Monday, June 8, 2015
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• Be a more qualified and attractive candidate in the medical assisting field by learning more of the practical and professional skills employers value • Prepare for more great career opportunities in a variety of medical settings, from hospitals and doctors’offices to clinics and nursing homes • More financial aid and scholarships available for those who qualify
Yellow Ribbon
Program Participant
Onsite childcare
Get the EmployableYOU advantage @ Bryant & Stratton College through our unique new academic experience that connects your education to your career in every class.
Bryant & Stratton College Personal Education. Lifetime Success.ÂŽ Since 1854 For more information about our graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program, and other important information, please visit our website at
Virginia Beach Hampton
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One This Is ou Event Y t Wan Do Not s! To Mis
Career Fair & Education Expo Wednesday, June 24th 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Greenbrier Mall, Chesapeake Gr
Looking to target a diverse group of job seekers? We deliver!... 5 ACTIVE JOB SEEKERS
DIRECTORY CAREERCONNECTION’S EMPLOYMENT WEEKLY JUNE 8 - JUNE 14 Administrative . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Classifieds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5, 6, 7
Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3, 8
ready to work
5 PASSIVE JOB SEEKERS candidates looking for their next career move or better pay
5 EXITING MILITARY military base distribution
5 YOUNGER JOB SEEKERS high school and college campus distribution, and non-newspaper readers Advertise your job openings in Employment Weekly and you’ll reach thousands of readers interested in employment opportunities.
General. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2, 3, 4, 8
Trades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 CareerConnection’s Employment Weekly is published to provide the job seeker with up-to-date, detailed information about local & regional job opportunities. CareerConnection’s Employment Weekly is available free of charge to the public in the Hampton Roads Area, including our green newspaper boxes as well as major grocery stores, major retail stores, employment centers, universities, colleges, training schools & independent businesses.
757-446-2900 OR FAX 757-446-2130 ACCOUNT EXECUTIVES Joann Gibson - 757.446.2230 Toby Word - 757.222.5428 Marie Bogue - 757.222.3829
Recruitment & General Inside Sales Manager Pam Bullock - 757.446.2795
Breathe easier.
June 13, 2015 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Crossroads School 8021 Old Ocean View Road Norfolk, VA 23518 We are hiring teachers for the 2015-2016 school year in the following areas:
Check the weather page daily.
Subscribe today. Call 446-9000 or go to
• Early Childhood Special Education • Earth Science • Elementary Education (Grades 3, 4 and 5)
• French • Secondary English • Secondary Mathematics • Spanish • Special Education
Applicants are required to complete the online application at using code 1-37 (Teacher Job Fair). Print the completed application prior to submitting. Bring the application and copies of supporting credentials (Praxis II, VCLA, RVE assessment scores, license, references, recent performance evaluations, etc.) with you to the job fair. Applicants may contact the Department of Human Resources at 757-628-3905 for additional information.
Mechanical/Electrical Superintendent #00174A Old Dominion University is seeking a highly motivated and exp. individual to serve as the Superintendent of the Mechanical/ Electrical Shops. The Superintendent is responsible for the HVAC, Electrical, Plumbing and Preventive Maintenance Shops consisting of about 30 skilled trades technicians. The Superintendent maintains the mechanical/ electrical systems in over 100 campus buildings comprised of over 5 million square feet. Applicants should have extensive exp. with large HVAC and building electrical systems and have experience supervising 20 or more skilled trades staff. Applicants must possess a DPOR Master’s license in HVAC or electrical and a valid VA state driver’s license with an insurable record and be a HS school graduate or equivalent. ODU provides benefits to meet specified needs. • HealthCare • Flexible Reimbursement Account (Dependent Care/Medical) • VRS Group & Optional Life Insurance • Long-Term Care & Disability Insurance • Legal Plan and Tuition Reimbursement For complete description and qualifications visit our website at . AA/EOE
Now accepting Resumes & Applications! • Welders • Pipe Welders • Ship Fitters • Pipe Fitters • Outside & Inside Machinist • Sheet Metal Mechanics • Marine Electricians • Painters • Insulators • Firewatch • Craftsmen with Secret Security Clearance APPLICANTS MUST PASS A BACKGROUND CHECK RESUME REQUIRED
Ameri-Force offers: • The highest Hourly Wages and Per Diem Rates • Safe work environment • Direct Deposit • Medical Insurance • Referral Bonus
Call Now!! 800.522.8998 Email: Or visit us online: EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER / DRUG FREE WORKPLACE
MAKE MONEY We are currently taking names to fill delivery routes in the cities of Virginia Beach, Norfolk, Portsmouth, Chesapeake and North Suffolk.
CONTACT US AT 757-222-5625 CCEW | 3
ATTENTION JOBSEEKERS! The Job Market is Improving... Don’t miss this opportunity to meet face to face with employers ready to hire as well as schools offering specialized training to further prepare you for a well paying sustainable career!
Career Fair & Education Expo PARTICIPATING EMPLOYERS
Wednesday, June 24th 10am to 2pm
WHERE Greenbrier Mall
1401 Greenbrier Parkway South Chesapeake, VA 23320
RECRUITERS: To reserve your booth space, please contact Denise Wilson at (757) 446-2143 or via email at 4 | CCEW
To Jobseekers & Onsite Parking
Please bring plenty of résumés.
TO PLACE AN AD CALL 757-446-2900 OR VISIT WWW.HREW.COM Accounting & Finance Accountant/Bookkeeper –Small Business Specialists, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78561965
Accounting Clerk/Cashier –U.S. Auto Parts, Chesapeake, Job ID# 78149937
HVAC Technician –CBN, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78518530
Accounts Receivable and Project Accounting Manager –VDOT, Richmond, Job ID# 77939595
Industrial Electrician –Pilot Media, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 74261613
BOOKKEEPPING: –Sykes, Bourdon, Ahern & Levy, PC, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78520079
Laborers/Fire Sprinkler Installers/Foreman –Mid Atlantic Fire Protection, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78472791
Contract Manager –Hampton Roads Transit, Norfolk, Job ID# 78439195
Sheet Metal Foreman –Ragan Sheet Metal, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 77976620
Finance Assistant –New Day Office Products & Furnishings, Inc., Suffolk, Job ID# 78566374 Financial Aid Specialist –Paul D. Camp Community College, Franklin, Job ID# 78025498 Medical Billing Specialist –Company Confidential, Norfolk, Job ID# 77947381
Staff Accountant –Miller Oil Company, Norfolk, 78413997
Job ID#
Administration/ General Office
Multi Media Sales Coordinator –Pilot Media, , Job ID# 78042910 PERSONAL ASSISTANT –Fred Helm Realtor (Berkshire Hathaway Realty), United States, Job ID# 78523866
Advertising/Marketing/ Media
Marketing Director/Writer –Mr. Rogers Windows, Chesapeake, Job ID# 78523926 Online Ad Trafficker –Pilot Media, ,
Review details and apply.
Job ID#
Job ID#
Collections Collectors –Gold Key Resorts(see Goldkey/PHR), Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78298908
Front End Developer –ODU Human Resources, Norfolk, Job ID# 78261093 Information Technology Manager –Flexible Benefit Administrators, Inc., Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78123015 PeopleSoft Financial Functional SME –Hampton Roads Transit, Hampton, Job ID# 77945114 PeopleSoft HCM Functional Subject Matter Expert –Hampton Roads Transit, Hampton, Job ID# 77945115 PeopleSoft Programmer Analyst –Hampton Roads Transit, Hampton, Job ID# 77944927 Senior Network Engineer –ABNB Federal Credit Union, Chesapeake, Job ID# 77939588 Senior Systems Administrator –SSAI, Hampton, Job ID# 78094183 Systems Administrator –Willcox and Savage, P.C., Norfolk, Job ID# 78030414
Section Manager Communications –VDOT, Fairfax County, Job ID# 77939600
Systems Administrator –Priority Automotive Group, Chesapeake, Job ID# 78588765
Systems Engineer #6851 –City of Virginia Beach, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 77947357
ASE Certified Technician –Japanese Auto Masters, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78417231 Automotive Service –Tune Up Plus/Harris Tire, Norfolk, Job ID# 77944929 DIESEL TECHNICIAN –NORFOLK TRUCK CENTER, Norfolk, Job ID# 78066148 MHE Mechanic –Q.E.D. Systems, Inc., Norfolk, 78208762
Job ID#
Service Technicians - Priority Nissan Newport News –Priority Automotive Group, Newport News, Job ID# 77976599
Banking/Financial Services
Customer Service/ Call Center Digital Operations and Support Specialist –The Employment Guide, LLC, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78589069 Inbound Wireless Specialists –Alorica, Norfolk, Job ID# 78065911 Loyalty Program Support Associate –Outsite Networks, Inc., Norfolk, Job ID# 77944914
Drivers/Transportation/ Shipping Bus Operator (Operations Trainee) –HRT - Hampton Roads Transit, , Job ID# 77945117
Database Administrator –HRSD Hampton Roads Sanitation Dist., Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78517859
Administrative Assistant –S. L. Nusbaum Realty Company, Norfolk, Job ID# 78185565
Advertising Manager –Pilot Media, Suffolk, 78439754
Slip-form paver helper –Denbigh Construction Co., Inc., Newport News, Job ID# 78441405
Application Specialist –TPTI, Newport News, Job ID# 78254259
Administrative Assistant –Community Housing Partners, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78439803
Enter “JOB ID” number in the search field.
Building & Construction/ Skilled Trades
Accounting Representative-Level I - VB –REIN, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78102941
Revenue Cycle Supervisor –Virginia Oncology Associates, Norfolk, Job ID# 78413826
Go online to
Part Time Peak Time Teller/Member Service Representatives –ABNB Federal Credit Union, Chesapeake, Norfolk, Job ID# 78238700
Technology Project Manager –Hampton Roads Transit, Norfolk, Job ID# 78101486
Counseling/Social Services/Non-Profit Adult Employment Counselor –Hampton-Newport News CSB, Hampton, Job ID# 78346974 Case Manager - Project LINK –Hampton-Newport News CSB, Hampton, Job ID# 78346966 PT Direct Care Associate II - Day Support –HamptonNewport News CSB, Hampton, Job ID# 78185526 REACH Coordinator –Hampton-Newport News CSB, Hampton, Job ID# 78346963
Member Service Representative –ABNB Federal Credit Union, Chesapeake, Job ID# 78566455
Therapist II - COS C&A Therapy –HamptonNewport News CSB, Hampton, Job ID# 78346977
Mortgage Loan Closer –Tidewater Mortgage Services, Inc., Virginia Beach, Job ID# 77980341
Therapist II - Substance Abuse –Hampton-Newport News CSB, Hampton, Job ID# 78185535
Mortgage Loan Closer –Southern Trust Mortgage, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78523923
VISTA Mentor Program Coordinator –The Up Center, Norfolk, Job ID# 78611494
Instructor of Early Care and Education –ODU Human Resources, Norfolk, Job ID# 78208744
Housekeeping Director –Norfolk Health and Rehabilitation, Norfolk, Job ID# 78102703
Real Estate/Property Mgmt
Insurance A/R specialist –Virginia Institute for Sports Medicine, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78566699
Groundskeeper –The Lawson Companies, Hampton
Medical Biller –Company Confidential, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78208827
Confidential, NORFOLK, Job ID# 78346964
Medical Positions –UROLOGY OF VIRGINIA, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78417216
Chesapeake, Job ID# 78100240
Leasing Consultant (ID#57) –The Lawson Companies,
Registered Nurse –Hubbard Plastic Surgery, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78149788
Leasing Consultant (ID#59) –The Lawson Companies,
Human Resources
Leasing Consultant (ID#65) –The Lawson Companies,
Recruiting Technician –Hampton Roads Transit, Hampton, Job ID# 78439199
Maintenance Floater (ID#49) –The Lawson Companies,
Recruitment and Admissions Specialist –Paul D. Camp Community College, Franklin, Job ID# 78025471
Maintenance Supervisor (ID#64) –The Lawson Com-
Norfolk, Job ID# 78103176
Norfolk, Job ID# 78613922
Hampton Roads, Job ID# 78206626
panies, Norfolk, Job ID# 78561776
Insurance Specialist Sr. –Virginia Oncology Associates, Norfolk, Job ID# 78413831
Chief of Asset Management –HRSD Hampton Roads Sanitation Dist., Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78515686
Insurance Specialist- In Office Dispensing –Virginia Oncology Associates, Norfolk, Job ID# 78413820
Executive Administrative Assistant –Q.E.D. Systems, Inc., Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78354132
Lease Administrator/ Property Accountant –Company
Medical Billing Professionals –UROLOGY OF VIRGINIA, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78437367
Designer I; Designer II; Designer III –Q.E.D. Systems, Inc., Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78119066
Roads, Job ID# 78416128
Virginia Beach, Job ID# 77980092 Residential Property Manager –Company Confidential, Norfolk, Job ID# 78234330
Internet/New Media Online Features Producer –Pilot Media, , Job ID# 78042853
Retail Sales Associate –Crochet Corners, Norfolk, Job ID#
Hydraulic Analysis Manager - Virginia Beach –HRSD Hampton Roads Sanitation Dist., Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78516602
Mid-Level Specifications and Standards Analyst –Q.E.D. Systems, Inc., Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78254236
Attorney –Hampton Roads Transit, Norfolk, Job ID# 78439184
Sales Professional –East Coast Appliance, Virginia Beach, Job ID#
Litigation Secretary –Poole Mahoney PC, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78253901
Environmental/ Agriculture
PARALEGAL/LEGAL SECRETARY –Bennett and Zydron, P.C., Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78465747
Account Executive –AccuTrain, Virginia Beach, Job ID#
TSD Investigator –HRSD Hampton Roads Sanitation Dist., Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78519978
TSD Supervising Specialist –HRSD Hampton Roads Sanitation Dist., Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78520034
Chief Engineer –Divaris Real Estate, Inc., Hampton, Job ID# 65844377
Factory/Warehouse ASSEMBLY/PRODUCTION TECHNICIAN II –Company Confidential, VIRGINIA BEACH, Job ID# 78063885 Distribution Associate –Pilot Media, , Job ID# 76258064 Trainee –Norva Plastics Inc, Norfolk, Job ID# 78064598
77945224 PRODUCT CONSULTANT –Priority Automotive Group,
Maintenance Prep (ID#51) –The Lawson Companies, Portsmouth, Job ID# 78513063 Maintenance Supervisor –LARRYMORE ORGANIZATION, INC., Virginia Beach, Job ID# 77980334 Maintenance Supervisor –Hampton Roads Transit, Hampton, Job ID# 78439186 Maintenance Technician - Systems –Hampton Roads Transit, Norfolk, Job ID# 78439194
Operator Maintenance –VDOT, Hanover, Job ID# 77939582
Assistant Features Editor –Pilot Media, , Job ID# 78025679
Mechanic 3 –Hampton Roads Transit, Hampton, Job ID# 77945108
Bus Transportation Supervisor –Hampton Roads Transit, Norfolk, Job ID# 78475057
Servicer -SS –HRT - Hampton Roads Transit, Norfolk, Job ID# 78439198
Director of Upward Bound –ODU Human Resources, Norfolk, Job ID# 78179476
Subcontract Coordinator –Atlantic CommTech Corporation, Norfolk, Job ID# 78439464
Program Management Manager –VDOT, Rihmond, Job ID# 77939585 Tunnels Manager –VDOT, Hampton,
Front Desk & Checkout staff position / Medical Billing –Fort Norfolk Plaza Medical Associates, LLC, Norfolk, Job ID# 78298778
SALES ASSOCIATES –Priority Automotive Group, chesapeake, Job ID# 78025505 SALES ASSOCIATES –Priority Automotive Group, chesapeake, Job ID# 78636096 Sales Coaches and Assistant Managers –CarLotz, Virginia Beach and Chesapeake, Job ID# 78472778
Assistant Director for Administration –ODU Human Resources, Norfolk, Job ID# 78207264
Executive Director –Company Confidential, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78614515
–Priority Automotive Group, Hampton, Job ID# 78118448
Sales Executive - Small Business –Pilot Media, , Job
Groomer/Bather/Receptionist –Pawsh Salon & Boutique, LLC, Chesapeake, Job ID# 77949253
Dental Financial Manager –The Foleck Center, Norfolk, Job ID# 78636969
Sales and Aftermarket Team - Priority Honda Hampton
Sales Executive –Pilot Media, , Job ID# 77114267
Features Editor –Pilot Media, , Job ID# 77913747
Chesapeake, Job ID# 78025506
Job ID#
Publishing/Printing copier operator/ copy shop shift manager –BDS, norfolk, Job ID# 78102491 Graphics/Prepress Position –Precision Printing, Chesapeake, Job ID# 78275330 Quality Assurance Proofreader –Company Confidential, Norfolk, Job ID# 78636676
Ship Building/Ship Repair operations superintendent –QED Systems, Inc., , Job ID#
Production Planner and Estimator –QED Systems INC, Virginia Beach, Job ID# 78472050
Skilled Trades (Manufacturing) Customer Service Representative –Resource Lighting, Inc., Chesapeake, Job ID# 77939590 Production Supervisor 2nd Shift –Dorigan & Associates, Smithfield, Job ID# 78441428
CCEW | 5
Building & Construction/ Skilled Trades
WHRO has an opening for a mid-management position in Finance. Details available at
DRAG LINE OPERATOR- Full-Time or Part-
Time, Immediate opening Call 252-202-1028
The Eastern Shore Community Services Board (ESCSB) is recruiting for a Senior Clinician
Administration/ General Office
Administrative Assistant WHRO has an opening for an Administrative Assistant position. Details available at
CUSTOMER SERVICE - FRONT DESK Cemetery office in Virginia Beach is looking to hire a person with the right combination of professional appearance, positive attitude and customer service skills. Front desk experience helpful but not required. In addition to record keeping and clerical duties, the successful candidate will be trained to assist families in selecting property and memorial merchandise. We offer a full company benefit package including, health insurance, retirement plan and annual vacation. Send a brief resume and your contact information to: Subject: Front Desk Position
RECEPTIONIST For Association Management Company; strong customer service skills; MS Office proficient; light clerical & general office work; resume & salary requirements to refer to Box # 19718 in the subject line.
Advertising/ Marketing Media
Newport News/Chesapeake area. Commercial work for schools, office buildings, etc. Top pay, full benefits, health/dental insurance. Call direct to the owner at 540-379-4210 Fredericksburg Commercial Glass-Lynn Swan
HVAC HELPER Must be very knowledgable w/ change outs, 4yrs exp, willing to work, Top pay$$. Must have good DMV. Call 757-274-3148.
HVAC TECHNICIAN (FT) IMMEDIATE HIRE!! Service Work and New Installs. Top Pay $$. Must have own tools & transportation. Troubleshooting a must. Must be familiar with gas boilers. 5 years experience. 757-274-3148.
MECHANIC Full Time- Ability to work on forklifts, loaders, and diesel trucks with a minimum of 2 years’ experience. Fax resume to: 757-393-2976. SKILLED TRADES JOBS - US GOVERNMENT Commercial HVAC Techs & other Skilled Trades jobs. US Gov’t Background & Drug Screen. US CITIZENS ONLY! Submit your resume or contact information to:
Director of Marketing and Planning Centra, a regional healthcare system located in Lynchburg, Virginia is seeking a Director for its Communications and Marketing Department. Reports to the Vice President of Strategic Planning and Marketing. Manages communications and marketing for four hospitals, Centra Medical Group, health and rehabilitation centers, Hospice, and other tertiary services. Bachelor of arts or science in marketing, communications or related field required. Ten years experience required, preferably in healthcare or other non-profit organization. Motivated and customer service oriented. Please visit to apply today! EOE
Automotive/ Mechanics
PARTS MANAGER Charles Barker Lexus of Newport News, seeks an experienced Parts Manager for our Lexus of Newport News location. Great pay. Great benefits. Call Greg Shank 757-499-3771 or Send resume to:
EOE Mechanic- for both small engine & F-series pick up truck PT Evenings Valid DMV 757-717-3978 or 757-482-0678
Mechanic - Golf Course Equipment Cypress Point Country Club. Full-Time, Benefits, Experience Required Send resume to
Business Analyst III for Anthem, Inc. in Norfolk, VA to act as primary liaison b/w business customer & development team. Bach's (or higher) degree in healthcare, natural sciences, microbiology or related field (will accept for. edu. equiv.) and 5 yrs of bus. systems analysis/requirements gathering, including technical design documentation & project management experience. Exp. must include: Facets, Carecompass & Pega data systems/sources; interaction w/bus. stakeholders for requirements gathering in healthcare domain; developing, researching & generating reports using MS ACCESS, MS EXCEL, MS SQL Server; advanced MS EXCEL skills including Pivot Tables, Pivot Reporting, Charting, Data Analysis; Data analysis using relational databases including but not limited to MS ACCESS, MS SQL Server; business/project workflow & data process flow mapping using MS Visio; healthcare data handling, research & management; report validation & testing data accuracy using MS Access, SQL & T-SQL, including writing queries; resource management & timeline deliverables using MS Project working in Agile environment; db warehouse on both Oracle & SQL Server platforms; development & implementation of bus. processes/ operations documentation for healthcare & clinical report; & HIPAA rules & protocols. If interested in this role/for immediate consideration, visit and apply online to position number 103323.
Help Desk Technician (#00115) Information Technology Services (ITS) at Old Dominion University is seeking a full-time Help Desk Technician to provide quality customer service and support to all ODU faculty, staff, and students who utilize the technology services provided by ITS. In addition to providing one-on-one support, this position will also support online learning by developing and maintaining online documentation and assisting students using various web-based technologies. Considerable knowledge of customer service techniques to include understanding customer needs and effectively communicating options for problem resolution is required. Position opens June 8, 2015 and closes June 12, 2015. To review required knowledge, skills, and abilities for this position and to submit an application, please visit and follow the on-line instructions. AA/EOE
Counseling/ Social Services/ Non-Profit MECHANIC – HEAVY EQUIPMENT 5+ yrs. exp. req: dozers, excavators, rollers, loaders, dump trucks, etc. FT. VA beach. Exc. pay & benefits. Call 757-301-8802 or email
Building & Construction/ Skilled Trades DIESEL MECHANIC Orion Marine Construction is looking for Heavy Equipment Diesel Mechanics, Crane & Boat exp a plus. Forward resume to: or call
6 | CCEW
MENTAL HEALTH/SUBSTANCE ABUSE CASE MANAGER The Eastern Shore Community Services Board (ESCSB) is recruiting for a Mental Health/Substance Abuse Case Manager. Interested individuals should visit the ESCSB’s website at for job the application, job details and required credentials. A thoroughly completed ESCSB application with applicable supplemental information is req’d. Resumes may accompany the application but will not be considered alone. The individual accepting this position will be subject to a nationwide criminal background check via fingerprinting. The ESCSB participates in E-Verify for employment eligibility. Application deadline is Friday, June 26th, 2015. ESCSB IS AN EOE.
Counseling/ Social Services/ Non-Profit
(LCSW or LPC). Interested individuals should visit the ESCSB’s website at for job details. A thoroughly completed ESCSB application with applicable supplemental information is req’d. Resumes may accompany the application but will not be considered alone. The individual accepting this position will be subject to a nationwide criminal background check via fingerprinting. The ESCSB participates in E-Verify for employment eligibility. Application deadline is Friday, June 12th, 2015. ESCSB IS AN EOE.
Customer Service/ Call Center Canon ITS is hiring!
Drivers/ Transportation/ Shipping
COMMERCIAL READY-MIX PRODUCTS, INC. Has Immediate Openings for Mixer Truck Drivers Ask about our updated benefits package Must have Class A or Class B CDL. Mixer experience preferred. Call Mark Kinsey at VA central Dispatch (757) 420-5800 or Email or
DRIVER Family owned company since 1979 seeking a full time delivery driver. Driving a 24 foot box truck delivering products to restaurants in the Hampton road area. Minimum requirements: good mvr, driving experience, drug test, dot physical. call for details 800-647-6364
JSA Trucking is looking for drivers dedicated to a local account.
Drop & Hook Freight from ports of Norfolk Home Nightly Incentive Base Pay
Call 757-641-4115 We're busy moving containers
Truck Drivers needed for a local paving company. Applicants must have a Class B CDL, clean driving record, medical certification and be able to obtain government security clearance. Applicants can apply at 5025 Southern Blvd. Virginia Beach. EOE.
IS THE RESOURCE YOU NEED! YOU GET TOTAL MARKET COVERAGE, SOUTHSIDE & PENINSULA WITH ONE AD ■ Farm Fresh ■ Food Lion ■ Wawa ■ All Military Bases ■ All Virginia Employment Commission Offices ■ Universities & Libraries
■ Colleges ■ Technical & Trade Schools ■ All High Schools ■ Shopping Malls ■ Fast Food Restaurants ■ Freestanding Boxes & Racks
Education/Training 1 Taekwondo Instructor in Chesapeake, VA, Teach Taekwondo, perform/demonstrate techniques to students, observe students & explain corrective measures, High school diploma/GED, 2 yr exp as Taekwondo instructor required, mail resume to ChunMa Tae Kwon Do Chesapeake, Inc, 1464 Mount Pleasant Rd. Ste 9, Chesapeake, VA 23322
BUS DRIVER The Office of Human Affairs is accepting applications for the 2015-2016 School Year for positions in Chesapeake, Norfolk and Portsmouth. Candidates must successfully complete Employer paid training to obtain a Commercial Driver’s License and Passenger and School Bus Endorsements. Acceptable Criminal Record Check and Child Protective Services search required for employment. Annual salary: $19,526; Forty (40) hours per week with benefits. For more details, go to: The Office of Human Affairs is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
CASE MANAGER The Office of Human Affairs is seeking candidates for a position in Chesapeake. Candidates must have a Bachelor’s Degree in Social Work or a related field. Extensive work experience in crisis intervention is a plus. Acceptable Criminal Record Check, Child Protective Services search, and valid Virginia driver’s license required for employment. Annual salary range: $30,780 –$33,342; Forty (40) hours per week with benefits. For more details, go to: The Office of Human Affairs is an Equal Opportunity Employer
Early Discoveries - Virginia Beach Virginia Preschool Initiative PRESCHOOL TEACHERS & SUBSTITUTE ASSISTANT TEACHERS YMCA Early Discoveries Virginia Beach a preschoo l programs designed to prepare at risk four year olds for a bright future in kindergarten and beyond, seeks enthusiastic teachers for this successful partnership between the YMCA of South Hampton Roads and Virginia Beach City Public Schools. Preschool Teachers must have Virginia a Pre-K License to qualify for this position
Work at the Y! Apply online
WWW.HREW.COM ■ During Week Of Purchased Print Ad ■ Online Postings Available
FREE CREATIVE CONSULTATION ■ Free Ad Design & Production ■ Short Turn Around Time ■ Proofs Available Upon Request 757.446.2900
To Get Your Recruitment Message Placed In Hampton Roads’ Only Weekly Employment Magazine, Serving Both The Southside And The Peninsula,
TO PLACE AN AD CALL 757-446-2900 OR VISIT WWW.HREW.COM Education/Training
Looking to target a diverse group of job seekers? We deliver!...
Medical Facilities of America - RN’s, LPN’s, CNA’s, Physical & Occupational Therapists. EOE/EOH Lincare Respiratory
In-Home Behavior Counselor Centra's In-Home Autism Program in Virginia Beach is seeking an In-Home Behavior Counselor. Under the supervision of a Licensed Behavior Analyst/ Licensed Assistant Behavior Analyst, the In-home Behavior Counselor provides strategies, techniques & procedures from Applied Behavior Analysis (ABA)/Verbal Behavior (VB) to individuals with autism or developmental, and/or intellectual disabilities in their home and community settings. Bachelor's degree in ABA, psychology, special education or related field required. Experience working with individuals with disabilities, providing in-home services, implementing behavioral goals with individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders or other developmental and intellectual disabilities, and/or with ABA/VB preferred. Valid driver's license, MANDT certification, first aid and CPR (within the first 3 three months of hire date) required. Please visit to apply today! EOE
5 ACTIVE JOB SEEKERS ready to work
5 PASSIVE JOB SEEKERS candidates looking for their next career move or better pay
5 EXITING MILITARY military base distribution
5 YOUNGER JOB SEEKERS high school and college campus distribution, and non-newspaper readers Advertise your job openings in Employment Weekly and you’ll reach thousands of readers interested in employment opportunities.
Sales Representative Lincare, leading national respiratory company seeks result driven Sales Representative. Create working relationships with MD’s, nurses, social workers and articulate our excellent patient care with attentive listening skills. Competitive Base + uncapped commission. Drug Free workplace EOE Resume may be emailed to or faxed to 757-465-2019
MEDICAL BILLING/CODING position for a large specialty practice. Strong background in insurance follow up and coding experience req’d. Qualified candidate will perform all aspects of Billing. Excellent benefits and team great environment. Email: or fax to: (757) 466-8954.
Nurse Practitioner/Physician Asst.
CANVASSERS & ASST. CANVASS MANAGER We are GROWING! Coach & Train Canvassers to Set Appts. and distribute fliers! $alary + Bonu$e$ + Conte$t$! 757-373-3213
Full time position with busy Famly Practice in Portsmouth. Experience pref’d but would consider new graduate. EMR exp. pref’d. Competitive salary and benefits. Send resume to Personnel, 3235 Academy Ave., Suite 101, Portsmouth, VA 23703.
Grounds/Housekeeper Seeking hard working, dependable individual. Great pay & benefits. Apply in person @ 201 Mill Creek Pky, Chesapeake or call 485-4800.
Housekeeper Our Lady of Perpetual Help, a caring healthcare community, is seeking applicants for this part time position. Apply in person at 4560 Princess Anne Rd., Va. Beach, VA 23462 or fax resume to 757-495-7366. EOE
Healthcare/ Medical Activity Coordinator Our Lady of Perpetual Help, a caring healthcare facility, is seeking an experienced applicant for this full time position in our Memory Care community. Apply in person at 4560 Princess Anne Rd., Va. Beach, VA 23462 or fax resume to 757-495-7366. EOE
Career Dental Positions Now Available, Including Oral Surgery Assistants and Schedulers See or email resumes to
Certified Professional Coder Needed for Sports Medicine/Orthopaedic surgical practice for office based & surgical coding. exp w/ orthopaedic terminology, musculoskeletal anatomy preferred. Attention to detail, time management skills & ability to work under minimal supervision a must. Please email
Occupational Safety & Health Services Manager City of Virginia Beach-Requires 10 yrs exp/training in nursing/occupational safety mgt; 2 yrs supervisory exp; VA RN license; and a certification as an Occupational Health Nurse (preferred). For more information & to apply online go to EOE
Physician: EM Physician Chesapeake Emergency Physicians is seeking a board certified physician. Please apply to: Job ID #78668078
Law Legal
Assistant Public Defender
Sales Professionals
The Office of the Federal Public Defender for the Eastern District of Virginia is accepting applications for the position of Assistant Federal Public Defender in the Norfolk office. For more information about the specific duties and requirements of this position, please visit our website at employment.html
Reliable, Independent and enthusiastic x-ray technologist needed for PRN position in our Orthopaedic practice. Must have a current VA license. Email resume to
Maintenance Maintenance Helper Needed for apartment communities located in Norfolk. Ideal candidate will have skills and experience in general labor for special projects scheduled at various properties. Excellent pay and benefits to include FREE health insurance and 401K. Email resume to
Management Technical Proposal Writer/Contracts Manager Fast growing national water management co. needs experienced proposal writer to support VP of Operations in VB office. Must have initiative and strong writing skills, and excellent Word, Power Point, and Excel skills for preparation of proposals, contracts, and some invoices. Bachelors degree required, pref. in technical field. Apply to
Part-Time/ Seasonal Mail Order Processing/Customer Service Great Bridge. P/T. 3-4 days. 9-1.
Restaurant/ Food Service Our Lady of Perpetual Help, a caring healthcare community, is seeking applicants for this part time position in our food service dept. Apply in person at 4560 Princess Anne Rd., Va. Beach, VA 23462 or fax resume to 757-495-7366. EOE
Needed for residential facility for intellectually disabled children. Flex shift & some exp. required. Must be 21 years of age and have a minimum 10th grade education. Background check required. Apply in person Mon-Fri at Holiday House of Portsmouth, 4211 County St., between 9-4 PM.
OPEN HOUSE Chesapeake
Build Your Dream Career with Ryan Homes as a
Sales and Marketing Representative. Join us for an information session:
Tuesday, June 9 from 6-7pm at the Reunion Model Home
Lincare, leading national respiratory company seeks Healthcare Specialist. Responsibilities: Disease management programs, clinical evaluations, equipment set up and education. Be the Dr.’s eyes in the home setting. RRT, CRT licensed as applicable. Great personalities with strong work ethic needed. Competitive salary, benefits and career paths. Drug-free workplace. EOE.
7 AM - 7 PM and every other weekend. Autumn Care of Portsmouth has an opportunity for a motivated and resident focused Nursing Management Professional. Also hiring a FULL TIME CHARGE NURSE with rotating weekends. We offers excellent pay/benefits and a team environment. Apply at 3610 Winchester Dr., Portsmouth, VA; email:; fax: (757) 397-9944, Attn: Freda Ingram. EOE.
Resume may be emailed to or faxed to resume to 757-465-2019
Virginia Beach Psychiatric Center
Experienced sales professionals can earn $140K average income! Qualifications: 2+ Years of commissioned sales experience, 4-Year degree, Strong persuasiveness, High energy, Ability to problem solve, Current driver's license and Valid US work authorization Join us at our Sales and Marketing Career Information Session to learn more! Please bring current resume. RSVP to: GPS Address: 100 Yager Court Chesapeake, VA 23324
Law Enforcement/ Security
Cox is hiring! Visit for current openings. Advance your career with Cox! EOE
Security Officer- PT
Lincare Respiratory
Healthcare Specialist
Riverside Cancer Infusion Center in Chesapeake, Virginia is looking for a FT experienced medical biller. Responsible for all charge entry, accounts receivable follow up, payment posting, insurance verification and authorization. This position requires initiative, independent judgment and multi-tasking skills. Must utilize and adhere to established policies and protocols to perform a variety of procedures and at a level not requiring constant supervision of detail. Please fax resume to Personnel 757-436-2912.
Evening (3P-11:30P) and Nights (11P-7:30A) shifts available at the Chrysler Museum. Must be dependable and able to work weekends. Good cust svc, clean criminal bkgrnd, and drug screen also reqd. Prior security exp strongly prefd. Please complete application in person at the Museum’s staff entrance: 245 W Olney Rd., Norfolk. No phone calls please.
Ship Building Ship Repair Lyon Shipyard is looking for: QA Manager The Quality Assurance Manager is responsible to draft quality assurance policies and procedures of the company Quality Management System as it applies to all production and contract work awarded to Lyon Shipyard in accordance with NAVSEA standard items, ARMY, ABS, COAST GUARD, SSPC-QP1 and MARAD rules to include all aspects of testing, inspection and documentation on commercial and govt. vessels. Candidate should be a minimum of level 2 weld inspector with strong knowledge of MILSTD 248 and MIL-STD-2035 as a minimum. This position requires a minimum of 10 plus years exp. in Shipyard Quality Assurance. Strong Computer Skills a must. NAVY Basic paint inspector or Product Coating Inspector Level 2 would be good but not required.
Marine Structural Supervisor The Marine Structural Supervisor will have the following: l 10+ years experience as a shipfitter/ welder. l 5+ years experience as a supervisor l Capable of managing 100+ employees and multiple jobs l Computer experience required l Be well versed in all facets of commercial/government marine repairs, familiar with USCG, ABS, and Navy standard items. l Be able to pass a background check l Compensation based on experience and education l Benefits package available l Paid vacation, Sick days and Holidays Submit résumé to or apply in person at Lyon Shipyard, Inc., 1818 Brown Ave., Norfolk, VA 23504 EOE/M/F/DISABILITY/VET
CHKDHS is looking for RNs with at
least 2 years experience. Please bring your updated resume to 400 West Brambleton, Suite 200, Norfolk, VA 23510. If unable to attend, please contact Andrea Ohman at 757-668-8994.
personal injury experience req’d. Excellent pay & benefits. Fax resume to 757-599-6051 or email
RN Clinical Supervisor Thursday, June 11th 3:00 pm - 6:30 pm
Mercedes of Virginia Beach 2 Highline Sales Professionals needed Experience only! Great career! Great benefits!! Call Yogi Jaffee, General Manager 757-681-5967 OR email:
PARALEGAL for law firm. Significant
Dietary Aide
PRN Radiologic Technologist
Mid-Atlantic Regional Ambulance. Visit Job ID: 78663229 for details.
Healthcare/ Medical
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Quality Assurance Personnel: Quality Coatings of Virginia Inc has openings for Q.A. Personnel. All Candidates must have a minimum of 3-5 yrs experience in blasting and coating with NBPI or NACE I Certification. To apply, fax resume to 757494-0801 or email to
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2015 Career FaDiUrLE SCHE
FEBRUARY Chesapeake Conference Center Chesapeake, VA Wednesday, 2/25/2015 10:00 am – 2:00 pm APRIL Sandler Center for the Performing Arts Virginia Beach, VA Wednesday, 4/1/2015 10:00 am – 2:00 pm MAY Ted Constant Convocation Center Norfolk, VA Wednesday, 5/13/2015 10:00 am – 2:00 pm JUNE Greenbrier Mall Chesapeake, VA Wednesday, 6/24/2015 10:00 am – 2:00 pm SEPTEMBER SKILLED TRADES Career Fair & Education Expo Ted Constant Convocation Center Norfolk, VA Wednesday, 9/23/2015 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Employers, To Reserve Your Booth Space Please Contact Us At 757-446-2143 8 | CCEW