Are you career ready?

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AREY OU CARE E RRE ADY? Empl oyer sar el ooki ngf or gr aduat eswhoar er eadyf or t hewor kf or ce. Theywant new hi r eswhohave exper i encei nei ght pr of es s i onalcompet enci es t hatwi l lhel pgr aduat es s ucceedi nt hewor kpl ace. Canyouar t i cul at eyour s ki l l s , t al ent s , i nt er es t s , and s t r engt hsi nt hes ear eas ? Vi s i tyourCar eerSer vi cesCent er t ol ear nmor e. Sour ce:Car eerReadi nessResour ces:www. naceweb. or g>Car eerReadi ness>Over vi ew&Resour ces.

Cour t esyoft heNat i onalAssoci at i onofCol l egesandEmpl oyer s.

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