Wholesale service heat map What's HOT and what's not Did you know that only 55% of the world’s major carriers offer VoLTE termination services? Although almost all of them offer voice over IPX service, this lack of a dedicated capability for international VoLTE calls is intriguing. Perhaps the fact that the same percentage are able to route calls using portability information in the destination country impacts this development? The detail behind all this is now available in a unique report from HOT TELECOM - the first edition of the Wholesale Services Heat Map report. As we would perhaps expect, Termination Services are the best covered segment overall with 95% of the respondents providing at least an international voice service and 91% offering the same for SMS termination. However, as we saw above, Voice over LTE termination is still just a roadmap plan for many operators and not offered to live customers by most.
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However, 88% of carriers believed that this was a growing opportunity for the industry in the next few years. When looking at innovative new services, blockchain is seen as an important capability for the future. Within this area, the most popular application is in rating processes, where 29% reported involvement in trials.
leading international carriers see each service as a growing opportunity in today’s world. Using a detailed survey completed by the 22 most significant players in the industry followed by a rigorous analysis of the results, Hot Telecom has created a 90-page report that assesses the current status of 69 specific services organized into five main categories:
In addition, around 50% of the carriers, who are not already part of trials and Proof of Concepts, are investigating the possibility of integrating blockchain in their processes and solutions.
• Termination services (voice, messaging and value added)
Looking at the big picture (see the wholesale service evolution map on the following page), it is clear that little differentiation and innovation is taking place in the wholesale space. Most of the services are offered by the majority of the carriers and are seen as core or are in the process of migrating to that status. Consequently, Blockchain services are pretty much the only pioneer services on carriers’ agendas at this point in time.
• Connectivity services
These are just some of the conclusions that the report offers to help carriers, service providers and equipment vendors plan their road ahead. The global telecom business has been with us for close to a hundred years with an active wholesale business thriving for around 30 of those. But what does the landscape look like now. There are often doom and gloom articles in the press, but what do the carriers themselves think? To answer that question, we have published the first comprehensive report that not only covers the products and services that make up the global wholesale business, but also provides a unique insight into whether the
• Roaming services (basic, value added and wholesale) • Value added services (VAS, IoT and Business Intelligence) • Innovation services (blockchain and 5G) The report identifies which carrier provides which services currently, or has it on their roadmap for the future, providing service providers with a unique view of the ideal partner for their requirements. More broadly, each carrier was asked whether they see the market as improving or declining for each service offering giving the industry a consolidated view of the attractiveness of each product in today’s market. Finally, the carriers gave their views on the main customer focus for each product type, providing another slice of the overall puzzle of where the wholesale industry is going in the years to come. To find out more about this report visit the following page: http://www.hottelecom.com/ reports/wholesale-heat-map-2019.html Or contact us at: paradis@hottelecoms.com
w w w.hot tel e c o m.c o m WHOLESALE SERVICE MAP EVOLUTION
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MORE ABOUT THE HEAT MAP REPORT This first edition of the International Wholesale Service Heat Map 2019 provides a unique and comprehensive global view of the International wholesale service offering, market evolution and markets targetted by each of the world’s top 22 international wholesalers. Our survey covers 69 services in 5 main categories: Termination services (voice, messaging and value added), Roaming services (basic, value added and wholesale), Connectivity services, Value added (VAS, IoT and Business Intelligence) and Innovation services (blockchain and 5G). Report price: US$2,000 Number of pages: 87 Publishing date: March 2019 To learn more, please visit www.hottelecom.com/reports/wholesale-heat-map-2019.html
ABOUT HOT TELECOM HOT TELECOM is one of the most innovative and creative research and consulting companies, which has been providing International operators and carriers with specialized intelligence and advice for the past 15 years. We understand the challenges faced by international carriers better than anyone, and have therefore developed a number of research and advisory tools and expertise to mirror these needs, and provide the support any wholesaler requires to survive and thrive in the current environment. To find out more about what we can do for you and how we can make the difference in your success, contact us and it will be our pleasure to provide you with tailored, real-life solutions that will meet your needs, challenges and objectives. For more information, please visit www.hottelecom.com