HRCA News September 2011

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September 2011 ANNIVERSARY

Enhancing property values and creating quality of life through recreation, community events and leadership

h i g h l a n d s r a n c h d ay s

S e p t e m b e r 2 0 11

Students often think of history a difficult subject full of dates and characters unfamiliar to


them and, therefore, boring and dull. Not so at Highlands Ranch Days! The reenactments bring bygone characters to life. Children learn about skills that pioneers needed to know in order to survive life on the prairie such as blacksmithing, weaving, rope making, and

30th Anniversary

more. Hands-on exhibits teach wildlife management and conservation. Experience Native American culture and dancing. Due to renovation of the mansion, the traditional location of Highlands Ranch Days, the event has been moved to the Backcountry Wilderness Area adjacent to the Douglas County Law Enforcement Training Facility at Ron King Trail and Santa Fe Roads. Thursdays and Fridays are field trip days and Saturday is family day. So bring the kids out to the Backcountry and experience life on Highlands Ranch from olden days. Thursday and Friday, September 8 - 9, 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.; Saturday, September 10, 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Admission is $4 for adults (ages 13 and up), $3 for children (kids 2 and under are free). Tickets are available only the day of the event at the entrance.

Join in as we celebrate Highlands Ranch’s 30 year anniversary with an outdoor concert sponsored by the HRCA, the Cultural Affairs Association, and Metro District of


Highlands Ranch.

Gather your family and friends together for great food, music, and, of course, great bier.

Bring a picnic and enjoy one of

Enjoy German biers from Paulaner and live entertainment. Saturday, September 24,

the last evenings of summer as

2:00 - 10:00 p.m. Bring your Dachshund for the annual Dachshund races at 3:00 p.m.

a Highlands Ranch favorite, The

Registration is from 2:30 - 3:00 p.m. Prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place and new this year

Nacho Men, play your favorite

is the award for the best dressed Dachshund! It’s an evening of non-stop entertainment

hits with a unique combination of

for the kids too, with magic, balloons, and games. Oktoberfest is a cultural experience that is sure to delight. Start your day off with the Oktoberfest 5K at 12:30 p.m. and then

dance music, costume changes, choreography, and humor!

stick around for the German festivities! For more information on the run, visit www.

Thursday, Sept 1 • 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.

• Civic Green Park • Free • Sorry, no dogs allowed at the park.

Building a lifestyle that you want to live


peggy z ack


interim Community manager

is published monthly by the Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc.

HRCA|event weather line 303-471-8888 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Laura Hopkins 303-478-9103 Scott Lemmon 303-346-1412 Brock Norris 720-344-7107 Jeff Suntken 303-346-0664 Gregory Terry 303-329-6199

With the children back in school and new routines established, consider adding fun activities for kids during their leisure time. Our fall Activity Guide has been delivered to your home filled with classes, programs, and events which begin in September. Our classes and programs include education, art, swim lessons, competitive swimming, pottery, adventures in our Backcountry, cooking, dance, language, youth fitness, tumbling, horseback riding lessons, martial arts, music, sports of all interests, and Therapeutic Recreation. We have something for everyone so check it out!


One of the HRCA’s premier events in September is Highlands Ranch Days which brings

9568 University Blvd.

Colorado history alive with hands-on exhibits, reenactments, and ranch history. Due to the


mansion renovation, Highlands Ranch Days has been moved to the Backcountry Wilderness


Area at the intersection Ron King Trail Rd. and Santa Fe.


Our outdoor pool season is coming to an end. If you want to get in some final splashing

Recreation Center at Northridge

in the sun, visit us at Northridge until September 6, at Southridge weekends only through

8801 Broadway

September 12, at Eastridge until September 6 and at Westridge until September 11. Check

Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

the pool schedules on our web page for specific days and times. We’ve had a wonderful

Sa. & Su: 6:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m.

summer at the pools and we hope your family did as well.

Recreation Center at Eastridge

Fall will soon be here. As the days grow shorter and we begin to spend less time in our

9568 University Blvd.

yards you may be tempted to spend weekends watching football. Before you hit the couch

Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

take some time to assess the summer clean up needs in your yard. Remove dying plants from planting beds and flower pots and store the pots away in the garage, clean up the leaves as they fall, prune bushes and trees as needed, fertilize your lawn so it will have a

Recreation Center at Westridge

jump start next spring, and don’t forget that your lawn may need less water, but will still

9650 Foothills Canyon Blvd.

require some irrigation to enter fall in a healthy condition. Then reward yourself with guilt

Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.

free game watching and cheering on your favorite teams, college and pro alike.

Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

Due to changes in the postal service delivery schedule, and in order for you to receive the HRCA News by the first of each month, the monthly Board Motions will now be posted on

Recreation Center at Southridge 4800 McArthur Ranch Rd.

our web site beginning October 2011.

Facility Hours: M-F 5:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Sa: 6:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Su: 7:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. Copyright © 2011 Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission is required to redistribute, reproduce, modify or republish information from Highlands Ranch Community Association, Inc, in print or electronically.


Fyi |

Quarterly Assessments

Fourth quarter assessment invoices are due October 1st. HRCA encourages homeowners to use the direct debit payment program which is a convenient way to save time, postage costs and the assurance that your payment is never late. Please visit our website at for more information. or call 303-791-8958.

September 2011


HOA news HOME IMPROVEMENT REMINDERS This summer many of you are taking advantage of the good weather to landscape, paint and complete various home improvements. To assist you, we put together some helpful information based on the questions we most frequently receive about the Residential Improvement Guidelines (RIGs). Remember that all exterior improvements require committee approval prior to commencing work.

board motions At the August 16, 2011 Board of Directors meeting, the Board took the following actions: Approved the Consent Agenda consisting of:

Landscaping: According to the RIGs, if your plan has less than 50% sod in the front, rear or side yards, it will require Architectural Committee approval. For homeowners who back up to open space, please remember that there are view rights associated with your lot that restricts vegetation or improvements located in the backyard that may obstruct views from the adjoining property. Painting: Please remember to submit your paint colors for approval prior to

Minutes of Action from the July 19, 2011 Board of Directors Meeting Twelve motions pertaining to non-compliance to HRCA Covenants and Residential Improvement Guidelines.

painting. This includes repainting your home the existing colors.

June 30, 2011 Financial Statements as recommended by the Finance Committee

Roofing: All roofing must be submitted for committee approval. Section 2.63

Adopted an amendment to the Residential Improvement Guidelines pertaining to fencing

of the RIGs outlines the minimum roof product (shingle) warranty required based on the previous roofing material found on the home.

Adopted Resolution 11-07-02 Amending the Document Retention and Destruction Policy

Watering: Please direct any questions regarding water restrictions, water

Adopted the amended Conflict of Interest Policy

rates, and rate structure to Centennial Water at 303-791-0430. Air Conditioning: Committee approval is required to install air conditioning. Window units installed at street level must be located in a “side” or “rear” yard windowand must be screened from adjacent properties. Installation of air conditioning equipment above street level will not be permitted unless totally concealed. For air conditioner equipment at ground level considerations will include, but may not be limited to, location and screening. For additional information concerning specific improvements or the Residential Improvement Guidelines please check out our website at www., or contact our office at 303 471-8821.

not i c e of p ol i c y a do p t i on The Board of Directors adopted the changes made to the Conflict of Interest Policy and for amended the Residential Improvement Guidelines regarding fencing effective September 1, 2011.

H RCA o n l i n e . o r g

Adopted the charter for a Redistricting Committee

Volunteers Needed: The Board of Directors is requesting volunteers to serve on the new Redistricting Committee to review and interpret HRCA governing documents, contracts, and applicable laws of the State to determine the procedures and feasibility of modifying the boundaries of the Delegate Districts to make them relatively more equal in size by number of lots; and if not feasible, to identify potential alternatives to substantially equalize the voting power of Delegates. Application form and Conflict of Interest Form must accompany resume and letter of interest and may be found at Please submit information to rcampbell@



volunteer showcase delegate of the month

Sharyn Landis – Sharyn has

David Suson – David has

volunteered to represent her

volunteered for the HRCA for

district for three years and in

seven years, first as an assistant

addition to the monthly RAC

coach for youth soccer and

meetings, she attends Board,

girls basketball and currently as

Finance, and Architectural

a youth volleyball coach. David

Review Committee meetings

has always had a passion for

when she can. Sharyn says, “I

coaching and helping others

consider giving my time to our community and my neighbors

improve. Volleyball is his favorite HRCA program because it

an honor.” She enjoys Highlands Ranch’s fantastic amenities

is a fast and fun game that promotes teamwork and effort.

for all ages and personally enjoys the tennis program,

David also enjoys the recreation centers and all the great

where she and has made ‘many great friends through my

amenities that Highlands Ranch has to offer. Thank you,


David, for your contribution to our community!

f a l l c l a s s e s a nd p r o g r a m s 30th Anniversary HRCA Activity Guide • September – December 2011

New fall classes and programs are starting now! Check out the Activity Guide for great ideas to keep everyone in your family active and having fun. From art, cooking, and dance classes to sports leagues and community events, you’ll find plenty of new activities happening this fall!

S e p t e mb e r E l k B u g l i ng P r o g r a m s Come hear the elk bugle in the Backcountry. We have everything this year from hikes, hayrides, and vehicle tours to an adults only Wine, Stars, and Bugles Hayride.

Constitution Week 2011 September 17, 2011 marks the 223rd anniversary of the drafting of the Constitution of the United States of America by the Constitutional Convention. The HRCA would like to officially recognize this magnificent document and the anniversary of its creation by proclaiming September 17-23, 2011 to be Constitution Week in Highlands Ranch. Join with us to reaffirm the ideals the Framers of the Constitution had in 1787.



facility rentals It’s not too early to plan your holiday party. We have facility space available with a variety of options to make your special event a success! To make room reservations, call 303-791-2500. For details, visit www.

cars for charity Make a difference in your community and get a tax write off. Donate a car, truck, or motorcycle and proceeds from its sale will benefit the Highlands Ranch Community Scholarship Fund or the Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Association. It’s easier than selling that old clunker! Simply call the toll free number to make a donation. To donate to the Cultural Affairs Association call 866-841-1352 or the Community Scholarship Fund call 866-841-2012 or click on the “Donate A Vehicle” button on • Any condition accepted • Free towing • Free title services • Tax deductible • Hassle free • 100% of the net proceeds goes to one of the HRCA’s nonprofits

September 2011


upcoming events

D o gg i e Sp l a s h

Mother & son Masquerade ball Here’s something unique for mothers and sons to do together! Creating special memories, the evening includes a complimentary mask, dancing to music by a DJ, a commemorative photo by Barry Staver Photography, hors d’oeuvres, and beverages. Not only will moms dance with their young sons, the boys will be able to learn through a fun activity. Call 303-471-8859 to purchase tickets.

Calling all nice doggies! The fifth annual “Doggie Splash,” at the

Friday, September 16 • 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. • Southridge Recreation Center, Debus

Westridge Outdoor Pool, offers

Wildcat Mountain Auditorium • $25 Member, $33 Guest

a cool, entertaining treat for your canine companion. Free treats and treats for purchase will be available

S H O W TI M E AT SOUT H RI D G E M A G IC Everyone loves a good laugh! Laughing reduces tension and might extend your life. So, join us for a magic show that is fun, in good taste, and brings out the best in everyone! Recommended for all ages. Saturday, October 1 • 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. • Southridge, Debus Wildcat Mountain Auditorium • $7 members; $10 program guests; and $10 day of event if not sold out

from the many exhibitors on site. Space is limited – register now! Limit two dogs per adult. Dogs must be at least six months old and current on all vaccinations with current vaccination tags or a copy of the vet’s records for admittance. You must stay at the event with your dog. Breed restrictions may apply. The HRCA reserves the right

• Farmers’ Market & Street Market – Every Sunday through October 30, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m., Town Center South. This open air market features breads, fruits, vegetables, antiques, jewelry, and more all season long!

to refuse admission to any dog at any time for any reason.

• Computer/Electronics Recycling – Saturday, September 24, 8:00 a.m. - Noon, Kaiser

Sunday, September 11 • 10:00 a.m.

Permanente Parking lot, 9285 Hepburn St., Highlands Ranch. Safely and properly

– 2:00 p.m. • Westridge Outdoor

dispose of old electronic equipment. Suggested donation of $20 to benefit the

Pool • $5 Member’s Dog,,

Cultural Affairs Association and the Community Scholarship Fund. Additional charge

$10 Program Guest’s Dog • Day

for TV’s, large $40; Small $20.

of Event, all dogs $10. • Limit of 2

• Fall Craft Show – Saturday and Sunday, October 8 and 9, 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.,

dogs per adult

Eastridge. This two-day show features items that have been lovingly handcrafted by the artists. Calling all exhibitors!

Please check the web site for the most current event information and prices.

H RCA o n l i n e . o r g



recreation sports & fitness I N F A N T S W I M R E S O U R CE ( I S R ) In this comprehensive four- to six-week program, each customized lesson teaches developmentally appropriate swimming skills while building the confidence that leads to a lifetime of fun in and around the water. For more than 40 years, ISR has successfully provided self-rescue skills training to infants and young children. Infants ages six to twelve months learn to hold their breath under water, roll onto their backs and float unassisted. Toddlers ages one to three years learn how to hold their breath underwater, swim with their head down and eyes open, roll onto their back to float, and to resume swimming until they reach the side of the pool. For more information Early Afternoon Tae

or to schedule, contact 303-330-8602 or

Kwon Do Classes Designed just for children ages 5-7, these afternoon classes are great for

H R CA R AC Q U E T B A L L The HRCA is pleased to welcome our new racquetball pro, Mr. William Fearing. Bill brings

your schedule. Classes start each half

over thirty years of racquetball expertise to Highlands Ranch players and offers group

hour, 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. on Monday

instruction or private and semi-private lessons for adults and juniors. For more information

and Wednesday at Southridge. For

or to register for any racquetball program or to book a lesson, please call 303-471-8934.

pricing, uniform requirements, or to

Fall Racquetball Programs:

learn what Tae Kwon Do is all about,

Racquetball Shuttles (begin Sept 12)

please call the Fitness/Martial Arts

Women’s Beg. & Intermed. Clinics (begin Sept 12) Mon, Wed, & Fri

9:30 - 10:30 a.m.

Information Line at 303-471-8851.

Junior Instructional Clinics for ages 7-17

Tue, Wed, & Thu

4:00 - 5:00 p.m.

Junior Saturday Clinics


9:00 a.m. - noon

Racquetball Leagues (meet once a week)

Mon, Tue, Wed, or Thu 7:00 - 8:30 p.m.

Specialized Yoga and

Mon, Tue, Wed, & Thu 5:00 - 6:45 p.m.

Pilates at Westridge Starting this September in the Hawk Room at Westridge, register for

F a ll S p orts l e a g u e s Adult Basketball & Volleyball - Fall Basketball

new specialized yoga and Pilates

and Volleyball seasons are just around the corner. Registration

classes. Chakra, the 8 Limbs of

deadline is Monday, September 26. Leagues begin the week of

Yoga, and Guided Meditation are

October 3 and include eight regular season games plus playoffs and.

just a few of our new classes. Pilates

Basketball leagues are played on Sunday, Monday, or Wednesday

Reformer Band classes will help you

nights. Volleyball leagues are played on Monday or Thursday nights. Register now!

to transform your body by using a portable Pilates Reformer type system and exercises. View pricing information and current schedules at

Men’s Indoor Soccer - Our fall session of men’s indoor soccer is now taking team registrations for the September/October league. Games are played on Wednesday nights starting September 7. Ages 18 and up are welcome. Youth Dodgeball & Kickball - For young co-ed athletes, this program is full of fun and entertainment. This combination league of dodgeball and kickball is eight weeks

Call 303-471-8851 for more Fitness/

beginning in September, making it the perfect after-school activity. Team shirt is included.

Martial Arts information.


September 2011


education youth & adult Do n ’ t M i ss O u t o n pottery, a c a d em i c s , & more ! The HRCA has added some wonderful new programs to this fall’s

with LEGO®, Engineering FUNdamentals with LEGO® or the

activity schedule! Try private or semi-private pottery classes for

Green Engineering with LEGO®. These popular classes will help

you and your child or you and a friend! It’s a wonderful way to get

your child practice these important skills

hands-on guidance and learn technical skills that can propel artistic

while enjoying fun projects like building

endeavors into new realms.

Droids and palaces inspired by Star

As your kids are getting into the routine of school, consider enrolling them in our Mastering Math Camp (ages 6-8), Mental Math (ages 8-13), Masterpiece Sentence (ages 9-11), Masterpiece

Wars or making machines powered by alternative energy sources like solar cars and wind powered facilities.

Paper (ages 12-14) or Spelling and Reading Fluency (ages 9-12)

If your child is musically inclined, try our new keyboarding classes

classes. These wonderful new programs help support the academic

provided by Keyboard Encounters. Children will step into a

efforts for children who may need a new and non-traditional

recording studio environment and participate in multi-media

approach to these subjects to succeed.

experiences using digital keyboards that inspire your child to

For the child who enjoys using geometry and engineering concepts, enroll them in the Jedi Engineering with LEGO®, Pre-Engineering

enjoy their own musical creations. For more information on these programs, please call 303-471-8928.

Dr aw, Cook , a n d A c t t h i s f a l l w i t h H R CA ! This fall, the HRCA has a variety of

creative classes help support your child’s critical thinking skills giving

art, cooking, and theatre classes to suit

a new outlet of expression.

your child’s interests. KidzArt is offering programs for children ages 3½ to 14 in a variety of art classes that will challenge and inspire, and we will be offering a

We also have an Edible Artwork class (ages 3-5), Creative Cooks (ages 5-7), or Young Chef’s (ages 8-12) that show kids just how much fun being in the kitchen can be!

drawing and painting class and a Heroes and Villains class for

If your child likes to be the center of conversation at the dinner

children ages 6-12.

table, consider Adventure Kids: Racing Through Time (ages 5-8),

If 3D work is more of an interest, then enroll your child in a Play with Clay class (ages 2½-4), Storybook Sculpture (ages 3-4), Imagination Creations (ages 5-7), Beginning Sculpture (ages 7-12), Destination 3D (ages 8-10) or Intro to Wheel (ages 13-15). These

Toys (ages 9-12), or A Modern Christmas Carol (Ages 5-12). These wonderful drama classes taught by KidStage, help children develop public speaking confidence and learn important team work skills. For more information, please call 303-471-8928.

P res c h oo l a n d P re - K c l a sses st a rt i n g September 6 kicks off the 2011-2012 Preschool year at the

staff, diverse and unique curriculum, and a fun but challenging

HRCA! With a variety of classes to suit any age or family schedule

environment that will stimulate a child and demonstrate that

including 2-day, 3-day, 5-day and full-day Preschool and Pre-K, your

learning can be fun! For more information, please call 303-471-

child will find a home with us! HRCA boasts exceptional teaching


H RCA o n l i n e . o r g



9568 University Boulevard Highlands Ranch, CO 80126 303-791-2500


Need a plumber? Find it on Click It! Scan with your smartphone to visit Click It! now ď‚š facility closures September 5 - All recreation centers close at 9:00 p.m. for the Labor Day holiday. Outdoor Pools to close for the season: Northridge - Tuesday, September 6 Southridge - Monday, September 12 Eastridge - Tuesday, September 6 Westridge - Sunday, September 11 Check the web site for the most up-to-date closure information.


community partners

For event details, see page 5 or visit September 1

30th Anniversary Concert - The Nacho Men

September 8-10

Highlands Ranch Days

September 11

Doggie Splash

September 12

Board Working Session* 6:00 p.m.

September 16

Mother & Son Masquerade Ball

September 20

RAC & Board Meeting* 6:30 p.m. (Recreation Advisory Committee monthly Meeting of Delegates)

September 24 Computer/Electronics Recycling September 24 Oktoberfest * These meetings are at Eastridge and open to our members. The HRCA’s ability to bring events to Highlands Ranch is made possible in part by our Community Partners, the Highlands Ranch Cultural Affairs Association (CAA), and the Scientific and Cultural Facilities District (SCFD).

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