The "Erivan" Collection of Western Postal History

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The ERIVAN Collection Thursday, July 6, 2023 10:00 a.m. ET
United States Western Postal History
2 ERIVAN COLLECTION Imprint H.R. Harmer GPN, Inc 45 Rockefeller Plaza, Suite 2607 New York, NY 10111 Phone +1 929 436-2800 Fax +1 714 389-9189 E-mail Web President/CEO: Charles Epting Print: Meister Print & Media GmbH, Kassel, Germany Catalogue Fee $10 Auctioneer licence: NY License #2086265 “Collectors are happy people” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Table of Contents

Collecting Area Lot no. Page San Francisco Postal History 201 – 216 16 Forwarding Agents, Local Posts & Telegraphs 217 – 228 20 Mail Routes 229 – 239 26 Mining Industry 240 – 245 31 Western Express Companies 246 – 320 35 Wells, Fargo and Company 321 – 372 56 Pacific Coast California Postal History 373 – 378 69 Oregon Postal History 379 – 392 70 Washington Postal History 393 – 409 73 British Colombia Postal History 410 – 416 78 Rocky Mountains Nevada Postal History 417 – 432 82 Idaho Postal History 433 – 436 87 Montana Postal History 437 – 442 88 Wyoming Postal History 443 – 456 89 Dakota Postal History 457 – 462 92 Utah Postal History 463 – 464 93 Nebraska Postal History 465 95 Colorado Express Companies and Postal History 466 – 481 96 Southwest Arizona Postal History 482 – 495 106 New Mexico Postal History 496 – 530 109 Texas Postal History 531 117

United States Western Postal History The ERIVAN Collection

H.R. Harmer Sale 3067

Thursday, July 6, 2023

10:00 a.m. ET


Auction Venue

The auction will take place in our office in New York.

Auctioneer: Charles Epting

H.R. Harmer

45 Rockefeller Plaza, Suite 2607 New York, NY 10111

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Bids of Increase
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to $1,000 $50
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$250 Bids of Increase
$10,000 $500
$25,000 $1,000
$1,000 to
$2,500 to $5,000
$10,000 to
$25,000 to $50,000 $2,500

For the last four years (give or take) we have been offering select Western postal history items from the “Erivan” Collection, including a significant number of Pony Express covers, local stamps such as those from Berford & Co., and a select group of other Western expresses. However, I felt it was very important that the bulk of the “Erivan” Collection of Western postal history be offered in one catalogue. Mr. Haub was drawn to these covers because of their immense ability to tell stories, and for this reason I believe they represent more than the sum of their parts when listed together.

In terms of organization, I did my best to make this catalogue as intuitive as possible. We begin with the birth of the San Francisco post office in 1849, and continue with the history of that city through various mail routes, forwarding agents, and local posts. From there, we continue with an alphabetical listing of express companies, beginning with Adams and concluding with Wells, Fargo & Co. We conclude with state postal history arranged geographically: the Pacific Coast, the Rocky Mountains, and the Southwest. As an aside, Colorado express companies are grouped with Colorado rather than their (predominantly) California and Nevada counterparts.

“Mr. Haub was drawn to these covers because of their immense ability to tell stories”

My favorite auction catalogues to read are the great Western postal history catalogues of years past: Dale-Lichtenstein, “Edwards”, Risvold, and the like. It is my hope that this catalogue may follow in the footsteps of those impressive pieces of literature and prove itself both an enjoyable read and useful reference work.

I’d like to thank Richard Frajola for his assistance in his production of this catalogue. Additionally, my colleague Alison Sullivan contributed to nearly every description and now knows her way around Oscar Thomas’s book better than I’m sure she ever expected. Alyssa Baumgardner spearheaded a wonderful marketing campaign, which I am certain will result in many non-collectors making their first contact with philately.

I hope that the stories contained in this catalogue will intrigue and interest you as much as they did Mr. Haub. It has been a wonderful collection to work with, and I am looking forward to these spectacular pieces of history finding new homes.


Passionate Collecting

Erivan Haub was a “collector’s collector” who, over a lifetime, formed exceptional collections of the stamps and postal history of Germany, the United States, Switzerland, Austria and Lombardy-Venetia and Zeppelin Flights. The time has come for his fellow collectors, and the world, to behold the treasures of “The ERIVAN Collection.”

Great Personality with a Philatelic Passion

Erivan Haub caught the passion for philately early in his life and followed that passion to the end and in the process formed a collection the likes of which the collecting world has not seen for decades. The collection was an integral part of his life, along with his family and his life’s work, driven by an entrepreneurial spirit and guided by honesty and integrity. To have known Erivan Haub was to see these qualities at the forefront of his life, and it drew the respect and admiration of all around him.

Preserving Cultural Values

Erivan Haub’s collecting style utilized his “thrill of the hunt” investigative spirit of seeking out the historical significance of the various stamps, covers, and documents he collected; to bring together the different pieces to help him see the how and why of historical events through postal history. Not only did this process enhance the joy of collecting, but it also helped to preserve cultural identity and clarify history.

“Collectors are happy people”
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Erivan Haub © Tengelmann Warenhandelsgesellschaft KG

Passionate Collecting

Encounters and Friendships with Collectors

One of the great joys of collecting is in the stimulating interaction one gets in gatherings with fellow collectors and with the professional dealers and auctioneers offering not only a kindred spirit but also providing assistance and guidance in obtaining many of the rare items for the collection. Erivan Haub’s financial independence allowed him to acquire some of the scarcest, including the unique, stamps and covers. As a result he achieved recognition in the philatelic community as one of its premier collectors.

Cabinets of curiosities, precursors to modern museums, were used to display collections of important objects. Willem van Haecht: The Gallery of Cornelis van der Geest, 1628. © Wikipedia

You Too Can Become Proud Owner of Selected Rarities

Already with the first set of auctions, the philatelic world will see great rarities of the Erivan Haub collection. Succeeding sales with display the full breadth of his collecting activities, some of which will surprise and most of which will delight the stamp collecting world. There will be ample opportunity for collectors to add significant items to existing collections, lots that will inspire others to begin new collections and examples of stamps and covers that beg to be purchased solely for their historical and cultural significance.

Collecting, whether it be stamps, ancient coins, classic cars or vintage wines is a profoundly personal pursuit, inspired by passion and, by engaging in that pursuit, it delivers a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction. In the case of Erivan Haub’s collection, we can see that his quest to delve into the historical and cultural aspects of the objects of his pursuit delivered on the promise of personal satisfaction but also contributed to the store of knowledge of society’s means of written communication in the 19th and 20th centuries. Mr. Haub and the millions of stamp collectors all over the world formed a community, all linked by the joy of collecting, one that brings with it, to paraphrase Goethe, happiness.

Erivan and Helga Haub at an auction in 1996.



United states

san francisco postal history

201 6 San Francisco April 9th, manuscript postmark on 1849 folded letter sheet to Boston, Massachusetts, matching manuscript “40” rate, light file folds, still very fine, carried by the Oregon on the first Pacific Mail Steamship Company contract mail (which actually left April 12), one of just 11 San Francisco manuscript postmarks in private hands (five of which are from the April 9 sailing) $ 300

202 6 San Francisco Aug 1, black straightline handstamp with magenta manuscript date and matching “40” rate on 1849 folded letter to Westernville, New York, interesting letter dated July 7 describes the journey through Panama and arrival in San Francisco, light wear and aging, fine strike and cover, the Mingee census records just eight August 1 uses of the San Francisco straightline (and just 34 examples total across three sailing dates) $ 300


203 6 San Francisco Cal. Oct 1, bold strike of circular datestamp on 1849 folded letter to Boston with boxed “40” rate handstamp, interesting contents about opening a shop datelined September 30, very fine, the boxed rate handstamp arrived in San Francisco between the September 1 and October 1 sailings $ 100

204 6 San Francisco Cal Jan 31, datestamp with matching boxed “40” rate handstamp on 1850 cover to Pikesville, Maryland, carried by PMSS steamer Panama to Panama and then USMSC Georgia to New York City, original enclosure datelined “San Francisco January 26, 1850” makes mention of Generals Bennet C. Riley and Winfield Scott, very fine and interesting  $ 150

205 6 San Francisco Cal. 15 Dec, red datestamp with matching “40” rate handstamp on 1850 folded lettersheet to Richmond, Virginia, very fine cover from the Crittenden correspondence  $ 50

206 6 New-York 40 Jan 11, integral rate datestamp on cover to San Francisco, California, very fine, this marking is not known to have been used after 1851 $ 50

francisco postal history
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United states san
View of San Francisco

United states

207 6 San Francisco Cal 1 Feb, black datestamp on folded lettersheet to Boston originating in shanghai, china, dated December 20, 1852, endorsed “via California”, red crayon “Ship” and handstamped “12” rate, very fine $ 100

208 6 San Francisco Cal 5 18 Oct, integral rate datestamp on 1854 folded letter to Salem, Oregon Territory, light filefolds, very fine and scarce $ 75

209 6 San Francisco Cal. Jan 5, datestamp on cover to crowland, welland county, canada west, red “Paid” handstamp and manuscript “15” rate, printed illustrated advertisement on reverse for Woodward’s What Cheer House, original enclosure datelined “San Francisco Dec 30th 1856”, light wear, very fine, the What Cheer House was a male-only hotel opened in 1852 which permitted no liquor on the premises and housed San Francisco’s first free library and first museum $ 150

210 6 San Francisco Cal. 5 Feb, datestamp with matching “Ship 6” handstamp on incoming cover datelined “Manila, November 3d, 1855”, November 22 origination postmark, endorsed “Per Rocket”, very fine and attractive $ 50

san francisco postal history 210 209 208 207

211 6 San Francisco Cal Jun 18 1862, double circle datestamp with matching straightline “ship.12” on incoming cover to Ellington, Connecticut from Kanagawa, Japan, endorsed “Curlew to Cala”, 1863 docketing most likely in error, very fine double rate ship cover from the Hall correspondence $ 75

212 San Francisco Cal Aug 1 1862, double circle datestamp on 10c Green entire to New London, Connecticut, matching cogwheel, red Wells, Fargo & Co. frank at top, endorsed “Steamer”, light edge wear, fine and scarce $ 50

213 6 San Francisco, Cal Aug 19 1862, double circle datestamp on locally-addressed 10c Green entire, “San Francisco Post Office” imprint at top with “By calling at my private office, southeast corner of the building, you will receive a valuable letter, R.F. Perkins, P.M.”, filing hole through indicia and light wear, fine appearance $ 50

214 6 San Francisco Cal Apr 30 1863, double circle datestamp on 10c Green entire to North White Creek, New York, cogwheel and “10” cancels, red Wells, Fargo & Co. printed frank obliterated with pen strokes, very fine $ 50

215 6 San Francisco Cal Apr 13, double circle datestamp on incoming 3c Pink entire, endorsed “pr. Steamer 21 March” at top left, black straightline “Due7” and “Purser” handstamps, small tear at top, otherwise very fine, carried as a loose steamship letter from Panama and charged a blanket 10c rate $ 75

216 6 San Francisco Cal Apr 3, double circle datestamp on 10c Green entire, “p o. Business free, r f perkins, p.M.” three-line handstamp, hole punch invalidating indicia, 1867 docketing at left, original registered return receipt enclosure from Oswego, New York, very fine $ 100

san francisco postal history 216 215 211 212 214 213
United states

United states

san francisco forwarding agents, local posts & telegraphs

$ 500

217 6 Forwarded by G.B. Post & Co. San Francisco, octagonal handstamp on 1853 folded letter originating with red “New York Paid Mar 21” datestamp, pencil “12” rate (double the 6c rate to San Francisco), addressed in care of “Messr. G.B. Post Co., San Francisco, Cala” for their transmittal to honolulu, hawaii, additional blue oval “oriental line agents ogden & haynes” handstamp, “Rec’d May 9 ‘53” docket on reverse, contents related to the sperm oil trade, file fold, very fine, an extraordinary combination of markings, ex-haas

Street scene of San Francisco

218 6 Forwarded by Freeman & Co’s Express, 2d St. Sacramento, clear strike of red oval handstamp (FRE‐104c) on April 7, 1851 folded letter to San Francisco, vertical filefolds, very fine, a scarce marking with just a few known $ 100

219 6 (Hoogs & Madison’s) California Letter Express Co. Paid, illustrated printed frank with horse and rider, used locally to San Francisco street address, insignificant toned spot at top left, otherwise fresh and extremely fine, Hoogs & Madison also produced rare local adhesives, illustrated in Letters of Gold Provenance: Pearce Haas Edwards Collection (Christie’s Robson Lowe, 1991) $ 1,000

220 6 To the Post Office Care of The “Penny Post Co.”, Paid 2, Type 1 frank addressed to Sacramento, circular “Penny Post Co San Francisco” handstamp, manuscript correction deleting “to the care of the” (Penny Post), probably indicating a pure out-of-the-mails use from origin to Sacramento, 1c Blue (9) with manuscript cancel did not originate despite the opinion of the certificate, otherwise very fine, ex-Knapp, emerson, Jessup, haas, and grunin, 2023 Philatelic Foundation certificate  $ 250

san francisco forwarding agents, local posts & telegraphs
220 218
United states
View of Montgomery St. in San Francisco

U nited states

san francisco forwarding agents, local posts & telegraphs

221 1 California Penny Post Company, Paid Seven Cents, unused Type 5 frank on 3c Red Nesbitt entire, very fine and fresh $ 50 222 6 To The Penny Post Co., Penny Postage Paid 7, Type 4 frank on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, “Pleasant Springs Cal 15 Apr” datestamp with manuscript date, reverse with printed advertisement for the Penny-Post Company with list of cities, bit of wear and light staining, still fine, one of just 16 recorded in the Frajola census $ 200 223 To The Penny Post Co., Penny Postage Paid 7, Type 4 frank on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, “Stockton Cal. Oct 25” datestamp, and “penny post co stockton” circular handstamp, reverse with printed advertisement for the Penny-Post Company with list of cities, couple light vertical creases, otherwise very fine, one of just 16 recorded in the Frajola census, ex-Barkhausen $ 200

United states

san francisco forwarding agents, local posts & telegraphs

224 6 California Penny Postage. Paid 5, Type 2A printed frank on cover to San Francisco, 1c Swarts local adhesive (136L14) just tied by black handstamp, 10c Green (14) tied by “New York Sep 20” ocean mail datestamp, very fine, one of just three recorded examples of this frank and the only conjunctive use with a Swarts stamp, 2023 Philatelic Foundation certificate $ 2,000 Prospector‘s outside of the Post Office in San Francisco

United states

san francisco forwarding agents, local posts & telegraphs

225 6 126L1, Reed’s City Despatch Post (San Francisco, CA), 1853 Black on green, large margins, tied by blue “Adams & Co. San Francisco” double circle datestamp to folded letter datelined “Guatemala 15 July 1853”, red framed “Via nicaragua ahead of the Mails” handstamp, addressed to “Messr. James Bell & Co. in San Francisco, California”, very fine, the only recorded example of the Reed’s City Despatch Post stamp on green paper and one of just three examples total (two examples on blue are also known on locally-addressed covers), 2023 Philatelic Foundation certificate

Reed’s City Despatch Post was announced in the December 17, 1853 Daily Alta California and also appears in an 1854 San Francisco city directory. Founded by proprietor Henry Reed, the company operated out of the Adams & Co. office on Montgomery Street. The dissolution of Adams in 1855 means that Reed’s City Despatch operated for a very short time, also evidenced by the extreme scarcity of his stamps. Henry Reed later tried to establish the similarly ill-fated Penny Express Company. $ 10,000

Adams & Co Express & Banking Office in San Francisco

U nited states

san francisco forwarding agents, local posts & telegraphs

226 6 San Francisco Letter Express, blue oval Pony and rider handstamp with matching boxed “paid” handstamp on locally-addressed cover, very fine and choice, ex-Meroni $ 300 227 6 California State Telegraph, red design with Zeus sitting on globe on yellow envelope (ASCC 268), blue “Wells, Fargo & Co. Austin, N.T. Jul 11” oval, small tear, otherwise very fine $ 50 228 6 California State Telegraph, red design with Zeus sitting on globe on yellow envelope (ASCC 268), addressed to Chrysopolis, Missouri, “Aurora Nev. Oct 24” datestamp with matching grid tying 3c Rose (65), right edge replaced, very fine appearance $ 50

U nited states

san francisco M ail roU tes

229 6 “Via Panama.”, illustrated steamship directive with “Geo. H. Bell, Stationery, 153 Montgomery St. San Francisco” imprint, 10c Green (35) tied by “Folsom City Cal Apr 1861” double circle datestamp to cover to Oswego, New York, very fine and attractive $ 750

230 6 “Via Nicaragua”, directive on 6c Green Nesbitt entire to New Bedford, Massachusetts, two strikes of “Due 6” straightline handstamp, “Nov. 8, 1854” docketing and so probably carried by steamer Cortes from San Francisco, very fine and unusual $ 150

231 6 San Francisco Cal Aug 5 1859, datestamp on 10c Green Nesbitt entire to Galveston, Texas, endorsed “Via Tehuatepec”, carried by PMSS’s J.L. Stephens to Acapulco and then by LTC’s Habana from Minatitlan to New Orleans, left edge repaired, very fine appearance $ 100

230 231

232 6 San Francisco Cal Jul 20 1860, black datestamp on folded lettersheet to angouleme, france, manuscript “Overland via Los Angeles” directive, crayon “30” rate and black “New York 24 Aug 18” datestamp, Havre transit and various backstamps including Paris and Angouleme, “16” due handstamp, very fine and rare double rate transatlantic cover carried via the Butterfield Route $ 150

233 6 Overland Mail Via Los Angeles, two-line wavy handstamp on cover with 10c Green (32) tied by indistinct “Santa Clara Cal.” datestamp, addressed to Mr. Frederic Brimblecom in Ogle County, Illinois, light edge wear, very fine strike and cover, the only recorded example of this marking, an extraordinary Overland Mail cover, illustrated in Letters of Gold (page 248) $ 1,000

san francisco M ail roU tes
United states

United states

san francisco M ail roU tes

234 6 Overland Mail, Via Los Angeles., black six-horse stagecoach illustrated directive with “Published by J.E. Hamlin, Nevada” imprint on cover to Mukwonago, Wisconsin, “Nevada City Cal. Feb 8 1860” datestamp with matching “Paid 10” in circle, light edge wear, very fine and rare, ex-Jessup and haas $ 500

235 6 Per Overland Mail Via Los Angeles, four horse stagecoach printed directive on cover to Hanover, New Hampshire, franked with pen-cancelled 10c Green (35) and entering the mails with manuscript “Woodside Cal Sep 24” postmark, very fine and choice, 1988 Philatelic Foundation Certificate $ 400


United states

san francisco M ail roU tes

236 6 The Star of the Union —California, blue four-horse stagecoach design with “overland Via l os angeles

U.s. Mail” directive on yellow cover to Rockford, Illinois, franked with imperforate 3c Dull red horizontal pair (11) and perforated 1c Blue and 3c Rose (24, 25), all tied by blue “Petaluma Cal. Apr 25” double circle datestamps, expertly cleaned and pressed, very fine, a colorful and unusual franking, ex-haas and piller  $ 300

237 6 Overland—via—Los Angeles, hand-colored illustrated four-horse stagecoach directive on cover to Long Green, Maryland, 10c Green (35) tied by blue Marysville, California integral rate datestamp, extremely fine and beautiful cover, ex-grunin, signed Ashbrook $ 1,000


United states

san francisco M ail roU tes

238 6 Overland—via—Los Angeles., hand-colored four-horse stagecoach directive on cover to Neponset, Massachusetts, several strikes of “Benicia Cal. Jan 24” datestamp tie single and pair of 10c Green (35), 1861 docketing, very fine and attractive $ 500

239 6 By The Overland Mail Stage Via Los Angeles! Hurrah! But we must have the..., rebus with train and mountain illustration on cover to Lena, Illinois, “Published by Hutchings & Rosenfield, 146 Montgomery St.” imprint, manuscript “Paid 10 Cts” and San Leandro datestamp, small edge faults, very fine and scarce

$ 400


240 I Have Got Most Enough, illustrated miner’s cover with “noisy carrier’s, 77 long wharf, san francisco” imprint, “Nappa City Cal. Nov 15” datestamp with matching “Paid” and manuscript “6c” rate, addressed to Charleston, South Carolina, January 1855 docketing, very fine and rare with just a few examples recorded, illustrated in Coburn’s Letters of Gold, ex-hollobush, Kutz, and Vincent $ 1,000

United states Mining indUstry
View of Napa City

U nited states

M ining indU stry

241 6 The Mining Business in Four Pictures, illustrated lettersheet depicting four scenes: “Going In To It”, “Making Something”, “Making Nothing”, and “Going Out Of It”, “Lith & Published by Britton & Rey, corner of Montgomery & Commercial Sts. S.F.” imprint, small blue handstamp for “Noisy Carrier’s Publishing Hall, 77 Long Wharf, San Francisco, Charles P. Kimball, Proprietor”, trivial splitting along the folds, very fine and attractive $ 200

242 6 California Szenen.—Die verschiedenen Arten des Minenbaues, illustrated lettersheet printed in German, “Hutchings & Rosenfield, 146 Montgomery Strasse, San Francisco” imprint, lengthy multipage letter datelined Mokelumne Hill, small gold nugget sewn into the page $ 500




on cover from New York City to London, England, franked with pair of 2c Black (73) and pair of 10c Green (68), all tied cork cancels, pink all-over advertising on reverse for Idaho and Nevada silver and California and Canada gold, small repairs throughout, exploded for display, very fine appearance, a striking mining advertising cover  exploded to show all-over design on reverse from the DeLery Gold Mining Company, franked with pair 2c Black and pair 10c Green, addressed to London, England $ 150


Mining Co. of Canada, cover from New York City to Quebec, Canada, franked with two 2c Black (73) and pair of 3c Rose (65), all tied by December 20 datestamps, brown all-over advertising on reverse for Idaho and Nevada silver and California and Canada gold, small repairs along left edge and vertical crease through one stamp, exploded for display, very fine appearance, a striking mining advertising cover exploded to show all-over advertising design from the Delery Mining Company on reverse of cover to Quebec, Canada, franked with pair 3c Rose and two 2c Black $ 200

of Nevada,

6 The De Lery Gold Co., cornercard
M ining indU stry
6 The Austin Silver Mining Co. The Delery Gold
U nited states

United states

Mining indUstry

245 6 Don Pedros Bar Cal Feb 22, manuscript postmark on canvas pouch addressed to Lisbon, Maine, franked with two strips of five 3c Dull red and two strips of five 10c Green, each with neat pen cancel, small faults to be expected, an extraordinary postal relic, this pouch would have been sewn around a metal cigarette box containing gold nuggets circa 1855, the postage of $1.30 would pay for 6½ ounces (at a rate of 10c per half-ounce $ 1,000

Gold Mining in California

United states

western express coMpanies

246 6 Adams & Co Marysville. Oct 14, red oval datestamp (ADA-101k) with matching octagonal “paid” on cover to San Francisco, small corner faults, otherwise fine offer View of the Plaza of Marysville

U nited states

247 6 Adams & Co. Mormon Isld. July.14, red oval datestamp (ADA-101m) on cover to Athens, New York, entered the mails with black “New-York 5Cts. Aug 12” integral rate datestamp, light staining, very fine and attractive $ 50

248 6 Adams & Co. Nevada [City]. Feby 3, red oval handstamp (Thomas ADA-101o) on 1853 folded letter to San Francisco, endorsed “Pr Adams & Co Express” at lower left, very fine and attractive offer

249 6 Adams & Cos. Express Columbia, blue handstamp (ADA-102a) on cover to Sacramento, California, light edge wear, very fine, just three examples recorded by Thomas $ 75

250 6 Adams & Co. Express, San Francisco, California, red shield cornercard (ADA-400) on cover to East Granville, Massachusetts, blue “Marysville Cal 5 Jun 13” datestamp corrected with “10” rate handstamp, original enclosure and Adams & Co. bill of exchange, light wear from contents, very fine and rare, Thomas records just eight examples $ 150

251 6 Paid, Bamber & Co’s. Express, black printed scroll frank printed vertically (BAM-002a) on 3c Pink Entire to San Francisco, printed cornercard at top center reads “daily line of stages carrying Bamber & co’s express, l eaves Moore’s l anding, for Bantas, san Joaquin city, graysonville, and hill’s ferry., Jon. s. perkins, proprietor” (BAM-600), blue “J. Bamber & co’s express. sep 27” double circle datestamp (BAM-102), light edge wear particularly at bottom left, fine appearance $ 100

express coM panies
250 249 248 247

252 6 Paid, Bamber & Co’s Express, W.B. Hardy’s Office, Oakland, black printed scroll frank (Thomas BAM004) on 3c Pink entire to San Francisco, blue double oval “Bamber & Co’s Express Oakland. Sep 30 1868” handstamp (Thomas BAM-104), reduced at left, very fine appearance $ 40

253 6 J. Bamber & Cos. Contra Costa Express. Paid., black oval handstamp (Thomas BAM-101a) alongside framed “Answer by Bamber & Co’s. Express Office, Davis St. Between Broadway & Vallejo” handstamp (BAM-404) on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, light staining, very fine $ 75

254 6 J. Bamber & Cos. Contra Costa Express. Paid., black oval handstamp (BAM-101a) on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, additional “Answer by Bamber & Co’s. Express Office, Davis St. Between Broadway & Vallejo” handstamp (BAM-404), professionally cleaned and light toning along top edge, fine $ 100

255 6 J. Bamber & Co.’s Contra Costa Express, Paid, black oval handstamp (BAM-100a) with matching framed “Answer By Bamber & Co.’s Express, Office Davis St. Between Broadway & Vallejo” (BAM-404) on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, cover cleaned and repaired, fine appearance offer

256 6 J. Bamber & Co’s Contra Costa Express, Paid, black oval frank (BAM-100) on 3c Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, additional framed “Answer by Bamber & Co’s Express Office Davis St. Between Broadway & Vallejo” with pointing hand (BAM-404), trivial edge wear, very fine  $ 40

U nited states western express coM panies
252 253 255 254

western express coM panies

right, otherwise very fine, illustrated in Coburn’s Letters of Gold, ex-haas $ 200

black boxed handstamp (BRT-100) on 3c Green entire to Pioche, Nevada, blue “Treasure City Nev. Nov 3” datestamp, “25” in handstamp crossed out and replaced with manuscript “10”, just reduced at right, very fine, virtually nothing is known about Berthouds Mule Team Express aside from the three covers recorded with this handstamp $ 100

and rider frank most likely did not represent any service, manuscript “M” and “$1” $ 200

U nited states
257 6 J.M Benion’s Stable, Carson City, Nevada. Daily Stages to Lake Tahoe, Carriages for Tourists, stage coach illustrated cover to San Jose, California, “wells, fargo & co’s express from gold hill” train and steamer illustrated black on red adhesive, reduced at 258 6 PD Berthouds Mule Team Express, 259 F.W. Balke & Co. Express Weaverville, blue oval handstamp on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to Holland, Wisconsin, red “Weaverville Cal. Jan 14” datestamp,  pacific express illustrated horse

U nited states

western express coM panies

blue handstamp (COP-100a) on cover to Marysville, California, manuscript “Berkshire O June 25” postmark and matching “Paid 10” rate, “Rec’d Aug 5th/55” docketing on reverse, very fine and rare, just 12 examples of this handstamp are recorded, 10 of which are outbound uses in red ink, and just two of which (this and one other) are inbound uses in blue ink $ 300

(DEV‐100) with matching “paid 25” (DEV-200) with manuscript “cts” below, additional manuscript “60c”, on 3c Pink entire to Timbuctoo, California with “Carson City Nev Jun 24” double circle datestamp, small corner tears, very fine, Thomas records just eight Devils

$ 250

260 6 Copley & Co.’s Miners’ Express, 261 6 Denver and Rio Grande Express, Franked Letter, printed frank on 2c Green entire to Asti, California, purple straightline handstamp, staining along left edge, fine, the Denver and Rio Grande Railroad ran this express service over their lines throughout Colorado, New Mexico, Utah, and Wyoming $ 100 262 6 Devils Gate Express, straightline handstamp Gate Express handstamps

U nited states

western express coM panies

263 6 Forwarded by Dodge & Co’s Express, red oval handstamp on folded cover to Montgomery, Texas, manuscript “25” express charge, red “Houston Txs. May 7” datestamp and matching “V” rate, lightest traces of toning, very fine and rare, this cover probably originated in California and was carried by Dodge & Co. via Panama to Houston where it entered the mails, Scott Prior’s article in Western Express (Vol. 69, No. 1) details the history of this express company and the seven surviving covers, 1981 Philatelic Foundation certificate, ex-edwards

$ 500

264 6 Everts, Wilson & Co.’s Express. Marysville., black oval handstamp (EVW-102a) with large double oval “Paid” (EVW-200c) at center, on 3c Nesbitt entire to Rabbit Creek, California, faint November 1858 docketing, light wear and small repairs, still fine, the only recorded example of this Marysville handstamp

$ 300


265 6 Paid, Everts Wilson & Co., Daily Express, black printed frank (Thomas EVW-008) on 10c Green entire to Alexandersville, Ohio, entered the mails with “Gibsonville Cal. Jan 14” datestamp, trivial aging spots, very fine and scarce $ 50

266 6 Fargo & Co’s Feather River Express, green oval handstamp (FRG-100) on cover from Salt Lake City to Stockton, March 1 origination postmark, forwarded from Stockton with May 18 datestamp and blue “Forwarded.” in oval for a total of 10c postage, pencil “$1.00” express fee, letter datelined “G.S.L. City Feb’y 27th/53”, fine and rare with just 12 covers from this company recorded, only three of which have the marking in green $ 200

267 6 Paid, Francis & Co.’s Express., black printed frank (FRA-001) on 10c Green Nesbitt entire to Greenwich, New York, “Virginia City Utah Aug 10” datestamp, small repairs, very fine appearance, as Francis & Co’s Express only operated within California it is unlikely any express service was performed $ 50

268 6 Freeman& Co’s. Express, Columbia., black oval handstamp (Thomas FRM-102b) on 3c Nesbitt entire with printed red scroll frank, addressed to San Francisco, very fine $ 50

269 6 Freeman & Co.’s Express. Coulterville., blue oval handstamp (FRM-102c) on 3c Nesbitt entire with red printed scroll frank, addressed to San Francisco, very fine and scarce $ 75

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& Co.’s Over Express, Our California & Coast Routes, red printed scroll frank (FRM-007) on 3c Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, blue “Freeman & Co’s. Express. Coulterville.” (FRM-102c), very fine and choice $ 75

Express, Jackson., blue oval handstamp (FRM-102g) on 3c Nesbitt entire with printed red scroll frank, addressed to San Francisco, very fine and scarce $ 75

black oval handstamp (FRM-102m) on 3c Nesbitt entire with printed red scroll frank, addressed to San Francisco, very fine and attractive $ 50

& Co’s Over Our California & Coast Routes Express, red printed scroll frank (FRM-006) with black “freeman & co’s. express, santa Barbara” oval (FRM-102) on 3c Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, very fine, Freeman is not known to have had an office in Santa Barbara and this marking is unlisted in Thomas $ 100


Cova & Co. Agents, red oval handstamp (FRM-100) on January 15, 1856 printed folded letter from Panama to San Francisco, endorsed “p Sonora”, extremely fine and choice $ 100

U nited states western express
6 Paid, Freeman 6 Freeman & Co.’s 6 Freeman & Co.’s Express. Murphy’s., 6 Paid, Freeman
6 Freeman & Co’s. Panama,
273 272 271

275 6 Freeman & Co.’s California Express, 59 Broadway, New York, printed cornercard (FRM-405) on cover to Marysville, California, 3c Dull red (26) tied by “San Francisco Cal Nov 28 1859” datestamp, some staining and edge wear, fine, addressed to William B. Latham who was an agent of Freeman & Co. $ 50

276 6 Greathouse and Slicer, Yreka, Connecting with Wells Fargo & Co, blue octagonal framed handstamp (Thomas GRT-100) on 3c Nesbitt entire to “Charles P. Kimball, Pres. Noisy Carrier Book Store, San Francisco, Cal.”, very fine, just 10 examples of this handstamp recorded in the Thomas book $ 100

277 6 Paid, Greenhood & Newbauer, Northern Express, black printed frank (GRH-001) on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, blue oval “Greenhood & Newbauer Express, Weaverville, Cal.” handstamp (GRH-100), small tear at top right, very fine and attractive $ 100

278 6 Paid, Greenhood & Newbaner, Northern Express, black printed frank (GRH‐002) on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, blue “greenhood & newbauer express, weaverville, cal.” oval handstamp (GRH-002) and manuscript “10” express charge, very fine, the “Newbaner” spelling is considerably scarcer than “Newbauer” $ 150

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279 6 Gregory’s Express., blue two-line handstamp (GRE-100b) with matching “not paid” in oval (GRE-201c) on cover to San Francisco, light aging, fine and scarce $ 75 277 278
275 276

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280 6 Paid., Gregory & English’s Express, Moore’s Flat and Eureka, Connecting with Wells, Fargo & Co., at Nevada City, Cal.,  black printed frank (GRG-002) on 3c Pink entire to Marysville, California, conjunctively used with blue “Wells, Fargo & Co. Nevada. Jul 18” datestamp, clipped lower left corner, otherwise very fine and rare with just three recorded by Thomas, this express only operated for a few months in 1866 $ 250

281 6 Hammond & Wilson’s Express, Susanville & Reno, Connecting with Wells, Fargo & Co., black printed scroll frank (Thomas HAM-001) on 3c Green entire to Red Bluffs, California, “Reno Nev. Mar 7” datestamp, additional printed “Paid.” above frank (not listed in Thomas), slightly reduced at left, cover expertly cleaned, original enclosure datelined “Susanville, March 4th, 1875”, very fine and rare, just four used examples listed in Thomas, this express lasted for a short time between 1874 and 1875 $ 300

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282 6 E. B. Hopkin’s Express Paid, red octagonal framed handstamp (HOP-100) on 3c Pink entire to Nevada City, California, February 7, 1865 docketing at left, barely reduced at right (just into indicia), very fine strike and cover, one of just two recorded examples of this marking (the other in the Wiltsee Collection) $ 500

View of Nevada City

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283 6 C.C. Huntley Stage, & Express Line, purple printed frank (HUT-001) on 3c Pink entire to Mont Holly Springs, Pennsylvania, matching “If not delivered within 10 days, return to...” at left, “Helena Montano Jan 20” datestamp, very fine, the Thomas book records just five examples of this frank, presumably carried from the mines to Helena by Huntley where it entered the mails $ 200

284 6 Lamping & Co’s Express, Paid, horizontal printed frank (LAM-002) with black “l amping & co’s express downieville” oval handstamp on 3c Pink entire to San Francisco (Daneri correspondence), very fine, only about 30 Lamping covers are recorded (the majority of which are addressed to A. Daneri in San Francisco) $ 50

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285 6 86L1, Humboldt’s Express (Nevada), 1863 25c Brown, large margins, tied by red “Paid” in double line oval (a style of device used by Wells, Fargo & Co.) to cover to Oroville, California, matching red “Langston’s Pioneer Express Unionville” handstamp, on 3c Pink entire (U63) with printed black Wells Fargo frank, blue Wells Fargo Carson City handstamp on indicia, extremely fine and attractive, one of just six recorded covers with the rare Humboldt’s Express adhesive, widely considered to be the most attractive local stamp ever produced, ex-haas, edwards, and Kuphal, illustrated in Coburn’s Letters of Gold, 2023 Philatelic Foundation certificate

This cover was carried by Langton’s Humboldt Express from his office at Unionville to Carson City, where the connection to Oroville by Wells, Fargo & Co. was made. The fact that the stamp was placed on the cover after the red Langton’s oval was applied suggests that the stamp was affixed and precancelled by the office itself prior to mailing and sold to the sender in this state.

The most recent census of this stamp on cover records 6 intact covers, of which three originated in Star City and three in Unionville. The Humboldt Express stamp is among the rarest Western Express adhesives to be found on cover in any condition. Samuel W. Langton established his Humboldt Express to connect the Humboldt mines of northern Nevada with the capital Carson City. As this was a difficult route Langton added a 25c surcharge to the rate of $2 per letter; to facilitate pre-payment of this fee, 25c Brown stamps were produced. Owing to the overwhelming similarities between the Humboldt Express stamp and the concurrent Pony Express stamps, it is believed that Langton’s stamps were also printed by Britton & Rey in San Francisco. $ 10,000

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Stagecoach at Unionville

286 Langton’s Pioneer Express, three-line oval handstamp (LAN-102) on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, matching “Paid” in oval (LAN-200c), irregularly in at right just into indicia, very fine strike, the only recorded example of this handstamp, pictured in Thomas  $ 200

287 6

Langton’s Pioneer Express, Paid, blue printed frank with “langton’s pioneer express Marysville” oval handstamp on 3c Pink entire to Downieville, California, blue “W.T. Ellis, Forwarding Merchant, Marysville” label at lower left, very fine $ 400

288 6 Langton’s Pioneer Express, Paid, black printed frank on 3c Pink entire to Downieville, California, red “Langton’s Pioneer Express, Carson City” oval, very fine and attractive $ 250

289 6 Langton’s Pioneer Express, Paid, black printed frank on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, blue oval “Langton’s Pioneer Express Timbuctoo” handstamp used conjunctively with “Wells, Fargo & Co. Marysville Apr 15” double oval, professionally cleaned, very fine appearance $ 100

290 6

Langton’s Marysville Pioneer Express, blue oval handstamp on 3c Pink entire to Downieville, California, black Langton’s frank at top left, also with gray “W.T. Ellis Forwarding Merchant Marysville” adhesive label, also includes original 1859 bill of sale enclosure from W.T. Ellis on illustrated letterhead, very fine and rare, W.T. Ellis’s operation is detailed by Bruce Mosher in a 2005 Western Express article (Vol. 55, No. 3) $ 150

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286 287 289 288

291 6 Latta’s Mountain Express. Paid., blue printed frank with ornaments at sides (LAT‐002) on 3c Pink entire to San Francisco, black “washington cal Jan 16” datestamp (LAT-100) with manuscript date, additionally blue “Wells, Fargo & Co. Nevada. Jan 17” oval, trivial water stain, very fine, just four examples of this frank recorded by Thomas, illustrated in Letters of Gold $ 200

292 6 Leland & McCombes Express, Crescent City, blue oval handstamp (LEL-101) on cover to San Francisco, original form with John McCombe as partner, light edge wear, very fine strike, just three examples of this marking are recorded with , illustrated in Letters of Gold PearceHaas Vincent $ 150

293 6 Mossmans Express, black oval handstamp (MOS-100) with matching “Paid 50” in shield with stars (MOS-200) on cover to Turnbridge, Vermont, blue “Wailepta W.T. Aug 2” datestamp and manuscript “Paid 10”, cover expertly restored, very fine appearance, this was likely the first express marking used by Mossman $ 200

294 6 Paid Over All Routes of the Northern Pacific Express Co., steel blue printed frank (NOR-001) on 2c Brown entire to San Francisco, purple straightline “astoria, ore.” (NOR-100) and faint double oval company handstamp, February 22, 1887 docketing at left, fine $ 50

295 6 Pacific Express Co. Paid, illustrated horse and rider frank (PAC-001) with blue “pacific express co. stockton Jan 11” oval handstamp (PAC-102) on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, pencil docketing reads “Too late for mail of 10th - G.P.”, small edge faults, fine $ 50

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293 291 292

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296 6 Pacific Express Co. Nevada Paid., blue oval handstamp (PAC-102a) with matching “Pacific Express Co. Nevada Apr 23” datestamp on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, backflap detached and small pieces missing at top and right, fine strikes  offer

297 6 Pacific Stage & Express Co., Paid, San Francisco, Sacramento, Auburn, Grass Valley, Nevada, Eureka, Virginia, illustrated printed frank of a four-horse stagecoach (PAS-003) on 3c Pink entire, blue “P.S. & E. Co. Nevada” handstamp (PAS-100), very fine and rare, Thomas records just two examples with this probably representing a third $ 200

298 6 Paid, Pacific Union Express Co., red printed scroll frank (Thomas PAU-001) on 3c Pink entire to Silver City, Idaho Territory, blue “pacific Union ex co. golconda nov 24” double circle datestamp, 1869 docketing, original enclosure, tiny tear at top, very fine and attractive $ 50

299 6 Paid, Pacific Union Express Co., red printed scroll frank (Thomas PAU-001) on 3c Pink entire to San Francisco, blue “pacific Union ex co. downieville. oct 6” double circle datestamp, light edge wear, otherwise very fine offer

300 6 Paid, Pacific Union Express Co., red printed scroll frank (Thomas PAU-001) on 3c Pink entire to San Francisco, blue “pacific Union ex co. l ower l ake Jun 1” double circle datestamp, very fine and attractive $ 50

299 300 298 296

301 6 Paid, Pacific Union Express Co., red printed scroll frank (Thomas Pau-001) on 3c Pink entire to San Francisco, blue “pacific Union ex. co. Martinez. Jan 21” double circle datestamp, light edge wear and affixed to black construction paper, otherwise very fine offer

302 6 Paid, Pacific Union Express Co., red printed scroll frank (Thomas PAU-001) on 3c Pink entire to San Francisco, blue “pacific Union ex co. sacramento. feb 16” double circle datestamp, light wear and trivially reduced at right, otherwise very fine  offer

303 6 Paid, Pacific Union Express Co., printed red scroll frank (Thomas PAU-001) on 3c Pink entire to San Francisco, black “pacific Union ex. co. sant. clara. oct 30” double circle datestamp, light edge wear and affixed to black construction paper, otherwise very fine offer

304 6 Paid, Pacific Union Express Co., red printed scroll frank (Thomas PAU-001) on 3c Pink entire to San Francisco, blue “Pacific Union Ex Co. Santa Rosa. Oct 5” double circle datestamp, small backflap fault, very fine and attractive $ 50

305 6 W.L. Pritchard’s Fast Freight Line from Palisade to Pioche, all-over nine-line printed frank (Thomas PRT500g) with black vertical “Wells, Fargo & Co.” frank at left on 3c Green entire to San Francisco, California, partial blue Palisades, Nevada oval company handstamp, very fine and rare, one of just two examples recorded in Thomas $ 200

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303 304 301 302

306 6 W.L. Pritchard’s Fast Freight Line, From Palisade to Hamilton, eyeglass-style all-over advertisement in gray (PRT500f) on 3c Green entire to Sacramento, blue “Wells, Fargo & Co. Palisade” oval handstamp and black company frank at left, trivial tear at top right, very fine and rare with just one example recorded by Thomas $ 50

307 6 Raum’s Centerville, Ruby Hill and Shelburn Express, black frank (RAU-006) on 3c Green entire to Sacramento City, California, “Schellbourne Nev. Aug 27” datestamp, reduced at right slightly into indicia, otherwise very fine, just six examples recorded in Thomas $ 100

308 6

Paid, River Express, Stockton & San Francisco, green printed frank (RIV-001) on 2c Green entire to San Francisco, “River Express Co. Stockton Cal. Feb 1 1895” pink oval handstamp (RIV-101), very fine and attractive $ 40

309 6 F. Rumrill & Co.’s Northern Express. Connecting with Wells, Fargo & Co., blue oval handstamp (RUM-103) used conjunctively with blue “Wells, Fargo & Co. Express San Francisco” oval handstamp, addressed to Frank Rumrill himself in Marysville, California, original letter datelined “Franklin [Mills, Ohio], June 1st 1854” from Rumrill’s long-distance partner Henrietta, as is typical of this correspondence the letter consists of Henrietta pleading for Rumrill’s return, light water stains and small envelope thin, still very fine and attractive use, Henrietta’s persistence eventually paid off since Rumrill sold out to Langton’s in 1855 $ 150

310 W. E. Singer & Co’s Feather River Express, Connecting with Wells, Fargo & Co., blue oval handstamp (SIN-100) on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to Bidwell’s Bar, California, Nesbitt seal and April 11, 1855 docketing on reverse, very fine and choice, ex-lichtenstein $ 200

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309 308 307 306

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311 6 W.E. Singer & Co’s Feather River Express Connecting with Wells, Fargo & Co., blue oval handstamp (SIN-100) used conjunctively with “Wells, Fargo & Co. Express San Francisco” oval on cover to Bidwell’s Bar, California, very fine $ 50

312 6 Paid, Thomes & Skaden’s Express, Susanville & Reno, Connecting with Wells, Fargo & Co., blue printed frank (THO-007) on 3c Green entire to a Mr. A.S. Evans in San Francisco, blue “Wells, Fargo & Co. Jul 9” oval datestamp, pencil “522 Cal.” address and lengthy docket from an Albert S. Evans who received the letter in error and implored that “the other A.S. Evans please request his friends to write his address in full and thus avoid similar mistakes in future”, very fine and interesting, just two recorded by Thomas $ 200

313 6 Todd & Co. Express, black shield handstamp (TOC-100) with matching straightline “from stockton” (TOC-600) and slanted “paid” (TOC-200e) on 1850 folded lettersheet to San Francisco, very fine, a unique combination of markings, just five examples of the “From Stockton” are recorded $ 150

314 6 Forwarded by Todd & Co’s Express, blue double oval handstamp (TOC-105) with matching “paid” in slanted letters (TOC-200), used conjunctively with blue “forwarded by freeman & co’s express san francisco” oval handstamp (FRE‐104b) on folded cover to Secretary of State Van Voorhees in Vallejo, California, very fine, both scarce handstamps $ 150

315 6 Paid, Tracy & Co. Oregon Express, black ribbon frank (TRA-007) on 3c Red Star die entire to Lafayette, Oregon, blue oval “Tracy & Co’s Express Walla Walla” handstamp (TRA-101) and “Tracy & Co. Portland Apr 27” double circle (TRA-100), very fine $ 75

316 6 Paid, Truman & Co.’s Express, Merchants’ Exchange Building, Battery Street, opposite the Post Office, printed frank (TRE-003) on 3c Pink entire (U59) to San Francisco, pencil “J 30”, slightly reduced at left, very fine $ 50

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316 315 314 313 311 312

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317 6 Turner’s Pony Express, From Jacobsville To all parts of the Reese River Mines, illustrated pony and rider frank (TUR-001) on 3c Pink entire to Salt Lake City, Utah, “Paid to All Parts of the State” printed around indicia, blue “Wells, Fargo & Co. Austin N.T. Jan 13” oval datestamp, professionally restored, very fine and extremely rare, Thomas records just four examples of this frank, this cover is addressed to Hiram Rumsfield, the agent for the Overland Mail Company $ 500

319 318

318 6 Paid, Wheeler, Rutherford & Co’s Express, black scroll frank (WHR‐001) on 3c Pink entire to San Francisco, black “wheeler express’s l a porte” double circle handstamp (WHR-100) and blue “Wells, Fargo & Co. Marysville Aug 2” oval, additional dark blue “dr. e.l. willard’s Book & drug store established 1858 l a porte sierra co. cal.” oval (WHR-601), 1865 docketing on reverse, very fine and rare, Thomas records just three examples of the Willard handstamp which is considered an express handstamp because Willard is believed to have been the company’s agent at La Porte $ 200

319 6 Paid, Whiting & Co.’s Feather River Express, black ribbon frank (WHI‐009) on 3c Pink entire (oxidized) to San Francisco, slightly reduced at left, otherwise fine offer

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320 6 Whitney’s Nevada Express, perfect strike of circular handstamp with negative horse and ride (WHN100) on December 16, 1854 cover from South Bainbridge, New York to French Corral, California, manuscript “10” rate and faint manuscript “1$” express charge, trivial corner wear, extremely fine and attractive, one of just two recorded examples of this handstamp (both from the Pollard correspondence), an extraordinary Western express rarity, illustrated in Nathan (page 237) $ 2,000

Mining for gold at French Corral

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wells, fargo and coM pany

321 6 “By Wilson’s Stage”, manuscript notation on 3c Pink entire to Carson City, Nevada, black Wells, Fargo & Co. printed frank at top, original enclosure dated July 29, 1867 from San Francisco, very fine, illustrated in Coburn’s Letters of Gold, ex-haas $ 50

322 6 Wells, Fargo & Co Express, San Francisco, blue oval handstamp on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to Nevada, California, black woodblock frank, affixed to black construction paper, very fine appearance $ 50

323 6 Wells, Fargo & Co.’s Express S. Frco. 8 Feb, blue double circle datestamp on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to Roseburg, Umpqua River, Oregon, endorsed “Via Yreka & Jacksonville”, black “Jacksonville Ore. Feb 19” darestamp, 1860 docketing at lower left, fine $ 50

324 6 Wells, Fargo & Co.’s Express, S.Frco. 19 Nov, blue double circle datestamp on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to San Jose, California, black company frank at top, fine offer

325 6 Wells, Fargo & Co. Benicia Feb 4, blue oval handstamp on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, black printed company frank, small faults along top edge and backflips, fine appearance $ 50

326 6 Wels, Fargo & Co’s Express Columbia, blue oval handstamp with matching straightline “April 6 1859” datestamp on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, sender’s handstamp at bottom left, fine $ 50

325 326 321 322 324 323

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327 6 Wells, Fargo & Co. Napa. Dec 3, blue oval handstamp on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, black printed company frank at top, fine  $ 50

328 6 Moore’s Flat [Langton’s], blue oval handstamp (LAN‐107d) on 3c Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, blue “Wells, Fargo & Co. Express Nevada” oval with small “April 2” datestamp, affixed to black card, very fine appearance, unusual without a Langston’s printed frank, ex-emerson $ 50

329 6 Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, Portland., blue oval handstamp on 3c Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, black printed frank at top, backflap faults and corner nick, otherwise very fine offer

330 6 Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, Sonora, blue oval handstamp on 3c Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, black printed frank at top, black construction paper adhered to reverse, otherwise very fine offer

331 6 Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, Santa Cruz., black oval handstamp on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, black printed frank at top, affixed to black construction paper, fine appearance offer

332 6 Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, Sonora, blue oval handstamp on 3c Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, black printed frank at top, black construction paper adhered to reverse, otherwise very fine offer

331 332 329 330 327 328

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333 6 Wells, Fargo & Co. Express Sonora, two strikes on yellow envelope with printed address to “Agent of Wells, Fargo & Co.’s Express” and manuscript “Downieville”, docketing at left, very fine $ 50


Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, Stockton, blue oval handstamp on 3c Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, black printed frank at top, black construction paper adhered to reverse, otherwise very fine offer


Fargo & Co., Stockton, Feb 23, blue double oval datestamp on 3c Nesbitt entire to San Francisco, black printed frank at top, black construction paper adhered to reverse, otherwise very fine $ 40

336 6 Overland Mail Co. Salt Lake City, Utah., three-line printed corner card (OVE-401) on cover to San Francisco, black “Wells, Fargo & Co. Salt Lake Cty. Ut. Mar10” and blue “Wells, Fargo & Co. Austin, N.T. Mar14” ovals, right edge expertly restored with small portion of address and handstamp drawn in, very fine appearance $ 100

6 6 Wells,
335 336 333 334
337 6 Wells, Fargo & Co., Carson City, blue oval handstamp on 3c Pink entire (oxidized) to the Mexican Silver Mining Co. in Virginia City, Nevada, light aging, very fine offer

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338 6 Wells, Fargo & Co. Dixon Mar 14, blue oval on 3c Pink entire with printed frank at top, addressed to San Francisco, very fine  $ 40 339 6 Wells, Fargo & Co., Elko., Apr 21, blue oval datestamp on 3c Pink entire to San Francisco, black printed frank at top, very fine offer 340 6 Wells, Fargo & Co., Rio Vista., Nov 9, blue oval datestamp on 3c Pink entire to San Francisco, black printed frank at top, black construction paper adhered to reverse, otherwise very fine offer 341 6 Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, San Luis Obispo, oval handstamp on 3c Pink entire to Los Angeles, black printed company frank at top, fine offer 342 6 Wells, Fargo & Co. Silver Springs May 10, blue oval datestamp on 3c Pink entire to Belmont, Nevada, black printed company frank, very fine offer 339 340 342 341

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343 6 Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, Visalia, blue oval handstamp on 3c Pink entire to San Francisco, black printed frank at top, black construction paper adhered to reverse, otherwise very fine offer

344 6 Wells, Fargo & Co., Mason Valley, Nev., black oval handstamp on 3c Green entire to San Francisco with black printed frank at top, very fine and scarce offer

345 6 Wells, Fargo & Co. Express, Murphys Camp, black oval handstamp on 3c Green entire to San Francisco, black printed company frank at top, light toning, still fine offer

346 6 Wells, Fargo & Co Portland. Jan 15, blue oval datestamp on 3c Green entire to San Francisco, black printed frank at top, 1873 docketing at left indicates this envelope contained an order for silk, slightly reduced at right, very fine offer

347 6 Wells, Fargo & Co. Salt Lake Ct, U.T. Oct 6, blue oval datestamp on 3c Green entire to San Francisco, black printed frank at top, black construction paper adhered to reverse, otherwise very fine offer

348 6 Wells, Fargo & Co San Francisco Jan 19, black oval datestamp on 3c Green entire to Gold Hill, Nevada, straightline “Collect” handstamp, reduced at left, otherwise very fine offer

345 346 344 343 348 347

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349 6 Wells, Fargo Co. San Francisco Jan 21, blue oval handstamp on 3c Green entire to Walla Walla, Washington Territory with printed company frank at top, light wear, still very fine offer

350 6 Steamer Emily, purple straightline handstamp on 2c green entire to Redding, California, purple “Wells, Fargo & Co’s Express, San Francisco, Cal” oval, 1893 docketing, reduced at left into indicia, otherwise very fine, the Steamer Emily was built by Charles G. White in San Francisco in 1887 $ 75

351 6 Wells, Fargo & Co Sierra City Jul 27, blue oval datestamp on 3c Green entire to Alleghany, California, black printed frank at top, original enclosure datelined “Sierra Buttes, July 27th 1873”, slightly reduced at left, otherwise very fine $ 40

352 6 Wells, Fargo & Co., Los Angeles, Cal Dec 23 1884, purple oval datestamp on 2c Red entire to San Francisco, black 1884 Fifth Series frank, affixed to black construction paper, very fine appearance offer

353 6 Wells, Fargo & Co.’s, Martinez, Cal, Jun 27 A.M., double oval datestamp on 2c Red entire to San Francisco, printed company frank at top, sender’s dated handstamp at left and on reverse, slightly reduced at left, very fine offer

354 6 W.F. & Co.’s Express Messenger 9, pink oval handstamp on 2c Brown entire to San Francisco, printed company frank at top, backstamped “Wells, Fargo & Co. San Francisco. Jun 1 1885”, tears along top edge, very fine offer

354 353 352 351
350 349

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355 6 W.F. & Co’s Ex. Albuquerque, N.M. Apr 18 1883, Type 11 magenta double oval datestamp on 3c Green entire to San Francisco, black printed frank at top, very fine, April 18 is the only date listed in the NMTPC, very likely unique  $ 250 356 6 Wells, Fargo & Co., Paid Over Our Mexican Coast and California Express--35 CTS., black printed frank with two-line surcharge on 10c Olive black entire to Mexico City, indistinct blue company handstamp and large “2”, very fine and scarce $ 100 357 6 W.F. & Co’s Ex. Santa Fe, N.M. 10-27-87, Type 36 pink double oval datestamp with manuscript date on 2c Brown entire to San Francisco, black printed frank at top, additional violet “Wells, Fargo & Co’s Express San Francisco, Cal. Oct 31-7 A.M.” cancel, very fine, the unique example of this Well’s Fargo handstamp $ 358 6 Wells, Fargo & Co’s Express, Chico, Cal. Mar 29 1888, purple oval datestamp on 2c Brown entire to San Francisco, black printed frank at left, additional “Wells, Fargo & Co’s Express, San Francisco, Cal. Mar 10 A.M.” arrival handstamp, very fine offer 356 358


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$ 300


oval handstamp on 3c Pink entire to San Francisco with

” surcharge, very fine, the nature of this surcharge has been a subject of debate for some time, it was once thought to represent Virginia City Pony Express service, for a complete discussion see “Mystery of the Wells Fargo Surcharge” in James M. Gamett’s Nevada Express 1857-1895 (pages 53-58), ex-Jessup

$ 200

359 6 Wells, Fargo & Co. Umatilla Ogn. Nov, blue datestamp on 3c Pink entire with red “Boise Mines—paid 50 cts.” printed frank at top, small tears, very fine appearance, a scarce use $ 75 360 6 Salmon River & Nez Perces Express, Paid 50 Cents. printed frank (WFE‐215a) at lower left of 3c Pink entire to Eureka, California, black Wells, Fargo & Co. frank at top, blue “Wells, Fargo & Co. Portland Jul 24” oval datestamp, light edge wear, fine and rare, ex-Barkhausen 6 Wells, Fargo & Co. Austin. N.T. 16, blue printed Wells, Fargo & Co. frank and “paid 25 cts.

U nited states

wells, fargo and coM pany

362 6 Wells, Fargo & Co. Virginia Cty. N.T. Mar 16, blue oval datestamp on yellow cover to Sacramento, “From Wells, Fargo & Co., Virginia City, N.T.” cornercard at lower left, manuscript “By Pony”, 1864 pencil docketing, original enclosure no longer accompanies but indicates this cover was sent free of charge from J.H. Latham to Dr. G.L. Simmons about investing in a silver mine, slightly reduced at right into express marking, very fine and possible the unique example of free franked Virginia City Pony Express mail, ex-edwards $ 400

363 6 Wells, Fargo & Co’s Express. Forest City, black on orange label with manuscript town on December 11, 1873 cover from San Francisco to New York City, 3c Green tied by leaf cancel, December 20 recipient’s handstamp, very fine, only one other example of this label recorded $ 75

364 6 Paid, Freeman & Co’s Through Our California & Atlantic Express, two red Wells, Fargo & Co. franks (one vertical, one horizontal) obliterate green Freeman & Co. frank (WFE-601) on 10c Green Nesbitt entire to Shirley, Massachusetts, blue “Wells, Fargo & Co. Stockton Sep 30” double oval backstamp, black “Paid” in oval and red Boston datestamp, light filefolds and reduced at right, still fine $ 75

365 6 Paid, Freeman & Co’s Though Our California & Atlantic Express, two red Wells, Fargo & Co. franks (one vertical, one horizontal) obliterate green Freeman & Co. frank (WFE-601) on 10c Green Nesbitt entire to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, “Placerville Cal. Jul 1” datestamp, endorsed “via Overland Mail”, affixed to black construction paper, very fine appearance $ 250

364 363

United states

wells, fargo and coMpany

366 6 Wells, Fargo & Co’s Express, S. Frco. 5 Mar, blue double circle datestamp ties 10c Green (35) to cover to New York City street address, pink all-over illustrated advertisement for “Wells, Fargo & Co. Express & Exchange Company”, black straightline “Mcintire’s post 2 Maiden lane” handstamp and matching “Collect” in oval, extremely fine and attractive, it appears that Wells Fargo had an arrangement with McIntire’s for local delivery within New York City, illustrated in Coburn’s Letters of Gold $ 2,000

Wells, Fargo & Co.‘s office in San Francisco

U nited states

wells, fargo and coM pany

367 6 Wells, Fargo & Co.’s Express, Arcata H.B., blue oval handstamp on 1863 all-over advertising 3c Pink entire for “A. Jacoby, Wholesale Dealers in Groceries, Provisions, Wines & Liquors, Hardware, Dry Goods, &c., Arcata, Humboldt Bay”, vertical Wells Fargo frank at left, addressed to Stargard, Germany, New York and German transit handstamps, very fine and attractive  $ 100 368 6 Sroufe, Sweeney & Co. Wholesale Provisions Dealers, three all-over advertising designs (yellow, red, and gray-green) on 3c Green entires, all addressed to Stockton, California and with black Wells, Fargo & Co. franks at left, small backflap faults, very fine appearance $ 50

United states

wells, fargo and coMpany

369 6 143LP9, Wells, Fargo & Co., 1888 Blue newspaper stamp, tied to wrapper to Orcutt, California by blue oval “Wells, Fargo & Co’s Express, San Diego” handstamp, affixed to a black card, very fine, 2023 Philatelic Foundation certificate (Scott $2,400) $ 300 370 6 143LP10, Wells, Fargo & Co., 1876 Blue newspaper stamp, tied to wrapper by blue “Wells, Fargo & Co’s Express, San Diego, Cal” oval, addressed to Orcutt, California, black mounting card removed leaving small holes in reverse of wrapper, very fine, 2023 Philatelic Foundation certificate (Scott $1,750) $ 250 Wells, Fargo & Co.‘s office in San Diego

U nited states

wells, fargo and coM pany

371 6 Fort Ross California Oct 26, datestamp on 1884 2c Red entire to Petaluma, California, “Wells, Fargo & Co’s Express” black printed frank at top, backstamped San Francisco and Petaluma, reduced at right, otherwise very fine offer 372 6 Grizzly Flats Cal. Apr 8, datestamp just ties 2c Brown (faults) to cover to Sacramento, California, stamp also with target cancel, backstamped Placerville and Sacramento, fine offer

U nited states california postal history

373 6 Grizzly Flats Cal. Apr 5, datestamp with matching target on 1889 2c Green cover to Sacramento, California, backstamped Placerville and Sacramento, very fine offer

374 6 “Nevada, Broad Street No. 61, Upper California”, incoming cover originating in Dalenburg, Germany, black Aachen transit and “Boston Br. Pkt. 30Cts. Sep 25” exchange, light wear, still fine and rare use from Germany to Nevada City, California $ 75

375 6 Knight’s Ferry Cal May 24, blue datestamp on 3c Pink entire to Seattle, Washington Territory, 1867 docketing at top, slightly reduced at left, very fine offer

376 6 Sacramento City Cal. Mar 10, perfect strike of red datestamp with matching “40” rate handstamp on cover to Milton, New York, light wrinkling, very fine appearance $ 40

377 6 Cabrillo Celebration, Sept. 27, 28 and 29, 1894, San Diego, Cal., green illustrated design on cover to Uddevalla, sweden, three 1c and 2c Small Banknotes tied by August 15, 1894 San Diego datestamps, reverse with illustration of Cabrillo landing in San Diego Harbor, very fine and attractive $ 50

378 You Bet Cal. Mar 12, datestamp with matching target on 3c Green entire to Grass Valley, California, slightly reduced at left, very fine and attractive $ 40

377 378 375 376 373 374

380 6

United states

oregon postal history

Mills, Oregon. Feb 14 1887, magenta datestamp with matching target tie 1c Gray blue (partial imprint at top) to locally-addressed Valentine’s envelope, original multicolored lace Valentine enclosed, very fine and attractive $ 75

381 6 Chemawa. Oregon. Jun 17 1887, double circle wheel of fortune duplex ties 2c Brown Bank Note to cover to Fort Simcoe, Washington Territory, light stain at lower left and slightly reduced at left, otherwise very fine and attractive $ 40

379 6 Astoria Ogn Sep 15, datestamp ties 10c Green (35) to cover to West Point, New York, handstamped “Due 10”, 1858 docketing at bottom, trivial reduction at right, very fine and choice territorial postmark, exemerson $ 50 Aurora
381 379

U nited states

382 6 Corvallis O.R. Mar 31 1859, datestamp ties 1857 10c Green to cover to Troy, New York, light edge wear, fine cover, sent just a month and a half after Oregon statehood $ 40

383 (6) The Dalles, Oregon Jul 20 1885, duplex with star in circle ties 2c Brown to cover front only to Walla Walla, Washington Territory, small faults, fine appearance offer

384 6 The Dalles Oregon. Oct 20 1887, violet wheel of fortune duplex ties 2c Brown Bank Note to cover front only to Walla Walla, Washington Territory, printed bankers’ cornercard, small faults, very fine appearance offer

385 (6) Echo, Umatilla Co. Oregon. W.E. Brownwell, P.M., Dec 25 1883, cogged double circle datestamp with matching Maltese cross on 2c Brown front only to Walla Walla, Washington Territory, couple pinholes, very fine appearance offer

386 6 Eugene City O.T. Aug 29, datestamp on 3c Pink entire to Aldenville, Pennsylvania, slightly reduced at left and light edge wear, otherwise fine, a late use of this territorial postmark $ 50

387 6 Grants Pass Oregon May 4 1893 6PM, datestamp with negative smiling face fancy cancel on 2c Columbian entire to Salem, Oregon, reduced at left into cornernard and light overall aging, very fine strike $ 50

oregon postal history 384 385 383 382 387 386

U nited states

388 6 Independence, Oregon. Dec 17 1885, double rim datestamp duplexed with eight-point star in circle, on 2c Brown Bank Note cover to Dallas, Oregon, light toning and slightly reduced at right (into perforations of stamp), very fine strike $ 40

389 6 Northamhill, Oregon Oct 8 1886, datestamp with matching negative staron 2c Brown entire to Medford, Oregon, reduced at left, otherwise very fine offer

390 6 Portland Oreg. Apr 25 7AM, datestamp on 3c Green entire to Roseberg, Oregon, illustrated advertisement for “Importers of Hardware, Iron and Steel, Agricultural Implements”, slightly reduced at right, very fine and attractive  $ 50

391 6 Prineville, Wasco Co., Oregon. Feb. 12 1882, duplex with star in circle on 3c Green entire to Beachwood, Massachusetts, very fine and choice, Crook County (of which Prineville is the current county seat) was not established October 9, 1882 $ 40

392 6 Tangent, Oregon. Mar 12 1889, purple wheel of fortune duplex on 2c Greene entire to North Yakima, Washington Territory, March 14 backstamp, docketing at left, slightly reduced at left and without side flap, very fine and rare $ 50

oregon postal history 390 391 389

U nited states

393 6 Fort Simeoe, Wash. Ter. Jul 17 1885, two strikes of octagonal datestamp and target on cover to North Yakima, Washington Territory, franked with 2c Brown (gum staining), “Department of the Interior, North Yakama Indian Agency” penalty clause, very fine $ 40

394 6 Garfield, Wash. Jun 17 1889, duplex with star in circle ties 2c Green to cover to Colfax, Washington Territory, light edge wear, fine use five months prior to statehood offer

395 6 Garfield Wash. Jun 1 1891, circular datestamp duplexed with star ties 2c Small Banknote to cover to Colfax, Washington, very fine early statehood cover offer

396 6 Neah Bay Wash. Sep 2 1884, double circle datestamp duplexed with kicking mule fancy cancel on legalsized cover to La Push, Washington, Neat Bah Indian Agency printed penalty frank, slightly reduced at right, extremely fine strike $ 100

397 6 North Yakima, W.T. Jul 28 1888, datestamp duplexed with “Us Mail” in circle fancy cancel on 2c Green cover to Brookline, Massachusetts, very fine territorial fancy cancel $ 40

washington postal history 393 394 397 395

U nited states

washington postal history

398 6 Olympia W.T. May 1, datestamp on yellow cover to Washington, DC, 3c Green with split cork cancel, cornercard for “Territory of Washington, Office of the Secretary.”, slightly reduced at right into stamp, otherwise very fine offer 399 6 Olympia Wash. Jan 24, datestamp on “Department of the Interior, United States Land Office” cover to Edison, Washington Territory, pair of 1c Blue tied by split cork cancels, purple straightline “Receivers Office, Olympia. W.T.” handstamp, addressed to the noted Indian fighter and United States Army Colonel Granville O. Haller, very fine and choice $ 40 400 6 Palouse, Whitman Co., Washington Territory, Mar 22 1880, purple datestamp duplexed with Maltese cross on 3c Green entire to South Bosque, Texas, slightly reduced at left, very fine strike $ 50

Street in Port Angeles

401 6 Port Angel(us) W.T. Mar 17, red datestamp reading “Port Angel W.T.” ties 3c Rose (65) to 1863 cover to “Seattle, Puget Sound, Washington Territory”, the postmaster added a manuscript “us” at the end of “angel” in order to correct the datestamp’s error, manuscript endorsement at top left reads “Via San Francisco, thence coast wise to”, very fine, accompanied by a 1966 Linn’s article by David Jarrett explaining both the postmark error and the nonsensical directive, since Port Angelus and Seattle are only 60 miles apart it would make no sense to route this cover through San Francisco, another cover from this same correspondence from Pennsylvania bears the same directive leading Jarrett to believe these envelopes were pre-addressed and mailed en-route to Washington Territory, very fine and unique, one of the most important Washington Territory covers in our opinion $ 250


402 6 Port Ludlow WT March 26 60, manuscript postmark with matching “Paid 10c” rate on yellow cover to Thomaston, Maine, very fine and scarce, ex-clifford $ 50 403 6 Port Townsend, Wash. Oct 17 1883, double circle datestamp on cover to Oswego, New York, matching kicking mule fancy cancel on 3c Green, very fine and attractive example of this popular cancel $ 50

United states washington postal history

U nited states

washington postal history

404 6 Registered Port Townsend, Wash. Mar 2 1900, blue three-line datestamp on 2c Red entire to Namur, Belgium, 2c Columbian and 1c, 3c, and 5c Bureau Issues tied by kicking mule fancy cancels, additional clear strike at bottom right, handstamped cornercard for Dr. C.H. Gardner at the U.S. Marine Hospital, proper backstamps, very fine $ 100 405 6 Steliacoom City W.T. Jun 21, bold strike of datestamp on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to whitfield, Kansas territory, seven-bar grid and manuscript “Paid 7”, light wear, very fine and rare inter-territorial use, exchase $ 200 406 6 Vancouver W.T. Jan 21, two strikes of datestamp tie 10c Green (14) to cover to West Point, New York, faint 1857 docketing, just reduced at right, very fine  $ 50

washington postal history

407 6 Vancouver W.T. 27 Apr, datestamp ties 3c Dull red (11A) to 1857 folded lettersheet to Cowlitz Farm, Washington Territory, vertical filefold, very fine, Cowlitz Farm was an agricultural operation by the British Puget Sound Agricultural Company, a subsidiary of the Hudson’s Bay Company, this letter’s addressee (Henry Peers) served as clerk and chief trader $ 50 408 6 Vancouver W.T. Mar 7, three strikes of datestamp tie 1c Blue (63) and vertical strip of three 3c Rose (65, faults) to cover to Drakestown, New Jersey, endorsed “Military Express” at left, small tear at top left, very fine appearance $ 75 409 6 Vancouver W.T. Nov 29, several strikes of datestamp tie 1c Blue strip of three and four singles (63) to cover to large part of cover to Fort Dalles, Oregon, reduced at right into “Official Business” imprint, bit of edge wear impacting several stamps, otherwise fine appearance offer
U nited states

U nited states

B ritish colUMB ia postal history

410 6 Paid, Barnard’s British Columbia Express, Yale, vertical ribbon frank (BBC-001e) on 10c Green entire to San Francisco, Canada 3c Small Queen tied by Barnard’s double circle handstamp, blue “Wells, Fargo & Co’s Express, Victoria V.I.” oval, edges professionally restored, very fine appearance, a rare use $ 400 411 6 Paid, Dietz & Nelson’s British Columbia & Victoria Express, vertical printed ribbon frank (DIE‐002) on 3c Pink entire with Wells, Fargo & Co. printed frank at top, San Francisco address on reverse, two 2c Black and two 2c Green (73, 68) tied by blue “Wells, Fargo & Co. Victoria Jan 5” ovals with additional strike at top right, light wear and backflap faults, fine and scarce $ 250
412 6 Post Office Victoria V.I., black oval handstamp with coat of arms on 10c Green entire to Brussels, Belgium, red Wells, Fargo & Co. frank at top, uprated with pair of 3c Pink (64) and 10c Green (68), all with red grids, red New York City credit, various backstamps including “Am. Packet” and Brussels, light wear, overall fine, a rare and beautiful use $ 2,000
United states British colUMBia postal history
View of Victoria

U nited states

B ritish colUMB ia postal history

413 6 San Francisco Cal Oct 5 1864, double circle datestamp with matching cogwheels tying pair of 10c Green (68) to cover to Greenwich Hill, New Brunswick, bottom margin pair of British columbia and Vancouver island 2½p with manuscript cancel with blue “post office paid Victoria Vancouver island” handstamp, New Brunswick backstamps, left British Columbia stamp with small tear, otherwise very fine and rare use, 1989 Philatelic Foundation certificate $ 500

414 6 San Francisco Cal Jan 19, double circle datestamp ties 24c Red lilac (70) to 1867 cover to London, England, blue oval “post office paid Victoria Vancouver island” handstamp, red New York credit and London arrival handstamp, light wear and address written over, otherwise very fine $ 200


U nited states

B ritish colUMB ia postal history

415 6 Port Townsend W.T. 5 Jan, blue datestamp on cover to Port Madison, Washington Territory, “General Post Office, British Columbia, 29 Dec” backstamp, franked with British Columbia 3p strip of three with “10” barred oval cancels, straightline “Paid”, entered the United States mails with 10c Green (68) tied by blue grid, very fine and scarce use $ 500

416 6 Wells, Fargo & Co. Victoria Jun 25, blue oval datestamp on 1868 10c Green entire to London, England, black company frank at top, 5c Vancouver Island tied by “35” barred oval, 2c Black (93) just tied by leaf fancy cancel (second strike on indicia), red “New York Paid All Jul 23” transit and August 7 London arrival, upper right corner repaired, otherwise very fine and attractive use $ 500


U nited states

417 6 Aurora Nev. May 5, datestamp on 3c Pink entire to Montreal, Canada, uprated with three 3c Green, each with neat star cancel, handwritten return address for Columbus, Esmeralda County, Nevada, small edge and backflap faults, very fine appearance $ 75 418 6 Battle Mountain Nev. Aug 25 1884, datestamp duplexed with fancy star in cogged circle on 2c Red entire to Galena, Nevada, reduced at right into cornercard with left portion of the cover replaced, very fine strike $ 50 419 6 Battle Mountain Nev. Oct 8 1884, datestamp duplexed with fancy star in cogged circle on 2c Brown entire to Galena, Nevada, light toning and barely reduced at left, otherwise fine offer
ne Vada
postal history

U nited states

ne Vada postal history

420 6 Canyon City N.T. May 28 1864, circular datestamp with manuscript date, on cover with 3c Rose (65, straight edge at right) tied by “Union” with waving flag fancy cancel, addressed to Callicoon, New York, very fine and extremely rare, a wonderful example of this short-lived patriotic cancel from Nevada Territory $ 300 421 6 Silver Peak, Esmeralda Nev Feb 12, straightline above double circle datestamp with manuscript date on 3c Pink entire (oxidized) to Aurora, Nevada, reduced at left and missing backflap, very fine, ex-chase $ 100 422 6 Glenbrook Nev. Oct 20 1885, datestamp with negative star in circle on 2c Brown entire to Philadelphia, small nick at lower right, otherwise very fine offer

423 6 Gold Hill N.T. 1863 Feb 24, blue double circle datestamp just ties 1c Blue (63) with second copy alongside, additionally 5c Dark red brown (75) on 3c Pink entire to Summit, Rhode Island, each with neat cork cancel, slightly reduced at left, very fine and fresh, signed Ashbrook confirming the shade of the 5c $ 200

424 6 Napias Nev. May 31, blue datestamp with matching star tying 1869 3c Ultramarine (114) to cover to Glens Falls, New York, “From Wells, Fargo & Co.” imprint at lower left with manuscript “Box 60”, just reduced at left, small edge faults, otherwise fine $ 50

425 6 Shermantown Nev. Apr 23, datestamp on cover to Canaan, Maine, with matching “S” fancy cancel on 3c Ultramarine (114, faults), fine, this late stage of the device is completely missing the outer circle (SkinnerEno LS-S 10) offer

426 6 Sherman City Nev. Jan 17, datestamp on 1870 cover to Chichester, New Hampshire, with matching “S” in circle fancy cancels tying vertical pair 3c Ultramarine (114, small faults), very fine and scarce (SkinnerEno LS-S 10) $ 40

427 6 Virginia City Utah July 19, datestamp on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to Middletown, Rhode Island, uprated with two strips of three and single 1c Blue (couple small faults) each with four-point star fancy cancel, top slightly refolded for display, very fine and rare use paying the 10c rate in a striking manner $ 200

states ne Vada postal history 425 426 424 423
U nited

U nited states

ne Vada postal history

428 6 Virginia City Utah July 11, datestamp on cover to Middlesborough, Massachusetts, manuscript “Paid 10” rate, red and blue cannon and flag patriotic design with “The Union must and shall be preserved” verse, very fine, a beautiful patriotic use from Virginia City $ 500 429 6 Virginia City Utah Oct 31, blue datestamp on 1861 cover to Albany, Illinois, 10c Green (68) with matching star fancy cancel, repaired tears at top and bottom, fine appearance, ex-haas $ 100



fine and attractive, an extraordinary combination of a western patriotic with fancy cancels $ 500

432 431

$ 50

reduced at left, otherwise very fine, a rare and attractive pro-Union fancy cancel from Nevada, illustrated in Skinner-Eno page 102, ex-haas (Skinner-Eno ST-C 13) $ 200

430 6 Virginia City N.T. May 27 1862, double circle datestamp ties pair of 5c Buff (67) to red and blue eagle, shield, and waving flag patriotic cover to Portland, Maine, each stamp with neat crossroads fancy cancel, barely reduced at left, very 6 Virginia City N.T. 10 Mar 1863, double circle datestamp with matching circle of wedges tying 10c Green (68) to cover to Albany, Illinois, light wear, fine and attractive 6 Washoe City Nev. Apr 8, circular date stamp with matching “Union” patriotic star fancy cancel with star at center on 3c “F” grill on cover to Stockton, California, stamp small faults and cover
U nited states ne Vada postal history

433 6 Ruby City Idaho Apr 19 (ca. 1866), datestamp on cover to Portland, Oregon, franked with 3c Rose with circular grid, trivial reduction at right, light aging, fine, Ruby City was the original county seat of Owyhee County from 1863 to 1867. In 1864 Silver City was founded a mile to the south and quickly outgrew Ruby City, forcing the closure of its post office in 1867. Manuscript postmarks were used until 1866, placing this cover near the end of the post office’s tenure. $ 40

434 6 “Ruby City, Owihee District, Idaho”, incoming 3c Pink entire uprated with 3c Rose (65) from Detroit, Michigan, two strikes of September 24, 1866 datestamp, manuscript “Via Overland Mail to Salt Lake City, Utah” directive at top, small faults along top edge, very fine and attractive $ 50

435 6 Silver City Idaho. Oct 25 1880 double rim datestamp with duplexed target on locally-addressed 2c Green entire, very fine and choice offer

436 6 Silver City Idaho. Dec 3 1890, double rim datestamp with duplexed target tying 2c Green Bank Note to cover to Boise City, Idaho, very fine and choice early statehood cover offer

United states idaho postal history
435 434 433 436
View of Ruby City

437 6 Fort Assinaboine, Mont. Feb 4 1884, duplex with star in circle on 2c Red entire to Oskaloosa, Iowa, backstampted February 13, edge wear and missing backflap, otherwise fine and scarce, constructed in 1879 Fort Assinnaboine was the largest military installment in Montana and was in service until 1911 $ 40

438 6 Fort Benton Mont. Jul 24, origination postmark on 2c Red entire addressed to Wickes, Montana, black “Returned to Writer.” handstamp and “wickes, Mont. aug 6 1884” datestamp with Maltese cross, additional “helena Mont. aug 6 9pM 1884” datestamp, very fine, Wickes is a ghost town in Jefferson County $ 30

439 6 Fort Custer Mont. 14 Nov 1885, territorial duplex ties 2c Red Brown to cover to Brewer, Maine, very fine and attractive $ 40

440 6 Glendale, Montana. Oct 3 1885, black double rim datestamp duplexed with target on 2c Brown entire to Virginia City, Montana, very fine and fresh territorial postmark $ 40

441 6 Silver City M.T. Apr 15 1886, double circle datestamp with duplex star in circle on 1c Postal card to St. Paul, Minnesota, printed form on reverse from the Northern Pacific Railroad Company, very fine, Silver City was the first community in Lewis & Clark County, this office closed in 1888 offer

442 6 Whitehall, Montana. Oct 28 1887, dark purple datestamp with duplexed star-within-star tying 2c Brown Bank Note to cover to Rome, Ohio, very fine and choice territorial cover $ 50

M ontana postal history 442 441 437 438 440 439
U nited states

443 6 Camp Stambaugh Wyo. Mar 6 1875, datestamp on 3c Green Bank Note cover to Fort Howard, Wisconsin, very fine and scarce, Camp Stambaugh was located near Atlantic City, Wyoming and named for Lieutenant Charles B. Stambaugh who was killed in battle in 1870 $ 40

444 6 Cheyenne Wyo. May 13, duplex on 3c Pink entire to Iona, Missouri, trivial reduction at right, very fine $ 40

445 6 Cheyenne City Wyo. Dec 22, duplex ties 2c Brown to cover to Oskaloosa, Iowa, “Department of the Interior, Territory of Wyoming, Executive Office” penalty clause, 1884 docketing, missing backflap, very fine offer

446 6 Cummins Wyo. Ter. Jan 2 1883, blue duplexed datestamp on 1c Postal card to St. Louis, Missouri, January 5 receiver at lower left, very fine, Cummins (or Cummins City) was founded upon a lie by John Cummins in 1880 when he brought gold ore from Colorado and claimed it was from nearby Jelm Mountain, the post office closed in 1888 $ 50

447 6 Fort Bridger, Wyoming. Jan 22 1881, double circle datestamp on 5c Blue entire to Kiel, germany, very fine, a scarce foreign destination $ 40

448 6 Fort Fetterman Wyo. Aug 5, blue datestamp with matching target tying 3c Green to cover to New York City, 1878 pencil docketing erased, very fine, Fort Fetterman was established on the North Platte River in 1867 and abandoned in 1882 $ 40

wyoM ing postal history 444 443 447 448 446 445
U nited states

U nited states

449 6 Fort Fred Steele, Wyo. Jan 12 1885, datestamp duplex with target on 2c Brown entire to Circleville, Ohio, very fine, Fort Fred Steele was established in 1868 to protect the transcontinental railroad while under construction and was abandoned in 1886 $ 50

450 (6) Fort Fred Steele, Wyo. Dec 1 1885, bold strike of duplex with target on 2c Brown front only to Walla Walla, Washington Territory, small faults at left edge and in address panel, very fine appearance, scarce inter-territorial use offer

451 6 Fort McKinney, Wyo. T. 17 May 1883, duplex ties 3c Green to cover to Corning, New York, slightly reduced at left, very fine, Fort McKinney was established in 1877 in response to Custer’s defeat at Little Big Horn and was closed in 1894 $ 40

452 6 Green River Wy, Oct 18th, manuscript postmark on 3c Pink entire to Detroit, Michigan, slightly reduced into Cheyenne, Wyoming return address at left, very fine offer

453 6 Mammoth Hot Spgs. Wyo. Mar 10 1885, datestamp on 2c Brown cover to Morgan Park, Illinois, “Department of the Interior, Yellowstone National Park, Mammoth Hot Springs, Wyo.” penalty clause, slightly reduced at right, fine offer

wyoM ing postal history
450 449 452 451

U nited states

wyoM ing postal history

454 6 Mammoth Hot Spgs. Wyo. Aug 10 1888, datestamp on 2c Green cover to Mansfield, Ohio, cornercard for “Yellowstone Park Association, Mammoth Hot Springs.”, vertical crease through stamp, fine offer 455 6 Mammoth Hot Spgs. Wyo. Jul 31 1887, datestamp on 2c Green cover to San Francisco, cornercard for “Yellowstone Park Association, Norris Geyser Basin”, small edge faults, fine, the Yellowstone Park Association replaced the bankrupt Yellowstone Park Improvement Company and was in existence from 1886 to 1891 offer 456 6 South Pass City Wy Ty. Jul 23 69, datestamp with matching target on 3c Rose “F” grill (94) cover to North Thetford, Vermont, very fine $ 50

457 6 Cheyenne D.T. Oct. 1, 67, manuscript postmark with matching penstroke on 3c Rose (65) on cover to Bellefonte, Pennsylvania, very fine, Cheyenne was incorporated on August 8, 1867 and was a part of Dakota Territory for less than a year until Wyoming Territory was established on July 25, 1868 $ 50

458 6 Cheyenne Dak. May 23, blue datestamp with matching square fancy cancel on 3c Pink entire to Lexington, Michigan, commission merchant return address at left, very fine and choice, according to Ken Stach this cancel was only in use from March 23 through April 18, 1868, just four examples are recorded $ 50

459 6 Fort Abercrombie D.T. Aug 23, datestamp on cover to Cincinnati, Ohio with matching target on 3c Rose (65, perforation faults), very fine $ 40

460 6 Fort Abercrombie D.T. Jan 15, datestamp on cover to Cincinnati, Ohio, matching targets on two 3c Rose (65), manuscript “OB” at top left and partial War Department wax seal on reverse, very fine and scarce $ 50

461 6 For Laramie Daka Aug 18 1866, datestamp with duplexed target tying 3c Rose (65) to cover to Eastchester, New York, “Head Quarters District of the Plains. Official Business” imprint, slightly reduced at left, very fine and scarce $ 40

462 6 Hot Springs South Dakota Jan 18 1890, purple cogged oval datestamp ties 2c Green to cover to Darlington, Wisconsin, all-over advertising design for Beloit, Wisconsin on reverse, light water stain, otherwise very fine and attractive cover sent just months after statehood $ 50

da Kota postal history 462 461 460 458 459 457
U nited states

United states

Utah postal history

463 Fort Bridger, U.T. March 1, 1858., perfectly struck two-line datestamp on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to Richmond, Virginia, staining at center from wax seal and expertly cleaned, very fine appearance, one of just three recorded examples of this postmark, ex-Barkhausen and Jarrett $ 1,000

Part of the camp at Fort Bridger

United states

Utah postal history

464 6 Fort Bridger and Bannack City Express, oval handstamp (FTB-100) on 1863 cover to Bannack City, Beaver Head Mines, Idaho Territory, 3c Rose (63) with blue target and “Denver City Col Aug 13” double circle datestamp, endorsed “Via Fort Bridger Utah” and backstamped August 19, very fine, one of two examples of this handstamp, this short-lived express operated from Fort Bridger to Fort Hall on the Snake River, then north on the Montana Trail to Bannack City $ 1,000

View of Bannack City
neBrasKa postal history 465 6 Fort Laramie N.T. Sep 13, bold datestamp ties 3c Dull red (26) to cover to New York City, very fine and scarce Nebraska Territory postmark $ 150
View of Fort Laramie

United states

colorado express coMpanies and postal history

466 6 The Central Overland and California & Pike’s Peak Express Company Denver City K.T. Jul 5, oval datestamp used conjunctively with Hinckley & Co’s express datestamp, ties 3c Dull red with blue “Saint Joseph Mo. Jul 12 1860” to cover to Hartford City, Indiana $ 5,000

U nited states

colorado express coM panies and postal history

467 The Central Overland California & Pikes Peak Express Company Denver City K.T. Jul 19, transit datestamp on cover to White Pigeon, Michigan, originating from the mines with “hinckley & co.’s express denver city Jul 19 1860” datestamp, transferred to the COC&PPE for carriage from Denver to Leavenworth City, Kansas where it entered the mails with an 1857 3c Dull red tied by July 26 datestamp, very fine, Hinckley & Co. did not begin competing with the COC&PPE until September 1860 Provenance: Hall $ 250

468 6 Hinckley & Co’s Express Denver City. Aug 30 1860, black datestamp on 3c Nesbitt entire to Waltham, Massachusetts, entered the mails with “Saint Joseph Mo. Sep 6 1860” datestamp, light aging, fine and attractive $ 100



U nited states

colorado express coM panies and postal history

$ 300

& Co’s Express, Denver City. Apr 15 1861, datestamp on cover to Pacific City, Iowa, entered the mails with “Omaha City Neb. Apr 20 1861” datestamp, 3c Dull red (26) tied by matching grid, just reduced at right, very fine $ 300

469 6 Hinckley & Co’s Express Mail Fast Run via Denver, Paid Through, printed scroll frank on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to Rosiclare, Illinois, “Hinckley & Co’s Express, Denver City Oct 15 1860” handstamp, entered the mails with Saint Joseph Mo Oct 23 1860” doublecircle date stamp, very fine, ex-wunsch 6 Hinckley

United states

colorado express coMpanies and postal history

471 6 Denver Central Over’d. Cal. Pikes Peak Express, five-line woodblock handstamp on cover to New York City, circular “Jones & Russell’s Pike’s Peak Express Co. Denver City Apr 26 1860” handstamp covered with 3c Dull red (26, since moved slightly to display marking), same marking with May 3 date at top, entered the mails with blue “Saint Joseph Mo. May 10 1860” datestamp (second strike ties stamp), very fine, an extraordinary cover, one of just three recorded examples of this eye-catching marking $ 5,000

Typical stagecoach used for the Overland Trails

472 6 The Central Overland California & Pikes Peak Express Company Denver City K.T. Jun 18, black oval on cover to Norwich, Connecticut, entered the mails with 1857 3c Dull red tied by blue “Saint Joseph Mo. Jun 26 1860” datestamp, barely reduced at left, very fine, a fresh and attractive cover $ 100

473 6 The Central Overland California & Pike’s peak Express Company, Denver City K.T. Jun 19, oval handstamp with second strike dated June 21 below, on 3c Red Nesbitt entire to Waltham, Massachusetts, entered the mails with blue “Saint Joseph Mo. Jun 28 1860” datestamp, manuscript “Due 3”, lengthy original enclosure datelined “Denver City, June 19th 1860”, light wear to cover, fine and attractive $ 300

474 6 Central Overland Californi & Pikes Peak Express Company Denver City K.T. Jun 6, oval datestamp on cover to Leavenworth City, Kansas, franked with 3c Dull red (26) just tied by black grid, small piece of backflap out at right, very fine $ 100

475 6 The Central Overland California & Pikes Peak Express Company Denver City K.T. Jul 2, black handstamp on 1860 cover to nebraska city, nebraska territory, originated in Central City, Colorado, entered the mails with 1857 3c Dull red tied by green grid, matching “St Joseph Mo Jul 8” datestamp, very fine, original letter from Stephen F. Nuckolls to his brother Heath regarding his new life in Colorado after fleeing from a mob of abolitionists in Nebraska $ 250

colorado express coM panies and postal history 472 473 474 475
U nited states

U nited states

476 6 The Central Overland California & Pikes Peak Express Company Leavenworth City, K.T. Oct 12, black oval datestamp on cover to Irwin’s Station, Pennsylvania, originated with “The central overland california & pikes peak express company l eavenworth city, K.t. oct 6” oval, entered the mails with 1857 3c Dull red tied by black grid, matching “Leavenworth City Kas Oct 13” datestamp, forwarded with October 19 Irwin’s Mills backstamp to Mercersburg, manuscript “Due 3”, very fine and attractive, one of just three reported examples of the COC&PPE Leavenworth City oval, a beautiful and rare cover Marc Haas (R.A. Siegel Sale 561, 1980) $ 1,000

477 6 The Central Overland And California & Pike’s Peak Express Company, Denver City K.T. Dec 1, oval datestamp with matching “The Central Overland And California & Pike’s Peak Express Company, St. Joseph. Mo. Dec 7” oval on cover to Millville, Missouri, entered the mails with “Saint Joseph Mo Dec 8” double circle datestamp tying 3c Dull red (26), few toned spots, very fine and scarce $ 500

colorado express coM panies and postal history

United states

colorado express coMpanies and postal history

$ 1,000

478 6 The Central Overland California & Pike’s Peak Express Company, Denver City K.T. Jan, dateless oval on backflap of 3c Red Nesbitt entire prepaid express fees, addressed to Milwaukee, Wisconsin, black “The central overland california & pike’s peak express company, denver city K.t. Jan 2” and green “The central overland california & pike’s peak express company, st. Joseph, Mo. feb 8” ovals, entered the mails with “Saint Joseph Mo. Feb 7” double circle datestamp, very fine and rare

Pike‘s Peak Street in Denver City

United states

very fine, ex-Jessup, 2023 Philatelic Foundation certificate

Only four COC&PPE advertising labels are recorded, three on magenta paper and one on yellow. This use, on a beardless Lincoln cover, is one of the most striking and extraordinary Western express covers in existence in our opinion. At the time it was sent in March of 1861, Abraham Lincoln had recently been inaugurated and the Battle of Fort Sumter was still a little less than a month away. Lincoln had already grown a beard by this point in his life, first receiving the suggestion from an 11 year old named Grace Bedell on October 15, 1860. Four days later he famously responded to her, “As to the whiskers, having never worn any, do you not think people would call it a silly affectation if I were to begin it now?” $ 5,000

479 6 The Central Overland California & Pike’s Peak Express Company, St. Joseph Mo. Mar 20, green oval handstamp on cover to Central City, Colorado, “Marshalltown Ioa Mar 15” datestamp, express handstamp ties pink “Only Through Express, Direct Your Letters Care C.O.C.&P.P. Express, St. Joseph, Mo., or Leavenworth, K.T.” label, at left beardless abraham lincoln campaign design,
colorado express coMpanies
and postal history
Pike‘s Peak Stagecoach waiting to cross the Missouri River at St. Joseph

United states

colorado express coMpanies and postal history

480 6 Central Overland California & Pike’s Peak Express Company, Denver City K.T. May 25, oval handstamp on cover to Glenwood, Iowa, red and blue seven-star waving flag patriotic design at left, entered the mails with green “St. Joseph Mo Jun 1” datestamps tying 3c Dull red (26), small repairs along left edge, very fine, an extraordinary and attractive use $ 5,000 View of St. Joseph

United states

colorado express coMpanies and postal history

481 6 Registered Jul 25 1887 Leadville, Colo., purple three-line handstamp ties two 10c Brown (faults) to legalsized cover to Freiberg, Germany, second strike at left, New York registry label, some wear owing to large size and long journey, fine appearance $ 40 View of Leadville

482 6 Arivaca Pima Co. Ariz. Nov 17 1885, Type 4 datestamp with target tying 2c Brown to pink all-over adverting cover for the “wisconsin live stock co. of arizona”, addressed to Yaphank, New York, trivial wear to stamp and cover, very fine and attractive  $ 75

483 6 Big Bug. Ariz. Aug 19 1884, Type 1 datestamp on 2c Red entire to New London, Missouri, uprated with 10c Brown for registry service, two-line red “Big Bug. a.t. redister’d #” Type 1A handstamp and manuscript “2”, just reduced at right into indicia, otherwise very fine, the unique example of this territorial registry marking, one of the greatest rarities of Arizona postal history $ 250

484 6 Camp Thomas A.T. Apr 6 1881, Type 3 duplex ties 3c Green to mourning cover to Baltimore, Maryland, small tears along top edge, very fine appearance offer

485 6 Camp Verde, Ariz. Mar 21 1882, Type 2 datestamp alongside 3c Green tied by grid cancel to cover to Harpers Ferry, West Virginia, framed “Due 3” handstamp with 3c Postage due also tied, edges worn, still fine appearance offer

486 6 Keam’s Canon Ariz. Jul 28 1893, Type 3 duplex ties 5c Columbian to cover to Truro, England, August 12 receiving backstamp, very fine and scarce international use, just eight examples of this postmark recorded $ 40

482 484 486 485
U nited states arizona postal history

U nited states

487 6 Mc’Dowell, Arizona Ter. Aug 22 1885, Type 4 double circle datestamp duplexed with star on 2c Brown entire to Prescott, Arizona Territory, backstamped Phoenix (Type 11) and Prescott (Type 16), light wear, still very fine $ 40

488 6 Peach Springs, Arizona, Dec 22 1884, Type 3 datestamp on 2c Grant lettersheet to San Diego, California, very fine strike and cover, one of just two recorded examples of this postmark (the other a cut square), a great Arizona Territory rarity $ 100

489 6 Prescott Ariz Mar 9, Type 6 datestamp on 3c Pink entire to Higginsport, Ohio, illustrated eagle and shield cornercard for “Dr. Geo. D. Kendall, Physician and Druggist, Prescott, Arizona”, slightly reduced at left and light wear, fine appearance  offer

490 6 Sacaton, Ariz. Pinal Co. Dec 30 1885, Type 2 double circle datestamp with matching star in circle killer tying 2c Brown Bank Note to cover to West Buxton, Maine, forwarded to Bar Mills with January 12, 1886 West Buxton datestamp, light wear, very fine strike, 14 examples recorded offer

491 6 San Carlos, Gila Co, Arizona. Jul 25, 1883, Type 1 datestamp with matching target ties pair of 3c Green Bank Notes to cover to Evanston, Illinois, docketing at left, stamps trace of toning on perforation tips, otherwise very fine, just nine examples recorded $ 40

492 6 Tempe, Maricopa County, Arizona. Jan 17 1882, purple Type 2 with negative star in circle killer on 3c Green entire to Los Angeles, California, printed cornercard for charles t hayden in “Tempe, Formerly Hayden’s Ferry”, light toning and slightly reduced at left, very fine strike $ 40

arizona postal history 488 487 491 492 490 489

U nited states

arizona postal history

493 6 Tempe, Arizona. Jul 6 1886, Type 3A sawtooth datestamp with matching star on 2c Brown entire to Cattaraugus, New York, printed return address, light stains and irregularly reduced at right, otherwise fine, scarce with just seven examples recorded $ 40

494 6 Tonto, Gila Co., Arizona Ter. Jul 22 1887, Type 1 sawtooth datestamp with matching star on 2c Brown Bank Note cover to Oroville, California, cornercard for “W.C. Watkins & Son, Dealers in General Merchandise, Cattle & Fine Horses, Tonto, Arizona”, small tear at top and slightly reduced at left into cornercard, otherwise fine and scarce with just 10 examples recorded $ 50

495 6 Walker Ari. Feb 21 1889, Type 1 datestamp with matching targets on registered cover to Sacramento, California, franked with 2c Green and 10c Brown Bank Notes, light gum staining, otherwise very fine and scarce, just nine examples recorded $ 40


496 Abiquiu. N Mex. Feb 11 1881, purple Type 3 two-line handstamp ties four 1c Ultramarine and three 3c Green Bank Notes to registered cover to New Haven, Connecticut, light toning and edge wear and one 1c stamp folded over edge and split, fine, the unique example of this straightline handstamp from Abiquiu

Provenance: Wade Shipley (R.A. Siegel Sale 803, 1998) $ 100

497 6 Albuquerque NM Nov. 10, Type 2A rimless datestamp ties 3c Dull red (26, oxidized) to cover to New York City, pencil “due 3c” marking, very fine, the only recorded example of this handstamp, presumed to be an 1857 use since this handstamp still had its outer rim in September of that year $ 60

498 6 Apache N Mex 11/28, Type 1 manuscript postmark on 3c Green entire to Lakeport, New York, very fine, the earliest recorded postmark from Apache, this short-lived office only operated from 1877 to 1882 $ 75

499 6 Archuleta, New Mex. Jun 22 1888, Type 1 datestamp with matching target tying 2c Green Bank Note to cover to Antonio Joseph in Washington, DC, extremely fine, the unique example of the Archuleta Type 1 postmark, from 1885 to 1895 Joseph served as a Representative from New Mexico Territory

Provenance: Wade Shipley (R.A. Siegel Sale 803, 1998) $ 75

500 6 Black Hawk, N.M. Nov 25 1885, purple Type 2 datestamp with matching target on 2c Brown entire to Delhi, Ohio, slight wear and barely reduced at right, otherwise very fine, the earliest recorded use of this marking

Provenance: Wade Shipley (R.A. Siegel Sale 803, 1998) $ 40

new M exico postal history 499 498 497 496
U nited states

U nited states

new M exico postal history

501 6 Cherryville, New Mex. Oct 10 1883, Type 1 datestamp with matching target on 3c Green entire to San Francisco, California, very fine and choice, the latest recorded use of this marking

Provenance: Wade Shipley (R.A. Siegel Sale 803, 1998) $ 40

502 6 Daly, New Mexico Feb 19 1882, Type 2 datestamp duplexed with star in circle tying 3c Green Bank Note to cover to Gold Hill, Nevada, forwarded to Virginia City with a blue February 27 datestamp and matching “Forwarded” straightline, stamp small faults, otherwise very fine and rare

Provenance: Wade Shipley (R.A. Siegel Sale 803, 1998) $ 50

503 6 El Rito, N. Mex. 10-30/83, small blue italic straightline Type 1 handstamp just ties pair of 1c Ultramarine Bank Notes with manuscript date alongside, addressed to Ojo Caliente, New Mexico, illustrated cornercard for “Cattle and Sheep Grower”, very fine and attractive $ 40

504 6 Fernando de Taos N. Mex. Jul 19, Type 4 datestamp with matching target on 3c “F” grill (94) on cover to South Hadley, Massachusetts, missing backflap and small tears along top edge, very fine appearance, this is the only date listed for this postmark in the NMTPC $ 50

504 503

U nited states

new M exico postal history

505 San Fernando de Taos, August 29th 1853, manuscript postmark with matching “Paid 5” rate on cover to Silver Spring, Washington City (now Maryland), addressed to Francis Preston Blair (member of Jackson’s “Kitchen Cabinet” and father of Postmaster General Montgomery Blair), original enclosure datelined “Taos, New Mexico July 9th, 1853”, trivial ink erosion, very fine and rare $ 500

506 6 Fernando de Taos, N.M. Oct 18, Type 3 datestamp with matching grids tying strip of three 3c Dull red (26) to cover to Bristol, Rhode Island, manuscript docketing at right reads “Charles H. Alden, Fort Garland, N.M., Sept. 1860”, slightly reduced at right, very fine, Fort Garland is now located in Costilla County, Colorado $ 100


507 6 Fernandez de Taos, N. Mex. Feb 20 1885, Type 9 datestamp duplexed with Maltese cross on 2c Brown entire to Tiptonville, New Mexico, receiving backstamp (Type 2), slightly reduced at left, very fine $ 30

508 6 Fort Craig N.M May 8, Type 2 datestamp with target on 1865 3c Pink entire to Lebanon, Ohio, slightly rescued at right and trivial tear at top, otherwise very fine and rare $ 30

509 6 Fort Stanton. New Mex. Feb 1 1878, Type 1 datestamp with duplexed star tying 3c Green to cover to Taos, New Mexico, grocer’s corner card crossed out, reduced at left, light wear, original enclosure datelined “Jicarilla Mines, N.M. Jan’y 30th, 1878”, interesting contents regarding local hot springs, very fine strike $ 50

510 6 Fort Sumner New Mex. Mar 18 1887, Type 3 datestamp with targets on 2c Brown entire to New York City, uprated with 10c Brown Bank Note for registration, few trivial pinholes, very fine and scarce, 1997 PSE certificate $ 40

511 6 Fort Union N. Mex Jun 29, Type 8 datestamp on cover to Onondaga Valley, New York, with matching grids on pair of 3c “F” grills (94, small faults), 1868 docketing on reverse, light wear, fine and scarce $ 40

512 6 Fort Union N. Mex Jan 9, Type 8 datestamp ties 3c Rose (65, lightly oxidized and scissor-cut perforations at top) to cover to Lebanon, Ohio, very fine and scarce $ 40

states new M exico postal history 509 510 508 507 512 511
U nited

U nited states

513 6 Garcia N. Mex Dec 1897, Type 1 datestamp with target ties 10c First Bureau to registered cover to Waterville, Maine, illustrated cornercard for “Faustino Garcia, sheep raiser and notary public”, very fine and attractive, the latest recorded use of this postmark

Provenance: Wade Shipley (R.A. Siegel Sale 803, 1998)  $ 40

514 6 La Plata, New Mexico. Apr 28 1888, purple Type 2 datestamp with matching target on 2c Green entire to Morganville, New York, corner repaired at top right including part of indicia, extremely fine strike, the only recorded example of this marking $ 40

515 6 Las Palomas N. Mex Jan 23 1889, Type 2 datestamp with target on 2c Green entire to Hillsboro, New Mexico, barely reduced at right, very fine and scarce offer

516 6 Las Vegas, New Mexico Oct 24 1868, blue Type 3 datestamp with matching target cancels tying pair of 3c “F” grills (few short perforations) to cover to Santa Fe, New Mexico, barely reduced at left, very fine, the earliest recorded example of this rare marking $ 50

517 6 Lookout, N. Mex. Mar 5 1888, Type 1 double circle datestamp on 2c Brown entire with Maltese cross alongside, addressed to El Paso, Texas, cornercard of the “Eddy & Bissell Live Stock Company” in Seven Rivers, New Mexico, very fine, the unique example of this postmark $ 40

M exico postal history 515 517 514 513

518 6 Luna, Socorro Co., May 28 1886 N. Mex., Type 1 fancy framed handstamp with matching star in circe tying 2c Brown to cover to Boston, illustrated “short horn cattle co. of new Mexico” cornercard, small faults including repaired left corners, very fine appearance, the only recorded example of this handstamp, particularly desirable on such a handsome advertising cover $ 100

519 6 Olio N. Mex. Mar 6 1899, Type 2 datestamp with target on 2c Green entire to Providence, Rhode Island, very fine, the earliest recorded use of this postmark $ 40

520 6 Penasco N. Mex. Feb 12 1887, Type 3 datestamp on registered cover to Mora, New Mexico, franked with 2c Brown and pair of 5c Yellow brown all tied by targets, manuscript “Reg 51/51”, cornercard for dealer in general merchandise (enclosure with matching letterhead), slightly reduced at right into perforations, very fine offer

521 6 Peralta, N. Mex. Dec 18 1885, Type 3 double rim datestamp duplexed with Maltese cross on 2c Brown entire to Albuquerque, backstamped December 19 and forwarded to Las Vegas, New Mexico, very fine, the unique example of this marking

Provenance: Wade Shipley (R.A. Siegel Sale 803, 1998)  $ 40

522 6 Perico, Colfax Co. New Mexico. Jul 6 1887, Type 1 datestamp with matching target tying 2c Brown Bank Note to cover to New Haven, Connecticut, very fine, the unique cover from Perico (a 16-month office) $ 50

M exico
521 520 519 518
U nited states new
postal history

523 6 Pojuaque, New Mex. Sep 28 1884, Type 1 double rim datestamp with matching target tying 2c Brown Bank Note to yellow cover to Flushing, New York, printed red cornercard for “Headquarters, Republican Central Committee, Territory of New Mexico”, stamp with crease, otherwise very fine and attractive Provenance: Wade Shipley (R.A. Siegel Sale 803, 1998) $ 50

524 6 Red River Springs, New Mex. Apr 7 1885, Type 1 datestamp with matching target on cover to Boston, very fine, the latest recorded use of this handstamp Provenance: Wade Shipley (R.A. Siegel Sale 803, 1998) offer

525 6 San Ignacio, New Mexico. Feb 8 1888, Type 1 purple sawtooth double circle datestamp with duplexed target trying 2c Brown Bank Note to cover to Mora, New Mexico, corner card for “J.Y. Lujan, Manufacturer of Lumber and Shingles”, small nicks along top edge, very fine strike $ 30

526 6 Santa Fe NM Jun 1, Type 3 double circle datestamp with matching straightline “paid” and “3” handstamps on 1852 cover to Philadelphia, light bleaching, very fine and rare, this device was only used from March to August of 1852 $ 40

527 6 Santa Fe. N.M. Aug 12, Type 11 double circle datestamp with matching grid cancel on 3c Star die entire to North Bloomfield, Ohio, trivial reduction at right, couple insignificant age spots, very fine strike of this scarce early device which was only used in 1860 and 1861 $ 50

new M exico postal history 523 524 526 525
U nited states

528 6 Santa Fe N.M. Dec 1, Type 9 datestamp on 3c Red star die entire to Saint Louis, Missouri, 1861 docketing at left, very fine, the latest known use of this datestamp $ 40

529 6 Thorne, New Mex. Aug 28 1881, Type 1 datestamp with matching shield in circle cancel tying 3c Green Bank Note to cover to Ocean Grove, New Jersey, cornercard for the Mexican Central Railway, light stains and reduced at right, otherwise fine and rare, the earliest recorded example of this marking

Provenance: Wade Shipley (R.A. Siegel Sale 803, 1998) $ 40

530 6 Vandoritos N.M. Aug 2 1887, Type 1 datestamp and matching “U.S. Mail” in circle struck multiple times on twenty 1c Gray Blue Bank Notes (including block of fifteen on reverse) on registered cover to Boston, “Rec’d at Boston, Mass in Damaged Condition.” two-line handstamp, stamps minor faults from overlapping edges, otherwise fine, a spectacular use, the unique cover from Vandoritos

Provenance: Wade Shipley (R.A. Siegel Sale 803, 1998) $ 75

new M
U nited states
exico postal history

United states

texas postal history

531 6 Lone Star Tex. Oct 10, black datestamp on 1860 folded cover to Austin, Texas, 3c Dull red (26) tied by seven-bar grid, stamp with pre-printing paper crease, fine and attractive, ex-”camina” $ 75 View of Austin


“Collectors are happy
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

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12. (a) Within 30 days of written notice that there is a dispute, the parties or their representatives may meet at a time and place mutually agreed upon, to mediate their differences. If the parties agree, a mediator acceptable to the parties shall be selected. The mediator shall be an attorney, trained in mediation techniques and familiar with commercial law and

the UCC. The mediator’s fees shall be shared equally and paid by all parties. At the mediation, all parties shall have actual authority to settle the dispute. Any statements made during, and all aspects of, the mediation process shall be kept confidential and shall not be admissible in any subsequent arbitration or judicial proceeding. Any resolution shall be confidential.

(b) If the parties cannot agree to mediation, or if mediation does not resolve the dispute, or in any event no longer than 60 days after receipt of written notice referred to above, the parties shall submit the dispute for binding arbitration before a single neutral arbitrator jointly selected, or absent agreement, selected from the panel of Arbitrators provided by the American Arbitration Association (AAA). If, within 15 days, the parties cannot agree on an arbitrator, then AAA shall select one (1) person as arbitrator in accord with AAA rules. The arbitrator shall be an attorney, experienced in commercial law and with the UCC. The arbitrator shall be required to follow the law in making his award, and the award shall be in writing and shall set forth findings of fact and legal conclusions.

(c) The arbitration shall occur within 60 days of the selection of the arbitrator, in New York County, New York, unless the parties agree to another location. Discovery and the procedure for the Arbitration shall, unless otherwise agreed to by the parties, follow the procedures and policies of AAA governing commercial arbitration, subject however to the following modifications:

• (i) All arbitration proceedings shall be confidential. None of the parties nor the arbitrator may disclose the existence, content or results of the arbitration without the written consent of all parties.

• (ii) The parties shall attempt to agree on the issues to be arbitrated, or identify the disputed issues in writing no later than 45 days prior to arbitration.

• (iii) Unless otherwise agreed by the parties, discovery, if any, shall be limited as follows: (a) Requests for no more than 10 clearly identified categories of documents, to be provided to the requesting party within 14 days of written request therefore; (b) Depositions: No more than two (2) per party, provided however, the deposition(s) are to be completed within one (1) day; (c) Compliance with the above shall be enforced by the arbitrator in accord with New York law.

• (iv) Each party shall have no longer than eight (8) hours to present its position. The entire hearing before the arbitrator shall not take longer than three (3) consecutive days, unless all parties agree otherwise in writing.

(d) The award shall be made in writing no more than 30 days following the end of the proceeding. Judgment upon the award rendered by the arbitrator may be entered by any court having jurisdiction thereof. Each party shall bear its own attorney’s fees and costs in connection with the proceedings and shall share equally the fees and expenses of the arbitrator.


Center of the Philatelic Trade...

Since the earliest days of the hobby, New York City has been the center of the philatelic trade in America. When the Harmer firm opened its first office outside of London in 1940, there was a reason they immediately chose New York; at that time nearly every important dealer and auction house had a presence in Manhattan. And although H.R. Harmer has moved a number of times since then, when it came time to relocate in 2019 we immediately once again settled on New York City.

The stamp trade is much different today than it was even several decades ago. The internet has made it so that dealers and auction houses can be located just about anywhere. However, in the minds of many collectors New York City still remains the center of the philatelic world.

Our office in Rockefeller Center, one of the most recognizable addresses on the planet, puts us a stone’s throw away from where our firm once held the legendary sales of the Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Alfred H. Caspary, and Alfred F. Lichtenstein collections and is conducting the ERIVAN sales today. H.R. Harmer is a New York company through and through, and we are proud to once again be situation in the city that has served as the backdrop for so much of our history.

Please contact us!

Phone: +1 929 436-2800 · E-mail:


This auction catalogue shows selected stamps and covers from the ERIVAN Collection. They represent only a small amount of the extensive collection.

A series of about 30 auctions over a period of five years is planned for Erivan Haub's entire philatelic life's work – in Wiesbaden, New York, and Zurich, as well as at International Philatelic Exhibitions.

World's Leading Stamp Auction Houses

Heinrich Köhler in Wiesbaden, H.R. Harmer in New York, and Corinphila Auctions in Zurich were commissioned with the marketing and sale of this marvelous collection. The three stamp auction houses belong to the Global Philatelic Network, which has a total of five locations in Europe, America, and Asia. All of these auction houses contribute their knowledge of the most important international philatelic markets and bring decades of experience to the project. Together they offer unique expertise in the field of stamps and postal history on a national and international level.

Experienced Philatelists and Sought-After Experts

The network is made up of well-known and experienced philatelists from various countries who are active as globally recognized experts on national committees and as members of the international Association Internationale des Experts en Philatelie (A.I.E.P.). The Network’s companies operate and maintain large in-house libraries. They also have all the relevant auction catalogues and card indexes for the respective core areas.

Sell Your Stamps Where Your Stamps Sell Best

The Global Philatelic Network opens up the possibility of selling stamps where they can best be sold: “Sell your stamps where your stamps sell best.” Following this motto, the Global Philatelic Network supports collectors in offering their stamps on the best local collector markets - all over the world and with personal service.

Renowned Auctioneers: The Global Philatelic Network

• H.R. HARMER, New York City, United States

Stamp auctions since 1940

• HEINRICH KÖHLER Auktionshaus, Wiesbaden, Germany

The oldest stamp auction house in Germany, founded in 1913.

• CORINPHILA Auktionen, Zurich, Switzerland

The oldest stamp auction house in Switzerland, founded in 1919.

• CORINPHILA Veilingen, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Stamp auctions since 1974

• JOHN BULL Stamp Auctions, Hong Kong

The oldest stamp auction house in Hong Kong, founded in 1975.

The Global Philatelic Network

The Partners of the Global Philatelic Network Are Germany’s Oldest Stamp Auction House HEINRICH KÖHLER
sell best
Sell your stamps
your stamps

Your Special Invitation to join the fascinating world of Civil War philately

Membership in the Civil War Philatelic Society serves an important role in collecting, preserving, and sharing the history of our nation. Our ongoing purpose is to further the study of the stamps and postal history of the Civil War and we need you. For over 85 years, we have worked together as collectors and students dedicated to preserving the philatelic history of a crucial time in our nation,s history, without the bias of politics or sectionalism. We hope you,ll join us in this important work.

Write, email, or visit us online for a packet of information describing the work and the benefits of membership in the Civil War Philatelic Society. You can also join easily and securely online at

Larry Baum, Membership Chair 316 West Calhoun Street Sumter, SC 29150 Established 1935

127 ERIVAN COLLECTION Civil War philatelic society Research, Education &
Civil War philatelic society Research, Education
Fellowship Established 1935
& Fellowship
Civil War philatelic society Research, Education & Fellowship Established 1935
Established 1935
Civil War
• Research,
& Fellowship
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