2 minute read
Your dogs
from DQ Magazine Issue 4A
by hqmagazine
Meet Candice and Princess Shtoonkie
DQ: What is your dog's name?
My name is Princess Shtoonkie.
DQ: How old is your dog, and how long have you had her?
I have been my mom's best friend for four years, and I'm four years old.
DQ: Does your dog have brothers and sisters?
I have a family of brothers and sisters and a baby.
My oldest sister is Abbey, and she's a pug cross. She is 17 years old, and kind of does her own thing; she's not into doing anything that requires energy.
My oldest brother is Peanut; he’s a Maltese x Scottie. He is also around 17 years old, but he doesn't act it at all; he loves playing ball and is full of energy.
My best friend and sister is my pitbull, Lola-Bear; we play non-stop and do everything together.
I also have a baby; it's my kitten (3-year-old cat) Ash :) I bathe her every night (when she allows me to).
DQ: What is your dog's favourite treat?
My favourite treat - hmmmmmm - anything, to be honest (hehe), but I think my all-time favourite is sitting by the pool with Grampa (my mom's dad) and sharing a huge chunk of biltong with him.
DQ: Does your dog have any hobbies or activities she takes part in?
My hobbies include loads of adventures to the stables and shows with mom, play dates with other dogs and learning new tricks using the clicker. I would also love to finish my certificate as a therapy dog for kids; I started the course, but then lockdown stopped it.
DQ: What makes your dog unique?
I am unique in all ways. I am probably the fittest and most energetic pug you will ever meet.
I can have the best conversation with you. I talk back and listen well and will remember where you hide the cookie jar.
I also have the funniest words that I react to, like 'hungry', 'adventure', 'sweeties' and 'bye'. To see more, you can watch my videos on my Instagram page - PrincessShtoonkie.
DQ: Why should your dog be DQ famous?
Well, who couldn't or wouldn't love a pug? Anyone who meets me falls in love with me
Anyway, this is me.