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BY sandi schwartz
Decidingthebesteducationaloptionforyourchildrenismorecomplicatedthanever giventhenumerouschoicesavailable,fromlargepublicandprivateschoolsto homeschooling,andeverythinginbetween.Butonetypeofschoolisbecomingmore populartoday,althoughitisreminiscentoftheone-roomschoolhousesofyesterday. Microschoolsbegansproutingupafewyearsbeforethepandemic,buttheyhavebeen surgingeversince.
A microschool is a small group of students meeting in an informal space and taking more ownership of their education, says Kelly Smith, founder of Prenda, one of the nation's largest microschool providers Microschools typically serve no more than 15 students but can be larger Smith recommends a student-toteacher ratio of eight to 10 students per adult.
These small schools operate in a variety of untraditional settings, such as homes, libraries, houses of worship, community centers, rented commercial spaces, public outdoor spaces, and even backyards There are in-person, virtual, and hybrid options available. The schedules can be flexible, allowing families and educators to design a balanced week, such as every other day in-person or half-days to allow for engagement of activities outside the classroom
“Microschools can come in many flavors, including Montessori, Forest, Waldorf, Prenda, Acton, etc.,” says Smith “Think of these philosophies as the guiding principles behind the microschool structure and choose the approach that works best for you While a Montessori school could be a microschool, it doesn't have to be, so make sure to check the numbers before you enroll” They can also look like anything from homeschooling collaboratives meeting at a local library a few days per month to learning pods in private homes to small, full-time private schools that prioritize individualized learning
It is estimated that 15 million K-12 students (about 3 percent of all school-age children) attend 95,000 microschools throughout the country, according to the National Microschooling Network. Much of this growth is due to expanding microschool networks like Prenda, Kaipod, Acton Academies, and Wildflower As more parents crave personalized attention for their children; more control and flexibility over the curriculum; and a safe, welcoming environment rooted in community-driven grass-roots philosophy, microschools have become more popular.
“We are seeing an uptick in interest, and I think families and students are really looking for more personalized education,” says Robyn Chapel, Head of AEON School in Silicon Valley located in Santa Clara, California “We see families who are looking for their child to be really intellectually stimulated…and for their children to be seen and understood in a more holistic way” AEON currently has 12 students enrolled in-person and 240 students in 46 countries who are part of their global online community
Parents choose microschools for a variety of reasons. Some want to see the love of learning rekindled in their child, while others find a microschool that meets a specific need not being met by traditional schools “The small group format can provide high connection, autonomy, and personalization, which leads to kids who love school and make significant learning gains,” says Smith
Here are some of the key benefits of microschools:
Flexibility:Microschools provide flexibility in scheduling, curriculum choices, and learning approaches. They focus on student autonomy and independence, which may mean students aren’t confined to traditional desks and can move around the classroom more freely. When it comes to scheduling, families often work together to decide what times and days of the week the microschool meets At AEON, for example, the program is rooted in an online, project-based curriculum with a physical campus for students to work alongside and collaborate with one another, so students have a tremendous amount of flexibility, says Chapel. “We have students travel for days or weeks at a time for competitions, family events, or unique academic opportunities and they don't have to worry about missing class,” she notes.
SharedResponsibility: Microschools typically give parents the opportunity to have a strong voice in what and how their children learn and play, yet the bulk of the instruction is done by the educators It is a collaborative relationship, as parents have a supportive role in continuing and deepening learning at home Connection:Given the small size, microschools allow for a more intimate environment, which helps build a strong sense of community for both students and parents
Personalization:The small environment allows educators to get to know their students and tailor the learning experience to each child, creating customized lesson plans and assignments that challenge them appropriately This approach allows each student to learn at their own pace and can accommodate those with special needs or specific interests. “Students have about half of their time each day to arrange as they need in order to work on their assignments, meet individually or in small groups with teachers or peers, get feedback on their work, or take a brain break or a movement break,” explains Chapel CreativityandInnovation:Microschools tend to innovate rapidly, allowing teachers to try new tools and teaching methods to meet the needs of their student body. Integrating cutting-edge technology is also common at microschools AEON uses a project-based curriculum that engages students in week-long challenges that are interdisciplinary in nature “It's a really different approach that puts students at the true center of their learning every day This builds real life skills of project management, problem solving, critical thinking, creativity, autonomy, and resilience,” says Chapel.
While microschools offer many attractive benefits, there are some drawbacks to consider when evaluating if a microschool is right for your family
First, is the microschool format a good fit for your child? Chapel recommends getting your child involved in the school search process to really figure out what they need “Students should be given opportunities to think about how they learn best and what kinds of learning environments productively challenge them and provide them with appropriate support and structures for their learning needs,” she says “If your child is thriving in their current school environment, that's a wonderful thing If they are feeling underwhelmed, unfulfilled, or unsatisfied it might be worth a look around to see if one of those schools might be a better option for your child”
One of the biggest concerns about microschools is their lack of accreditation In a survey of 400 microschools across the country from the National Microschooling Center, only 16 percent said they were accredited in their state This lack of oversight can turn off some parents, since the curriculum may not be backed by reputable educational entities, and classes may be taught by uncertified teachers. This could be a problem in the long run if students aren’t meeting the necessary outcomes and standards to prepare them for college and career success
Another issue that often comes up is how microschools are legally defined They can take on a variety of legal forms depending on where you live, so it’s important to investigate this before registering. Around a third operate as private schools, while 44 percent operate as “learning centers” catering to homeschooled students. Keep in mind that if you un-enroll your child from their existing traditional public school, charter school, magnet school, or private school to switch to a microschool that is legally considered a homeschool, then you are legally responsible for determining curriculum, lesson plans, and methods of instruction
Finally, be sure to ask about the cost of the microschool you are considering Some can be completely free to create and design, while others might charge a fee ranging from hundreds of dollars each month to typical private school rates of tens of thousands of dollars per year
While many microschools are independently run, there are also microschool networks with learning groups across multiple states, including Prenda, Acton Academy, Wildflower Montessori Schools, KaiPod Learning, Great Hearts, and The Forest School – Online Some even provide opportunities to launch a new microschool if there is not one in your area
Navigating School Choice has a directory of microschools, searchable by state: https://myschoolchoice.com/types-ofschools/micro-schools
By Sandra Gordon
"Oh, how cute."
That’s what crossed my mind when a boy from summer camp asked my oldest daughter, who was in the 4th grade at the time, to go to the movies (She said “No!” then ran from the phone ) But as I witnessed, a first crush whether it’s initiated by your child or she’s on the receiving end of the romantic attention–is definitely anything but adorable from her perspective.
“Crushes are serious,” says family therapist Julia Simens Like me, Simens knows from experience
When her son, Grant, was 11, he wrote a children’s book, “Spirit of Saint Valentine: An Expat’s Tale of Love,” available on Amazon, which is about love in an international elementary school “I hadn’t given crushes much thought until Grant opened my eyes to how important they are from a kid’s point of view,” Simens says
The fact is that Cupid’s arrow can aim low, striking kids as early as 7 or 8 And though it’s easy to trivialize this experience, a child’s emotions are just as real as the fervor we might experience when we’re infatuated
“Kids can fall in love by all developmental measures as soon as you can begin to measure their feelings,” says Carleton Kendrick, EdM, a family therapist and author of Take Out Your Nose Ring, Honey, We’re Going to Grandma’s “There’s no such thing as puppy love ”
Crushes are a healthy part of life Besides being good practice for the future, they can teach kids a lot about relationships and themselves On the other hand, they can also be a source of pain and difficult for your child to handle, especially in the pre-teen and teen years
“When the hormones kick in, kids have more of a physical response to a crush and that can be confusing because they’ve already got so much going on emotionally from trying to figure out their identity to how to fit in socially, academically, and within the family,” says Stephanie Haen, a licensed clinical social worker
Though you may not always need to get involved, there are things you can do and things you shouldn’t–to help your child deal with love’s first blush After counseling hundreds of parents on this issue, our experts weigh in on the dos and don’ts of managing this tender milestone
Help your elementary-age child prepare to deal with a crush, which is a distant cousin to dating, by having an ongoing dialogue from a young age in a way she can understand about being respectful of her own body and herself Then, as your child ages into the pre-teen and teen years, keep
talking These days, pre-teens and teens can put pressure on each other to add sexual exploration to the equation under the misguided notion that if they don’t have sex with their crush, it’s not really love “This is a big change from what it used to be like with kids 10 or 15 years ago,” says Kendrick, who has been in practice for 30 years So be aware of what’s going on, and acknowledge it with your child “You might say, ‘You might feel pressured But you don’t have to do anything You need to trust your feelings of being uncomfortable And even if you’re a little bit curious, that doesn’t mean you have to say yes,’” he says
To bring up tough subjects like these and get your child talking, a good way to start, is “Gee, I’ve read that” then fill in the blank with what you want to address, such as “girls are having oral sex and they’re only 13 Do you think that’s going on at your school?” Keeping the discussion going despite all the eye rolling–lets your child know that you know what she might be going through and builds trust so she is more likely to come to you for advice if she needs to
Let your child learn from the experience If your child has a crush and it’s unrequited, don’t trivialize it by saying things like, “Oh, you’ll get over it,” or “Well, it’s just puppy love ” Instead, console him and let him be upset and grieve the loss But also stress that rejection is a normal part of life, that that’s what dating (teens), is all about, that you don’t always find the right person and it’s not always reciprocated, Haen says
Teach your child how to deal with unwanted romantic attention. If another child has a crush on your child and it’s not mutual, encourage your child to politely nip it in the bud Roleplay at home and have him practice an “I’m not interested” script, such as “Thanks for all the notes, but I really wish you wouldn’t give them to me anymore because they’re upsetting me ” If that doesn’t work, call the other child’s parents (If you’ve got a child in middle school or beyond, talk to your child first, before making that phone call ) Unwanted attention feels like pressure for children of all ages Kids on the receiving end of crushes can suffer from psychosomatic symptoms such as stomachaches and headaches and not want to go to school “It’s the same kind of thing I’ve witnessed with kids who’ve been bullied,” Kendrick says
Monitor the situation. Kids, especially tweens and teens, in reciprocal crushes can take things to the extreme by, for example, texting until all hours or spending lots of their free time with each other because they’re mimicking what they’ve observed in their older siblings or the adults around them So be sure to set boundaries, such as curfews and limits on computer and phone time, to help your child balance his responsibilities with his social life If you get the sense, though, that your child must have contact with his crush to get through the day, or that he’s no longer spending time with his friends or concentrating on his school work because he’s so focused on his crush, or that his behavior could change into stalking, he may need professional help to sort out why the crush has become obsessive “It could be a sign of something else that’s going on in his life,” says Haen “Kids might cling to a crush if things are rocky at home between their parents, they’re struggling in school for the first time or something’s going on in their social circle ”
Out your child’s crush
“One of the most dangerous things I see parents do is comment on their child’s crush in front of the child to other adults or horrors to their child’s friends,” says Simens
Such insensitivity leads to embarrassment and undermines the confidence your child has in you If your child can’t trust you with that sensitive information, how can he come to you with other important stuff in the future? “You want your kids to know they can come to you with questions and talk to you without being judged or made fun of,” Haen says
Micromanage your child’s love life
If you know your pre-teen or teenage-child has a crush on someone, don’t fan the flames by suggesting, for example, that she tell that person how much she likes him “Imposing your more adultoriented behavior onto the situation can lead your child to go further with a crush than she was wishing or contemplating,” says Kendrick, which can make her feel uncomfortable
If you’ve got a child in elementary school, however, it may be appropriate to suggest and arrange a play date with the object of your child’s affection, if your son or daughter would like that But it’s not healthy for kids in elementary school to “date ” That sort of exclusivity with another person limits your child socially “Kids need many options to make connections with people beyond the boy or girl th h h ” K d i k
“Today’s parents struggle with setting limits in general,” says Haen So if your child asks to say, have a sleepover with her mutual crush (it happens), say no, but in a respectful way (Sleepovers with crushes of the opposite sex, in elementary school and beyond, aren’t age appropriate ) Keep it neutral by saying something like, “It’s really nice that you like hanging out with Jimmy, but a sleepover isn’t going to take place ” Keep in mind that when it comes to crushes, your child can be crushed by your reaction to it No matter what happens, “It’s never instructive or healthy to belittle or shame your child about it,” Kendrick says
By Janeen Lewis
Are you skipping date night with your spouse because of everyday responsibilities, work and children? Have the past two years put a kink on spending one-on-one time with your significant other? A recent study shows you may want to rethink the amount of time you rendezvous with the one you love
According to a study from the National Marriage Project, “The Date Night Opportunity Report,” couples who spend time together at least once a week are “markedly more likely to enjoy high-quality relationships and lower divorce rates, compared to couples who do not devote much couple time to one another ”
What better way to have one-on-one time than date night? No matter what your interests, personality or financial status, there are date night ideas to suit everyone. If you are socially distancing, there are still ways to keep date night alive Hire a sitter, trade child care with another couple, or plan a date night at home after the kids are in bed. Try one of these 52 creative ways to date your mate -- one for every week of the year!
1.Stargaze. Head to Rice University and check out the James Turrell Twilight Epiphany Skyspace.
2. Go to a local wine-tasting at Haas Winery.
3. Rent bikes and ride around town. If you feel really adventurous, try a tandem bike. Houston BCycle.
4. Test your knowledge by participating in a local trivia night. Before making a debut, check out sporcle.com or funtrivia.com to play games that challenge your trivia knowledge.
5. Visit a local pool hall. Shoot pool and play darts.
6. Test drive an expensive, racy sports car, then go find a happy hour and eat appetizers for dinner.
7. Treat each other to an at-home spa night with bubble bath, foot rubs and massages.
8. Make your most exquisite meal at home. Use silverware, China, candles and cloth napkins.
9. Take a cruise on a dinner yacht on Boardwalk FantaSea out of Kemah.
10. Dine at a restaurant that has live entertainment like jazz, blues or theater.
11. It doesn't get more romantic than La Colombe d'Or
12. Take a horse-drawn carriage ride around the city at night. Check out Houston Carriage.
13.Make popcorn and enjoy a romantic movie like Casablanca, Breakfast at Tiffany’s, Sleepless in Seattle or The Notebook.
14. Play a board game for couples like Scene It? Squabble or Battle of the Sexes.
15. Share yearbooks from your childhood, high school and college days. Learn about each other before you were a couple.
16. If you have a fire pit in the backyard, build a roaring fire, make s’mores, and snuggle.
17. Share letters describing what you love and admire about each other. Write why you are important to each other.
18.Take a hot-air balloon ride at Air Texas Balloon Adventures.
19. Visit an amusement park like Big Rivers Water Park or Moody Gardens for indoor adventures.
20. Race go-karts at Andretti Karting & Games.
21. Learn to fly at iFly Indoor Skydiving.
22. Take SCUBA diving certification classes together. Plan a trip to an exotic place to scuba dive.
23. Hold hands and wade in a creek
24. Canoe or kayak together.
25. Go spelunking. Find out if where cave camping is allowed. Pack your gear and spend the night in a cave. www.TPWD.Texas.Gov
26. Go on an outdoor treasure hunt by geocaching. Using a GPS, treasure seekers enter a specific set of coordinates and then attempt to find a hidden container at the location. Check out geocaching.com to find out more.
27. Spend a lazy afternoon floating down the river in New Braunfels.
28. Visit Burke Baker Planetarium. There is something romantic about viewing constellations in the night sky, even if it is indoors.
29. Audition for a part in a community theatre production together.
30. Attend an Art Walk in Galveston, an event where several art galleries open their doors for free viewings on the same night.
31. Take a self-guided tour of our town. Google “Self-guided tour” and the name of your city and get a listing of sightseeing walks & tours.
32. Head to the Rooftop Cinema for a movie night under the stars.
33. Volunteer at Westbury community garden. .
34. Love animals? Volunteer at Houston SPCA
35. Serve together at a soup kitchen or homeless shelter.
36. Volunteer as a docent or greeter at your favorite museum.
37. Buy tickets to a charity gala. Dress up in a tuxedo and evening gown, have a glamorous night and help others.
38. Buy a book you both want to read. Take turns reading and write notes to each other in the margins.
39. Read a relationship book together. Try to outdo each other following its advice.
40. Visit Blue Willow Bookshop. Peruse the bookshelves and then sit, and read together.
41. Take a class together at HCC.
42. Start your own book. Take turns writing in a journal about your life together. If you have children, they will cherish the book one day.
43. Go to the Houston Livestock Show & Rodeo or Texas Renaissance Festival. Ride the rides and eat food on a stick.
44. Go putt-putting at PixarPutt at Discovery Green.
45. Visit your Dairy Ashford Roller Rink and skate
46. Visit Dewberry Farm and take a hay ride.
47. Go to the Houston Zoo and feed the giraffes.
48. Take a dance lesson together. Whether you pick a steamy salsa, intimate tango or flirty cha cha, it will be good for your heart both physically and romantically.
49. Run in the Houston marathon. Cross the finish line together.
50. Take aerobics, yoga or Pilates together at your local YMCA.
51. Lift weights together at LA Fitness.
52. Bike/Hike through Terry Hershey Park.
Although it may be true that Valentine’s Day is often thought of as a holiday for adult couples, what could be sweeter than Valentine’s Day with your kids?
This year school parties may be back in the classrooms but you can make the day extra special at home too.
Here are fourteen ideas to get you put you in the mood to celebrate:
1) Make a Valentine’s Day Charcuterie Board
While a simple cheese plate used to suffice, the popularity of the charcuterie board is still going strong. Technically a charcuterie board means a board of prepared meats, but these days anything goes! Why not cut cheese or salami into heart shapes to make one of these beautiful food presentations?
2) Send Valentines in Many Ways
By email - sites such as Blue Mountain Cards, American Greetings, or Punchbowl allow you to email fun cards for free.
Postcards - For a small charge the Touchnote app lets you send postcards and add a picture. They do the printing and mailing for you and your valentine receives a special postcard.
Or go the old fashioned route. Some post offices will have more selection than others, but children love picking out their own stamps and mailing out valentines. Depending on your child’s age you can address the envelopes for them or use this as a time to teach the finer points of letter writing.
3) Decorate In Hearts
So many items can be found in heart shapes these days. Heart shaped balloons or simple pink and red balloons for Valentine’s Day will make your child’s day!
4) Make a Valentine's Day Scavenger Hunt
Put clues around the house and let your kids search high and low for a box of candy hearts or similar treat.
5) Have a Valentine’s Day Photoshoot.
Admittedly this may be more for you than for the kids, but a heart is an easy shape to cut out of construction paper for props. Dress the kids in red and have a Valentine’s Day photo shoot!
6) Surprise Your Kids with Love Notes
Leave Post-It Notes of love or encouragement for your kids on the fridge, their bathroom mirror, or other places around the house. For extra fun use pink ones for Valentine’s Day or put them together into the shape of a heart.
7) Put Up a Valentine’s Day Tree
Haven’t taken down that Christmas Tree yet? Don’t despair! Just switch the decor from ornaments to hearts!
8) Break a Heart Shaped Piñata
Kids love the fun of breaking a piñata and these can be easily incorporated into your celebration. Heart shaped piñatas are available on Amazon if you can’t find one locally.
9) Play Tic Tac Toe
Nothing says Valentine’s Day quite like the x’s and o’s in this game that kids already love. Winner gets the number of kisses and hugs on the board!
10) Get Baking
Of course there’s the old standby. Pink frosted cupcakes or sugar cookies are sure to be a big hit.
11) Make Heart Shaped Food Make Heart Shaped Pizza
A heart shaped pizza is a lot of fun! Whether you make the dough yourself or buy prepared dough, kids will love having their own personal sized heart shaped pizza. Or Make Lunch Heart Shaped. Sandwiches can be cut into hearts or use a cookie cutter.
12) Make Pink Smoothies or Milkshakes
Recipes for strawberry smoothies or milkshakes are plentiful online.
13) Read a Valentine’s Day Themed Picture Book
There are many, many great picture books that complement Valentine’s Day. Try Mama Do You Love Me by Barbara M. Joose or Henry In Love by Peter McCarty.
14) Make Chocolate Covered Strawberries
These are not actually very hard. Just melt chocolate chips in the microwave, dip the strawberries in the melted chocolate and then place on wax paper. They’re beautiful, delectable and very easy!
what type what type of camp of camp should should your child your child attend? attend?
By sandi schwartz
When we were kids, life was simpler. Many of us just hung around the house during the summer and played with neighborhood friends or maybe attended a local day camp sponsored by our school or city. Well, nowadays there are camps for everything you can imagine! It can be quite confusing, and even stressful, trying to find the right camp for our kids. Sometimes we even have to choose different camps for each child based on their interests.
Finding the best camp is essential for our children’s comfort and growth. Camps can offer them experiences and tools to go out in the world and discover who they are and what they want to become. A child can only truly grow if given the freedom and chance to gain confidence by exploring new ideas and activities, and eventually finding their passion.
If you are struggling to find the right camp for your child this summer, take this fun and easy quiz. You’ll be able to discover which type of camp is the best fit for your child.
Please only choose one answer.
1.How would you best describe your child?
2. What is your child’s favorite subject in school?
Physical education
Math or science
My child likes a variety of classes
3. What is your child’s favorite activity after school?
Music lessons
Playing a sport
Robotics or science club
Participating in a bunch of different activities with friends
4. Which type of birthday party would your child most likely choose?
Dance party
Indoor soccer or gymnastics
Science museum
Every year it’s different
5. What does your child usually do on weekends?
Goes to theater rehearsal
Has a game
Competes in a robotics or math tournament
Mixes it up with bike rides, art projects, and shooting hoops
6. What is your child’s favorite role in a group project?
Fills in wherever needed
7. What’s your child’s favorite rainy day activity?
Listening to music
Running around the house
Playing a video game
Inviting a friend over to hang out
8. Which would be your child’s dream vacation?
Seeing Broadway shows in New York City
Touring sports stadiums around the country
Visiting science museums
Doing something different every day including hiking, playing on the beach, and amusement parks
9. What would your child hope to achieve at summer camp?
Starring in a musical
Being team captain
Creating an app
Trying new things
10. What does your child want to be when he/she grows up?
Movie star
No clue
Tally up your answers and match the letter you mostly chose to the type of camp below.
Specialty art and musical theater camps focus specifically on the arts. Some may offer a variety of art forms to choose from, such as pottery, woodworking, painting, and photography. Others focus solely on one type of art, such as sewing camp or band camp. Musical theater camps are quite popular and typically showcase a production after a few weeks of rehearsals. Art camps come in all lengths and locations. You can sign your child up for a one-week-long art camp at your local recreational center or find multi-week overnight art camps where they can truly hone their craft.
Sports camps usually consist of only one sport that a child plays throughout the day. The main goal is for participants to improve their skills by focusing extensively on a sport they love. Depending on where you live, you can find all types of sports camps like tennis, golf, soccer, baseball, lacrosse, or gymnastics. It is also a way for your child to try a new sport or something only offered during the summer, such as surfing and sailing.
If your child loves to code, build, and tinker, then a tech camp may be the right fit. These types of camps make learning about science and technology fun and exciting for kids. They also provide an opportunity for kids to dive deeper into a subject they love, such as working on a science experiment, designing a website, or programming a robot. You can find science and tech camps through local schools, colleges, and museums.
Traditional camps are what you think of when you envision summer camp—canoeing, hiking, archery, relay races, swim lessons, and crafts. They can be considered “jack-of-all-trades” camps because they offer all types of activities for children to try. If your child enjoys exploring and experiencing new things and has not yet found one specific activity that they are passionate about, then a traditional camp is a wonderful choice. They are very common and can be found all over. Some are day camps, while others are overnight experiences where your kids can also learn more independence skills. Overnight camps also offer a more rustic, outdoorsy experience with campouts, cabins, campfires, and activities on the lake.
Bayou Bend Summer History
Bayou Bend Summer History Camp is a five day program: Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Students who meet the age-group requirements may apply. Families must supply transportation and a sack lunch daily.
Ages 3-14
Our camp is designed to strengthen math skills, motor skills, and science skills. Students will develop strong critical thinking skills in the fields of physics, engineering, and fine motor skills because we use Legos to build simple machines while incorporating math concepts such as Pythagoras’ Theorem.
Ages 5 - 12
Your child can take on inspiring challenges with the all-new Camp Invention® program, Discover! Register using MYCAMP25 at invent.org/local to save $25! Payment plans available.
Spring/Summer Camp Directory
Spring/Summer Camp Directory
special advertising section
Club SciKidz 5 Locations HOUSTON.CLUBSCIKIDZ.COM 346-667-6564 Ages 4-15
Club SciKidz Houston offers engaging, hands-on STEM summer camps for children Pre-K through 7th Grade, fostering a love for science through diverse, interactive activities in a fun, educational environment.
Health Museum Discovery Camp
We strive to spark wonder and curiosity about health, medical science and the human body to all ages, and make learning fun for all ages.
iD Tech is the world’s premier destination for STEM education, with on-campus and online programs that sharpen students' coding, game dev, and creative skills. Choose from Virtual Tech Camps, Teen Bootcamps, Online Private Lessons, or small-group online classes.
Give your child the gift of language and cultural discovery this summer at our Language Immersion Summer Camps! Early childhood is the perfect time to become bilingual, and our expertly designed camps make language learning a fun, joyful, and unforgettable experience.
Lone Star Flight Museum
#PlaneAwesome A variety of camps for all ages and aviation interests! Crafty Aircraft, Aces & Legends, Aero Derby Dash, Fly Girls, Go Zero G, Pilot Maker, and Advanced Pilot Training
Visit LoneStarFlight.org for details!
Rosetta Institute of Biomedical Research
We offer workshops on molecular medicine for high-achieving high school/middle school students interested in pursuing careers in medicine or related fields. There are online and in-person options (residential/commuter). Ages 14 - 17
Yorkshire Academy
Ages 4 - 12
Need a great way to enrich your child's summer? Well Yorkshire Academy has the most comprehensive and versatile program in town. Yorkshire Academy’s summer camps will offer your child the opportunity to spend their summer with their peers as well as learn something new along the way. Our program is geared toward children as young as 4 years and as old as 12 years. Ready to learn more about these engaging summer activities for kids? Read on or give our staff a call.
Multiplicity Art Studio
Ages 8 -17
Multiplicity is offering 4 different CREATIVE CAMPS - Jewelry Making, Creative Painting, Floral Design, and Teen Metalsmithing. Each day campers will explore creativity and find their own hidden talents, all while crafting unique masterpieces and lasting memories in a positive and nurturing environment.
Pearl Fincher Museum
Ages 5 -16
Inspire your child’s inner creativity! Weekly themed art camps explore mediums, techniques and principles of art, including time in the museum galleries and with guest artists.
Cordovan Art School 4 Locations
Ages 5-16
Get "Crazy for Creativity" at Houston's BEST ART CAMPS at Cordovan Art School this summer where kids' smiles are the measure of our success!
Camp Directory
Camp Directory special advertising section
Discovery Schoolhouseprovides educational preschool child care. They also offer a wide range of educational programs for children from 6 weeks to 5 yrs old and before and after school care for children 5 - 12 yrs old.
Primrose Cinco Ranch
5 - 10
We believe that who children become is as important as what they know. The Primrose core belief of nurturing balance among mind, body and heart is integrated in our Balanced Learning® approach.
YMCA Day Camp
Ages 5 - 15
Located all around Houston, our camps place special emphasis on youth choice, achievment and a sense of belonging. Activities include sports, outdoor games, creative and performing arts, archery, engineering and nature exploration.
4 - 14
Offer group and private music lessons for all ages from beginner to advanced levels.
Camp Allen
936-825-7175 Ages 6 -17
Camp Allen, just one hour northwest of Houston, offers faith-filled overnight one-week sessions for ages 8-16. Set in 1,100 wooded acres, campers explore God’s love through adventure, fellowship, and fun.
Camp Champions
6 - 17
Camp Champions has created a tradition of excellence since 1967. Camp Champions is one of the top overnight camps in Texas, offering 1-week to 4week sessions for campers aged 6-17.
Girl Scounts of San Jacinto
GSSJC.ORG 713.292.0361 Ages 5 - 17
The Girl Scouts of San Jacinto Council is an organization that empowers girls in the Southeast Texas through leadership development, outdoor activities, and community service, fostering skills for a lifetime.
Spring/Summer Camp Directory Spring/Summer Camp Directory
special advertising section
Kanakuk Kamps
Ages 6 - 18
Kanakuk is a premier Christian summer sports camp for boys and girls ages 6–18 with locations in Branson and Lampe, Missouri. Learn more at Kanakuk.com or call 417.266.3000.
Ages 3 - 16
Since1994KidventurehasprovidedthefinestinSummerDayandOvernight CampsforthousandsofHoustonchildrenages3-16.Helpinggrowyourchild throughthepowerofcamp
YMCA Camp Cullen
Ages 7 - 17
YMCA Camp Cullen is located in the beautiful piney woods 90 minutes north of Houston, TX on Lake Livingston. Camp Cullen is a place for children to have a transformative experience where they learn and practice our 5 core values, Caring, Honesty, Respect, Responsibility and Faith, to become the best version of themselves!
Ages 6 - 17
AllianceFencingAcademy-InternationalFencingSchoolSafe,Smart,Uniqueand Greatworkout!Homeof3Olympians,4WorldChampions,andover40US NationalChampionsEnrollmentisopennowinHouston&TheWoodlands
Ages 6 - 17 FORESTGLEN.ORG 936.295.7641
Registertodaysoyourchildrencanhaveathesummerofalifetime.Inasingle, action-packedweek,yourchildrenwillenjoyavarietyofoutdooractivitiesdaily worshipandbiblestudysessions.
Ages 6 - 17
Spring'sBESTSummerCampisthebestchoiceinSpring!Nowyourchildcan benefitfromamovementbasedSummerCampdesignedspecificallywithfamilies inmind.
KIDVENTURE.COM 713.960.8989
Ages 3 - 16
KidventureSummerCamp:Since1994,we'veprovideddynamicprograms fosteringexploration,creativity,andpersonalgrowth,helpingchildrendiscover theirpotentialanddevelopessentialcharactertraitsthroughthewonderofcamp
Villa Sport Camp
Ages 5 - 12
Get ready to embark on the adventures of a lifetime. Let your imagination run wild with games, sports, aquatics, art, nature, science, or all of the above — fun is guaranteed! This will be a summer filled with camp experiences you don’t want to miss.
YMCA Day Camp
Ages 5 - 15
LocatedallaroundHouston,ourcampsplacespecialemphasisonyouthchoice, achievmentandasenseofbelonging Activitiesincludesportsandoutdoorgames, creativeandperformingarts,archery,engineeringandnatureexploration
5- 14
Eachcampsessionexploresbigideasandquestionsconnectedtoaward-winning children’sbooksthroughthreeclassrotations:acting/storytelling,movement,and makerspace AlleyPlayMakersculminatesinajoyous,celebratoryperformancethat demonstratesourcampers’learningforparentsandfriends
Spring/Summer Camp Directory Spring/Summer Camp Directory special advertising section
The Grand 1894 Opera THEGRAND.COM
Ages 4-17
Thisyear,ourSummerTheatreCampproductionisHerculeswithalive performancesetforFriday,July19,2024,at6PM Allfamilyandfriendsareinvited toattendtheeventtocheeronourtalentedcast!CamprunsfromJuly15toJuly 19,2024,withclassesrunningfrom12:30PMto5:30PM,MondaythroughFriday
Ages 4 - 18 Main Street Theater
MainStreetTheaterSummerCamphas5locations:RiceVillage,theMuseum District,Midtown,Montrose,andBellaire;ages4–18;sessionsallsummerlong. Plays,dances,prop-making.Creative,collaborative,FUN!
STAGESHOUSTON.COM (713) 527-0123
Ages 11 - 18
StagesTheater'sYoungArtistsConservatoryisaconservatory-styleprogramthat educatesyoungartists,invitingthemtodiscoverthepossibilitiesofthetheaterindustry. StudentswillbuildcommunitywiththeirpeerswhilelearningfromtopHouston teachingartistsinworkshopsandmasterclasses.Thispay-what-you-canprogramwill fosterasenseofbelongingtoempowerthefuturestewardsoftheAmericantheater
The Joy Of Strawberry The Joy Of Strawberry
& A Range Of & A Range Of Recipe Ideas Recipe Ideas
Thinking of taking your kids strawberry picking this season? Go ahead! Berry picking makes a warm family memory and is something you will likely want to repeat every year. But steer clear of berry patch pitfalls that can sour a sweet excursion. Here's a roundup of helpful reminders before you hop in the car and go If you set your expectations ahead of time, your family will enjoy their outing to the fullest
GoEarlyInTheSeason.Strawberry seasons vary by region, and your season start will be affected by weather So keep your eyes peeled for announcements about nearby field openings You want your berries to be ready to pick without too many unripe berries slowing down your productivity A week or two after the season opens in your area is a good time to go But if you have an early hot snap, go as close to opening as you can
CallAhead. There are a few things you want to know before you arrive at the berry patch First of all, do they only take cash or will they take a card? If only cash, be sure to bring a bit more than you think you will need Do you bring your own containers or will they provide containers? Some may allow both, but be prepared if the farm does not provide any If not, bring a bucket with a handle for each child. If you are short on buckets, swing by the dollar store on your way Finally, does the patch provide wagons or may you bring your own? Pick a sturdy wagon and tag it with your name so other pickers don't borrow it
ArriveInTheMorning.Strawberry fields are chosen for full, all-day sun By going earlier in the day, you can steer clear of afternoon crowds and avoid sunburns. Be sure to apply sunscreen before you go, no matter what time of day you decide to pick. Once the sun comes out, expect the temperature to surge
WearYourGrubbies. Expect kids to get filthy when you go to the strawberry patch and you won't be disappointed afterwards. Hands and faces will likely be stained with strawberry juice, clothes will be splattered with red stains, and everything will be smudged with dirt. Plan a run through the sprinkler when you get home, if it's warm enough, or have more outdoor playtime in the yard before a nice, long bath
DonSturdyShoes. Rows of berries are planted close together to maximize berry output Pickers are expected to tightrope walk narrow rows of uneven dirt sometimes far out into the fields Therefore make sure each person in the family wears their sturdiest shoes. Wearing sandals and flip-flops may result in twisted ankles Fields may be muddy from rain or watering, so leave dressy shoes at home. Whatever sturdy shoes you have that are stainproof make a good choice
DivideUpYourCharges. If you are taking a group of young children picking, you will face some challenges To keep everyone orderly, partner school-age children with toddlers and pre-schoolers Consider inviting other families to come with you and share supervision responsibilities. A baby can be carried, if it's not too hot But if you have an uncooperative toddler, who does not appreciate new adventures, maybe let that child stay home with a sitter and pick with the rest of your kids Or consider bringing a tween or teen to supervise a toddler on the edge of the field so everyone else can enjoy picking
SetGroundRules.Strawberry fields are typically larger than a football field, and kids can spread out quickly, so expect everyone to stick together Once you find a spot with ample berries, you should not have to walk very far to fill up your baskets But that's early in the season Expect to walk further and further as the season progresses Decide how many berries each child can eat while picking, taking farm rules into consideration No matter how tempting, do not allow your kids to have berry fights, which will not be appreciated by other pickers or your hosts
Don'tBringRover. Strawberry fields do not allow dogs to step even one paw near the fields because of strict farming rules. Strawberry field parking is typically in full sun, which means you won't be able to leave your beloved pet in the car So reconcile yourself to leaving dogs at home before you leave to go picking and avoid unnecessary upsets
Discuss&Demonstrate. Talk about the most effective ways to pick berries before you get to the field Place berries gently into the bucket rather than tossing them. A bucket full of berries with stems attached will hold up longer than berries without stems. Bright red berries are just right, whereas blackish-red berries are too ripe Leave whitish, unripe berries in the field to continue to ripen. Once you arrive at your picking spot, demonstrate the way to pick Encircle the entire berry with the whole hand, grabbing the stem with the thumb and forefinger, pinching and twisting the stem about a half-inch above the berry until the stem breaks. If children manhandle their berries, consume the most bruised berries first They will still taste delicious
EatBeforeYouGo. If the berries you are picking are not organic, you may want to limit eating until after they are rinsed. Bring a gallon of water with you in the car, and rinse a couple of pints off after purchase Put a colander in your car to make this job easier. You may also wish to bring hand wipes, water to drink, and a few rags to dust yourselves off with before you get back in the car. For muddy, early spring days, bring beach towels to cover car seats for the ride home These can also protect your car interior from berry juice stains, if you have children eating berries all the way home
Serve Strawberries With
Strawberries With
Author, journalist and writing coach, Christina Katz lives in the middle of a strawberry-picking field. She enjoys watching friends and families pick their way to happy memories each berry season
FromourfriendsatBlueWillowBookshop -theexpertsonallthingsliterary! Besuretopopinthestoreforallthe latestbooks&gifts,storytimesand authorsigningseverymonth.
In this heartfelt celebration of love, Newbery Medalist de la Pena and bestselling illustrator Long describe the strongest bond there is and the diverse and powerful ways it connects us all
Poppy believes that all they need in life is love, but the Little One keeps coming up with other things that will make their life comfortable--until it is all swept away in a storm
This gorgeous picture book is a reassuring poem about connection and the endurance of love that will appeal to readers of all ages.
When eleven-year-old foster kid Mo finds a cookbook filled with someone else's family recipes, she shares them on a website, hoping a long-lost relative will find her
In the summer before fifth grade, Ryan Hart faces changes and challenges, such as waiting for a new baby sister to be born, a summer camp trip, and more
Drums,Girls,andDangerousPiebyJordan Sonnenblick
A brave and beautiful story that will make readers laugh and will break their hearts at the same time
Thissweetlycleverbookexploresthebondbetween parentandchildusingtraditionalstorytellingtropesin anupliftingpackagethatcelebrateseverydifferentkind offamily
Thislittledoghasalotofspunk,style,andpersonality SpendadaywithCorgiandseeallthethingsthispup lovesfromswimmingandsplashinginthepoolto cuddlingupwithafavoritestuffy
MakingMomfeellovedisaseasyasA-B-Cwiththis sweetboardbookthatfosterssocialandemotional development--theperfectgift!
This sweetly clever book explores the bond between parent and child
When eighteen-year-old Mallory begrudgingly agrees to one last charity chess tournament, her surprise win sets her on a whirlwind adventure as she rediscovers her passion for the game
In this pun-filled YA contemporary romance, a teenage girl competes in a televised baking competition with contestants including her exgirlfriend and a potential new crush
R Y 2 0 2 5
Venture out with an Arboretum Guide for a hike through the Houston Arboretum. Explore our ecosystems to learn about the local wildlife, plants, and natural history of our beautiful nature center Hikes will vary but expect to spend 40-45 minutes on the trail Hikes are free to the public and are first come, first served
All ages 10-10:45 am, 11-11:45 am Free Also Jan 8 www.houstonarboretum.org
Buffalo Bayou Wellness Walk
Join Buffalo Bayou Partnership on a free Wellness Walk led by Laura Conely, founder of Urban Paths
Anyone and everyone is invited to walk through the paths of Buffalo Bayou Park while discussing topics including mental and physical health as well as the benefits of being exposed to nature
All ages Free 6:30 pm Every Wednesday www.buffalobayou.org
Handmade Valentines
Give your Valentine something truly unique this year by hand crafting your own paper cards In this simple papermaking workshop, we will add dried flowers for beauty, and wildflower seeds that will make these valentines live on as bloom for your loved ones, and native wildlife. This workshop is suitable for all ages, and families are welcome to attend together
All ages 2-3:30pm $20 / member, $30 non-member hbg.org/event/handmade-valentines
Featuring dozens of visual artists each month showcasing their work in the Historic Houston Heights Visitors will find friendly artists with paintings, sculpture, photography, jewelry and many more popular art mediums
There is always a popular food truck on site and local singer/songwriters can often be found providing entertainment at the market
All ages 11am-6pm Free 540 W 19th.
Trail mix
Features live music, magic, and more! Join us trailside as Andy Roo takes you on an adventure through the AndyRooniverse along with magicians
Dave and Jake Rangel Enjoy unique hands-on pop-ups and giveaways to amp up the fun! Sessions are outdoors, weather permitting All ages 10a-11a Free www themkt com
The Mysterious Circus is arriving with its 2025 Tour A show full of suspense, joy, adrenaline a show for the whole family
Buy your tickets now online at a discounted price, box office tickets are at a higher price
Attention first 100 Tickets $9.99 general admission Buy them now before we run out
All ages $9 99+ 4:30 & 7:30 pm www.facebook.com/MysteriousCircus C a l e n d a r o f E v e n t s
Lunar New Year
Enjoy this vibrant cultural celebration with performances by Lee’s Golden Dragon, Han Narea, Dance of Asian America and more! The performances are free Food trucks will provide tasty snacks and drinks for a fee Plus, it’s your last chance to skate on Green Mountain Energy Ice
All ages 4-7 Free www.discoverygreen.com
Family Zone
Visit the MFAH Family Zone for engaging gallery activities with coloring sheets, colored pencils, books, and more
1-4p All ages Free Weekly www.mfah.org
Encourage your child’s curiosity about nature and spend time with them exploring outdoors! Children 18 months to 4 years, with an adult companion, can join a Naturalist for a story reading, a simple nature or sensory development activity, and a stroller-friendly hike on the beautiful Arboretum trails
All ages 9:30-10:15 am, 10:3011:15 am $7 / person Also Jan 8 & 22
Spring Vegetable Gardening
Take a leisurely one-hour walk with a Mercer staff member and discover botanical wonders
Adult 3:30-5 pm Free Also Feb 10, 17 & 24 www.pct3.com/MBG
113th Annual Celebration Feb. 21st - Mar. 4th, 2025
Mardi Gras! Galveston, the third largest Mardi Gras celebration in the United States, is expected to draw more than 350,000 attendees for two weekends of live concerts, parades, balcony parties, elegant balls and new festive additions.
With over 20 parades taking place over the course of two weeks during Mardi Gras! Galveston, it can be tough deciding which to attend. Click here for a full schedule of parades taking place
Feb 2025
Strengthen your body, relax your mind and find your center with this dynamic flow yoga and sound healing.
Adult 6:30-7:30 Free Every Tuesday www discoverygreen com
Garden Artists
Join local artists to create a naturebased 'Plein Air' art project with media that you bring, or you can borrow our sketch pencils and paper. Children under 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian
Ages 10+. 10-11:30 am. Free. www.pct3.com/MBG
Curious Kids
Are you raising a Curious Kid? Join us at the Center where we’ll explore, ask, discover, and more in our pre-K science program! Curious Kids lessons incorporate live animals, plants, natural objects, crafts, puppets and/or models, stories, and nature walks Ages 3-5 yo 4-5:15pm Members $15, non-members $20 Every Tuesday www.naturediscoverycenter.org
Sound Healing Meditation
Find your center and practice meditation in the spacious and tranquil Buffalo Bayou Park Cistern Offered in collaboration with Union is Creation, this meditation series will feature the use of singing bowls and wind chimes to encourage mindfulness and connectivity
Adult. $15. 10-10:45am. Every Wed, Sat & Sun buffalobayou.org
Blossom Brigade
Come out and volunteer with Mercer staff Wear outdoor clothing, closed-toe shoes, a visor or hat and bring a water bottle
Pre-school age and caregiver 910am Free Every Wednesday www.pct3.com/MBG
Yoga on the Green Yoga classes will be held every Wed and Friday at 8am and another class starting at 9:15am Adult 8-10:15a Free Every Wednesday and Friday www centralgreenpark com
Monthly Winter Bird Walk
Mary Ann Beauchemin or Eric Duran will lead a monthly bird walk in Russ Pitman Park throughout the winter In addition to our “Winter Texan” songbirds we have sometimes had interesting “migrants” stay and overwinter Most winters we have some western hummers like Rufous & Black-chinned, and less commonly a few Calliopes visit the park.
12-1:15pm Adult Free www.naturediscoverycenter.org
Nature Story Time
This is a free, drop-in program Preschoolers and their caregivers join us on Wednesday afternoons for nature stories, live animals, touchable specimens, and a simple craft.
Ages 2-5 4-5 pm Free Every Wednesday www naturediscoverycenter org
Work on your bird watching skills while helping the Arboretum monitor bird populations on a fun, relaxed morning walk. Join us on the second Saturday of each month in the courtyard behind the building for a two-hour bird survey led by Arboretum staff members, Kelsey Low and Theo Ostler We welcome all levels of bird watching skill and all ages (as long as you ’ re quiet) – but no dogs, please! If you have binoculars of your own, please bring them We have a limited number of binoculars available to borrow Adults 8-10am Free www houstonarboretum org
Second Saturday Bird Survey SpaceCenter Houston
Join us at the shop for story time every Thursday! We read stories, sing songs, and do an art activity The themes change weekly This story time is great for toddlers and preschoolers
Toddlers Free 9:30a Also Feb 13, 20, & 27 www.bluewillowbookshop.com
Kingwood Farmers Market
Held every week in the picturesque Town Center Park located behind the shops on the South West corner of Kingwood Drive and West Lake Houston All ages 2-6 pm Free Every Thursday www.kwdfarmersmarket.com
Happy Hour Fridays at the MFAH
Meet your friends at the MFAH for the best night of the week Explore the campus, visit the galleries, and get a drink at the bar Adult. 5-9 pm. Free, with Museum admission Every Friday www.mfah.org
Mommy Mingle Fridays! Get ready for an exhilarating morning of laughter and connection! Indulge in complimentary coffee and breakfast delights courtesy of us All ages. 9am-5pm. $19.95 / person www.cmhouston.org
Candlelight: Tribute to Queen Candlelight concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience to awe-inspiring locations like never seen before in Houston Get your tickets now to discover the music of Queen at Resurrection MCC under the gentle glow of candlelight.
Ages 8+ 6:30-8:30 pm $55+ feverup.com
A Good Yarn
For this meeting, we will discuss Iona Iverson's Rules for Commuting by Clare Pooley Please continue to bring your yarn/craft projects to work on together
Adults Free 7-8 pm www.bluewillowbookshop.com
Free Yoga on the Lawn Namaste at M-K-T with Union Studio Yoga and Yoga on the Lawn! Union Studio will be hosting a FREE class on the lawn every second Saturday of the month Look out for special guests, offers, and pop-ups This class takes place outdoors, weather permitting All ages 10a-11a Free www.themkt.com
Bubble and More Play Day
The Center’s front lawn, Pecan Grove, and the sidewalks around the Center will be set up with everything your kids need for a fun filled afternoon of outdoor play! You can feel like a kid again, too, if you join them in playing with bubbles, hula hoops, jump ropes, sidewalk chalk, and more Kids should bring refillable water bottles
All ages. 1-3pm. Free. www.naturediscoverycenter.org
Esplanade at Navigation Market
Unique among Houston’s farmers markets, the East End Farmers Market blends sights and sounds, cuisine and culture to create an experience that is rooted in one of Houston’s most historic communities Visit the East End Farmers Market to sample fresh garden fruits and vegetables, locally produced farm and dairy products, prepared foods, and unique handcrafted wares
All ages 10am-2pm Free Every Sunday eastendhouston.com/market
Radiant Nature
An unforgettable adventure for the entire family Highlights include towering ginkgo and pine trees, a majestic Chinese temple, a geometric dome, pandas with bamboo, and much more The interactive zone again features illuminated swings and an angel wings photo spot, plus a collection of new immersive, Instagram-worthy features sure to put a smile on the faces of visitors of all ages
All ages. $28.50 / person, 3- free. 6:3010pm hbg.org
Sensory Friendly Day
Step into a world of wonder and exploration where the lights are dimmed, the sounds are minimal, and distracting motions are nowhere to be found, allowing for an immersive experience tailored to your needs Join us for a magical journey where every moment is filled with excitement, discovery, and boundless possibilities! 10am-2pm All ages $9 92 / person www.cmhouston.org
Zumba by Tiny Fitness
Join the party and sweat with Tiny Fitness to rhythms from around the world!
Ages 16+ 9a Sunday & 6:30p Monday Free Every Sunday & Monday www.parkhouston.org
Family Storytime and Craft
Join us for a cross-generational literacy experience! Family Storytime features a story followed by a craft that accompanies the reading All craft supplies are included as a part of this free program
Ages 5yo and under 10a Free Every Tuesday www.levyparkhouston.org
Gentle Flow Yoga
Strengthen your body, relax your mind and find your center with this dynamic flow yoga and sound healing
Adult 6:30-7:30 Free Every Tuesday www.discoverygreen.com
Woman’s Restorative Hike
This beginner-friendly, one-hour hike through Mercer's gardens and forest is for those who believe in the restorative power that nature has on the mind, body and spirit For women 18 and older Consult your physician before starting any exercise program Wear closedtoe walking shoes and bring your own water bottle
Adult 9:30am Free www.pct3.com/MBG
This vibrant and entertaining fitness dance class is suitable for all ability levels It gives a whole-body workout while dancing to the rhythm of joy with the powerful nature of Bollywood and Bhangra Music
Ages 12+ 6 pm Free Levyparkhouston.org
An interactive public art installation featuring 24 handcrafted and hand-painted ethereal glowing moths on a monumental scale These majestic creatures will be suspended from the trees of the Brown Promenade, reacting to the movement of visitors Each moth, meticulously crafted by hand, represents a unique endangered North American moth species
All ages 6 am-11 pm Free www.discoverygreen.com
International Day of Women & Girls in Science
Celebrate International Day of Women and Girls in Science with fun chemistry activities and more!
Ages 5+ 5-8 pm $19 95 / person www cmhouston org
Date Night Scavenger Hunts
Looking for a cute date night idea? Your hunt is over! Let’s Roam scavenger hunts are the perfect way to create lasting memories with your partner in crime It doesn’t matter if it’s your first date or your 50th, a date night scavenger hunt is always a great time
All ages $12 99 / person www.letsroam.com
Candlelight: Classical Romance 14
Candlelight concerts bring the magic of a live, multi-sensory musical experience to awe-inspiring locations like never seen before in Houston Get your tickets now to discover the music of Classical Romance at Majestic Metro under the gentle glow of candlelight
Ages 8+ 7 pm $58+ feverup com
Valentine’s Day Movie Night: Casablanca
We are having a Valentines Celebration on Central Green Join us for the Movie Casablanca! There will be a special desert for the first 100 people from Kilwin’s There will also be an Ice sculpture and Actors dressed up as characters from the movie to take photos with!!
All ages 7-9 pm Free www.centralgreenpark.com
Radiant Romance
Celebrate love and connection in a memorable way at Radiant Romance, a complete Valentine’s Day package with sips, bites, and lights all in one place for couples or family/friend pairs and groups 21+ at the Houston Botanic Garden
Adult $150 / couple 4:30-6:30pm hbg.org/event/radiant-romance/
Valentine’s Day – Casablanca
Celebrate love at Discovery Green
Activities include a free movie screening of Casablanca, special crafts, flowers and artisan chocolates for sale, and delicious food and treats from The Lake House Cafe and Churrasco Crafts available while supplies last!
All ages 5-9 pm Free www discoverygreen com
Valentine's Day Latin Dance
Make Valentine's Day super special by learning to connect with your sweetheart through dancing
Adult 6pm, 8pm & 10pm $60-$80 www.latindancefactory.com
Mercer Garden Tour
Take a leisurely one-hour walk with a Mercer staff member and discover botanical wonders
Ages 5+. 10-11am. Free. com/MBG
Coffee Cake Book Club
For this meeting, we will discuss Hello Beautiful by Ann Napolitano Adults Free 11am-12pm www.bluewillowbookshop.com
The Moth Project Live – Houston Debut
Weaving science, mythology, and personal story, the 70 minute show is poignant, funny, surprising – a gentle reminder of the beauty and need for bio and cultural diversity in our lives and ecosystems
All ages 7-8:30 pm Free www.discoverygreen.org
Ever wondered what it’s like to play like a kid? At U-Nite Out, the Children’s Museum Houston becomes your ultimate playground for fun things to do no kids allowed! Dance the night away to live beats Dive into hands-on, laugh-out-loud activities designed for adults Sip refreshing cocktails and mingle with other grown-ups It’s not just a night out it’s a night for U Whether you come dressed to impress or rocking your comfiest vibe, U-Nite Out is all about celebrating YOU Don't miss this playful fusion of music, dance, and good vibes Grab your friends (or fly solo) and snag your tickets today for an adult night out you’ll be talking about long after the music stops! Adults. 6-9 pm. Members $30, nonmembers $50 www.cmhouston.org
16 Tapas on the Trails
Enjoy tasty tapas and perfectly paired libations while supporting your Houston Arboretum. This special evening features a romantic walk on softly lit trails, through the forest and under the moonlight With a focus on Coast to Coast Classics, guests will experience five food stops and sample specially selected beers and wines Help raise funds for the Arboretum’s mission of conservation and nature education while enjoying our most unique event of the year Please check our website periodically for the event menu, parking information and additional details
Adult only 5-9 pm $100 / person member, $110 / person nonmember www.houstonarboretum.org
Time and Space at Artechouse
Step through time and space and discover Houston’s new home for technology-driven art.
Three unique artistic experiences all reveal our universe through the latest in experiential storytelling Coming to life across 26,000 square feet of immersive, interactive, and cinematic installations, you will get a chance to discover
All ages Ages 13+ $30, 4-13 $17, 3- free. 12-8:45 pm. www.artechouse.com
Mess Makers
Messy, sensory play is an important part of child development Together with NDC staff and volunteers, you will explore and create with messy things like mud, flowers, paint, and shaving cream We will make works of art as well as just good old messy fun After we make messes together, you’ll go home clean!
Ages 3-7. 10-11:15 am, 1-2:25 pm $22 members, $27 nonmembers www naturediscoverycenter org
17 Salsa Beginner Monday
Beginners start Monday! Join us for super fun Salsa dance lessons in Houston Start your journey today Everyone welcome No partner needed Adult 7-10pm $20-39 www latindancefactory com
Karankawa: An Enduring Culture of Texas Exhibit
This exhibit’s opening is particularly significant as it aligns with this month of reflection and education It provides an opportunity for visitors to deepen their understanding of the Karankawa and other Indigenous communities, acknowledging their enduring presence and influence
All ages 10am-4pm $5 / person www heritagesociety org
Ceramics in the Environment
On view in Houston Center for Contemporary Craft’s community-led Craft Garden, Ceramics in the Environment is a plein-air exhibition of site-specific ceramics made over the course of the MFAH’s Glassell School of Art’s Special Topics course
All ages 10am-5pm Free crafthouston.org
Music in the Garden
Build your own garden which will include the seeds of over 20 types of butterfly attracting flowers to bring these colorful creatures to your landscape All supplies to start your garden are included Meet inside the Mercer Visitor Center
Ages 2-5 and caregiver 11:30a-12p Free www.pct3.com/MBG
Boogie Bash-Moving with Scarves and Ribbons
Children will move rhythmically and expressively to different styles of music while waving scarves and ribbons Our focus will be on imagination, creative expression, following directions, and having fun! All ages 11a $9 / person woodlandschildrensmuseum.org
Celebration of Spirits : Encore
The art included invites you to experience the multifaceted nature of the holiday Some works evoke the warmth of familial bonds, the strength of friendships, and the shared joys that define our existence
Adult 9am-5:30pm Free www sawyeryards com
Bi-Lingual Zumba
Learn Zumba in English and Spanish with Laly La Mega
Adult 6:30-7:30 Free Every Tuesday www.discoverygreen.com
BlueWillow Bookshop
Garden Bros Circus
This year ’ s show is a fully immersive virtual reality experience packed with breathtaking special effects, arena seating, concert style sound and lighting along with 5 RINGS bursting with excitement, laughter, and memories that families will always cherish The very best performers from over 22 countries make up this action jammed, fast paced 100minute performance, all under a climate-controlled tent Featuring the Human Cannonball, Aerial Artists that will blow your mind, The World’s Smallest Person, The Wheel of Death, Motorcycles in the Sphere of Fear, the Funniest Clowns, we could keep going but you just need to see it!!!
All ages 4:30 & 7:30 pm $14 50+ patch.com
Venardos Circus
What do you do when the dream comes true? You take it on the road and share it with the world! Venardos Circus is thrilled to announce the launch of a SECOND Touring Company and an All-New Production “FAR BEYOND ” The show will make its world debut when it plays Crown Festival Park for three weeks, February 12 – March 2, 2025
All ages 7-8:30 pm Adult $28, Child 3-12 $17 venardoscircus.com
Slow Flow with Stephanie McCarrey
This is an all-levels yoga flow for beginners to experts that will help you build strength and mobility The Vinyasa flow is set to the beat of the latest top 40 and throwback favorites.
Adults 7p Wednesdays & 8a
Fridays Free Every Wednesday & Friday www.levyparkhouston.org
Cooking with Honey (Virtual Class)
What’s sweeter than cooking with honey? Join us from the comfort of your own kitchen for a virtual cooking class to learn how to make a spicy Bee Sting mocktail/cocktail and a grilled cheese with apple and thyme honey. This is a fun activity to do with your sweetheart or a good friend!
Adults 5-7 pm $20 / member, $35 non-member. www.houstonarboretum.org
Hatha Yoga
A basic vinyasa yoga class for enhanced awareness and a strong, healthy body led by Andria Dugas This Saturday class is a perfect way to start the weekend strong. Adult. 9-10a. Free. Every Saturday. www.discoverygreen.com
EaDo Food Tour
Galveston’s Own Farmers Market
Every Sunday morning, the weekly Market connects folks to good food to each another Shoppers can mingle and find fresh local produce, croissants, coffee, spices, meat, eggs, and more. All ages Free 9 am – 1 pm Every Sunday galvestonsownfarmersmarket com
Luke Skywalker trains with Master Yoda and learns a shocking truth about Darth Vader in this critically acclaimed second installment of the original Star Wars trilogy The action unfolds on the giant screen at Jones Hall while you experience every note of John Williams’s masterful score, live
All ages Various times $53+ Also Feb 22 www.houstonsymphony.org
Storytime in the Garden
Children of all ages and their parents / care-givers are invited 50 free admissions are available for each storytime, on a first-come, firstserved basis Registration is required
All ages 10:30-11am Free hbg.org STAR WARS: THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK IN CONCERT
Howdy H-Town leads a guided 2mile, 3 5-hour walking food tour of East Downtown, with stops at five greeting dining destinations. Seeing art landmarks along the way, you’ll make five stops with delicious bites, including street tacos, acclaimed pastries, a flavorful Mediterranean grocery store, and more
Adult 11am-2:30 pm $90 / person howdyhtown.com
Memorial Market Summer Series
Immerse your senses in a fusion of flavors, artisan crafts, and one-ofa-kind produce.
All ages 9am-1pm Free Every Saturday www.mvfarmersmarket.org/
Jazzy Sundays in the Parks Kickoff Event StoryTime 25
Sundays in the Parks celebrates the rich history of Black music in Houston
All ages 5-7 pm Free www.discoverygreen.org
Join us for Storytime on the Green. Every Third Monday of the Month! Kids will enjoy a book read to them Every child also gets to do an art project to take home with them!! 7- 10-11am Free www centralgreenpark com
Teen Craft
Get your craft on at the library with other teens! Registration is required and will open two weeks before the event
Ages 13-18 2:30-3:30pm Free Heights Neighborhood Library houstonlibrary.org
We are celebrating all things monkey with fun fingerplays and movement activities
All ages 11a $9 / person woodlandschildrensmuseum.org
Explore and Play: Join Our Toddler Playtime!
Bring your little ones to our Toddler Playtime for a fun and interactive experience! This event is perfect for children ages 18-36 months and their caregivers Enjoy creative play, celebrate your child's developmental milestones, and connect with other parents and caregivers in your community
Ages 18-36 mo. 11:30am-12pm. Free Heights Neighborhood Library Houstonlibrary.org
Boogie BashMonkey Business 26
Fragments of Memory
Presenting a selection of works from the Menil’s permanent collection, explores the ways in which the past imbues present experiences All ages 11 am-7 pm Free www.menil.org
Art Club at POST Houston
Head to POST Houston to explore the new Art Club, a black box museum featuring rotating new media artworks from award-winning artists worldwide A transformative, first-of-its-kind cultural destination, Art Club is Houston's new visual arts destination and nightlife experience
Allages $29 Weekend Admission, $19
Children 12 and under, Children 6 and under are free www artclubhtx com
Bird Survey
Mercer's gardens and miles of winding riparian forest trails along the Cypress Creek flyway are an ideal place to birdwatch Led by longtime birder Paul Gregg, this bird survey is suited for birders of all levels Wear comfortable, closed-toe shoes The survey follows a 17-mile loop that is primarily crushed asphalt trails Children younger than 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian Bring binoculars, a bird identification guide, water and insect repellant
Ages 12+ 8-10am Free www.pct3.com/MBG
Children’s BINGO
Bring the kiddos and join our Levy Park team for Children’s Bingo! This 30minute program is a fun way for children to practice their letters and numbers while earning prizes Levy Park provides the Bingo cards, markers, and prizes B-I-N-G-O!
4:30p Ages 4 to 12 Free Every Thursday www levyparkhouston org
007: James Bond Forever
“The name is Bond James Bond” Grab your favorite drink (shaken, not stirred) and settle in for an evening of style, sophistication and intrigue as the Houston Symphony celebrates 60 years of 007
All ages $58+ 7:30 pm www.houstonsymphony.org
Home School on the Green
Children are allowed to participate even if they are not in homeschooling Abrakadoodle nurtures creative thinkers
All ages 10:30-11:30a Free www.centralgreenpark.com
Houston Museum of Natural Science www.hmns.org
Hours: 9am-5pm Mon-Sun
$25 adult, $16 children 3-11, senior 62+ and college students FREE every Thursday 2-5pm
Death by Natural Causes Heinous killers or misjudged miscreants?
You be the judge as the Houston Museum of Natural Science’s most lethal exhibit- Death by Natural Causes Special Exhibit
Sharks! The Meg, The Monsters & The Myths
Debuting on a floor all to itself is Sharks! We’re making your dreams come true and bringing you up close and personal with live sharks for a hands-on experience that will be – dare we say –jawesome You’ll get a chance to touch a shark and discover what makes these creatures unique – from bait balls to bioluminescence Further immerse yourself in the world of sharks as every order of shark known to mankind is represented within the exhibition including a life-size model of the ancient behemoth, the Megalodon And don’t forget to pick up a few Megalodon teeth of your own in the island shop Special Exhibit
The Health Museum www thehealthmuseum org
Hours: Mon -Sat 9am-5pm , Thurs 9am-7pm , Sun 12-5pm
$10 adult, $8 senior 65+, free for children under 2 FREE on Thursdays 2-7pm
DeBakey Cell Lab
Gear up with a lab coat, gloves and goggles and travel through experiment stations
Permanent Exhibit
Amazing Body Gallery
Take a larger-than-life walking tour through the human body and learn more about how your major organs work in this permanent exhibit This exhibit includes approximately 30 interactive video and audio kiosks that invite guests to pose interesting questions about human anatomy and health information. Permanent Exhibit
Museum Fine Arts Houston www.mfah.org
Hours: Various times, Wed-Sun
$24 adult, $20 children 13-18, senior 65+, children 12- free FREE every Thursday 11am-2pm
Gauguin in the World
Gauguin in the World offers new perspectives on Gauguin’s life and work; his artistic networks and influences; and his contemporary legacies, both artistic and historical The exhibition features more than 150 of Gauguin’s paintings, sculptures, prints, and drawings Special Exhibit Through February 16.
Navigating the Waves: Contemporary Cuban Photography
The exhibition looks at contemporary Cuban photography from its role in promoting the Cuban Revolution after Fidel Castro’s 1959 overthrow of the Batista government to engaging in social and political critique following the 1991 collapse of the Soviet Union In subsequent years, Cuban photographers created powerful personal expressions by exploring individual identity, the body and spirit, Afro-Cuban heritage, and the margins of society, all while navigating the changing prescriptions and proscriptions of official cultural policy
Special Exhibit Through August 3rd
The Menil Collection menil.org
Hours: Wed. -Sun. 11am-7pm. Free Admission.
Joe Overstreet: Taking Flight
The first major museum exhibition in thirty years devoted to the work of this pioneering abstract painter Renowned for his innovative approach to non-representational painting, American artist Joe Overstreet (1933–2019) consistently sought to intertwine abstraction and social politics
This presentation will include his landmark Flight Pattern series of radially suspended paintings from the early 1970s, as well as related bodies of work from the 1960s and 1990s Overstreet made a significant contribution to postwar art, positioning abstraction as an expansive tool for exploring the idea of freedom and the Black experience in the United States Special Exhibit through July 13,
Smart Financial Center
February 22 , 2025
The classic film’s first live film-toconcert experience Enjoy the digitally remastered hit film like never before on a full-size cinema screen, with a live band and singers performing the film’s iconic songs With a soundtrack that marked a generation, Dirty Dancing in Concert promises to bring a thrilling new and unique experience to the 80s classic Directly following the film, the band and singers will throw an encore party that will surely take you back to the time of your life as you sing and dance along to your favorite Dirty Dancing songs Immerse yourself in the timeless romance and experience one of the most memorable movies of the past 35 years - now live!
Sarofim Hall
February 1 -February 9, 2025
Cady Heron may have grown up on an African savanna, but nothing prepared her for the vicious ways of her strange new home: suburban Illinois This naïve newbie falls prey to a trio of lionized frenemies
Fancy Nancy The Musical Main Street Theater
All ages. $40+. Various dates and times www thehobbycenter org
Sarofim Hall
February 13-16, 2025
All ages. 7 pm. $40+. www.smartfinancialcentre.net
Smart Financial Center
February 23 , 2025
Nicolas Reyes has been the leader and co-founder of the Gipsy Kings for well over 30 years In the past three decades, they have dominated the World Music charts and sold more than 14 million albums worldwide Their platinum compilation, The Best of the Gipsy Kings, was charting for over a year upon its release and their ninth studio album, Savor Flamenco, was awarded the Grammy for Best World Music Album in 2013.
All ages. 7 pm. $44+. www smartfinancialcentre net
A fiery, high-stakes love story set in the heart of the Houston ghetto, where love and danger walk hand in hand Jason (Allen Payne reprising his role), a man haunted by the ghosts of his violent past, meets serendipitously and falls deeply for Lyric (Eva Marcille), a guarded woman who’s built walls around her heart in order to survive the mean streets
All ages. $49+. Various dates and times www thehobbycenter org
Sarofim Hall
February 15, 2025
With stunning, high-definition video scenes created exclusively for this production by SQUARE ENIX, immerse yourself in the world of one of the most visionary games of all time with this sensational multimedia concert experience!
All ages. $75+. 8pm www.thehobbycenter.org
All ages. $23+. 6:30 pm. www.thehobbycenter.org C E N T E R S T A G E F E B 2 5
January 26-February 23, 2025
Back by popular demand! When Percy Jackson discovers he’s a demigod, he joins his Camp Half-Blood friends, Annabeth and Grover on a quest to find Zeus’ missing lightning bolt Don’t miss this dynamic rock musical worthy of the gods!
Ages 5+ . Various time. $20+. www mainstreettheater com
January 17-February 2, 2025
Fresh off a honeymoon at the Plaza Hotel, free-spirited Corie and her buttoneddown husband Paul, find themselves struggling to adjust to married life in their run-down New York walk-up Throw in a loopy meddling mother, an eccentric Bohemian upstairs neighbor, and a double date that goes disastrously wrong, and you ’ ve got the perfect recipe for laughter
Adult. Various times. $26-39. www.stageworkshouston.org
The Hobby Center
February 27, 2025
Unveil a myriad of dark secrets and come face to face with some of the most magnificent monsters and terrifying beasts ever to walk the earth Discover the colossal Stone Troll, the mysterious Indrik and Japanese Baku; the Tooth Fairy (not as sweet as you’d think), an adorable Unicorn and majestic Griffin. Take your place among legendary heroes, just don’t wake the Dragon
February 15 & 16, 2025
A dark, mysterious castle A husband keeping secrets Seven locked doors, each masking a blood-stained surprise It may sound like the perfect setup for a horror movie, but it’s actually the starting point for one of the greatest operas of the 20th century, Duke Bluebeard’s Castle Buckle up for an evening of chills, thrills, and astonishing theatrical power as the story unfolds before you We’ll set the stage with musical highlights from other landmark operas of the 20th and 21st century
The Grand 1894 Opera House
February 1, 2025
Alley Theatre
January 17-February 2 , 2025
Ugly Duckling at The 1894 Grand Opera House, Galveston Hocus Pocus Pops
Larry, Steve & Rudy, the Gatlin Brothers are Grammy Award® -winners who have dazzled audiences for 70 years in venues and stages all over the world from the Grand Ole Opry to Carnegie Hall
All ages. Sat 7:30 pm, Sun 2 pm. $40+ www.houstonsymphony.org
All ages. 8 pm. $31.50+. www.thegrand.com
The Grand 1894 Opera House
February 4, 2025
Follow the friendship between a creative writing professor and her former student as it blossoms into romance over two decades of exchanged letters, writings, and beloved poems Let the lyrical dialogue and touching moments transport you through the years, as you witness the power of connection and the beauty of love that endures against all odds
All ages Various Times $38+ www.alleytheatre.org
Jones Hall
February 21 & 22, 2025
Luke Skywalker trains with Master Yoda and learns a shocking truth about Darth Vader in this critically acclaimed second installment of the original Star Wars trilogy The action unfolds on the giant screen at Jones Hall while you experience every note of John Williams’s masterful score, live
All ages. Fri 7:30 pm, Sat 2 & 7:30 pm. www.houstonsymphony.org
Ensemble Theatre
January 24-February 23, 2024
Inspired by actual events, Camp Logan is an award-winning World War I military drama about the devastating explosion of racial tensions that resulted in the 1917 Houston riot, involving an all-black Army regiment stationed in Houston, Texas
G E N O V 2 4
Adult. Various times. Tickets $25-30. ensemblehouston.com
A singer, composer and actor, Lyle Lovett has broadened the definition of American music in a career that spans 14 albums Coupled with his gift for storytelling, the Texas-based musician fuses elements of country, swing, jazz, folk, gospel and blues in a convention defying manner that breaks down barriers. Whether touring as a ‘Duo’ or with his ‘Acoustic Group’ or his ‘Large Band,’ Lovett’s live performances show not only the breadth of this Texas legend’s deep talents, but also the diversity of his influences, making him one of the most compelling and captivating musicians in popular music
All ages. 7:30 pm. www.thegrand.com
LOVE AND VARIATIONS... A Valentine`s Day Concert by Mango Punch!
Queensbury Theatre February 14, 2025
Love has many forms - romantic passionate love, love of friends and family, unrequited love, or love remembered and lost
All ages. 8 pm. $35+. www.queensburytheatre.org
Alley Theatre
January 17-February 2 , 2025
Indulge your senses in this spicy comedy of culinary chaos and artistic vision that clashes with the hard realities of business. When a seasoned restaurant consultant joins and adds fuel to the fire it ignites a battle that will leave you craving for more You will be up close to the action as the Neuhaus Theatre is transformed into the intimate kitchen of a restaurant
All ages. Various Times. $71+. www.alleytheatre.org
Alley Theatre
January 17-February 2 , 2025
Indulge your senses in this spicy comedy of culinary chaos and artistic vision that clashes with the hard realities of business When a seasoned restaurant consultant joins and adds fuel to the fire it ignites a battle that will leave you craving for more
All ages. Various Times. $71+. www.alleytheatre.org