5. 6.
BIDDING Unless announced otherwise by the auctioneer , all bids are per lot , as numbered in the printed Catalogue. H.R. Harmer , Inc. {hereinafter "Harmers "), License #s 672829 , 780870 , as agent for the consignor or vendor , shall regulate the bidding and sha ll determine the manner in which the bidding shall be conducted. Harmers reserves the right to withdr aw any lot prior to sale (without liability to any potential purchaser or agent) , to re-offer any withdrawn lot, to divide a lot or to group two or more lots belonging to the same consignor or vendor , and to refuse any bid believed not made in good faith . The highest bid acknowledged by the auctioneer shall prevail. Should a dispute arise between bidders (including a dispute between a floor bidder and the auctioneer acti ng on behalf of a mail bidder , consignor or vendor ,) the auc tioneer alone sha ll determine who is the successfu l bidder and whet her to reoffer the lot in dispute. 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** "" [ID
Never hinged
On piece.
On cover.
Block of four.
Block larger than four.
DP Die Proof.
Nove mber 28-29 9:30 a.m . to 6;30 p.m
December 25-26 -
Chr istmas
January 1, 1996 -
New Years
TC Trial Color.
January 20 -
Martin Luther King Day
SE = Straight Edge ; s.l. = Straight -line; c.d.s . = Circular Date Stamp. c.t.o. = Cancelled to Order ; F.D.C. = First Day Cover CONDITION PLEASE NOTE
The various gradings of stamps are, in order : superb ; extremely fine ; very fine; fine; fair. lot described as "fair" is so listed either by reason of general appearance or more often ecause of a small fault or faults, such as a crease , thin spot , short or missing pert, perforated nto, cut into, etc . In the case of sets , large blocks, sheets , etc ., the condition quoted represents he average and quality above and below this standard can be expected .
We regret we are unable to accept credit cards for payment of purchases . For overseas buyers, we ask that payment be made by bank draft , wire or checks in dollars made payable to a U.S. Bank. We thank you for your understanding and cooperation .
ixed Condition : In large lots, the condition is generally expected to range from fair to at best
ine.Serious defects can be expected .
andstamp on reverse: Denotes either a dealer, collectoror indecipherableexpertiser's mark. igned by: Denotes either the actual signatu re or mark of the expertiser . The absence of menioning a signature does not reflect on the ability or knowledge of the party involved.
BIDDING LEVELS $ 5 150 Upto$ $10 $ 150- $ 300 $ 25 $300- $ 700 $50 700- $1 ,500 approximately 5% Over $1 ,500 Bids which do not conform to the above will be automatically reduced to the correctlevel. BIDS BY TELEPHONE Please comply with the following: (a) Not more than 20 bids can be accepted and must be confirmed in writing . (b) Any errors are the responsibility of the bidder . (c) No bids accepted later than 1/2 hour before sale. BIDS BY FAX
You may Fax bids up to 1 hour belore sale commences -
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(212) 447-5625 . Shaded portion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge. Never hinged - unused with original gum in Post Office state and unmounted Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum showing some evidence of a previoushinge which may be present in part or entirely removed. Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous o.g. hinging which may still be present. Part original gum - unused with original gum, large hinge remnants may or part o.g. may not be present. Disturbed original gum - unused with origina l gum, affected by sweating, glazdisturbed o.g. ing or mount disturbance ; may not resemble the original gum . Unused witho ut gum (unless gum is mentioned) unused Unused withoutgum, as issued. ungummed
n.h. l.h.
BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM : Minor sepa rations are the rule, rather than the excepion, in the case of blocks or sheets of any size. A few separations-around four perts per rowdo not affect the value of a block or sheet and are not grounds for the return of a lot. Blocks of four that have two stamps o.g. and two stamps n.h. are desc ribed "n.h. (2)/o.g.(2)".
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Printed with Pantone 349, 485
Minor laults including , but not limited to, tile folds not alfecting stamps , small tears and some back flap damage have not been noted in the descriptions of this catalogue . IMPORTANT
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GUM DESCRIPTION Recognizing that there are occasional differences of opinion concerning gum nomenclature by various expert committees , for example , a stamp described as o.g . being cert ified as large part o.g. or even part o.g .. this minor classification discrepancy alone is not sufficientgroundsfor return.
1996 1997 1997 1995 1995/96 1995 1997
Remember , NO lots may be returned with back stamps stating Fake, Falsch , or similar markings. Recently there has been a spate of German expertisers marking the backs of stamps . It is your responsibility as the purchaser not to let this happen . IN THE MAILING ENVELOPE
You will find the bid form and prices realized for March 14, United States , British Commonwealth and Foreign , Harmer/Firby Literature Sale June 12 at Capex '96 and Harmers May 1996 Private Treaty Literature list.
11'll':Ji;i ,llt/1,1~ 'JC:> ?j:'t/1 J1tl1Ni;i ii~;, ?t/1 :11::1111::>;i
?Nitll' ?pt/I,,
SALE 2909
& FOREIGN The Collections of Alice Adamson, Emelise Aleandri and Dorothy Aubry The Judge Edward Paul Emanuel Collection of United States and the properties of 25 other vendors. Thursday, December 5, 1996 Morning Session at 10:30 A.M.
UNITED STATES SINGLES AND COLLECTIONS LOTS 1 - 241 BRITISH COMMONWEALTH & FOREIGN Singles and Collections LOTS 242-368 Afternoon Session at 1 :30 P.M.
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH & FOREIGN (con't.) Singles and Collections LOTS 369-1160
EXHIBITION OF LOTS December 2-4, 1996 from 9:30 a.m. to 5:15 p.m. or by Appointment EXHIBITION ROOM CLOSED 1:00 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. EACH DAY ON SALE DAY LOTS WILL NOT BE AVAILABLE FOR INSPECTION
To be sold at Auction by
3 EAST 28TH STREET , 7TH FLOOR , NEW YORK , NY 10016 Fax : (212 ) 447-5625 Telephone : (212) 532-3700 Keith A. Harmer , Jack LaCalamito - Licensed Auctioneers License #'s 672829 , 780870
On all lots sold a commission of 15% on the hammer price will be payable by the buyer .
THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5 , 1996 Morning Session at 10:30 A.M.
Sc, sheet margin copy, cut in to large margins other sides, red grid cance l , good co lor and sharp impression ..................................................................................................................................................................... (Photo)(!)
2 0
Sc brown, three-ma rgined co py, blue framed PAID cance l, fresh .................................... ............ .............(Photo)(])
575 .00
3 6.
Sc red brown, large margins to cut in, tied by clear blue strike of Troy, N.Y. dated cancel on small piece, fresh, bright co lor ............................................... .................... ......................... .............. ................................. .......(Photo)( I)
550 .00
4 0
10c black, SHEET MARGIN COPY, margins to cut in slightly other ides, neatly caned. and sharp impre sion, small tear , fine appeara nce ............................. ............................................................................................. (Photo)(2) l ,250.00 10c, repaired , neat grid cancels, fine appearance ...................... ......................................... ...................... ...(Photo)(2) J,250.00
5 0
1851-57 IMPERFORA TE 6
le blue, type II, STRIP OF THREE, with outer guide line at left, just touched at top, cancelle d on buff enve lope with advertis ing (Attorney-at-Law ) on back flap, SHREVEPORT La MAR 7 c.d.s. to Mississippi. $425 off cover. Attra ctive .............................. ............................. ..........................................................................................(Photo) (7) 3c dull red , part o.g., full to enormous margins showing portion of adjoining stamp, ext remel y fine ............................................................ ....................................................................................................... (Photo)( l l )
210.00 Sc red brown, good to very large margins, light red grid and portio n of c.d.s. cance ls, thin and light horiz . crease , very fine appeara nce ...................... ........ ............ .............. .......... ............................ ...................... ..(Photo )( l2) 1,125.00 10c green, type I, mostly large margins all round, neat grid cancel , light vert. crease , deep color and very fine appeara nce. Foundation Cert . ( 1995) ........................................................................................................ (Photo)( 13) 750 .00
8 0 9 0
11 0
10c, type III , large part o.g., large margins all round, light horiz. crease, fresh and very fine appearance. ¡ PSE Cert. (1995) .............................................................................................................. ................ (Photo)( lS ) 3,000.00 10c, type III, mostly very large margins all round, light blue c.d.s. cancel, extreme ly fine ............ (Photo)( lS )
1857-61 PERFORATED 12
le blue, type III , part o.g., light staining, rich color and sharp impression , fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1971). Rare ......................................................................................... ............. (Photo Front Cover)(21) 8,500.00
16 0
le , shades, type V, 10 copies, o.g . to unused, mixed condition or centering, generally quite attract ive ............. (24) 1,600.00 Sc brick red, dated cancel, fine. Foundation Cert. ( I 986) ........................................................................ (Photo)(27) 850.00 Sc Indian red, red and black cancels , reperfed , rich true color, fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1995) ...................................... .........................................................................................................................(Photo)(28A) 2,250 .00 Sc brown, type I, grid cancel, fine ............................. .............. ............................................................... .(Photo)(29) 260 .00
l7 0
10c dark green, type V, neat red grid cancel, extremely fine ......................... ............... ..................... (Photo)(35)
13 14 0
15 0
I8 0 I9
20 0
* 22 * 23 * 24 * 21
67.50 12c black, c.d.s. ca ncel. negligible crease, fine ............................. ................................ ........ ............. ......(Photo)(36) 160.00 24c gray lilac , unu sed, reperfed , rich co lor and sharp impression, ve ry fine appeara nce. PSE Cert. (l 995) ......................................................... ................................................. .................... ....................... ..............(Photo)(37) 1,000.00 24c, neat light red grid cancel, fresh, extremely fine ...................................... ..................................... (Photo)(37) 300.00 90c blue, large part o.g., small faults, rich color and well centered , very fine appearance .............(Photo)(39) 1,900.00 1875 REPRINTS OF 1857-60 ISSUE: 10c blue green, unused , tiny thin, well centered and ver y fine appearance. 516 prinred ................................................. .................................................... ........... ......... .(Photo )(43) 1,900.00
1861 FIRST DESIGN: 3c brown ro se, o.g., true rich co lor and fresh. Formerly Sc. 56 ...... ........ (Photo )(65-E 15h) 1861-62 PERF. 12: 3c rose, very l.h. if at all, fresh, fine ......................................................... ...............(Photo )(6 5) 2
475 .00 125.00
~ , ..,....,
t ..
. .'Ii
~ -~~
\ :(t:J ~ I ·, , ~~
Sc buff, unused (regummed), small faults, well centered, fine appearance. PSE Cert. (1995). Very rare ................... ..................................................................................................................(Photo Front Cover)(67) 12,500.00 1861 -66 2c black , unu sed (regummed), well centered and fres h, very fine appeara nce . Foundation Cert. ( 1990) .. ....... ..... .. ...... ... ... ... .. ... .......... ............. .... .. ............................. ........... ...... ....... .. (Photo}(73)
"C" Grill 3c rose, o.g. (hinge remnant), fine. PSE Cert. (1995). Very scarce .....(Photo Front Cover )(83) 4,000.00 "D" Grill 2c black, tiny fault s an d small crack in grill , nea t co rk ca ncel. Foundation Cert. ( 1975) . Sca rce ...................................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(84) 1,750 .00
28 0
30 0
"Z" Grill 3c rose, o.g., sealed tear, fresh, very fine appearance. PSE Cert. (1996) .......................{Photo)(85C) 7,500.00 3c, light co rk ca nce l, small faults, fine appearan ce ..................... ................................................. .......... (Photo}(85C) 1,750.00
31 0
"E" Grill le blue, PAID cancel, fine ............. .................... .................. .......... .......................................... (Photo) (86)
3c rose, unused, vivid co lor, fine ..............................................................................................................(Photo)(88)
* 33 * 32
12c black, unused, rich color and fresh. PSE Cert. (1995) ................................................................. (Photo)(90) 3,000.00 1869 PICTORIAL ISSUE
* 35 *
6c ultramarine, o.g., repe1fed, fresh , fine appearance. PSE Cert. ( 1995) ..............................................(Photo)(I 15) 1,500.00
36 0
15c, lightly caned. , dee p rich co lors, very fine ........................................................................................(Photo)( l 19)
37 0
24c green & violet, lightly caned., very fine ....... .................................................................... ............ ...(Photo)( 120)
38 0
30c blue & carmine, lightly caned ., light corner crease, "wide" copy, fine ..................................... ..... (Photo}( 121)
375 .00
15c brown & blue, type II, unused, few tiny faults , fine. PSE Cert. ( 1996) ......... ............... .................(Photo)( 119) 1,750 .00
90c carmine & black, disturbed o.g., fresh, fine. Foundation Cert. (1959) ......(Photo Front Cover )( 122) 6,750.00
90c, unused, vert. creases, bright color and fresh. PSE Cert. (1995) .......................................(Photo){l22) 6,750.00 90c, light cork cancel, small faults, fine ..................................................................................................(Photo){l22)
41 0
44 0
1875 RE-ISSUE OF 1869 ISSUE: 90c carmine & black, unused, brilliant fresh, fine. PSE Cert. (1995). 1356 Print ed ........................ ...................... ............................................................... (Photo Front Cover )(132) 4,750.00 1870-71 NATIONAL BANK NOTE CO: With Gr ill 3c green , unu se d , fre sh, fine. PSE Cert. (1996) ............................................................................... .................................................................................. (Photo}( l36)
Without Grill 90c carmine, large ce ntered copy, very fine ............................................... ...................(Photo)( 155)
* * 47 *
1879 Soft Porous Paper 30c full black, unused, huge perfectly centered copy, extremely fine .....(Photo)(190 )
90c carmine, o.g., small thin spot, negligible crease, enormous centered copy, extremely fine appearance .................................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(191) 1,750.00
48 0
90c, neatly caned., fresh, extremely fine ............................................................................................. (Photo)(218)
49 * l!ll
1890-93 2c lake, Imprint Pl. blk of 10, o.g. (hinge remnant), folded once vert. along perfs, one stamp thin, beautiful rich color, fine .................. .................................................................................................. (Photo)(2 19D) 2,750.00
1888 90c purple, unused, two tiny thin spots , almost perfec tly centered , very fine appearance ........... (Photo)(2 I 8) I, I 00.00 190.00
50 * EE 3c purple, blk of 4, l.h., fresh, fine .............................................................................. ...........................(Photo}(221)
51 * EE 10c green, blk of 4, l.h .. one stamp tiny thin , fresh ......... ..................... ..................................................(Photo)(226)
15c indigo, l.h., very fine .................................................. ....................................................................(Photo)(227)
** 1, 2c , 6c , Sc , n.h. , 6c and Sc slightl y streak y gum, all virtuall y perfectl y centered , extremely fine ························································ ······················································· ······································ ··········<230,31 ,35,36 ) 54 * 2c, 4c, 6c, n.h. or l.h., very fine to extreme ly fine .......................................................... ........................... (23 I ,33,35) 55 ** 3c green, n.h., large copy , extremely fine ................ ...................................... ..................................... (Photo)(232) 56 **ffi 4c ultramarine , blk of 4, n.h. , fine to very fine ................................. ................. ............... .................... (Photo) (233) 57 * Sc choco late, very l.h. if at all, large perfectly centered copy, extremely fine ........................ .........(Photo )(234) 58 ** Sc magenta , two copies , n.h. , eac h small fa ult s, centered and bri lliant fres h, ex tremely fi ne appeara nce ...................................................................................................... ........................................................................ (236) Sc, Imprint Pl. No. strip of 4, n.h., bright co lor and fresh ............ ............ .................................. .......................(236) 59 ** 60 ** 10c black brown, n.h., large almost perfectly centered copy, extremely fine ................................ .(Photo)(237) 61 * 30c orange brown, o.g., brilliant fresh and perfectly centered, extremely fine ..................... .........(Photo)( 239) 53
*ffi $1, blk of 4, disturbed o.g., a few small thins, rich color and fresh, fine ..................................(Photo)(241)
* * 66 * 67 ** 64
* 72 * 73 * 74
230.00 460 .00+
$2 brown red, l.h. a bit disturbed , 2 corne r or perf creases, we ll centered and fresh, fine ........ ............ (Photo)(242) 2,300.00 $3 ye llow green, o.g., barel y perceptible red marks on front, reperfed, extremely fine appearance ............................................................... .............................................. ..................... ............................... (Photo)( 243) 2,250.00 $3, glazed o.g ., wrinkJe, fresh, fine .......................... .................. .......................... ................................... (Photo)(243) 2,250 .00 1894 UNWMKD: le ultramarine , huge sheet margin copy, n.h., very fine ................................................ (246) (40.00) LINE WMK: $ 1 black , type II , blk of 4, slightly di sturbed o.g. , reperfed , fine ................................. ............................. ....................................................................................... ..(Photo )(276A) 5,000.00
*ffi 1895 DOUBLE
69 * !!ii 70
(95.00) 520.00
300.00 $1 salmon, o.g . (hinge remnant) , tiny thin spot and gum bend, we ll centered, fine ........ .................................... (24 1) I ,400.00
320.00 207.50
1898 CHANGED COLORS: Sc dark blue, Imprint Pl. blk of 6, o.g ., fine ....................................... ............. (281) 10c orange brown, type II , n.h., negligible crease, fresh, very fine appearance ............... ........... .................... (283)
425.00 150.00
1898 TRANS -MISSISSIPPI EXPOSITION ISSUE 50c sage green, o.g ., gum wrinkles, almost very fine ............................................... .............................. (Photo)(291) 550 .00 $1 black, o.g. , top perf tip scraped to remove center line, well centered, very fine appearance. Founda tion Cert . ( 1996) ............. ............... ............................ ........................................... ................... ............................. ...(Photo)(292) 1,250.00 $1, unused, very fine. Foundation Cert. ( I 979) .............. .........................................................................(Photo)(292) 1,250.00
$2 orange brown, n.h., rich color and fresh, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1977) ..(Photo Front Cover)(293) 3,250.00
1901 PAN-AMERIC AN EXPOSITION ISSUE , TOP PANE OF 100, vast majorit y n.h., small selvage fault s and some reinforced **[jj]le green & black separations, mixed condition to very fine. As plat e blocks and singles $3,070 ....................................(294) 2c carmine & black , BOTTOM PANE OF 100, vast majorit y n.h. , a few reinforced separations , 76 **!Bl generally very fine to extreme ly fine. As plate blocks and singles $2,753 ............................................(295) 10c yellow brown & black , TOP PANE OF 100, vast majority n.h., some reinforced separations most77 **!Bl ly in ungummed portion of selvage, generally fine to extremely fine. As plate blocks and singles $39,610 75
..........................................................................................................................................................(Photo ) (299)
···· ······· ·· ·••1••·
............ f,
77 7
* le, 2c, 4c, Sc, I.h. or o.g., mostl y larg e perfectly centered copie s, extr emely fine .................(Photo )( 294-96 ,98) 79 ** Sc ultramarine & black , n.h. , perfectl y centered , extremel y fin e .................................................... (Photo )(297) Sc brown violet & black , n.h. , large centered copy, extrem ely fin e ................................................. (Photo )(298) 80 ** 81 ** Sc, n.h., larg e copy, extremel y fine ......................................................................................................(Photo )( 298) Sc, I.h., large centered copy, superb ............................................................................................ ........ (Photo )( 298) 82 * 83 ** 10c yellow brown & black , n.h., "wide" copy , very fine ...................... ................................................ (Photo )(299) 84 ** EE10c, corner part Imprint blk of 4, n.h. , tin y inclusions , small selvage faul ts, fre sh, fine ...............(Photo )(299) 85 * 1902-03 REGULAR ISS UE: $1 black , l.h., inclusions, almost perfect ly centered , very fine .............(Photo )(3 l l) 86 * $5 dark green , unu ed (regurnmed), very fine appeara nce ........................................................... .........(Photo )(3 l 3)
87 * Ill! 1904 LOUISIANA PURCHASE: 3c violet, Imprint Pl. blk of 6, slightly disturbed o.g., small selvage separations, one stamp inclusion, fine ............................ ........................... ....................................... ........................... (Photo )(325)
~~e ~e , . ~., - .:
Lf) •
. . .
,, . '
150.00 190.00 190.00 125.00 260.00 1,040.00+ 625 .00
....... .
• ....••.••..••••....• • •.. • •• •
*.•....•..• (.n
0 (.)
1908-09 DOUBLE LINE WAT ERMARK 88 * EE Perf 12 le to 15c, 8 diff. , plu s 4c dark brown , blk s of 4, 2mm spacin g, o.g., some hinge remnant and a few faults or mixed centering, generally fine ..................... ................. ................................... ................(33 J ,33-37,39,40) 1,362.50 3c deep violet , Imprint and star Pl. blk of 6, 3mm spacing , o.g., very fine ...................... .................(Photo )(333) 250.00 4c orange brown , Imprint and star Pl. blk of 6, 3mm spacing , o.g., extremel y fine ......................(Photo )(334) 290.00 Sc blue , o.g., enormous centered cop y, extremel y fine ............... ............ ............................ ............... (Photo )(335) (42.50) 91
* 92 ** 93 * 94 ** 95 * 96 *
Sc olive green , n.h. , enormous centered cop y, superb .......................................................................(Photo )(337) (60.00) $1 violet brown , unused (regurnmed), reperfed , very fine appearance ............................................... ...(Photo )(342) 425.00 Imperf 3c deep violet , 4c orange brown , Sc blu e, pair s, n.h. , larg e mar gins, ver y fin e to extrem ely fin e ........................................... ....................... ..........................................................................................(Photo )(345-47) 230.00 1908-10 Perf 12 Horiz. le green , line vert. strip of 4, n.h. (3)/o.g.(l) , ½ line pair separate d, very fine .........(348) 3 10.00+ 2c carmine , line pair , o.g., fine .................... ................... ........... ............................ .......................... ......(Photo )(349) 325.00 97 * IBI 1909 BL UE PAPER: le green , Imprint Pl. blk of 6, o.g., reinforc ed separations , rich color and fresh ................................................................... .............................. .............................................. ................. (Photo )(357) 875.00 98 * EE 2c carmine , blk of 4, 3mm spacing , l.h.(2)/o.g.(2), fine ....................................................................... (Photo )(358) 400.00 6c red orange , unused (regurnmed), mall thin, fine appearance. PSE Cert. (1995) ............................. (Photo )(362) 1,350.00 99 15c pale ultramarine , o.g., sUJface inclusion not mentioned in cert., reperfed, handstamp on reverse, fine appearance. 100 PSE Cert. ( l995) .............................. ..................................................................... ...................................(Photo ) (366) 1,350.00 IOI ** 1909 HUDSON-FUL TO : Imperf 2c carmine , Imprint Pl. o. strip of 3, n.h. , ver y large margin s oth er sides, few tiny inclusions , extremel y fine ....................................... ...................................... .............................(373) 127.50+ 102 * IBI 1910-11 SINGLE LINE WMK: 6c red orange , Imprint Pl. blk of 6, o.g. (hinge remnant), reinforced separations, well centered, very fine ............................................................. ............................... ...............................(Photo )(379) 350.00
* *
• t
.. .
• •'
PA AMA-PACIFIC EXPOSITIO I 03 104 I 05 106 I07 I08 109 110 111 112 113 114
115 116 117 118 119
Perforated 12 * IBI 2c carmine, right PI. blk of 6, No. 6320, l.h., very fine ..................................................................................... (398) Sc blue and 10c orange yellow, former I.h., latter o.g., both enormous centered copies, extremely fine ..(399,400) ** Sc, n.h. , large perfectl y centered copy, superb ...................................................................................(Photo) (399) Sc, n.h. , gum crease, well centered "wide copy", very fine .................................................................................(399) Sc, blk of 4, l.h., light bends, vivid color, fine ........................................................................................(Photo )(399) ** 10c, n.h., inclusion, almost perfectly centered, extremely fine .........................................................(Photo )(400) * 10c orange, I.h., large centered copy, extremely fine ......................................................................(Photo )(400A) Perf 10 Sc blue, n.h. , large copy, extremely fine ................................................................................ (Photo )(403) 10c orange , o.g. (hinge remnant), corner perf crease, fine .....................................................................(Photo )(404) 1912-14 PERF. 12: Sc olive green, 9c salmon red , 10c orange yellow, blks of 4, l.h. or o.g., fme to very fine (4 14-16) 12c claret brown , three copies, 15c gray, blk of 4, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine ..........................(Photo )(4 I7,4 I 8) 1914-15 SINGLE LINE WMK., PERF. 10: 4c brown , PI. blk of 6, o.g. (hinge remnant), negligible gum wrinkles, fine ...........................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(427) *~ 15c gray, PI. blk of 6, o.g. (hinge remnants), trace of thinning, perfectly centered, fine ......................(Photo )(437) 1916-17 UNWMKD: 7c black , blk of 4, o.g., fine to very fine ............................................................(Photo )(469) 1917 TYPE OF 1903 ISSUE: $5 light green, I.h., perfectl y centered , extremely fine ....................(Photo )(480) 1917-19 PERF. 11: $1 violet brown , arrow blk of 4, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), fine to very fine ........................(Photo )(5 I8) 1918 BICOLOR : $5 deep green & black , n.h., light spot on gum, very fine ......................................(Photo )(524)
* ** *ffi
** * *ffi *ffi *~
*ffi * *ffi **
120 **
2 10.00 190.00 105.00 105.00 290.00 180.00 200.00 240.00 900.00 550.00 435.00 475.00 925.00 475.00 250.00 280.00+ 350.00
$5, blk of 4 with green PI. No., n.h. , few tiny inclu sions, very fine ...........................................(Photo )(S24) 1,400.00+
*ffi $5, blk of 4, n.h. (2)/o.g.(2), very fine ...................................................................................................(Photo )(S24) *~ 1919 ROTARY PRESS: Perf llxlO 3c violet, PI. blk of 6, o.g., very fine to extremely fine ............(Photo )(54I) 123 *ffi 1920 BICOLOR: $2 carmine & black , blk of 4, n.h. (3)/1.h.(l ), tin y gum skips , very fine .............(Photo )(S47)
12 1 122
1,160.00+ 360.00 1,100.00+
1922-25 REGULAR ISSUE 124
**~ llc
bluish green , pane of 100, n.h. , severely mis-perforated with vert. perfs slicing left " 1" of" 11", negligible gum creasing. Fine and unusual multiple ........................................................... ........................................ ......... (563) 168.20+ $1 violet black , $2 deep blue , $5 carmine & blue , n.h. , extremely fine ......................................(Photo )(S71-73) 482.50 Same, n.h. , extremely fine ...............................................................................................................(Photo )(S71-73) 482.50 $5, n.h. , extremely fine ......................................................................................................................... (Photo )(S73) 260.00 ** $5, n.h. , very fine ....................................................................................................................................(Photo) (573) 260.00 $5 carmine lake & dark blue, n.h. , extremely fine ............................................................................(Photo )(S73) 280.00 1926 WHITE PLAINS SOUVENIR SHEET OF 25: 2c carmine rose, n.h. , gum crease, still very fine ...... (630) 500.00 1929 KANSAS: le to 10c, compl. set, blks of 4, n.h. except 10c o.g. (hinge remnant s, a few inclusions or natural offset, generally fine to very fine ......................................................................................(Photo )(658-68) 1,399.40 1954-68 LIBERTY ISSUE : Hamilton $5 black , PI. blk of 4, n.h. , very fine ................................................ (1053) 350.00 ** ~ 1990 LOVE ISSUE : Error unexploded bookl et, 2 pane s of ten , 25c ultramarine , bright pink & dark green, second pane bright pink omitted on S stamp s, another showing bare st trace of pink and somewhat mottled on two others , of the S stamps with color omitted two with additional small printing flaws, n.h., extremely fine (2441,c) 1,650.00
** ** ** ** 130 **~ 131 *ffi 132 **ffi 125 126 127 128 129
1993 GARDEN FLOWERS: Error (29c) multi-colored , black engraved portion omitted, unexploded booklet compr. four panes of five, n.h. , extremely fine .........................................................(Photo )(2764b) 1,900.00+
AIR POST 135 **
1918 FIRST ISSUE: 6c orange, 16c green, 24c carmine rose & blue, n.h., large copies, very fine to extremely fine ........................................................................................................ ....................... ..........................(Photo )(C l- 3)
405 .00 l36 ** EBCompl. set, top arrow blks of 4, n.h., few inclusions , fine to very fine ..........................................(Photo)(C l-3 ) 1,620.00+ 137 * EB 16c, blk of 4, l.h. or o.g., separation, fine to very fine ............................................................................. (Photo)(C2) 400.00 1923 SECOND ISSUE 138 ** 139 ** 140 **
Sc dark green, 16c dark blue, 24c carmine, compl. set, n.h., extremel y fine ................................(Photo)( C4-6) Sc, 7 copies, n.h., two with smaU gum skips, some enormous copies, extremely fine to superb .................. (C4) 16c, n.h., centered copy, extremely fine ....................................... ......................................... ...............(Photo)( CS)
14 l ** EB16c, blk of 4, n.h., fine ........................... ......................................... .............................. ........................... (Photo)(CS) 142 ** 24c, n.h., large centered copy, superb .................. ....................................................... ......................... (Photo)( C6)
143 **
1930 GRAF ZEPPELIN ISSUE 65c green, Pl. No. copy, n.h., slightly disturbed gum affecting a few perfs , fine ............. .................... (Photo)(C l 3) 65c, o.g., wrinkle, fine ............................... ................ .................... ............................ ............... ..............(Photo)(C l 3) 65c, o.g., negligible thin, fine ..................................................................................... ............................(Photo )(C l 3)
347.50 262.50 150.00 600.00 160.00
* 145 * l46 ** 147 **
$1.30 brown, n.h., extremely fine ................................. .......................... ............................................(Photo )(Cl4 ) $1.30, n.h., gumskips, very fine ....................................................... ......................................... .............(Photo )(C l4)
$1.30, o.g., very fine .......................................................................................................... .............. .......(Photo)(C 14)
$1.30, o.g., thin, fine appearance ......................................................................... .................................. .(Photo)(C 14) $1.30, fine , tied by LAKE HURST, .H. 1930 dupl ex on app ropri ate ly cac heted enve lope , backs tamped Friedrichshafen (Bodensee ) tran it and Hartford receiver. .....................................................................(Photo) (C l 4)
* 149 * 150
** 152 * 153 * 151
375.00 275.00 725.00
400 .00 $2.60 blue, n.h., brilliant fresh, very fine ........................................................................................... (Photo )(C lS ) 1,150.00 $2.60, l.h., tiny comer crease, fresh, fine ....................................... ......................................................... (Photo)(C 15) 850.00 $2.60, o.g., thin , well centered, very fine appearance ......................... ................................ ...................(Photo)(C IS) 850.00
154 ** rnl 1933 CENTURY OF PROGRESS: S0c green, top right pane of SO, n.h., separation s and some light gum creasing, fine to very fine ...................................................................................... (Photo Page 16)( Cl8 ) 5,955.00+ 155
*EBS0c, blk of 4 with Pl. No., n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), small
eparation, fine to very fine .......................................(Photo)(C 18)
400.00 +
SPECIAL DELIVERY: 1908 Mercur y 10c green, n.h., extremely fine ................................... ........(Photo)(E7) REGISTRATION: 1911 Perf 12 lOc ultramarine, two copies, n.h., extreme ly fine ............. ...........(Photo)(F l )
** l5 8 **llil 10c, 18 copies (4 SE) incl. blks, n.h.(1)/1.h.(1), fine to very fine ............................................. ......................... (Fl ) l57
DUE: Unwmkd. perf 12 Sc deep claret, blk of 4, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), perfs barely touch bottom, fresh, fine ............................................................................................. ..............................................................(Photo)(J34) 10c deep claret, Imprint Pl. No. strip of three, o.g., reinforced separation, few tiny faults, rich color and fresh ................................. .................................................................................................... ........................................ .(135)
• ·········~·~{··········· ~·~·········· ··· ···~········· •• 21171
_.• ___________
155 159
80.00 220.00 1,940.00 850.00+ 525.00+
a 13
16 1 * [!j] OFFICIALS : 1873 War Department 15c rose, sheet margin blk of 20, 8 or 9 n.h., rest l.h. or o.g., fresh, mixed centering to extremely fine .......................................................................................... ...........................(Photo )(O90)
162 ** EEOFFICIAL POSTAL SAVINGS MAIL: 1911 Single Line Wmk . 2c black, 10c carmine, blks of 4, n.h., negligible bends, 2c one stamp pencil marks on reverse, fine to very fine ................................................ (O125,126)
163 ** [!j]SPECIAL HANDLING: 1925-29 Unwmkd . 10c to 25c, compl. set, top or bottom PI. blks of 6, n.h., very fine ............................................................................................................... ..........................................................(QEl-4)
164 * EE PARCEL POST POSTAGE DUE: 1913 le to 25c, compl. set, blks of 4, n.h. (2)/o.g.(2), 25c with PI. No., n.h. (1)/o.g.(3), fine to very fine ........................................................................................................(Photo )(JQl-5 ) 1,482.00
1934 $1 blue, PI. No. copy, stamps l.h., small thin, well centered, extremely fine appearance. Sc. $675 as n.h. ............................................................................................................................................................... (Photo)(RWl)
166 ** EE$1, blk of 4 with PI. No., stamps n.h ., gum bends , few tin y inclusions , bottom right stamp enormous centered copy, very fine ......................................................... ....................................................(Photo )( RWl ) 2,700.00+
* 168 * 167
1935 $1 Canvasback Ducks , I.h., rich color and well centered , extremely fine. Sc. $650 as n.h . .(Photo)(RW2) $1, PI. No. copy, l.h., very fine .............................................................................................................(Photo )(RW2)
169 ** EE$1, blk of 4 with PI. No., stamps n.h. , gum bends , few tin y inclusions , brilliant fresh , fine to very fine ......................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(RW2 ) 2,600.00+ 170 **
1936 to 1947, $1, three diff., plus 1951 $2, n.h., RW3 gum skips, all virtually perfect centering, extremely fine .......................................................... ..............................................................................(Photo)(RW3,13,14,18)
171 * EE 1936 $1 Canada Geese, corner blk of 4 with PI. No., n.h. (3)/o.g.(1), fine to very fine. Sc. $1,200+ as n.h . ....................................................................... ...................................................................................... (Photo)(RW3)
............... 'l/010 AntR
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~~~~~~~~~-~~=t - r.!5"'1M.IG.RA: STA.\IP ~LTIIRE 7
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1861 Lithographed Sc green, o.g. , good to very large margins, very fine ................................................(Photo)(l) 250.00 172 173 * EE Sc dull green, blk of 4, margins clear to large, one stamp light tone spots on reverse, another pencil marks on reverse, fine to very fine ..................................... .......................................................................... .......(Photo)(l ) 1,600.00
10c blue, o.g ., very large margins , a few tiny thin spots, fresh , fine ................... ............................. ..........(Photo)(2) 300.00 174 175 * EE 10c , blk of 4, o.g., mostl y large margins all round , creases, sma ll tome spots, very fine appearance ................................................................................................................................. .......................... ..........(Photo) (2) 2,000.00
1862 2c green, o.g. , mostly large even margins, small thin and tear, very fine appeara nce ...................... (Photo)(3) 700 .00 l76 l 77 * EE Sc blue, blk of 4, o.g., large even margins, small paper adherences on gum, very fine ...................... (Photo)(4) 1,100.00
10c rose, unused, full to enormous margins, small thin, very fine appearance ......... ............... ..................(Photo)(5) 1,050.00 l78 l79 * IBI 1862 Typographed Sc light blue, 38 copies, compr . sheet margin blks of 4, 8 and 10, corner blks of 10, unused , good to large margins other sides , some small faults, general ly fine to very fine ...................................... (6) 512 .50 180 * EE 1863 Engraved 2c brown red, blk of 4, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), large margins all round , one stamp corner creasi ng, fresh, very fine .....................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(83) 181
"TEN CENTS" milk y blue, unu sed, mos tl y ve ry large margins all round, tin y tear, ve ry fine appea rance ........................................................................... ........................................................................................(Photo)(9a)
350.00 800.00
With Frame Line 10c blue, frameline at right and trace at top left corner, natural paper crease, fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1976) and signed Dietz ..............................................................(Photo)( IO) 3,500.00
183 * EE 20c green, blk of 4, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), full to large margins, extremely fine ............................................(Photo)(13)
184 ** EE1862 Typographed le orange, sheet margin blk of 4, n.h., large margins other sides , printing flaw botto m left stam p, very fine ............................................................................................................................. ............(Photo)( 14)
.................. ......................... ................................. .................. .... :
154 l6
PLEASE NOTICE: The following lots were omitted from page 17 due to a printing error. Our apologies for this inconvenience.
* 186 * 187 * 188 * 189 **
CANAL ZONE: 1920-21 Ovptd. Type V Sc blue & black, PAIR, dull o.g., very fine ....................... (Photo )(57) PHILIPPINES: 1901 Red Ovpt. $1 black, part o.g ., small thin, well centered, very fine appearance(Photo) (223) $2 dark blue, very l.h., fresh, fine. 1800 Overprinted .............................................. ................ ............. (Photo )(224) 1903-04 le to 50c, compl., o.g. (few hinge remnants), fine ...................... ............ ........................... (Pboto )(226-36)
UNITED NATIONS: 1955 Tenth Anniversary Souvenir sheet of three, 4 she ets, n.h., very fine................. (38)
650.00 425.00 475.00 527.50 440.00
STAMPLESS COVERS: Group of 36 items in box, compr. folded letter and a few fronts, variety of markings in red or blue, incl. Buffalo double oval, PAID, steamship, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $200-400 ............................................................................................................................................ SPERATI FORGERIES: Compr. U.S. Local 1842 City Despatch Post, N.Y., 3c black on grayish, two copies, each "tied" on small piece, Confederate States 1862 10c rose, one " unused", three "used" and "TEN CENTS", "used", fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $150-200 ..............................
192 * O
194 * O I 95 181
Coll. of 70 stamps and one cover on stock sheets, mostly used , some o.g. to unused, incl. 1851-57 to 12c, perf 15½ to 30c, perf 12, grills and 1869 Pictorials to 90c, mixed condition with generally fine or better appearance. High catalogue value. Est. Cash Value $1,800-2,000
Selection of over 40 items, mostl y covers incl. Patriotics, various Bank Notes, Columbian Exposition tickets and cards, entires incl. part albino, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $250-350 ····················································································································································· 1857 to 1869, selection of 5 diff., compr. Sc brown, type II, Pictorials 24c, 30c, 90c, all used, Perf 12 90c blue , unused (regummed ), small faults. Sc. $4,955 ..........................................(30A,72,120-22) Primarily 19th Century , group of 13 items, mostly cove rs incl. 2c "Black Jack" on embossed envelopes, 2c grill, 15c Bank ote, 1869 Pictorial le, Columbian 15c on Regis. cover, couple 1904 World' s Fair cards, stationery, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ...................................... Several hundred covers in box, mostly franked by 2c Bureau and Bank Note issues, also entires and postal cards, incl. flag and duplex cancels, faulty or mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $ I 00- I 25 ............ 19th and 20th Century
197 * O
Stock and accum. of tens of thousands of stamps off and on paper, sorted and unsorted in 45 cartons and boxes , mostl y used, wide ranging with Regular Issues , Commems, Airs, back-of-book , scores of albums or stockbooks with coll. balances and numbered items, also covers, United Nations, misc. British areas and foreign, mixed condition as would be expected. Requires careful inspect ion. Est. Cash Value $3,000-4,000 ...........................................
198 * O
Extensive coll. of just over 300 stamps arranged on stock pages, earlier used, later generally o.g., everything from N.Y. Provisionals to $5 Regular Issues, with high values replete, mixed condition to very fine. Very useful and original. Est. Cash Value $3,000-3,500 ..........................
Stock of several thousand in 4 cartons and 18 boxes, wide ranging , incl. cacheted FDCs with some slightly better cachets and frankings, Liberty with two $5 Hamilton , Presidentials compl., 2c reds, Famous Americans, Express stamps, Airs and flight covers, Souvenir sheets incl. Bicentennial s, coils. and stock of R.P.O.s , modern H.P.O.s , turn-of-the-centur y Hotel covers illustrated and corner cards , Flag and Slogan cancels, much mint and use d sta tioner y, incl postal cards, envelopes, wrappers , albinos, also "G olden Replicas ", History on Stamps , Great Americans, picture post cards, etc. , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000 ...........................................................................................................................
200 * 0 83Coll. of several hundred diff. in 3 Scott albums in carton, n.h. to unused or used , wide range of generally common issues, incl. Columbians, Bank Notes, a few grills , some 20th cent. sets., blks of 4, slightly better Airs and back-of-book , incl. Revenues, also United Nations' coll. of single and margin inscription blks, Geneva , Vienna , etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750 20 I * O Coll. of several hundred diff. in National album, o.g. to unused or used, wide range of early issues from 1857 incl. slightly better item s and Revenues , generally faulty or mixed condition , later Commems and Regular Issues, Souvenir sheets and Air Post, Parcel Post , etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ........................................................................................................ 202 * O Coll. of many hundred diff. on album pages, mostly used, some n.h or o.g., incl. some early issues, Bank Notes and Pictorials, Columbians to 30c, Trans-Miss. to 50c, some later sets and Souvenir sheets, few blks, Airs, back-of-book with cut squares and Revenues, faulty or mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-600 ............................................................................................................................ 18
203 * O ffi Coll. of a few hundred on pages in ring-binder, 19th cent. mostly used, incl. Bank Notes, Columbians to 30c, Trans-Miss. to S0c, 20th cent. mostly o.g., incl. a few slightly better sets , modern blks of 4, Airs, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $200-250 ............................................ 204 0 Balance of a property, many hundred in numbered glassines in box, used, some n.h. to unused, generally common issues in varying quantities, with Ryukyu Issues, Commems, Airs and some backof-book, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $ 100-150 ......................... .......................... .............................. 205
19th and early 20th Century, accum. of several hundred items in box, Hotel covers, illustrated and comer cards, a few Air Post or flights, Flag cancels, stationery, incl. wrappers, Columbian Exposition, etc., mint and used, tampless, Bank Note , a few Confederate States, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ............................................................................................................................................
206 * O ffi To 1915, selection of about 150 items on stock sheets , n.h. to unused, some used , incl. Columbians and Trans-Miss. to S0c, Commemorative sets, many blks of 4 incl. two Bank Notes, Bureau issues incl. Imprint Pl. No. strips of 3, Lincoln blue paper blk of 4 (SE at top), Alaska-Yukon imperf matched arrow blks, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000 ................................................................................ ......
207 * O llilPrimarily 20th Century, balance of a property, many hundreds in album, glassines, etc., and loose in 3 cartons and 3 boxes, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. PL blks and sheets, post office year books, covers and stationery, coll. balances, etc., mixed condition to very fine with a fair amount n.h. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ................................................................................................................................... 20th Century
208 * llil
Accum. of about 70 compl. or part sheets in files in box, much n.h., some o.g., incl. 2c reds, Washington Bicentennial , National Parks, etc., also Souvenir sheets incl. White Plains, some faults or separations, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 ...................... .
209 ** llil Accum. of several thousand in glassines , etc. , in box , n.h., wide range of mostly modern issues to $2, plus Express Mail, incl. compl. and part sheets, Pl. blks , Souvenir sheets , booklets , coil strips and self-stick issues, generally very fine. Face well over $1450 .................................
2 10 * * llil Accum. of many hundred in stockbooks and stock sheets , etc ., in carton , n.h. , wide range of modern issues , incl. compl. or part sheets, Express Mail issues, a few booklets, man y coil strips with numbers, Pl. blks, back-of-book incl. Postage Due and Officials, also Palau, Micronesia, Marshall Is., etc., some water damaged not figured, otherwise very fine. Face about $1300 for U. S. portion only ................................................................................................. 2 1 l * ml Coll. and accum. of a few hundred in National album, sheet file and loose in box, mostly n.h., some o.g., incl. blks and Pl. blks , part sheets, booklet panes , Parcel Post incl. Sc Pl. blk of 9, larg e separation, some singles, Presidential line pairs, a few 19th cent., mixed condition to much very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ...................................... ........................................................................ 2 J 2 * * llilAccum. of about 500 com pl. sheets in box, n.h., mostl y 3c values, some Sc, modern issues and Airs, also common Souvenir sheets and used U.S. and foreign , some faults and separations, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-700 .......................................... .................... ............................. . 2 13 ** llilAccum. of compl. and part sheets in 4 sheet files and loose in box , n.h., mixed denominations though many 3c, also Overrun Countries and about 200 15c ($3.00) booklets, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-600 ......................................................................................................................... Selection of 27 stamps on stock sheet, n.h. or l.h., incl. Pilgrim and Huguenot-Walloon sets, 1922-25 2 14 $2 and $5, Presidentials $2 and $5 (two each), Air Post, etc., generally large centered copies, very fine to extremely fine. Sc. $1,680+ .......................................... (betw. 323 and 834,Cl-3 ,S,6,18,E7,Fl )
215 ** ffi Coll. of a few hundred in 2 ational albums, vast maj ority n.h., mostly 1938 to 1970s, incl. singles and Pl. blks, few Airs and some back-of-book, incl. a few 19th cent. Postage Due o.g. or unused, misc. foreign, used, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-250 .............................................. 2 16 * OIBl1908 to 1920 WASHINGTON-FRA KLIN: Group of about 75 items on stock sheets, n.h. to unused or used, varoius wmks or perfs, incl. singles, imperfs, coils, blks of 4, Pl. blks of 6, etc., also 1906 imperf 2c, two Pl. blks of 6, 1926-34 10c, ten Pl. blks of 4, mixed condition or centering to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 .................................................................................................
** 2I8
1904 to 1920, selection of 18 items, 20 stamps, on stock sheet , n.h., incl. 1909 issues with Linco ln and Hudson-Fulton imperf pairs, Pilgrim, two sets and another Sc, etc., selected and genera lly large centered copies, extremely fine. Sc. $518 ...................................................... (betw. 324 and 550)
**11il 1912 to 1935 IMPERFORA TE ISSUES: Group of 11 full sheets of 400, vast majorit y n.h., compr. 408 (2), 575, 576 (3), 577, 611, 631, 765, 771, some faults generally at edge of sheets, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,800-2,000 .............................................................................
2 I9 220
**illl1925 NORSE-AMERICAN: 2c carmine & black, pane of 100, n.h., some creasing, mixed centering to extre mely fine. Est. Cash Value $ 100- l 25 ...................................... ........................ ............ ............ (620) ** 1934 le TRANS-MISSISSIPPI PHILATELIC EXPOSITION: Souvenir sheet of 6, 179 sheets,
n.h., few with negligible corner creases, very fine. Sc. $2,685 ........... .......................................... .(751)
22 1
1935 SPECIAL PRINTING: le to 10c, compl. , compr. 19 diff. compl. sheets of uncut panes, incl. the Souvenir sheets, ungummed , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,500 ·············································································································································<752-70 )
*llll Small group of Souvenir sheets and blks, incl. gutte r multiple s and Souvenir
227 228
*l81POSTAL CARDS: Two Line Surcharge by Cancelling Machine 1920 le on 2c red on cream, Die II ,
sheets in part pane s of 2 and 4, general ly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value$ l 50+ .......... ........................................... (766-70, etc.) 1940 FAMOUS AMERICANS: Com pl. set, Pl. blks of 4, plus 10c Clemens, Addams and Remington , 10 Pl. blks each, n.h. to o.g. , mixed cond ition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200 -250 .............. (859-93 ) 1947-66 , stock of about 1000 Souvenir sheets in box, n.h., compr. CIPEX, FIPEX, SIPEX issues in vary ing quantitie s, fine to very fine . Est. Cas h Value $200-2 50 ....... ......................................................... . PLATE BLOCKS: 1919 to 1987, coll. and accum. of several hundred on album pages in 8 ringbinders and sheet file in carton, vast majorit y n.h., incl. a few slightly better Pl. blks of 4 or 6, dupl. , Airs, etc., some blks of 4 and misc. used, some modern slightly gum disturbed or stuck, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $700-800 ............................................................... ....................... . AIR POST: 1918 to 1937, small selection on stock sheets, n.h. to o.g., incl. Cl and C4, blks of 4, #C22, 10 top Pl. blks of 6, disturbedo.g., etc., mixedconditionto very fine. Est Cash Value $400-600 ............. . 1934 Rotary Press 6c dull orange, 20 Pl. blks of 4, n.h., ge nerall y fine to very fine. Sc. $600 ..... (C 19)
OF THE BOOK: 19th and 20th Century, selection of 15 items on stock cards , n.h. to unu ed, incl. Postage Due Imprint strips , Regis. and Officials 08 and 024 blks of 4, etc. , mixed conditi on. Est. Cash Value $300 -500 .................... ........................... ........................... ................ .............. ........... ........ .
group of 47 cards, incl. two doub ly surchd. on die , 30 wit h addition al invtd. surch. bottom left corner , genera lly fine to very fine. Sc. $447 ................................................. .................... ................ ........ (UX33, b) 230
23 1
233 234
19th and 20th Century , stock and accum. of many hundred in stockbook and ringbinder on pages, etc., in box, n.h . to unused or used, incl. Firs t Issue perf , many Wine incl. n.h. blk s, Playi ng card, cigar, etc., mixed conditi on to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-250 ................................... .
STATES: 1861 to 1863, selection of 10 singles and 5 blks of 4 on stock sheet, n.h. to unused , incl. First and Second issues, brown red sheet margin copy , blks, diff . ptg s and shades , genera lly fine to extre mel y fine . Est. Ca h Value $300-350 .................. ....................... ........ ............. ....... ..
UNITED STATES, POSSESSIO SAND UNITED NATIONS: 19th and 20th Century, balance of severa l thousand in albums , etc., and loose in carton ,o.g. to unu sed or used, wide range of ge nerally commo n issues, gro up of Far ley gutter or cross gutter multiple s, back-of-book, Souvenir cards , misc . Amer icana, possess ions incl. Canal Zone, Hawaii, Philippin es, with Republi c issues , mixed conditi on. Est. Cash Value $300-400 .......................... .............. .......................... .................................................. ....... . *l81HA WAI: Postal Cards; 1882 to 1897, group of 9 diff. , unused , a few negligible fau lts, generally fine to very fine. Sc. 402.75 ............... .............................. ............................................... .............. ....... . (UX l- 9) l8l UNITE D STATES AND UNITED ATIONS: 19th and 20th Century, stock and accum. of many hundred items in 4 boxes and carton , incl. cac heted FDCs, mint and used stationery , co mmerci al mail, Airs, Souv enir cards and spec ial ca ncels, genera lly common , mixed condit ion. Est. Cas h Value $ 150-200 ························ ························· ········· ······· ······················· ······· ········ ······················ ·················· ······· *O Primarily 20th Century, stock and accum. of many thou sand in a dozen stockbooks or ringbinders, glassines and loose in 2 cartons, much u ed, some n.h ., wide ranging though general ly common incl. Airs and back-of-book, Bicentenn ial Souvenir sheet s n.h ., Souvenir cards, etc ., mixed conditi on to very fine . Est. Cash Val ue $200-400 .................................................................................... ....................... l8l 20th Century to 1986, coll. of many hundred diff. cacheted FDCs in about 20 cover albums in carton, almost all unaddre ssed or addressed in pencil, incl. coils, panes, Airs, Souvenir sheets , U. . with Geneva and Vienna issues, also mint and FD caned. stationery, few U.S. flights , etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 .......................................... ..................................
237 C8:I
Accum. of many hundred in 4 cartons or boxes, many cacheted FDCs , Commems , Airs , unused stationery, Fleetwood Coin Cornmems , United Nations with Geneva, genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 125 ....................... ...................................... ................................................. .......................... .. SOUVENIR CARDS: Accum. of perhaps 200 on pages and in envelopes in carton, genera lly very modern i sues incl. some Numismatics , very fine. Est. Cash Value $75- 100 .................................. ........ ..
238 239 C8:I
UNITED NATIO NS: 1951 to 1980s, coils. and stock of many hundred items in 3 boxes and 2 cartons, incl. coils. in cover albums and ring-binders, comp!. sets, blks and Margin Inscription blks
on cacheted FDC s, incl. ear ly year , Souvenir sheets incl. Tenth Anniver ary, Airs, Geneva , etc., much mint and FD cance l stationery , a few stamps,. etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300 -400 ............ . Balance of a property in carton, incl. coll. of margin inscription blks of 4, mint accu m., cacheted C8:1 240 *HJ FDCs, Souvenir heets and co mp!. sheets , Souvenir cards and misc. U.S. , mixed conditi on to very fine. Est. Ca h Value $100- 125 ............................. .................. ............ ............................................................... .. 241
Stock of a few hundred early issues, incl. abo ut 28 set of the First Issue most ly in blk , plus first Airs and U.P.U. Est. Cash Value $100 ......................................................................................................
from the
Directorsand Staff of H. R. HARMER INC.
¡ 1
BRITISH COMMONWEALTH Stanley Gibbons Specialized ( 10th ed.) and Commonwealth (1997 ed.) catalogu e values used for this section
GREAT BRITAIN 1840 PENNY BLACK Watermarked Small Crown, lmperforate Nea tly or lightly can.celled by red Maltes e Cross unless otherwise noted
242 PIBI 1865 "Royal" Reprint Wmkd. Large Crown Inverted lp black , PART IMPRINT BLO CK OF FOUR , Die II , Plate 66, LA • MB, o.g., large margins other sides, tiny scissors cut between top stamps, negligible gum wrinkling, extremely fine ....................................................................... ......................... (Photo )(DP3Sa) £1700+ 243 PIBI 1872 South Kensington Exhibition Ip black , plate proofs on thick white card, BLOCK OF FOUR , Die II , Plate 27, OH - PI, large margins , very fine .............................................................................(Photo )(S.G. DP36)
Plate la
lp , PART IMPRINT PAIR , TI • TJ, part o.g., in slightly to large margin s other sides, creasing and light water staining mostly in selvage, scissors cut in margin betwee n and well clear of stamps. A fine and rare position pie ce .............................................. .......... ............. ................ ................................... (Photo )( ! ) £11,000
244 242
lp, OE, large margins all round, vivid cance l, handstamps on reverse , extremely fine ....................(Photo) (l ) lp, NJ, full to large margin s, very fine .....................................................................................................(Photo )(l) lp , pair MH - MI, mostly large margin s all round , right stamp vert. crease, handstamp on reverse, fine to very fine ...............................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(l)
245 0 246 0 247 0
£ 180 £600
Plat e lb
249 t:. 250 0
Ip, BK, o.g., large margins all round , tiny, barel y perceptible tear , very fine appearance .......(Photo )( l ) lp , FJ, extended frame line top left, lar ge even margins , tied on small piece, extremely fine ..........(Photo )(l) lp , AK, recut A square , break in corner , good to large margins, very fine .........................................(Photo) ( I )
£3000 £160
£ 160
Plate 2
251 0 252 0 253 0 254 0 255 0 256 0 257 0
lp , AH, very large margin s, very fine .....................................................................................................(Photo )(l) lp, GH, lar ge margins , extremel y fine ....................................................................................................(Photo )( l) lp , JL , dot in bottom right margin , no ray flair top right , mostl y very large margin s, hand st amp s on reverse, extremely fine .............................................................................................................................(Photo )(l) lp , PE, extended frame line top right, mostly very larg e margins all round , extr emely fine ...........(Photo )(l) lp , QJ, large even margins , extre mely fine ............................................................................................(Photo )(l) lp , QA, full to large margin s, handstamps on reverse, very fine .............................................................(Photo )( I ) lp , QD, margin s all round , very lar ge three sides, lightly caned., very fine ..........................................(Photo )(l)
£160 £160 £160 £160 £160
£160 £160
Plate 3
258 0 259 0 260 0 261 0
lp , CG, lar ge margin s, hand stamp s on reverse , extr emely fine ...........................................................(Photo )(l ) lp , PJ , lar ge to huge margin s showin g portion of adjoining stamp , extremely fine ..........................(Photo)(l) Ip , IE, full to large margins , handstamp on reverse, very fine .................................................................(Photo)( l)
£190 £190
£ 190
lp , STRIP OF SEVEN, TE - TK , dot below F, horiz. guide line in T square of TG, also S.G. consta nt var ieties on TE and TK , 2 vert. crea ses, good to lar ge margin s except touched bottom right , fine to very fine. Rare and handsom e multiple ................................................................. ...................................... (Photo )(l) £2,050+
Plate 4
262 6 263 0 264 0 265 0 266 0 267 0
lp , DK, very lar ge even margin s, tied on small piece, extremel y fine .................................................(Photo )(l ) lp , IH , large to huge margin s, hand stamps on reverse , extremely fine ..............................................(Photo )(l ) lp, MH , larg e mar gins, neatl y ca ned. , extremely fine ...........................................................................(Photo )(l) lp , NI, lar ge margin s, clear , overlapping cancels , extremely fine ....................................................... (Photo )(l )
lp , CF, dot in each lett ered sq uare , mostly large margins all round, very fine .......................................(Photo }(l) lp, pair , NF - NG, dot in F and G square s, large margins to barely touched extreme bottom right, light creasing, fine ...............................................................................................................................................................(Photo )( I)
£ 175
£175 £175 £175
Plate 5
268 0 269 0 270 0 271 0
lp , FH, huge margin s showing portion of adjoining stamp , hand stamp on rever se, superb ............(Photo )(l ) lp , NK, large mar gins, hand stamp on reverse , extremely fine ............................................................ (Photo )(l ) lp , RB, larg e even margin s, extremely fine ............................................................................................(Photo )(l) lp , CD, mostly largel y mar gin all round , handstamps on reverse, very fine ..........................................(Photo )([)
272 0
lp , GE, vert . guide line top right squar e, full to very large margin s, very fine ................................... (Photo )(!) lp , SL, full to very lar ge mar gins, ver y fine .......................................................................................... (Photo )( l )
273 0
£175 £175 £175
£175 £175 £175
Plate 6
274 0
lp , F - F, lar ge to huge mar gins showing portion of adjoining stamp , handsta mps on reverse, extremely fine ....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(l)
275 0
lp, KG, close vert. gujde line top right square , mostly enormous mar gins all round, black Maltese Cross ca ncel, extr emely fine ............................................................................................................................... (Photo )( l )
276 0
lp, LI, full to hu ge mar gins showin g portion of adjoining stamp , extremely fine ............................. (Photo )( l } 1, AF, State 2, vert . guide line top right square , margin s all round , hu ge three sides, very fine ........(Photo )( l) lp , OC , full to large margin s, handstamps on reverse, very fine .............................................................(Photo )( l)
£ 175 £175
277 0
278 0
Plate 7
Ip , MK, vert guide line top right square , o.g., mostly enormous margin s all round , light crease , fine ..............................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(l) Ip , SC, full to huge margin s, handstamps on reverse, very fine ...............................................................(Photo )(I)
Plate 8
281 0 282 0 283 0
lp, OA, large margins, extremely fine ....................................................................................................(Photo )(l ) Ip, AE, vert. guide line top right squar e, larg e to huge margins showing portion of adjoining stamp , tiny scissors cut upper right margin, handstamp on reverse, very fine appearance ............................................(Photo }(l ) Ip , pair , AJ - AK, both stamp s faint vert. gujde Hne to right square s, full to very large margin s, very fine to extremely fine ..................................................... .......................................................................................(Photo )( l )
£225 £600
Plate 9
284 0 285 0
lp , FG , thkker bottom fram e Hne, S.G. Basil shjft , margin s all round , large three sides, very fine (Photo )( l ) Ip , vertical pair , OL - PL , full to hug e margins showing portion of adjoining stamp , extremely fine ............................................................................................................................................................ .........(Photo )(l )
286 0
lp , selection of balance s; 11 copies, margin s clear to huge , incl. one tied on small piece and one black cancel , ~~~~e ................................................................... ................................................................................... Ip, 8 copies, mostly large to huge margins , incl. one sheet margin copy, smaH faults, very fine or very fine appearance ................................................................................................ ..............................................................(1)
287 0
w n~
TWO PENCE BLUE Cancelled by black Maltese Cross
Plate I 288 0 289 0
2p, QC , mostly very larg e margins , clear on-the-nose cancel, extremely fine ....................................(Photo )(2) 2p, SA, large margin s, extremely fine .....................................................................................................(Photo )(2)
£300 £300
290 0
2p, pair , TA - TB, large margin s, left stamp small faults, crease between stamps, fine ..........................(Photo )(2)
291 0
2p, STRIP OF THREE, EJ - EL , large to huge margins , extremely fine ....................................(Photo )(2)
292 O IE 2p, BLOCK OF FOUR, RI - SJ, margins clear to huge showing portion of adjoining stamp, tied by neat strike s on small piece bearing SOUTH HAMPTON 1(0) DE 1841 and script "Penny Post" hand stamps , light creasing, rich color and sharp impre ssion , very fin e appearance. S.G. £7000+ ......................................................................................................................................(Photo Back Cover )(2) £7000+
293 O IE 2p, BLOCK OF FOUR, PH - QI , margin s clear to large , tiny scissors cut between left stamps , trace of crea sing, fine ......................................................................................................................................(Photo )(2) 294 0
Plate Il 2p deep bright blue, pair s, 01 - OJ , mostly huge margin s show portions of five adjoining stamps, left stamp pin hole, very fine ...................................................................................................................(Photo )(2)
1841 BLUISH PAPER Ip Red Brown 295 296
* 297 * 298 * IBI 299 * IBI 300 O IE 301 O IE 302 O IBJ
Ip , part Imprint copy, HL, o.g., large margin s other sides, extremely fine ........................................(Photo )(3) lp on very blu e paper , Part Imprint Corner Strip of Three , Plate 122, TJ - TL , o.g., huge margins other sides, bright color and fresh, extremely fine ..........................................................................................(Photo )(3)
£450+ Ip on very blue paper , SHEET MARGIN STRIP OF SEVEN , PA - PG, edge of sheet wmk , o.g., touched at right, large margins other sides, light vert. crease affecting 3 stamps, fine to very fine .............................(Photo )(3) £1050+ lp on very blue paper , Block of Six, CJ - EK, o.g., margins clear to large, small faults and creases, fine appearance .....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(3) £900+ Ip , PART IMPRINT BLOCK OF EIGHT, 01 - PL , sharp impr ession, o.g., one stamp cut-in, touched or large margins other sides, brilliant fresh, fine to very fine ...................................................................................(Photo )(3) £ 1040+ Ip on very blue pap er, Sheet Margi n Block of Four, IA - JB, margins clear to huge other sides showing portion of adjoining sta mp and rosette, mostly clear strikes of District Office "57'' cancels, very fine ..............(Photo )(3) lp, Block of Four, AB - BC, full to huge margin s, neat numeral cancels, small scissors cut between left stamps, handstamp on reverse, very fine to extremely fine ......................................................................................(Photo )(3) lp , Block of Eight , OA - PD, mostly larg e margin s, in slightly at upper left, lightly caned., left blk of 4 creasing, fine to very fine ...........................................................................................................................................(Photo )(3)
303 0
1847-54 EMBOSSED: lsh green , vert. pair, enormous margin s showing portions of two adjoining sta mp s, neat numeral cancels, extremely fine. S.G. 55, £900+ ........................................................................... (Photo )(S)
304 0
lsh pale green, pair , touched to very large margins , neat "466" cancels, very fine. S.G. 54, £800+ ....(Photo )(5)
305 0
6p purple, margins all round, neat " 18" in diamond grid cancel. fine. S.G. £450 .................................(Photo )(7a)
1867-80 WMKD. SPR AY OF ROSE: lsh gr een , Pl. 6, o.g. (hinge remnant ), fresh, fine. S.G . 117, £550 ................................................................................................................................................................... (Photo )(54)
600.00 2sh pale brown, fine. S.G. 12l, £ 1400. Scarce ........................... .............................................................(Photo )(56) l ,200.00 308 0 1867 WMKD. MALTESE CROSS: Ssh pale rose, PI. 2, lightly cancd.,trivial pe1f stain, fine. S.G. 127, £375 ................................................................................................................. ................................................ (Photo )(57a) 350.00 309 * IBI 1870 WMKD. "Half Penny" IN SCRIPT: ½ pro se, PI.14 , blk of 9, n.h.(8)/o.g.[hinge remnant]( !), gum creasing, fresh, fine. S.G. £405+ ............................................................................................................... ................ (Photo) (58) 405.00+ 1873-80 WMKD. SPRAY OF ROSE: lsh salmon, o.g., very fine. S.G. 151, £1300 .......................... (Photo)(65) 1,200.00 3 10 307 0
311 S 3 12 0
1878 WMKD. MALTESE CROSS: lOsh slate, £1 brown lilac, ovptd. SPECIMEN S.G. type 9, former trace of perf tone, fine, latter very fine. S.G. 128S, 129S, from £1450 ...............................................(Photo)(74S,75S) lOsh, neatly caned., very small thin, well centered, fine. S.G. 128, £900 ................................................ (Photo)(74)
313 0
l0sh , well centered , fine ..................... .................................................................... ...................................(Photo )(74)
3 14 0 3 l5 0
£1, neat Dublin cancel, insignificant perf thin, well centered, very fine. S.G. 129, £ 1400 .......................(Phot o)(75) l ,250.00 £1, on-the-nose Glasgow cancel, small thin, fine ......................................................... .............................(Photo) (75) 1,250.00
3 16 0
£1, numeral in grid cancels, fine ..................... .................................................................. ........................(Photo) (75) l ,250.00
1882-83 WATERMARKED ANCHOR Bluish Paper
317 0 3 18 0 3 19 0
320 0 32 1 S 322 S 323 0 324 0 325 0
Ssh rose, grid cancels, tiny thin in wmk, well centered, fine. S.G. l30 , £ I OOO ........................................(Photo)(90)
850.00 lOsh slate, neat Glasgow 1883 cancel, very fine. S.G. 131, £1500 ................... ..................... ...............(Photo)(91) 1,250.00 lOsh, Regis . cancels , well centered , fine .......................................................... ......................................... (Photo) (9 l ) 1,250.00
l0sh , Regis. cancels, few small thins, fine ....................................................................... .........................(Photo)(9 1) 1,250.00 £1 brown lilac , ovptd. SPECIMEN S.G. type 9, o.g., tiny hand sta mp on reve rse, perfectl y centered , extremel y fine. S.G. 132S, £900 ........................................................................................................... (Photo)(92S ) uni. Same, o.g., negligible crease, well centered, fine .................. .................................. ...............................(Photo)(92 S) uni. £1, neat Liverpool c.d.s. ca nce l, light crease, perfectly ce ntered, very fine appeara nce. S.G. 132, £2500 ............................................................................................................................................ .......................(Photo)(92) 2,400.00 £1, town and G.P.O. cancels, well centered, fine ..................................................................................... (Photo )(92) 2,400.00 £1, on-th e-nose ca nce l, small perf faults, hand tamp s on reve rse, well cente red and very fine appeara nce ...................................................................... ............................................... .............. ................................(Photo)(92) 2,400.00
White Paper
326 0 327 0 328 0
Ssh rose, lightly caned., very fine. S.G. J 34, £ 1000 ...............................................................................(Photo)(90a)
850.00 lOsh on greenish gray, well centered, fine. S.G. 135, £ 1500 ............................... .................................(Photo)(9 la) 1,250.00 £1 brown lilac, neat Glasgow 1883 cancel , very fine. S.G. 136, £2250 .............................................(Photo)(92a ) 2,400.00
_ _
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WATERMARKED TWO A CHORS £5 Bright Orange on White Paper 329 * 83 £5, SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF FOUR, o.g. (hinge remnants ), negligible gum creasing , almost perfectl y centered, fine to very fine. S.G. 137, £18,000+ ...................................(Photo Front Cover )(93) 18,000.00+
331 0
£5, o.g., negligible gum creasing , brilliant fresh , fine. S.G. £4500 ..............................................(Photo)(93 ) 4,500.00 £5, neatl y caned. , very fine. S.G. £1400 .................. .................................................... .......................... (Photo )(93) 1,400.00 £5 Dull Orange on Bluish Paper £5, ovptd. SPECIMEN S.G. type 9, o.g., handstamp on reverse, creases, well centered, very fine appearance. S.G. 133S, from £700 ............................................................................................................................(Photo )(93aS)
332 S
uni. £5, London, G.P .O. and lightened blue crayon stroke cancels , well centered very fine. Signed Calves and Richter. S.G. 133, £4000 .......................................................................................................................(Photo )(93a) 3,500.00 £5, Glasgow 1884 cancel and lightened crayon strikes , negligible corner crease, very fine appearance. Signed Thier .............................. ............................................. ............................... ................................(Photo)(93a) 3,500.00 1883 and 1884 WMKD. ANCHOR: White Paper 2sh6p lilac , Ssh carmine rose , lOsh ultramarine , o.g., small faults, fine or very fine appearance. S.G. £ 1450 .........................................................................(Photo )(96 ,J08,109) 1,350.00
333 0 334 0 335
1883 BLUISH P APE R: 2sh6p lilac , o.g. , tri vial corner perf fault , very fine. S.G. 175 , £2250 ..................................................................................................................................(Photo Front Cover )(96a ) 1,600.00
337 * 83
338 S 339 340
* *
2sh6p , BLOCK OF FOUR , l.h. (2)/o.g.(2) , bottom stamp s negligible gum creasing , very fine. S.G. 175, £9000+ ........................................ ............................................................................. (Photo Front Cover )(96a) 6,400.00+
1883-84 WMKD. IMPERIAL CROWN: l ½ p to lsh, 8 diff., ovptd. SPECIMEN S.G. type 9, o.g., 3p unused, mixed centering to very fine. S.G. £545 .............................................................. ................(Photo )(99 , 100,102-07S)
6p green, l.h., very fine. S.G. 194, £325 ........................................................ ...................................... ...(Photo )( I 05)
9p green, o.g., handstamp on reverse, fresh, fine. S.G. 195, £600 .........................................................(Photo )( 106)
1884 WATERMARKED ANCHOR Bluish Paper 34 1
Ssh rose , o.g., very fine. Royal Cert. (1928). S.G. 176, £3750 ...........................(Photo Front Cover )( 108a) 4,000.00+
l0sh ultramarine, o.g., light diagonal crease, handstamp on reverse , very fine appearance. S.G. 177, £12,000 .............................................................................................. ....................(Photo Front Cover )( 109b) 12,500.00 White Paper
343 * 83 Ssh carmine, blk of 4, l.h.(2)/o.g.(2), gum bends or creases, perfectl y centered and brilliant fresh, very fine. S.G. 181, £1700+ ............................................................................................................................... ....(Photo)(108 ) 1,600.00+ 344 s l0 sh ultramarine on blui sh and on white , ovptd. SPECIMEN S.G. types 9 and 11 respectively , former part o.g., latter o.g., fresh , fine. S.G. 177S, 182S from £450 ......................................... ...............(Photo )( 109S,109bS) uni. l0sh , l.h., fresh, fine. S.G. 183, £800 ......................................................................................................(Photo )(l09) 725.00 345
1884 WATERMARKED THREE IMPERIAL CROWNS £1 brown violet 346 S 347 0 348 0 349 0 350 0 35 1 0
£1, ovptd. SPECIMEN S.G. type 9, o.g., handstamps on reverse, fresh, fine. S.G. 185S, from £350 (Photo) (l 10S) £1, light cra yon and neat Regis. cancels , perfectly centered , very fine. S.G . 185, £1000 ............... (Photo)(ll0) £1, town and G.P.O. cancels, very fine ....................................................................................... ............(Photo )( ! IO) £1, well centered, very fine .....................................................................................................................(Photo )(l 10) £1, Regis. and light blue crayon troke cancels, very fine ......................................................................(Photo )(l 10) £1, Regis. cancels, few nibbed perfs, well centered, fine ................................... .....................................(Photo )(l 10) 30
uni. 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00 900.00
1887-92 JUBILEE ISSUE: ½ p to l sh, compl. set, ovptd. SPECIMEN S.G. types 9, 12 or 13, 2p vert. pair, 3p and 4p sheet margin pairs, n.h. to o.g., a few fault incl. 4½p, generally fine to very fine. S.G. £652+. Scarce ................................................................................................. .........................................................(Photo) ( l I l-22S) uni. 353 * 83 ½ p to lsh , compl. sets, extra ½ p vermilion, 3p, 4p, 6p slightly diff. shades, plus 1900 lsh , blks of 4, n.h. to o.g., mixed centering to very fine. S.G. £1796+ ..................................................................(Photo)( lll-22 ,25,26) 1,510.00+ 354 S 1888 WMKD. THREE ORBS: £1 brown violet, ovptd. SPECIME S.G. type 11, o.g., very fine. S.G. 186S, £700 ................................................ ............................. ..........................................................................(Photo) ( I23S) uni. 355 0 £1, bold centered numeral in grid cancel, handstamp in reverse, fine. S.G. 186, £1500 ........................(Photo)( I23) 1,300.00 356 0 £1, Registry cancels, fine ............................................. ........................................................... .................(Photo )( l23) 1,300.00 352 S
1891 WATERMARKED IMPERIAL CROWN £1 green £1, ovptd. SPECIMEN S.G. type 11, o.g., negligible bend, fresh, fine. S.G. 212S, £275 .................(Photo)(l24S)
357 S 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368
* 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0
£1, o.g., almost perfectly centered, extremely fine. S.G. 212, £2000 ......................................... (Photo)(124) 2,000.00+ £1, o.g., very fine ........................................... .................................... ....................................................(Photo)(124) 2,000.00 £1, neat face-free Registry cancels, very fine. S.G. 2 12, £375 .......................................................... .....(Photo)(l 24) 350.00 £1, c.d.s. cancels, very fine.................................... .................................................................................. (Photo)(l 24) 350.00 £1, neatly caned., very fine.............................................. ........................................................................(Photo) (l24 ) 350.00 £1, Regis. cance ls, very fine ....................................................................................................................(Photo)(l24) 350.00 £1, face-free Regis. cancels, very fine ..................................................................................................... (Photo)(l24) 350.00 £1, Registry cance ls, very fine. Signed Calves .......................................................................................(Photo)(l24) 350.00 £1, neatly caned., well centered, very fine ......................... .....................................................................(Photo)( 124) 350.00 £1, neatly caned., handstamp on reverse, very fine................................................................................ .(Photo)( 124) 350.00 £1, neatly caned., fine ..............................................................................................................................(Photo)( l24) 350.00
Afternoon Session at 1:30 P.M. EDWARD VII ISSUES 1902-03 DE LA RUE PRINTING: 2sh6p to £1, com pl., ovptd. SPECIMEN S.G. type 16, o.g., £ I negligible creasi ng, fine to very fine. S.G. £850 ................................. ............................................................. (Photo)( 139-42S) uni. 2sh6p dull violet, Ssh carmine rose, l0sh ultramarine, o.g., very fine. S.G. £545 .......................(Photo)(l 39-41) 625.00 370 371 Same, 2sh6p bottom right corner interpane copy, o.g., very fine.................. ............................... (Photo)(l39 -41) 625.00 372 * 83 2sh6p dark violet on chalky paper, blk of 4, l.h.(2)/o.g.(2), very fine. S.G. £440+ ..........................(Photo)(l39a) 560.00+ 373 * 83 1911-13 SOMERSET HOUSE PRINTING: Ssh carmine , blk of 4, l.h., brilliant fresh, very fine. S.G. 318, £640+ ..................... .......................... ......................................................... ............................................. (Photo )(l40a) 1,000.00+ 374 l0sh blue, o.g., brilliant fresh, very fine. S.G. 3 19, £325 ................................ .......................................(Photo)(l41) 325.00 375 * 83 lOsh, sheet margin blk of 4, l.h.(2)/o.g.(2), brilliant fresh, very fine. S.G. £1300+ ......................... (Photo)( 141) 1,300.00+ £1 deep green , interpane margins at top , l.h. , selvage thin s, vivid color, very fine. S.G. 320, £800 376 ..................................................................... ...........................................................................................(Photo) (142) 800.00+ 369 S
* *
377 * 83 £1, SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF FOUR , 1.h. or o.g., small separation between top stamps, brilliant fresh, very fine. S.G. £3200+ ................................... .............................................. (Photo Front Cover )( 142) 3,200.00+
1912-13 WMKD. CROWN AND GvR: Error 1 ½p red brown, "PENCF" right stamp in pair with normal, l.h. very fine. S.G. £ 180+ ............................................................................................................................. .....( 161,b)
**ml6p rose lilac, perf 14, corner Control blk of 6, n.h., very fine. S.G. £390+ ...................................... (Photo) (l6 7b)
1913 COILS: Perf 14x13½ ½ p bright green, Ip dull scarlet, o.g., pencil marks on reverse, fine to very fine. S.G. 397,398, £230 .................................................................................................... ................................... ( 177,178)
SEA HORSES ISSUES 1913 Waterlow Printing 38 1
2sh6p deep sepia brown, Ssh rose carmine, lOsh indigo blue, £1 green, ovptd. SPECIMEN S.G. type 26, part o.g., £1 o.g., small faults, fine to very fine appearance . S.G. £1775 ........................ ........... (Photo)(173a -7Sa,76)
2sh6p, Ssh, IOsh, o.g., Ssh and IOsh small faults, fine appearance, 2sh6p very fine. S.G. 399, 401 , 402 , £7 15 ....................................... ...................................................................................... ......................... ..(Photo )(l73a-75a)
800.00 383 * 83 2sh6p, sheet margin blk of 4, l.h., bottom left stamp light crease, very fine. S.G. 399, £560+ .......... (Photo)(l 73a) 500.00+ 384 * 83 Ssh, blk of 4, o.g., brilliant fresh, extremely fine. S.G. 401, £900+ ................................................. (Photo)(174a) 1,100.00+ 385 * 83 IOsh, blk of 4, l.h., beautiful vivid color, extremely fine. S.G. 402, £1400+ ................................... (Photo)(17Sa) 1,600.00+ £1 dull blue green, o.g., pin point thin, well centered, fine. S.G. 404, £ 1100 ....................................... (Photo) ( l76) 1, 100.00 386
387 * 83 £1 green, BLOCK OF FOUR, l.h. , small separations, extremely fine. S.G. 403 , £4400+ ..................................................................................................................................(Photo Front Cover )(176) 4,400.00+ 388 0 389
£1 dull blue green, c.d.s. cancel, fine. S.G. 404, £650 ........................................... ................................ (Photo) ( 176)
500.00 1915 De La Rue Printing 2sh6p yellow brown, Ssh bright carmine, lOsh pale blue, o.g., 2sh6p, Ssh hinge remnants, fine to very fine. S.G. 406, 09, 13, £ l025 ....................................... .................................. (Photo) ( l 73-75) 1,225.00 1918-19 Bradbury, Wilkinson Printing
2sh6p olive brown, Ssh rose red, IOsh dull gray blue, o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 413a , I 6, 17, £435 ....................................... ................................................. ....................................................................(Photo )(l79 -81)
Blocks of four 39 1 * 83 2sh6p chocolate brown, corner sheet margin blk , l.h., very fine. S.G. 414, £300+ .......................... (Photo)(l79) 392 * 83 2sh6p pale brown , sheet margin blk, o.g ., left stamps gum wrinkl es, fine to very fine. S.G . 415a , £320+ ........................................................................................................ .........................................................(Photo) (l 79)
300.00+ 393 * 83 Ssh rose red, corner sheet margin blk, stamps l.h., extremely fine. S.G. 416, £600+ ..................... (Photo)(180) 560.00+ 394 * 83 Ssh bright rose red, sheet margin blk, l.h., inclusion one stamp, another negligible creasing, fine ...(Photo) ( l 80) 560.00+ 395 *EBI0sh, corner sheet margin blk, l.h.(2)/o.g.(2), top left stamp tiny fault, very fine appearance, others very fine. S.G. 417, £900+ .......................................................................................... ................................... (Photo)(181) 1,000.00+ 396 *EE lOsh, corner sheet margin blk, l.h., elvage faults, three stamps light creasing, fine ..........................(Photo)( l 8 l) 1,000.00+
f-;;-·, ,._ _
*EE1924 and
1925 EXHIBITIO S: Both sets compl., corner or sheet margin blks of 4, l.h., very fine. S.G. £ 198+ .............................................................................................................................................................(185,86,204,04) 398 * 1924 WMKD. CROWN AND BLOCK GvR MULTIPLE: l ½ p red brown , tete-b eche pair, l.h., fine. S.G. 420a, £275 ..............................................................................................................................................(Photo)( 189a) 399 *EEl½p , tete-b eche blk of 4, n.h(J )/1.h( I), very fine. S.G. £550+ ............................................................(Photo) ( l89a) 400 ** Erro r 1 ½ p red brown , print ed on gummed side, n.h. , very fine ..............................................(Photo )(SG 420c)
247.50+ 225.00 450.00+ £300
Coils ½ p green, Ip scarlet , 1½ p dark brown , wmkd. sidewa ys, strip s of 5, n.h. to o.g., some blunted perfs, fine to very fine. S.G. £475+ .......................................................................................................................(205a-07a)
£1 black
* 403 * 404 *
£1, o.g., extr emely fine. S.G. £550 .......................................................................................................(Photo )(209) £1, l.h., very fine ....................................................................................................................................(Photo )(209) £1, o.g., very fine .....................................................................................................................................(Photo )(209)
**el£1, Corne r Sheet Ma rgin Block of Four,
* 408 * 407
* 4 12 * 411
£1, Corner Sheet Margin Block of Four , n.h. two with trace of gum disturbing , extremely fine. S.G. £2200+ ............................................................................................................................................(Photo )(209) 3,500.00+
n.h. , tin y ink mark on gum of one, very fine .........(Photo)(209 ) 3,500.00+
1934 RE-ENGR AVE D: 2sh6p, Ssh, lOsh, compl. set, l.h., very fine. S.G. 450-52, £350 .............(Photo) (222-24)
Compl. set , Corner Sheet Margin Blocks of Four, l.h., 2sh6p fine to very fine, others very fine to extremely fine. S.G. £1400+ ....................................................................................................(Photo )(222-24) 1,560.00+
OFFICIAL: 1840 Inscribed "V R" in Upper Corners lp black , AG, Sheet Margin Copy , unu sed, larg e margin s other sides, hand sta mp on reverse, extremel y fine. S.G. £6000 ..........(Photo Front Cover )(01 ) 6,250.00 OFFICES IN CHINA: 1917 Multiple Crown CA $10 black & violet on red , 1.h., fresh, fine. S.G. £550 ...................................................................................................................................................................(Photo) (l 6)
OFFICES IN TURKISH EMPIRE: 1916 Field Office in Salonica; George V ½ p to lsh, compl. set, o.g. (hinge remnants), fine to very fine .................................................................................... ...............(Photo )(SG Sl- 8)
GREAT BRITAIN: 1841 to 1900, coll. of about 125 on page s, o.g. to unused or used, good range though mostly surface printed issues, incl. better items with dupl. or diff. Pl. numbers , also 6 ovptd. SPECIMEN , mixed condition to some very fine. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,500+ ................................................................................................................................................. (betw. 3 and 126)
1841 to 1973, coll of a few hundred mostly diff. in Stanley Gibbon s album , l.h. to unused or used, incl. some slightly better items, I 884 I0sh with Regis. cancels, 1887-92 Sp type I unused, etc., later comp!. or part sets, Postage Due, Officials, Regionals, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-600 ........................... ..
415 * O
1847 to 1911, select ion of over 50 on stock sheets , o.g. or used, mostly Victoria and Edward VII 2sh6p, Ssh, lOsh and £1 green, some early and varying quantitie s, small faults to extremel y fine ........................ 11,785.00
4 16
4 17
4 18
525.00 525.00
1934-36 PHOTOGRA VURE: Coils George V ½ p to 2p, compl. , wmkd. sideways, strips of 4, n.h.(2)/1.h.(2), very fine. S.G. 429a,40c,4 ld ,42b, £324+ ........................................................................(Photo )(2 10a, 11a, 12b, 13b)
413 * O
4 14 * O
Centur y, accum. of man y hundred in stockbook and loose in box, vast majority n.h., some l.h., incl. comp!. sets, blks of 4 or larger, Regionals, phosphor, a few Souvenir sheets, also 1964 Shakespeare, 190 sets in post office packs, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 .................................................................................. .. 1902 to 1940, coll. of over 450 on page s, n.h to o.g., compr. Edward VII with various ptgs, George V and VI, man y blks of 4 incl. margin or corner control blks , shade s, invtd. or sideway s wmk., George V lsh, two ovptd. SPE CIMEN, etc ., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ................(betw. 127 and 257)
1936 to 1957, excellent coll. of a few hundred in showgard mounts on White Ace pages in ring-binder , vast majorit y n.h. , incl. numerou s better sets, phosphor , paste-up coils, Offices, Postage Due, Channel Island s, very complete and very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000 ....................................................................... 36
419 *
ASCENSION : 1922 ½ p to 3sh, compl. set, n.h ., 3sh o.g ., fine to very fine. S.G. £250 ....................... (Photo)(l-9)
* 421 * 422 * 423 * 424 * 425 * 426 * 420
427 0 428 0
1913 Wmkd. Wide Crown and Wide A ½ p to Ssh, compl., o.g. , so me hinge remnan ts, fine to very fine . S.G. £754 ........................................................... ........................................................... ..................................(Photo)( l - 12)
698.50 l0sh pink & gray, edge of sheet wmk, o.g. , very fine. S.G . £600 .......................................................... (Photo)(J3) 600.00 £1 ultramarine & brown, o.g., brilliant fresh, fine. S.G. £1100 .............................................. ............(Photo)(14) 1,300.00 1915-24 Wmkd. Narrow Crown and Narrow A £1 gray, l.h., very fine. S.G . £400 ............................ (Photo )(57) 450.00 1929-30 Wmkd. Small Crown and A Multiple 6p to l0sh, compl., l.h. or o.g., fresh, fine to very fine. S.G. £608 ................................................... .............. ......................... ............. ....................... ............... ...............(Photo )(96- l0l ) 625.00 1931-36 Wmkd. Small Crown and C of A Multiple 6p to l0sh , compl., Ssh bottom sheet margin copy, 1.h., very fine to extreme ly fine. S.G. £472 ............................................ .................. ................................. (Photo )( l 2 1-27) 502.00 1932 Bridge Ssh gray green, l.h., extremely fine. S.G. £375 ............................................................ .(Photo)( 132) 350.00 Ssh, lightly caned., very fine . S.G . £180 ........... ...................................... ....... ............................. ............(Photo)(l32) 200.00
Postage Due; 1931-37 Wmkd. Small Crown and C of A Multiple 6p yellow green & rose, light ly caned., fine . S.G . £250 ....................................... ...................................... ............ ............ ........... ............ ..................... (Photo)(J62)
* **
434 0 435 436
* *
437 0 438 0 439 0
* 44 1 ** 440
Military; 1946-47 ½ p to Ssh, compl. set, l.h., fine to very fine. S.G. £ 170 ................................. .....(Photo)(M l- 7) 429 430 ** EE1946-47 ½ p to Ssh, compl. set, bottom left Imprint blks of 4, Ssh thin rough paper, n.h., some minor toning in selvage, very fine. S .G. £824+ ............ .................................................................................... ......... (Photo)(Ml-7) BAHAMAS: 1883 Surcharged 4p on 6p violet , unused , very fine. S.G . £550 ................... ...................(Photo)(26) 431 432 BAHRAIN; 1933 Wmkd. Multiple Stars George V 3p to Sr, compl. set, plus 1934 la and 4a and 1935-37 ½a and 2a, n.h., very fine. S.G. berw. 1-17, 19, £242+ .................................................................... (Photo )(l- 15,17-19)
298 .15+
BARBADOS 1938-41 George VI 3p to 25r, compl. except 3½a and 12a, incl. sheet margin and interpane copies, n.h., very fine to extremely fine. S.G. £57 1................................................... ......................... .........(Photo )(20-26,28,30,32-37)
1855-58 White Paper imperf (½ p) yellow green, pairs, full to large margins all round, neat ly ca ned., tiny faults, very fine appearance. S.G. 7, £220+ ..................................... .......................................................... (Photo)(5a)
220 .00+
1861 Error 6p orange vermilion, imperf pair, large part o.g. , full to very large margins all round, very fine. S.G. 32a, £400 .................. .......... ........... ..................... .................................................. ............................. ......(Photo) (20b)
1873 Wmkd. Small Star Ssh dull rose, o.g., sma ll tone spot on gum, rich co lor, fine. S.G. 64 , £950 ...(Photo)(43) Ssh, light ly caned., deep color, very fine. S.G. £300 .................................................................... ............ (Photo)(43) Ssh, neatly caned., fine . Signed Champ ion ........................................ ........ ...................... ........ ........... ...... (Photo) (43) Ssh, two copies, neatly caned. , small faults, both with rich co lor, fine . S.G. £600 ........... ....................... (Photo)(43)
925.00 325.00 325.00 650.00
1875 Crown CC perf 12½ 4p scarlet, o.g., brilliant fresh , very fine. S.G. 68, £ 150 ............................. (Photo)(47) 165.00 1875-78 Perf 14 6p chrome yellow, single and strip of 3, n.h., strip light crease , very fine appearance, single very fine. S.G. 79, £360 + ........... ........................... .................................................................... ................(Photo) (55) 400.00+ 1907 Nelson Error of Color 2½ p indigo & black, neat AUG7 c.d.s. cancel, very fine. S.G. 162a, £800. Ve,y 0 rare used ................................................................ .............................. ............ ............................. ......... (Photo)( 112a) 1,200.00 BECHUANALAND: 1887 Wmkd. VR in Italics lsh to l0sh , compl., l.h. or o.g., fresh , fine to very fine. S.G. £386 ........................ ........ ....................... ......... ............................................. ......................................... (Photo) ( 16-20) 410.00 Wmkd. Orb £I lilac & black , l.h. , extremely fine. S.G. £900 .............................................................(Photo )( 21) 900.00 £1, o.g. , some blunted perf s, fres h, fine .................................................................................................... (Photo) (2 l) 900.00 BECHUANALAND PROTECTORATE: 1888-90 Wmkd. VR in Italics Ssh green & black, o.g., very fine. Holcombe Cert. (1986) and signed by him. S.G. £1100 .......................................................................(Photo)(57) 1,100.00 * liil 1893-95 2p bistre and 1897 ½ plight green, folded sheets compr. 2 panes of 60 each, n.h. to o.g., former with no dots over "i" 's of "British", pos. 10, latter with broken or malformed letters, some faults and separations, generally fine to very fine ......................................................... .............................................. .................... (39,a,40) 870.00+
* 444 * 445 * 446 * 443
* 450 * 451 * 449
BERMUDA: 1874 Surcharged 3p on lsh green, S.G. type 7, unused, fresh, fine. S.G. 14, £1200 .....(Photo )(lO) 1,400.00 3p on lsh green, S.G. type 6, unused, small faults, fine appearance. Signed Friedl. S.G. 13, £2000 .....(Photo )(l2) 2, I 00.00 1875 Ip on lsh green , S.G. type 8, unused, fine. S.G. 17, £500 .............................................................(Photo) (l 5) 500.00 1910-20 Multiple CA George V 2sh to £1, comp!., l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. £647 ...........(Photo) (49-54) 585.25 BRITISH ANTARCTIC TERRITORY: 1963 Elizabeth ½ p to £1, plus 1969 £1 black & rose red , n.h. , very fine. S.G. £300 ..................................................................................................................................(Photo )( l -15,24) 279.05 1969 £1, sheet margin copy, n.h. , very fine. S.G. £ 150 ..........................................................................(Photo) ( 15) 125.00 BRITISH EAST AFRICA: 1890 Surcharged set of three, o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. £1125 ........(Photo)(l-3) 1,150.00
BRITISH GUIANA 1852 Lithographed, le Black on Magenta 455
le, unused , margins clear alJ round, small faults, light handstamp on reverse, very deep color and fine appearance. S.G. 9, £8500 ................................................................................................................(Photo)(6) 10,000.00
456 0
457 0 458 0 459 0
le, good to enormous margins , very lightly caned. and showing traces of original gum, deep fresh color, extremely fine. S.G. £4250 ................................................................................ .........(Photo Front Cover )(6) 5,000.00
le , light Demerara cancel, faint thin into margin, deep fresh color and fine .....................................(Photo)(6) 5,000.00 le , large even margins, neatly caned., crease and tiny margin rub, fresh, very fine appearance .....(Photo)(6) 5,000.00 1853-59 Without Line Above Value le vermilion, margins two sides, light c.d.s. cancels, small thin, rich color and fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1962). S.G. 11, £1000 ..................................................................(Photo)(S) 1,150.00 Full or Partial White Line Above Value
460 0
le dull red, S.G. type A, enormous margins, lightly caned., light crease and thin, extremely fine appearance. Ex Caspary. S.G. 12, £900 ................................................................................ ..........................................(Photo)(9)
46 1 0
le brownish red, S.G. type A, enormous margins, light 1860 cancel, faint crease and thin, extre mely fine appearance. S.G. 13, £ 1100.................................................... ..............................................................(Photo )(9 var,)
462 0
4c deep blue, large even margins, centered DEMERARA DE 10 1853 cancel, deep color and well defined impression, extremely fine. S.G. 18, £550 ................................................ .............................................(Photo)(lO)
463 0 464 0
450.00 4c blue, large to enormous margins, dated cancels, crease, very fine appearance. S.G. 19, £425 ........(Photo)( 10) 450.00 4c, three four-margined copies, neatly caned., each with very small faults, very fine appearance .................... ( 10) 1,350.00
465 b.
4c, HORIZONTAL STRIP OF THREE, margins all round, tied on piece by strikes of DEMERARA JY 7 1857 c.d.s. cancels, fine. S.G. £1275+ ................................................................ .......................... (Photo)(IO)
(900.00+) Our records show that only the Caspa,y/ Burrus block of fou r is larger and there are no other known strips of three in existance.
Line Above Value Removed 4c black on wove, small margins all round except tiny nick, corner thin, fine. S.G. ISP. Ve,y rare ............................... ................................................................................................ ..........(Photo)( ! IP)
467 0 468 0 469 0 470 0 47
1851 Laid Paper 6p grayish purple, outer frame line touched at bottom, huge margins other sides, lightly caned., thins, rich color and fine appearance. S.G. 2, £900 ........................................................................(Photo) (2) 1,400.00 1857 Wove Paper ½prose, good margins except frame line touched top left, neat "2 1" in circles cancel, fine. S.G. 17, £375 ...............................................................................................................................................(Photo)(8) 425.00 ½ p, margins clear to very large, lightly caned., two tiny thin spots, rich color, fine .............................. (Photo)(S) 425.00 1859 Perf 12 10c black brown, lightly caned., small faults, deep true color, fresh. S.G. 33, £1300 ......(Photo)(JO) 1,800.00 1879-88 Montreal Printing 15c slate purple, blk of 4, n.h., beautiful rich color and fresh. S.G. 76c, £240+ .................................................................................................................... ...............................................(Photo)(29) 240.00+ 1868 Laid Paper le brown red, neatly caned., smalJ faults, rich color, fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1973). S.G. 55a, £1600 ................................................................................................................. ..........(Photo)(31) 2,250.00
l **Hl
472 0
1897 Jubilee Issue 473 0
* *
$1 lake, neatly caned., very fine. S.G. £400 ............................................................................ .......... ....... (Photo)(6l)
$2 dark purple, o.g., tiny thin, perfectly centered and brilliant fresh , fine. S.G. £700 ............................(Photo)(62)
$2, o.g. (hinge remnant) , small faults, fine appeara nce ............................................................................. (Photo )(62)
476 0
$2, Toronto roller cancel , very fine ................................................................... ........................................ (Photo)(62)
477 0
$2, two copies, Toronto roller cancels , very fine ........................................................................ ......................... (62)
478 0
$3 yellow bistre, roller cancel , fine .......................... ................................................................................ (Photo)(63)
$4 purple, part Imprint copy, n.h., tiny gum inclusions, fresh, fine. S.G. £800+ .............................. (Photo)(64)
$4, o.g ., tiny thin, bright color and fresh , fine .................. .................... ...................... ............................... (Photo)(64)
$4, unused , rich color and fresh, fine ............................ ............................................... .................. ........................ (64)
$5 olive green, o.g., small faults, well cente red and rich color, fine. S.G. £800 ...................................... (Photo)(65)
950 .00
483 0
$5, roller cancel , small thins, fine appeara nce ......................................................................... .............................. (65)
750 .00
484 0
$5, roller cancel, sma ll faults, well centered, fine appearance ............................................................................... (65)
1908 Tercentenary set comp!., n.h., a few negligible bends or creasing , some huge copies , generally fine to very fine ..................................................................... ............................................................ .................. ...(Photo) (96-103)
474 475
** 480 * 481 * 479
*In! 1912 to 1926 Admiral Issues le
**EE 1912-25 10c bistre brown, blk of 4, n.h., bottom
*EE1924 Imperf set of three, blks of 4, very l.h., extremely fine. S.G. £256 .................................................. (136-38)
to $1, selection of well over 100 stamps in glassines, n.h. to o.g., incl. blks of 4 or larger, imperfs, perf 8 vert. and the two diff. surchd. types, mixed condition or centering to extremely fine. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ..................................................................................................................................
right stamp tiny inclusion, very fine to extremely fine. 1995 Unitrade Can. $360 .............................................................................................................................................. (118) ( 100.00+)
1926 2c on 3c carmine, surchd. types "a" and "b", 6 and 12 copies respectively, n.h., fine to very fine. 1995 Unitrade Can. $ 1305 ........................................................................................................ ................ ............. ( 139,140)
320.00+ 702.00
**EE 1927 Confederation set comp I., 20 sets, incl. blks, n.h., fine to very fine. I995 Uni trade Can. $ I545 ...... (141-45)
**EE 1927 Historical set compl. and 1933 Grain Exhibition 20c brown red, 7 sets and 5 copies incl. blks, n.h., fine
**EE Schooner 50c dark blue, blk of 4, n.h., fresh, fine. 1995 Unitrade Can. $1600 ...............................(Photo)( 158) 1,200.00 **EE 1932 Citadel 13c dull violet, 9 copies incl. blks of 4, n.h., fine to very fine. 1995 Uni trade Can. $787 .50 ..... (20 I) 5 J7.50 **EE 1934 Loyalists 10c olive green, Pl. blk of 4, plus 23 copies incl. blks, n.h., very fine. 1995 Unitrade Can.
**EE 1935 Silver Jubilee set compl., 8 sets, plus 13c, 41 copies, n.h., very fine to extreme ly fine.
1927 Confederation set comp!., vert pair s imperf. horiz. , o.g., very fine . 1995 Unit rade Ca n. $800 ................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(l4la -45a vars.) to very fine. 1995 Unitrade Can. $835.50 ................................................................................................
499 500 501
George V "Scroll" Issue 4c bistre, Imprint Pl. blk of 8, n.h., very fine. 1995 Unitrade Can. $300 ............................................... .......................................................... .............................................. ..........(Photo)(l52)
$ 1,222.50 ................................................................. ............................................................................................. (209)
917 .00
607 .50+
1995 Unitrade Can. $ 1,032 ........................................................... .................................................................................................. (2 1 l- l 6)
1935 Yacht 13c dark blue, 65 copies, 1942-43 Destroyer $1 deep blue, 2 copies, n.h., fine to extreme ly fine .............................................. ........................................................................................ ........................ ......... (2 16,262)
9 15.00
**EE1935 George V Pictorials le
to $1, compl. set, 6 sets, very fine to extremely fine. 1995 Unitrade Can. $1,840 ..................................................................................................................... ................................................... (217-27)
**EE $1 deep blue, corner blk of 4, n.h., extremely fine. 1995 Unitrade Can. $540+ .............................. (Photo)(227) **EE 1942-43 War Effort le to $1, stock of a few hundred in numbered glassines in box, vast majority n.h., incl.
978.90 280.00+
Pl. blks of 4 with some matched corners , varying quantities incl. five $ 1, genera lly fine to very fine . Est. Cash Value $400-500 ................................................... .................................................. ................................................... .... . 502
**EE 1946 Peace Issue Sc to $1, selection of well over 125 stamps in glassines, vast majority
**EE Same, n.h., extremely fine .............................................. ...................................................................... (Photo)(227) **EE $1, 13 copies incl. 2 blks of 4, n.h., very fine to extremely fine. 1995 Unitrade Can. $1,755 ...................... (227)
504 505
n.h., incl. comp !. sets with extras , bll<s and bll<s of 4 incl. five$ I , generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ........................(268-73)
1974-76 Coil Error Sc ultramarine, dull paper strip of 5 compr. imoerf strip of 4 and right stamp part perf, n.h., extremely fine. 1995 Uni trade Can . $550+ ................................................................................... (Photo)(604a)
280.00+ 910.00 250.00+
**161 1976 Inland
1975 Christmas Error Sc se-tenant pair , black double printed , n.h. , very fine. 1995 Unitrade Can. $250 .................................................................................................................... .............................(Photo )(676,677 vars.) Vessels Error 10c, se-tenant sheet margin blk of 10 (folded once along vert. perfs ), violet and blue colors double on three stamps , "Pa ssport" (2) and "C hicora " (1), n.h., distinctive double printing, very fine ........................................................................................................................................................(70 1,702 vars.)
**EE1977 Silver Jubilee
ERROR (25c), " missing silver ", two copies in Corner Imprint Block of Four with normal s, n.h. , very fine. Impressiv e error. 1995 Unitrade Can. $3,000 ......(Photo Front Cover )(704 var.)
** 1979 Coil Error 17c slate green , imperf strip of 4, n.h. , extremely fine...........................................(Photo )(806a) **EE Special Deliver y; 1922 20c carmin e, blk of 4, n.h., very fine to extre mely fine. 1995 Unitrade Can. $640
1977-78 Coil Er ror s 12c blue and 14c red , imperf pair and strip of 4 respectively , former on dull paper , n.h. , extremely fine. 1995 Unitrade Can. $600 ............................................................................(Photo) (729a,730a)
...................................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(E2)
300.00+ 400.00+ 380.00
Official s 512
**EB 1949-50 Ovptd.
5 13
**EE $1 red violet, corner blk of 4, n.h. , extremely fine ............................................................................(Photo )(OlO) **EE 1950 Ovptd. " G" $1 red violet, corner blk of 4, n.h. , extremely fine ..............................................(Photo)(O25) **EB $1, blk of 4, n.h. , extremely fine .........................................................................................................(Photo )(O25) **EB 1950-51 Fisheries $1 bright ultramarine , margin blk of 4, n.h., extremely fine ............................(Photo )(O27)
514 5 15 516
"O .H.M.S". 50c dark blue green , sheet margin blk of 4, n.h. , extremely fine. 1995 Unitrade Ca n. $1200 ..............................................................................................................................................(Photo )(O9)
5 17
SPERA TI FORGERIES: Compr. Briti sh Columbia and Vancouver Island 1865 imperf Sc ro se, framed blue PAID "cancel ", Newfoundland 1857 6p sca rlet vermilion , oval grid "ca ncel", very fine. Est. Cash Value $75-100 ............................................................................. .......................................................................(Photo) (3,6)
5 18
5 19
*OEB 19th and
*Ollil Accum. and stoc k of a few thou sand in glassines, stockbook s, in albums
Primarily 19th Century to 1925, coll. and accum. of a few thou sa nd on stock sheets and in envelopes in box, used, few unu sed, incl. hundred s of Small Queen types with a variet y of cancels, geometrics , c.d.s .s, incl. sca rcer town s, flag, multiple s, man y Penn y Postage , quantitie s of Admiral coils perf 8 horiz. , also some mod ern issues, mixed condition to very fine and some exceptional copies. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cas h Value $750-1,000 ............................................................................................................................................... 20th Century , coll. of several hundred diff. on Specialty page s and stock sheets in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, good range of issues mostly from 1868, incl. better items and later n.h. sets, also modern blks or Pl. blk s in glassines and some Revenu es on Bileski pages, some fault s though overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-600 ...........................................................................................................................................................
and loose in carton , used, some n.h. or o.g., generally common issues in varying quantities . a few slightly better incl. 19th cent., Parliament n.h. single and Museum 50c pair, o.g .. al so ewfoundland and other provinces, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Ca h Value $400-500 .......................................................................................................................................................................
52 1
*OEB 19th and
20th Century to 1908, accum. of over 250 glassines in box, n.h. to unused or used , incl. a few classic issues, Large and Small Queen , latter incl. a group with Flag cancels, Jubilee to $1 with extras of lower values, Maple Leaf and umeral issues, Penn y Post age, Edward VII and Tercentenar y, Regis. Sc, etc., incl. blks of 4 or larger , varying quantitie s to one of an item , mixed condition to a fair number very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500 ............................................................................................................
20th Centur y 522
**IBI Accu m.
**161 Stock
**161 Small
of man y thousand sta mp s in compl. and part sheets in 20 files or envelopes in carton, n.h ., wide ranging with value to $1 though much Sc, 6c, Sc, incl. tagged , few ptg var s., mint pre-cancels , Semis, se-tenant, etc., genera lly very fine. Face about Can . $1,500 ............................................................ ....................... of several hundred item s in albums and loose in box, n.h. , compr . sheetlets or pane s, incl. pocket panes , Christmas , tagged , etc., 1774 Ear th Sciences and 1979 Flags , varying quantitie s, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500+ .......................................................................................................................................................
accum. in glassines and loose in box, vast majority n.h., compr. errors and varieties, real and imagined, incl. fluorescent, hi-brite, missing or diff. colors, diff. than normal tagging, offsets, fold-overs, shifted printing or perfs, etc., many in blks of 4 or larger, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-400 .............................................. 525 **llil Small accum. of compl. or part sheets in sheet file, n.h. , incl. I940s Commems, also I980s $ 1, $2, $5 sheets of 25, fine to very fine. Est. Ca h Value$ I 00- 125 .......................................................................................................... .
700.00+ 210.00+ 340.00+ 340.00+ 320.00
........ . ..
• •
.. . ,...•................. ........ ........................... ..
... •. ..
.. . •
•••••••• o•••••••..,•••••••
527 0
**!Bl Stock of man y hundred
in glassines, etc., in box, n.h. , incl. man y 50c, $1 and $2 issues from #294, man y Pl. blks or sheetlet s, with Fish Resource s matched set of Pl. blks, Totem Pole , Export, 1967-76 and 1972-76 issues, 1976 Olympic s, etc., incl. diff. gums and paper s, varying quantitie s, clean and generally very fine. Est. Cas h Value $1,200-1,500 ............................................................................................................
1903 to 1953, used stock of man y thousand in numbered envelopes in 2 boxes, scatter ed unu sed particularl y coils, incl. slightl y bett er items, #201 (550+), 302 (375), thousand s of Official s incl. perfed initial s, War Tax, etc., large quantiti es of some and all with owner 's count. Clean srock. Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 ..................
*!Bl1917 to 1939, stock of several hundred
in numbered glassines in box, much n.h. , balance I.h. or o.g., incl. blks, PI. blks of 4 or lar ger, a number of better item s incl. 50c and $1 values, compl. sets with extras, some small faults thou gh generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500 .......................
*ffi 1935 to 1957, stock of man y hundr ed in envelopes in box, much n.h., incl. blks and Pl. blks, some coils, varying quantities, also #2 I 6 well over 150 copies, very l.h. to part o.g., some faults though much fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-350 ...................................................................................................................(betw. 2 1land 369)
**ffi1947 to 1980s, Ssock of man y thousand
in numbered glassines in 4 boxes in carton, vast majorit y n.h., wide range of issues with man y Pl. blks of 4, matched corner s with diff. Pl. number s, tagged, few vars. and paper s, se-tenant issues, Semis, some Souvenir sheets, etc., varying quantities , generally very fine. Well worth figuring. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 ...........................................................................................
53 1
**IHI BOOKL ETS: Accum. of over 250 un exploded booklets in numbered
glassines and loose in shoe box, n.h., from George V through modern issues incl. French , English and bi-lingual inscription s, various sized pane s, hi-brite and other var ieties, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-600 ............................................. COILS: Accum. of several hundr ed coils in glassines in box, vast majority n.h., compr. George V through modern issues, man y stri ps, George VI perf 8 and 9½ vert. , also mint and used booklet pane s, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ..................................................................................................................... AIR POST AND BACK OF THE BOOK: 20th Century, stock of a few hundred in numbered glassines in box, vast majorit y n.h. , compr. #Cl-9 , Air Special Deliver y, Special Deliver y incl. one El , Postage Due and War Tax, incl. Pl. blks of 4 or 6, matched corners , etc., varying quantities , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .............................................................................................................................................. . OFFICIALS: 1949 to 1963, stock of seve ral hundred in numbered glassines in box, vast majorit y n.h ., compr. ovptd. "O.H.M.S. " or "G", incl. 50c and $1 values, Pl. blks with matched sets, Air Post and Special Delivery Officials , plus some perf initial s, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ................................. CAPE OF GOOD HOP E
536 0 537 538 539
* * *
540 0
541 542
* 545 * 546 * 547 * 544
548 0 549 0
1853 Deeply Blued Paper 4p deep blu e, part o.g., mostly large margin s all round , insignificant corner bend , fresh bright color , very fine. S.G. £2000 ............................................................................................... (Photo )(2a) 2,250.00 1855-58 White Paper lp rose, square pair , mostly large margin s all round , neatly caned., very fine. S.G. Sa, £400+ ...........................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(3) 400.00+ 6p slate lilac, o.g., full to large mar gins, extreme ly fine. S.G. 7, £4250 ..............................................(Photo )(Sa) lsh bright yellow green, o.g., large margins all round, negligible crease, fresh, very fine. S.G. 8, £2500 ..(Photo )(6) 1863-64 De La Rue l sh emerald , edge of sheet wmk, o.g., full to very large margins, fresh, very fine. S.G. 2 1, £350 ...........................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(l5 ) 325.00 1900 Issued in Mafeking; Goodyear lp deep blue on bluish, neat MY 7 cancel, small thin, very fine appearance. S.G. £275 ........................................................................ .........................................................................(Photo )( l 78) 275.00 Baden-Powell 3p deep blue on bluish, 18½ mm wide, unused, fresh, fine. S.G. £ 1200 .....................(Photo )( 179) 1,250.00 3p pale blue on bluish, tied by neat AP I 3 c.d.s. cancel on mall piece, fine. S.G. £400 .....................(Photo )( ! 79) 350.00 Primarily 19th Centur y, selection of over 25 covers , incl. "Hope" and Symbols of Colony and Edward VII, with surchd. types, multiple and mixed frankings, Regis., most to U.S., also England, Scotland, Germany, Barbados, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $ 100+ .............................................................................................................. CAYMAN ISLANDS: 1907-08 Provi sionals ½ p on Ssh and lp on Ssh vermilion & green, o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. £450 ......................................................................................................................................(Photo )(l 8,19) 380.00 1932 Centenary set compl. , l.h. or o.g., very fine. S.G. £350 ............................................................(Photo) (69-80) 418.20 Com pl. set , o.g., very fine ...................................................................................................................(Photo )(69-80) 418.20 CEYL ON: 1857-59 White Paper imperf 2p deep green , 6p plum , lOp vermilion , o.g. to unused, good to large margins, very fine. S.G. 3, 6, 9, £2750 .............................................................................................(Photo )(4,6A, 10) 6p brown , large even margin s, lightly caned., very fine. S.G. 6a, £400 ..................................................(Photo )(?) 6p, full to large margin s, neatly caned., very fine .....................................................................................(Photo )(7) 46
350.00 350.00
* 551 * 552 *
* 555 *
CYPRUS: 1903 Crown CA Edward VII ½ pi to 45pi. compl. set, o.g., fine to very fine . S.G. £400( Photo) (38-47)
364.4 0
1921-23 Multiple Crown CA George V lOsh green & red on yellowish, l.h., very fine. S.G . £350 ... (Photo)(8 7)
lOsh, l.h., fresh , fine ................. ...................................................... ........ ....... ........ ........... .........................(Photo)(8 7)
1924-28 Script £5 black on ye llowi sh, l.h. , almost very fine. Signed H. Bloch. S.G. 117a , £3000 ................................... ............................................................................................... (Photo Front Cover )( 109) 3,250.00 EAST AFRICA AND UGANDA PROTECTORAT ES: 1903 Crown CA Edward VII 20r olive gray & black, o.g., negligible pe1f toning , corner perf crease, fresh , fine . S.G. £425 ....... .................... .......................... (Photo)( 15)
1916 George V SOfgray green & red, o.g. , tiny perf fau lt, well centered, fine . S.G . £500 ................... (Photo)(57)
500 .00
556 557 0
1898 Crown CC 2sh6p dark blue , two copies, o.g., one very fine other extremely fine. S.G. 4 1, £400.(Photo )(20) 2sh6p , Ssh brown red, neat c.d.s. cancels. very fine. S.G. 4 1, 42 , £450 ............................................(Photo )(20,2 1)
558 0
2sh6p, light c.d .s. cancel. very fine. S.G. £250 .........................................................................................(Photo )(20)
1921-29 Script George V 2½ p Pru ssian blue, l.h., handstamp on reverse, very fine. S.G. 76c, £300 ..(Photo )(44a) 1928 Provisional 2½ p on 2p brown violet, l.h., fresh, fine. Foundation Cert. (1977). S.G. £650 .........(Photo )(52)
1929-31 George V £1 black on red, n.h ., natura l gum crease, very fine appearance. S.G. £275 ........... (Photo )(64)
559 560 56l
* * **
1933 Cen tenar y Issue
½ p to £1, compl. set, l.h. , very fine to extre mely fin e. S.G. £2250 ........................................(Photo )( 65-76) 2,665.00
Comp l. set, l.h. or o.g., very fine .................... .................................. ......................................... (Photo )(65-76) 2,665.00
Comp l. set, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine ...................................................................................(Photo )(65-76) 2,665.00
* 566 * 567 ** 568 * 569 ** 570 ** 571 * 572 * 565
* 575 * 574
½ p to 2sh6p comp l., l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. £238 ........................................................................ (65-73) Ssh yellow & black , l.h., very fine. S.G. £500 .........................................................................................(Photo )(74) lOsh light brown & black , sheet margin corner copy , n.h. , extremel y fine. S.G. £500+ ..................(Photo)(75) £1 ro se & black , o.g., extremel y fine. S.G. £1300 .................................... .............................. ...............(Photo)(76)
2 15.00 475.00 575.00+ 1,400.00
Dependencies ; 1954 Elizabet h set compl., n.h. , very fine. S.G. £200 ......................................... (Photo )( lL 34-37) Same, n.h. , very fine ............................................................................. ................................ ..........(Photo )(lL34-37)
197. 19
GERMAN EAST AF RI CA: S0r gray green & red, l.h., tiny hand stamp on reve rse, fresh, fine. S.G. £475 ........................ ....................................................................................................... ...............................(Photo )(N l22)
GIBRALTAR: 1912 M utt. Crown CA Geo rg e V ½ p to £1, compl. set, o.g.,neg ligible rubbing, fine to very fine. S.G. £250 ...................................................................... .................................. ............................. (Photo )(66-75)
244. 15
197. 19
1921-32 Script George V £5 dull violet & black , l.h., very fine . S.G. 108, £1400 .(Photo Front Cover )(93) 1,750.00 1938-49 George VI 1½ p carmine to lOsh, perf 13½ or 14, 10 diff. , l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. 123, 25a , 26a , 27 an d a-29 and a, 30, £723 ................................................ ......(Photo )( l09b ,lla,13a ,14a,b-16a ,b,17a )
GILBERT AND ELLICE ISLA DS: 1912-24 George V £1 violet & black on red , 1.h., extremely fine. S.G. £600 ...................................... .................................................................................................................... (Photo )(26)
GOL D COAST: 1889 Crown CA 20sh green & r ed, o.g., couple of perf soaks at top , well centered, fine. S.G. 24, £3250 ......................................... .............................. ............ ....................... ........................(Photo )(24) 3,250.00
1912-14 Mu tt. Crown CA George V le to $10, compl. set, plu s Surfa ce Color ed Paper 12c and Redrawn 25c, n.h. , incl. $10, to o.g., fine to very fine. S.G . £1005 ................... .............................................(Photo )( 109-25,128)
** 1948-49 Silver Wedding set of two, n.h. , very fine ......................................... ......................... .....(Photo )(l 78, 179) **EE Compl. set, sheet margin blk s of 4, $10 with Imprint , n.h. , very fine ............... ........................ (Photo )(178,179)
1954-60 Elizabeth Sc to $10, 12 diff. , n.h. , very fine. S.G. £125 ........................ .......................... ( 185-92,94,96-98)
Same, corner or sheet margin copies , n.h , very fine ................................................................... ( 185-92,94,96-98)
1962 St. Edward's Crow n and CA Mu ltipl e Sc to $20, compl. set, n.h, very fine . S.G. £ 160 .....(Photo )(203- l 7) Sa me, n.h., very fine ....................................... .............................. .....................................................(Photo ) (203-l 7)
20 1.75
** 581 ** 582 ** 583 ** 584 **
20th Centur y, accum. of over 100 mostl y diff. on stock sheets , n.h., incl. Centenary and Elizabeth sets, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $350-450 ............................................................ ..................... ........................... ................
( 140.40) 562.00+
Air Post; 1929 ''Lady Jackson" official flight cover pmkd. "DUM-DUM 25 JUN 29" and bearing "Flown Joan Page" signature handstamps. A11ractive Indian ea rly flight ..... ........ ........ ....... .......... ........ ....... ......... ..(Photo) Official; 1925 Error Surcharged on George V 2r on lOr carmine rose & green, l.h., fresh, fine. S.G. 0104 , £750 ..............................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(O69b)
~VlffTJOl' orINOJAN UN~INTHE'illSTORY ~NOTHER ky lh D, H. lih1k ~ LMy Jo.ek•.,• ~ ky 11.• wu uniM Tk, • _,..u 1• oll•••o■ 1h t'o 11• ort PUcST IRITISH LADY P,101 of INDIA, oa 11Lo
'f"i,1 t{!:~A lt~ 1l,~ \) I\_W('I
Boro ■ uo;
M I• RHlla D111r,o,oa
,.,,11..l.ll'f ,'ilJ/St.A NOS
!ru ..;;., . al.
'< ab.,YLUCJt
-~ :, t; <--<-<-&C
Convention States George VI Issues
** 588 ** 589 ** 590 ** 591 ** 592 ** 593 ** 587
CHAMBA: 1942-47 lr to 2Sr, comp!., all but lr bottom interpane copies, n.h., very fine to extreme ly fine . S.G. 102-07, £679 ................................................... .........................................................................(Photo )(l0l-106) Officials; 1939-40 lr to l0r , compl. set, lr sheet margin copy, n.h., fine to very fine. S.G. 068-71 , £970 ........................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(OSlA-54 ) GWALIOR: 1942-48 lr to 2Sr, compl. less 2r, each are top interpane copies, n.h., very fine to extremely fine . S.G.112 , 114- 17, £2 11 ............................................. .....................................................................(Photo )(ll2,14-17) Officials; 1942-48 George VI 2r, Sr, I0r, Sr sheet margin with bottom interpane copy, n.h., very fine to extre mely fine . S.G. 0 92-94, £ 198 ...................................................................................................(Photo) (O49-5 l) JIND: 1941-43 2Sr slate violet & purple, interpane vert. pair, n.h., very fine. S.G. 136, £240 .......(Photo)(l64) Officials ; 1942 lr to lOr, compl., sheet margin copies, n.h., very fine to extremely fine . S.G. 083-86 , £308 .......................................................................................................................................... .................(Photo) (O72-75) NABHA: 1938 Sr, lOr, 2Sr, horiz. pairs, lOr and 2Sr interpane at right, Sr interpane between, n.h., very fine . S.G. 91,92,94, £656+ ....................................................................................................................... (Photo )(83,84,86)
486.50+ 895.00
Native Feudatory States
** ** 596 * 597 *
COCHIN : 1950 3a4p violet, corner sheet margin pair, dull n.h. , very fine . S.G. 116, £220+ ............(Photo)(97) JAIPUR: Officials; 1936-46 ¼a to lr , compl. except 4a, sheet margin copies, n.h., very fine to extremely fine. S.G. 023-27 ,29-31, £271+ .................................................................................................(Photo)(O 13,22-26,28,29) JAMMU AND KASHMIR: 1874-76 Special Printing la gray black, ungummed, large mar gins, very fine. S.G. 15, £200 ................................................................... .....................................................................(Photo )(SGl5)
KISHANGARH: 1899-1900 Imperf la blue , ungummed , large margins , extremely fine. S.G. 3, £375 ....................................................................... ............................................................................................. (Photo) (2)
598 * Hl ORCHHA: 1935 Maharaja ¼ a to 2Sr, comp!. set, blks of 4 and two sets of singles, most n.h., balance l.h. or o.g., a few tiny faults, fresh, fine to very fine ............ ................. ...................................... ............................. (SG8-30)
* 600 *
IRELAND: 1922 Alex. Thom & Co. 2sh6p gray brown, Ssh carmine rose, lOsh gray blue, l.h., lOsh tine, others very tine. S.G. £1200 ............................ ..................................................................................(Photo)(36-38) 1,350.00 1935 Re-engraved set of three, o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. £425 .....................................................(Photo)(93-95) 475.00
60 I * O
20th Century, accum. of a few thousand in glassines, etc., and stock sheets and album pages in box, mostly u ed , some n.h. or o.g., varying quantiti es of Regu lar Is ues and Commems , some and Postage Due , blks. etc. , mixed conditi on. Est. Cash Value $ 150-250 .........................................................................................................
* 603 *
KENYA, UGANDA AND TA ZA IA: 1922-27 George V £2 brown violet & green, l.h., brilliant fresh, extremely fine. S.G. £600 .......................................................................................................................(Photo)(38)
604 0
£4 rose lilac, very l.h., fresh, fine. S.G. £1200 ........................................... ............................................ (Photo)(40) 1,600.00 LABUAN: 1879 Wmkd. CA over Crown 2c green, red dotted cance l, thin, very fine appeara nce. S.G. £450 ........................................................................ ................................. ............................................................ (Photo)( I) 575.00 1880 Red Additional "6" Across Original Value 6c on 16c blue, red dotted grid cance ls, few clipped perfs, well centered, fine. S.G. 12, £600 .................................. ................................ ............................... ....................(Photo)( ! I )
605 0
* 607 * 608 *
1891 6c on 16c blue, unused, very fine. Foundation Cert. (1947) and Royal Cert. (1955). S.G. 37, £1200 .................................................................. ................................................................................................(Photo) (31) 1,400.00
LEEWARD ISLANDS: 1897 Jubilee set comp!., l.h., incl. Ssh, or o.g. , fine to very fine. S.G. £600( Photo )(9-16 ) 698.00 MADAGASCAR: BRITISH VICE-CONSULATE 1886 Violet Seal 3p rose, type II, o.g., faint thins, very fine. S.G. 30, £1000 .................................................. .............................................. ...............................(Photo)( 19a) 1,100.00
1855-58 Worn Impr ession Ip orange on bluish, sheet margin vertical strip of three , full to enormous margins other side s showing portion of adjoining stamp , nea tly caned., very fin e. S.G. 18, £1050+ ........................................................................... .......................................................... .............................(Photo)(Sh) 1,050.00+ 1859 Latest Impression Ip orange red on bluish, large even margins, neat gr id cancel, very fine. S.G. 23, £350 .................................................................. ............ ......................... .................................. .................... (Photo)(Sb) 350 .00
609 0
6 10 0 6 11 0
1858-59 Britannia (9p) magenta, large margins, clear grid cancel, vivid color, extremely fine. S.G. 29, £200 ........................................................................................................................ ...........................................(Photo)( ll )
612 0
1859 Dardenne 2p blue, full to large margins, neat grid cance ls, negligible thin , bright co lor, fine. S.G. 43a, £425 ......................... ........................... ..................... ................. .................... ........... .................... ............ ..(Photo)( l 7)
613 0
1862 Perf 14 to 16 lsh deep green, neat "B5 3" cance l, very fine . S.G. 55, £325 ...................................(Photo)(23)
1924 Coat of Arms S0r lilac & green, l.h., brilliant fresh, extremely fine. 1996 S.G. £700 ............(Photo)(200)
615 * O
* 6 17 * 616
1895 to 1950s, coll. of about 150 on small quadrille pages, l.h. or o.g., some used, incl. comp!. or part sets, Edward VII to I Or, some back-of-book, fine to very fine. S.G. £575 ............ .............................................................. MONTSERRAT: 1932 Tercentenary set comp!., three sets, l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine . S.G. £450 ....... (75-84 )
NAURU: 1916-23 First Issue set comp!. to lOsh, plus 1920 2sh6p, n.h. to o.g., fine to very fine....(Photo)(l -16)
8 10.00
1865-94 13c orange, fine, tied by cork cance l on somew hat faulty ye llow envelope to Sidney, Cape Breto n and bearing HARBOR -GRAC E OCT I 1867 c.d.s., two transit s and rece iver on reverse. S.G. 29, fro m £550. Rare usage on cover ................................ ......... ...................... ............................................. ............................... (Photo )(30 )
619 E
, pencil notations 2c "S.S. CARIBOU" photographic Die essay mounted on thick card and dated 14THAPRIL1927 "Mr. G 's copy " and "Make drawing more in keeping with the Sylvan to Newfo undl and" . Interes ting with ship sailing to right instead of left. Quite exhibi table. Est. Cash Value $150-200 ...................... .............. (Photo page 57)
620 E
1927 20c Colonial Building , similar photographic Die essay mount ed on card , dat ed "3 RD J UNE 1927", no penc il notations . Again ve1y attractive. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 ...................................................(Photo page 57)
Air Post ; 1930 Columbia S0c on 36c olive green, very l.h., fresh, very fine. Lovely copy of this popular rarity ................................. ..................................... ............................ ........................(Photo Front Cover )( CS) 5,500.00
*83 Primarily 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred on stock sheets, etc., n.h. to o.g., incl. comp!. or part sets, blks and corner blks, 00 -X unused, misc. province s, genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $200 ................. . .
623 0 624 0
NEW SOUTH WALES: 1850-51 Error 3p green on grayish , wove paper error SIGIIIUM" for "SIGILLUM", margins all round, numera l cancel, fresh, very fine. S.G. 43c, £375 .................................. ...............(Photo )(9 var.) Semi-Postals; 1897 Allegory set of two, lightly caned., fine. S.G. £190 ...... ...................................... (Photo)(B 1,2)
uni. 275.00
!'OST!,9!1 ---
,jl J t
NEW ZEALAND 1855-58 Aukland Print Blue Paper lsh green, lightly caned. with numeral 6, margins all round except just touched at one spot, fresh, fine. S.G. £3500. Rare this nice .............................. ............... ........ ............... (Photo)(6) 2,500.00 327.00 1913 Exhibition set of four, o .g ., very fine. S.G. £250 ................ .............................................. (Photo )(l30e- l 37e) normals, with 8 of blk 1966 Christmas Error 3p multi-colored , red omitted on four stamps in sheet margin n.h., very fine. S.G. 842a , £440+ ............... .............. ............... ............................... ................. ......... (Photo)(379 var.)
625 0
* **IBI 628 ** Semi-Postals; 1931 Boy set of two, n.h., fine to very fine. S.G. £ 150+ ....... .......... ..................... ........ (Photo)(B3 ,4) 626 627
1855 to 1870, coll. of over 50 on pages, used , 5 unused, good range of imperf and perf issues, unwmkd , wmkd
629 * 0
Star or NZ , variety of S .G. shades, some faults though much fine and generally attractive . Est. Cash Value $400600 ...... ................................... ............. ............................................................................ ......... ................ (fro m 5, etc .) NORTH BORNEO : 1912 $5 red violet, $10 brown, l.h., gum sta ining or toning , fresh , very fine appearanc e. S.G . 184, 185, £ 1650 ....................... ............................................... .................................................. (Photo )(l58 , 159) 2,000.00
* 63 1 * 632 * 630
1926-28 Perf 12½ le to $10, compl. set, o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. £425 .................................... (Photo)(l 67-84) Semi -Postals; 1918 Red Cross set comp l., l.h ., incl. $5 and $ 10, o r o.g., genera lly very fi ne . S.G. £600 ............................................................. .............................................................................................. (Photo) (B 14-30) $10+2c vermilion & black, neat violet c.d.s. cancel , very fine . Friedl Cert. ( 1983) and signed H. Bloch. S.G. £350 .................................................................. ......................................................... .....................................(Photo)(B30)
633 0 634
o.g., fresh, very fine . S .G. 85, £400 ...... ...... ........ ........................................ ............................................. ..(Photo )( l0) 1915-16 Wmkd. Wide Crown and Narrow A Ip carmine, Die Ia, in pair with normal, n.h., very fine. S.G. 67, c, £180+ ......................... ........... .............. ........................ ..................................... ....................... ............ (Photo )(l2 ,b)
** Ip, irregular blk of 5, compr. Die Ia, 3 copies, Die I,2 copies, n.h., very fine. S.G. 67, c, £555+. Rare multipl e 636 **IDI ...................................................................................... ..........................................................................(Photo)( 12,b)
640 **
64 1 0
* *
644 * 0
* 646 * 647 *
648 0
66 1.45 325.00
750.00 127.00+
NOVA SCOTIA: 1851-53 Blued Paper lp red brown, unused, clear to good margins all round, fresh bright color, very fine appearance. S.G. 1, £2000 ...................................................................... ........................(Photo)(l) 2,000.00
639 0
NORTH WEST PACIFIC ISLANDS : 1915-16 Wmkd. Wide Crown and Wide A £1 ultramarine & brown,
lsh cold violet, unu sed , full to large margins all round , cert. states "top corner thinning an d crea se", very fine appearance. Foundation Ce rt. (1956). Ex Rob ert Carr . S.G. 7, £19,000. Rare stamp ..(Photo )(7) 15,000.00 lsh purple , full to enormous margins, faded pen cancel, negligibl e crease, rich color and st ill very fine . Ex Dale/Lichten ste in. S.G. 8 ..................... ............................................................................................... (Photo )(7) 1908 Edward VII lOsh red & green on gree nish , n.h., extre mely fin e. NYASALAND PROTECTORATE: S.G. £85+ ............................................................. .................... ..................................... ............................ .(Photo )( 9)
1913-18 Mullt iple Crown CA George V £10 purple & royal blue, light face-free cancel, rich colors, extremely fine. B.P.A. Cert. (1990). S.G. 99a, £1700 ............................................(Photo Front Cover )(24) 1,750.00 PAPUA NEW GUINEA: 1901 Multiple Rosette 2sh6p brown & black, thin paper, vertical wmk, l.h. , very fine. S.G. 22 , £550 .............................................. .......................................... ...............................................(Photo)(8)
1932 Pictorial set compl., l.h. , incl. Ssh and £ I, or o.g ., few with hinge remnant , genera lly very fine . S.G. £325
................................................................ ........................................................................... ..........................(Photo)(2) 1,350.00 PRI CE EDWARD ISLA D: 1861 to 1872, selection of 11 diff. on page, unused or used, incl. 1861 and I 862 -65 to 6p , ome faults though generally fine or fine appearin g and attractive ..... .................. ....... ...... ( 1-7,9-l 2) 1,355.00 350.00
ST. CHRISTOPHER: 1882-90 Crown CA 4p blue, o.g., hand stam ps on rever se, fine. S.G . 17, £400.( Photo)(l3 ) ST. HELENA: 1922-27 Badge of Colony Script ½ broken main mast, Sp cleft rock, 6p torn flag, VARIETIES, l.h., very fine . S.G. 97a , I 03c , I 04b , £278 ............................ ......... ...... .................................. (Photo )(79 ,84,85 var .)
lSsh violet & black on bluish, l.h., handstamp on reverse, perfectl y centered, extremely fine. S.G. £850 .................................................. ....................................... ............................................. .............................(Photo)(94) Multiple Crown CA £1 red violet & black on red, light c.d .s. cance l, very fine. S.G. £450 ................(Photo )(99 ) 54
875.00 400.00
ST. KITTS-NEVIS: 1923 Tercentenar y set compl., o.g., very fine. S.G. £1000 .............. ............(Photo )(52-64) 1,382.15
650 0 651 0
* 653 * 652 654
ST. VINCENT: 1871-78 Perf ll x13x14 to 16 lsh lilac rose , partial grid cancel , perfs clear all round , ver y fine. S.G. 20, £400 ..................... ............ ........................................................... .......................................(Photo )(22)
1883-84 Crown CA perf 12 6p yellow green, partial grid cancel , fresh, fine. S.G. 44, £325 ··········:·····(Photo )(38)
SIERRA LEONE: 1933 Wilberforce set compl. , l.h., fine to very fine. S.G. £550 .......................(Photo )( l5 3-65)
670 .15
Co mpl. set , l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine ........................................................................ ................... (Photo )( 153-65)
670. 15
1948 -49 Silver Wedding set compl. , bottom sheet margin blks of 4, $5 with Imprint, n.h., very fine. S.G. £400 + ...........................................................................................................................(Photo )(2 1,22)
655 0
SOUTH AUSTRALIA: 1856-59 Local Print lp yellow green , margin s clear to large, neatly caned., fine. S.G. 6, £475 .................................................................................................... ................................................ ......... (Photo )(5)
656 * O
1855 to 1903 , coll. of about 160 on pages, mostly used, few o.g., incl. London and Local Prints, rouletted types, various wmks and a few Officials , mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $300 -500 .........................................................
SOUTH WEST AF RIC A : 1923 Setting I £1 red & green, reinforced bilingual pair, o.g ., light gum bend, well centered , very fine. S.G. 12, £900 ................................................................... ............... .......... ................. (Photo )(15) 1,250.00
1853-55 Unwmkd. Plate II Second State 4p orange , full to large margin s all round , neatly caned., handstamp on reve rse, vivid color, extremely fine. S.G. 10, £350 .......................................... ......... ........... ..............(Photo )(2)
658 0
659 0
4p , margin s all round, large three sides, lightly caned., very fine. Hunziker Cert. ( 1962) .....................(Photo) (2)
660 0
4p dull orange, larg e even margin s, on-the-nose "59" in grid cancel, very fine. S.G. 11, £300 ......... (Photo)(2)
661 0
4p , full to large margin s, clear "59" in grid cancel, handstamp on reverse, very fine ...... ........... ............. (Photo )(2)
662 0
1855 Wmkd. Large Star 2p green , full to enormou s margin s showing portion of adjoining stamp, neatly caned., very fine . S.G. 16, £450 ..................................................... ......................... ....................... .............(Photo )(5)
1892-99 Wmkd. TAS £1 green & yellow , o.g., fresh, fine ..................................................... ................ (Photo) (85)
663 664 0
TURKS ISLANDS: 1867 Wmkd. Small Star lsh slate blue (SE), perfs intact three sides, neatly caned ., fine. S.G. £2000 ............... ....... ..... ........ ............ ........... ........... .............. ............ ................ ............ ...... .............. ...(Photo )(6) 2,250.00
G 40
664 665
* 667 * 666
UGANDA: 1895 Typewritten on Thin Laid Paper, stamps 20 to 26mm wide 40c black , ungummed as issued, part inscription at bottom , very fine. Photocopy Brandon Cert. S.G. £1800 . Rare position copy ............................................. ........ ................. ........ ................................................ ................................(Photo )( 7) 2,000.00 VICTORIA: 1901-05 Wmkd. V and Crown £1 deep rose, £2 dark blue, perf 12x12 ½, o.g., fine to very fine. S.G. X376, 377, £775 .................... ................................. .................................................................. (Photo )(206,208) 1,050.00 VIRGIN ISLANDS: 1899 St. Ursula Error 4p chocolate inscribed "PENCF" , o.g., fresh , fine . S.G. 46a. , £1100. Popular error.................................. ............. ........................................... .................................... (Photo )( 24a ) 1,500.00
/Juplt"c.ate IJupl,cate
1. If--~"
ANDORRA: French Administration ; 1931 Ovptd. set compl., l.h., fine to very fine. 1995 Ceres FFrs7500 ............................................................................................................................................................................ ( 1-22)
ARGENTINA The Dr. Clarence W Hennan Collection of Argentine Proofs 669 P
The complete and intact collection as it was offered and sold in Switzerland in 1965. Contained in eleven deep green de-luxe Rapkin albums with slipcases, it comprises thousands of essays, large die and plate proofs and large multiples, all mounted on custom hand-lettered, gilt-edged pages. Ranging from early essays through the Rivadavia issues and up to 1934, we can think of no area in need of expansion. This is a truly magnifi cent collection, ready to be exhibited a second time. Est. Cash Value $10,000-15,000 ........................................................................................................................................(Photo)
Wmkd. Italic RA Sc brown rose, o.g. (binge remnant), frame line just touched bottom right, otherwise mostly large margins showing portion of adjoining stamp, fresh deep color, fine. Rare ................ ....(Photo) (8) 1,300.00 Sc, full even margins, blue oval cancel, extremely fine. Signed Friedl ................................... ............. (Photo)(8) 160.00 Sc, deeper shade, full to large margins, neat dated cancel, extremely fine .........................................(Photo)(8) 160.00
671 0
672 0
10c green, mostly large margins all round, lightly caned., handstamps on reverse, very fine ..........(Photo)(9) 10c, touched or in slightly at bottom, large margins other sides, lightly caned. , thins, fine appearance. Signed Thier ................................................................................. ...........................................................................(Photo)(9) 10c deep green , full to very large margins, grid ca nce l, mall fault incl. tiny tear , very fine appeara nce .....................................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(9) 10c yellowish green, full to large margins, lightly caned., small thin, fine ........... ............ ............ ..........(Photo)(9)
673 0 674 0 675 0 676 0
678 0
1,000.00 1,000 .00 1,000 .00 1,000 .00
15c blue, unused, mostly very large margins all round, outer frame line touched lower right, beautiful crisp impression and color, fine ............................................................................. .(Photo Front Cover )( 10) 7,250.00
15c, large margin s except top frame line barel y touched at one point , lightl y caned. , handstamp on reverse, light corn er crea se, fine appearance .....................................................................................................(Photo )(lO) 3,000.00
* 680 * 68 1 *
1899-1903 Libert y lp blue and black , l.h., tiny bandstamp on reverse, fresh, fine. On.L y 75 copi es believed to exist ................................................................................. .............................................(Photo)(139a) 1,500.00 Sp orange & black, very l.h., with detached sheet margin, fresh, fine. Signed A. Diena and others. On.Ly 50 copies believed to exist..............................................................................................................(Photo)( 140a) 1,700.00 l0p green & black, sheet margin copy, o.g., tiny ink mark on gum, handstamp on reverse, very fine. On.L y 25 copi es believed to exist ............... .......................... ................................... .. (Photo Front Cover )( 141a) 2,400.00
* 683 * 684 * 682
1910 High Values Sp, l0p , 20p, com pl., l.h., bright colors and fresh, very fine ............................. (Photo)( l 73-75)
310.00 1916 Wmkd. Honeycomb Ip to 20p, comp!., l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine ....................................(Photo)(227-30) 394.25 1930 Revolution ½c to S0p, comp!. set, l.h. or o.g., fresh, fine to very fine ...............................(Photo)(374-94) 1,032.14 Air Post; 1930 Zeppelin First Flight Blue Ovpt. set comp!., 1.h . or o.g ., very fine .................................. (C20-24) 256 .00 59
AUSTRIA 686 0 687 0 6.
* 689 **
1858-59 Embossed 2k orange, neat Trieste cancel , very fine. DM 600 ............ .......................................(Photo) (6b) 1910 Birthday Jubilee 2k, 5k, 10k, ne atly ca ned. , fir st tw o stamp s o n small pi ec e, ve ry fin e. DMl 775 .............. ................. ............... .......................................... ....................................................................(Photo )( l4 2-44)
250 .00
1936 Dolfuss 10s dark blue, l.h., extreme ly fine .................................................................................(Photo)(380) 1948-52 Costumes set comp!., three , incl. lOsh, with margin numerals , n.h., very fine to ex tremely fine. DM41 2 ...... ............................................. ........ .................................... ............ ..................................(Photo )(520-556 )
165. 10
** 69 1 ** 692 *
1931 Rotary set comp!. n.h., 10g inclusion , extremely fine. DM950 ..........................................(Photo)( B87-92) 1932 Artists set comp!., n.h., very fine to extr emely fine. DM4 60 ................................... ............(Photo )( BI 00-05) 1933 Ski Federation set comp!., o.g., extreme ly fine. DM440 ...................................................(Photo)(B106 -09)
350.00 180.00 250.00
1933 WIPA Issue 693 6. 694 6.
tied on small piece , extremely fine. DM500 ........ ..................... (Photo )(Bll0 ) 50g, granite paper, tied on small piece, very fine. DM 1000 .................................................... ......... (Photo )( B 110a)
Perf 12½ 50g deep ultramarine,
695 * 83
696 * l!il 697
698 t8I
190.00 350.00
Souvenir sheet of four, with folder , hinged in margin, negligible selvage wrinkle, very fine. DM5750 ........ ............. ....... ................................... ........ ......... ........ ................................. ........(Photo Back Cover )(Blll ) 2,000.00
1946 Renner Souvenir sheets, comp!. set of four, l.h. in selvage, very fine. DM5200 as n.h . .(Photo) (B185-88 ) 2,000.00 Postage Due; 1924-34 lg to 10s, comp!. set, n.h., very fine . DMl 125 ............... ....................... ...(Photo) (Jl 32-58) 300 .00 19th and 20th Century, coll. and accum. of about 500 items in cover albums, ring-binders and loose in carton, incl. commercial mail, cacheted FDC s, spec ial eve nt, used stationery, so me mint , etc., also world-w ide topica l FDCs in one bind er, mixed conditi on to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-3 00 ................. ...........................................
699 ** O Primarily 20th Century, stock and accum. of several hundred in numbered glassines in box, much n.h., balance o.g. or used, incl. co mpl. and part ets, Semi s, some Airs and back-of- boo k incl. Offi ces and Lombard y-Venetia, blks of 4, etc., ear ly issues mixed condition , over all fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-600 ............................. . 700 * O IBlBELGIAN COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of several hundred diff. in album, much used, some o.g., co mpr. Congo with dupl. and Ruanda-Urundi , incl. better early items and later compl. sets, Semis, etc., also co mpl. sheets in file with 1908 Ovptd ., mint and used, framed TAXES , 1947-50 l00fr , over 150 in part sheet , n.h., etc., ge nerally fine to very fine . Est. Ca h Value $300-500 ................................. ......... ............ .......................................... . 70 1
BELGIAN CONGO: 1886 Perf 15 5fr lilac, unused , very fine ....................... ........................................(Photo) (5)
BELGIUM 702 0 703 0 704 0 705 0
1849 Wmkd. Two "L's" Framed imperf 10c brown, 20c blue, huge even margins , neatly caned. , superb. DM305 ................................................................................................................................. ...................(Photo) (l,2 ) 10c and 20c, huge even margins, 10c showing portion of adjoining stamp, neatly caned., superb (Photo)(l,2 ) 20c, mostly enormous margins all round, neatly caned., extremely fine. DM130 .............................. (Photo) (2) 1849-50 Second Design 40c carmine rose, full to enormous margins, neatly caned., extremely fine. DM900 .................................................................................................. ...................................... ............................ (Photo)(5)
132.50 132.50 (57.50) 300.00
1875-78 Perforated 15, 5fr Deep Red Brown, shades
706 707 0
708 0 709 0 710 0 711
5fr, o.g. , gum creas ing, small thin , fine appearance . DM 3000 ............ ....................................... .............. (Photo )(39 ) 1,500.00 5fr, c.d.s. cance l, fine. DM2800 ................................... .......................... ..................................... ..............(Photo )(39 ) 1, 150 .00 Sfr, ro ller canc el, small comer crease, well centered, very fine appeara nce ............................................ .(Photo) (39) 525.00 Sfr towards chocolate, roller cance l, neg ligibl e thin , we ll ce ntered, very fine appearan ce. DM1200 ....(Photo) (39) 525 .00 Sfr pale brown, lightly caned., small thin, fine. DM2800 ..................................................................(Photo)(39a ) 1,250.00 1893-1900 Perf 14 Sc to 2fr, comp I., l.h. or o .g., a few small fault , fresh and genera lly fine to very fine ... (64-75) 653.50 1919 Trench Helmet Issue
* 713 * 7 14 *
le to lOfr, comp!. set, n.h. to o .g., fresh, generally very fine. DM 1300+ ......... ............................... (Photo)(l 24-37)
7 15 0
Comp!. set, n.h. to o.g ., generally very fine .......................................... ........... ......... ...................... ..(Photo)() 24-37) 630.00 Comp!. set, plus extra le to lfr and two additional 2fr, l.h. or o.g. , one 2fr unused (regummed ), some small faults, many fine to very fine .......................................... .................................... ............ ............. ................... ( 124-37) 1,425.00 Comp!. set, nea tly caned., fine to very fine. DM1 300 ............................. .............. ..................... ...... (Photo)(l2 4-37) 642.40 60
J__Y:'J.E!--. ..__
2fr Violet, Sfr Carmine Lake, l0fr Claret,
716 * 717 * 718 * 719 * 720 * 721 0 722 * 723 0
The three diff., 5fr o.g., others l.h., very fine. OM 1175 ................................. ..................................(Photo)( 135-37) 2fr, Sfr, lOfr, 2fr l.h., others o.g., very fine .......................................................................................(Photo )( 135-37) 2fr, Sfr, lOfr, o.g., very fine .................................................................................. ............................(Photo )( 135-37)
585.00 585.00 585.00
Same, o.g., very fine .......................................................... ................................................................{Photo)( l 35-37) 2fr, Sfr, lOfr, 2fr l.h., others o.g., fine to very fine ......................................................... ..................(Photo) ( 135-37)
lfr to lOfr, compl., neatly caned. , very fine. DM1265 .............................................. .....................(Photo)(134 -37)
2fr, o.g., very fine. DM750 ........................................ .............................................................................(Photo )( 135) 2fr, c.d.s. cancels, extremely fine. DM750 .......................................................................................... {Photo)( 135) Sfr and I0fr , n.h., very fine. DM850 ..............................................................................................{Photo)(136 , 137)
375.00 375.00
724 ** 725 * ffi lOfr claret, blk of 4, n.h.(2)/o.g. ,(2), a few inclusion , bright color and fresh. DM 1350+....................(Photo)( 137)
(2 10.00+) 440 .00+
SEMI-POSTALS 1918 Red Cross Issue
726 *
lc+lc to lOfr+I0fr , compl. set, l.h. or o.g., few light gum bends, fine to very fine. DM2000 .......(Photo)(B34-47 )
727 *
Comp). set, l.h., incl. high values, or o.g., fine to very fine .............................................................(Photo )(B34-47) Com pl. set, o.g., I0fr l.h., fine to very fine ...................................... ................................................(Photo )(B34-47) Sfr+Sfr brown, lOfr+lOfr deep blue, n.h., extremely fine. As hinged DM1700 ......................... (Photo)(B46,47)
728 * 729 ** 730 0 731 0 732 * 733 * 734 * 735 ** 736 ** 737 * 738 *
939.85 750.00+
Compl. set, neatly or lightly caned., fine to very fine. DM2000 ...................................................... (Photo )(B34-47) Compl. set, neatl y caned., fine to very fine ............................................. ....................................... (Photo )(B34-47) 1929 Restoration Ovptd. set compl., l.h., fine to very fine. !Of A.P.E.S. Cert. ( I 996). OM 1500 (Photo )(B69-77 vars.)
1932 Mercier set compl., l.h., incl. IOfr, or o.g., very fine. OM 1100 ...........................................(Photo)(B 114-22) Compl. set, o.g. (hinge remnant), I 0fr+40fr l.h., very fine. OM 1100 ....................................... ....(Photo)( B I 14022)
475 .90
10fr+40fr brown lake, n.h, very fine. DM825 ................................................................................... (Photo)(B 122) 1932 Sanatorium Sfr+Sfr gray green, sheet margin copy, n.h., fresh, fine. OM350 ......................{Photo)( B 13 1) 1933 Orval Abbey set com pl., o.g., 75c rounded corner, others very fine. OM 1500 ................... {Photo)(B 132-43)
650.00 475.90 (85.00+) 607 .50
Parcel Post and Railway; 1915 Handstamped Sc to lfr , 7 diff., o.g., handstamps or signed on reverse, fresh, fine to very fine. DM2750. Very scarce ................... ................................................... (Photo)(Q49,51,53,SS,56-58) 1,490.00
739 * Orn Primaril y 20th Century, stock and accum. of many hundred in numbered glassines in box, much n.h., balance o.g. and a few used, wide range of issues, with better items, many better Semi-Postal sets, Souvenir sheets, modern blks of 4, back-of-book and a few colonies, 19th cent. mixed condition, later fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ........... ................ ................................... ................................ ............................. ........... . 740 0 BRAZIL: 1843 Engraved imperf 60r black, full to large margins, lightly caned., very fine ............... (Photo)(2) 74 1 0 742 181
60r, two copies, good to large margins, one slightly oily cancel, other margin corner crease, fine ..................... (2) 1844-46 30r black, vert. strip of 3, in at top, large margins other sides, fine, tied by two strikes of double circle ALEGRE PORTO pmks on reverse of 1844 local folded letter(faults and hinge repairs) to Rio Grande do Sul
225.00 450.00
....................................................00 ..................................................................................................... ........................
743 * 744 *
CAROLINE ISLANDS: 1901 Yacht Sm slate & carmine , corner sheet margin copy, o.g., thin in selvage only, very fine. DM525 ................................................. .....................................................................................(Photo)(l9 ) CENTRAL LITHUANIA: 1920 Surcharged set compl., o.h. (hinge remnants), mixed centering to very fine .............................. ................................................ ........................................ ........................................ (Photo)( J3-22)
150.00+ 596.75
CHINA 745 * O
1878 to 1973, coll. of man y hundred Specialty album and 2 stockbook s in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. classic and scattere d ear ly issues, ovptd. or surchd. , lat er comp!. or part sets and Souvenir sheets , Air s, back-of-book, incl. Formosa and Occu. , also some Treaty Posts, Manchukuo and Shanghai, People 's Rep. with reprint s and dupl. , mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000-1,500 .........
746 * O
20th Century but for a few, coll. of several hundred diff. in 3 Minkus albums in box, primarily post-WWII with many comp!. n.h., sets and some Souvenir sheets, sporadic early issues and Peopl e's Republic with reprint s unused or used, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750+ ................................................. ..
747 * O
20th Century, accum. of seve ral hundred in glassines, etc., in box, unused or used, generally common issues in varying quantities, incl. back-of-book, People's Rep. incl. reprints, blks, Manchukuo, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ....................................................................................................................................................
748 * O
Acc um. of a few hundred in glassines and stockbook in box, n.h. to ungummed or used, some comp!. sets incl. a few slightly better, Souvenir sheets, Airs, some People's Rep., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 150-250 .......................................................................................................................................................................
749 **
PEOPL E'S REPUBLIC: 1979 Came llias, the two diff. Souvenir sheets of one, n.h. , each negligible bend, very fine ................................................. ............................................................................................................ (1540, 154 1) 1950 to about 1978, coll. of about 600 mostly diff. and one Souvenir sheet in 2 presentation stockbooks in box, n.h., compr. comp!. sets with seve ral dupl. , a few early reprints, 1963 Children's Day imperf set , etc., very fine. Est. Cash Value $500+ .................................................................................................... ........ ................. .
750 **
COLOMBI A : SCADTA; 1923 Ovptd. EU Sc to Sp, comp!. set, plus Air Regis. 20c gray, n.h. to dull part o.g., very fine ...................................................................................................................... ........................(Mi. LA278-89)
1927 Erro r 20c purple , WITHOUT OVERPRINT , o.g., natural offset on reverse, brilliant fre sh, very fine. 1996 Sass. Italy 210A, L6,000,000 ..........................................................(Photo Front Cover )(25 var.) 2,250.00
CZECHOSLOVAKIA Semi-Postals 1919 Overprinted Issue 753
On Stamp s of Aust ria ; Newspaper Stamp of 1908 imperf 10h carmine, sheet margin copy, o.g., large margin s other sides, extre mely fine. Signed Tribuna and other s. DM6500 ....(Photo Front Cover )(B26) 1,400.00
754 0
Special Handling of 1916 perf 12½ Sh deep green on yellowish, neatly caned., very tine. DM4000 .(Photo )(B33) 1,100.00
755 0
Air Post of 1918 Surcharged set of three , lightl y caned., tine to very fine. DM3800 ............... (Photo )(B 37-39 ) 1,105.00 Postage Due of 1908-13 4h to S0h, comp!., o.g., 14h crease, fine to very tine. Most signed Gilbert and/or others . DM6400 ............... ................................ ....................................................... ................. .................... (Photo )(B 41-46 ) 1,396.00
* 757 * 758 * 759 * 760 * 756
1916 S0h rose red, o.g., handstamps on reverse, very fine. OM! 800 ...................................................{Photo )( B54) 1916-17 The six diff ., o.g., most with several handstarnps on reverse, very fine. DM1400 ............(Photo )(B58-63)
400.00 369.50
On Stamps of Hungar y; Stamps of 1916 lOf rose, sheet margin copy, lSf violet , o.g., very fine. Signed Lesetichy and others. DM2600 .......................................................................................................... (Photo )(B71,72)
Sta mp of 1916-18 10k violet brown & brown , o.g. , ve ry fine. Signed Lesetichy and others. DMSS0 0 ................................................ ................................................................................................................(Photo )(B90) 1,500.00 Postage Due of 1915-18 lf to 30f, comp!. less 12f, 1f sheet margin copy, o.g., fine to very fine. lf signed Lesetichy and others. DM I I 05 .............................................................................................(Photo )(B 115-19,21-23) DENM ARK: Parcel Post; 1914-41 Wmkd. Multiple Crosses l0o to 10k, comp!. set, l.h. to o.g. (hinge remnant), fresh, fine to very fine .................................................................................................................... .....(Photo )(Ql-11 )
244.10 629.30
1865 Unwatermarked, lmperforate Issue
763 *
Wove Paper ½ r black on rose, dividing lines all round, unused, fresh, very fine .......(Photo Front Cover)(l )
764 *
½ r, dividing lines clear all round, unused, fine ...................... ......................... ........................................ (Photo)(l)
765 0
½ r, dividing lines all round, indistinct cancel, light crease, very fine appearance .................................. (Photo)(l )
lr black on deep green, unused, full to large margins showing complete dividing lines, negligible thins, very fine ......................................................................................................................(Photo Front Cover )(2)
767 0
lr, margins three sides, caned. by two neat penstrokes, fresh .............................................................(Photo) (2)
768 *
Laid Paper ½ r black on pale green, dividing lines three sides, unused, fresh, fine ..............................(Photo)(3)
769 0
lr black on straw, dividing line one side, rare MAR 6 c.d.s., small faults, fine appearance ................... (Photo)(4)
770 * O
½ r and lr, two copies of each, one of each very fine appearance, repaired, others faults, fine to very fine appearance ....................................................................................................... ...................................... (Photo) (2,3) 2,450.00
1866 Paid Paper
77 1 772 0
* 774 * 775 * 773
776 * O 777
½r black on straw, top sheet margin copy, unused, clear to large margins other sides, very fine ...(Photo)(5)
½ r, neat red "C86" B.P.O. cancel, full to large margins , very fine............................................................ (Photo)(5)
lr black on pale green, unused, large margins all round, brilliant fresh, extremely fine .................. (Photo)(7)
½r, unused, large margins , very fine .......................................................................................................... (Photo)(7)
½ r, unused, margins all round, handstamp faintly show through , very fine. Friedl Cert. (1983) ............ (Photo) (7)
The Laid Paper remainder , seven stamps on quadrille album page, unu ed, 3 with red B.P .O. cancels, few faults, genera lly fine or very fine appearance .......................................................................................................(5,7)
1866-67 Wove Paper ½ r black on pale green, unused, large margins, extremely fine ....................(Photo)(lO)
1867-71 Pelure Paper Issue
* 779 * 780 *
½ r black on rose, sheet margin copy, unused, full to large margins other sides, extremely tine ...(Photo)(13)
781 0
* *
½r, o.g ., full margins all round, very fine. Rar e with gum .......................................... ......................... ....(Photo) ( l 3)
½ r, two copies, unused, each with large margins all round, extremely tine ..................................... (Photo)(13)
½ r, two copies, each with bright red "C86" B.P .O. cancel , one mostly vary large marg ins , barely touch ed one point , other enormo us margin s all round, fine to very fine .............. ........... ............................................. .(Photo)(l3)
½ r black on lavender, sheet margin copy, l.h., large margins other sides, extremely tine. Very rare with gum ........................................................................................................................... ........................................(Photo)(lS) (210.00) ½r, inscription shift, unused, full to large margin s, fresh, very fine ...................................................... (Photo)(15 )
784 0
½ r black on greenish gray, unu sed, large even margin s, very fine ........................................................(Photo)(I6)
½ r, unu sed , mostly large margins all round, very fine.............................................................................(Photo)(l6)
½ r, inscription shift, unused, full to large margin s, handstamps faintly show through , very fine ......... (Photo) ( l6 )
* 786 *
Ir black on lavender, CORNER SHEET MARGIN COPY, unused, superb .....(Photo Front Cover)(23)
787 *
* 789 0 790 * 791 * 788
792 * O
Ir, unu sed, full to huge margin s, very fine..................................... ...........................................................(Photo)(23)
Ir, Light red cancel and pen stroke breaks papers, margin s clear to large, very fine appeara nce ............. (Photo) (23)
Ir black on rose, inscription shift, unused, fulJ to very large mar gins, very fine ............... ...... ............. (Photo)(24 )
Ir black on salmon, inscription shift, unused, very large margins, extremely tine ..........................(Photo)(26)
The Pelure Paper remainder of 7 stamps on quadrille pages, compr. ½ r on rose (3), ½ r on greenish gray (2) and Ir on lavender (2), unused, 2 red B.P.O. cancels, faults to tine ...............................................(13,16,23) 1,150.00
793 * l!!l
794 * O
1870-73 Ordinary Paper ½ r black on yellowish, SHEET MARGIN BLOCK OF TWELVE, unused, faint bend through right vert. row, extremely tine. Ve1y rare multiple .................. (Photo Back Cover)(29)
1866 to 1873, the Wove and Ordinary Paper remainder, over 40 stamps neatly arranged on quadrille album pages, unused, variety of cancels, many very tine copies ...................................... (9,10,11,28,29,30) 1,930.00 ERITREA
795 796
* 798 * 797
1924 Manzoni SL violet & black, o .g ., handstamp s on reverse, fresh, fine ............................................(Photo)(80 )
Postage Due; 1903 SOLyellow, lO0L blue, o.g., fresh , fine ................. .......... ............. ............ ........ (Photo) (J12,l 3)
Parcel Post; 1916 Ovptd. Type "j" Sc to 4L, compl. set, l.h. or o.g., 2L small stain, mixed centering to very tine. Most signed, 10c by A. Diena. Ve,y sca rce ........ ........ ............. ...................................................(Photo)(Ql -8) 1,489.50 1927-37
Ovptd. Type "f" 25c to 20L, 6 diff.,
n .h . or 1.h. , IL s m a ll fau lt s, fine to very fine ......... ........... ............... ............................. .......... (Photo) (Q22 ,24 ,26,27,30,3 l )
842 .50
799 0
10c to 20L, compl. set, IL lilac , left or right halves, light ly ca ned. , 60c small fa ult s, fine to very fine ............ ........ ........................... ............................. ............ .............. ................... ........................... (Q21A-25 ,26a ,27-31 )
800 0
ETHIOPIA: 1911 Provisional set compl., lightly caned. , each handstamp on rever se, fine to very fine. 1993 Mi. DM1260. Rare set ............................................................. ....................................... .......................... (Photo)(94-100 )
801 0
FAROE ISLANDS: 1940-41 Surcharged set compl., neatl y caned. , very fine. DM800 .....................(Photo) (2-6)
802 0
FINLAND: 1885 Perf. 12½ 10m brown & rose, neatly caned., very fine. DM1400 ............................(Photo) (37)
FRANCE 1849-50 C~res Issue 803 0
Imperf 10c bistre on yellowish, good to very large margins, light numeral cancel, fine. Ceres FFrs2850..(Photo) ( 1)
350 .00
804 /';
10c dark bistre on yellowish, full to large margins, tied on small piece , very fine . Ceres l a, FFr s3600 .(Photo)(la )
500 .00
805 0
15c yellow green on greenish, full to large margins, neatly caned. , very fine. Ceres FFrs7500 .............(Photo) (2) 1,000.00
806 0
15c, very large margins and lightl y caned ., negligible crease , very fine appearance ........................... ...... (Photo) (2) 1,000.00
807 0
15c green on greenish, good to large margins, neat ly caned. , very fine . Ceres 2b, FFr s9000 .............. (Photo)(2a) 1,000.00
808 0
40c orange on yellowish, large even margins, neatl y caned., very fine . Signed A. Brun . Ceres FFrs4500 ................................................................................... ..................................................................................(Photo) (7)
809 0
lfr brown carmine, mostly enormous margins all round and showing portion of adjoining stamp, lightly caned. , small creases, very fine appearance. Cer es 6c, FFr s8500 .......... ........... ............ ...................... ...... (Photo) (9b) I , l00.00
810 /';
lfr, strip of three, margins in slightly to enormous, tiny corner repair and hori z. crease, lightly caned. on small piece , very attractive. Cere s 6c, FFr s35,000 ...................... ....................................................................... (Photo) (9b) 3,300.00+ 66
8 11
8 12 0 813 0
8 14
1863-71 Perf 14x13½ 30c brown on yellowish, o.g., fresh , fine . Signed A. Brun . Ceres FFrs7275 ..... (Photo) (34)
775 .00
Sfr gray lilac on lavender, lightly caned. , negligible faults, Signed Champion. Ceres FFrs8000. Remarkable copy of this stamp............................................................................................................................................... (Photo)(37)
900 .00
Sfr, two copies, one neatly caned. Paris Star , other "12" in diamond of dots , small faults, very fine appeara nce. Ceres FFrsl6 ,000 ................ ............ ...................................... ..................... ............................................................ (37) 1,800.00 1877-80 Peace and Commerce Type II 25c black of red, imperf sheet margin copy, o.g ., large margins other sides, very fine ............ ............................................................................................................................. (Photo)(93a)
550 .00
Semi-Postal s 815
* * 8 I 8 ** 8 19 **
1917-19 War Orphans set compl. l.h. , incl. Sfr+Sfr , or o.g., very fine. Ceres FFrs14 ,000 .(Photo )(B3-10) 1,865.00
8 16
2c+3c to lfr+lfr , compl., l.h. or o.g., fine to very fine. Ceres FFrs5500 ............................................ (Photo)(B3-9 )
8 17
Sfr+Sfr deep blue & black, very l.h. if at all, tiny faults, fresh, very fine. Ceres FFrs8500 ................. (Photo)(B I0) 1,200.00
1928 1.50+8.S0fr dull blue , type I, and 1930 1.50+3.S0fr red violet, n.h. , very fine . Ceres FFrs2050 ................................................. .......................................................... .............................................. (Photo )(B27,B34)
1969 to 1989, issues almost compl. in Specialty album, n.h., incl. Semis, unexploded booklets, se-tenant issues, few Airs and Officials, generally very fine ...................................................................................................................
FRANCE AND COLONIES: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of a few thousand in 6 Specialty albums in carton, n.h. to unused or used, much France with dupl., incl. slightly better early issues, many modem n.h. sets with Semis, etc., many colonies but somewhat sporadic with some early issues, later n.h. sets, blks, Souvenir sheets, Airs, etc., plus Southeast Asia, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 .............................................................. ....................... ................................................................... .
19th and 20th Century, stock and accum. of a few thousand in stockbooks and glassines in carton, mostly used, some n.h. to unused, mostly France incl. better early items, later compl. sets, Offices Abroad, etc., bits from many colonies with slightly stronger Algeria, Monaco, Tunisia, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $500-600 .................................................................................................................................................... .................. FRENCH COLONIES: 20th Century but for a few, several hundred in numbered glassines and loose in box, n.h. to o.g., small selections from many colonies, large group of Monaco, also Andon-a, incl. comp!. sets, Airs, triptichs, few biles and Souvenir sheets, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-350 ........................................
823 0
** 825 ** 824
General Issues; 1878-80 Imperf Type II 25c black on red, sheet margin copy, large margins other sides, neat c.d.s. cancel, handstamps and initials on reverse, very fine ......................................................................(Photo)(44)
FRENCH SOUTHERN AND ANTARCTIC TERRITORIES: Air Post; 1965 ITU 30fr Prussian blue, sepia & dark carmine rose , n.h. , very fine. 1995 Ceres FFrsl 150..................................................................(Photo )(C8)
Same, n.h. , very fine ......................... .......................................................................................................(Photo )(C8)
Ex826 826
GERMAN STATES: BAVARIA; 1911 Luitpold IMPERFORATES Sm dark blue on buff , IOm orange on yellowish , 20m black brown on yellowish, Mi. Type II , n.h. , extremely fine to superb. DMSS00 as set of four ............................................................... ....(Photo )(M i.89-91IIU ) GERMANY
827 0
1872 Eagle With Large Shield IOkr bistre, neat c.d.s. cancel, small faults, very fine appearance. Foundation Cert. (1985). DM5600 ........................................................................................ .....................................(Photo)(26) 2,100.00
828 0
1900 Sm slate & carmine, type I (Mi. type lb ), painted frame, neat c.d.s. cancels, weU centered , very fine. Mi. 66IV, DM1800 ......................................................................... ....................... ..........................................(Photo)(65) 2, 100.00
1948 Band Ovpt. 2pf to 84pf, compl. set, n.h., fine to very fine. Signed SB. DM 1250 .............. (Photo) (585A-93)
Carpet Ovpt. 2pf to 84pf, compl. set, n.h., few inclusions, fine to very fine. Signed SB. DM l 900.(Photo )(593A-99 )
1951-52 Post Hom 2pf to 90pf, compl. set, o.g., fine to very fine. DM2000 ............................... (Photo)(670-85)
832 0
1952 Reis 30pfblue, 15 copies, neatly or lightly caned. in singles or pairs, fine to very fine. DM900 ............. (693) 1954-60 Heuss S0pf gray, sheet margin copy, stamp n.h., extremely fine. DM750 ........................ (Photo)(714) 1930 IPOSTA Souvenir sheet of four, stamps n.h., small selvage thinning, very fine appearance. DM900 ................................................. ................................................................................................................(B33)
* EE Semi-Postals;
Souvenir sheet of four, edge staining from adhesive, stamps very fine, pmkd by special cancel and double circle BERLIN 22. 9.30 on reverse of local Regis. envelope. DM3000 ................................................. .........(Photo)(B33)
829 830 83 1
835 836
** *
1933 "Ten Year" Souvenir sheet of four, disturbed o.g., small selvage faults, fine appearance. DM2500 .... (B58) 1,100.00 68
* 839 * 840 * 841 *
1951 Mar ienkirc he set of two, fine , tied by strik es of First Day AUGS BURG 30. 8. 51 cancels on envelope (creasing) to London. DM4000 ................................................................................................ ..(Photo )(B316,317) Air Post 1930 South America Flight set of two, o.h. (hinge remnants), very fine. DM 1200 ....................... (Photo )(C38 ,39) Compl. set, neatly caned., very fine. OM1800 .......................................... ........................ ...............(Photo )(C38 ,39) 1931 Polar Flight set of three , o.g., lm , mall thi ns, very fine appe ara nce, other s very fine. OMl650 ............................... ............................................................................................................................(Photo) (C40-42)
500.00 700.00 7 15.00 695.00
842 0
1933 Chicago Flight set of three, o.g., very fine to extremely fine. DM 1500 ................... .............(Photo )(C43-45 ) Compl. set, neatly caned., 2m mall faults, fine appearance , others very fine. OM 1700 ................(Photo )(C43-45 )
843 0
Compl. set, c.d.s. cancels, fine. DM 1700 .......................................................... ...............................(Photo )(C43-45 )
. .. . .................... •...•....•............................
... .. ... .
.. .
~ .......... : ...... .............~-----------------. ........ ................ . . ... ...............
PREIS 1.-0M 1930 South America Flight Used on Flown Cover Compl. set and additional 4m, fine, neatly tied by single strike of FRIEDRICHSHAFEN (Bodensee) 18.5.30. pmk on cacheted envelope to United States. DM2700+ .................. ............................................ (Photo)(C38,39) 1,050.00+ Sim ilar frankin g, fine , tied by 18.5.30. pmk s on cac heted enve lope , gree n Lakehur st mk g on reve rse ...........................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(C38,39 ) 1,050.00+ 2m ultramarine , two copies, fine, tied by single strike of FRIEORICHS HAFEN (Bodensee) 18.5.30. pm.k on cacheted card to U.S. OM1800+ ....................................................................... ......................................(Photo) (C38) 700.00+
85 1
ON: Semi-Postal s; 1949 Coat of Arms Imperf Souvenir sheet of four, the three diff., **ffiFRENCH OCCUPATI very fine. OM960 .......................................................................................(5NB4a,6NB6a,8NB4a)
2m, vivid colors, very fine , tied by neat double circle FRIEORJCHSHAFEN (Bodensee) 10. 16.30. pm.k on readdressed enve lope bearing blue cachet of costumed native. OM 1000 .............................................. (Photo) (C38) 2m , fine , tied by FRIEORICHSH AFEN (Boden see) 23.9 .30. on cac heted e nvelope to Unit ed St ates ............................................................................................................................................................................. (C38)
350.00+ 350.00+
2m, strip of three, very fine, tied by strike of double circle 10 MAI 32 and cachet on DO-X cover to United States . DM2700+ .............................................................................................................................. .....(Photo)(C38) 1,050.00+ 1931 Polar Flight set of three, 2m left sheet margin copy, very fine, each neatly tied on cover or card by 1931 pmks to U.S., appropriately cacheted, 2m (card small tear) by South America Flight. DM3150 (Photo)( C40-42) 1,100.00+ n.h., ungummed,
852 * 83 853 ** 854 ** 855 t::.
Same, Baden sheet l.h., other n.h. , negligible comer fault s, fine. DM9 60 ............................ (5NB4a.6NB6a,8NB4a) 340.00+ BERLIN: Semi-Postals; 1949 Currency Victims Souvenir sheet of three, n.h., tiny inclusions, negligible corner mounting marks, very fine. DM2800 .................................... ......................................................... (Photo)(9NB3a) 1,050.00 Same, n.h., small gum disturbance and a few inclusions , very fine .................... .............. ................(Photo) (9NB3a) 1,050.00 OFFICES IN CHINA: 1900 Tientsin Issue, Spf green, lOpf carmine, tied by TIENTSIN 6/2 01 c.d.s. cancel on small portion of Regis. cover, very fine and rare. Foundation Cert. (1986). DM2875+ ........(Photo)( l8,19 ) 1,100.00
856 * 0181GERMANY: Primaril y 20th Century, accum. of thousands on stoc k pages , collection remainders, counter pages, glassines, etc., great variety, much cheap but many better, worth inspection and organizing. Est. Cash Value $2,500 ................................................................................................................... ................... . 857 181
20th Century, accum. of a couple hundr ed covers in box, genera lly common commercial mai l, incl. so me Semi s, inflation period , G.D.R. , picture post cards , etc. , mixed condition . Est. Cash Value$ I 50-200 .................... .. .
n «u.-,-ust 5 , 1 - 30
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19th Century, selection of about 175 in numbered glassines in box, mostly used, some unused, incl. classic Germany , states with Bavaria, Prus ia. Wurttemb erg, severa l others and some colonies, a few better items and reference, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 ............................................................................................... . 19th and 20th Century
Duplicated *Ollll
coils. of many thousand in 6 Specialty or Global albums and a few thousand more in numbered glassines in carton and box, n.h. to unused or used, value mostly in Germany, incl. early issues, compl. or part sets, Semis, Souvenir sheets, blks and booklet panes, Allied and Soviet Zones, Berlin, G.D.R., covers , also states and colonies, plebiscites , Saar , Danzig, etc., some slightly better n.h. items, mixed condition incl. some stuck in glassines to much fine to very fine . Est. Cash Value $2,500 -3,000 ...................................................................................................... ........................................ ...........
Accum. of many hundred in glassines, stockbook, pochette pages, etc., in carton, n.h. to unused or used, mostly Germany incl. Berlin and G.D.R., with Semis, Airs, compl. or part sets and Souvenir sheets, also some states, Danzig, Saar, part sheets, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750+ .................... 861 * O ffi Balance of a property in 6 stockbooks or albums in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used, generally cheaper stamps and varying quantities, incl. Semis, Airs and back-of-book, blks, Allied Zones and Berlin, Saar, Danzig, etc., also mint coll. of se-tenant multiples incl. G.D.R., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ....
863 * O
Coll. of several hundred diff. in Specialty album, o.g. or used, wide range of generally common issues, a few slightly better incl. ome comp!. sets, Semis, back-of-book, states, Danzig, Memel, Saar, Occu., etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ............................................................................................................................................. Stock of several thousand in stockbooks, stock sheets and glassines in carton, n.h. to unused or used, wide ranging though generally common issues in quantity, incl. states, some better faulty though nice looking, Semis, AJlied Zones, Berlin , etc .. ome modem n.h. sets or Souvenir sheets, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ..
20th Century but for a few, coll. of many hundred diff. on pages in 3 ring-binders, etc., in box, l.h. or o.g., some used and n.h., wide range of issues incl. many compl. sets, Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs, Allied Zones and Berlin, G.D.R., etc., also a few covers and Offices Abroad, some faults though much fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $2,500+ .............................................................................. ..........................
865 * O ffi Stock and accum. of many hundred in numbered glassines in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, few unused, incl. compl. sets with extras, blks of 4, Semis, etc., Souvenir sheets incl. #982, 100 sheets, G.D.R. Berlin, French Zones, a little Saar, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-600 .................. ................................ . 866 * O HELIGOLAND: 19th Century, selection of well over 150 on stock sheets, o.g. to unused or used, variety of issues with dupl. , reprints and reference. mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ...............................................
867 868
869 870
1933 Set of three, 50d and 75d sheet margin copies, o.g., very fine. OM 1500 .............................(Photo) (378-80) 1940 Youth set compl., n.h., very fine. DM1200 ...........................................................................(Photo)(427 -36) Compl. set, incl. Air Post, l.h. or o.g., very fine. OM 1300 ............................... .................. (Photo )(427-36,C38-47) Primarily 20th Century , accum. of a few hundred items in box, mostly covers, incl. modern cacheted , unaddressed FDCs, earlier commercial mail incl. censored, etc., Souvenir folder or booklets, generally common, mixed condition . Est. Cash Value $ 150-250 ...................................................... ...........................................................
871 * O ffi 20th Century but for a few, stock of a few hundred in numbered glassines, much n.h., balance o.g . or u ed, mostly modem compl. sets and blks of 4, some pre-WWil and Airs, generaJiy fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-350 ·································································································· ····································································· 872 181 Accum. of over 200 covers in box, incl. FDCs, commercial mail, some early items incl. Greek area, quantities of B1-15 , CBI-JO , etc ., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-400 ...................................................... ..... 72
400 .00 413.25
**[jj] 1911 to 1979, stock of a few thousand in sheet file and glassines in box, vast majority n.h., mostly compl. sets, incl. blks of 4, compl. or part sheets, some Airs, etc., varying quantities to one of each, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750+ ............................................................................................................................. .
GREECE AND AREA: 19th and 20th Century, stock of several thousand in stockbooks, etc., and glassines in carton, mostly used, some n.h. to unused, wide range, incl. Hermes issues, Olympics, later compl. sets in varying quantities, Airs, Postage Due and other back-of-book, some varieties and errors, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $600-800 .................. .................................................................... ..................................... ...............
GREECE AND TURKEY: 19th and 20th Century, duplicated coils. of many hundred diff. in 4 Minkus albums in box, n.h. to o.g. and used, wide range of genera lly commo n issues, some slightly better incl. modern n.h. sets, also Airs and fair amount of back-of-book, value mostly in Turkey , early issues mixed condition, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ............................................................ .............. ............... ....................... .
GREENLAND: 1945 Liberation set compl., l.h., very fine ........................................................... ..(Photo)(l 9-27)
Three Original Priming Dies 877
The ½ reale block, copper mounted on lead block, approx. 29x24x24mm. Est. cash value $300 ............. .
The 2 reales block. Est. cash value $300 ............................................................................. ..............................
The 1 peso block. Est. cash value $300 ......................... ................................................................................... .
HU GARY Air Post 880
1931 Graf Zeppelin lp orange, 2p dull violet, compl. set, n.h., very fine. DM500 ...................... (Photo) (C24,25)
88 1
1933 l0f to Sp, compl. set, n.h., two lowest values gum spot , fine to very fine. DM I 100............ (Photo )(C26-34)
1949 Chain Bridge S0fo carmine lake, Souvenir sheet of one, n.h., very fine. DM900 ..................... ...........(C66)
Same, n.h., very fine .............. .............. .............................................................. ................................................. (C66)
UPU 3fo dark carmine & dark brown , imperf and perf sheetlet of 4, n.h. , ve ry fine. DM3000 .................................................................................................................................... ......................................... (C81)
* 887 * 886
20th Century, accum. of about 100 imperf items in glassines in box, n.h., incl. se-tenant pairs and strips, Souvenir sheets, Sem is and Airs, also a few trial color , genera lly very fine. Est. Cash Value $ 100-125 ................. . IONIAN ISLANDS: Italian Occupation ; Air Post, 1941 Ovptd. Pairs ld to 100d, compl. set, #NCI and 8 wrong font, l.h., handstarnps on reverse, very fine to extreme ly fine. Better items signed Kessler(Photo)(NCl-10)
80 1.00
Postal Tax, 1941 Perf 13½x l2 Ovptd. Pairs lOL to ld, compl. set, plus SOLgray green on pale green, ovpt. reading down, lOL horiz. ovpt. on single stamp, l.h., handstarnp on reverse , very fine ................ (NRA2 -4,2b,5a)
3 18.50
3m to 50m, compl., bottom left corner tab blk s of 6, stamp s and tab n.h. , few inclusions , ver y fine to **IBI extremel y fine ........................................................................................................................................(Photo )( l-6 )
250m Dark Slate Green , 500m Red Brown Cream , 1000m Black Blue on Pale Blue 889
89 I
tab copies, n.h. except 250m l.h., stamp s folded along vert. perf s Compl. set, bottom right corner not affecting tabs , usual inclusion s, 250m tiny thin not mentioned in cert. , extremel y fine appearance , others extremely fine. Friedl Cert. (1980) ............................................................(Photo Front Cover )(7-9) 5,000.00
Same , full tab copies, n.h. , light pencil mark s on rever se of tab s, 250m fingerprint on gum , very fine to extremel y fine. Each with Foundation Cert. (1975) ...................................................................(Photo )(7-9) 5,000.00
Comp!. set, full tab copies, n.h., few tiny inclusions , 500m light stain on tab , ver y fine to extremel y fine ..........................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(7-9) 5,000.00
Comp!. set, full tab copies, n.h., usual tiny inclusions , hand stamp on re ver se, 1000m tiny thin and very l.h. in tab , very fine ........................................................................................................................(Photo )(7-9) 5,000.00
500m, full tab copy, n.h., extremel y fine. 1992 Bale $1,400 ..................................................................(Photo )(8)
894 ** EE250m, 500m, 1000m, top right Control Pl. blks of 4, n.h., few tiny inclusions, very fine to extr emely fine. 1992 Bale $3,250 .............................................................................................................................(Photo )(7-9) 895
3m to 1000m, compl. set, IMPERFORATE, n.h. , large margin s, few tiny inclusions, high values light pencil marks on reverse , extremel y fine ................................................................................................ (Photo )(l-9 var s.)
896 ** EEComp!. set , IMPERFORATE RIGHT SHEET MARGIN BLOCKS OF FOUR , n.h., large margins other sides, usual inclusion s, extremely fine. 1992 Bale $9,000+ .............. (Photo Front Cover )( 1-9 vars.) Compl. set, 250m few short perfs, fine to very fine, neatly tied by 16 5 1948 First Day cancels on cacheted, unaddressed cover .................................................................................................................................................( 1-9) Rouletted set of three, full tab copies, n.h., few inclusions, very fine ...................... ........................(Photo)( Ia-3b) 898 ** 899 ** EEComp!. set, bottom right corner full tab blks of 4, n.h., a few indentations or inclusions, Sm small selvage tear not affecting tab, !Om light toning, fine to very fine ...........................................................................(Photo)( Ia-3b) Com pl. set, top right Control Pl. blks of 6, n.h., few inclusions, brilliant fresh, very fine. 1992 Bale $275+( a-3b) 900
300.00 624.20+
Tl'J.!':li:'1 :iltu:'17:)')C::l ?j:)111 l1111Ni:, 1i7:):, 7111
Tl'J.!':li:, :'1ltll:'11~ '"JC::l?j:)lt' l1tuNiil 1i!)il ';,tu
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';,Ni111'?j:)Wn "11'1
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• Tlll1j:'M7:) J:lt)ll • MD1j:'M7.) J:lt)7.) 'lll1:t iill:t : 'lll111ii7.):,
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• nmcm111. • •'lanll1'M?IU)
. • •
l'l'IV'?IV/1 ;illtl/17:)')C::l ?j:)IV 111VNi111i7:);, ?IV
Tl'J.!':liil illlV:'17:)')C::l ?j:)W l1WNiil 1i7:)il ';,w
: n:i,n::i:,
: n:i,11:::i:,
?Nitu' ?j:)111,, "1W
MD1j:'1'17.) J:lC!l 'lll1111i7.):,
•'lanll1'11,iu., • •'lan17'
:n::i,11:::i;, C'?IV1i'."11W11j;'11
;,u1i:1 ).!JU!) no,pr,7:) 111V Niil 1ir.i:,
: n:i,n::i:, "IV ?IV Tlllll ,,
:im,::iy::itm Tl!l1j:)T17:) l1lVNi:, 1i7.):, : r,:i,r,:,:, "V1?e' Tll1'1,,
The compl. set of five, COMPLETE SHEETS OF 300, stamps n.h., compr. tete-beche panes of 50, **IBl carefully folded along perfs so as not to affect tabs, gutters, tete-beche gutters and Pl. blks, generally very fine. Rare as comple te units. 1992 Bale about $50,000 ................................................................. (10-14)
Compl. set, right full tab panes of 50, Control and Pl. Numbers at left, selvage and gutters other sides **IBl except 20m, none at bottom, stamps n.h., few tabs l.h., inclusions, 20m and 65m negligible vert. gum creasing or bends, fine to very fine. As n.h. $3,142+ ...........................................................................(10-14)
Compl. set, vertical pairs, horizontal gutters between, n.h., usual tiny inclusions, very fine to extreme ly fine. 1992 Bale $650 .................... ........................................................... ...................................... .......(Photo )( I0- 14 vars.)
Compl. set, vertical full tab pairs with colored bands, horizontal gutter between, n.h., usual inclusions, fine to very fine. 1992 Bale $6000+ ......................................................... .(Photo Front Cover )(10-14 vars.)
Compl. set, sheet margin tete-beche gutter Control Pl. blks of 8, n.h. except bottom left stamp in each blk *IBland another 3m l.h., few inclusions, very fine. 1992 Bale Pl. blks of 6, $280 ..................................(10-14 vars.) Compl. set, tete-beche, cross gutter Control Pl. blks of 12, n.h. except 3m hinged in vert. gutter, inclusions and 906 **!iii a few creases in outer stamps not affecting gutters, fine to very fine ...................................................... (10- 14 vars.)
Compl. set, group of 5 covers, compr. 4 full tab sets, 2 white and 2 colored bands, and tete-beche gutter pairs, fine to very fine, each set on separate local cover (4 Regis.) , 2 covers small tears. Est. Cash Value $200-250 ........................................................ ................. ........................................................................................ ( 10- 14, vars.) 1949-50 "The Negev" S00p deep orange & brown , corner tab blk of 4, n.h., few inclu sions, very fin e ................................................................................................................................................................... (Photo) (25)
**EE 909 ** 1949 New Year set of three, bottom left corner full tab copies , n.h., few tiny inclusions , extremely fine ..............................................................................................................................................................(Photo)(28-30)
1950 Independence Day set of two, full tabs, l.h., very fine. As n.h. $525 ...................................... (Photo )(33,34 ) 1952 Menorah lO00p dark blue & gray, right Pl. and full tab blk of eight, n.h., few inclusions, very fine .. (55)
910 * 911
462 .50
600.00+ 596.00+
912 ** llll 1986 Mosque 30a multi-colored , three error sheets of 15, compr: 1) shifted print, pale green color, English and Arabic "Israel" and value omitted, 2) value, all inscriptions, green background and tab design omitted, 3) print shifted to right and minaret out of alignment, n.h., very fine. 1992 Bale IV 932a, b, c, $2,150+ .................................................................................................... ......................... (938 vars.) 913 914
* Air Post; 1950 Sp to 250p, compl. set, full tab copies, l.h. or o.g., very fine. AS n.h. $250 .............(Photo)(C 1-6) tab corner blks of 6, n.h., negligible selvage faults not affecting tabs, few inclusions, 50p one **l!ilCompl. set, fullfingerprint on gum, fine to very fine .......................................................... .................... (Photo)(C I-6) normal stamp
915 **
Postage Due; 1948 3m to 50m, compl. set, full tab copies, 3m, 10m and 50m corner copies, n.h., few inclusions, extremely fine .....................................................................................(Photo Front Cover )(Jl-5 ) 1,700.00
Compl. set, Corner Control Plate Blocks of Nine, stamps n.h., usual inclusions, very fine to extremely fine. **II!I ...................................................................................................................................(Photo)(Jl-5 ) 1992 Bale $1150
1948 to 1990, tab issues nearly compl. in glassines, etc., in box, vast majority n.h., some l.h., incl. early **IBl items with dupl., tab and Pl. blks of 4, U.P.U. se-tenant and gutter multiples, later compl. and Souvenir sheets incl. a few imperf, Airs incl. Pl. blks of 6, few covers, Postage Due, etc., generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500+ ............................................................................................................................................
l949 to 1985, coll. of many hundred on Minkus pages in ring-binders and cover albums in carton, vast **C81 majority n.h., highly complete incl. full tab and plain copies, Souvenir sheets and sheetlets, plus a couple hundred cacheted, unaddressed FDCs, generally very fine . Est. Cash Value $250-350 ........................................................... .
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* 922 * 923 *
1867-77 Typographed 20c orange, unused (rgumm ed), well ce ntered, fres h, fine. Signed A. Diena. DM 8500 ......................................... ............. ................................................................................................. ............ (Photo)(36) 3,000.00 450.00 1879 25c blue, very l.h., fresh, fine. DM 1100 ................................... .......................................... ............. (Photo )(48) 1890-91 Surcharged 20c on 30c brown, 20c on S0c violet, o.g. , fresh, fine. Both signed A. Dien a. DM 1300 500.00 ........ ....... ............................................................ ........ ..................................................................... ...... (Photo )(65 ,66) 924 * 83 1901-26 Coat of Arms Error 2c orange brown, double impression , part imprint blk of 4, o.g ., separations and 500 .00 some perf faults, fine appeara nce. Sass. 69a, L640 ,000+ ................................ ................................................. ... (77a) ,83) )(83 325.00 40c brown, S0c violet, o.g., fresh, fine . Laner signed A. Diena. DM 1900 ..................... .............. ...... (Photo 925 1922 Philatelic Congress set compl., neatly caned., u ual mixed centeri ng to fine. DMl 200 ...... (Photo )( l42A- D) 455.00 926 0
92 1
* 927 *
1923 Manzoni SL violet & black, o.g., extremely fine. Sass . L750,000 ......................... ...................(Photo)(170 )
** 929 *
1961 Error 205L rose lilac, n.h., very fine. Raybaudi Cert. (1996). DM4000 ........... ............ (Photo )(834a) 1,500.00 20SL, sheet margin copy, l.h., tiny spot on gum, very fine ........................... .................... ....... (Photo)(834a) 1,500.00
*181Error 205L on cover (uncancd. ), with normal 205L over error, tied by FERROVIA
1961 pmk and used with additional 70L on Regis. envelope to Uruguay ............................................ ............. ....... (Photo)(834a)
1921-23 Semi-Postal Issue
* 932 * 933 * 934 * 935 *
1921 lOc claret, l.h., fresh , fine . Signed E. Diena. DM 1500 ............ ......................................... .............. (Photo )(B5 ) 20c brown orange, l.h., fres h, fine. Signed E. Diena. DM2000 ................................ .............................. (Photo )(B6 ) 25c and 40c, 1922-23 10c to 85c, 8 diff., l.h. or o.g., mixed centering to very fine. Most signed E. Diena , A. Diena or others. DM4255 .................................................................................... ............... ......(Photo)(B7-14,1SA )
* 938 * 937
60c carmine, l.h., pencil initials on reverse, very fine. DM4000 ................. ...................... ............... (Photo)(B15 ) 60c, o.g ., fine . Signed A. Diena .............................. ............... ......... ............................................... ......... (Photo) (BI5 )
350. 00 400 .00
637.00 850.00 850.00
IL brown & green, o.g., pencil initials on reverse, perfectl y centered, ext remel y fine. DM6000 ............. ............................... ...................... ........ ................................................ ........ (Photo Front Cover )(B16) 1,600.00
Air Post; 1930 Trans-Atlantic Squadron 7.70L Prussian blue & gray, o.g. (hinge remnant), very fine . DM350 ................... ................................................................ ......... ........ ................. ........................................... (Photo) (C27 ) 1933 Trans-Atlantic set of two triptychs, I - BALB top sheet margin copies , l.h., extremely fine. DM325 ........................................................ ........................................................................................................... .... (C48,49)
5.25L+44.75L sheet of 20, I-BALB , I-BORG , n.h., some selvage stains and few gum tone spots, fine to very fine. DM7000 ........................... .................... ........................... .................................... (C49)
Air Post Official s Overprinted SERVIZ/0 DI STATO
* 941 *
1933 5.25L+44.75L red, green & red violet , o.g. , right stamp crea e, very fine appearance. Signed San abria. DM 3000 .................... ............... ...................... ................. .......................... ....... ........ .............................. (Photo )(COI ) 1934 lOL blue black , o.g. , very fine. DM 850 ........................................ .............................................. (Photo)(CO2)
900.00 275. 00
* CYRENAICA: 25L+2L copper red, l.h., extremely fine ............................... (Photo Front Cover )(C BOl ) 1,150.00 ERITREA: 25L+2L copper red, unused , very fine ..................... .......................................... (Photo )(C BOl ) 1,500.00 943 * SOMALIA: 25L+2L copper red, I.h., light crease, fresh, fine ............................ .................(Photo) (CBOl) 1,750.00 944 * Special Delivery; 1922 60c on S0c dull red , surch. omitted, bottom stamp in vert. pair with normal, o.g ., 945 * uni. faults, fine appearance. Sass. LI , 100,000+ .................. ........ .............................. ........ ................. .... (Photo )(EII, var.) 942
Parcel Post; 1946-54 Wmkd. Winged Wheel 300L brown carmine, perf 13, l.h., fresh , fine ....... (Photo) (Q74a)
48 â&#x20AC;¢ TET .. 370107
Con Aereo Speciale
R/rM 2187
(Corr. Pace .)
947 * 948 * 949 * 950 * 951 0 952 *
lO00L ultramarine , l.h., very fine ......................................................................................................(Photo )(Q76) 1,300.00 Parcel Post Authorized Delivery; 1953 Wmkd. Winged Wheel and 1956-58 Wmkd . Multiple Stars , both sets compl. , l.h., fine to very fine. $ 146.75 plus $714.54 as n.h.............................................................(Photo )(QY l -11) ITALIAN SOCIAL REPUBLIC: 1944 Wmkd. Crown SL deep violet, 1.h.,very fine. $200 a n.h. .(Photo )(5A) Parcel Post; 1944 Sc to 20L, comp!. set, o.g., mixed centering to very fine. $594.75 as n.h ...........(Photo )(Ql-12) OFFICES IN TURKISH EMPIRE: Constantinople; Postage Due, 1922 2L and SL blue & magenta, neatly caned., usual centering, fine. Signed A. Diena and others. Sass. L2,550,000. Very scarce ................... (Photo )(J5,6) AEGEAN ISLANDS: Rhode s; 1930 Hydrological Congress set comp!., l.h. or o.g., very fine. Several signed Bolaffi. Sass. Ll ,350,000 .....................................................................................................................(Photo )(29-37)
953 * 953A * O
1932 Map Sc to 2SL, comp!. set, l.h., very fine to extremely fine. Sass. L850,000 ...........................(Photo )(64-73) IT ALY AND STATES: 19th Centur y, accum. of a few hundred items on album pages and approval sheets, etc., used, wide range of classic issues with dupl. of better items, some unused, reference, etc., also a few "20th cent. issues, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ............................................................................................
953B* O
ITALIAN STATES: 19th Centu ry, coll. of about 100 stamps and 2 covers , mostly used, some unused, much Tuscany, also Roman States, Parma, Modena, Two SiciLies,etc., mixed condition, reference not figured. Est. Cash Value $300-500 .............................................................................................................................................................
515.00 233.75 374.30
IT ALY AND AREA 954 * OIBI19th and 20th Century, coll. of man y hundred cliff., plus hundred s of dupl. , in 2 Minkus albums and loose pages in carton, l.h. to unu sed and used, mostly Ital y with a wide range of issues incl. many comp!. sets, some modern n.h ., blk s and comer blks, Airs, back-of-book , Aegean Is., San Marino , etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .................................................................................................................. 955 * O Stock and accum. of a few thousand in stockbooks and glassines in carto n, mostly used, incl. varying quantit ies of generally common issues, some later sets and back-of-book , some reference, also coils. and balance s of Trieste-Zone s A and B and some colonies in albums, generally o.g., scattere d n.h., incl. comp!. sets, Airs, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500+ ..................................................................................... Primaril y 20th Centur y, accum. of a couple hundred covers in box, almost all Italy and San Marino and mostly commercia l mail, some cacheted FDCs, unused stationery, several 19th cent. items, Postage Due usage, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $150-200 ................................................................................................................. 957 * IBI 20th Century , stock of man y hundred in envelopes and loose in carton, much n.h. , some l.h. to unu sed, compr. Ital y and San Marino, plus misc. Italian area issues, mostly comp!. sets in varying quantitie s to one of an item, incl. blk s of 4, Airs and some back-of-book , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 958 * OIBIStock and accum. of man y hundr ed in glassines and loose in box, much n.h., balance o.g. or used, Ital y with pre- and post-WWII issues and sets, Airs, etc., Vatican City comp!. and part sheets, San Marino incl. blks, also Souvenir sheet s, some back-of-book and a few colonies, etc., generall y fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ......................................................................................................................................................................
J APAN 959 * O
19th and 20th Century, coll. of man y hundred diff. plus hundred s of dupl. in 2 Minku s albums in box, n.h. to unused or used, wide range of issues incl. a few slightly better items, compl. and part sets, Souvenir and Lottery sheets, modem n.h. issues, blks, covers, etc., also Ryukyu Is., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ ....................................................................................................................
960 * O
Stock and accum. of several hundred on stock sheets and in glassines in box, mostly used, some n.h. , fair number of early issues incl. 1871 100m Plate II, later nati ve and wove paper issues, KOB AN types, some modem sets and Souvenir sheets , Revenues, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ......................... 961 * IBI 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred in small stockbook and loose in box, n.h. to o.g., incl. comp!. or part sets, se-tenant multiples and a few sheets, varying items to one of an item, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ............................................................................................................................................................. 962 * O 1956 to 1986, issues virtually compl. on Whit e Ace pag es in 3 ring-bind ers in carton , n.h. to o.g., incl. Souvenir and lottery sheets, few booklets, also some earlier and Offices o.g. or used and over 100 modern postal cards, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-350 ....................................................................................... 963 ** 1968 to 1989, issues almost compl. in hingeless album , n.h. , incl. Souvenir or lotter y sheets and nearl y 100 MIHON (Specimen ), generally very fine. 1996 Scott $975+ .................................................................................. 964 * KOREA: 1951-52 Flags set comp!., Ital y Flag Without Crown only, o.h. or large part o.g., few small faults, fine .................................................................................................................................................(132-53,54a,55a,56-73) 965 ** 966 * 967 * O
Comp!. set, 22 imperf Souvenir sheet s of two , ungummed , n.h ., a few tiny fault s, genera lly very fine ...................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(132-73 vars.) 1955 Rotar y International set of three , imperf pre sentation sheets of one, ungummed , light crea ses, very fine appearance . DM2400 ...............................................................................................................(Photo )(213-15) 1884 to 1973, coll. of a few hundred diff. on Specialt y page s, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. comp!. or part sets and Souvenir sheets, Semis and Airs, few early reference, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 ........... 80
346.00 500.00
~~~+i~. ~~*~~~~~
These stamps were issued in . appreciation of the friendly nations participating in the korean war. Ministry of Communic1-t ions Republic of K<>rea
7lla0J~ ~0l
0~'1 °1-f . ~-Afi>l , 711-a o}7l»~7iJO lc:}
* O LIBERIA: 20th Century, stock and accum. of several hundred in glassines, etc., in box, much n.h., balance o.g.
or u ed, genera lly modem issues incl. many comp!. sets and Souvenir sheets, Airs , topica ls, imperfs , etc., generally fine to very fine . Est. Cash Value $ 150+ ...... .................................... ............................................ .............................. .. LIBYA: 1921 Error of Color Sc black & red brown , o.g. , pin hole, very fine appearance. Sass. 23b , L3,000,000 .............................................................................................................................................(Photo)( 22a) 1,500.00
1952 King Idris set of 12, blks, of 4, n.h., very fine to extreme ly fine ...................... ...................... (Photo)( l 3s-46)
1928 Johann II compl. set, l.h., incl. high values, or o.g., 60rp small thin , other s very fine. DM850 (Photo)(82-89)
972 0
** 976 *
1934 Vaduz Souvenir sheet of one Sfr brown, neat 29.IX.34 First Day cancel, extremely fine. DMSS00+ ......................................................................... ........................................................(Photo Front Cover )( 115) 2,000.00+
4 10.00
Sfr, l.h., short co mer perf , well centered, fine . DM900 .......................... ................ ....... ................... ......(Photo)( l 31)
** ffi1960 EUROPA S0rp multi-colored , corner sheet margin blk of 4, n.h., extreme ly fine. DM I040+(P hoto )(356) 978 * O 1912 to 1962, coll. of about 300 on Specialty pages, n.h. to o.g. and used, incl. some better n.h. items or sets,
1933 Francis I 3fr violet blue, n.h., yery fine. DM500 .................... ...................... ............................... (Photo )( l 14) 1934-35 3rp to 2fr, com pl., plus 1933 3fr, n.h., very fine. DMl 180 ...................................... ... (Photo)(] 14, 16-31) Coat of Arms Sfr dark violet, n.h., extremely fine. DM1400 ....................... .....................................(Photo)( 131)
Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs, dupl., etc., some small faults though overall fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-600 ··································································································· ··································· ······························· · LUXEMBOURG: 1923 Souvenir sheet of one lOfr deep green, l.h. in selvage, fresh, fine. DM2000 .(Photo)( 151) Semi-Postals; 1935 Professionals set compl., l.h., incl. l0fr and 20fr , or o.g. , 70c short perf , very fine. DM1300 ....................... .................................................. ................................... .............................................(Photo)( B65A-Q) Primaril y 20th Century, selection of a few hundred in numbered glassines in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. some classic issues, later co mp!. sets, with Semi s, few blks of 4 or Sou venir sheets, ear ly issues, mixed co nditi on, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-250 .................................................................. ............................ .. . MEXICO: 1963-66 Wmkd. Horiz. "MEX" and Eagle in Circle Sp dull blue & dark green, 9 copies, n.h., fine to very fine ............................... ..................... ........................................................................................... (Photo)(95 l )
550.00 540.00+
850.00 356.58
900 .00
1856 to 1960s, coll. of several hundred diff. in Specialty album, n.h . to o.g. or used, incl. classic issues, later co mp!. or part sets, Airs and misc. back-of -book , some faults though generally fine to very fine . Est. Cash Value $350 -450 ············ ················································ ··························· ········· ·························· ················ ·····························
984 0 985 0 986 0 987 0 988 0
989 990 0
991 0 992
1852 Wmkd. Post Horn imperf Sc blue, 10c lake, 15c orange , 4 copies each, full to enormous margins, neatly ca ned., a few tiny faults, generall y very fine to extremely fine. DM1 260 .......... ........... ...... .............. .......... ........ ( 1-3) 1893-96 Princess Wilhelmina Sg bronze green & red brown, perf 11, face-free cance l, hands tan1p on reverse, fine. DM750 ............... .............................. ........................................................................... ...................... (Photo)(54) Sg, c.d.s. cance l, fine ....... ............. ...................... ................................................................. ...................... (Photo)(54) 1898-1905 Engraved 10g orange , neat ly cane d ., pin point thin , fine. DM 1600 ..................................... (Photo) (86) 10g, lightly caned ., small ink mark on front , pin point thin , perfectly centered , very fine appearance .... (Photo )(86) 1913 Centenary 10g red on straw, o.g . (hinge remnant s), fresh , very fine. DM 2700 ................... ....... (Photo )(l0l) 10g, lightly caned ., small spot on rever e, fine. DMl 600 ................ ................... ........................... .........(Photo )(l0l ) 1923 Anniversary 2c to Sg, compl. set, neatly or lightly caned. , very fine to extremely fine . DM 800( Photo )(l24-34) ffiSemi-Postals; 1956 Rembrandt set of five, 18 sets incl. corner or margin blk s of 4, n.h., very fine. DM 1530 ........... ............................... ................ ........................... ................. ........................................... ..................... (B192-95)
993 * OffiNET HERL ANDS AN D COLO IES: Primaril y 20th Century , accum. of seve ral hundred in numbered glassines in box , much n.h. , balance o.g. or us ed, valu e mo stly in Neth erland s incl. pre- and post-WWII n.h. sets, incl. Semi-Postal corner blk s of 4, Air s, also Neth. Antille s, Surinam , Neth. New Guinea B1-3, 10 sets, etc. , early issues mixed condition , later generally ver y fine. Est. Cash Va lue $500+ ............ .................... ......... ..
600.00 325.00 325.00 650.00 650.00 625.00 600.00 326.50 645 .30
. • ••
•• •••
•• •• ••• •• •
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994 * 0t81 NICARAGUA : 1910 and 1911 Provisional Official Issues; The Exhibition Collection of many hundred mounted on over 100 well-documented pages, incl. numerous varieties, errors, blks and 12 covers, excellent array. Further expans ion in the Postal History sect ion would cen ainly develop this interes ting collection. Est. Cash Value $2,000-3,000 ........................................................................................................... 995 ** llilPANAMA: Air Post ; 1958 Brussels World's Fair imperf Souvenir sheet of seven, 3c and Sc designs omitted uni. and large selvage at top, n.h., very fine ................................................................................................(C209 var.) scistiny round, all margins large o.g., bluish, on red PERU: 1857 Pacific Steam Navigation Co. 2r brown 996 sors cut clearing design, brilliant fresh, very fine ........................ ...........................................................(Photo)(2) 1,350.00
* 997 *
998 0 999
1899 Liberty 10s blue green, o.g. , very fine. Sca rce ........................................................... ..................(Photo)(l5 9) 10s, c.d.s. cancel, very fine...................................................................................................................... (Photo) ( 159) PHILIPPINES: Spanish Dominion; 1854 Unwmkd. imperf lr blue, unused, full margins all round, very fine .......................................... ................................................................. ........................................................(Photo)(4a)
425.00 325.00 375.00
POLAND World War II Concentration Camp Issues 1000 * 0t81 An excellent collection of these hard-to-find issues, compr. a well-documented 41 page collection incl. blks, 37 covers, part covers or stationery items, plus singles, part sheets, etc., also 16 stock pages of unmounted and dupl. material, some in large quantities. Pe,fect for fur ther study and expansion. Stated by owner to catl. DMl00,000+. Est. Cash Value $12,000-15,000 ......................................................(Photo)
1001 1002 0
1003 0
OFFICES IN TURKISH EMIPRE: 1919 3f to Sm, compl. set, l.h. to o.g., Sm n.h., very fine ...(Photo )(2Kl-12 ) PORTUGAL: 1853 Embossed Unwmkd. imperf S0r deep yellow green, large margins, neat numeral cancel, extremely fine. DM1900 ........................................................................................................................... (Photo)(3) S0r, large margins, lightly caned., negligible margin comer crease, fine. Signed E. Diena and others ...(Photo)(3)
1004 0
S0r, large margins, neatly caned. , light crease, very fine appearance .......................................................(Photo) (3) RUSSIA: Primarily 20th Century to 1978, many hundred diff., plus hundreds more in duplicated coils., in 3 Minkus albums in box, n.h. to o.g. and used, incl. many comp!. sets and Souvenir sheets, some blk and imperf issues, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ...................................................................... ............... .
1006 * 0
RUSSIA AND AREA: Primarily 20th Century, stock and accum. of many hundred in glassines, stock sheets and loose in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. many comp!. sets and Souvenir sheet , some comp!. beets, some Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Mongolia, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ....................... .
750.00 750.00 750 .00
SAAR 1007 6 1008 6 1009
1010 0 1011 0
1920 Ovptd. on Stamps of Bavaria Sm deep blue, neatly tied on small piece by 1920 c.d.s. cancel, extremely fine. Signed Richter. DM2600 ................................................................................................................(Photo)(38) Sm, neatly tied on small piece by ST. INGBERT 20 APR20 c.d .s., very fine. A. Burger Cert. (1996) ............................................................................................................................................ .......................(Photo)(38) Semi-Postals; 1928 "Charity" lOfr (+lOfr) dark brown, sheet margin copy, NEVER HINGED, extremely fine. DM2000 ........................................................................................................................................(Photo)(BlS) 1931 "The Widow's Mite" set comp!., neatly caned., very fine to extreme ly fine. DM 1750 ........ (Photo )(B30-36 ) 1932 Scenes set compl., neat c.d.s. cancels, very fine to extremely fine. DM1800 .................... (Photo)(B37-43)
900.00 900.00
1012 0
SOMALIA : Air Post Official; 1934 25c slate blue & red orange, neatly caned., negligible tone spots on reverse, very fine. Sass. L3,500,000 .................... ...............................................................................(Photo)(COl) 1,050.00
Postage Due; 1906-08 Two Line Ovpt. Sc to lOL, compl. set, o.g., mixed centering to very fine. Lira values signed A. Diena. Sass. L3,800,000. Very scarce ............... ................................................................. (Photo)(Jl-11) 1,316.00 SPAIN
* * IO16 ** 1017 * 1014
1936 Philatelic Exhibition set comp!., incl. Air Post, o.g., extremely fine. DM760 .....(Photo)(572,573,C88,89) 1938 Militia set compl., l.h., a few natural gum crea es, lOp light margin stain, mixed centering to very fine. DM800 ...................................................................................... .................................... .....................(Photo)(606-J4) 1936 Coat of Arms imperf 30c lilac, 30c pale green, sheet margin copies, n.h., latter a few negligible tone spots on reverse and signed Galvez, very fine. DMI000 ................................................ ................. (Photo )(615 ,616) Perf 1130c dark blue, l.h., yellowish gum, fre h, fine. DMl 100 ......................................... ................(Photo )(617)
370.00 400 .50 330.00+ 550.00
** 10 19 * 1020 *
1939 -51 Without Imprint 4p dull rose, l0p light brown , perf 9 ½x 10 ½, n.h., ve ry fine . DM5 35 .......................... .................. .............................................................................................................. (Photo) (704 ,705) 1950 Stamp Centenary set compl., incl. Air Post, l.h., very fine .................. .................. (Photo )(776-79,C l27-30 ) Semi-Postals; 1938 Perf and Imperf Souvenir sheets of one, the four diff., l.h. in selvage, usual gum bends, fine to very fine. DMl 480 .............................................................................................................(Photo ) (Bl0 8M-P)
102 1 0
1950 Canary Islands Visit set compl., incl. Air Post Semi-Postal, l.h., very fine ........(Photo) (B137,138,CB18 ) Air Post; 1953 Bastida S0p dark violet, o.g., very fine ..................................................................... (Photo)(Cl44 )
10 18
176.00+ 648 .00 522.00 435.00 375.00
I 023
1910-19 Gustaf V SSo pale blue, n.h., fresh, very fine. Photocopy Raybaudi Cert. (1978). As hinged DM3600, Sc. $1,400 ..................................................................................................(Photo Front Cover )(90)
800 black, n.h., well centered , fresh, extremely fine. Raybaudi Cert. (1977). As hinged DM3600, Sc. $1,400. Love ly copy ............................................... .................................................... (Photo Front Cover )(92)
1924 Unwmkd. U.P .U. Congress set comp!. , o.g . (hin ge remnant ), ge nerall y fres h, very fine. DM 1800 ...................... ............................. ........................................................................................... ............(Photo )( l 97-2 1 l)
1026 0
l 027 0
1850 Coat of Arms 2½ r black & red, neat P.P. cancel, margins all round showing designs three sides, sma ll thin, fin e appearance. Dr. Fulpius Cert. (1948 ) and signed by him and others. DM8000 ......................................................................................................................................................... (Photo)(lLS) 4,000.00 Geneva ; 1845-48 Coat of Arm s Sc red on dark green , black grid cancel, margin s all round , small faults, fine appea rance an d attractive. Fo und ation Cer t. (1985). DMS300 .................. .....................................(Photo )(2 L4) 2,750 .00
Federal Administration 1028
* * 103 1 **
1029 1030
* 83 1033 * 83 1032
1914-30 Engraved 3fr to l0fr , group of 11 stamps, l.h. or o.g. except 3fr dark green unused (regummed), incl. lOfr dull violet (4), lOfr gray green and Sfr re-engraved, two each, a few tiny faults, generally fine to very fine ................................................................................................................................................. (181-85,206) 2,247.50 3fr to lOfr, incl. 1928 Sfr re-engraved, o.g., very fine. DM1595 ............................................(Photo )( l82-85,206 ) 677.50 l0fr dull violet , l0fr gray green , re-engraved Sfr blu e, o .g . (hin ge re mnant ) , ve ry fine . DM 1250 ...................................................................................................................................................(Photo)( l 84, 185,206) 515 .00 1928 Re-engraved Sfr blue, sheet margin copy, n.h., brilliant fresh, extremely fine. DM875 .......(Photo)(206) 1934 NABA Souvenir sheet of four, stamps n.h., tiny thin specks in selvage, very fine. DM1000 ....(Photo)(226) Same, stamps n.h., selvage thin, fine .....................................................................................................(Photo)(226)
350.00 475.00 475.00
1945 Peace Issue
** 1035 * 1036 * I034
Sc to lOfr, compl. set, incl. Semi-Postal, few sheet margin copies, n.h., very fine. DM 1400 (Photo )(293-305,B 145) Same, l.h., very fine ............................. ................... ............................................. ..................(Photo )(293-305 ,B145) Compl. set , o.g., very fine ......................................................................... ...................................... (Photo )(2 93-305)
500.00 3 10.66 354.25
3fr, Sfr and lOfr Values
* 1038 *
3fr dark slate green, Sfr brown lake, lOfr rose violet, all on buff, l.h., very fine ........................(Photo ) (303-05) Same, o.g., very fine .................................................. ........................................................................(Photo ) (303-05)
1039 1040 0
Similar lot Same, lightly caned., very fine. DMl 260 ............................................................. .............................(Photo )(303-05 ) Compl. set, incl. Semi-Postals , neatly or lightly caned., very fine. DM2200 ...................... (Photo) (293-305,B 145) Same, neatly caned., 2fr small thins, fine to very fine ........................ ................................... (Photo )(293-305 ,B 145)
104 1 0 1042 0
300.00 300.00 515 .00 509.40 847.15
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** ** 1045 * l046 * I047 **
l043 1044
1048 * O
Semi-Postals; 1940 National Fete Imperf Souvenir sheet of four , n.h., very fine. OM I000 .........(Photo)(B 105) 1945 Basel Dove Souvenir sheet of two, n.h., very fine. DM375 ...................................................................(Bl44 ) Officials; 1918 War Board of Trade 3c to 30c, compl. set, 7½c type I, l.h. or o.g., light pencil initials on reverse, fine to very fine. DM485 .......................................................................................................(Photo) ( lO1- 8) Same, l.h. or o.g., fresh, very fine. 7½c and 30c signed Champion ...................................................(Photo )( IOl- 8) 1948-50 WHO Sc to l0fr , compl. set, n.h., 5fr small glazed gum spot, very fine. DM570 ...........(Photo )(5O6-25) 19th Century, group of over 60 stamps in glassines, mostly used, a few o.g., mostly Sitting Helvetia imperf and perf, various ptgs, etc., a couple Rayon types and Postage Due issues, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200
1854 to 1899, selection of over 500 on approval pages and stock cards, used, compr. Sitting Helvetia and Numeral issues, imperf and perf , varying quantitie s incl. a number of slightly better items, with #37, 46, SO, 54, 58, 59, granite paper #67, etc., mixed condition to many fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 ..... 1050 * O Primarily 20th Century, coll. of man y hundred in Specialty album and stock sheets in box, n.h. to o.g., some used, wide range of issues, incl. slightly better items, many compl. sets and better Souvenir sheets, Semis, Airs, good range of Officials and other back-of-book , some small faults though mostly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500 ............................................................................................................................................ 1051 * O SWITZERLAND AND LIECHTENSTEIN: 19th and 20th Century, stock and accum. of man y hundred in glassines and stockbooks in box, mostly used, some n.h., Switzerland incl. a few Rayon and Helvetia types, some comp!. sets of both countries, Semis, Officials, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $150-250 .......... l052 * O llll20th Century, accum. of a few hundred in numbered glassines and loose in box, n.h. to o.g. or used , value mostly the former with compl. sets, Semis, Airs and Souvenir sheets, small quantities to one of an item, both countries incl.better items, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750+ ................................................... I 053 * O THAILAND: 1883-1950s, small coll. balance on Specialty pages, unused or used, generally cheaper stamps, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $100 .................................................................................................... l054 * O 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred glassines and stockbook in box, mostly u ed, some o.g., incl. comp!. or part sets, some blks of 4 with several in presentation booklet, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $ 150-200 ......... TRIPOLITANIA: Air Post; 1934 "Ci rcuit of the Oasis" set comp!., l.h. or o.g ., fine to very fine. Sass. 1055 L845,000 ............................................................................................................................................(Photo )(C38-42) , compl., o.g., fresh, fine to very fine. OM 1380(Photo) (620-24) 1923-25 Crescent and Star 25pi to SOOpi TURKEY: 1056
400.00 1I0.00 624.00 624.00 250.00
l049 0
* *
340.00 3 17.50
1058 0
1866 Imperf Sc and 1866-67 Perf 8½ to 13½ Sc blue , shades, o.g. to unused or used , many hundred of blks incl. shades, papers , perf and printing varieties, cancels with many on small piece, 41 covers or fronts, multiples and platings , all neatl y arranged and annotated in 2 Godden albums with slipcases, generally fine to very fine and an impressive study . Est. Cash Value $500-750 ........................................................................... 1895-99 Error 25c red brown & black, INVERTED CENTER, neatl y caned., very fine. Signed H. Bloch, E. J. Lee hand stamp. Purportedly only 100 copies issued ....................... (Photo Front Cover )( 120a) 1,500.00
* 1060 * l061 * 1062 ** 1063 ** 1059
1934 Provi sionals set of six, o.g. (hinge remnants ), very fine. Two high values signed A. Diena. DM2700 ..............................................................................................................................................................(Photo )(35-40) Compl. set, o.g., 2.05L crease, 3.05L small thin, fine. All but 3.05L signed A. Diena ......................(Photo )(35-40) Air Post; 1948 Archangel set of two, l.h., very fine ........................................................................(Photo )(C l 6, l 7)
1949 UPU set of two, sheet margin copies, n.h. , very fine. DM450 ............................................(Photo )(C18,19) 1951 Gratianus set of two, sheet margin copies, stamps n.h., extremely fine ...........................(Photo )(C 20-21) 1064 ** O 1929 to 1985, issues almost compl. in 2 Minkus albums in box, much n.h., balance I.h. or used, incl. Souvenir sheets , covers , Airs and back-of-book , also compl. and part sheets in file and a selection of Roman State s, some faults though generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500 ................................................................... 1929 to 1979, issues nearl y compl. on White Ace pages in 2 ring-binder s, n.h. to o.g., incl. Souvenir sheets, 1065 Airs and back-of-book, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ...........................................................................
916.10 916.00 375.00 137.50 242.50
**l!il1939 to 1979, stock of many hundred in envelopes in box, n.h., com pr. comp l. sets of varying quantities to one
of an item , some Souvenir sheets, Airs , Special Delivery and Postage Due, generally cheaper issues and very fine . DM4200+ ................ ...................... ..................................... .................... ................................. (betw. 68 and 656, etc .)
**llil1953 to 1980, stock of several thousand in sheet files in box, n.h., almost all compl. sets in compl. or part sheets, some blks, incl. Airs, etc., generally very fine. DM8400 ....................... (betw. 158 and 672,C47-72,etc .)
1068 * O HlBalance of several hundred in envelopes and 2 ring-binders in box, genera lly a used stock incl. com pl. sets, Airs, etc., some n.h. to unused, mixed condition. Est. Cas h Value $ 150 .................................................................... . 1069 181
Stock of several hundred items in 2 boxes, mostly cac heted, unaddressed FDCs with compl. sets and Max imum cards , moderate quantities of cheaper ets, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value$ 100-150 ........................................... . VENEZUELA: 1951 Coats of Arms issue compl. on hingeless pages, incl. Air Post, n.h., very fine. Sc. $914.40 as hinged .................................... ................................................................................................ (464-631,C338-553)
19th Cent ur y, accum. of several hundred in glassines, pochett e cards and on pages in box, unused or used, wide range of countries with much Europe incl. France, Luxembourg, Switzerland, etc., but mostly British Areas, some multiples, Australian States, reference, etc., faulty or mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ................................. ........................................................ .................... ................. ..... 19th and 20th Century
I072 * O
The coll. virtually as received, many thousand in 29 Master or Supreme Global albums in 6 cartons, n.h. to unused or used, wide range of countries incl. United States and Possessions, some significant omissions , still much Europe, British areas and Latin America, also Asia with China, Korea, Thailand , etc., man y countries duplicated incl. modern n.h. sets, blks and Souvenir sheets, booklets and panes , some FDCs, Semis, Airs, back-of-book, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $5,000-6,000 ...................................................................
I073 * O
Coll. and accum. virtually as received in over 25 albums or ring-binders , etc., and loose in 4 cartons, n.h. to o.g. or used , wide range of countries with value mostly in Western Europe, Asia and Latin America, incl. man y compl. sets, etc., modern issues in glassines incl. British areas, misc. U.S., Souvenir sheets , Semis and Airs, back-of-book , some faults as would be expected, but overall clean and fine to very fine. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $3,500-4,500 ......................................................................................................................................
1074 * 01:8:1Accum. of many thou sa nd on stock cards, old auction sheets and in stockbook in carton, wide range of issues incl. sma ll n.h., Swedish stock, group of about 100 diff. used 19th and 20th cent. Netherlands postal cards, some U.S. and man y foreign better singles and sets, nearl y all marked with catl. value, some faults, but man y fine to very fine n.h. to o.g. Est. Cash Value $2,500-3,000 .................................................................................................................
1075 * O EE Stock and accum. of many thou sa nd in glassines and loose in 6 boxes or cartons, n.h. to o.g., used and c.t.o., wide range of countries with much Europe and Africa, some British and U.S. mixed-in , many compl. sets in varying quantities , a few hundred Souvenir sheets and topicals galore, selections of modern Die proofs and Specimens, some imperfs, many Africa French Community Air Post sets, Mozambique pictorial values in quantities , etc., mixed condition to much very fine. Needs sorting, but ideal for retail and approval sales. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 ...........................................................................................................................
I076 * O li:ilBalance of a prop ert y, man y thousand in envelopes, stockbooks, etc., in 2 boxes and carton, n.h. to unu sed or used, wide ranging with much Europe, also British areas and the rest of the world in lesser amounts , incl. misc. U.S., larger selections of Germany and Offices, Greece and Crete, France and Colonies, Monaco , Belgium , Serbia, Croatia, Turkey, Egypt, incl. slightl y better sets as well as common , old intact auction lots, approval books , blks , reference, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Eclectic and worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $2,000-2,500 ...........................................................................................................................
I077 * O
Stock and accum. of many thou sand in numbered glassines in shoe boxes, etc., in 3 cartons, mostly used or c.t.o., some n.h . to o.g., wide range of countries with much Europe, also Latin America , Briti sh areas , Africa and misc. Asia, generally common issues in varying quantities , man y compl. sets, Airs and back-of-book , mixed condition. Useful for approva l selections or counter sales. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ..................................................................................
I078 0
Stock of tens of thousands, mostly used, neatly arranged in 10 jam-packed stockbooks, incl. Austria, Belgium, South America , Europe, Asia (decent Japan ), Scandinavia, also some loose recent Canada , primaril y inexpensi ve but a lot of the work done. Stated to catl. about $8,000. Est. Cash Value $1,000 ......................................................................................................
1079 * O
Balance of a property, many hundred in 10 albums in carton, unused or used, albums somewhat sparsely filled, mostly Europe though some British areas, Japan, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $500-600 ..........................................................................................................................................
1080 181
Accum . of well over 200 items in box, inc l. Mon aco cac heted FD C and max imum ca rd s, other Europ e, Asia, Briti sh areas , etc., with co mm ercial mail , also Indi an Na tive Feud atory States with ove r 35 cove r or pieces, mixed co nditi on. Est. Cash Valu e $300-400 ...... ............ ........ ........ ........................ .... .
108 1 * O EBBalance of a property, a few hundred on pages and loose in box, incl. I 9th ce nt . France u ed, Great Brit ain modern i sues and Falkland Is. CA ½ p gree n shee t of 60 , Dependencies inc l. blks of 4, n.h. to o.g., Natal #79 part shee t incl. "Ealf ' vars., etc., mixed co ndition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200-300 . 1082 * O
Balance of a property, many hundred in small album, stock sheets and cards in box, unu sed or used, inc l. earl y Fran ce , Grea t Brit ain with qu antiti es of 195 l Arm ÂŁ 1 used, misc. Newfo undl and and Vatica n Ci ty, etc., mixed co nditi on. Es t. Cas h Value $150-250 .............................. ........ ............ ...... ........ ..
1083 * O
Balance of a property, many hundred in album, stockbooks or stock sheets and loose in carton, mostly used , some o.g. , wid e ran ge of co untri es with ge neral ly co mm on issues , incl. United States, Briti sh Areas, Euro pe, etc ., some topica ls, mixed co ndi tion. Est. Cas h Value $ 100-150 ................ .......... .
1084 0 6.
REVENUES: Primarily 19th Century , coll. and accum. of several hundred on pages and in glassines, etc., in box, used , wide ranging with much Europe and Brit ish areas incl. Grea t Brit ain , Indi a, Canad a, etc., a few on doc ument pieces , mixed con dition. Est. Cas h Value $200-400 ............ ....... .
Primarily 20th Century I 085 * 0181 Property virtually as received, tens of thousands of stamps off and on paper and mint in glassines
1086 181
and loose in 7 cartons, wide ranging with mostly Europe, incl. large amount of Greece and United States, some covers, large quantities of some, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $500-1,000 ........... Accum. of many hundred covers in 4 boxes, incl. Euro pe and some co lonies , Ge rm any, Grea t Brit ain and mi sc . Briti sh areas incl. Can ada, Latin Am erica, Mi dd le Eas t, so me As ia, EUROPA FDC s in album , mostly comm erc ia l mail , also cac heted FDC s, picture pos t car ds, etc ., mixed co nditi on. Est. Cash Value $300-500 ................ ................ ............... ............................. ........ .... ....... ...... ....... ..... ........ ..... .... .
1087 * O181Balance of a property, a few thousand in many albums, incl. 8 Globals, and loose in 3 cartons, n.h . to o.g. or u ed, many co untri es and ge nerall y modern issues , incl. Asia, Briti sh, etc., some co mp!. sets, Ca nada Year boo ks, cac heted FD Cs , etc., mix ed co ndition. Est. Cas h Value $300-5 00 ........ .......... .. 1088 * O
Balance of a property, thousands on and off paper in containers and loose in 4 cartons, mostly used, so me n.h . to o.g., wide range inc l. Greece and U .S ., much Euro pe, British, etc. , mixed co nditi on. Est. Cas h Value $200 -300 ................. ........ ............ ......... ......... ............ .... ....................... ....... ..... ................. .
1089 * O
Balance of a property, many thousand stamps in carton, mostly used, genera lly packet type material incl. much Europ e, so me Briti sh, etc., mixed co nditi on. Est . Cas h Valu e $50-100 ......................... ...... .... .
20th Century 1090 * OIIll Accum. of several thousand in sheet flies, etc., in carton, n.h. to c.t.o ., mos tly co mp!. or part sheets, incl. Latin Am erica, Poland , Liberia , Moza mbiqu e, Guin ea #C46, etc. , ge nera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Valu e $ 150 ................. ............ ....................... ............................ ............ ............. ............................ .....
I091 **EB Accum. of a few hundred stamps on stock sheets in ring-binder, vas t major ity n.h., almost all are gutt er multiple s incl. so me cross gutters, incl. Briti sh and French Colonies, Ru ssian Offices , Franc e, etc., generally fine to very fine . Est. Cas h Value $ 100- 150 .... ........................ ....................... .............. ...... .. 1092 181
Balance of several hundred items in cover albums and loose in 3 cartons, mos tly cac heted FDC s incl. International Wildli fe, 1978 Coro nation, U.S. Bice ntennial and other FDCs, mint stationery incl. Canad a, few U.S. stamp s, ear lier pictur e post card s and cove rs, two phil atelic "co ffee table" boo ks and mi sc. supplie s, album pages and suppl ements, glass ine interlea vin g, etc ., ge nerall y fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $ 100-125 ............... ..... ........ ............... ..... ............ ............. ..................... ..... ............... ..... ... ..
1093 ** IBISOUVENIR SHEETS: Accum. of a few hundred in glassines , etc., in box, vast majority n.h.,
some o.g. or used, incl. Colombia, Nicaragua and other Latin America, New Zealand, Belgium, Monaco incl. Die proofs and Epreuves de luxe, several other countries, varying quantities to one of an item, with some better, mixed condition to many very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-800 .......... . I094 ** 181TOPICALS: Coll. of several hundred diff. on Minkus pages in 4 ring-binders in carton , vast
majority n.h., compr. World Refugee Year and EUROPA issues , many countries incl. better items and comp!. sets, Souvenir sheets and WRY with about 50 cacheted FDCs, generally very fine. Est. Cash Value $750+ ...................................................................................................................... 1095 ** IIllAccum. of several hundred items in stockbook, glassines, etc., in box, vas t maj ority n.h. , mos tly Spac e and re lated , a l o Art , inc l. co mpl. ets, Sou ve nir shee ts and co mpl. she e ts, imp erfs , Cub a unpri ced , much Latin Am erica and Middl e East, also Yu gos lavia, Afri ca , etc ., fine to very fine. Est. Ca sh Value $ 150-250 .... ............................ .................. ........ .................... ............ ........ ........ ............ ........... .. I096 ** IIllStamp Centenary; coll of several hundred diff. on stock sheets in 2 ring-binders, vas t maj ority n.h., few used, wide range of modern co mpl. se ts and Souvenir shee ts, much Briti sh and Euro pe, also some "s tamps on stamp s", very fine. Es t. Cas h Value $ 150-200 ............. ............ ................. .......... ........... .
Primaril y 19th Century, accum. of several hundred in glassine s in shoe box, mo tly u ed, some o.g. or unu ed, mostly Great Britain surface printed and some earlier through Elizabeth issues, also small selections of many colonies, with some slightly better items, diff. Pl. number s, etc., faulty or mixed condition to ome very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-600 .............................. .................................. ... 19th and 20th Century
1098 * O
Coll. of man y hundred diff. in 3 Specia lty albums in box, n.h. to unused or used, compr. Great Britain and many colonies, incl. Canada and Newfoundland, some sparsely represented, others with better items or sets, mixed condition to very fine. Worth careful inspection. Est. Cash Value $1,500 -1,800 .................................................................................................... .............
I099 * O
Accum . of over 200 on stock sheets, n.h. to unused or used , incl. Canada with Quebec Tercentenar y sets, Sierra Leone George VI blks of 4, Cape of Good Hope, Australian States , etc., with some better item s and sets, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500 ...
1100 * O EEColl. of several thousand diff. plus hundreds of dupl. in 6 Minku s albums in carton, n.h. to unused or used , incl. Great Britain , India and States, New Zealand , Canada and other BNA, etc., compl. or part sets, blks , scattered covers and slight ly better items , mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 .................................................................................................................... ................... 1101 ** O Stock and accum. of a few thousand on stock sheets in ring-binders, in stockbooks and envelopes in 2 cartons, much n.h. and used , wide ranging but stronger Great Britain , Ireland, Canada, Australia and New Zealand incl. modern mint sets and Souvenir sheets, some slightly better 19th cent. Great Britain incl. Revenue s, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Va lue $750-1,000 ........ . I I02 * O Accum . and stock of several thou sand in glassines and pochette card s in 2 cartons , n.h. to unused or used , wide range of countries and genera lly common issues and man y topical themes , misc. foreign and U.S. mixed-in , mixed condition and unsorted. Est. Cash Value $750-1,000 ................... 1103 * OIBIAccum. and stock of many thousand in about 25 ring-binders , stockbooks or albums in 2 cartons, n.h. to unu sed or used , wide ranging colonies and Great Britain with compl. or part sets, Souvenir sheets, blks, much Oceania and some topicals , mixed condition to very fine. Est . Cas h Value $750+ ........................................................................ ..................................................... ................. . 1104 * O EEBalance of a property , man y thousand in coll. remainder on pages, stock sheets, etc ., in carto n, n.h. to unused or used, incl. Great Britain and Offices and many colonies , early slightl y better items, modern compl. or part sets, Souvenir sheets, topicals incl. Churchill. etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-800 ............................................................................. ....................... Balance of a few thousand on pages in ring-binder , stock sheets, etc., in box used, mostly Great 1105 0 Britain incl. lp red partial plating, a few slightly better items and later sets, New South Wale , modem Australia , ewfoundland, etc., also 1972 S.G. catalogue , mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $200-300 ....
20th Cent ur y
An excellent coll. of primaril y George V, George VI and early Elizabeth sets neatly mounted on White Ace pages in showgard mounts in 11 ring-binders, numerous popular and important sets , a great many n.h. , rest generally l.h., generally very fine. Well worth inspection. Est. Cash Value $7,500 .......................................................................................................................... .
Stock and accum. of several thou sa nd in glassines and pochette cards, etc., in carton, vast majorit y n.h. , some o.g. or used , wide range of mostly modern issues , scattered 19th cent. , with man y compl. sets, part sets, a couple hundred Souvenir sheets or sheetlets, many colonies as well as Great Britain , omnibus and topical themes, Austra lia incl. sma ll stock, Nevis and St. Vincent imperfs and imperf progressive plate proofs , etc. , generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,200-1,500 ............................................................................. ...........
1108 * IBI Coll. and accum. of several hundred stamps, plus man y Souvenir sheets in stock sheets , stockbooks, pages and loose in gla ssines in box, much n.h., balance l.h. or o.g., wide range of countries and generally modern issues, some earlier and slightly better sets, also booklets , post office packs , 1977 Jubilee issues incl. gutter pairs , blks , etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-600 ................................................. .............. ............. ............................................................. . 1109 ** IBIColl. and accum. of several hundred on stock sheets, n.h. , compr. British Middle East and Asia, incl. slightly better sets and blks of 4 with Bahrain , Jordan , Brunei, India, etc., mostly modem issues and a few Souvenir sheets, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-350 ............................................................. . 92
IO*IHIBalance of a property, several hundred on stock sheets, etc., in box, n.h. to o.g. , incl.
om nibu s issues, large blks, some comp !. sets, Australia post card sets, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est . Cash Value $200-300 .......... .................................. .......................................... ............ ............. ................... ..........
I I I I t8I
Accum. of a couple hundred covers in box, mostly commo n co mmerc ial mail, some picture post cards, censo red, a few stationery items or 19th cent., incl. Great Britain, Cyprus, New Zealand, lndia , etc., mixed cond ition. Est. Cash Value $150-200 .................... ......... ..................................... ..................... .
OMNIBUS ISSUES I 112 **IHI Coll. of many hundred in a dozen ring-binders or stockbooks in carton, vast majority n.h., incl. Columbu s with misc . foreign, Row land Hill , ITU , Churchill, I 953 Coronation, Elizabeth Jubil ee, 1972 Silver Wedding , 1973 Royal Wedding , 1980 Queen Mother, etc. , incl. many comp !. sets and Souven ir sheets, blks, sheetlets and cove rs, fine to very fine. E t. Cash Value $300- 500 ......................................... .
1935 Silver Jubilee Issue 1113
* 1115 * 1116 * 1114
1117 0
Issue compl. on pages, n.h., 249 stamps, very fine. Sc. $925 ................................................................. Same, (249) on pages, l.h., few n.h., very fine. Est. Cash Value $300 ......................... ............ ................. . Issue compl. on pages in ring-binder, l.h., also 1937 Coronation in Sou venir book, very fine. Est. Cash Value $300 .......................................................................... .................... .................... ........................ Issue compl. (249) on pages, 1.h., generally very fine . Est. Cash Value $300 .......................................... . Same, on stock sheets, used, comp !. but for Grenad a I sh, fine to very fine. Scarcer used. Est. Cash Value $300 ....................................... ............................................................ ............................................... .
1948-49 Silver Wedding Issue
I I 19
* *
Issues compl., n.h., incl. severa l high values, to o.g. Sc . $ 1, I00 as n.h ............. ..................................... .... Same, o.g. (hinge remna nts), fine to very fine ................................. .......................................... ..................
Issues compl. less Gilbert and Ellice Is., Hong Kong, South Africa and South West Africa, n.h.,
fine to very fine . Sc. $933. 55 ............................ ......... ........... ......................... ................ ............................. .
I121 **EECompl. less Gilbert and Ellice Is., Hong Kong, Pitcairn
Is., Singapore, South Africa and South West Africa, BLOCKS OF FOUR, n.h., incl. a goodly number of higher values with bottom Imprint, fine to very fine. Sc. $3,024.80+ ........................................................................ .
**EE BRITISH AFRICA: 20th Century, coll. and accum. of several hundred diff. on stock sheets in
ring-binder, n.h., small se lections of many colonies , with comp !. sets, blks of 4 and Souvenir sheets , fine to very fine. Est. Ca h Value $300-350 ................. .................... ................................. ..........................
**EE BRITISH AMERICA: 20th Century, coll. and accum. of many hundred on stock sheets in ring-
binder, n.h., ove r 15 co lonies incl. many comp!. sets and Souveni r sheets, blks of 4 and booklets , also some ewfo undl and, misc. 19th Nova Scot ia and Prin ce Edwa rd Is. , fine to very fine . Est. Cash Value $500-750 ....................................... ....................... ............. ................... ........................................................
ASIA: TRUCIAL STATES; 20th Century, coll. and accum. of several thousand in glassines, 13 stockbooks or ring-binders and loose in 2 cartons, vast majority n.h., some o.g. or
used, wide range of modern issues, clandestine and legitimate, incl. Ajman, Fujeira , Man ama, Sharjah , Yemen, othe rs, with many comp !. sets and Souvenir sheets, imperf s, topical s galore with Costumes, Space , Art, Olympics , go ld and silver foil, etc., general ly fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $300 -500 .... 1125 * O
Stock of a few thousand in glassines, stock sheets and stockbook in carton, n.h. to o.g. or used , mos tl y spuriou s o r "C ind ere lla" is ues , incl. many comp !. se ts and Souvenir sheets , eve n so me legitimat e issues and misc. other fore ign, topical s galore, mixed conditi on. Est. Cash Value$ I 00- 150 ....
**EE BRITISH EUROPE: 20th Century, accum. of'a few hundred on stock sheets, n.h., mo tly Cyprus incl. sets in blks or co rner blk s of 4 , also Gibraltar , lreland , Malta and Great Brit ai n unexploded booklet s, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $200 + ................ ......................................... ............ ............. ....
1127 * 83
BRITISH OCEANIA: 20th Century, coll. of a few thousand on stock sheets or pages in 7 ring-binders in carton, n.h. to o.g., compr. about a dozen countries incl. Aitutaki, Brunei, Christmas and Cocos Is., Nauru, 'ew Hebrides , Norfolk Is, Penrh yn Is., Pitcairn Is., Samoa, etc., incl. many compl. sets and Souvenir sheets Officials, se-tenant issues, blks, etc., fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ ......................................................................................
**IHI Coll. and accum. of several hundred on stock sheets and loose in box, n.h., incl.
Au u¡alia, New Zealand , Norfolk ls., Pitcairn ls., etc., wit h many comp!. sets, blk s of 4 and Souvenir sheet s, also Australia with ove r 25 sets in post office packs , generally very fine. E t. Ca h Value $400-500 ............. .
FOREIGN 19th and 20th Century Stock and accum. of a few thousand in glassines and stockbooks in carton, mostly used, some n.h. to o.g., incl. Belgium, Luxembourg , Netherlands , Portugal, Spain and their colonies , generally cheaper stamps in varying quantities, some compl. sets and Souvenir sheets , also independent Africa with Ethiopia and Liberia, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ............. 1130 * O EBBalance of a property, many thousand in over 40 albums, stockbooks or ring-binders and loose in 4 cartons, n.h. to unused or used, enormous range of countries with much Europe, incl. compl. or part sets, accumulations , collection remainders , blks and Souvenir sheets, many topicals incl. Art, Kennedy, Space, Costumes , Lions Club, etc., generally common to moderatel y priced stamps, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ..................................... ....................................................... I 13 1 * O Stock and accum. of many hundred in stockbooks and glassines in carton, much used, some n h.,
I 129 * O
1132 * O
incl. Austria and Off ices, Serbia, Turkey , Yugos lavia, some sets and Souvenir sheets with few slightly better items, mixed co nditi on to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 ............ ......... ................. ........ ........ . Selection of about 50 on stock sheet s, o.g. o r use d , in cl. Fra nce , Lu xe mbo ur g, Ne th e rl and s, Sw itzerland , etc. , with bette r items and du pl.. mixed condition. Est. Cas h Va lue $300-500 ....... ............. ..
I 133 * O
Stock of a few thousand in 3 Elbe stockbooks and loose pages in carton, most ly used, some o.g ., co mpr . Sw itzerland incl. 19th cent., Semis and co ll. balances, Liechtenste in, Czec hoslovakia , Monaco, Va tican C ity, some comp!. sets and bLks, mixe d conditi on. Est. Cas h Value $200-300 ...... ............ .......... .
1134 * O
Primarily 20th Century, accum. of a few hundred on stock sheets, in glassines, etc., in box, n.h. to o.g., few used, incl. Europe and Latin America compl. sets and Souvenir sheets, Semis and Airs, selection of Liberia modern errors, generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500+ .................... 20th Century, accum. of several hundred items in 2 boxes, mostly Europe and co mmon co mmercial
1135 181
cove rs, some picture post cards and a few FDC s, many countri es inc l. Fra nce, Italy, Sp ain , etc., some Mi ddle East and As ia, mixed co ndition. Est. Ca h Va lue $200-250 .......................................................... . 1136 ** EllBalance of a few hundred in numbered glassines and loose in box, vast maj ority n.h., bit s of many countries , incl. Midd le East with Palest ine, Egy pt, Iran, Latin America, Asia, Afr ica, with comp!. sets and Souvenir sheets, Airs, etc. , fine to very fine. E t. Cas h Va lue $ 150-250 ...................................... ...... ..
ASIA 1137 * O
19th and 20th Century, accum. of many hundred in glassines, etc., in box, o.g . to unu sed or used, co mpr . Japan with Reve nues, Korea , Ryukyu Is., Th ailand, incl. some co mp!. sets and Souvenir sheets, sca ttered modern issues , n.h., etc., mixed cond ition to very fine. Est. Cas h Va lue $300-4 00 ........ ...... ...... .
I 138 * 0181Selection of over 75 items in box, incl. Japan with 19th cent. postal cards, 20th cent. covers and picture post cards, China incl. People's Rep. #795 blk of 10 on reverse of cover, some Korea and Thailand, also a small accum. of stamps in binder, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-350 ····················································································································································· 1139 * O Primarily 20th Century, coll. of several hundred diff. in Specialty album and 2 stock books in box, n.h. to o.g., some used, compr. Afghanistan, Bhutan incl. 3-D and phonograph records issues, Indonesia, Ryukyu Is., Thailand, with many compl. sets, Airs, Souvenir sheets, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500+ ................................. ............................................................... ......... 1I 40 * O
1141 * O
Accum. and stock of many hundred on stock sheets, in glassines and stockbook in box, n.h. to o .g .
or used, incl. Afg hanistan with so me scarer ite ms, Ind ones ia, Korea, Ma nchuku o, Philippin es with some U.S. Admin ., Viet Nam, etc., co mp!. and part sets, blk s, Souvenir sheets, etc ., mixed cond ition to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $200-300 ................. .......... ....................................... .......................... .............. . 20th Century, accum. of several hundred in numbered glassines in shoe box, mostly used , some modem n.h. or o.g. , incl. smallish gro upings of Chin a with Peop le's Rep., Ja pan, Korea and Southeas t As ia, generally co mmon issues , some set and Souvenir sheets, mixed co nd ition to very fine. Est. Cash ............. . Value $ l5 0-200 .......... .......... ................... .......................................................................................
SOUTHEAST ASIA: 20th Centur y to about 1975, coll. of several hundred diff. in Specialty album, n.h. to o.g., compr. Cambodia , Laos and a little Viet am, many sets and Souvenir sheets, incl. Semis and Airs, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $350-450 ................................... .................... .
EUROPE 1143 *O
CENTRAL EUROPE: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. plus hundreds of dupl. in 2 Specialty albums, l.h. to unused or used , compr. Austria and Offices, LombardyVenetia , Bosnia and Herzegovina , Switzerland , incl. sl.ightly better items , compl. and part sets, Souvenir sheets, Semis, blks, back-of-book and some covers , some later n.h. sets, mixed condition to much fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,000+ .....................................................
1144 *O EASTERN EUROPE: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of several thousand mostly diff. in 9 Minkus or Scott albums in carton , o.g. or used , compr. Albania , Bulgaria , Czechoslovakia , Hungary , Poland, Romania , incl. many compl. sets and Souvenir sheets , dupl., imperfs, multiples, back-ofbook and some covers, fair amount of modern n.h. sets, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $600-800 .......................................................................................................................................... 1145 **
20th Century but for a few, many hundred in numbered glassines , stock cards and loose in box, vast majority n.h., some o.g. or used , incl. Albania , Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary , Latvia, Poland , Romania , Russia , Serbia, Yugoslavia , incl. many compl. sets and Souvenir sheets , a few to one of an item, slightly better items , Semis and Airs, Occu. and Russian Offices, etc., generally fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $1,500-2,000 ......................................................................................................................................
1146 * O EB20th Century, stock and accum. of several thousand in glassines and stockbooks in carton, much used, balance n.h. too.g., mostly Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Poland, Romania, incl. many comp!. sets and some Souvenir sheets in addition to the stock, with Semis and back-of-book, generally common issues, fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $250-350 ...................................................... 1147 *O WESTERN EUROPE: BENELUX; 19th and 20th Centur y, coll. of many hundred diff., plus several hundred dupl., in 3 Specialty albums in box,m o.g. or used, compr. Belgium , Netherlands, Luxembourg and several colonies, wide range of generall y common issues, some slightly better , later compl. sets and Souvenir sheets incl. n.h. items, Semis, Airs and back-of-book, mixed condition to ver y fine. Est. Cash Value $750+ ......................................................................................................... 1148 * O PORTUGAL AND SPAIN: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff., plus a fair number of dupl. , in 2 Specialty albums, o.g. or used, incl. colonies of both countries, scattered slightly better items, some compl. sets incl. some modern n.h., Semis, Airs and back-of-book, mixed condition with some not figured to later very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 ..................................................... 1149 *O SPAIN AND PORTUGAL: Primarily 20th Century , accum . of a few hundred mostly diff. in numbered glassines in box, n.h. to o.g. or used , value mostly in Spain incl. many compl. or part sets, Semis, Airs with Stamp Centenary and extras, Portugal with some 19th cent. and later sets, early issues mixed condition, overal fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $750+ .................................... 1150 * O SCANDINAVIA: 19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. plus a fair amount of dupl. in Specialty album, mostly used, some o.g., compr. Denmark, Finland, Greenland, Iceland, orway. Sweden, misc. D.W.I., incl. many comp!. sets with some slightly better n.h., Semis, Airs and back-ofbook, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $400-500 .................................................................. 1151 *O Stock and accum. of many hundred in stockbooks and glassines in carton, mostly used, some n.h., compr. Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, incl. slightly better early issues, some later sets, booklets, back-of-book, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $200-400 ......................................................... 1152 * O EBSmall accum. in numbered glassines in box, n.h. to unused or used, incl. Denmark and misc. D.W.I., Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, incl. some classic issues, modem sets and blks of 4, Sweden booklets, etc., mixed condition to very fine. Est. Ca h Value$ I 50-200 .....................................................................
19th and 20th Century , coll. of many hundred diff. in 3 Specialty albums in carton , o.g. to unused or used, compr. 12 countries and a few Colombian States, incl. Brazil, Cuba , Uruguay , Venezue la, etc., some compl. sets, Airs, Souvenir sheets , back-of-book, dupl. and a few reprints and covers, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $750 ...............................................................................
1154 *O[jj] Stock and accum. of several thousand in glassines, pochette cards, stockbooks, album pages, etc., in carton, n.h. to unused or used, many countries with wide ranging issues, incl. compl. and part sets, Souvenir sheets, blks, Airs, imperfs, compl. and part sheets, reprints and reference , large quantitie s of some and many topical themes, mixed condition to very fine. Est. Cash Value $500-750 1155 * O Stock and accum. of several thousand in stockbooks and glassines in carton, mostly used, ome n.h or o.g., many countries represented, incl. Colombia, Cuba, Haiti, Mexico, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, a number of others, varying quantities of more common issues, some later comp!. sets and Souvenir sheets, Airs, etc., mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $400-600 ................................................................... 1156 C8J 20th Centur y, accum. of over 200 covers and a few picture post cards in box, mostly commercial mail of many countrie , a number of Air Post frankings, mixed condition. Est. Cash Value $ 100- 150 95
1157 * O EE19th and 20th Century, coll. of many hundred diff. in Specialty and 2 Minkus albums in box, n.h. to o.g. or used, incl. Egy pt with Palesti ne Occu., Syria incl. U.A. R., Frenc h and Spanish Morocco, Somalia, also Ethiopia and Liberia, incl. co mp!. and part sets, blks, Souve nir sheets , etc., genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $200-250 ..................................................... ............................. .................... . 1158 * O Primarily 20th Century, coll. of several hundr ed diff. in Specialt y album , n.h. to o .g. or used, comp r. Iran and Israel, plus a little Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yeme n, incl. comp !. or part sets, with Israel 1-9, Airs, etc., genera lly fine to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $300 -350 .................. ..................................... .
Stock and accum. of many hundred in stockbooks and glassines in box, most ly used, so me n.h. or o.g., incl. Egypt, Palestine, Iran, Mesopo tamia, Pak istan, Saudi Arabia , few others, some com p!. sets and Souvenir sheets, varying quantiti es, mixed conditi on to very fine. Est. Cas h Value $200-400 .......... . 1160 * O ffi 20th Century, accum. of many hundr ed in glassines, etc., in box, n.h. to o.g . or used, perhaps a doze n countries, incl. Israe l with tabs, Iran, Iraq, Lebanon, Egy pt, Pale tine, Saudi Arab ia, Yemen, etc ., comp!. or part sets, blks of 4, a few Souvenir sheets general ly fine to very fine. Est. Cash Value $300-400 1159 * O
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HARMERS WILL BE THERE - WILL YOU? See our Super Booth and Meet Alison and Keith, May 29th-] une 8th 96
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(or by subscription)
The Collections of Allee Adamson, Emlllne Aleandrl and Dorothy Aubry and Judge Edward Paul Emanuel Collectlon of United States
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 11 13 14 17 20 21 23 24 26 28 30 31 34 36 38 41 44 45 46 47 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
65 66 68 69 70 71 72
140 140 130 230 210 135 190 210 160 125 375 280 70 280 350 100 60 80 300 170 110 210 190 90 240 100 260 950 250 625 90 65 170 160 100 90 140 200 110 70 180 230 210 750 300 425 300 1100 75 26 200 500
73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 95 96 97 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 108 109 110 111 114 115 117 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 130 132 134
350 1250 800 1250 10000 150 210 145 260 170 280 675 475 135 270 160 375 105 250 100 65 60 140 250 240 50 250 130 120 140 60 80 95 280 180 180 625 230 145 425 350 140 450 450 200 160 105 120 180 230 160 800
135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 148
149 150 151 152 153 154 155 156 157 158 159 160 161 162 164 165 166 167 168 169 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 178 179 180 181 183 184 185 186 187 188 189
220 450 135 125 135 75 120 105 145 140 125 450 350 350 190 170 625 500 400 2800 150 55 170 800 160 85 325 65 425 190 1600 270 210 900 210 400 145 600 120 500 160 210 140 135 210 100 160 150 105 160 115 250
191 192 193 194 196 197 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 212 213 214 215 216 217 218 219 220 222 223 224 225 226 227 228 229 230 231 232 233 234 235 238 239 240 241 242 243 244 245 247
450 1800 220 525 115 2200 5250 1200 1700 1500 800 270 105 350 2400 900
1700 1200 1100 800 650 850 700 325 1300 250 3500 160 675 250 250 160 850 400 125 625 220 160 240 400 170 115 625 90 220 200 110 1600 700 1050 80 160
248 250 251 252 253 254 255 256 257 259 261 262 263 264
265 266 267 268 269 272 273 275 276 277 282 283 285 286 287 288 289 290 291 292 293 294 295 296 297 299 301 302 303 304 305 307 309 310 311 312 313 314
500 60 75 150 75 85 160 55 65 100 900 75 60 170 80 90 105 190 80 70 90 160 70 70 60 290 270 575 475 240 170 280 850 2200 1700 260 55 850 270 400 55 90 500 170 125 210 90 475 1050 230 150 800
315 316 318 319 320 321 322 323 324 325 327 328 329 330 331 332 334
335 337 338 340 341 342 343 344
345 346 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372
$521,776 .00
450 240 210 240 160 750 650 700 475 425 850 10500 2100 700 290 600 170 1800 150 200 1400 2500 350 180 210 145 220 220 200 200 175 950 220 375 325 125 750 475 120 115 145 160 150 105 130 105 140 325 220 230 220
373 374 375 376 377 379 380 381 382 383 384
385 386 387 388
389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425
525 170 1100 350 1900 170 120 325 220 280 400 1100 400 2800 230 210 170 150 160 280 220 700 400 75 115 325 230 220 325 325 300 2100 2300 180 135 625 1350 550 260 2500 300 3250 325 2200 1300 85 210 280 500 210 190 180
426 427 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 438 439 440 442 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 453 454 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 469 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 486 488 491 493 494 495 496 497 498 501 502 506 507 508 510 512 514 515 516 517 518 519
130 80 65 240 125 160 280 35 150 160 75 115 55 575 425 180 575 290 190 220 75 260 65 350 1900 700 450 200 95 260 210 105 160 2000 170 350 85 350 100 225 180 95 190 130 290 230 190 260 85 100 550 105 125 55 250 110 120 105 135 375 290 80 110 700 105 250 90 85 90 160 650 375
520 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 531 532 534 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 555 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 566 567 568 569 570 571 573 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 59 1 592 593 594 595 597 598 599 600 601 602 603
375 725 325 160 95 1000 500 1000 240 400 500 450 125 525 200 80 60 240 190 575 125 150 145 325 170 170 125 160 135 1700 140 85 140 325 90 1200 1200 1150 270 280 850 80 85 220 850 350 650 1100 425 1800 300 280 280 130 1700 120 425 280 400 125 135 115 300 75 130 180 150 425 210 180 325 500
604 605 606 608 609 610 614 615 616 617 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 63 1 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 656 660 662 663 665 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 675 676 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 687 688 689 690 691 692
135 180 425 300 675 145 400 85 160 250 200 200 2800 280 60 85 290 105 160 90 1200 475 350 425 250 300 95 200 300 1450 800 55 1200 240 200 75 65 475 170 600 120 100 300 230 350 450 100 160 125 1400 500 300 18000 375 135 160 450 55 230 400 1050 1350 2100 160 135 500 290 400 190 150 75 75
693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 707 708 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 733 734 735 736 737 739 741 742 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 771 772 773 774
110 190 1400 1300 200 220 550 900 70 65 55 30 130 125 120 425 230 230 180 230 160 170 170 170 135 130 105 150 160 290 325 325 525 280 280 210 160 150 35 250 2000 80 270 240 1800 800 400 350 250 1600 95 850 450 500 750 200 190 325 750 125 230 425 350 160 575 500 325 450 180 120 180 115
775 776 777 779 781 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 805 806 807 808 809 810 814 815 816 817 820 821 822 824 825 827 828 829 831 833 834 835 836 837 838 839 840 841 842 843 844 845 846 847 848 849 850 851 852 853 854 855 857 858 859 860 861 862
125 500 75 105 95 170 180 170 135 400 210 160 170 230 800 1100 115 220 1000 200 115 105 290 260 180 95 270 230 135 280 115 850 155 525 1450 425 400 95 95 230 220 200 375 105 115 425 420 650 260 230 325 300 210 210 350 350 250 150 125 350 425 160 125 500 325 1250 115 375 3000 750 450 750
863 864 865 866 867 868 869 870 871 872 873 874 875 881 882 883 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 893 894 895 896 897 898 899 900 901 902 903 904 906 907 908 909 910 911 912 913 914 915 916 917 918 921 922 924 926 927 928 929 930 931 932 933 934 935 936 937 938 939 940 941 942 943 944 945
400 2500 800 260 260 200 95 280 350 750 1500 1250 280 105 85 90 180 525 105 450 3000 3250 2900 2900 650 1050 425 2500 105 125 250 80 18000 1050 220 2400 240 300 200 250 90 260 525 50 325 1100 550 2000 250 150 160 125 250 160 750 550 350 200 280 350 900 700 1300 90 130 2900 600 170 1000 550 950 240
946 947 948 949 950 951 952 953 953A 953B 954 955 956 957 958 959 960 961 962 964 965 966 967 968 969 970 972 973 975 976 977 978 979 980 981 982 983 984 985 986 987 988 989 990 991 992 993 994 995 996 997 998 999 1002 1004 1005 1006 1007 1008 1010 1011 1012 1013 1015 1016 1017 1018 1019 1020 1021 1022 1023
160 1300 400 160 105 230 140 230 1900 280 1350 650 375 1600 1250 1800 1150 400 325 110 325 350 350 300 290 95 1050 80 220 110 190 550 325 170 230 210 475 250 75 90 200 170 250 160 100 180 475 2300 85 300 190 140 230 290 65 500 575 425 425 250 260 525 550 190 225 190 150 240 450 130 140 2200
1024 1027 1028 1031 1032 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040 1041 1042 1043 1044 1047 1048 1050 1051
300 400 180 125 230 140 140 120 120 120 120 240 200 160 70 110 190 1250 120
1052 1053 1054 1055 1056 1057 1058 1059 1060 1061 1062 1063 1064 1065 1066 1067 1068 1069 1070 1071
950 160 300 150 115 1500 1100 475 375 170 75 190 700 525 400 900 180 105 375 900
1072 1073 1074 1075 1076 1077 1079 1080 1081 1082 1083 1084 1085 1086 1087 1088 1089 1090 1091 1092
5250 4500 2800 1600 6250 950 475 1100 375 290 130 425 575 475 900 450 160 120 75 75
1093 1094 1095 1096 1097 1098 1099 1100 1101 1102 1103 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1109 1110 1112 1113
550 525 300 300 1000 2200 2300 1700 1700 800 1700 1100 160 8000 2000 400 350 160 270 400
1114 1115 1116 1117 1118 1119 1121 1122 1123 1124 1125 1126 1127 1128 1129 1130 1131 1132 1133 1134
230 220 210 350 750 525 900 230 650 650 210 230 1300 500 575 2200 400 900 750 1000
1136 1137 1138 1139 1140 1141 1142 1143 1144 1145 1146 1147 1148 1149 1150 1151 1152 1153 1154 1155
250 450 280 750 300 260 325 1050 1300 2300 170 1150 900 1250 1300 500 190 525 800 425
1157 1158 1159 1160
600 600 400 280
SEASON'S TOTAL TO DATE: 1,113,474.00 (including 15% on the hammer price payable by the buyer)
p A C I F I C '97
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HARMERS WILL BE THERE - WILL YOU? See our Super Booth and Meet Alison and Keith, May 29th-June 8th