GUT CHECK: Foods to Improve Your Health

Dr. T. Peter Nguyen
Your body is teeming with fungi, bacteria and viruses. Many of them are helpful, and very important to achieving your best health.
“Not all bacteria are related to disease,” explained Dr. T. Peter Nguyen, a gastroenterologist at Houston Methodist West Hospital. “Bacteria in our body are critical to the proper function of our immune system, play a role in our weight and even impact our heart health.”
These microorganisms living on and inside the body are known as your microbiome and are primarily found on your skin and in your intestines (gut). Scientists have identified as many as 1,000 species of bacteria in the gut microbiome. Nguyen described how these microbes get inside your body, and how they help.
From the moment you’re born, your body interacts with microbes.
“Babies are first exposed to microbes when they pass through the mother’s birth canal during a vaginal delivery,” Nguyen said. “The gut biome then adds many other types of species through the food a baby consumes, including breast milk.”
Gut microbes break down fiber, which can help prevent weight gain, diabetes, cancer and more. They also interact with the immune system to influence how your body responds to infection. Scientists have uncovered evidence that the gut biome can impact your central nervous system and even your heart.
“We know the gut biome is involved in many important aspects of your health,” Nguyen added, “so it’s worth considering how we can help make it strong.”
Even in the middle of the flu season, you can take added precautions to build your immune system. To improve your gut biome, Nguyen recommended the following:
■ Choose whole grains: Gut bacteria digest these beneficial carbs and fiber to lower your risk of diabetes, control your weight and more.
■ Diversify your diet: Beans, legumes and fruit are high in fiber and can support the growth of beneficial bacteria.
■ Eat natural prebiotics: Apples, artichokes, asparagus, bananas and oats all contain prebiotics — fiber that stimulates healthy bacteria.
■ Go plant-based: Eating a plant-based diet can improve your gut’s biome by reducing levels of disease-causing bacteria in the gut.
■ Consumer-fermented foods: Kefir, sauerkraut and yogurt contain healthy bacteria and reduce the number of diseasecausing bacteria in the gut.
■ Pick polyphenols: Red wine, green tea, dark chocolate and olive oil encourage healthy bacteria growth in the gut biome.
■ Try a probiotic supplement: These live bacteria can help “reseed” your gut with healthy microbes.
You should also limit artificial sweeteners in your diet. Research has shown that sweeteners such as aspartame increase blood sugar by encouraging unhealthy bacteria to grow.
“Taking the time to focus on your gut health can make a big difference not only in how your body responds to illness, but also your mood,” Nguyen said. “Of course, before you start any new diet or supplement talk to your primary care provider or gastroenterologist about what works best for your body based on your health.” •
Our gastroenterologists can help with your gut health. To schedule an appointment with a gastroenterologist or to learn more, visit houstonmethodist.org/gi-west or call 832.522.8560
Low-FODMAP This diet temporarily restricts fermentable short-chain carbohydrates to relieve uncomfortable symptoms and give your digestive system a rest.
Ketogenic This diet may harm digestion by eating less fiber causing constipation and altering your gut microbiome. But it may reduce inflammation and benefit some digestive disorders like IBS.
Plant-based A plant-based diet increases the growth of good bacteria in your gut and stabilizes your microbiome.
Eggplant, bell pepper, green beans, cantaloupe, grapes, strawberries, almond milk, cheeses, eggs, oats, dark chocolate, peanuts and walnuts
Avocados, berries, leafy greens, coconut oil, kimchi, butter, cheese and yogurt
Vegetables, fruit, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, tea, red wine and fermented foods

Knee pain is hard to ignore. You feel it with just about every move you make. If you’re active, an achy knee can also make the first few minutes of a workout pretty miserable — or totally disrupt your exercise routine if the pain is bad enough.
It won’t be long before you want to do something about it, but what’s the best way to relieve knee pain? And should you see a doctor about it?
Knowing how to get rid of knee pain starts with trying to get to the bottom of why your knee hurts in the first place, as well as whether the pain warrants seeing a doctor or if there are things you can safely try at home first.
The most common causes of knee pain include:
■ Acute injury (to the meniscus, ligaments or cartilage)
■ Arthritis
■ Growing pains
■ Overuse (too much activity)
“Knee injuries are common in recreational athletes, and they tend to be bothersome, as the knees are used for almost every daily activity, in addition to sports,” said Dr. Daniel O’Brien, an orthopedic surgeon with Houston Methodist Orthopedics & Sports Medicine at West Hospital.
“In general, if you have an injury that causes new pain that exceeds normal soreness, results in the feeling that your joint is giving way, or leads to swelling, it is important to be evaluated sooner rather than later,” O’Brien explained.
The major signs you need evaluation for a new knee injury include:
■ Any trauma
■ Inability to fully straighten or bend
■ Instability (buckling or “giving way”)
■ Popping that causes pain
■ Swelling
If you've experienced an acute injury to the knee — felt or heard a pop, for instance — make an appointment with your doctor.
If you’ve tried the at-home remedies and are still trying to stay active through the pain, it’s time to see a sports medicine doctor. Pushing through injuries or pushing too hard can only make an existing injury worse or increase the risk of additional injuries.
“Even if your pain is minor and not improving, you need it evaluated,” O’Brien said. “If caught early, many times we can help guide you through a recovery process that allows you to get back to being active sooner.” •
■ Difficulty walking, sitting down or standing up
■ Frequent, intense pain with activity
■ Long-lasting or progressively worsening symptoms
■ No adequate pain relief with steroid injections or medications
■ Osteoarthritis is causing wear-and-tear damage
■ Pain while at rest or interfering with sleep
■ Rest and medications have not worked
■ Stiffness and joint swelling
■ Suffering side effects from medications
■ The pain is taking a toll physically and mentally
Take Control of Joint Pain
Talk with a doctor to learn more about whether joint replacement is right for you. To schedule an evaluation, visit houstonmethodist.org/jointpain or call 832.522.8280

Dr. Daniel O’Brien

PRIMARY CARE Beyond the Annual Checkup

Your primary care provider (PCP) is a long-term partner to help in your quest for better health. With regular wellness exams and age-appropriate screenings, your PCP understands your needs and can help catch harmful health issues that don’t have obvious symptoms.
“I already know your medical history and can provide the best treatment advice,” said Dr. William T. Payne, a family medicine doctor with Houston Methodist Primary Care Group at West Hospital. “That’s why continuing care with the same PCP is important.”
To help manage your overall health and well-being, your doctor is your best resource. Ask about a new health fad, immunizations, hurts, pains and even your worries. Your doctor is here to listen.
When it comes to the latest diet trend or learning about immunizations, instead of asking Google for advice, start with your doctor. After all, he or she understands your health history and can guide you based on clinical evidence.
“There is a lot of misinformation online regarding medication side effects, fad diet plans and advertised supplements. I am here to advise and help you understand the latest clinical guidelines to make sure you are doing no harm to your health,” Payne said.
Everyone should get an annual flu shot, as well as a tetanus, diphtheria and pertussis (Tdap) or tetanus diphtheria (Td) booster every 10 years. Your doctor may also recommend vaccines depending on your age and health history, and if you have international travel plans.
Dr. William T. Payne

There are things you can’t really miss — acid reflux, asthma, urinary tract infections. Unfortunately, some chronic health conditions, such as high blood pressure, prediabetes and high cholesterol, can lurk quietly in the background. Having an annual wellness exam with your primary care doctor can help uncover these conditions.
Depending on your age and family health history, your PCP may recommend other health and wellness exams, such as prostate cancer screening for men or colorectal cancer screening.
“If a cancer screening comes back positive, then it’s my job to quickly coordinate with a specialist who manages that condition and make sure you’re seen by him or her in a timely manner,” Payne explained.
Navigating the health care system alone can be overwhelming. Your PCP can make it easier by briefing specialists such as cardiologists, neurologists or endocrinologists on your health challenges.
Afterward, your PCP can help with a continued care plan. “I review the specialist’s findings to have a better understanding of your condition and treatment plan,” Payne added. “Then I help navigate you through strategies and timely interventions.”
Your PCP is the first person to evaluate your mental health. Health changes that can cause isolation from your daily activities as well as lead to anxiety and depression include:
■ Cancer
■ Childbirth
■ Diabetes
■ Heart attack
■ Hypertension
■ Stroke
“In primary care, we screen for those conditions and can also help with treatment — including treatment for your mental health,” Payne added. “Sometimes you are started on medications or therapy. If need be, your PCP can help find a psychiatrist or a therapist to continue the treatment plan.”
Whether it’s an acute illness such as a bad cold or you’re just not feeling right, get comprehensive care from an established relationship with your PCP. “Preventive care goes beyond the wellness exam — I am here to support you throughout your life,” Payne noted. •
Find a Primary Care Provider
Houston Methodist Primary Care Group has more than 45 practices across the Greater Houston area. To find a doctor near you, visit houstonmethodist.org/pcg/west or call 713.441.7965 .
Life can get busy, and making time for a doctor’s visit doesn’t always fit into your day. That’s where virtual visits come in — a perfect option for your health and lifestyle. Whether from your bed, couch, kitchen or hotel, your doctor can see you.
Follow-up care and many common health issues can be addressed via video visits, such as:
To get quick access to care, visit houstonmethodist. org/pcg/west and schedule a virtual appointment with one of our primary care providers.

When to Consider Spine Surgery

Most back pain resolves on its own with nonsurgical treatments — which can include everything from anti-inflammatory medications, heat or ice, over-the-counter pain patches, therapeutic massage, physical therapy and corticosteroid injections.
But if these options haven’t worked, and you’re experiencing pain, weakness and difficulty performing basic activities like standing or walking, it’s time to see a spine specialist.
“Spine surgery is complex and involves a high level of precision,” explained Dr. Vishal Patel, neurosurgeon at Houston Methodist West Hospital. “Fortunately, advancements have made it possible to use minimally invasive techniques that allow for smaller incisions, less pain and shorter recovery times.”
Spine surgery is an effective solution for issues including:
■ Degenerative disk disease or herniated disks
■ Fractures or injuries to bones in the spine
■ Spinal deformities, such as scoliosis or kyphosis (abnormal curvatures of the spine)
■ Spinal stenosis (narrowing of the spinal canal)
■ Spondylolisthesis (when one vertebra in the lower back slips forward on top of another)
■ Weak or unstable spine caused by infection or tumors
If you’re experiencing back pain due to one of these structural issues, a spine specialist can advise you on your treatment options — including whether it’s time to consider surgery.
Although the decision to have surgery can be difficult, having access to specialized spine surgeons who are skilled in minimally invasive techniques and use robotic-assisted technology can help put your mind at ease.
“Instead of one long incision down the back, as is the case with
traditional open surgery, a smaller incision or muscle-sparing approaches are made during minimally invasive spine surgery,” Patel explained. “This can help lessen pain and shorten recovery times.”
Through these small incisions, the surgeon visualizes the spine using specialized instruments. The surgeon then uses small surgical tools to perform surgery on the affected area.
The types of spine surgery that can be performed using minimally invasive techniques include:
■ Diskectomy: Removal of the herniated portion of a disk pressing on a nerve
■ Laminectomy: Relieves pressure caused by spinal stenosis
■ Spinal fusion: Fuses two vertebrae to eliminate painful movement
In complex cases involving spinal decompression or spinal fusion, our surgeons may also employ robot-assisted technology. “Robotics allow us to plan the surgery with even more precision,” Patel added. “Before the procedure, MRI and CT imaging are used to generate computer models that help guide the placement of hardware into the spine.”
Pain is not just a symptom. Pain is a signal that your body needs attention. If your back pain persists despite home remedies, physical therapy and other treatments, it may be time to see a specialist to find out if surgery is an option for you. •
We Can Help
The neurosurgeons at Houston Methodist West Hospital are specially trained in the surgical treatment of cranial, spinal and peripheral nerve disorders. Visit houstonmethodist.org/spine/katy-west or call 832.522.2225
Dr. Vishal Patel
FIND CANCER EARLY: 6 Cancer Screenings to Know

Cancer treatment is most effective when the disease is spotted early. That’s why it’s so important to know and keep up with routine cancer screenings.
“It’s easy to overlook regular screenings when life gets busy,” said Dr. Preethi Prasad, an oncologist at Houston Methodist Neal Cancer Center at West Hospital. “However, cancer can develop without noticeable symptoms, and early detection offers the best chance for successful treatment and improved survival.”
Consider these recommended screening guidelines:
To detect changes in your breast tissue early, doctors review your mammogram history and track the results over time. That’s why it’s important to start getting annual mammograms on time — by age 40, or younger if you have a family history of breast cancer. Depending on your risk factors, including the density of your breast tissue, your doctor might recommend an MRI too.
“You should continue to get screened if you’re in good health and expect to live at least 10 more years,” Prasad said.
Screening for cervical cancer should begin around age 25 and continue until age 65. Human papillomavirus (HPV) is related to cervical cancer, so you should get a primary HPV test or HPV test with a Pap smear every five years, or a Pap smear alone every three years.
“Your doctor is your best partner in cancer prevention,” Prasad said. “He or she can explain your risks and how to stay cancer-free.”
Once you turn 45, it’s important to discuss colon cancer screening options with your doctor, such as a colonoscopy or a stool-based test. If a stool test is abnormal, a follow-up colonoscopy will be necessary. Screening should continue until age 75, after which you should consult your doctor about whether to keep screening.
Although there is no specific routine screening for endometrial cancer, if you’re post-menopausal, you should notify your doctor if you experience any bleeding or spotting.
If you’re age 50 to 80, you smoke or you quit within the past 15 years, and you have a 20-pack-year history, you should get screened for lung cancer every year. If you smoke or used to smoke, talk with your doctor about screening for lung cancer.
Men should start getting screened for prostate cancer at age 50. Start talking with your doctor by age 45 if you have a father or brother who had prostate cancer before age 65 or if you’re African American. Start at age 40 if you had multiple relatives diagnosed at an early age.
“After this conversation, you’ll want to get a prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood test, and you may have a digital rectal exam as part of the screening,” Prasad said. •
Your doctor can help you find the best treatment. In general, look for cancer centers with:
■ Access to clinical trials
■ Comprehensive care teams
■ Emotional and nutritional support
■ Leading technologies and advanced treatments
Make Time for Your Health
Houston Methodist provides personalized care to ensure you stay on top of your health. To schedule an appointment or find a primary care provider, visit houstonmethodist.org/pcg/west or call 713.441.7965.
Dr. Preethi Prasad


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• Specialists with innovative treatments and customized programs for all conditions, including cutting-edge orthopedic, cancer, cardiovascular and neurological care
• Collaborative teams of experts using the newest technologies and latest research
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