HRCA April 2010 Newsletter

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HRCA|news Enhancing property values and creating quality of life through recreation, community events and leadership

april 2010

new board members The HRCA Delegates elected three new Board members to serve two-year terms. Incumbent Laura Hopkins was re-elected, and new members Scott Lemmon and Gregory Terry were elected at the March 16 Annual Meeting. We would like to congratulate the new directors on

annual meeting of members

their successful election, and thank all the candidates who took time out of their busy schedules

Tuesday, April 27, 6:00 p.m.

to run for the director position. For more detailed information on our new board members,

Recreation Center at Eastridge

and complete election information go to Pursuant to the Bylaws of the Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc., the Annual Meeting of Members in each Delegate District shall be held to elect a delegate from that district if required.

Laura Hopkins

Scott Lemon

Gregory Terry

new trash program The HRCA has partnered with Pro Disposal to offer a preferred provider trash and recycling program for just $11.33 per month for residents of Highlands Ranch beginning April 5. Are you ready? • The new opt-in trash program divides the Ranch into five trash pick up zones. • All residents must adhere to the new trash zone schedule (unless you live in a sub association that currently provides this service). • To find more information or your trash zone visit • To join the new program contact Pro Disposal at 303-791-3827.






B lvd.







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71 77



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25 23



102 MC


112 No. 122-Z









114 M ONAR


65 61








81 103




















113 80



Blake Dr.





No. 112-A, 2nd.




Your participation whether by returning the proxy forms or attending the meeting is greatly appreciated as it saves the association time and money.


8 95





Lucent Blvd.


10 5 3

The presence, in person or by proxy, of ten percent (10%) of all district members entitled to cast votes is required to constitute a quorum at the Annual Meeting of Members.


2 107


If you are interested in representing your district or if you have any questions about being a delegate, please call 303-4718802 for more information.

You can determine what district you live in and who your district candidate is at



Elections for even numbered districts and districts without representation are being held this year. Sub-associations elect delegates at their Sub-association Annual Meeting.

ProDisposal, Inc 303-791-3827

Building a lifestyle that you want to live




community manager

is published monthly by the Highlands Ranch Community

Pro Disposal, HRCA’s Preferred Provider for

Association, Inc.

Trash and Recycling Services – In 2009 the HRCA

HRCA|event weather line 303-471-8888 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Laura Hopkins 303-346-0603 Todd Landgrave 303-470-8765 Scott Lemon 303-346-1412 Nick Robinson 303-791-0840 Gregory Terry 303-329-6199 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES

requested proposals for trash collection and recycling from service providers. Pro Disposal was the trash and recycling service provider that won the Preferred Provider designation due to the service and price proposal they developed. The program and new trash service day zones are effective beginning April 5 in Highlands Ranch. The program and zones are not applicable if you live in a subassociation that provides these services as part of your assessment to the subassociation. I hope you will join me in switching to Pro Disposal for service at the rate of $11.33 per month, which includes trash and free recycling. They do not charge environmental fees or surcharges. Because Pro Disposal set the bar at this price, homeowners in Highlands Ranch will save more than $2 million annually (it stays right

9568 University Blvd.

in your pocket) and I hope you will support them. Pro Disposal can be reached at


303-791-3827. Sign up today.

RECREATION FACILITIES 303-791-2500 Recreation Center at Northridge 8801 Broadway Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa. & Su: 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

HRCA Directors – The HRCA District Delegates re-elected Laura Hopkins and elected Scott Lemmon and Greg Terry to the Board of Directors on March 16. I’d like to welcome them to the HRCA Board. We are looking forward to working with them. Also, I would like to thank all of the candidates who ran for a director position. You might imagine it takes courage to run for a position at the HRCA. Our community would certainly not be what it is today if we, homeowners, didn’t take an interest in the HRCA. Dave Martz and Paul Meyers – A big thank you goes out to Paul and Dave

Recreation Center at Eastridge

for their service not only to the HRCA, but to Highlands Ranch. These two gentlemen

9568 University Blvd.

have served you well in many capacities at the HRCA; committee members, district

Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

delegates, and as directors. They have left their mark on Highlands Ranch and we are a

Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

better place to live, work, and play as a result of their involvement.

Su: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Delegate is your neighborhood’s connection to the HRCA. Delegates play a very

9650 Foothills Canyon Blvd.

important role in the governance of the HRCA and the betterment of our community.

Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

If you live in an even-numbered District or unrepresented District, you will be receiving

Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

a Notice and Proxy Card from the HRCA. Get involved; make sure to get to know

Su: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.


Annual Meeting of Members and District Delegates – Your District

Recreation Center at Westridge

your delegate, learn about candidates, choose to run yourself, or support a neighbor

Recreation Center at Southridge

who is running. Delegates meet monthly as the Recreation Advisory Committee and

4800 McArthur Ranch Rd.

hear from state legislators, county commissioners, the sheriff, Metro District, and make

Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

recommendations to the Board of Directors on a wide variety of issues. Delegates help

Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

determine where our community goes from here. If you would like more information

Su: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

about district delegates, please call 303-471-8802 or email

Copyright © 2010 Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is required to redistribute, reproduce, modify or republish information from Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc, in print or electronically.

Happy Spring!

april 2010

co mmunity service day neighbors helping neighbors The Highlands Ranch Community Association is partnering with Cherry Hills Community Church on a large scale Highlands Ranch community clean up day, Love In Action, on April 25. The day will consist of well over 1,500 volunteers going into the Highlands Ranch community to help with spring clean up projects such as picking up litter along major arterial streets, work to spruce up over 100 homes, recycle electronics at Town Center North, and beautify the recreation centers and schools. Volunteers will even help feed our firefighters and police. We are looking for volunteers to help us. We anticipate volunteers working from 11:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. Several area restaurants will give our volunteers a discount if they have participated in the day’s events, and are wearing their shirt when they come in. It will be a great opportunity to give back to our community and encourage our neighbors to reach out and help each other in times of need. Join us in helping our neighborhood. More information can be found on our web site.

H OA N ews IMPROVEMENT Submittal Process We are just beginning to think about spring, but before you know it, it will be summer. Remember that all exterior improvements to your home must be submitted for approval through the Architectural Committee. For guideline information, submittal forms, and submittal requirements please visit The Architectural Committee meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. In an effort to handle the high volume of submittals the Architectural Department receives, submittals will need to be in our office no later than noon the Friday before each meeting. The Committee has 30 days in which to review each submittal, so plan ahead and be sure to submit prior beginning your project. volunteer Opening on the Architectural Committee The Architectural Committee is looking for an interested volunteer. The Committee consists of five members and is responsible for reviewing and approving residential improvements as well as working to resolve covenant noncompliance issues. The Committee meets twice a month, on the first and third Tuesdays at 5:30 p.m. Members are asked to perform periodic site reviews between meetings. If you are interested in serving, please send a letter of interest along with a resume to HRCA, 9568 University Blvd., Highlands Ranch, CO 80126, fax it to 303-791-6705, or drop it off at the Administration Offices in the Recreation Center at Eastridge.

H RCA o n l i n e . o r g

board motions During the Annual Meeting of Delegates, the following actions occurred: The Delegates elected the following persons to serve two-year terms as Directors: Laura Hopkins, Scott Lemmon, and Gregory Terry. We wish to thank all candidates that chose to run for the Board of Directors: Weylan Bryant, Michael Flower, William Good, Matthew Lauer, James Livingston, David Martz, Shon Payne, and Kimberle Rupert. At the March 16, 2010 Board of Directors meeting, the Board took the following actions: Accepted the comments of the Development Review Committee from their March 3 meeting. Adopted proposed Guideline Amendments to the Residential Improvement Guidelines (RIGs). Adopted the following motions as recommended by the Architectural Committee. 1 property for failure to paint the exterior of the home 1 property for failure to remove a commercial vehicle 2 properties for failure to comply with trash can storage 2 properties for failure to remove unsightly materials 4 properties for failure to maintain the property 3 properties for failure to remove an inoperable vehicle 1 property for failure to remove debris and/ or trash Approved SaddleUp! FoundationTM as the recipient of the Taste of Highlands Ranch silent auction. Accepted the Year Ended December 31, 2009 Audited Financial Statements as recommended by the Finance Committee. Accepted the January 31, 2010 Financial Statements as recommended by the Finance Committee.



volunteer showcase d e l e g at e o f t h e m o n t h


Joe Niemeyer – Joe has

Lee Spieker – Lee began

been an HRCA delegate

working with the HRCA

for District 17 for five years

Triathlon program last

and has served on several

summer and currently assists

HRCA special committees.

with the unified basketball

Joe says, “In my 26-year Air

team. Lee has been a

Force career I was always

Special Olympics volunteer

temporary in any community.

in Denver, Littleton, and

I try to be heavily involved here, because for the first time

now Highlands Ranch for over 15 years. Lee says, “The

in my life, I can! My family and I love Highlands Ranch and

athletes inspire me. They compete for the challenge

participate in as many concerts and community events as

and the pure spirit of the game. It gives me great joy to

possible.” Joe loves walking in the big Northridge open

be a part of their lives and to have them in mine.” Lee

space with his dog. He enjoys the many well-maintained

has lived in the Denver area for over 30 years, and is

trails, stream, varied vegetation, and wildlife. Our

originally from South Dakota. Thank you, Lee, for your

appreciation goes to Joe for his service to the community!

commitment to the youth of Highlands Ranch!

Highlands Ranch bid for Google Creating videos, submitting

Ranch as a community to test their ultra-high speed

nomination forms, a rally, a media

in-home network. Our Highlands Ranch leaders and

blitz, a community application,

organizations came together to submit an application

volunteer team meetings, a video

for Google’s new high-speed fiber project.

contest, and info meetings have happened and now we wait and

To see the community excitement around this project

hope Google will select Highlands

go to

9 H e a lt h f a i r – o w n y o u r h e a lt h


The 9 Health Fair promotes

by the Highlands Ranch Lions Club and hosted by the

health awareness and encourages

HRCA. Please check the web site at

individuals to assume responsibility

events for screening details and costs. Used eyeglasses

for their own health. The annual

will be collected by the Highlands Ranch Lions Club.

9Health Fair offers free or low-cost

Questions should be directed to 303-791-0099 or email

medical screenings. Each year the Saturday, April 17 • 7:00 a.m. – Noon •

Highlands Ranch fair is coordinated

Eastridge • Most screenings are free.

april 2010


upcoming events e a s t e r e gg h u n t

Bring your Easter basket to collect all the goodies, meet the Easter Bunny and more. The hunt is held at 10 a.m. SHARP with children separated by age groups. The hunt is FREE to members. Program Guests must pre-register! Parking is limited – be sure to arrive early! The Easter Bunny comes rain, snow, or shine! Saturday, April 3 • 10:00 a.m. Sharp! • Northridge Park • Members Free; Program Guests $5

H EALT H B E N EFITS OF C H OCOLATE TASTI N G Did you know chocolate is healthy?


Julie Pech, the Chocolate Therapist, This is an opportunity for nonprofit organizations to

and the Highlands Ranch Community

showcase their volunteer needs and for residents to

Association are joining together

learn about volunteer opportunities – all under one

for a one-hour presentation on the

roof. Find a service organization to volunteer for

health benefits of chocolate! Julie has

at the Volunteer Fair. Nonprofit organizations that

appeared on national radio shows,

would like to be part of this event may email vmiller@

local TV and talk shows, travels as an for more information. Volunteer and

international guest speaker, teaches

make a difference in your community.

classes at Colorado Free University,

Wednesday, April 21 • 4:00 – 7:30 p.m. • Southridge • Free to attendees and

and has been featured in numerous

nonprofit organizations.

national publications. Each participant will enjoy premium

• HRCA Heritage/Adventure Run 5K/10K – Saturday, April 10, 8:30 a.m. Red-Tail Park, Highlands Ranch. This event benefits the Mile High Pow Wow Association. Visit for details.

chocolate tastings and hot tea in addition to taking home some “chocolate for later.”

• Hooked on Fishing – Saturday, May 1, 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. or 10:30 – 11:30 a.m., $9

Gather your friends for an evening of

Member, $11 Guest; Ages 6-11 years. Everything is included and you get to keep the pole!

educational fun!

Class will be conducted by the Division of Wildlife at Redstone Park Pond.

Thursday, April 8 • 7:00 – 8:00 p.m.

• Taste of Highlands Ranch – Friday, May 7, 6:00 - 9:00 p.m. $25 Member, $30 Guest,

• Eastridge, Community Room • $17

Everyone pays $30 the day of the event if not sold out. Enjoy all the food and beverage

Member, $20 Guest, $20 day of the

you care to have while supporting the chosen local charity, SaddleUp! Foundation .

event, if not sold out • Must be 16+


to attend Please check the web site for the most current event information and prices.



recreation sports & fitness N E W ! E L I T E S P R I N G B OA R D D I V I N G The Mile High Dive Club (MHDC) is Colorado’s top ranked Olympic style diving club. HRCA and MHDC have teamed up to offer this new program offering training for participants ages 13 and older who want to improve on their fundamentals. This program provides training during the off-season for high school participants. Divers learn how to do tuck dives and somersaults in the four diving directions as well as

M a s s a g e Th e r a p y New pricing options!

the correct technique to maximize scores and avoid injury. Classes are offered Monday and Wednesday evenings at Northridge. To register or for more information, visit HRCAonline. org, call 303-471-8935, or email

Consider treating yourself to a Swedish or deep tissue/sports

T R Y Y out h R ugby L eague

massage today! Call Certified

Ranch Rugby is partnering with the HRCA to bring this fun league to kids ages 7-15 who

Massage Therapist, Angie Salas at

are interested in learning rugby. Teams are coed for ages 11 and under. Ages 12 and up

720-219-4958 for 30 minute or 60

compete as separate boys or girls teams. Games are on Saturdays.

minute packages. Massage Therapy makes a great gift and all ages are welcome!

H R C A / S occer S h ots C a m ps Soccer Shots is a national soccer program that teaches children ages 3-6 the basic skills of soccer and places a high emphasis on character development. Whether your child

Fitness Adventure

wants something to do during off-track or just needs to burn

Series: Jackalope

off some energy, this program is perfect for your little soccer


player. All camps are indoors at the Westridge turf.

Mark your calendar for April 17 and join “Animal Fitness� for an outdoor fitness adventure! The course map can be viewed at personaltraining. The adventure starts at 11:00 a.m. at the Mountain

Y oung A t h letes S ports C a m p Come spend spring break with us at sports camp. This program offers a great opportunity for kids ages 7-12 to explore a wide variety of outdoor sports and other fun school yard games. Sports Camp is at the Westridge turf.

Vista High School at the rear main

K inder B aseball

parking lot. Plan for a one to two-

Kids ages 3-5 will develop basic baseball skills through various

hour workout that will have you

drills in an organized setting. A 20-minute scrimmage takes

hiking, running, lunging, lifting, and

place at the end of the session. Parent participation is required.

challenging yourself. Ages 13 and up

T-shirt is included. Kinder Baseball is at the Westridge turf.

are welcome. Register online or call 303-471-7048.


april 2010


education youth & adult Free Kids’ Summer Expo Join us Saturday, April 10, noon – 3:00 p.m. at the Eastridge

each booth, jump in the bouncer,

Gym for bouncers, music, hot dogs, and more! This is a great

have lunch, and see first hand the

event to help you decide the best place for your kids to spend

types of things they could do this

the summer. Many parents are facing the challenge of finding a

summer. Jump start your planning

whole summer’s worth of activities as schools in Douglas County

by joining us on April 10. You

change to traditional or modified schedules. This April the

won’t want to miss the discount

HRCA is providing you an opportunity to meet with teachers of

coupons and giveaways that will be

our programs, gather information, and make the best decisions

available for use only on the day of

that meet your family’s needs. While you discuss programs

the event. For more information, please call 303-471-8880.

with teachers, your kids can enjoy projects and activities at

T ry Y o u r H a n d At M e ta l s m i t h i n g Nothing speaks of your

has been teaching metal classes and workshops for over 20

individuality and creativity like

years. Never tried working with metals? This is a great workshop

wearing a piece of jewelry that you

for beginners as well as those who have had some experience.

designed and made yourself. Learn

You don’t need any artistic talent, just a passion for learning.

the basic metalsmithing techniques

You will learn fabrication techniques and leave with several

in this brand-new weekend

new pieces of sterling silver and copper jewelry. For more

workshop with an internationally-

information please call 303-471-8853.

known award-winning artist who

V e ry V e g e ta r i a n This month our cooking instructor will be covering the basics

learn some new techniques that

of creating a nutritious and well-rounded vegetarian meal that

will make meal time a treasure.

the whole family can enjoy. Sign up with a friend and you’ll

For more information, please call

receive 20% off of the second enrollment. This is a great


opportunity to spend an evening away from the house and

Buggin Out! April is the perfect time to

Enroll your two to six year old in our spring classes. From Lady

encourage your child to explore

Bugs on April 6 to Bunny Crossing on April 20, your child will

the spring season! As flowers

have a blast! With Easter Essentials and Spring Fling classes on

begin to bloom, buds form on

Thursdays, there is a class every day of the week to give your

trees, and crickets begin to sing

child the chance to explore and learn about the season. For

in the evenings, get your child

more information please refer to the Activity Guide, pages 31-33

excited about these changes!

or call 303-471-8818.

H RCA o n l i n e . o r g



9568 University Boulevard Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 303-791-2500


facility closures April 5-10 - Southridge, Closed for Annual Maintenance April 16 - Eastridge Basketball Courts, 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m., Closed for 9Health Fair setup April 17 - Eastridge Basketball Courts & Track, all day, Closed for 9Health Fair April 23 - Eastridge Basketball Courts & Track, 7:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m., Closed for Home Improvement Expo setup April 24-25 - Eastridge Basketball Courts & Track, all day, Closed for Home Improvement Expo April 26-May 1 - Westridge, Closed for Annual Maintenance

april|events For event details, see page 5 or visit

community partners

April 3 Easter Egg Hunt April 8

Health Benefits of Chocolate Tasting

April 10

HRCA Heritage/Adventure Run 5K/10K

April 10

Kids’ Summer Expo

April 12

Board Working Session* 6:00 p.m.

April 17

9Health Fair

April 20

RAC & Board Meeting* 6:30 p.m. (Recreation Advisory Committee monthly meeting of Delegates)

April 21

Volunteer Fair

* These meetings are at Eastridge and open to our members.

Highlands Ranch Community Association’s ability to bring cultural events to Highlands Ranch is made possible in part by our Community Partners and the Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Association (CAA) and the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD).

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