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Seasonsafe – Looking after seasonal workers in the time of Covid-19



Up to 2,500 seasonal workers are expected to arrive in New Zealand between now and March 2022

New Zealand relies on seasonal workers to help its crucial agricultural sector thrive. Following many challenges as a result of the pandemic and border closures, seasonal workers are now returning to our shores to bolster the labour supply shortage.

It is estimated that between now and March 2022, up to 2,500 workers from Vanuatu, Samoa and the Solomon Islands will arrive in New Zealand as part of the Recognised Seasonal Employer programme. These workers will provide critical support to the fruit, vegetable and grapegrowing industries.

For those embarking on the journey to New Zealand, it doesn’t come without risk. It is essential that seasonal workers are insured for their period of stay in New Zealand, to cover potential medical or travel issues that might arise.

Allianz Partners and Mercer Marsh Benefits have developed Seasonsafe to protect seasonal workers coming to New Zealand by providing medical and travel insurance. Seasonsafe now offers selected cover for epidemic and pandemic diseases*, including Covid-19.

Mercer Marsh Benefits Business Development Manager, Mark Taylor, says the policy has been designed with seasonal workers in mind. “When creating the policy, we considered the specific needs of seasonal workers and benefits that would be relevant to this group, such as emergency dental treatment. With this in mind, we recently updated the policy to include selected cover for epidemic and pandemic diseases such as Covid-19,” he says.

Allianz Partners New Zealand Chief Executive Officer Kevin Blyth says it’s important employers ensure their workers have insurance in place during their time living and working in New Zealand in the wake of Covid-19.

“All workplaces have a role to play in looking after employees and minimising the risk of Covid-19 transmission – this is no different for seasonal workers. Seasonsafe can provide assurance to both employers and seasonal workers that cover is in place should seasonal workers contract Covid-19 during their time working in New Zealand,” says Blyth.

Seasonsafe is part of InsurancesafeNZ, a portfolio managed by Allianz Partners and Mercer Marsh Benefits. Seasonal workers who hold a current Recognised Seasonal Employer Limited Visa are eligible for this policy.

Those interested in making Seasonsafe available to employees should contact Mark Taylor, Mercer Marsh Benefits Development Manager


*As with any insurance, terms, conditions, limits, sub-limits and exclusions apply. To require cover for pre-existing medical condition(s), a medical risk assessment form must be completed as stated in the Policy Wording.

Herman van der Gulik, sales manager, Pauline Kerbiriou, pumpkin crop breeding manager global, Aneil Hari, technical sales manager.


Great pumpkin and butternut varieties...


SAMPSON: Vine type, this strong plant produces large fruit, mid grey in colour, heavy and dense. Sampson has good fruit set and high yield potential. Sampson fruit has a concave top with thick, fl eshy shoulders. Fruit is lightly ribbed with a small neat blossom end. Internal quality is exceptional; dark orange fl esh and a very small seed cavity. Ideal for fresh cut fruit sales. The fruit stores well. Fruit size of 5 to 7kg. NELSON: Early bush type, fl at round shape with broad shoulders. Nelson is a very vigorous bush hybrid with early maturity. The bush habit results in easier growth management and allows higher population densities. The fi rst fruit set is close to the crown, but if conditions are good, the plant can grow a vine with a later fruit set. The internal fl esh colour is very attractive uniform dark orange. Fruit size of 4 to 6kg. MINARAY: Vine type, medium sized grey pumpkin with excellent storage potential, ideal for whole fresh market sale. Flat-round shape with heavy shoulders and dark orange fl esh. Fruit size 3.5 to 4kg with nice uniformity.


ORANGE SUMMER: Semi-bush with early maturity, orange coloured fruit and fl attish globe shaped fruit with thick walled fl esh. Orange Summer shows early fl owering which results in early fruit setting. Because of this, most fruit setting is near the base of the plant, which can give easier harvesting and facilitates mechanical weeding for a longer time. Has mild storage and excellent eating quality. Fruit size of 1.2 to 1.6kg FLEXI KURI: Vine type with early maturity, commercial introduction: Orange coloured fruit, fl at round shaped fruit with fl attened top for stem protection during post harvest. Improved yield per plant with thick walled fl esh. Shows early fl owering which results in early fruit setting. Good storage and taste. Fruit size of 1.2 to 1.6kg.


TIANA: Vine type with medium-early maturity, Tiana is suited for small size fresh market sale. High yield potential compared to OP-comparison. The fruit quality is very consistent and the fl esh has an intense dark colour. Fruit size of 1 to 1.2kg. HAVANA: Compact vine type, early maturing Butternut with good uniform internal colour. Classic Waltham fruit shape. Higher yield compared to standard OP types. Excellent storability. Fruit size of 1.2 to 1.5kg.

Enza Zaden NZ have a wide range of pumpkin varieties, from the super reliable storage of Sampson to the tasty thin skinned Orange Summer. Enza Zaden have proudly supplied commercial pumpkin and butternut varieties for many decades and we understand the importance of New Zealand’s Vegetable Growing Professionals. Please call us direct on 09 963 0122 to request seed of any of our varieties. Contact Beverley Vahai 021 193 1008 or sales@enzazaden.co.nz for customer support. For technical advice on open fi eld crops, contact Aneil Hari 021 367 242, or sales manager Herman van der Gulik, 021 858 939. www.enzazaden.co.nz

Backing mental fi tness for New Zealand’s Rural Professionals www.rural-support.org.nz

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