Figuring Out Which High Cholesterol Foods to Avoid

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If there's one thing that American's love to eat - it's comfort food. We're enticed every day by ads on TV and billboards to come on in and chow down on the latest calorie-laden breakfast, lunch or dinner creation. Often, the most delicious, taste bud pleasing food is filled with fat and cholesterol. That means, for a lot of people, there's a constant pull and tug between eating the comfort food that you love and making healthy food choices that is necessary for good health. Unfortunately, some of the most tempting foods on earth contain high amounts of cholesterol and saturated fat. Fortunately, not all foods containing cholesterol are bad for you. However, in order to keep from experiencing negative health effects like heart disease, diabetes and stroke at an early age, you need to understand how cholesterol works in the body and which foods contain the bad cholesterol. Now, realistically, you're not going to be able to avoid eating food high in cholesterol completely. For instance, ice cream is one food that has a lot of cholesterol, but I don't think many people are going to swear off eating their favorite flavor of ice cream anytime soon. The key to good health is limiting the amount of these foods in your diet. If you frequently dine out or eat at fast food restaurants, it's especially important to know how to make smarter choices. Keep in mind that restaurants are in the business of selling plates of food that make your mouth water, not in protecting you from heart disease. This is why you see gutbusting heart attack in the making food offerings like: KFC Double Down - featuring loads of cheese and bacon sandwiched between two fried chicken breasts. Or... Krispy Kreme Cheeseburger - featuring a beef patty with melted cheese between two sugar- laden donuts. Most people can look at these offerings and know right away that they aren't good for you, but they sure are tempting to some folks. So, one of the important things you need to know about high cholesterol foods to avoid is that the worst culprits contain high levels of saturated fat. Recent studies have shown that foods higher in fat are very bad for your cholesterol. The cholesterol level itself is sometimes not a major factor. For instance, eggs used to be on everyone's list of high cholesterol foods to avoid. However,

recently, they've gotten a reprieve. It seems that egg yolks do contain lots of cholesterol, but they're not as bad for you as previously thought. Eggs actually are packed with vitamin D and the amount of cholesterol is now 14% lower. Still, you shouldn't go hog wild eating them. Here are some high cholesterol foods to avoid or limit eating if possible: • Cakes, pies and pastries • Chicken skin • Dairy products (butter, cheese, cream, whole milk, ice cream) • Deep fried foods • Foods high in saturated fats (bacon, high fat beef like marbled steak, lamb, some pork) • Organ meats (liver, chitterlings, gizzard, tripe, etc.) As a rule of thumb, any food that contains a lot of animal fat, has been dipped in butter, saturated oil, or has been deep fried should be limited or avoided if you're watching your cholesterol intake.

To find out more about high cholesterol foods to avoid and ways of lowering cholesterol naturally, be sure to visit our website at

Article Source:'Agostino

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