2021 Impact Report

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H I G H L A N D PA R K P R E S BY T E R I A N C H U R C H 2 0 2 0 / 2 1 I M PAC T R E P O R T


As I look back on my seventh year with you at Highland Park, I’m reminded of what Paul shared with the Ephesians: “I have not stopped giving thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers. I keep asking...that you may know the hope to which God has called you, and his incomparably great power for us who believe” (Ephesians 1:16–19). This impact report is a way of rejoicing in all that God continues to do in and through this family of churches as we anchor our lives in the hope of Jesus and the power of his resurrection. While ministry and mission may have looked a little different over the past twenty months, our vision remains the same: To lead all generations to find and follow Jesus, for the flourishing of our city and beyond. We hope these stories of transformation will truly encourage you as we continue pursuing that vision together. I have never been more excited about our future together as we invite more people to find God’s immeasurable love in the person of Jesus. Joyfully,

Bryan Dunagan

Leading all generations to become transformed followers of Jesus, for the flourishing of our city and beyond. 3821 University Blvd, Dallas, TX · 214-526-7457 · hppres.org

OUTREACH We are a church that exists not for ourselves, but to extend the hope of Jesus beyond our walls, into the city of Dallas, and to the ends of the earth. Every time we pray, “your kingdom come on earth as it is in heaven,” we are invited to join God in this great mission of rescue and restoration.


Outreach Overview

Disaster Relief

Total: $1,865,927 We responded to global and local disasters.

$235,742 $16,250 India

$600 Syria

$8,630 Global, $430,676 | 23% City, $375,018 | 20% Missionaries, $300,492 | 16% Church Planting, $278,419 | 15% Compassion Fund, $245,580 | 13% Disaster Relief, $235,742 | 12%

Compassion Fund

US Hurricanes & Floods


California Wildfires


Miami Building Collapse


Dallas Immigrants


Haiti Earthquake

In February we worked with our ministry partners to provide direct relief to those impacted by Winter Storm Uri.

Through our Compassion Fund you served 230 families in Dallas by providing rent, utilities, food, furniture, clothing, and household items.




Austin Street Center Hotels for those experiencing homelessness

Friendship West Church



Meals for those displaced

Individual home repairs


Deductible, repairs, and upgrades to community center

We supported 30 missionaries worldwide. Visit hppres.org/missionaries to get to know them!

$300,492 5

ci t y

par tn e r

Advocates for Community Transformation (ACT) HP Pres is partnering with ACT in fighting for justice in South Dallas neighborhoods. ACT has a new model of ministry that uses the justice system to empower inner-city residents to fight crime on their street, while sharing with them the hope of the Gospel. Hundreds of families in this area need an advocate who will stand up for justice with them in stopping crime and protecting them from predators.

For the Nations: Refugee Outreach The pandemic put a spotlight on some cracks in educating kids as they attempted to assimilate in the public school system. FTNRO decided to take action and start a Learning Center for Pre-K–5th grade. The program, led by qualified teachers, is crafted to equip the students so they can return to public school at the same level as their peers.


Students back in school



Students improved by one grade level

h i g h l i g h t s

Dallas Foster Closet HP Pres launched a Foster Care Closet to equip caregivers as they care for these kids. The caregivers will have an opportunity to come and shop for items such as clothes, toys, diapers, hygiene items, and sports equipment.






Children Served

Dallas Leadership Foundation (DLF) Food Box Distribution In response to Covid, HP Pres began packing and distributing food boxes with DLF for families in need all over the city.






Food Boxes

Workforce Development Program During the pandemic DLF has expanded their Workforce Development Program from the formerly incarcerated to include residents from the neighborhoods where they work. This model develops and equips individuals with job skills to retain employment and become productive leaders in society.

wo r ld

part n e r

h i g h l i g h t s


World Vision

We continue to support our partners in Cuba. This past year has been extraordinarily difficult due to the pandemic and the political situation. We provide financial support when we are able. But in spite of everything, the resiliency of the Cuban Christians shines. They have continued ministry as they are able and have seen almost 300 people come to know Christ.





Las Tunas


Proclaim Cuba

Church leaders found creative ways to care for their congregations, including using technology to host virtual devotions, Bible studies, and even Sunday worship services. Emergency food relief was provided to the communities to address rising food costs and disruptions in the supply chain. The Health Clinic provided vital education to the communities about Covid. The schools were shut down initially but reopened last September. Financial Support


Meals Provided


Children Sponsored

Haiti Outreach Ministries


Some kids have waited years to be chosen by a sponsor. Then it was their turn to choose. Names and photos were sent to a community in Kenya where kids got the chance to choose their own sponsor. Contributions support community projects that help kids thrive. Clean water, healthcare, nutrition, education—whatever they need.

Langham Scholars HP Pres supports Gerardo Corpeño, Langham Scholar from El Salvador. He is pursuing his PhD at Wheaton College. When he completes his PhD, he will return to Guatemala where he is currently serving and resume training pastors in Latin America Theology at Central America Theological Seminary.


Financial Support


Patients Cared for 7

VISION 100 At our 90th anniversary, our elders cast an “only possible with God” vision to guide HP Pres and stretch our faith for the next 10 years of mission and ministry. This bold vision is called Vision 100. This year marks the halfway point, and we are encouraged and humbled as we see the transformation taking place both within and beyond our walls as a church.



1 0 0

20 20 / 2 1

Goal One 100% of our Covenant Partners growing as followers of Jesus



partners engaged in the growth plan


new Covenant Partners

Goal Two 10,000 new followers of Jesus here, near, and far


new followers of Jesus



Goal Three 10 new church plants

Goal Four 100 leaders raised from the next generation for Christ-centered leadership

Goal Five 1,000,000 hours of prayer


Planted Grace Church Lake Highlands


leaders being developed


hours of prayer

Grace Church Lake Highlands On January 10, we officially launched our first Sunday worship service as Grace Church Lake Highlands! Looking back on our first year as a new congregation, we can celebrate God’s faithfulness to us in many ways: drawing new people into Sunday worship; forging friendships in community groups; and providing opportunities to work for the flourishing of our neighbors. We celebrate how lives are being transformed by the grace-filled message of Jesus, from the young man who recently told me he was feeling empty and stuck in life and decided to visit our church, to the older man who said after a sermon on God’s grace he “walked away freed from a burden of guilt he’s carried for much of his life,” to the lady who discovered Jesus’ love after only knowing church to be a place of judgment, to the new families who found our church after moving to LH, to neighbors who said yes to the invitation to come and see. We can’t wait to see what God has in store for our whole family of churches, as we continue to seek the flourishing of our city together!



average in-person Sunday attendance

servant-hearted volunteers



Community Groups

people in Community Groups 9

TRANSFORM UPDATE When we set out on this Transform journey, we made the commitment that this would never be just about beautiful buildings, but the beautiful mission and movement God is building at HP Pres to extend transformation into the city of Dallas and beyond. As we look back and celebrate God’s faithfulness in and through this project, we know that the Transform story is just beginning, for we serve a God who can do “immeasurably more than all we could ask or imagine.” (Ephesians 3:20)


“We made the commitment that this would never be just about beautiful buildings, but the beautiful mission and movement God is building at HP Pres to extend transformation into the city of Dallas and beyond.” Transform Total: $78,827,000


Gifts Received


Outstanding Pledges


Potential Cash Shortfall *as of Nov. 5 11

GENEROSITY “For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” Matthew 6:21 Jesus says the power of generosity is that our hearts follow our treasure, which is why it’s so amazing to consider the above-and-beyond generosity of this HP Pres church family. Over the past year, you have given more than $20 million* to extend the mission and ministry of this family of churches. Thank you for partnering with us to help more people find and follow Jesus!


General Giving & Released Funds 2021 Actual Giving

$13,839,424 $9,495,460

2021 Actual Expenses Total: $12,269,300

According to a study by Evangelical Covenant Church, our actual expenses for 2021, and our budgeted expenses 2022 fall within or near the suggested range for church budgets.

Personnel Program & Admin.

General Giving




Restricted/ Designated Giving

48% 25% 15% 12%


50% 2021 Actual


Suggested Range*

*Source: Evangelical Covenant Church

2022 Budget $12,700,000

“Over the past year, you have given more than $20 million* to extend the mission and ministry of this family of churches.” *Includes general, designated, and Transform giving

Personnel | 53% Program/Admin. | 27% Outreach | 10% Facility | 10% 13

We exist to lead all generations to find and follow Jesus, for the flourishing of our city and beyond.



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