Cholesterol How To Lower It Naturally.txt

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==== ==== How To Lower Cholesterol While Eating Things You Love? Click The Link Below To Find Out And Get A FREE Cholesterol e-Cource! ==== ==== Cholesterol: How To Lower It Naturally It can be devastating to find that you have high cholesterol. There are so many dangerous health risks involved with having high cholesterol and lowering it quickly becomes a number one priority for both you as the patient and for your doctors, often starting with high levels of medication. But all medications have side effects and cholesterol medications are no different than any other category of medicine. There must be a better way to lower your cholesterol, rather than turning to high doses of drugs! Before looking at the natural ways to reduce cholesterol, the patient must first understand exactly why reducing cholesterol is so important. First, when your cholesterol is lowered, you greatly reduce your overall risk of having serious cardio vascular conditions, such as a heart attack or a stroke. Also, lowering cholesterol reduces the formation of new plaque in your arteries, as well as reducing the existing plaque you have. Finally, the plaque buildup in your arteries is in danger of rupturing, causing serious problems and lowering the overall cholesterol prevents this complication. The first thing to do to naturally improve your health by lowering cholesterol is to reduce the amount of calories that are in your diet from fat. Around thirty percent of the calories you consume should come from fat and no more. Also, avoid over eating any form of food, as your body turns unneeded foot indo fat, which raises your cholesterol rate. There are several holistic medications, or herbal remedies, you can take to lower the level of the "bad", or LDL cholesterol, in your body. One option is guggulu, which is taken from the mukul myrrh tree. This herb helps lower both blood pressure and cholesterol. It is taken as an extract. Policosanol is a second option for herbal cholesterol remedies. This herb comes from the wax in sugar cane and is highly effective in lowering LDL in the blood stream. Also, there are relatively few side effects to policosanol. Pantethine is a great herbal cholesterol treatment option because while it works to reduce the levels of LDL cholesterol, it also increases the levels of HDL, which is the type of cholesterol your body needs. The side effects of most cholesterol medications are non-existent with pantethine. Garlic and fish oil are two natural items you can take to improve your overall heart health. Garlic seems to have properties that help reduce the build up of arteriosclerosis. Fish oil contains helpful fats that lower cholesterol, particularly in women and also help prevent blood clots. For those who do not take much garlic and fish in their natural diet, these substances can be taken in capsule form.

Exercise is key to overall heart health. While it may not have a direct correlation to cholesterol, exercise does keep the body from building up too much fat, which will eventually lower the level of LDL in the blood stream. Also, studies seem to indicate that those who are smokers and quit the habit also see a lowered risk of cholesterol. These supplements and simple precautions can make great strides in keeping you healthily for many years to come!

==== ==== How To Lower Cholesterol While Eating Things You Love? Click The Link Below To Find Out And Get A FREE Cholesterol e-Cource! ==== ====

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