Dessert Gala Program

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Dessert Gala Honoring all its Past Presidents and celebrating the Double Chai Thirty-sixth anniversary of Presidential Leadership Sunday, April 25, 2010 7:30 pm Houston Hillel Student Center Ida & William Zinn Building 1700 Bissonnet, Houston, Texas 77005

Congratulations to

Houston Hillel on its

Thirty-sixth Anniversary And to all the Past Presidents who have helped to shape this wonderful organization Linda and Larry Blumenfeld

The Foundation for

Jewish Campus Life

Dessert Gala Honoring all its Past Presidents and celebrating the Double Chai Thirty-sixth anniversary of Presidential Leadership Sunday, April 25, 2010 7:30 pm Houston Hillel Student Center Ida & William Zinn Building 1700 Bissonnet Houston, Texas 77005

Houston Hillel’s Past Presidents Ron Nodler, 2008-2009

Marilyn Shaw, 1992-1995

Lenny Holzband, 2004-2008

Max Goldfield z�l, 1990-1992

Jerry Paine, 2002-2004

Larry Smith, 1988-1990

Daniel Musher, 2000-2002

David Jacobson, 1985-1988

Karol Musher, 1998-2000

Richard Brochstein, 1983-1985

Gary Swartz, 1995-1998

Alvin Zimmerman, 1981-1983

Alan Levin, 1975-1981

Event Co-Chairs Frieda & Melvin Dow

Denise & Steve Moore

Linden & Roger Sofer

Vice President of Development Shirley K. Cohn

Anniversary Couple Sponsors Linda & Jerry Paine Susan & Ed Septimus Helen & Andy Spector Susie & Alvin Zimmerman

Phyllis & Aron Frank Diane & Alan Levin Ellen & Richard Lowe Karol & Daniel Musher

Double Chai Sponsors Shirley & Alan Cohn Fredi Franks

Marvin Rich

Nancy & Ron Nodler Esther Polland

Event Committee Linda Blumenfeld Shirley Cohn Alan Cohn Marian Daum Michael Duke Aron Frank

Fredi Franks Mark Hochstein Ellen Lowe Daniel Musher Muriel Meicler Lennie Roth Michael Sachs

Ed Septimus Susan Septimus Helen Spector Leah Stolar David Vener Sharla Wertheimer Susan Yarbrough

The Foundation for

Jewish Campus Life

Houston Hillel Board of Directors Michael Duke Kelli Cohen Fein Fredi Franks Marshall Levit Ellen Lowe Mabel Massin Muriel Meicler Rabbi Steve Morgan Steve Moore Daniel Musher Irving Pozmantier Lennie Roth Marlene Rubin

Daniel Pickelner President Shirley Cohn Aron Frank Susan Septimus Michael Wadler Vice Presidents Andy Priesman Secretary Mark Hochstein Treasurer Ron Nodler Immediate Past President

Marsha Sachs Michael Sachs Joyce Schechter Ed Septimus Roger Sofer Andrew Solomon Helen Spector Brad Stein Leah Stolar Bill Sunshine David Vener Lauren Vines Ronnie Yambra Susan Yarbrough

Houston Hillel Advisory Committee Adam Brackman Gary & Debby Cortes Marian Daum Linda Davis-Blumenfeld Dan Goldman Karol Musher Robert Zinn

Rabbi Kenny Weiss Executive Director

Tamara Marks-Moses Director of Jewish Life

Esther Polland Gloria Ribnick Irene Shaw Marilyn Shaw Gary Swartz Sharla Wertheimer

Barbara Dryer Administrator

Early years of Jewish student life through the 1950’s

Jewish life for Houston’s college students began in 1915 with the establishment of the Menorah Society at Rice University. The October, 1916 issue of the Rice Thresher observes, “Judging from the fact that the membership is twice as large as it has previously been, a most successful year is promised, toward which every member is ready to strive; an effort which can culminate in nothing less than success.” Left - Menorah Society page from the 1918 Rice University Campanile. Right - Menorah Society page from the 1948 Rice University Campanile.

Rice University

Top left - Hillel Society page from the 1950 Campanile. Left - 1950 Rice Hillel gathering at Congregation Emanu El. Photo courtesy of Ellis Rudy. Right - Jewish Herald Voice, September 5, 1940. Article courtesy of the Jewish Herald Voice.

1940’s & 1950’s In 1940 B’nai B’rith Hillel announced the appointment of Rabbi Robert Kahn as Director of the new B’nai B’rith Hillel Counselorship at Rice University, although for almost a decade students at Rice continued to celebrate Jewish life as the Menorah Society. Although founded in 1927, the first mention of the Hillel Society in the University of Houston Houstonian appears in the 1947 issue. Jewish life on campus grew tremendously during the post-war years. Left - Hillel Society page from the 1947 Houstonian. Below - University of Houston Hillel’s first participation in Frontier Fiesta, 1947. From left, Marsha Wishnow, Miriam Joachim, Elaine Merwin, unknown, Francis Stein. Photo courtesy of Elaine Merwin.

University of Houston Left - Hillel Society page from the 1954 University of Houston Houstonian. Below left - 1956 Budget proposal for Hillel at the University of Houston. Below right - Hillel Society page from the 1955 University of Houston Houstonian.

1960’s & 1970’s

Above - Hillel page from the 1963 University of Houston Houstonian. Top right - Hillel page from the 1966 Rice University Campanile. Bottom right - Hillel page from the 1967 University of Houston Houstonian.

Top left - Hillel page from the 1971 Rice

University Campanile. Bottom left - Hillel page from the 1973 Rice

University Campanile. Middle right - Lunch in the University of Houston Hillel Student Lounge, 1979. Bottom right - Rabbi Shaul Osadchey with students in the University of Houston Sukkah, 1979.

1970’s & 1980’s On August 27, 1975 at a meeting of the Advisory Board to the University of Houston Hillel Marvin Rich proposed that Alan Levin be the chairman of the newly created Houston Hillel Advisory Board. The Board would consist of eight members of B’nai B’rith, four men and four women; eight community members; four faculty members; and students from Rice University and the University of Houston. In November, 1975 Frank Shaw was appointed Secretary/Treasurer. Alan Levin, President 1975-1981 • Local lay leadership established for Houston’s Jewish college students. • Rabbi Shaul Osadchey hired as first full time executive director in 1979. • University of Houston Hillel and the University of Houston become joint custodians of a Holocaust Torah Scroll, secured through the efforts of Dr. Irving Rothman. • University of Houston Hillel received a neir tamid as a gift from the Joseph Margolin family. Judge Alvin Zimmerman, President, 1981-1983 • Hillel Counselorship in Houston becomes a full Hillel Foundation. • Hillel vigorously combats an increasingly strong ProPalestinian, anti-Israel campaign at the University of Houston. • Through the courtesy of Joe Samuels Hillel begins the publication of regular articles in the Jewish Herald Voice about Jewish student life. • A student job network was established with local business people.

Top left - Frank Shaw, Alan Levin, Jerry Ribnick z”l. Middle left - Rabbi Shaul Osadchey, Judge Alvin Zimmerman. Bottom left - From the Hillel page of the 1981 Rice University Campanile.

Richard Brochstein, President 1983-1985 • Rabbi Sally Finestone hired as executive director in 1983. • Hillel brings Benjamin Netanyahu, then Deputy Chief of Mission of the Israeli Embassy in Washington, D.C., to the University of Houston. Dr. David Jacobson, President 1985-1988 • Dallas Jewish Federation begins allocating financial resources to Houston Hillel. • Houston Hillel begins outreach to Houston’s Jewish graduate students and young professionals (GAP), an effort that has become an integral part of Houston Hillel’s activities. • Hillel co-sponsors Elie Wiesel’s visit to Houston. • National Hillel recommends that Houston Hillel consider a permanent citywide facility. • Marian Daum heads a search committee for a permanent facility.

Top - Hillel page from the 1985 University of Houston Houstonian. Bottom - Hillel page from the 1987 University of Houston Houstonian.

Larry Smith, President 1988-1990 • Fundraising for a “Hillel House” becomes a priority with Marian Daum and Sharla Wertheimer taking active roles. • Rabbi Stuart Federow hired as executive director in 1989. • Larry Massin coordinates a fund raising campaign to meet Hillel’s growing budget.

1990’s Max Goldfield z”l, President 1990-1992 • Jewish Federation of Greater Houston increases its allocation recognizing the work Hillel does on behalf of students. • Maintenance of close relationship with B’nai B’rith. • Robert and Edith Zinn make the first significant donation for the purchase of a Hillel Student Center. Marilyn Shaw, President 1992-1995 • “On Wings of Awe” adopted as Hillel High Holy Day prayerbook. • Lex Judaica recognized as a student organization at University of Houston Law Center. • Establishment of the B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundation of Greater Houston Hillel House Fund to purchase and create the Hillel Student Center. • Establishment of the Ernest Krautkopf Houston Hillel Special Program Fund.

Top - Planning the 1991 auction, from left, Marilyn Shaw, Gary Swartz, Larry Smith and Marian Daum. Middle - The Hillel Student Center shortly after its dedication. Bottom left - Rabbi Stuart Federow, Rabbi Jimmy Kessler and Max Goldfield z”l. Bottom Middle - Gary Swartz at Houston Hillel’s Mitzvah Man Celebration. Bottom right - Hillel page from the 1994 Rice University Campanile.

Gary Swartz, President 1995-1998 • Hillel Foundation of Greater Houston, Inc. established to purchase the Hillel Student Center. • Hillel Student Center dedicated, culminating in a fundraising effort in excess of $1 million. • Rabbi David Moss hired as executive director in 1995. • Gary Swartz honored as the “Mitzvah Man” at a major Houston Hillel fundraising event with more than 600 people in attendance. Karol Musher, President 1998-2000 • Houston Hillel begins its first accreditation process. • Hillel Student Center used as BJE Distance Learning site for Cleveland College of Jewish Studies. • Establishment of the Ben McGuire Houston Hillel Lectureship and Program Fund. • Establishment of the Beulah Axelrad Yellen (Rice ’36) Houston Hillel Entertainment Fund.

A New Century

Dr. Daniel Musher, President 2000-2002 • Houston Hillel begins holding Shabbat services weekly rather than monthly. • Houston Hillel, Inc. created to formally separate Houston Hillel’s work with students from ownership of the Hillel Student Center. • Rabbi Kenny Weiss hired as executive director in 2001. • Houston Hillel hosts Hillel’s International Board of Governors meeting at the Houston Hillel Student Center as part of the Shusterman Hillel International Lay Leadership Conference. Shirley K. Cohn serves as Houston Chairman. • Establishment of the Gloria and Jerry Ribnick Houston Hillel Passover Seder Fund. • Establishment of the Freda and Louis Rubenstein Hillel Jewish Holiday Fund.

Top left - Shabbat dinner at the Hillel Student Center, 2008. Bottom left - Daniel Musher speaking to students at Baylor College of Medicine, 2008. Top right - High Holy Day services at the Hillel Student Center, 2003. Middle right - Lunch at Hillel’s University of Houston Student Lounge, 2009 Bottom right - Baylor College of Medicine Hillel dinner, 2008.

A New Century

Jerry Paine, President 2002-2004 • Torah donated to Houston Hillel by Congregation Shearith Israel of Wharton. • Kinky Friedman performs at a very successful Houston Hillel fundraising event. • Establishment of the Holzband Hillel Programming Fund and installation of the Holzband Endowment Tree in the lobby of the Hillel Student Center.

Top left - Post-Passover pizza celebration, 2010. Top right - Tu b’Shevat tree planting at Rice University, 2009. Middle right - Preparing for the Welcome Back BBQ, 2008. Bottom right - Enjoying a springtime Shabbat picnic at Hermann Park, 2009.

Lenny Holzband, President 2004-2008 • Houston Hillel begins participating with the Joint Distribution Committee’s alternative spring break trips to Argentina. • Zinn Challenge gift raises a $250,000 Endowment for student programming, establishing the Houston Hillel Robert and Edith Zinn Program Fund. • Establishment of the Houston Hillel Larry Massin Sports Lounge Fund. • Ziggy Gruber sponsors first in a series of successful “Ziggy’s Romanian” fundraising dinners co-chaired by Shirley Cohn and Sandra Finkelman. • First annual “Chai Tea” luncheon held under co-chaired by Ellen Lowe and Jenny Tavor. Ron Nodler, President 2008-2009 • Houston Hillel hosts Hillel International President Wayne Firestone and Chairman of Governors Edgar Bronfman. • Houston Hillel’s GAP (graduate students and young professionals) programming is rebranded as Jewstontexas.

Top left - Rice University President David Leebron addresses students during the annual Shabbat dinner held at his home, 2009. Top right - Houston Hillel undergraduates, graduate students and young professionals attend the AIPAC Dessert Reception, 2009. Upper middle right - Shirley Cohn, Ziggy Gruber and Sandra Finkelman at the first “Ziggy’s Romanian” dinner, 2006. Lower middle right - Rabbi Kenny Weiss with Rice students during a campus lunch, 2010. Bottom right - Hillel page from the 2009 Rice University Campanile.

Beth Tzedec Congregation 1325 Glenmore Trail S.W. Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2V 4Y8 Email:

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Hol HaMoed Pesach, 5770 Dear Friends and Supporters of Hillel, RABBI Shaul Osadchey CHAZZAN David Edwards PRESIDENT Stuart Myron CHAIRMAN OF THE BOARD H. Markham Silver VICE-PRESIDENTS Maxine Fischbein Lorne Pearl Leonard Seidman TREASURER Edward Dunn CORRESPONDING SECRETARY Norman Greensides RECORDING SECRETARY Teresa Cheyfetz

It is with pleasure and joy that I write this note of mazal tov to the past presidents of Houston Hillel for their devoted service to the Jewish students on Houston’s campuses. Since I came to Houston as the founding director of the Hillel Foundation in July, 1979, I have regarded Hillel as one of the critical institutions of the Jewish community. Hillel’s role is singularly important as a place where Jewish students can deepen their Jewish identity as they journey through the transformative college years. It further serves a critical function of being the bridge to the adult Jewish community. As such, I applaud the past presidents who have given of their time and resources to strength­ening the Jewish experience on campus and creating dedicated leadership for the Jewish future. In particular, I offer my personal appreciation to Alan Levin, Alvin Zimmerman, and Richard Brochstein who served as presidents of the Hillel Foundation during my tenure. They had the patience and wisdom to allow a young and energetic rabbi to begin the work that was thereafter capably assumed by his successors. The partnership of competent Hillel directors and experienced lay leaders has resulted in the accomplishments that Jewish students in Houston now enjoy. I extend my “Yashar Koach” to Hillel’s past presidents for helping to insure that Jewish stu­dents on campus become active and knowledgeable Jews in the future. With sincerest regards from Calgary, Alberta Canada where I have already participated in Hillel activities at the University of Calgary, B’vircat Shalom v’Hatzlacha (with blessings for peace and success),


Rabbi Shaul Osadchey

April 16, 2010 2 Iyar, 5770

Dear Dedicated Presidents of Houston Hillel, I wanted to add my voice to the many voices congratulating you on your devotion and care for the Jewish students of Houston. It takes courage and vision to step forward and become a leader, especially when there are many challenges facing Jewish students on today’s campuses. Yet as Moses has shown us, it takes more than courage and vision. One must also have compassion, a strong love for the work, and devotion for one’s community. You have all shown all of this in your commendable work at Houston Hillel. May you continue to bless your community with your hard work and dedication, and may Adonai continue to bless the work of your hands. B’Shalom, Rabbi Sally Finestone Former Director of Houston Hillel 1983-1988

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Alan F. Levin We admire your initiative in establishing a long and enduring tradition of local lay leadership for Houston Hillel.

Thank you for all you do for us and the Houston Jewish community.

Diane, Lindsay, Jonathan and Yoela

Congratulations for a great job done by a great group of leaders Ellen and Richard

Congregation Beth Yeshurun salutes


for all it does to build and enrich Jewish student life on campuses throughout Greater Houston Rabbi David Rosen Hazzan David Propis Rabbi Steven Morgen Rabbi Brian Strauss Rabbi Jack Segal Rabbi Daniel Horwitz Steve Croft, President Luis Dorfman, Executive Director

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Mazel tov from

Temple B’nai Israel, Galveston Rabbi Jimmy Kessler Congratulations to Houston Hillel and the achievements of its past presidents. • P.O. Box 22734 • Houston, TX 77227 • 713.838.0134 Connect on:


Political adv. paid for by the Ellen Cohen Campaign, Lewis Linn, Treasurer

Mazel Tov to Houston Hillel on its Double Chai Anniversary “May it go from strength to strength” and

Todah Rabah to its

Past Presidents

who have guided our young people toward productive Jewish lives Please subscribe to the

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Congratulations to Hillel Student Center on their Twelfth Anniversary of serving our community! Anne



Clutterbuck for Council • PO Box 41964 • Houston, TX 77241 • 281.304.0083 Political ad paid for by Clutterbuck for Council, Cheryl Rosenberg, Treasurer.

With thanks and gratitude to the past, present, and future leadership of Houston Hillel The Septimus Family

Yasher Koach

to Houston Hillel’s Presidents

for creating Jewish memories for generations of college students Rabbis Amy & Kenny Weiss

Drs. David Vener and Andrea Stolar

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in the coming years.

We want to thank

Larry Smith for his dedication and leadership to

The Foundation for

Jewish Campus Life

1988-1990 Phyllis and Aron Frank

Jerry Paine We appreciate all that you do for your family and the Jewish community. Thanks for being such a great husband, dad and zayde! We love you, Linda Paine, David Paine, Jennifer, Gregg, Elijah, Joshua and Rebekah Costa

Congratulations to Houston Hillel Past Presidents, And Current Leadership We salute Lay and Professional Leaders Who built and sustained Hillel May it go from strength to strength. Warm wishes always Shirley K. and Alan Cohn & Family Gail Gluckman, Ilan Kuperman, Lynn and Loren Chorn, Maya and Benjamin

In Honor of Hillel’s Past Presidents, Community Partners of

Congratulations to Hillel for many years of good work with our university students Karol and Daniel Musher

Mom / Minga / Karol and Dad / Pampa / Daniel,

Congratulations to

Thank you for teaching us to serve our communities by your example. Mazal tov. We love you.

Lenny Holzband

for his dedication and service

Love, Rebecca, Jon, Jacob, Zachary, and Jonah Benjamin, Lydia, Talia, and Avi Deborah, Joe, Molly, Gabriel, and Sammy Mazal Tov to Houston Hillel and Hillel’s Past Presidents Your presence and dedication in the lives of Jewish students has enriched Houston for generations to come.

Gene & Betty Protas

“When the joys are still remembered But the sorrow has quietly gone, There will always be a special place In the heart Where love lives on.” In loving memory of Max Goldfield Beloved Dad, PeePaw and now Great Grandfather.

Rabbi David Lyon Congregation Beth Israel

Love forever, Beryl, Philip, Nicole and Mariah

Best Wishes

Congratulations to all the Past Presidents

Evelyn Reichenthal

Rabbi Jack Segal

Rabbi Emeritus Beth Yeshurun Congregation

Congratulations to the Past Presidents for your role in perpetuating the continuity of our heritage. Fran & Abe Friedman

Congratulations to a great organization Best wishes for the future Elaine and Sam Merwin

AIPAC celebrates with Houston Hillel on the occasion of its thirty-sixth anniversary and the accomplishments of its past presidents.

Plants ‘n Petals congratulates Houston Hillel and honors Houston Hillel’s Past Presidents

In honor of Denise & Steve Moore Mindy and Ira Mitzner

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