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Isabella & Max, LLC
House of Fifty is an online magazine publishing bi-monthly, focusing on topics that find inspiration in the everyday.House of Fifty is now an iPad & iPhone app at the iTunes Store and available in print. Thank you for reading House of Fifty. Janell Beals, Founding Editor

Jaci Nash

Dana Tate

Betty Dickerson

Sarah Roy

Celeste Lux

Monica Henson

Jacqueline Fra

Cheryl Ver Hoef

indra caudle

shanlee Robertson

phil cole

Pompeyo Creencia

Syd Al

Kandy Cullers

Bridgid Sloyan

Maureen Durbin

Wrennie Williamson

Adriana Ahmet

Marie Roberts

Mary Alex

Cristina Elson Alfonso

Romi Clingen

Dee Brower

Karina Féliz

kathrin von Dehn

Lynn Jacobson

riki kiki

Elizabeth McFarling

Sharon Gorden Harvey

Holly Stork

Wendy Ruch

Mary Cunningham

Jessica Buckley

Noreen Boncross

Allyson Schulthess Wilson

Carolyn Coogan

Ellen Chic

lauren coppedge


Shannon Mahan

Tonya Dickie

Jean O'connell

jonda peterson

Isabella Peltekci

Erin Mathias

Tammy Preston

Anne Garrett

Ashley Prasse-Freeman