Prepped! Book Launch
A Twitterers Guide It’s as easy as… 1. Check in online o Make sure you turn on location settings/services and check in (at the Black Bottom club/Aunty Ruth’s Rooftop Garden). 2. Check in offline o Please collect a badge and write your Twitter name on it so other Twitterers can connect the virtual and real you. o We also want to make sure you’re Prepped! for a Twitter “flash mob” event we’re going to try. 3. Tweet! o Please feel free to Twitter away to your heart’s content…but we’d especially love you to participate in our attempt to create a twitter trend. Twitter Flash Mob After Vanessa has made a speech Giles Lewis will take the floor ask you to Tweet the following: Get Prepped! with @VanessaKimbell #prepped Please can you have the tweet written and ready to send so we can all tweet the same thing at the same time, when Giles counts us in.