by Heller Levinson. (ISBN 978-1-882863-98-3) Hinge Poetics/poetry; 6"x9", 206 pages, premium softbound w/double covers. Featuring 9 color pages; edited, designed & illustrated by Michael Annis. Includes discussion on Hinge Theory by Mary Newell and Andre Spears. "Heller Levinson has created an archaeological dictionary of poetic implications which are the source for Smelling Mary. These are encyclopedic visionary allusions to a literary state fighting for its democratically creative independence. A wonderful, fun book, full of notions of abstraction, word rearrangements, on the road insinuations & kneecap hinges of flexible connections."--Jayne Cortez. "With 'Hinge Theory,' Heller Levinson presents us with a gift, the magnitude of which will become evident with the passage of time. He is to poetry as Thelonious Monk is to jazz: a master of thoughtful composition and spontaneous invention." --Joe Giglio, jazz guitarist.