Letter from the editor
Kimberly Davis Guerra kim@houstonfamilymagazine.com
associate editor
Chantal Lemieux chantal@houstonfamilymagazine.com
creative director/ production
Casey Johnson casey@houstonfamilymagazine.com
contributing authors Kimberly Blaker Chantal Lemieux Jayson Kimberly Eshaan Mani Sandi Schwartz
contributing photographers
Chubby Cheek Photography Yvette Michelle Portraits
advertising sales Beverly Davis Tish Petty
Publication Printers Denver, Colorado
contact us:
14123 Bluebird Lane Houston, TX 77079 (P) 713.266.1885 (F) 713.266.1915 www.HoustonFamilyMagazine.com
ABOVE// Some of our kid ambassador crew at Camp Allen in March of 2019
THE BIG TO DO Did you know our online calender is packed with even more great family friendly events? Check it out at houstonfamilymagazine.com. FIND US ON FACEBOOK @houstonfamilymagazine FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM @houstonfamilymagazine
CONTACT US Let us know how we’re doing. kim@houstonfamilymagazine.com
Houston Family is published monthly by Houston Family Magazine, LLC. Houston Family is distributed free of charge, one copy per reader. Only Houston Family authorized distributors may deliver or pick up the magazines. We reserve the right to edit, reject or comment editorially on all submitted material. We cannot be responsible for the return of any submitted material. Houston Family is ©2020 by Houston Family Magazine,LLC. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or part without express permission is prohibited.
As we roll into the third month of 2021, I wonder what is in store for the month of March. In January, as a nation, we witnessed the startling attack on the Capitol and ushered in a new administration. In February, we faced a brutal ice storm, the likes most Texans have never seen. One can only hope, that March will usher in the spring and bring renewed hope, health & joy to our community. This month, we celebrate many things. First, it’s Camp Allen’s 100th Birthday!! As one of our oldest clients and camps in our community, we congratulate them on achieving this tremendous milestone. Learn more about their past, present & future plans in this issue. Wander down memory lane with us as we learn why they have been one organization that has stood the test of time and is thriving in the new year. It’s also Women’s History month. Around here, we celebrate women every day, so this month is no different. Look for stories of inspiration throughout the month, like our I am Houston piece. Learn how a local woman saw a need, created a solution and took it all the way to Shark Tank to kick it off! Let her story be an inspiration to us all to follow through on our dreams. Another topic focused on in March is Mental Illness. With so many suffering in silence, we want to raise awareness and dispel the stigma associated with many of the conditions faced daily by many of our readers. In Kimberly Blaker’s article, find out more about what you can do to end the stigma and help those in need of support. Lastly, we focus on Galveston, our beautiful little island getaway to the south. They have seen way too many challenges this past decade! Show your support and love this month by spending some time on the beach, at The Strand or any of the wonderful locally owned businesses and restaurants. Go explore the city and find new hidden gems, rent a house and spend spring break on the beach, the possibilities are endless. Whatever you can do to support Galveston, while enjoying some quality family time, will be most appreciated! Like most businesses, we are all finding new ways to operate in the post COVID world. HFM is no different. This month, we will host our first Virtual Camp Fair to bring families and camps together to talk about all they have to offer this summer. We encourage you to check it out. It’s FREE, as always, and a great opportunity to get your summer planned in a few hours! Join us as we delve into this new medium and connect through your computer screen! We hope it is the beginning of many new digital opportunities for the future! As we come out of this turbulent start to 2021, it is our sincere hope that the coming weeks see a drastic turn for those in need or facing tough challenges. We will continue to offer support, guidance and resources to help you make it through to better days! Stay Strong Houston!