Up to 2,500 seasonal workers are expected to arrive in New Zealand between now and March 2022
New Zealand relies on seasonal workers to help its crucial agricultural sector thrive. Following many challenges as a result of the pandemic and border closures, seasonal workers are now returning to our shores to bolster the labour supply shortage.
With this in mind, we recently updated the policy to include selected cover for epidemic and pandemic diseases such as Covid-19,” he says. Allianz Partners New Zealand Chief Executive Officer Kevin Blyth says it’s important employers ensure their workers have insurance in place during their time living and working in New Zealand in the wake of Covid-19.
It is estimated that between now and March 2022, up to 2,500 workers from Vanuatu, Samoa and the Solomon Islands will arrive in New Zealand as part of the Recognised Seasonal Employer programme. These workers will provide critical support to the fruit, vegetable and grapegrowing industries.
“All workplaces have a role to play in looking after employees and minimising the risk of Covid-19 transmission – this is no different for seasonal workers. Seasonsafe can provide assurance to both employers and seasonal workers that cover is in place should seasonal workers contract Covid-19 during their time working in New Zealand,” says Blyth.
For those embarking on the journey to New Zealand, it doesn’t come without risk. It is essential that seasonal workers are insured for their period of stay in New Zealand, to cover potential medical or travel issues that might arise.
Seasonsafe is part of InsurancesafeNZ, a portfolio managed by Allianz Partners and Mercer Marsh Benefits. Seasonal workers who hold a current Recognised Seasonal Employer Limited Visa are eligible for this policy.
Allianz Partners and Mercer Marsh Benefits have developed Seasonsafe to protect seasonal workers coming to New Zealand by providing medical and travel insurance. Seasonsafe now offers selected cover for epidemic and pandemic diseases*, including Covid-19.
Those interested in making Seasonsafe available to employees should contact Mark Taylor, Mercer Marsh Benefits Development Manager mark.taylor@mercermarshbenefits.com.
Mercer Marsh Benefits Business Development Manager, Mark Taylor, says the policy has been designed with seasonal workers in mind. “When creating the policy, we considered the specific needs of seasonal workers and benefits that would be relevant to this group, such as emergency dental treatment.
*As with any insurance, terms, conditions, limits, sub-limits and exclusions apply. To require cover for pre-existing medical condition(s), a medical risk assessment form must be completed as stated in the Policy Wording.