Newsletter of the Tourism Industry Association of Newfoundland and Labrador
Fall 2012
Members of HNL’s Board of Directors meet in Gander in September Front Row (l-r): Annette Parsons, Darlene Thomas, Peter Antle
Back Row (l-r): Rex Avery, Rick Stanley, Todd Wight, Dion Finlay, John Dicks Missing from Photo: Greg Fleming, Todd Warren, Cathy Lomond
Pearls of wisdom
Fall 2012
One of the best parts of my job is reading letters and comments from travellers complimenting the people and places in Newfoundland and Labrador that have delivered up great vacation experiences. These comments usually focus on specific moments during their trips when they have met people from this province, who have made them feel warm and welcome. Often, they Carol-Ann Gilliard talk about having been CEO, Hospitality Newfoundland enlightened in some way, and Labrador being left with a whole new understanding of this spectacular place and wonderful people. If you have a chance to view the positive things people say after their visits here, you will see that travellers are struck by the friendly, goodnatured, funny and hospitable people that they meet and the natural and cultural beauty of the places they visit. They are struck by the charm and ruggedness of not only our landscape but also our personalities. I have often had goose bumps reading what some travellers describe as life-changing experiences they have had as a result of a little exchange with someone from Newfoundland and Labrador, who did little more than simply be who they naturally are. In contrast, one of the worst parts of my job is reading letters and comments from people who have travelled here, informing us of ways that people and places have not delivered great vacation memories. It is heartening to note that the volume of positive comments exponentially outnumber negative ones. Receiving negative comments, though, is an unavoidable part of the service industry. Many of the complaints are legitimate but even the ones that arise out of miscommunication or misunderstanding are still disheartening to hear. To think that someone left our province with a negative impression of our people and place goes against the very nature of Newfoundland and Labrador people and hospitality. As the providers of tourism services and attractions in our province, tourism operators often hear both the negative and positive experiences directly from travellers. In fact, it is often through tourism operators that HNL receives comments about travel experiences. The operators that forward along such comments do so because they want to contribute to our collective learning about the quality of our products and services, promote and build on the positive characteristics, and fix the negative aspects that persist. This summer, I learned that operators do not just take personally the bad experiences customers have in their businesses, but they also take personally the experiences they have at other organizations. These operators understand that, in the end, any bad experience impacts the whole vacation experience for travellers and they take ownership of the impressions left on visitors to our province. As one tourism owner said to me, “I do everything in my power to exceed my customers’ expectations when they’re with me but I have little control over what happens before they come or after they leave.”
I once heard someone describe a vacation as a string of pearls. Travellers experience so many different places, services and attractions during their vacations; each of these constitute a pearl, with all of them together making up the final necklace or vacation memory. When all of those pearls are of similar and consistent quality, the whole entire string has a higher value. The more pearls that have defects, scratches or cracks, the less valuable the whole string becomes. For a Newfoundland and Labrador vacation, the pearls are made up of many different places, services and attractions: The tools travellers use to plan and book their trip, the mode of transportation they take to get here, the basic information and infrastructure they need to get around, the bed they sleep in, the food they eat, the tour they take, the walking trail they hike, the roads they walk, the signs they read and everything else they experience are all the pearls that, in the end, complete their vacation necklace. The complexity and nature of our industry is that, in most cases, one individual tourism organization cannot be held accountable for the complete travel experience that visitors want and expect when they come here. One tourism organization that offers a high quality experience is only as good as the other organizations that travellers use and visit. To add more complexity, we are also critically dependent on the quality of services delivered in other industries, like transportation. As individual owners and operators, it hardly sounds fair that your business success is in part out of your control, that you not only have to be concerned with the quality offered in your organization but also in everyone else’s! Unfortunately, you cannot simply ask yourself if you are putting a beautifully unmarred pearl on the string. You have to ask if everyone else is contributing pearls that are good enough. You also cannot just worry about the pearls in your neck of the woods… travellers travel all over the province for their vacations. Whether a bad experience is from within your immediate region or not, word travels all over our dominant travel markets about the entire Newfoundland and Labrador experience. In the end, even if your part of the vacation production stands out positively, the outcome will still be the same: the whole vacation in Newfoundland and Labrador will be devalued if the pearls are inconsistent in quality. Sooner or later, the whole can devalue the sum of the parts. But the sum of the parts, working together and holding each other accountable to quality standards, will help elevate the quality and value of the whole. This is the basic premise of our work at HNL and with our partners on the NL Tourism Board: the sum of the parts of the tourism industry - tourism service and attraction organizations - working together to raise the value of the whole. Right now, a considerable focus is placed on offering quality initiatives that will help all of our interdependent organizations focus on quality, and in doing so build our competitiveness and value. I hope all operators in our tourism industry recognize how important these steps are for our future, collectively and individually. We need everyone aiming to string a high quality set of pearls every time. And when you think about it, it should come as second nature…I mean, we have a lot of experience hanging things on the line!
The two sides to “have” choose a particular career path. There is more to life than money and more people are starting to recognize that the meaning of your life’s work can be as valuable as the income. Are we putting enough effort into creating a desirable work environment and do we understand the lengths we may have to go if we are to retain and attract employees? 2. EI Reform. As an industry that is heavily based in seasonal operations, the changes being discussed as part of the EI Reform process will most likely change the way in which tourism businesses operate. So, the question remains, what effect will EI reform have on the tourism industry in a “have” province? While many tourism operators have dedicated staff that return for the busy season, year after year will such staff have the luxury of being laid off without being able to rely on EI? Will EI Reform mean that tourism employers have more workers to choose from because more people will have to look for work or will it mean that more people will have to seek work in other industries that guarantee work year round? This will surely affect seasonal operations and perhaps mean that seasonal businesses will have to adopt a different approach to their operations. There are many questions but the certainty is that the tourism industry will have to adjust. Our big advantage here is that we know change is coming, so we can we plan to mitigate the negative impacts and take advantage of the positive as they happen. 3. Minimum wage review. As the province experiences the natural evolution of higher wages brought on by a “have” economy, small operators have a tougher time competing for available labour as they do not always have the means to pay higher wages, even for essential staff positions. As the majority of the tourism industry is made up of small to medium sized businesses, many of which operate seasonally, increasing the minimum wage seriously impacts their profitability and viability. While most operators agree that they would like to pay employees more, it is not always feasible. Uncommon Potential discusses concepts like increasing visitor traffic, increasing yield per traveller and developing destinations and partnerships that will help attract more affluent markets. But, if tourism organizations cannot compete, we cannot service these travellers. The debate about these things can go back and forth between the pros and cons many times over and what I have mentioned above is just a glimpse of the impacts. The collective consideration and debate of these points really does demonstrate the complexity of the tourism industry and the economic environment in which we now operate. We are at a critical juncture where big decisions are being made by governments and subsequently, we have to make a few of our own. For me, in my business, the only one who can tell me what to do and how to do it is ultimately me. It is up to me how I take advantage of what is accessible to me. Having many options is certainly better than having none and having too much information certainly outweighs not having any. So, I encourage all of you: stay tuned to the environment around you. Examine carefully where your options are in dealing with the labour market challenges and in all aspects of your business. Engage with HNL as we move forward in meeting with industry and government partners that are making decisions that will directly affect you. In this time of “have” the sky truly is the limit but we have to make sure we are the one’s soaring amongst the clouds. So always keep striving to improve personally and professionally so we can all see continued success short term and long term.
Fall 2012
Is it fall already? It’s hard to believe that summer has come and gone so quickly, but what a summer it was! Thankfully, the dismal memories of our 2011 summer weather were long gone as we basked in the sun of 2012! For years, Newfoundland and Labrador’s tourism industry has been touted as a success story. While other economies, especially tourism industries, stagnated, Darlene Thomas Newfoundland and Labrador’s Chair, Hospitality Newfoundland grew. And while the growth and Labrador was slight at times, it was still growth. Proudly, those in the tourism industry can boast that we were, and remain, a part of Newfoundland and Labrador becoming a “have” province. While the economic contribution of our provincial tourism industry is not that of the powerhouse oil and gas industry, we can safely say, we are doing our part. So as we forge forward with our sights set on the goals outlined in Uncommon Potential, that will strengthen our industry further and allow us to contribute to the greater good even more, we are starting to see the two sides of “have.” The “rosy side” of “have” is the side that sees the economy thrive. After all, the more jobs there are, the more people that work, and the more money people have, the more they can spend, which impacts everything from the housing markets to consumer goods and everything in between, even residential tourism travel. From a business perspective, “have” may mean that businesses increase sales, which may lead to bigger profits, expansion of products and services, hiring more people, being able to service more customers, and this certainly leads to more money circulating in and around our economy. “Have” definitely has some high points, the least of which is creating an environment in Newfoundland and Labrador where people want to visit, want to live, want to invest and want to do business. This is good for everyone. It can be argued that the effects of “have” are felt more in the bigger centres, most notably in St. John’s. Being from Woody Point on the west coast, I would argue that the effects can be felt province-wide but certainly appreciate that some communities may see the direct benefits differently than others. However, let’s look at “have” from the perspective of one topic in particular, the labour market. For years, the tourism industry has been told that we are heading into a labour shortage and by the year 2030, there will be a shortage of 3,553 workers throughout Newfoundland and Labrador. This year, reports tell us that operators are really starting to feel the effects and it may only get worse. Despite the great work of tourism operators and many organizations, including HNL researching, educating and training employers and employees who work in the tourism industry so that we can meet the labour supply and demand issues, the effects are still being felt. To consider the more “challenging side” of “have” we must examine a few points: 1. Alberta is no longer our only challenge as we now have fierce competition in our own back yard. This is great for our people and province but the tourism industry will never be able to compete with industries like oil and gas on the basis of wages, so we have to figure out how we can compete, by highlighting our own competitive advantages of working in the tourism industry. Lifestyle, benefits, perks – these are all items that weigh heavily on a person’s decision to
Another season, more satisfied travellers! Traveller feedback. It can be what drives us to be better, what drives us to make improvements, or drives us to finally accept that we are doing something right or something wrong! As the busy summer season comes to a close, we can confidently say that there were many satisfied customers. And, in today’s age of social media, customer feedback, positive and negative can go global in seconds. One person’s experience can motivate others and change perceptions. All with the click of a button, an emotional connection can be made between an experience and a place, sometimes from people that have never even been! As a destination, this is what we want! We want travellers sharing their experiences, creating connections and motivating their peers. Here are some of the messages posted on NL Tourism’s Facebook page that continue to motivate travellers to Newfoundland and Labrador.
“Amazing!! Love Newfoundland and Labrador!” “Absolutely Beautiful !!” “God’s beautiful creatures of mankind.. Man I wanna move there sooo badly...My kids would love it, add them too...”
“Canada’s best kept secret” “I’ve lived here for 34 years, but it’s the first summer I took advantage of Boat Tours, Great summer spent on 4 Boat Tours.” “My favorite was staying in Lanse aux Meadows and seeing icebergs. My son’s favorite was the iron ore mine on Bell Island, my other son’s favorite was seeing icebergs, whales, dolphins, puffins and jellybean houses. My husband loved it all! It’s an amazing place! We now understand why you Newfoundlanders yearn to go back to the rock!” “Beautiful, beautiful Newfoundland.”
“The view from Signal Hill! Never gets old.”
Fall 2012
“Tout semble si beu au NFLD.”
“Who wouldn’t want to go there? And that’s just the scenery. Wait until you meet the people.”
“I miss it like I was born there.”
“The more I see of Newfoundland the more I wonder why I’ve never of my must see Canada list for sure, #1. Hiked around Cabot Tower and it was great! This year going to Twillingate and going hiking more than once. Love Newfoundland.”
“The fact that he’s in the BEST province ever! Ahh I miss NL” “It’s a beautiful day in Newfoundland.. I’d be happy if I were there too!” “Who wouldn’t smile if they were in Newfoundland?” “If you have never been to Newfoundland, GO!! Beautiful and unique. Makes you so proud to be CANADIAN!”
“I think he’s happy just because he’s in Newfoundland. I know how happy I am every time I’m there:))”
“I am sitting at my desk looking at my computer which has a picture of the humpback whale I saw near Bay Bulls and wishing I was still there...why does summer end?? I want to be back in Newfoundland!!!” “Already booked for 2013. Can’t wait.” “Back in Newfoundland that’s where I love to be! Had the best holiday touring your province by motorcycle this summer did not want to come back to Ontario!”
“It makes me feel so lucky to be a Newfoundlander, to know I am from a province with the most beautiful scenery ever. Love you Newfoundland/Labrador”
Fall 2012
“Want to show my son every inch of the island where his family is from!”
The Craft Council of NL works on behalf of professional craftspeople in NL to provide a mutually beneficial link between the craft and tourism sectors. Making a significant contribution to a tourist’s experience, craft creates objects that preserve and interpret our culture that will remind a tourist of a memorable visit. Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador Devon House Craft Centre St. John’s, NL A1C 1E6 709-753-2749
Craft Council Executive Director, Anne Manuel, with the Cultural Tourism Award
Fall 2012
The Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador was awarded the 2012 Cultural Tourism Award at HNL’s Annual Conference. Presented by Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador, The Department of Tourism, Culture and Recreation and Canadian Heritage, the Cultural Tourism Award is presented to an individual or organization that recognizes and promotes the pursuit of cultural expression within the tourism industry.
How does the Craft Council of NL work with craftspeople to strengthen the link between craft and tourism? The link between craft and tourism is very real and has a strong impact on both product development and sales. Most of our professional craftspeople depend heavily on sales made during the tourist season to build a profitable year and they work hard to create products that will appeal to that market. Products inspired by Newfoundland and Labrador culture and those which complement the cultural attractions that tourists come to see are particularly important. The Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador has developed several programs that help craftspeople to interact successfully with the tourism industry.
In addition, the Craft Council works with industry partners to develop and deliver a series of workshops designed to help local craftspeople create products which are inspired by artefacts found in museums and archaeological sites. These products are tangible reminders of a tourist’s visit to a cultural site and are a perfect example of a way in which craftspeople and cultural operations work together to enhance a visitor’s stay. What does the Craft Council of NL do to ensure the preservation of craft as an art form as generations of craftspeople retire? The Craft Council approaches this task from two directions. On one hand, we work to celebrate the traditional crafts of the province; on the other, we work to support and nurture emerging craft makers so that they will continue to make the fine works of craft that reflect our culture and their own individual artistic visions. In 2000, the Craft Council initiated its Awards for Excellence program. Three of the Awards are of particular interest: • The Award for the Preservation of Traditional Craft Skills is given to recognize the work of a group or individual in the preservation of a craft skill that has been handed down from generation to generation in the history of Newfoundland and Labrador. • The Award for Interpretation of Provincial History is given to a craftsperson who uses his or her skill to interpret and present the history and heritage of the province. Primary importance is attached to how the craftsperson interprets the province’s history. • The Award for Exceptional Achievement by a Young Craftsperson is given to an individual between the ages of 16 and 30 in the early stages of a professional craft career. This award recognizes the accomplishments of an emerging craftsperson with limited experience at a professional level. The Craft Council has a number of programs and projects directed at encouraging young makers, and these include: • the Studio Start-Up Fund provides financial assistance to craftspeople establishing their first studios - funds to buy equipment, materials and to do studio renovations • Crafted is a book that profiles ten young craft makers; its release is scheduled for October, 2012 • the Quidi Vidi Village Plantation is a craft incubator where young craftspeople can move through the early stages of a professional craft career in a supportive environment; the Craft Council is a partner in program development and delivery
What does winning the Cultural Tourism Award mean to you? Recognition for the work that the organization has done is always welcome, especially when it comes from another professional industry association. The fact that Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador has designated such an award is also meaningful to us, indicating recognition of the mutually beneficial roles that culture and tourism play. The Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador is proud to see our name on the list with previous winners of this award – we are all working hard together to advance the cultural and tourism industries of the province. Quality assurance is something that is becoming more and more important as we grow as a tourism industry. What measures are in place for the Craft Council of NL to ensure customers are guaranteed high quality craft products? The advancement of excellence in craft is a cornerstone principle of the Craft Council of Newfoundland and Labrador and a goal that the Craft Council works very hard to achieve. In the mid-1970’s the Craft Council established the Standards of Quality policy, a document written by members of the Craft Council. This policy outlines criteria for excellence in design, technique and materials used. Only work which meets those Standards of Quality can be sold at a Craft Council market venue. The criteria are reviewed and updated regularly, and the process is managed by a dedicated volunteer committee. This process of self-regulation, which is known in the professional craft world as ‘jurying’ is what assures our customers that all work purchased through our venues will be of the highest quality. In addition to customer satisfaction, this process has other benefits to the industry as a whole. When customers are assured of high quality, they show a willingness to pay a price that truly reflects the investment of the craftsperson. This has led to an increase in the number of professional craft makers who are able to maintain a full time income for themselves and for employees. In fact, it is a key contributor to a steady increase in industry value. The jurying process offers advice to craftspeople developing new products, and the Craft Council’s “New Creations Fund” is designed to provide financial assistance to those taking time away from regular production to design and develop new work. The development and delivery of training to support the strengthening of skills in design and technique is important to the Craft Council. The Craft Council encourages and assists other industry players to use the Council’s Standards of Quality in their own shops and businesses. What is the biggest thing you have learned about the tourism industry that has helped you grow craft in Newfoundland and Labrador? Understanding the priorities of the visiting tourist, and the things that are important to them, has helped the Craft Council guide its members towards successful approaches to the visitor. This can involve the creation of work that not only reflects the icons that tourists hold dear, but does so in a way that is authentic, personal and distinct to each maker. The Craft Council has learned that the tourist wants an authentic experience, one that is personal to them and one that makes their visit to this province different from any other. These too, are the goals of the professional craft industry – and the Craft Council – uniqueness and authenticity and personal attention to the details that matter.
Fall 2012
Craft displays at Visitor Information Centres introduce the travelling public to the crafts of Newfoundland and Labrador and serve as an invitation to visit studios and shops. The Annual Members Exhibition in the Craft Council Gallery shows an eclectic collection of fine works of craft made in all parts of the province. It is always scheduled for a solid two month period during the summer months. The Craft Council’s Guide to Professional Craft and Visual Art Studios in the province invites the public to visit the working spaces of craftspeople and artists and learn about their inspirations and techniques. We have an online studio guide, too, to make trip planning even easier.
Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador is now in the planning stages of Conference 2013. Having already selected the Delta St. John’s Hotel and Conference Centre as the 2013 venue, the Board and staff of HNL are now working on developing a program that best suits the needs of the industry and all attendees.
HNL CONFERENCE 2013 Wednesday, February 20th to Friday, February 22nd, 2013 Delta St. John’s Hotel and Conference Centre In 2013, we’ll celebrate 30 years of Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador! Join HNL’s leaders as we celebrate the successes of the tourism industry. HNL has a renewed focus for the 2013 Conference! After feedback from you, conference participants and stakeholders, we are ready to deliver an event that will give everyone something to talk about, and think about. With more practical sessions and motivational speakers, HNL’s Conference 2013 will provide leaders of the industry inspiration to do more in their own businesses but also the tools to make it happen!
Early bird registration is open now! Visit to register now and take advantage of Early Bird pricing. For more information on HNL’s Conference 2013, please contact: Michelle Burke HNL’s Events and Marketing Coordinator E: P: 709-722-2000, ext: 230 TF: 1-800-563-0700, ext: 230
2012’s Conference was a great success! But, we know there is still room for improvement. Check out some of the things you said we did well and some of the areas that need improvement: In a survey of Conference 2012 attendees: • 97.8% said the Conference “Met” or “Exceeded” expectations. - While many attendees commented that the speakers and topics were great, some wanted to see some more general information sessions and some that may be more widely applicable. We can do that! • 93% attended the Conference for the “Networking Opportunities” and 79.1% attended for the “Information Sessions.” - This clearly indicates that the balance between professional development and “free” time to work your own magic is important. We’ll keep that in mind for 2013! • 76.2% preferred the Conference be held in February or March. - Winter in NL, the weather will never be a guarantee. However, February and March seem to be the months that many in the tourism industry are available to attend. We took that into consideration and look forward to seeing you at the end of February! • When asked what the most important role of the Conference is: - 71.1% said to “Provide an opportunity for delegates to learn from sessions and speakers.” - 66.7% said to “Provide a venue in which delegates can network and get to know one another.” - Again, balance is important! While guest speakers and sessions provide great insight, it’s important to remember that the NL tourism industry has a lot of knowledge and there should be plenty of opportunities to share it!
As HNL continues to plan the 2013 Conference, we welcome you to continue to submit your thoughts and feedback to: Michelle Burke HNL’s Events and Marketing Coordinator P: 709-722-2000, ext: 230 TF: 1-800-563-0700, ext: 230 E:
Fall 2012
Don’t forget to register early to receive Early Bird pricing!
Please visit to register today!
HNL Conference Feedback Some highlights from Conference 2012
Delegates at the Gander Arts and Culture Centre during HNL’s 2012 Conference
Greg Klassen presents in the Pathway to Purchase session
Delegates network at HNL’s Conference Tradeshow
Dave Carroll presents at HNL’s Annual Conference
Delegates relax at a Conference Luncheon
Fall 2012
Presenters provide options in the For Better or Worse session
Community Education Network Clients are Ready to Work!
(L-R) Power Up! Participants: Dominic Felix, Tania Dyke, Gwen Benoit, Bobby White, Sharon Young, Rodrick Benoit and Program Coordinator, Corinne Tulk
Since the beginning of 2012, 15 clients of the Community Education Network (CEN) in Stephenville have completed the Ready to Work program, a national skills development program offered by Hospitality Newfoundland & Labrador (HNL) in partnership with the Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council (CTHRC). Ready to Work delivers a structured transition into the tourism workforce through classroom and workplace training based on emerit® national occupational standards.
CEN’s Power Up! program coordinator, Corinne Tulk, lead the group through the Tourism Essentials curriculum, helped them prepare for the job search, and helped them each find gainful employment in the areas of accommodations, food and beverage, and customer service. “Looking for a job is a full-time job and it is nice to have a package ready to deliver to willing participants,” says Tulk. “This program is effectively put together and encompasses all essential skills necessary to succeed in today’s workforce. Each time I have delivered this program, participants The program provides participants with the skills, knowledge, attitudes and feel they are more prepared and less stressed over the prospect of experience required for employment in tourism. In addition to achieving beginning their job search because they feel more confident and assured the emerit® Tourism Essentials occupational knowledge certificate, groups and the employers will see that as well.” can participate in other employability skills training such as SuperHost Atlantic or Responsible Alcohol Service. “The program has a lot of transferable skills such as interpersonal skills. It makes you aware and encourages you to think of the customer first, Community Education Network and Associates is a not-for-profit, which can be applied to any sector, not just tourism,” says Robert White, community based organization operating in Southwestern Newfoundland a 2012 Power Up! participant. Another participant enjoyed the program that believes in fostering lifelong learning. By providing specific learning so much that he is giving serious consideration to a career in the tourism opportunities, CEN aims to address the area’s social and economic sector. challenges using a holistic approach within the community. CEN provides opportunities for community engagement, facilitates partnerships Over the years, HNL, in partnership with community organizations between social service, educational, and funding agencies and acts as an like CEN, have been helping youth, mature workers, newcomers and umbrella for learning projects and programs. minorities find meaningful employment in tourism through Ready to Work. Also, employers in the industry have benefited from new Since 2011, CEN has used HNL’s Ready to Work within two of its programs: employees who have earned a foundation of knowledge and skills that Skills Link and, most recently, Power Up!. Power Up! is a subsidized, are required to work in tourism. transitional career development program offered by CEN and the Community Youth Network, and funded by the Department of Advanced For more information on how to start a Ready to Work program in your Education and Skills. It offers adults, aged 25 years and up, the opportunity organization, or how to hire a Ready to Work graduate, please contact to enter or re-enter the workforce through pre-employment training, Melissa Ennis at 709-722-2000 ext. 231 or hands-on work placements and ongoing skills development training. BIG ERICS INC. 99 Blackmarsh Road P.O. Box 6090 St. John’s, NL A1C 5X8 TEL: 709-579-2151 FAX: 709-576-6866
Fall 2012
Tourism is Dotting the I’s and Crossing the T’s on Literacy and Essential Skills for Frontline Jobs Forty percent of employees currently working in frontline positions in tourism have gaps in underlying essential skills. Filling essential skills gaps can reduce errors and increase performance, productivity and customer satisfaction. For the past year, HNL has been working with twelve hotels throughout the province in the UPSKILL Essentials to Excel demonstration project. Each participant hotel was selected through a random assignment application process and was offered a customized training solution for their frontline staff via the UPSKILLS project. The objective of the project is to help participating employers identify essential skill needs and deliver customized workplace-based training solutions to address the identified skills gaps. HNL is working with a pan-Canadian network of partners to implement
the project. More than 80 tourism operators and more than 1000 employees in eight provinces have participated in the UPSKILL project to date. Needs assessments and training solutions for this project are informed by the Canadian Tourism Human Resource Council’s industry research including emerit training and certification and are completed in partnership with SkillPlan and the Training Group at Douglas College. The project outcomes are expected to further develop the employer business case for essential skills training and have broad applicability to frontline occupations in other service industries. The research is being managed by the Social Research and Demonstration Corporation and is financed by the Government of Canada’s Office of Literacy and Essential Skills. Final results are expected mid 2013. For a complete list of partners and to learn more about the project visit www. or contact Juanita Ford at
Are you interested in learning more about how HNL can help you with your recruitment, retention and training strategies? Contact a member of HNL’s knowledgeable Professional Development team today! JUANITA FORD, Manager, Workforce and Industry Development P: 1-800-563-0700, ext: 226 E: MELISSA ENNIS, Workforce Development Coordinator P: 1-800-563-0700, ext: 231 E: KRISTA SWEETLAND, Workforce Development Coordinator P: 1-800-563-0700, ext: 235 E:
Fall 2012
SCOTT PENNEY, Training Coordinator P: 1-800-563-0700, ext: 215 E:
Building a stronger tourism network through HNL’s new secondary membership opportunity Building a stronger tourism network through HNL’s new secondary membership option!
Only then can HNL’s member businesses be properly represented to the rest of the tourism industry.
HNL is constantly working on enhancing value for its members. To better represent tourism services and attractions throughout the province, HNL’s mission is rooted in ensuring our members receive maximum value from membership. As such, HNL recently introduced a new membership option that offers existing members the opportunity to register secondary businesses under their parent member organizations.
Second, by including secondary businesses in the membership, HNL is expanding our tourism network. With all the changes ongoing in the tourism industry, knowledge really is power. By expanding the tourism network, HNL is involving more people, making sure they are informed and most importantly, making sure HNL is receiving as much valuable feedback as possible!
The objective of introducing secondary businesses into HNL’s membership is two-fold. First, many businesses operate secondary businesses as part of their primary business, such as a hotel that also operates a restaurant, or an attraction that also operates a gift shop. HNL feels it is important that each member be able to showcase their business in its entirety including all available amenities and services.
We encourage you to contact HNL’s office to see how registering your secondary business within HNL’s membership network could benefit you!
HNL’s Secondary Business Members:
Driftwood Jungle Jims Primary Member: Driftwood Inn Deer Lake, NL Contact: Roxanne Ryan 709-635-5115
Wine Cellar Primary Member: Glynmill Inn Corner Brook, NL Contact: Wendy Butt 709-634-5181
Magnum & Steins Primary Member: Duckworth Hotel St. John’s, NL Contact: Denise Fowler 709-576-6500
Cartier Gallery Primary Member: The Haven Inn St. Anthony, NL Contact: Sheri Patey 709-454-9100
Albatross Restaurant Primary Member: Albatross Hotel Gander, NL Contact: Brenda Fudge 709-256-3956 Hideaway Lounge Primary Member: Albatross Hotel Gander, NL Contact: Brenda Fudge 709-256-3956
Deer Lake Motel Lounge Primary Member: Deer Lake Motel Deer Lake, NL Contact: Chris Legge 709-635-2108
The Habour Bar Primary Member: Battery Hotel & Suites St. John’s, NL Contact: Sandy Moyles 709-576-0040
Deer Lake Motel Restaurant Primary Member: Deer Lake Motel Deer Lake, NL Contact: Chris Legge 709-635-2108
The Landing Primary Member: Battery Hotel & Suites St. John’s, NL Contact: Sandy Moyles 709-576-0040
Cabot Courts Fitness Center Primary Member: Delta St. John’s Hotel and Conference Center St. John’s, NL Contact: Paul Whelen 709-739-6404 PaulWhelan@fortisproperties. com
Fall 2012
Klondyke Steakhouse Primary Member: Bay Roberts Hotel Bay Roberts, NL Contact: Bob Rowe 709-726-4952
Clancy’s Restaurant and Lounge Primary Member: Comfort Inn St. John’s St. John’s, NL Contact: Andrew Windsor 709-753-3500 awindsor@comfortinnstjohns. com
Blue on Water Primary Member: Blue on Water Inn St. John’s, NL Contact: Leslie Brake 709-754-2583
Mickey Quinn’s Primary Member: Delta St. John’s Hotel and Conference Center St. John’s, NL Contact: Steven Gugelmeier 709-739-6404 stevengugelmeier@
For more information, please contact Susie Greene, HNL’s Membership Coordinator at 1-800-563-0700, ext 224 or
Sea Level Dining Room Primary Member: Everlast Professional Properties Inc. Dildo, NL Contact: Todd Warren 709-582-3170 todd@baccalieuhospitalitygroup. com From Hair to Entanity Primary Member: Fortune Harbour View B&B Fortune, NL Contact: Brian Rose 709-832-0101 Carriage Room Primary Member: Glynmill Inn Corner Brook, NL Contact: Wendy Butt 709-634-5181 ext. 153 King Henry’s Pub Primary Member: Glynmill Inn Corner Brook, NL Contact: Wendy Butt 709-634-5181
Haven Lounge Primary Member: The Haven Inn St. Anthony, NL Contact: Sheri Patey 709-454-9100 Alcock and Brown Primary Member: Hotel Gander Gander, NL Contact: Tanya Pickett 709-651-2681 Hotel Gander Theatre Primary Member: Hotel Gander Gander, NL Contact: Tanya Pickett 709-651-2678 Portside Restaurant Primary Member: Hotel Port aux Basques Port aux Basques, NL Contact: Cathy Lomond 709-695-2171
Seiners Lounge Primary Member: Hotel Port aux Basques Port aux Basques, NL Contact: Cathy Lomond 709-695-2171
Ocean’s Room Restaurant Primary Member: Ocean View Hotel Rocky Harbour, NL Contact: Todd Wight 709-458-2730
Photography Gallery & Studio Primary Member: Hotel Robin Hood Grand Falls-Windsor, NL Contact: Emma Hutchinson 709-489-5324
“Bud’s” Oceanview Lounge Primary Member: Oceanview Motel St. Lawrence, NL Contact: John Isaacs 709-873-2830
Legends Lounge Primary Member: Irving West Hotel Gander, NL Contact: Peter Small 709-256-2044
Rita’s Kitchen Primary Member: Oceanview Motel St. Lawrence, NL Contact: John Isaacs 709-873-2830
Middle Brook Laundromat Primary Member: Middle Brook Cottages and Chalets Gros Morne, NL Contact: Wilson Goosney 709-453-2332 The Black Spruce Primary Member: Neddie’s Harbour Inn Norris Point, NL Contact: Annette Parsons 709-458-3089
PJ Billington’s Primary Member: Ramada St. John’s St. John’s, NL Contact: Amy Tulk 709-722-9330
Mystic Restaurant Primary Member: Sinbad’s Hotel & Suites Gander, NL Contact: Marie Gill 709-651-2678 Sinbad’s Lounge Primary Member: Sinbad’s Hotel & Suites Gander, NL Contact: Marie Gill 709-651-2678
The Captain’s Room Primary Member: St. Christopher’s Hotel Port aux Basques, NL Contact: Stella Pittman 709-695-7034 Wheelhouse Lounge Primary Member: St. Christopher’s Hotel Port aux Basques, NL Contact: Stella Pittman 709-695-7034 Jack’s Restaurant Primary Member: The Capital Hotel St. John’s, NL Contact: Larry Laite 709-738-4480
Are you interested in learning more about HNL’s membership benefits? Contact a member of HNL’s Membership team today! SUSIE GREENE, Membership Coordinator P: 1-800-563-0700, ext: 224 E: MICHELLE BURKE, Events and Marketing Coordinator P: 1-800-563-0700, ext: 230 E:
Brownings Pub Primary Member: Restland Motel Clarenville, NL Contact: Hubert Brown 709-466-7636 Midtown Restaurant Primary Member: Restland Motel Clarenville, NL Contact: Hubert Brown 709-466-7636
Ocean Quest Lodge Primary Member: Ocean Quest Inc. Conception Bay South, NL Contact: Holly Stanley 709-834-7234
Philip’s Cafe Primary Member: Rosedale Manor B&B Placentia, NL Contact: Philip Meade 709-227-0127
Ocean Quest Spa Primary Member: Ocean Quest Inc. Conception Bay South, NL Contact: Holly Stanley 709-834-9199
Point Riche Restaurant Primary Member: Sea Echo Hotel Port au Choix, NL Contact: Shirley Spence 709-861-3777
Anchor Pub Primary Member: Ocean View Hotel Rocky Harbour, NL Contact: Todd Wight 709-458-2730
Sea Gull Lounge Primary Member: Sea Echo Hotel Port au Choix, NL Contact: Shirley Spence 709-861-3777
Fall 2012
Middle Brook Gift Shop Primary Member: Middle Brook Cottages and Chalets Gros Morne, NL Contact: Wilson Goosney 709-453-2332
Seaside Souvenirs Primary Member: Seaside Suites Woody Point, NL Contact: Darlene Thomas 709-453-2777
Fall 2012 Best Practices Missions The Tourism Best Practices Program is in full planning mode for the upcoming fall missions. The Best Practices Program is designed to expose private sector operators and representatives of sustainable tourism communities to successful tourism operators/entrepreneurs and outstanding products and create an environment of ‘Competitiveness Through Best Practices.’ It is intended that this exposure will stimulate the generation of new product ideas, improved practices in customer service, innovative operational techniques, sound planning models and partnership opportunities for the Atlantic tourism sector. The Program is offering three exciting missions this coming fall designed for tourism operators in Atlantic Canada: • Meetings and Conventions: Kelowna, Okanagan, Vancouver, and Victoria, BC (October 15 – 20, 2012) • Agri-Tourism: Vermont, USA (October 22 – 27, 2012) • Adventure Tourism: Nanaimo, Tofino, Port Alberni and Victoria, BC (November 12 – 17, 2012) For more information on the upcoming missions and to register, visit the Tourism Best Practices website, or the Tourism Best Practices Facebook page, http://www.facebook. com/TourismBestPracticesProgram Space is limited and will fill up quickly so sign up today! * A 50% subsidy is available to tourism operators that are eligible to participate on the missions. For more information on the Tourism Best Practices Missions, please contact: Johanna Egan Tourism Atlantic | Tourisme Atlantique P: 902-626-2879 E:
I have had the opportunity to attend a Best Practices Mission and the benefit is priceless. Not only do you participate in specific activities and visit businesses that can directly benefit your own business and community, but you also get to interact with other members of the Mission that are in a similar industry, so the wealth of knowledge that can be shared is very helpful. Best Practices Missions are great opportunities to evaluate and grow your business from the lessons learned. - Darlene Thomas, Seaside Suites, Woody Point, NL
AIR MILES Reward Program ®†
Fall 2012
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New Members
HNL Board of Directors Darlene Thomas Chair Greg Fleming Vice-Chair & Hotel/Motel Association Rex Avery Secretary/Treasurer John Dicks Director Peter Antle Director Annette Parsons Director Rick Stanley Director Todd Warren Director Todd Wight Director Cathy Lomond Restaurant Association Dion Finlay Bed & Breakfast Association (Full board contact information available at
Blue on Water Inn 319 Water Street St. John’s, NL A1C1B9 Contact: Jason or Leslie Brake 709-754-2583
Juanita Ford
Chief Executive Officer Manager, Workforce and Industry Development
Lynn Taylor
Manager, Policy and Communications
Craig Foley
Manager, Technology
Karen So
Susan Greene Membership Coordinator Michelle Burke Events and Marketing Coordinator Krista Sweetland
Workforce Development Coordinator
Melissa Ennis
Workforce Development Coordinator
Scott Penney Training Coordinator Lisa McDonald
Tourism Board Manager
Head Office 71 Goldstone Street (Suite 102) St. John’s, NL A1B 5C3 Tel: (709) 722-2000 Toll Free: 1-800-563-0700 Tourism Times is printed four times per year
Desktop Layout Image 4 Digital Printing & Design Inc. 1170 Topsail Road, Mount Pearl, NL A1N 5E8 T: 709-747-3850 E: W:
For all the latest up-to-date information and news, please visit Updated daily!
French Island B & B 2 Carnell’s Lane PO Box 147 Flower’s Cove, NL A0K 2N0 Contact: Maggie Chambers 709-456-2712
Inn at Happy Adventure 8 Harbour View Road PO Box 34 Site 2A St. John’s, NL A1E 1L5 Contact: Charles Matchim 709-677-2233 Elite Productions Inc. 20 Glencoe Drive Mount Pearl, NL A1N 4S8 Contact: Jonathan Connors 709-745-6088
Recognizing Commitment to the Industry Submitted by: Helena Lawlor, General Manager of the Hillview Terrace and Suites and long-time HNL member
a Home Care provider and has volunteered with her church community for the past 25 years.
Staff Listing Carol-Ann Gilliard
Campbellton Berry Farm PO Box 118 Campbellton, NL A0G 1L0 Contact: Philip Thornley 709-261-2739
I first met Glenda in 2001 when I started with the Delta, and she immediately made an impression on me. Her tireless commitment to the housekeeping department, her willingness to work, and her exceptional attention to detail all When I was asked this past had a great impact on me. Glenda spring if I knew someone never let me down. She was who should be recognized for always pleasant, had a wonderful their outstanding work ethic, sense of humour, and always dedication and long time service to the tourism industry, seemed to enjoy whatever task she was doing. I immediately thought of Glenda Bursey, an employee of I left the Delta in 2003, and it’s the Delta St. John’s. been 10 years since I have seen Glenda started working at the Glenda. This summer I asked her to meet with me for ice cream Delta in 2000 and is still there working hard today. She drives and a catch up chat. We met in late August – she now walks with 45 minutes to and from work a cane and has lost some weight. each day to get to her job in the Housekeeping Department. We recalled her diagnoses of Parkinson’s disease in 2002-2003, Before coming to the Delta, but after 10 years her beautiful she worked at a bank, was
smile is still the same, her sense of humour hasn’t changed and that same positive attitude and spirit radiates. She is not one to let life’s obstacles alter her course. Parkinson’s has not slowed her down. To quote Glenda, “life is not hard, living it is.” She says her belief in God and her faith have helped bring her to where she is today. Glenda is witty, respectful, positive, family-oriented, independent, and selfless. She’s an amazing lady living life to the fullest and an inspiration to others for overcoming life’s hardships. It’s no wonder she so quickly came to my mind, even after a decade. When I left the Delta, Glenda gave me a small plate, and said to me, “may your plate always be full.” Glenda, I say to you today, I’m certain your plate will forever be overflowing.
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Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador (HNL), the provincial Tourism Industry Association, is focused on advocacy, education, the adaptation of innovative technology and the promotion of a strong member network. Through forward thinking and fostering the growth of its members, HNL continues to be the leader of the tourism industry in the province. For information on membership, please contact
Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador is supported by the tourism industry and
Fall 2012
Tourism Times is a quarterly publication of Hospitality Newfoundland and Labrador (HNL). Opinions expressed by contributers and advertisers do not necessarily represent those of HNL.
Humber Valley Resort The Eagle’s Perch PO Box 2190 Corner Brook, NL A2H 2N2 Contact: Heather Oke 709-686-2710
Nominations are now being accepted for
Nominate a deserving business or individual for one of the following awards: • H. Clayton Sparkes Accommodator of the Year Award • John Atkins & Co. Tourism Champion Award
Nominations are now being accepted for the 2013 Tourism Excellence Awards! The Tourism Excellence Awards recognize the contribution of businesses and individuals in advancing the tourism industry in Newfoundland and Labrador. The Awards will be presented during the Tourism Excellence Awards Gala as part of HNL’s 2013 Conference and Tradeshow taking place in St. John’s from February 20 to 22, 2013.
• Maxxim Vacations Tourism Business of the Year Award • Cal LeGrow Tourism Innovator of the Year Award • Corporate Partner of the Year Award • PRIDE Award • Norman Parsons Memorial Award • Restaurateur of the Year Award
To nominate a business or individual for any of HNL’s Tourism Excellence Awards, please visit to review the award categories and guidelines. Nominations may be submitted to
• Cultural Tourism Award
The deadline for Award nominations is Friday, January 4, 2013.
• Tourism Atlantic Technology Award
For more information on HNL’s 2013 Tourism Excellence Awards, please contact Lisa McDonald at or 1-800-563-0700, ext: 227.
• Sustainable Tourism Award
• Doug Wheeler Award