Impact Report - 2024

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Dear Church Family,

As we reflect on the past year, our hearts overflow with gratitude for God’s faithfulness and the remarkable ways he has moved within our church and community. This Impact Report is more than a compilation of beautiful photos and encouraging statistics; it is a testament to the transformative power of Christ at work among us.

Last October, we mourned the loss of our beloved senior pastor, Bryan Dunagan. Bryan’s impact on our church and the wider community was profound, characterized by his unwavering kindness and deep faith. His memorial service brought thousands together to celebrate a life lived for Christ. While his absence is deeply felt, we hold fast to his words which remind us that God is with us in our suffering. Bryan’s legacy continues to inspire us to live out the joy and peace found in a relationship with Jesus.

Amidst our grief, we have also witnessed the Lord’s provision as we move forward in the search for our next Senior Pastor. Discerning this call requires prayer, patience,

and unity. Our Pastor Nominating Committee is diligently seeking God’s chosen Senior Pastor for our congregation. We invite you to support them through prayer by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Our mission continues to flourish in remarkable ways and is making an impact around the world. We celebrate that God is drawing more people of all ages and backgrounds to our church. Our church plants around Dallas are also thriving and helping people find and follow Jesus.

We are excited about the possibilities that are ahead of us. Our Vision 100 goals continue to guide us as we strive to make a lasting impact for Christ in our city and beyond. We are grateful for your continued support and partnership in this mission. Thank you for being a vital part of the Highland Park Pres family.


Remembering Bryan

The loss of our senior pastor, Bryan Dunagan, in October of 2023 left an unimaginable hole in the hearts of his loved ones, church family, and our community. After his memorial service, Dallas Morning News characterized him well in their article by recognizing that he was “unreasonably kind” to everyone he met.

Thousands of people filled the HP Pres campus the day of his memorial and hundreds more watched online. As loved ones shared glimpses of his life through stories of camping trips, lacrosse championships, inside jokes, and family holidays, they also shared the good news of life in Christ. Bryan will be remembered as an incredible leader, father, and friend but his greatest desire was that people would experience the joy and peace

of a relationship with Jesus. His time of leadership at our church has left a lasting impact on our community and there is no doubt that his faithful service to God and his people will be remembered for generations.

While we continue to mourn the loss of our senior pastor, we recognize the incredible outpouring of love from our community. God has held us through every moment of this season, and we continue to trust his sovereignty through it all.


when there aren’t words to say, when there aren’t answers, or clichés, or verses to quote, sometimes the only comfort we have is to share in our sufferings. It’s the only way to hold onto that fragile sense of hope, that God is with us in the suffering. That day came when God put on flesh and entered this world, in his suffering he became our comforter, our deliverer”



“The Church, at its best, is the body of believers caring for one another and pointing one another towards Jesus. We see in Acts 2 a picture of the beginning of the Church—believers are together, sharing with one another, and the Lord adds to their number daily those who are being saved. The church was never meant to just be a building but a movement—a people sent on a mission, a people known and marked by love.

“The unimaginable happened on October 26, 2023. My beloved husband and your faithful pastor suddenly and unexpectedly passed away. In those early hours of disbelief, I found the church gathered on my front lawn, circled up to pray. Soon, so many were gathered that the location moved from our front lawn to HP Pres. Not only did members of our

church gather, but community members and friends from all over the Dallas area joined together in one voice, pleading to our true Shepherd for help and guidance in this journey ahead.

“The Spirit was already alive and working within this congregation, so when tragedy hit, the Spirit continued his work through you. You turned towards one another with tenderness and compassion. You “let love be sincere,” filling needs for the church staff and for me and my children. You have not stopped praying for us, not stopped showing up to worship the God who never changes. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for caring for the whole Dunagan family over the past year. Bryan would be so proud of this church.”

The Search

The search for our next senior pastor is in full swing. Learn about the process, the steps we’re taking along the way, and what’s next.

Create a Transition Plan to ensure the church is effective in its mission and vision during the search process.

Appoint a Slate-Making Task Force (SMTF)

The congregation begins to submit recommendations for the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) to the Slate Making Task Force (SMTF).

Creation of a Congregational Survey to better understand the needs of HP Pres, based on church-wide surveys, focus groups, and interviews.

Congregation receives and affirms the Slate Making Task Force (SMTF) nominations for the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC).

Finalize a Church Profile and Pastor Position Description.

The Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC) discerns who should be nominated as Senior Pastor to the congregation. (This is the most timeintensive step of the process.)

The congregation votes to affirm the pastor nominated by the Pastor Nominating Committee (PNC).

The new Senior Pastor of HP Pres is welcomed, and onboarding begins.



Here are four easy ways to support the future of our church by praying for the Pastor Nominating Committee.

• Pray for wisdom and discernment when they consider and assess potential candidates

• Pray for unity and trust between one another as they begin to build a strong community with each other

• Pray for protection from pride, division, and fear

• Pray for openness to different perspectives and deep awareness of the movement of the Holy Spirit


On April 28, our congregation recommended and then voted for our PNC Members.

“The job of the Pastor Nominating Committee isn’t to find somebody to fill a job position, but to discern a call. Discerning a call is different because it involves lots of time in prayer, listening to the Holy Spirit, and finding agreement between the diverse group of people on the PNC, our future senior pastor, and their family. When that happens, it’s the most incredible thing. It’s a process that works but takes time.

“The job of the Pastor Nominating Committee isn’t to find somebody to fill a job position, but to discern a call.”

“The best way to support our elected PNC is to pray for them, be patient, and trust that God will use them to discern the right next person to lead our church.”

Martha Hooper, former PNC member

Kurt Alexander Carol Chapman Charles Davis Jed Melson Aaron Murff Austin Neuhoff
Kelsey Phillips Neil Rambin Bailey Schaufele Alisa Sell Ashley Shull

Vision 100

Moving toward our 100th anniversary in 2026, we want to look forward and continue to advance God’s mission for HP Pres. Our goal is that everything we do be about helping people find and follow Jesus, and Vision 100 is how we measure that. By 2026, we want 100% of our covenant partners growing as followers of Jesus, 10 new churches planted, 100 leaders raised up from the next generation for Christ-centered ministry, 10,000 people coming to faith in Jesus, and 1,000,000 hours of prayer fueling everything we do.

Our session established these goals on our church’s 90th anniversary, and it is hard to believe that we are now nearing our 100th anniversary. We have made some incredible progress, and as we look forward, we want to invite you into Vision 100 so we can see Jesus’ name be known in our city and beyond.

“It is right that we should meditate some on the past, but our eyes must always be on the future… that God would fill us with divine discontent, and send us out for even greater things.”
Former Senior Pastor of HP Pres
Leading all generations to find and follow Jesus for the flourishing of our city and beyond

100% of our covenant partners growing as followers of Jesus

10,000 new followers of Jesus here, near, and far

10 new church plants

100 leaders raised from the next generation for Christ-centered ministry 1,000,000 hours of prayer

By our 100th anniversary in 2026, we are striving to reach these milestones:

Congregational Survey

In the Spring of 2024, we conducted a Congregational Survey to better understand who we are as a church. A few themes emerged, highlighting what we’re doing well and where we have room for improvement. While the survey highlighted specific areas, the most common theme across all the results is that our congregation deeply loves their church.


1. How long have you been involved with HP Pres?

2. Would you describe HP Pres as your church home?

3. What worship service do you primarily attend?

How far do you live from HP Pres?

About 50% of our people have joined our church in the last nine years. We average about 250 new Covenant Partners per year and rejoice over the new people in our church family.

Whether a person has been at our church for a short time or a long time, or if they are a Covenant Partner or non-Covenant Partner, our people strongly describe HP Pres as feeling like home.

While we are seeing vibrant life in all of our services, our 9:30 am Sanctuary service, launched during our Transform campaign, has been our fastest-growing service and the biggest on-ramp for new Covenant Partners at our church.

Our congregation includes people from across the metroplex. In this survey, we found that those who drive the farthest most often attend our 11 am Sanctuary service because of the uniqueness of our beautiful, sacred, traditional music.

5. If you have children, how are they involved at HP Pres?

We have seen significant growth in our Highland Kids and Students ministry. In fact, about 50% of people who took this survey reported that they had college-aged or younger kids who are involved at HP Pres.


• Growing as disciples. We are a Jesus church, biblically centered, emphasizing spiritual growth and discipleship. Our worship services are described as powerful, with deep but approachable preaching and high-quality music, showing people the way to follow Christ. Our programming invites people into our community and equips them to take their next steps in finding and following Jesus, and the Holy Spirit has then been turning our guests into disciples. There is an intangible joy and energy in the halls of our church.

• United together. We are marked by unity and known as a place where disagreeing on non-theologically essential topics is OK and healthy. We have a generous orthodoxy, where grace without judgment defines difficult conversations, and we are known for being willing to exist within the tension between differences. We engage topics in intellectually honest ways, with compassion and love leading the way. We are slow to debate and quick to be curious.

• Welcoming community. Our community is a welcoming presence for new and long-time members. Defined by support, love, and friendliness, our community is our church, and people often describe their time here as part of a tightly-knit family. Despite our size, to many, our church feels small. We live into our mission of ministering to all generations, and our love of people of all ages has had long-lasting impacts. Our community is diverse, with people of all backgrounds from all over DFW making up who we are.

• Developing leaders. Strong, transparent, authentic, vulnerable, egalitarian, and wise leadership has been a boon for our church over the past decade. We are intentionally calling up and sending out new leaders. Our clear leadership has always been helpful, and that has been especially true after Senior Pastor Bryan Dunagan’s passing.

• Our staff. The staff of HP Pres was frequently mentioned in our congregational survey. Our people see our staff as approachable, accessible, and supportive. The staff is trusted because of their involvement in our community, their joyful attitude, and their humble demeanor. The HP Pres staff deeply desires to minister to our congregation.

• Joyfulness. Despite significant loss and tragedy, our people are encouraged by how we exhibit Christ during this season. There is an unexpected joy in the halls of our church.

• Clear direction. Recent surveys identified our clear vision for the future as a strength. Our Session has discerned God’s call for our church, communicated it clearly to our congregation, and aligned our ministry activities around that vision. This has made us feel unified as a congregation, working together towards the same ends. This has been visible through initiatives like Vision 100 and our recent emphasis on spiritual, mental, and emotional health.


• Multiplying our faith. Many of our members reported that they are not frequently discipling other newer believers and that they do not feel equipped to share the Gospel with people who are not following Jesus. Work is needed to equip and encourage our body to more fully embrace evangelism.

• Vision for the future. Since 2016, when our Session formed Vision 100, we have been working towards a defined set of goals to reach before our 100th anniversary in 2026. What our vision and focus will be in the season after our 100th anniversary is undecided.

• Serving. We struggle to find enough volunteers to meet the minimum needs of groups like our Highland Kid’s ministry. A church our size should have more people willing to help, but instead, we are frequently asking the same volunteers to serve more and more.

• Emotional health. In January of 2023, the Session of HP Pres made emotional health a priority for our congregation. Responding to a mental health epidemic in our community, we began to address this topic across life stages and ministries to better care for our church and our community at large. While we have made large steps in the areas of counseling, education, support communities, and resources, there is still work to be done to shepherd our congregation into becoming emotionally healthy followers of Christ.

• Highland Students. Our Highland Students ministry (7th–12th grade) has seen a drop in engagement over the past 10 years. We have invested in new staff and an increased focus on this demographic, and we’re celebrating a recent uptick in involvement in 2024. There is much work still to be done in reaching middle and high school students, and we are committed to nurturing, training, and discipling the next generation.

• Single adults. While single adults are welcome in all of our adult discipleship opportunities, our community of single adults needs increased support.

VBS 2024: Start the Party

This June, we welcomed hundreds of kids to our campus for VBS. Between all the laughter, playtime, and new friendships, kids were taught what it means to “love your neighbor as yourself” (Mark 12:31). Then, they were given the chance to put that love into action through prayer, daily offerings, and packing snack bags for a camp hosted by our mission partner, For the Nations Refugee Outreach.

Over the summer, For the Nations hosts a camp for children of local refugees where they can receive the resources they need to succeed while building relationships in their new home. Studies show that around 40,000 refugees have resettled in Texas since 2013. The city of Dallas alone is expected to see another 2,800 displaced people within the next year. Each one of these people arrives

with their own experiences and dreams of the future, but they often move without a support system or the resources to adjust to life in a foreign country.



For the Nations helps refugees build a new life by providing them with educational, financial, and spiritual resources. The snack bags kids packed during the week of VBS are a small way that we can come alongside them in their mission to share God’s love with refugees in tangible ways. The camp can see up to 500 kids each day, so 14,000 bags are needed to provide each kid with a snack. By providing snack bags, we helped to free up resources that enable For the Nations to reach more kids.




VBS is only possible because of The Foundation, which supplies funds annually to help kids find and follow Jesus.





Highland Students

The Student Ministry at HP Pres is all about helping the next generation find and follow Jesus. We accomplish this through community groups, weekly teaching, and mentoring relationships between students and leaders. Our goal is to create a space where students are excited to connect with each other and learn how God’s love gives us hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). Between school, extracurricular activities, work, and time with family and friends, it can be difficult for students to make space in their schedule to attend church. We often meet them for coffee, attend their sporting events, and make every effort to meet them right where they are. This is a significant age for students and we love getting to see them grow in their faith, confidence, and ambitions. Learn more at




You can be a part of mentoring the next generation by volunteering as a community group leader. Sign up at We would love your help!


Your teen years are formative for who you become as an adult. Influences from school, family, media, and relationships all play a factor in how you start to view the world around you. It takes intentionality to grow spiritually in a world where it is not always celebrated to follow Christ. For Anna Grace, the HP Pres student ministry has been integral in helping her faith flourish.



The distance Anna Grace (left) felt in her relationship with God narrowed over time as she became more involved in the student ministry. After attending the Ignite Retreat, she shares that “the progress I have made with the Lord has made my life and the way I view things as I am growing up change for the better.” Because of the Ignite Retreat, she learned what it is to experience a real relationship with Jesus. Since then, she has been intentional about pursuing Christ wholeheartedly. She has made some of her closest friends, strengthened her understanding of prayer, and learned that God will always meet you where you are.

At the Ignite Retreat, Anna Grace learned that “the life God desires for you is provided by him but has to be chosen by you.” A relationship with Jesus leads to the meaningful life we all desire, even when countless distractions in our world threaten to pull our eyes away from Jesus. We can find comfort in the words of Psalm 16:8, “I keep my eyes always on the Lord. With him at my right hand, I will not be shaken.”

Third Third Ministry

The Third-Third ministry at HP Pres is for people who are 55+, actively working or enjoying retirement, and are looking for community and purpose. In his 2012 book, The Third Third of Life: Preparing for Your Future, Walter Wright introduced us to the concept of the third third of life. Wright observed that in the past 100 years we have been “gifted” with an additional 25 years of life. The focus of the first two thirds of life is pretty well established (growing up, getting an education, raising a family, and building a career), but things are not as clear in the third third of life. Many are still trying to figure out where to invest their time, talent, and treasure in this season.

This year at HP Pres we have had a little over 100 people thinking about these issues. Through the Flourishing in the Third Third of Life classes, the An Uncommon Guide to Retirement book

discussions, and the Repurpose Your Retirement seminar, we have sought to identify the keys to living in a way that glorifies God, blesses our neighbors, and enables us to experience the joy of the Lord. Scripture, research, and experience repeatedly point to three things— relationships, purpose, and gratitude.

Living in community with others, having a sense of purpose, and being grateful for how God has provided for us are clear markers that separate those who are flourishing and those who are struggling in their third third of life. Monthly luncheons, service projects, classes, and community events all play a role in creating space for people to connect with each other.

Third third adults are a rapidly growing part of the population. As more of us gain a Biblical vision for how God can use us during the third third of life, there is incredible potential for how we can help lead “all generations to find and follow Jesus for the flourishing of our city and beyond.” Visit to learn more.


Two years ago, an announcement was made about the need for the men of the church to volunteer at VBS. Doug felt inspired to participate and shares that “VBS provides a sense of joy and connection that is unique to this experience and has helped me become a better disciple maker.”

Working the sign-in booth, Doug greeted numerous smiling kids and parents, each looking forward to the week’s events. He then danced, sang, and learned alongside the kids before helping to lead one of the first-grade boys’ groups. Reflecting on the week, he was excited “to make a wonderful connection with this generation that is loving and spiritually important to them for the rest of their lives.”



Whether it was dodging water balloons from the first-graders or helping them learn the memory verse, Doug knew he was making a difference. Throughout the week, he saw the kids treat each other with kindness, understand the meaning behind the Bible stories, and make meaningful connections with the volunteers. He learned that he was really embraced by this younger generation and shares how “in our older age, some of us start to feel irrelevant and VBS reminds you that you are relevant and wanted.”

“In our older age, some of us start to feel irrelevant and VBS reminds you that you are relevant and wanted.”

Doug’s excitement to invest in the younger generation reminds us that amazing things can happen when all generations come together to help people find and follow Jesus.

Care & Counseling

Accepting help from others can be one of the most challenging parts of healing. It’s difficult to let people in when we’re at our lowest because we’re afraid of seeming weak or feeling misunderstood. But we do not have to carry our burdens alone. God reminds us in Isaiah 41:13 “I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, do not fear; I will help you.”

The Care Team at HP Pres provides support for people who are facing loss, life challenges, and spiritual crisis. Jesus told his followers to help heal others and that’s what we strive to do by facilitating support groups and pastoral and professional counseling.

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the challenges in your life, we want to help. Go to to find hope in the hard times.


This is a Christ-centered and approachable course for anyone with hurts, habits, or hang-ups. None of us are perfect and we all have our troubles. Please join us as we celebrate recovery, spend time in fellowship with others who are overcoming obstacles, and leave strengthened after feeling the loving power of Jesus Christ.

Healing from Hurts, Habits, & Hangups

In Mark 2:17, Jesus tells us that “It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.” We can approach God in any condition, and he will meet us right where we are.

Celebrate Recovery follows a year-long curriculum for anyone who is struggling with anything from anxiety and depression to substance abuse, that people can join at any point. This group offers people hope so that they can overcome even their darkest days. In it Holli found care for her brokenness and shares that “my relationship with God completely changed because I understood that my identity is found in Christ, not other people or things.”

Holli was first connected to Celebrate Recovery in the summer of 2008 when a friend recommended that she check it out. At that time, Holli was experiencing life changes and loss that were magnified by her struggles with depression. She reflects that the testimonies she heard at the first meeting made her confident that “this is a place that I can share and be honest about what I’m going through.”

A relationship with Jesus does not mean we will not struggle, but it does promise us a new life of peace, hope, and healing. In Holli’s words, “I thought I had to fit a mold for God to accept me. I learned in Celebrate Recovery that God meets you where you are, and he loves and accepts you right there.”


Learning to heal after loss of a loved one doesn’t come easy. The grieving process looks different for everyone, but you don’t have to go through it alone. GriefShare is a welcoming, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through life’s most difficult experiences.


Oasis is a ministry designed to provide support to women and couples experiencing infertility and miscarriage. We hope that through this ministry you will be able to connect with others who understand your experience. Together we find strength, encouragement, and wisdom from God’s Word as we work through the myriad emotions, questions, and decisions each situation brings.


Sometimes we need someone to listen without interruptions or advice. Our grief and loss ministry team is here to provide care and comfort during times of death, estrangement, retirement, anger, and abandonment.


We’re ready and willing to come alongside you. Meeting with a pastor, whether once or for a series of visits, is an opportunity to discuss and pray through the most important aspects of our lives with a trusted advisor who helps you to learn from Jesus, grow spiritually, and care for your soul.


It’s okay to need Jesus and a counselor too. Prioritizing mental health nurtures the mind, body, and soul, fortifying our connection with God and those around us. HP Pres provides licensed professional counseling to help you improve your mood, decision-making, and relationships.


Ryan Tompkins’ MS in Counseling, Doctorate of Ministry, and experience as a chaplain and pastor give him the perspective needed to help people put together the pieces of life’s puzzle.

Kathryn Williams

Licensed Professional Counselor Associate

Kathryn Williams has completed specialized training in child-centered play therapy, adolescent therapy, and couples therapy, and she has a passion for working with young adults and parents.

Martha Williams Licensed Professional Counselor

Martha Williams is an LPC who focuses on helping individuals honestly address their sorrows, disappointments, and fears, overcome their problems, and live a transformed and restored life.

Licensed Professional Counselor



In the quiet hours of the night, Caroline arrived at the Prayer Vigil that was meeting continuously throughout Holy Week. Upon entering the space, she found stations designed to lead people in all kinds of prayers. Other people were already writing letters of joy, kneeling at the cross in quiet lament, and meditating in the stillness of the chapel. Caroline recalls that “there was something really holy about those middle of the night hours being in a place where I’ve experienced so much of God.”

prayer and the authority we have as Christ-followers.” The Prayer Vigil is significant to her because it creates an environment for people to spend time with God completely uninterrupted.

Since coming to HP Pres in 2019, Caroline has grown most significantly in her prayer life. She shares that because of the prayer opportunities at HP Pres, she “better understands the power of 383


As we learn in Mark 14:34, Jesus called his disciples to “watch and pray” with him in his final hours. The Holy Week before Easter, we follow this example by having a continuous presence of daily prayer in our Chapel, Parlor, and surrounding rooms. As Caroline shares, “the Prayer Vigil is a place where people can come with no agenda, knowing that all you have to do is show up and God and his people will show you the rest.”


HP Pres creates opportunities to learn about and participate in different types of prayer through the five Prayer Teams. These teams focus on specific areas of prayer as a resource to pray with and for people. To join a prayer team or schedule a prayer appointment, visit .


The Crisis Prayer Team follows the Spirit’s leading through prayer worship, and discernment when engaging with large scale timely issues impacting our local, national, and global context.

Inner Healing

The Inner Healing Prayer Team exists to help guide you to experience freedom from the areas where you may feel bound, defeated, and wounded, that have hindered your relationship with God.


The Intercessory Prayer Team exists to pray that God’s work through the people of our church will lead others to find healing, restoration, and love.

Physical Healing

The Physical Healing Prayer Team allows gifts of healing and expressions of care to be shared for the building up of God’s Kingdom, with results manifested by the Holy Spirit either in this world or the next.

Prayer Walking

The Prayer Walking Team involves an openness to God’s unique vision for places and spaces as we use movement to participate with the Holy Spirit and bring the Kingdom of Heaven to earth. 137


Grace Church Lake Highlands

In January of 2020, Highland Park Pres announced the start of a new neighborhood church in Lake Highlands, led by its then Teaching Pastor, Charlie Dunn. A launch team of about 50 people were sent out from HP Pres to become the original nucleus of the church. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the launch team spent the fall of 2020 meeting in backyards of homes and honing their vision. Then, in January of 2021, they began worshipping weekly on Sunday mornings in a rented space in Northwest Lake Highlands.

In January 2022, they moved to the current location at 10101 Walnut Hill Lane, the former home of a Lutheran church. Because of the kingdom mindset of the former congregation and the generosity of members and supportive friends, they were able to purchase this property, debtfree, and are in the process of completing significant renovations. Pastor Charlie Dunn shares “we’re amazed by God’s provision to allow us to plant our roots deeply in Lake Highlands! Since moving to this more central and visible location, our congregation has continued to grow as a multi-generational church family.”





As they plant roots in the surrounding area, additional ministry opportunities continue to arise like a new partnership with the pre-school which meets on their campus and the hosting of their first ever VBS this past June!

Join us in praying that God will continue to present avenues in Lake Highlands for the church to share God’s love. Find more ways you can come alongside our family of churches at .


Christmas Eve Easter

On Christmas Eve, 5,020 people attended services at our campus to celebrate the birth of our savior, Jesus. Because Jesus came to earth, we can experience freedom and new life in Christ. We loved spending Christmas with you and your family this Advent season!

Our lives are changed through the ultimate sacrifice that Jesus made on the cross. We celebrated the joy of his resurrection on Easter Sunday, seeing 5,251 attend services on our campus this year. What a joy to welcome so many to our church each Sunday, but especially on the day we rejoice in Christ’s triumph over death!



Over the span of nine years, Randi’s employers had been gently sharing God’s love and extending the invitation for her to join them at church. Randi (below) was hesitant at first since she was not raised in church and wasn’t familiar with the music or teaching. She recalls that “they were never pushy about faith but found ways to talk about God and put it out there for people at work to ask questions.” By encouraging her to read books on Christianity and supporting her journey through sobriety, her bosses showed her God’s unconditional love in tangible ways.

After several years, Randi decided it was time to find a church home and accept her bosses’ invitation to visit HP Pres. Randi soon joined Celebrate Recovery, made valuable relationships, and began to form habits that have completely transformed her life. She shares that “throughout my life, I have felt something intervening and felt a presence of someone looking over me. Now I know that God was with me.”

“Throughout my life, I have felt something intervening and felt a presence of someone looking over me. Now I know that God was with me.”

Randi joined HP Pres in the fall of 2023 and was baptized this year on Sunday, Feb. 18. Through God’s guidance and the openness of her employers, she “learned that we are formed for God’s family and God wants us to be with him and his people.”

God has given Randi a new beginning that is offered to every single one of us.

As we learn in John 3:16, “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” Learn how you can take the next step in your faith at .

City & Global Impact

To fulfill God’s command in Matthew 28:18–20, we partner with missionaries, churches, and agencies in our city and across the globe to extend the kingdom of God to the ends of the earth.

We work towards the transformation of our city and beyond through acts of mercy and justice, feeding the hungry, evangelizing the lost, welcoming the stranger, and supporting and mentoring the marginalized.

Your generous donations have made all of this, and more, possible over the last year. To participate in HP Pres outreach endeavors and make a positive difference in our world, visit


Our Compassion Fund exists to aid those experiencing situational hardship. Most of our assistance helps those with a job loss, medical crisis, death in the family, and those transitioning from homelessness. We provide rental and utility assistance, medical bills, car repairs, and furniture.













HP Pres has been supporting David and Pam as missionaries since the spring of 1989. They were hungry for a church community and were recommended to HP Pres by David’s parents. On their first visit, people welcomed them instantly and connected them to classes for their kids and themselves.

While in Dallas, Pam and David were attending SIL, a program equipping people with skills such as Bible translation, linguistic research, and language tools. Their intention in attending the program was to use those skills in the global mission field. Through the relationships and support they found at HP Pres, they were able to do just that.

Over the following 35 years, they served as missionaries in the South Pacific, Kazakhstan, China, and Tibet. Their lives have been in the service of others to teach them the good news of freedom in Christ.

This June marks the end of their formal missionary life, but they will continue be an example of what it means to walk closely with God in everything they do.

We are honored to have been a part of their legacy of faith and will celebrate and pray alongside them as they enter this new season of life. Learn more about all of our missionaries at


During the month of June, HP Pres participated in Transform Month, serving alongside our local mission partners to make a lasting difference in our city. It was a meaningful time for all generations to act as the hands and feet of Jesus in our community.

With projects like serving meals to those experiencing homelessness, packing grade-specific backpacks for kids in the foster system, and putting together snack packs for refugee children in our city, we are continuing to transform our city one step at a time.


For The Nations Refugee Outreach

One of the partnerships we focused on during Transform Month was For the Nations Refugee Outreach (FTNRO), who serve refugee families by providing programs that meet their long term needs, and to share the Gospel with them.


Our work throughout Transform Month culminated in a city-wide workday called Transform Dallas, in partnership with Dallas Leadership Foundation (DLF). On Saturday, June 22, our city was flooded with volunteers who painted houses, handed out food boxes, helped with landscaping, and showed love to the people of Dallas.

This day has been a physical representation of God’s love in our community for the past eight years, bringing businesses, churches, civil services, educators, neighborhoods, and individuals together to achieve unprecedented community change.

community engagement, and highlighted the importance of loving our Dallas neighbors” -Wil McCall, President and CEO of DLF.


Join us in prayer that these outreach opportunities will be the catalyst for people to make serving others part of their daily lives. See our opportunities to serve year-round at 222

This summer they had a record 519 kids signed up for their summer program, and we partnered with them to provide snack bags for the kids. We encouraged families, small groups, and individuals of all ages to participate, and we were able to provide 6,000 snack bags for children attending the program. This effort saved FTNRO $10,000, freeing up resources that enable them to reach more kids.

“For nearly three decades, DLF has partnered with leaders in low income neighborhoods to design programs that directly benefit their communities. Transform Dallas is a long-standing program that has improved the neighborhood’s aesthetic, energized

“Transform Dallas is a long-standing program that has improved the neighborhood’s aesthetic, energized community engagement, and highlighted the importance of loving our Dallas neighbors.”

Thank you to everyone who helps our city look more like heaven through loving our neighbors. There are ways you can make a difference in our city year round, see the opportunities at


“For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.”


By giving to Highland Park Pres, you are supporting our mission of helping people find and follow Jesus, while also serving those who are most vulnerable in our city and world. Thank you for your generosity!

To learn more about how we steward your gifts or view past giving statements, visit If you have questions about giving, please contact Theresa Guerra, Director of Finance, at 214-525-4268 or


Fiscal Year End is Aug. 31, 2024

2023–24 GIVING As of June 25, 2024

YTD Giving Target $9,916,334

Actual Giving $9,985,686

Giving Needed to Meet Budget by Year End August 31


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