Giazetta Walther summer 2018

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a tt e z a Gi ISSUE 03





111 YEARS alther

W l e t o H Dear guests, dearest friends,

2018 is a special year for Hotel Walther: We are cele-

as described from page 14 onwards. Or soaking up the

brating our 111th anniversary. Our family Grand Hotel

warming rays of sun from a seat at one of the numerous

has a colourful past. Stories about the hotel, the guests,

Chamannas in the Engadin. On Alp Languard,

and the staff are the essence of this long tradition.

for example.

That’s why we talked to someone who knows these anecdotes like no one else: Christian Walther. Together

Hiking Alain Gayet

with his wife Barbara, he ran the hotel from 1963 to 1997.

Speaking of Languard: summer and autumn are ideal

From page 12 onwards, we bring the past back to life

hiking seasons in the Engadin! Our hiking connoisseur

and take a look into the future.

Alain Gayet, who has accompanied guests of Hotel Walther on countless tours in the area for more than

We are not only celebrating yet another anniversary

ten years, is offering another two hiking weeks at Hotel

but also the past season. Snowy, cold, lots of sun: that

Walther this season before he sets out to new horizons.

was the winter season 2017/18 in Pontresina. The 768

And to new summits, of course. Do not miss this oppor-

“ski pass included” tickets sold show that the guests

tunity to join the experienced mountaineer on one of

at Hotel Walther really made the most of the snow.

his all-time classics for the last time: hiking routes and

What a fantastic season – thank you!

further information on page 4.

Summer + Wellness = Walther

For 111 years, Hotel Walther has offered casual holidays

Winter was long this year. More than just a few of

in summer, autumn, and winter in a family Grand Hotel.

you are looking forward to warmer temperatures, longer

Just contact us – we will gladly put together the perfect

days, and lush green meadows dotted with grazing

offer for you.

cows. This summer, enjoy wellness with us. This edition of our Giazetta brings you our personal wellness tips!

We wish you an excellent stay and look forward to

Here, well-being starts even before your massage or

welcoming you in person soon!

treatment with our professional wellness team – for example, at an idyllic moor lake, not far from the hotel,

Sincerely, Anne-Rose & Thomas Walther and the team of hosts and hostesses

2 | Editorial




ring legend Heinrich Harrer inspire him? “In particular,

Barbara Walther by his predecessor and started his

Nepal’s unique landscape and its culture fascinated me.

first season with the hotel’s guests. In the meantime,

The monasteries and the religion they practise are quite

he has remained faithful to his passion. There must

extraordinary.” But the Engadin can always take on Nepal,

be an extraordinary connection between this man

he enthuses. The breathtaking panoramas are what make

and the mountains?

the Engadin so special, according to Gayet. “And on top of that, many of these vantage points are easy and quick

It is a philosophy of life and has become an attitude over

to reach – thanks to the various mountain railways and

the years: “In my opinion, we live too fast. Hiking gives

passes, we can get really close to the glaciers.” The hik-

you time. Time to observe the wonders of nature without haste. Stress simply evaporates.” That’s what makes hikers happy, or so he is convinced. He, a native

ing maven enjoys the peace and beauty of

«When you’re climbing, the mind is completely clear.

Frenchman, is particularly happy when

Free from all confusion, fully

he knows that he has been able to offer

focused. And suddenly, the

his guests an unforgettable day.

light seems more intense, the

Stories for eternity

sounds richer. You are filled

What are his best memories? “We had

with the deep and mighty

planned a tour to Piz Languard with guests of Hotel Walther. The weather had

nature around Pontresina not only on his countless hikes; privately, he also draws energy from his two other passions – ski tours and mountaineering. Speaking of mountaineering, Alain Gayet has a dream! On to new adventures Following his time at Hotel Walther, he now finds himself drawn to the dizzying heights of the Himalayas, where he wants

presence of life.»

to climb a high summit. The trained Eng-

suddenly changed, and it was snowing Quote from Heinrich Harrers «Seven Years in Tibet» cats and dogs. Not an easy tour in those

lish teacher and cross-country instructor

conditions! Which meant that the joy of

guide. But Alain Gayet will remain faith-

is waving goodbye to his calling as a hiking

success was even greater when we made it, all together!”

ful to the mountains. Perhaps you will meet him again

There are many stories to tell. The 67-year-old remem-

on the French Atlantic coast of Brittany, where he spent

bers last summer: “In August 2017, I went swimming

his childhood. At the end of the conversation, Alain Gayet

with guests. At 2,600 metres above sea level in a moun-

wants to add something that is very important to him:

tain lake, it is a fantastic experience!”

“I will always keep in touch with Walther’s guests, wherever I am.” Before he heads off into the sunset, however,

Nepal, Tibet, and the Engadin – again and again

he will be conducting some final tours – his “holy grail”

For Alain Gayet, his tours outside Switzerland are also

favourites. These all-time classics can be found on the

likely to have been unforgettable. The passionate hi-

next page!

ker has explored not only South Tyrol but also Nepal, Ladakh in the Indian Himalayas, and Tibet. Did his favourite book, Seven Years in Tibet, by mountainee-

4 | Alain Gayet: Hiking as a passion


FAVOURITE TRAILS Fortunately, these trails are not a secret. Read here about Alain Gayet’s personal favourites.



The starting point is Bernina Suot. Past the Inn Berninahaus towards Diavolezza, the trail leads to the bridge on the left. After half an hour, you will reach a fork, from where a steep zigzag path leads over alpine meadows to the rocks of Grand’Albris. This area is known for its countless marmots, so keep your eyes and ears open! After traversing the slope on the narrow path, the trail, secured by ropes, leads to Fuorcla Pischa. You may also spot a few ibex on the rocks because Piz Albris is home to the largest ibex colony in Switzerland! The path continues over scree to the Fuorcla Pischa. Approximately in the middle of Crasta Languard, the trail branches off to the left. After traversing the hollow, the path leads steeply to Lej Languard. From there it is only about 30 minutes to the Paradis hut, where you can sample the most delicious home-made cakes at an altitude of more than 2,000 metres. After an invigorating snack, you can tackle the descent to Pontresina!

Beauty: 5 / 6

The Boval hut tour begins right behind the Landgasthof Morteratsch: here the path branches off to the right and climbs briefly. Partly on and behind the glacier moraine, you hike towards the glacier. Below the hut, the trail goes over rocks, which requires a certain surefootedness. Then the path leads steeply over rocks and grassy slopes up to the Boval hut. The view from the terrace over the Bernina Massif is stunning. Special highlight for Alain Gayet: “Here you can eat the best rösti with fried eggs! You should definitely try it.” After a well-deserved break enjoying this breathtaking panorama, the descent continues along the same path until just before Morteratsch. Alain Gayet recommends: “On the way back, take the junction towards the Morteratsch Glacier and return to Morteratsch from there. Gorgeous!”

Beauty: 6 / 6 Technical difficulty: 2 / 6 Distance: 10.4 km Climb: 599 m Time: 4 h Max. altitude: 2’495 m above sea level Starting point: Landgasthof Morteratsch Route:

Technical difficulty: 4 / 6 Distance: 13.7 km Climb: 870 m Time: 5 h 15 min Max. altitude: 2’840 m above sea level Starting point: Bernina Suot, bus stop Route:




The Engadin is one of the most beautiful hiking regions in Europe. That’s why this health-promoting activity is part of our programme. Alain Gayet knows his way around. The enthusiastic hiker will point out where the landscape, flora, and fauna are at their most beautiful. We are offering two hiking weeks for our guests. Hiking guide is free of charge. DATES: Sunday 8 July through Saturday 14 July 2018 Sunday 2 September through Saturday 8 September 2018 PROGRAMME: Each Sunday at 6.30 p.m. welcome aperitif in the lobby and briefing with Alain Gayet; four hiking days from Monday to Friday (weather permitting). AUTUMN IN THE MOUNTAINS: Here in the mountains, autumn lasts until mid-October. Further offers can be found at as they become available.

ALAIN GAYET’S BACKPACK CHECKLIST - Drinks - Food - Wind protection - Sunscreen - Rain protection - Hiking poles


The starting point is at Pontresina Station, where you cross the Roseg Creek at the first bridge and then walk towards Val Roseg. The path leads through pristine larch forests, crisscrossed by crystal-clear streams and lined with blueberry bushes. The first milestone is Hotel Roseggletscher, where the surroundings change: the valley and the riverbed of the Roseg Creek broaden; the Sella and Roseg Glaciers reveal themselves in their full splendour. The ascent to the next milestone begins: on to the Tschierva hut past Alp Misaun, the trail leads along the glacier moraine of the Tschierva Glacier. When you arrive at the hut, you can expect a sublime view: the Tschierva Glacier, Piz Roseg, and Piz Bernina, the only four-thousand-metre mountains in the Eastern Alps, and the famous Bianco Ridge. You take the same path back, with the possibility of opting for a horse-drawn carriage ride back to Pontresina. Horse-drawn carriages? Full information can be found at:

Beauty: 6 / 6 Technical difficulty: 2 / 6 Distance: 24.3 km Climb: 875 Höhenmeter Time: 6.50 h Max. altitude: 2’600 m above sea level Starting point: Pontresina Train Station Route:

6 | The hiking maven’s favourite trails


THE GRUESOME LEGEND OF THE BEAUTIFUL DIAVOLEZZA Long ago, a fairy-queen lived on the lost mountain of Munt Pers. She was of unspeakable beauty, with flowing red hair. She was spotted only rarely by hunters on the slopes of the Bernina Massif, always surrounded by a herd of chamois. A brief glimpse of this beautiful creature left the young hunters blinded by love, and they became careless and followed her over rough, dangerous terrain to her mighty castle on the mountain. None of the lovesick fools ever returned. This also happened to Aratsch, a young man from the village. He disappeared without trace, so the villagers sent search parties to the mountain. Pale with shock, the seasoned men returned after an unsuccessful search and reported that something sinister was going on on the mountain. Indeed, at nightfall, the men had heard a wailing voice carried by the wind: “Mort ais Aratsch!” (Aratsch is dead). From then on, the Alp in the basin of the Bernina Massif was called Morteratsch. What happened to the young hunter is a mystery to this day. “This fairy-queen who kills our best hunters is a diavolezza, a she-devil!” the people in Morteratsch screamed furiously! And yet the death of Aratsch took the alleged she-devil Diavolezza’s peace of mind. She kept wailing her lament, night after night, year after year. Long after the Aratsch’s disappearance, the mountain on which the castle of Diavolezza stood trembled. The glacier, where the villagers suspected Aratsch had fallen, was buried under ice and scree right down to the valley. The villagers believed that the Diavolezza had finally been redeemed; her eerie lament would hush and she would never be seen again! However, to this day, anyone who finds themselves in the Bernina Massif at night, when the moon shines the brightest, will hear the whisper of the sad she-devil: “Mort ais Aratsch…”


OUT OF LOVE … It is people who shape the Walther. The life stories associated with the hotel are as numerous as they are colourful. Be it the waiter who falls in love with a Japanese guest and then marries her, the employee who only wanted to stay one season but has been here for over 15 years, or the story of the former employee who returns to the hotel to vacation with her entire family after she gets married. The feeling of connectedness unites them all. It could also be said that it happens out of love, as these stories show.


The Walther’s receptionist lives on the Morteratsch

backwards. I could do that in Cologne as well. I want to

campground all year round. With no TV or Internet. How

experience nature here! When I wake up, I hear the birds

this nature lover from Cologne ended up in Pontresina

chirping, see a deer or a squirrel scurry off. I have a BBC na-

and why she considers her caravan an upgrade.

ture documentary on my doorstep! That’s why I do not need a TV or Internet. I wouldn’t have time for it! In winter, when

“After school, I didn’t know what to do. So I went to Ibiza for

it snows as heavily as it did this year, I have to shovel the

three years. There, I vacuumed cars and learned Spanish,

caravan free when I come home from a long day at the hotel.

then worked in a hotel chain in marketing and sales. Back

The weight of the snow could cause the roof to collapse.

in Germany, I did a foreign language correspondence exam,

Or in the evening, when I still have to do some laundry,

to have something in hand to enable me to look for seasonal

it’s time to put on ski pants, boots, pullover and jacket and

jobs and be able to travel in the off-season. First, I moved

take the short walk to the sanitary facilities. But the walk

to Norway, where I worked as a tour guide in the summer.

across the snow-covered campsite and over the little bridge

Even then I lived out in nature. First in a tent. That was

makes up for the five minutes of additional work you have

nice. But in Norway it can get cold; the snow comes early

as a permanent camper. My way of life gives me so much:

and leaves late. So I replaced the tent with a converted Fiat

beyond living in nature, the most important thing it gives

Ducato, my new home.

me is freedom. I can do whatever I want on my chosen parking space in the back row. I can invite friends over for

In 2009, I came to Pontresina for a season. After a long

coffee; I can cook food in my kitchen – whatever and whe-

break, I returned to the Engadin and found myself at Hotel

never I want. This freedom means a lot to me. Of course,

Walther. Perfect for me: Working five months at a time,

I could imagine living in a normal flat again someday. But

twice a year, and in between I can travel! I’ve been here

honestly, I wouldn’t know what to do with my time if I

since 2016 and live at the Morteratsch campground. I have

were to live in a city like Cologne again. When I have lunch

a real caravan there now. With awning, a small garden, and

break here at 1:00 p.m. in the winter, by 1:15 p.m. I am on the

wicker armchairs offering views of the Morteratsch Glacier.

Corviglia, a snowboard under my feet. From the slopes, I go

Just lovely! And actually an upgrade compared to the tent,

directly back to work. In the summer I ride and climb. I am

don’t you think? The staff housing was never an option for

here for the love of freedom and nature!”

me. I do not want to get up in the morning, open the door, step into the hallway, work and then do the same

8 | Special hotel stories



DG “She has such a big heart, is down-to-earth, light-hearted and never says no! I, on the other hand, sometimes get worked up about bits and bobs and tend to worry. That’s probably because I’m a bit older.”

Opposites attract. He the spirited Italian; she the downto-earth German. He has been the Chef de Rang at Hotel Walther for eightteen years, and in 2014, she only wanted to stay for one season as a receptionist. He could ski. She couldn’t. Only one of the reasons why she is still at the Walther today. Leonie Senn (LS) “They warned me about him. ‘He is a womaniser,’ they said. I did not care. I thought to myself, He’s too old anyway.” Daniele Gandola (DG)

LS “He is a drama queen. That’s probably due to his Italian temperament! But, honestly, I would have to search for a long time to find anything negative about him. We also do not fight, and if we occasionally bicker, it’s more about minor things – food, for example; I always have to smile a bit because he actually only eats Italian food.” DG “I eat everything. Except for those sausages everyone likes to eat in Switzerland and Germany. But since, out of Leonie and me, I am the cook, that’s no problem!”

“When I saw her for the first time, I thought, Wow!”

LS “The only problem is the 25-year age difference. It takes

LS “In my first season, I worked a lot on the service side

friends have all accepted Daniele. It’s the people who do not

and helped with aperitifs. Okay, right there I already thought

know us. They have prejudices, but I understand. However,

Daniele was the most handsome of the service people.”

when they experience us as a couple, those prejudices are

DG “I liked how Leonie worked: always happy, so natural.

quickly resolved.”

Always with a smile. So I talked to her.”

DG “Nessun problema. My family sees that we are happy.

LS “He asked me if I wanted to go skiing with him.

What can people say when they see two people who are

courage to defend it over and over again. My family and close

I couldn’t ski at all!”

genuinely in love?”

DG “First, she did not want to go. After a bit of persuasion,

LS “For a long time, I kept the relationship with Daniele a

she came along. Lucky me.”

secret at the hotel. Everyone had warned me! After our first

LS “So he became my ski instructor. I was impressed at how

From then on, it was clear.”

patiently he gave me tips, drove ahead and waited again; and also at his way of reading my every wish from the eyes. If I’m not in a good mood, I do not have to say anything. He

holiday together in the Caribbean, I posted a picture of us.

DG “At the hotel, everyone accepts and respects it, including Mr and Mrs Walther. That’s important to us.”

senses it immediately. I also like that he cares for his family

LS “As a hotel couple, we have a strong emotional bond to

in Italy.”

the Walther. This is something Daniele and I have in common: we live our professions passionately. We are here out of love for our work and love for each other.”





Altitude 3’303 m above sea level, highest mountain station in the Eastern Alps

Altitude 2’978 m above sea level

Panorama The imposing Bernina Massif on one side; the sparkling Upper Engadin lakescape on the other. No matter where you look, there’s beauty as far as the eye can see! Gastronomy When it comes to diversity, it is hard to beat the range of culinary offerings on the Corvatsch. First, it is home to the highest restaurant in Grisons! The Panorama Restaurant 3303 – the name says it all; it is perched at 3,303 metres above sea level – proposes Engadin specialities as well as tasty alternatives for vegetarians and vegans. The family-friendly bistro Mittelstation Murtèl is the starting point for numerous hiking routes and offers uncomplicated fast-food classics that are popular with all age groups. La Chüdera is an insider tip among gourmets. The sun terrace offers a fabulous view of Lake Sils and Lake Silvaplana. Highlight The Corvatsch also boasts movie-star status. You don’t believe it? It’s a fact that German filmmaker Willy Bogner shot a 007 scene on the Corvatsch. In The Spy Who Loved Me, the legendary chase takes place in the ski resort at the Piz Bernina. With a 16-kilo camera, the action scenes were shot on specially designed skis for forward and backward skiing. That’s how we do 007 glamour in Grisons!

10 | Engadin summit experiences

Panorama View of the 4,049-metre-high Piz Bernina and its neighbour Piz Palü at 3,900 metres above sea level. Simply sublime views over the highest mountains in the Eastern Alps! Gastronomy The restaurant has seating capacity for 250 indoors and 180 outdoors. The focus is on traditional recipes of Grisons and Veltlin cuisine. How about some delicious Capuns? Rest assured, there’s nothing devilish about them – despite the legend surrounding this mountain. Read the saga on page 7! Highlight Bernina Glaciers is the name of the world of adventure that starts at the Diavolezza Valley Station, which is the starting point of the audio tour. On the way to the summit, Diavolezza’s turbulent history is revealed. Arriving at 2,978 metres above sea level, you will be greeted by the observation deck, which offers fantastic views as well as the Snow Climb Point. The challenge is to climb the five-metre-high snow hill and take an Instagram-worthy summiteer photo!

PIZ NAIR FOR ATHLETES AND CONNOISSEURS Altitude 3’057 m above sea level Panorama A view that showcases the Upper Engadin Lake District. In good weather conditions, it offers views spanning as far as Maloja and even the Matterhorn. An abundance of green interspersed with sparkling mountain streams. That’s the panorama of Piz Nair. Gastronomy Among early risers, the “Early Sunrise Breakfast” on the Piz Nair is legendary. The Corviglia is considered a true gourmet mountain. For the first time, a mountain experience and top cuisine were brought together here, while charming mountain huts such as the Alpina or El Paradiso make for culinary diversity.

MUOTTAS MURAGL THE SUMMIT OF THE MUSE Altitude 2’453 m above sea level Panorama The Engadin lakescape and the Bernina Massif on your doorstep!

Highlight The “Schwarze Spitz” and its neighbours are popular, especially with athletes and hikers. Mountain scooter enthusiasts, hikers as well as downhillers will find the perfect activity here! A highlight for mountain bikers: their mountain bike is transported by cable car to the Piz Nair, and from the highest point they start down the fast, demanding descent: first towards the Suvretta Pass and then on to the Corviglia, along a beautiful alpine single track. From Corviglia Mountain Station, the flow track is extremely popular, with its banked turns, curves with perfect radii, and small tables, delighting freeriders from the world over. Fun guaranteed.

Gastronomy They say that the Romantik Hotel with its Restaurant Muottas Muragl is the most beautiful of them all: the view over the Engadin is unique and not only artistically inspiring (see below) but renowned for its culinary delights. At sunset on the terrace or in the new panorama restaurant, you can enjoy an unforgettable romantic evening. Highlight “Will I be able to give to the nature that I paint the illumination that gives colour to life?” the famous painter Giovanni Segantini asked himself. The artist has always been inspired by the beauty of nature in the Engadin and spent his twilight years on Muottas Muragl. Sure-footed hikers can hike in Segantini’s footsteps to his last home, the Chamanna Segantini, at 2,731 m above sea level.

MOUNTAIN RAILWAYS INCLUDED IN THE OFFER BERGBAHNEN INCLUSIVE Whatever summit you have set your mind on, here you will find mountain railways to transport you there or, after an unforgettable hike, transport you back down again. Offer valid until 31 October 2018 from the second consecutive night at Hotel Walther. Pontresina - Sesselbahn Languard - Luftseilbahn Diavolezza

Sils/Surlej - Luftseilbahn Furtschellas - Luftseilbahn Corvatsch

Celerina - Gondelbahn Celerina – Marguns - Sesselbahn Marguns – Trais Fluors

St. Moritz - Sesselbahn Suvretta – Randolins - Luftseilbahn St. Moritz Bad – Signal - Standseilbahn St. Moritz Dorf - Chantarella – Corviglia – Piz Nair

Samedan - Standseilbahn Muottas Muragl


“The fact that our son continues to run the hotel is the best thing that could have happened!” In 1997, Thomas and Anne-Rose Walther took over the management of Hotel Walther. Previously, Christian Walther, Thomas’s father, together with wife Barbara, managed the business for over three decades. This year, the family Grand Hotel Walther celebrates its 111th anniversary. Christian Walther gives us a personal insight into his time as a hotelier. A family hotel like the Walther lives on

ween 1905 and 1907 in a single stage

this task successfully: respectability,

stories. Stories that become legendary,

of construction. The seven-metre-high

discretion, modesty, and not least the

so every generation recounts them.

room originally featured loads of velvet

ability to empathise. Without those

There are heaps of them at Hotel

and was even more plush, complete

traits, he wouldn’t have gotten far

Walther, not least thanks to Christian

with high stained-glass windows. In

despite his family’s experience, which

Walther. With his affinity for history,

keeping with the Old English style,

goes back quite far. Christian Walther’s

he documented valuable and witty

this room had an elegant atmosphere

grandfather, also named Christian, was

anecdotes over the years, which he

right from the start, inviting guests to

a hotelier in Flims. Hans Walther, the

shared in his book on the occasion of

sit in front of the large fireplace and

next generation, moved to Pontresina

the 100th anniversary of the Hotel

enjoy a stimulating conversation over

with his wife Mary, where they bought

Walther. Eleven years have passed


Hotel Steinbock in 1948 and entered

since then. In the conversation, it

a lease for the neighbouring Palace

becomes clear that for Christian


Hotel. After several successful years,

Walther this year’s anniversary is

Speaking of conversations: working at

Hans Walther bought the Palace in

associated only with positive feelings:

the Walther, a family business, is very

1956, which in 1964 was renamed Hotel

“To the next 111 years!” But before we

diverse. One person supervises finan-

Walther. In 1954, Hans Walther was

move on, let’s take a look back with

ces and personnel recruitment, and

elected mayor of Pontresina.

Christian Walther.

also acts as a human buffer between


pass. But the work with the guests and


While many people dream of spending

the guidance of the staff fills Christian

“So it happened that his wife Mary, my

a night alone in a museum or a shop-

Walther with joy, as he says himself.

mother, took on more and more tasks.”

ping centre, it would probably be much

Running a hotel business which is a

The leadership of the employees was

more exciting at the Hotel Walther

veritable melting pot of a wide variety

one of them at some point. And that’s

with its more than 100 rooms.

of cultures, mentalities, and occupa-

exactly what Christian Walther’s

When asked which of the rooms

tions has always been – and still is – a

favourite story revolves around: “One

he likes best, it is clear to Christian

challenging task. But it is this variety

day, the head waiter complained to

Walther: the Salon! Today, just as back

that originally impressed him, which

my mother. In the morning, his room

in the day, you turn right behind the

is why he still considers the staff with

service attendant Vittorio had disap-

reception area – and this impressive

the utmost respect today. For they are

peared in the guest room of a Contessa

feat of architecture awaits straight

all dependent on each other to make

– for over half an hour! The head wai-

ahead. Even more impressive when

everything work smoothly. According

ter was very flustered in front of his

you learn that this salon – and indeed

to Christian Walther, some character

listening boss. Mary Walther confronted

the entire hotel – was completed bet-

traits are essential in order to master

the accused Vittorio with the rumour.

the kitchen and service teams at the

12 | Christian Walther on the hotel’s history




1 First generation.

After World War II, Hans and Mary Walther took over the hotel. Their son Christian is pictured on the left. 2 Second generation. Barbara and Christian Walther with the children Thomas, Martina and Hans-Jörg. 3 Anne-Rose and Thomas Walther, third generation, a few years ago with the still young fourth generation.

He pulled a 50-franc bill from his

us something witty about his wife

pocket, waved it in front of his boss’s

Barbara: “Over the years, like my

perplexed face and told her, in the then

father, I got more and more involved

usual service language, “Ça, madame,

in politics. Due to the resulting absen-

je ne gagne pas chez vous dans une de-

ces, Barbara took over the leadership,

mie heure!” (“I can’t make this in half

which was not always easy. She paid

an hour working for you, Madam.”) My

me back for this, though, on my 60th

mother has never again enquired about

birthday in 1997, when she gave a spe-

the whereabouts of a room service

ech: “I never considered divorce, but

attendant,” smiles Christian Walther.

now and then I considered murder. A marvellous bon mot (witty comment),”


laughs Christian Walther.

It seems as though the Hotel Walther

THE STORY TO DATE … A few facts about the history of Hotel Walther 1904 Claudio and Ursolina Saratz, the owners of the

Hotel Steinbock, decide to build an opulent grand hotel on the neighbouring property.

1905–1907 the Art Nouveau building is constructed. Construction costs at that time: 2.5 million Swiss francs. 1907 Opening of the PALACE HOTEL, as the Walther was then called, with 106 rooms and 120 beds. 1917 Cheers! The first Pilsner beer in the Engadin is drawn from the tap.

Lenin writes in the guest book: “Le monde sera, mais il sera d’une autre façon.” (The world will be, but it will be different). The plot of Stefan Zweig’s second novel, The Post Office Girl, is set in the future Hotel Walther. During the First World War, the hotel becomes the property of the Bündner Kantonalbank and serves as soldiers’ quarters during the two world wars.

1945 The Kantonalbank entrusts Hans and Mary Walther with the reconstruction of the Palace and Steinbock hotels. 1956 Thanks to the economic boom, Hans Walther goes from being leaseholder to owner.

1963 The next generation takes over. Under the

female strength throughout its history.


At Hotel Walther, women’s empower-

In 1963, with Christian and his wife

ment has been typical for three genera-

Barbara from Berlin, the second

tions: today Anne-Rose, Barbara before

Walther generation took over the

her, and at the very beginning Mary

management of the hotel businesses.

Walther. There is also an anecdote that

The next Walther generation was born

1993 The Walther becomes a Relais & Châteaux Hotel.

emphasises the indispensability of

with the children Hans-Jörg, Martina,

1997 Thomas and Anne-Rose Walther are the third

the Walther women: “Sometimes my

and Thomas. On 14 April 1997,

generation to take over the management of the hotel.

father would open the season earlier,

Anne-Rose and Thomas Walther

1998 The fifth tower with a suite is built.

head over heels because unexpected-

took over.

2002 Construction is completed of the Aqua Viva

has been enormously influenced by

ly a large tour group had requested rooms. At the critical enquiries of my mother, who was to serve the guests, the shrewd husband looked at her lovingly and was able to persuade her to undertake this feat. My mother has managed to prepare and serve fine dishes for eighty guests with only two helpers.” Christian Walther also tells

management of Christian and Barbara Walther, the plush chic and the stiff Grand Hotel image disappear: the Palace becomes the Walther.

1987 Construction of the indoor pool – the first swimmer is a trout!

wellness area for 5 million francs.

2007 On the 100th anniversary, the hotel receives 4-star superior classification.

2012/13 Extension work takes place to add an underground parking garage, hotel park, and the Gondolezza.

2017 Successful redesign of the entire ground floor with

hotel entrance, reception, lobby, smoking lounge, hotel bar, and grand restaurant.

2018 Hotel Walther celebrates its 111th anniversary! 13



It is summer. You are at Hotel Walther. You wake up without

Four kilometres on, the pine forest clears and you get the

an alarm clock in a comfortable bed, wrapped in softly scen-

first glimpse of your destination: the Lej da Staz. A small

ted, crisp white sheets. The first shy sunbeams and the chir-

moor lake shrouded in mystical morning mist, the water

ping of the birds have awakened you. It’s warm. Barefoot, you

surface sparkling. You leave the bikes at the wooden jetty

slip out of the soft cloud of a bed and head to the bathroom

and shed your clothes. Jubilant with joy, you jump into the

to change out of your pyjamas into your swimsuit. Tracksuit

cool water. With vigorous strokes, you swim to the middle

on top and you’re done. In the meantime, your partner has

of the lake and are overwhelmed by the panorama. The cold

also been awakened by the rays of sun coming through the

water invigorates every centimetre of your skin and makes

window. Ready to go. A glance at the clock: six thirty in the

you shiver pleasurably as you brace your wet arms on the

morning! At home, you would probably still be fast asleep at

wooden raft.

this time. Here, nature awakens you delightfully. Invigorated, you cycle back to the hotel and enjoy the warm At the reception desk, a friendly smile awaits you: “Your

shower. Linen dress, wet hair, and freckles. From the grand

mountain bikes are ready.” So off you go to enjoy the new

restaurant and the terrace, you hear the clinking of plates

day! Almost weightless you float on the well-maintained

and cutlery. Down there, the breakfast buffet is already wai-

trail through the forest. Scattered sunbeams reach the forest

ting. You only notice the growling of your stomach when

floor through the branches. Tiny particles dance in the early

you see the choice of food and slowly inhale the delicious

rays. The tranquillity is interrupted only by the morning

scents. You sit down at a free table in the Art Nouveau hall

concert of the Alpine birds. Everything seems more intense.

and enjoy every bite as you look forward to the Spa mas-

The scent of damp wood and cold rock heating up and star-

sage you’ve booked for later. Then you notice a pearl drop

ting to steam as you head along the trail.

of water rolling down your arm, glistening in the sunlight. Your partner, sitting across from you, sees it and you share

There! Isn’t that a doe over there in the clearing? She stands

a secret smile. Can the memory of Lej da Staz ever be comp-

there, listening, her ears alert, her big, hazel eyes wide open,

letely washed away? Hopefully not!

before disappearing into the thicket. It only lasts seconds, and yet you experience everything as if in slow motion, holding your breath.

Relax at the Aqua Viva In addition to the fascinating landscape of the Engadin, our spacious natural wellness facility, the Aqua Viva, featuring indoor pool, sauna, and further baths, awaits the guests of the Walther. Various massages and treatments are also available. For the Spa menu, please visit our website.

14 | Wellness at the Walther



In 2018, Hotel Walther celebrates its 111th anniversary! For us, a reason to celebrate, and for you, it means enjoying even more: In July, a 111-metre-long nut pie awaits you. Join us for this event in the Hotel gardens! More info later on the website.

WINTER REVIEW Last season, 768 ski passes were sold at the Walther’s front desk – a total of 2931 ski days. This success is due to various factors. The redesign of the ground floor has triggered great media interest and apparently piqued people’s curiosity! In addition, the euro was stronger compared to the previous year, which had a positive impact on consumer behaviour. The Walther’s guests enjoyed the “Hotel – ski pass included” offer not only because of the unbeatable ticket price, but also the excellent snow conditions. We are looking forward to seeing what the next winter season brings!

EVENTS 17 June – 23 September


Camerata morning concerts

sunshine? We’re happy to oblige! Our neighbouring Hotel Stein-

Experience the Belle Époque in the Taiswald! In the summer, the Kurorchester performs salon music classics every day, weather permitting, from 11:00 a.m. until noon in the Taiswald. In bad weather, the concerts take place in the Kongress und Kulturzentrum Rondo in Pontresina. Admission is free!

Would you like even more of the mountains, tranquillity, and

bock is open for you even between seasons. Leave the stress in the lowlands and treat yourself to a break in a cosy 3-star hotel: This is relaxation with typical Engadin hospitality in the oldest inn in Pontresina!

Laret markets Pontresina A lively market comes to Pontresina on five Thursdays during the summer, starting at 5:00 p.m. Here you will find Engadin specialities at the wide range of stands. Artisanal treasures perfect for gifts, beautiful jewellery, excellent food carts to suit every taste – all accompanied by musical performances. Always an eagerly anticipated event. Dates: 28 June, 12 July, 26 July, 9 and 23 August 2018.

5 July – 5 August

Festival da Jazz This year’s Festival da Jazz takes place in the most beautiful setting ever. In addition to various locations in St. Moritz, concerts are held in and around Pontresina: on the Lej da Staz, in the Taiswald and the Pontresina Kulturhaus Rondo, where jazz lovers can enjoy the exquisite live performances. New this year: the Walther is an official hotel partner. For more information and the full programme, please visit

SEASONS AT HOTEL STEINBOCK SUMMER 2018: 1 May – 21 October / WINTER 2018/19: 30 November – 30 April SUMMER 2019: 1 May – 20 October



Centimes This is the daily wage that a waggoner would have made in 1945.


years If you have been a guest of the Hotel


square metres This was the size of the decorative

Walther for 25 years, you will be awarded

centre part of the carpet in the salon

Absurd: his horse made twice as

the Golden Ibex. Incidentally, the record

in 1979. The made-to-measure piece

much – one franc.

is 71 years of loyalty. Isn’t that amazing!

had to be manufactured in England since local looms were too small.



650 min. … or almost 11 hours was the time it

took to travel by coach from Thusis over the Julier Pass to St. Moritz. As of the


Pounds sterling

In 1930, hotel employees were

summer of 1903 onwards, however, with

In 1954, as always, an English lady

entitled to one full rest day every

the RhB, it only took 3 hours 23 minutes.

spent the summer with her daughter

three weeks!

at Hotel Walther. The lady died unexpectedly on the Bernina Pass. After the daughter’s return to Eng-


land, she phoned Mary Walther. She was desperately looking for her deceased mother’s corset. During

Hotel Walther had running water

the reading of the will, it was revea-

installed in every room as well as

led that her mother had had 5,000

the first central-heating system. At

pounds sterling stitched into her

that time, the building served as a

undergarment before she died. Joi-

shelter for soldiers.

ning forces, the daughter and Mary Walther found the valuable corset in the rubbish cart.

overnight stays

were logged in the village of Pontresina in 1920. This with a population of 738 people! In the winter of 2016/17, there were some 429,000 overnight stays including holiday apartments.


hotel guests on average visited the Palace Hotel

THE WALTHER IN NUMBERS With the term “post-fact” now part of our everyday, it’s important you have all the facts. That’s why we’re letting the numbers speak for themselves here on the last page.


thousand francs This was the cost of the conversion in 1998 of the gable into a tower with a suite.

Et voilà: The Walther in numbers.


years Yes, that’s right. Yet despite the Walther’s


The Year … in which the Diavolezza cable

in Pontresina daily during the

official age, just like us, we only look as

car was opened and officially made

1910/11 boom before WWI. The war,

old as we feel. And despite several tur-

Pontresina a winter sports resort.

however, brought an abrupt end to

bulent years, after last year’s makeover,

The Gondolezza – which today ser-

the flourishing tourism industry in

the Walther is shining like never before.

ves as our quaint Fondue Stübli-

the Engadin and the hotel became

Another number: The Pontresina Grand

Restaurant – is another witness to

the property of the Bündner

Hotel was also opened in 1907.

this important chapter of the


Hotel Walther · Via Maistra 215 · CH-7504 Pontresina · Telephone +41 81 839 36 36 ·

history of tourism.


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