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SEASONAL AND FRESH, WELL PREPARED Always buy fresh products offered by the region. Avoid products that are further industrially processed, such as: melted cheese, patae, sweet products etc. Do not over boil the products on high temperatures. Boil them with very little water and very little fat, on this way the food keeps its fresh taste, the vitamins and all other nutrients. French fries, piroshki, steaks and etc. prepared in large quantities of hot oil, may be an exception for exceptional occasions. Use very little amount of salt and lots of fresh spices.

FLUIDS: The body delivers (transfers) messages between the organs through blood and other fluids. One healthy body needs large quantities of water, at least 1.5l of water per day! Drink water or tea with very little sugar or without sugar. Avoid drinking anything colorful, especially fruit juices and carbonated beverages (coca-cola, fanta etc), because they contain lots of sugar and nothing else, they are drank for their taste, and not because of thirst! PRODUCTS CONTAINING CAFFEINE: Black or green tea are not counted in as fluids, but they protect the heart. Daily are allowed 3 cups of beverages that contain caffeine, mostly green tea, but also black tea, which are better than coffee.

THE BASE: As the green market shows us vegetables and fruits of our country, in all colors and shapes, wait to be turned into delicious salads, boiled or stewed dishes. Shopska salad, soups, turli tava or grape for dessert. Our body functions the best with the help of all vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers and special protected substances (materials) in the plant. Daily eat 5 servings of fruits and veggies. One serving means one full hand i.e. one apple, one tomato, 10cm cucumber, small plate salad or one full spoon turli tava. They strengthen the body, the immune system and protect the cells. But also they protect the skin from aging. Use lots of onion, garlic, fresh salads and sweet spices.

WHAT MAKES US FED: Bread and foods of flour, potatoes, but also beans, peas, green beans, lentils make us fed and happy. Daily you should eat 3-5 servings. For those who are physically active, like the athletes, need to eat 5 servings, and for people that are physically active on average need to eat 3 servings. One serving means one full hand, such as: one piece of bread and one potato, one full hand of rice or pasta. The whole wheat products are better, have different taste and slowly you need to get used to them. Beans, green beans, peas, lentils or bamji can replace the whole wheat bread, and their dietary fibers protect the heart: eat tavce gravce, turli tava, beans, bamji or foods of letils at least 3 times a week.

CHANGE OF THE OIL; GOOD AND BAD OILS The healthy oil must be “cold pressed oil“. Cold pressed oil is produced so that the seeds (such as sunflower or flexed seeds) are not heated but swaged, filtered and the resulting oil is bottled. In this way the oil keeps the healthy fatty acids, the vitamin E that protect the cells and most important keeps the bioactive plant substances. These oils are recognized by the label “cold pressed” and according to the taste that has strong flavor. The cold pressed oils are used cold in salads or can be warmed shortly or can be cooked with them. Many of the oils in Macedonia are refined, before the pressing the seeds are chopped and warmed on high temperature, so on this way the seeds can produce larger amounts of oil and the oil is cheaper. With the use of chemical materials, the oil is whitened, then follows process of drying and later on is continued with processes that prolong the usage of the oil and is enriched with artificial colors, flavors and vitamins. The refined oil technically is easily processed during production of (konditorski) products that contain fat, such as biscuits, sweets and also sausages and burek. In the refined oils are destroyed the favors and colors, the vitamins and the protective substances, and are produced substances that are dangerous for the blood vessels. Daily consume 2-3 soup spoons cold pressed oil and one hand full of walnuts, almonds, flexed seeds, olives and other similar products. These products and fish contain lots of healthy fats that protect the heart. Very little amount of meat, sausage, cheese and dairy products fats need to be consumed. Most harmful are the saturated and hidden fats in biscuits, cakes, different tapas, fast foods, ready-made soups or souses, sausages and pataes. Dangerous substances are produced especially during frying in large quantities of hot oil – avoid these kinds of products.

MILK AND DAIRY PRODUCTS: One glass of milk or one glass of yogurt and one piece of cheese i.e. 60g. cheese, is sufficient amount to meet the daily needs of calcium. The dairy products provide lots of energy. If you want to keep your weight you should not eat large quantities of them..

MEAT AND SAUSAGES: The body requires very little quantities of meat and sausages and not on daily bases. Because of that are allowed 300-600g meat and sausages weekly. That means 40-80g of meat and sausages per day or one piece with the size of a hand. Instead to eat small daily serving, 3 times a week you can eat average servings. Meat and sausages are very delicious, but contain lots of calories. Better are chicken, beef or lamb as stewed dishes than grilled meat or minced pork meat. In the sausages and pataes often are added harmful substances, taste amplifiers, artificial flavorings and other additional materials. Better choose ham than mortadela or patae. ADDITIONAL PRODUCTS: The body does not need chocolate, sweets, biscuits, ice cream and other sweet products, burek or other pastries that contain lots of fat, gevrek and other white flour pastries, foods prepared by frying in large quantities of hot oil and also alcohol. Eat these products only in certain occasions or when you celebrate something. One glass of red vine is good for the heart, but only during dinner. Consuming much less of the additional foods is better.

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