Sale 2871 - British Commonwealth and Foreign Stamps and Covers

Page 1

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(Continued )

SALE 2871

BRITISH COMMONWEAL TH & FOREIGN Including the Malcolm G. O'Reilly Collection of Ireland (Part 11); The Balance of The Scott Lytle Cover Collection; and the properties of several other vendors

Thursday, May 16, 1991 MORNING SESSION at 11 :00 a.m.

SPERATI REPRODUCTIONS BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Great Britain , Antigua - Ireland Thursday, May 16, 1991 AFTERNOON SESSION at 1 :30 p.m.

BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Kuwait - Western Australia

GENERAL FOREIGN Afghanistan - Vatican City




14 EAST 33rd STREET , NEW YORK , NY 10016 Telephone: (212) 532-3700 Keith A. Harmer, Jack La Calamito - Licensed Auctioneers License # 's 672829 , 780870

On all lots sold a commission of 10% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer.

EXHIBITION OF LOTS Thursday, Friday, Monday , Tuesday , May 9, 10, 13, 14 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. EXHIBITION ROOM CLOSED 1 :00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. EACH DAY On days of sale lots for each session go off exhibition half hour before each session

OFFICES CLOSED May 27 Memorial Day

OFFICE HOURS 9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

BIDS BY TELEPHONE Please comply with the following : (a) Not more than 20 bids can be accepted and must be confirmed in writing . (b) Any errors are the responsibility of the bidder (c) No bids accepted later than ½ hour before sale .

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VALUATIONS OF LOTS Valuations of all lots are available in receipt of stamped , self-addressed envelope .

IN THE MAILING ENVELOPE British You will find the bid form and the printed lists of prices realized for the United States, . Auctions 1991 14, March Africa British the and 1991, 13, & 12 March Foreign and lth Commonwea

GUM DESCRIPTION by Recognizing that there are occasional differences of opinion concerning gum nomenc lature part o.g. various expert committees , for example , a stamp descr ibed as o.g. being certified as large or even part o.g., this minor classification discrepancy alone is not sufficient grounds for return.



THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1991 MORNING SESSION at 11:00 a.m.

SPERATI REPRODUCTIONS The majority of the lots are signed "Jean de Sperati " in pencil on the reverse. However, some are marked with the B.P.A . violet handstamp and number, and these are menlioned in the description . The type and cancellation numbers are taken from "The Works of Jean de Sperati ." Minor imperfections are of little importance and are not described. More serious fau lts are specified.

Lot No . 1001 1002 0


1003 0 1004 0 1005 0

UNITED STATES Postmasters' Provisionals Cat. Value 1845 New York Sc black, type B (pos.29) , "unused", very fine .. .(Photo) (9XlSR) Sc, type A with type 2b PAID and part of type 5 cancel , signature erased, very fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1980) ..... ..................... .. .............. .. .. (Photo ) (9X ISR) 1847 IOc black, "caned." by red grid type 4c, extremely fine. B.P.A. handstamp (Photo ) (2SR) IOc, "used", signature erased, extremely fine .... ..... ..... . ........ . . . .(Photo ) (2SR) 10c, "caned". by grid type 4c, very fine .. ......... .. .............. .... ... (Photo ) (2SRJ


* 1009 * 1010 0


1011 1012



BRITISH COLUMBIA AND VANCOUVER ISLAND: 1865 Sc black, die proof on wove, 5lx63mm, few wrinkles, un igned, very fine .. . .... . . .. ... .(Photo) (3DPSR) Sc rose, " unused", very fine. B.P .A . handstamp ...... . ................ .. (Photo) (3SR) Sc, " used", extremely fine ............................. . . . . .. . .. . . ......... (Photo) (3SR) IOc blue, " unused", very fine. B.P .A. handstamp ....... .. .. .. .... ...... .(Photo) (4SR) GOLD COAST: 1889 20sh green & red, " unused", very fine. 8 .P.A. handstamp (Photo) (4SR) HONG KONG: 1865 90c olive bistre, '' used" , very fine . . .... . .. .. .. .(Photo) (23SR) LAGOS: 1882-1902 2sh 6p olive black, " unused" with gum, unsigned , very fine (Photo) (33SR) NEWFOUNDLAND 1857 Issue

1013 DP 1014 DP 1015 0 1016 0 1017 0

Die Proofs; 6p black, second stab die proof die sunk and card, 57x77mm, unsigned, very fine .... . .. . .. .. ... ..... . ............... . ... . . . ....... . ....... . .. .(Photo) (6DPSR ) 6½p black, die proof die sunk on wove, 48x65mm, B .P.A . handstamp on front, very fine ........... . ............ . ................. . ........... . . .. . .. ...... .(Photo) (7DPSR ) 4p scarlet vermilion, reproduction type A, "ca ned." type 13, extreme ly fine (Photo) (4SR) 6\/2p scarlet vermilion, type 2 "c ancel" , very fine .......... .. . .... ..... .(Photo) (7SR) 6½p, type 8 "ca ncel", very fine ....... ................................... .(Photo) (7SR)

Lot No . 1018 0 1019 0 1020 DP 102 1




Cat. Value lsh scarlet vermilion, type B, " caned " . type 15, extreme ly fine . B.P.A . handstamp (Photo) (9SR) lsh, type c , " used" , extremely fine ...... . ........ . . .. ... . . . . .... . . . . . .. . . .(Photo) (9SR) SIERRA LEONE: 1859 6p black, die proof die sunk on wove , 48x6 I mm, unsigned, very fine ... . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... . .. ....... . .. . . ...... .... .(Photo) (3DPSR) Group of S items, compr. 1845 N .Y. Postmaster Sc , 1846 Providence Sc, Con federate States I0c blue (2) , Hawaii 1864 Sc blue type g , also plates 131- 135 from handbook. . . . . .. . Est. Cash Val. $300-400 .. . . . . . . . . ......... . . . . .. .. . . .. . . . . . . .... .. .. ........... Selection of 18 "unused or used", compr. Cape Ssh orange, Ceylon Sc on 24c, Gibraltar 1856 lsh, 1886-98 lsh bistre, Great Britain 2sh brown (3), Gwalior 9 pie, Lagos 2sh6p and Ssh, Malta ½p, Mauritius 13c gray, Montserrat 4p blue, Newfoundland 4p, l sh (3), St. Lucia lsh violet, together with plates 1-21 from the handbook, mostly very fine. Est. Cash Val. $800-1000 . ... . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . .... .


* O ARGENTINA: selection of 16 items mounted on annotated pages, compr. Republic 15c


blue (2) , 19 10 Republic 20p, Buenos Aires, Steamer 2p blue (2), 3p gree n (3), 4p red, Sp olive , Sp brown orange, 1858 4p brown , 1859 Ip blue (3) , 1859 Liberty 4r green, also plates 119- 122 from the reference book. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 . ... . . . . .. .. . . BUENOS AIRES; 1858 4 (cuato) pesos vermilion die proof on thin wove, 49x6 1mm, type C, very fine. B.P.A. handstamp . . . . . . .. .. .. . ... . ... . . .. . . . . .. .(Photo) (4DPSR) 1859 1 (ni) pesos blue, tete-beche pair, type B and A, very fine .. . . .(Photo) (7dSR) AUSTRIA: Newspaper; 1851-56 (6kr) yellow, die proof on soft wove, 5Sx7lmm, unsigned, very fine .. . ..... . . . . . . . .. . . . . .... . . . . .. . . ....... . . .. . . . .(Photo) (P2DPSR) (6kr) scarlet, cnacd. by red GRATZ oval type 2, extremely fine .. . .(Photo) (P4SR) BELGIUM AND BELGIAN CONGO: 1875 Sfr pale brown, " used" , Congo 1887 I0fr buff caned . type 2, also plate 109 from handbook. Est. Cash Val. $ 100-150 (39SR , 13SR) BOLIVIA: 1867-68 10c brown, pair, ptgs. A and B, pos. 28 and 29, "caned. " type .. . . ... . .. . . . . . . .(Photo) (4SR) 6, extremely fine . .. . . . ... . . . .. . ... . . . . . . .. . ............ 1868-69 S00c black, " unused " with gum, unsigned , very fine . .. ..... . . (Photo) ( 14SR) S00c, " caned ." type 6, very fine. B.P.A . handstamp . . .. . . . .... ... . . .. . . (Photo) ( 14SR) 1867 IOc brown, pair, " unused ", 1868 500c black, type " cancel" , perfs trimmed at left, also plate 123 from handbook. Est . Cash Val. $ I 50-200 . . . . ... . .. . .. . .. . ..... . .. .. . . BRAZIL: 1843 60r black on gray ish, " unused" , also plate 124 from the handbook .(2SR) 60r, Victoris type 3 " cancel", very fine . B.P. A . handstamp .. ...... . .. . .(Photo) (2SR) 90r black, die proof with postmark, die sunk on glazed wove, 70x52mm, very fine. B.P.A. handstamp . . . .... .. . . . . ..... .. . . .. . . .... ... .. .... . . . ... .. . . .(Photo) (3DPSR) COLOMBIA: 1861 United States of New Granada 2½c black, type 3b "cancel", very fine. B.P.A. handstamp. The actual exhibit in the court case in Paris, marked by the court "copie " on reverse . .... .. . .... ... . ........ .. . . . .. .. . . . .. .(Photo) (13SR) 1861 and 1862, selection compr. 186 1 2½c black, 2 " used", 20c red , I " unused", l " used", Ip pink , " caned ." by types I and 3a, 1862 Ip lilac , pen ca ncel, also plate 125- 127 from the handbook . Est. Cash Val. $250-300 . . . .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. . ... . . .. .... . Antioquia; 1865 Sc green, manuscript " cancel," extremely fine ..... . . . .(Photo) (2SR) Bolivar; 1863 10c green, manuscript " cancel" , very fine .... . . . .... .. . . . (Photo) ( I SR) DOMINICAN REPUBLIC: 1865 1/2r and Ir die proof in black , signed on front, photographs of 4 other proofs with B.P.A . handstamps and plate 128 of handbook . Est. Cash Val. $200-300 . . . ..... ... . ......... . ... .. . ... . . . . .. ... .. . . .. . . . . ... .. . (I , 2DPSR) FINLAND: 1864-74 Im brown, " used" , very fine . ... . . .. . . . ... . ... .. . (Photo) ( I lSR )

0 0 0 0

... . .. . . . . .(Photo) (9SR 1849-50 lfr carmine type A, "used". very fine . . . ............. . . .. ..... .(Photo) (9SR) .. . . .. .. .. . . ... . ..... . . . ....... . . . .. fine very " used " D, lfr type lfr type B, tete-beche pair, "used" , very fine .. . . ... .. .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. . (Photo) (9aSR) lfr vermilion type C, "used", extremely fine . .... . ... .. .. .. ......... . . .(Photo) (8SR)

1024 DP 1025 0 1026 DP 1027 1028

0 0



1030 103 1 1032


* *O * 0

1033 1034 1035 DP 1036




1038 0 1039 0 1040 DP


FRANCE 1042 1043 1044 1045

Lot No. 1046 0 1047 1048 1049 1050 1051


0 0 0 0

Cat. Value lfr type E , "used" extremely fine ........... . ....... . ................. . .. (Photo) (8SR) 1853-60 20c blue, tete-beche pair, "unu sed" with gum , very fine .. (Photo) (15eSR) lfr carmine type C, "used", extremel y fine ..... . . ... ...... .. . ...... . .(Photo ) (21SR) lfr carmine type C "LaRochelle c.d.s. ", very fine . .. . . . ... .... ....... (Photo ) (21SR) lfr type K, pair , " used", extremely fine ............. . ...... ... .... . . .. (Photo ) (21SR) lfr type L, tete-beche pair , "used", very fine .... ....... . . ..... . ..... (Photo) (2laSR)


BAVARIA 1849 lkr black , tete-beche pair , die proof , 73x52mm , type C, unsigned, very fine ... . .... . ...................... . ..... . ......... . .. . ...... .. .(Photo) (lbDPSR) lkr type B, "u nused", very fine ... . .... .. ...... ....... .. . ................. 1053 (Photo) ( ISR) 1054 0 lkr type A, " cancel" type 2c, extremel y fine .. . ... . ...... . .. . . ......... (Photo) (ISR) 1055 0 lkr, type 2 "used", extremely fine ......... . .. ... . . .. .. ... . .. . .. ......... (Photo) (ISR) 1056 * EE BREMEN: 1856-63 5sgr green, blk of 4, pos. B-D, "unused" with gum , very fine (Photo) (8SR) OLDENBURG: 1852-55 1/Jsgr black on green, " unused", very fine .... (Photo) (4SR) 1057 1859 2g black on rose, " unused", very fine .............................. 1058 (Photo) (7SR) 1059 0 3g black on yellow, blue boxed " postmark", very fine ...... . .... . .. . ... .(Photo ) (8SR) 1060 0 1861 1/Jg green, blue "c. d.s .", very fine ............ . . . ... . ............. (Photo ) (lOSR) 1061 0 3g yellow, blue boxed type 16 "cancel", very fine ...................... (Photo ) (15SR) 1062 0 SAXONY: 1850 3pf red , type 18 "ca ncel", very fine .. . . . ... ... .... . ... (Photo) (JSR) 1063 0 3pf, type 28 "c ancel", very fine ..................... . . .. .... . . . . ......... .(Photo ) (ISR) 1064 0 WURTTEMBERG: 1851-52 18kr black on dull violet, type 4c "ca ncel", very fine (Photo) (6SR) 1065 0 1875-1900 2m yellow, " used", very fine ........................ .... . . ... (Photo ) (69SR)


* *

1066 * O

1067 0 1068 0 1069 * O

1070 DP 1071 0 1072 0 1073 DP 1074


1075 DP

Selection of 29 "unused or used", inc.I. Baden 1862 18k green, Bavaria 1849 lk black, Bremen 1856 5g(2), 7g, 5sgr , Brunswick 1852 2sgr(2), 3sgr vermilion, Hanover 1859 ½g black, 10g green (3), Oldenburg 1861 ¼g orange (2), ½g brown (3), lg blue, 2g red (3), Saxcony 1855 !Ong blue (2), etc., mostly very fine and fresh, some B.P.A. hand sta mps, also with pages 40 to 56 from handbook. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ..... . ... .

GREECE: 1861 lL brown , dotted lozenge 18"cancel" , fine, with plate 111 from handbook .................. . ......................... . . . .. . ....... .. ............... ( I SR) HUNGARY: 1871 2k orange , 3k green, 15k brown, " used", fine with plate 110 from the handbook ............ . ... . . .... ... ........................ . ....... ( ISR, 2SR, 5SR) ITALIAN STATES: selection of 21, incl. Naples 2g blue invtd. head "unused or used", Parma 80c (3), Roman States 50b (2), lsc (2), Sardinia 1851 Sc and 40c, 2 each, 1853 Sc, 10c, 20c, invtd heads , Sicily ½g, 5g, 10g, 20g(2), mostly very fine, with plates 59-66 from handbook. Est. Cash Val. $800-1,000 ... . ........ . . . TUSCANY: 1851-52 ls ochre, die proof on wove, 55x72mm, unsigned, very fine (Photo) (2DPSR) TWO SICILIES: Naples, 1860 Savoy Cross ½t blue type A (2), type B and C, one type A with B.P.A. handstamp , others signed, fine, with plates 57-58 from handbook (9SR) LUXEMBOURG: 1859-63 37½c green, type 5 "ca ncels", fine, with plate I 12 from handbook ................... . ... . .. . . .. . . .. . . . . .... . . . .......................... .. ( I JSR) ROMANIA: 1858 108pa black, die proof die sunk on glazed wove 51x68mm, unsigned, very fine ............... . ........... . ..................... (Photo) (3 DP SR) Spa black and 80pa red 1889 50b blue & red, '' unused", fine, with plates 113 and 114 from handbook...... .... . ... . . . . . ... . ........... . ...... . ........ . ... (5SR, 7SR, 42SR) RUSSIA: Offices in Turkish Empire; 1865 (2k) separate die proofs of frame and cliches, unsigned, very fine ............. . .............. . ....... . ...... .... ..... (Photo)

Lot No. 1076 DP 1077 0 1078 0 1079 * O


Cat. Value 1851 Sr black , die proof on glazed wove, 41x60mm , ... ...... . .... (Photo) (9DP SR) . ..... (Photo ) ( I0aSR) 1851 2r blue, error of color, " used". very fine ................. (Photo) (22SR) 1853 Sr light green, " used", fine ........................................ Selection of 11 items, com pr. 1850 12c, Sr, 6r types A and B, lOr "used", 1851 12c " unused", 2r, Sr, 6r, 10r (2) "used", generally fine to very fine, also plates 68 . . . . . .. .... ..... . .... . and 69 from handbook. Est. Cash Val. $600-800 .............

1080 * O

Selection of 39 items , incl. 1852 12c, 2r(4), Sr , 6r , 1853 12c, 2r, Sr, 6r , 1853 Arms le type A, 3c type B, 1854 Ir, Sr , 6r , 1865-66 10c, le, 19c, 1867 19c(2), 1870 19c, 1872 4p, l0p, 1873 4p , lOp, 1874 4r and lOp, etc., mostly fine to very fine, also plates 70-85 from the handbook. Est. Cash ........ .. ......... . . ............. Val. $1,500-2,000 ..........................

SPANISH COLONIES: Group of 5 items, compr. Philippines 1854 !0c carmine, Sc vermilion, 1863 Ir violet, 2r blue, Puerto Rico 80c green, generally very fine, also . . . .. . . plates 86-89 from handbook. Est. Cash Val. $200 ............................. 1082 DPO SWEDEN: 1855 3s yellow, error of color, "used" , very fine . .(Photo Front Cover) (laSR) 24s dull red, 1862-69 170 gray, "used", very fine, with plate 116 from handbook 1083 0 (SSR, lSSR ) 108 1 * O

SWITZERLAND 1084 0 1085 0 1086 0 1087 * 1088 1089 1090 1091

0 0 0 0

1092 0 1093 * O 1094 * 1095 0 1096 DP 1097 0 1098 DP 1099 * O 1100 * O

Zurich: 1843 4r type IV, "ca ned" type D, extremely fine. B.P.A. handstamp (Photo) (ILIS R) (Photo ) .... . .. fine very , le type aned" "c A, type 1850 Winterthur 2½r black & red (11-SSR) 2½r , type 232b "cance l", extremely fine. B.P.A. handstamp .. ...... (Photo) (ILSSR) Geneva: 1845-48 Sc black on yellow green , "unused" with gum , very fine (Photo) (2L3SR) 1849-50 Vaud 4c type A, "used", very fine ...... . . . ..... .. . . ......... (Photo ) (2L5SR) Sc, type Ille "ca ncel", very fine ....... . . .. ......... .. ..... . . . . ...... .. (Photo) (2L6SR) 1850 Neuchatel Sc type B, type 67 "ca ncel", very fine .... . . . ........ (Photo) (2L7SR) Federal Admin istration: 1850 Orts -Post 2Y2r, pair types A and B, type 79a " cancel", . .. (Photo) (lSR) extremely fine. B.P.A. handstamp ................................. Poste Locale 2½r, pair, types A and B,"used" , extremely fine ....... (Photo) (2SR) Group of 9 items, compr. Zurich 6r types II and V, Geneva Sc olive green type II, Vaud Sc, 1850 Poste Locale 2½r type E, 2½r type G, Rayon I Sr, 1852 15c, also ... plates 91-106 from handbook. Est. Cash Val. $600-800 ......................... URUGUAY: 1856 60c blue type A, 80c green type A (pos. 14), lr vermilion type A (Pos. 23), "unused", fine to very fine. 60c and lr B.P.A. handstamp (Photo) (l-3SR) 60c type B (pos. 7), 80c type B (pos.5), lr vermilion type B (pos. 13), " unused", 80c (Photo) ( l-3SR) .... . ................ unsigned, fine to very fine ..... . ................. 1858 120c black type A, die proof die sunk on glazed wove, 66x48mm, unsigned, very fine ... .. ....... . .... . .. ... . .......... . ... . .......... . .... ... . . . . ...... (Photo) (4DP SR) 1859 80c yellow, "used", one of the exhibits and accordingly stamped "copie" on reverse, extremely fine. B.P.A. handstamp . . ..... . .. . . .... ..... . .... (Photo ) (8SR) 120c black, die proof die sunk on glazed wove, 66x49mm, hand stamped and signed .......... .......... . . . ..... .. .(Photo ) (lODP SR) on front, very fine . . . . ............. 1856 60c blue, 80c green (2) all " used", Ir compr. items, 7 of 1856 to 1858, group vermilion (I " unused", 2 " used"), 1858 120c blue " used", with plates 136-137 from . .. ...... ............... handbook. Est. Cash Val. $250-300 ........ . . . ................ 1858 Large Sun 180c green typeA, type 8 (2), 240c red type A and D, with plate 130 . .. .... . from handbook. Est. Cash Val. $250-300 .....................................

wt N o. 1101 * O 1102

Cat. Value 1859 and 1860, group of 13, Sunn types, compr. 80c yellow (3), 100c (4), 120c(3), 180c, 240c(2), " unused or used " with plates 139 to 143 from handbook. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 .... . . . . . .. . . . ... . . . . . . . .... .. . .. . . . . . . . . .. . ....... ... .... ... .. . . .. .. . .... . Jean de Sperati; Balance of the property, compr. text volume from handbook, 8 reproductions incl. France lfr(2 ), also several articles and letters from Sperati with a 1949 request for 2 101b parcels of Spaghetti for which he would exchange "nice things of British or other countries,". Est. Cash Val. $400-500 . .. . . . . . . . .


1840 Watermarked Small Crown lp black, 3 copies, all with margins all round, attractive red MC cancels, fine to very fine. S.G. £420 . .. ... . . ..... . . ... . . . . .. . . .. . . . ... . . .. . . . . .. ..... . .. . . .. . . . .... . .. .. . .(1)


2p blue, Plate I Cancelled by black Maltese Cross unless otherwise noted 1104


1105 1106

0 0

1107 1108 1109

0 0 0

I 110






2p, G-F, mostly very large margins showing portion of adjoining stamp at left, neatly caned. , extremely fine. S.G. £300 .... .... .... .... .. ... . .... . .. ..... .. . .. .(Photo) (2) 400.00 2p, I-A, large even margins, lightly caned., very fine .... ..... .......... .... .(Photo) (2) 400 .00 2p, N-E, full to huge margins showing portion of adjoining stamp at right, neatly caned., very fine .. . .. . .. . . . .. .... . ... .. ...... ....... ....... .. ....... .. .... .(Photo) (2) 400.00 2p, pair, O1-OJ, margins all round , fine to very fine. S.G . £600+ ... .... .. (Photo) (2) 800 .00 + 2p, pair, GC-GD, margins all around , trace of thinning, fine to very fine . .(Photo) (2) 800 .00+ 2p, deeper shade, pair, OD-OE, full to large margins, trace of bend, very fine (Photo) (2) 800 .00 + 2p, 2 pairs, OD-OE, Pl.2 , PD-PE, full to large margins except first j ust touched one place, lovely colors and neatly caned ., former I stamp creased , latter trace of thinning, very fine appearance. S .G . £1350 + .. .... ...... ...... ...... ....... .. .. .. .. .(Photo) (2) 1,600 .00 + 2p, 4 copies, full to large margins and caned . in black , few trifling faults, very fine or better appearance. S.G . £ 1200 . .. ......... ... ... .. .. .... ..... ... . .. . .. ...... ........ .(2) 1,600 .00 Same, 4 copies, all full to large margins, one caned . in red , others black , few trifling faults, fine to very fine appearance ....... ....... .. ..... .. . .... . .. ..... ... . . . .... .. .(2) 1,600 .00 Used on Cover












lp black, extremely fine, tied by red MC on light blue folded letter to London , docketed Jul , 6 1840, one month anniversary of First Day . S .G . £22 5 ........ .. .. .(Photo) (1) 200 .00+ 2p blue, Pl. 1, F-A, close to large margins, fine, tied by black MC cancel on loca l folded letter sheet , faint Appleby and Kendal receiver on reverse . S.G . £650 . . .(Photo) (2) 400 .00+ 1841 Bluish paper 2p blue, Pl.3, DK-DL, EK-EL, blk of 4, full to large margins, fine , tied by slightly smudged " 659" cancels on 1852 oversize folded letter sheet (faulty) to Birkenhead from Rugby, appropriate backstamps, scarce .. .... .. .. ...... .. .. .. .. (4) Used to United States; 1847 Embossed lsh green, 2 copies, 1854 6p red violet, margins to cutting , fair to fine , tied by grid cancels and red rate on 1854 folded letter bearing red PAID arc , Liverpool transit and New York receiver on reverse . Attractive. S.G . £ 1175 . . . . .. . .. .. .. ... . .. .......... .. . .............. ..... . . . .. ...... . .. . . . .(Photo) (5, 7) 800 .00 + Used to Australia; 6p dull violet, large margins to touched , fine , caned. by light grid and tied by pen strokes on envelope (slightly soiled) bearing red " Id " handstamp , SHIP LETTER SYDNEY MR 23 1857 c .d.s. and other mkgs . on reverse. S .G . £475 (Photo) (7a) 250 .00 + 1902-11 Edward VII De La Rue ptg. 2sh6p dull purple, Ssh bright carmine, lOsh ultramarine, o.g. , very fine. S.G. 262, 63, 65, £875 . .. ..... . ... .(Photo) (139-41) 1,675.00

Seahor ses

Cat . Value 1913-18 De La Rue ptg. 2sh6p light brown , Ssh carm ine, lOsh light blue , compl. set , l.h. or o.g ., fine ..... .. ....... . . . ..... . . . .. . . ... ..... . . . .... . . . . ...... (Photo ) (173-75) 3,400 .00 Waterlow ptg. lOsh indigo blue , o.g ., vivid color, very fine. S.G . £500 .(Photo ) ( 175a) 950.00 1919 Retouched 2sh6p gray brown , Ssh carmine rose, lOsh blue, margin copy , compl. set, l.h., handstamp of reverse, very fine. S.G. £545 ......... ..... (Photo ) (179- 181) 1,075.00 (Photo ) (179-8 1) 1,075.00 Compl. set ., o.g. , fine to very fine .... ........ .. ....................... 1959 Graphite-Pho sphor 2p brown , error of wmk. , n.h., very fine. S.G . 605a, £ 190 (Photo ) (320cp) 275.00 Air Post ; 1918 Militar y Flight , Lympne-Marquise on Mulr eady card reproduction bearing double line cachet ARMY POST OFFICE S.20 10 DEC 18 and violet censor unpr. rnkg. , slight discoloration, fine and scarce ... . . . .. . . ..... .. .. . .. .(Photo ) (AAMC 15) 1936 Sept . 4th and 5th , Beryl Markham Fir st East-West Woman 's Solo Flight cros sing the North Atlantic , autographed, extr emely fine. Onl y 26 flown (Photo ) (AAMC1265) 250.00

Lot No.

* 1120 112 1 * * 1122 1123 * ** 1119





1126 DP 18! 1840 Mulready Die proof in black on India , 220xl 60mm , without POSTAGE or valu e, minor edge faults and large repaired tear , also 1861 letter (Royal Academ y Exhibition Dinner reminder ) and envelope (Ip stars ) all in Mulread y's hand ........ ..... ..... .. . .......... . ....... .. . . . ..... (Photo ) 1127

POST OFF ICES ABROAD: Buenos-Ayres; two envelopes, one bearing 4p, pair, to France (1868), some stains, other bearing Jsh and 4p to Italy (1869), !sh folded over, . . . .... .. ... ......... . .(Photo ) .. ....... . ....... . ................ rare pair .. . ............ ANTIG UA: 1862 Unwmkd. 6p, imperf trial color and plate proof in black and green , re specti vely, margins all round, tiny thin, very fine appearance . . . .. ......... . ...... . 6p green , imperf plat e proof on gummed paper , full to lar ge margin s, ver y fine. S.G . ... . .. .. ... .... . .... (Photo ) (IP ) .. ... . . . ... . .. . . . .. . .... . . .. ............. IP .............


I 128 PP

I 129 PP



Wmkd. Wide Crown and Wide A £1 ultramarine & bro wn , I.h. , wmk. translucenc y, (Photo ) (14) 2,500.00 fresh , almost ver y fine ..... .. .. ... .. .. .. ...... ........................... $2 deep rose & black , sheet margin wmk. , lighlty caned., fine. S.G. £1500 (Photo ) (15) 2,750 .00 appearance fine very top, at repair small , cancel. .s. c.d REGISTERED £2, neat (Photo ) (15) 2,750.00

113 1 0 1132 0

Air Post 1133



* 1136 *

I 135

1137 0


1920 Ross Smith Flight, dark blue vignette, extremely fine, tied by clear FIRST AERIAL MAIL GREAT BRITAIN TO AUSTRALIA dated oval on very fre sh envelope bearing violet 3-line VICKERS "VIMY" handstamp and autographed by crew member Keith Smith. Friedl Cert. (Photo Back Cover ) (1890) and signed H. Bloch .. ... ..................... The fines t copy we have seen. Another vignette , small fault s, fine appearanc e used with Neth. Indies 2½c and 10, all tied by FIRST AERIAL MAIL oval pmk s. on hotel envelope (small fault s) to (Photo ) New South Wales .... . .. .. . . ... . ... . . .... .. ................................... Postage Due ; 1931-36 Wmkd. Small Crown and C of A Multiple 6p yellow green & rose , l.h. , brilliant fresh, very fine. SD.G. DII 0, £300 ...... .......... (Photo ) (162) 650.00 BAHAMAS: 1861 Unwmkd. Rough perf 14 to 16 Ip lake , o.g., very fine. Ex Lichtenstein. S.G. 4, £700 . ..... .... .... . ... .. . .. . ... . . .. . . . . . ....... . . . . ... (Photo ) (2) 1,250.00 BARBADOS: 1852-55 Imperf Blued Pap er (4p) brown red , larg e margins extremel y . .... (Photo ) (4) 500.00 + fine. Ex Lichten stein . S.G. 5, £350 .................................

Lot No. I I 38 181

Cat . Value 1856-57 White Paper (lp) pale blue, good margins all round , very fine, tied by " I " in grid on folded letter sheet, bearing transit and ST. LUCIA JU 12 1858 receive r on reverse. S.G . 9, £350 . . . .. .... . . ... .. ...... . .... . ... .. .. .. . . . .. . ... . ... ... .(Photo) (6a) 100.00+ 1875 CC Perf 12½ lsh purple, large part o.g ., brilliant color, almost very fine. S.G. 71, £500 . ... . . . ...... . .. . .... . . ... . .. ...... . . . ... . . . . .. . .... .. .... . ... .. ... .(Photo) (49) 950.00 BECHUANALAND: Wmkd. Orb £1 lilac & black, l.h ., fresh, fine. S.G. 20 , £1000 (Photo) (21) 2,000.00 BERMUDA: 1910-20 MCA George V £1 black & violet on red, neat HAMILTON c.d.s., extremely fine. S.G. 55, £600 ... . ... . . . . .. ... . .. . .. . . ... .. ... .. .(Photo) (54) 1,250.00

* 1140 * 1139

1141 0

1142 0

I 143 0 1144

* 1145 * 1146 6

BRITISH CENTRAL AFRICA: 1895 Provisional lp on 2p gray green & vermilion, vert. pair, DOUBLE SURCHARGE lower stamp, showing "E" of WOVE BANK wmk., BLA TYRE c.d.s ., extremely fine. No more than 10 used copies can exist. S.G. 20a, £2000. B.P.A. Cert. (1965) (Photo) (20a) 3,500.00 1896 CA £1 blue & black, neat cancel , dry print, fine. S.G. 40 , £350 ... .(Photo) (40) 900 .00 BRITISH COLUMBIA AND VANCOUVER ISLAND: 1865 CC Imperf. 10c blue, unused (regummed), full even margins, extremely fine. S.G. £1800 . .(Photo) (4) 2,000.00 1869 Perf 12½ $1 on 3p green, o.g ., tiny comer perf fault , very fine appeara nce . S.G. £600 . .... . ..... . .. . . . ..... .. .. ... .. .......... . ...... . . . . . ... . . . .. . .. . . . . . .. .(Photo) ( I 8) 1,000.00 BRITISH GUIANA: 1905-10 MCA $2.40 green & violet, lightly caned. on small piece , negligible internal wrinkle , still very fine. S.G. £225 .. . .. . .... . ... .. .. .(Photo) (17 1) 375 .00



1148 0 1149 pp

1150 0 1151 0 1152


STAMPLESS: 1849 Red PAID AT QUEBEC LC Crowned Circle handstamp, 2 examples, first on envelope to Lennoxville , other on folded letter to New York, (file fold), appropriate markings , attractive ... .. . . . .. . .. . ... . . . . .. . . .. .(Photo) (S.G . CCI) £300 1851 Laid Paper 6p grayish purple, margin copy, full to large margins other sides, lightly caned., very fine. S.G.2, £900 .. ..... .. ......... . . ... . . .... . ..... .(Photo) (2) 1,000.00 12p black, imperf plate proof on India, ovptd. SPECIMEN vert. at right in blue, margins all round , large 3 sides, fresh , very fine. Ovpt. purportedly a changeling from green, with which we do not agree . B.P.A. Cert. ( 1986) . .. .... ....... .(Photo) (3S) 1852-55 Wove Paper 6p slate gray, full to large margins, neat concentric circ les cancel , very fine. S.G. 10, £950 . .. .. . ... . . ..... ... . . .. ... . .. .. . ..... ... . .. . ... . . . . .(Photo) (5) 1,000.00 6p greenish gray, mostly huge margins showing portion of adjoining stamp, lightly caned., faint handstamp on reverse, extremely fine ... ... . ... . ..... .(Photo) (5b) 1,000.00 1859 Perf 12, 10c black brown, exceptional sheet margin copy except for 3 repaired perfs, tied by 4-ring cancel on envelope to U.S. bearing JY19 1859 MONTREAL c.d.s. on reverse, third week of use. Black browns are very rare on cover. Dale and Jarrett each only having one. Foundation Cert. (1988). S.G. 23, from £3900 (Photo) (16) 2,000.00 + SMALL QUEE

1153 1154




1870-89 le yellow, 2c green, pairs, large margins, Jc crease between stamps barely affecting one, fresh , very fine. S.G. £625 .. . .. . . .. ... .. .. . .. . . .. . .(Photo) (35b, 36a) 750.00 * 63 1888-93 3c bright vermilion, blk of 4, o.g., full to large margins, fresh, very fine. S.G. £700 ... . ......... . .... . ......... . .. .. . .... .. .... ....... ... . .... .. . .. .... . . .(Photo) (41b) 700 .00 Sc blue gray, margin pair, l.h. large margins other sides, negligible gum creasing, very fine. S.G . £450 .... . .. . ... . .... . . . . . . .... .. .... ....... . . . . ...... . ... . . . . . .(Photo) (44b) 500 .00 50c deep blue, pair, o.g. , large margins, fresh, very fine. S.G. £1400 .(Photo) (47a) 1,750.00 181 Used to United States; 1870-889 3c orange red, perfs in 2 sides , tied by violet WELLS FARGO & Co VICTO RIA NOV 30 oval pmk . on envelope with printed frank to San Francis co, red Ship Chandler s handstarnp on reverse . . . . .. . . .. ........ . (Photo) (37c)

* 1156 * 1155


Cat . Value

wt No . 1158


3c dull red, very fine , tied by OTTAWA OC 17 87 duplex on blue Winchester Repeating Shot Gun adverti sing cover (trifle reduced at right) to Mass ., Lowell receiver on .. .. .... . ... . . . . . ..... . .. . . .. . . .. . . ... .. . . .. . . .(Photo) (37) reverse , attract ive ........... 1897 JUBILEE ISSUE

* * 1161 *

½c to 50c, compl., I.h. or o.g., selected for centering, fresh, very fine . ... . .(50-60) . ....... . ... . .. . ... . .. (50-60) Same, l.h . or o.g ., fresh, fine to very fine ........ .......... generally fine to very fine , thin small 0c I 3c, , remnants) (hinge Compl. to 50c, o.g. (50-60) , fine fresh , 2) .g.( o or .(2)/1.h. n.h 4, of 1162 * EE ½c black, Sc dark violet, IOc brown violet, blks to very fine .. . . .. . . ..... . . .. .. . ...... . . . ... ... ... . .. . .... . . . . .. . . .. . . . . .. .. (50 , 56, 57) . .. .. .. .. .. ... . ... ........ .. (Photo) (61) $1 lake, l.h ., fresh , very fine ...... ............... 1163 . . .. ... . . . . . . . .. . . .(Photo) (61) $1, o.g . (hinge remnant ), fine ........ .... .. .. .. . .......... 1164 , fine . . .. . . .(Photo) (61) centered y perfectl almost , thin small ), remnant (hinge .g. $1, o 1165

1159 1160

* * *

902.50 902 .50 902 .50 760 .00+ 700.00 700 .00 700 .00

$2 dark purple 1166 1167 1168 1169

* * * *

$2, $2, $2, $2,

very o.g., faint o.g.

l.h . if at all , brilliant fresh, extremely fine . ......... . .. .. . . . .. .. . . .(Photo) .(Photo) fresh, extremely fine .... .... .. . ....... . ........ .. ...... ........... (Photo) . . . ... .. . . .... . ....... .. . . ..... .. corner bend , vivid color , very fine (Photo) . .... . . .... . . fine , (hinge remnant ), tiny thin spots , deep rich color

(62) (62) (62) (62)

1,350 .00 1,350.00 1,350 .00 1,350 .00

(63) (63) (63) (63)

1,500.00 1,500 .00 1,500 .00 1,500 .00

$3 yellow bistre

* 1171 * 1172 * 1173 *


$3, $3, $3, $3,

o.g. (hinge remnant), brilliant, fresh, extremely fine .......... o.g . (paper hinge remnant ), trifling gum crease , otherwi se very o .g. , wrinkles, fresh, fine .. ......... ...... .. . .. ......... .. ........ .. ....... very l.h. , facial thin , very fine appearance .............

. .. . . . .(Photo) fine .. .(Photo) .. .. .. .(Photo) ..... . .. (Photo)

$4 purple

* * 1176 * 1177 *

1174 1175

.. .(Photo) . .(Photo) .. . . ... .... . .. .. . .... . . . . .... . .. .. .... .... ... $4, o.g., fresh, extremely fine .. (Photo) .. . .... . .. .. . ........ . .. $4, o.g. , tiny perf thin , fresh, very fine . .. ... . . .... .(Photo) . .. . . .. . .. . . . . $4, o.g. , fine . .. . . . . . .. ... . ..... . .. . . .. . ....... . ... . .... . .... ...

$4, rich color, extremely fine ...... ..... .. .... ... .. ..... .. ... .... ........

(64) 1,500.00 (64) 1,500.00 (64 ) 1,500 .00 (64) 1,500.00

$5 olive green

* * *

1178 1179 1180 1181 * EE 1182




$5, very l.h. if at all, extremely fine .. ..... .. .. . .. . .... . .. ... .. .. ..... .. .. .(Photo) (65) 1,500.00 $5, o.g., fresh, extremely fine ... .......... .... . .. .... .. .. . .. . .. ... .... . . .. .. (Photo) (65) 1,500.00 $5, o.g ., rich color , very fine ...... .... .... .. .. ... ......... .. ........ ...... .. (Photo) (65) 1,500.00 1897-98 Maple Leaf le blue green, imperf, blk of 4, o.g . top pair , n.h. (gum skip) bottom pair, huge margins, extremely fine. S .G . £750 .... .. ...... ... . .(Photo) 967a)950.00+ 1903-08 Edward VIl le green, 7c olive bistre, imperf pairs, ungummed , large margins, extremely fine ... . . . . ..... ... ....... . .. . . .. .... ... .. . . . .. (Photo) (89a, 92a) 1,350.00 Used to Alaska; le , perfs cut , tied by violet oval VANCOUVER & SKAGWAY R.P .O . JAN 29 1909 STR PRINCESS MAY datestamp on picture postcard to Ketchikan , receiving duplex alongside, scarce . . .. .. . . .. .... . ... . . . .. . . .. .. . ......... .(Photo) (89)

1184 ** 1§11928-29 50c dark blue, IMPERFORATE CORNER PLATE BLOCK OF SIX, n.h., superb ........ .... .. ........ . .. .. ...... . .. ... .(Photo) (158a) 4,050.00



Lot No.

** 1186 ** 1185

Scott Canada Specialized 1988 edition used fo r this section . Catalogues values in Canadian dollars. Cat . Value 1918 Aero Club of Canada 25c red & black, with numerals, tete-beche pair, n.h. , extremely fine . .. . . . . . . .. .. ................... .. ..... . . ......... . . .. .. .(Photo) (CLP2) 400.00+ Same, tete-beche pair, n.h., some toning, very fine ........ . .. . .. . .. .. (Photo) (CLP20) 400 .00+

Used on Cover I I 87




I I 89


1190 1191









Toronto-Ottawa Flight; 25c red & black, with numerals, very fine, tied by fancy green AEROPLANE AUG 26 1918 cachet on neat blue Regis. envelope with Admiral 3c brown, Sc dark blue, tied by Toronto roller, bearing AU 26 c.d .s. and violet boxed AERIAL MAIL handstamp , additional Toronto and Ottawa sameday c.d. s.'s on reverse. 103 pieces carried .... .. .. . ....... . ...... . .(Photo) (CLPl ) 600.00 Same, faults, fine appearance , tied by violet boxed AERIAL MAIL TORONTO . CANADA. AUG 27 1918 cachet on reverse of envelope (dirty) with War Tax 2c brown on front, tied by OTTAWA AUG 25 c.d .s. and bearing ms. "By Aerial Mail" and green cachet. Very little carried ..... . . .... . .. . . . .. . . . .(Photo) (CLPl ) 600.00 1919 $1 red & brown, extremely fine, tied by blue boxed AERIAL MAIL AUG 26 1919 TORONTO CANADA datestamp on reverse of envelope (exploded) to New York, bearing 3c Adm iral , attractive ........ .. .. .... ........ . ..... .. . . . ..... .(Photo) (CLP3) 350 .00 Almost identical cover dated AUG 25 , to Philadelphia ......... . . . . . ... .(Photo) (CLP3) 350 .00 1926-27 Patricia Airways S0c black & red on blue green with "FED" monogram, pulled corner perf , tied by SIOUX LOOKOUT AU 2 26 c .d.s. on reverse of cover (slightly soiled), showing Air Service routes to Sioux Lookout from Woman Lake, 2c Admira l on front, attractive .................. . ... . . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . .. .(Photo) (CLI 8a) 250 .00 AIR POST: 1930 Canada-Argentina First Flight; 1928-29 10c green, S0c dark blue, very fine , tied by MONTREAL CANADA MY 2 30 c.d .s . 's on envelope bearing proper violet cachet and pilot' s signature, Buenos Aires duplex on reverse , attractive (Photo) ( 155 , 158) Balbo Flight; 1897 $1 lake and 1928-29 S0c Bluenose, also Air Post 1932 6c, all fine, tied on Regis. cover from Montreal to Chicago, pmkd . JUL 15th , 1933 , addressed to N.Y. with Jul. 17th receiver .... .. ...................... .. .... .(Photo) (61 , 158 , C3) REGISTRATION: 1875-88 Sc blue, o.g., small wrinkle , fresh, very fine .(Photo) (F3) 450 .00 CAPE OF GOOD HOPE 1853 Bluish Paper

1195 0

Ip brick red, slightly blued paper, SQUARE PAIR, mostly large margins all round, very fine. S.G. 3, £400+ . . . . ....... ...... . .............. .. ........ .... .. . (Photo) (1)


Deeply Blued Paper 1196 0 1197 0 1198


1199 0 1200 0



lp pale brick red, SQUARE PAIR, sheet margin wmk. , margins all round , large 3 sides , lightly caned ., extremely fine . Ex Joseph . S.G. I , £550 + .. .... .(Photo) ( I a) 950 .00 + lp deep brick red, SQUARE PAIR , good to large margins, lightly caned ., crease , full rich color, very fine appearance . S.G . l a, £600+ .. ................ .... .(Photo) ( l a) 950 .00+ 4p blue, part o.g. , mostly large margins all round, faint corner crease, lovely color and fresh, almost very fine. S.G. £2000 .. ... . . .. ... . ... . . . .... ... . ... .(Photo) (2a) 3,000.00 4p, SQUARE PAIR, enormous margins all round, lightly caned. , lovely color, extremely fine. £320+ ........ ...... .. .... ...... .. .. .... .. .... .. .... . . .. .(Photo) (2a) 600.00+ 4p, SQUARE PAIR, mostly large margins, close one spot, clear grid cancel , rich color and sharp impression, almost very fine ....... .. .. . ... . . . .. .. . ... . . . .. .. . . (Photo) (24) 600 .00 + 1855-58 White Paper Ip rose, SQUARE PAIR, o.g ., good margins to barely touched , fine to very fine . S .G . Sa, £900 + . . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . ............. . ... .. ......... . . ... .. .... ... (Photo) (3) 1,300 .00+

wt No.

Cat. Value tear, tiny creases, light round, all 4p blue, square pair, RED CANCELS, margins fine appearance, very rare. S.G. 6 .. . . .... . .. . ..... . . . ......... . ..... .. .(Photo) (4)

1202 0






lsh bright yellow green, part o.g., full to large margins all round, lovely color and fresh, superb. Exceedingly rare in sound condition. S.G . 8, .(Photo) (6) 3,750.00 £2500 ........................................................... lsh , traces of o.g. , full margins all round, 2 barely visible creases, fabulous deep rich color, very fine appearance. Ex Maria de La Queillerie . ... . ... . .. . .. .(Photo) (6) 3,750.00

OF EIGHT, disturbed o.g., mostly *[§)lsh deep dark green, SQUARE BLOCK , beauitful color and fresh, still a very huge margins, negligible faults fine. and impressive multiple. S.G. Sa, £1800+ ...... .(Photo) (6a)


lsh, mostly enormous margins, neatly caned., extremely fine. S.G. £500 .(Photo) (6a)

1206 0


1861 "Wood Block" Issue 1207






1210 1211

0 0

Ip vermilion, margins all round, lightly caned., closed tear at bottom , very fine . .. .. . . .(Photo) (7) appearance. S.G. 13, £2000 ...... .. .. .. .. . ......................... appearance fine crease, corner usual , caned. neatly spot, on except Ip, margins (Photo) (7) appearance fine repairs, and faults small , caned. lightly , spot Ip, full margins, close one (Photo) (7) Ip, grid cancel, repaired at bottom, fine appearance ..... .. . . . . .. . .. . ........ .(Photo) (7) 4p pale milky blue, grid cancel, repairs, fresh , very fine appearance. S.G. 14, £ 1,500 (Photo) (9) 4p pale gray blue, margins all round , lightly caned ., ever so faint corner crease, fine. ...... .(Photo) (9) . .... .......... ............ S.G. 14a, £ 1500 ...... .. . . .... ............. 4p, repaired at right, small faults, very fine appearance ..... . .. . ..... ..... .. .(Photo) (9) 4p gray blue, full to large margins, lightly caned. , small tear and thin spot , lovely co lor, .. . .(Photo) (9) extreme ly fine appearance. S .G . 14a var . .............................


0 0

1213 1214

1215 1216




3,500.0 0 3,500.00 3,50 0 .00 3,500.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3,000.00 3 ,000 .00

4p deep bright blue, margins all round, lightly caned., 2 tiny thin spots, fine. a very rare stamp. S.G. 14c, £4500 .... .... .... . .. . ... .(Photo) (9a) 6,500.00


4p, good to enormous margins, small faults, rich color, extremely fine appearance (Photo) (9a) 6,500.00 crease, very pressed caned., lightly margins, enormous to good blue, 4p deep bright .(Photo) (9a) 6,500.00 . . . ......................... fine appearance ......... . .................... 1863-64 De La Rue Issue



Ip brownish red, small part o.g., good to large margins, extremely fine. S.G. 18b, ...... (Photo) (12) 240.00 + .... .. .. .. . . ... . . ........ . .. . . . .... . . .............. £350 ... . ........... No Lot Ip deep carmine red, SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF EIGHT, large part o.g., good to enormous margins other sides, beautiful rich color and fresh, very fine. A . (Photo) (12a) 1,680.00+ brilliant and rare multiple. S.G . 18, £800+ . ....................... 6p bright mauve, unused, good to large margins, portions of sheet margin wmk., 2 faint creases, incredible deep color and fresh, superb. Ex Maria de La Queillerie. . . . . .. .... .. . .(Photox) (14) 300.00 ............... S.G. 20, £150 . .. . ... ....... . . . .............. fine. £450 .(Photo) (14) 600.00 extremely , caned. lightly 6p, thin paper, enormous margins, .(Photo) ( 14) 600.00 ........... fine very , cancel numeral boxed neat margins, 6p, mostly huge lsh bright emerald green, o.g ., full to huge margins, fresh, superb. S.G. 21, £350 (Photo) (15) 650.00 lsh, TRIANGULAR BLOCK OF FOUR, o.g., good margins except just in at bottom right, light crease affecting one stamp, lovely deep color and fresh, very fine and .(Photo) (15) 2,600.00+ rare multiple. S.G. 21, £1400+ .......................................

1219 1220


122 1


1222 1223 1224 1225

0 0

* *[§)

Lot No . 1226 6

Cat. Value 1900 Issued in Mafeking; 6p on 3p red violet, light c.d.s. cancel on small piece, fine. Ex Lichtenstein .. . ... .. . ... ... . . ....... . .. . . . ... . . . .. . ............ . .... .. .(Photo) (165) 600.00 lsh on 4p, tied by MYI I c.d.s. on small piece, very fine. Ex Lichtenstein . S.G . 5, £325 (Photo) (166) 600.00 COOK ISLANDS: 1967 Surchd. set of three, n.h., very fine. S.G. 219-21, £540 (Photo) (192-94) I, 150.00 Compl. set, neat c.d.s. cancels, very fine ....... . ... ... .. ...... .. . . . . . (Photo) (192-94) 1,150.00 CYPRUS: 1921-23 MCA George V I0sh green & red on yellowish, neatly caned., fresh and fine, rare used. S.G. 100, £475 ........... .. . . ......... .... .(Photo) (87) 1.250.00 1924-28 £1 violet & black on red, "socked on nose" NICOSIA MR 18 27 centered, very fine. S.G. 102, £400 ...... . ....... ... ...... .. . . . .... . .. (Photo)c.d.s., (110) 750.00 DOMlNICA: 1882 Bisects ½p on lp violet, types "b" and "c", BLOCKS OF 12 EACH, fine to very fine, tied by "A07" 3cancels on Regis. envelope to St. bearing DOMINICA JY 13 83 c.d.s. and receiver, very rare. Ex Charlton Kitts Henry, Seybold and Lichtenstein .. .. . . .... . .. . ...... . .. .. . . ... . .. . . .... .. .. .(Photo) (11, 12) 1914 George V Ssh green & scarlet on yellowish, very fine, used with War Tax ½p on ½p, 2 copies, and Ip , all tied by DOMINICA G.P.O . OC 5 18 c.d. s.' s on Regis. envelope to England, London pmk. on reverse .. ... . .. ... .. . . .. . .. .(Photo) (54, etc.) EAST AFRICA AND UGANDA PROTECTORATES: 1903 CC Edward S0r orange brown & black, o.g., faint crease, fresh, fine. A stamp not found in neither Rossiter or Dawson collections. S.G. £1300 ... . ... ... ... .... .... . .... .. (Photo) the (16) 2,500.00

1227 6 1228


1229 1230

0 0











1236 0

GIBRALTAR: 1921-32 Script George V £5 dull violet & black, very l.h., very fine. S.G. £1800 ........•.•................ (Front Cover Photo) (93) 3,500.00 INDIA: 1852 SCINDE DISTRICT ½a blue, full to large margins all round, lightly cancelled and superb. As fine an example as can exist. B.P.A. (1979)................................................ (Enlarged Photo) (A2) 6,000.00




POSTAL HISTORY 1825 red CHARITY LETTER in scroll handstamp (F&K 231) on printed document front from the "Irish Society, for promoting the Education of the native Irish, through the medium of our Language" to Newcastle, rare .. . ... .. ..... .(Photo)

Stamps of Great Britain 1840 Ip black, 2 copies, mostly full to large margins, fine to very fine, tied cancels on separate folded letters, first 1840 to Antrim, other 1841 to Dublinby MC bearing red Dublin diamond datestarnp, attractive ...... .. ....... . ....... . ... .... , both . .. ( I) 1239 18! 2p blue, Pl.I, D-L, full margins, trifle toned, fine, tied by MC cancel on 1843 O.H.M Service sheet to Armagh from Moy, cover bears black MOY JU 9 1843 c.d.s. . on reverse .... . ........ ... . ... . ........ . ......... .. .. . .......... . . . ............. .(Photo) (2) 1240 018! 1840 and 1841 Dublin Maltese Cross, 1840 2p blue, 3 copies, 1841, 11 copies, cover, another strip of 3, mostly 3 or 4 margins all round, all caned. in black,one on mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $200-250 . .... . ... . . . .. . ........... . . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. ... ...... . 1241 18! Mulready Envelope Ip black, stereo A 175, caned. by red MC, backstamped Liverpool, Dublin and Derry, May 29-31, 1840 (4th Sunday), scarce early usage .(Photo) (U I) (200.00) 1242 18! lp black, 2 letter sheets and 1 envelope, all to England, originating from Castleder mot, Cork or Dublin (1845), few small faults, an interesting group. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 1243 018! 1844 Irish Services Diamond cancels, group of 31 items, incl. 1840 Ip and usage), covers (10), multiples, good variety of numerals, mixed condition to2p (late very fine . .. . ... .... . . . . . . .. .. ..... . ... ....... . . . ... . . .. .. . ........ .. .. . .. .. (M/W fine to Kl-4) £988.00 1244 O e 1847 Embossed lsh green, 1848 IOp red brown, pair, margins large to just touched, " 172" in diamond grid cancels (Derry), very fine .... ..... . .. .. ..... .. (Photo) (5, 6) 1,350.00 1238


Lot No. 1245 181





Cat. Value 1849 on cancel grid diamond in 172" " Derry by tied fine, lsh, full to large margins, very folded letter sheet to New York, cover bears red PAID and 5 CENTS ares, transits on . (Photo) (5) 250.00 + reverse. M/W K19, £375 .. ... . . . .......................................... lsh and lOp, used on separate envelope (1853) or folded letter ( 1849), latter with additional 1841 2p blue, to U.S. , stamps mostly margins 3 sides, fine, to Philadelphia from Belfast, latter to New Hampshire from Garvagh, appropriate Br. Pkt, 5 CENTS . ....... .. (4-6) and transit markings, attractive. M/W KI 8, 17 £925 ....... .. ........... 1856 to 1862, 4p to lsh , group of 4 covers to New York or Massachusetts, incl. 1856 6p pair from Kilmallock, lsh from Roscommon, both to New York, 1862 lsh from Belfast to Andover, usual transit markings, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $150-200 (27, 28, 34, 42) GENERAL ISSUES


1922 Dollard ½p green, lp scarlet, invtd. ovpt., former margin copy, l.h., very fine. . ...... .(Photo) (la, 2a) 950.00 M/W £700 . . . .. . .. ... ........ .... ............................. and Ssh one stamp 2sh6p 4, of blks blue, gray lOsh rose, carmine Ssh brown, 1249 * EB 2sh6p each short third line variety, lOsh two examples of same variety, n.h. or o.g., few ... ... . .. ........ (Photo) (12-14) 1,360.00 + small tone spots , very fine appearance ............. l0sh, vert. pair, top stamp major retouch (R2/1), o.g. , fine. M/W Tl4 , b, £465 1250 uni. (Photo) ( 14, var.) Control Number coll. of 81 items, chieOy in blks of 6 and strips of 3, few pairs, n.h. 125 1 to o.g., incl. identified settings, 4p with break over "F OUR" in black and red (M/WTSa, 10a), generally fine to very fine, an interesting group .......... (1- 11)£ 1500.00 1922 to 1927, Seahorses 2sh6p to lOsh, group of 12, compr. 1922 Dollard, 1922-23 1252 Thom 3-line, 1925-27 wide and narrow dates , l.h. or o.g. , wide date 2sh6p with tone spots, fresh and generally fine to very fine . .(12-14, 56-58, 77-79, 77b-79b) 1,407.50 1922 (Feb) Alex. Thom 2p orange, Die I , 1922 (July-Nov) 2p, Die II, invtd. ovpt., 1253 . .... .(Photo) ( 156c, 26a) 650.00 ... ............. o.g. , fine to very fine .. . ....................


* * *




1922 (Ju ly-Nov.) Control Number coll. of over 150 items, chieOy in blks of 6 and strips of 3, n.h. to o.g., incl. great variety of plates , 4p with break over "FOUR" M/W T32a (2copies), generall y fine to very fine.(Photo ) (23-35) £4500.00 +

Sea Horses

* 1256 * 1257 * 1258 0 1259 * 1255


2sh6p gray brown, Ssh carmine rose, lOsh gray blue, l.h., lOsh crackly o.g., fresh, . .. .(Photo) (36-38) 2,050.00 very fine. M/W £1605 . . .......................................... Same, l.h . or o.g. , 2sh6p and Ssh brownish gum, fine to very fine .. . .(Photo) (36-38) 2,050.00 Same, margin copies, l.h. or o.g., 2sh6p creased, fine to very fine . .. .(Photo) (36-38) 2,050.00 . .......... . . . .(Photo) (37) 400 .00 Ssh, neat Dublin c.d.s. , very fine. M/W £290 ... ............. . .. . . . .... .. .. (Photo) 38) 1,500.00 ........... ... ... £1250 lOsh, l.h ., fresh, almost very fine. M/W


1922-23 Control umber coll. of over 275 items, chieOy in blks of 6, some strips of 3 and blks of 24, n.h. to o.g., incl. 49 break over "FOUR" (M/W T53a, 8), variety of plates, shades , selvage markings, generally fine to very fine, an interesting and valuable collection . . . . .. (44-55) £6700.00 + Seahorses

1261 * EB 2sh6p light brown , Ssh carmine rose, lOsh gray blue, blks of 4, l0sh corner blk, stamps n.h., others n.h.(2) /o.g.(2), negligible gum wrinkling, very fine. M/W . ..... . .... . ..... . . ... ... .. ... . ..... . .. . . .. . . ... . . .(Photo) (56-58) 1.490.00 + £1576 + ............. pairs, top stamp of each "S" over "E", o.g ., fresh, very margin vert. set, Compl. 1262 . . . ... ..... . .. . . .. ... . ... . .. (Photo ) (56-58, vars.) 745.00+ fine. M/W £760 .....................


Lot No . 1263

Cat. Value corner blk of 4, top right stamp major re-entry (Rl /2) additionally showing ovpt. variety raised second "A"in "SAORSTAT", n.h. (2)/o.g. (2), fresh extremely fine. M/W T59,a, £1355.00 ... .. . ........ ................ .(Photo) (56, var) unpr. 2sh6p, left margin pair , right stamp accent omitted, l.h ., very fine. M/W £510+ (Photo) (56, a) 647 .50 + 2sh6p , vert. margin pair, top stamp accent re versed , o.g., variety tiny thin, otherwise very fine. M/W £6 10 . . ......... . .............. . ... . .. .. ..... . .... . . . .. .(Photo ) (56, b) 647.50+ Compl. set, neat c.d .s. cancels, fine to very fine .... . .. ....... .. . ... . .. .(Photo ) (56-58) 555.00 Ssh, margin blk of 4, top right stamp accent omitted, l.h . or o.g., very fine. M/W £805+ . .......... ... . ......... . .......................................... (Photo ) (57, a) 1, 100.00+ Ssh, margin pair, right stamp accent reversed, l.h ., fresh, very fine. M/W, £760+ (Photo ) (57, b) 1,000 .00 +


* 1265 * 1264

1266 0 1267



* 1269



1271 1272


lOsh, vert. pair, bottom stamp accent reversed , l.h., extremely fine. M/W £3140+ ..... . . . .......... ... ... .... . ... . . . .... . .. .. .. . . ... .. .(Photo ) (58, b) 4,225.00 lOsh, corner copy, major re-entry (Rl/1), stamp n.h., fresh, fine. M/W T6la , £500 (Photo) (58 var.)


lOsh, Runnals re-entry (R6/l), o.g. , fresh , almost very fine. M/W T61c, £2800 ........................ . ... .. ... .. . .............. . ... (Photo) (58 var.)



*El31922-23 Government

Printing Office ½p to lsh , compl. set, blks of 4, mostly margin or comer blks, n.h. or l.h ., fresh, fine to very fine . ..... .. . . . . . ... . .......... (65-76)


1925-27 Seahorses 1273


1274 1275

*El3 OEl3

Narrow Setting 2sh6p gray brown, Ssh rose red , lOsh gray blue (broken "S" plate), blks of 4, 2sh6p left margin, n.h. (2)/1.h.(2) extremely fine. M/W £1210 + (Photo ) (77-79) 1,200.00 + Same , margin or corner blks , n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), fine to very fine . . ...... (Photo) (77-79) 1,200.00 + Compl. set, left margin blks of 4, neat c.d.s. cancels, fine to very fine. M/W £1560+ (Photo) (77-79) 1,820.00+

" 1922" Wide and Narrow 2sh6p gray brown, Ssh rose red , l0sh gra y blue , vert. pairs, 2sh6p right margin pair, l.h., extremely fine .......... . . ... ............ ..... ............... .. (Photo) (77a-79a ) 2,700.00 2sh6p, margin blk of 4 compr. 2 vert. pairs , extremely fine. M/W £700+ .(Photo ) (77a) 650.00 + Ssh, margin pair, o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh, very fine . M/W £425 . .... (Photo ) (78a) 625.00 Ssh, blk of 4 compr. 2 vert. pairs , n.h. (1)/1.h.(1), extremely fine. M/W £1125+ (Photo) (78a) 1,250.00 + Ssh, vert. margin pair , top stamp inverted "T", l.h ., very fine. M/W T70a, £575 (Photo ) (78a var.) uni. lOsh, margin pair, stamp, n.h., very fine. M/W £1350 ..... .. . . .. .. ... .(Photo) (79a) 1,750.00





* 1280 * 1281 **

1278 1279


* 1283 * 1282

1284 0 1285

"1922" Wide Setting 2sh6p gray brown, Ssh rose red, lOsh gray blue, compl. set, l.h ., fine to very fine. M/W £287 ... . .. .. .. . . . ....... .. . . .. .. . . . .. . . ....... . ............. . .... ........ (77b-79b) Compl. set, margin copies each Oat tailed " 9" in "1922", o.g ., very fine. M/W T72-74V42, £520 ...... .. .. . . . ..... ... ........... . . . . . . . . . . .. .. (Photo ) (77b-79b vars.) Same, neat c.d .s. cancels, fine to very fine. £560 . . . . ..... .... . .(Photo) (77b-79b vars.)


set, bottom left corner blks of 4, topright stamps circumflex accent (R9/2), n.h.(2)/1.h.(2 ), negligible selvage creases , fresh, very fine. M/W T72, b, 73, b, 74, a , £2461 + . . .. . . .. ... . ...... .(Photo) (77b-79b, vars.)

395.00 uni. uni.

Lot No.



Cat. Value a, 72, T M/W fine. very , l.h. missing, accent stamp top 2sh6p, vert. margin pair, uni. . . . ...... (Photo) (77b var.) . .... . ................... £432+ . . ... . ...... . . .. .. ........... in spot small stamp right bottom crease, pair vert. l0sh, blk of 4, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), left . .... . ....... (Photo) (79b) 1,000.00 + margin, fine. M/W £720 + ... . . . .. .. ... . . ................... 4 wide and narrow date compr. (2x6), 12 of blk Composite ovpt. 2sh6p, left margin pairs and 4 stamps showing wide date , n.h.(9 )/1.h. (3), one stamp "S" inserted by hand, some folding through perfs, fresh and generally very fine. M/W £1128+ (77, a) 1,435.00+

*EE 1288 *[§]



Ssh, bottom **[§]



* 1292 *



half of sheet of 20, compr. 5 wide and narrow date pairs and 10 stamps showing narrow date, n.h. except one date pair, some significant perf separation but not affecting wide/narrow pairs, fresh (78, a) 3,825.00 + and generally very fine. M/W £4075 + . . . . .. . .................. bottom half of sheet of 20 compr, 5 wide and narrow date pairs and 10 stamp s showing narrow date , stamps n.h., fresh and generally very fine. A remarkable multiple. M/W £11550+ ....... (Photo) (79, a) 10,550.00+

Re-engraved set of three , margin or corner copies, 1.h., fine to very fine (Photo) (93-95) Same, l.h ., Ssh small thin, fine to very fine ..... .... . ....... . .... . . .. . . .(Photo) (93095)

*EE1935 Comp!. set, corner

915.00 915.00

blks of 4, Ssh and lOsh top right stamp, flat accent , very l.h. if at all, extremely fine. M/W T-75-77, a, £3192+ . ... (Photo ) (93-95 var.) 3,660.00+ END OF MORNING SESSION

BIDDING LEVELS Upto$150 $150-$ 300 $300-$ 700 $750-$1 ,500 Over $1,500

$5 $10 $25 $50 approximately 5%

Bids which do not conform to the above will be automatically reduced to the correct level.


THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1991 AFTERNOON SESSION at 1:30 p.m. Lot No . 1294 0

* 1296 * 1295

1297 0

Cat. Value KUWAIT: 1923-24 Wmkd. Star George V IOr carmine & green, lightly caned. , fine, quite rare used, S.G. £450 ..... . ................ . ............... .. ....... (Photo) ( 150) 500.00+ NATAL: 1904-08 MCA Edward VII £1 IOsh violet & orange brown , l.h., rich colors, very fine. S.G. £1100 . .................................................. (Photo) (109) 2,500.00 £1 lOsh, I.h., fresh, fine ........................ .. . .. .. .. . . ... ........ . . . ... (Photo) (109) 2,500.00 NAURU: 1916-23 2sh6p yellow brown , Ssh bright carmine, lOsh deep bright blue, neat c.d .s. cancels, centered and a very fine set. ........... . ...... . .. (Photo) (13-15) 1,425.00

1298 cas:

NEW BRUNSWICK: Trinidad 1884 ½p green wrapper to New York caned. by rare ST. JOHN NB/SHIP LETTER s.l. and bearing violet Forwarded by JULIAN H. ARCHER & Co/PORT OF SPAIN, TRINIDAD forwarding agent 's cachet, a lovely and rare usage . .. . .................. (Photo) NEWFOUNDLAND

1299 0



1857 Wove Paper With Mesh 4p scarlet vermilion, mostly very large margins all round, lightly caned. extremely fine. S.G. 4, £2500. Royal Cert. (1976)........................................... (Enlarged Photo) (4) 3,250.00 Sp scarlet vermilion, very large margins. rich color, extremely fine. S.G. £190 (Photo) (8)

1301 0


1860 No Mesh lsh orange, good margins all round, creases and thins, neat grid cancel, fresh color, fine looking coyp of this rare stamp. S.G. 15, £7000 ............................. . ................... (Enlarged Photo) (15) 7,000.00 Used on Cover





1868-94 Perf 12 6c dull rose, fine, tied by cork and c.d.s. cancel to 1874 envelope, (small faults), to England, cover bears red PAID LIVERPOOL BR PACKET 16 OC 74 3A c.d.s. and Poole receiver on reverse ......... . .. .. ........ .. .... . .. ... . ... (Photo) (35) 1897-1901 2c vermilion, very fine, tied by grid cancel to beauitful 3 color Rule Britannia patriotic post card to United States, bearing ST. JOHNS NEWFD FE 18 01 c.d .s. and N.Y. PAID ALL prnk... .. . . . ... .......................... . .... ...... ..... (Photo) (82) Air Post

1304 cas:

1921 Halifax 35c, both spacings on separate flown envelope, each tied by ST. JOHNS NFLD duplex cancels dated respectively NOV 22, NOV 21 1921. S.G. 148a, g, £400 (C3)

1305 cas:

1927 De Pinedo Flight 60c black , centered, couple of toned perfs, by ST. JOHNS MAY 20 1927 duplex cancel on envelope to bearing a correct Rome transit and boxed cachet on reverse. popular. Friedl Cert. (1982). Signed H. Bloch . .. . ... .(Photo)

fine, tied England, Rare and (C4) 15,000.00+

Cat. Value 1932 DO-X $1.50 on $1 blue, fine, tied by First Day ST. JOHNS NFLD MAY 19 1932 duplex on envelope to Scotland ....................................... .. (Photo) (Cl2) 475.00+ $1.50 on $1, fine, very similar First Day mkgs. on envelope to England, Harbor Grace receiver on reverse ............ ... ............................. . ........ . .(Photo) (C12) 475.00+ 1933 Balbo $4.50 on 75c bistre, fine, tied by ST. JOHN ' S NEWF'D 26 JUL 33 c .d .s. on envelope to Rome bearing appropriate turquoise cachet and numerous backstamps (Photo) (C l8) 700.00+ Same, small nick, fine appearance, tied by identical pmk. on envelope , cachet in blue, numerous transits and receiver on reverse .............................. (Photo) (C18)700.00+-

Lot . No.









1310 0

1311 0

NEW SOUTH WALES: 1850 Plate II Early Impression 2p intense blue on yellowish wove, full to large margins, grid cancels, extremely fine ......... ... .(Photo) (Sh) 1851 Plate IV 2p blue, Pos. 4, SHEET MARGIN COPY, large margins, rare "24" (Dapto) cancel, superb. Ex Lichtenstein, Pack. S.G. 34, £140 .. . .... .(Photo) (6) 3p green on grayish wove, large margins all round, extremely fine ..... .(Photo) (9) 1852-55 Plate I Ip chalky blue, block of six, Pos. 21, 22-41, 42, margins all round except on spot, neat " 64" (West Mastland) cancels , few small faults, very fine looking multiple. S.G. 53 , £360 + ..................... .. ...................... .. .. (Photo) (14)

1312 0 1313 0 1314 0 ~


NEW REPUBLIC: 1886 Handstamped Ip black on yellowish, 9 JAN 86 (3rd day of issue) partial c.d.s. cancels, 2 insignificant tone spots, not mentioned in either certificate, very fine. Incredibly rare in sound condition. Royal Certs. (1979, 1980). ............ .. (Enlarged Photo) (1) 7,500.00


825.00 425.00 426.00 600 .00+

1853 6p brown, Pos. 7, o.g., margins all round, tiny thin spot, rare in this condition. Ex Lichtenstein, Pack. S.G. 77, £1800 ......... .. (Photo) (19) 3,000.00

1316 O EB Ip brick red, blk of 4, Pos. 1, 2, 11, 12, margins to just touched one spot, neat "99" (Walgett) cancels, faults or small repairs, very fine appearance, rare multiple . Ex Lichtenstein. S.G. 48 , £400+ ... . . . ..... ..... ........... . .......................... (13)


NEW ZEALAND 1317 0 1318 0 1319 0 1320 0 1321


1322 0 1323 0

1324 0 1325 0 1326 0 1327 0 1328


1855-58 Auckland Print Ip orange red on blue paper, margins all round, clear to huge, lightly caned., fine. S.G. 4, £1400 ...................... . ........ .(Photo) (4) 2,000.00 2p blue, large to enormous margins, lightly caned., superb. Ex Lichtenstein. S.G. 5, £300 ..... . .................... . .. . ...... . . . ................................. .(Photo) (5) 450.00 + 1858-61 Unwmkd. Thick Soft White Paper 6p brown, PAIR, margins all round except just touched at one spot , neatly caned. , 2 negligible comer creases, fresh , fine to very fine. Ex Lichtenstein. S.G. 14, £600+ .................. ........ ..... . ............. (9) 1,000.00+ 6p chestnut, large to enormous margins showing portion of adjoining stamp at top, neat cancel, extremely fine. S.G. 15, £500 ......... . ...... . . .......... .(Photo) (9f) 850.00 1862-63 Wmk. Large Star 3p brown lilac, o.g., large margins all round, fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 40, £275 ..................................... . .... .(Photo) (13) 450.00 lsh deep yellow green, full to huge margins all round, lightly caned., fresh, extremely fine. S.G. £150 . ............ . . . . . . . ....... .. .. . ......................... . .(Photo) (15) 250.00 1862 Unwmkd. Pelure Paper Imperf 1 sh deep green, reconstructed PAfR on piece of paper , margins to touched at one spot, faint crease , separation mostly in margin , rare. Ex Lichtenstein. S.G. 86, £1600 .... ... ... ............................. .. (Photo) (25b) 3,000.00 1863 Perf 13 2p pale dull ultramarine, centered DUNEDIN cancel, small thin, fine and quite rare. S. G. 92 , £550 ..... ..................... ...... ..... ......... .(Photo) (22b) 850.00 1872 Wmkd. Lozenges 2p vermilion, RETOUCHED, well centered for this issue, almost very fine. S.G . 142a, £800. Brandon Cert. (1977) .. . .. .... .(Photo) (50 var.) unpr. 1913 Exhibition set of four, neatly caned., 6p on small piece by exhib. cancel , 3p comer crease, fine to very fine. S.G. 412-15. £350 ..... ... ... .... ....... (Photo) (130d-37d) 815.00 Postal-Fiscal; 1939 35sh on 35sh yellow, neatly caned., very fine. S.G . Fl86, £200 (Photo) (AR70) 475.00 Postage Due; 1899 Wmkd. N.Z. and Small Star Wide Apart Sp to Ssh carmine and green, comp!. , o.g. , usual centering , a fine and rare group , S.G. D2-4, 8, £345 (Photo) (18-11) 665.00

Lot. No. 1329 0

Cat . Value NIGER COAST PROTECTORATE: 1893 Y2p to 2Y2p violet on bluish, type "e" surch. in vermillion, lightly caned., very fine. S.G . 12, £325 .. .. . . . ... .(Photo) (2) 450 .00 NIUE: 1903 Wmkd. N.Z. and Star Close Together lsh orange red, error "TAHAE" 1330 * as one word, I.h., fine and rare. S.G. 15, £650 ... .... . .... . ...... . .. (Photo) (13c) 1,500.00 1331 ** Ovptd. set of four, perf 11, margin copies, n.h., extremely fine . . .. ..... .(116a-19a) 93.50+ 1332 **EE Same, bottom margin blks of 4, n.h., extremely fine. Very rare multiple. Only 2500 copies kown . . .. . ..... . ..... . ... ..... ... .... . . .. ... . ... . ...... ...... (Photo) (116a-19a) 374.00 + + Compl. set, lightly caned ., used copies are exceedingly rare ..... (Photo) (116a-19a) 110.00 1333 0 1334 0 NORTH BORNEO: Semi Postals; 1918 Red Cross surchd. set compl., neat cancels and fresh, very fine. S.G. 214-34, £1000 ..... .. .. ................ (Photo) (B14-30) 1992.50


1915-16 Wmkd. Wide Crown and Wide A £1 ultramarine and brown, S.G. type "b", neatly caned., rich colors, extremely fine. S.G. 85, £750 ........... .(Photo) (10) 1,500.00 1336 ** Wmkd. Wide Crown and Narrow A lp carmine, Die la , pair in center of strip of 4 with normal, n.h., 2 toned perf tips, very fine. S.G. 69, b, £506+ .(Photo) (12,b) 550.00 + 1337 ** lp , strip of 6, 3rd stamp Die la, n.h., very fine. S.G . £250+ ... . .... . ........ . .( 12,b) 280.00+ 1338 **I§! Ip, Die la, 6 copies in blk of 9 with normal, n.h. , occassional spot of perf gum toning, generally very fine, rare multiple. S.G. £1500 + ........ ........... .(Photo) (12,b) 1,650.00 + 1339 ** lp, Die I, strip of 4 with right stamp Die II substituted cliche, n.h. , fine. A very elusive variety. S.G. 69,c, £1,100+ .... . .................. .(Photo) (12, 12b var.) uni. 1340 0 Wmkd. Narrow Crown and Narrow A £1 ultramarine & brown, S.G. type "b", lightly caned., very fine. S.G. 99, £500 ................................. .(Photo) (38) 900.00 1341 l8i NOVA SCOTIA: 1851 Red PAID AT AMHERST N.S. Crowned circle handstamp on neat blue folded letter to Ontario, bearing ms. "6 Paid" and indistinct blue c.d.s. , various pmks. and AMHERST N.S. DE 5 1851 c.d.s. on reverse (Photo) (S.G. CCI) £1000.00 1342 0 1851-53 Imperf Blue Paper 6p dark green, good to enormous margins, light grid and purple cancels, faint comer crease, still very fine. S.G. £750 ......... ... .(Photo) (5) 1,000.00 1343 DP 1860-63 Victoria Vignette black Die proof on card, 130xl75mm, as used on 8Y2c, IOc, 12Y2c, values, few small edge faults, fine . ...... ..................... ................ . 1344 CB:: Bisect 10c vermilion, LEFT DIAGONAL HALF used as Sc, fine, tied by light pen strokes and neat grid cancel on local envelope, also bearing Sydney transit and ARICHAT AU 2 1861 receiver on reverse, rare and attractive. S.G. 28a, £1,200 (Photo) (12b) 1,000.00 1345 0

NYASALAND PROTECTORATE: 1913-18 MCA George V £10 ultramarine & dull violet, lightly caned., rich color and fresh, very fine. Very rare. S.G. 99, unpr. B.P.A. Cert. (1990) ................... .(Photo) (24) 4,500.00 PAPUA NEW GUINEA Queensland Forerunners

1346 0 1347 0 1348 0 1349




1882-83 6p yellow green, 1890-92 2p gray blue, composite pair caned. by 8-bar NG killer of Port Moresby (Lee type 2), very fine. Believed to be unique . . .(Photo) (69, 91) 1887-89 Redrawn lp orange, caned. by 8-bar NG killer, lightly caned., rare, very fine (Photo) (84) 1890-92 2Y2p rose carmine, cnacd. by 8-bar B.N.G. killer, very fine. About a dozen known to exist ........... . ..... . ............................. . ........... .(Photo) (92) Used to Brisbane; 1895 2p gray blue, perf. stains, tied by indistinct 8-bar B.N .G . cancel on envelope (small faults, portion of flap missing) bearing PORT MORESBY BRITISH NEW GUINEA 8 MA 96 skeleton c.d.s., part Thursday Island transit and receiver on reverse ........ . ...... . .. . .... . ........ . . . .......... . ......... . (Photo) (99) 1897-1900 2p gray blue, 2 copies, fine, tied by 9-bar BNG cancel. on O.H .M.S. envelope (2 file folds, slightly reduced) bearing PORT MORESBY BRITISH NEW GUnNEA 11 QC 99 skeleton c.d.s., Thrusday Island transit and Brisbane receiver on reverse . . . . . .. . ...... . ..... .... .... .. . ... .. ............. . . .... . .. .. ... . .. . .(Photo) (114)

Cat. Value

lot. No. 1351 6 0

1897 to 1901, Selection of4 items, compr. 1897 2 ½p showing part Regis. , 1897 Ip rose (4) tied to piece by 10-bar B .N .G . with TAMATA B .N.G. MR 15 c.d.s ., 1901 Ip pair and single caned. Port Moresby skeleton c .d.s. 's, attractive group. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 .. . ... . . . . . . ... . .. . . ...... .. ... . ........... . . ... .... . . . . .. . . ........ . ....... .. . .

Papua 1352


1909-10 ½p yellow green, 3 copies, fine , tied by PORT MORESBY PAPUA 16 NOV. 09 c.d.s . on Royal Dutch Packet Company , Java-Au stralia Line , photo letter card with excellent menu selection , to U.S ... ........... . . . . ..... . . . ............ . .. . (Photo) (34)



1911-12 2p light violet, fine , tied by PORT MORESBY 28. AUG. 17 c.d.s . on oversize envelope , underfranked by ½p , bearing scarce TAX hand stamp and blue ms . " Id" , also with U.S . Posta ge Due 2c and handstamp U .S . CHARGE TO COLLECT 2 CENTS ... . .. . . . . .... . .. . . .. . .... . . . . ................ .. . ........ .. . . ... . . .. ... . (52, etc.)





Ip rose, fine , barely tied at top , caned . by SAMARAlED 27 APR 15 c.d .s. on colorful patriotic cover to Au stralia ... .. ............ . . ....... . . . .... ..... .... .. . . . . (Photo) (51) lsh yellow, fine , tied by PORT MORESBY 1912 c.d. s . on O .H.M .S . envelope to Austria (56)



1926-31 6p and lsh, blks of 4, fine to very fine , tied by SAMARAIED 10 FEB. 27 and PORT MORESBY 16 Jul. 26 c.d .s. ' s, respectivel y , on separate Reg is. envelope to U.S ., numerou s backstamps on rece iver .......... .. .. .. .. ......... .. (Photo) (69, 70)

1357 iz EB 1358


1359 0

1917 ONE PENNY surchd. set compl., blks of 4, on 6 Regis. covers to Australia, some light tone spotting, attractive group .. ... . ..... . . ... .. . . ... . . . . . . . . .. . .(74-79) (224.00+) 1932 Pictorials ½p to £1, compl. set, o. g . , low values, few small faults , fine to very fine . . .. . ... . . . ...... . . . ... . . . . . . .... . ....... . . ... . ............... . ... .. . (Photo) 94-109) 757 .85 Compl. set, lightly caned ., low value s, few small fault s, fine to very fine .... .. (Photo) (94-109 )


1360 Q i§]

1934 Jubilee set compl. , Imprint blks of 6, neat c.d. s . canc els, very fine ... ( 110-113) 159.00 + Air Post; 1929 3p blue green & sepia black, Harrison printing, bottom Imprint part 1361 sheet of 12 n.h., few jammed perfs, fine to very fine ............ .. (Photo) (Cld) 1,200.00+ 1362 iz EB 1939-41 lsh6p light olive, Imprint corner blk of 4, caned . by PORT MORESBY 2 JA


41 c .d .s. ' s and tied by violet diamond censor mkg. on Regis . F.D.C. to U.S. , numerous back starnp s and receiver ..... . .... . . . .. . .. ............... . . . . . (Photo) (C 15) l8l

Officials; 1931 Ip and 4p, fine on Regis . Official cover to Australia , tied by PORT

1364 6

QUEENSLAND: Wmkd. Large Star Ip carmine rose, large margins all round , neatly


MORESBY 1932 c .d .s . . . . . .. . .......

.. . . .......

. .. . . . ... . ........



.. . . .. . .. ..... (02 , 6)

tied on small piece , deep rich color, extremely fine . Ex Lichtenstein , Col. Green. S .G . £800 ... ... . ... .... ..... .. . . . .. .. . .... . .. . ....... . . . . ..... . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .... (Photo) ( I ) 1,000.00 +

RHODESIA Catalogued by 1991 Stanley Gibbons British Commonwealth Part I

1910 Double Portrait Issue

* 1366 * 1367 * 1368 * 1369 * 1365

1370 1371

* 1372

½p bronze green, o.g., lovely full color, very fine, very rare (Photo) (S.G. 122 var.) (S .G. 126-130) 2p, the five listed colors, o .g. , generally fine to very fine .............. 2p black purple & slate gray, o.g., perfectly centered, extremely fine ...... . (Photo) (S.G. 127) 2p , o .g ., fine ........ .. ..... ...... .. .................. .. .. .. ........ .... (Photo) (S.G. 127) 2p distinctive bluish black & slate gray, o.g ., 3 toned perf tips, fine . Undocumented by Gibb s . . . ... . .... . ... . ........... .... . . . .. . .. . . . ... ............. .(Photo) (S .G . 127 var) 3p, the four listed colors, o.g., fine to very fine .. ........ . ...... ........ (S .G . 134-37) Error Sp purple brown & ochre, o.g. , rich color , fine .. .. ..... . (Photo) (S.G. 14lab)



£160.00 £160.00 uni. £160 .00 £500 .00

Sp black & purple, n.h., superb. Incredibly rare in this condition (Photo Front Cover) (S.G. 146) £3500.00

lot. No.


Cat. Value


Sp, I.h., ever so tiny thin spot, still very fine ...... . . ... (Photo ) (S.G. 146) £3500.00 2sh6p black & lake, shades



* * * * 1379 * 1380 * 1381 * 1382 * 1383 * 1384 * 1385 ** 1386 ** 1387 * 1375 1376 1377 1378

* * 1390 * 1391 * 1388 1389

1392 1393

* *

* * * * 1398 * 1399 * 1400 * 1401 * 1402 * 1403 * 1404 * 1405 * 1394 1395 1396 1397

2sh6p , shade selection compr. 4 of the 5 listed shades, incl. black & lake ovptd. SPECIMEN, bistre brown & crimson , used , others o.g. , faults , fine appearance. Perfect for reference . ... . ...... ... ... .. .. . .. ... .. . ... . .. . ..... (S.G. 155S, 56, a, 57) £ 1125.00+ 2sh6p black & lake, I.h., extremely fine .. .... . .. . . . .... . . . .. . .... . .(Photo) (S.G. 155) £300.00 2sh6p black & crimson, I.h., rich color , extremely fine ... . ... .. (Photo ) (S.G. 155a) £300.00 2sh6p, o.g. , negligible gum creasing, fresh, fine . ..... . ............. (Photo ) (S.G. 155a) £300.00 2sh6p sepia & deep crimson, o.g., lovely rich color and perfectly centered , extremely fine .......... . . ........ . .. . ..... ... ... ....... . ... . . .. . ...... . . . . . ... (Photo) (S.G. 156) £350.00 2sh6p, o.g., fabulous vibrant color , fresh , extremely fine .... .. .. (Photo) (S.G. 156) £350.00 2sh6p , 1.h., rich color, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1987) . ......... (Photo) (S.G . 156) £350.00 2sh6p , o.g., fresh very fine ....... ... .. . . ......... .. . . .. ..... .. ..... .. (Photo) (S.G. 156) £350.0 0 2sh6p black & rose carmine, I.h. , brilliant fresh, extremely fine .(Photo) (S.G. 157) £275.00 2sh6p, o.g., perfectly centered , extremel y fine . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . ... . .(Photo) (S.G. 157) £275.00 2sh6p, o.g. , very fine ................ . .. .. ... ..... .. ...... . .. ......... (Photo) (S.G. 157) £275.00 2sh6p, n.h., fresh, fine ....... . . . ..... ...... . .... .... . .. . ... .... . ....... (Photo) (S.G .157) £275.00 3sh green & violet, n.h., extremely fine. B.P.A . Cert. (1990) .... (Photo) (S.G. 158) £120.00 3sh, 3 diff. shades, o.g. , small faults, fine to very fine appearance ......... (S.G . 158) £360.00 Ssh vermilion & deep green, shades Ssh, I.h., beautiful rich colors, extremely fine .. . . . ....... . .... .. .. (Photo) (S.G. 159) Ssh, brighter shades on tinted paper, o.g. (hinge remnant ), extremely fine (Photo ) (S.G. 159) Ssh vermilion & deep green, Ssh scarlet & pale yellow green, o.g. , each with tiny thin spot, fresh, fine . .. .. ... . .. . ..... . . .. ..... . . ..... .. . .. . .... ... .......... (S.G. 159_ , 160) Ssh crimson & yellow green, o.g ., rich colors, very fine .......... (Photo) (S.G. 160a)

£200.00 £200.00 £475.00 £225 .00

7sh6p carmine & pale blue 7sh6p, l.h., bright colors, very fine .. . . . .. . .... . .. ... .. ....... . .. .. (Photo) (S.G. 160b) £600.00 7sh6p, deeper shades, o.g., fresh, very fine ... ..... ..... ..... .. . .(Photo) (S.G. 160b) £600.00 7sh6p carmine & light blue 7sh6p, I.h., brilliant fresh, very fine. Signed H . Bloch ..... ... ... (Photo) (S.G. 161) £650.00 7sh6p, o.g., vibrant colors, very fine .. . . . .... .. . ... . ... . . .... .. . .. .(Photo) (S.G. 161) £650.00 7sh6p , o.g., fresh and bright colors, fine ......... ......... . .... .. .... (Photo) (S.G. 161) £650.00 7sh6p , deeper shades, o.g., large, centered copy, rich colors, extremely fine. Signed H. Bloch .... .... .............. .. .. ......... . . . . ... . . . . . . .... . ...... (Photo) (S.G. 161) £650.00 7sh6p, o.g. , fresh, almost very fine ........ . . ... .............. .. . .. . . .(Photo) (S.G . 161) £650.00 7sh6p, o.g., fresh, almost very fine .... . .. . ... ..... . ... ..... ... ...... .(Photo) (S.G. 161) £650.00 7sh6p carmine & turquoise shade , o.g., brilliant fresh, very fine .(Photo) (S.G. 161) £650.00 7sh6p, o.g., tiny thin spot, vibrant colors, fine .. ..... .. .... .. ....... (Photo) (S.G . 161) £650 .00 7sh6p, o.g. , few rough perfs, well centered, fine . . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . . .. .(Photo) (S.G. 161) £650 .00 7sh6p, carmine & deep bright blue, o.g. , vibrant colors and brilliant fresh, extreme ly fine ....... .... . .. . . . . . . .. . .... . ..... . . .. .. ... ....... . .. .. ... .. ....... . ...... .(S.G 162) £1100.00 7sh6p carmine & bright blue , I.h., brilliant fresh, very fine .. ... (Photo) (S.G . 162) £1100.00 7sh6p, o.g., fresh, almost very fine . . . . .. . ...... . ................. . .(Photo) 9S.G. 162) £1100.00

l0sh deep myrtle & orange

Cat . Value 10s, o.g. , perfectly centered, extremely fine. Foundation Cert. (1987) . ... .. (Photo ) (S.G. 163) £550.00 (S.G. 163) £550.00 ) (Photo ...... .. . . .. lOsh, l.h ., vivid colors, very fine .... . .. . . . .. . ... .. . ..... (S.G . 163) £550 .00 ) (Photo .... .. . .. . . . lOsh, o.g ., fresh, very fine ... .. .. .. .. . ..... .. ... ...... .. . (S.G. 163) £550.00 (Photo) ..... . .. . . . . .. .... fine very almost colors, l0sh , l.h ., beautiful deep

Lot No . 1406 *

* * *

1407 1408 1409

* * *

I4 10 1411 1412


£1 carmine red & bluish black , shades £1, o.g. , trace of gum toning, perfectl y centered , ver y fine appearance .(Photo ) (S.G. 165) £900.00 166)£1000.00 (S.G. ) £1, rose scarlet & bluish black , o.g. , brilliant fresh , ver y fine . .(Photo £1000.00 166) (S.G. ) (Photo ... . fine y £1, part o.g. , larg e, centered copy, vibrant colors , ver


£1 bright carmine & bluish slate (RMG " E"), l.h. , brilliant color and fresh , extremel y fine, rare ... .. .. (Photo Front Cover) (S.G. 166b var. ) Used Copies

14 14 0 1415 0 14 16 0 14 17 0

Ssh scarlet & pale yellow green , neat c.d.s. cancels, lar ge, perfectl y centered copy, extremely fine ..... . . ..... . . .. . . . . .. . ... ... . . ... ..... . ...... . ...... (Photo ) (S.G. 160) £200.00 Ssh crimson & yellow green , neatly caned., very fine ..... . ... ... (Photo ) (S.G. 160a) £200.00 7sh6p carmine & pale blue , c.d.s. cancel , lovely rich color , very fine .(Photo ) (S.G. 160b) £500.00 lOsh greenish black & reddish orange, c.d.s. cancel, very fine .(Photo ) (S.G . 163 var) £1 rose scarlet & bluish black , shade s

c.d.s. cancel, rich colors, very fine ... . .. . .... .. . . .. ... .. . ... . . .. (Photo) (S.G . 166) £375.00 slightly deeper shades , c.d.s. cancel, very fine . .. . . . .... .. .. . .(Photo ) (S.G . 166) £375.00 vignette guide dot at top left, neatly caned., very fine .... . ... (Photo ) (S.G. 166) £375.00 with a hint of slate , " socked on the nose" c.d .s. cancel, very fine and beautiful (Photo ) (S.G . 166) £375.00 1422 ** EEPer f 15; 2½p ultramarine , corner blk of 4, with sheet number , stamp s n.h. , few tone spots , fine and rare multiple. Scott $800+ .. . . . . ... . . .. . . . . .. . .(Photo ) (S.G. 172) £280.00+ Perf 13½; selection compr. 2'/2p, Sp black & purple (2 distinct vignette shades ), and 1423 Sp gra y purple & dull purple , o.g ., small faults, generally fine .(S.G . 182a- 185a) £752.00 bright carmine , o.g., tiny black marks on front , rich color and fresh , fine, ver y lp 1424 .......... ...... (Photo ) (S.G. 183) £1500.00 rare. Scott 102c, $3,500 .... .. . ... . ............... fine . . . . .. . .. (Photo ) (S.G. 185a) £350 .00 stain, perf one o.g., , Sp gra y purple & dull purple 1425

14 18 14 19 1420 142 1

0 0 0 0

£1, £1, £1, £1,

* * *

1913-19 Admiral Issue Head Die II 1426 1427 1428

* * *

Perf 14 lOsh crim son & yellow green, I.h., brilliant colors , extremel y fine (Photo ) (S.G. .... ... . .. .... . ... .. (Photo ) (S.G . lOsh, l.h. , fresh, very fine . . .. . . .. ............... Perf 15 lOsh red & green, o.g. , large , cent ered cop y, extremely (Photo ) (S.G. Head Die



m, Perforated

241) £170.00 24 1) £ 170.00 fine 253) £160.00


3sh chestnut & light blue , o.g. , ver y fine, scarce ...... . . . .. .. .. (Photo ) (S.G . 247b) £140.00

wt No.

Cat. Value plate , o .g. , very fine (Photo) (S.G. 277) £300.00 £1 black & bright purple, margin copy, n.h., beautiful rich color , superb (Photo) (S.G. 278) £500.00 £1 black & deep purple, l.h., extremel y fine . . . . ........ . .. . .... . . .(Photo ) (S.G. 279) £500.00 £1, o.g., extremely fine ........ . . ........................ ... .... ... ... (Photo) (S.G. 279) £500.00 £1, o.g ., very fine . ... . ... .. .. .... ........ . ............ . .. . ......... . .. (Photo) (S.G. 279) £500.00 £1 black & violet indigo, margin copy, o.g ., 2 or 3 tiny spots mostly on perf tips, vibrant color, fine ................... . .. . ............. . .................. . .(Photo) (S.G. 279a) £500.00 £1, l.h. , almost very fine .. .. ..... .................. . ... ... ... ........ (Photo) (S.G. 279a) £500.00 £1 black & deep violet, o.g., large, centered copy, extremely fine .(Photo) (S.G. 279b) £500.00 £1, lightly caned., very fine ........................... ... ............ (Photo) (S.G. 279b) £500.00 St. Helena: 1863 CC Imperf 4p on 6p carmine, unused, margins all round, very fine. S.G. £500 . . .... . ...... . .. .... ................. . ................ ..... .... . . .(Photo) (10) 950.00 4p on 6p, traces of o.g., thin, bright color, very fine appearance .. ... .. ... (Photo) (10) 950.00 1922 MCA Badge of Colony £1 red violet & black on red , neat centered DE 18 27 ST. HELENA c.d.s., extremely fine. S.G. 96, £475 . ........... . .... .(Photo) (99) 1,000.00 ST. VINCENT: 1881 Wmkd. Small Star perf 11 to 13, lp drab, sheet margin wmk., o.g. fresh and fine. S.G. 37, £700 . . . . ... ..... ............. . ...... .. . . .... (Photo) (26) 2,000.00 1880 Bisect Ip on half of 6p blue green, UNSEVERED PAIR, part o.g.with a touch of toning only on reverse, deep rich color , well centered, very fine. S.G. 28a (Photo) (30a) 3,000.00 SAMOA: 1895-99 Wmkd. N.Z. and Star 2sh6p red violet, perf 11 vert. pair IMPERFORATE BETWEEN instrip of 3, l.h. , fresh, fine and rare.S.G. 646a, £500 . ........ . ................ . . . ................ . ... . ........ . . . ........ . (Photo) (19c) 850.00 1935 Single-lined N.Z. and Star £5 dark blue, n.h., extremely fine. S.G. £650 (Photo) (180) 800.00 1945-50 Wmkd. Mutt. NZ and Star 2sh6p to £5, comp!. set, neat c.d.s. cancels, very fine, rare used. S.G. 204-14, £1310 . .. ......... ..... .... .... . .. . .(Photo) (195-202) 1932,50 £5 dark blue, n.h. very fine. S.G. 214, £250 .... . . . .......... . ........ . ... (Photo) (202) 650.00 SIERRA LEONE: 1897 Surchd. type " a" 2½p on 3p and 6p in full panes of 20, with selvage at sides, stamps mostly n.h. , several position varieties noted, all positions represented, very fine ........................... . .... . .... . ............... ... .(48, 52) 800.00+

* 1431 ** 1432 * 1433 * 1434 * 1435 * 1436 * 1437 * 1438 0 1439 * 1440 * 1441 0

l0sh carmine lake & yellow green, "White


* 1443 * 1444 * 1442



1446 0 1447 1448

** *~




SOUTH AUSTRALIA 1855-56 London Print 2p dull carmine , part o.g., full to large margins , fresh, very fine. Ex Lichtenstein, Col. Green. S.G. 2, £800 . ... .. .. . .. ... .. ... ..... (Photo) (2) 1,750.00 1856-59 Local Print 6p slate blue , " socked-on-nose" cancel, full to huge margins showing portion of adjoining stamp, extremely fine. Ex Lichtenstein. S.G. 10,£200 .. ......... . .. . . .. . . . . ..... .. . . ...... .. . . ..... .. .. . ........... . .. . .. (Photo) (8) 600.00

1450 0

1451 0




1454 0

** 1456 * 1457 0 1455

1860-69 Rouletted lOp on 9p yellow, SURCHARGE INVERTED , neat c.d.s. cancel, negligible corner creases , a fine copy in superior condition, rare. S.G. 37a, £2500 .................................... (Enlarged Photo ) (24a) 5,500.00


1886-96 £5 brown, showing sheet margin watermark, full o.g., faint crease, a fresh and fine copy of thei elusive high value. 8.P.A. Cert. (1989). Signed H. Bloch. S.G. 2058 .................. (Photo Front Cover) (90A) 4,500.00

1902-03 Thin " POSTAGE" £1 blue , o.g., bright color, very fine. S.G. 279, £225 (Photo) (131) 550.00 SOUTHERN NIGERIA: 1903-04 CA Edward £1 purple & gray green, neat JY 10 04 c.d.s., fine. S.G. 20, £275 ... . ................ . . . .... . ................... .(Photo) (20) 650.00 SOUTH WEST AFRICA: 1924 Setting £1 red & green, NEVER IDNGED, brilliant fresh, very fine, very scarce. S.G . 40, £450. B.OP.A . Cert. (1981) . . .(Photo) (40a) 900.00 Same, very 1.h., brilliant fresh, almost very fine. copy B.P.A . Cert. ( 1981) .(Photo) (40a) 900.00 £1 red & green, lightly caned. , reinforced separations, fine. S.G . £550 . .(Photo) (40a) 1, 150.00

Lot No. 1458 0 1459 0


Cat. Value £1 light red & gray green, lightly caned ., fresh, fine .... .. .. .... . .. ..... .. (Photo) (95) 600 .00 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: 1908-11 MCA Edward VIl $500 violet & orange, attractive red revenue cancel, very fine. Far rarer than reflected in the cat!. value. S .G . 169, unpr. . ... . ....... ...... . ............................... . . .... . . .. . . . .(Photo) (146) 400.00


146 1 0

1855 Wmkd. Large Star Ip deep carmine, margins all round , " 22 " (Carrick) cancels , rich color, very fine . S.G. 14 , £1500 .... ........ ...... .... ...... ...... .. .. (Photo) (4) 1,650.00 1856-57 Unwmkd. 2p emerald, large to enormous margins showing portions of 3 adjo ining stamps, " 60 " cancel, inclusion, still very fine. S.G . 20 , £700 .(Photo) (8) 1,500.00

1462 0


TASMANIA: 1853 Unwmkd. Second State of Plate 4p red orange, full to large margins, rich color and extremely fine. S.G. 7, £2000. (Enlarged Photo) (2) 3,500.00


TOBAGO: 1879 CC £1 violet, full o.g. , a deep rich color and fine, very rare, sound and with gum. Royal Cert. (1962) ..... .. .(Enlarged Photo) (6) 10,000.00 TONGA 1962 Centenary of Emancipation Overprint Proof Sheets Regular Issues, HorizontaJ Format

1464 PP~ 1465 PP~ 1466 PP~ 1467 PP~

Plate Proof sheet of 30 in black on laid paper, very fine, rare .............. . ... . . . .. . Plate Proof sheet of 30 in red on wmkd. wove paper, very fine ... . . . ..... . ....... . . . Plate Proof sheet of 30, in red with sheet margin imprint on laid paper, few stains, fi~ .... . ..... . .... ... . . . ... ... . ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ... . .. .. ........ ..... . ............. . .. . Vertical Format: plate proof sheet of 60 in red on onion skin paper, very fine .... . Air Post Official, Horizontal Format

1468 1469 1470 1471 1472 1473


Narrow setting ; plate proof sheet of 30 in red on thin wove paper , very fine ...... . Plate proof of 30 in red on thin wove paper , very fine ............................... . Wide setting ; plate proof of 30 in red on wove paper , very fine ... . .. ... ..... ..... . . . Plate proof of 30 in red with sheet margin Imprint on laid pap er , very fine .. . . ... . Plate proof of 30 in red with sheet margin Imprint, on onion skin paper, very fine Vertical format; plate proof of 30 in red with sheet margin Imprint on onion skin paper, very fine .... . .. . ... .. . . . . . . . . . ... . . . . . . .. . . . .... . . ........... . ................. . 1968 "OFFICIAL / AIRMAIL" 2-line Overprint

1474 pp ~ 1476 pp ~ 1477 pp~ 1478 0 1479 0

Initial plate proof sheet of 40 in black with printer's corrections on wove paper, probably unique , very fine ... . . . . . ......... . ... . .. . . . . ..... . .. . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. . Plate proof sheet of 40 in red on onion skin paper, very fine ........ . . .... .. ... . . .. . . I-line overprint, vert. proof strip of 30 on wove paper. very fine ................... . VICTORIA: 1857-58 Rouletted 7 (3 sides) 2sh green, margins all round, large 3 sides, lightly caned. , fresh , almost very fine. Ex Lichtenstein , Pack . ......... .(Photo) (22) 1,200 .00 2sh, margins all round , large 3 sides , fresh, almost very fine. The companion copy to the prior stamp. Ex Lichtenstein , Pack .................. .. .. .... ...... ...... .(Photo) (22) 1,200 .00 WESTERN AUSTRALIA

1480 0 1481


1854-57 Wmkd. Swan 2p brown on red, PRINTED ON BOTH SIDES, usual clear impression of 2 partial stamps, a very fine error. S.G. 15a, £800 . .(Photo) (2b) 1,200 .00 4p slate blue, full to large margins, rich true color. very fine. S.G. 3c, £1100.00 (Photo) (3b) 3,000 .00

Lot No. 1482 0


Cat. Value 6p gray black, full to large margins, neatly caned., very fine. S.G. 19, £500 (Photo) (4 var .) uni.


1865-79 CC Perf 12½ 4p carmine, distinct DOUBLE IMPRESSION, unused according to certificate but there are traces of gum, brilliant color, very fine. S.G. £5000. B.P.A. Cert. (1989) . . . .(Enlarged Photo) (32a)IO,000.00

General Foreign 1484




AFGHANISTAN: 1871 Dated " 1288" lab black, PLC, used on nativ e cover , fine . Royal Cert . ( 1962) ... . .. . . . .. . ... . .. . ... . .................................. . (Photo) (4) ARGENTINA: Air Post; 1930 Zeppelin First Flight ovptd. in blue set compl. , fine to very fine, with additional postage Sc red , tied by SERVICE AEROPOSTAL BUENOS AIRES 21 MAY 30 c.d. s.'s on flown cover to U.S. , appropriately cacheted front and back. Sieger 63D ........ . ... .. .... . .. . . . ........ . .. . .. . .. (20-24)

250.00 +












1850 Imperf 9kr blue, type I , large margins showing portion of St. Andrew's Cross, extremely fine, tied by s.l. KRO STADT 2 JUN. 1850 on folded letter, 2-Iine TEMESVAR S. JUN. receiver on reverse, rare. DM6000 .. . ... .... . . . ... . .. . .(Sa) 9kr, margins all round, fine, tied by superb strike of Sunburst CZERNOWITZ 8. MAR. cancel on 1852 folded letter, Krakau c.d.s. and boxed Wien receiver on reverse. Mu. 475d .. .. ... . .. . . .. .. .. .. ... . . . . . . ....... . .... . .. . . . ........ .(Photo) (Sa) Semi-Postal; 1933 WIPA S0g deep ultramarine, granite paper, corner copy, extremely fine, used with 1925-27 8g and 1932 20g, all tied by boxed WIPA 1933 28 JUN Wien cancels on Regis. cover to Alfred Caspary, New York, various backstamps and receiver . ..................................... .(Photo) (Bll0a , etc.) Air Post; Birds ls, 3s, Ss, IOs, very fine , neatly tied on Regis. FDC to Switzerland . DM900 . . . . . ... .. .. . . . .... .. ..... ... . ..................... . ...... . (Photo) (C55 , 57-59) 181

BELGIUM: 1920 Helmet Sc to I0fr , 9 diff. , incl. 2fr fine to very fine, tied by light Brussels 1920 c .d .s. 's on 3 Regis. redirected cover s to Denmark, SKODSBORG 5 . 20 . 6 rece iver on reverse ...... ..... . .... . . . ... . (Photo) ( 126-8 , 130, 133, 135 , 6, 7)

Stampless 1Z












LOMBARDY-VENETIA: 1850 imperf. 45c blue, type I, margins all round very fine, tied by lovely full strike of scarce Milan mute cogwheel cancel on folded letter bearing MILANO 28 GEN pmk. to Venice. Valid for 8 days , the 28th the last day of use. Sassone ASII, L4,000,000 .(Photo) (6a)


500.00 +

Undated folded letter sheet (file fold) bearing s. l. doubl e strike of COCHA BAMBA , also ESTE RIOR and FRANCA , all in red , addressed to VALPARA ISO , fine ... . (Photo) Undated envelope bear ing oval itaglio CORREOS DE LA CHIMBA / BOLIVIA handstamp and ornamental CANCELADO , both in bluish, addre ssed to La Serena, fine (Photo) 1857 Folded letter (faults) bearin g attractive red framed CHILON FRANCA , docketed July 19 1857 , addressed to Cochab amba , rare . . . .. . . . . . . .. ...... . ............ .(Photo) Folded letter bear ing neat framed TOTORA FRANCA in reddi sh , addressed to COCHABAMBA , very fine . . .. .. . .......................... . . . ............ . .. . (Photo) 1866 Folded letter bearing ornate black SAMAIPATA nega tive ova l, addre ssed to COCHABAMBA , fine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..................... . .... . ..... . ..... , ... . (Photo) 1867 Folded letter bearing VALLEGR ANDE FRANCA negative ova l, dated Feb . 27 , 1867 , addressed to Cochabamba, fine , very rare ................ . . .. . . .. .. . (Photo)


Cat . Value

Lot No. 1498




1868-69 Nine Stars 500c black, plus 50c blue (2), all with minor faults, tied by grids on somewhat tatty envelope to New York, bearin g SANTA-CRUZ MAR 9 1869 (Photo) ( 12, 14) c.d .s ., Callao transit and rece iver on reverse, rare cover ............. 1878 Fancy ANTOFAGASTA 10c in blue on manila envelope (edge falults) bearing VALPARAISO 16 M 20 78 receiver on reverse, fine and scarce , late stampless (Photo)

720 .00+

Post; 1930 Graf Zeppelin, 5 diff. , part sheets of 25 with full selvage and partial **~Air Imprint, . .. . . . ... .(Cll, 12, 14-16) 1,875.00+ stamps n.h. , very fine . . . . .. .. . . ... . ............ 150 1 **~10c vermilion & black blue ovpt. , full sheet of 50 with Imprint , stamp s n .h., fine to .. (Cl2 ) 750 .00+ very fine .. ....... ... . . ..... . . . ..... .. . . .. ..... . . ... . . . ... . ... .. . .. . . ... .......... 1500





Ovptd., 6 diff., plus "Z" surchd. set of three, very fine, all tied on Zeppelin flown cover (few edge faults) to U. S. by CORREOS AEREO 14 MAYO 30 c.d.s. 's appropriate cachets front and back, rare ... .(Photo) (Cll , 12, 14-16, 18, 24-26) Same stamps, fine to very fine, tied by identical cancels on cover to Albania, additional ms. "Correos Bolivia Serv. G.Z. 14-5-30 " and violet cachet , Friedrichshafen backstamp .. .. . .. . ... . . .. .. .. .. ... . .(Photo) (Cll , 12, 14-16, 18, 24-26)



370.00 +

BRAZIL Air Post 1504 6

1927 500r on lOr gray & black, neat 1932 c.d.s . on small piece , very fine .. . (Photo) (C6A)

475 .00

1930 Semi-Official Zeppelin Issues Used on Cover 1505











15 11




15 13


Compl. set of three, fine to very fine, used with additi onal postage and tied on separate cove rs by 24 or 28 MAI 30 c.d.s. 's, 5000r with condor label, Rio to Pernambuco, others cacheted by violet diamond First Europe Pan-A merica Flight, appro priate DM750 .00 + . .. . .. .. . (Mi Zp l -3) . . . ... .. ............ backstamps .. . ....... .. . . .. . .. . . . .......... Ovptd. set compl. , very fine, used with 300r postage and tied by 24 MAI 30 CO NDOR c.d .s . 'so n flow n Zeppeli n cover to U.S. bear ing vio let cac het and large RECIFE 28 MAI 30 pmk . , appropri ate backstamp s ......... . ... .... . ... . (Photo) (Mi Zp4-6) DM2000 .00 + Compl. set, 10,000r perf stains, fine to very fine , used with add itional postage and tied by CONDOR RIO DE JANERO 24 MAI 30 c.d.s. ' s on separate cove rs, 5000r on card , bearin g large RECIFE 28 MAI 30 pmk . and appropria te cachets front and back (Mi ZP4-6) OM 2000 .00 + Surchd. set of two , very fine , used with additonal postage, Mi. Zp7 tied by CONDO R 24 MAI 30 Mi. Zp8 by large GRAF ZEPPELIN RECIFE 28 MAI 30 c.d.s .' s on DM2000.00+ . (Photo) separate cover , appropriately cacheted or backstamped .. .. . . ........... CIIlLE: 1927 Surchd. set of five, very fine tied by SANTIAGO 1927 c.d.s.'s on somew hat trimmed Regis. cover to Valparaiso , also bearing 5 reg ular issues and (C I-5) 275.00+ . . . .. . ...................... receiver on reverse , impressive cover . ..............


COLOMBIA: Air Post; 1919 Experimental Flight 2c carmine rose, very fine, tied by JU 18 violet and black c.d.s. 's on greenish envelope (addresse partially removed) to Puerto Colombia, very rare. Signed ... . . . .. . .. .(Photo) (Cl ) 1,850.00+ Sanabria and Herman ........ . ............. CZECHOSLO VAKIA: 1919-20 The three major Imperf varieties 20h rose, 30h red violet and 30h deep violet, l.h ., good to large margins , extremely fine to very fine, .(Photo) (45a , 47a , 47e) . .......... rare. Signed Gilbert or Kessler ..... . ............. DANZIG: Air Post; 1924 l0 (pf) , 20(pf), 21/2g, very fin e, tied by DANZIG 213. 29 c.d.s. 's on neat envelope to Jerusalem, bearing large " T" handstamp and appropriat e cac het, receiver on reverse, scarce. Sieger 23 . .. . . .. . . . . ... ... (Photo ) (C26 , 27, 30) IOc, 40c , 2½g, fin e, tied by DANZIG 5 LUFTPOST 23. 6 . 30. ova ls on flown cac heted envelope to Norway , Hammerfes t receiver on reverse. Sieger 73 ...... (C26 , 28, 30)


lot No .

Cat . Value

15 14 6


1904-12 Surchd. lSo on 240 brown , strip of 3 middle stamp short" 15" at right , tied by VEJL E 26 I . 05 c. d .s. on reduced parcel post enve lope, very scarce . Facit I0XN (Photo) (56 ,a) (75 .00+) 1918 Wmkd. Crown surchd. , the 4 diff. high values, neat c. d .s . cancels, very fine. Facit Krs.4800 . . .. . . . ....... . . . . . . . ... ... . . . . . . . ... . . . . .... . ......... . (Photo ) ( 138-4 1) 1,000.00 Air Post ; 1925 Plowman lSo , S0o, lk , very fine, tied by KOBENHAYN LUFTPOST 15 4. 32 c.d.s .' s and appropriat e cac hets on flown Zeppelin card to Chile , Yalpariso rece iver on reve rse. Sieger 150 ........... . . .. . ......... . .. . .... . .. .(Photo) (C2, 4, 5) 290.00+ EGYPT: Air Post; 1931 Zeppelin set of two, S0m on 27m "1 951" instead of " 1931", very fine, tied by bi-lingual GRAFf ZEPPELIN 10 . AP. 3 1. c.d .s.'s on envelope (creases, portion of backflap missing) bearing approp riate red cachet , Haifa receiver on reverse. Siege r 104C . . .... .... . . . . .. . . ..... . ...... .. ............. .. . . .. . .. . . (C3a ,4) 102 .50+ ESTONIA: Air Post; 1923 Issues, compr. Sm multicolored and 4 diff. surchd. , very fine, tied by TALLlN 12-6-24 c.d.s .' s on flown Regis. envelope to Latvia, additional Semi-Postal , 8 postage values and Riga receiver on reverse . DM680+ . . . . . . (Photo) (C2-6, etc .) 1924 Imperf. set of five, very fine, tied by TALLINN 17 6 24 c .d .s .' s and used with additi onal postage on flown Reg is. envelope to Latvia , Riga receiver on reverse , very attract ive. DM450 + . . . . .. . ... . . .. .. . . . ... . .. . ... .... . . . . .. .. .. . . (Photo) (C9- 13, etc.) FAROE ISLANDS: 1919 2o on So green, very fine, tied on large local envelope with So by THORSHAYN 19 19 c.d .s. , rare cover. Krs .3500 . .. . .... .... . ... .. (Photo) ( I) 600 .00+ FINLAND: Air Post; 1930 Zeppelin IOm gray lilac, 2 copies, fine tied by HELSINKI 23. lX . 30 c.d .s. on envelope (file crease ) bearing violet FDC cachet to Germany , Friedrichshafen backstamp ... .. . . ..... . ...... ...... . ... . . .. . . ..... . . .. . .. . (Photo) (C I) 500 .00 + IOm, fine tied by HELSINKI 24. IX . 30 FD cancel on cac heted card to Germany , Friedrichshafen backstamp .... . . . .... . .... . ... ............ .. . . .... . . . . . .. . (Photo) (CI) 250 .00 + 10m, pair, fine tied by HELSINKI 24. IX . 30 FD c.d.s .' s on flown enve lope bearing violet cac het to London, Friedrichshafen backstamp .. .................. . (Photo) (Cl) 500.00+


1516 0 1517


15 18






152 1








DENMARK: 1851 First Printing 2rs blue, Pl.II , Nr. 70 , type 4, full margins all round, negligible edge stains, fine, tied by circular cancellation on 1852 front, addressed to Kiobenhavn , rare. Facit Krs.16 ,000 . .(Photo) ( l a) 3,000.00+



1527 0 1528 0 1529 0 1530 0 1531 0 1532

1849-50 Ceres IOc bistre on yellowish, strip of 3, lfr dark carmine on yellowish, good to enormous margins, creases, fine appearance , tied by "898" in light diamond of dots cancels and BR. PACKET BOSTON mkg., on folded letter (file creases) bearing French pmk. and red boxed PD to U.S., Paris 3 MARS 52 transit on reverse, very attractive. Signed Calves . . .. . . . . ... .. .. . . . .. . .... . . . . .. .(Photo) (1,9) 2,050.00+




15c yellow green on greenish, pair, full to enormous margins, superb , used with lfr , 3 huge margins , just clear top left , fine, tied by neat square dot cancels and N.YORK Br. PKt. S pmk. on envelope with enclosure , bearing PARIS 16 JUIN 53 c.d.s. and red boxed PD to United States, a beautiful and spectacular cover. Ceres FFrs 166,850 + (Photo Back Cover) (2, 9) lfr brown carmine , good to large margins, neat grid cancel and partial PARIS c .d.s. , sma ll comer crease mostly in margin, almost very fine . . .. .... . . .. .. ... . (Photo) (9b) 1,350 .00 1870-71 Bordeaux 2c red brown on yellowish, large even margins, lovely light c.d.s. numeral cancel, superb . . ......... .... . . .... . .. . . ... ... . . .. . . . .. . . . .. . . . .(Photo) (39) 250.00 30c brown on yellowish, full margins, light face free cancel , very fine .. . (Photo) (4b) 275 .00 80c rose on pinkish , large to enormous margins , light c.d. s . cance l, very fine (Photo) (48) 275.00 1923 Philatelic Congress lfr claret & olive green, neat Exposition c.d. s. cancel , fine (Photo) ( 197) 475 .00 1929 LeHarve 2fr orange & pale blue, n.h ., very fine . DM2000 .. .. ... . (Photo) (246) 575.00

Lot No . 1533 0

Cat. Value , values lower on faults small few , compl. set Semi-Postals; 1917-19 War Orphans lfr+ l fr negligible perf faults, fine to very fine ... .. . . .... .. . . . .. . . . (Photo) (8 3-8 10) 1,998 .75 Air Post

1534 0 1535 0 1536 0 1537 l8l 1538










1543 0 1544 0 1545 0 1546 l8l

1927 2fr and 5fr, compl. set, neat Exhibit ion c. d .s. cancels , fine to very fine (Photo) (C I , 2) 370.00 1930-31 l.50fr dark blue, perf initials EIPA 30, margin copy, neat c.d. s. cancel, . .(Photo) (C6b) 400.00 . .............. extremely fine ... . ......... .. ... .. .. . . .. . ............... . . .. (C l4 , C l 5) 625.00 ....... .. fine very ., caned lightly ultramarine, 50fr 1936 50fr emerald, hexago nal FD 25-6-27 VIATION MARSEILLE-N-A by tied , fine 5fr, 1927 2fr and cancels on cacheted unaddressed envelope , appropriate backstamps . . . ......... (Cl ,2) 370 .00 + 1929 Return Zeppelin Flight, 1923-26 Pasteur l.50fr , fine, tied by CUE RS 23-5-29 VAR c. d .s. on envelope bear ing LUFTSC HIFF GRAFF ZEPPELIN SCHIFFSLEITUN G cachet and 3 signatures, very scarce. About 60 known. Sieger 026 I (Photo) ( 196) Exposi tion 1930 11 6by tied fine, very 30, EIPA 1930-31 lfr 50 dark blue, perf initials cancel on multicolored exposition card ( comer crease) No . 1987 ... .. (Photo) (C6b) 400.00+ Same, fine, tied by 10- 11 1930 Exposition cancel on similar card, diff . color combination, . .... . ... . .(Photo) (C6b) 400 .00+ . ..... . . . .. . ..... . ..... . . . . . ........... No . 20 10 ............... 1932 Third and Fourth South America Zeppelin Flights, 2 Regis. picture post cards franked by 1929-33 l0fr , die III, and lOfr, die I , respectively, former tied by 16-4 32 c.d.s. and latter by 30-4 32 c .d .s., both at Paris and used with additional postage , (25 1, 52) appropriately cachted and postmarked. Sieger 150 , 157 ..................... fine, tied very both 1936 50fr emerald, corner copy, 50fr ultramarine margin copy, by PARIS 23-9 36 c.d . .'s on Regis. flown cover (filing crease) to Paraguay, receiver on reverse .. .. . .... . .. . ... .. ....... .... .. ... ...... ....... .... .... . ... .(Photo) (C l4 , 15) 625.00 + OFFICES IN CRETE; 1921 30m on lfr , 60m on 2fr, 150m on 5fr, c.d .s. cancels, very .. . . ... . . . . . . .. . . ..... . ...... .. . . . .. . .(Photo) (43-45) 475 .00 fine . . .. . ... ... .. . . ... . ............ GERMAN EAST AFRICA: 1900 Unwmkd. set compl. , usual cancels, 40p thin , fine ... .(Photo) (1 1-2 1) 623.50 to very fine. 3r. Signed H.Bloch. DM l200 . . . ...... .............. Ir, 2r, 3r, used, very fine. DM 1150 ... ... . . . . . . .... . ... .. . . .. . . . . .. . . .. .(Photo) ( 19-2 1) 525 .00 GERMAN STATES: BRUNSWICK; 1865 Serpentine Roulette 3gr brown, clipped roulettes at bottom , fine, tied by BRAUNSCHWEI G 4 SEPT 1866 c .d .s. on folded letter sheet to Berlin , blue receiver on reverse . Signed Herman Toaspem . DM I000 (Photo) (26) 225.00+ GERMANY Used on Cover or Card







1872 Small Shield 2kr red orange, very fine, tied by indistinct c. d. s. on 1873 po t card .. .. (Photo) (8a) (filing crease), scarce single usage. Mi 8, DMl500 ....... ........... 2kr, fine, neatly tied by LAUTER BACH 19 I 73 c .d .s. on post card (creasing at bottom) , scarce and attractive . ........ . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . ....... . . . .. . .. . ... . .. . .(Photo) (8a) 2kr, perfs cut, together with lkr , fine, tied by GRUNBU RG c.d.s .'s on 1872 folded .(Photo) (8a, 7) letter sheet ... . ... . . ......... . ...... . ..... ... ...........................

375.00+ 375.00+ 445.00+

Air Post 1550






1912 Rhein and Main 30pf dark green on salmon, single and vert. pair, used with 5pf postage, all fine, tied by large Darmstadt 23. 6. 12. c .d .s.'s on post card (Photo) (Mi.ill) DM 1,280.00+ 11-13 Oktober 1912 violet by tied fine, black, I0pf Regenburg 1912 Semi-Officials; c.d. s. and used with Bavaria 5pf, tied by 11 10 12 c.d. s. on picture post card . .(Photo) (Mi.6 ) DM3500.00 featuring Paul Schwandt and his aircraft . .................... 1913 Feldberg-Mulhausen 2Spf red, perf. stains, fine appearance, tied by neat 11 Sep . c.d.s. and used with 5pf tied by MUL HAUSEN 18. 9. 13 c.d .s . on autographed photo . .... .(Photo) (Mi . 10) DM 1,600.00 post card featuring A. Faller and his aircraft .............




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Lot No . 1553 c;;:; 1554












Cat. Value

1930 South America Flight set of two, very fine, tied by LUFrSCHIFF I 9. 5 . 1930 c .d .s. on picture post card , appropriately cacheted (one additionally tying), post.. ...... . .. .. .. . ..... . .. .. . . .. .. . ... . .. .(Photo) (C38 , 39) 800.00+ marked .. . ........ ............ 2m ultramarine, used with Eagle Im , 2 copies, and 2m postage, all very fine, tied by DORNIER FLUGSCHIFF 19 MAI 32 c. d. s.' s on cacheted envelope to Germany , . .(Photo) (C38, 32, etc.) 420 .50 + Berlin receiver on reverse . . . . . . ............................. 1931 Polar Flight set of three, 2m perf stains, fine to very fine, tied by 24 or 26 7 . 193 1 c.d.s .' s on separate cards except 4m on envelope, appropriately cacheted , plus Im card (trimmed, faults) bearing Leningrad pmk. , others with Malygrun Arctique . . . ... . . . .. . .. . (Photo) (C40-42 , etc.) 1,200 .00 + pmks ... . . ..... .. .. . .............................. 1933 Chicago Flight set comp) .. , very fine, tied by Berlin 14. 10. 33 . c.d. s.'s on flown . .... .(Photo) (C43-45) 755.00 + cover, appropria tely cacheted front and back ... ............... Im carmine, 2m ultramarine, 2 copies, touch of perf toning, fine to very fine, tied by HAMBURG 6 .10. 33 c. d .s.'s on Regis. cacheted envelope bearing FRIEDRICHSHAF EN 14 . 10. 33 . pmk., blue Vienna label, green cachet and Hamberg c.d.s. . . . ... . . . . . . .... ... . .. .. . . .. . .... . . .(Photo) (C43 , 44) 755 .00 + on reverse .. . .. . .................. Im, 4m black brown, trace of perf. toning, fine, tied by HAMBURG 6. 10. 33 c.d.s.'s on very similar cover .. ... .. . .. . ... . . . . ... . . . .... ... .. . ........ . .. . . . . .... .... (C43 , 45) 565.00 + Occupation; 1919-21 le to lOfr, 14 diff., fine to very fine, tied by HERBESTHAL 28. 2. 20 c .d .s . 's on 5 Regis. envelopes to Denmark, Copenhagen receiver on reverse ( I , 2 , 4-8, 10- 12, 14- 17) 236.00 + German Marine Ship Post









1564 0 1565 DP

"GRAF SPEE" violet handstamp cachets on manila envelope, also bearing DEUTSCHE MARINE SCHIFFSPOST 12-9-36 No. 26 and ms. number ..... .(Photo) "-1375-" , rare marking of a most famous ship, very fine ........... "ADMIRAL SCHEER" violet handstamp cachets on manila envelope, also bearing DEUTSCHE MARINE SCHIFFSPOST 12-6-37 No. 20 c.d.s. and ms. number ... .. .. ......... . .. . .(Photo) "-325-342- ", very fine, rare ............................. "DEUTSCHLAND " violet handstamp cachets on manila envelope, also bearing DEUTSCHE MARINE SCHIFFSPOST 18- 10-37 No. 4 c .d .s . and ms . number " 2493 ". very fine, rare ... . . . .. . ... . .... .. . . . . .... . . . ....... . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . .(Photo) Russian Zone; East Saxony, 1945 12(p0 red, n.h., barely perceptible fingerprint on DMl ,100.00 . . . . ....... . . . .... . . ... ... . . .. .(Photo ) (Mi. 41) gum, extremely fine .......... GREECE: 1868-69 Athens Print, From Cleaned Plates SI green on greenish, margin copy, margins clearing to enormous other sides, lightly caned., extremely fine (25 .00) (Photo) (25) 1896 Olympic Games Issue Trial Co lor Die Proofs (ca . 1930's ). A presentation of S die proofs com pr, ld in black and carmine, Sd in black and 10d in black and carmine all neatl y mounted on a exhibition page , extremely fine except one with (Photo ) (125, 27, 28TC) . . . . . ............ corner crease ............................... Air Post Used on Cover or Card



1567 D. 1568






1933 Graf Zeppelin set of three, 100d pulled perf, fine , tied by ATHENS 27. V. 33 c.d.s. 's on Regis. envelope bearing red Air Express and blue Italian Zeppelin cachets to Argentina, additional postage (#363 , pair), transits and Buenos Aires receiver on reverse. Sieger 210Y . . . .. .. . . . . ...... . ..... . . .... ... . ... .(Photo) (CS-7) Compl. set, tied by ATHENS 27 . V. 33 . c.d. s.'s on front bearing blue Italian Zeppelin .. ... . ... . . .. . .. . .... (C5-7) . ... .. . . ................... cachet, very fine ................. 30d rose red, 120d dark brown, very fine, used with additional postage and tied by ATHENS 27. V. 33 c.d .s.'s on Regis. card bearing blue Italian Zeppelin, green Bodensee and red Aero Express cachets, Rome duplex on reverse, colorful and . ..... .. .. (CS-7) attractive ... . .... . ...... . ......... . ... . . . ... . . . . . . ..... .... . .. ........... Youth sets compl., fine to very fine, tied by 4 Aug. 1940 c .d. s.'s on 2 overs ize envelopes honoring 9th Anniversary of National Fascist Party , additiona l postage and (C38-47 , 427-36) . . . .. . .. . ..... .. . . ................ rece iver on reve rse . ................ Youth set compl. , plus Regular Issue 3d and Sd, very fine , tied by ATHENS 3. Yll1 40 c.d .s.'s on 2 local FDC's , receiver on reverse .. .. .... . .... . .... (C38-47, 427 ,28)


923.00 + 502 .50 +

Lot No . 1571 1572 1573

Cat . Value GREENLAND: Pictorial set compl. , pairs, n.h. , very fine . DM1200 .(Photo) ( 10- 18) 450 .00 Same, Pairs, l.h ., 150 crease , fine to very fine ............ ... .......... .. ... ..... ( 10-18) 450 .00 HELIGOLAND: 1875 l0pf blue green & red, fine, tied by HELGOLAND 10 8 90 c .d .s. on multicolored picture post card bearing Rottach receiver .... .. .(Photo) (17) (42. 50 +) 1876-90 3pf deep green & dull red, neat c.d.s. cancels, short corner perf , fine . Signed H.Bloch ... .. . ......... .. .. .. ... ......... . ... . ..... . .......... . . .. . .. .... .. .(Photo) (20) 1,900. 00

** *


1574 0

1575 6


HONDURAS: Air Post; 1925 Blue Overprint INVERTED Sc bright blue, lightly tied on piece, fine. Foundation Cert. (1987) Only 2 mint copi es known . This is the unique used copy. Virtually no used errors are known of the entire first issue . ......... .......... ...... .... ..... .. ... .. (Photo) (C2a)


HUNGARY: Air Post; 1931 lp emerald, pair, fine appearance, tied by BUDAPEST I JUL 22 c .d. s. on picture post card bearing red Polar Flight and violet " ESZAKSARKI UTJA " cachets, Leningrad Zeppelin arrival pmk . Seiger 119 .(Photo) (C21)


ICELAND Used on Cover or Card 1577


1578 1579

181 181



1897 3a on Sa green, very fine, tied by REYKJAVIK 11. 11. 97 c. d .s. on bi-lingual printed circular (file fold), violet HAFNARFJORDUR handstamp , interesting contents regard ing these issues . .. ... ....... ........................................ .. (Photo) 33 Same, very fine, identical markings and circular ........................... . (Photo) (33) Air Post; Parliament set comp!.. , very fine, tied by REYKJAVIK I . VI. 30. c .d .s. ' s on Regis. FDC to U.S., bearing English and red German Air Mail cachets , N.Y. receiver on reverse ..................... .. .... . ............ ........ .... .. (Photo) (C4-8 ) 1931 Graf Zeppelin set compl., fine to very fine, tied by REYKJAVIK c. d .s. 's, 2k on cover , others on single Regis. card , each bearing green triang ular cachet and Bodensee 3 7 3 I pmk . DM 1200 ..... . .. .............. .... ...................... (Photo) ((C9- 11) ITALIAN STATES used on Cover

158 1

PARMA: 1852 Imperf 40c black on bluish, full to large margins, extremely fine, tied by small grid , PONT REMOLI 25 FEB c. d .s. and light red pen stroke on 1853 folded letter bearing Arezzo receiver on reverse , neat cover. P. Kruger handstamp on reverse. LI ,850 ,000 . . .... ....... . ............ . ............. . ..... . . .. . . ........ . .. . . .(Photo) (5)


TUSCANY 1851-52 Watermarked Crowns in the Sheet 1582










lq black on bluish, margins to cut into, fine appearance, tied by reddish FIRENZA 2 OTT 1856 c.d.s. on front page of newspaper L' ARTE, bearing Napoli c.d.s. and ornate initials in fancy oval. L8 ,250 ,000 (Photo) (I)

lcr carmine on grayish, large margins 3 sides, touched at left, fine, tied by FIRENZE 27 GI0 1855 pmk . on folded letter sheet. Signed A. Bolaffi ............ . (Photo) (4) lcr , pair, margins clear to huge, very fine, used with 2cr, margins to cut in, caned. by neat P.D pmks. on folded Jetter to Modena bearing brownish LIVORNO MAR 1855 c.d.s. , green receiver on reverse. Ll ,590,000 ........ .... ... . . .(Photo) (4, 5) 6cr blue on grayish, margins all round large 3 sides, extremely fine, tied by framed P.O. pmk. on folded letter bearing LIVORNO 17 MAR 1853 Railway cancel , red Trieste receiver on reverse. L650,000 . ..... .. ... . . . ........ . .... . .......... (Photo) (7) 6cr, large margin to touched one spot, fine, tied by lozenge pmk . on folded letter bearing FIRENZA P.O. 4 DIC.1852 c. d.s ., Bologna receiver on rever se. Signed A. Diena . . ..................... . ..... . .. .. ... . . . . . ............... . .... ... . . .. .. .(Photo) (7)

600 .00+ 600 .00+

400 .00+


wt No. 1587

Cat . Value 6cr slate blue, huge margins 3 sides, fine, tied by 5-bar cancel on folded letter bear ing


FIRENZE P .O. 6 2 54 c. d .s . to St . Petersbur g, box ed pmk on reve rse on reverse. L 650 ,000 .. ... . . . . .... . . ......... . ........ . . .. . ..... . . ... . . . .. . .. ... ... . .. . . . (Photo) (7a) 1588

1857-59 Wmkd Interlaced Wavy Lines 4cr blue green 2 copies , margins to cut into,


fine , tied by red FIRENZE ( 1859?) c .d .s. 's and indistinct s. l. marking on envelope , tran sit Ci vitavecc hia receiver on reverse. Sign ed A. Diena. LI , I 00 ,000 .(Photo) ( 14) 1589

1860 Coat of Arms 10c gray brown, 20c blue, 2 copies, margins to cut into slightly,


fine , tied by small FIRENZE 19 AG 60 c .d. s. 's on enve lope (small portion of back missing) bearin g boxed P .O . and red SARDAIGNE CULOZ 22 Aout 60 c.d.s . to France , Pari s receiver on reverse. L750 ,000 .. .. .... . .............. .. (Photo) ( 19 , 20) 1590

10c gray brown, 40c rose, margins to touched, fine, tied by FIRENZA II LUG 60


c .d. s . 's on folded letter bear ing boxed P .O . and red SARDA1GNE CULOZ 15 Juil 60 c. d .s . , Pari s receiver on reve rse. Ll ,750 ,000 .............. ... ....... (Photo) ( 19, 20) 159 1

40c carmine rose shade, large margins to touched, fine, tied by FIRENZE 5 DIC 61


c. d .s. and boxed PD on envelo pe bear ing red ITALfE LANSBOURG 8 DEC c.d .s ., Par is receiver on reverse. LI ,750 ,000 ............................. .. .... . (Photo) (2 1) 1592

80c pale red brown, margins to cut into , fair , tied by LIVORNO 24 NOY 60 c .d.s.


on folded 1593


letter shee t to Greece , tran sit and rece ive r on reve rse. L5 ,250 ,000 (Photo) (22) (2 10.00 +)

TWO SICILIES: Provisional Government; 1860 Savoy Cross ½t blue, margins all round showing dividing lines 3 sides, neat cancel, 2 tiny thins, fresh, very fine appearance .. . ... . ......................................................... .(Photo) (9) 2,500.00 ITALY Air Post, Used on Cover or Card


April-May 1926 Dirigible " orge" Flight to England, 1901-26 1.251 and perfed label,


tied by CIAMPLNO ROMA 8.4 .26 c .d.s. ' s on autograp hed amber envel ope bearing appropriate violet ova l handstamp . Onl y 51 ca rried. AAMC Z478a .... . (Photo) (88) 1595


"Norge" Flight to Alaska, 1925-26 1.251, tied by CIAMPINO ROMA 8.4.26 c.d.s. on envelope bearing special imperf label, tied by violet oval cachet , and TELLER ALASKA MAY 13 1926 c.d.s., autographed on reverse. Very few known. AAMC Z478j . ........ .. . . . .. . .. . . . ...... . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. . .................. ... (Photo) (177)



May 8-13 Ny Alesund to Alaska Flight, 1901-26 II and 25c, tied by TELLER ALASKA MAY 13 1926 duplex on autographed envelope bearing perfed label, tied by violet oval and boxed VOLO TRANSPOLARE cachet, flown over the pole nad one of the covers not cancelled on departure. Only 15 pieces carried. Italian Air Mail cat. 179 ... ... ... . . . .. .. ....... . ........ .......... . . .. ..... (Photo) (87, 100)





1928 Nobile Rescue Expidition, 1927 1.251 and Air Post 1926-27 1.20l, used with Norway #Cla , all perf stains, tied by R.N.C. DI MILANO SPED. ARTICA 5 8 28 c.d.s. 's and TROMSO 6 VIII 28 c.d.s. , respectively , on envelope (soiling, crease) numbered ms. "23" (of 29 surviving), a rare cover of historical significance. Italian Air Mail cat. 245. Sorani Cert. (1980) and signed ............ .. .. . .. ................... .. (Photo) (191, C7) 1933 Graf Zeppelin set compl. , some stained perfs, fine to very fine , used with additional po tage and tied by ROM A ZEPPELIN 29 . 5 . 33. c.d.s. 's on Reg is. enve lope bearing vio let RACCOMAN DATA and CON Graf Zepp elin hands tamp s and gree nish blue cachet , back tamped and with gree n Boden see cac het . Sieger 2080. Signed A. Dien a . .... . . ... ..... . .. . . . .. . . . . ... .. . .................... . (Photo) (C4 2-4 7)



Balbo 5.251+19.751 red, green & ultramarine, "I-PELL" margin copy, very fine , tied by BRESCI A 12 . 6 . 33 c. d .s.'s on Regis . aerogra m bearin g blue CROCIERA cachet , to Holland. tran sit and rece iver on reverse .. . .. . . . .. . . .. ...... . (Photo) (C48 )

500.00 +

wt No. 1600












Cat. Value AEGEAN ISLANDS: 1935 Medal of Valor, Regular Air Post and Air Post Special Delivery set compl., each on c.t.o. cover, 2 addressed to Rome, bearing RODI 3.1.35 c.d.s. cancels. Attractive trio. Signed E. Diena. L2,500,000 (Photo) (36-46 , C32-38, CE3, 4) 840.00 + Compl. set, fine to very fine, tied on postally used envelope to Ethiopia by RODI EGEO 3.1 .35 c.d.s. strikes with Addis-Abeba receiver on reverse. Checked by E. Diena LI ,250,000 ....... ... .... . ........ . .. . . .... .. ... .... . ....... .. ... .. .. . . .(Photo) (36-4 1) 4 12.50+ LATVIA: Semi Postal; 1925 Scenes set of five, per and imperf, each set tied on neat Regis. local envelope by LIEPAJA 4 Vill 25 and 10 Vil 25 c.d.s . cancels, respectively , lovely matched pair , Imperf set off cover alone catl. DMl500 (Photo) (B24-28 , vars) Russian Occupation ; 1919 Second Issue ovptd. set compl., very fine , all tied on 3 covers by JELGAWA 16 10 19 c.d.s.'s. Attractive and rare trio. Off cover DMl035 . (Photo ) (2Nl2 -22) 439 .00+ Local Post; Smitten, 1919 25k on 2k green, 25k on 3k carmine, perf and imperf , each tied on unaddressed handmade envelope by 31-5-19 c.d .s., very attractive . Mi I , IIA , B). Off cover DM675 . .. .. ................ ..... ........................ . .. .. . . .(Photo) LIBERIA: Air Post ; 1936 Error 6c on le green, surch on #230 , interleav ing on reverse , very fine . .............. ..... . .......... . .. .............. . .... . .(Photo) (C3m) 600 .00 LICHTENSTEI Air Post Used on Cover













1930 lfr lake, used with additional postage 7 ½ to 90rp, 4 diff., fine to very fine , tied by TRIESENBERG 6.IX . 30 c.d .s. 's on 1930 cachet and ZURICH 12. IX .30 c. d .s., Russian and Berlin pmks. on reverse. Sieger 84 . ... .. . .. . .. ... . ...... ( 104, etc. , C6) 18 1.25+ 25rp olive brown, 45rp olive green used with postage 2fr, negligible perf. stains, fine , tied by TRIESENBERG 15. VII. 3 1 c.d .s.'s on Polar Flight cover bearing appropriate red cachets and Bodensee pmk ., Berlin backstamp. Sieger 119 ......... ( 107, C3 , 5) 175.00+ 1931 lfr and 2fr, compl. set, fine to very fine , each neatly tied by red VADUZ ZEPPELIN POST JUN I 1930 First Day c. d . .'s former on philatelic advertisin g post card, latter on cacheted envelope , each bearing VADUZ and LAUSANNE JO. VI. 31 c.d.s .' s. DMl 100 .... . ............ .. . ............... . .... . . . . . . .. . .. . . . .(Photo ) (c7 , 8) 475 .00+ 1936 Zeppelin set of two, used with 1934-35 Bird set of five , all very fine , tied by SCHAAN J.V . 36 First Day c.d.s.'s on Regis. envelope to Germany , Vienna transit and Gotzis receiver on reverse ....... . .. ....... . ... . .. . ...... (Photo) (C9- I 3, 15, I 6) 367. 50 + Compl. set of two , very fine, tied by TRJESENBERG I . V. 36 bearing appropriate red cachet and Via Airship " HINDENBURG " handstamp , transit and receiver on reverse (Photo) (Cl5 , 16) 180.00+ LUXEMBOURG: 1952 CENTILUX se-tenant pair and Air Post set of five, on separate FDC ' s, very fine. DMl200 ...... .. .. ...... . .... ....... .. . ..... .... .(278, 79, Cl6-20) 25 1.15 + MEXICO

1612 0 1613 0 1614 18! 1615 18! 1616 0 1617 0

1892 Change of Colors Sp blue green , lightly caned. , fine, very scarce. Friedl Cert . ( 1955). Signed H. Bloch . ................ . .................... . ........ .. (Photo ) (230) 1, 100.00 Air Post; 1934 University set compl. , neat c.d.s. cancels , very fine (Photo) (54-61) 2,063.50 1939 Sarabia 20c blue & red, very finevery fine, neatly tied by 23 MAY 39 c. d .s. on official flown cover to New York bearing appropriate cancels and cachets (Photo) (C93A) 650 .00+ Another copy , very finevery fine, on similar official flown cover . . .. . .(Photo) (C93A) 650.00+ Air Post Official; 1929 Ip black, lightly caned., fine , very rare .... . .(Photo) (C0IO) 1,850.00 PORTUGAL: St. Anthony set compl., lightly caned. , fine to very fine . Most signed Champion .. ......... ....................... . ... . . . ... . ... ... .... .. .. . . . (Photo) 978-92) 516.25 RUSSIA



1857 Imperf 10k brown & blue, close margins all round, faults, fine appearance , tied by neat "3 6" in dotted circle cancel , on cover (faults) to Werro, 2-line PSKOV

1859 handstamp on reverse, scarc e and attractive. DM6000 .........

.(Photo) (1)

600.00 +

Lot No. 1619 l8l








18) ~





1626 1627

0 0







163 1


1632 6. 1633 0

Cat. Value

Air Post; 1922 4Sr green & black, very fine, used with Inflation and Revolution Anniversary issues front and back , all tied by MOSCOW 11 11 22 c.d.s. ' s on Regis. enve lope to Vienna, bearing violet boxed Mit Luftpost handstamp , no transit or arrival mkgs. Mi 196, DMI0 ,000 for a flown cover ..... . ......... . .... . .(Photo) (C l , etc.) Army of the Northwest: 1919 10 diff. values to S0k, plus 2 inverted ovpts, all tied by 1919 c .d .s.'s on envelope to Riga, stamps very fine, cover bears ABERZINS LIEPAJA handstamp, rare pair. Off Cover DM465 .... . (Photo) ( 1-8, JO, 14, vars .) INVERTED OVERPRINTS 2k, 3k, plus regualr Sk(2), 10k surchd. and 20k, all tied on 1919 envelope bearing same handstamp . Off cover DM240 ..... . . .. .. . . . .(Photo) ( I , 2, 10, 14 vars.) INVERTED OVERPRINTS 2k, 3k, 20k, S0k all neatly tied on 19 19 envelo pe bearing same handstamp. Off cover DM305 ........ ....... . ....... (Photo) ( I, 5 , 7, 10 vars) 1919 35k on 2k Imperforate corner block of 10, with Russia S0k, all tied on reverse . .(Photo) of 19 19 Regis. cover to Denmark, very rare franking ...... . . .... . .......... 8 02 MAR DJIBUTI blue neat SOMALI COAST: 1902 Surchd. imperf set of three, c.d.s. cancels , fine to very fine . ... .... .... ..... . ..... ... .. ... .. . .... . (Photo) (24-26) 432.50 SWEDEN: 1858-61 Perf 14 9o violet, plus S0o rose, both fine and neatly tied by STOCKHOLM 11- 1- 1868 c. d .s.'s on folded letter sheet (missing one stamp) bearing framed FRANCO and various ms. markings, rare ......... ........ . .. (Photo) (7, 12) 1862-69 170 gray, HELSING BOURG cancels , very fine. Kr.5000 ..... .. . .(Photo) (15) I, 100.00 1924 Unwmkd. U.P.U. set compl., mostly lightly caned. fine to very fine (Photo) (2 13-27) 1,976.00 City Postage; 1871 Reprints perf 14 set of two, neatly caned. , fine. Facit 6N I , .... . . .. . .. . .(Photo) (LXI , LX2R) .. ............ . . ............ l3Nl,Krs6,000 .......... SWITZERLAND Semi-Postal; 1940 National Fete Day Souvenir sheet of four, n.h ., .. .. .... ........ . . .(Photo) (B105) faint bend , very fine . DMI 100 ........ . ............ Semi-Offiical Air Post; 1913 Laufen S0c green, used with postage Sc green, pair, all very fine and tied by proper blue 28. 9. 13 c.d.s. 's S0c additionally by SOLOTHURN BRIEFPOST 28. IX. 13. c.d.s. on envelope (2 corner stains), ..... . .. . .. .(Photo) Chiasso receiver on reverse ..... . . . ... . ... . . ... . . .. . .............. SYRIA: Air Post; 1921 Second issue boxed ovpt. in violet set of three, fine to very fine tied on flown cover by HALEP 24 .9.2 1 c.d.s . cancels , bearing Alexandretta receiver on reverse, a rare flown cover . . .. . ... . .... . .... . .. .. . .. ..... .(Photo) (C4-6) .. . .(Photo) ( 16-18) . .......... SAME, but each on small piece, very fine . .............. TOGO: 1900 Unwmkd. Im, 2m, 3m, neatly caned., last on small piece, fresh, very . .. . .(Photo) ( 16- 18) . ......... . . . ................ fine. DM815 ... . .. . ..................


325 .00+ 390.00 390.00



1934 Provisional set comp!., n.h., fine to very fine. Friedl Cert. (1980). Signed H. Bloch and others. DM7200 . ....... . (Enlarged Photo) (35-40) 1,576 .75

1635 0

Compl. set, lightly caned. fine to very fine. Friedl Cert. (1984). (Enlarged Photo) (35-40) 1,444.25

** 1637 ** 1638 **

1935 Congress set comp!., n.h. , few tiny inclusions , fine to very fine . 80c signed (Photo) (4 1-46) (160.00) Raybaudi. DMl 250 . . .. . . . . .. ... ... . . ... . . . . . . . . . ... ....... . ........... Air Post; 1948 Archangel set of two, n.h., extremely fine. DM1240 (Photo) (C16-17) 542.50 1951 Geratianus set of two, n.h. , 500L inclusions, fine to very fine . DM675 (Photo) (C20-2 1) 227 .50 No Lot



5 minutes recess

COLLECTIONS AND VARIOUS For additional Collections and Various see Ireland lots 1237 thru 1293

WORLD WIDE 19th and 20th Century Lot No. 1640

Cat . Value

* O Coll. of many hundred in 4 Yvert albums in carton, o.g. to unused or used , incl. Great Britain 1840 Ip (2), 2p, 1878 lOsh, 1902-11 ÂŁ1, Italy with States and Colonies, Portuguese Colonies, Turkey , 1914 200pi, Scandinavia, mixed condition to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-3,000 . . ....... . .. . . . ............................................ .

I 641

* O Propert y as received in 2 cartons , incl. " old time " albums , stock books,

packets, envelopes , loose, etc. , incredibly untid y and dirty lot, could be worth careful examination. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ...... . ..... . .. .


* O Coll. of a few thousand in 3 International albums, unused or used , some

compl. sets , better items, etc. , incl. Belgum, China , France , Germany , Italy, Japan, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ... .. . .



Accum. of thousands in albums in 3 cartons , n.h. to unused or used and covers, incl. Great Britain 1840 Ip , Commonwealth 1953 Coronation set in blks of 4, India incl. Revenues , U.S. , with good range of FDC's, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .... . .. . .. . .. . .. . .


* O Coll. of many hundred in 7 volumes in carton, unused or used, incl. useful if somewhat


* O The remainder of various coils, in albums, on pages and stock page, thousands of

tatty pair of old Imperial albums, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ...... .

1646 0

stamps, compr. decent Elizabethan Canada in 2 albums, plus some early Air Post part sheets, extensive Romania in 3 specialized albums, remainder coils. of Scandinavia, (some useful), Czechoslovakhia, Swaziland, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 . .............. . ... .. .... ... . . ................ . .............. . ............ . A small coll. as received, a few hundred on homemade album pages, mostly used Europe, interesting selection, generally in the $2-$ IO catalogue val. , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $250 . . . ...... . . . . .. ........ . ......... . ... . .... . . . ..... . ........................... .

1647 * ();;;;:iPrimarily 20th Century , accum. of thousands , loose and on paper in shoe

boxes, cigar boxes, one album, stock books, glassines in 5 cartons, n.h. to unused or used , some covers , incl. United States with good range of FDC 's, Europe , Scandinavia , dupl. , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 . .... .......... . .... . . . . . . . .... . . . ......... . .. . ..... .



**OStock of thousands

in small glassines in 37 boxes in carton, majority n.h., few used , incl. a wide representation of countries, Europe, and Colonies, topicals, mixed condition to fine to very fine, high catalogue value. Est. Cash Val. $1,000 . .. ...... .. ..... .. ............ . .......... . ... .. . .. . . ... . .. . .

* O Accum. of 20,000 diff. in glassines and loose, excellent selection, but obviously

cheaper material, few 19th Cent. , much o.g., a degree of sorting by country and better than packet material. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . . ...................... . . . .. .

Lot No. I 650



Cat. Value Coll. of thousands in 3 Minkus albums, n.h . to o.g. or used, incl. a wide represen tation of coun tries , some better British Commonwealth , Japan, mixed condition to genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 . . . . . . .... .. .... .. ..... . . ... ... ... . ........ .

**[ยง[ 20th Century, sheet accum. of over 100 items, majority n.h. , incl. Belgium, Semis,

San Marino, better items, Souvenir sheets generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 ... . . .. . . ... . . ... . ........................ . . .. . . ........ .. ..... . .. . . . .. . AIR POST

I 652 * ()i:gi The L. W. Charlet Reference collection A-Z in 3 volumes, a fantastic coll.

of several thousand stamps and reference items, well organized and documented, replete with partial platings, covers, blks, articles, notations, photos, etc. , fascinating and useful with some seldom seen items. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-3,000 .................. . ........ ... . .... . . .. . .. . . . . . . 1653


Group of 52, o.g. , incl. Greece 1933 Zeppelins, Iceland 1930 Millenary , Newfo undland 193 I and 1933 sets, etc. , mostly very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200 ..... .. .. . . ... ..... .


LITERATURE: Caspary, Alfred H. 2 bound volumes , United States and Foreign ,


The remainder of the literature coll. , compr . Coll. Club Phil. late 1970 's and 1980's,

original binding and good co ndition. Est . Cash Val. $200 ... . . . .......

... .. .... . . ... .

various generic stamp books on co llecting and investing , etc., overall excellent cond ition. Est. Cash Val. $200-250 ... . . .. .. ... . ... . . . . .. . ..... . .. .. ... .. . . .. .. .. .. . .. .







19th Century, small stock book containing useful range of unused or used incl. attractive group of Cape of Good Hope, B.N.A. issues on cover, Venezuela 1880 high values, etc. , mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $500-1,000 ............... .. . . . Selection of 7 items, incl. 1899 U.S. blue tied on cover to London by "M ilitary Sta. Santiago de Cuba" duple, Yokohama 1874 to London bearing France 40c and 80c adhesives (defective), Fr. Officies in Constantinople (2), etc. , interesting group. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 . . . . . . ... .. . . .. . .. . ... . ..... .. ... .. . ........ . .. .............. .. Selection of 21 covers, primarily British Commo nwealt h and 19th Cent. , few stampless referenc e , interesting assortment. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ...... .. . . ........



. . . .... . .



19th and 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred covers or cards, incl. useful Italian States, Germany Shields, Baltic States, British Colonies, incl. Gold Coast "Missent to Accra", U.S. Airs, etc., mixed condition, interesting lot. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,200 .. .. . . .. ...... .. ... . .. . .. . .... .



Accum. of many hundred covers and picture cards in carton, issues from almost everywhere with some compl. sets, Airs, Semis, better items scattered about, post cards incl. many European turn-of-the-century multicolored scenes, etc., a colorful and mixed accumulation. Est. Cash Val. $1,000 ... . . .. .... . . . . ... .... . ....... . ....... . . . . . .. .. . .. . . ...... . ....... .


Accum. of many hundred in carto n, incl. Germany with Shiel ds, U.S . Columbi ans,


British Common wea lth , Transatlantics , mixed condition to generally fine to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $300-500 .. . . .. . . . ..... . . . ...... . . . . . . . ... . ............................ . Accum. of about 350 covers in box, incl. India and States, 1924 Mt. Everest Expedi tion , Nepal , U .S., Transatlantic s, U. N., FDC ' s, mixed condition to fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Val. $300-400 ..... . .. . ... ...................... ...... . . . . . . .. . .. . .. ............. ..



Primarily 20th Century, accum of about 90 covers in stock book, incl. Cuba, Germany, Haiti, Italy, Japan, United States incl. a good range of Airmail items with crash covers, Venezuela autographed items, some significant staining, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $1,000 .... ... .... .

Lot No. 1664 i:,,,:i









Cat . Value Accum. of about 500 covers in box, incl. Belgium, Germany, British Commonwealth, Airs, Transatlantics, few stampless, stationery, misc. better items, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 . . . ...... . .. . . . . . . ... .. . .... ... . . .. . Accum. of a few hundred covers, incl. selections from Europe, British Commonwealth, South America, S .E. Asia, plus a large group of Denmark postal stationery , generally inexpe nsive but some better. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 . ... . .. ..... . . . .. . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . 20th Century, accum. of about 250 items in file box , incl. Germany, Latin America , Poland , many comp!. sets on cover, Boy Scout and Sports topicals, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ... . ..... .. . . . ... . . .. . ... . . .. ... .. ... ... ... . . . . . . . . . Packet Boat accum. of over 800 covers in box , wide range of British and Europe incl. Scandinav ia, Latin America, Canal Zone , Japan, etc. , many with ship markings and mostly I950 's issues , clean and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300- 500 . .. .. . .. . TOPICALS: Butterflies on Stamps; coll. of 130 covers, 90 of which are mounted , genera lly from l 950 's and I960 ' s, incl Japan, China , South America , Europe , etc. , exce llent selection. Est. Cash Val. $ 150 ....... . .. . . . . . .... . .......... .. .. .. . .. . . . .. . . .

AIR POST 1669 rz





1914 to 1963, coll. of over 30 flown covers or cards, incl. Belgium Balloon and other flown items , Denmark 1914 First Airport , China, Czechoslovakia , Dutch Colonies , Greece , Poland 1938 srratososp here , Switzerland Semi-Officials Air on card , etc ., mostly fresh and fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 .. . .... . . . . ... . . .. . . ... .. .. .. . .. .. ... . . DO-X Flight; 1930-1932 group of 4 flown covers and cards and large photogra ph of plane , compr , Germany to N .Y. 1st flight cover , 193 1 Brazil - N .Y., 1932 N. Y. -Ho lyrood - Hor ta retu rn flight card w ith violet cachet and hand stamp " AFF RANCHISEMENT PERCU 4RM ", Surinam # C8- 14 on cacheted cover , fine to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $300 .................. . ... . ...... . ... .. ... ...... ...... . . .. . . . Polar Mail; 1906 to 1931, group of 6 cards and 2 covers, incl. 1906 card to Holland with Spitzberge n I0o red, 19 18 Amu ndsen Expedit ion (2), incl. Southp ole vignette, I 925 Transpolar Flight from King Bay, 1925 Norway Air Post set on Reg is. cove r to Rome , Netherlands, Russia and Switzerland cacheted Polar Flights, generally fine to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $500 ... .. . . .. . . .. .... . . . . .. . .. . .... . .. . .. .. . ... . ..... .. . . . . . .

1672 rz


Accum. of a few hundred covers in box, mostly Latin America, some Europe incl. better Spain, Papua New Guinea flight covers, much Nicaragua, Colombia, Argentina, etc. , various flights, cachets, better stamps on cover, etc. , mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $1,000+ . ....


Zeppelin Flights; 1929 to 1936, accum. of over 50 flown covers and cards, incl. Austria, Argentina, Bermuda, Brazil, Danzig, Germany, Japan. Paraguay, Switzerland, Saar, San Marino, etc. , mostly very fine, a lovely assembl y. Est. Cash Val. $1,500 ... . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. . . ........ . . .





19th and 20th Centur y, coll. of man y hundred, in 4 large albums in carton , o.g . or used , incl. man y comp!. sets or better item s, Semi s, Air s, Sou venir sheets , etc. , stronger ar eas incl. Belgium , Netherlands and German y, mixed condition , worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val . $3,500-4 ,000 . . .. . . . .. . . .. . . .. ... .. . ... . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. ... . . .. .. . .. .... .. .. .. . .

20th Century , stock of several hundred , generally n.h. , much Europe with comp!. sets, Sou venir sheets , incl. Faroe l s., France , Fr . Anta r ctica , Germany , Israel , Lichten stein , Portugal , moslt y ver y fine and fresh , moderate dupl. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . ... . . . . . ..... . .. ....... . . . .. . ...... . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. . . . ... . . . .... .. .. . .

Lot No .



Cat. Value Compl. and part sheet accum. of hundreds of stamps , apparently mostly n.h ., incl. Italy, Monaco, San Marino, Tangier, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. ·· ········· . . .. ... .... . . ... . . .. .. ... .... . . ..... . ....... . ........... $300-4 00 .. . ..........



19th and 20th Centur y, coll. of thousan ds in 14 volumes in 2 cartons, o.g. or used, incl. comp!. sets, better values, good showing of Belgium, Finland, France , Lichtenstein, Portugal, Sweden, others, mixed condition , worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $6,000-8,000 ... . .... . ... .



Coll. of thousands, o.g. or used, many comp!. sets and better items, incl. Austria, Belgium , Germany, Netherlands, Turkey , others , some dupl., mixed condition , worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $5,000-6,000







SHEETS: Coll. of over 350 items in 2 Safe albums , apparently mostly n.h. , incl. Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, Russia, etc., generally fine to . ...... . .. . . . . . . ........................ very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ........... , o.g. hundred EASTERN EUROPE: 19th and 20th Century to 1938, coll. of several or used , incl. a selection of better Bosnia , Marienwerder, Poland , Romania, . ..... . .... ... . Serbia, generally fine. Est. Cash Val. $800-1,000 ...................

Early 20th Centur y, accum of a few hundred in 5 binders in box, o.g . to unused or used, incl. Albania, Croatia, Serbia, locals, etc. , generally fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 .......

. ..............

. ... . .. . .. . . .... . . .......

. .... . . . .. .. ....................




BALKAN: 19th and 20th Century, coll. on many hundred on pages , o.g. or unused or used, incl. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina , Croatia , Serbia, Semis, Souvenir ... sheets, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .................



SCANDINAVIA: 19th and 20th Century , coll of hundreds on pages in box, o.g. to unused or used, incl. Denmark with some D.W.l. , good range of Greenland and Iceland, Sweden, Semis, Airs, back-of-book, some misidentified, mixed condition to fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 .. ... ... .. ......... . ...... .. .... .. .... . .. . . .



19th Century, group of 21 franked covers, incl. Canada 1851 3p laid paper, 2 copies, one with fileing creases to N.Y., 1852 3p red on mourning cover, C.G.H. 1855 4p blue, France 1849-50 20c Ceres (2 covers) , 25c blue cover, 40c orange close or clear margins, 1850 to N.Y. bearing cut into lfr and 25c (2), Belgium 1849 IOc and 20c covers, Netherlands 1852 Sc and IOc covers , etc., mixed condition. Est. . . . ...... .. .. . . ..... . ...................... Cash Val. $800-1,000 ....................... EUROPE









18th and early 19th Centur y, selection of IO stampless items, incl. Great Britain " Packet Letter Plymouth" various France incl. 2 " Comite Salut Public" handstamp in red and black. Est. Cash Val. $ 100 + ....... ......... ............... .... .......... . 19th Century, selection of over 30 folded letter sheets or envelopes, primarily France and Cols., German and Italian States, etc., plus one good Heligoland franked postal . .. . card, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $300-40 0 ....... .. . .. . .. . .................. 20th Century, an excellent selection of over 100 covers, incl. some interesting Baltic area, Poland ovpts., some German Zeppelins, French Cols., also the rest of Europe, . well worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 .. . .. . ....... .. . .... . . . .. .. ........... EASTERN EUROPE: Primarily 1950's to 1970's, compr. Czechoslovakia and Poland coll. of almost 2000 FDC 's, more or less sorted chronolgically and in equal number, incl. sets, Semis, etc. , many cacheted, also a few Hungary, very extensive. Est. Cash . . ... . . . .. . . ... . .................... Val. $200 . ... . . . ...... . ..... . .... . . . . . ..............

Lot No. 1689




Cat. Value SCANDINAVIA: coll. of just over 1000 FDC's, 1930's to 1980 with strength in 1950's, compr. Finland 350, Sweden 300, Denmark 200, Norway 180, incl. sets, Airs, Semis, Souvenir sheets, etc. , generally cacheted, many better earlies, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500 ............ . .... . .... . ................ . . . . . ....... . LATIN AMERICA: Primarily 20th Century, accum. of about 110 items in box , incl. a good range of countries , few Transatlantics , Airs, early Pan-Am flight s, censored items, mixed condition to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $150-2 00 ..... . ..... ........... .




Aerophilately; 1924 to 1969, coll. of appox. 2000 flown covers, neatly sorted in 18 3-ring binders by Regular Issue stamps on flown covers and then Air Post stamps on flown covers, better countries incl. Colombia, Costa Rica, Venezuela, plus 14 others, complete with Regis., cacheted, Souvenir sheets, sets, etc. , exceptional group. Est. Cash Val. $2,0002,500 . ...... .. ...... . ............... . ..................... . ........ ....... . ... . SOUTH AMERICA: Primarily 20 Century, accum. of many hundred in box, wide


representation of countrie s, incl. Zeppelins , Transatlantics , censored , Regis., back-ofbook , mixed condition to fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 .. .... . . ....... .



OMNIBUS: Accum. on pages, in box n .h . to o.g ., incl. 1937 and 1953 Coronations ,

some 1977 Silver Jubil ee, Souvenir sheets, generally very fine . Est. Cash Val. $150-200 .. .... . .. . ........... . . . . . ....................... . .. . ........... . .......... .... .

19th and 20th Century 1694



Coll. of over 170, mostly o.g., mostly compl. sets or better values, incl. Cyprus 1894 Victoria and 1921 George V sets, Cook Is. 1921 to £1, 1931 to £1, 1932 to £3, Falkland Is. 1929-32 George V set, Gibraltar 1886 set, New Guinea 1939 Airs, Papua 1932 to £1, etc., fresh and mostly fine and attractive. Est. Cash Val. $1,200-1,500 ......... . ..... .. . . ... .. ........... .

* O Stock of hundreds on sales sheets in 15 stock books in box, o.g. to unused or used,





incl. Cape of Good Hope, North Borneo, South Australia, Trinidad, mixed condition to fine to very fine high catalogue value. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 .. Coll. of hundreds in 8 volumes in carton, unused or used, incl. useful Australian States, B.N.A. , Barbados numeral cancellation group, etc., mixed condition worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $600-800 ... ... .... .......... . . ...... . ............ . Stock of hundreds in 6 large binders, o .g. to unused or used , incl. Malaya , Seychelle s,

Sierr a Leone, South Africa , Straits Settlements, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 .............................................................. . ... .. . Accum. of a few hundred n .h . to o.g. or used , many comp !. sets, better items blks etc. incl. Malta , Gibalta , St. Helena, Solomon ls., etc. , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300 . . .... . . . .. .. ................ . ...... . ..... . ........................ .. .. . .




* O Primarily 20th Century, coll. of hundreds on pages in box o.g. to unused or used,



a wide representation strong in Cape of Good Hope and India, B.W.I., mixed condition to fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .. . . . ............. . ...... .. . Accum. of about 330 items in binders and loose in carton , encl. Great Britain , Australia , New Zeal and, Airs , FDC' s, censored items, Regi s., better items , genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ... .. .......... . .......................... . ..... . .... . . .. .

170 I


Selection of over 80 generally unsorted covers or picture post cards, incl . some nice



Group of 40 turn-of-the-Century ewspaper wrappers from Great Britain and Australia

Australia British Europe , some 19th Century , only a few recent. Est. Cash Val. $200

some others mostly used incl. several Philatelic Paper s, nice selection . Est. Cash Val. $150 .... ................... ... .... .. . ...... .. .... ....... . .. . ....... . .................... .

lot No .

Cat. Value Burma, incl. n.h., apparently box, in sheets part 60 about of accum. 20th Century Christmas ls., Sarawak, Seychelles, Southern Rhodesia, generally very fine. Est. Cash . ........ . ..... . ....... . . . . ............... . ... . ............. Val. $300-400 ...............





1953 to 1980, stock of many hundred in counter books, n.h. to o.g. mostly comp!. sets or better items, some light dupl. , Souvenir sheets, etc., mostly very fine and fresh. Stated by owner to catl. $21,000. (inventory . . . . .. ..... . . . . . .... .. .. ........ . . . ...................... enclosed) .............



1960's to 1970's stock of thousands in glassines and on stock pages generally n.h., incl. British Antarctica, Cyprus, Falkland Is. , Gibraltar, Ireland , Papua, Pitcairn Is., St. Helena, South Georgia , Tuvalu, some dupl., fresh and mostly very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,200-1,500 ....... .. .. . ... .











17I I

BRITISH EUROPE: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred, o.g. or used, some sets or better items, incl. Cyprus, 1880 4p unused, 1882 30p on lp, Gibraltar, Levant, Malta, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 . .... . BRITISH NORTH AMERICA: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of over 30 items, compr. New Brunswick, Newfoundland and ova Scotia, incl. stampless Transatlantic, Regis. , advertising, Stationery, Airs, New Brunswick 12½c to England, mixed condition to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. 750-1000 BRITISH OCEANIA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred, o .g. or used, incl. Australia, Borneo, Brunei, Labuan, Sarawak, etc., incl. better, items mixed .. .. .................................... condition. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 .. .......... for card Air Post; 1914 to 1964, group of 9 items, incl. I 9 14 Guillaux picture post Australia's Inaugural Service bearing Kangroo Ip tied by violet oval Aerial Mail cancel scarce (few repairs), 1931 Australia - England flight, 1934 New Zealand Trans -Tasman, 1934 Australia - New Guinea, etc., mostly fine and fresh. Est. Cash Val. . . .. .. .. ..... . ... .. .. .. . $200 . . . . .. . ...... ....... ......... . . . . . ........................... SOUTH AFRICA: Air Post; circa 1932, coll. of 25 covers on pages, most cacheted and bearing George V issues of Northern or Southern Rhodesia, few others, wide variety of flights incl. experimental and first flights, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-250


BRITISH WEST INDIES: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundred in 3 volumes in carton, o.g. or used, good range of Victoria issues, later sets to £1 with many better or scarce items, generaly fine to very fine, ... . worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $5,000-1,0000 .............


17 13



1715 0 1716 0

AUSTRALIA: 1913 to 1975, coll. of a few hundred , o.g. or used, useful range of Kangaroo types, incl. Specimens, later compl. sets , Airs, etc., mixed condition. . . . ...... ................... Est. Cash Val. $500-600 .... ... . . ....... . . . . . ..............


1913 to 1965, coll. of a few hundred in red stock book, n.h. to part o.g. or used, incl. 1913 to Ssh, excellent range of later 'Roos with values to £1 and £2, 3 each , George V heads to lsh4p (5), 1963-65, Airs, Postage Due, Offiicals, mixed condition to very fine, worth inspection . ........ 16,250.00

Coll. of over 150 covers or cards, incl. useful early Postal Stationery, Military and Propaganda items , later Airs, FDC's with 1964 £ values, etc., mostly fine. Est. ......... .. ..... .... . .... ................... Cash Val. $500-600 ....... . . . .............. 1937-46 £1 blue gray, 100 copies, generally neat c.d.s. cancels, fine to very fine (179) 5,000.00 ARMS £1 deep blue, 1000 copies, generally c.d.s. cancels, fine to very fine .... (220) 5,000 .00

Lot No. Cat . Value 1717 0 £2 green, 100 copies, neatly caned. , fine to very fine .... . ..... . .. . ................ (22 1) 2 ,500 .00 1718 0 Same, 100 copies, fine to very fine ... . .. .. .. . .......... . . . ... .. .. .. . . ... ... . . ...... . (22 1) 2,500.00 1719 **lf!I 1960's and 1980's, selection of n.h. sheets to FDC's with blks of 7, used blks of high values incl. 1966- 71 $1 , $2, and $4 blks of 6, 1980 Waltzing Matilda , 20 sheets , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400 .. . ... . .. .. . .. . . . .... . ..... . ... .. ........... . .. . . . ... . 1720 0 AUSTRALIAN STATES: 19th Century, coll. of many hundred, used, primarily a cancellation coll. for New South Wales, Victoria and Western Australia, also other 19th Cent. British Cols. and a selection of reference material, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $600-800 ... . ..... . ..... .. .. . .. . . . .. . . ... .. . . . ... . . ..... .. . 1721 Rlf!I Group of reprinted sheets incl. N .S.W. 1852 2p blue , sheet of 50 (3 missing), 6p brown pane of 25 , Victor ia 1850 3p blue and 2p yellow brown , 2 sheets of 50 each. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 . ............. . . .. . . . .. . ............ . . . . . ... .......... .. . . ............ .. . . .

AUSTRIA 1722 0



1724 * O 1725 0



19th century, cancellation Coll. of several hundred on album pages, incl. usual imperf and perf early issues, ewspapers, perf varieties, dupl. as would be expected, extensive selection of cancels. Est. Cash Val.$500-600 . . . . . . ....... . . . . . 19th and 20th Century, accum. of over 90 items, incl. a few early Stationery , Regis., blk s of 4, FDC 's, Airs , Military and censored items, Postage Due, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ..... .. . .... . . ..... . . . . . . . . .... . . . .. .......... .. . Coll. of hundreds on pages, o.g. to unused or used , incl. a good range of Arms and Franz Joseph issues , Newspaper stamp s, Semis, Airs , Souvenir sheets, etc ., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300 . . .................... .... . . . ....... . ................ .

20th Century, several coll. remainders of many hundred in on albums and album pages, incl. some mint, good Regular issues and Semis with F.D. cancels, useful sets for mail order, generally fine to very tine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . . . .... . 1936 to 1981, coll. of 550 primarily FDC's, most cacheted and strong in the 1950's, incl. sets, Semis, Airs, etc., very extensive, fine to very fine. DM3250 . . . . . . . .. . . BAHAMAS



1940 to 1980, cover accum. of about 500 items in box , incl. an exce llent variety of co mmercial covers , few FDC's , outer islands, harbor cance ls, Transatlantic , etc. , genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300 . ...... . .. .. . . . .. ...... ..... .. . ...... . 1938-46 George VI 2p gray, 100 copies, generally c .d .s. cance ls, fine to very fine .( 103) 3,000 .00

1728 0 1729 **IE!I 1942 Landfall of Columbus, stock in compl. and part sheets, compr. ½p (540), Ip



(392), 1 ½p (300), 2p (190), 2½ (415), 3p (336), 4p (420), 6p (466), 8p (287), lsh (156), 2sh (198), 3sh(l63), Ssh (60), many with topical gum toning, fair to fine (116-28) 4,325.00 3sh deep green & slate purple, 200 copies, genera lly c.d.s . cancels , fine to very fine


( 127) 3,000.00 173 1 ** lf!l1948 Anniversary Settlement set compl., sheets of 60, n.h . ................. .(132-47) 3,360.00+ 1732 ** Same, stock of several hundred, n.h ., varyi ng quantiti es to 30 eac h !sh to £1 , fine to very fine ........ . ........... . ..... .... . .. ...... ... . ... . .. . . ... . . . .... . .......... ( 132-47) 2,625 .00 + Ten compl. sets on FDC's, generall y fine to very fine . ... . ...... . . . .. . . .. . .. . . ( 132-47) 1,092 .00+ 1733 EE Same, pair s on 2 FDC's and 3 sets on single FDC's , fine to very fine . . .... ... (132-47)546.00+ 1734 EE 1948 Silver Wedding 1½p, 3 blks of 4, £1, 6 blks of 4, each on FDC, 3 singles on 1735 EE large piece, fine to very fine ... . .. ... . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. .. . .. . .... . . . . .. . . ... (148,149) 2,025.00+ Compl. sets, blks of 4, 5 sets of blks eac h on separat e FDC with central Nas sau c.d.s., 1736 EE fine to very fine ... .. . . . . . . . . ... . .. . ... .. ........................... . ... . ....... (148-49) 3,022.40+ 1737 ** lf!I£1 gray green, 100 copies in part sheets, n.h., fine to very fine . . ... .(149) 5,000.00 1738 **IE!I £1, 60 copies in 2 part sheets, n .h ., light tropical spottin g mostl y on gum , generally fine ( 149) 3,000.00 1739 **lf!I £1, 50 copies in part sheets or blks, n.h ., fine to very fine . . . . .. .. .. . . . .. .. . ..... ( 149) 2,500.00 1740 ** EE£1, blk of 6 and corner blk of 4, n .h. , fresh, very fine . . .... . .. . ............ .. ... (149) 500.00

lot No. 1741 083

Cat. Value BAHRAIN: 1948-49 George V Sr on Ssh dull red, 200 copies in blks of 4, c.d.s. ........ (6 1) 1,300 .00 ........................ cancels, generally fine to very fine ................

1742 083

lOr on lOsh ultramarine, 200 copies, c.d.s. cancels , generally fine to very fine (61A) 6,500.00

1743 083

Same, but 100 copies, blks of 4, c.d.s. cancels, generally fine to very fine ...... (6 1A) 3,250.00


0 1§1 Same, but 90 copies, many blks of 6, c.d.s. cancels, generally fine to very fine (6 1A) 2,925.00

1745 0 1746

1950-57 lOr on lOsh ultramarine, 15 copies, neatly caned., fine to very fine .... .(80)


225 .00

BELGIAN CONGO: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of hundreds on pages, o.g. to unused or used, incl. a few early issues, later comp!. sets, Semis, Airs, Souvenir sheets, Occu. , Ruanda-Urundi, etc., mixed condition to fine to very fine, worth .. ..... ... ........ .. inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .... .. ........................ BELGIUM


1747 0

1849 to 1863 Leopold issues, study of a few hundred with Medallion 10c (6), 20c (18), framed and unframed wmks., ribbed paper, 1850-61 unwmkd., perf issues incl. diff. combinations, a fine and attractive . collection. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,000 .... . ... .. .........................

1748 0

19th and 20th Century, coll. of thousands, used, incl. 11 19th cent. covers, later comp!. sets or better items, 1919 Trench Helmet, 1933 Madonna and other Semis, later virtually comp!. to 1986, Occu., etc., also Belgian Congo with better sets and values, very clean and mostly fine to very .. fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,000 ........................................



1849 to 1923, coll. of a few hundred, o.g. or used, incl. useful range of 19th cent., later comp!. sets incl. 1915 to Sfr, Red Cross to 2fr, Trench Helmet, etc., . generally fine and fresh. Est. Cash VaJ. $500-600 .......... . .... .. .... ............


20th Century, coll of hundreds in 4 volumes in carton , o.g. or used , incl. many comp!. sets, Semis, Airs, Souvenir sheets, Parcel Post, etc., some dupl., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,200-1,500 ........ .



1935 to 1981, coll. of over 500 primarily FDC's , majorit y mounted chronologically in Elbe cover album , incl. sets, 12 Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs, etc. , most unopened and very extensive, stated to cat. DM5750 ......... .. ... .. .... . ...... .. .



BELGIUM AND LUXEMBOURG: 19th and 20th Century coll. of a few hundred, o.g. or used , incl. attractive early issues, better compl. sets, Semis, etc., incl. Trench Helmet Sfr and l0fr , mostly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-600





BOLIVIA: Stampless ; 1850's to 1870's, group of 33 folded letter sheets and 3 fronts bearing a fabulous selection of straight line and fancy oval town pmks. , all neatly mounted on album pages, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 1860's to 1890's, group of 53 covers or Stationery , from the Coat of Arms through the Famous Bolivians, excellent used and some unused Stationery, both local and European addresses, aJI neatly mounted on pages, generally very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ..............................


. ..........

.. .. ... ............


...... .... .

**1§1CAMEROONS: 1915 Surchd. issue, selection of comp!. and part sheets,

n.h., incl. ½p on 3pf (2xl00), 21/2p on 25pf, 3p on 30pf , 4p on 4pf, 6p on 50pf (50 each), Sp on 80pf (100), fine to very fine, lovely specialist 7,800.00+ lot . ... . . . . ....... . . . ....... .. ... .... ...... . ................................

CANADA 19th and 20th Century

wt No. 1756




Cat . Value

Accum. in small stock book of a few hundred stamps, n.h. to unused or used, incl. a few early issues, good range of large and small Queens with multiples, varieties, shades, etc., 1897 $1, Quebec 10c, 15c, 20c, 1928-29 50c, 1930-31 50c, $1, back-of-book, few Newfoundland, mixed condition, 20th cent., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ....

Coll. of hundreds in 3 volumes in box, unused or used, incl. useful early issues, later sets, Newfoundland, also coll. of British Columbia provincial cancels, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $250-300 . . ....... . .. . . ... .. . .. . . . . . ........................ .

1758 ~

L::, FLAG CANCELS: coll. of a few hundred items in album, many on cover

or small piece, incl. an excellent group on Small Queens and lower value Jubilees, advertising, Stationery, wide range of towns and types with many scarce, generally complete , clear strikes and well above the usual condition, a lovely and valuable collection worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-2,000 ... ... ... . . .. . ... . . ... . . .... . .. . .. . . . .... . .... ........ ..... .




**~ 20th Century,



1852 to 1902, coll. of about 125 stam ps on pages , o.g. to unused or used , incl. 1852-55 3p (7, one apparentl y unused ), 1857 ½p (2), 1868-76 12\/2c and 15c, 4 each, 1888-93 to 50c, 1897 compl. to 50c, 1987-98 and 1898-1902 compl. , varieties , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,000 . . . . .. .......... . .... . . . ........... .. . . .. . ................. . ..... .

stock in sheets, blks , PI. blks , etc., mostly 1960's to 1970's , mostly n.h., also some FDC 's and booklets , fine to very fine. Stated to cat. $1,860 , plus face value over $1,800 Canadian .... . .. .. . .. . ...... ... .

1903 to 1953, coll. of a few hundred on pages, o.g. to unused , incl. 1903-08 to 50c, 1912-25 to $1 (2), Parlament and Mt. Edith Carvell sets compl., later compl. sets, back-of-book , booklets and panes, generally fresh and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000 ...................... . . . .. . . ..... .

1762 ** EB1935 to 1951, group of 4 blks of 4, compr. 1935 $ 1, 1938 50c and $1, Official 1950-51 $ 1, n.h., extremely fine ............................................ (227, 44, 45, 027) 1,040.00+ 1763 ** EB1976 Olympics $1, $2, 55 sets of matched corner blks of 4 of each, (880 copies of each) all in original presentation packs , plus 8 full sheets of 8 of each, n.h. very fine ............ . .... . ............. . .... .. . . ........... . .... . . ............... (687, 688) 11,364.00 1764


AIR POST SEMI-OFFICIALS: 1924 to 1932, selection of 23 items , n.h . to o.g., incl. Laurentide Air Service, Elliot-Fairchild, Patricia Airways, etc. , couple pairs, generally very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 . . .... . .. .. . . . ..... .. . .. . .(betw. CL85 and CL52) POSTAL IIlSTORY



1795 to 1919, accum. of about 65 stampless covers, incl. 1795 folded letter to Quebec with THREE RIVERS s.l., other s.l.'s, variety of rate and town markings, U.S. cross-border usages, Tran satlantics , couple of MONEY LETTERS and Legislative Assembly Shields, Officials, etc., mixed condition to very fine, an eclectic and highly interesting group. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,500 . .. . .......... . . ... . . . . .. . .... .. .. .. . ... .. . .... .

Lot No. 1766 181












Cat. Value An excellent selection of classic covers, compr. 12 stampless, one Beaver pair , and 5 perfected "CENTS" covers from 1850's and 1860's, very attractive group. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ......... ... ........................ . .. . . ... .... ... . .. .... ...... ... . 1859 Issue, group of 4 covers, compr. le on local Toronto envelope, 5c with Too Late s.l. handstamp on reverse, 5c 2 pairs on cover and folded letter to U.S. , mixed condition but an attractive group. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 ........... . .. .. . . .... . ... . Primarily Small Queen selection of 31 items , incl. one Large Queen cover to Massachusetts , excellent variety of Small Queen usages, mostly 3c and 6c rates, some Regis. , advertising, Stationery , mixed condition to very fine, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ........ ..................... .. .... ............ .. . 19th and 20 Century, accum. of over 130 items in 2 binders and loose in box, mostly post 1898 issues, incl. patriotics, advertising, maritime, censored, Regis. , Postage Due, Stationery, unused or used, few cut outs, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ................... ... . ...... . . . ......... . . . ............ . ... .. . . ........ .. . . . .. . AIR POST SEMI-O FFIC IALS: 1923 to 1931, coll. of over 60 covers in ring-binder, most bearing diff. Semi-Official s, variet y of private commercial airlines , many pilot signed, with Estevan-Winnipeg advertising cover and other better items, wonderful range and mix, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ............... .. ...... ...... .. ..


1924 to 1934 coll. of 28 flown covers incl. Laurentide , Northern Air Service, Elliot-Fairchild, Patricia, Yukon, British Columbia, Commercial, etc., mostly very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500 + ......... ...... .......... .............. ...... ....... . 1924 to 1926, group of 4 covers, compr. #CLP5 , CL2, 4 , 9, fine to very fine, caned. or tied by appropriate mkgs. and used with Admiral 3c carmine, #CL4 envelope signed by pilot a scarce and colorful group. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 . . .. .. . . .. . ... .

1773 0

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: Triangular Issues, coll. of over 150 primaril y used stamps on 12 exhibition pages and one stock sheet. Excellent selection of the 4p from 1855-58 and 1863-64 issues incl. seven pairs , varieties, shades, watermarks and a more than adequate representation of the Ip and 6p with shades , plus 6 "Woodblocks". Appearance and condition is well above normal for these issues and there is some specialist material though of a more nominal value. This collection is far superior to the usual offerings of these issues, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $2,500-3,000 . ..... . .. . ....... .................. . . . ............. ..

1774 * c::):;;:iCHILE : 19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundred in 5 albums or binders in carton, o.g. to unused or used, incl. range of first types, excellent selection of small Columbus heads with blks, varieties, 1891 Tierra Del Fuego IOc local blk of 4, later issues, Airs, Stationery, covers, censored, Regis., mixed condition to very fine an attractive collection worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 .................... .. 1775 181 COLOMBIA: Air Post; circa 1930 accum of 26 covers, many with blks of 4 or larger few Regis., many to Canal Zone generally fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 125 .. .. .... ...... . 1776 * 0 1§1 COLOMBIA AND STATES: 19th and 20th Century accum. of many hundred on pages in carton, o.g. to unused or used incl. a good range of States , later issues, comp!. sets, Revenues, comp!. or part sheets, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .... ...... .. ....................... .... . . . ... ... . . .. ....... . ... . ... . 1777 * 0

1778 * O

COLOMBIAN STATES: 1859 to 1910, coll. of a few hundred, o.g. or used, incl. 1859 and 1861 to Ip, 1863 to 20c, 1865 to Ir , 1867 to l0p , etc., Registered , incl. 1865 and 1881 issues, States with Antiquia, Bolivar, Carttagena, Medellin, Santander, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $1,500-2,000 .......... . ...... . . .. ... . . . . . . . . . ... .. .. ......................... .

COOK ISLANDS: 1892 Federation issues coll. of 51 o.g. to unused, incl. Ip, 5 blks and 4 singles, I ½p, blk and 7 singles, 2½p and I Op blk and 3 singles each , generally fine, well annotated and illustrated. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 .... . .. .. .

Lot No .

1779 * O

1780 * O 1781 * O

1782 * O

I 783

Cat. Value COSTA RICA: 1862 to 1960, coll. of a few hundred, o.g. or used , virtually compl. for period, incl. 1881 surchd, 1889 to l0p, 1907 to 2 col, later sets, Semis, Airs incl. 1941 soccer, 1944 San Ramon , etc. , mixed condition with some toning on early issues. Est. Cash Val. $600-800 ........ .. ... . ................ . .. ............. . CUBA: 1855 to 1917, coll. of a few hundred , o.g. or used, incl. 1862 to 2r and other early issues, 1883 ovptd., 1899 Special Delivery, Telegraphs, also useful selection of Puerto Rico, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $600-800 . .. .... ..... . CZECHOSLOVAKIA: 1918 to 1975, coll. of many hundred in 4 Schaubek albums , n.h. to unused or used, incl. good range of Hradcany and Masaryk issues, Airs, Souvenir sheets, back-of-book, few better items, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .................. . .... . ..... . .......... .. .... . .... . ..... .. . .... ... . 1919 to 1939, coll. of a few hundred , o.g. or used, incl. many compl. sets or better values, good range of 1919 ovptd. Masaryk issues, Postage Due, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 . . ......... .... ........ .... . . ... . ......... . ..... .. .

* O DENMARK: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of hundreds, o.g. to used, incl.

1851 4rs(10), 1854 to 16s, 1853 to 8s, rouletted, Arms, Numerals, later compl. sets, high values, Airs , Officials, Dues, etc., generally fine to very fine with many exceptional early issues. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-2,500 ..



FAROE ISLANDS: 1940-41 Surchd. Issue , compr. 20pa on So, 20pa on 150 each on cover, 50pa on So single on parcel post receipt and vert. pair on tatty cover, generally fine to very fine. Krs. 1975 ....................................................... (3-5) FRANCE Postal History













1744 to 1930, coll. of over 90 items , incl. stampless letters, letter sheets, covers, etc., overseas destinations, transit markings, later 19th cent. adhesives, mostly fine to very fine, interesting lot. Est. Cash Val. $300 + ................................. .. 19th and 20th Century, accum. of about 500 covers in box, incl. a few Ceres, Napoleon m, Peace and Commerce issues, Sower type , Transatlantics, Airs, Stationery, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ...... . .................. .... .. .... .. . 20th Century , accum. of over 50 covers, incl. a variety of issues, many 1950's with Semis, few comp!. sets on same cover, blks etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150.00+ ......... . ............ . ............. . ........... . .. .. ................. ... Ballon Monte; 1870, group of 3 items , compr. 5th of Nov " Gazette des Absents" set to London on 7th Nov., I 3th Nov. flimsy to Isere (interesting contents), 8th Dec. to (Elbeuf?) with Gazette for 7th Dec., mostly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200 . Semi-Official Air Post ; 1910 to 1932, coll. of 27 covers or cards on pages, wonderful range with some compl. sets on same cover, generally fine to very fine , a varied group worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500.00 + ............................... .. Coll. of 31 covers or cards, attractive range of early Air Meetings incl. 1909 Paris Port-aviation card and vignette, 1910 antes, 1912 Nancy, 1914 Brussels-Monaco Rally, 1927 First South Atlantic Crossing, also some Colonies incl. 1937 Roland Garros S0c on flown cover, mostly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $600-800

1791 * 0

1792 * O

1793 0

FRANCE AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, coll. and accum. of thousands in 8 stockbooks and loose in carton, n.h. to unused or used, incl. a few early issues, Ceres , Napoleon m, later compl. sets or better values, 1937 PEXIP Souvenir sheet, Semis, Airs, blks, Colonies, General Issues, lndo-China, etc., mixed condition to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $2,500-3,000 ..... . .... . .... .... ... ......... ... .

FRENCH COLONIES: Primarily 20th Century, coll. of hundreds on pages, o.g. to unused or used, incl. a good repre entation of colonies and Offices, Occu., Airs, few better items, reference, mixed condition, though much very fine appearing, worth inspeciton. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 .. ...... .... .. . ... ........ . .... . ...... ... .... . .. .. . General Issues: 1859 to 1944, coll. of over 85 used stamps on Minkus pages, numerous sets to 80c or !fr , better types, generally mixed condition, but many very fine on very fine appearing. Est. Cash Val. $350 ...................... .. ... .... ................... .


wt No. 1794




Cat. Value GAMBIA: 1902 to 1937, small coll. of 7 covers with a variety of Victoruian to Georg e .. V frankings , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300 . .. . .. .. .............. GERMAN STATES: 19th CENTURY, group of 10 covers and 2 fronts, incl. Baden , N.G.C. , lovely Hanover #1 , and Lubeck #1 3, etc., mixed condition to very fine, . . ... . .... . ...... ...... . interesting group. Est. Cash Val. $250-300 .................... GERMANY


*O 1797




I 80 I


1929 to 1952, accum. of about 120 covers, moslty cacheted FDC's, incl. a few Airs with 1928-31 2m (3), 4m (3), 1936 Olympic Games set on Hindenburg cover to New York, Catapult covers , 1949 Export Fair FDC (10), 1951 Marienkirche 20 + 5pf (3), 1952 Otto 30pf on FDC (IO), 1952 Luther IOpf on FDC (7), generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. . .. . . ............... $1,000-1,500 .. . . ......... . . . .... . .........................


1939 to mid 1970's, coll. of over 350 primarily FDC's most in 2 albums, numerous sets, also Semis, Berlin, Saar , most cacheted and unopened, generally fine to very fine. Stated to Cati. DM5000 .. ..... ... . ... .. .. . ... . . .... .. . .... .. . . .. ... . ..... . ..... . .... . . .



20th Century, coll. of many hundred on pages in box, n.h. or o.g. or used, incl. West Germany, Berlin, Russian Zone, Rheinland-Pfalz, Souvenir sheets, compl. and part sets, generally fine to ver y fine Est. Cash Val. $500-750 . ... . .. . .. . ......... .


1945 to 1955, coll. of hundreds, o.g. or used, incl. issues of Allied Govt. , F.D.R. , G.D.R. Soviet Zone and Berlin, many better values incl. 1948 Gate issues, virtually compl. Semis incl. used dupl. sets, Berlin ovpts, 1949 Currency sheet, French Zones incl. Souvenir sheets, etc., valuable and attractive collection worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. ..... ....... . .... .. . . .. . ... . ..... . .. . .. . $3,000-4,000 .... ... ...................

AIR POST: 1912 to 1924, selection of 12 flown covers of cards, incl. 24. I0 . I2 Frankfu rt-Wiesbaden and return Seppelin cards , 1912 Gelber Hund flight, 4 incl. Im surchd ., 1913 Luftpo tam Rhein card with blue vignette, 19 13 Munich flight, etc . , mostly fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 . . .. . . . . .... . . . ....... .. .... ... . . ...... . .. . .... . . . PARCEL POST RECEIPT CARDS: group of27 cards u ed from 1916 to 1922, compr. 10 cards bearing 2m blue (Mi 95All ), other frankin gs to 20m with one card used 1927, extensive variety of towns , multiples , mixed frankings , fabulous group. Est. Cash Val. · · · · · · · . ... · · · · · · · · · · .. · · · · .. · · · · · · ...... · · · · · · · · .. · .. · · · · $400 ... . . . ... .. ................ GERMANY AND AREA



19th and 20th Century, stock of hundreds on sales sheets in IO stock books in box, o.g. to unused or used, incl. range of States, Empire, Plebiscites, Third Reich, Offices in China, Colonies , few reference, mixed condition to very fine.Est. Cash .. ....... . . . ............................ Val. $500-750 ... . ...............................



Accum. of over 130 on sa les sheets in box , unused or used, incl. Bavaria , Saxony, Wurttemberg, Empire small shield, Offices in China, GDR, few reference, mixed condition, high catalogue value, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-750


Primarily 20th Century, accum of thousands mostly in sheets in box, **16l





majority n.h., incl. Bavaria, lnflation issues, selvage faults, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash . . . . ....... . .. . .. . . .. ..... . . . ............ Val. $300-400 . . . . . .............................

Accum. of about 600 items in box , incl. Bavaria, Danzig, Soviet Zones, Transatlantics, censored , Stationery , Airs, etc., mixed condition . Est. Cash Val. $300-400 . . ...... . GERMANY AND STATES: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of 147 covers in two cover albums, mostly Thurn and Taxis, North German Confed., Bavaria and Germany shields, also some interesting post cards, numerous mixed frankings, .. . . str ips , etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . . . ...... . .............

GREAT BRITAIN lot No. 1807 ~

1808 0

1809 0

19th Century

Cat . Value Accum. of a few hundred in glassines in box, mostly used , scattered unused , incl. 1840 lp , good range of surface printed with better values, misc. covers , mixed condition but with much very fine app earing , worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . ........ .. . . .............. . . . .... . .... . .... . ..... . .... .. . . 1840 Wmkd. Small Crown, White paper lp black, 17 copies, all full to large margins, few close at places, 10 with red Maltese Cross cancels , others black , 2 corner margin positions, some smaJJ faults , generally fine to very fine or very fine appearing .Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 ... .. ............................ .. . . ... . ... (1) Ip, 12 copies , mostly 3- margined , one with " 1844 " type cancel, others mostly red or black MC cancels, one on small piece, some small faults. Est. Cash Val. $300-500 (I)

1810 0

2p blue, 48 copies, generally 3-margined copies, mostly with black Maltese Cross cancels, incl. one pair and one on small piece, some small faults but many fine to very fine appearing copies, worth careful inspection . Est. Cash Val. $2,000-2,500 . . . . ... . ... . . . . . ......... . . .. . .. . ......... .. .(2)

18 11 0

2p, 10 copies, all full to large margin s, couple close at places, black MC cancels , some small faults, generally very fine appearance ........... (2) 4,000.00

1812 0

2p, 10 copies, full to large margins , some close at places, all but one caned. black MC, some small faults, generall y fine to very fine appearing . . . ....... . ...... .(2) 4,000.00

18 13 0

1814 0

1815 0 1816 0

1841 Bluish Paper 2p blue , Pl. 3, AA-TL reconstruction on pages , 241 stamps (B-1 overlaop) , used , vast majority full to large margins , incl. man y pairs and some strips , Re-entr y O-G in strip of 3, majority of cancels "1844" type but some with black MC , few trifling faults but man y exceptional copies throughout , generally very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $2,000-2,500 . . .. . .. . . . .. . ...... ... . . . .. . .... (4) 2p, group of 27 multiples, compr. 17 pair s, one with "4" in MC, strips of 3 (5), 4 (2), 5, 6 (2), almost all full to large margin s, 2 items on small piece , some trifling faults but some lovely appearing examples , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $600-800 ....... . ... .. .. . ..... . ................... . ....... . ........ .. .......... . .(4) 2p, 47 copies, all full to large margin s, 4 on small piece, virtuall y aJJ "1844" type cancels, few trifling faults but man y exceptional looking copies , generally fine to very fine, worth inspection. Est . Cash Val. $500-750 ........................... (4) 2p, specialized study of 94 copies, majority 3 margins but showing an interesting array of guide lines, double check letters, misplaced check letters, recuts, Pl. 3 L-E repaird impression, shifts, etc., almost all " 1844" type cancels, repaired, mixed condition to fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 .. . .... . . . . . . .. . .... . ... . ..... .. .. . . .. . .. (4)

18 17 * O

18 18 * O 1819 0 1820 0

1840 to 1990, coll. of many hundr ed in 2 stockbooks, n.h. to unused or used , incl. 1840 lp , 2p, good range of surfac e printed with values to l0sh (3), £1 (5), 1902-11 to £1, 1913-18 £1, 1929 £1, later compl. sets, back-of-book , also misc. Commonmwealth, mixed condition , later much fine to very fine, worth careful inspection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42,000.00 +

1840 to 1974, coll. of hundreds on pages in box, majority used, some o.g., incl. I 840 lp , range of surface printed, values to l0sh and later issues, mixed condition. Est. . ....... . .... . .... . . .. . ........ . . . Cash Val. $200-300 ... . ... ...... . .... . ................ 1934 Re-engraved Ssh carmine , 100 copies, mixed condition ..................... (223) 2,000.00 1939-42 George VI l0sh indigo, 100 copies, mostly with c.d.s. cancels, mostly fine to very fine . . . . . .. . . .... . . .. . . .. . . . . .................. . ............. . ... . .. . . .. ... .. .. (251) 2 ,500.00

Lot No. 1821 0 1822 0

Cat . Value 1948 ÂŁ 1 red brown , 100 copies, some c.d.s. cancels , generally fine to very fine (275) 1,750.00 1951 lOsh George and Dragon I0sh ultramarine, 500 copies, many with c.d .s. cancels, fine to very fine ............. . . . . . ......... . ... . . .. ... .. ..... ....... . .... . . .. . .. .. . (288) 2,500.00

1823 0

1951 Royal Arms ÂŁ1 light red brown, 500 copies, many with c.d.s. cancels, generally fine to very fine .................... . .. . .. . . . .................................... . (289) 5,500.00 1824 Similar lot 1825 0 Same, 100 copies, mostly fine to very fine . . .... . . . .......... . ...................... (289) 1, 100.00 1826 ** EE1960's-1970's Definitive Issue Stock, compr. 1967-69 Sterling 4 high values (I 8 sets), 1970-78 Decimal 4 high vlaues (7 sets), 1976-79, Redrawn 8 comp!. sets in prese ntation packs, plus some extra, fine to very fine .. . . . (5 10-13, 635-7, 762-75) 1,244.44

1964 to 1983, stock of hundreds in stock book and glassines in carton, apparently all n.h., incl. Machins, Commems, many booklets, dupl. to 10 of any one, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 ....................................... .

1827 **


1840 and 1841, selection of 5 covers, compr. Ip black , 4 margins, red MC and NA BETH














c.d.s., 2p blue 3 margin copy , 4 marg in copy tied by red MC and red WOLVERHAMPTON c.d.s., l p red brown on small cover, 2p blue , 4-margin , tied by indistinct number in cross cancel, genera lly a fine group. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ...... . ... . 1847 to 1854 Embossed issues group of 5 covers, compr. !sh green, cut into at left, on cover to N .Y., 1848 !Op, poor , on cover to Wales, another , superb used copy with add!. 2p blue on cover to Maine , 1854 6p with add!. 2p blue on cover to Germany , useful group . Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ........................... ... .... .. ........... . 19th adn 20th Century, accum. of about 400 items in box , incl. 1840 Ip (2), later line engraved, 1887-92, Transatla ntics, censored, Regis. , Stat ionery, mixed condition to fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ....... . ............................. .... . . . 1953 to 1960, group of 16 covers or cards, incl. 1953 Coronation FDC (7), 1958 Games FDC , 1960 GLO, Europa FDC's, generally fine to very fine. Est. Ca h Val. $100- 150 1973 to 1987, accum. of over 150 FDC's in box, all addressed to Massachusetts , incl. large and small Machin s, Commem s, Regio nals, genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $150-200 .... . ..................................................................... .

AIR POST: 1911 to 1935 selection of 11 early air covers, 1911 London-Windsor flights (3), incl. scarce violet envelope, Provincial airports incl. Westcounty (2), G.W.R. Island Express and specatacular 1933 4th South America Seppelin flight cover with G. W.R. 3p green paying internal air mail, mostly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500 ............................. .... ................................ . MULREADY: 1840 group of 4 items, compr. two Ip , each with red MC cancel, 2p with red MC cancel, another with barred oval " 20" cancel, small faults, generally fine appearance. Est. Cash Val. $200 ..... . ... . . . . . .. .................. .... ... .. .. . ........ .




I 837







OFFICES ABROAD: Coll. of a few hundred diff. , n.h. to part o.g. , scattered used, incl. Offices in Africa, China, Morocco, Turkish Empire, better values with 12p on I0sh Edward VII, Seahorses with 12pe on lOsh (2), generally fine to very fine, worth inspection Over 6,600.00

GREECE: Primarily 19th century, accum. of a few hundred on sales sheets, in glassines, etc., in box, n.h. to unused or used, incl. a good range of large and small Hermes Heads, many blks, vars., Occu., Icaria, Samos 1912 251 pair or cover, many ex-auction lots, mixed condition to fine to very fine. an interesting array. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . ... . ... . ...... . .............................. .. ... . 1861 to 1927, coll. of several hundred, o.g. or used, incl. a sueful range of Hermes Heads, later sets with 1901 and 1906 Olympics, Occu. issues, Postage Due, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 .. . . . .. . .. . ....................... ... . . ... . 20th Century, accum of 13 items on pages and loose in envelope, mostly covers of 1930-40's incl. Air Post and some first flights, Regis., etc,. very fine , interesting group . Est. Cash Val. $ 100-150 . ... . ...... .. . . .......... .. ............................ . 1937 to 1981, coll. of over 200 mostly caheted FDC's, incl. comp!. sets, topicals , etc., strong in ear ly I 960's, fine to very fine. Stated to cat. DM 4 ,000 .................. .

wt No. 1840 * O

1841 * O



Cat . Value GREENLAND: 1905 to 1970, Small coll of over 100, o.g. or used, incl. compl. sets or better items with a good semi-specialized group of Parcel Post showing diff. printings, perfs, cancels, etc., many not Scott listed, mostly fine and fresh. Est. Cash Val. $800-1,000 ................ .. . .. . ...... . . ............. . . ... . . ... . .. . . ....... . GUATEMALA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of hundreds on pages in box, o.g. to unused or used, incl. a few early issues, Quetzals, plate varieties, ovptd., Souvenir sheets, Airs, Telegraphs, few covers, mixed condition to fine to very fine, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ........... .. .......... . ........... . HELIGOLAND: Stationery; 1875 to 1878, coll. of over 30 items and more than 15 cut squares on pages, all but 2 unused, incl. reply cards, entires, wrappers , etc., nice variety and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150 + ..... .... ............. .

*0181 HONDURAS: Air Post; the L.W. Charlat Reference Collection of a few


thousand stamps and reference items, well organized by issue and replete with platings, blks, covers, articles, notations, photos, etc., a magnificent array of this material. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 . ...... .

1844 * O



1846 181 1847 * O 1848









HUNGARY: 1871 to 1915, coll. of a few hundred, o.g. or used , many comp!. sets or better values, incl. lithographed to 25k, 1913 and 19 14 Semis, mostly fine and fresh . Est. Cash Val. $200-300 . ... . . . ....... . ........ . . . .. . .. . ...... .. ............... . ...... . Parcel Post Receipt Cards; group of over 170 cards, used in the 1920's and franked with appropria te issues , also Stationery, excellent selection of town cance ls, multiples and combinat ion frankings. Est. Cash Val. $200 .. .. . ...... . .................... . .... . Similar Group of over 160 cards. Est. Cash Val.$200 .00 .................. . ..... .. . . .. . ICELAND: 1876 to 1947, coll. of a few hundred, o.g. or used , incl. comp!. sets or better values , Semis, Airs, Officals, etc., mixed condition . Est. Cash Val. $300-400 1939 to 1980, accum of over 300 items, strong in 1950's with 160 FDC's (DM2500 ), plus Greenland, (70), Faroe Islands ( 12), 1950 to 1981 a total of 82 FDC' s (DM1500 ), some better earlier sets, usual cachets, etc. generally fine to very fine ...... . .. . .. . . DM4000 INDIA: 20th Century, group of 5 items, com pr. 191 I First Aerial Post cover , I 924 Rongbuk Glacier base cancelled vignette of Everest Expedition , 1926 Alan Cobham Australia Flight cover, 1945 Kalyan Pigeon Post, 1948 Gandhi Souvenir set in folder, mostly very fine. Est. Cash Val. $100-150 ..... .. ...... ... .. ........ . ... ...... . . .. ... . Hyderabad; 19th and 20th Century, coll. of 18 items on pages, incl. additional India postage, Regis., entires, post cards and l native cover, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $ 100 .............. . .. .. .. .... .... .... ..................... ...... ............. . .... . INDONESIA: 1951 to 1960's, accum. of about 70 part sheets, in box , apparently n .h ., incl. Semi s, Airs , Postage Due , few not listed, generally very fine . Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ............ . . ... ........................................ . ...... . . .. .. .. ... .. . . .



1853 * O

IRAN: 1926 to 1977, stock of several hundred, generally n.h. , incl. many comp!. sets or better items, incl. 1967 Coronation Souvenir sheet, (7), 1941 Official high values, etc. , dupl., mostly very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000 ................. . . . ... . ..................................... . ... ..... ¡ ..

ISRAEL: To about 1980, accum. of many hundred on sales sheets and loose in carton , n.h . to o .g . or used , incl. a few forerunner s, FDC's, Souvenir sheets, tabs , blks , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 .......................... . . .... . 181 1962 to 1980, group of over 50 sheets in box, mostly n.h., incl. Chagall windows , Ben Gurion , Souvenir sheets , few covers , generally very fine . Est. Cash Val. $200-300 . ITALIAN STATES: 19th Century, accum. of a couple hundred items in glassines and on sales sheets in box , o.g. to unused or used , some covers , incl. Modena, Roman States, Sardinia. Tuscany , Naples, Neapolitan Provinces , few reference , mixed condition although much fine to very fine appearing , worth inspection . Est. Cash Val. $600-800 .... . .. . . . ... ... ................. . ... ... . . ....................... . .... .. .. . . .. . . ROMAN STATES; 19th Century, group of about 70 pre-stamp or stampless items on pages in 2 binders, incl. an interesting and varied array of marking s, also binder with notes and reference material, mixed condition to very fine . Est . Cash Val. $200-300 ...... ..... ........ .... . ................ . ..... . . ........ .. . .. . . ... . . .......... ..







Cat . Value

Lot No. 1857

OCSJ TUSCANY: 1791 to 1860 , coll. of several hundred used and over 60 covers ,

incl. superb range of 1851 values to 9cr, cancellations, pairs , covers with 1860 dupl. range to 80c with many multiples and multi-frankings, covers, shades, cancels, etc., mixed condition , a fascinating and valuable . collection. Est. Cash Val. $3,000-4,000 .. ....... . .... . ....................

1858 * O

1859 **

ITALY: Primarily 20th Century, coll. of many hundred, o.g. or used, incl. many compl. sets or better values, Semis, Airs, Occu. , etc., also Fiume and Trieste-A, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500

1960 to 1989, coll. of hundreds in Lighthouse album , appar ently all n.h ., virtually comp!.

. ..... . .. . .. . issues and generally very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-30 0 . .. .............. flight (2), -Turin Rome 1917 . pr com cards, 1860 * EE Air Post; 1917 to 1926, group of 4 covers or 1917 Naples-Palermo cover and illustrated flight card, also blk of 4 Nobile vignettes ..... .... .... . . . and imperf pair , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ I 00 .............. 1861 * O



ITALY AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century, approx 10 coll. remainders in Scott and spring back albums, thousands of stamps, mixed used and unused, usual range of states, sets, Semis, Airs, etc. , also San Marino, nothing higher priced but very useful, generally fine or better. Est. Cash . .... . Val. $1,000-1,500 ....... . . . .... .. .... . ........ . . . ......................

JAMIACA: Temporary Rubber Date Stamp; an assortment of over 400 from the

1863 * O

I 950's and I 960 's, exce llent selection of issues, pmks ., destinations , etc . In addition there is a small selection of used and unused Stationery, very hard to duplicate group . . ........ . ..... . . .. . .. . .. . ........... . .............. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ........... JUGOSLAVIA: To 1962, coll. of many hundred on pages in box, o.g. to unused or used, incl. a few forerunners, good range of Chain Breaker types, Later comp!. sets, Croatia-S lavonia, Carinthia , etc., back-of-book , mixed cond ition to fine to very fine. . .............. Est . Cash Val. $400-500 ... . ... . ... .. .. . .... . .. ...... . . ... . .............

1864 *

1918 to 1938, coll. of a few hundred, mostly o.g., many comp!. sets incl. I 9 I 8- 19

1865 0

KUWAIT: 1950-51 George VI Sr on Ssh dull red, 200 copies, c.d.s. cancels, genera lly

ovp td ., etc. , generally very fine . Est. Cash Val. $250 .................

1866 0 1867


. ..... . .......


... ..... . . . ... ( 100) 1,500 .00 fine to very fine ..................................................... very fine (101) 1,250.00 to fine lly genera , c.d.s.cancels copies, 100 IOr on IOsh ultramarine,

LATVIA AND LITHUANIA: Parcel Post Receipt Cards; group of 12 Latvia and 14 Lithuania cards from the 1920's and 1930's , former co mpr . the Arms issue to I0L with most carrying 5L frankings, some sure to be the Swaslika wmk. The latter are franked by issues from 1923 to 1930, 2 with Air Post, all addressed to U.S. and most with interesting combination franki ngs. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 ...... . .. ........ ... .

1868 * O S LIBERIA: 19th and 20th Century, stock of a few hundred on sales sheets in 5 stock

books, n.h. to unused or used, incl. a few early issues, proofs, imperf varieties, specimen ovpts. , Souvenir sheets, compl. or part sets, generally fine to very fine. ....... . .. .. ....... . Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ......... . ....... ... . . .... . ..... ........... I 869 ** EESouvenir sheets; 1945 to 1977, accum of over 200 on sales sheets in box , apparently



n.h. , incl. U.P .U., Olympics, Kenned y, World Hea lth, general ly very fine. Est. Cash ... .. . .. . . . . .. ............................ .......... Val. $150-200 ....................... loose and s binder 2 in 200 over of accum. cover 1980's, to 1937 LIECHTENSTEIN: in box, incl. a few ear lier items, mostly in comp!. sets, many unaddre ssed FDC' s, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 .. . . . . ..... .... ..... ... . . ..... . . .

187 1 ** EE1955 3fr dark green, full sheet of nine, n.h., faults on one sheet edge only, otherwise . .... . ... . ...... . .. . .. (288) . .... . ............. very fine . DM 2025 . . . . . . ...... ........... of 2 covers with I st set 1930 compr. covers, 5 of 1872 181 Air Post; 1930 to 1935, group Vaduz-st. Gallen cancels, another set with blue FTM Liechtenstein Zeppelin cancels, 1935 60rp on I fr tied on I sh Vaduz-Altenrhein lnnsbruch flight , 1936 Zeppelin pair . . .. . . . on South Amer ica Flight cover, fine . Est. Cash Val. $200 ........ . ...........



Lnt No. 1873











Cat . Value


LUXEMBOURG: 1852 to 1882, coll. of over 130 stamps, mostly o.g. , a superb showing of these difficult issues with 1852 10c and 1 sg., later reprints, 1859 Arms set, rouletted and rouletted in color incl. many shades, 1875 to lfr with imperf, Haarlem Print, good range of Officials to lfr , also selection of essays and proofs, generally fine to very fine and extremely fresh. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30,000.00

* O MAURITIUS: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of about 300 stamps,


on sales sheets in box, o.g. to unu sed or used, incl. range of Britannias, surface printed , Arms types, key plates , etc., mixed condi tion to fine to very fine , worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 . .. ... . .. ... ..... . ... . .. . . . .. .... . ..... . . . . . .. ..... . .......... . ..... .. ......... . * O MOANACO: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of hundreds on pages in box, o.g. to unused or used, incl. a few early issues, Albert issues and later compl. sets, Semis, Airs, Souvenir sheets, mixed condition to fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .... . ............... .. ..... . ........ . . .. . ...... . . .. . ....... . .. . ............... .. * O Primarily 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred on sales sheets in box , o.g. or unused or used , few cove rs , incl. a few early issues , comp!. sets , Sem is, Souve nir sheets , proof s, speciali st items, generally fine to very fine. Est . Cash Val. $400-500 . . .... . * O NATAL: 1860 to 1909, coll. of 105 stamps in black stockbook, o.g. to unused or used, incl. a few early issues, 1874-78 Ssh (2), 1902-03 and 1908-09 to £1, few others with Revenue cancels, mixed condition to very fine . . . . . . . . ...... . . . . . ... . .. .Over 4,300.00 * O NETHERLANDS: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of hundreds, o .g. or used , incl. a small but useful range of I 9th cent. , later comp!. sets, Semis, some dupl. , ge nera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 .. .. .... . . . .... . . . . .. . . . . .. ...... . ................. . 18: 1947 to mid-1970's, coll. of over 200 FDC's in cove r album and loose , many bearing com p!. sets, cac heted and unopen ed , ear lies generally fine to later very fine. Stated to catl. DM4000 ...... . ..... . . .. .... ... . . . . ... . .... . . . ......... . ................ . .... . ... . . 18: NETHERLANDS AND COLONIES: 20th Century, cover accum. of about 160 in box , incl. Antilles, Surinam , First Flights, Transatlantics, Europa , etc ., ge nera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 . ... . . .... . ...... . .. .. .. . . . ............. . .. . ..... . . . l8i NETHERLAND ANTILLES AND SURINAM: 1953 to 1901, coll. of over 400 primarily FDC's in 4 cover books and loose , many with comp!. sets and most cacheted , bearing Semi s, Airs , topicals , Souvenir sheets , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300 . . . .. . . ...... .. .. .... . .... . . ... . .. .. . . .. . . . . .... . . . .. .......... ·. · -· ·· · · · · · · · · · * 0 NETHERLANDS INDIES: 1874 to 1955, coll. of many hundred in blue binder o.g. or used, incl. 1938-40 and later compl. sets, Semis, Airs, Postage Due with multiples and varieties, Officials, few covers, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 .............. . . . .. . .. .. . . .......... .. ...... .. .. . . ..... . . .. .... . . . . . * 0 1:ENEWFOUNDLAND: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of over 250 stamps on sales sheet s in box , o.g. to unused or used , incl. a few ear ly issues, pictorial s, Cabot , blks of 4, few Airs, mixed condition to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ... ... . . . . .. . 1884

1885 l:E


1857 to 1947, coll. of a couple hundred on pages, o.g. to unused, incl. a few early issues, excelleant range of later issues with many compl. sets, few blks but no Airs, also misc. ew Brunswick, Nova Scotia, P .E.I. and Vatican City, generally fine to very fine, an attractive collection worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 .... . .................... . (Photo)

Air Post; 1919 to 1933 4 items, com pr. 19 I 9 Transatl anti c $ I on 15c on cover to England, 1924 Halifax 35c on cover to U.S., 1931 1st Flight St. John ' s to North Sydney, 1933 set on front tied by F.D . cancels, mostly fine. Est. Cas h Val. $250 . 1886 * Ol8i NICARAGUA: Air Post; The L. W. Charlat Reference Collection of many hundred stamps and reference items, well organized and documented and replite with partial settings, covers, blks, articles, notations, photos, etc., fascinating and useful. Est. Cash Val. $500-1,000 . . .. . ... .... . ....... . ... .. . . . . . . .. . .. ........ .. . ... . 1887 NORTH WEST PACIFIC ISLANDS: 1915-16 duJI rose, die I, group of 94 copies mostly in st.rips, majority S.G . type " c", also some types " a" and " b" , n.h. , fine to very fine. Rare asse mblage S.G . 68 , £329 . ... .. ... ... .. . . . .. ... .. . . .. . .. . . ( 12 var.)


lot No. 1888 0


Cat. Value BRITISH NEW GUINEA: 1901-05, group of 18 values to lsh, bearing a variety of 8 and 9-bar killer or early c.d .s. cancels, fine group . Est. Cash Val. $LOO+ (betw . 1-7)



Stationery; 1901-02 Postal Cards lp red, unused and used , 11/2blue , 2 used, fine group of these scarce items. Est. Cash Val. $150-200 .................

. ... . ....

(H&G 1,2)

PAPUA 1890



* 0 83Imprints; 1910 to 1939, over 130 stamps showing fine range of Imprints, incl. J.B.C., 18! 18!

1893 0

C.A, Harrison, Ash, many blks and LAKATOI values to 2sh6p, Airs, Officials and some vars., fine and attractive collection. Est. Cash Val. $600 ............ .. 1911-12 Monocolor Issue, selection of S covers, compr . 1912 Regis. to England, one bearing Ip , 2p , 6p, another bearing ½p , 1913 Ip used to England (2), 1913 Ip on ½p green (6) on Regis . to U .S.A. , attractive group. Est. Cash Val. $ 150+ .. . ........ . . 1922 to 1933, coll. of 13 bicolor covers incl. 1908 large piece bearing 2 ½p pair s , 1910 bearing 2p (3), Ip, 1911 with 2p, 1914 with Ip , 1922 Reg is. to Sarawak bearing ½p, Ip , 2p, 2 ½r and 3p , another 1925 bearing values to 2p , 1927 OHMS to Sarawak bearing 2 ½p (2) , I 931 to England bear ing 2p and 9p on 2sh6p , I 933 Regis to U.S. bearing 9p on 2sh6p and lsh3p on Ssh, nice mix and colorful. Est. Cash Val. $400-600 Cancellation coll. to 1932, over SO values with comprehensive range, incl. LOOSE SHIP LETTER , framed and unframed oval , BUNA BAY, IOMA , DARU, KOKODA , TAMATA, etc., fine and attrac tive group . Est. Cash Val. $300-500 . .. . . . . . .. . . . ... . 83Coll. of over SOstamps, o .g. or used , nice range of printing flaws , incl. many blks , full sheet of 1910 ½p, 2sh6p, 3 copies, 1931 " POSTAGE " error , fine. Est. Cash Val. $250-300 .. . ...... . ... ... . . ........ . ... . ... .. .. . ...... .. ................ . ........... .. .. . 1933 to 1941, coll. of 21 covers bearing mostly Pictori al issues , incl. blks to 6p, censored incl. R .A.F., Navy and Army , attractive group . Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ...... . ... .






* 0 18!Air Post; 1929 to 1941, coll. of 29 stamps and 18 covers, many censored and 6 first


flights, incl. 1932 Port Moresby-Kokoda (2), 1934 Papua-Australia, etc., well annotated and attractive collection. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 .. . . . ..... . .. .. . . .. . Officials; 1909 to 1932, coll. of 42, o.g . or used, incl. 1909 perforated " O.S." to l sh,


1910 perfto !sh, incl. attractive Ip , o.g. with Harri son Imprint , 193 1 ovptd. set , 1932 pair , etc. , fresh and mostly fine. Est. Cash Val. $200 . .. . . . .. .... ... . .. .. .... ... . ... . Revenues; 1911-12 "SAMARAI PROVISIONALS'' ,STAMP DUTY ovptd . on Ip rose and Ip black & red , 2 each , 6p black & gree n , blk of 6 , with SAMARA] c .d.s .' s, very fine .Est. Cash Val. $100- 150 ... . . . .. . ......... . . . .... . . .. . . . . .. .... . . . . .... ..... . . . .. . .




* 83 Balance of the coll., over 125, o.g., incl. 1901 to lsh6p (crease), 1907 large Papua


1901 1902

18! 83 *0


I 904




ovpt., 1907 small ovpt., 1911 Monocolor issue, 1916 to lOsh, etc., some blks, generally fine. Est. Cash Val. $600-800 .......... . ... . .... .. ... .. . . . . ..... . . ... . . . .. . PERU: Parcel Post Receipt Cards; group of over 60 cards used in the 1920 ' s and

1930 ' s and franked with I 9 I 8 and I 925-29 issues, values to 2s, all from Lima to U.S. Est. Cash Val. $125 .... ... .. . . . . . .. . . ...... .... ..... .... ... . ... . .. . . . ...... . ...... .. .. . Similar group of 51 cards. Est. Cash Val. $ I 00 .... .. . .. ... . .... . .. .. . ... .......... . .. . .

PORTUGAL: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred, o.g. or used, many compl. sets or better items, incl. 1855 to l00r, 1862 to lO0r, 1867 to 240r, later sets, Semis, etc., generally fine and fresh. Est. Cash Val. $500-600 ............. .


PORTUGAL AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of hundreds, o.g. or used, many comp!. sets or better items, incl. imperf and perf Luiz types, Provisionals, Semis, most colonies well represented, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 . . . ...... . . . . .. . .. . .. . .

Stock of many hundred on sales sheets in IO bindres, o.g. or unused or used, incl. good range of Luiz and Carlos issues, Crowns, Airs, Angola, Portuguese Guinea, Mozambique, blks, specialist items, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 .. . . .... . . .. . . ..... ... .............. . ... . .... . . . .. . . . . . . ... . ..... . . . . . . . ....... . Accum. of many hundred on sales sheets and stockcards in box, o.g. to unus ed or used , incl. range of Pedro and Luiz issues, useful Ceres , Azores , Timor , mixed condition to generally fine to very fine , wort h inspection. Est. Cash Val. $400-500

wt No.

Cat . Value PORTUGUESE COLONIES: 19th and 20th century , accum. of many hundred on stockcards in box, o.g. to unused or used, incl. Angola , Azores, Horta, Inhambane, Lourenco Margues , Mozambique, Ponta Delgada, Crowns, later issues, mixed condition to fine to very fine, worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $500-750 ........ . .. . ... . ... ... .................. . ... . .... . ....... . .................... .. PRINCE EDWARD ISLAND: 1864 to 1873, group of 4 envelopes, all bearing diff. stamps, one to Georgetown, two to Nova Scotia, other to Minnesota, mixed centering, generally fine to very fine and attractive covers. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 (6, 9, 13, 14) QUEE NSLAND: 1882 to 1909, coll. of a couple hundred on pages, mostly used, scattered unused, incl. an interesting array of plate vars., cancels, shades, few not listed, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 ... ... .... . ......... . .. . .. . .... ... .. .

1906 * O



1908 0

RHODESIA 1910 Double Portraits 1909

1910 * O 191I

* 1912

1913 * O 1914 * O


The comprehensive primaril y annotated reference collection of many hundred on 13 stock pages , values compl. from ½p to 2sh and 2 faulty copies of S.G . 158, most Gibbons numbers more than adequately represented with as many as 15 copies of a shade, also man y sub-shades or derivatives , plate varieties , etc., several identified by Robert Gibbs. A virtually impossible to duplicate group, vast major ity o.g. , some fault s to be expected but generally fine. Est. Cash Val. $2,000 ... . . .. . .. . .... .

The Perf. 15 remainder, compr. ½p , Ip (3), 2p, 2½p (6), 5 used, rest o .g. or unused, few small faults, but some very fine copies ............... (betw. S.G. 167 and 172) The Perf. 13½ remainder, compr, 2\/2p, 6 copies, and 8p,13 copies, o.g. , some sha de variation s, all fresh and generally fine to very fine ..... .......... (S.G. 184, 185)


1913-19 Admiral Issue; The comprehensive Double Plate reference collection of several hundred on 13 stock pages, commencing with Die I, perf 14 though Die m , perf 15 all but a few o.g., values to lOsh, incl. Imprint and normal blks of 4, most colors represented with up to 20 of some lower values , only a few out of sort , some faults but a large number very fine with some n .. h, A lovely lot which would take man y years to duplicate. Est . Cash Val. $2,500+ ... ........ (betw. S.G. 209 and 319)

ROMANI A: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of several hundred , o.g. or used , incl. good range of Prince Carol issues, later compl. sets, Semis, Airs, Occu., etc., moslty fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $600-800 ...... ... . . . . ....... .. ...... . ........... .. Coll. of hundred s on pages in box, o.g. to unused or used, incl. a few early issues, Prince Carol issues, Ferdinand, later compl. sets, Airs, back-of-book, mixed condition to fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ..... .. . ... .. .. . . .. .... ..... ........ .. .. . RUSSIA



19 16




1918 181 1919 l8l 1920 0

Group of 9 pre-1920 covers, 3 with Coat of Arms, mixed frankings, good variety, some minor edge faults, generally fine. Est. Cash Val. $100-150 . . .. ..... ... ... . ... . ..... . Air Post ; 1924 to 1944, group of 16 flown covers or cards , incl. 1924 surchd. set on cover to Paris , 1930 Zeppelin pair on cover and card, 1931 North Pole, 4 imperf sets, on various covers incl Polar Flight cachets, lcebereaker drops , etc., 1913 Zeppelin set perf and imperf , etc., generally very fine. Est. Cash Val. $500 .. . . Parcel Post Receipt Cards; group of over 70, mostly used from I 905 to I920's, value to 2r, dupl. , some Arms issues, varietys of town cancels with a number to U.S. Est. Cash Val. $200 ..... . ... . .. .. ............................................... ... ...... . . . Similar group, over 60 cards, Est. Cash Val. $ I 50 ..................... . .............. . Same, over 40 cards. Est . Cash Val. $100 ......... .. . ................................. . Officies in Turke y; 1865 to 1900, coll. of 38 used stamps on Scott pages, incl. useful imperfs, set, etc., generally mixed condition but several very fine or very fine appearing. Est. Cash Val. $350 ... ... .. ....... ................... . .... . . .... . .... . .... .

£685 £972

Cat. Value RUSSIA AND EASTERN EUROPE: 1920's Correspondance of over 130 covers or cards, mostly to Shanghai, China, incl. useful range of Railway and transit cancels with some interesting contents, mixed condition. Est. Cash Val. $250 + ..... ...... . SAN MARINO: 1877 to 1944, coll. of a few hundred, mostly o.g ., incl. to 2L, 1903 to SL , many comp!. sets incl. 1932 P.O. , 1932 Garibaldi , 1933 surchd . etc. , mostly very fine. Est. Cash Val. $300-400 .. .. . ..... . . . . . ... . . . .... . .. . . . . . ... . .. . . .. .. . . .

Lot No. 192 1 cg:




* OEBSAUDI ARABIA: 1916 to 1926, coll. of a few hundred, unused or used, many scarce and better values, blks, sets, proofs, varieties incl. 1916 Rouletted, 1922 and 1923 surchd., 1925 Jedda surch. incl. invtd. and reversed, 1925 '/4p blk of 4 invtd., ½p red pair, invtd. surch., Postage Due incl. 19253 20 pa normal aad invtd. surch., mixed condition, a valuable collection worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $4,000-6,000


SOUTH AFRICA: Air Post; 1912 to 1931, group of 5 Oown covers or cards, compr.


19 1 I 1st South African Aerial Post card (vert. crease), Kenilworth -M uizenberg 1925 set (2 cove rs), S.W.A. 1931 1931 pairs, 1932 Cape Town-Athens bearing Official 6p pair , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200 ..... ........ ................ ...... . ...... . STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: Revenues; 19th Century, accum. of 84 items ovptd . SPECIMEN or CANCELLED , incl. Foreign Bill , Revenue Stamp , Judicial Stamp, Marine Policies, values to $50, perf and imperf, R to very fine . Est. Cash Val. $300-400 ........ . .. ...... . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .......... . .. . ..... .. . .. .... .. .... . . . .. .

1925 S





SURINAM: 1873 to 1950, coll. of hundreds on pages, o.g. to unused or used, incl. a few early issues, later compl. sets, ovpts., and varieties, blks, few covers, Semis, Airs, Postage Due, mixed condition to very fine, an interesting collection worth inspection. Est. Cash Val. $750-1,000 . . . . . . . .......... . .. . . . .. . ... .. . . .. .. .... . . . .. . Parcel Post Receipt Cards; group of 65 cards, used in the late l 920's and franked


primaril y with the 19 12-40 issues, values to the rarer I ½g, also 1923 50c , I g, Param ario and Nickerie cance ls, all to U.S. Est. Cash Val. $200 + ................ . Similar group of 58 cards. Est. Cash Val. $ 150-200 ........ . ............... . .. . ...... . .



1930 0

193 1




SWEDEN: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred, o.g. or used, many compl. sets or better items, good range of early issues, 1924, U.P.U. both sets compl., 1936 Postal set, fine to very fine, clean and attractive collection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 ... . .. . ...... .. . .. . .. . . .


1855 to 1982, coll. of hundreds on Minkus album pages, used, virtually compl. from 1872 on, many compl. sets, some booklet panes, Officials, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $750 ........... . . . . . . .. .......... . . .. ......... . .. . ....... . . 1855 to 1920, coll. of a few hundred, o.g. or used, many selected copies with good cancellations, incl. 1855 to 500 with dupl. and shades, 1862 170 red violet, 1872 to lr, Landstorm sets, Officials, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $800-1,000 . . . . .. . . . ........................ . . .. ........................................ . 1858 to 1904, coll. of over 40 covers, picture post cards or postal cards on pages, incl. a variety of town cancels, loca l and international destinations , multiple frankings , 2 postal money orders, etc ., clean and well annotated , generally fine . Est. Cash Val. $200-400 . .. .............. .... . . . . . ....... . .......... . ..... . .. . .... . ... .. ..... . ....... . . .


19th Century, accum. of about 50 stamps on sales sheets in box, most ly used, incl. a few Rayo ns, Sitting and Standing Helvetia, few better items, mixed conditio n to some fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 .. . . ... . ..... . .... . . .. ... . ..... . ... . . . . . .. . .



19th and 20th Century, coll. and accum. of thousands in 5 albums or stock books and loose in glassines in carton, n.h. to unused or used, incl. a good range of Sitting and Standing Helvetia, later compl. sets, excellent Semis with many blks of 4, back-of-book, few covers, mixed condition to very fine, worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Val. $2,000 .. .. ... . . . .

wt No . 1935






1938 0






Cat. Value 1947 to 1969, group of about 70 mostly unaddressed FDC's, incl. compl. sets on cover, few earlier items, Souvenir sheets, dupl., generally very fine. Est. Cash Val. $150-200 ................... . . . ........... . ..... .... .. . .. . . .. . .................... .. Air Post; 1913 to 1975, group of 12 cover or cards, incl. 1913 Bern Burgdorf card with 50c vignette , two 1919 50c covers , 1924 Grenchen-Zurich cover with vignette , later Pro Aero issues , etc. , mostly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $400-500 ........... . Military Post; circa 1940, coll. of over 30 covers or cards on pages and loose in envelope, wide variety and all tied , some with additional postage , incl. one WWl card , an interesting and colorful collection . Est. Cash Val. $200-400 ... . .. . .............. . TASMANIA: Primarily 19th Century, accum of a couple hundred on sales sheets in box, majority used , scattered unused, incl. range of perf and imperf Chalan Heads , later issues, Pictorials , few multiples , used on piece , interesting cancels , mixed conditio n. Est . Cash Val. $300-400 . .. .. ..... . . ........ ........ ..... .... . ..... . ....... . TRISTAN DA CUNHA: To about 1984, accum of a couple hundred on stock cards, etc., in box, majority n.h., few used, incl. Regular Issues , Commems , Souvenir sheets , generally fine to very fine . Est. Cash Val. 200-250 . . ...... . .. . ....... ... .... . TURKEY: 19th and 20th Century, stock and coll. of many hundred, generally neatly arranged on pages and stock sheets , o.g. and used, very nice selection of earlies incl. some multiples , vars., mixed condition to fine. Est. Cash Val. $200 ............. ...








1863 to 1930, coll. of a few hundred, unused or used, incl. 1863 to Spi, 1865 to 25pi, 1884 to 25pi, later comp!. sets or better values, Postage Due, incl. 1863 and 1865 sets, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Val. $1,000-1,500 . ..................... ... . ............. .......... .... .. . ...... . .. .

VATICAN CITY: 1929 to 1988, coll. of hundreds in 2 Lighthouse albums, apparently all n.h., incl. 1933 set, 1936 Press Conference, 1952 Souvenir sheet, virtually complete thereafter, generally very fine, an attractive collection. Est. Cash Val. $1,000 + ............. ..... ............ ........ . .

VICTORIA: 1859 to 1912, coll. of over 140 stamps in blue Stockbook, o.g. to unused to used, incl. a few early issues, Emblems, better values, 1901-05 £1, 1905-10 £1, Postal Fiscals with !Ssh pale brown and £1, Semis, etc., few reference, mixed condition . .. ...... . .... . ... . ..... Over16,000.00

ZANZIBAR: Postage Due; 1931-33, coll. of 38 stamps, incl. 1931 to 75c (less high vats) , but with various pairs showing vareties, mostly very fine and fresh, nice group. Est. Cash Val. $200-300 . ... . ........... . . . ... . . . . . . . . . ... .. ..... . ..... . . . ... . . .... . .. . END OF SALE


** * TC


Never hinged. Unused . Trial Color .


Used. Block of four . Die Proof.

!:, 11!1


On piece. Block larger than four. Plate Proof.

"" s

On cover. Specimen .

MAJOR ABBREVIATIONS Stra ight Edge ; s.l. = stra ight-line ; c.d.s. = Circular Date Stamp ; c .t.o . = Cancelled to Orde r; F.D.C. = First Day Cover

CONDITION The var ious gradings of stamps are , in order : supe rb ; extremely fine ; very fine ; fine ; fair A lot des cribed as " fair" is so listed either by reason of general appearan ce or more often because of a small fault or faults. such as a crease , thin spot , short or missing pert , perfora ted into , cut into , etc . In the case of sets . large blocks , sheet s , etc ., the cond ition quoted represents the average and qua lity above and below this standard can be expe cted . Mixed condition: In large lots , the conditi on is gen erally expected to range from fair to at best fine . Serious defects can be expected . Handstamp on reverse: Denotes either a dealer, collector or indecipherable expertiser's mark. Signed by: Denotes either the actual signature or mark of the expertiser. The absence of mentioning a signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party involved. GUM

[7 r-7 • 7 PART O .G. NH L.H . O.G Shaded portion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hi nge . n.h. Never hinged - unuse d with original gum in Post Office state and unmounted . l.h . Lightly hinged - unuse d with fu ll orig inal gum showing some ev idence of a prev ious hinge which may be present in part or entirely removed . e .g. Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by prev ious hinging which may still be present . o.g .(h.r.) Original gum with hinge remnant Part o'rigin al gum - unused with original gum , large hinge remnant s may or may not be part o.g. present. disturbed o .g. Disturbed original gum - unused with original gum , affec ted by sweat ing , glaz ing or mount disturban ce ; may not resemble the original gum . Unused withou t gum (unless gum is mentioned ). unused Unused without gum , as issued . ungumm ed

BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM Minor separa tions are the rule , rather than the exception , in the case of blocks or sheets of any size . A few sepa rations-aro und four pert s per row-do not affect the value of a block or sheet and are not gro unds for the return of a lot. Block s of four that have two stamps e.g. and tw? stamps n.h. are descr ibed " n.h.(2)/o.g .(2)" PAIRS All pairs are horiz ontal , unless otherwise mention ed . CATALOGUE NUMBERS The catalogue numbers of the contents of the lots are given in parent heses immediately follow ing the descriptions , but in bulky lots only the range of issue is shown . CATALOGUE VALUES The final col umn shows the catalogue va lue of the lot. This is shown in parentheses where , in the opi nion of the auctioneers , the market value exceeds this fig ure . ESTIMATED VALUES If an est imated cash value is given , it is shown in the description and always indicated Qy the abbreviation " Est. Cash Val. " It is used where the lot is large or where the actua l va lue has little relation to the cata logue price . It represents the auct ioneer's appra isa l of the true MAR KET value of a lot and the figure is invar iably close to the actua l realization . It is useless for mail bidders to list any bids that are only a low proportion of such estimates . CATALOGUES USED IN LISTING Scott Vol. 1-4 & U.S. Specialized (1988 ) Stanley Gibbons (London) British Commonwealth ( 1991 ) Michel Specialized Catalogue of Germany (1990 ) Sassone Italian States Spec. (19 90 ) Catalogue of Ireland. Specialized Mac Donnell Wythe (1987) Irish Postal History to 1840 . Feldman & Kane (197 5 ) and others as noted in the descriptions Printed in U.S.A. by Cosmos Communications , Pantone #450 (Bulk Mailed April 16 , 1991)

S.G. Mi. M.W.







11. 12.


(a) On Premises Inspection and Postal Viewing. Ample opportunity is given for on premises inspection prior to the auction date, and, upon written request and at Harmers discretion, for inspection by postal viewing (all as detailed elsewhere in this Catalo~ue) . (b) Each lot is sold as genu ine and correctly described , based on individual description as modified by any specific notations in this Catalogue , including but not restricted to the section entitled " Key to Cataloguing " . (c) Quality. Any lot which a purchaser considers to be incorrectly described may be returned to Harmers within two weeks of its receipt by such purchaser (" Returning Purchaser" ), provided , however , that the same is received by Harmers within four weeks of the date of the auction ; however , Harmers may, in its discretion , refuse acceptance of such returned lot. If an opinion of a generally recognized authority is desired , the period of time within which a lot must be received by Harmers will be extended in accordance with Condition of Sale 8. In the event that a dispute cannot be resolved by reference to a generally recognized authority , and Harmers thereupon undertakes to re-offer the lot with a description identical to the description disputed , the Returning Purchaser shall be liable for the deficiency , if any, between the proceeds of the sale to the Returning Purchaser and the proceeds of a sale to a subsequent purchaser , as well as for all costs and expenses of the re-sale, including commission , and all incidental damages . Any lot, the description of which is disputed , must be returned intact in the condition received by the purchaser. The following lots are not returnable except at the discretion of Harmers: (i) lots from purchasers who attended the exhibition of the lots; (ii) lots examined by postal viewers ; (iii) lots on account of their appearance , if they are illustrated in this Catalogue ; (iv) lots described as having repairs, defects or faults-for any reason ; (v) U.S. stamps (through 1918) for reasons of paper inclusions . (d) Authenticity. Any lot which is declared otherwise than genuine by a generally recognized authority is returnable , provided such lot is received oy Harmers within four weeks of the date of the auction . Proof that a generally recognized authority declines to express an opinion is normally grounds for the return of a lot. (e) Expenses incurred in the submission and the return of a lot under Condit ions of Sale 7-9 are not refunded . EXTENSION OF TIME (a) When an opinion from a generally recognized authority is not expected or available within four weeks from the date of the auction , the purchaser shall : (i) within seven days of receipt thereof submit the lot to one of the generally recognized authorities . (ii) notify Harmers, in writing (and preferab ly on the form supplied ), of such submission no later than four weeks from the date of the auction . Such notification shall be deemed given when received by Harmers and shall include the name and address of the authority to whom the lot has been submitted . (b) A prospective purchaser wishing to submit a lot to an authority not accepted by Harmers shall , prior to the date of the auction , request in writing permission for such submission and obtain confirmation of such request from Harmers. The auctioneer reserves the right to refuse a bid where the authority requested is not acceptable on any grounds , which grounds need not be disclosed by Harmers. (c) Payment for lots upon which an extension of time is obtained pursuant to this Condition of Sale 8 may be made in accord with Condition of Sale 4, subject to the following (paragraph d) and herein . (d) If a lot is certified by a generally recognized authority to be other than as described : (i) the sale (and the invoice with respect thereto , if outstanding ) will be cancelled; and , (ii) to the extent set forth in Condition of Sale 9, payment of the expense of certification will be made to the purchaser . EXPENSES OF CERTIFICATION Expenses of certification shall be borne by the purchaser except where a lot is certified other than as described and is returned to Harmers in accordance with Condition of Sale 8. SALES TAX Unless exempted by law, a purchaser shall pay New York State and local sales taxes , or any compensating use taxes of any other State. APPLICABLE LAW, JURISDICTION, ETC. All matters arising out of this auction shall be governed by the laws of the State of New York without giving effect to the choice of law principles thereof . Any controversy or claim arising out of or relating to this auction shall be settled by arbitration in The City of New York , State of New York in accordance with the Rules of the American Arbitration Association and judgment upon the award rendered by the Arbitrator or Arbitrators may be entered in any Court having jurisdiction . The purchaser at this auction (a) consents and submits to the jurisdictiort of the Courts of the State of New York and of the Courts of the United States for a judicial district within the territorial limits of the State of New York for all matters arising out of this auction sale, including , without limitation, any action or proceeding instituted for the enforcement of any right, remedy, obligation and liability arising under or by reason thereof ; and (b) consents and submits to the venue of such action or proceeding in the City and County of New York (or such judicial district of a Court of the United States as shall include the same) .

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PRICE Sl.00 (or by subscnption)


MAY 16, 1991

0 240 1001 240 1002 1003-1005 450 each 1006 230 1007-1009 260 ooch 1010 160 1011 300 1012 95 135 1013 1015 115 1016 90 90 1017 1018 75 1019 75 115 1020 1021 325 950 1022 1023 425 160 1024 65 1025 1026 250 210 1028 1029 105 80 1030 80 1031 180 1032 200 1035 160 1036 200 1037 135 1039 260 1040 260 1041 105 1042 1043 80 1044 260 150 1045 1047 300 1048 85 200 1050 300 1051 1052 325 1053-1055 115 each 375 1056 75 1061 110 1062 110 1063 95 1064 90 1065 850 1066 1067 80 160 1068 1069 1250 1070 210 550 1071 105 1072 180 1073 1074 350 160 1075 1076 135





1077 85 1078 50 1079 575 2100 1080 1081 170 1082 500 1083 210 1084-1087 115 each 1088 160 1089 115 1098 125 250 1092 1093 750 1095 220 1096 105 1098 110 1099 250 180 1100 1101 450 l 102 325 1103 160 135 1104 120 1105 1106 100 160 1107 160 1108 1109 150 1110 190 1111 180 180 1112 135 1113 375 1118 500 1119 400 1122 115 1123 260 1125 300 1126 95 1128 1130 475 1131 325 280 1132 2600 1133 1700 1134 375 1136 200 1137 170 1138 210 1139 575 1140 1141 375 1500 1142 115 1143 1144 475 160 1145 150 1146 105 1147 1148 400 1149 210 1150 390 500 1151 1000 1152 270 1153

and FOREIGN 1154 1155 1156 1157 1158 1159 1160 1161 1162 1163 1164 1165 1166 1167 1170 1171 1172 1173 1174 1175 1176 11n 1178 1179 1180 1181 1182 1183 1184 1185 1186 1187 1188 1189 1190 1191 1192 1193 1194 1195 1196 1197 1199 1200 1205 1206 1208 1211 1212 1217 1218 1220 1222 1223 1224 1226 1227 1228 1229 1231 1233 1234

280 300 750 140 100 230 190 160 180 200 150 100 575 350 450 350 325 180

450 600 140 300 600

450 400 400 500 100 2000 260 110 550 500 190 190 115 170 260 150 280 270 190 230 160 750 220

600 130 600 375 60 600 170 170 230 120 130 350 270 200 95 500

1235 1236

ma 1240 1241 1243 1244 1245 1246 1247 1248 1249 1251 1252 1253 1254 1255 1256 1257 1258 1259 1260 1261 1262 1263 1264 1265 1266 1267 1268 1269 1270 1271 1272 1273 1274 1275 1276 12n 1278 1279 1280 1281 1282 1283 1284 1285 1286 1287 1288 1289 1290 1291 1292 1293 1295 1296 1297 1299 1300 1301 1302

1350 2800 130 200 230 550 210 140 220 140 325 375 325 400 200 800 625

450 450 115 400 2100 650 250 575 180 105 160 290 280 1800 230 1150 160

450 400 450 950 475 220 400 240 600 90 325 170 1050 150 170 1000 1350 4250 200 170 1700 550 500 300 1400

145 1200 70

1303 1304 1305 1306 1307 1308 1309 1310 1312 1313 1314 1316 1320 1322 1324 1325 1326 1327 1328 1329 1330 1331 1332 1333 1334 1335 1337 1338 1339 1341 1343 1345 1346 1347 1348 1349 1350 1351 1352 1353 1355 1356 1357 1358 1359 1361 1362 1365 1367 1369 1370 1371 1372 1373 1374 1375 1376 13n 1378 1379 1380 1381

180 145

6000 190 190 375 220 1900 170

145 160 210 425 80 150 250 180 140 150 170

350 90 400 100 475 400 65 290 350 325 80 1900 325 100 160 190 850 600 160 200 70 190 200 160 280 900 260 80 100 100 95 140 2200 1000 280 150 150 75 200 130 135 135

1382 1~22 1384 1385 1386 1388 1389 1390 1391 1393 1394 1395 1396 1397 1398 1399 1400 1402 1403 1404 1405 1406 1410 1411 1412 1413 1415 1416 1417 1420 1421 1422 1423 1424 1427 142ij 1429 1430 1431 1432 1434 1435 1436 1437 1439 1443 1444 1446 1447 1448 1449 1450 1451 1453 1454 1456 1457 1458 1459 1460 1462 1463

200 240 140 140 125 160 110 90 105 425 350 425 280 500 350 280 500 180 800 700

450 400 350 550 550 1150 80 280 135 280 180 125 105 475 85 125 90 260 625 290 220 140 210 260 100 600 200 650 130 230

600 145 1050 140 170 230 160 110 80

800 300 3500

1464 1465 1466 1467 1468 1469 1470 1471 1473 1474 1475 1476

14n 1478 1480 1481 1483 1485 1486 1487 1488 1489 1490 1491 1492 1493 1494 1495 1496 1497 1498 1499 1500 1501 1502 1503 1504 1506 1507 1508 1509 1511 1512 1513 1514 1516 1517 1518 1519 1520 1521 1522 1524 1525 1526 1527 1528 1529 1530 1531 1532 1533

100 105 85 100 95 105 95 95 105 95 95 100 105 200

450 350 2400 160 850 180 350 190 1300 625 160 260 230 190 230 350 17000 120 425 210

280 625 180 260 135 200 160 220 190 100 750 250 160 45 190 130 250 210 210 550 3250 115

145 90 145 125 300 500

1534 1535 1536 1537 1538 1539 1540 1541 1542 1544 1545 1547 1549 1550 1551 1552 1553 1554 1555 1556 1557 1558 1559 1560 1563 1565 1566 1568 1569 1570 1571 1572 1573 1574 1575 1578 1579 1580 1581 1583 1584 1587 1589 1592 1593 1594 1595 1596

135 160 200 210 260 190 220 350 500 200 160 170 145 135 750 280 230 120 425 425 280 170 170 150 190 1000 450 180 325 220 230 130 9a 145 1250 290 220 115 300 90 130 145 145 220 400 300 900 600

1597 1598 1599 1600 1601 1602 1603 1604 1605 1606 1607 1608 1609 1611 1612 1613 1614 1615 1616 1617 1618 1619 1620 1623 1624 1625 1626 1627 1628 1629 1630 1631 1632 1633 1634 1635 1636 1637 1638 1640 1641 1642 1643 1644 1645 1646 1647 1648

1800 800 600 375 290 550 350 190 170 110 65 260 170 150 270 475 260 260 475 135 400 300 180 125 180 135 180 200 105 140 525 160 110 135 1900 550 260 270 130 1450 1050 900 800 700 850 260 1150 1600

1649 1650 1652 1653 1654 1655 1656 1657 1658 1659 1660 1661 1662 1664 1665 1666 1667 1668 1669 1670 1671 1672 1673 1674 1675 1676 1679 1680 1681 1682 1683 1684 1685 1686 1687 1688 1689 1691 1693 1694 1696 1697 1698 1699 1700 1701 1Z04 1705

300 375 8500 270 130 130 1000 475 425 1700 800 300 260 425 1050 750 800 375 1400 700 350 900 2200 3750 800 250 400 750 375 425 350 1000 95 700 600 525 575 2600 105 1350 900 280 350 250 150 300 4000 850

1706 1707 1708 1709 1710 1711 1712 1713 1714 1715 1716 1717 1718 1720 1721 1722 1723 1724 1725 1726 1727 1729 1730 1731 1732 1733 1734 1735 1736 1737 1738 1739 1740 1741 1742 1743 1744 1745 1747 1748 1749 1750 1751 1752 1753 1754 1755 1756

425 625 475 250 300 8000 600 1900 550 650 425 320 300 1000 220 500 375 140 575 260 400 450 190 600 230 250 130 375 450 750 290 350 120 200 500 350 320 30 1150 1550 400 1250 500 425 1200 850 1150 1700

1757 1758 1759 1760 1761 1762 1763 1764 176!j 1766 1768 1769 1770 1771 1772 1773 1774 1776 1777 1779 1781 1782 1783 1784 1785 1786 1788 1789 1790 1791 1792 1793 1794 1795 1796 1797 1798 1799 1800 1801 1802 1803 1806 1807 1808 1809 1810 1811

350 1200 3750 1250 1300 300 2000 280 1300 450 525 575 1200 525 210 2400 650 375 1550 700 700 450 2200 260 400 150 230 900 1250 3000 240 350 550 450 260 1200 550 3250 800 250 240 475 1600 325 800 260 2200 650

SEASON'S TOTALTO DATE, $5,376,446. (including 10% on the hammer price payable by the buyer)




1812 1813 1814 1815 1817 1818 1819 1821 1822 1823 1824 1825 1828 1829 1830 1833 1834 1835 1836 1838 1839 1840 1841 1842 1843 1844 1847 1848 1849 1850 1852 1855 1856 1857 1858 1859 1861 1862 1863 1864 1865 1866 1867 1870 1871 1872 1877 1882

600 2000 600 525 2800 180 160 125 230 575 550 100 220 325 375 475 425 900 525 145 180 900 700 190 2100 350 350 270 210 75 1050 1000 575 3000 1200 240 1200 350 210 250 170 130 400 350 270 280 525 550

1884 1885 1886 1889 1890 1891 1892 1894 1895 1896 1898 1899 1900 1901 1903 1907 1909 19 10 1911 1912 1913 1914 1915 1916 1917 1918 1919 1920 1921 1922 1924 1927 1928 1929 1930 1931 1932 1933 1934 1935 1936 1937 1938 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944

1900 850 1550 190 425 125 425 220 375 375 75 575 125 110 1250 210 2500 125 250 4000 625 250 95 1400 180 150 110 270 350 450 190 190 190 1250 8Sl 900 350 150 1700 160 350 200 180 170 1400 1050 900 375

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