Genova Fall 2019

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Charles E. Daniel Center for Building, Research and Urban Studies 3

Students Graduate: Philip Riazzi Francisco Zambrano Sophia Delgado Undergraduate: Owen Connors Nathan Fitzsimmons Eric Hicks Taylor Francera Jacob Nixon Clay Patrick MaryGrayson Roberts Nathan Steele Ethan Turner Cayla Turner Gregg Ussery Jacob Wiles Daria Yoder


Undergraduate: (L.Arch): Dana Liotta Zhenrui (Eric) Mei Administrator Silvia Siboldi Carroll Staff: Cristina Lagomarsino Lucia Ruggiero

Professor in Residence Henrique Houayek* Faculty Saverio Fera Giuditta Poletti Luca Rocco Danilo Vespier * Family Kelly Houayek Helena Houayek

Students, Faculty, Staff with CAF Members and Friends of the Villa at the Villa Party October 25, 2019


This book is dedicated to Professor Robert Bruhns (1958-2019) A special thank you to: Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Forrester Little & Associates Architects CU & RW Oakley Mr. Frederick George “Fritz� Roth Mrs. Jeanne G. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. John H. Jameson, Jr. Mr. Raymond Stainback, Thompson Ventulett Stainback & Associates DA Gardner


Mr. William Pelham, Pelham Architects, LLC Mr. David Olesker, for the Anne Landsman Isenburger Memorial Fellowship Dr. Cesare Fera, in memoriam Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Powell Mrs. Mary F. Powell

Table of Contents 10 Living at the Villa and the Study Abroad Experience Field Studies: Sketches


Duomo di Genova, Cattedrale di San Lorenzo


First Group Trip


Independant Travel


Second Group Trip


Scarpa 3D



Research and Theory Seminar


Studio Projects


Italian Rationalism


Villa Rotonda

Villa Emo, Vedelago


Saint-Pierre Church, Firminy

Villa Foscari

La Tourette Monastery

Antinori Winery

Top fo the Duomo, Florence


MaryGrayson Roberts Undergraduate Architecture “Everyone always says that studying abroad is a life changing experience. I don’t think I fully understood this until I got to Genova. My first day arriving at the villa, I was nervous for what the semester would hold but those nerves went away within a matter of minutes. It instantly felt like a home away from home. Little did I know that the coming weeks and months would hold so many new adventures and experiences that really would change my life. This experience was not only made by the places we went but the people who made them possible. Being able to come to Genova and to work and live in such a unique city has left so much desire to travel, learn, and explore. I am so thankful for everyone in Genova who helped create this amazing experience and for my family who gave me the opportunity to live in Genova.”


Eric Hicks Undergraduate Architecture For me, my time in the villa was never boring. The opportunity to travel all the time was one of my favorite parts. There’s only a few weekends actually spent at the villa, even then with the sense of family it made staying in fun. This past semester was one of the best experiences. I’m extremely grateful for this opportunity and for the faculty that helped make this possible.

Living at the Villa and the Study Abroad Experience

Francisco “Pancho” Zambrano Masters Architecture “Everyone tells you how life changing studying abroad can be, but no one can truly explain how it changes or impacts your life. This is especially true when you live in the Villa. Living with your peers brings out the best and the worst in everyone but these moments are the ones that push for growth. You learn as much about yourself as you do about others. Take the time to talk to everyone, even those who you first think you will not get along with. You might end up forming a lasting relationship with that person. When you arrive, time seems to slow down just enough that you think you have plenty to do everything. Take advantage of every opportunity you get to travel somewhere, but also remember to explore Genoa. Before you know it, you’re packing up to head back home and will regret not taking the time to have explored. There are so many moments that you wish can last forever, treasure every single one even the tough ones. You’ll look back on them and laugh. Take everything in from the way the afternoon light filters in through the living room window, to the taste of the fresh morning focaccia. These are some of the things that make the villa so special. No two experiences are the same. My second experience was so different from the first but neither was better than the other. Each experience is so special because of the different people who I got to experience the villa with. I can never express how truly grateful I am for everyone who made this experience possible..”



British architect Hugh Broughton presentation to students and faculty

Villa Lecture Series



Field Studies: Sketches On Drawing: Design as an aesthetic practice Henrique Houayek

The Field Studies class has a premise of learning by the encounter and live experiences. Class takes advantage of the unique opportunity and experience students have to attend the Genoa Villa. The purpose of this course is to develop and practice a way of seeing and analyzing the built environment. Explicit in this process is the graphic transformation of that environment onto the two dimensional page. This act is a remarkable process and warrants careful consideration for its usefulness as an analytical tool. The learning process arrives from walking and visiting Genoa and other Italian cities and graphically register these experiences as an architect. Analytical inquiry through drawing can have the reciprocal effect of interpreting the subject and, through the drawing itself, it can also illustrate the process of how the subject is revealed. Simply stated, these analysis drawings are “working drawings”. That is to say, they “work” at providing insightful information and reveal otherwise hidden information about the subject rather than only depicting a landscape scene. Moving beyond a topical tourist photographing, this class focused on strong observation and extensive drawings as a way to record, and memorize interesting architecture and urban moments, as a way to increase the students design repertoire and to become more comfortable in developing and explaining graphically design intents. The unique character and advantage of the “field sketch” is to allow a concentrated amount of time to focus your attention onto a specific place or building in order to discover, analyze and record its complexities. Drawing in the field should be more incisive and exploratory than producing only accurate renderings of a given “scene”.



Clay Patrick

The Villa

Top Left: Gregg Ussery Bottom Left: Phil Riazzi Right: Sophia Delgado


The Villa Top Left: Daria Yoder Top Center: Ethan Turner Top Right: MaryGrayson Roberts Center: Taylor Francera Bottome Row Left: Daria Yoder Principe Window: Daria Yoder Bottom Row Center: Cayla Turner Bottom Row Right: Zhenrui Mei


The Villa Top Left: Jacob Nixon Top Center: Jacob Wiles Top Right: Nathan Steele

The Villa

Bottom Right: Nathan Fitzsimmons Bottom Center: Nathan Fitzsimmons Bottom Right: Eric Hicks


Porta Soprana Top Left: Clay Patrick Bottom Left: Zhenrui Mei Genova View Top Right: Daria Yoder



Via Garibaldi Left: Clay Patrick View of Corso Firenze: Right: Sophia Delgado


Piazza de Ferrari Clay Patrick



Piazza de Ferrari Top: Sophia Delgado Bottom Left: Phil Riazzi Bottom Right: Jacob Nixon


San Matteo Cloister Left: Francisco Zambrano Bottom Center: Sophia Delgado Bottom Right: Eric Hicks Genova Palaces: Right: Phil Riazzi San Andrea Cloister: Bottom Left: Daria Yoder



Banco di Sardegna Top Left: Daria Yoder

San Augistino Tree: Bottom Left: Dana Liotta

Christoper Columbus House: Top Center: Gregg Ussery

San Augistino Cloister: Bottom Left Center: Sophia Delgado Bottom Right Center: Taylor Francera

San Matteo Elevation: Top Right: Sophia Delgado

San Augistino Tower: Bottom Right: Nathan Fitzsimmons


Genova Acquario Top: Phil Riazzi Porto Antico: Bottom Left: Nathan Fitzsimmons Bottom Right: Sophia Delgado



Boccadasse Top Left: Nathan Fitzsimmons Bottom Left: Gregg Ussery Top Right: Eric Hicks Bottom Left: Phil Riazzi Bottom Right: Sophia Delgado


Cinque Terre Top Left: Sophia Delgado Camogli Top Right: Daria Yoder Bottom Left: Nathan Fitzsimmons Bottom Center: Gregg Ussery Bottom Right: Jacob Wiles


Camogli Top: Phil Riazzi Bottom Left: Phil Riazzi Bottom Center: Eric Hicks Bottom Right: Ethan Turner




Como War Memorial Top Left: Gregg Ussery Casa Del Fascio Top Right: Gregg Ussery Bottom Right: Phil Riazzi 30


Milano Day Trip Top Left, Bottom Left and Right: Phil Riazzi Santa Maria Delle Grazie Top Right: Sophia Delgado 31

Duomo di Genova, Cattedrale di San Lorenzo As part of your study of Genova’s historical center and its historical typologies this semester, students will be requested to produce a poster with an accurate representation of the façade of the San Lorenzo Cathedral, located at the Genova’s Historical Center. Using an accurate photographic survey as well as a set of important measures in site, students developed a facade drawing in a 1:75 scale; Attention will be set to the drawing of the openings, ornaments, and materiality, as well as line weights and shadows to define depth and drawing hierarchy; The objective is to produce one high quality drawing to be printed as a poster, framed and hanged at the villa.



Leglise Saint Pierre Francisco Zambrano 34


First Group Trip

Leglise Saint Pierre Left: Sophia Delgado Right Top: Nathan Fitzsimmons Right Bottom: Eric Hicks 35


First Group Trip

Le Maison de Cultura Top Left: Gregg Ussery Bottom Left: Clay Patrick Top Right: Eric Hicks Bottom Right: Francisco Zambrano Unite d’ Habitation Bottom Left: Philip Riazzi



First Group Trip

Musee des Confluences Top: Francisco Zambrano Bottom Left: Clay Patrick Bottom Right: Sophia Delgado


Santo Spirito Alter Heath Roberts


La Tourette

Santa Maria del Fiore Right: Tate Deluccia Middle: Heath Roberts Left: Isabela Korn Left bottom: Kaitlyn Salvia

First Group Trip

La Tourette Left: Clay Patrick Center: Sophia Delgado Right: Phil Riazzi


Brion Cemetery Top Left: Eric Hicks Bottom Left: Clay Patrick Right: Sophia Delgado


Carlo Scarpa

First Group Trip

Brion Cemetery Left: Sophia Delgado Top & Bottom Right: Francisco Zambrano


Brion Cemetery Top: Sophia Delgado 42

Carlo Scarpa

First Group Trip

Brion Cemetery Top Left: Gregg Ussery Bottom Left: Erick Hicks Brion Cemetery Details Top Right: Philip Riazzi Bottom Right: Jacob Nixon



Castel Vecchio Clay Patrick

Carlo Scarpa

First Group Trip

Castel Vecchio Left: Sophia Delgado Castel Vecchio Details Top Right: Philip Riazzi Bottom Right: MaryGrayson Roberts 45

The Grand Canal Top: Sophia Delgado Scandanavian Pavilion Bottom Left: Ethan Turner Dice Sculpture Bottom Center: Zhenrui Mei



First Group Trip

Fondamenta Sant’Anna Top Left: Daria Yoder Basilica Paladiana Top Right: Francisco Zambrano Quarini Stanpilia Bottom Left: Philip Riazzi Center: Sophia Delgado Olivetti Detail Bottom Left: Gregg Ussery


Oslo Opera House Top: Ethan Turner Copenhagen Castel Bottom Left: Ethan Turner Boccioni Sculpture Center: Ethan Turner Diamond Grid Building, London Bottom Left: Ethan Turner


Westminster Abbey, London Left: Eric Hicks


Independent Travel

Astrup Fearnley, Oslo Top Right: Eric Hicks Eye Film Museum, Amsterdam Bottom Right: Eric Hicks


8 House, Coppenhagen Top Left: Clay Patrick Top Right: Eric Hicks Bryggen, Bergen Bottom: Clay Patrick



Independent Travel

Louisiana Museum, Helsingor Top: Clay Patrick Bryggesporden Street Corner Bottom Left: Clay Patrick Church of Our Savior, Copenhagen Center: Clay Patrick Old Stock Exchange, Copenhagen Right: Clay Patrick


Le Petit Greek, Santorini Top Left: Taylor Francera The Erechtheion Acropolis, Athens Center Left: Taylor Francera St. Dominus Detail, Croatia Bottom Left: Dana Liotta Vernazza, Italy Right: Taylor Francera



Independent Travel

Palace of the Diocletian, Croatia Left: Dana Liotta Hvar, Croatia Right: Dana Liotta Diocletian Door Detail, Croatia Left: Dana Liotta


Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Paris Top: Zhenrui Mei Matthias Church Walls, Budapest Bottom Left: Nathan Fitzsimmons Palace of Versailles Door Bottom Center: Cayla Turner Haas Haus, Vienna Bottom Right: Owen Connors



Independent Travel

Butterfly House, Budapest Top: Nathan Fitzsimmons Church of St. Leodeger, Luzern Bottom Left: Zhenrui Mei Matthias Church Stairs, Budapest Center: Nathan Fitzsimmons Palace of Versailles, France Bottom Right: Zhenrui Mei



Independent Travel Fonte Monumental da Ribeira, Porto Top: Francisco Zambrano Entry Arch Detail, Sintra Bottom Left: Francisco Zambrano


Tejo Power Station, Lisbon Francisco Zambrano


Independent Travel

Placita de la Seu Phil Riazzi




Second Group Trip

The Duomo Left: Sophia Delgado Top Right: Nathan Fitzsimmons Right Center: Jacob Nixon Bottom Right: Jacob Wiles Boboli Garden Statue Top Left: Ethan Turner La Basilica Di San Lorenzo Bottom Left: Daria Yoder Uffizi Gallery Right: Zhenrui Mei 59

Florence Leather Market Left Top: Clay Patrick Bottom Left: Phil Riazzi Basilica San Miniate al Monte Top Right: Francisco Zambrano Uffizi Gallery Bottom Right: Phil Riazzi



Second Group Trip

Porto Romano Gate Sophia Delgado 61

San Petronio Top: Phil Riazzi Bottom Left: Clay Patrick Santuario di Santo Stefano Bottom Right: Clay Patrick Top Left: Nathan Fitzsimmons Right: Francisco Zambrano Bolonia Porticos Bottom Left: Phil Riazzi



Second Group Trip


San Gimignano Alley Top Left: Phil Riazzi Collegiata di Santa Maria Assunta Bottom Left: Phil Riazzi Top Right: MaryGrayson Roberts Towers Center Top and Bottom: Phil Riazzi Bottom Right: Jacob Wiles


Piazza Del Duomo Top Left: Clay Patrick Bottom Left: Daria Yoder Right: Francisco Zambrano

San Gimignano

Second Group Trip




Second Group Trip Piazza Il Campo Left: Clay Patrick Bottom Right: Phil Riazzi Siena Duomo Top Rightt: Daria Yoder Center Right: Sophia Delgado


Roman Forum Left: Sophia Delgado Top Right: Eric Hicks Roma Arch of Titus Bottom Right: Zhenrui Mei 68


Second Group Trip The Colosseum Top Left: Nathan Fitzsimmons Top Right: Clay Patrick Bottom: Francisco Zambrano


Sant’Ivo alla Sapienza Top Right: Sophia Delgado Temple of Antoninus and Foustina Bottom: Francisco Zambrano


Palazzo Barberini Stairs Left: Daria Yoder

Sant’ Agnese in Agnon Bottom: Francisco Zambrano


Second Group Trip


Auditorium Parco della Musica Top: Clay Patrick Palazzo Dei Congressi Bottom Left: Nathan Fitzsimmons Pantheon Bottom Center: Nathan Steele Bottom Right: Zhenrui Mei St. Peter’s Basilica Top Left: Owen Connors Top Right: Gregg Ussery Right: Zhenrui Mei 72

Bernini’s David Bottom Left: Sophia Delgado


Second Group Trip


Fountain of Four Rivers Top Left: Sophia Delgado Top Right: Owen Connors Bottom Right: Taylor Francera Ruins in Compitellli Bottom Left: Dana Liotta Roman Forum Bottom Center: Clay Patrick 74

Trevi Fountain Zhenrui Mei


Second Group Trip


Scarpa 3D

This Fall 2019 we worked on an in depth study on the work of Italian architect Carlo Scarpa and develop 3D models in order to understand specific aspects of his work. Part of the exercise included the research, analysis and understanding of seminal projects by the Venetian architect, as well as give more training into the use of digital production tools. We visited together all these projects during our first group trip. The class divided into different groups, research and find drawings, and model parts of each project. Project List: Querini Stampalia Foundation Querini Stampaglia Entrance Sculpture and canal steps Brion Cemetery – Detail of the existing Cemetery entrance volume Brion Cemetery – Chapel Olivetti Store Stairs



Chapel Scale 1/50


Brion Cemetery

Side Entrance Scale 1/50


Main Stairs Scale 1/25


Olivetti Store

Entrance Fountain Scale 1/4


Garden Fountains Scale 1/4


Querini Stampaglia Foundation Canal Entrace Stairs Scale 1/50


Italian Rationalism

Saverio Fera

The purpose of this course is introduce to foreign students to a part of the Italian history of architecture. This history is part of the genealogy of many contemporary Italian architects. The seminar will be based on a series of lectures depicting the Italian architectural environment of the first half of the XX century. A specific bibliography will be given during the lectures. As part of the studies on Modern Italian Architecture (MIA) this semester, students are be requested to produce a poster with a set of accurate representations of axons of some building taken from the Italian production of the Thirties.. The drawings done in b&w, with simple black lines (disegno al tratto) are useful to better understand the projects, from the proportions to the dimensions of the parts that compose them. Thanks to the use of this tool it is possible to analyze in deep the compositional methods implemented by the architects in their projects.





Palazzo Della CiviltĂ Italiana G. Banfi, L. Belgiojoso, E. Peressutti, E. Rogers

Roma, EUR

Competition Finalist 1939

Taylor Fancera, Cayla Turner, Jacob Wiles

Fall 2019


1: 300 Scale




Design Seminar

Danilo Vespier

The course will be based on a series of lectures with projections of slides, dealing with main topics of the design process focusing primarily within the context of Italy and Europe. Some cases study will be analyzed giving to the students some references and bibliography, lecture by lecture. Students are expected to take a mid-semester test based on topics illustrated during the lectures, the given references and reading assignment. The final exam will consist of a graphic presentation with sections in scale 1:50. To be presented in a latter date. The purpose of this course is to show and analyze different architectural experiences with the intent to highlight different steps and specific aspects of the design process. Project is not just a composition of spaces and volumes, driven only by a personal skill and creativity or a self-referential gesture, but is the result of an articulate multidisciplinary design research, made to respond to different needs and specific contextual situations. Each project has its own “story�, for this reason there are not ready-made solutions for design. Architects need to be critical, always ready to check and revise their own work. They need to be curious, in order to learn and take advantage of all the disciplines that can improve the design process. Architects need finally to be always conscious of their big responsibility for the physical and social impact of their actions.



Studio Projects

Henrique Houayek Luca Rocco Danilo Vespier Cucina Liguria Food Lab “Pesto speaks Ligurian. Only take a smell, and your ears will pick up the vernacular: it is both harsh and tender at the same time, built from drawled noises, whispered syllables, grim vowels.” Paolo Monera “This green Alchemy is a direct answer to the harsh geography of Genoa’s hinterland, where there is barely any flat ground to grow anything. The history of Genoa kicked off with that search for grain and other products that they simply did not have access to.” Nicholas Walton This semester, the Genoa Studio will research and explore the richness of the traditional Ligurian cuisine in the context of a social and commercial center in the Genova Historical Center. Genova is a city with an incredible historical culture, part of this is due to its culinary cuisine which inherits its flavors from its original fisherman founders to the romans, the renascence bankers and sailors and now a strong hub for family agriculture and slow food. Specifically, the challenge of this semester is for the students to propose a culinary center which aims to bring a new visiting hub to the city. This should include the study and understanding of the significant aspects of the Genovese area cuisine and its relationship with the city, its people and its life:



Sophia Delgado Taylor Francera







Philip Riazzi Francisco Zambrano





Dana Liotta Jacob Wiles







Nathan Fitzsimmons Eric Hicks







Jacob Nixon Clay Patrick







MaryGrayson Roberts Nathan Steele





Owen Connors Daria Yoder


Culinary School

Open Market




Gregg Ussery Zhenrui (Eric) Mei





Ethan Turner Cayla Turner







Traveling is vital to oneself’s education because it helps release you from the feelings that your own customs are at the center of the universe. It connects you to a greater sense of the world and a greater sense of purpose as architect and as citizen.

This book has been produced during the Fall 2019 semester by Henrique Houayek, Professor in Residence and Sophia Delgado, Graduate Assistant. It is a sample of the students’ experiences and their work produced while living at the Villa with a selection of over 250 hand drawings with multiple medias, as well as the projects developed for Studio. 142

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