Belvedererecipes Collection

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INDEX Recipes

01. APPETIZERS p. 2 p. 4 p. 6 p. 8 p. 10 p. 12

Tomato BRUSCHETTA AUBERGINE RISSOLES Swordfish CARPACCIO with citrus fruit SQUID asparagus and avocado salads Steak TARTARE PIADINA ROMAGNOLA

02. PASTA DISHES p. 14 p. 16 p. 18 p. 20 p. 22 p. 24

STROZZAPRETI with genovese pesto, green beans and potatoes Vegetarian LASAGNE Green GNOCCHI with mascarpone sauce FUSILLI PUTTANESCA SPAGHETTI CARBONARA TAGLIATELLE with BOLOGNESE RAGù

p. 26

MARINA’S fish paella

03. MAIN DISHES p. 28 Aubergine PARMIGIANA p. 30 Carrot FLAN p. 32 CUTTLEFISH with peas p. 34 Sea bream in “acqua pazza” p. 36 VEAL with tuna sauce p. 38 Stuffed ZUCCHINI 04. DESSERTS p. 40 p. 42 p. 44 p. 46 p. 48 p. 50

ZUPPA INGLESE Italian triffle TIRAMISù SBRISOLONA crumble CREMA CATALANA Chocolate LAVA Cake PANNA COTTA with raspberries



Tomato BRUSCHETTA Bruschetta is one of the best ways to enjoy the bounty of summer. Pronounced “brusketta”, this classic Italian appetizer is a perfect way to capture the flavours of garden ripened tomatoes, fresh basil, garlic, and olive oil. Think of it as summer on toast! Ingredients Slices of toasted bread 4 red, mature but firm, medium sized tomatoes 10 basil leaves 1 clove of garlic 2-3 spoons of extra virgin olive oil Salt as needed

1. Soak the tomatoes whole in hot water for a couple of minutes and then peel the skin off them, cut them

in half, remove all the seeds and chop into small pieces.

2. Chop the garlic and basil finely, mix together with the tomatoes and oil, adding salt to taste. 3. Put just enough on each piece of toasted bread and garnish with a basil leaf and also small pieces of mozzarella or parmesan slices if you wish. Tips: you can add chili powder if you prefer it to be a little spicy and basil can also be substituted with oregano if you prefer.

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Rosatello, Ruffino, Tuscany - Very fruity, with an aroma of summer fruits such as raspberries and peaches.

4 2





AUBERGINE RISSOLES Aubergine rissoles are a classic Sicilian dish and every Sicilian woman claims that her rissoles are the best ever, despite the fact that the main ingredients are the same. Ingredients for rissoles

For the tomato sauce

2 aubergines 4 eggs 150g parmesan cheese Salt Pepper Fresh basil Breadcrumbs Flour

Extra-virgin olive oil ½ onion 500ml pureed tomatoes (not the concentrated kind) Basil leaves Freshly ground nutmeg A spoonful sugar A pinch of salt and pepper as needed

1. Dice the aubergines and brown in a little oil. Add salt and pepper as needed and leave to cool. 2. As soon as they are cold, add the eggs, basil, parmesan and breadcrumbs and adjust the salt and

pepper if needed.

3. Work the mixture together and form 2 cm diameter balls. Roll them in a little flour and fry them in plenty of oil. Remove from the pan and remove the excess oil with some blotting or absorbent paper. Mix them together with the tomato sauce (see below). For the sauce Finely slice the onion and soften in a little oil. When it starts to brown, add the pureed tomato. Add the nutmeg, sugar and salt and pepper as needed and bring to the boil. Leave to simmer for 15 minutes and then remove from the heat. Tips: you can serve the rissoles to each guest in small ramekins or terracotta dishes putting 4 or 5 in each dish and garnishing with a small sprig of basil.

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Nero D’Avola, Cusamano, Sicily - Pleasant ruby red colour with a hint of berry, cherry and plum.

4 4

1 h. 25’




Swordfish CARPACCIO with citrus fruit Swordfish carpaccio with an aromatic citrus fruit sauce is served cold and perfect for hot summer days. An original dish and at the same time quick and easy to prepare. Ingredients 300g of fresh swordfish 1 orange 1 lemon 1 spicy chili pepper Dill Extra virgin olive oil Pepper (pink if possible) Salt

1. Cut the swordfish into very thin slices and arrange them on a serving plate or platter. 2. Prepare a sauce mixing together the juice from one orange, one lemon, a couple of spoons of extra

virgin olive oil, a pinch of salt and pepper. Pour the sauce all over the fish and leave it to rest in the fridge for at least half an hour before serving.

3. Dress with sliced or chopped chili pepper and chopped dill. Tips: choose the freshest swordfish and get your fishmonger to cut it into very thin slices for you. We recommend freezing the fish for 24 hours before preparing the carpaccio You can serve the swordfish carpaccio with slices of orange and lemon or with a light salad or thinly cut raw fennel.

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Gavi, Villa Sparina, Piemonte - Straw-yellow colour. Fragrance of flowers and fruit with hints of peach.

4 6





SQUID asparagus and avocado salad This squid salad is a dish which is simple to make yet, at the same time, deliciously tasty. Ingredients ½ kg small squid 700 g green asparagus 1 avocado 1 glass dry white wine ½ white onion 2 garlic cloves Basil Extra-virgin olive oil Salt

1. Clean, wash and cut the squid. Finely cut the onion and sauté on a low heat together with the oil and

one clove of garlic. Add a little water if necessary. Add the squid and pan-fry on a high heat for a few minutes, add a little salt, simmer with white wine until reduced and add a few basil leaves. Cover and leave to simmer on a low heat for about 20 - 25 minutes (the time depends on how big the squid are).

2. In the meantime, remove the woody root ends of the asparagus, wash them and cut them into pieces. In a different pan, lightly sauté a clove of garlic together with a little olive oil and add the asparagus and pan-fry for about 10 minutes. 3. When the squid are almost cooked, add the asparagus and leave to cook together for a few minutes so that they absorb the flavour. Serve warm, garnishing the plate with slices of avocado and a drizzle of olive oil. Tips: when you prepare the asparagus, cook the stems for at least 5 minutes before adding the tips. The tips are more tender and take less to cook.

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Sharis, Livio Felluga, Friuli Venezia Giulia - Delicate, fresh, well-balanced and lightly floral with a hint of orange flowers and acacia. 4 8





Steak TARTARE Steak Tartare is a classic dish from Alta Badia and is made from finely chopped or minced raw beef: a cold, refined and delicious dish, which is ideal for a summer dinner. Ingredients 200g hand-cut fillet steak Juice of ½ lemon Salt as needed A few drops of Tabasco A level spoon of cognac Pepper as needed Olive oil as needed 1 drop of Worcestershire Sauce 1 level spoon of chopped capers 1 level spoon of chopped parsley ¼ spoon of anchovy paste 1 spoon of chopped pickled gherkin 1 level spoon of chopped onion ½ spoon of red pepper (baked, peeled and chopped) ½ spoon of sweet mustard 1 spoon of paprika 1 tip of knife of garlic 2 egg yolks

1. Mix all the ingredients together 2. Add the meat using a fork. 3. Taste and adjust the salt, pepper and oil if needed. Buon appetito! Tips: garnish with a caper and serve with toasted bread and butter.

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Pinot Nero Riserva Mazon, Hofstätter, Trentino Alto Adige - It is a deep ruby-garnet colour with a typical aroma of undergrowth, small berry fruits and black cherry. 4 10





PIADINA ROMAGNOLA The Piadina Romagnola is one of the most traditional recipes from the Romagna region. It is a kind of round flat bread which can be filled with a variety of ingredients according to your taste and preference i.e. with mozzarella, tomato and ham, or with stracchino cheese and rocket, or with grilled vegetables, cheese and salami, or whatever your heart desires! Ingredients for 5 piadinas: 500g flour 60g of olive oil or lard 200g water Salt as needed

1. Make a well in the flour and work in the salt, oil and water a bit at a time. Work the mixture until you obtain a smooth and homogenous dough. Wrap the dough in a clean kitchen cloth and leave to rest for 30 minutes. 2. After this time is up, make 100g balls and roll out each one until it is about 4mm thick and about 2025cm in diameter. 3. Cook the piadina on a flat, non-stick pan (a crepe pan is ideal).

Remove from the heat and fill it as you wish!

Tips: the typical Romagnola Piadina is usually filled with fresh cheese, parma ham and rocket and also a slice or two of tomato.

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Otello Rosè, Cantine Ceci, Emilia-Romagna - Excellent bouquet of roses, strawberries and violets, frank to the taste buds and of marked mellowness. 4 12





STROZZAPRETI with genovese pesto, green beans and potatoes

Adding potatoes and green beans (and we can abound with the latter) to the typical recipe from Genova of pasta with pesto gives added flavour and also volume, despite reducing the quantity of pasta. Ingredients

For the pesto

250g Strozzapreti (see recipe) 400g fresh green beans 2 large potatoes, peeled and diced A pinch of chili flakes Fresh basil leaves Grated Parmesan Cheese

1 bunch of fresh basil (50g of leaves) 6 spoons of extra virgin olive oil 2 garlic cloves 2 spoons of grated parmesan cheese 2 spoons of grated pecorino cheese 2 spoons of pine nuts

1. Prepare the pesto: put the basil leaves in a mortar together with a pinch of salt and using a pestle

crush them well. Add the pine nuts and garlic and continue to crush until you obtain a pulp then add the parmesan, pecorino and drizzled oil.

2. Wash the green beans and slice them to about 3 cm thickness. Cook them in a steamer or in boiling

water for about 3 to 4 minutes, taking care not to over-cook them: they should retain some ‘crunch’. Remove them from the heat and plunge into cold water so the beans stop cooking and retain their vibrant colour. Drain the beans and set aside. Fill a pan with cold water, a teaspoon of salt and the peeled, diced potatoes. Cover and bring to the boil. Add the pasta to the boiling water and cook together with the potatoes until the pasta is ‘al dente’. Drain the pasta and potatoes, keeping about 100ml of the cooking water to one side.

3. Add the pasta and potatoes to a large serving bowl; gently mix in the green beans, chili flakes, the

Pesto Genovese and a ladle of the cooking water to form a ‘creamy’ sauce. Once all the ingredients are well-coated with the pesto, garnish with the fresh basil leaves and serve with grated parmesan cheese. knobs of butter. Cook in the oven at 200°C for about 20 – 25 minutes until golden brown on top.

How to make STROZZAPRETI 400g of 00 flour 200ml warm water A pinch of salt Put the flour and salt in a bowl, make a well and pour the water in the centre and, using a fork, mix it with the flour. By hand give the dough a quick knead whilst still in the bowl to amalgamate any remaining flour then transfer the dough on to a large pastry board and lightly pull at it and fold it back on itself to add elasticity. Once you have a smooth and elastic dough (it will take about 5 minutes) form a ball, cover it with a clean kitchen cloth and leave to rest for about 20 minutes. Then roll it out and to a thickness of about 2-3 mm (it mustn’t be too thin) and cut it into strips of about 2 cm in width. Take the strips and roll them, twisting lengthways, between the palms of your hands and break into pieces of about 5cm each. Place them on a floured cardboard or wooden tray. Cook the Strozzapreti as you would normal pasta. When the Strozzapreti rise and start to float in the boiling water, wait a couple of minutes and then drain. 14

02. PASTA DISHES Strozzapreti (“priest-choker” or “priest-strangler” in Italian) are hand-rolled pasta typical of the EmiliaRomagna region. There are several legends to explain the name. One is that gluttonous priests were so enthralled by the savory pasta that they ate too quickly and choked themselves, sometimes to death. Another explanation involves the “azdora” (“housewife” in the dialect of Romagna), who “chokes” the dough strips to make the strozzapreti: “... in that particular moment you would presume that the azdora would express such a rage (perhaps triggered by the misery and difficulties of her life) to be able to strangle a priest!” Another legend goes that wives would customarily make the pasta for churchmen as partial payment for land rents (In Romagna, the Catholic Church had extensive land properties rented to farmers), and their husbands would be angered enough by the venal priests eating their wives’ food to wish the priests would choke as they stuffed their mouth with it. The name surely reflects the diffuse anticlericalism of the people of Romagna and Tuscany.

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Pigato “Cycnus”, Poggio dei Gorleri, Liguria - Intense fruit aromas of matured medlar fruit and camomile. 4


pasta 45’ - pesto 45’

2 h. 15


Vegetarian LASAGNE Vegetarian lasagne is a main dish and a lighter alternative to the traditional meat lasagne. It is rich in flavour and can be served on its own or as a smaller portion as a starter. Ingredients

For the béchamel sauce:

500g dried lasagne pasta 1 aubergine 2 courgettes 1 pepper 4 tomatoes ½ onion 4 spoons of olive oil Salt and pepper

50 g flour 50 g butter ½ l milk Salt and nutmeg

1. Cut the tomatoes into strips and dice the other vegetables. Put the olive oil in a non-stick pan and add

the chopped onion, aubergine, courgettes and pepper. Add salt and pepper and leave to cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring it often. After this time is up, add the tomatoes to the vegetables and continue cooking for 10 minutes. The vegetables should still remain crunchy. After 10 minutes turn off the heat.

2. Now prepare the Béchamel sauce: Melt the butter on a low flame in a non-stick pan. Once it is melted, turn off the hob and put all the flour in at the same time. Mix together and relight the hob. When the mixture unsticks from the side of the pan, add the milk bit by bit, stirring continuously and being careful that it doesn’t form lumps. Add more salt and nutmeg if needed and cook until it is thick enough. 3. Now prepare an oven dish or tin and spread a bit of the Béchamel sauce and then layer the tin with

one layer of pasta, then a layer of vegetables and then more Béchamel sauce. Continue until you finish with a layer of vegetables and a final layer of béchamel. Sprinkle parmesan cheese on top and a few knobs of butter. Cook in the oven at 200°C for about 20 – 25 minutes until golden brown on top.

Tips: to make the meat version of this dish simply substitute the vegetables with a meat and tomato sauce (see recipe for Bolognese Ragù on page 24)

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: I Frati Lugana Doc, Cà dei frati, Lombardy - Fresh and linear with a delicate touch of white balsamic flowers. 4 16

1 h.




Green GNOCCHI with mascarpone sauce Green gnocchi are very easy to make and make a nice alternative to the classic gnocchi made from just potato and flour. Spinach is the main ingredient in green gnocchi and its decisive flavour perfectly complements the delicate and sweeter flavour of the potatoes. Ingredients

For the sauce:

500g potatoes 150g flour 1 egg Nutmeg 100g spinach

500ml cream 150g mascarpone 100g Parmesan cheese

1. Boil the spinach, squeeze out the extra water using a colander. Do the same with the potatoes and mix together spinach, potatoes, flour and a pinch of nutmeg and a pinch of salt. Work the dough and roll into long sausages of about 2cm in diameter. Cut into 2cm pieces to make the gnocchi. 2. For the sauce, mix together and gently heat the cream and mascarpone in a pan to make a sauce. Boil the gnocchi and drain them as soon as they start to float. 3. Put them in the pan with the sauce and mix until the gnocchi are coated. Add the parmesan and serve. Tips: green gnocchi are excellent served simply with melted butter and a sprinkling of parmesan cheese, or a four-cheese sauce, or even a fish sauce with prawns.

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Cambrugiano, Belisario, Marche - Floral aromas, vanilla, great texture, zesty, luscious and balanced.

4 18

2 h.




FUSILLI PUTTANESCA This is a classic of traditional Italian cooking and originates from the region of Campania. Capers, olives, anchovies, garlic and tomato: what could be more Mediterranean than this? Ingredients 400g of dried fusilli pasta (or any kind of dried pasta e.g. spaghetti, penne etc) 2 spoons of extra virgin olive oil 4 washed anchovies (removing the salt) crushed into a pulp using a pestle and mortar 2 finely chopped garlic cloves 150g stoned and sliced black olives A spoonful of washed and chopped salted capers A spoonful of chopped parsley Salt To Garnish: 6 cherry tomatoes and 4 spoonfuls of grated Parmesan cheese (if desired)

1. Using a fairly large saucepan, heat the oil and then add the finely chopped garlic and the anchovies.

As soon as the garlic starts to brown and the anchovies turn to cream, add the olives, capers and tinned tomatoes. Heat the mixture on a high heat for a few seconds, stirring continuously.

2. In the meantime, cook the pasta in plenty of salted water. Drain and put the pasta in the serving dish.

Cover the pasta with the sauce and sprinkle with parsley.

3. Mix together and garnish with the chopped cherry tomatoes and parmesan if you wish Tips: if it is not the right season for fresh tomatoes, you can prepare the sauce with tinned, chopped or pureed tomatoes.

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Falanghina, La Guardiense, Campania - Straw-hay colour, characteristic fruity aroma and notably intense. 4 20






Pasta alla Carbonara is a characteristic dish from the Lazio region, Rome in particular. It is made with working-class ingredients and has an intense flavour. Ingredients 500g spaghetti 200g diced cheek lard or bacon 4 eggs 30g grated pecorino cheese Olive oil Salt Pepper

1. Brown the lard or bacon in a saucepan. When it is slightly browned, remove the fat from the pan,

keeping a spoonful to one side. Leave to cool.

2. Beat the eggs in a bowl and mix together with the spoonful of fat from the lard. Add the grated pecorino cheese and plenty of freshly ground black pepper. 3. Cook the spaghetti ‘al dente’, drain and add them to the lard and egg mixture, stirring vigorously.

Tip: garnish each dish with a sprig of fresh herbs such as oregano, parsley or thyme.

Tips: for Carbonara lovers, the pasta to be used par excellence is Spaghetti. However, given the creamy texture of the sauce, other long forms of pasta can work just as well i.e. vermicelli (larger than spaghetti) or bucatini (with a hole running through them).

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Vorberg, Riserva Pinot Bianco, Terlan, Trentino Alto Adige - With a rather variegated bouquet and notes of melon, white peach, pear and apple. 4 22





TAGLIATELLE with BOLOGNESE RAGù Ingredients 300g minced beef 100g bacon ½ glass red wine 1 glass of meat broth Several spoons of tinned chopped tomatoes or pureed tomatoes 1 onion 1 carrot 1 stick of celery Extra virgin olive oil as needed Salt as needed Pepper as needed

1. Carefully wash the celery and carrot and peel the onion. Finely chop the vegetables. In a large saucepan, gently heat a spoon of olive oil then add and sauté the vegetables and the bacon. 2. Add the minced beef and brown for a few minutes. Pour in the wine and stir carefully. When the wine

has completely evaporated, add the tomato and the broth and continue to stir. Adjust the salt and pepper and leave to simmer for a couple of hours, stirring occasionally.

3. After the two hours are up, the ragù will be ready to be added to the pasta and served.

How to Make TAGLIATELLE 5 eggs 500g Flour 00 Make a well in the flour and put the eggs in the centre. Using a circular movement, mix the eggs with the flour starting from the inside and moving outwards, until all the flour has absorbed the egg. Once it is all mixed well, start to work and knead the mixture until you obtain a smooth and homogenous dough. Form two, equal-sized balls and wrap them in cling film. Leave them to stand in the fridge for 20-30 mins. Dust the pastry board with flour and, using a rolling pin, gently roll out the dough, dusting with flour from the centre outwards: at the beginning, it should be thicker in the centre and thinner towards the edges (it mustn’t be wider than the length of the rolling pin). Roll it out lengthways until it is just less than 1mm thick. Cover it with a clean kitchen cloth and leave for about 30min – 1 hour until it is dry enough so that it doesn’t stick and not too dry that it breaks when it is folded (try folding a corner of it to be sure). Cut the dough in half and then fold it into an S shape and continue to do so until the end of the dough, always dusting it with flour when you fold it over. With a sharp knife cut the tagliatelle strips of 5mm in width. Dust a tray with flour or ground semola and place the cut tagliatelle on the tray, opening them up a little so they dry out further. Leave them to dry for about 2 hours and then when you are ready to cook them, boil in plenty of salted water for a couple of minutes. 24


Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Ora Sangiovese, San Patrignano, Emilia Romagna - Soft ruby colour typical of Sangiovese. The nose is ample and intense with notes of redcurrant, raspberry, plum. 4

pasta 20’’ - ragù 2 h. 25

MARINA’S fish paella By popular demand, here is the recipe for Marina’s signature dish. Although this is a traditionally Spanish dish, Marina’s famous ‘oversized’ paella which she cooks live in front of her guests is a well-loved feature of any holiday at the Belvedere! Ingredients 200g clams (without shells) 2 Kg mussels (with shells) 600g angler fish flesh 300g cleaned squid 350g prawns 8 small steamed scampi 3 large red peppers 150g boiled peas

5 sachets of saffron 1 lemon 5 slices of lemon 3 bay leaves garlic and chili as desired 1 glass of dry white wine 300g Ribe rice (we use the Curti brand) Fish broth

Grill the peppers on all sides, leave to cool and remove the skin. Dice two of them and cut one into strips (to decorate at the end). Wash the mussels and leave to open in a covered pan with a little oil and garlic. When they are cold, leave half the shell on 10 of the nicest mussels to decorate the dish at the end and remove the shells of the rest and filter the juice which is left in the pan using a napkin. This will be added to the fish broth later. Cut the squid into rings, remove the shells from the prawns, and dice the angler fish. Prepare the fish broth by adding water to the juice from the mussels and clams and by using fish (ask your fishmonger for what is available) to make a stock or alternatively you can use a fish stock cube (final amount of broth needed: 1 cup of rice = 3 cups of broth). At this point, heat the oil in the pan (all of the bottom of the pan must be covered), add the chopped garlic and 3 bay leaves. Add the angler fish, squid, prawns, mussels, clams. Mix together and then add the diced peppers and peas immediately afterwards. When the prawns turn pink, add the rice. Leave to brown slightly for 2 minutes and then add white wine. Cover everything with boiling broth. Mix well and add the saffron. When the broth starts to reboil, leave to simmer for 12 minutes, stirring occasionally. The broth must evaporate almost completely but if it dries out too quickly turn the heat down. After 12 minutes, start to decorate with the pepper cut into strips, the half-shelled mussels and steamed scampi. As soon as you finish decorating, turn off the heat, squeeze the lemon over it, grind the pepper and cover it with a cloth and leave to stand for 5 minutes. Serve with a slice of lemon. Tip: The fish often leaves a bit too much water and so some of the prepared broth (using the ratio 1:3) may be left over. As long as the rice and fish is completely covered by the broth, what remains can be kept to one side in case the paella dries out too much. After the 12 minutes, the paella must not be stirred anymore as it must stick slightly to the pan creating that tasty crunchiness.

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Praepositus Riesling, Abbazia di Novacella, Trentino Alto Adige - A wine with various aromatic notes, first honey and saffron and then orange and rose. 4 26

1 h. 30’




A traditional Neapolitan dish that is sure to make a great impression with your dinner guests. It can also be served cold or as a main dish and you will not regret having worked hard in the kitchen! Ingredients 4 medium sized aurbegines 500g crushed tomatoes or tomato sauce 1 egg 1 garlic clove 1 bunch of fresh basil 50g Parmesan cheese 250g Smoked Provola cheese Extra virgin olive oil as needed Salt as needed

1. Cut the aubergines into fairly thin slices and layer them in a large casserole dish, cover with a pinch of salt and bake for 30 minutes until the they lose their excess water. Remove from the oven and fry them in plenty of olive oil and then place them on absorbent kitchen paper. 2. Prepare the sauce by sautÊing the garlic clove in olive oil and pour in the tomato. Add salt and cook until the sauce thickens slightly. Once the sauce has finished cooking, add the chopped basil leaves and put to one side for later. 3. Cut the Provola cheese into thin slices, whisk the egg and form the parmigiana as follows: in a casserole dish, put a layer of tomato sauce, then a layer of aubergines, then a layer of provola cheese. Brush with the whisked egg and then repeat the entire operation. Continue like this until all ingredients have finished. The last layer must be of aubergines, then sauce and then grated parmesan cheese on top with a few basil leaves that you have left. Bake in the oven at 180° for 20 mins. Tips: for those of you who are watching your waistlines and would prefer a lighter version you can simply grill the aubergines instead of frying them. It is equally as tasty but with a lot less fat!

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Greco di Tufo, La Guardiense, Campania - An intense straw-yellow colour. Full-bodied with a light note of typical minerals. 4 28

1 h. 30’




Carrot FLAN

Few, simple ingredients for an elegant dish with a tasty yet delicate flavour. This flan is softer and fluffier than an omelette but lighter than a soufflĂŠ. Ingredients 500g carrots 2 eggs A bunch of chives 2 spoons of semi-skimmed milk Nutmeg Salt

1. Peel the carrots, slice them into thin rounds and steam for about 20 minutes until they become soft. Leave to cool. 2. Put the carrots, egg, milk a pinch of salt and the nutmeg into a mixer and blend into a cream. 3. Pour the carrot cream into a mould, cover with aluminium foil and steam cook for 20 minutes. Tips: You can decorate it with slices of carrot or chopped chives, as you wish.

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Friulano, Livio Felluga, Friuli Venezia Giulia - Canary yellow colour with lovely green highlights and notes of mint, citron peel, vanilla and liquorice. 4 30





CUTTLEFISH with peas

Cuttlefish with peas is a typical Italian dish which is traditional in many regions of Italy. Ingredients 1kg fresh cuttlefish 400g frozen peas 1 onion 2 garlic coves 1 glass of crushed or pureed tomatoes 2 spoons of extra virgin olive oil Salt as needed

1. Clean the cuttlefish under running water and cut into small strips. Peel the onion and garlic and cut

them into chunky pieces. Brown them in a pan with a bit of olive oil on a low heat. Do this for about 10 minutes, adding a little warm water occasionally so as it doesn’t burn. To make this recipe lighter, you can simply use water instead of oil, adding it a little at a time.

2. Add the cuttlefish and let it cook for about 10 minutes. Then add the peas, tomato and little salt and cover everything with water (just enough to cover it). You can use still frozen peas as they will defrost while cooking. To add flavour you can also add a spicy red chili pepper.

3. Put the lid on the saucepan and leave everything to cook on a low heat for about 35-45 minutes (this depends on the amount and size of the cuttlefish and peas). Tips: We recommend toasting a couple of slices of bread per serving and serve the cuttlefish and peas together with boiled potatoes or white rice.

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Scalabrone Bolgheri Rosato, Tenuta Guado al Tasso, Tuscany - A peony pink colour with a fresh and tangy wine, pleasantly aromatic and fruity. 4 32

1 h. 20’




Sea bream in “ACQUA PAZZA”

While the dish originated from fishermen of the Neapolitan area, who would sautée the catch of the day in seawater together with tomatoes and extra virgin olive oil, the term itself most likely originated from Tuscany. Ingredients 4 tbsp good quality extra virgin olive oil 2 whole sea bream (about 450g each), gutted and cleaned 2 garlic cloves, finely sliced ½ small red chili, chopped 400g small tomatoes (a mix of different coloured cherry tomatoes would be best) 4 tbsp white wine A small handful capers Chopped parsley

1. Heat half the oil in a large, lidded frying pan. Carefully slip the fish into the sizzling oil and cook for 4-5 mins until it starts to brown. Flip over and scatter the garlic around the fish. Sizzle for 1 min more, then add the chili and scatter over the tomatoes. Pour over the wine and let it bubble for 1 min, then pour over 100ml water and season generously with sea salt and pepper. 2. Put on the lid, turn up the heat and simmer for 15 mins until the fish is cooked through – you can tell

when the eyes turn bright white and the flesh feels softer.

3. Lift each fish out the pan onto a serving plate and put the pan back on the heat. Add the capers and parsley to the juice left in the pan and sauté on a high flame for about 1 minute. You can now serve the fish and the sauce separately or slip them back into the pan, spoon some of the sauce over and bring the pan to the table. Drizzle with a little more oil just before serving. Tips: use super-ripe tomatoes in this Italian fish recipe to add extra sweetness to the spicy broth. Other types of fish can be used i.e. red snapper, sea bass or white sea bream.

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Vin soave, Inama, Veneto - Light yellow colour. Elegant nose of sweet field flowers: camomile, elder flower, iris. 4 34

1 h.




VEAL with tuna sauce Veal with a tuna sauce, on the contrary to what a lot of people think, is a typical Italian dish from the Piemonte region. Ingredients 650g best cut veal 200g tuna in oil 4 anchovies 20g unsalted capers 3 eggs Dry white wine Olive oil 1 spoon of white wine vinegar 2 bay leaves 5 sage leaves 1 stick of celery The juice of 1 lemon Salt as needed

1. Marinate the veal in the white wine together with the bay leaves, sage, a pinch of salt and the celery. Leave it for about 12 hours so that it become soft and it acquires a particular taste. After the 12 hours are up, remove the herbs and put the veal in a saucepan together with the remaining white wine add cold water to cover the meat. Cook for about 1 hour with the lid on and without turning the meat. Add the anchovies and leave to cook for a further 30 minutes or until the juice has evaporated half way. 2. In the meantime hard boil the eggs. When the veal is completely cooked, remove it from the pan and leave to cool. Remove the anchovies from the juice and blend them together with the tuna, the yolks from the eggs, the capers, the vinegar, the lemon juice and half a glass of olive oil. If the sauce is a little too dry you can add a little of the juice, continuing to blend until it reaches the right consistency. 3. When the veal is completely cold, slice it thinly and cover with the sauce. Garnish with a few fresh

unsalted capers and fresh parsley.

Tips: If you would like the slices to be very thin, slice the meat when it is completely cold, using an electric slicer. Remember to serve the dish a few hours after so that the meat absorbs the flavour from the sauce.

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Chardonnay, Jermann, Friuli Venezia Giulia - A brilliant straw-yellow colour with green highlights. An intense, fruity and lightly aromatic flavour. 4 36

1 h. 30’





This is the famous and well-loved recipe of Teresa, Marina’s mum! Ingredients 8 courgettes 200g minced veal or beef 80g Parmesan 40g breadcrumbs 1 glass of crushed or pureed tomato sauce 1 whole egg Parsley Garlic Shallot Olive oil Salt

1. Cut both ends off the courgettes and using the a vegetable corer, hollow out them out. In a large saucepan, sauté the chopped shallot and oil. After the shallots have become soft and slightly brown, add the tomato sauce and leave to simmer for about 10 minutes. Salt as desired. 2. In the meantime, put the following ingredients in a bowl: meat, parmesan, breadcrumbs and egg. Finely chop the garlic and parsley and add them to the rest of the mixture together with half a teaspoon of salt. Mix everything together. 3. Stuff the courgettes with the mixture from one end to the other, prick with a fork and leave to cook in the saucepan with the tomato sauce. Cook until the courgettes are soft and limp, turning them occasionally. Tips: If the filling is a little too thick add a drop of milk.

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Aulente bianco, San Patrignano, Emilia Romagna - Chardonnay and sauvignon blanc, notes of vanilla, citrus fruit peel, green apple and elderflower. 4 38





ZUPPA INGLESE Italian triffle Zuppa inglese, literally means ‘English Soup’ but is best translated as Italian trifle. It is a dessert which first appeared on the dinner tables of Emilia Romagna in the 19th Century and it is made from sponge cake or ladyfingers (savoiardi) soaked in Alchermes liqueur and vanilla custard. Ingredients 300ml milk 100g sugar 50g dark chocolate 4 egg yolks 16 ladyfingers (savoiardi) 15g potato starch 10ml Alchermes liqueur 10g vanillin Peel of 1 lemon in one piece (don’t grate it)

1. In a saucepan, gently heat the milk and vanillin together with the lemon peel in one piece and in the meantime, with an electric whisk, mix the egg yolks together with 80g of the sugar in a separate bowl. When they are frothy, take the peel out of the milk and add the egg mixture to the milk, stirring continuously. While still stirring, add the potato starch slowly so as not to form lumps. Continue cooking the mixture on a low heat for 5 minutes, stirring continuously, until it reaches the thickness desired. Pour half of the custard into a separate bowl and put it to one side. Add the pieces of chocolate to the remaining half left in the saucepan and stir until the chocolate has melted and formed a chocolate custard. 2. Dissolve the remaining 20g of sugar in a glass of water and then pour it into a small saucepan, gently heating it on a low flame. Leave to cool and add the Alchermes. Soak the ladyfingers in the liquid one at a time, and form a layer of biscuits in individual glasses. 3. Pour a layer of the chocolate custard and then add another layer of biscuits (soaked in the sugarliqueur mix) and then a layer of the vanilla custard. Continue alternating the layers until you have filled the glass. Cover with cling film and leave in the fridge for a couple of hours before serving. Tips: garnish the top of the dessert as you wish: with cocoa powder, with grated chocolate or with fresh fruit (blackberries or redcurrants are particularly good).

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Albana Passito Arrocco, Fat. Zerbina, Emilia Romagna - Golden yellow leaning toward amber. Smooth and sweet flavour. 4 40





TIRAMISù The name “tiramisu” translates into “pick-me-up”. There are two divergent accounts of why the dish has this name. The first account suggests that the name means ‘a pick me up,’ referring to the two caffeinated ingredients that are present in the dish, espresso and cocoa. A second account refers to the idea that the dish is so wonderful it makes the taster swoon, warranting the person who is eating the tiramisu to state the request, “pick me up”. Ingredients 2 eggs 150g sugar 200g mascarpone cheese 1 pack of ladyfinger biscuits (Savoiardi) 2 spoons of Marsala liqueur Diluted espresso coffee Cocoa powder

1. Separate the eggs and beat the yolks together with the sugar, then add the mascarpone cheese, the Marsala liqueur. Finally, add the whipped egg whites. 2. Soak the ladyfinger biscuits in the coffee (don’t leave them in too long) and, in a serving dish,

make a layer of the biscuits which have been quickly soaked in the coffee and then a layer of the mascarpone cream, continue alternating the layers until the ingredients are finished. At the end you should finish off with a top layer of cream and then dust with cocoa powder.

3. Leave in the fridge for about 2 hours before serving. Tips: You can decorate each portion with a couple of coffee beans and a mint leaf.

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Picolit, Livio Felluga, Friuli Venezia Giulia - golden yellow leaning toward amber with an intense flavour.

4 42





SBRISOLONA crumble Sbrisolona, is a dessert originally from Mantova in Northern Italy. The name comes from the word ‘brisa’ which means crumb and it is a rustic, grainy dessert with a homey taste – more of a giant biscuit than a cake. In fact this dessert should not be cut into regular pieces but rather broken with the hands or by using a wooden spoon. Ingredients 225g unsalted butter, diced (If you’d like an even crisper cake, use half butter and half lard) 150g finely ground cornmeal 300g all-purpose flour 225g granulated sugar 200g mix of finely and coarsely chopped hazelnuts plus more for garnish 2 large egg yolks 1 teaspoon of Baking powder

1. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Butter a 26-28cm spring-form pan and dust with cornmeal. In a large bowl combine the butter (or butter and lard), cornmeal, flour, sugar, baking powder, hazelnuts and yolks crumbling the ingredients with your fingers until just coarsely combined. It should look lumpy and dry. 2. Take loose handfuls and sprinkle into the prepared pan. It will be irregular and should be very crumby

and free form. Very lightly press it down but not too much as it will come together as it bakes. Top with a scattering of chopped hazelnuts if you like.

3. Bake for 40 - 50 minutes (times may vary according to oven used) until golden at the edges and

cooked throughout. Allow it to cool in the pan. If you like, serve with warm melted chocolate on the side.

Tips: to obtain the perfect ‘crumbliness’ of the Sbrisolona, the mixture should be a rough and crumbly texture (and not smooth and homogenous like normal pastry).

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Torcolato, Maculan, Veneto - Sweet and full-bodied, with excellent balance between acidity and sugar.

4 44

1 h. 15’




CREMA CATALANA The Crema Catalana is a classic dessert which is difficult to resist. It is easy to make and we recommend using a kitchen blowtorch to caramelize the sugar on the surface so as to obtain the crunchy top which is typical of this dessert. Ingredients 12 egg yolks 100g corn flour 400g sugar 2 litres of milk

1. Bring the milk to boil and in the meantime, in a separate bowl, mix the sugar, egg yolks and corn flour

together. When the milk starts to boil add the sugar, egg and corn flour mixture to it.

2. Put it back on the heat and mix it continuously with a whisk until the cream becomes dense. Pour the mixture into individual ramekins and leave to cool. 3. Before serving, sprinkle each one with brown sugar and caramelize using a kitchen blowtorch. Serve

and enjoy!

Tips: decorate with a strawberry or raspberry and a mint leaf.

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Malvasia delle Lipari, Hauner, Sicily - A splendid golden emerald colour. Sweet and intense flavour but also zesty and fresh. 4 46





Chocolate LAVA Cake Chocolate lava cakes are delicious and indulgent desserts. Oven baked with a soft centre of melted chocolate, they are easy and fast to prepare and always add a sophisticated touch to any meal. Ingredients 150g dark chocolate 80g butter 20g flour 2 eggs + 1 yolk 90g icing sugar 1 sachet of vanillin 10g bitter cocoa powder To line the ramekins: Butter as needed Level spoon of bitter cocoa powder

1. Melt the chocolate in a bowl over hot water in a saucepan (bain-marie). Add the butter and mix together. 2. Using an electric whisk, mix the egg, sugar and vanillin together until you have a dense and white

mixture. Add the melted chocolate and mix together. Finally add the sieved flour and cocoa powder, stirring continuously until obtaining a smooth and homogenous mixture.

3. Grease the ramekins with the butter and dust with cocoa powder. Fill the dishes ž of the way with

the mixture and bake at 180° for 13-15 minutes (the centre must remain soft).

Tips: serve warm with a dusting of icing sugar and a scoop of vanilla ice-cream

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Barolo Chinato, Ceretto, Piemonte - A balanced and harmonious flavour with a pleasant aromatic persistence. 4 48





PANNA COTTA with raspberries Panna Cotta is a delicious dessert which is prepared using the traditional recipe and is served together with a dense raspberry coulis that perfectly complements the sweet smooth taste of the cream. Ingredients

For the raspberry coulis:

500 ml fresh cream 160g icing sugar 3 gelatine leaves (6g) 1 vanilla pod

200g raspberries 2 level spoons of icing sugar

1. Soak the gelatine leaves in cold water for 10 minutes and, using a sharp knife, split the vanilla pod

lengthways in two halves and extract the vanilla seeds. Put the cream into a saucepan and add the vanilla pod and the seeds, the icing sugar and gently heat on a low flame. Do not allow it to boil.

2. Squeeze the gelatine leaves and add them to the cream, stirring until they have dissolved completely.

Filter the mixture into a bowl so that the vanilla pod is removed. Take 4 individual 125ml moulds; wet the inside of the moulds with water. Pour the panna cotta mixture into the moulds and leave to cool at room temperature and then in the fridge for at least 4-5 hours.

3. 15 minutes before serving, put 150g of raspberries and the icing sugar in a blender and mix together. Filter it to obtain a dense and smooth mixture. Remove the panna cotta from the mould and serve together with the coulis and a few whole raspberries. Tips: you can substitute the raspberries with any other kind of fruit that you wish e.g. strawberries, blueberries, apricots etc. If the fruit chosen tends to go brown quickly, mix a little lemon juice to the coulis.

Recommended wine to accompany this dish: Recioto della Valpolicella, Allegrini, Veneto - Intense ruby red colour with a warm and spiced bouquet and notes of dried fruit. 4 50




“I would like to thank our Chef Giancarlo Bruno for his professionalism and passion, they have made a fundamental contribution to the realization of this collection. A thank you also goes to Teresa, my mum, for sharing the recipe of her signature dish, stuffed courgettes. We hope that the same passion and love with which we have created this collection is brought to your dinner table and that you will think of the Belvedere every time you make one of the dishes. Buon appetito!� Marina


Belvedere Hotel in Riccione Viale Gramsci 95 - 47838 Riccione (RN) Italy - Tel. +39 0541 601506 Fax +39 0541 691394 2

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