Sale 2978 - American Bank Note Company Archives, Part II

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AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY ARCHIVES , PART II Ehattt l ~ ) !/3·ot!fi) C/le f.' a1zd 1/bi(dw/deJtmn/M J)eetillet1 ,s) 6S,S0!f J' & .!f!k latelic !lJ•tiltil!fi

To be sold at public auction: Wednesday, October 17th at 11:30 AM Lots 7-156

by H.R. Harmer , Inc. Philatelic Auctioneers

5 Francis J. Clarke Circle, Bethel, CT 06801 Phone: + 1.203.702.8490 I Facsimile: + 1.203.791.1832 Email: hrharmer @hrharmer .com • www



DR. ROBERT SCHWARTZ CONSULTANT IN CHARGE DESCRIPTIONS Dr. Robert Schwartz, Bill Bergstrom CATALOGUE PRODUCTION Bev Benner, Bill Bergstrom, Dave Conway, Martha Husick, Randi Luzzi, Leroy Mitchell, Lisa Roemer, Sharon Scimeca, Cindy Toro

I am dedicati ng this "labor of love" to my beautifu l and loving wife, Debra, and wonderfu l son, Dani el. They have shown endless patience and I thank them for giving me the love and space to complete this catalog, even though somet imes it may have felt never-ending for them I would also like to thank my good friend Dennis Luck, who has helped me many times through interesting and sometimes challenging moments; Lan y Gibson and David Cooglefor being good friends and aiming me in the right direction ,· Bob Kerstein for his knowledge, friendship and deep insight of scripophi ly, and also his sense of humor,· many other friends , colleagues and business acquaintances who, over the ye ars, have shared my love of numismatics, philatel y and scripophily ; and most of all, the entire unbelievably!,friendl y and ve,y tolerant team at H.R. Harm er who made this catalog possible , and made all of the time I spent at H.R. Harm er extremely memorable for me. I will miss my weekly visits, and thank y ou all again for y our help over the pa st two ye ars. Lastly, I would like to thank my Uncle Jack See/er for starting me off in this hobby. I know that he would be proud that I am carrying on his legacy.

afol ) cfc/2wa 1°tz H.R. Harmer, Inc. 5 Francis J. Clarke Circle Bethel, CT 06801 Phone:+ 1.203 .702 .8490 I Facsimile:+ 1.203.791 .1832 Email : hrharmer www.hrharmer .com

Poreword The financial and security printing history of the United States can be summed up in one name, "The American Bank Note Company". This company , along with its predecessor companies , represents the art of financial engraving at its finest. This is the second American Bank Note Archive auction in which I have had the privilege of participating with H.R.Harmer this year. Looking back over the last 18 years , I still find the massive scope, quantity and quality of the work that the American Bank Note Company produced over the last 150-plus years incredible . After our first catalog at H.R.Harmer was completed , I did not think it would have been possible to produce an auction catalog of the same caliber, let alone have it be as interesting and amazing to view and study as the first one. I was mistaken . There are at least as many unique, rare and interesting lots of material in this auction , as in the previous sale held last January and February . Some of the many highlights of this sale include an amazing discovery group of Mexican "Bono De Cajas" or cashier bonds , similar to our own 1860' s Interest Bearing Banknotes . All are extremely rare or were unknown discovery pieces up until this sale. The Chinese selection of proof, specimen and essay banknotes , with many discovery pieces and unique items, is extremely impressive , considering that I personally attended the June 1990 Christie ' s ABN Archive auction and very few of these notes were in that sale. Additionally , the outstanding stock and bond certificate section has countless rarities and unknown or extremely rare pieces in almost every category , including a spectacular Railroad section represented by one of the largest groups of early Western Railroads offered at one time possibly ever. From Automobiles to four different Zoo certificates , including the unique printing plate for the Philadelphia Zoological Society , this spectacular offering of Scripophily , the hobby ' s name for the collecting of Stocks and Bonds , is amazing in its depth of rare or unknown certificates offered at one time. In addition to the stocks , bonds , banknotes and vignettes, there is an outstanding group of philatelic items, including interesting selections of U.S. , Canada and worldwide , with many rare and unique items. Included in this group are close to 50 unique philatelic printing plates from many South and Central American countries , as well as state revenue printing plates from Pennsylvania that are being offered for the first time. South American banknote printing plates are represented in this sale as well, with an impressive assortment from a number of Central and South American countries , all being unique. I could go on for pages listing highlights from this sale, but it will be easier to view the catalog and see for your self. Many items in this sale are unique , extremely rare and are discovery pieces , so the price estimates are only that; they are not catalog values , since many of the items have never been catalogued , but are our best educated guesses. Additionally , there may be many items in this sale whose historic , philatelic or numismatic importance I have totally overlooked , so please forgive any mistakes , minor or major, in descriptions or attributions. I am sure there are many hidden "gems" in this auction that will delight the serious collector , dealer, investor or specialist , as well as the beginning collector , who is just starting his or her journey down the collector's path of discovery. Good luck to all,

Schwartz <Bo6


8:30 5:00 p.m.


- A samp le of a finished item , such as a stock cert ificate. banknote or stamp that is printed usually with ..000000" serial numbers and may have ·'Specimen" overpr imcd on it

and be punch canceled to inva lidate it and preven t its use surreptitiou sly. Specimens were kept for a number of reaso ns, though usua lly as sample s to give out to pro specti ve cuswmers to give them an

idea of the type and quality of the work that the printing company was capab le of doing. Usually specimens were printed in limited amoums, usually at the beginning ofa printing run to evaluate the quality of the pr inting wo rk and co lor comb inations at an ea rly stage . rather than have an en tire

production nm rejected due to some minor Oaw that was not found until after the printing was completed. A specimen is like the final pro duct, printed on the same paper and in the sam e co lor. Tria l Co lor Spec im ens - Sometime s specimen s woul d be printed in numerous color combina tions not used on the final note for eva luation before a final print ing . The se are usually extremely rare. frill!f - A proof is an initia l pull or impression from a plat e or die for evaluation of 1ex 1. vignen e. engravi ng, and esthetic appeal and for any errors or fault s. These were usuall y printed on India paper mou nted on card or printed on some form of paper or light ca rd .. The amoun l of proof s printed is usually ext remely small and usually number onl y a handful. Proofs allowed the print ing company to eva luate 1he quality of the item bei ng printed without having to go to the expe nse o f making final plate s and findin g out small erro rs that could have been repaire d at an earlier stage. Usua lly, proof s are single impr essions of banknote s. stamps. vig nette s. etc. Anything that was made into a plate. such as a sheet of 100 stamp s could have had proof impressions taken from it. The se would be called plate proofs (for multiple images) versus die proofs (usually of a single or sma ll amount of images). Trial Color Pro of - A proof prin ted in a co lor other than the issued colo r. ~ - A proposed design that is not used but may be similar to a final approved desig n. An artis t, engraver or company may have propo sed a numb er of differ ent designs and co lor combina tion s to a cl ient for his approva l. !f a desig n is reje cted and neve r used. it cou ld be ca lled an ess ay. Production Mater ial - Materi al found in files used in the produc1ion of sec urity printed document s. banknotes , stamp s and such . It may include correspo nden ce, phot ographs. anwork . and signat ure sampl es, sampl es of ot her prin ted items that are marked up with corrections as well as proof s, specimen s. essays. mod els. mockup s and iss ued final items. Mode l - A prop ose d or final des ign that may include origi nal anwork, pieces of desig n ele ments such as borders tit les, vignettes , corpora te sea ls, undenint s and poss ibly µonio ns of photographs. Before an engrave d item was mad e. a design had to be decided on. Thi s ponion of the design process allowed for the anistic skill s of the engraver or design depanment to be exhibited. Before the digital age ,, banknote engravers and designers wou ld cut up portion s of other engraved items and re-apply them in a diff ere nt form or design to co me up with a unique new stamp. banknote or ce nifi cate. Often , all new engravings wo uld be mad e first to include in the new " work of an " , and other times, poni ons of differ ent complet ed item s would be ..borrowed'' to use on a new ly designed item. All mode ls are rare and almos t all of them are uniqu e.

I) Higggin s & Gage World Postal Stationery Cata log 2) Scott Stand ard Pos tage Stamp Ca talog

3) Uni trade Speciali ze d Ca talog of Ca nadian Sta mps

Biddin g Incre ments

BIDS Up to S100 SIOO-S300 S300-S750 5750-S1.500 S 1.500-$3.000




S5.00 S10.00 S25.00 S50.00 $ 100.00

S3.000-S7.500 57.500-S 15.000 S 15.000-$30.000 S30.000-S75.000 $75,000 and Up

S250.00 S500.00 S t.000.00 $2.500.00 auctionccr· s discre tion

The abo, ·e increments are simpl y provided as <1guid e for bidding uniformif.1t The auctioneer retains 1he right to change the increments at his discretion when bidding activity is partirnlar(v strong to expedit e the stile. or lte may break the i11 c re111e111 s to accommodate a11agent S bid.

BIDS BY TELEPHONE (a) Must be confim1ed i.n writing.

(b} Any errors are the responsibility of the bidder. (c) No bids accepted less than 1/2 hour before sale.

BIDS BY FAX OR EMAIL You may fax or e-mail bids up to I hour befo re sale commences ~ be sure to use (203) 79 1-1832 or hrham1er@hrhanne

PHONE BIDDING DURING THE SALE Phone bidding space is limited and avai lab le on a first come. first serv ed basis. The importance of reserv ing ea rly cannot be ove rsta1ed!

eBay® LIVE Thi s aucti on sa le will be conducted simultaneou sly on eBay ® Live. Those bidder s

BANKNOTE ENG RAVING AND PRINTING COMPANY ABB REV IATIO NS ABN - American Bank Note Company SBN - Securit y Bankn ote Co mpan y SCBN - Security-Columbian Banknot e Company SC-USBN - Security-Co lumbian United Stat es Banknot e Company USBN - United States Banknote Company JBN - Jeffrie s Banknote Company Federated BN - Federated Banknote Company Central BN - Central Banknote Company NHN - National Banknote Company CBN - Co ntinenta l Bankn ote Company WB N - Western Banknote Co mpany HBN - Hamilton Bankn ote Co mpan y FBN - Franklin Banknote Company EAWBN - E.A. Wright Banknote Company HLB N - Hom er-Lee Banknote Co mpan y FLBN - Franklin-Lee Banknote Company R.BN - Republic Banknote Company !BC - Internat ional Banknote Company TD LR - Thomas de la Rue Banknote Company BC - Bald Cous land BBC - Baldwin, Bald & Cousland DU - Danforth. Underwood DUBS - Danforth, Underwood , Bald & Huffy DW - Danforth, Wright FDU - Faimian. Draper & Underwood MDF - Murr ay. Draper . Fairman RW - Rawdon. Wright RWH - Rawdo n. Wright, Hatch RWHE - Rawdon, Wright, Hatch & Edson TC - Toppan , Carpenter TCC - Toppan, Carpenter, Casilear UBS - Undenvood, Bald & Spencer UBSH - Underwood. Bald, Spencer & Huffy • There wi ll be so me variation of names and abbreviations. howeve r mos t are listed above.

who choose to bid via eBa y® Live will be charged a 20% Buyer 's Premium.


Purser & Associa tes, LLC 84 Wcbcowet Road. #2 Arlington , MA 02474-2323

Phone: 857 -928 -514 0 Fax: 78 1-777-1023 info@pur m

Frank Mandel P.O. Box 157

New York, NY I 0014 Phone: 2 I2-675-08 19 Fax: 2 12-366 -6462

Charles E. Cwiakala 1527 Fairview Ave. Park Ridge, IL 60068 Phone: 847 -823 -874 7 Fax: 847- 823 -8747 cecw iak ala@ao


East Brunswick, NJ 088 I 6 ABA# 031207607 For - H.R. Harmer, Inc. Account # 8025723 228 Please add $20.00 U.S. to invoice total to cover bank cha rges ,

plus any additional fee imposed by your bank .

SPECIFIC LOT INQUIRIES Specific question s abo ut any lot offered in this sa le should be directed to Dr. Bob Sc hwa nz. He can be reache d by email at roben @abnham1erauct m or by te lephone at 2 12-54 1-9500.

Directions to our NEW offices in Bethel, Connecticut I 84 in Connecticut Exit 5 - follow signs to Main Street Danbury, Connecticut South on Main Street , Danbury , Connecticut . Left on South Street-Route 53 In Bethel follow Grassy Plain Street to Francis J. Clarke Industrial Park . Take a right into Industrial Park. We are the first building on the Right. Visitors Parking for Office at Main Entrance West side Visitor Parking for Auctions on North Side of Building

!t.1 11\S\1:-it\



Ridgewood Country


H.R. Harmer, Inc. 5 Francis J. Clarke Circle Bethel, Ct 06801-2845 (203) 702-8490 (203) 791-1832 FAX An Escala Group Company


Park Oanbu,y F11,rHa/l


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Arge ntin a

. . . . . .. . . . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .• . . ... . .. .. ....


... . . .. . ... . . .. .....

New Brunswick ......

. . . .. .....

. . .. .. . . . . .. . .. .. . .... . .........

.. . . . . . .. .. .. . . .. .. . ....


. .................

. . .. . .. .. . . . . .. . .....


Newfo undl and China

. .. . . .. .. ...........................

· · · · .. · . .. .. . . .....

Ca nada

.. . .. .. . ... .. . .. . l

.. 3- 15 .. ... . . .. .. 16-17

.. .. .. .. . .. ....



.. . . .......

18 19

Cos ta Rica

. . .....

. .....

. .20-21


. .. ....

. .....

. .22-41

Dominican Republic

. .....

Ec uador Guatema la

. . . .. . .. . . . . . .. . ....

.. . ...........

. .....

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · .... . . ......

N icarag ua

. ........

. . . . . . ......


Sa lvado r

... .. . . . ... . .....

Unit ed Na tion s

........... ............

United State s

. ... . ....

. . .. . ... . . . . . .. . .49-51

... ... . . .48

. .. . . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. .. .. 52-62

. ... . .....

. . . .. . . .. . ........

. .. . ......

. . . ......

. .. . .....

. ........

. ... . . . .. .. . .64-70

.. .. . . . . . . . . .. ... . .. . ... . . ... . .. . ....

U. S. Po stal Sav ings Cert ificates .. .. . .. .. ....

. ....


.. . . ......

U.S . Miscellaneous

. . . . .. . .. . . ....

U rugua y ........

. ........................

.. . .63

. ... . .. . ... . . . .. .. . .7 1

. ... . . . . . ....

. . . . .....

. ... . . .47

. .......

Postal Notes, Mone y Order s & WaITants .. .. . .....

Venez uela

.45 -46

.. . . .....

. .. . . . . .... . . .....

. . . . . .42 -44

. ..................

. ... . . ... . .. . . . ... . .. . ................. ....

Hondura s

. .. . .. . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . ... .. . . .....

. ......

. . ........


Paragua y

... .....

.. ..... .....

. . . .. .72-95

. .. . ..... . . .. ....

. ... 96-1 18 .. .. .. 119-128

.. . . .. . .. . ....

.. . ......

. . . ......

. ........

. ....

129- 152 . 153-154 155-156




First Session Wednesday,

17, 2007 at I I :30 A.M.


H.R. Harmer Galleries 5 Francis Clarke Circle Bethel CT 0680 I



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1 A rgentina 12c Numera l. 1884. Scott #46. Full imperfora te approva l proof sheet of 200 in issued co lor on india with bottom left com er affixe d on card stock , " AM ERI CAN BAN K N OT E COMP A Y, NE W YORK " imprint s at sides, top center and bottom center of eac h half, two different ms. notations in bottom margin. Horizontal and vertica l fold betwee n ha lves with a small hole affec ting a couple of ce ntral stamps, approx. J/3 of bottom left margin remo ved incl. po11ion of the imprint exposing appro val signature, otherw ise Very Est. 300- 600 Fin e. ABNC. (Photo)

October 17, 2007


2 Belgiu m Antwerp Olympi cs. l 920. Scott #B48-50. Co m er margin blocks of four, eac h sta mp with red " SPEC IMEN " ove rprin t and pun ch, sta mp s in issued co lors, o .g., Neve r Hinged ex cept one Sc stamp with some paper adhering to gum , Fin e-Very Fine, sca rce multipl es and a nice O lympic topica l. (Photo) Est. 500-1,000

Page 7

H.R. Harmer, Inc.

CANADA (also see lot 73)


3 Canada 1/2p Victoria Trial Color Plate Proof. 1858. Unitrade #8TC. Mounted on card , top left comer margin block of 25 in deep rose (pos 1-5, 13-17, 25-29 , 37-41 , 49-53) , cut a bit ragged at bottom cutting into frameline on three proofs, otherwise fresh and Very Fine showpiece. (Photo) Est. 1,500-3 ,000


5 Canada Sc Beaver Trial Color Plate Proof. 1859. Unitrade # l5T Cii. On india paper, bottom margin vertica l block of ten in brown red on india paper , right side margin a bit ragged and with some usual india paper bends and creases , still a Very Fine and scarce multiple . (Photo) Est. 400-800 6 Canada Sc Beaver Trial Color Plate Proof. 1859. Unitrade # l5T Cii. Top margin ve1tica l strip of five in brown red on india paper mounted on card , Extremely Fine . (Photo) Est. 200-400

4 Canada 3p Beaver Plate Proof. 1861. Unitrade # IP. Block of four on india paper , clear to wide margins all around including portions of adjacent proofs at left , some minor wr inklin g as is typi ca l on this fragile paper , Very Fine. (Photo) Est. 400-800

7 Canada 6p Prince Albert Trial Color Plate Proof. 1855. Unitrade #2TCviii. On india paper , block of nine in grey-black with vertica l cannine " SPECIME ." overprint on each proof , full to wide margins all arou nd, Extremely Fine , scarce in this outsta ndin g condition . (Photo) Est. 750-1 ,500

October 17, 2007

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H.R. Hanner , Lnc.



Unique Canada Essay from ABNC


IO Canada Uniqu e Sc Indian Head Essay Proof. 1954 . Unlisted Essay. 5 cents. Propo sed essay desig n proof print ed on 3 inch square piece of paper w ith bla ck borders on outer margins away from desig n. The proof also has 4 guide ' dot s ' for alignin g the printing plates . XF condit ion. Unique in arc hive . Printed by ABNC and Est. 500-1,000 from their arch ives. ABNC. (Photo )


.f'ANJPJ.F ~

Canada 3c Admira l Essay. 1928. Scott # I 08. 8 Intaglio printed reverse image pro of on card, ms. "SAMPLE #3" at bottom , Very Fine. Uniqu e in archive. Est. 350-700 (Photo)


¡C¡ Canada 3c Admiral Essay Pair. 1928. Scott 9 # l 08. Offset printed reve rse des ign bottom left mar gin horizontal pair in red on ungummed card stock , slightly larger than the issued sta mp , slight crease betw ee n stamps , still a Fine Admiral issue co llateral item. Est. 250-500 (Photo) 11 Ca nada Sc Indian Head Essay Co lor Separation Proofs. 1954. Unlisted E ay. 4 diffe rent co lor separa tion pro gress ive proofs of propo sed essay design and in the "CMYK " co lors along with a produc tio n fo lder with var ious dated notation s and so me pro of paper sampl es, Very Fine. Uniqu e in archi ve. ABNC. Es t. 1,000-2 ,000 (Photo)

October 17, 2007

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H. R. Harm er, Inc.











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October 17, 2007


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H.R. Hanner, Inc.

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12 Canada 4c Native Indian Multicolore d Essay. 1958. Scott Unli sted. lmp erforate left margin blo ck of four on gu mmed stamp paper , Never Hinged , Ext remely Fine , never offic ially issued . D esigned and printed by Est. 300-600 ABNC but no imprint. (Photo) 13 Canada 4c Native Indian M ulticolor ed Essay. 1958. Scott Unli sted. Imp erforate bottom right corner margin block of six on gumm ed stamp paper , Never Hinged , Extremely Fine , never official ly issued. Des igned and printed by ABNC but no imprint. (Photo) Est. 400-800

Rare Canada Vignettes Used on Stamp Designs 14 Canada Library of Parliament Engraving. Scott Unlisted. Image on indi a mounted on card, used as vig nette on the !0 c 1930 "Arc h/Leaf ' issue of Ca nada , captioned "CANA DA - B - 22 / CA ADIAN BA K OTE COMPANY , LIMITED .", Very Fine . Canadian Est . 300-600 B C. (Photo) 15 Canada Victoria Vignette and Transportation Allegory Engraving. ca. I 860's. Scott Unl isted. Image on india mounted on card , framed portrait of Queen Victor ia (used in low va lues of 1860 ova Scotia issue) flanked by images of steamships and train , capt ioned "VIG. AND QUEEN ' S HEAD / 521 / AME RI CAN BANK NOTE CO.", ms. Notations of "A llegoryTransportation " at top left and "24 7334" at bottom right , Est. 125-250 Very Fine. ABNC . (Photo)


17 New Brunswick 12-1/2c Steamship Plate Proof - 3 Different Specimen Overprint Types. 1860. Unitrade # I0Pii . 12-1/2 cents. 3 different " SPECIMEN " varieties on one block in vertical strips of 3 (4 vertica l strips of 3 different "S pecimen " overprints). Mo unt ed on card , left margin blo ck of twe lve , in dark blue wit h red "SPEC IMEN." overpr int on each proof , "Period " after overprint omitted on top row of proofs , choice Est. 500 - 1,000 Extra Fine . Rare block . (Photo)

NEWFOUNDLAND 18 Newfoun dland. Officially Sealed - Dead Letter Office Spec imen Stamp. Uni trade #OX I Unlisted Specimen. Specimen stamp from ABNC archives w ith red " Specimen " overpr int and POC 's. Original gum , unhinged. VF to almost XF centerin g. ABNC. (Photo) Est. 300 -600

CHINA 19 China Stamp Vignette and Flag of China. Scott #B4-9 Unli sted. Two vignettes affixed on fil ing enve lope , "Flag Of China I Dr. TV Soong / Special V81433" and vignette design of war refugees whic h was used on China's 1944 sem i-po stal Set (Scott #B4-9) , design is framed by Chinese lettering also used on the sta mp s and a caption at the top " Republi c Of Chin a I Special V-82101 ", both w ith "A merican Bank Note Co mpan y" imprints . Rare Chinese philatelic proof. Est. 300-600 ABNC. (Photo)


ew Brunswick 12-1/2c Steamship Plate Proof. 16 1860. Unitrade # I0P ii. 12-1/2 cents. Mounted on card , blo ck of 34 from the top portion of the sheet , in dark blu e with red horizont al " SPECIMEN " ove rprint s, fresh and Very Fine . An outstanding multiple. (Photo) Est. 500 -1,000

October 17, 2007

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H.R . Harmer , Inc .

COSTA RICA Unique Printing

CUBA Unique







20 Costa Rica Church of Solitude. 1967. Scott #C4 52. 5 Ce ntavos. Printin g plate. 76x83x 5mm steel die, ai1mail stamp show ing full design of church with "United States Banknote Corp ora tion" imprint and die " 14014", two additi onal U S Banlrnote imprint s at top . XF conditi on. Uniqu e in archi ve. USBN C. (Photo) Est. 500-1 ,000

22 Cuba - Correos. Calixto Garcia. 1954 . Scott #522 . 5 Centavos . Prin ting plate. 88x9 0x6mm steel die, fu ll des ign of stamp , die "99 80", cro ss-hatchin g on bac k. XF conditi on. Uniqu e in archive. (Photo) Est. 1,000- 2,000

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9 98~

21 Costa Rica Costa Rica. Inglesia Del Carme n. 1967. Scott #C470. 5 Co lones. Carmellite Church. Printin g plate . 75x76x4 mrn stee l die, ainn ail stamp show ing complete des ign of chur ch with "United States Banknot e Corporation " imprint and die " 140 32" . XF conditi on. Uniqu e in archi ve. (Photo) Est. I ,000-2,000

October 17. 2007

23 Cuba - Correos. Car los J. Finlay. 1954. Scott #520 . 13 Centavos. Printin g plate. 88x90x6mrn stee l die, full de ign of stamp, die "998 3", cross-hatchin g on back . XF condition . Uniqu e in archive. (Photo) Est. 1,000-2 ,000

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H. R. Harn1er, Inc.




24 Cuba - Correos. Jose Antonio Saco. 1954. Scott #526. 20 Centavos. Printing plate. 88x90x6 mm steel die, full design of stamp , die "9984" , cross -batching on back. XF condition. Uniqu e in arch ive . (Photo) Est. 1,000 -2,000


27 Cuba Livestock Farming Subsidy Tax Stamp. ca. I 935. 50 Ce ntavos. Printing plate . l l 5x79x4mm stee l die , stamp and coupon design show ing two head of cattle and coat of arms , die " 828 1", is ued for protection of the livestock "fam1ers" per the decree of Dec. 1935. XF cond ition. Unique in archive . (Photo) Est. 300-600


25 Cuba Livestock Farming Subsidy Tax Stamp. ca. 1935. I Pesos. Printing plate . l 12x62x5mm stee l die, stamp and coupo n design show ing two head of cattle and coat of arms , die " 8282 ", issued for protection of the livestock "farmers " per the decree of Dec. 1935. XF Est. 300-600 conditi on. Uniqu e in archive. (Photo)


26 Cuba Livestock Farming Subsidy Tax Stamp . ca.1935. IO Centavos . Printing plate. l l 7x65x4mm steel die, stamp and coupon design showing t\vo head of cattle and coat of anns , die " 8280", issued for protection of the livestock "farmers " per the decree of Dec. 1935 . XF cond ition . Unique in archive. (Photo) Est. 300-600

October 17, 2007

28 Cuba Livestock Farming Subsidy Tax Stamp . ca.1935. Printing plate . 127xl0lx4mm steel die , stamp and coupon design showing two head of catt le and coat of arms , die " 10275 ", denomination tab lets on both sides blank , issued for protection of the livestock "fa rmers" per the decree of Dec. 1935. XF cond ition. (Photo) Est. 300-600

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29 29 Cuba Livestock Farming Subsidy Tax Stamp. ca.1954. 1-20 Pe sos. Compound printing plate. IOIx 138x4mm steel die , composite showing designs for IP, 2P and 20P revenue stamps with coupons, lege nd portion of each stamp and coupon blank , "C IA P. FERNANDEZ. S.A . HABANA " imprint below each stamp and coupon , die " 11668", design shows cowboy mounted on horse with three head of catt le, issued for protection of the livestock "farmers" per the decree of 1935 and 1954. XF condition. Un ique in archive. (Photo) Est. 750-1,500 30 Cuba Livestock Farming Subsidy Tax Stamp. ca.1935 . 10 Centavos -2 Peso s. Compound printing plate . I 02x l 78x4mm stee l die , composite showing design for 10c, 50c , IP and 2P revenue stamps, stamp and coupon design showi ng two head of cattle and coat of arms , die " 10276", cross -hatchi ng on back , issued for protection of the livestock "fa rmers " per the decree of Dec. 1935. XF condition. Unique in archive. (Photo) Est. 750-1 ,500 31 Cuba -Correos. Palacio De Comunicaciones. 1952. Scott #RA 16. I Centavo . Commun ications Building. Printing plate. I 05x93x6mm steel die, full design of stamp, die "9357". XF condition. Unique in Est. 1,000-2,000 archive. (Photo) 32 Cuba - Correos. Jose De La Luz Caba llero. 1954 . Scott #521. 3 Centavos. Printing plate. 88x90x6mm steel die, full design of stamp , die "9979", cross -hatching on back . XF condition. Unique in Est. 1,000 -2,000 archive. (Photo)

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30 33 Cuba Livestock Farming Subsidy Tax Stamp. ca.1935. 2 Pesos. Printin g plate . I 08x60x4mm steel die , sta mp and coupon design show ing two head of cattle and coat of arms. Die "8283" , issued for protection of the Iivestock "farmers" per the decree of Dec. 1935. XF Est. 300-600 condition. Uniq ue in archive. (Photo) 34 Cuba Livestock Farming Subsidy Tax Stamp . ca.1935. IO Centavos. Printing plate . 103x53x4mm steel die, coupon ("Matriz") portion of stamp, die "8276". Issued for protection of the livestock "fanners" per the decree of Dec. 1935. XF condition. Un ique in Est. 300-600 arch ive. (Photo) 35 Republica de Cuba. Importacion Sidras. ca. 1910-20. 5 Centavos. Cider Import Tax. Printing plate . 2 l 8x54x5mm steel die, Sc pays import tax on 0.5 liter of cider, design shows coat of anns with lathework and a blank tablet at left, die "8047". XF condition. Est. 300-600 Unique in archive. (Photo) 36 Republica de Cuba. lmportacion-Bonificacion Especial Licores. 15 Centavos. Liquor Import Tax. Printing plate. l 77x54x5m m stee l die, I Sc pays import tax on one bottle of liquor , design shows coat of an11S wit h lathework and a blank tablet at left, die "8 048". XF Est. 300-600 condition. Unique in archive . {Photo)

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37 Republica de Cuba. Azucar. 1938. 325 LBS . 24 .87-1/2. Sugar Tax. Serie F No. I. Envase De 325 LBS. Printing plate. l 28x 104x4mm stee l die , fee pays for container of 325 pounds of sugar by decree of 1938, design shows coat of anns with lathework arou nd the edges, blank tab let at bottom , die " 11156", "C IA P. FERNANDEZ. S.A. HABANA " imprint. XF cond ition. Unique in archive . (Photo) Est. 300-600 38 Republica de Cuba. Fabricacion Y Consumo. Fosforos "100" Fosforos. l /2 Centavos. Matc h Tax . Serie B - No . l lA. Compound printing plate. l 65x l 30x5mm steel die , composite showing three identical l/2c stamps (pays tax for 100 matches) , design shows denomination at left and train at right with background lathework , die "9633 ", cross-hatching on back. XF condition . Unique in archive . (Photo) Est. 400 -800 39 Republica de Cuba. Sello De Garantia Nacional De Procedencia. ca.1912 . Nationa l Seal of Guarantee of Origin for Cigars . Series B, No. I . Printing plate. 202x65x5mm stee l die , no denomination , "wrapper band" shows allegor ica l figure and coat of arms with lathework , die " 1444", CIA P. FERNANDEZ . S.A. HABANA " imprint. XF cond. Unique in archive. (Photo) Est. 400- 800



Unique Printing Plates 42 Dominican Republic Coat of Arms. 1880. 60 Centavos. Printing plate. 30x32x3mm steel die , shows full frame and vignette eleme nts, the 60c va lue was not used in the issued series of stamps. VF con dition. Unique in archive. (Photo) Est. 500-1 ,000 43 Dominican Republic Correos Republica Dominica Stamp Die. 1880. Scott #41. 25 centavos. 25 cents , Issue of 1880. Coat of Arms of Dominica. Stee l plated coppe r dies mounted on stee l cube . 20x26x23mm mounted on stee l dies. Fine conditi on with dented corner on lower left. Uniq ue in arc hive . (Photo) Est. 750- 1,500 44 Dominican Republic Correos Republica Dominica Stamp Die. 1880. Scott #38. 5 centavos. 5 cents , Issue of 1880. Coat of An11Sof Dominica. Steel plated copper dies mounted on steel cube. 20x26x23mm mounted on stee l dies. Fine condit ion with a couple of edge ding s from handling. Uniq ue in archive . (Photo) Est. 750-1 ,500 ECUADOR

40 Cuba Slaughter House Tax Stamp. 1953. Master die or printing plate without denomination but full design. l 26x I 00x6mm stee l die , stamp and coupon design show ing two head of catt le and carving knife with sharpening stone. Die "9922 ", issued for "Working Subsidy of Slaug hter Houses " by decree of 1948 and 1953, value tablets blank on both sides. "S usidio Obrero De Mataderos Decretos Nos. 357 Y 2914 De 1948 y 884 De 1953. XF condition. Unique in arc hive. (Photo) Est. 300-600 41 Cuba Tobacco Guarantee Stamp. Three die proofs of a "National Guarantee of Authentic ity" for Cub an tobacco products in accordance w ith the decree of 19 12. Shows coat of arms plus workers in the tobacco fields wit h lathework border , in green (2) or red , each with "LA MODERNA POESIA HABANA " IMPRINT , one of the green proofs reduced w ith die no. " 1445", full size green some margin discoloration and bending at edges . 2 are printed on large soft cards and one is on stamp or banknote paper . Overall Very Fine. SBNC. (Photo) Est. 125-250

October I 7, 2007

45 Correos Del Ecuador - Postal Stationery Envelope Stamp Dies (2). I 896. 5; IO Centavos. 2 different stee l printing plate s mounted on cube shaped stee l die s. All were used on the Postal Stationery Envelope Issue of I 896. 1) . 5 centavos , H&G #B 14. Rusted die on right I/2 of die ; 2) . l O centavos . H&G B 15. VF condition with no rust but one diagonal scratch into the design. Both are 30x30x23mm steel or plated copper mounted on steel dies. Un ique Ecuador philatelic printing plates in archive. (Photo) Est. 400-800

46 Ecuador Vignette. ca. I 860 's -70's . 23x37mm vignette affixed on filing envelope , design shows twin peaks under a pa11ial sun and six stars with an orna mental border on three sides , captioned "ECUADOR" , die "V 49722 ", "NATIONAL BANK NOTE CO. , N.Y." imprint. Possibly for philatelic use . NBNC . (Photo) Est. 100-200

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_J 47 Republica De Guatemala Re ve nue Proof Stamps. ca. I 880's. Scott Un listed . 7 different proofs print ed on ind ia paper and mounted on a manila archival vignette page . Included are 4 different cut down LDP's ; 2 vignette proofs in different colors of allegorical woman and a Master cut down LDP of the stamp with blank denomination block s and the vignette area blank. All are different colors. Also included on the sheet ar various counte rs, vignettes and proof railroad ticket for the "Washington & Georgetown RR .". All are in Fine condition with light glue to heavy glue stains . Uniqu e in archive. Printed by Hamilton BNC. HBNC. (Photo) Est. 200-400

Ex 49

49 Honduras le /SL Abraham Lincoln Memorial. 1959. Scott #CO98 / 109. Compl ete set less the 3c, imperforate margin blocks of fiftee n in issued colors , each block with very light ms. "cancel " lines plus each stamp with a specimen "punch" , ungummed stamp paper with each block with various hand notation s in the margin approving or indicating changes to be mad e, some typica l light wrinklin g, Very Fine and scarce Lincoln topical. A total of 165 stamps. Water low & Est. 250-500 Sons. (Photo)




50 Honduras Gen. Trinidad Cabanas. 1893. Scott #82-85 . 30c- 75 Centavos. Compound printin g plate. 142x52x4mm stee l die, composite showi ng full designs of the 30c, 40c , 50c and 75c issued stamp s, some small cross-hatching on the back of the plate of each design. XF condition . Uniqu e in arch ive . (Photo) Est. 1,500-3 ,000


Ex 48

48 Haiti Pres. Magloire Airmai l Progressive LDP's (2). 1951. Two frame proofs in black with blank value tablet s, one 3/4 comp lete (missin g bottom segme nt) and the other complete on all sides, latter with die "9520 I " above image and with stamped "F OR APPROVAL " at top of card and ms. Notat ion "E ngrave d By Mr Leo Kauffmann " at bottom , former card some sma ll moisture spotting , otherwise Very Fine. Rare Haiti proofs . (Photo) Est. 250 -500

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De Honduras ,Se rvicio Postal51 Republica Unidentified Postal Stationery Envelope Issue of 1893 Cooper Stamp Dies (3). 1893-1894 . Un listed . l ; 2 centavos. 2 different stee l printin g plates mounted on cube shaped stee l dies. Probab ly used on the Po sta l Stat ionery Issues aro und 1893 and picture Ge neral Trinidad Caba nas. 34x38x22 mm mounted on stee l die s. One in Fine cond ition with toning and one small rust spot and the othe r with large r rust areas on right side of vignette. Uniq ue Hondura s ph ilatel ic printing plates in Est. 500-1,000 arc hive. (Photo)

icaragua Columbus. 1945. Printing plate . 53 90x63x5mrn stee l die . Portion of vignette design showing the representation of the light house beams , crosshatchi ng on back side. XF cond ition . Unique in archive. Est. 250 -500 SB C. {Photo)


54 Nicarag ua Columbus Stamp Border Printing Plate. 1945. Scott #C267. 35 Ce ntavos. 89x62x4mrn stee l die , frame design wit h a ll de sign elements incl. portraits of Co lumbu s and Isabell a, "SEC URJTY BANKNOTE COMPANY " imprint. XF Condition. Unique Est. 500 - 1,000 in arc hive. SBNC. (Photo)

52 Nicaragua 30c Telegraph Stamp With Original Artwork. 1907. Production file of a 30c Telegraph stamp that was never issued, includes a sma ll pencil sketch of the propo sed design ( I 0c denomination with notat ion that a l 0c , 15c and 30c we re to be produced) ; also a an advanced drawing of the vignette design w ith notat ion " not to be used I J.C." ; finally the hand -drawn final production essay in sta mp size w ith vario us ms. notations including an "approved " by the Co nsul of Nicaragua and the same "not to be used I ''J.C." , Very Fine ; other telegraph issues were distributed in N icaragua in 1907 but none of this design at any tim e. Est. 250 -500 Unique in archive . (Photo)

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55 Nicaragua Columbus. 1945. Matching vignette and text plate . Printing plate. 63x92x5mm stee l plate , vig nette design of Columb us portrait plus "HOMENAJE A LA MEMORIA DE CRISTOBAL COLO " caption ing used for the 4c-1 0c stamps of the issued set. XF condition. Unique in archive. SB C. (Photo) Est. 300-600

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56 Nicaragua Columbus. 1945. Scot t #C27 1. Prog ress ive printin g pl ate of fra me only w ith out vignette. 87x5] x5m m stee l die, fra me des ign with Co lumb us' portra it and lettering, Sec urity bankn ote Co mpany imprint. XF co nditi on. Uniqu e in archive. SBNC. (Photo) Est. 400- 800

58 Lighthouse , Honoring discovery of America by Columbus and the Columbus Lighthouse near Ciudad Trujillo (Dom. Rep.). 194 5. Scott #69 1. 4c. Printin g plate. 84x87x5 mm stee l die, compl ete des ign exce pt b lank space where Co lumbu s' portra it appears in fini shed pro duct and capti onin g, Sec urity Bankn ote Co mpany imprint , so me extra neou engrave d lettering at right side plu s cross -hatc hing on reverse side. XF condition . Unique in arc hive. SB C. (Photo) Est. 600-1 ,200

57 Columbus , Honoring discover y of America by Columbu s and the Columbus Lighthouse near Ciudad Trujillo (Dom. Rep.). 1945. Printing plate. 89x76x5 rnm stee l die, co mpl ete des ign exce pt va lue (bot h tex t and num eric) omitt ed. D es ign sho ws Co lumbu s' ship s and represe ntation of the lighth ouse a long with portra its of Co lumbu s and Isabella . Sec urity banknote Co. imprin t. XF co ndit ion. Uniqu e in archive. (Photo) Est. 400- 800





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59 Nicaragua R. Montora Namasigue. 1949. Engraved vig nette for propose d ordin ary postage stamp honorin g Namas igiie but which was cancelled, des ign die sunk on card show ing monum ent with many ms. not ations on the card indic ating subject matt er and cance l ling order, lot also includes hand-mad e mock-up of the monum ent des ign used in the engrav ing and filin g fo lder. Unique in archive. (Photo) Est. 200-400

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,IA-1><,tf. .4"'1. ,/ "'1,f-:f. 60 Lighthouse, Honoring discovery of America by Columbus and the Columbus Lighthouse near Ciudad Trujillo (Dom. Rep.). 1945. Odd-Cents . Progressive printing plate for master proof of this series without denomination and missing sma ll vignette so that it cou ld be used for any of the denominations in this series. 62x89x5mm stee l die , virtuall y comp lete design of stamp but with blank va lue and vigne tte tablets and capt ion (this design was used fo r the 4c - I 0c stamps of the set) w hich were printed by the Security Banknote Co. XF condit ion . Unique in archive. SBNC. (Photo) Est. 600 -1,200


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62 Nicaragua Railroad and Lake Scene. 1949. Engrave d vignette for proposed officia l stamp showi ng passe nger train with one car ; another train pulling flat car with men stand ing aboard and ornamental borders at the side, design die sunk on car d show ing monument with many ms. notations on the card indicating subject matte r and cancel ling order. Lot also includes origi nal photograph of the vignette design. Uniq ue in archive. (Photo) Est. 125-250 PARAGUAY




• 61 Lighthouse, Honoring discover y of America by Columbus and the Columbus Lighthouse near Ciudad Trujillo (Dom. Rep.). 1945. Scott #693. 8c. Printing plate . 58x7 lx5mm stee l die , comp lete design except blank space where Col umbu s' portrait appears in finished product and captioning , Security Banknote Company imprint , some extraneous engraved letteri ng at left side plus cross -hatchi ng on reverse side. XF con diti on. Uniq ue in arc hive. SBNC. (Photo) Est. 600 -1 ,200

October 17, 2007

63 Republic of Paragua y "Mando" Airmail and Postage Proofs. ca. , Scott # . 7 different proof s printed on gummed paper. The postage proofs are a compound proof sheet of three wit h the 50 Centi mo s on top with the 10 Centi mos and 2 Centi mos below ; the ainnai l proofs are in a simil ar format as a compo und proof sheet w ith the 37 Cent imos on top with the 1 and 10 Guaranies below. There is also a Master LDP of the stamp with blank denomination blocks and the postage and airmail block is blank. A ll are in XF condition. U nique in arc hive . Rare Paragua y proof stamps. SBNC. (Photo) Est. 250-500

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64 "Liberty " Essay Stamp Printing Plate. 1894. I c- 1P. Printin g plate. l 55x78x4mm stee l die, compo site showing full designs of I c, 2c, 3c, 5c, I 0c, 11c, 20c , 25c, 50c and l P stamps and die "638 ", des ign shows "L iberty" holding flag and " C.A . 1894" , a Sc stamp of simi lar des ign was issued in 1894 as part of the Co lumbu s Anniversary series but none of these designs were issue d as regul ar postage stamp s, sti ll a very rare comp os ite. XF conditi on. Uniqu e in archive. (Photo) Est. 1,750 -3,500

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65 Correos De El Salvador. 1896. Scott # 152 . 15 centavos. Stee l printing plate mounted on cube shaped stee l die. Picture of post office. 20x22x22nun mounted on stee l dies. Fine conditi on with rusting of the metal. Un ique El Salvador philatelic printing plate. (Photo) Est. 250-500


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66 Correos De El Salvador - Ocean Steams hip. 1896. Scott # 152 . 15 Ce nt avos. Printin g plate. 63x63x4mm steel die, shows complete de sign of stamp , die "994 ". XF conditi on. Un ique in arc hive. (Photo) Est. 1,000-2 ,000

67 Correos Del Salvador - Essay Postal Stationery Envelope Stamps (2). 1893. Unlisted Essay. 2 posta l station ery stamp dies of an uni ssued and unrel eased E l Salvador , 1893 Issue. Both are of the same des ign w ithout the central vignette and the denomination left off, but one is on cop p er and th e oth er is on steel. 23x28x22mm mounted on stee l dies. Fine cond ition with dent in top of stee l die. Uniqu e E l Salvador phil atelic printing plates. Uniqu e in arch ive . (Photo adjacent) Est. 750 -1,500

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68 Correos Del Salvador - Postal Stationery Envelope Issue of 1893 Copper Stamp Dies (3). 1893. 3; 11; 22 Centavos . 3 different copper printing plates mounted on cube shaped steel dies. All were used on the Postal Stationery Issue of 1893 and picture President or General Carlos Ezeta. !). 3 centavos , H&G #B28 ; 2). 11 centavos. H&G B3 I ; 3). 22 centavos , H&G B#33. I 9x22x23mm copper mounted on steel dies . Fine condition with toning of the metal. Unique El Salvador philatelic printing plates in archive. (Photo) Est. 500-1,000

70 Servicio Postal Del Salvador Postal Stationery Sta mp Die "Landing of Columbus". 1892. H&G #B25 . 20 Centavos. Steel plated copper printing plate mounted on cube shaped steel die . Frame used for the 20 cent s postal stationery envelope issue of 1892 with the vignette mi ssing (vignette wa s the "Landing of Columbus "). 20x22x22mm mounted on steel dies. Fine condition . Unique El Salvador and Columbus philatelic Est. 750-1 ,500 printing plate . (Photo) UNITED

69 Salvador Postal Stationery of Post Card Die. 1891. 11 Centavos. Oval printing plate. 64x6 I x4mm steel die, full ova l design with train , ship and volcano vignette and ornamental frame. Fine cond ition with rust on the lower left on design and on the outer margins . Est. 300-600 Unique in archive. (Photo)


71 U.N. 3c/8c Commemoratives Specimens. 1958. Scott #59-60 , 65-66, 68 . Five stamps with red " SPECIMEN " overprint and punch , o.g. , Never Hinged , Very Est. 250-500 Fine. {Photo) UNITED


72 U.S. le, 2c, Sc South Carolina Business Tax Stamps. Each denomination in full sheet of 25 with glass ine paper interleaving affixed on the gum , " SECURITY BANKNOTE CO. PHlLA. " imprint below each Est. 125-250 stamp , Very Fine. SBNC . {Photo)

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Rare Essay Large Die Proofs


73 Canada 2c Experimental Essay. ca . l900 's-30 's. Group of four imperforate on different paper stocks (three ungumm ed, one or iginal gum ), blue on crea m, green (o.g.), black on ye llowis h, grey on pink, Very Fine. Exam ples probably used fo r testing . ABNC. (Photo) Est. 300 -600

75 U.S. American Bank Note Cos. Stamp Essa y. ca.1860 's-70 's. Turner 2- D blac k. "Rose nth al's Patent" in reverse under vignette. Print ed on india die sunk on 229x 151mm card, die #25867 at top , VF. Black. ABNC. (Photo) Est. 750-1 ,000

fR-tL- // 9 Z 870.

340 • 74 U.S. ABNC Essay of Columbia Facing Left Cut Down LDP. ca . I 860's -70's. Scott #79 -E l I Un listed . Un ique cut down LDP print ed on thin white pap er (not india ). Hand scri p on top " Roll 119" and printed #340 on bottom left. Black on white paper. Toning on right 1/4 of proof and a small split in the paper in the outer border almost touching the bord er. Uniqu e in arc hive. Un listed variety in Scott. ABNC. (Photo) Est. 500-1 ,000

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76 U.S. American Bank Note Cos . Coupon 5 Cents Essay Stamp. ca. l 860's -70's. Turn er 2-F Sc black . Sc black. Printed on indi a die sunk on 229x 149mm card, die #2870 at top , VF. Blac k. ABNC. (Photo) Est. 750-1,000

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77 U.S. Automobile Title Proof Sample . 1959. Black on light brown pap er proof for "State of Anywhe re, Ce1iificate of title to motor vehicle . Printed Est. 150-300 in black. Choice Unc . SCBNC. (Photo)

79 U.S. CADUCEUS Vignette Use d on 1864 $50 Interest Bearing Notes. 1864. CADUCEUS, die essay of vignette used on Fermented Liquor for Export Series of 189 1, also appeared on 1864 , $50 Interest Bearing ote, india die sunk on 151x200mrn card , VF condition. Bureau of Eng rav ing and Printing imprint on bottom , but was probably eng. ABNC , BEP. (Photo) Est. 300 -600

78 Ossining , NY. U.S . Brandereth 's Pills Specimen Label. 1868. Imp ressive Medica l label. La rge format wit h vignette of Brander etl1 flanked by 2 large ova ls with infonnation on his blood purifying pills. Red specimen overprint, POC and "00000" serial numbers. Rare philatelic Match & Med icine related label. Scarce . Est. 200-400 Choice Unc. ABNC. (Photo)

U.S. Christmas Seal. 1913. Scott #WX13 . Type 80 III , block of fourteen , each stamp with red "S PECIMEN" overprint and punch , o.g., neve r hinged , fresh Est. 200-400 and Very Fine . (Photo)


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8 1 Chicago, IL. U.S. Columbian BNC Samp le Advertising Stamps. l 920-30's. 4 different specimen adve rtising sta mps fo r Co lumbi an BNC . Eac h sta mp has al lego rical woman in a different co lor and printed on bottom "S pecim en G-m an Stamp". Unused and perforated. Co lumbia n BNC. (Photo adjacent) Est. 125-250

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Pennsylvania State Revenue Printing Plates

82 Penns ylvania. Documentar y Stamp Tax. ca . l 920-30 's. $20. Printin g plate. 8 1x56x5mm stee l die, tate sea l vignette over keys tone design wit h ornamental lathewo rk. XF conditi on. Printed by either SBNC or RB NC. Uniqu e in archive. (Photo) Est. 250-500

83 Penns ylvania. Documentar y Tax Stamp. ca . I 920 -30's . $ 10. Printin g plate. 8 1x68x 5mm stee l die, state sea l vigne tte ove r keys tone des ign with ornamental lathewo rk . XF conditi on. Print ed by either SB C or RBNC. U niqu e in archive. (Photo) Est. 250-500

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84 Ohio. Dr. Guysott 's Impro ved Extract of Yellow Dock & Sarsa parill a. ca. I 850's. Cincinnati, Ohi o. Proof med ica l label of quac k medicine product that has a list of almos t every disease that ex ists that it can cure includi ng syp hilis and other affl ictions that we still suffer. Label has allego rica l wo man with cherub on top and Na tive American with sett ler meeting in middl e surround ed by ornate border. Mo untin g remn ants on back top. VF co nditi on . RWHE. (Photo) Est. 150-30 0

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Rare Early U.S. Postal Money Orders

85 Michigan. Early U.S. Postal Money Order. Nov. 2, 1899. l Cent. Grand Haven. # 146. U ncance lled. VF condit ion . Mounting remnants on back. Rare. (Photo) Est. 250 -50 0


Unique Unlisted Washington Essay Similar to Scott #65-E 11

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86 Wisconsin. Early U.S. Postal Mo ney Order. Jan . 1, 1900 . 1 Ce nt. Princeton. # 106. VF Condition . Unca nce lled. The first Money order used at the turn of the century. " 1899 " preprinted date on the certificate . Rare. (Photo) Est . 250 -50 0

89 U.S. George Washington Essay Proof Vig nette Incomplete Engraving Washington Hea d. ca. I 850 's60 's. Scott #65-EI I Un listed . 50x53mm manila card with black negat ive proof impression of George Washingto n v ignette very similar to Scott #65-EI I, but in a negative impression and unlisted in this format. Printed on india paper and mounted to manila card. Back has portions of border vignettes and evidently this was cut from a samp le book. Rare and possibly unique Essay Stamp vignette. NBNC. (Photo)Est. 1,000-2 ,000

87 West Virginia. Ear ly U.S. Postal Money Order. Jul. 2 7, 190 I. 65 Cents. Centra l Station . # 503. Payable in Quincy , Illin ois. Fine condition with light ton ing. Est. 300-600 Rare high denomination. (Photo) 88

No Lot.

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Rare Hamilton Bank Note Company Stamp Advertising Card with Rare Proofs and Specimens from Dominican Republic, Venezuela and other South American Countries

90 Dominic a and Venezu ela Ra re Proof Stamps on Hamilt on BNC Phil atelic Adve rtising Car d. ca. l 880 's. Phi latelic advertising card for stamp design and prod uction by HBNC. Card measures 10 by 4 inches wit h gold foil gilt edges . Front has 14 symetr ical arranged border squares with specimen and proof South American stamps in them. Back has advertisement by Hami lton BNC "With Comp liments of the HBNC Engrav ing & Printi ng Co mpany , 61 Broadway - New York. Stee l Plate Engraving and Printing of Bank Notes , Postage Stamps , Reve nu e Stamps , Rai lway , State & Corporation Bonds , Stock Certificates ." . A ll of the stamps , both specimen and proof have purple " Specimen " overprints. Stamps are includ ed from Repub lica Dominica ; Venezue la; Honduras ; Ec uador ; Guatemala and Peru. Stamps are glued to advertising card. Back of card has gl ue tai ns on the 4 comers where mo unted in sample book. 2 were found in a Hami lton BNC sample book , each with different stamps. Overa ll, choice conditio n. Rare Est. 500 - 1,000 philate lic advertising item . HBNC. (Photo)


U.S. Keas by and Ma ttison Sulph ate of Quinin e 91 Medical Label. I 880 's. Specimen medical labe l . Red "SPECIMEN " overprint. Printed in b lack. Ornate facto ry with small train. Rare. By Hamilton BNC. HBNC. (Photo) Est. 150-300

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& Martin

Uncut Proof Sheet

92 U.S. Law rence & M artin Uncut Proof Sheet. Scott # RS 161 P3 . 4c black . Sheet of thirty , plate # 120 and American Bank Note Co. imprints , VF co ndition. Est. 3,000 -5,000 ABNC. (Photo)

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93 New York. Mexican Mustang Liniment Label Specimen . 1853, (ca. 1906). $ 1 Rare and attractive medicine label with large size " 1853" silver dollar front and back flankin g allego rical wo man pourin g water with wild horses runnin g underneath. Red specimen over prin t, POC and "00000" serial numb ers. Micro printin g und er horse vigne tte states Danforth, Wright& Co. had tra de marked this label in 1853. ABNC, DWC. (Photo) Es t. 175-350

95 New York, NY. NYC District Council of Carpenters Benefit Funds Stamps. 1989 . l/2; I Hour Pro ducti on file w ith proofs , models and specimen of 1/2 Ho ur U nion Benefits stamp . Includ es frame proof and additi onal proofs of text, und ertint and Union logo. Co rrespondence includ ed. Choice Unc. U niqu e in archive . U SBNC. (Photo) Est. 150-300

94 New York . Moffat 's Vegetable Life Pill s Specimen Labels (3). 1850, l 860 's. 2 different types of Medical labels. 1). Large format with vignette of Moffa t. 2). Vert ical pa ir of sma ll fomrnt labels. Both have micro printing of copyright and designer information. RWH&E engrave d and registered this label in 1850. ABNC ev idently altered the pl ate of the larger label slightly in the 1860's and put their "A BC" impr int in scrip italics on the lowe r left. Rare phil ate lic Match & Me dicine related label. Scarce. RWH E, ABNC. (Photo ) Est. 200-400

October 17, 2007

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U.S. Post Office Department Money Orders

Draft and

os [ii l Motl()qPayabl e m the UnitedStates only I 0 ~ Ol'\.1ÂŁ'I'./ Omaha,Nebraska . :3R7 -lR

The following group of U.S . Postal Notes , Drafts and Money Orders represents an interesting chapter of U.S.p hilatelic and numismatic history . Issued by the U.S. Post Office , and utilized as money , these notes have attracted a follow ing of serious co llectors. These notes paid for small charges up to $5 by mail that wou ld allow the sender to fee l secure in sending money by mail. A lmost every one of these postal notes are extreme ly rare by philatelic or numismatic standards , with many unique examp les known with . a handful of issues having 2 to 4 postal notes known for that issue. There were 7 distinct varieties by design and by different printers over the years 1883 to 1894. Additio nally, almost every city and state with a post office during this time issued U.S. Postal Notes.

96 Vermont. Post Offic e Department Draft. 1868. $295. Issued Post Office Draft or Check. Brown border and undertint wit h black vignette portrait on upper right , eag le on upper left with ribbon "Transportation of the Mai ls" and seated allegorical liberty. XF cond ition. Printed by National BNC. Rare issued Post Office related item. NBNC. (Photo) Est. 250 -500

97 Pennsylvania . Postal Money Order. Nov . 15, 1894. 1 Cent. Station F., Frankford , Philadelphia. #880. Early Postal Money Order. VG with small pieces missing from margin. Scarce early Post-Postal ote Post Office Postal Money Order , Pre Postal Savings , Postal item (That 's easy for me to say). (Photo) Est. 200-300

October 17, 2007


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98 Nebraska. Postal Money Order. 189-, ca.189599. 2 Cents . Omaha. #38748. Pa11ially issued , no date. XF condition wit h sma ll spot on upper right. Scarce. (Photo) Est. 150-250 RARE UNITED STATES POSTAL COLLECTION


99 California. Postal Note. June 12, 1886. PN2. $4.20. San Francisco. #026729. Pay at E lkhart, IN . A rare cashed note and one of on ly four recorded $4 notes ; this examp le being the only PN2. Fine-VF, pencil notations at top , clipped corners , MOB cancel. HLBNC . (Photo) Est. 2,000-2 ,500

100 Indiana. Postal Note. Aug. 8, 1894. PNl. 2 Cents. Brookville. #450. Pay at Cincinnati , OH . Octagonal MOB cancel. Scarce date and amount not punched. EF conditi on. HLBNC. (Photo) Est. 900-1 ,200

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101 Massachusetts. Postal Note . Dec. 30, 1893. I Cent. Bradford. #930 . XF cond ition . Dunlap & Clarke. (Photo) Est. 750 -1,000

104 Michigan. Postal Note . May 7, 1894 . PN7 . 2 Cents. Detroit. # 164495 . Hinge remnant , toning , MOB cancel. Fine condition. Dunlap & Clarke . (Photo) Est. 800-1 ,250

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102 Maine. Postal Note. May 28, 1891. PN6 . 5 Cents . Bangor. #0 I 8 166. One of on ly two recorded PN6 from Maine . EF condition . MOB cance l. ABNC. (Photo) Est. 1,250-1 , 750

103 Maine. Postal Note. Sep. 18, 1883. PNl. 5 Cents. Skowhegan. # 18. Pay at Bath , ME. Good condition with repairs and pieces missing from lower right of note. Scarce postal note and good space filler . HLBNC . (Photo) Est. 200-300

October 17, 2007

105 New Jersey. Postal Note. March 1, 1886. PN2 . I Cent. Trenton . #009059. Pa y at New Orleans , LA. VF cond ition . MOB cancel. HLBNC. (Photo) Est. 1,200-1 ,650

I 06 New Jerse y. Postal Note. April 11, 1888. PN5 . 1 Cent. Trenton . #0192 I 0. VF condition . Red MOB canEst. 900-1 ,250 cel. ABNC. (Photo)

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ew York. Postal ote. Jan . 17, 1893. PN7 . 2 107 Ce nts. Roslyn . #2043. Early Long Island note. VF co nditi on. Toning and splits on left side. Dunlap & C larke. Est. 900 -1,25 0 (Photo)

110 Pennsylvania. Postal Note . May IO, 1894. PN 7. 2 Ce nts. Lancaster. #42413. Fine , hinge remnant s, toning, red MOB cance l. Dunl ap & Clark e. (Photo) Est. 900-1,250

New York. Postal Note . Sep. 15, 1883. PN I. 25 I 08 Ce nts. Syrac use. # 197. Pay at Lew iston , NY. A sca rcer denom inatio n. Fine co nditi on, creases , worn at right , Est. 1,000- 1,400 MOB cancel. HLBNC. (Photo)

111 Pennsylvania. Postal Note . Sep. 13, 1883. P I. I Ce nt. Lewisburg h. # 57. Pay at Lewisburg , PA. Octagonal MOB cance l. VG+, splits . HLBNC. (Photo) Est. 900 -1 ,250

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October 17, 2007


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Ohio. Postal ote. Jun . 27 , 1894. P 7. I Ce nt. Toledo. #91243. VF, crease , MOB cancel. Dun lap & Est. 900 -1,250 C larke. (Photo)

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112 Pennsylvania. Postal Note. ovember 20, 1888. P 5. 5 Ce nts. Philadelphia. # 146363 . VF cond ition , crease , hinge remnant , MOB ca nce l. ABNC. (Photo) Est. 900 -1,250

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113 Pennsylvania. Postal Note. Sep. 26, 1883. PNI. I Cent. South Bethlehem. #42. Pay at Bethlehem , PA. Octagonal cancel. VF condition , creases. HLBNC. (Photo) Est. 1,000-1 ,500

114 Rhode Island. Postal Note. Sep. 17, 1883. PN 1. I Cent. Providence . #352. Pay at New York. Only 14 notes from Rhode Island have been recorded. EF condition, MOB cancel. HLBNC. (Photo) Est. 1,250-1 ,800

115 Virginia. Postal ote. Jun 30, 1894. PN7 . 9 Cents. Richmond. #91463. Last day of use. One ofonly two recorded 9-cent denominations and a key to completing a 1-10 cent set. VF, red MOB cancel. Dunlap & Clarke . (Photo) Est. 1,750-2,500

October 17, 2007

116 NewYork.Posta1Note.Feb21 , 1894.PN7. l Cent. Uncut Pair . Sub-Station No.24 , New York. #35 and #36. Uncut pairs are rare and this pair is an excep tionally attractive example . EF condition , MOB cance ls. Dunlap & Clarke. (Photo) Est. 2,000-3 ,000

117 U.S. Postal Note . 188-, ca.1882-83. P Unlisted. Odd Cents. Homer Lee Bank Note Co. Proof on blue paper , counterfo il on left, reverse blank . Punch cancel. Postal note proofs are exceptionally rare. Right edge uneven . From a vertica l pair. Only one available. HLBNC. (Photo) Est. 2,500-3 ,500

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118 Virginia . Postal Note. Apr.30, 1891. PN6 . 15 cents. Lynchburgh. #027646. Rare 15 cents denomination from rare city. VF with paper toning, purple MOB cancel. Dunl ap & Clarke. (Photo) Est. 1,750-2 ,500

U.S. Postal Savings Certificates

119 Minnesota. Postal Savings System - Series of 1939. 1948. $ 1. Wilmar, Minnesota. Issued and uncance lled Postal Savings certificate from scarce Minnesota town. XF condit ion. (Photo) Est. I 00-200

Extremely Rare Specimen 191 I Series U.S. Postal Savings Certificates


U.S. Postal Savings System -CD. Issue of 1911.

$1. Specimen Postal Sav ings Ce1iificate of Deposit. Red

"Issued in Lieu of Lost Cert ificate " overprint is diagonally on the face of the note. Rare ear ly Postal Savings Certificate printed by ABNC. Black border with red undertint. Red specimen overprints, POC's and "00000 " seria l numb ers. Blank co unterfoil tab on left is perforated so note cou ld be mou nted in booklet and pulled out. Back has year ly dates up to 10 years and amount of accrued interest. Choice uncirculated condition. Rare specimen Postal Savings Certificate . (Photo) Est. 250-500 121 U.S. Postal Savings System -CD. Issue of 1911. $2. Specimen Postal Savings Certificate of Deposit. Red "Issued in Lieu of Lost Certificate " overpr int diagonally on the face of the note. Rare early Postal Savings Certificate printed by ABNC. Black border wit h blue unde1iint. Red specimen overprints , POC's and "00000 " serial numbers. Blank counterfoil tab on left perforated so note could be mounted in booklet and pulled out. Back has yearly dates up to 10 years and amount of accrued interest. Cho ice uncirculated co nditi on. Rare specimen Postal Savings Certificate. ABNC. (Photo) Est. 250-500

October 17, 2007

122 U.S. Postal Savings System -CD. Issue of 1911. $5. Specimen Postal Savings Certificate of Deposit. Red "Issued in Lieu of Lost Certificate " overprint diagonally on the face of the note . Complete "Exploded " booklet that I took apart so that all of the sections could be viewe d. Rare ea rly Postal Savi ngs Certificate printed by AB C. Black border with red undertint. A lso includes a postmaster 's receipt and the front and back covers (I also included the staple) from the booklet. This was the only comp lete booklet in the group. Red specimen overprints , POC's and "00000" ser ial numbers. Blank counterfoi l tab on left perforated so note could be mounted in booklet and pulled out. Back has yearly dates up to I 0 years and amount of accrued interest. Cho ice uncirculated cond ition . (Photo) E t. 250 -500 123 U.S. Postal Savings System -CD. Issue of 1911. 10. Specimen Postal Savings Certificate of Deposit. Red "Issued in Lieu of Lost Certificate " overprint diagonally on the face of the note . Rare early Postal Savings Certificate printed by ABNC . Black border with gree n underti nt. Red specimen overprints , POC's and "00000" serial numbers . Blank counterfoil tab on left perforated so that note cou ld be mounted in booklet and pulled out. Back has yea rly dates up to IO years and amount of accrued interest. Cho ice uncircu lated condit ion. (Photo) Est. 250 -500 124 U.S. Postal Savings System -CD. Issue of 1911. $20. Specimen Postal Savings Certificate of Deposit. Red "Issued in Lieu of Lo t Ce 1iificate" overpri nt diagonally on the face of the note. Rare early Postal Savi ngs Certificate printed by AB C. Black border with light brown undertint. Red specimen overprints , POC's and "00000 " serial numb ers. Blank counterfo il tab on left perforated so that note could be mounted in booklet and pulled out. Back has year ly dates up to 10 years and amount of accrued interest. Choice uncirculated condi tion. (Photo) Est. 250 -500 125 U.S. Postal Savings System -CD. Issue of 1911. $50. Specimen Postal Savings Cert ificate of Deposit. Red "Issued in Lieu of Lo t Certificate " overpri nt diagona lly on note's face. Rare early Postal Savings Certificate printed by ABNC. Black border with purple undertint. Red specimen overpri nts, POC's and "00000 " seria l numbers. Blank co unterfo il tab on left perforated so note could be mounted in booklet and pulled out. Back has yearly dates up to IO years and amount of accrued interest. Choice uncirculated cond ition . (Photo) Est. 250 -500

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126 U.S. Postal Savings System -CD. Issue of 1911. $ 100. Specimen Postal Savings Certificate of Deposit. Red "Issued in Lieu of Lost Certificate " overprint is dia gonall y on the face of the note . Rare early Postal Savings Ce rtific ate printed by ABNC. Black border with light yellow unde11int. Red specim en overpr ints, PO C's and "00000 " serial number s. Blank counterfoil tab on left is perforated so that note could be mounted in bookl et and pulled out. Back has yea rly dates up to I 0 years and amount of acc rued intere st. AU-Uncirculated Est. 250 -500 condition. (Photo)

127 U.S. Food Stamp Essay, ca. l 960 's. Text on front "DO NOT FOLD / DO NOT SPINDLE ". Value " 5 DOLLARS / NON -TR ANSFERABLE ". Additional writing is nonsense letters . Intaglio printed on thin white card . Cut clo se to margin s. Lincoln bust at left with fann Unc. and factory sce nes flanking denomination. Counterfoil at left has small stap le hole s from previou s mountin g in booklet but no relationship or eve n close to Est. 250-500 design. Rare. (Photo)

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128 U.S. Postal Savings System Specimen. 1911. PUn listed . $ I 00 Specimen Po stal Savings System Certificate of Deposit. Red specimen overprint , POC and "00000 " ser ial numbers. Black on yellow undertint. Est. 250-500 Choice Unc . ABNC. (Photo)

Rare Second Issue $1.60 Revenue Proof Sheet of 90

Issue Secon d U.S. 129 P4 . 21 #RI Revenue Proof Sheet. Scott plate 90, $ 1.60 blue & black. Sheet of #24 & Jos . R. Carpe nter imprint block at bottom , inverted Wilcox impr int at top , VF condition. Printed on thin card. Jos.R.Carpenter . (Photo) Est. 5,000-6 ,500

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Unique Security Bank Note Company

Stamp Advertising

Printing Plate of 25

130 U.S. Security Banknote Company "Specimen" Advertising Stamp. ca. l 920's-30's. 20 . Unique printing plate of 25 " Specimen " SBNC advertising stamps. All are of the same stamp with a "20" denomination. Airplane with mountains behind it flying over lake. 9.5 by 7.25 inches stee l plate. Mat finish with hair lines from previous Est. 2,000-4,000 clea nings. SBNC. (Photo )

Unique Pennsylvania

Stock Transfer

Tax Printing Plates

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131 Pennsylvania. Stock Transfer Tax. ca . l 920-30 's . IO Cents . Printing plate . 55x64x6rnm steel die , state seal vignette. XF condition . Printed by either SBNC or RBNC. Uniq ue in arch ive . (Photo) Est. 250-500

October 17, 2007


132 Pennsylvania. Stock Transfer Tax. ca.1920 -30's . $2. Printing plate. 68x57x6mm steel die, state seal vignette . XF condition. Printed by either SBNC or Est. 250-500 RBNC. Unique in archive . (Phot o)

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133 Penns ylvania. Stock Transfer Tax. ca. l 920-30 's. 20 Cents . Printing plate . 55x63x6mm stee l die , state sea l vignette . XF condition . Printed by either SBNC or RBNC. Uniq ue in archive . (Photo) Est. 250-500

135 U.S. Food Stamp Essay. ca.1960's . $5.00 U.S. Food Stamp essay . United States of America , "Do Not Fold/Do Not Spindle", Value $5 Dollars, Non -transfer able . Additiona l writ ing is nonsense letters. Intagl io print ed. Yellow paper. Cut close to margins. Lincoln on left, farm and factory scene. Glue stains on back, otherEst. 250 -500 wise VF. Rare. ABNC. (Photo)



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136 U.S. Food Stamp Essay. ca .1960 's. $5.00 U.S. Food Stamp essay. United States of Ame rica, "Do Not Fold/Do Not Spindle", Value $5 Dollars, No n-tran sferable. Additio nal writing is nonsense letters. Intag lio printed . Yellow paper. Cut close to margins. Lincoln on left, farm and factory scene. Glue stains on back, otherEst. 250-500 wise VF. Rare. ABNC. (Photo)

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134 Pennsylvania. Stock Transfer Tax Stamp Printing Plate. ca. I 930 's. Master die without denomination. 56x71x5mm steel die. "CENTS " with blank va lue tab lets. State sea l vignette. XF condit ion. Un ique Est. 300-600 in archive . (Photo)

137 U.S. Food Stamp Essay. ca.1960 's. $- U.S. Food Stamp essay. "TEST PLATE " on top. No n-trans ferable on bottom. Additional writing is nonsense letters . Intaglio printed on clear plastic and taped to white sheet with notation "Crona from master die" . Lincoln on left, and factory scene on right. Choice Unc. Rare. Est. 500-1 ,000 ABNC. (Photo)

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Unique U.S. Documentary



Unique Philadelphia Documentary Sheet of 25 Printing Plate


138 U.S. Documentary Original Artwork-Model . ca. l 880's -90 's. Scott #Rl 81 E Essay , (Turner Essay 151A). $ 1,000 Madison , green. Unique R1 81E pencil & ink sketch for proposed design wit h engraved vignette affixed on heavy board , l 59x 185mm , by R. Ostrander Smith , VF condition . ABNC. (Photo) Est. 2,500-4 ,000 _J





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139 U.S.P.S. Money Order Essay Essay Proofs (5). 1970-1990's . 5 different US Postal Money Order essa y proofs. I}. United States Postal Money Order proof sheet of2 different essay designs with different sty les of undertints and post office logos . Se ria l numb ers " 12345678900 " on each one from the sheet of 2 ; 2) . 3 small er fonnat separate essay sing le money orders in different co lors and different stages of printing. Possibly the first time seen in thi s fonnat. No printer imprint. The bottom note from the sheet of 2 has a light fold horizonta lly down the middle from storage in arc hiva l file . Rar e post office related items. ABNC. (Photo) Est. 300-600

Octob er 17, 2007

140 Pennsylvania. Uniqu e Philadelphia 50c Documentar y Stamp Tax. ca.1930 -40 's. 50 cents. Printing plate . l 57x l 82x6mrn stee l die for the full sheet of 25 stamp s, each stamp with Philadelphia sea l, an extraord inary plate appearing as though it had never been used . XF condition. From either SBNC or RBNC. Unique in archive . (Photo) Est. 1,000-2 ,000

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Unique U.S. George Washington Essay Vignettes




141 Unlisted George Washington Vignette Essa y. ca. l 850's. Scott #72. Sma ll vig nette affixed on filing folder , die "V-39931 ", "Rawdon, Wright , Hatch & Edson , New York" imprint , this vignette was used on the 90c Washin gto n 1860/75 issues . Unlisted Essay proof. Un iqu e m archive. RWHE . (Photo) Est. 750- 1,500

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143 USPS "American Commemoratives" Panel Proof Sheets With Vignettes . ca . 1994 to 1998. Scott # 's CP442 to 555. 17 different proof sheets of the USPS "American Commemoratives" series. A ll are printed on white paper with extra large borders except for 2 that are cut down. They are from the Scott #'s CP (Commemorative Panel Series) from 1994 to 1998. These may be essays or they may be exam ples of issued sheets. All are either represented by I to 2 examples in the archive. Rare US Postal Service items . (Photo) Est. 500-1 ,000

Unique "W. Swaim Rattle Snake" Border Proof

142 Unlisted George Washington Vignette Essay. ca . l 850 's. Scott #72. 42x64mm vignette affixed on filing fo lder, bust portrait of Washington in uniform with ornamental patriotic fram ing showing flags, shield, cannon and stars , die "V-39986", "Raw don , Wr ight, Hatch & Edson, ew York" imprint , the portrait portion of this vignette is see n on the 90c 1860/7 5 issues. U niqu e in arch ive. (Photo) Est. 750 -1,500

October 17, 2007

144 W. Swaim Unique "Rattle Snake" Border Proof. Scott #' s RS 234; RS 235. Uniq ue border proof of 6 snake heads with fangs. Printed on india pap er and mounted to large mani la file card in black . Plate # "V 45131 on india paper and also on top of mani la card . Slight tonin g on a few small areas, otherwise in XF condition. This is the only one fou nd in the archive. NBNC. (Photo) Est. 500-1 ,000

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W.H. Comstock

Uncut Proof Sheet of 21 0

145 W.H. Comstock Uncut Proof Sheet of 210. Scott #RS60P3. le black. Sheet of 210, plate # 122 at top, ABN imprints top & bottom , crayon approval markings , VF with light creases & stains. Printed on india paper . ABNC. (Photo) Est. 3,000-5,000

146 Pitney-Bowes Postage Meter and e-Stamp Stocks. 1922; 1999. Odd Shs. 2 different specimen stock certificates . I) . Pitney-Bowes Postage Meter Co. Voting Trust Certificate . 1922. No vignette . Purple border and undertint ; 2). E-stamp , "The Internet Postage Company ". E-stamp logo. 1999. Both in XF condition . Rare postage related duo . ABNC , SCBNC. (Photo) Est. 125-250

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Rare U.S.P.S. Bonds ti 1 98S4


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147 United States Postal Service Regi stered Bond. 1972. $10 ,000. Specime n Registered Series A, 6 7/8% Bond , Due 1997 . Red border and vignette. Postal Service Bond . "U.S.Mai l"" Eag le Logo. Th e top line read s "The United States Postal Service , an independent esta blishment of the executive branch of the Government of the United States , acknowledges itself indebted ." . This should be considered a U.S. federal bond. Rare . No coupons. XF condition. SC-USBNC. (Photo) Est. 200 -400

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149 United States Postal Service Registered Bond. 1972. $100 ,000 . Specimen Registered Ser ies A , 6 7/8% Bond , Due I 997 . Purple border and vignette. Postal Service Bond . "U.S.Mai l"" Eag le Logo. The top line reads "The United States Postal Serv ice, an independent estab lishment of the execut ive branch of the Government of the United States , acknowledges itself indebted. " . This should be considered a U.S. federa l bond . Rare . No co upons. XF condition. SC-USBNC. (Photo) Est. 250-500



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148 United States Postal Service Registered Bond. 1972. $25 ,000. Specimen Registered Series A, 6 7/8% Bond , Du e 1997. Lime green border and vignette . Postal Service Bond. "U.S .Mai l"" Eagle Logo. The top line reads "The United States Postal Service , an independent establishment of the executive branch of the Government of the United States , acknowledges itse lf indebted. " . Thi s should be cons idered a U.S. federa l bond. Rare. No coupons. XF condition. SC-USBNC. (Photo) Est. 200-400

October 17, 2007

150 United States Postal Service Registered Bond. 1972 . $500 ,000 . Spec imen Regi stered Series A, 6 7/8% Bond , Due I 997. Olive green border and vignette . Po stal Service Bond. "U.S .Ma il"" Eag le Logo. The top line reads "Th e United States Postal Service, an independent esta blishment of the executive branch of the Government of the United States , acknow ledges itself indebted.". Thi s should be considere d a U.S. federal bond . Rar e. No coupons. XF condition . SC-USBNC. (Photo) Est. 300 -600

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H.R . Hann er, Inc.


Rare Western Union 1931 Specimen Booklet with 84 Specimen Stamps UNIQUE

15 l Western Union Sc, 2Sc Telegraph Issues Com plete Specimen Booklet. 1931. Scott # l 6T79a , 80a var. Booklet containing five panes of six of the 25c blue followed by nine panes of six of the Sc brown (apparantly missing one pane of the Sc), vio let "SPECIMEN " handstamp on front cover , each stamp with specimen "punch " but without frank number or "speci men " overprint. Booklet covers with a bit of wear but stamps fresh and intact. A total of 84 specimen stamps in group not including speci men covers. Scarce. (Photo) Est. 300-600



153 Uruguay 10c Maximo Santos. 1883. Scott #66. Full imperforate proof sheet of 200 in issued color on ungummed india paper. "A MERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY, NEW YORK " imprints at sides, top center and bottom center of eac h half, two different ms . notations in bottom margin. Horizontal and vertical fold between halves with some paper deterioration affecting two ce ntral stamps, otherwise Very Fine . ABNC. (Photo) Est. 400-800


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152 New York. United States Sealed Postal Card Co. 188-. Odd Shs. Specimen stock certificate. Brown border. New York Arms on upper right. Red specimen overprints , POC 's and "00000 " serial numbers. XF condition . Scarce philatelic related stock. ABNC. (Photo) Est. 150-300

October 17, 2007

154 Uruguay Sc Numera l Trial Color. 1883. Scott #61 Unlisted . Full imperforate proof sheet of 200 on india , slightly different than issued color (more of a blue -green). "AMERICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY, NEW YORK" imprints at sides, top center and bottom center of each half , two different ms. notations in bottom margin. Horizontal and vertica l fold between halves with creasing and paper deterioration affecting about 20 central stamps, otherwise Very Fine . ABNC. (Photo) Est. 300-600

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H.R. Ham1er, lnc.




155 Venezue la Sc Simon Bolivar. 1882. Scott #79. Full imperforate proof sheet of 200 in issued color on india. "AME RICAN BANK NOTE COMPANY, NEW YORK " imprints at sides, top center and bottom center of each half , two different ms. notat ions in bottom margin. Horizontal and vertica l fold between halves with thins and a couple natura l paper faults affecti ng five stamps ,otherwise Very Fine. Rare proof sheet. ABNC. (Photo) Est. 400 -800 Rare Early Holograms Used on Venezuela Revenue Stamps REPUBLICA oe Ye.NEZUIE.LA MfntetHlo ff Hae~


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156 Republica De Venezuela - Ministerio de Hacienda Revenue Stamps with Hologram. ca.1980 's. Scott Un listed. 300 ; 500 ; 1,000 ; 5,000 Boli vares. 4 different specimen pairs (8 stamps) that are imperforate between vert ically and rou letted hori zontally. All have hologram of Bolivar and "MH" logo. Rare holographic self adhesive back of book taxpaids. All in XF conditi on . No cance llation or other marks. Rare ear ly philatelic hologram stamps . ABNC . (Photo) Est. 150-300

End of First Session

October 17, 2007

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H.R. Harmer, Inc.





5. 6.

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John Bull Stamp Auctions, Ltd.

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George Eveleth, President H.R. Harmer, lnc . is one of the grand names in philately. Conducting public auctions since 1940, the company has a tradition of offering many important and valuable single owner collection sale . Founded in London in 1918 by Henry R. Ham1er, the fim1 ha enjoyed the highest of reputations, while conducting some of the most important ales in philatelic histo1y, including the Rothschild, Franklin D. Roosevelt, Caspary and Lagerloef sales, as well as the recently concluded DaleLichtenstein auctions. The finn enjoys a well-deserved reputation, industry wide, for integrity and superb customer ervice.

Nutmeg Stamp Sales P.O. Box 4547 Danbu1y, CT 06813 Tel.: 203-792-3862 Fax: 203-798-7902 E-mail: info@nutmegstamp .com David Coogle, President Nutmeg Stamp Sales is one of the leaders in the philatelic marketplace, offering over 150,000 lots per year aimed at the full spectrum of collectors, with items ranging in value from $ 10 to $50,000 per item. Considered by many to be America's ' user-friendly' mail auction house, most lots are illustrated in the catalogs in close proximity to their description, and all lots are depicted in color on the website. Founded in 1996 by renowned dealer Andrew Levin, CEO Emeritus, and David Coogle, President, Nutmeg has historically old primarily owned invento1y rather than consignments, creating a unique alternative within the tamp industry.

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