materials and equipment for fruits and vegetables. Specialized in citrus fruits.

SPE3, s.l. -



SWITRACE SA Via Francesco Catenazzi, 5 6850 MENDRISIO - SWITZERLAND Ph. +41(0)91-646 18 74 We manufacture the iPlug temperature and humidity data loggers. These devices are designed for fruit and vegetables exporters. We also develop and manufacture tailor made solutions to monitor temperature and humidity of perishables during logistics, handling and storage. All our products are designed and manufactured in Switzerland”. Temperature and humidity data loggers and monitors for the perishable industry

SWITRACE for perishables serves the food exporters globally, with a specific range of temperature and humidity data loggers. SwiTrace counts on: I-PLUG pdf logger I-PLUG pdf logger - LCD Display I- PLUG pdf logger with External Sensor I-PLUG Temperature and Humidity pdf logger I-NET – Real time temperature and humidity monitor


TECNIDEX, FRUIT PROTECTION, S.A. C/ Ciudad de Sevilla, 45A Pol. Ind. Fuente del Jarro 46988 PATERNA (Valencia) - ESPAÑA Tel.: +34-96 132 34 15 Fax: +34-96 132 10 77 AgroFresh is a leading global innovator and provider of sciencebased solutions, data-driven technologies and experience-backed services to enhance the quality and extend the shelf life of fresh produce. For more than 20 years, AgroFresh has been revolutionizing the apple industry and has launched new innovative solutions in a variety of fresh produce categories from bananas to cherries and citrus to pears. AgroFresh supports growers, packers and retailers in ensuring postharvest solutions across the industry enhance crop values while conserving our planet’s resources and reducing global food waste. AgroFresh offers a full portfolio of post-harvest fungicides, waxes, coatings and detergents through Tecnidex, an AgroFresh, company.

SPE3, s.l. -


XEDA INTERNATIONAL S.A. 1397 Route nationale 7 ZAC LA CRAU 13670 SAINT-ANDIOL - FRANCE Ph. +33-(0)4-90 90 23 23 Fax +33-(0)4-90 90 23 20 Manufacturers of conditioning machinery for horticultural products, but we are also manufacturers of postharvest agrochemicals, like fungicides, scald inhibitors, anti sprouting for potatoes, sanitizers, coatings (waxes), detergents, pre-harvest products against sunburn and cherry cracking. We are also partners and exclusive world-wide distributors for Euro-Label 06, which is a French company and the second European manufacturer of fruit label and application machines. See the advertisement on page 84

SPE3, s.l. -




SPE3, s.l. -

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