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Isabella & Max, LLC
House of Fifty is an online magazine publishing bi-monthly, focusing on topics that find inspiration in the everyday.House of Fifty is now an iPad & iPhone app at the iTunes Store and available in print. Thank you for reading House of Fifty. Janell Beals, Founding Editor

Jennifer Lockwood

Heather Shelton

We the People are Studios

Jane Kennedy

Jennifer Adkins

Klaudia Venczel

Jennifer Dunn Revoir

sanchia gair

Juanita Allison

zad solo

emily Priesmeyer

L. Holliday

becky white

Kathleen Leland

Sue Holthaus

María Belén Sacchini Michieletto

Mary Jo Little

indira mendivil

Thomas Myers

Tracy Bugni

lynn nguyen

Laura Johnston

Tiffany Moulton-Brooks

Nancy Holden

M Wang

Vicki mecanovic

Eve Portik

Katie Harder

Gillian Sarner

Elizabeth Sheeler


Tonya Rice

Erin F

Sandra McCullough

Наташа Бадяжина

jane walsh

Tallie Ehman

Karboojeh Handmade Jewelry

Laura Quintero

Kristin Mika

Abby Shaw

thea tulloss

Anna Hovey

Barbie Davalos

Sheila Graham

MaryAnne Ryan

Roni-leigh LeRue

Jane Accardi