Houston Style Magazine Vol 34 No 11

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NEWS | COMMENTARIES | SPORTS | HEALTH | ENTERTAINMENT Support Black Owned Businesses Houston’s Premiere Weekly Publication, Since 1989 Complimentary Turner Celebrates Park Improvements Foodie Paradise at HLSR Instagram: @StyleMagazineHTX Twitter: @HoustonStyle TAG US: #TeamStyleMag Facebook: @HoustonStyleMagazine MARCH 16, 2023 - MARCH 22, 2023 Insurrection? Let Tucker Explain What You Think You Saw Jesse Jackson HISD Takeover Texas Education Agency Takes Over State's Largest School District Volume 34 | Number 11 HLSR Art Auction Painting Honoring Rodeo Legend Auctioned for $150K Haute Shots Ruth E. Carter: Shining the Light on Superheroes Words by: Jo Carolyn - Goode Photo Credit - Mike Coppola/Getty Images Houston Style Magazine

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Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes.” That old, popular quote has been attributed in one version or another to a variety of funny men, according to the Quote Investigator website.

I’ll settle for the video clip on YouTube in which Chico Marx utters the line in the classic 1933 Marx Brothers comedy, “Duck Soup.” He’s disguised as Groucho in the scene.

Anyway, that old movie line came to mind as I watched a more recent moment of confusion: Fox News host Tucker Carlson’s release Monday of never-before-seen footage from the Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the Capitol by Donald Trump supporters, which Carlson describes at one point as “mostly peaceful chaos.”

News accounts were more likely to describe it as a “deadly insurrection.” But Carlson insists, “Everything about that phrase is a lie.”

“Very little about Jan. 6 was organized or violent,” he says, which immediately reminded me of all the times I have heard from Carlson and his fellow TV conservatives lambaste news media for noting that most of the Black Lives Matter protesters also were peaceful. Sometimes, it appears, fairness and balance depend on whose windows are getting broken.

I only find it darkly amusing that the right wing’s ferocious demands for strict “law and order,” especially regarding hoodlums who attack police, remarkably soften when confronted with cases of such lawbreaking by fellow right-wingers.

“The crowd was enormous,” Carlson said. “A small percentage of them were hooligans. They com -

mitted vandalism. You have seen the footage of them again and again. But the overwhelming majority of them were peaceful. They were orderly and meek. These were not insurrectionists. They were sightseers.”

Right. Tell that to the police officers who were attacked — and their families.

“These were not rioters,” Carlson said. “They were people who wandered over from a political rally.”

Approximately 140 police officers were assaulted Jan. 6 at the Capitol, including about 80 from the U.S. Capitol Police and about 60 from the Metropolitan Police Department, according to the Justice Department.

The siege left five dead, including Capitol Police Officer Brian Sicknick, who suffered strokes and died of natural causes a day after

being attacked at the Capitol, according to the city’s chief medical examiner. Two other officers who were on duty that day later died by suicide.

More than a thousand defendants have been arrested in nearly all 50 states and the District of Columbia in connection with the riot. About 326 defendants have been charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers or employees, the Justice Department reports. That includes about 106 individuals who have been charged with using a deadly or dangerous weapon or causing serious bodily injury to an officer.

Remember how right-wingers mocked those of us in the media who truthfully describe the Black Lives Matter protests as being “mostly peaceful?”

Forgive me if I now return

the mockery when Carlson, among others on the right, try to turn the Capitol invaders into a cheerful group of happy-go-lucky tourists, Democrats, among others on Capitol Hill, are outraged over Carlson’s exclusive access. They fear Republican Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy’s favor to Carlson could compromise critical security secrets at the Capitol, although that horse seems to have left the barn.

U.S. Capitol Police Chief Tom Manger on Tuesday ripped into “offensive and misleading conclusions” in Carlson’s commentary during the footage broadcast Monday night. The Fox News host “cherry-picked” from “calmer moments of our 41,000 hours video,” Manger said, leaving out much of the mob’s assaults on police with fists and bear spray.

Sen. Ron Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican, said on a conservative news radio show that he “never felt threatened” by the proTrump mob. But under questioning, he said would have been concerned if the mob had been made up of Black Lives Matter or antifa protesters.

Nothing racist about that, he insisted later. Apparently he just feels threatened by the way some people look. I could tell him different, but who’s he gonna believe? Me or his own mind’s eyes?

You can write to the Rev. Jesse Jackson in care of this Newspaper or by email at: jjackson@rainbowpush.org

March 16, 2023 - March 22, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com 4
A pro-Trump mob enters the U.S. Capitol Building on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington, D.C. (Win McNamee_Getty Images_TNS)
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Elizabeth Warren has called twice to apologize. Over a month later, Kamala Harris hasn't called back.

In a local Boston radio interview in late January, Warren was enthusiastic about President Joe Biden running for reelection but, asked if Biden should keep Harris as his running mate, she said, "I really want to defer to what makes Biden comfortable on his team."

The incident and its aftermath, different details of which were described to CNN by multiple people close to the Massachusetts senator and people close to the vice president, has fed an ongoing breakdown of accusations and purported misunderstandings.

"Pretty insulting," is how one person close to Harris described the feelings of many in the vice president's office and in her wider orbit.

Several people close to Warren said the senator was calling to explain her statement as purely a mistake -- a fumbling, unintentional attempt to avoid stepping on a campaign announcement from the president. A spokesperson for Warren pointed to the statement the senator issued hours after the original


a different proposition when the heart in question has been beating for more than 80 years.

Multiple Democratic leaders contend that if people don't start feeling more positive about the next person in the line of succession, they might turn away from the ticket entirely. They're urging allies to stop the Harris pile-on, if only for Biden's sake -- or for Democrats' sake, or the party's future.

interview clarifying what she said, and an additional person close to Warren cited a personal and political relationship that goes back to being the first senator to endorse Harris for Senate and said of her support, "she didn't mean to imply otherwise.

Warren made her case to Harris' chief of staff Lorraine Voles, who returned the senator's call in place of Harris, a source familiar with the callback told CNN.

But the Warren moment is infuriating many in Harris's circle: To them, it's the latest in a long string of snubs to a vice president whom they say

has never gotten the respect or support she deserves. Warren's words sting even more, they say, because they came from a former rival who in 2020 hoped to be picked as Biden's running mate instead.

Harris diehards aren't the only ones who say they have had enough. Embedded in many top Democrats' thinking as Biden appears headed toward a reelection campaign announcement, according to CNN's conversations with three dozen leading Democrats, is fear that years of Harris negativity could now prove a political problem. Any running mate is a heartbeat away from the presidency, they say, but that's

"People who are denigrating her are aggrandizing themselves," said Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker, who has looked at a post-Biden White House run himself, speaking generally of Harris' critics.

"Right now, she seems to be an albatross," fretted one state Democratic Party chair who is concerned about Harris' poll numbers and about Biden's reelection chances. "She's either going to be a liability or a help. And you better embrace her because it's not like she's going to be off the ticket."


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Vice President Kamala Harris speaks about the ongoing political turmoil in Brazil.

Mayor Sylvester Turner joined with local elected officials, the 50/50 Park Partners, Houston Parks and Recreation Department (H.P.A.R.D.), Houston Parks Board (HPB), Greater Houston Partnership and other community partners today to hold a ribbon cutting ceremony at Forum Park.

Located in District J, within the Alief-Westwood Complete Community, Forum Park is the third neighborhood park to complete its transformation as part of 50/50 Park Partners, an initiative created by Mayor Sylvester Turner to improve neighborhood parks with the support of the corporate community.

“Complete Communities is about championing the voices of the residents, as is 50/50 Park Partners. I am proud that the upgrades to Forum Park reflect the


and the U.S. Soccer Foundation.

needs and desires of this Alief-Westwood community. Every neighborhood should have access to quality parks, and I thank our partners for helping to make this shared vision for Houston a reality,” said Mayor Turner.

A total of $1.4 million dollars was allocated for improvements made to Forum Park through 50/50 Park Partners including a new soccer mini-pitch court, a new half basketball court, upgraded park lighting, a new illuminated parking lot, a shade sail for the playground, new sidewalks, new picnic tables, benches, BBQ grills, water fountains, park signage and more. These exiting park features were funded by Memorial Hermann Community Benefit Corporation, Episcopal Health, Texas Children's Hospital and included the support of Houston Dynamo FC, Houston Dash

The mini-pitch was donated by former Dynamo/Dash minority owner Ben Guill, former Dynamo/Dash minority owner Jake Silverstein through the W.J. Silverstein Family Trust, the Houston Dynamo FC and Houston Dash, and the U.S. Soccer Foundation. This mini-pitch is one of 15 that the partners are installing across the Greater Houston area by 2024.

The initiative, rooted in equitably investing in neighborhoods across Houston, includes listening sessions to determine park improvements in collaboration with local communities. All park improvements were selected based on input from each community addressing their desires for improvements to their local parks.

“It is important for neighborhood parks to serve the community’s needs, especially in a city as large and diverse as Houston. Our city is fortunate to have so many great park destinations and we hope all communities consider their neighborhood parks as great places to gather,” said Beth White, President and CEO of Houston Parks Board.

“Neighborhood parks like this one in the Alief-Westwood Complete

Community are the backbone of the Houston Parks and Recreation Department, said Kenneth Allen, Director, Houston Parks and Recreation Department.

“The upgrades made to the playground and the additional improvements to the park are a testament to what is possible for neighborhood parks across our city. We want to send a special thanks to the General Services Department and to each of our Park Partners for their work on this project.” The heart of 50/50 Park Partners is the creation of long-term relationships for sustained impact between businesses, communities, and parks, improving the quality of life for Houstonians for decades to come.

The project is supported by the City of Houston’s Resiliency Office and the Office of Complete Communities. The 50/50 Park Partners framework provides an opportunity for corporations to play a leadership role in supporting neighborhood parks and their surrounding communities, catalyzing the process of reinvigorating an under-resourced park.

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METRORAPID UNIVERSITY CORRIDOR PUBLIC MEETING 2023 Join a public meeting and be a part of the METRORapid University Corridor project. Get meeting updates and learn more about the project at: RideMETRO.org/University DATE TIME VENUE ADDRESS SEGMENT # Tuesday, March 21, 2023 6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Houston Community College –North Forest Campus 6010 Little York Rd. Houston, TX 77016 Segment 5 Zip Codes: 77020, 77026, 77028, 77016, 77093 MAYOR TURNER CELEBRATES


Imagination would have us believe that superheroes are fictional characters in capes, masks, and elaborate costumes with superhuman powers that either come to destroy or save life.

However, living in this world, some people have come to know that superheroes are indeed very real. We can call them by name and say how we have been rescued by them because they live among us.

Mabel Carter is costume designer Ruth E. Carter’s superhero. Mabel Carter is Ruth E. Carter’s 101-year-old mother, who recently passed away. Carter now calls her mother an ancestor and has asked that the late "Black Panther" actor Chadwick Boseman, who died in 2020 from cancer, take care of her mother.

Ruth E. Carter made history at the Academy Awards on Sunday night when she became the first Black woman to win two Oscars. Her first win was in 2019, when she became the first Black woman to win an Oscar for Best Costume Design for "Black Panther." Then she did a repeat this year, winning an Oscar for costume design for "Black Panther: Wakanda Forever." She is now the first Black woman to win two Oscars in any category.

In her acceptance speech, she thanked the Academy for "recognizing

the superhero that is a Black woman." She went on to say, "She endures. She loves. She overcomes. She is every woman in this film."

Carter has become a superhero for many young girls because she knows the impossible is always possible if you just keep pushing and doing what you love.

Carter came to the 95th Academy Awards looking like she knew she would take home an Oscar, wearing a striking yellow gown that, when flipped, showed a vibrant hot pink, possibly giving a nod to her membership in Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. Carter became an honorary member in July 2021.

After graduating from what is now known as Hampton University in 1982, Carter began her career as an intern at

the Santa Fe Opera. That gave way to a move to Los Angeles, CA, to work at the Los Angeles Theater Center. This move was key to her career as it opened the door for her to cross paths with Spike Lee. He would then hire Carter to work on eight of his films. One of those films, his biographical film Malcolm X (1992), got her first Oscar nomination. In her career, she has also worked with acclaimed directors such as John Singleton, Lee Daniels, Ava DuVernay, Steven Spielberg, and, of course, Ryan Coogler and Nate Moore. She received her second Oscar nomination for Steven Spielberg's 1997 drama film Amistad. Carter’s career has spanned 30 years, with her work being featured in over 40 films.

On her Instagram account, Carter talks about how Shuri's cos -

tume came about. "Shuri’s rise from baby sister to Black Panther was very unexpected, but she embraced it. Her conflict with her new role as Black Panther is seen within the gold and silver in her suit. Her brother, T’Challa wore silver vibranium, while the nemesis, Kilmonger wore gold. Swipe to see the process of creating Shuri’s black panther costume design."

This is the artistry of a costume designer. When Carter got her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame She said that a true costume designer has to like people and want to explore the "why" in their clothing choices. That also helps you build character in the future. It was clear when it came to her designs in the "Black Panther" films that she wanted to reshape how the culture was represented in the Marvel and film universe.

Carter’s work made us all believe in the impossible. It allowed us to know that superheroes can look just like us. She also reminded me that superheroes are not just on the big screen. Superheroes are those who help us to dream the impossible, do the impossible, and achieve the impossible.

Congratulations, Ruth E. Carter, for continuing to make what seemed impossible and possible if you just follow your dreams and do what you love.

March 16, 2023 - March 22, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com 8 You can help prevent CHILD ABUSE Be the voice for those who can’t speak up for themselves. If you see or suspect ANY abusive behavior of a minor, call the Texas Family and Protective Services at 1-800-252-5400
Photo Credits: Mike Coppola/Getty Images


committees’ operations.

The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo’s School Art Program welcomes students from age Pre-K through 12th grade to showcase their works of art for the opportunity to win a scholarship for their continued education, travel to summer workshops, and display their work in the Hayloft Gallery during the Rodeo. Currently, the School Art Program supports approximately 130 different school districts, including private and parochial schools, in the Houston area.

Based upon the placing, the Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo

establishes a guaranteed minimum payment for each exhibitor who qualifies for a junior market auction, according to the HLSR’s website. The Rodeo also sets a cap amount above the guaranteed minimum for each auction lot. When bidding exceeds the cap amount, the additional funds go into the rodeo’s educational fund to be used for scholarship and grant recipients. Amounts bid between the guaranteed minimum and the cap are accumulated in the bonus pool and are used to cover any lots that did not bring the guaranteed amount, as well as auction expenses and auction

HSM's Kathleen Coleman attended the auction and saw 72 pieces selected from more than 200,000 entries. One piece that caught her eye was one by Mia Paz Katy ISD of Leon Coffee. The piece entitled "Rodeo Legend" was a painting of a barrel man, clown, and bullfighter who are intricate in rodeo history. Both Leon Coffee and Mia Paz received a standing ovation when they appeared in the Houston Rodeo Parade, in which Coffee was the 2023 Grand Marshall. The painting was auctioned for over $150,000.00. In addition, Coffee was inducted into the Texas Rodeo Cowboy Hall of Fame and is a true legend of the rodeo circuit.

Various subjects presented their art creating a panoramic view of western culture in Texas. "Boots at the Doorstep" is a monochromatic drawing by Allison Ambrosio of Pasadena ISD. Sydney Linton of Fort Bend ISD presented her "Now That’s Some Orange You Can Ride Into," which is a mixed medium. Junior High School student Ximin Liang of Fort Bend ISD showcased her "Chestnut." A live painting was also auctioned off for the afternoon.

The audience comprised art educators basking in the sun with their art students and collectors viewing the creative

works of a generation to come. Youth volunteers worked to coordinate with seasoned rodeo volunteers to enhance the smooth, fast pace of selling auction. Put the art auction on your list of must-see rodeo events.

The Grand Champion Work of Art, a painting titled “Our Last Roundup” created by Mia Huckman, 18, of Lamar CISD, sold for $275,000, a new Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo record. Mia said this accomplishment is a dream come true.

The Reserve Grand Champion Work of Art was a painting named “Morning Dove” created by Eliza Hoffman, sold for $185,000 to Randa & Ray Gilliam, Mary & Ken Hucherson, Cheryl & Gary Deitcher and Andrea & Scott Fish.

9 www.StyleMagazine.com March 16, 2023 - March 22, 2023


Since2019, the Texas Education Agency has been in a legal battle in an attempt to take over the Houston Independent School District over what it sees as an underperforming school district, and there are recent reports that Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner has been told that the TEA will be taking over HISD as early as next

week, according to the Texas Tribune. The Texas Legislative Black Caucus condemns this hostile takeover of HISD by the Texas Education Agency and not looking at the significant academic progress that HISD has made over the past few years. We have seen historically that state takeovers of local school districts have not ended well and

more often than not only led to imposed costs on the state with funding, staff, and resources. Our public schools are already underfunded as they are, and expecting the state to suddenly be able to pick up the tab for everything is a risk that we just can't afford. The many thousands of students and teachers deserve better than having their school district stripped of local control and into the hands of a state agency that will replace the publicly-elected superintendent and board members with replacements of their choosing.

Chairman Ron Reynolds (Missouri City) has stated the following:

"Wheatley High School, the school that initiated this entire process, has made great strides and has been able to remove itself out of the 'Improvement Required status' that it was originally placed in. HISD has been working on improving its

academic standing and already we've seen those results, as the end of the 2022 school year showed that 40 of 54 failing campuses showed passing grades of C and an overall grade of B for the district as a whole. This is an overreach by the state on this academic issue and will be a total loss of local control over the education of over 194,000 students at 276 campuses. Ultimately, we need to be focusing on the best ways to help serve our students and teachers, and taking the helm of HISD is not the best way to move forward. The Texas Legislative Black Caucus completely condemns TEA's overreach of local control and urges for a better solution to be found."

March 16, 2023 - March 22, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com 10
By StyleMagazine.com - Newswire

The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo is a much anticipated annual event that brings together cowboys, musicians, and FOOD LOVERS! The rodeo is a foodie's paradise, with many options to choose from while walking the carnival grounds or enjoying live music. Houston Style Magazine tasted some of the best rodeo foods you should try!

Our first stop was at Houston's most popular pop-up and soon-to-open brick-and-mortar in Montrose, Trill Burgers! We love this thoughtfully crafted burger for the smash burger-style meat, potato bun, and delicious sauce! It is such a simple burger, but it is packed with lots of flavors.


exotic bite will surely bite back. This corndog is filled with diamondback rattlesnake sausage, dipped in a crispy yet fluffy corndog batter, and fried to perfection. If you are wondering what rattlesnake meat tastes like, just know it has the flavor of a bratwurst. However, the key to the flavor is cooking the rattlesnake meat in chardonnay, which knocks out the gamey taste and leaves you with a delightful flavor.

Next up, we had the honor of trying the first-place winner for Best Fried Foods at the Golden Buckle Foodie Awards, Minniapple Pie's Deep Fried Cookie Dough. You are greeted with a beautiful cookie dough explosion as you bite into this crispy piece of heaven. Make sure you have napkins! We did not leave Minniapple Pie without trying one of their delicious handheld apple pies topped with cinnamon sugar dust.

Right on the same row, we tried the second-place Best Fried Foods category winner for the Golden Buckle Foodie Awards, Southern Fried Saloon's Fried Lasagna Roll! This was a spin on a classic dish built with rodeo expectations. The Fried Lasagna Roll was fried crispy and filled with everything in a lasagna,

topped with a robust marinara sauce.

If you want an adventurous bite, you must stop by Pioneer Wagon for their Rattlesnake Corndog. Tied for second place in the category of Most Creative Food at the Golden Buckle Awards, this

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Bert L. Long, Jr. The Power of Positivity

Deborah Colton Gallery is pleased to present The Power of Positivity, an exhibition featuring paintings, drawings, and wall sculptures by Bert L. Long, Jr. The exhibition can be seen during our Public Viewing Hours or by appointment at any time and also online through our gallery’s website. Public Viewing Hours are Friday and Saturday from 1:00 to 5:00 pm. There will be an Opening Reception from 1.30 pm to 4:30 pm on Saturday February 11th.

Bert L. Long Jr., was selftaught artist, was born in 1940 in Texas, grew up the Houston’s historic Fifth Ward and received his formal education from UCLA. Following a career as a successful master chef, Long decided to devote himself entirely to art in the late 1970’s. He began to explore folk art and assemblage to create a unique body of work, attracting the attention of Jim Harithas,

then Director of the Contemporary Arts Museum Houston, and artists John Alexander, Salvatore Scarpitta and James Surls. His life spanned an era of radical change in the American social climate, the influence of which can be seen clearly in his work.

Long’s paintings and sculptures incorporate a high level of skill and sophisticated knowledge of art history, along with complex philosophical and social issues. Long describes the philosophy behind his work as "a quest to help people di -

agnose their inner self," believing his art to be "the vehicle to help facilitate the process."

“As artists we have the obligation to provide the world with art which communicates as truth. I believe that art has the power to heal our souls of their afflictions. I try to create art which helps to diagnose the prevalent conditions within our societies, hopefully providing an insightfulness which will help us all become brothers and sisters united in equality and compassion”

The late Peter Marzio, former Director of the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, said of Bert Long during the major retrospective of Long’s work at the museum:

“Bert Long does not avert his gaze from that which is painful, but as [his artworks] testify, he also brings a spirit of joy and redemption to his art. We can all learn from this great artist.”

Over Long’s 33-year career as a painter, sculptor, and photographer, he had several solo exhibitions at respected museums and was awarded many significant awards including the National Endowment for the Arts Grant in 1987 and the prestigious international Prix de Rome fellowship in 1990.

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13 www.StyleMagazine.com March 16, 2023 - March 22, 2023
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HJNJ North Houston Suburban’s Champions for Children Gala

The Jack and Jill of America, Inc., North Houston Suburban Chapter hosted the Champions for Children Gala benefitting the Jack and Jill of America Foundation, Inc. and Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club. During the stellar affair emceed by Len Cannon and Mia Gradney, Paula McCann Harris, Mark Wallace, and Curtis “50 Cent” Jackson were honored. The event was very successful as the organization surpassed their fundraising goal. Entertainment was provided by Joe Carmouche & Band, Saxophonist Gregory Daniels, and Violinist Tess Reed. Some attendees included Mayor Sylvester Turner, Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee, Shannon Buggs, Newal Hunter, Carmen Wright, Stacey Jones-Reed, TaMeka Chopp Martin, and Natasha Goode.

March 16, 2023 - March 22, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com 14 i ts i ar President ers ow Dr ne ns ve un wa Texas Black Expo & We All Eat Campaign n ra | @ g | 83 n S ach oc Head Coach Tex EQUAL OPPORTUNITY DAY GALA S A T U R D A Y , D E C E M B E R 1 7 , 2 0 2 2 - 6 : 3 0 P M H I L T O N A M E R I C A S H O U S T O N in Jerome Love CONFERENCE NATIONAL URBAN LEAGUE 2023 HOUSTON, TX JULY 26-29 2023 Conference Chair - Myrtle Jones, Halliburton Empowering Communities Changing Lives Affiliate Host Includes: Small Business Saturday Pitch Competition Community Day Youth Summit Concerts and much more Welcome Reception Career Fair Empowerment & Career Development Tech Connect & Demo Day 2023 SEE MORE PHOTOS AT www.StyleMagazine.com

HAPA Alpha Eta Lambda’s Ice Cold Fundraiser H

The Alpha Eta Lambda Chapter of Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. hosted their 14th Annual Ice Cold Springfest Crawfish Boil & Fish Fry Fundraiser at the Bayou City Event Center Pavilion over the weekend. The members of the Divine Nine definitely represented to support their cause along with other members of the community. The money raised will go towards their scholarship fund and other charitable causes the fraternity supports. Some in attendance were Alpha Phi Alpha President Errol Allen, Mayor Sylvester Turner, Rep. Ron Reynolds, Congresswoman Shelia Jackson Lee, Judge Wanda Adams, and Councilwomen Carolyn Evans Shabazz and Martha Castex Tatum.

15 www.StyleMagazine.com March 16, 2023 - March 22, 2023 2023 SEE MORE PHOTOS AT www.StyleMagazine.com
March 16, 2023 - March 22, 2023 www.StyleMagazine.com 16 Honoring WOMEN’S HISTORY MONTH ©2023 HEB, 23-3541 H-E-B celebrates the trailblazers of the past and the women of today for your leadership, courage, strength, influence and impact. You inspire us.

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