United States British Co,n,nonwealth & Foreign
•+ L. 205 POSH
March 14, 1996
. .,
9:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.
Never hinged
On cover.
00 DP
Proof .
February 19
On piece .
Unused .
Block of four.
Block larger than four.
Specimen .
Tria l Color .
Die Proof .
Preside nt's Day
MAJOR ABBREVIATIO NS SE = Straight Edge ; s.l. = Straight-line ; c.d.s. = Circular Date Stamp . c.t.o. = Cance lled to Order : F.D.C. = First Day Cover
CONDITION T he va rious gradings of sta mps are, in order : supe rb; extremely fine ; very fine; fine; fair . A lot described as '1air" is so listed either by reaso n of general appearance or more often beca use of a small fault or faults , such as a crease , thin spot , short or missing pert , perforated
BIDDING LEVELS Up to$ 150 $ 5 $150- $ 300 $10 $300- $ 700 $ 25 700- $1 ,500 $ 50 Ove r $1 ,500 approximate ly 5% Bids which do not conform to the above will be automatically reduced to the
into, cut into, etc. In the case of sets, large blocks, sheets, etc., the conditionquoted represents the ave rage and quality above and below this standard can be expected.
Mixed Conditio n: In large lots, the condition is genera lly expec ted to range from fair to at best
fine.Seriousdefects can be expected.
correct level.
Ha nds tam p on reve rse: Denote s eithe r a dea le r, collector or indec iphe rable expe rtiser's mark .
Signed by: Denote s either the actual signature or mark of the expertiser. Th e absence of mentioning a signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party involved .
BIDS BY TELEPHONE Please comply with the followi ng: (a) Not more than 20 bids can be accepted and must be co nfirmed in writin g. (b) Any errors are the responsibi lity of the bidder . (c) No bids accepted later than 1/2 hou r before sale . BIDS BY FAX You may Fax bids up to 1 hour before sale commences -
'"·□ EJPJ [□ N .H
n.h. l.h .
L.H .
be sure to use
(212) 447-5625 .
Shaded portion can represent an actua l hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge . Never hinged - unused with original gum in Post Office state and unmounted Lightl y hinged - unused wit h full original gum showing some evidence of a
previoushinge which may be present in part or entirely removed. o.g. part o.g. disturbed o.g.
Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous hinging which may still be prese nt. Part original gum - unused with original gum , large hinge remnants may or may not be present. Disturbedoriginal gum - unused with originalgum, affected by sweating, glaz-
ing or mount disturbance; may not resemble the originalgum. unused
Unused witho ut gum (unless gum is mentioned )
Unused without gum , as issued.
POSTAL VIEWING BY SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS 1. Lots of not more than 10 items . 2. To U.S . clients only. 3. Viewer must pay postage and insu rance both ways and return lots within 24 hours of receipt. 4 . Refe rences required from bidde rs unknown to us.
BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM: Minor se parations are the rule , rather than the excep-
tion, in the case of blocks or sheets of any size . A few sepa rations-arou nd four perts per row-
do not affect the value of a block or sheet and are not grou nds fo r the return of a lot. Blocks of four that have two stamps o.g . and two stamps n.h. are described "n.h. (2)/o.g .(2)".
Valuations of all lots are available in recei pt of stam ped , se lf-addressed envelope .
PAIRS : All pairs are horizon tal, unless otherwise mentioned .
CATALOGUE NUMBERS : Th e ca talogue numbers of the contents of the lots are given in parentheses imm ediate ly following the descr iptions , but in bulky lots only the range of issue is shown .
Recognizing that there are occas ional differe nces of opinion co ncerning gum nomenclature by vario us expe rt co mmittees , for exa mple , a stamp desc ribed as o.g . being ce rtified as large part o .g. or even part o.g., this minor classification discrepancy alone is not sufficient grounds for return.
CATALOGUE VALUES : Th e final co lumn shows the catalogue value of the lot. This is shown in parenthe ses where , in the opinion of the auctionee rs, the market va lue exceeds this figure .
ESTIMATED VALUES : If an estimat ed cas h value is given , it is shown in the description and always indicated by the abbreviations "Est. Cash Val." It is used whe re the lot is large or where the actual va lue has little re lation to the ca talog ue price . It represents the auctioneer 's appraisal of the true MARK ET value of a lot and the figure is invariably close to the actual realization . It is useless for mail bidders to list any bids that are only a low proportion of such estimates. CATALOGUES USED IN LISTING : Scott Vol. 1-4 & U.S. Specialized Stanley Gibbons British Commonwealt h Miche l German y Michel Europe Sassone Others as noted in the descriptions
Printed with Pantone 552 , 548
1996 1995 1995 1995/96 1993
COVER CONDITION Minor faults including , but not limite d to , file folds not attecti ng sta mps, small tears and some back flap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this ca ta-
IMPORTANT Remember , NO lots may be returned with back sta mps stating Fake , Falsch , or simila r markings . Recently there has been a spate of German expertisers marking the backs of stamps. It is yo ur responsibility as the purcha se r not to let this happen .
IN THE MAILING ENVELOPE You will find the bid form and prices realized fo r December 7, 1995 United States , Asia , British Commonweal th and Foreign .
SALE 2906
& FOREIGN The Desmond J. Harp and James Kapsalis Collections The Estate of Sidney Olson and the properties of 20 other vendors. Thursday, March 14, 1996 Morning Session at 10:30 P.M.
UNITED STATES SINGLES LOTS 1 - 322 Afternoon Session at 2:00 P.M.
EXHIBITION OF LOTS March 11-13, 1996 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. or by Appointment EXHIBITION ROOM CLOSED 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. EACH DAY ON SALE DAY LOTS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION
To be sold at Auct ion by
3 EAST 28TH STREET , 7TH FLOOR , NEW YORK , NY 10016 Telephone: (212) 532-3700 Fax: (212) 447-5625 Keith A. Harme r, Jack LaCalami to - Licensed Auctioneers License #'s 672829 , 780870
On all lots sold a commission of 15% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer.
THURSDAY, MARCH 14, 1996 Morning Session at 11:00
AUTOGRAPH: General Orville E. Babcock , Secretar y to President Grant, 1869-76 ; free frank on "Exec utive Mansion" envelope (no backflap ) bearing WASHINGTON D.C. FREE OCT 25 c.d.s., to Chicago, fine ...............................................................................................................................................................
GENERAL ISSUES 1847 ISSUE Cancelled by red grid unless otherw ise noted
Sc red brown, shades 2 0
Sc, full to mostly large margins all round, neatly caned., extremely fine ............................................ (Photo)(l )
3 0
Sc, good margin s to touched , scarce red " 17-wavy bars grid" in circle ca nce l, vert. crease , fine appeara nce .................................................... .................................................................................................................(Photo)(l )
4 0
Sc, full to large margins all round, lightly caned ., faults, fine appearance ....................................... ....... (Photo)(l )
5 0
Sc, margins all round, lightened pen cancel and fake grid app lied, fine appea.rance ................................ (Photo) ( l ) 10c black
6 0
10c, large to mostly enormous margins all round, lightly caned., extremely fine .(Photo Front Cover )(2) 1,250.00
7 0
10c, SHEET MARGIN COPY, full to enormous margins other sides, negligible margin creasing top corners clear of design, sharp impression and lightly cancelled, very fine ............................ .....(Photo)(2) 1,250.00
8 0
10c, full to large margins, portion s of blue and black cancels, faults incl. closed tear, frne appearance ..(Photo )(2) 1,300 .00 Used on Cover
Sc brown, two copies, margins to cut in, right stamp faults, other sharp impression and fresh, tied by strikes of blue PHILADA Pa IOcts FEB 26 c.d.s. on 1848 folded letter to Indiana ...................... ......................... (Photo )( l ) l , 100.00
IO 181
Sc, margin s all round , large thr ee sides, tin y spots in margin , fine, neatly tied by red grid on 1850 folded letter sheet bearing matching PITTSBURGH Pa. JAN 16 pmk to Ohio ........................ ...................................... (Photo)( l )
11 0
1851-57 IMPERFORATE: Sc red brown, full to very large margins, lightly caned., very light comer crease , fine ....................................................... ........................................................ ........... .................................. (Photo) (l2 ) 1,050.00
12 0
1857-61 PERF. 15½: Sc brown, type II , "wide" copy with light red grid cance l, flne ................... ...(Photo)(30A)
13 0
30c orange, lightly caned., deep color, very fine ..................................................................................(Photo)(38)
1861-62 PERFORATED 12 14 0 15 0
12c black, neat blue cancels, extremely fine ......................................................................................... (Photo) (69) 24c near violet , thin paper, intriguing Washington "behind bars" socked-on-no se cancel, perfectl y centered and fresh true color, extremely fine except for a couple of perfs .............................. (Photo)(70c)
16 0
30c orange, lightly caned., bright color and well centered, very fine ............................................ .......... (Photo)(7 1)
17 0
90c pale blue, lightly caned., tiny thin, very fine appearance ......... ......................... ...............................(Photo )(72a)
.. /
~~ U'17~ . ~
Used to England; 24c dark lilac, used with le blue and 10c green, pair , fault y to fine, on 3c pink ent ir e with Wells, Fargo frank , stamp s partly affixed over blu e POST OFFICE VICTO RI A V.I. seal , probabl y part of "paste-on" (to a package ), London AP 1 65 receiving mark. Colo1fu l and sca rce usage ..... ........ .... ...... ........... ..................... ............................................ ...................... (Photo) (63,68,78,US8)
19 181
British Columbia and Vancouver Island; 1867-69 Perf. 14 Sc on 3p bright red , light crea sing, tied by clear strike s of blue "35" in grid cancel and two-line ''Fo r Great Britain and Ireland " hand stamp , also matching oval WELLS , FARGO & CO. VICTORIA MAY 14 mkg , used on U.S. 10c gree n entire (creases) neatl y caned. with Wells, Fargo frank bearing red New York tran sit, to Aberge le, N. Wales, England, tran sits and receiver on reverse. Ve1y colo,ful and scarce usage ..(Photo back cover)(U41 ,B.C.9)
~~,<6 , ~
~<I) ft ;(~·lf'
~cr!'v ~ 18
·-.... • = ~ ~
.. -
c., ......, ~
... .. ~ ... ~... Cb
0 ,::i
• . = ...
.... ,... e
4 ------ 7
1861-66 Prisoner of War Cover; 2c ''Black Jack" used with le blue on buff (U19) envelope, die and stamp cut square and reattached , tied by ROCK ISLAND ILL. SEP 27 64 pmk, bot h portions bearing blu e ova l R.I. BARRACKS . PRISO NER ' S LETTER EXAMINED (Dietz type II) mkg. , vert. ms. at left ··...ask ing stamp s" , fine appearance ........ ........................................................................................ ....................... ........................... ..... (73) Patriotic Used to France; Violet design (Walcott 1876 var.), partial PHILADELPHIA PA 9 debit c.d .s. and red octago nal HAVRE NOV 29 62 receiving mark. ms. ·'8' ·, part of address deleted. Still attract ive and scarce .(Photo) Patriotic Used to Switzerland; Red and blue cannon and tlag design (Walcott 2757 var.), ms. "Mishicott Wis. Jan. 16, 1862", blue CHICAGO ILL 3 and red Calai s tran sit marking s, ink spot, tape sea led tea rs. still attractive. Scarce usage ............................. ............................................................................. ..........................(Photo) 3c pink , slight faults , pretty color and attractive , used on cover with PATRIOTIC PIPING AND EMBOSSED EAGLE & FLAG on backtlap (Weiss E-R 2), tied by target , matching MARIETTA 0 . AUG 28 1861 double circle datestamp ................................................................... ......... ....................... ............. ....(Photo) (64) 1867 GRILLED ISSUES
24 0 25 0
"E" Grill le blue, lightly caned., almost perfectly centered, extremely fine .................................... .(Photo)(86) (Photo) (90) 12c black, neat cork cancel, very fine .......................................................................................................
"F" Grill 2c black, Part Imprint Block of Four, stamps full n.h. gum, fresh and fine block ..........(Photo)(93) **Ell
350.00 260.00
28 0
Used to France; 24c lilac, used with "F" Grill 3c red on 3c pink entire (portion of backflap missing) with Wells, Fargo frank and MEXICAN COAST AND CALIFORNIA EXPRESS-25cts. surcharge, tied by red NEW YORK PAID 6 Dec I c.d.s .. black geom etric cancel s and blue Cherbourg tran sit. Ve,y attractive combination ................... ............................................. ............................................................ ...... (Photo) (78,94,U58) 10c yellow green, lightl y caned .. very fine .................................... ........... ............ ........................ ........ ....(Photo )(96)
29 0
15c black, neat grid cancels , very fine ............ ........... ......................... ...................... ............ ........... .....(Photo )(9 8)
&,t~ &a~f' ~ fl..u.£ c.R
6c ultramarine , lightl y caned., very tine .............................................................................................(Photo) (115)
31 0
10c yellow, vivid red cancels, reperfed, brilliant fresh, very fine appearance ........................................(Photo) (l 16)
32 0
12c green , double grill , red New York cancel, perfectl y centered , extr emely tine . Lovely stamp ...(Photo )(ll 7)
33 0
12c, neat crossroads cancel , perf ectly centered , extremely tine .......................................................(Photo )(117)
34 0
90c carmine & black , light red cork cancel, short perf s at right , tine .............................................(Photo )(l 22) 1,950.00
35 0
1875 RE-ISSUE OF 1869 ISSUE : 6c blue , neat cork cancel , bright color, very tine .....................(Photo) (126)
36 0
15c brown & blue, type ID, lightly caned. , beautiful rich colors and enormou s, centered copy, extremely tin e ...........................................................................................................................(Photo Front Cover )(129)
An incredible stamp and less than 2000 print ed
37 0
1870-71 NATIONAL BANK NOTE CO: With Grill 6c carmine , lightl y caned., " tall " centered copy, extremely tine ........................................................................................................................................(Photo )( 137)
38 0
7c vermilion, neatly caned., rich color, very fine ...................................................................................(Photo) ( 138)
39 0
Without Grill 7c vermilion , light face-free cancels, larg e centered copy, extr emely tine ..............(Photo )( 149)
40 0
90c carmine, neat cork cancel. very fme ................................................................................................(Photo )(l55)
42 0
1879 CONTINE TAL BANK NOTE CO: Soft Porou s Pap er 10c brown , without secret mark s, unused, barely noticeable surface scrape, well centered, still fine ....................................................................... (Photo )(l87) 1,350.00 10c, with secret mark , left sta mp in combination str ip of thre e without secret mark , neatl y caned. , sharp impre ssion and deep color , extr emely tine ..................................................................................(Photo )( 187,188)
AMERICAN BANK NOTE CO. ISSUES A NEW CORRESPONDENCE FIND TO KOREA Willard Ide Pierce was a mining engineer who resided in Korea in the late 1880s in order to assess mineral developm ent in that country. While there he received mail fr om home, creating some very scarce usages, in.eluding the two sp ectacular U.S./Japan. combination covers off ered here. Many of these covers have their original contents. A ll were sent care of the U.S. Legation at Seoul, Korea.
Sc indigo, tied by NEW YORK JUN 22 1889 duplex cancel, in combinaton with Japan 10s blue, fine, tied by boxed chop on envelope (minor edgewear) bearing brownish NAGASAKI JAPAN 21 JUL 1889 c.d.s., matching DUE "10", 25T, YOKOHAMA JAPAN 16 JUL 1889 and weak Korean backstamps . ............................................................................................................. .................(Photo Back Cover)(Z16,J62) Ve,y scarce and attractive cover
44 C8:I
Sc, SE and minor defects, used with OCEAN GROVE N.J. AUG 15, 1889 duplex cancel, in combination with Japan 10s, form er tied by boxed chop on envelope (minor edgew ea r) bearing black brown NAGASAKI JAPAN 14 SEP 1889 c.d.s., DUE "10", 25T, YOKOHAMA JAPAN 8 SEP 1889 and poor Korean backstamps ...............................................................................................................(Photo)(216J .62) An equally scarce cove r
44 45
le ultramarine, used with 2c green, two copies, one SE, tied by OCEAN GROVE N.J. AUG. 19, 1889 c.d.s. on envelope bearing partial NAGASAKI JAPAN 25 SEP 1889 c.d.s., Nagasaki, Yokohama and Korean backstamp s. Sca rce and the on ly such combin ation pay ing the U.P. U. rate fo und in this co rresp ondence ........................................................................................................................................(Photo Next Page)(212,213)
Sc indigo, two copies, one SE, tied by OCEAN GROVE N.J. AUG 24, 1889 c.d.s. on envelope bearing clear NAGASAKI JAPAN 25 SEP c.d.s., Yokohama, Nagasaki and Korean backstamps. The best cover with double U P. U. rate fo und in this holding ..................... .....................................................................(Photo Next Page) (216)
Sc, SE, tied by OCEAN GROVE N.J. JUL 10, 1889 c.d.s. on envelope bearing brown NAGASAKI JAPAN 10 AUG 1888 c.d.s., backstamped as others. A clean cover with esp ecially clear markings ....(Photo Next Page)(2 16)
A similar cover, but Jes clear markings, OCEAN GROVE JUL 26 1889, brown NAGASAKI JAPAN 20 AUG 1889 c.d.s...............................................................................................................................(Photo Next Page)(2 16)
A similar cover, WASHINGTON D.C. AUG 24 1889 and partly clear NAGASAKI JAPAN 25 SEP 1889 c.d.s . ...............................................................................................................................................(Photo Next Page)(2 l 6) 7
A similar cover, NEW YORK SEP 12, 1889, NAGASAKI JAPAN 15 OCT 1889 c.d.s. with Presbyterian Church corner card, irregularly opened at left .....................................................................................................(Photo) (2 16)
A similar cover, WASHINGTON D.C. AUG 14 1889, clear NAGASAKI JAPAN 13 SEP 1889 c.d.s., light stain from Korean Legation seal. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ..........................................................................(Photo) (2 l 6)
THE COVER BALANCE: 13 covers, all but one to Korea , 10 franked by single Sc, one legal sized Legation of Korea cover with Sc pair , another Legation cover with 10c brown (#209, the only copy in the correspondence), third Legation cover with 2c green used to N.Y. and with a wonderfully intact large Korean sea l on backflap , some stamp or cover faults , generally presentable. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ................................... ............................. ....................................................................................... ..
COLLATERAL AND EPHEMERA: About 75 items, incl. invoices, billheads, business cards and one large Korean Legation cover which, if studied carefully, provides some insight into Pierce's mission (which was not altogether successful), as well as his career overall. An interesting and informative gro up. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ....................................................................................................................................................... ...............
~8.~¡~ ~
~ \;
55 0 56
1888 Perf 12 30c orange brown, o.g. (hinge remnant), small thin s, well centered and fres h, very fine appearance .................................................................................. ................................ ............................................... (Photo )(2 17)
90c purple, lightly caned. , extremely fine ................................ ...................... .................................... .(Photo)(218)
1890-93 90c orange, l.h., negligible bend, very fine ......................................................... ..................(Photo)(229)
**llille deep blue, Imprint Pl. blk of 8 with letter, n.h., one pulled perf , well centered and fres h, fine ....(Photo)(230) *llil3c green, Imprint Pl. blk of 6, one stamp l.h., others n.h., fresh , fine ......................... ......................... (Photo) (232)
4c ultramarine, Imprint Pl. No. strip of 4 with letter, l.h. or o.g., very fine ......................... ...........(Photo)(233) 59 Sc choco late, Imprint Pl. No. strip of 4 with letter , l.h ., fresh, fine .................................. ....(Phot o page 11)(234) 60 6 1 * 133 15c dark green, blk of 4, slightly disturbed o.g. , fine to very fine ....................... ............ .......(Photo page 11)(238)
$1 salmon, light violet cance l , small thin, well centered, very fine appearance. Signed Senf... ...........(Phot o) (24 I)
57 58
62 0
650.00 525.00 925.00
$2 brown red, unu sed, thin s, fres h, fine appeara nce ................................................ .............................. (Photo)(242) 1,450.00
64 0
$2, lightly caned., small thins, vivid, fres h co lor, very fine appearance ........................................... ...... (Photo)(242)
65 181
$2, negligible perf staining, fine, tied by New York oval on Regis. envelope to Germany, transits and GERA REUSS 28 9 93 receiver on reverse .................................................... ................................................. (Photo)(242) 2,100.00
$3 yellow green, unu sed , small thin s, few short perfs, fine appeara nce ..................................... ............(Photo )(243) 2,250.00
67 0 68
$3, deep shade and neatly caned., very fine .......................................................................................(Photo)(243)
$4 crimson lake, unu sed, horiz. crease , bright co lor, fine appeara nce ...................................................(Photo )(244) 3,000.00
69 0 70
$4, lightly caned., trivial crease, fresh, very fine ....... ....................................................................... (Photo)(244) 1,250.00
71 0
$5 black, unused, couple small thins, fresh, fine .. .....................................................................(Photo)(245) 3,500.00 $5, lightly caned., very fine .................................................... ................................ (Photo Front Cover)(245) 1,500.00
72 ** IHI1894 UNWATERMARKED: IOc dark green, â&#x201E;˘PRINT PLATE BLOCK OF EIGHT, never hinged, some
perf and selvage faults, brilliant fresh and attractive. Rare multip le ................................................ (Photo)(258) 2,320.00+
73 74 75
** **
76 0 77
$1 black, type II , o.g . (hinge remnants), small faults, fine appeara nce ................... ...........................(Photo )(26 1A) 1,900.00 1895 DOUBLE LINE WMK: 4c dark brown, Imprint Pl. No. strip of 3, n.h., fres h, fine ..............(Photo)(269)
8c violet brown, n.h., very fine ............................................... .................... ................................ ........... (Photo)(272)
$1 black, types I and II , lightly ca ned., very fine ............... ................... ............................. .........(Photo )(276 ,276A)
$2 bright blue, unused (re gumm ed), sma ll thin spot, very fine appea rance. A.P.E.S. Cert. ( I993) ......(Photo )(277)
78 ** IHI1898 CHANGED COLOR: Sc dark blue, Imprint Pl. blk of 6, n.h., se lvage creas ing and small separa tion, fres h, fine ......... ................................ ...................................... ...................................................... ............ (Photo)(28 l )
425.00 +
L ff!£ !f&y
. •
RNo. 14900
~~~d[Po fa ,?;2,,/
le to $2, comp!. set of Bi-colored Die Essays on India, die sunk on cards, about 200x150mm , 2c and $2 centers transposed as always , $1 small surface scuff, all with brilliant fresh colors, fine to very fine. A love ly set of these popular essays ....................................................................(Photo Back Cover)(285-93E) 3,000.00
79 DE
**!E4c orange, Imprint Pl. blk of 4, n.h., small separation betwee n right stamp and selvage , fresh, fine ..(Photo)(287) *!E Sc violet brown, blk of 4, part o.g. , fine to very fine ........ .................................................... ........ ......... (Photo)(289) 82
**!E10c gray violet, Imprint Pl. blk of 4, n.h., slightly reduced selvage, fresh, very fine
750.00+ 750.00
..............(Photo)(290) 1,600.00+
Single Copies 83 84
** ** **
85 86 0
87 88 0
90 0
Sc duJIblue, n.h., large perfectly centered copy, superb ................................... .................... ............(Photo)( 288) (200.00) 200.00 Sc, n.h., light natural gum streak s. large centered copy, very fine .............. ................... ............. ............ (Photo)(288) 200.00 Sc, n.h, trace of gum crease, perfec tly ce ntered, very fme............................................ ..........................(Photo)(288) 170.00 S0c sage green, lightly ca ned., trace of thinnin g, almost perfect ly centered. very fine appearance ......(Photo)(29 l) $1 black, slightly disturbed o.g., very fine .................................... ................................................. .....(Photo)(292) 1,250.00 500.00 $1, lightly caned., very fine .................................................... ....................... .......................................(Photo)(292)
$2 orange brown , Imprint copy , n.h. , perf se paration s, fre s h, fine. Foundation Cert. (1991) ..................................................................................... ..................................................................... (Photo)(293) 3,250.00
$2, light Regis . cancel, pin-point thin , large centered copy and otherwise extremely fine ............(Photo )( 293) EXPOSITIO
le to 10c, comp!. set, extra shade of 2c, l.h. or o.g., very fine ..................................... ...................(Photo) (294-99) 4c deep red brown & black, Bottom Block of Six with two Pl. Nos., part Imprint and arrow, n.h., very fme 92 **llil ..................................................................... .................................. .......................... ................................ (Photo) (296) Sc ultramarine & black, rejoined bottom blk of 6, two Pl. Nos., part Imprint and arrow, n.h.( 1)/o.g. [hinge 93 91
94 95 96
522 .00 780.00+
remna nts](5), fres h, fine to very fine ..................................................................... .............................................. (297)
650 .00+
** Sc brown violet & black, part Imprint Pl. No. pair, n.h., fresh, fine ............................................ .....(Photo) (298) **!ESc brown violet & black, sheet margin blk of 4, n.h., few tiny incl usions . fresh, fine .......................(Photo)(298)
525 .00
10c yellow brown & black, Imprint Pl. No. strip of 3, o.g., slight overa ll toning and separat ions, fme appeara nce. Scott as singles $525 ................................................. .............................................................................. ............. (299) 1902-03 REGULAR ISSUE
le to lSc , comp!., plus three extra shades of 4c (one part Imprint ), l.h. or o.g .. fine to extre mely fine .. (300-09 ) 3c *llil bright violet, blk of 6, n.h.(3)/o.g.(3), gum bend s, very fine to extreme ly fine ........................ ........(Photo)(302) 13c purple black, Pl. blk of 6, n.h., fine to very fme ........................................ ............ ........................(Photo) (308) $2 dark blue, lightly caned., extremely fine. Lovely stamp ......... ...................................................... ..(Photo)(312) I 00 0 97 98 99
. ...
·········· · (.) 0)
c..> ......
le blue green , 2c carmine , type I, right (3119) and bottom Pl. blks of 6 respectively, n.h. , light gum bends, latter gum skips in selvage, very fine ...................................................................(Photo ) (314,320)
**ml1906-08 IMPERF:
*83 Sc blue , blk of 4, n.h. (2)/very l.h. (2), very fine to extremely
fine .........................(Photo Back Cover)(315) 1,600.00+
I03 *83 le green, 2c carmine , 3c violet, Imprint Pl blk s of 4, stamps n.h. to o.g., fresh, fine to very fine .(Photo) (323-25) I 04 *83 3c, Imprint Pl. blk of 4, n.h.(2)/1.h .(2). rich color and fresh .......................................................... ........(Photo )(325) I 05 *83 Sc dark blue , blk of 4, l.h., reinforced separation s, very fine to extremely fine ..............................(Photo)(326)
10c red brown, l.h., extremely fine ......................................................................................................(Photo) (327) 10c, ar row blk of 4, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), fresh. fine .......................................................................................(Photo )(327)
106 107 I 08
*83 *83 1907 JAMESTOWN
EXPOSITION: Sc blue , sheet margin blk of 4, l.h., separation between bottom stamps, vivid color , very fine .............................................................................................................................(Photo )(33 0)
500.00 350.00 675.00 450.00
**mlPERF 12: Sc olive green , Imprint Pl. blk of 6, n.h. , fresh, very fine. Lovely multipl e ......................(Photo )(33 7) 13c blue green , Imprint Pl. blk of 6, n.h. , rich color, almost very fine ................................................(Photo) (339) 110 **OOl 111 *ml IMPERFORA TE: Sc blue, Imprint Pl. blk of 6, n.h.(5)/1.h.(l), very frne .......................................... (Photo )(347)
* I 13 * 112
114 0
* 117 * 118 0 119 *
115 116 0
120 0
325.00+ 325.00+ 350.00
1908-10 PERF. 12 HORIZ: le green , 2c carmine , vert. line pair s, o.g., extremely fine .........(Photo )(348,349) 4c orange brown , Sc blue, n.h. (1)/1.h.(1), extremely fine .......................................................... ..(Photo )(350,351) Sc, rejoined vert. pair , lightl y caned., extremely fine. Scott $200 as two singles ......................... ...(Photo) (351) 1909 PERF. 12 VERT: le green, 2c carmine, pair s, 3mm spacing, l.h., fresh, fine ............................... (352,353)
le, line pair , 2mm spacin g, neat flag cancel, extremely fine .............................................................(Photo )(352) 4c orange brown , pair , 2mm spacing, l.h., extremely fine ....................................................... .........(Photo )(354)
4c, st rip of thr ee, 3mm spacing , neatly caned., very fine .....................................................................(Photo) (354) Sc blue , pair , l.h .. very fine ......................... ...........................................................................................(Photo) (355) Sc, pair , lightly caned. , left stamp corner crease, otherwi e, very fine ..................................................(Photo) (355)
515.00+ 260.00 300.00 3 17.50+ 325.00 350.00
175.00 le green, 2c carmine , l.h., former tiny thin, very fine appearance, latter very fine ....................................(357,358) 12 [ (Photo )(357) 440.00+ 122 * HJ le , blk of 4, 2mm spacing , n.h. (2)/o.g.(2), one n.h. copy light pencil notation , very fine ............... (Photo) (358) 410 .00+ ....... fine fresh, inclusions, tiny l.h.(2), 123 * HJ 2c, part Imprint PI. No. blk of 4, 2mm spacing , n.h.(2)/very 3c deep violet, I.h., tiny light wrinkle, fresh, fine ...............................................................................(Photo )(359) 1,800.00 124 * 6c red orange , o.g. (hinge remnant), corner pe1f crease, fresh, almo t very fine ..................................(Photo )(362) 1,350.00 l25
126 0 127* 128 129 130 I 31
13c blue green, lightly caned. , very fine ................................................................(Photo Front Cover )(365) 1,700.00
15c pale ultramarine , large part o.g. , trace of thinn ing and reperfed , centered copy, very fine appeara nce ................................................................................................................. ................................................(Photo) (366) 1,350.00 1909 LINCOLN BLUISH PAPER: 2c carm ine, part Imprint copy, o.g., very fine ......................... (Photo) (369) 200.00 * * HJ 2c, blk of 4, 3mm spacing , n.h. (2)/o.g.(2), fine to extreme ly fine ......................................................(Photo )(369) 950.00+ ** ~ 1909 HUDSON-FULTON: Perf. 12 2c carmine , Imprint PI. blk of 10, n.h. , extreme ly fine .........(Photo )(372) 316.00+ * ~ Imperf. 2c carmine, Imprint Pl. blk of 6, n.h. (4)/1.h.(2), large even margin s othe r sides, extreme ly fine ................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (373) 235.00 1910 SING LE LINE WMK: Perf. 12 Horiz. 2c carmine, line pair , I.h., extremely fine ................(Photo) (386) 525.00+ *
132 133 * 134 *
135 0
1910-11 Perf. 12 Vert. le green , pair , 2mm spacing , l.h., very fine ...................................................(Photo )(387) 1910-13 Perf. 8½ Vert. or Horiz. le to Sc, com pl., vert. or horiz. pair s, 3c and 4c 3mm spacing, l.h., 4c o.g., fine to extremely fine .........................................................................................................................(Photo) (390-96) 3c, line pair , small faults, fine appearance. Very scarce ........................................................ ............... .(Ph oto) (394)
220.00 521.25+ 280.00
1913 Perf. 12 Sc blue , n.h. , extremely fine ..........................................................................................(Photo)(399) Sc, n.h. , extremely fine ............................................................................................. .............................(Photo) (399) 10c orange , o.g., extremely fine ........................................................................................................(Photo )(400A)
105.00 105.00 200.00
Blocks of Four 139 * HJ le green, 2c carm ine, Sc blue , le bottom PI. No., n.h.(3)/1.h.( I ), very fine to extremely fine .......(Photo) (397-99) (400) 140 * HJ 10c orange yellow, n.h. (3)/1.h.(1), hinged stamp inclusion , very fine ...............................................(Photo) 141 * HJ 10c, I.h., very fine to extremely fine ................................................................ ....................................(Photo )(400) 142 * HJ 1914-15 Perf. 10 le green, 2c carmine, 2c red , le top PI. No., n.h. to o.g .. very fine .............................. (401,402) 143 * HJ Sc blue , 1.h.(2)/o.g.(2), fine to very fine ..................................................................................................(Photo )(403)
) 144 * HJ 1912-14 PERF. 12: le to 30c, 10 diff., o.g. (some hinge remnants ), very fine to extremely fine .(405-07,14-20
:.. J
.... t;····· I
....,..... :..
tJ I :,;
·•• °':i• .J• •· J !a:
......... 131
130 16
660.00+ 500.00 890.50+ 800.00+
, plus extra shades of Sc and 12c, 1.h. or o.g., a few tiny thins. superior * 1913-15 PERF. 10: le to 30c,frescompl. 952.80 h, fine to very fine ................. ...................................... ...........(Photo )(424-39 ,35a) cen tering almost throughout, fine extremely , 146 *[!}]6c red orange, Imprint and star Pl. blk of 6, 3mm spacing , l.h. , perfectly centered 350.00 ......................................... .................................... .............. ..................................................................... (Photo) (429) 650.00 2) (Photo)(43 . ........................................ .................... fine h, fre s, thin small few a o.g., 147 *[!}]9c salmon red, Pl. blk of 6, 650.00 + 10c orange yellow, Pl. blk of 6, n.h., vivid co lor, fine ............................................ ..............................(Photo)(433) 148 **[!}] 50c violet, very l.h. if at all, extremel y fine ........................................ ............... ................. .................(Photo)(440) 550.00 l48A * 1914 PERF. 10 VERT: 3c violet, line pair, o.g. (hinge remnant), vivid color, almost very fine ....(Photo)(445) 1,200.00 149 * 145
150 0
15 1 152 0
3c, line pair, neatly ca ned., right stamp small thin . fme .............. ........ ...................................... .............(Photo )(445) 4c brown, pair, l.h., perfectly centered, superb .................... ........................................ .....................(Photo)(446)
900 .00
300.00 270.00+
4c, strip of three, neatly caned., extremely fine .................... ........................................ .....................(Photo)(446) ROTARY PRESS: 1914-16 Perf. 10 Vert. 2c carmine rose, type I, pair, o.g. (left tamp hinge remnant ), very fine .............. ................................................. ................................................................................... .........(Photo) (453) 2c red, type II, pair, l.h., superb ........................................................................ ............................ ......(Photo) (454)
156 0
3c violet, pair, o.g., very fine ................. ............................................................. ................. .................(Photo )(456) 3c, pair, lig htly ca ned., fres h, fme ................................ ......................... ................................................. (Photo)(4 56) 1915 PERF. 11: 2c pale carmine red, very l.h., extremely fine ........................................... .............(Photo)(461)
* 154 * 155 *
250 .00
200.00 280.00
1916-17 UNWATERMARKED , PERF.10 Error Sc carmine , single error in blk of 9, n.h., few tiny inclusion s, fresh, fine ......... ...................(Photo)(467) **[!}] 159 *[!}]Sc, double error in blk of 12, o.g., one 2c small thin, otherwise very fine ...................... ................. (Photo)(467) 160 ** 20c light ultramarine , n.h., tiny corner crease , fres h, fine. Foundation Cert. ( 1995) ............... ............ (Photo)(47 6)
16 1
$1 violet black, o.g., very fine .............. ....................................................................... .........................(Photo)(478) 1917 TYPE OF 1902-03 ISSUE: $5 light green, Pl. No. copy, n.h., fresh, fine ............................... (Photo)(480)
* [jjj
* * 167 0 168 *
165 166
848.00+ 1,750.00 360.00
750.00 375.00
1917-19 PERF 11: Error Sc rose, single error in blk of 4, error strip of 9 n.h., two 2c o.g. (small thins), Sc extremely fine .............................................................. ..................................................................... (Photo)( S0S) 650.00+ Sc, double error in blk of 12, slightly glazed gum, though error stamps n.h., fres h, fine ............... ......(Photo) (505) 1,250 .00 1918 BI-COLORS: $2 orange red & black, o.g., inclusion show ing reverse only very fine ............. (Photo)( 523) 650.00 $2, very l.h., gum skip and tiny thin , well cen tered large copy, very fine appeara nce ....................... ....(Photo)( 523) $2, neat ly caned., very fine ...................... .................................................................... ................. ...........(Photo) (523) $5 deep green & black, o.g., very fine .................................................................. .................... .............(Photo) (524)
169 * EE 1919 PERF. llxlO: le green, 2c carmine, type III , blks of 4 imperf horiz., l.h., very fine ................ (538a ,540 a)
650.00 230.00
. .•• . c.n
•..•. ·=· . •••...•• : co
: _·'ffi
I70 *83 1921 PERF. 11:le green, blk of 4, n.h.(2)/o.g.(2), fres h, fine ................................. ................... .........(Photo) (545) 171 *83 2c carmine rose, blk of 4, n.h. (2)/1.h.(2), one n.h. copy tiny inclu sion , very fine ............................. (Photo )( S46) 2c, sin gle and pair, neatly caned. , fine ...................... ............ ............................................................................. (546)
I 72 0 I 73
1920 PILGRIM **IIil
ARY: Sc deep blue , Pl. blk of 6, n.h. , gum creas ing, fine ............................ (550)
750.00+ 460.00+ 405.00 400.00
1922-25 REGULAR ISSUE Plate Blocks of Six 174 175 I 76
I 77 178
*IBI6c red orange, o.g., brilli ant fresh, very fine ........................................... ........................ ....................... (Photo) (558) *IBISc olive green, o.g., one stamp tiny thin. fine appearance ............................. ........ .......... ....................... (Photo) (560) 30c olive brown, n.h., fresh , fine ............................................................................................................ (Photo) (569) **!Bl *IIil$1 violet black, n.h.(5)/1.h.(l ), very fine ........................................................ ...................................... (Photo)(571) $2 deep blue, n.h., natural gum skips, tiny selvage tear, very fine ...................................................(Photo)(572) **!Bl
325 .00 500.00 3 15.00+ 410.00+ 800.00+
$5 carmine & blue 179 180 I8 I
182 I 83 I 84
** $5, Pl. No.copy, n.h. , extremely fine ............. ................. ........... .................... ..................... ................. (Photo)(573) ** $5, n.h., very fine ...................................................................... .............................................................(Photo)(573) ** $5, two copies, one with top sheet margin , n.h., negligible gum creasi ng, fresh , fine ............. ........... (Photo) (573) *83 1923 PERF. llxlO: le green, star PI. blk of 4, n.h. (3)/1.h.( I ), fresh, fine .................. ...................... ...(Photo) (578) *83 1923-26 PERF. 10: le to 10c, compl. set, blks of 4, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), very fine to extremely fine (Photo)(S81-91) ** 1923-29 PERF. 10 VERT : 2c carmine, n.h., very fine ............................. .................................. .....(Photo) (S99A)
260.00 520.00 600.00
784.40+ 180.00
185 * IBI 1925 NORSE-AMERICAN: Sc dark blue & black , arrow Pl. blk of 8, very l.h . in se lvage if at all, fine ............................................................................................................................................................ .....(Photo) (621)
650 .00
*!Bl1926 WHITE PLAINS SOUVENIR SHEET OF 25: 2c carmine rose, l.h. in selvage , fine to very fine ...... (630)
400 .00
187 * IBI 2c, stamps n.h., tiny co rner selvage crease, very fine .......... ........... ........................................... ............ ............. (630)
400 .00
II,n.h., fresh, fine ............... ........................................(Photo)(634A)
186 188
1926-34 PERF. llxl0½:
2c carmine , type
Both sets compl., l.h., selected copies, generally very fine ................. .......................................... (Photo)(658-79) Same, neatly or lightly caned., se lecte d copies, generally very fine or bette r ...... .......................... ............ ... (658- 79)
083 Same, blks of 4, neatly or lightly caned. , mostly selected blocks, generally very fine ............... (Photo)(658 -79) I92 *83 Kansas le to 10c, compl. set, blks of 4, n.h. (2) /1.h. o r o .g.(2), se lec ted and genera lly very fine or better
190 0 191
........................... ............. ................................................................. ................................................... (Photo) (658-68) 1,238 .90
193 194
set, PI. blk s of 4, n.h. exce pt 4c o.g., le clipped perf s, mixed centeri ng to very fine ....................................................................................................................................................(Ph oto) (658-68) 2,777.50+
*83 Nebraska
le to 10c, comp !. set, blks of 4, n.h. (2)/1.h.(2), selected and genera lly extreme ly fine (Photo)(669-79) 1,590.00
**83Comp!. set, PI. blks of 4, n.h. , 9c selvage notation s, overall
better than usual cente rin g, fine to very fine ........................................................................................................................................... .........(Photo )(669-79) 3,450.00+
196 ** 10c orange yellow, n.h. , extremely fine ...............................................................................................{Photo)(679) 197 O l!ll 1938 PRESIDENTIAL ISSUE: $1 purple & black , wmkd . USIR , BLOCK OF NINE, Cleveland duplex cancels, a few small faults, fine ...........................................................................................................................(Photo) (832b) 198 **83$5 carmine & black , arrow Pl. blk of 4, n.h ., extremely fine ............................................................(Photo) (834) 199 **831954-68 LIBERTY : Hamilton $5 black , top left PI. blk of 4, n.h. , one stamp small abrasion, well centered, fine ....................................... ........................................................................ ......... ··················································<1053)
200 201 202 203 204 205 206
*83 1918 FIRST
175.00 630.00+ 475.00 350.00
ISSUE: 6c orange , 19c green, 24c carmine ro se & blue , com pl. set, blks of 4, n.h. (2)/o.g.(2), 16c and 24c each one tin y fault , fine to very fine .............................................................................(Photo )(Cl -3) 1,350.00 **8316c, part arrow margin blk of 4 with Pl. No., stamp s n.h. , few tiny inclusions, frne to very fine ......(Photo) (C2) 600.00+ **8324c, sheet margin blk of 4 with blue "T OP" an d Pl. No., stamp s n.h., few inclusion s and gum skips , very fine to extremely fine .....................................................................................................................................(Photo)(C3) 600.00+ **831923 SECOND ISSUE: 8c dark green , 16c dark blue , 24c carmine, sheet mar gin blks of 4 with PI. No., stamp s n.h. , fresh, fine to extremely fine ..........................................................................................(Photo )(C4-6) 1,340.00+ *83 Compl. set, plu s Sc de ep green , blk s of 4, n.h.(2)/ 1.h.(2), two 8c gum skips , very fine to extremely fine ...............................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (C4-6) 1,215.00 **8316c, blks of 4 with PI. No., n.h. , one stamp trace of thin, fresh, fine ......................................................(Photo) (C5) 600.00+ ** 1927 LINDBERGH : 10c dark blue , unexploded booklet compr. 2 pane s of three , plus single pane , n.h., frne to very fine .............. .......................................................... ................................................................................. (Cl0 ) 300.00
Nebr .
.......... ".......
1930 GRAF ZEPPELIN ISSUE 65c green, $1.30 brown, $2.60 blue
207 *
Compl. set, l.h., extremely fine ...................... ....................................... ................................. (Photo)(C 13-15) 1,675.00
65c green
208 **
65c, n.h., gum bends, very fine ........................................................................................................... (Photo)(C 14)
65c, l.h., trace of thinnings , very fine appearance ............................................................... ................................ (C 13)
65c, sheet margin copy, very l.h. if at all , gum skips. tiny tear, very fine appearance ......................... (Photo)(C 13)
* *
21 1 ** EB65c, sheet margin blk of 4 with Pl.
o., n.h., gum bends, very fine to extremely fine ...................(Photo)(C 13) 1,500.00+ $1.30 brown
$1.30, corner copy, n.h., gum skips, extremely fine ........................................................ (Photo Next Page)(C 14)
2 13 **
** 215 **
$1.30, n.h., extremely fine .................... ................................................ ................. .......................... ....(Photo)(C 14)
2 14
$1.30, n.h., gum skips and inclusion, perfectly centered, very fine ............. ....................................(Photo)(C 14)
$1.30, n.h., very fine ................................................... ................................. ......................................... (Photo)(C 14)
2 16 **
$1.30, Pl. No. copy, n.h., small thin , large centered copy. extreme ly fine appeara nce ............... .......... (Photo) (Cl4 )
2 17
$1.30, l.b. , neg ligible hinge thin, very fine appearanc e ................. ........ .......... ...................................... .(Photo) (C l4)
$1.30, sheet margin copy, n.h., thin, very fme appearance ................. .................................................(Photo) (Cl4 )
* 218 **
$2.60 blue
2 19 **
$2.60, n.h., gum bend, large copy, very fine ........................... ............... ........................................ ...(Photo) (Cl5 ) 1,150.00
220 **
$2.60, Pl. No copy, n.h., gum bends , fresh, fine ................. ........ ..................... ...................................(Photo) (C15) 1,150.00
22 1 **
$2.60, n.h., negligible bend, very fine ....................................................................................... ............. (Photo) (C 15) I, 150.00
222 **
$2.60, n.h., gum bends, fresh, fine ........................... ..............................................................................{Photo) (Cl 5) I, 150.00
223 **
$2.60, sheet margin copy, n.h., fresh, fine ................................ ........ ............ ............................... ......... (Photo) (C I 5) 1, 150.00
224 **
$2.60 , n.h., slightly disturbed gum and tiny inclusions, very fine ......................................................... (Photo) (Cl 5) 1,150.00
225 **
$2.60, n.h., small thins, fresh, fine ................................................................................................ .........(Photo) (C I 5) 1, 150.00
226 * El3 1933 CENTURY OF PROGRESS: 50c gree n, blk of 4, n.h.(3)/ 1.h.( I), neg ligible gum bends, very fin e ......................................................................... .......................................................................................(Photo )(CI8)
440.00 +
227 ** llll50c, Pl. blk of 6, n.h., few gum skips and light bend s, very fine ........ ........ ................ ......................(Photo )(C 18)
SPECIAL DELIVERY: 1885 Unwmkd. 10c blue, o.g., fresh, fine ...................................................... (Photo)(EI )
232 0 233 pp
OFFICIAL: 1873 Executive Sept. 6c carmine, lightly caned., extremely fine ......................... ......(Photo)(O13)
Dept. of State $2 brown & black, trial color plate proof on card, large margins, filled in thin. brilliant fresh, very fine appearance. Fo undation Cert. ( 1993) ................................................................................ .(Photo)(O68TC)
*[lj]POSTAGE DUE: 1894-95 Unwmkd. le deep claret, Pl. blk of 6, l.h., light gum creas ing, fresh, fine . Scarce multipl e ............................ .................................. .......... ............... ............ ........... ......................................(Photo)(J3 l ) 450.00 230 *[lj]OFFICES IN CHINA: 40c on 20c deep ultramarine, Pl. blk of 6, J.h., fresh. Very scarce plate block .(Photo)(Kl 3) 1,400 .00 60c on 30c orange red, 6 copies, compr. separated Pl. blk, n.h.(5)/o.g.( 1),fres h, mixed centering to fine .... (KJ4 ) 850.00 231 * 229
* 1913 Engraved le to $1, comp!. set , Sc top Pl. No. copy (stamp n.h. ), others I.h. or o.g., a few tin y thin s, selected copies , generally extremely fine or extr em ely fine appearance ..................................... (Photo) (Ql-12 ) 3c carmine , Imprint Pl. blk of 8, n.h. , very fine ................................................................. ............. ......(Photo )(Q3) 235 **[lj] 236 *[lj]Same, Pl. No 6254, J.h. or o.g., fine to very fine ..................................................................................................(Q3) 234
**8375c carmine rose, sheet margin blk of 4 with Pl. No., n.h., large almost perfectly centered copies, extremely
**[lj]SPECIAL HANDLING: 1925-29 Perf. 11 25c yellow green, Pl. blk of 6, n.h., extremely fine ....(Photo)(QE4)
fine. Lovely block ...... ............ .............. ........... ......... ...............................................................................(Photo)(Qll ) LOCAL COVER: Swart's City Dispatch Post, New York, N.Y .; 1849-53 Wove Paper ( le ) pink, large margins, fine, tied on envelope (faults) by N. YORK Br. Pkt . 46, AUG 30 c.d.s., to Wurttemb erg, appropriate transit markings on reverse. Ve,y scarce usage ...................................... .......... .................... ............ (Photo) ( l 36L 10)
if!. 1--~
~ ,.--
........ ~ w (t
' c:,t:.
916.75 240.00 + 240.00
420.00+ 240.00
STAMPED ENVELOPES T-B = Thorpe-Bartels Catalogue of Uni1ed Slates Stamp ed Envelopes, 1954 edition
PRINTED BY GEORGE F. NESBITT & CO. 240 * 181 1853-55 "SIX" Short Label with Straight Ends 6c green on white (U13), Size 3, Knife 2, Wmk. 1, light fox ing on reverse, fine. T-B #26 ................................................... .................................................. ............................. (Photo)
24 I * 181 IOc green on buff (U16), Size 3, Knife 2, fres h and fine. T-B #31 .................... ........... ........ ........................ .(Photo)
242 181
"TEN " in Short or Wide Lab els IOc on green on buff (U16, 18), IOc pale green on buff (U18a), Size 3, Knife 2, all pmkd Ca lifornia, last by two pen strokes but bearin g red GRASS VALLEY JAN 17 c.d.s., mixed conditi on. T-B #3 1, 33 ................................ ................................. ......................... ............................ ....... ........... ......... ..................
243 * 181 1860-61 STAR DIES: 3c+lc red & blue (U28), Size 3, Knife 2, slight yellowing , fine . T-B #79 ...... ..... ... (Photo)
244 * 181 3c+lc red & blue on buff (U29), Size 3, Knife 2, fine. T-B #80 ................................................................. (Photo)
245 181
IOc green on buff (U33), SA FRA CISCO Cal. MAR 22 and inverted "1861" dated pmk, ms. ''Overland. Via Los Ange ls" (roughly ope ned at side and small tears). to Illinois, fine appearance . T-B #86 .................. (Photo)
246 * 181 1861 BI-COLORS: 12c red & brown on amber (U42), Size 7, Knife 19, PAID Bamber & Co 's Express printed frank (type I), minor faults , fine appearance . T-B #124 ................................................. .......... ...................... ..(Photo)
247 * 181 20c red & blue on amber (U43), Size 8, Knife 14, small fau lts, fine appeara nce . T-B #I 25 ............ ..... ...... (Photo)
248 * 181 24c red & green on amber (U44), Size 8, Knife 20, minor creas ing, fine. T-B #126 ................................... (Photo)
249 * 181 24c lake & green on sa lmon (U44a ), Size 8, Knife 20 , We lls, Fargo print ed frank and return req uest vert . at left , sma ll fau lts, fine appearance . T-B #127 ........................................................................................................... (Photo )
250 * 181 40c black & r ed on amber (U45), Size 8, Knif e 20 , minor corne r fau lts. fine appearance. T-B # 128 ......... (P hoto )
25 1 * 181 1864-65 12c br ow n on buff (U68), Size 7, Knife 21 , fine . T-B #201 ..................... .......... ...... ................... ....(Photo )
525 .00
PRINTED BY GEORGE H. REAY 1870-71 ISSUE Printed SPECIMEN Form 14 252 S181 12c plum on white, amber, cream (U93-95), Sizes 7 or 8, 12c on white tiny fa ults, others very fine. T-B #3 19, 2 1, 22 ................... .................................................................. .................................. ............................. ........................ . 253 S181 15c red orange on white, amber, cream (U96-98), Size 7, Knife 34, very fine. T-B #323-25 .................. .............. . 254 S181 24c light purple on white , amber , cream , 24c purple on cream (U99-101), Size 7, Knife 34, ve ry fine. T-B #328a-30a. 330 ......... ........ ..... ....... .................... ........... .......................................... ...................................... .......... 255 S181 24c purple and light purple, each on white and cream (U99, 101), Size 8, Knife 36, a few tiny faults, fine to very fine . T-B #331, a, 332. a .......................................... .............. .................. ............................................................ . 256 S181 30c black, 90c carmine, each on amber and cream (U103, 04, 06, 07), Size 7, Knife 34, plus 30c on white
(Ul02) , Size 8, Knife 36, 90c on cream tiny spot on die, fine to very fine. T-B #334-36 , 39, 40 .............(Photo) Issued Entires 257 * 181 12c plum on cream (U95), Size 7, Knife 7, fre sh and fine. T-B #320 ........................................................... (Photo)
258 * 181· 15c red orange on white, amber, cream (U96-98), another 15c (toward orange) on white, Size 7, Knife 34, some smal l faults, fine or fine appearance. T-B #323-25 ....................... ......................... ............ .......... ...................... .
259 * 181 24c purple on amber (UlO0), Size 7, Knife 34, printed return request vert. at left, very fine . T-B #329 ..(Photo) 260 * 181 24c purple on cream (UlOl ), Size 7, Knife 34, very fine. T-B #330 ............................................................ (Photo)
26 I * 181 24c purple on cream (Ul0l ), Size 8, Knife 36, very fine. T-B #332 ...... ......................................................
262 * 181 30c black on white (U102), Size 7 and 8, Knives 34 and 36, very fine. T-B #333 , 336 ................ ...... ...... ..(Photo)
263 * 181 30c black on amber (U103), Size 7, Knife 34, very fine. T-B #334 .............................. ................................ (Photo)
500 .00
264 * 181 30c black on cream (U104), Size 7, Knife 34, very fine. T-B #335 .............................. ................................ (Photo)
265 * 181 90c carmine on white (U105), Sizes 7 and 8, Knives 34 and 36, latter neg ligible edge faults, fine, fo rmer very fine. T-B #338 , 34 1. .......... ................................... ..... ..... ................................................ ...............................................
266 * 181 90c carmine on amber (U106), Size 7, Knife 34, very fine. T-B #334 .......................................................(Photo)
267 * 181 90c carmine on cream (U107), Size 7, Knife 34, minor smudgin g, fine . T-B #340 ...... .................... ........... (Photo)
268 * 181 1874-86 PLIMPTON ISSUE: 2c vermilion on blu e (U146), sca rce small Size 4 ½, Knife 49, very fine . T-B #479 ............................................................................................................. ..............................................(Photo)
269 * 181 12c plum, 15c orange, 24c purple, each on white and amber (U195, 96, 98, 99,2 01, 02), Size 7, Knife 34, fine to very fine. T-B #83 1, 32, 37, 38, 44 , 45 .................... ...... ........... ............ ....................................................... (Photo) 1,050.00 270 * 181 30c black on oriental buff, blue, manila and amber manila (U207-10), small Sizes 3 or 4½, Knives 48 or 49, fine to very fine. Thr ee ex- Barkh ausen . T-B #859-62 . .............................................. .............................. ........ (Photo) 26
0 0 0 00 243
0 268
27 1 * 181 90c carmine on white, amber , manila , amber manila (U211, 12, 16, 17), Size 7, Knive s 34 or 51, Wmks . 2 or 7, fine to very fine. T-B # 872, 73, 81, 82 .........................................................................................................(Photo ) 272 * 181 90c ca rmin e on oriental buff and blue (U214, 215), Size 9, Knife 56, Wmk. 7, latter light creasing, fo1mer very fine. T-B #883, 884 ....................................................................................................................................................... 273 * 181 1887-94 2c green on white, amber , oriental buff , blue and manila , Die U72 (U318-22), Size 9, U318 a few tone spots, fine to very fine. T-B #1437-41. Scarce gro up ...................................................... ......................(Photo) 274 * 181 4c carmine on cream y white and pale amber (U324, 325 var s.), Size 4½, Knife 49, Wmk. 7, very fine. T-B #1458, 1459, $120 ...................................................................................................................................(Photo) 275 P181 30c blue on white and amber , 30c gra y on white and amber (U336TC ), Size 4½, trial color s set of four , fine to very fine. 1954 T-B #106a-d , ($80) ........................................................................................................... (Photo ) 276 P181 Same, a few tin y faults , fine to ver y fine ...................................... ............................................................................ 277 * 181 1893 Columbus and Liberty Error Sc slate brown on cream y whit e (U350a), Size 7, Knife 51, very fine. T-B #1601A ....................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) 278 * 181 1916-32 Error 3c carmine on blue , Die S (U439g), window front with corner card , minor corner faults , fine. T-B #2980. Rare .................................... ....................................... ....................................................................(Photo) 279 * CUT SQUARES: 1920-21 Surcharged Type 3 2c on 4c chocolate (U390), 36x38mm , pencil marks on reverse, fine ....................... .......................................................................................... .......................................(Photo) (U462) Surcharged Type 7 2c on 3c dark violet (U436), 42x41mm , fine .................................................... (Photo) (U479) 280 * 28 1 * 181 POSTAL CARD: 1873 Wmkd. Large " USPOD" in Monogram le brown on buff , very fine ......(Photo) (UXL) 282 * 181 PAID REPLY POSTAL CARDS : 1920 le on 2c+le on 2c red on buff , folded but unsevered, type PR5 card scraped not affecting design, fine ............................................. ........................................................................ (UYl0 )
735.00 450.00 875.00 uni.
800.00 400.00 350.00 275.00 300.00 300.00
REVENUE STAMPS HUNTING PERMIT STAMPS 1935 $1 Canva sback s, o.g., large centered copy, extremel y fine ...................................................(Photo )(RW2) 283 * 284 ** ffi 1939 $1 Gree n-win ged Teal , blk of 4, n.h. , small separation, few gum skips. very fine ...................(Photo) (RW6) 285 ** IIil1945 $1 Shoveller Duck s, Pl. blk of 6 with left side selvage, n.h. , small su1face abrasions, one stamp small stain, well centered, very fine appearance ................................................................. ................................................(RW 12) 286 * ffi 1956 $2 American Mergan ser, bottom margin blk of 4 with Pl. No., n.h. (2)/1.h.(2), extr emely fine .... (RW23) 287 * ffi
Corner Blocks of Four With Plate Number 1953 $2 Blue-winged Teal , bottom left corner , n.h.(3)/o.g.( l ), a few light gum creases, gum skips, well centered, fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................................ .... (RW20) 1954 $2 Ring-necked Ducks , top left corner, n.h. (3)/1.h.(1), extremely fine ............................................ (RW21)
650.00 760.00+ 400.00 280.00+
290.00+ 290.00+
288 * ffi 289 * ffi 1955 $2 Blue Geese, bottom left corner , n.h. (3)/1.h.(1), extremely fine ................................................... (RW22 ) 290 * ffi 1957 $2 American Eider , bottom right corner blk of 4 with Pl. No., n.h.(3)/o.g.( I ), o.g. stamp one short pe1f, others extremely fine ......................................................................... .............................................................. (RW24) 29 1 * ffi $2 Canada Geese, top left corner , n.h. (2)/1.h.(2), extremely fine ................. ............................................. (RW25 )
292 * ffi
1964 $3 Hawaiian Nene Geese, n.h. (2)/o.g. (2), extreme ly fine ...................................... ...............(Photo )(RW31)
280.00+ 280.00+
Plate Blocks of Four 1959 $3 blue , ochre & black , stamp s n.h. , extremel y fine .............................................. ..............(Photo ) (RW26) 294 * ffi 1960 $3 multi-colored , bottom right Pl. No. 167498, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), one hinged stamp small thin, others extremely fine ........................................................................ ................................................................. .......................... (RW27) 295 * ffi 1961 $3 Mallard Hen and Duckling s, stamp s n.h., extremely fine ................................ .............. (Photo )(RW28) 296 * ffi 1962 $3 Pintail Drakes , n.h. (2)/1.h.(2), extremel y fine ........................ ..........................................(Photo)(RW29)
297 * ffi 1963 $3 Brant Landing , n.h. (2)/o.g.(2), extr emely fine ..................... ............................................(Photo) (RW30)
293 * ffi
425.00 375.00 375.00
Below are the highest prices I agree to pay for each of the lots listed, it being understood that they will be sold to me below my limits if the auction permits. I have read and agree to the "Conditions of Sale" in your catalogue.
NAME -------------------------------ADDRESS
MA ILING ADDRESS ______________________________ (IF DIFFERENT) Daytime Tefephone No. __________
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(New bidders 25% of bids) Please submit references.
List of prices realized. $1 enclosed
The amount of my bid does not include the 15% commission to be added to the "hammer" price.
QQN DITION QF SALE VIII Requests for time extension should be made on the special form which will accompany purchases .
□ □
Facilities for the mail-bidder 1. Where you want one of several similar lots, bid on all such lots adding an "or" between. 2. If you want to limit your purchase, simply insert the amount on face of bid form. When limit is reached subsequent bids will be deleted. 3. Postal viewing. See Aucti on Catalogue. 4. Valuations of lots in which clients are interested will be supplied on receipt of a stamped, addressed envelope or card.
5. "Buy'' bids are respectfully declined to prevent misunderstandings . Instead please give your maximum bid and we will, as always, endeavor to save you as much as competitive bidding will permit.
6. While every care and attention is taken in executing written bids the Auctioneer shall not be liable for errors and omissions , whether such errors or omissions be those of the bidder or those of the Auctioneer.
NEW BIDDERS If this is your first venture in a Harmer Auction , please include a deposit of 25% of your bids. Credit references ( the bank in which you carry a regular checking account and one or two stamp dealers or auctioneers who have extended you credit facilities) will enable us to handle your future bids without a deposit.
fold here and seal
276 277
282 281
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298 * EE 1965 $3 Three Canvasback Drakes , top left Pl. No. 168790, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), selvage faults , one hinged stamp thin fine ............................................... .......................................................................................................... ..(RW32)
425 .00
299 ** EE1966 $3 Whistling Swans, n.h., very fine .........................................................................................(Photo)(RW33)
300 ** EE1967 $3 Old Squaw Ducks, n.h., extremely fine .......................... ..................... .......................... ...(Photo)(RW34 )
301 ** EE1968 $3 Hooded Merga nsers, bottom right Pl. No. 170436, n.h., very fine ......................................... ...... (RW 35)
302 ** EE1969 $3 White-winged Scoters, bottom left Pl. No. 170765, n.h., very fine ............................................... (RW36)
250 .00
303 ** EE1970 $3 Ross 's Geese, top right PI. No. 171165, n.h., very fine ................. .......................................... ....... (RW37)
304 * EE $3 and $5, 3 diff. Pl. blks of 4, n.h. except last small selvage hinge, very fine ........................................ (RW38-40)
1904 Hand stamped 10c yello w, colon between right "PANAM A" and bar , light ly caned., fine. Rare. 100 Overprint ed ................................... ............................................. ............ ................... ................................... (Photo )(3)
600 .00
*1811912-16 Type II Error 2c vermilion
& black, INVERTED CENTER, very fine, used with normal 2c and 1915 10c orange & black , fine, all well tied on Regis. envelope to U.S., transits and Detroit MAR 13, 1916 receiver on reverse .............................................................................................................. ............(Photo)(39,e,45)
Envelopes; 1916 le green & black on white, 2c carmine & black, extrem ely fine ...................................................................................................... ....................................................... .............. (U l , 2)
*1811932 3c on 2c carmine , numerals 3mm high, very fme ............ ................................................... .................... (U J2) 309 *1811923 Arms of Panama 2c carmine on white, very fine ............. ......................... ............................................... (US) 3 IO *181Postal Card; 1908 le green & black, period after "ZONE", very fine ................................................ ....... (UX2c )
190.00 225.00 200 .00 200.00
HAWAII 3 11 0
1857 Manu script Pro visional Sc on 13c dark red, cance lled by two pen stroke s, fault y and rebacked . Acceptabl e copy of this rare stamp. Foundation Cert. (1995) .................................................................(Photo )( 7) 6,000.00
POST AL STAT IONERY Envelopes 312 *1811884 Envelopes Whit e Outside, Blue Inside 2c rose, very fine .................... ............... ................... ...(Photo)(UX6) 313 3 14 3 15 3 16 317
*1814c red, very fine ........... ......... ........ ......... ............................................................................................................... (U7) *181Sc blue, very fine .................... ................................................................................................................. ............. (US) *18110c black, very fine ................ ............. ................ ................ ........................................ .......... ................... ............ (U9) *1811893 Provisional Overprint ed Locall y 10c black, very fine .............................................................(Photo )(U 14) 181 Special Deli very Envelope; 1885 10c black, white inside, minor tontng on rever se, otherwise very fine . 1988
500.00 500.00 500.00 550 .00
Scott $250. 2000 Printed .............................................. .................... ........................................................................... . 318 319
*181Postal Cards; 1882 to 1897, le , 2c, 3c, 9 diff. comp I., genera lly very fine ................... .......... .................... (UX 1-9) *1811983 and 1989, The four diff., appropriately fo lded but unseve red, very fine .............. .............. ............ ..... (UY l-4)
* 32 1 * 320
402.50 1,050.00
PHILIPPINES : 1901 Regular Issue $1 black , type II, o.g. (hinge remnants ), small thins, fresh, fine. Rare type............................................................................................................ ............................................(Photo )(223A) 2,250.00 1903-04 $2 dark blue, o.g. , tiny thin, well ce ntered , very fine appearance. 695 Overprinted ............ ..(Photo)(238 )
Children 's Fund Error (llc ) light ultram arine & mu lti-co lored , DARK BLUE OMITTED , MA RGIN INSCRIPTION BLOCK OF FO UR, n.h. , light pe ncil mark s on re ve rse, ver y fine ................ ......................... .................... ................................... ......................................................(Photo)( 163b) One sheet known and pu 1port edly this is the unique in.tact inscription block END OF SESSI ON
Afternoon Session at 2:00
UNITED STATES COLLECTIONS AND VARIOUS 19th Century PLATE PROOFS: Selection of over 40 proofs on stock sheets, most on card incl. I 888 and I 890-9 3 American Bank Note to 90c, 3c black on card blk of 4, 1869 Pictorial 90c on India , etc., also Offi cials and 8 stamps ovptd . SPECIMEN , mixed co ndition to some very fine, ge nerally fresh, bright co lors. Est. Cash Value $200-300 .......................................................... ........................................................................ . 324 * 0181BLACK JACKS: Selection of three items, compr. Specimen. plate proof and fancy corner card cover. Nice group. Est. Cash Value $ 100-150 ........ .................................... ........................ ................................. .. . 323 PPS
325 * O
326 S 327 * O
BA K NOTE ISSUES: A most varied assortment of a few hundred on pages and approval cards, incl. values to 90c, some useful unused, centered copies and cancels, needs so11ing but worth inspection . Est. Cash Value $300-500 ........................................................................... .......... ....................................... 1889 SPECIAL PRINTINGS : le to 90c, 6 diff. ovptd. "SAMPLE." or "SAM PLE A.", o.g., 30c unused, some small faults, genera lly fine. Scarce group. Scott $450 .............. (betw . l 90S and 2 l 2S) Primarily 19th Century, the remainder coll. and accum. of many hundred in Liberty album and on stock pages, mostly used, wonderful assortment of early issues, cancellations . Good lot. Est. Cash Value $500-750 .......................................................................................................................................... 19th and 20th Century
328 * O
Extensive coll. of many hundreds in hingeless National album very extensive earlier though many mis-placed in the album, strong Washington-Franklin, Commems, useful back-ofbook incl. Parcel Post and Offices in China, worth very careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $10,000 ..............................................................................................................................................
329 * O
Quite extensive coll. of many hundreds in Scott National album, mostly used to early 1900s, remainder l.h. or o.g., good classic s, Bank Notes, Bureau s, Regular Issues , Commems, Airs, coil and booklet pane sections, some errors by owner. Better collection than normal. Est. Cash Value $5,000-6,000 .................................................................................................................
330 * O
Coll. of severa l hundr ed items on quadrille pages, o.g. to earlier used, most issues well represented, incl. classics, Bank otes, Columbians, Bureaus, Commems, Airs and a U.N. coll., mixed condition to very fine. Worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $5,000 ....................... ..
33 1 * O
The remainder coll. of thousands in 3 National albums, plus other albums, in carton, incl. small dupl. coll. of ordinar y o.g. and used, with some useful 20th cent . sets, Kan sas Nebraska, Presidentials, some back-of-book, FDCs, common stamps, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ..................................................................... .............. .....
332 * O IBl Accum. of many hundred Pl. blks in glassines and loose in carton , n.h. to unused, wide range of issues with better items, Airs, etc., also 2 stockbooks incl. used material , mixed condition to very fine. Disorganized but worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ...... 333 * O IBl Balance of a property, thousands of stamps in counter books, glassines, stock sheets, etc., and loose in carton, n.h. to unused or used, incl. Pl blks and blks, selection of singles and sets, Airs, back-of-book, wide variety and varying quantitie s, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ........................................................................................................................... 334 * OEBBalance of a property, severa l thousand stamps in carton, n.h. to unused or used, incl . coll. balances in albums, modest retail stock in 3 counter books, Pl. blks, blks, Souven ir sheets incl. White Plains, etc., faulty or mixed condition to some very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ...................................................................................................................................... 335 * O
336 * O
337 * O
Remainder of a couple hundred stamps and a few sheets mounted on various album pages, o.g. to used, plus n.h. in sheets. some useful items and a bit disorgani zed, mixed condition to very fine . Est. Ca h Value $350-400 ................................................................ ........................... ............................... .. Coll. of several hundred mostly diff. in American album, used, some unused, some early issues with Bank Notes and Bur eau issues, Columbi ans to 30c , Washington -Franklin and 20th cent. Commem s, back-of-book incl. Spec ial Delivery, Postage Due , Revenues, also a small coll. of Revenues and severa l cut squar es on Spec ialty pages . mixed co ndition. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ............... ............................ .. Coll. of seve ral hundr ed diff. on album pages, o.g. to unu sed or used, wide range of generall y common issues. a few slightly better incl. #C4-6 , n.h., other Airs and back-of-book, Canal Zone and Hawaii, dupl. etc., mixed co ndition to some fine or very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ....................... .. 32
338 * 0 [!j]Balance of a property, many thousand stamps in sheet fiJes, albums, glassines and loose in carton, n.h. to unu sed or used, a hodge- podge of small coils. and acc ums. incl. face in part sheets, Pl. blk s, Air s, Reve nues, etc. , U .N. Fir st Issue Mar gin Inscripti on blk s of 6, mixed co nditi on to very fine . Est. Cash Value $300-400 ....................................................... ......... ...... ........... ............... ............ ...................... . 339 * 0
Coll. of a few hundred mostly diff. in Minkus album, used , some o.g ., scatter ed ear ly issues , grill s, Bank Note s, Co lumbi an s and Trans-Mi ss. to 10c, some back-of-book and U.N., mixed co nditi on. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ......................................... ........... ....................... ............... ............... ..................... .... .
340 * 0
Small coll. of several hundred o.g. and used on quadrille pages in album, some usefu l ear lier, usual thereafte r, generally fine . Est. Cash Value $200 -300 ............ .................. .................................. ........ ......... .
34 1 * 0
Balance of 17 items in glassines, l.h . to unused, incl. a few Co lumbi ans , Linco ln blu e paper, 3c offse t ptg . double imp ress ion, Lindb ergh panes, Confedera te tates incl. #9 used, mi xed conditi on. Est. Ca h Va lue $200-250 ................................................. ..................................... ....................... .......... .................... .
Bal ance, co mpr. 1898 Tran s-Mi ss. 2 c brown & bl ack Di e essay on Indi a, ce nter of $2 , 1920 $2 ca rmin e & black, used with F ranklin 50c and $1 , all tied on Tre asury Dept. Regis. tag, I 922-25 $2 deep blue, Pl. No . copy , n.h., genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $150-200 ........................... .
343 0 83 Balance of many hundred s on pages, stock sheets, in glassi nes and loose in carton , ge nera lly comm on issues with some moderat ely better, also a coll. of preca ncels, genera lly fin e to very fine . Est. Ca sh Value $ 100-150 ....................... ................................. ........................................................ ................... 344 * 0
1850 to 1969, coll. of a few hundred in National album, mostly 20th cent., I.h. or o.g., incl. Regis., Commems, Airs, values to $5, back-of-b ook, also additional stock book with very useful material. Worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ............................................. .
345 0 83
1851 to 1934, coll. of many hundred neatly mounted in album, wide range of issues incl. shades and cancels, imperf and perf 15½ to 12c, perf 12 to 30c, grills to 15c, 1869 Pictorials to 30c , many Bank Note issues incl. seve ral 90c, Columbians to S0c, etc., Washington Franklin types incl. imperf, coil pairs and strips, blks of 4, etc., some faults as would be expected but many fine to very fine and generally selected copies. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,500 ....................................................... ................................................. .
346 OC8:I Cancellation coll. of many hundred s in album, 1850s to early 1900s, nothing extravagant but
good variety and a few covers. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ..................................................................... 347 * 0
Extensive coll. housed in 9 National albums, value mostly in o.g. from 1930s on, some used earlier, excellent Airs (compl. with Zeppelins) and back-of-bo ok, everything from Revenues with st rong Hunting Permit , po st cards , cut square s, also PI. blks , face and so me Possessions. Worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000 ....................................................
348 * [!j]
Balance of a property, many hundreds in glassines, sheet file and lose in box, n.h. to o.g., incl. PI. blks, several full sheets, White Plains Souvenir sheets, Hamilton single and PI. blk, U.N., etc., also a mint coll. in Specialty album, incl. slightly better items, coils, Airs, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 .......... .
349 * [!j]
Accum. of many hundred items in glassines, retail pages, etc., and loose in carton, n.h. to unused, wide range of issues incl. many 600 to 800 numbers, blks, PI. blks, coils, Airs, White Plains Souvenir sheet (unused) plus others, etc., also Pl. blk coll. in 2 ring-binders, mixed condition to much fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 .............................................
350 0 [!j] Stock and accum. of tens of thousands in glassines, stockbooks, etc., and loose in S cartons, used, scattered o.g., some neatly arrange d in numb ered glassi nes or stockbooks , bundl ed stock , Commem s, Regular Issues, Air s, back-of-book , sca ttered Pl. blk s, Reve nues, etc ., genera lly comm on and plenty of it, mixed co nditi on to very fine . Est. Cash Value $400-600 ......... ........ ............. ........ .............. .................... 35 1 * 0
The remainder of a property, compr. many thousands, in 4 boxes, mainly packet material in enve lopes to useful used blk s to stuck down sheets and plates , etc. , needs sorting . Est. Ca sh Value $ 150-200 ..........
352 * 83
COMMEMORATIVES: 1893 to 1935, coll. of a few hundred in album, n.h. to o.g., with Columbians to S0c, highly compl. from about 1909 incl. blks of 4, some Harding blks used, 1935 Special ptg. incl. center line and cross gutter blks, Souvenir sheets, etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000 ...................................................... .....................................................
353 * [!j] PLATE BLOCK COLLECTION: 1890s to 1960s, a fine coll. of a few hundr ed in 2 Harri s
Specialized albums , Regular Issues and Commem s, many better , sets, Airs , Special Delivery, Handling , Parcel Post, Postage Dues, worth inspection . Far more extens ive th.an usual. Scott about $18,500 ..................................................... ....................................................................................... 33
REGULAR ISSUES: Primarily 20th Century to 1938 , coll. of several hundred mostl y mounted in album, l.h. or o.g ., some blks n.h. (2)/1.h.(2), incl. seve ral Bureau issue s with Imprint strips , many Wa shington-Franklin types with coil pair s, imperf , etc., Off set ptg. incl. vars., 1922-25 incl. a number of shades, blks of 4 throughout , generally selected copies and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 ................................................................ ..... 20th Century
*[6] Stock
and accum. of many hundred Pl. blks in glassines and stock cards in box, much n.h. , balance l.h. to unu sed, wide range and generall y from 1930s, incl. some Regular Iss ues, Parks , Overrun Countries , Airs , etc., also coils, Souvenir sheets and singles, varying quantitie s, also small coll. of Pl. blk s on album page s, some faults though overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000 ............................................ ................................................................... ..
Coll. of many hundred s in National album, generally l.h. or o.g., numerou s comp!. and important sets, especially good Regular Issues and Airs, generally fine to very fine. Scott over $10,000 ................................................................. .................................................................... Coll. of many hundred s in Minkus album, mostl y I.h. or o.g. , incl. decent WashingtonFranklin and other Regular Issues, Commems, back-of-book. Fine and useful material, good for expansion. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 .............................................................. .................. .. Coll. of a few hundred on home-made pages, mostly l.h. or o.g., 5 used, incl. usual Regular Issues and Commems, comp!. or part sets, Airs, values to $5, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 ................................................................................................................ .
The remainder of a Plate blk coll. in 4 albums in box, plus other material, incl. Bureau Souvenir **[6]
*[6] Balance of a property, many thousand stamps in stockbooks, glassines, etc., in carton, n.h. to o.g.,
cards, FDCs, nice Farley and U.S. coils. Useful assortment. Est. Cash Value $600-800 .................... .. few used, incl. co mp!. and part heets with Overrun Countri es, blk s and Pl. blks, boo klet panes , Souvenir sheets, coils, Airs and back-of-book , some United Nations, al o coll. of modern issues on pages, much premium or n.h., genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 .............................. . 361
*[6] Accum. of many thousands in envelopes , bags and loose in carton,
Accum. of several hundred stamps in carton, n.h., incl. stamps and FDCs on White Ace pages in 2 **IBI
n.h. to o.g. , wide range from 2c reds to modern i sues, incl. Pl. blks and Ai.rs, Lindbergh book.let, mo tly mixed denomination in varying quantities, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-400 ............................................ . volumes, 1961 to 1976 Year sets, sheets, etc., fine to very frne. Est. Cash Value $200-300 .................. ....
**[6]1935 FARLEY
COMMEMORATIVES: Coll. of a few hundred in two White Ace albums, l.h. or o.g. except some used high values, usual favorites, generally frne. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ............................................ .. ISSUES: Misc. remainder of several hundred items mostly in large blks, incl. Chicago, Parks, #771 , varying quantities and useful group. Est. Cash Value $400-500 .................. ..
PLATE BLOCKS: Coll. of a couple of hundred items neatly arranged in Lindner de-luxe album, commences with very early 1900s, many n.h., incl. Washington-Franklin , Commems , Regular Issues, mostly better items, worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ............ .
*[6] BOOKLET PANES: 1903 to 1981, coll. of about 80 panes on pages, l.h.. incl. a few slightly better,
PLATE NUMBER COPIES: Accum. of seve ral hundr ed in numb ered glassines in box , vast majority n.h., generally common Commem s in small quantities, ome pre-WWIT, Regular Issues and Airs, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value$ 150-200 ..................................................................... .. Wasnington-Franklin types, Air Po t incl. Lindbergh, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 ..........
*[6] BOOKLETS AND BOOKLET PANES: Coll. of about 100 items mostly mounted in Scott album, 1900s on, excellent selection, all unexploded, many better, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-700 .................................................................................................................... ......................
1918 to 1979, coll. of a few hundred in album, n.h. to o.g., incl. First and Second Issues, later issues with singles and blks of 4, shades, coils, etc., also Special Delivery, o.g. or used, Parcel Post Postage Due, Canal Zone and United Nations, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-600 ................................................................ .............................................. ............................
1918 to 1927, group of 6 stamps, #C2 n.h .. others o.g. or part o.g., #C6 (2). small faults or mixed centering to fine. Scott $503 ..................................................................................................... (C2,4-6, I0)
19th and 20th Century, a most interesting assortm ent of thousands in 2 ledger books, mostly Revenues incl. state, embossed, cigarette, etc., also Newspaper with reprints, Telegraph, custom fee, Seals, Christmas, pre-cancel s, few Specimen and Possess ion s, a real smo rgesbord with documents. Wonde,ful variety. Est. Cash Value $800-1,000 ...................................................................
372 * O
373 S
OFFICIALS: 1872 to 1879, coll. of about 120 on pages, o.g. to unused or used, compr. all departments but not complete, incl. better items with dupl., also over 25 diff. plate proofs on card, incl. Dept. of State dollar values, some faults as would be expected, but many very fine or exceptional looking copies. Scott about $6000 .........................................................................
1875 SPECIAL PRI TINGS: le to 90c, 11 diff. , plus extra Dept. of Agriculture le , ovptd. SPECIMEN , ungumm ed, incl. Ju stice 90c, State 6c , 12c, 15c, Navy Jc sof t paper, mixed co nditi on to very fine . Scarce group. Scott $6l4 ................. ...................................... ........... (betw . OlS and O35 xS) wonderful coll. of hundreds mostly mounted on ledger pages, incl. *llll LOCALS: Reprints; aearly reprints, few carriers, many areas well represented. One of the full sheets, multiples, more intriguing groups we ha ve offe red. Has to be inspected. Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000 .....
375 * O
CUT SQUARES: 1853 to 1970, coll. of about 300 on Specialty pages, unused or used, fair represe ntati on with some better items, severa l mis-placed, vario us printing s and die types , Airs and Officials, mixed co ndition. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ................................. ........... .......... ........ .......................... ....... .
376 * O
REVENUES: 19th and 20th Century, small coll. of a few hundred items in de-luxe Scott Specialty album with slip cover, plus a few stock pages, usual class ics to $3, some dece nt mint and used "Ducks". Lovely album for expansi on. Est. Cash Value $400- 500 ......... ........................................ ........... . PRIVATE PROPRIETARY STAMPS
378 * O 379
1864 to 1898 Match and Medicine; coll. of about 600 mostly diff. on pages in 2 ring-binders, some o.g., wide range of issues, incl. Dr. Kilmer & Co. Provisionals, many moderately better and scarcer items, with the various papers and wmkd., imperf and die cut, few ultramarine, plate vars., etc., usual mixed condition though ome exceptional copies and many very fine appearance. A valuable collection worth careful inspection. Scott well over $16,000 .............. HUNTING PERMIT: 1935 to 1949, stock of 55 items, primari ly used, up to 18 of 1940, few unused, mixed condition to very fine. Scott $2400 as used ............................... ..................................................... . 1942 to 1972, $1 to $5, group of 22 diff., plus extra #RW26 and 27, n.h. to o.g., fine to very fine. Scott $1850 ....................................................................................... ..................... (RW9-12,15,22,24-29)
380 * O EECONFEDERATE STATES: 1861 to 1863, coll. of over 40 stamps on Specialty pages, unused or used, incl. scarcer items, few on small pieces, "TEN CENTS ", blks of 4, one blk of 6, faulty or mixed condition. Est. Cash Va lue $200-400 ....... ............................................................... ................................ ..... 38 I 181 382
Group of 8 covers, incl. stample ss soldier' s from Hardieville , S.C, others franked incl. #I (2), also #12 tied by red Petersburg Va .. mixed co ndition but useful. E t. Cash Value $200-250 ........... ................. ...... .
*llllPostmasters' Provisional s, Fantasies and Reprint s; extensive group of over 90 items, plus 49
St. Elmo, Tenn. in strips, also 13 very early with appropriate patina, Livingston Sc green, Athens, Baton Rouge , Sparta, also some Regular Issue reprint s. A seldom seen assemblage. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ..........................................................................................................................................
U.S. POSSESSIONS: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred mostly diff. on Specialty pages, n.h. to unu sed or used, co mpr . Canal Zone, Philippin es and Puerto Rico , incl. some Spanish Admin . and Republic issues, some lightly better items, Airs, etc ., Canal Zone #C2 n.h., and other Airs, back-of-book, Cuba #El faulty, few multipl es, etc ., mixed co ndition to some very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-600 ············· ················ ·················· ····················· ····························· ························ ····························· 384 * O181PHILIPPINES: 1899 to 1944, coll. of many hundred on Specialty and 3-ring pages, o.g. to unused or used, incl. comp!. or part sets with dupl., also blks of 4, covers, better Air Post incl. MadridManila, back-of-book with Officials, Revenues, better Postage Due and Japanese Occu., virtually comp!. incl. covers and stationery, some faults though overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value
383 * O
$600-800 ··············································································································································· ······ ATIONS: Issues comp!. in singles and Imprint blks of 4, plus Souvenir sheet, n.h., very fine. Est. Ca sh Value $300 .......................... ................................ .......................................... ....... ....... .
U.S. POSTAL IDSTORY For additional Postal Histo1y items, see Lots #43-53, other individual listings throughout this catalogue, and British Commonwea lth and Foreign Collections and Various.
19th Century 386
AMERICANA AND POSTAL HISTORY: Accum. in S cartons , incl. old correspondence and envelopes, stock certificates, Civil War period, letter s from politici ans, advertising entires , engravings , autographs and some nicely framed photograph s, should be inspected. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ....................................................................................... ...................................................
387 181
STAMPLESS COVERS: Selection of 35 cover s, incl. Free Franks , N.Y . ..clams hell", B os ton straig ht-lin e, "SHIP 6", etc., varied conditi on, but most ly fine. Est. Cash Value $200-250 ............... ........
388 181
Group of SOinteresting covers, co mpr . stampless, 1850s . loca ls. Confederates, nice asso rtrneat and worth inspec tion . Est. Cash Value $200-300 ........................................................................ .............. ........ .
389 181
Group of about SOcovers and a few fronts, raaging from 1851 3c to 1869 3c, also Wells, Fargo , etc., mixed conditi on but interesting. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ............ ..................... .......... ........................... .
390 181
1861-62: 3c rose, shades, group of over 80 1861 3c covers, incl. small town s. co lored and somew hat fancy cance ls, genera lly fine. Est. Cash Value $200 .......... ............ ............................................................ .
391 181
BANK NOTE ISSUES: Coll. of approx. 150 covers, incl. a few foreign destinations, 1890 lega l size cover with Hawa ii #39 pair and enclo ure from Dept. of Educa tion, good ca nce l se lection . Worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $300 ........................................ ...................................... ............................ ...... . PATRIOTIC COVERS
392 181
Group of 34 used covers, mostly franked , incl. one better soldier's letter, Patriotic letter sheets and a regimental emblem , mixed condition. A good sele ction and qui te varied. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,250 ......................................................................................................... ........
393 llil
Group of 49 covers, unused, plus one used in 1920s , incl. Magnus and multi -co lored. fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200 .............. ....................... .................... ....................... ......... .................... ..................... .
394 181
Lincoln Campaign and Patriotic Envelopes; selection of 47 unused, also S Lincoln-Davis "prize fight" sets, plus a rare used envelope with added stamps and a used campaign front, generally fine to very fine. Great variety. Est. Cash Value $500 .................................................................... ........
SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR: Circa 1898, selection of 12 cacheted covers, a number of diff. flag motifs incl. all-ove r, "ONE TONGUE . ONE PURPOSE ", Uncle Sam, etc., mixed co ndition to very fine. Est. Cash Value$ l 50-250 ........................................... ................................................ .............. .......... .
Selection of about 35 Advertising and illustrated covers, plus letterhead enclosures, incl. Spani shAmerican patriotic s, circ ulars, etc. Wonderful variety. Est. Cas h Value $300 ........................................... . EXPOSITION POST CARDS
A wonderful selection of primarily Columbian Exposition, over 100 cards, incl. nearly compl. sets of #2 through #6, with some dupl., 6 cards of #7, EX '79 (2), S Trans-Miss. and 6 other Expo cards, quite a few used and many better, one wrapper and Louisiana Purchase Souvenir Book. Worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .................................................. .................................. ...
1893 COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION CARDS: Set #1 (American Lithograph), the four cards, unused, plus a used dupl. of The Fisherie s, very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150..................... (EXI 1-14) Set #6 (Goldsmith) , the twelve cards, unused, very fine. Est. Cash Valu e$ I00-150 ............. (EX50 -6 1) Set#7 (Koehler), the twelve cards, unu sed. very fine. Est. Cash Value $400 ........... .............. (EX62-73) TRANS-MISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION CARDS: The set of ten cards, mixed both types, unu sed, very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ...... .................................................... ............ (betw. EX89 and 98a)
40 1
19th and 20th Century 402 181
Selection of 22 items on pages or stock sheets, incl. #1 pen caned. on cover, a few imperfs and perf 12, 4c entire, additionally franked with Columbians, Boyd's City Express, Blood's Penny Post, Trans-Miss. 10c, 1905 American Pacifi c Exposition all-over in green, a few Regis. and other mkgs, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ................................................................................. . Balance of a property, a few hundred items in box, with picture post card , covers incl. a number of WWI. AEF, etc ., FDC s, stamples s, many unu sed Civil War Patriotics and WWII cac hets, KansasNebraska and other issue of the period, mixed condition. Est. Cas h Value $300-500 .............................. . 36
Primarily 20th Century 404 181
Extensive group of man y hundred items, ranging from cheaper 19th cent. to WWII Patriotics, war mail to FDCs, very little recent, lots of cachets, flights, interesting cross- ection. Est. Cash Value $300-400.
405 181
Accum. of man y hundr ed cove rs in 3 cartons and box , wide range with many cacheted FDCs, with many Commems and Airs , commerc ial mail, unused stationery and Fleetwood Coin Commem s and Souvenir coins, roll of pennies, United Nations incl. Geneva unaddres sed, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ................................................................................. .................................. .
406 181
Primarily 1930s and 1940 s, old-time coll. of a few hundred item s, mostly FDC s (some better earlier), interesting WWII cachets, Airs , etc. Nice assortment.Est. Cash Value$ I 50-200 ...................... .
407 181
PICTURE POSTCARDS: 4 boxe s, unu sed and used type s with national park architectural Europe incl.
Primaril y United States 20th Century , acc um. of severa l thousand in cards comprising a wealth of themes , incl. photo s, lin en and chrome s, waterfalls, ship s, train s, expos ition s, Indiana , Japane se view s, Pari s, Ba va ria , Pompeii , etc. Est. Cash Va lue $5000-1 ,000 ................ .
LOCALS AND INDEPENDENT MAIL: Fine selection of 27 and 7 respectively , plu s one carrier (#6LB9 ), of the 35 covers 15 are tied , incl. Boyd s, Bloods, Swarts , Union Square , etc., one embossed advertising , varied condition and a couple que stionable , worth inspection. Est . Cash Value $500-750 ................................................................ ........................... ...................... ....................... . ENVELOPES
409 * 181
410 181
41 1
1853 to 1865 NESBITT ISSUES: le to 40c, group of 35 entir es in vario us colors and sizes, incl. one printed address, seve ral with print ed Well s, Fargo fr ank or return reque st vert . at left , etc. , Thorpe-Bartels annotations and Scott cross -r eferen ced, some faults as would be expected, but generally fine. T-B betw. #14 and 209. Scott $3100+ .......... (betw. U9 and U73)
1853 to 1899, accum. of over 100 envelopes in box , incl. a number of Nesbitt with Star Dies, later incl. Wells, Fargo printed franks , corner cards, additiona l postage, Regi ., many Die type and various sizes, a few 20th cent. incl. Officials with le green on orienta l buff (UO7 I ), pre-printed 1868 Illinois Centra l Railroad Co. collection letter for land contracts, separate English and German, "exc uses will not be received" , mixed condition. Varied and interesting group. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ...................
*C811870-71 REAY
ISSUE: le to 30c, selection of 26 entires , various colors and sizes, incl. a few comer cards or return r eque st vert. at left , Thorpe-Bartel s annotation s and Scott cross-referenced , mixed condition to very fin e. T-B betw. #210 and 337. Scott $2700+ ................... (betw. 74 and 104) 1874 TO 1899 PLIMPTO
412 * 181
The coll. and balance of over 400 unu sed entire s in box, incl. va rious sizes and colors, man y Die types and shade s with a number of better items, some corner cards and printed Wells, Fargo frank, r eturn request vert. at left, 1887-94 4c car min e and shade s, stud y of about 150, Centennial and Columbus issues and seve ral Officials, much with ThorpeBartel s annotation s and Scott cross-referenced , som e faults as would be expec ted , but far above the norm , with man y ver y fine and embossi ng generally cr isp and well defi ned. T-B betw. 343 and 1816, etc. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,20 0 ................ (betw. 108 and 378, etc. )
4 13 * 181 1874-86 2c brown and shade s, on amber , white , orange, Dies U36 to 40, 8 diff. , Size 2 (U136, Size 4), fine to very fine. Scarce group. T-B #432 , 39, 40, a, b, 43, 46, 54. Scott $580 ..(U l 23,28,29 [3],32,36,39) 4 14 * 181 12c plum , 15c orange, 24c purple , 30c black , 90c carmine , gro up of 16 envelopes , incl. five 90c, all Size 8 except one 30c Size 7, various wmks, mixed condition to ver y fine. T-B #834 , 40, 43, 47, 48, 53, 54, 56-58, 63, 75, 76, 78 [2], 79. Scott $2100 ......... ....................... (U195,98,201,02,04 ,0S,07,11,12) 415 * 181 30c black on white, amber , oriental buff , blue , manila and amber manila (U204, 05, 07-10 ), amber and manila envelopes two diff. wmks each, all Size 7, fine to very fine. T-B #850 , 5 l , 64-68, 7 1. Scott $940 .................................................................................................................................................... . 416 * 181 1887-94 30c red brown, yellow brown and shad es, Die USS on whit e, amber , oriental buff , blue , manila and amber manila , 26 in all, Sizes 3 to 9, some small fau lts, overall fine to ver y fine. T-B #1522-25, 27, 29-37 , 22a , 23a, 26a-33a, 32b, 37b. Scott $1230 ................ (U336-41 ,36a-41a , etc.) 4 17
*21 90c purple
on white, amber , manila , amber manila , 90c pale purpl e on white , amber , oriental buff , blue , manila (U342-46 ), 13 in all , Sizes 4½ to 9, som e small faults, generall y fine to very fine. T-B #1538-43 , 45, 40a , 42a , 44a-47a. Scott $1185 ............................... .................... ............................... . 37
418 181S
Primarily 19th Century, group of about 100 SPECIMEN entires in box, mostly Rea y and Plimpton Dies to 90c, incl. advertising ovpts., T-B type A9, codes form 6, 14, etc., 3c green with A25 and A27, a multitude of specimen fonts and placements, some Columbus and a few Official s, quite a variety of envelope colors and sizes, plus Die shades, some faults as would be expected though generally fine to very fine. Rare group. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ............ ..............................
419 * 181
1897 OVERPRINTED UNIVERSAL POSTAL CONGRESS: le to Sc, selection of 40 entires and one wrapper , compr. the four diff . denominations on various color combinations and sizes, le (5), 2c (28), 4c (6), Sc (2), generally fine to very fine. Scar ce group. Scott $4160 ................... .................................................... ......................................... (betw. U294S and U331S)
20th Century from about 1916, coll. and accum. of many hundred in 2 boxes, unused or used and F.D. cancels, some slightly better die-types, color errors, albino, mis-printed or incorrectly folded, multiple of sizes, surchd. , Airs and air letter sheets, etc., mostly sorted and identified , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 .................................................................. .......................... POSTAL CARDS 19th and 20th Century
421 181
Coll. and accum. of a few hundred in box, co mpr. small amounts to one of an item of early cards used, to later unused in varying quantities, some slightly better and interesting mkgs incl. Railro ad , also Reply card s, genera lly sorted and identified, mixed co nditi on to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ....
422 181
A generally fresh group of over 110 primarily early items, incl. surchd., half used, replies, Airs, better than usual. Est. Cash Value $ 100-150 ...................... .................................................................................. .
423 * 181 1873 to 1958, group of over 90 Postal or Postal Reply cards in box, unused, incl. a number of better cards with dupl., some pre-printed and varieties, some faults and reply cards folded as would be expected, generally fine to very fine. Scott over $1500 ... (betw. UX3 and UX46a, UYl and UY14b) 424 181
Postal Cards and Stationery; large and extensive holding of thousands , mostly the former, with a wonderful assortment of earlier, generally unused, incl. a few Columbians and Hawaii , wrappers, needs sorting but better than normal. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ....................................................... .
CANAL ZONE: 1908 to 1935, group of 15 entires or postal cards, unused or used, incl. #U4 , 6, 7, UX2-4 , etc. , also 2 cut squar es, mostly diff. , generally fine to very fine. Scott $760 + ................ .............. .
426 * 181 CUBA: 1899, selection of 15 diff. entires and 4 diff. postal cards, unused, incl. some corner cards and #UX I a and I b, also one used UX I, fine to very fine . Scarce group. Scott $468 ...... (U 1-8, I 0, 13- 18, etc.) 427 * 181 HA WAIi: 1884 and 1893, group of 22 entires, unused , incl. shades with dupl. , genera lly fine to very fine. Scott $238 .................................. ............................... ...................................................... (U l-5 , I0-13 ) 42 8 181
1884, group of 8 entires, co mpr. 1c light green (2), one to U.S. with additional postage 2c carmin e (2), 2c red, 2c pale pink , Sc blue (2), loca l or U.S. dest inations, generally very fine. Scott $202.50 ................
429 * 181 PHILIPPINES: 1899-1900, le to Sc, issue compl., incl. "PHILIPPINES " in red, unused, incl. comer cards and variou s sizes, plus a few dupl. , genera lly fine to very fine. Scott $838.5 0 ..................... (U 1-16) 430 181
1899 to 1927, group of 22 entires, 12 unused, 10 used incl. some with additi onal postage, Regi . and Special Delivery usage , 1903 2c carmin e on oriental buff hand stamped blue " O.B." (U24, unpri ced), 1906 Re-cut 2c on white (U28 , catl. value $ 125), 1927 2c green First Day cancel , various sizes and some co mer cards, mixed co ndition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 100-200 ..................... ....................... .
431 * 181 1903 le to Sc, 9 diff. entires, unused, incl. corner card s and vari ous sizes, genera lly very fine. Scott $477 ........ ............... ............................................................................................................. . (U 18,22,24-27) 432 * 181 PHILIPPINES AND PUERTO RICO: Postal Cards; 1899-1900, compr. Philippine s #UXl, 5, 9, 10, 13-15, plus Paid Reply 2c+2c blue (UYl , folded and reinforced separation) , Puerto Rico #UXl (light stain), 2, 3, generally fine to very fine. Scott $766.50 .................................................................. . 433 * 181 PUERTO RICO: 1899-1900 , le to Sc, group of 10 diff. entires, unu sed. most with co rner card , very fine . Scarce group. Scott $515 .......... ........ ....... ........................ .................. ................. ...... (U 1-4, 11, 14-18) 434 181
UNITED STATES AND UNITED NATIONS: 20th Century, several hundred items in 8 albums and loose in carton, compr. co ils. of U.S. Souvenir Page, , 1975 to 198 1, plu s mint w indow front entire #U538 and U536 in quantity, also U.N. co ll. of UNICEF cac heted FDC s on fancy, descripti ve pages, very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 .................................................. ............................... .............. .
ARGENTI A: Air Post; 1930 Zepp elin First Flight Ovp td. in Blue 20c to 3.60p , comp!. set, l.h., very fine ...................................... ......................................................... ............................................................(Ph oto)(C2 0-24)
* 437 * 436
* 439 *
1913 Wmkd. Wide Cr own and Wide A lOsh pink & gray, o.g ., trace of gum toning, fine . S.G. 14, £600 ...................................................... .............................................................................................................(Photo)( 13)
1929-30 Wmkd. Sma ll Cr own a nd A Multipl e Ssh yellow & gr ay , l0s h pink & gr ay, o.g. , fresh, fine . S.G.11 1, 112, £465 .................................................................................................... ......................(Ph oto)(I00 ,101)
1932 Brid ge Ssh gr ay gr een, o.g., negligible gum wrinkles. well centered. fine. S.G. 143, £375 ........(Photo)( l32 ) 1937-46 Engraved 3p , 4 diff. S.G. vars., Ssh, lOsh, £1, cha lky pape r , plu s lOsh and £1 thin rough ordinar y paper, l.h., very fine. S.G. 168, a, b. 69, 76-78, 77a, 78a, £277 ..................................................... ( 170, 177-79 vars.)
440 ** Hl £1 blue gray, thin rough ordin ary paper, sheet mar gin blk of 4, n.h., very fine. S.G. 178a, £440+ ..(Photo)(l 79 var.) 441 S 1949-50 Coa t of Arm s lOsh, £1, £2, ovptd. SPECIMEN , S.G. comp! . set, n.h., very fine. S.G. £150+ .(2 19-2 1S)
442 ** Hl Comp!. set of four , corn er blks of 4, plus lOsh corn er Imp r int blks, n.h., very fine. S.G. £8 l 0+ ..(Ph oto)(218-2 1) 443
741.00+ AUST RI A: 1858-59 Emb ossed 3kr black, type I, very fine, tied by neat strike of red framed WIEN pmk on 1859 folded letter .............................. .........................................................................................................(Photo)(7a) ( 140.00+)
Semi-P ostal s; 1931 Rota ry set comp!. , n.h. , very fine. DM950 .....................................................(Ph oto)(B87-92)
. ·················· ..
······ ······ ········· ··· ···· ···· ·····.
············· ······· ~············· ·· ··
.. .. .······························ .
445 * Hl 446 0 447
1933 WIP A Souvenir sheet of four , with folder , l.h., slightly redu ced, stamp s very fine ....(Photo)(B l 11) 1,800.00
BARBADOS: 1852-55 Blued Pa per Imperf (½ p) yellow gr een mar gins all round , la rge thr ee sides, lightly caned., fine. S.G. I , £600 ...........................................................................................................................(Ph oto)(la ) 1938-47 Sea l of th e Colony Ip sca rlet, two copies, incl. bott om sheet mar gin copy, n.h., other o.g., usual tinge of yellowish gum, fine. S.G. 249, £450+ ................................................ ........................................................... ( 194b) 40
* 450 * 451 * 452 * 449
453 0
BELGIUM: Semi-Postals; 1929 Restoration set com pl. , 1.h., fresh, fine to very fine. DM 1500 ................................................................ ........................................................................... (Photo)(B69-77 vars.) 1932 Mercier set compl., l.h., fresh, fine to very fine. DMl 100 ...................................................(Photo)(B 114-22)
1933 Orval Abbey set compl., o.g., fine to very fine. DM1500 ....................................................(Photo) (B 132-43)
450 .00
BERMUDA: 1875 lp on 2p blue, unused, fresh, fine for this. B.P.A. Cert. (I 950). S.G. 15, £700 ....... (Photo)(l 3) 1922-34 Script George V lOsh red & green on emerald, 12sh6p ochre & gray black, l.h., negligible perf faults, well centered, fine. S.G. 92, 93, £395 .................................................................................................... (96,97)
BRITISH EAST AFRICA: 1891 Handstamped Surcharge ½ a on 2a vermilion, initialed "A.D." (SE), lightly caned., short corner perf, fine appearance. S.G. 20, £750 ............................ .............................................(Photo)(3 l)
* 456 * 457 * 455
CAROLINE ISLANDS: 1899 Overprint ed at 48 Degree Angle 3pf light brown, l.h., very fine. DM1400 ...................................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(la)
1901 Yacht Sm slate & carmine, corner sheet margin copy, o.g. , fresh, fine . DM450 ....................... (Photo) ( I0)
l05 .00
CAYMAN ISLANDS: 1907-09 Mutt. Crown CA and 1908 Script Edward VII sets compl., l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. £250 .......................... .................................................... ........................................... ....(Photo)(21-30)
CEYLON: 1912-25 Mutt. Crown CA George V S0r dull violet, very l.h., fresh, very fine. S.G. 327, £300 ........................................ ............................................................................................................... ..........(Photo) (215)
lO0r gray black, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 328, £1300 ......................................................................(Photo)(216) 1,400.00
CHILE: 1856-62 Bisec ts Santiago Print 10c blue , very fine , in pair with normal , 1862 London Print toe bright blue, very fine, former tied on 1857 folded letter, latter tied on folded letter sheet, both to Valpariso ............................................ .................................................. ............................................................(Photo) (l0d ,12d)
247.5 0+
460 0
Air Post; 1927 Surcharged set of five, lightly caned., fine to very fine. DM600 ...............................(Photo) (Cl-5 )
40c on 10c, three copies used with additional postage, fine, tied by 1927 Valpariso or Santiago pmks and backstamped. Est. Cash Value $ 100-150 .............................. ................. ............................................................... (Cl)
1923 Re-engraved $10 green & claret, o.g., fine ..................... .................................. .........................(Photo) (268)
The remaining China items are ungummed as issued unless otherwise noted.
* 464 * 463
1951 Allegory set compl., perf and imperf, plus Souvenir sheet of one, fine to very fine .......(Photo)(103 7-41)
1954 Bridge set compl., very fine ................................................................. ..................................(Photo)( I092-95 )
2 18.25
465 * 83 Imperf Souvenir sheet of four in folder, corner creases, fine ............................................................. .......... ( I 095a) 466
467 * 83
* 469 * 470 * 471 * 472 * 473 * 468
474 * 83 475
** 477 * 478 * 479 * 476
480 6
1954 and 1955, Ten diff. compl. sets, fine to very fine .......................................................................... ( 1096- 1123)
438 .50
1955 Re-election imperf Souvenir sheet of four with right selvage, very fine ............................................. (114a)
1955 Armed Forces Day imperf Souvenir sheet of three with right selvage, light creasing, very fine appearance ...................... ....................................... ............................................................................................................... ( 117a)
500 .00
1960 Highway imperf Souvenir sheet of two, very fine ................... ............................................................ (1257a)
Semi-Postals; 1954 Refugee set compl., very fine ................................... .......................................(Photo) (B 14-16)
Yunnan; 1932-34 Type II 2c to $5, compl. set, l.h., fine to very ftne ...................... ............... ................... ... (36-44)
PEOPLE 'S REPUBLIC: 1950 Surcharged set of 14, blks of 4, fine to very fine ..................... .................. (35-48)
COLOMBIA: Air Post; SCADTA, 1922 Handstamped Large "A" Sc to Sp, 9 dill., n.h. or l.h., fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................. ...........(Photo) ( l 992 Mi.1-3,5-9, 11) DM2165 1929 lp to Sp, compl., Air Post Registration 20c carmine, margin or corner blks of 4, dull o.g., very fine .................................................................................. ...................................... ........................................ (C64-67 ,CF2)
COOK ISLANDS: 1893 Tern Issues, ½ d, 2d, 6d, lsh , all tied by RAROTANG A 1 l SP 00 cancels on somewhat stained Regis. envelope to San Franci sco. S.G. 11, 15, 18, 20, from £280 ........................ ....(Photo) (l Iba, 15, I 8,20) DENMARK : Air Post; 1925-29 Plowman set comp) ., n.h., 106 nibb ed perf s, fin e to very fin e. DM10 25 .............................................................................................................................. ................................. (Photo) (CI-5)
375 .00
Same, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. DM550 ...................................................................................................... (Cl-5)
Compl. set, o.g., fine to very fine ............... .............................................................................................. ......... (Cl-5 )
FALKLAND ISLANDS : 1878-79 Unwmkd. 4p dark gray, disturbed o.g., well centered and very fine. S.G. £1000. Rare stamp .............. ................................................................................................................ (Photo)(2) 1,050.00 FAROE ISLANDS : 1940-41 Surcharged set of five, neatly caned., all but #4 tied on small piece, very fine . DM800 .......................... ............................. ............ .................................................................................. (Photo)(2-6 )
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48 1 *
FUI: Times Expres s; 1871 Laid Batonne Paper lp black on pink , unused, large margins, thin spot, very fine appearance. S.G. 5, £750 .............................................................................................................................(Photo )(6)
482 *
3p black on pink , part o.g., faint thin. almost very fine. S.G. 6, £ I 200 .....................................................(Photo )(7) 1,500.00
483 0
6p black on pink , pen cancelled, thins, fine appearance. S.G. 7, £ 1500 ....................................................(Photo )(8)
484 0
FINLAND: 1856 Small Pearl s Sk blue , full even margins all round , light town cancel , thins, very fine appearance. DM7000 ................................................................................................................................ (Photo)(l) 2,500.00
485 0
1891-92 Laid Paper 3Y2r black & gray , neatly caned. , fresh, almost very fine. DMll00
486 *
487 * 488
489 ** 490 *
1849-50 Cere s 25c light blue on bluish , o.g., large margins, light stain , very fine appearance and rare with gum. SBPV Cert. (1993) and signed Champion. Yvert 4, FFr s37,500 ................................(Photo )(6) 2,600.00 1853-60 Napoleon imperf Sc green on greenish , sheet margin copy, full o.g., good to large margins other sides, tiny repair, fresh and very fine appearance. Signed Jamel and others. Yvert 12, FFrs5500 .....................(Photo) (J3)
Italian Campaign; 20c blue on bluish , Die I, full to large margins , very fine , tied by neat strik e of Metropolitan grilJ on envelope (no backflap) bearing double circle CORPS EXPEDITIONNAIRE D'ITALIE (2nd Division) 20 SEPT 63 mkg to Lyon. Rare. SBPV Cert. (1993) and signed Weid .................................... (Photo )( l5) 1876-78 Peace and Commerce Type I 2c green on greeni sh, n.h. , fresh, fine. SBPY Cert. ( 1993) and signed Brun. Yvert 62, FF rs 10,000 .................................................... ...................................................................(Photo )(65)
875 .00+
1877-80 Type II Sfr violet & lavender , very l.h. if at all, fresh. fine. Yvert 95. FFrs3500 ....................(Photo )(96)
49 1 * l!'il 1898-1900 Type I 2fr brown on azure , Block of Twelve , n.h.(8)/1.h.(4), separations, top row light creas ing, fresh, very fine. SBPV Cert. ( 1993).Yvert I05, FFrs8400 as singles .....................................................(Photo) (! 08)
492 * ffi
1900-29 Liberty and Peace lfr claret & olive green , olive green " tiente de fond " double , BLOCK OF FOUR , n.h. (2)/1.h. (2), brilliant fresh and very fine. Yvert 121d , FFr s 12,000+ a s hinged ............................................................................................................................(Photo Back Cover )(125 var. ) Love ly and rare mu ltip le
493 ** ffi 1925 Philatelic Exhibition Souvenir sheet of four , n.h. , small faults and light fingerprints on revere, reduced at bottom, very fine appearance. DMS000 .......................................................................................... ............(226) 1,200.00 494 *
1927 Strasbourg Souvenir sheet of two, o.g. in selvage. very fine. Yvert FFrs6750 ...........................(Photo) (241)
495 *
1929 Le Havre 2fr orange & pale blue , 1.h., pulp inclusion showing on reverse only, very fine ........(Photo) (246)
496 *
2fr , l.h., fresh, fine ............................................. ......................................................................................(Photo) (246)
497 **
1929-33 Engraved 3fr dark gray , Die II, bottom sheet margin copy n.h. , extremel y fine. DM425 ........ (247A)
498 *
20fr red brown , Die II , 1.h., fresh, fine. Schollmeyer Cert. ( 1994). DM2500 ....................................... (Photo )(254)
499 0
Semi-Postal; 1917-19 Sfr+Sfr deep blue & black, c.d.s. cancel , very fine. Yvert FFr s9000 ..........(Photo )(Bl0)
500 0
Air Post; 1936 Plane over Pari s S0fr deep green , neat c.d.s. cancel, very fine. DM 1500 ................(Photo )(C l4a)
50 1 0
1936 " Banknote " S0fr ultramarin e, lightly caned., very fine. DM700 ...............................................(Photo )(C 15)
502 *
Postage Due; 1859-70 Lithographed imperf 10c black, o.g., full to enormous margin s showing portion of adjoining stamp, cert. stating "mois petite amelioration" (small repair ), very fine appearance and very rare. Calves Cert. (1993) and signed by him. Yvert FFrsl40 ,000 ...............(Photo Front Cover) (Jl) 9,000.00
GERMAN SOUTH WEST AFRICA: 1897 First Issu e 25pf orange , S0pf red brown , former very l.h. if at all, perfs touch at top , letter l.h., handstamp s on reverse , extremel y fine. DM1800 .............................(Photo )(S,6)
504 **
1897 25pf, deep shade , n.h. , hand stamp on reverse , extremely fine. DM2000 ....................................(Photo) (S)
505 0
GERMA STATES: BADEN; 1862-65 Perf 10 30kr orange , lightly caned., "reinforced perf and tear", fresh, fine appearance. A.P.E.S. Cert. ( 1995) and signed Richter. Mi. 22a, DM3500 ..........................(Photo page 47)(25) 1,250.00
.............•l,iml!:JiriJ!Jl!ii .... . :· . .. ..
** 50 7 ** 508 * 506
509 0
* 5 11 * 512 * 5 13 ** 514 * 515 ** 516 ** 5 17 ** 5 18 ** 5 10
1872 Eag le with Large Shield 1/3gr yeUow green, n.h., small fa ults, light ha ndstamp on reverse, fres h, fine appe arance. DM400 ............... ................... ........................ ................................... ........ ..............................(Photo) ( 15)
1875-90 Typographed 2m brownish purple, corner copy, stamp n.h., neg ligible gum bend s, fres h, fine. G. Ze nker Cert. ( 1995) .................... ........................ ......... .............. ............ .................. .......................... ............. (Photo) (36 var.)
1900 REI CHSPO ST Sm slate & carmine, type I, hand painted frame, Mi. type Ia, large part o.g ., very fine. DMJO00.................................................. ........................ .................... .................... ............ .................... ...(Photo) (65) Sm, white hand painted frame, Mi. type lb , c.d.s. ca nce ls, we ll ce ntered. fine. Mi. 66 IV , DM1800 ..(P h oto) (65) Sm , type II, o.g. , very fine. OM I000 .....................................................................................................(Ph ot o) (65A )
500.00 275.00
1905-19 Wmkd . Loze nges pre-war ptg. 3m violet gray, l.h., very fin e. Mi . 96AII , DM400 ........ (Photo) (94 var.) 1922-23 Wmkd. Network Sm orange, imperf, l.h., large mar gins, extremely fine. DM350 ........ (Photo)( 188a) 1948-51 Buildin gs Sm blue, type II, sheet margin copy imperf vert., n.h., light crease, very fme appeara nce. DM l 200 ................................ ............. ............................... ........ ............................................... ...... .(P hoto) (66 1a var.)
110.00 uni.
1951-52 Post Horn 70pf deep yellow, 80pf carmin e, 90pf yellow green, o .g., ve1y fine. DM l450(P hoto) (683-85) 1954-60 Heuss 2pf to 3m , co mp I. set, n.h ., fine to very fine . DM I 000 .......................................... (Ph oto) (702-2 1)
Co mp!. se t , n.h., a few tiny inc lusions. fine to very fin e ............................... ........ .................. ........ .(Ph oto) (702-2 1)
375 .00
(Photo) (702-2 l )
S0pf gray, n.h., very fine . DM700 .................................. .................... ................ ..................... ............... (Pho to) (7 14)
Same, n.h., a few tiny inc lusions, fin e to very fine ...........................................................................
Semi-Postals 519
** *
1933 Wag ner set com pl., n.h. exce pt 40+3Spf, slight offset on reve rse, 12+3pf and 20+ IOpf perf 13½x 14, fine to very fine. DM2 259 ................... ........................................................................... (Photo) (B49-53 ,56,57,54a,55a) 227.40
Comp!. set, 20+10p f perf 13½x 14, l.h. or o.g., fre sh, fine to very fine . DM720 ....................... (B49 -54,5 5a,56 ,57) 52 1 * EB 1935 OSTROPA Souvenir sheet of four, very l.h. if at all, sma ll faults , fresh brig ht co lors, very fine appearan ce. DM 1900 without gum ............. ............................. ........ .......................... ...... .............. ............................. (P hoto) (B6 8)
425 .00
1948 Brand enburg Gate IO+Spf green, imperf sheet margin pair , n.h., gum creas ing , very fine appearance. DM2000 ............................................................ ...................................... ......................... ........................... (B302 var.)
523 181
1950 Bach set of two, margin copies, 10+2pf perf stain, fine to very fine, eac h tied by nea t strik e of 28.7.50. FD cance l on cover to U.S. DM 1350 ........ ........ ............ ................ ...... .................. ................ ......... (Ph oto) (B314 ,3 ]5 )
Two co mp!. sets, fin e to very fin e, use d wit h additiona l po stag e and tied by nea t strik e of do ubl e circle OFFENBURG (BADEN ) 4.9.50. pmk on cove r to New York .............. ....................................... (Ph oto) (B3 14,315) EB Comp!. set, blks of 4, fin e to ver y fin e, eac h on separate cove r, I 0+2p (with additi onal postage) pmkd by neat double 525 181 circle BRUCHSAL 6.9 .50. , 20+3pf ca ned . 05.8.50. , bot h to ew York . DM 1280 off cove r ...... (Ph oto) (B3 14,314)
524 181
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155.00+ 310.00 +
Air Post 526
1926-27 Eagle lm black & salmon, very line, tied by neat snikes of FRIEDRICHSHAFENBodensee 24. MRZ 29 pmks on cacheted Zeppelin card bearing JERUSALEM 27 MR 29 receiver. 1995 Sieger 23f, DM2000 .....(Photo )(C32) 1930 South Ame ri ca Flight 2m ultramarine , margin copy, n.h. , barely perceptible tear between perfs at bottom, very fine appearance. DM2800 .............................................................. .................................................(Photo )(C38)
** 528 ** 4m black brown , n.h , ver y fine. DM3200 ...................... .................................................................... (Photo )(C 39) 529 ** 1931 Error lm carmine , without hyphen, sheet margin cop y, n.h. , fre sh, fine. Signed Richt er. Mi. 4561, (Photo Back Cover )(C 40 var .)
DM4400 ............................. ..............................................................................
530 531 0
416 .00 1933 Chicago Flight set of three, o.g., very fine. DM 1500 ....................................... ..................... (Photo ) (C43-45) THIRD REICH: 1943 War Propaganda George V set compl., gutter margins two sides, violet cancels, fine to very fine .................... ............................. ............... .............................................................................. (Photo) (Mi .3-8) DM400
532 0
Same, fine to very fine ............................................................................. ................................... .................. .(Mi . 3-8) BADEN: Semi-Postals; 1949 Red Cross Reconstruction sets compl., latter se-tenant blk from Souvenir sheet, plus two 4+16pf, fine to very fine, tied by strikes of double circle LORRACH 25.5.49. pmks on Regis. envelope to U.S., St. Louis, Mo. receivers on reverse.DMl445 as single stamps offcover. ...........(Photo) (5NBl-8 )
535 0
* **
* 540 *
Reconstruction perf and imperf Souvenir sheets of four, n.h., minor indentations from corner mounts, fine to very fine. DM400 ................................................................................. .................... .................................... (5NB8a,b) BERLIN: 1948 Black "BERLIN " 8pf to 3m, 8 diff. , neatl y caned. , fine to very fine. Signed Schlegel. DM4340 ......................................................... ......................................................... (Photo) (9N3,10,Il ,13,15,17-19) 1948-49 Red "BERLIN" set compl., o.g., fine to very fine. DM1700 ....................................... (Photo)(9N21-34) 1953-54 20pf red, 70pf olive green, n.h., very fine. DM520 .................................. ............................... (9Nl02 ,l 10) 1956-58 lpf to 3m, 15 diff'. (Michel compl.), incl. Im , each on special ETB card, very fine. Mi. 140-54 (5/37), DM2220 .............................................................................. .......................................................... (betw. 120 and 136)
372.50+ 145.00
862.10 512.95
SOVIET ZONES: SAXONY; 1945 Wmkd. Steps Rising lpf gray, sheet margin copy, l.h., large margins other sides, light creasing, very fine appearance. Stroh Cert. ( 1994) . Rare ............................................... (Photo) (Mi.66Y) DM3250 THURINGEN: 1945 Rouletted Souvenir sheet of four, Mi. type I, very l.h. if at all, negligible corner mount impressions, very fine ............................................................................ ..................................... (Photo)(Mi.Blk2v) DM4500
54 I
** HlSouvenir sheet, Mi. typ e II, n.h. , small crea ses and usual inclu sion s, hand stamp on reve rse, fine
.......................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(Mi.Blk2x) DM3400 OFFICES IN CHINA: 1901 Ovptd. 3pf to Im, the ten values compl., tied by strikes of K.D . FELDPOST EXPED . DES OSTASIATISCH EXPEDITIO S CORPS 30 7 c.d.s. on cover to Germany, LIMBACH 21.9.01 receiver on reverse. Ve,y colo,ful. DM390 .................................................. ......................... ............................ ........... . GIBRALTAR: 1889 Error 25c on 2p brown violet, broken "N" of "CE TIMOS", left stamp in sheet margin pair with normal, error stamp l.h., other n.h., very fine. S.G. 17. b, £ I04+ ............................ .............. (Photo)(24a) 225.00 + GREAT BRITAIN
1882 Wmkd. Two Anchors £5 orange, neatly caned., fresh, fine. S.G. £1300 ................................... (Photo)(93) 1,000.00 1913-18 Waterlow Ptg. £1 green, o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh, fine. S.G. £1000 ..........................................(176) 1,100.00
475 .00
544 0
* * 1929 U.P.U. Congress £1 black, l.h. yellowish gum, fresh, fine. S.G. £550 ............................ ............. (Photo )(209 ) 1934 Re-engraved set of three, l.h., very fine. S.G. £350 ................................................................(Photo)(222-24) 547 * set, l.h., l0 sh light bend, very fine ................................................................................. ......(Photo)(222-24) Compl. 548 * 549 ** Hl1948 Silver Wedding set compl., corner blks of 4, n.h., fine to very fine. S.G. 493, 494, £ 129+ ............(267,268) 550 ** 1955 Waterlow Printing set of four, sheet margin or corner pairs, n.h., I 0sh one stamp light crease, fine to ........................................ ............................ ................................ (309-12) very fine. S.G. £500 ....................................
OFFICES IN TURKISH EMPIRE: 1893 Provisional 40pi on ½ p vermilion, neat c.d.s. cancel, fine. Signed Thier. S.G. 7, £I00 .................... .................................................................. ....................... ..........................(Photo) (6)
551 0
322.50 322.50 150.60
* 553 * 554 * 552
555 556
1896 Olympics IL to 10d, compl. set, o.g., a few tiny faults, incl. !0d negligible tone spot on gum, fresh and generally fine. DM2000 ..................................................................................................................... ................(Photo)( I 17-28) 1906 Special Olympics set compl., o.g. or large part o.g, 3d l.h., ome small faults, genera lly fine to very fine. OM! 100 ............................................................ ................................................. ............................................. ( 184-97)
1933 Set of three, l.h., 75d pin point thin, fine to very fine. DMI 500 ............................................. (Photo)(378-80)
56 1.35
* Hl 1939 Anniversary set compl., blks of 4, l.h., very fine. DM600 .............................. ....................... (Photo)(4 l 6-20)
1940 National Youth set compl., n.h., 20d creasing, fine to very fme. DM 1200 ........................ ...(Photo)(427-36) Compl. set, neatly tied by 4 VIII 40 cancels on small pieces, fine to very fine. DM950 ..............................(427-36)
425 .00
557 f::.
2 11.25
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* 560 * 561 * 562 * 559
GREENLAND : 1945 Liberation set compl. , 1.h., very fine ..........................................................................( 19-27)
Overprinted in Wrong Colors set compl. , J.h., very fine .............................................................. (Photo) (22a-27a)
HONG KONG: 1862 Unwmkd . 96c gray (SE), unused , fresh , fine. Rare. S.G. £2500 ........................(Photo)(7) 2,750.00 1891 Crown CA Additional Chinese Characters $1 on 96c violet on red, l.h., very fine. S.G. 50, £250.(Photo )(63)
ICELAND : 1930 Millenary set compl., plus Air Post 10a, o.g. (hinge remnants), very fine. DM700(152-66 ,C3)
563 0
INDIA: 1854 Fifth Printing 4a red & blue , Head Die III , Frame Die II, larg e margins, lightly caned. , extremely fine. S.G. 25, £400 ...................................................................................................................(Photo )(6)
1866 Blue Glazed Paper 6a violet, type I, faults, fine appearance , tied by pen troke and JEYPORE duplex cancel on mourning envelope (creases) bearing red LONDON PAID JY 4 68 c.d.s., Agra transit and red London receiver on reverse. Very scarce. S.G. 66, from £550 ...............................................................................(Photo )(29)
IRAQ : Official; 1931 25r violet, o.g., very fine. Scarce this nice. S.G. £550 .....................................(Photo) (O38)
IRELAND 1922 Seahorses Dollard ptg. 2sh6p brown, Ssh carmine rose, lOsh gray blue , ]jghtly caned., lOsh a few sho1t perfs, fine, others very fine. S.G. £350 ................................................................................................(Photo )(l2- 14) 370.00
566 0
* 568 * 569 * 570 * 571 * 567
1922 Alex Thom ptg. 2sh6p gray brown , Ssh carmine rose, o.g., very fine. Both signed H. Bloch. S.G. 44, 45, £350 ..............................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(36 ,37)
1927-28 Wide " 1922" lOsh gray blue, very l.h., very fine. S.G. £ 140 .................................................(Photo) (79b)
1935 Re-engraved set of three , l.h., fine to very fine. S.G. £425 ......................................................(Photo) (93-95)
lOsh dark blue, very l.h., vivid color , extreme ly fine. S.G. £350 ........................................................(Photo)(95)
lOsh, J.h., extremely fine ...........................................................................................................................(Photo)(95)
*EB1948 First
** ** 577 **
Coin s Issue 3m to 1000m , comp l. set , blk s of 4, 3m to 10m, 20m and 50m bottom tab blk s, n.h. (2)n.h. (2), fine to very fine ..............................................................................................................(Photo )( l-9 ) 1,780.00+
250m dark slate green, 500m red brown on cream , 1000m black blue on pale bluish, right Pl. No. copies, n.h., usual inclusions, very fine ...............................................................................................................(Photo )(7-9)
445.00 +
1949-50 "The Negev" S00p deep orange & brown , full tab , n.h., fresh, fine ......................................(Photo) (25)
1949 New Year set of three, full tab corner copies, n.h., very fine ........................................... ......(Photo) (28-30)
1950 In dependence Day set of two, full tab right corner copies, n.h., usual inclusion , very fine ..(Photo )(33,34)
1952 Menorah lO00p dark blue & gray , full tab , n.h ., tiny inclusions, very fine ................................(Photo )(55)
IT ALIAN ST ATES 578 0 579
580 0
ROMAN STATES : 1852 Typograph ed 50b du ll blue, large margins to barel y touch ed at bottom , Lightdiamond grid cancel, tiny corner crease, fine. Sas. L3,000,000 ...............................................................................(Photo) (l0)
l sc rose, ma rgins except touched one point at right , unused, handstamp on reverse, fine. Sas. L l , 100,000 ................................................................................ ...................................................................................(Photo )(l l )
TUSCANY: 1851-52 Wmkd. Crown s in the Sheet 60cr red , margins three sides barely touch ed at bottom , thins and sma ll corner creas ing, fine appearance. Sas. L35,000,000 ...........................................(Photo )(9) 2,400.00 1857-59 Wmkd. Inter laced Wavy Lines 6cr deep blue, o.g., good margin s except barely touched one point , very fine. Raybaudi Gold Cert. (1995). 1994 Sas. 15b, Ll2 ,500,00 ....................................................(Photo )( lS )
1860 Provi siona l Government 80c pale red brown, o.g. , cert . states " margini completi " (but frameline actuall y touched ), very fine . Raybaudi Gol d Cert. (1995). 1994 Sa s. 22, L32 ,000 ,000 . ...................................................................................................................................(Photo Front Cover )(22) 1,000.00 Rare this nice
.. ,n,r-,~-':,~
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ITALY 583 584 585 586
fine to very fine ............................................................................................................................................ ......(Photo)(495 -506)
*ffi 1948 Risorg imento set comp!. , blks of 4 except SOL vert. str ip of 4, n.h. (2)/1.h.(2), separations, **
30L bright violet, SOL violet, lO0L blue black , n.h., fine to very fine. DM720 ............................ (Photo) (504-06)
*ffi 1949 Art Exhibition
590 591
1923 Manzoni SL violet & black , o.g ., fresh, fine ................................................................................ (Photo) ( l 70)
1961 Error 205L rose lilac, n.h. , usual tiny inclusions , very fine. DM4000 ....(Photo Front Cover )(834a) 1,500.00
Parce l Post; 1946-54 Wmkd. Winged Wheel 25c to S00L, comp!. , 30L , 200L, 300L, perf 13, n.h. except lO0L l.h., mixed centering to very fine. DMSS00 ........................ ......................(Photo )(Q61-69 ,70a,71,72,73a,74a ,75) 300L brown carmine, perf 13, n.h ., extremely fine. DMS000 .......................................................... (Photo)(Q74)
set comp!. , blks of 4, n/h(2)/l.h.(2), fine to very fine .................................................. (5 10- 13)
l000L ultramarine , n.h. , very fine. DM7000 ...................................................... (Photo Front Cover )(Q76) (1,300.00+)
Parcel Post Authorized Delivery; 1956-58 Wmkd. Multiple Stars 75L brown, n.h. , very fine. DM L000 ................................................................................................................................................. ..............(Photo) (QY8)
* 593 * 594 * 595 * 596 * 592
British Mandate; 1922 Handstamped Surcharge 20p on 20p gray , violet surch., o.g., very fine. Signed "ela" . S.G. 34a, £900. Perhap s JOOissued .............................................................................. .........................(Photo)(27A)
1923 Ovptd . in Gold lm to 20pi, comp!. set, o.g., usual mixed centering to very fine. Scarce. S.G. £379 .... (53-63)
20pi gray, double ovpt., one inverted , o.g., extreme ly fine . S.G. 68c, £425 ................ ................ .....(Photo)(63c)
Independence Issue Error Im dark brown , black and gold ovpt., gold inverted, o.g., handstamp on reverse , very fine. Very rare, about 24 believed to exist. S.G. 98ca , £900 .................................. ..................... (Photo)(73Bc)
Handstamped Surcharge perf 14 ½ pi on 9pi bistre , handstamp ed surcharge sideways, o.g. , very fine. S.G. 86 var., £150 as normal ...................... ...................................................................... ..................(Photo) (99 var.) KOREA Presentation Sheets of One, ungummed
597 598
* 600 * 601 * 602 * 599
1952 Wmkd. Curved Wavy Lines 200wn henna brown , 300wn green, S00wn carmine , 2000wn deep blue , comp !. set, 200wn and 300wn slightly reduced, fine to very fine . DM3900 .................. ....(Photo) (183-86 vars .)
1954 30h dark blue, fine to very fine. DMS00 ................................................................. ........................... (203 var.)
1955 lOh brown , 15h violet, 50h plum , usual bends, very fine. DML200 ................ .....(Photo) (209,210,2 12 vars.)
1955 La id Paper 20h blue, very fine. DM450 ............. ............................................................................ (2 I 2B var.)
1956 Posta l Day set comp!. , natural bends , 50h inclusion , fine to very fine. DM2625 ....(Photo)(232-34 vars.)
1956 Laid Paper 10h lilac rose , 20h lilac, 50h violet, comp!. set, very fine. DM1950 ...... (Photo)(235-37 vars.)
lmperforate Souvenir Sheets 603 604 605
** *
1957 Treaty Souvenir sheet of two , n.h. , very fine . DM4000 ..................... ..................................... (Photo)(264a)
Same , o.g., small thin , very fine appearance ........................ ........................................... ......................(Photo )(264a)
** 608 **
1957 Wmkd . Zigzag Lines 2h to 400h , comp!. set, n.h., some light gum creasing, fine to very fine . DM2100 ............................................................................................................................... (Photo) (249,50,52-55,57-60 vars.)
1957 Chr istmas set comp!., n.h., 25h light creasi ng, fine to very fine. DM7500 ............(Photo)(265a -67a) 1,950.00
1958 Posta l Week 40h dark blue & red, n.h. , crease , very fine appearance. DM3200 ................ (Photo)(283a)
1958 Anniversary Souvenir sheet of two , n.h. , very fine. DM700 ........................................ ............(Photo )(285a)
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* 6 LO ** 1944-45 Set of three, plus 1947 5fr henna brown on cream, sheets of eight, stamps n.h., negligibl e selvage 6 I I **II!l faults , stamp s very fine. DM1950 ........................................................................................... ........................ (2 15- 17)
1925 Johann II , set comp!., l.h., very fine. DM850 .................................................................... .......(Photo) (82-89) 1933 Engraved 3fr violet blue, n.h., very fine. DM500 ........ ....... ........... ............. ................................(Photo) (l l4 )
286.9 0 150.00 492.00+
3fr dark red brown, comp!. set, sheets of 20, n.h., very fine. DM9000+ **l!il1951 Perf 12½x 12 2fr dark blue,........................................... .......................... ........................(Photo)( 259,260) 3,200.00+ ......................................................
**l!il1952 Castle 5fr deep green, sheet of nine, n.h., small comer selvage crease . very fine. DM6000 ..(Photo) (264) 1,800.00+ 165.00 6 14 ** 1955 Royalty set of two, top margin copies, n.h, very fine . DM450 ....... .................. ................................(287.288) light and adherences gum stamp one inclusions, 1960 EUROPA 50rp multi-colored, sheet of 20, n.h., a few 6 l 5 **IIil crease, very fine. DM5200 ............................ ............................ ..............................................................(Photo) (356) 2,500 .00+ LUXEMBOURG: Semi-P ostals; 1935 Pr ofessional set com pl. , l.h. or o.g., very fine. DM 1300 (P hoto)(B65A-Q ) 356.58+ 6 16 * 613
* 619 * 620 * 621 * 622 * 618
British Consular Mail 1884 British Vice-Consulate; Black Seal Handstamp ed 6p violet, caned. by the crayo n strokes, faint tone spots and internal tear, very fine appear ance. S.G. 1, £425 .................................. ............. ...................................(P hoto) (5) ls h violet, unu sed, small faults , very fine appearanc e. S.G. 2, £375 .......................................................... (P hoto) (6) 1886 Violet Sea l H and sta mp ed 3p rose, type I, o.g. , usual thins , very fine appearance. S.G. 17, £350.(P hoto) (l 9) 1886 British Consular Mail; Violet Seal Handstamped Ip rose, o.g., small thin, fine. S.G. 33V , £85 ..(Photo) (33) Same, unused, small thin , very fine appeara nce ............................................................ ............... ........ ....(Photo) (33) Black Seal Handstamped lp and 1½ p rose, type I, unused. small faults , very fine appearance. S.G . 2 I , 22, £130 ······················································································································································· ·······················(45,46 )
275 .00 200.00 26 5.00 55.00 55.00 [20.00
1oz. · ' ; '
LET'l?Im., ·-·~
I. I
. ·.
625 0
MESOPOT AMIA: Baghdad Issue; 1917 Ovptd. Five Pointed Star la on 20pa red, o.g., fresh, fine. S.G. 7, £ 170. 415 issued ...................... .................. ..................................... ...................... ......................................... .....(Photo )(N8) 0
Mosul Issue; 1919 Six diff. surchd . value s, all tied by MOSUL 18 FEB 19 c.d.s. strike s on Regis. soldi er 's envelop e to England . Very attractive and co lorf ul. Fri edl Cert. (1984 ). S.G. 1, 34, 6, 7, 8, £45x40=£1800 for 4 a only ................................................................................................(Photo Back Cover) ME XICO: 1856 Hidalgo 4r red and 1861 Sr black on red brown , latt er without ovpt. , both with large margin s and neatl y caned. , extr emely fine .......................................................................................................(Photo )(4,ll )
Ex625 55
1898-1905 Wilhelmina 10g orange , neat c.d.s. cancel, very fine. DM 1600 ...........................................(Photo)(86 )
627 0
1913 Centenary set comp!., neatly caned., fine to very fine. DM 1800 ...........................................(Photo) (90-10 l)
1920 2.50g on 10g, the two diff., l.h., very fine. DM650 ...............................................................(Photo) (104,105)
629 630 0
Air Post; 1951 Seagull set of two, l.h., very fine ............................................................................. (Photo) (C13,14)
Comp!. set, lightly caned., l 5g ink offset from envelope on reverse, otherwise very fine. DM600 (Photo) (Cl3 , 14)
Marine Insurance; 1921 15c to 7½g, comp!. set, o.g. (hinge remnants ), bright colors and fre sh, fine to very fine. DM1700 ....................................................................................................................................(Photo)(GYl-7)
* *
632 P
* 634 * 633
635 0
636 637 0
1919 Caribou set comp!., PLATE PROOFS IN ISSUED COLORS , imperf pairs , ungummed, full to large even margin s, very fine to extremely fine. 1995 Nftd. Specialized cat!. Can. $2970+ . Rare ...........................................................................................................................(Photo Front Cover )(115-26P) Air Post; 1932 DO-X $1.50 on $1 blue , l.h., very fine. S.G. £180 ....................................................... (Photo )(Cl2)
1933 Balbo $4.50 on 75c bistre , l.h., very fine. S.G. £250 ...................................................................(Photo )(C18)
NEW SOUTH WALES: 1850-51 Error 3p green on grayish wove, "SIGllIUM" for "SIGILLUM", good to large margins, grid cancel, very fine ..............................................................................................(Photo) (S.G. 43c)
1888 Wmkd. 5/- 20sh ultramarine , l.h .. very fine. S.G. £225 ................................................................(Photo) (86)
NEW ZEALAND: 1855-58 Blue Paper 2p blue and 1857-61 White Paper 2p blue , two copies, negligibl e thins, all four-margined and lightly caned., very fine appeara nce. S.G. 5, 10, £660 .......................................(5,8)
1953-57 and 1955-59 Elizabeth sets comp!., plus 2p surchd. types, l.h ., fine to very fin e. S.G. £228 ..................................................... ..........................................................................(Photo )(288-301 ,06-12, 19,20,l 9a)
639 0
NORWAY: 1882-93 Ring of Horn Unshaded, 120 green, lightly caned., very fine. DMS00 ..............(Photo )( 4 1)
640 0
1909-10 Haakon VII Die B 1.50k ultramarine , neatly caned., very fine. DM900 ................................(Photo) (68)
NORTH WEST PACIFIC ISLANDS: 1915-16 Set of 10 values comp!. to lsh, fine to very fine, tied by RABAUL strikes on Regis. cover to Melbourne bearing Sydney 11 FE LS transit on reverse. Very fine and colorfu l cover ................................................................................................................................................................. (Photo )
642 PP
NOVA SCOTIA: 1860-63 Sc blue , 12½ c black, imperf plate proof s on India , each affixed to small thick card and attached to large thin card, negligible faults and adherences at edges, fine appearance ............ ( 10, l3P)
ORANGE RIVER COLONY: 1900-01 Periods Raised Above Bottom s of Letters 2½p on 3p ultramarine , surchd. S.G. type "a" with thick "V" and incomplete "2", o.g., crease. ve1y fine appearance. Royal Cert. (1974). S.G. 26, £550 ....................................................................................................................................(Photo) (47d var.)
PENRYN ISLAND: Thin Hard Cowan Paper Ip on lp carmine , 47 copies mostly in strips, incl. 3 to 4 copies No Stop after "ISLAND" , all tied by PENRHYN ISL ANDS 8 DEC 13 c.d.s. strikes on cover to Bremen, receiver on rever se. S.G. 10a, £40x50=£2000+ . ............................................. (Photo Back Cover) Very rare and great show pie ce
646 0
* 648 ** 647
** 650 **
RUSSIA: Semi-Postal; 1922 Imperf lk orange, sheet margin copy, n.h. , larg e margin s other sides, extremely fine. Signed Gliick. Mi. A185, DMIO00 ..............................................................................................(Photo)(B29)
SAAR: 1950 Council of Europe 25fr deep blue , Air Post 200fr red brown, each neatly tied on small piece, very fine. DM700 ............................................................................................................................. (Photo) (226,Cl2 )
Semi-Postals; 1928 "C harit y" set comp!., o.g., very fine. DM 1300 ................................................(Photo) (B9-15)
SAUDI ARABIA: 1960-62 Type I ½ p to 200p . two diff . comp!. se ts , n.h., fine to very fine. DMl550 .................................. .......................................................................................................................... (Photo) (211-42)
1961 Dammam Port set of thr ee, imperf miniatur e sheets of 4, n.h. , minor bending, fine to very fine. DM1500 ......................................................................................... ....................................................................... (243-45 vars.)
Air Post; 1960-61 Type I lp to 200p, comp!. set, n.h., fine to very fine. DM850 ...........................(Photo) (C7-21)
65 J
*EE SERBIA: 1866 Paper
Colored Through Ip dark green on dark violet rose, third printing , blk of 6, o.g., negligible gum creasing. fine. M7Y, DM900+ ............................................................................................................(Photo )(])
SIERRA LEONE: 1903 Crown CA Edward VII £1 violet on red , n.h., very fine. S.G. 85, £200+ .(Photo)(76)
WM.i,Ac .
. SGN'1Mf hr,r 'f Street
Rabaul (Deutsch- Ne ug uine a)
267 C,
.M 146 57
* 654 * 655 ** 653
SPAIN 1920 U.P.U. Congre ss 40c to l0p , compl. , l.h. or o .g., fine to very fine ......................................... (Photo ) (326 -30) 1930 Railway Congress set compl., 1.h. or o.g ., 10c pin hole, fine to very fine. DM 900 ................ (Photo )(373-85 ) Semi-Postals; 1938 30c black violet, S0c dark slate green, imperf Souvenir sheets of one, n.h., min or gum bends , very fine. DM2000 ................ ..................... ................................... .............. ....... ................. (Photo) (B I 08O,P)
241.00 210.56 500 .00
Air Post Semi-Postals; 1938 Defenders of Madrid 4Sc+2p+Sp blue & greenish blue, Souvenir sheet of one, stamp n.h., selvage creasing, very fine appearance. G. Baschwitz Cert. (1995). DM7500. Rare ......................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(CB6b) 3,750.00 1950-51 Canary Island Visit 2Sp+10c dark violet & brown, WITHOUT CONTROL NUMBER , l.h., very fine .............................................................................................................. (Photo Front Cover)( CB18a) 2,000.00
** * 660 * 66 1 *
Canary Islands; Air Post, 1937 Surchd . set of five, n.h., fine to very fine. DM 843 ................ (Photo) (9LC23 -27) 209.75 STRAITS SETTLEMENTS: 1880 Crown CC Surchd. Type " o" (S.G. type 15) Sc on Sc orange, 1.h., very fine. S.G. 43, £200 .................... ........ ............................. ...................... ..................................................... .(Photo )(30) 165.00 1907 Unwmkd. 4c on 18c bistre & black, no period after "CENTS", right stamp in sheet margin pair with normal, dry o.g ., very fine . S.G. 146a, £ 10 1+ ....................................... ............................... ............... (Photo)( l 39,a) l01.00+ 1917 MuJt. Crown CA George V $25 blue & violet on bluish, very I.h. if at all, brilJiant fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 213, £650 ....................................................................................................... .................................(Photo)( 172) 625.00 SWEDEN: 1855 Coat of Arms 3s blue green, extensively repaired, lovely strike of circular CARLSHAMN 662 0 cancel. Attractive copy of this popular classic.DMS000 ...................................... .....................................(Photo )( l ) 3,000.00 1924 U.P.U. Congress set compl. , less wmkd. l0o , o.g. (hin ge remn ants), fresh, fine to very fine. DM I 800 663 ....................................................... ................................................................................................... (Photo)(l97-21 l ) 584.00 Sk deep blue, o.g ., very fine ............. ......................................... ................................. ............................ (Photo) (2 l l ) 225.00 664 U.P.U. set compl., less wmkd. IOo, o.g. (hin ge remnants), fine to very fine. DM2000 .................. (Photo) (213-27) 590 .75 665 SWITZERLAND: Zurich; 1846 Red Horiz. Lines 6r black, good margins all round, neat ly caned. , some 666 0 surfac e rubbing , fine appeara nce ....... ................ ................................ ....................................................(Photo) ( I L4) 1,400 .00 1850 Without Frame Around Cross Sr black & red on deep blue, unused, good to large marg ins, small faults, 667 very fine appeara nce ....................................... .................... ............... ............... ......................................... (Photo)(7a) 1,350.0 0 668 1933 Grilled Gum 35c to lfr , compl. set, plus extra S0c and 80c, n.h., a few tiny inclusions , fine to very fine. DM 320 ................................... ......................... ............................. ........ ......................... ..................... ........... ( I 35-44a) 132.50+ 669 1924 Granite Paper 2fr gray black & red on grayish, corner copy, n.h., extremely tine. DM600 .(Photo)(2 03) (55.00+) 670 1928 Re-engraved Sfr blue, sheet margin copy, n.h., tiny gum inclusion, extremely tine. DM875 .(Photo)(206) 350.00 67 1 1934 NABA Souvenir sheet of four, l.h. in selvage , brilliant fresh , very fine . DM l000 ....... .............. (Photo) (226) 450 .00 672 * l5l 1941-59 80c to 2fr compl. , plus 1955 Cream-surfaced Granite Paper 3fr, Sfr, lOfr, mostly margin or corner blks of 6, n.h. except l.50fr (one l.h.). very fine. DM6 90+ ...................... ............ ........ ....................... (273- 78 ,84-86) 2 18.40 673 1945 Peace set compl., incl. Semi-Postal, 1.h., very fine ........ ............................................. (Photo)(293-305 ,B 145) 3 10.66 674 Semi-Postals; 1945 War Victims Souvenir sheet of one, n.h., negligib le corner bend , very fine. DM50 0 .. (B 143) 225.00 675 181 TRISTAN DA CUNHA: 1952 George VI set compl., tine to very tine, tied by 1952 c.d.s . ca ncels on two Regis. enve lopes to London. S.G . £ 100+.................................................................................................. .......... ........... ( l - 12) 676 Similar lot 677 Same TURKEY: Semi-Po stals; 1935 Women 's Alliance set compl. , l.h. or o.g. , 12V2h tiny fa ults, fine to very fine. 678 DM1 200 ............................................................................................................................... ......................... . (B54 -68) 190.48 TURKS ISLAND: 1881 Wmkd. Small Star Error ½ p on l sh violet, without fraction bar, part o.g., fresh, fine 679 ........................................................................................................................... .............................. (Photo)(S .G. 12a) £475 2½ p on lsh violet, unused , fine. S.G. 29, £550 ................ .................................................... ................... (Photo)(2 1) 575.00 680 UGANDA : Typewritten on Thin Laid Paper 1895 Narrow Letters Sc violet, ungumm ed , faint crease, almost 681 very fine. Ex Hind, Dale/Lic htenstein . S.G . 35, £350 .............................................. .............. ................... (Photo) (35) 450.00 15c violet, ungummed, borders intact, extremely tine. Ex Hind, Dale/Lichtenstein. S.G. 375 ........(Photo)(37) 450.00 682 20c violet, pen cance lled, very fine. S.G . £300 ...................... ............................................................ .......(Photo) (38) 683 0 450.00 VATICAN CITY: 1934 Provisional set compl., l.h., fresh, tine to very tine. DM2700 ...............(Photo) (35-40) 916.10 684 1935 Juridical Congress set compl., n.h., tiny inclu sions, fine to very fine. DM 1400 ..................... (Photo )(4 1-46) 475.00 685 VENEZUELA: 1951 Coats of Arms sets compl., incl. Air Post, apparently n.h. on hingeless album pages, 686 tine to very tine ........................................... ................................................... ........................... (464-631 ,C338-553) 916.40 Same, neatly caned., incl. Air Post, a few small faults. mostly fine to very fine. Scott $392 . I I .. (464 -63 1,C338-553) 687 0 WESTERN AUSTRALIA: 1854 Engraved Ip black, good to very large margin s, neatly caned. , very fine. 688 0 S.G . I , £ 180 .............................. ............................................ .......................................................... .............(Photo) ( l ) 200 .00 658 659
* *
* ** ** ** *ffi
* **
* * * * * * ** **
«NABA» 1934 ZURICH < u
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Ex655 59
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH AND FOREIGN COLLECTIONS AND VARIOUS The Westchester Collection The fo llowing 19 lots comprise a very clean world-wide collection (excluding United States) housed in green Elbe and Seo/I albums. In. most in.stances each country has duplicated unused and used. Classic issues are p resent to some extent; however, the collection is much stronger in later issues to 1970. There is extensive never hinging pr esenl. As better items do occur occasionally, care should be taken. in viewing.
689 * O
CHINA: Ma ny hundr ed diff. plus hundr eds of dupl. in album , wide rang e of issues, incl. a few Lar ge and Small Dra gons, 1897 surchd . types, incl. 3c Revenue, later compl. or part sets, blks of 4, slightly better modern issues, Air s, misc. back-of-b ook with province s, also People's Republi c and post-war pr ovinces. Est. Cash Valu e $1,500-2,500 ................................
690 * O
FRANCE : Several thousand diff. and an almost equal amount of dupl. in 3 albums in carton , man y earl y issues and later compl. sets incl. bett er Semis with booklets, also Airs, back-ofbook, Offices Abro ad, Fr ench Colonies general issues and " F" colonies, incl. South ern and Antarc tic Te rr ., Fran ce with some blk s of 4 and a fair numb er of n.h. Est. Cash Valu e $2,000-2,500 ······································································································································
69 1 * O
GERMANY AND AREA: Ma ny th ousand diff., n.h. to o.g., and half- again used dupl. in 4 Specialty album s in cart on, a wealth of better items and compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs and back-of-book, Germ any highly compl. plus Eagle issues ''mini- stock", Allied Zon es Berlin , G.D.R ., States quit e extensive with man y moderat ely bett er item s, Colonie s and Offices, Danzig, Saa r , Memel, etc., a valuabl e collection worth car eful inspection. Est. Cash Value $8,000-10,000 .........................................................................................................................
692 * O
GREA T BRIT AIN AND OFF ICES ABRO AD: Several thou sand in Specialty album , incl. earl y issues with diff . Pl. numb ers, cove rs and blk s, compl. or pa rt sets, Postage Due , Officials, misc. Regional issues, etc. Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500 ............................................
693 * O
HUNGA RY: Ma ny hundr ed diff. in 2 album s, incl. hundr eds of dupl. , plus man y imperf issues, with compl. sets and Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs and back-of-book , good amount of modern n.h., incl. imperfs. Est. Cas h Value $750-1,000 ...............................................................................................
694 * O
IRAN : Ma ny hundr ed diff. plus hundr eds more dupl. in album , some earl y issues but value mostly 20th cent. incl. better post-WWII sets, many n.h. , also Air s and some back-of-book . Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 .........................................................................................................
695 * 0181ISRAE L: Several th ousand stamp s or covers in 2 rin g-bind ers and 2 Specialt y album s in carton , incl. full and parti al tabs, compl. or par t sets, Airs and back-of-book , Souvenir and a few compl. sheets, covers, stati onery, etc. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ................................................................... 696 * O
ITALY AND AREA : Ma ny hundr ed diff. plus hund reds of dupl. in 2 album s, incl. man y compl. sets, Airs and back-of-book, Stat es, Italian Colonies general issues, It al. Ea st Africa , Offices Abr oad, Aegea n ls., etc. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ..................................................
697 * O EBJAPAN : Ma ny hundr ed diff. plus hundr eds of dupl. in Specialt y album , incl. some bett er sets a nd Souvenir sheets, blk s of 4, Air s, Milit a ry, Offic es in China and Korea , 1945 Form osa, etc. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 ................................................................................. 698 * O 699 * O 700 * O
KORE A: Ma ny hundr ed diff. sta mp s and abo ut 90 Souvenir sheets, fair portion n.h., incl. compl. sets and scarc er items, some blks of 4, Airs, etc. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ........................................ LIEC HTENSTEIN : Several hundr ed diff. plus dupl. in Specialt y album , incl. bett er compl. sets with later n.h., Air s, perf vars., etc. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ............................................................. NET HERL ANDS: Ma ny hundr ed diff. in album , plu s hundr eds mor e dupl , incl. better items, compl. sets, syncopated perf s, blk s, Semis and back- of-book , also seve ral hundred diff. and duplic ated colonies, compr . Neth . Antilles, Dutch Indie s and Dutch New Guinea. Est. Cash Value $1,500+ ....................................................................................................................................................... 60
701 * O
PORTUGAL AND COLONIES: Several thou sand diff. in 4 a lbum s in carton, many colonies with compl. and part sets, Souvenir sheets, Airs and back-of-book. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ......................................................................................................................................
702 * 1.61 RYUKYU ISLANDS: Several hundr ed on Specialty pages, a good portion n.h. , incl. some bett er blks of 4 or compl. sheets , Airs , etc. Est. Cash Value $400 -500 ............................................................ 703 * O
SPAIN: Many hundred diff. plu s hundred s of dupl. in large album and loose pages in box, incl. compl. or part sets, blks, Souvenir sheets, bett er Semis and Air s, also "S" colonies. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 .................................................................................................................
704 * O
SWITZERLAND: Many hundr ed diff plu s hundred s of dupl. in album , high degree of completeness from 1855 with sets, incl. 1945 Peace issue used, later blk s of 4 or larger , bett er Semis, Airs and wide range of Officials. Est. Cash Value $1,500 ....................................
705 * O
THAILAND: Several hundred diff. plu s dupl. on Specialty pages, good range with some compl. sets and scarcer items. Est. Cash Value $750 .........................................................................................
706 * O
The A to Z collection balanc e of ten s of thou sand s of sta mps housed in 54 album s and loose pages, virtuall y the entire world repre sented except those listed above. Due to the collection's e.xpan sive contents , special care should be taken in viewing so as not to miss the highlights. Est. Cash Value $25,000-30,000 .....................................................................................................
707 * O
The remaind er of this prop ert y, tens of thou sand s of stamp s in stock sheets in over 60 ringbinder s, additional stock sheets and loose Specialt y pages in 6 cartons, n.h. to unused or used, enormou s range of countries and issues with most identified , majority Europ e and colonies, also Briti sh areas , Asia, Latin America , little U.S., etc., compl. sets, Semis, Airs, back -ofbook , some large quantities to one of an item, some faults as would be expected, but genera lly clean and fine to very fine. Careful inspection essential. Est. Cash Value $5,000-7,500
Primaril y 19th Century , selection of 30 items on pa ges, incl. covers with classic issues of France, Spain and Switzerland, 1859 Canada 10c violet brown, Great Britain stationery, Victoiia, Egypt, couple Denmark postal receipt cards, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ............. ........................ .. PROPERTY AS RECEIVED
709 * O
19th Century , coll. of several thousand in 4 old-tim e black Scott Ne Plus Ultra album s, o.g. to used, excellent overall repre sentation of Briti sh and Eur ope, South America well represented as would be expected, mixed condition in earlier but some very useful material and wort h inspection. Est. Cash Value $7,500 ................................................................................................
710 * O
Substantial coll. of 20th Century issues, several thou sand stamp s contained in 11 Ne Plu s Ultra albums, again excellent overall repr esentation, issues only to 1930s, genera lly fine to very fine. Worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000 ......................................................... 19th and 20th Centur y
711 * O
Propert y as received, an immense coll. of man y thou sa nds of sta mp s hou sed in 24 Minku s Supreme Global albums , earlier issues generall y used, some useful selections of later never hinged issues. Perfec t for expan sion. Est. Cash Value $4,000-5,000 ............................................
7 12 * O
Coll. of man y thousand diff. in a numb er of album s, incl. 12 International s, and loose in 4 cartons , o.g. to unu sed or used, wide rang e of countr ies with much Eur ope an d Briti sh areas, some Southea st Asia, incl. compl. or part sets, Semis, Airs, back-of-book , separate coll. of n.h. Ghana and cacheted FDCs, mixed condition though some later issues n.h. Est. Cash Value $3,000-5,000 .................................................................................................................
713 * O
The remainder collection of a few thousand mount ed in 8 old-tim e album s, generally Scott International , albums range from spar se to partially filled, no new issues and a decen t scatt ering in several areas, mixed condition to fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ..................
7 14 * 0 181Balance of a property in 3 cartons, thousands of stamps on pages, stock sheets, in glassines,
several albums and loose, incl. on and off paper , British areas with sets, Indian States, Europe and colonies, U.S. coll balances and face material, auction lots, covers, etc., mixed condition and disorganized. Needs careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000-2,000 .............. 715 * 0
Property as received, many thousand stamps in numbered stockbooks and albums, incl. 5 Internationals, and loose in 5 cartons, unused or used, many countries incl. U.S. plus a small coll. on Specialty pages, Asia, Europe, British areas, etc., U.N. face, many U.S. Souvenir cards incl. Numismatic, misc. covers, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ....
716 * 0
The remainder of a few thousand items in 8 varied album s, on album and stock pages (France), plus an assortment of British in glassines, many n.h., a real smorgesbord worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,250 ............................. ........................................... .
717 * 0181 Remainder of many hundred on stock cards or old lot sheets in carton, wide range of issues, incl. covers and U.S., nearly all marked with catl. values, some faults though generally fine to very fine. Scott over $7500 ......................................................................................................... 7 J8 * 0
The remainder of a property of many thousands contained in 5 albums, hundreds of sorted envelopes, plus sma ll country coll. from old-time auction s, all in 3 boxes , needs sorting and inspection. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ...................................................................................................
719 * 0
Thousands of generally common stamps neatly sorted in 16 ring-binders, no new issues or especially valuable but plenty of it, better incl. Japan, France and Cols., worth resorting. Est. Cash Value $600-700 ············································································································· ······························· ········· Coll. of several thousand diff. in International albums Parts I and Il , o.g. to unused or used, many countries incl. some U.S. and Asia with Thailand , etc., but mostly Europe and colonies, Latin America, some slightly better, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 ...... Stock and accum. of many thousand in numbered glassines, stock cards, etc., and loose in 2 cartons, much Europe incl. a large selection of Poland, British areas incl. Malaysia, Singapore, Pitcairn Is., some Latin America, compl. or part sets, low values, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 .......................................................................................................................................... . Balance of a property, many thousand stamps in stock sheets, stockbooks, coll. balances, etc., in 4 cartons, n.h. to unused or used, wide range of countries and issues, incl. much Europe with Spain stock in glassines, British areas, Latin America, etc., generally less expensive in varying quantities, some sets, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ......................................................................... . Accum. of tens of thousands of stamps in glassines, etc., in many boxes in 2 cartons, unu ed or
720 * 0
721 * 0
722 * 0
723 * 0
used, enormous range of co untri e and i ues and in abso lute ly no order. better than the usual mixture, mixed co nditi on. Est. Cash Value $400-600 .............................................................. ................................. .
724 * 0 EEBalance of a property, tens of thousands in albums, glassines, etc., and loose in 6 cartons, unu sed or used, wide range of countries incl. much Europe and U.S., generally comm on or modem issues, sets . etc ., mixed condition. Est. Cas h Value $300-500 ..................... ..................................................... ............. . 725 * 0 [);ll Balance of a property , many thou sa nd stamps in 2 cartons, mos tly use d , some o.g. , in c l. co lls./acc ums. in 8 album or ring-bi.nders, multiple s co ll.. approva l book s. thou sands more on paper and misc . cove rs, much Europ e, incl. Germany, and Latin America , generally common issues of many co untrie s, some slight ly better, a lso so me Notgeld and circulated co ins, mixed co nditi on. Est. Cas h Value $20 0-400 .............................. ............... ....................... ...................... ............................. .................... . 726 * 0
Coll. balance of several thousand diff. in 3 Internationals, 3 Junior editions and loose pages in carton, unu sed or used, wide range of co untri es incl. some U .S. and Japan , much Europe , etc., mixed
conditi on . Est. Cas h Valu e $200-300 ............................... .................. .................... .................... ................. . 727 * 0181Balance of a property, several thousand stamps in carton, unused and used, incl. co ll. balances in 2 album s. many hundr ed on and off paper , i.ncl. U.S ., Eu rope, Briti sh areas. etc., also a couple hundr ed covers and unused stati onery , mixed co nditi on. Est. Ca sh Val ue $20 0-300 ............ ................................... 728 181 Balance of a property, about 100 items in box, incl. multi- co lored "stamps" and other picture post cards, Chile incl. early Air Post cove rs, India tete-bech e and Everest Expediti on, Me xico, misc . Europe , etc., mixed con dition. Est . Ca sh Valu e $200-300 ......................... ...................................... ....................... .. 729 * 0 Balance of a property, many thousand stamps in 10 ring-binders, a few albums and loose in 2 cartons , unu sed or used, compr. co ll. remainders , mount ed appro va ls, g lassines and packet , many count ries incl. Europe and Latin America. mixed conditi on.Est. Cash Value $150 -250 .......................... . . 730 * 0 19th and 20th Century to 1920s, coll of several thousand diff. in 3 Schaubek albums in carton, o.g. to unused or used, wide range of countries and strongest in Europe, with Germany and Italy, plus states, British areas, Asia incl. China, Japan , Thailand, Latin America, Africa, somewhat sporadic contents and mixed condition as would be expected, some very fine or slightly scarcer items. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .................................... .......................... ............................................ . 62
731 ** O Primaril y 20th Century, balance of a property, several thou sand in album s, stock sheets, glassines and loose in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. coll. balances, comp). or part sets, Souvenir sheets, various omnibus issues, small coll. of world-wide Christmas Seals, retired circuit books, etc., many countries with much Europe and Latin America, British areas, etc., some better n.h. sets, generally fine to very fine. Worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $500-750 .................................... 732 C8l
733 C8l
Accum. of many hundred covers in carton, wide range of commercial mail . U.S. and U.N. FDC s and stationery, Briti sh areas incl. Canada Flight cove rs, circa 1928 (abo ut 75), also small selection of slightly better values, Regis. mail, etc. , mixed co ndition to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $300-500 .......................... Coll. and accum. of many hundred on pages in 5 ring-binders and loose in 3 cartons, a horde of mostly commerci al mail with Reg is. and censored, picture post cards, stationery , particularly U.S., incl. I 9th and 20th ce nt. postal cards, later envelopes, British areas incl. Great Brit ain Offi ces in Eritre a, George YI to I 0sh, Hong Kong, Malays ia and Oceania, Indi a, much Europe incl. multipl e frankings of slightly better stamp s, Latin America, Midd le East, many countii es, mixed co nditi on. Est. Cash Valu e $200-400 ................................................................................ .......... .......................... .................... ............. . 20th Century
734 ** EE Accum . of several thousand in glassines in box, vast majority n.h., mostly "new issues" from 1950s, incl. U.S. and British areas, but mostly Europe and Latin America , with sets and Souvenir sheets, some blks, earlier issues and covers, generally very fine, but disorganized. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 .........................................................................................................
735 ** EE Accum. of several hundred in glassines and loose in box, vast majority n.h., incl. Europe, Middle East, some Latin America, Canal Zone, etc., many compl. sets or blks of 4, Souvenir sheets, Airs, etc., fine to very fine. Stated by owner to catl. about DM14,000 .......................... . 736 * O
Balance of a propert y, many hundred diff. in 4 album s and stockbook in carton , n.h. or l.h .. co mpr. co ils. of Indonesia with West lri an, modern Hong Kong, Turki sh Cyprus and Syria , incl. many comp!. sets, Air s, etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-300 ............................................................
737 * O
20th Century but for a few, accum. of many hundred diff. in numbered glassines in box, n.h. to o.g., a few used, many countries with much Europe, Africa and Latin America, incl. comp). or part sets, Semis and Airs, some blks, Souvenir sheets, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 .......................................................................................................................................... AIR POST ISSUES
738 * O
Selection of several hundred on stock sheets and album pages, o.g. or used, many countries with much Europe, also U.S. incl. Pl. blks and Canal Zone, some Middle East and British areas, Latin America incl. Colombia 10c red tete-beche corner blks of 6 (Sanabria #16a, Aa), many compl. sets or better items, reference, etc., generally fine to very fine. A valuable air post group worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $5,000-7,500 ....................................... .
739 * OC8lANTARCTICA: 20th Century, coll. and accum. of several hundred mostly diff. on album pages and a few stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., few used, compr. Br. and Australia Antarctic Terr., Falkland l s. Dependencies, South Georgia, Ross Dep. and Fr. Southern and Antarctic Terr., incl. better compl. sets with dupl., Airs, French Ant. Terr. incl. a few cacheted FDCs, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ....................................................................... .
COLLECTION OF "COLORS": 19th and 20th Century, a few hundred diff. in Specialty album, I.h. to unused, mostly mounted and a wide range of countries incl. slightly better U.S., stamps arranged by color which is noted below each example , also selections of blks, coils and perfs, papers, booklets, ovptd. and back-of-book issues, some scarcer or slightly better items, generally fine to very fine. Fascinating endeavor. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ....................................................... .
74 1 * O
Primarily 20th Century, coll. and accum. of many hundred diff. in 4 stockbooks or ring-binders and loose in carton, n.h. to o.g., wide range of countiies and many themes, incl. Olympics, space, animals, train s, art, Souvenir shee ts, etc., plus Belgian Congo , Burundi , Ruanda-Urund i, etc., mint and used, with many topical issues, some faults but overall fine to very fine . Est. Cash Value $200-300 ................ .
742 * O
RELIGION: Coll. of many hundred in 6 albums and stockbook in carton, o.g., some used and on cove r, wide range of countri es with much Europe, incl. Au tria, Belgium , Germany , Lu xem bourg, etc., other area s incl. Briti h Commonwea lth and United States , comp!. or part sets, Semi s, etc., also Vatican City co ll. on pages , mixed condition to much very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-600 .................................. 63
**l!ilin20th Century,
coll. and accum. of a few thousand stamps or Souvenir sheets on album page s 14 ring-binders in glassines , etc., in 2 cartons, compr. man y them es incl. Space with various categories , Copernicus, J.F. Kennedy, Roosevelt , Boy Scouts , Art, Medicine, Red Cro ss, UNESCO, WYR, ICY, Freedom From Hunger , Anti-Malaria, Human Right s, etc., many compl. sets, imperf stamps and Souvenir sheets, blks, sheetlets, gold foil and 3-D issues, some proofs and covers, vast majority if not all n.h., fine to very fine. Some issues quite expensive as new issues. Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500 ................................................................
FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT: Coll. with many bett er item s in Elbe album , incl. Hun gary Souvenir sheets, plus a lesser Lincoln coll. and a few hundred Exposition labels from l890s to 1930s in stockbook, mostly philatelic, worth inspection. Est. Ca h Value $300 ...................................................... . EUROPA: 1956 to 1964, omnibu s issues apparently compl. on pages, l.h., plus diff. designs, Council of Europe, Northern Countries, etc., a few better, very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-250 .....
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH 19th and 20th Centur y 746 S
Selection of 20 stamp s ovptd. SPECIMEN, o.g. to unu sed, incl. George V, N. igeria ÂŁ1, Straits Settlements $25, Edward VII Ceylon and Lago s, etc. , also Ta smania 1853 4p defaced reprint , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $150-200 ...................................................................... .
747 * O
Propert y as received , seve ral thou sa nd stamp s in stock sheets in ring-binder and loose album page s in box, l.h. or o.g., some used or n.h ., score s of countries with many bett er item s and compl. sets, strong Oceania and America incl . Canada, blk s incl. Australia Imprint gutter blk s of 4 or larg er and Melbourne Exhibition pane s, S.G. vars. and shade s, dupl. , etc., some faults and haphazardl y arranged, but mostly fin e to ver y fine. A valuable property idea/for retail stock or mail sales. Est. Cash Value $15,000+ ....................................... .
748 * O
752 753 754
A most interesting coll. of man y hundr ed mounted in 2 ledg e r books, incl. Great Britain , Newfoundland, Palestine, Bahamas, Egypt, others, used earlier, mint and used 20th cent., some covers, popular blks of 4. worth inspection. A more interesting than normal assemb lage Est. Cash Value $500-750 .................................... ...................................................................................................... t8I Accum . of over 300 covers in box , bits or small selections of many countries , Asce nsion to Zanzibar, incl. East Africa areas, Transvaal, Indian Army, commercial mail, Regis., O.H.M.S. stationery, FDCs, incl. sets, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-600 .................... * O Small balance on stock sheets and retail pages, n.h. to unused or used, incl. slightly better items of Cyprus and Straits Settlements. Guernsey and Jersey WWII issues, 1953 Coronation omnibus, 3 n.h. set , etc., earlier mixed condition, later generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-600 ......................... ... t8I Accum. of a few hundred covers in 2 boxes, many colonies and Great Britain incl. modern cacheted FDCs, commercial mail, cen ored, some stationery and picture post cards. also small cover coUs. of Canada in album and 19th cent. India on pages, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value$ [50-250 .................. . * O HlBalance of 5 singles, incl. Barbados S.G. 64, Fal.kJand Is. S.G. 51, Gambia S.G. 3a. unused, Pahang three blks of 4, o.g., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $150-250 .......................................... . * O Selection of about 80 stamps on stock cards, l.h. to part o.g. or used, incl. Br. East Africa with better items, also Zanzibar, Uganda, etc., mixed condition to a few very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 .......... t8I Accum. of 16 cover s on counter pages, incl. Indi a stamp less, also Trinidad to Glasgow , Africa franked covers incl. Natal, Cape of Good Hope, Malta two FDCs #275-80. etc .. mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150 .......................................................................................................... . 0 Primarily 20th Century, stock of many thousand in numbered glassines in 2 cartons, used, compr. Canada (largest portion) , Australia and New Zea land, Great Britain and Ireland , mostly modern issues in varying quantities, incl. Airs and back-of-book, some mint mixed-in, general ly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ................................................................................................................................... 20th Century
**HJ Accum . of many hundred diff. in glassines, stock sheets and misc. album pages in box, n.h. but for a very few, many countries but primarily Oceania and America, incl. many compl. sets and blks of 4, Australia unexploded booklets and a few Imprint gutter blks, some Africa and Europe, better sets, Airs and back-of-book , fine to very fine. Excellent for retail or mail sales. Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000 ...............................................................................................
**IHI Balance of 8 auction lots in carton, n.h, mostly omnibus issues. com pr. I953 Coronation , 3 sets, l 973
Roya l Wedd in g (3), 1978 Coro nati o n wit h So uve nir sheets , sheet lets an d gutt er multipl es , complete but for a very few, also Barbuda Monarchs with blks and Imprint corner blks plus used set of single , generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ........................................................................... ... 64
Balance of a property in carton, vas t maj ority n.h.,wi th Australi a, New Zea land and Gr eat Brit ai n **!!"ii Jubil ee and other cove rs, Gha na co ll. on pages, omn ibus iss ues incl.
pos t office pac ks, 1977 Sil ver Chur chill , I 972 Sil ver Wedd i.n g A nni versa ry, 1973 Royal We ddin g, I 980 Q uee n Mother, Am erica ' s Cup , sets, Souve nir shee ts, etc., ge nerally fin e to very fine. Es t. Cas h Value $ 150-2 50 ............................ . OMNIBUS: Many hundred diff. in 6 albums in carton , n.h., co m pr. 1977 Sil ver Jubil ee , 1978 Coro nation Anni versary, 198 l Roya l Weddin g, iss ues comp !. or nea rly so , incl. Souveni.r shee ts and sheetlets, une xploded boo klets, etc ., very fin e. Est. Cas h Val ue $300 -500 ........... ...... ............ .............. ..... .
1935 Silver Jubilee set compl., on pages or stock sheets, n.h. to o.g. , fine to very fine. Est. Cas h V alu e $300-400 ........ .................. ................... ..................... ....... ................................... ................. ........... ... . 1972 Silver Wedding, 14 compl. sets except for Cook Is. and Aitutaki, incl. blks, n.h., ge nera lly ve ry fine. Est. Cash V alue $ 150-200 ............... ...... ...................... .................................. ............................. .
I **EE 762 * O
763 * O
BRITISH AFRICA: 19th and 20th Century, selection of about 100 stamps in stockbook, unused or used, with Bechuanaland , Br. East Africa, Gambia, St. Helena , Cape of Good Hope triangular issues incl. l sh dark green, Ip and 4p Wood Blocks, etc., mixed condition to several very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500+ ...................................................................................
Coll. balance of over 1000 stamps in Specialty album, l.h. to unu sed or u ed, incl. Ca pe of Good
Hope tri angular iss ues, Gold Coas t, South W est Af rica, Suda n. South Af rica and others to lesse r ex tent , comp!. or part set , etc., mixed co ndi tion to very fin e. Est. Cash Valu e $250-350 ............................. ....... .
19th and 20th Century, accum. of about 140 stamps on stock sheets, etc., incl. a number of better items with selections of Bahamas , Bermuda Br, Guiana , Br , Columbia and Vancouver Is., Br. Honduras, Grenada , Mont serrat , St. Vincent , several other s, mixed condition to very fine. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 ..................... . BRITISH
765 181
CANADA: Primarily 20th Century, accum. of several hundred covers in box, incl. a few SmaU Qu ee n
valu es, later co mm ercial mail and cac heted FDC s, Ai.rs incl. flight cove rs, mi nt and used stationery and Newfo undl and , mi xed co nditi on to very fi ne. E t. Cash Value 150-2 50 ........................... ........... ............ Balance of hundreds in various containers and loose in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. unex ploded 766 * O !i"il boo klets, modem iss ues incl. Year sets, elec tion of cac heted FDC s, etc. , mi.xed co nditi on to very fin e. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 ............................. .......... .......... ................. ...................... ......... .......................... . 1928 to 1953, small balance, n.h. to o.g. , co mpr. "Blu enose " 50c dar k blu e, War Effo rt set co mp!. , 767 plu s co il, Fi sh Reso urce margin blk of 4, Totem Pole (14 copie , incl. blks), n.h. to o.g. , ge nera lly fin e to very fin e. Est. Cash Value$ I 00 ................ ................................. ...... ............ .......................... ...... .......... ..
76 8 ** 769
770 * O
771 * O
772 * O
773 **
Revenues; 1930 Electricity and Gas Inspection S0c to $10, plus Weights and Measures Sc to $10, compl. sets, top Imprint Pl. Number strips of 4, n.h., fine to very fin e. Est. Cas h Value$ I 00- 150 ..... . NEWFOUNDLAND : 19th and 20th Century, coll. and accum. of several hundred on pages, stock sheets and glassines, n.h. to o.g., few unused, good range of issues with a number of better sets and slightly better items, blks of 4, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ........ Primarily 20th Century, coll. of over 200 diff. on pages, I.h. or o.g., few used, incl. compl. or part sets, with 1897 Cabot, 1910 Guy lithographed and engraved, later sets, better Airs, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ................................................................................................. ............. NEWFOUNDLAND AND NOVA SCOTIA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred on stock pages, incl. o.g. and used, dupl. of many issues, pence and early cents issues well represented, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-600 .............................................. ........................ . BRITISH OCEANIA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few thousand in Minku s Specialized album , genera lly sporadic areas, some not mounted , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ......................................................................................................................................... . 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred diff. in hingele ss album , n.h., co mpr. B r. A ntarc tic Terr., Chri stmas Is., Cocos Is., with comp!. set and se- tenant mult iples incl. full sheets, very fine. Scott $5 00+
774 * O
AUSTRALASIA: 19th and 20th Century, accum. in stockbooks and on retail pages, n.h. to unused or used, incl. South Australia imperf plate proofs in blks of 12, issued colors and three diff. black on thin card, selection of Victoria early issues, New South Wales SemiPostal set of two used, New Zealand incl. Chalon types and Christchurch set mixed unused and used, couple Fiji, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ..........
Primarily 19th Century, balance of a property, compr. class ic issues of Austria, France incl. 80c strip of 3 (#20 ), l fr lake (#21 ) single copy, Finland #2 and Spain. also mi c. modern, mixed condition though attracti ve. Est. Cash Value $200-400 ....... ...................................... .................. ..................................... ...... .
776 * O EE 19th and 20th Century, selection of a few thousand haphazardl y arranged on stock sheets in box, o.g. or used, scattered n.h., vast majority Western Europe with many compl. sets or better items, some classic issues but mostly 20th cent. incl. blks and Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs and back-of-book, also Latin America, French Colonies (some on album pages) and a substantial coll. of Iran in album, some faults and reference items as would be expected, much fine to very fine. A valuable assemblage ideally suited fo r mail sales. Est. Cash Value $12,000-15,000 ····························· ····································································································· 777 181
Primarily 20th Century , accum. of severa l hundred covers in carton, many countries with much Europ e and Latin Ameri ca, many censored and lots of commercial mail, some flights, FDC s, picture post cards, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $ I 50-250 ........ ........................ .................................. ... .
778 * O
Primarily 20th Century to 1960s, coll. of several thousand dill'. in 4 International albums in carton, o.g. to unused or used, wide range of co untries though generally common issues, much Europ e and Latin America, lesse r amounts of Africa and Asia. some sets. back-of- book. etc .. mixed co ndition. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ................................. ............................................................................ ..................... .
779 **
20th Century, balance of a property, a few hundred in glassines and loose in box, vast maj ority n.h., mostly Eu rope and Great Britain. Monaco. France, Switzerland with giilled gum. Airs. etc .. Norway #B 1-3, Neth. New Guinea #B 1-3 ( IO sets). etc .. genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400 -500 ...
780 0
Accum. of thousands of packet or better than packet material, many in marked envelopes, others loose in large glass ines, all in 3 cartons. some better Europe. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ........................ ..
78 I 181
POSTAL STATIONERY: 19th and early 20th Century, accum. of about 140 items in box, mostly used, incl. many postal ca rds and a numb er of wrappers. much Eu rope incl. France, Italy, Russia, Sweden, Austria. etc .. some bearing additional postage. mixed co ndition. Est. Cash Va lue $ 100-200 ...... ASIA: 19th and 20th Century, the remainder of a few hundred items, primarily China, on pages and in envelopes, incl. sets, some n.h., much probably hidden, also Japan and Siam. worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $400-600 ....................................... ...................... ........................... ............................. ...... . Primarily 20th Century, small balance on approval pages, mostly used, some o.g., incl. Jap an with some co mpl. sets. severa l on small pieces with full cance ls, National Parks, Military and a few Offices Abroad, Shanghai, Thailand and Korea incl blks of 4. generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 Group of over 50 covers in box, mostly commercial mail of Japan , Viet Nam and Thailand incl. early postal card with omewhat humorous mis-print of 1897 official notice of Bangkok United Club . also some Chin a, Korea, etc., misc. stationery . mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $ 150-250 ........... ................ 20th Century, coll./accum. of seve ral hundred on pages in ring-binder, unused or used. mostly common issues of Chin a with dupl.. also misc. Korea. lnd onesia and Thailand, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $ 150 ........................................................................................................................ ................. .
782 * O
783 * O
784 181
785 * O
EUROPE 786 * O181A small but most interesting coll. of many hundred mounted in 2 ledger books, compr. Danzig, Memel, Luxembourg, Denmark , French Cols., Netherlands, incl. used earlier, mint and used 20th cent., also covers, blks , etc., far diff erent than the ordinary, worth inspect ion. Est. Cas h Value $500 -1,000 ............................. .............. ....................... ................. ............................. .................................. 787 ** EE WESTERN EUROPE: 20th Ce ntur y, the NEVER HINGED select ion of seve ral thousand in stock cards and sheets in box , virtuall y all countries repre sent ed in depth , with man y compl. sets, better item s and blks of 4, incl. Semi s and Airs, Souvenir sheets, sporadic back-of-book issues, a fair portion pre-WWII , clean and generally very fin e. A fab ulous p roperty ideal for mail sales. About DM58 ,000 ............................ ................. ............................. .................................. 788 * O
SCANDINAVIA: 19th and 20th Ce ntur y, coll. of a few thou sa nd diff. in 3 Elbe albums in bo x, l.h ., o.g. or used, compr. Denmark , Finland, Greenland, Iceland , Norwa y, Sweden , with man y ea rlier shade s and cancels , mod era tely bett er items, compl. or pa rt sets , Semis , ba ck of-book, very clea n and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 .................. .
789 * O
Old-time coll. of a few hundred items on European album pages, mostly used, compr. Denmark , Finland , Iceland and Norway, sets , cancels, varied condition but very interest ing gro up. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ............................................................................................................................... ..
790 * O
Stock and accum. of several hundred in numbered glassines and retail pages in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, compr. Iceland, Norw ay, Sweden, varying quantities and some sets. mixed conditi on to very fine. Stated by owner to catl. 1995 Scott $4200 .............................. ............................. ......... .............................. . 66
LATIN AMERICA 19th and 20th Century 791 * O
792 * O
793 * O
19th and 20th Century, a most interesting coUJstock of a few thousand in 2 stock books, o.g. to used, replete with classics, sets, back-of-book , colonies, reprints, incl. Argentina, Brazil , Corrientes, Costa Rica, Curai;ao, Guatemala and Surinam, difficult but worthwhile to inspect. Est. Cash Value $2,000 ................................................................................................... .
Outstanding coll. of many hundred in 2 ledger books, used earlier, late mint and used, far better Venezuela with states in blks, also Brazil, Costa Rica, Colombia, plus others, worth inspection. Far diff erent from rhe norm .. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .................................. ..................................... Stock of a few thousand in numbered glassines in box, n.h. to unused or used, many co untries incl. Cuba. Haiti and Domi nican Rep., genera lly lower value items. with some comp!. sets, Airs, etc ., some slightly better and moderate quantities. mixed co ndition to very fine. Est. Ca h Value $200 -300 .............
794 * O
CE TRAL AMERICA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of several thousand diff. in 6 Specialty album s in carton, n.h. to unused or used, compr. Costa Rica , Guatemala, Honduras , Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Salvador, incl. comp!. or part sets, Souvenir sheets, Airs and back-of-book issues, some slightly better , mi.xed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ................................................................................................................................. .....
COLLECTIONS BY COUNTRY 795 * Oll!l ARMENIA: Circa 1920, coll. and accum. of many hundred stamps in 2 stockbooks, n.h. to unused, scattered used, incl. a variety of handstamped types with some large multiples and scarcer items, 1921 and unissued 1920 series perf and imperf, blks, imperf between, surchd., misc. modern and covers, generally fine to very fine. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ...........................................................................................................................
1913 to 1951, coll. of about 200 diff. on pages, incl. better "Roo" issues to ÂŁ2 used, George V types, compl. sets and Bridge Ssh, l.h. or o.g., also Airs and 1928 Exhibition pane of 4, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .......................... ............................................................. ..
797 * O
1915 to 1960s, a ''first-rate" coll. of many hundred in ledger book, beautifully formed after the Kangaroo issues with l.h. and used singles, many n.h. blks with Imprints or margins, also covers, very compl. and incredibly fresh, very nice and worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000 .................................................................................................................................... .
1915 to 1936, group of 19 stamps, l.h or o.g., ( ome hinge rem nants), incl. Kangaroo types to 2sh, Geo rge l sh4p , ome small fault s or mi xe d ce nterin g, severa l very fine. Est. Cash Value $150 ............................................ .................... ................ .......... ................ ..................... (S.G. betw. 38 and 134) AUSTRALIA AND DEPENDENCIES : To 1985, coll. of several hundred items in Scott Specialty album, l.h. or o.g., incl. Christmas Is. and Cocos comp!., New Guinea, Norfolk, North West Pacific, Papua, incl. sets, back-of-book, fine to very fine. Nice collecrion. Est Cash Value $750-1,000 .
AUSTRIA: 19th and 20th Century, accunt. of over 200 covers in box, incl. Franz Josef types, censored, few flugp ost, foreig n destinations, FDC s, etc., mixed co ndition. Est. Cash Value $200-300 .................. . 801 * O AUSTRIA AND AREAS: 19th and 20th Century to 1960, three coll. remainders of a few hundred in separate albums, o.g. and used, incl. sets, Semis, Airs, Commem s, Bo snia, Offices, gene rally fine. Est. Cash Value $300 ......... ............................................................................................... .......................... . 802 * 83 BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE: 1904 to 1924, coll. of 48 stamps on pages, n.h. to o.g ., compr. Edward VII and Geo rge V issues, incl. a few blks of 4, 2p orange Die II , etc ., fine to very fine. S.G. ÂŁ392 .............. ...................... ................................ ................ ....................... (76-8 0,82-9 l ,96- l 04, etc.)
800 t8I
803 * O
804 * O
BELGIUM: 19th and 20th Century, coll. and accum. of a few hundred in small stockbook, mostly u ed , usual election and dupl. of First Issue, some nice 20th cent. sets, a bit disorg anized. Stated by ow ner to cat!. Scott about $4500 ..................................... ............... ....................... ............................. ......... . Accum. of many hundred in glassines and retail pochette pages, stock cards, etc., in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. comp!. or part sets , Semi and some Souve nir sheet , back-o f-book , etc ., generally the more ordinary issues, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300- 400 ...................................... ................ . 20th Century, small stock of a few hundred on stock pages, n.h. to o.g. , popul ar issues, Souvenir sheets , sets. Semi s, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-300 ............ .................................... . 67
807 0
BELGIUM AND COLONIES : 19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. in 2 Specialty albums, o.g. or used, Belgium with a number of classic issues, later comp!. or part sets, Semis and back-of-book , colonies compr. Congo, Katanga, Ruanda-Urundi , Burundi and misc. Rwanda , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ................................ ....................................... CAPE OF GOOD HOPE: 1853 to 1864, selection of 14 Triangular stamps on stock sheet, incl. lp deeply blued paper, l sh 3 copies, De La Rue 4p shades, incl. one cert. stating "belongs to the steel blue group.", 6p, etc., neatly or lightly caned., some faults to very fine. Allract ive group. S.G. betw. I and 20, £2600 ................................................................................................................. ......................... CEYLON : Revenues; 19th and 20th Century, coll. of about 115 mostly diff. on pages, used, a few o.g., incl. Warehouse Warrant, Judicial, Stamp Duty, Telegraph, Foreign Bill, a number of surchd. types, generally fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150 ........................................................ ........................... ........................ CHILE: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred diff. in album, o.g. or used, a few early issues and mostly comp!. sets from 1867, incl. 1878-99 Ip vert. pair imperf horiz., Flora and Fauna sheets. Airs, etc. , generally fine to very fine . Est. Cash Value $250-350 ............................. ...................... . CHINA
8 10
8 11
19th Century, coll. of about 75 stamps on album pages and stock sheet, used, few unused, incl. several large or small Dragon types, surchd. incl. 1897 Revenue, misc. Treaty Port issues, reference, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $500 .......................................... ................................................. .
19th and 20th Century, coll. of several hundred diff. on album pages and in loose glassines, o.g. to unused or used, wide range though genera lly the more common issues, a few slightly better items and modern sets, dupl., etc., also Peop le' s Republic sets n.h .. mixed condition to very fine . Est. Cash Value $300-500 ····························································································································· ························· 8 12 *O To 1953, coll. of several hundred in Specialty album, unused or used, incl. a few large or small Dragons and early surchd., later part or comp!. sets, several slightly better items, many 1940s Regional issues, sca ttered back-of-book , also some Manch uku o, Shang hai and Tibet, mixed condition to some very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .................................................................. .... 8 13 *O A similar though smaller coll of China only in Specialty album, unused or used, dupl. and a few People's Republic, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $500-600 .................................... ..................... .. 814 *O Primarily 20th Century, small balance on pages and stock sheets, unused or used, mostly part sets and misc. issues. incl. Semi s, Sinki ang and Yunnan provinces , few blks. genera lly fine. Est. Cash Value $150-200 ............................. ................................................ .............................................................. . 8 I 5 * O EE20th Century, accum. of many hundred in envelopes, retail pochette pages and stock cards in box, n.h. to ungumm ed or used, much Taiwan and Peop le·s Rep., some province , Manchukuo, Shangh ai blks, reference or reprints, etc., mixed cond ition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-400 ........................ . 8 16 **llil 1970 to 1981, balance of mint sets, 4 to 20 of each, n.h., incl. se-tenant strips, plus People's Republic # 1692-94, genera lly very fine. Scott $550.65 .......................................................... (betw . 1685 and 226 1) 8 17 * O PEOPLE 'S REPUBLIC: Circa 1950s, small accum. on stock sheets in ring-binder, used, some unu se d. incl. Commem s, iss ues of the Northe as t, North. Nor thw est. Ea st. Centra l, South and Southwe t. some sets and slightly better items, blks, repri nts, etc. , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $150-2 50 ........................................................................................................................................... . 818 ** 1970 to 1983, coll. of a few hundred diff. in hingeless album, n.h., mostly comp!. sets incl. se-tenant blks or strips. a few Souvenir sheets , very fine. Scott$ I050+ ............................ ..................... (from 1047) 8 19 * O CUBA: 19th and 20th Century, accum. of many hundred in stockbooks, etc., in box, n.h. to o.g. or used. incl. Spanish Dominion values, later and part sets, Airs, Souvenir sheets and misc. covers, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-250 ................ ...................................................................... . 820 *O EGYPT: 1866 to 1983, quite comp!. coll. of about a thousand items on quadrille pages in ringbinder, mostly o.g., numerous comp!. sets, Souven ir sheets, back-of-book , Palestine, also some blks and covers incl. censored, generally fine to very tine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ....................... 82 1 * O EE ESTONIA: 1918 to 1941, stock of man y hundred neat ly arranged in stockbook, n.h. to o.g., some used , incl. many comp !. sets, especiall y Semi s, Air s and Occu ., ea rli er issues with pap er and printing var s., imperfs , blk s, Occu. incl. 1918 and 1941 issues, Arm s sets incl. diff. pap ers, Castle Tow er imperf s, plu s Occu. of Pernau and Pleskau , etc. , some faults as would be expected , but generally very fine and useful stock . Est. Cas h Value $1,000-1,500 .............. 822
1918 to 1940, coll. of about 100 items on pages in ring-binder, mostly covers franked by a wide range of Regular Issues, local and foreign destinations, Regis., few Semis and Airs, variety of mkgs, misc. stationery, Latvia and Lithuania covers, mixed condition to very fine. Interesting and varied selection seldom seen in this quantity. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 .......
823 * O l!il1919 to 1930, mint and used stock of many hundred in 2 ring-binders,generally cheaper stamps with shades, plate vars., cancels, di.ff. paper , etc., blks of 4 or larger, position pieces, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-400 .................................................... ................................................ 68
Stock of many hundred in 2 stockbooks, used, some o.g., incl. large quantities of 1928-40 and 1936-40 issues, other Regular Issues, Semis and Occu., clean and genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $150-250 ..................................................................................................................................................... .
FINLAND: 1856 to 1937, coll. of a few hundred old-time Scott pages, o.g. to earlier used, good range roulettes, some better items, cancels, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-800 FRANCE
826 0
19th Century, classic coll. of a few hundred on quadrille and album pages, incl. many better, quite compl. , condition mixed as would be expected but much better than normal. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ................................................................. ..................................................................... .
1850s to 1870s, coll. of over 100 covers in album, incl. Ceres, Napoleon and a few Bordeaux issues, variety of cancels incl. Ille Vilaine, Pont-a-Bucy, Maurs Du Canta!, Rodez, Gap, others, also station cancels, mercantile agents, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 ..
19th and 20th Century 828 0
Coll. of' many hundred diff. on hingeless album pages in box, with some classic issues and 20th cent. with many comp!. sets, incl. Semis and Airs, 1937 PEXIP Souvenir sheet, etc., neatly cancelled and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ....................................................................... ..
*O 830
A very clean coll. of many hundred in lovely, large Yvert album, issues to 1960, mostly l.h. or o.g., many popular sets, incl. Andorra and Monaco, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 .
1849 to 1982, coll. of many hundred diff. in Minkus album, issues generally used to turn-ofcentury and l.h. thereafter , some better early items incl. back-of-book , high degree of completeness with better Semis and Airs incl. #Cl and 2 on flown cover, some faults in early issues as would be expected, later generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ............. .
Primarily 20th Century, coll. and accum . of many hundred in 12 cover albums and loose in carton, incl. some stampless and early franked items, many later cacheted FDCs, maximum cards, incl. compl. sets and better Semis, picture post cards, commercial mail, etc., early items mixed condition, later generally fine to very fine. Nice variety. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ............ .
83 1
**~ 1903-38 Sower 50c gray green, compl. sheet of 150, compr. 6 panes of 25, n.h., some folds along perfs and selvage faults, stamp s are fresh and fine to very fine. Scott $10 12.50 + as singles. Ceres FFrs9000+ ........................................................................................................................................... (145)
Liberation Issues; circa 1945, accum. of about 250 stamps on stock sheets, vast majority n.h., various ovptd. types though mostly Territoire de Belfort, incl. a few blk.s or gutter blk.s of 4, generally fine to very fine . Est. Cash Value $300-500 ..................................... ........................................... .......................... .
834 * 83 Military; 1901-39, 10c, 15c, 50c, group of 13 singles and 3 blks of 4, n.h. or l.h., incl. #Ml (3), M4 (4), M6 corner date blk, fine to very fine. Yvert FFrs3000+ as hinged .................................................. (Ml -6)
*O 837
* 840
Small assortment of a couple of hundred on stock pages, n.h. to o.g. , some ear lier used, incl. Guiana, Polynesia, India , Indo-China , Lebanon , some better, blks, varied condition. Est. Cash Value $150-200 ................................................................................................. .....................................................
19th and 20th Century, fairly extensive coll. of many hundreds in 2 Scott Specialty albums, l.h. to used, incl. numerous better values and sets, notable Air Post, compr. Andorra, Monaco, Guiana, Martinique, New Caledonia, Rouad, Syria, Offices in China, etc., mixed condition to very fine. A difficult but worthwhile collection to inspect. Scott $19,500+ .......... .
Primarily 20th Century, thousands of stamps in packed stockbook , great deal n.h., some used earlier, incl. Offices, Guiana, Gabon, lndo-China , Ivory Coast, Senegal , Togo, etc., dupl. but generally a superior assortment. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 ................................ .
Accum. of many hundred in numbered glassines in box, o.g. or used , incl. Andorra , Chad , Dahomey , Polynesia, Gabon, St. Pierre , few others, compl. or part sets, Airs, etc., generally common though some items to $35 cat!. value, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-350 ................................. .. 20th Century, coll. of many hundred in 3 Scott Specialty album, n.h. to o.g., issues to 1970s, incl. Polynesia, New Caledonia, Viet Nam, Laos, many France Libre ovpts., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750 ............................................................................................................................... ..
FRENCH AFRICA: 19th and 20th Century , coll. of many hundred in 3 Scott Specialty albums, mostly l.h. or o.g., colls. range from compl. to sparse, some earlier, worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ............................... .......................................................................... 69
841 * llll GAMBIA: 1886-89 Crown CA Sideways ½ p to lsh , 6 diff. pane s of 15, o.g., some minor faults or separations, fresh and generally fine. S.G. betw. 21 and 35, £197+. Scott $264.75+ ................ (12-16,19) 842 * O
844 * O
GERMAN COLONIES: 1897 to 1911, coll. of a few hundred on album pages , o.g. and used with dupl. , incl. New Guinea, East Africa, S. W. Africa, Samoa , Togo, etc., with sets, some n.h. , generally fine to very fine, worth inspection. Stated by owner to catl. 1993 Mi DM18,400. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ............................................................................................ .............
Yacht Issues , accum. of severa l hundred on retail pochette pages , o.g., many colonies and lower denominations in varying quantities, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ..................... GERMAN STATES: Stockbook of a couple of hundred neatly identified , mostly used. also some German shields and a few France, mixed condition to fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 .............................
845 * O
GERMANY: 19th and 20th Century to 1944, coll. of several hundred on album pages and stock sheet, o.g or used, scattered n.h., incl. a number of Eagle types with large or small shield , later issues with compl. or part sets, Semis incl. a few Souvenir sheets, misc. back-ofbook, some faults though much fine to very fine. DM8400 ........................................................ .
846 * O
1949 to 1990, coll. of a few thou sand on quadrille album pages, incl. sets, singles, Souvenir sheets, booklet s and extensive se-tenants, quite specialized, generally fine to very fine. Stated by owner to catl. 1993 Mi. about DM18,800 .................................................................................
847 0
1949 to 1983, coll. of several hundred diff. in Specialt y album , issues nearl y compl. incl. Semis and a few Souvenir sheets, also Berlin with some sets and slightly better item s, generally neatly caned. and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-450 ......................................................................... GERMANY AND AREA
848 * O
19th Century, stock of severa l hundred in 3 small stockbooks , mixed used and o.g .. usual dupl. and States. but not the usual faulty classics. Useful materia l. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ................................. 19th and 20th Centur y
849 * O
Coll. of a few thousand diff. in Schaubek album and stock sheets in box, n.h. to o.g., early issues generally used, high degree of completeness with many better sets incl. Post Horn and post-WWII Semis, Allied Zones and Berlin virtually compl. incl. Souvenir sheets , G.D.R., Third Reich issues with Souvenir sheets (mostly n.h.), Chicago Flight (used), colonies, etc., some faults in early items as would be expected, overall tine to very fine. A valuable collection worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $4,000-6,000 ..............................................................
850 * O
Coll. of many hundred s in Scott Specialty album , mostly l.h. or o.g., some n.h. , useful 20th cent. sets to 1947, also States, Colonies and Offices Abroad , fresh and generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500 ...........................................................................................................
Selection of a few hundred item s in 2 ring-binder s and loose in box , man y commercial and "philatelic" covers bearing better post- WWII frankings , incl. Semis, Allied Zones incl. without ''Pr' , Baden Souvenir sheet #5NB8a and other Semis, Berlin , G.D.R., few Soviet Zone , inflation covers , couple Rhein am Mein cards , multi-colored picture post cards, stationer y incl. Baden and Wurttemberg postal cards, Federal "taxe per~ue" , mixed condition with some tape staining to man y very fine. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ..............................................
852 * O
Coll. of many hundred diff. in 3 Specialty albums in carton, n.h. to unu sed or used, wide range of fairly ordinary issues , some slightly better , incl. Germany compl. or part sets, Semi s, Airs, Bavaria and Wurttemberg, misc. Offices, Occu. , Berlin , G.D.R., Danzig , Memel , Saar , etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 .................................................................................. .
Coll. of over 150 covers or cards on album page s, incl. quite decent States, Germania stationery, some Hitler period, 5 better Zeppelins. Nice asso rtment. Est. Cash Value $400-600 .................................
Accum. of well over 250 item s in box, compr. covers and stationery. incl. postal cards and some wrappers, covers incl. modern cacheted FDCs, also pre-WWII commercial mail, censored, flown to South America bearing appropriate red cachet, large amount of Bavaria, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ············································································ ··········································································
855 * O
Pr imaril y 20th Century , accum. of several hundred on stock sheets and a few page s, l.h. to unused or used, wide range of issues, incl. Germany with better pre- and post-WWII compl. sets or items, Semis, Airs, G.D.R., Berlin , Souvenir sheets, colonies and misc. sta tes, some faults though overall fine to very fine. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $3,500-4,500 ......
856 * O
Several hundred stamps on retail pages in ring-binder, n.h. to unused, few used, incl. Semis and Airs, Souvenir sheets, Post Horn ovpt. vars., Buildings types and perf vars., se-tenant issues, references and WWII forgeries, few colonies, etc., mixed condition to some very fine. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 .............................................................
857 ** ffi 20th Century, accum. of many hundred in glassines and stock sheets in box, n.h., wide ranging incl. Germany better sets with Semis and Airs, Souvenir sheets, G.D.R., Occu., Danzig , Saar, etc., many blks of 4 throughout, clean and fine to very fine. Excellent for retail or mail sales. About DM20,000 .................................................................................................................... 858
Accum. of many hundred in envelopes and retail pochette pages, incl. Third Reich Occu., wit h Bohemi a and Moravia , Slovakia , Poland General Government, Romania, etc ., Pleb iscite s, Saar, Danzig, Meme l, etc., G.D.R., a few Offices . Sou venir sheet , many blks, generally lowe r cat !. value stamps and fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300 -500 ........................ ............. ....................................... . 20th Century but for a few, selection of about 100 items on retail pages in box, mostly German covers incl. pre- and post-WWII, modern cacheted , unaddressed FDCs incl. Semis and a few Souvenir sheets, picture post cards, Feldpost, some Third Reich incl. concentration camp cover, and 3 Alsace-Lorraine, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ...............................
OF LITHUANIA: Telsiai (Telschen ); 1940 "Auf Landwirt sc haft s860 ** 181OCCUPATIO Ausstellung", the collection of 60 items in stockbook, NEVER HINGED, compr. 38 singles (one Raseiniai Mi. 10k), 6 pairs, 16 margin or corner blks of 4 to 12 and 45 certificates with photographs (G. Krischke, 1994), 10k to S0k showing the various ovptd. types, incl. se-tenant, brilliant fresh and generally very fine. A fantasti c showing of this rare issue. DM222,000 ..............................................................................................(Photo)(Mi. 11-16,18-20,22-24 vars.)
..............···:········..···· ···~·. ......
86 1
863 0
GERMANY AND BERLIN: 1948 to 1990, issues very nearl y compl. in 4 hingele ss album s in carton, n.h. to o.g., excellent selection with man y bett er sets incl. Post Horn , Semis, black "BERLIN ", Souvenir sheets incl. Currency Victims , etc., clean and generally very fine. Scott to 1955 about $4000. Est. Cas h Value $2,500-3,000 .....................................................................
ERSTTAGSBLATT: Coll. of man y hundred pages in 15 special Lighthouse album s, Federal Republic 1974 to 1991, plus beginning of 1992, Berlin compl. 1975 to 1990, very fine. DM4500 ...... GERMAN DEMOCRATIC REP UBLIC: 1950-51 , Three diff. compl. sets, incl. Red China Friendship, 1.h., fine to very fine. Scott $209 .25 ................................................................ (54-67.82-4) To 1960s, a very compl. coll. of many hundred on quadrill e page s, l.h. or o.g., few stuck down, incl. Soviet Zone issues from East Saxony, ThUringen. Semis. Airs. Officials, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ............................................................................................................................ 1972 to 1977, issues almost compl. in hingele ss album , all but a few n.h., incl. Semis and Souvenir sheets, very fine. Est. Cash Value$ l 50-200 .......................................................................................... ......
* 865 * 864
ALLIED ZONES: 1946 and 1947, coll. of several hundr ed on album page s, incl. numerou s mint and used sets, Souvenir sheets from th e different zones, generally fine to very fine. Stated by owner to catl . 1993 Mi. DM6300 ..............................................................................................................
GREAT BRITAIN 867 * !Iil 1864 Ip rose red , shades , two auction-lot coils. compr . pair s or strip s, blk s of 4 to 15, n.h. to part o.g., a number with part Imprint, corner blk of 4 and 6, Plate numbers between 74 and 215 with several slightly scarcer. some faults or mixed centering as would be expected, generally fine. S.G. 43, 44, £ 1200+ ........................................................................................................................................... (33, etc.) 868
87 1
19th and 20th Century , accum. of man y hundred covers in carton, incl. stampless with free franks, later with much commerc ial mail. some censored, army post, transatlantic, FDCs, aerogra ms, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $200-400 ................................................................................................ 1924 to 1979, coll of man y hundr ed diff. in 3 hingele ss albums in carton , vast majorit y n.h. , incl. man y compl. sets, phosphor and/or graphit e issues, se-tenant blks , Posta ge Due , also J ersey and Isle of Man nearl y compl. 1993 and 1989 respectively, with Souvenir and se-tenant sheets and Postage Due issues, generally very fine. Scott $1700+ ........................................................................... UPU PRESENTATION BOOKLETS: Group of over 16 booklets or folders from 1950s to 1970s, incl. 1952 Bru ssels, 1957 Ott awa, also book s of postal station ery, Queen Elizabeth II era and Channel Is., varied asso rtm ent. Est. Cash Value $500 ..........................................................................
CHANNEL ISL AN DS: Coll. of hundr eds and vi rtuall y compl. to 1990 , with defi niti ves , Commems. Postage Dues. booklets. Souvenir sheets, Revenue to £5. fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-350 ······················································································································································ GREECE: 19th and 20th Centur y, coll. of man y hundr ed diff. in Specialty album, plus hundred s mor e on stock sheets, in glassines, etc., in box, o.g. to unused or used. wide range of issues, incl. comp!. or part sets, Airs, back-of-book, misc. Crete, Epirus, Thrace. etc., mixed condition to some very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ................................................................................................................... . To 1975, coll. of man y hundr ed diff., n.h. to o.g., plus hundred s more in dupl. used coll., in 4 ringbinder s in box, man y compl. sets incl. both Olympic s (used), nea rl y compl. 20th cent. with a number of pre-WWII issues n.h., also Airs , with dupl. sets, and some back -of-book, Cyprus 1960 Republi c set mint , used and on 3 FDCs , etc., some faults but overall fine to very fine and well annotated. Est. Cash Value $2,500+ ........................................................................................................ GRENADA: Stampless Covers; 1784 to 1849, selection of 7 cover s (mostly folded letter s) on annotated page s, compr. two 1784 item s, eac h bearin g sl. strike s of SHIP and GREENOCK , 1786 bearing clear strike of GRE ADA Crown and Bishop mkgs, one in red, "This is rath er an unfa vorable season for the purcha sing [of] new negroes but as this was a fine cargo from the Windward Coast , I could not r esist being tempted to bu y.", 1790 pr iva tel y carried , bea rin g no marking s or levy, all four to Glasgow, 1812 double circle da testamp and 1813 octagonal pmk , both in red and additional sl. GRENADA, 1849 with clear GRENADA cir cular pmk and red " Tomb stone " PAID , also 1861 Ip carmine trial color plate proof and a couple of lat e 19th cent. covers , generally fine. Rare group . Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,200 ...................................................................................................................... .....
HONG KONG: Primaril y 19th Century , coll. and accum. of about JOOon album pages and stock sheets, used, few unu sed, incl. unwmkd. , wmkd. Crown CC and CA, surchd. and 1891 Jubilee , a number of Treaty Port cancels incl. blue "S I ", "Y I " , " 862 ", etc., mixed condition to a few ver y fine. S.G. £2500+ ........................................................................................................................................
1862 to 1948, coll. of about 175 sta mps on page s, mostly used. some o.g., incl. i sues to 96c and early surchd., some Treaty Port cancel and 1nisc. G.B. Offices in China. mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ···························································· ··························································································
877 * O
ICELAND: 19th and 20th Century to 1971, coll. of about 300 stamps in album, o.g. or used, some later n.h. sets, scattered ear ly items and some reven ue cancels, a few Souvenir sheets incl. #B5 used, and Air , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-350 .................... ................... .................... ..... .
181 IRAN: Accum. of many hundred covers ranging mostly from about 1911 to 1960s, great number of earlier and local usages, later usual commercial and FDCs. Group seldom seen in this quantity. Est. Cash Value $600-700 .........................................................................................................................
1915 to 1989, coll. of a few hundred neatly mounted on quadrille pages in 2 albums, l.h., fair ly comp!., incl. sets, fine to very fine . Scott about $1800 ............................... ............. ................................... .
880 **
88 1 0
IRELAND: 1922 to 1975, country nearly comp!. on White Ace pages in ring-binder, vast majority n.h., incl. many pre-war issues, balance l.h. or o.g., incl. a number of Seahorses to IOsh, also Airs, Postage Due and a few dupl., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000
Coll. of over 300 diff. on White Ace pages in ring-binder, used, incl. several Seahor se to lOsh (#14 ), variou s ptgs., later Cornmem sets, Air s and Postage Due, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value
ru~~ ....................................... ................ ........................... ...................... .............................................. ISRAEL 882
884 **
1948 to 1980s, large never hinged stock of thousands in bulging stock book, incl. some tabs , Souvenir sheets, blks, etc. Very extensive. Est. Cash Value $500-750 .............................................. . Country very nearly complete on White Ace pages in 3 ring-binders in carton, vast majority n.h., co mpr. full tab copies, incl. modera tely better items, Air s, Souvenir beets, etc., generally fine to very fine . Est. Cash Value $350-450 .................................................... ......................................................... ...... . Fairly comp!. coll. in 4 White Ace albums, n.h. or l.h. , incl. a few tabs, usua l popular sets, very fine. Est. Cash Value $250 ........................................................ .............. ........ .................................................... .
**IIil Coll. and accum. of several hundred items in stockbook and loose, vast majority
**181 Coll. of many hundred difT.on White Ace pages in 2 ring-binders, vast majority n.h., compr. singles
n.h., many Pl. blk.s incl. #1-6 plus rouletted , #Cl-6 Pl. blk.s of 6, etc., later tab , fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $150-250 .
without tabs except for modern issues, incl. Souvenir sheets, Airs , Postage Due, also some used and over 150 FDCs or stationery items in 2 cove r album , all in carton, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Va lue $150 -250 ......................................................... ....... .................. .................................... ...................... 887
**llilBalance of a property, many hundred on pages in 2 ring-binders and loose glassines in box, vast majority n.h., mostly modern issues with many full tab comp!. sets, Souvenir shee ts, booklet s, etc., some earlier issues without tabs, generally fine to very fine.Et. Ca h Valu e $150-250 ........................ .. .
*0181 l950 s to 1970s, coll. and accum. of many hundred on album pages in ring-binders and loose in box, n.h. to o.g., some used, mostly tab copies, incl. dupl. , quantities of Souvenir sheets #375 a, 532-34 , cac heted FDC s and other covers , scattered earlie r items, generally fine to very fine. Est. Ca h Value $ 150-200 ······················· ············ ··················· ················································· ····················· ······················· ··· JAPAN
889 * O
19th Century, coll. of about 60 stamps and 4 postal cards on album pages, used, few unused, fair range of is ues incl. native and foreign wove paper s, Koban issues and a few Offices , reference, etc., several useful cance ls, mixed condition. Est. Cash Valu e $300-500 ........... ..................................... ........ .. .
890 * O
19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred diff. on album pages, o.g . to unused or used, incl. some comp!. sets or slightly better items, Semis and Airs, mixed condition to some very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 .............................. ............................................ ................................................................. .
Primarily 20th Century to 1975, coll. of several hundred diff. in Specialty album, l.h. to unused or used, scattered n.h., incl. comp!. or part sets, better Souvenir sheets, a few Airs, Offices Abroad and Revenues, also a small coll. of Ryukyu ls., incl. #Cl-3 used, mixed condition to some very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .............................................................................................................. * !Bl 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred in small stockbook and loose in box, n.h. to o.g. , incl. some slightly better items, comp!. or part sets, se-tenant multip les and a few sheets, varyi ng quantities to one of an item, also a group of pages depicting Cornmems in color and a selectio n of Chri stmas cards, some with subjects portray ed on stamps, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400- 500 ....................... . * O 1934 to 1953, small coll. on Specialty pages, unused or used, scattered issues and Souvenir sheets, incl. "Moo n and Geese ", a few Semis and Airs, fau lty to fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 ............... ........ . **IIil Primarily 1950s and 1960s, about 100 comp!. sheets in album, incl. some slightly better se-tenant, Letter Writing Week, sets and Semis. Est. Cash Value $750 ............................................................... 181 1953 to 1964, selection of about 85 covers in box, incl. some slightly better item s, blk.s of 4, Airs, cacheted FDC s, comp I. Souvenir sheets, 19th cent. postal cards, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-250 ............................. ............................................................................ ..................... ....... ...... . * O KOREA: 1884 to 1953, small coll. on Specialty pages, l.h. to unused or used, incl. scattere d issues throughout, a few sets and Airs, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 ....................... .
891 * O
893 894 895
897 * O II!ILIBERIA: Primarily 20th Century, accum. of many hundred stamps on stock cards and retail pochette pages, etc., in 2 boxes, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. severa l class ic issues, later co mp!. or part sets, biles of 4 or larger, ovptd. type s, Souvenir heet , Airs and Officials, some faults though much very fine . Est. Cash Value $200-400 ....... ............... ......................................... ........................................... .
899 * O 900
1912 to 1966, coll. of about 450 diff. in album, I.h. to part o.g., country nearly compl., incl. better sets, with Semis, Airs, Officials, a few Souvenir sheets, some faults though much fine to very fine. Scott $3175+ .......................................................... ..............(betw. 1 and 414,Bl-23 ,Cl-37 ,O9-46, etc.) 1925 to about 1960, selection of about 100 stamps on stock cards, o.g. or u ed, a few n.h., mostly comp!. sets incl. #C 1-6, sports, Mado nna, etc., small faults to many very fine. Scott about $480 .......... .. . 1925 to 1930, Four compl. sets, incl. Semi-Postals and Airs, l.h. or o.g. , fine to very fine. DM17 60. Scott $457.90 ..................................................................... .................................. (94-I 07 ,B 1-3,7- 10,CJ-6 )
90 1 ** II!I1939 to 1962, selection of 23 compl. sheets on pages, n.h., mostly diff. and compl. sets, generally very fine. DM3200+ ........................................................... ..................................... (157-59,359-67, etc.) 902 0 83 1946 St. Lucius Souvenir sheet of four, 7 sheets, sheets mixed condition though stamps genera lly very fine . DM4200 ......................................... ..................................................................................... (218) 903 * O
905 906
907 908
MADAGASCAR: French Offices; 1891 to 1939, coll. of over 170 mostly diff. on pages, o.g . or used, incl. a few 189 1 typeset, early ovptd . or surchd ., later co mp!. or part sets, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $150-200 ............................... ..................... .................... .................. ...................... ... . * 83 MALAYSIA: Japane se Occupation , 1944 For Red Cross Letter s, the seven diff. surcharg ed, singles and margin blks of 4, n.h . or o.g ., genera lly tropical gum, fine. Single copy signed Rowe ll. S.G . 1311- 17, ÂŁ367+ ........................................... .................................................................................. ...... . * O MESOPOTAMIA: 1917, group of 5 stamps, compr . #NJ 8 and 27 o.g. , #N5 , 18, 25 used, a few faults, genera lly fine. Scott $680. S.G . ÂŁ520 ...... ......................... .......................................... (N5 , 18,25,27) * O NETHERLANDS: 19th and 20th Century , coll. of seve ral hundred on old-time Scott pages, l.h. to used, earlier fairly compl., useful later sets, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $800-1,000 .................................................................................................................................... .............. * O Coll. of a few hundred in Minkus album, I.h. to used, incl. sets, Semis, Souvenir sheets, usual assortment, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-600 ...................................................... . * O NETHERLAND INDIES: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred on old-time Scott pages, l.h. to earlier used, fairly compl., incl. sets, Semis, Officials, Marin e, mixed co ndition to very fme. Est. Cash Value $350-400 ....... .................................................... .............. ....................... .................... ............ .. . * 0 83PHILIPPINES: 19th and 20th Century to 1965, coll. of many hundred diff. in 2 Specialty albums, compr. Spanish Dominion, incl. slightly better ear ly items , and Republic issues with many n.h. biles of 4, duplicated mint and used singles and cac heted FDC s, Souvenir sheets , Airs, stationery , Officials, etc. , some faults in ear ly issues, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-350 ............. ................. ..... .
9 10 * l!il
POLAND: Local Post; Luboml, 1918 set of five, compr. about 270 stamps in blks (various quantities) and 57 tete-beche pairs, also Sh, 25h, 50h in blks, o.g. with offset, generally fine to very fine, obviously damaged copies not counted. Seldom seen group. DM12,600 ............... .
911 * O
PORTUGAL: 19th and 20th Century , coll. of man y hundred diff. in Schaubek album and a few stock sheets, o.g. or used and much n.h., incl. pre-WWII , some better early items with Navigator and St. Anthony sets (used), 20th cent. very nearly compl. , incl. Souvenir sheets, also colonies with slightl y stronger Angola , Azores and Cape Verd e, mixed condition to much very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ..............................................................................
912 * O
PORTUGAL AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century , extensive coll. of man y hundred in Lindner hingeless album , mixed o.g. and used, good earlier, varieties, sets, Airs, etc., generally fine to very fine. Useful and worth inspection . Est. Cash Value $1,000 ..................................... RUSSIA 19th and 20th Century
9 13 * O
A most interesting coll. of several hundred mounted in ledger book, earlier used, later blks n.h., varied asso rtment, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250 .......................... .............................................. .
914 * O
1858 to 1954, coll. of a few hundred on Yvert album pages, o.g. or used, wide range of issues, incl. co mp!. or part sets, mixed condition to fine. Est. Ca sh Value$ 100- 150 .................................................... .
**IIil 1921 to 1991, the mint stock of several thousand in numbered glassines in box, n.h., 10 of each item,
incl. compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, Semis and Airs, bulk of value from 1950s, also Russia area, generally very fine. Cross-referenced Scott/Michel in ventor y included. DM27 ,000+ ..........................................................................................................................(betw. 187 and 6045, etc.) 74
916 ** [lj]From about 1957 to 1965, stock of a few thousand in 5 sheet files and loose in box, vast majorit y if not all n.h., incl. comp!. sets, imperfs , full sheets, varying though moderate quantities, fresh, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ................................................ ..................................... ............................... 917 * O[lj]LOCALS: Turn-of-th e-Centur y selection of 26 items on retail pochette pages, o.g. or used, a number of areas incl. Kharkow, Minsk, Kustanai, etc., with some pairs and panes of 25, generally tine to very tine and Michel listed. Scarce group . About DM8000 ....................................................... . 9 18 * O
LABELS: Coll. and accum. of about 300 items in stockbook, unused or used, incl. propagan da labels, charity, Cinderellas , etc. , moderate dupl. , mixed condition to very fine . Colo,ful and sca rce group. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ....................................... .........................................................................
9 19 * O
RUSSIA AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of several hundred in Specialty album, o.g . or used, incl. Russia classic issues to about 1920, Offices in Turki sh Emp ire, Armenia , Azerbijan , Far Eastern Rep., Georgia, Ukraine and severa l others, incl. ome better items, comp!. or part sets, reference, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $400-600 ......................................... ................................ .............. .
920 * O
SAAR: 1920 to 1959, coll. of about 300 diff. on album pages, l.h. or used, somewhat sporadic in earlier years, French Protectorate issues virtuall y compl. , incl. Semis and Airs , Flood Relief Souvenir sheets, etc., generally very tine and later n.h. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ...................... ...
92 1 * O
SOUTH AUSTRALIA: 1858 to 1897, coll. as received , seve ral hundred stamps on stock cards in box, used, some unu sed, somew hat specialize d incl. shades and cancels , also Official s, mixed condition , owner identified and cross-referenced Scott/Stanley Gibbons. Worth careful inspection. 1996 Scott $9600+ , 1994 S.G. ÂŁ8150+ ............................................ .
SPAIN: 19th and 20th Century to 1960s, coll. of a few hundred in Philos Specialty album with slip cover , generall y l.h . except some ea rlier used , strong in sets, Semi s, Airs , many useful , few reprints, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $350-400 ............................................................... ...
923 0
SWITZERLAND: 1850 to 1852, group of 9 stamps, 8 diff., used, repaired or mixed condition but generally attractive. Some signed Calves.Scott $4900 .......................... ......................... (2,3,5,8 [2], L0-13)
Primarily 20th Century, selection of a few hundred covers in 2 ring-binders and loose in box, vast majority commercial mail of 1940s and 1950s, incl. some comp!. sets of better Semi-Postal issues, blks of 4, Officia ls, Airs, ome picture post cards and stationery, incl. postal cards and wrappers, mixed condition with some tape staining to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-350 ........................................... .... .
925 * O
927 * O
Primaril y 20th Century , misc. remaind er of a few thousand contained in 2 small stockbook s, stock and album pages, varied selection, incl. tete-beche, Officials, cancels, gum and condition varies. Est. Cash Value $200-2 50 .................................................... ............. ............. .............................. ............... . 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred in stockbook, n.h. to o.g., incl. sets, blks, tete-beche , Semis , fresh and generally fine to very fine. Scott about $2600 .................... ............................................. ........... . THAILAND: 1883 to 1950s, coll. of about 225 stamps on Specialty pages, used, some unused, incl. surchd. types, part sets, Airs, dupl. incl. First Issue and some modern issues, mixed condition to some very tine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 .............................................................. ................................ .
928 * O 929
93 1 932
A similar but smaller coll., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $200 -250 ................... ............................. . * O THAILAND AND KOREA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few hundred diff. on album pages and loose, o.g. to unused or used, generally commo n issues, some comp!. sets, Airs and dupl. , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-350 ........................................ ................... ................... ........ . * O TURKEY: 19th and 20th Century, three coll. balances, compr. many hundred diff. on album pages, o.g. or used, incl. some slightly better items and comp!. or part sets, post-WWII issues with much n.h., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-600 .................... ............................................................ ** [lj]Air Post; 1950 2½L gray blue & dark green, sheet of 25, n.h., a few inclusions, very fine. DM125 2, Scott $562. 50+ ........................... .................................................................................................................. YUGOSLAVIA: Trieste Zone B; Postal Tax, 1948 2L on 50p brown & scarlet, 35 copies incl. blks of 4, n.h., fine to very fine. DM1400 , Scott $227.50 .................. .............. .......................... .............. (RAl )
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~'5l..A- ~ w~1(\)s~
x D.c.
am · ··a fine te ful·l ·a.s well . . . thanks in
... ING ncern th at supplies competent , professional as s1. stance. c When BUY e , use th go . "P " t in g tt.s on request . Book] h1latelicSell ra e
th STRE 3 EAST 28
10016 USA
1797 Go l f Ridge Dr Bloomf i e ld Hi l l S 'M i48302-1719 March
22 , 1994
president Harmer, Mr - Keith H - R - Harmer , 1nc14 East 33 r d street NeW York , N- y . 10016
Dea r Mr - Harmer : you Kn•• that 1 wish to roanne< in which you<
my stamp F,om gestions in which 1og, and and more
wi~ ve<Y pleased of th• auction handled fl<■I was
on Mar ch 9, 1994 co11ection sug you< valued of ou< t , ansaction, beginning s tamps fo< shipment , th• mann•• in p,epa<Lng cata auction in was p,esented my co11ection I was pleased to the ve<Y end of the auction, with the resultsthan gratified
amount was fa< beyond ,eali,■d Th■ and I a• haPPY · Ab••· all, pated c hose
rep r esent
what I had anticithat I a • thankfUl my interests
Thank you fo< all you ha•• done you and seeing meeting p1easu••
It wa s a g,eat fo< • •· you and you< sta f f in
you r s ,
M- Budd
· · · very plea sed . far beyond w at I anticip ated . .. When SELLING . s competent , pro fess10nal th atrequest the concern ' use . Bookl et "P hilatelic . supplie graf1s on ass1·stance . Selling"
BIDDING Unless anno unced otherwise by the auctioneer , all bids are per lot, as numbered in the printed Catalogue . H.R. Harme r, Inc . (hereina fter "Harmers "), License #s 672829 , 780870 , as agent for the consignor or vendor , sha ll regulate the bidding and shall determine the manner in which the bidding shall be conducted . Harme rs reserves the right to withdraw any lot prior to sale (withou t liability to any potential purchaser or agent), to re-offer any withdrawn lot , to div ide a lot or to group two or more lots belonging to the same consignor o r vendor , and to refu se any bid believed not made in good faith . Th e highest bid acknowledged by the auc tionee r shall prevail. Should a dispute a rise bet wee n bidders (including a dispute between a floor bidder and the auc tioneer acti ng on behalf of a mail bidder , consigno r or ve ndor ,) the auctioneer alone shall determine w ho is the successful bidder and whe th er to reoffer the lot in dispute . Should a dispu te arise after the sale , the auctioneer 's sale records shall be conclusive . On al l lots so ld , a comm iss ion of 15% on the hammer price is payable by the buye r. (a) Th e auctionee r reserves the right to bid on behalf of clients (and consigno rs or ve ndors) but shall not be liabl e for errors and omissio ns in exec uting instru ctions to bid , however received , and whe ther such errors or om issions be those of the bidder or agent or those of the auctioneer. (b) All lots a re offe red subject to a reserve price . Th e auctionee r may imp lement such reserve price . The auc tioneer may implement such reserve price by bidding on behalf of the consignor ve ndor . (c) It may also be assumed that all consig nors have been advanced monies agains t the sa le of their stamp s and Harm ers there fore has a securi ty intere st ove r and above the no rmal auc tion co mmi ssion . (d) Purchases made by a cons igno r o r vendor or his age nt on his own lots s hall be co nsidered as a sale su bjec t to co mmi ssions and sales tax as applicable . (e) Agents are responsible for all purchases made on beha lf of their clien ts, unless other arrangements have been confi rmed in writing prior to the auction .
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The Desmond J. Harp and James Kapsalis Collections , The Estate of Sidney Olson
61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 73 75 76 77 78 79 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 95 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126
350 150 140 325 650 290 575 375 625 575 1000 240 90 190 325 300 2200 135 525 375 250 200 65 500 475 850 675 150 100 115 230 230 210 200 950 375 75 135 80 450 220 160 410 350 185 65 200 180 270 160 180 65 145 160 525 510 1050
127 128 129 130 132 133 134 135 136 138 139 142 143 144 145 146 148 148A 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 178 179 180 181 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 189
700 100 475 240 525 100 350 60 80 250 260 350 290 200 325 350 650 650 250 220 375 325 170 125 350 115 135 360 750 190 350 400 400 240 230 105 100 90 435 310 125 80 130 95 135 500 125 120 210 180 325 180 270 250 240 250 170
190 191 192 193 194 195 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 221 222 223 224 225 226 227 232 233 234 235 237 239 240 242 243 244 245 246 247 249 250 251 252 253 256 258 260
145 450 500 950 700 1000 230 210 110 375 280 375 400 475 90 1050 150 105 135 610 450 485 350 375 410 300 300 585 475 510 425 425 425 350 220 425 260 300 425 115 375 475 200 145 160 300 160 145 140 350 220 200 125 140 300 400 105
261 262 265 268 269 271 274 277 278 279 280 281 282 283 284 286 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 298 299 300 301 302 303 304 306 307 308 309 310 311 312 313 314 315 3 16 317 318 319 321 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 332
125 240 230 75 500 260 135 600 270 85 65 120 75 200 260 120 135 140 110 135 165 220 105 185 155 155 100 185 230 125 125 115 135 950 100 90 85 95 950 260 260 260 280 675 105 200 400 2 10 230 130 450 95 700 9500 7000 , 5000 1700
333 334 335 336 337 338 339 341 342 343 345 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 372 373 375 376 377 378 380 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 391 393 394 395 397 398 399 401
$514 ,567 .50
1100 1050 400 350 375 650 290 290 210 180 4750 4000 1500 1250 525 325 1700 4500 3250 2100 1800 1100 1200 850 1150 325 450 425 2100 150 250 800 525 80 1600 210 450 325 5000 500 525 400 550 750 475 1250 350 350 170 250 290 850 240 1350 170 170 350
402 403 404 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 435 436 437 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 457 459 460 461 462 463 464 465
700 800 350 190 375 1050 1200 230 850 1600 260 650 300 400 450 1100 1200 475 150 125 350 375 325 230 115 280 375 325 210 290 190 85 170 170 50 240 180 180 1400 80 160 300 190 230 80 65 130 190 70 140 135 95 170 145 475 160 425
466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 475 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 490 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 523 524 525 526 527 528 529
190 150 270 200 110 115 850 280 90 55 280 200 210 350 325 375 160 700 115 200 160 1200 325 375 160 135 120 325 425 160 95 220 200 90 60 160 190 280 190 180 290 160 150 150 100 550 100 280 160 95 260 210 500 750 675
530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 552 553 554 555 557 558 559 561 563 564 566 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593
300 115 115 240 70 600 325 110 450 525 425 210 70 625 450 220 170 95 65 220 325 170 140 80 120 105 230 170 180 200 110 70 210 180 150 625 200 110 290 240 130 125 130 600 110 425 140 90 800 425 575 1550 210 550 170
594 595 596 597 598 599 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 623 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 636 638 639 640 641 643 647 648 650 651 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660
250 600 145 575 65 160 450 400 350 750 160 1500 800 230 125 210 1900 1250 85 1300 190 130 150 160 55 50 90 70 320 350 130 160 80 375 1150 75 145 170 115 190 200 150 55 190 230 150 135 210 190 800 1600 1450 90 140 55
661 662 663 664 665 668 669 671 672 673 674 676 677 678 680 681 682 683 684 685 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 718 719 720 721 722 723
375 250 200 120 210 80 55 210 115 145 80 70 65 70 135 200 260 230 600 230 80 110 2300 1700 7000 1400 750 800 650 2100 3000 1300 1350 2500 2600 450 2700 1500 1150 27,000 5000 600 7000 3500 4000 2700 1500 1000 1050 650 500 700 650 525 525
724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 736 737 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 757 758 759 760 762 763 764 767 768 769 770 771 772 774 775 777 778 779 780 781 783 784 786 787 788 789 790 791
280 550 200 260 525 160 1450 550 260 750 300 450 500 200 325 1300 525 210 160 400 525 350 260 145 260 300 200 200 150 300 250 1350 325 1250 115 190 675 750 800 650 1050 400 525 350 700 200 150 1150 350 475 6500 1900 700 240 2400
792 793 794 796 798 800 801 802 803 804 806 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 830 831 832 833 834 836 837 838 839 841 843 844 847 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 856 857 858 859 861
750 200 1900 675 115 200 250 100 260 220 290 260 500 450 850 400 170 260 280 160 600 700 1800 1200 525 260 650 1050 575 500 1700 700 145 325 150 160 2000 260 850 130 145 300 375 4250 1350 1550 950 1900 750 4500 1000 2600 280 1150 575
862 865 867 869 872 873 874 875 876 877 878 879 880 881 882 883 884 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 901 902 903 906 908 909 911 912 914 915 917 918 919 922 923 924 927 929 931
3250 450 290 425 475 2000 750 700 475 250 1150 180 1250 200 600 500 425 145 190 125 135 375 400 1800 350 900 375 350 260 850 135 360 290 180 900 375 425 1700 850 125 1200 450 250 375 550 425 280 525 280 135
SEASON'S TOTAL TO DATE: $1,379.50 (including 15% on the hammer price payable by the buyer)