The ''South Beach'' Collection of Great Britain and Empire
H.R. Harmer, Inc. Thursday, June 6, 2008 at 10:00 a.m.
The "South Beach" Collectionof Great Britain and Empire UNRESERVED PUBLIC AUCTION AND MAIL BID SALE
SALE TO BE HELD AT Our Main Offices: 5 Francis J. Clarke Circle Bethel, CT. 06801
EXHIBITION OF LOTS 5 Francis J. Clarke Circle, Bethel , CT 06801 Mo nday, June 2 - Thursday, June 5 from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Each Day FOR VIEWU I/G ON DATES OTHE R THAN THO SE LIST ED, PLEASE CA LL FOR AN A PPOl NTMENT.
5 Francis J. Clarke Circle, Bethel, CT 06801 Phone:+ 1.203.702.8490 I Facsimile:+ 1.203 .791 .1832 Email: hrharmer • www O UR CORPORATI ON IS A SUBSCRIB ER T O T H E ASDA COD E OF ET HI CS FOR PUBLI C AUCT ION FIR MS.
(*) Unused (wi lhout gumor rcgummed) * Or igi nal gum (previous ly hinged or without
E p
Block of four or large r Plate Block
Trial Color Specimen
On Piece
R Reprint EDU Earlies ! Documented Usage
8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Booklet Pan e
gum as issued)
** 0 D
Original gum (never hinged)
Cover. card or enti re
Bidding Increments
MA JO R A BBR EVIATIO NS c.d.s. = circu lar datestam ps: H = never hinged: cplt = comp le1e; o.g. = original gum : FDC = fir st day cover; ovpt. = overpr int; h.r.= hinge remnant: pmk. = postmark: incl. = inc ludin g s.e. = straight edge; ms = manuscript
BIDS Up to S100 S 100-$300 S300-$750 S750-S I .500 S 1.500-$3.000
S5.00 S10.00 S25.00 S50.00 $!00 .00
$3.000-$7 .500 $7 ,500-S 15,000 $ 15,000-$30.000 S30,000-S75.000 $75,000 and Up
S250.00 S500.00 S1.000.00 S2.500.00 auctioneer 's discretion
CON DIT ION ext rem ely fin e - outsta nding , the highest qua lity poss ible.
very fine - choice condition, well centered; if imperforate with four well clear margins. fine - sound in all respects, perforations clear design: if imperforate, margins may be close or touching, but will 1101 cut design. very good - stamps arc so graded either by reason of general appearance of imperfect centering or a fault. Faults such as a thin spot, tear, crease, etc. will be described on individual lots at all times. In larger lots, degrees of condition denote the average, and copies above and below such condition can be expected. Minor separations on blocks or sheets are the rule rather than the exception and are not grounds for the rerurn of a lot. The 1cm, "mini" denotes that the i1em has original gum, but does 1101 imply 1ha1 it is never hinged. The term "unused" is used to describe an uncancelled item that is without gum. Regarding covers. the following are not justificat ion for the rctum ofa lot: tom or partially removed back flaps, lighi file folds which do not detract from the overall appearance and small edgetears which do 1101 affect adhesive or markings.
The abo\'e incremem s are s imply prorid ed as a guid e Jo,· bidding unifromity. The auctioneer retains the dglu to chang e the i11creme111 s at his disc retion when bidding activity is parti cularly strong to exp edit e the sale. or he may break the i11 c reme111sto accomooda te an agem '.v bid.
BIOS BY TELEPHONE (a) Must be confinned in writing. (b) Any errors are the responsibility of the bidder. (c) No bids accepted less than I hour before sale. BIOS BY FAX OR EMAIL You may fax or e-mail bids up to I hour before sale conunences -
be sure to use
(203) 791- 1832 or hrhann
PHONE BIDDING DURING THE SALE Phone bidding space is limited and available on a first come, first served basis. The importance of reserving early cannot be overstated!
U I.
I. Lots of not more than 10 items. 2. To U.S. clients only, a1our discretion.
Shaded ponion can represent an actual hinge or the area disturbed by a hinge. Never hinged - unused with original gum in Post Office state and unmounted Lightly hinged - unused with full original gum showing some evidence of a previous hinge which may be present in part or entirely removed. Original gum - unused with original gum somewhat disturbed by previous hinging which may still be present. Part original gum - unused with original gum. large hinge remnants may or may not be present. Disturbed original gum - unused with original gum, affected by sweating, glazing or mount disn1rbance; may not resemble the original gum. Unused without gum (unless gum is mentioned) Unused without gum, as issued.
BLOCKS OR SHEETS AND THEIR GUM: Minor separations are the mle, rather than the exception, in the case of blocks or sheets of any size. A few separations- around four perfs per row-----do not affect the value of a block or sheet and are not grounds for the rerum of a lot. EST IMATE D VALUES: lfa n estimated cash value is given, it is shown in the description. It is used where the lot is large or where the actual value has little relation to the catalogue price. It represents the auctioneer 's appraisal of the true MARKET value of a l01 and the figure is invariably close to the actua l realization. It is useless for mail bidders to list any bids that are only a low proportion of such estimates.
PHILATELIC AUCTION AGENTS Mr. Charles E. Cwiakala 1527 S. Fairview Avenue Park Ridge, IL 60068 + 1.847.823.8747
Mr. Frank Ma □ d e l P.O. Box 157 New York. NY 10014-0157 + 1.212.675.08 19
Purser Associates, Inc. 84 Webcowet Road #2 Arlington, MA 02474-2323 + 1.857 .928.5 140
3. Viewer !lli!.S.1pay postage and insurance both ways and rerum lots within 24 hours of receipt. 4. Viewer assumes all responsibility, including proper insurance, for any loss, whet her in his possession or in any and all fonns of transit when retuming Postal Viewing. 5. References required from bidders unknown 10 us.
HANDSTAM PS/BAC KSTAM PS Remember, NO lots may be retumed with back stamps stating Fake, Falsch, or similar markings. Recently there has been a spate o f German expe11isers marking the backs of stamps. It is your responsibility as the purchaser not to let this happen. INST RUCT IONS FO R PAYMEN T BY WIR E TRA NSFER TD B a11k11 or1h 102 Jflest M ai11S treet Ne w Britain, C T 0605 1 A BA #: 0 ///0 3093 (for m er(y Glastonbur y Ba11k & Tru st) For: H.R . Harm er N utm eg A uctions, In c. # 414223 114 1 Acco11111 Please call for n ew /1tter11ation a/ instru ctionsl (103) 702-8490
Please add S20 .00 U.S. to invoice total to cover bank charges, plus any additional fee imposed by your bank.
Walter Spivey Jr.
Dave Conway Sheritha Jones
Sandy Hanrahan
Jenn Naples Christina Masche
5 Francis J. Clarke Circle Bethel , CT 06801 TEL: + 1.203.702.8480 I FAX : + 1.203 .791.1832 Emai l: hrharmer www
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5. 6.
BIDDING Unless anno unced otherwise by the auc tion eer, all bids are per lot, as numbered in the printed Ca ta log ue. H.R. Harmer , as agent for the consig nor or vendor, shall regu late the bidding and shall detennine the manner in which the bidding shall be co ndu cte d. Ham1ers reserves the right to wi thdra w any lot prior to sa le (wi thout liabili ty to any potential pur chaser or agent), to re-offer any wi thdra wn lot, to di vide a lot or to gro up two or more lots belonging to the same cons ignor or ven dor , and to refuse any bid believe d not made in good faith. The highest bid acknow ledge d by the auc tioneer shal l preva il. Should a di spute arise between bidders (includin g a di spute betwee n a floor bidder and the auctioneer acti ng on behalfof a ma il bidder. consignor or vendor) , the auctio nee r a lone shall determine w ho is the successf ul bidder and whet her to reoffer the lot in disput e. Should a dispute arise afte r the sa le, the auctioneer's sa le records sha ll be conclusive . On a ll lots so ld , a commission of 15% on th e hamm e r pric e is payable by the buye r. (a) The auc tionee r reserves the right to bid on behalf of clients (and consigno rs or vend ors) but shall not be liable for errors and omiss ions in exec utin g instrnctions to bid, however received , and whether such errors or om issions be those of the bidder or age nt or those of the auct ionee r. (b) All lots are offered subject to a reserve price. The auctioneer may implement such reserve price. The auctio neer may implement suc h reserve price by bidding on beha lf of the consignor vendor. (c) It may also be assumed that all co nsignors have been advanced monies aga inst the sa le of the ir stamp s and Hann ers therefore has a sec uri ty interest over and above the nom1al auct ion comrni sion. (d) Purch ases made by a co nsignor or vendor or hi agent on his own lots shall be cons idered as a sa le subjec t to comm iss ions and sales tax as applicabl e. (e) Agents are responsible for all purchases made on behalf of their cliems , unl ess other arrange ments have been confi m1ed in writin g prior to the aucti on. PAYMENT FOR PURCHASES Paymen t for lots, includin g those on which opini ons are desired (Cond ition of Sal e 8), sha ll be as follows: (a) Floor Bidders. Payment of the purchase price . or such part there of as Harm ers sha ll requir e, shall be made by the purchaser in such man ner as Harme rs may determine. Th e name and address of th e purchaser of eac h lot shall be given 10 the auctionee r immediate ly followi ng the sale of such lot. (b) Mail Bidder s. A successfu l ma il bidd er w ill be notifi ed of lots purchased. Be fore Harm ers w ill send suc h lots, paymenl in full mu st be received by Harme rs within three (3) busi ness days of rece ipt of the aforesa id notification by the mail bidder. Howeve r. a pur cha ser known to Har me rs, or who furnishes sat isfac to ry refe rences , may at Hann ers opt ion , have purchases delivered or forwarded for imm ediate pay ment (by a dollar draft on a U.S. bank i□ the case of overseas pur chase r ). Ma iled delivery will be to the addre ss on the bid shee t and proof by Hanne rs ofrece ipl of a se ndi ng at the advised address shall constitute delivery. A ll charges for handling, delivery and insurance (ob tained by Hanner s on behalf of the pur chaser) sha ll be added 10 the purchase pri ce ; a minim um charge of$\ .00 will be made. Risk of loss in transit shal l be on the purchaser. (c) Wher e an opi nion of a genera lly recognized authority is desired , the time for paymenl may be exte nded in acco rd with and subjec t to Condition of Sale 8. Titl e shall not pass to the purchaser until full payment has been received by Hann ers as agents for the cons ignor or vendor. (a) Purchase rs agree to pay for lots as spec ified in Cond ition of Sale 4 (or as the same may be modifi ed by Co nditi on of Sale 8), and no cred it is extended ; a late paym ent charge o f2% per momh shall be ad ded if payment is not mad e in accordance with the aforesaid con diti ons. This is 24% per yea r. (b) In the event that a bidder shall fail to comp ly wi th these Con diti ons of Sale (''No n-Com plying Bid der") , then, as 10 any lot with respect 10 which such failure to comply occ urs , Harme rs may. in its so le discretion. re-offer such lot during the same auc tion or at an auction al a later tim e, or by pri vate treaty at suc h time as Har mers, in its so le discretion , deems appro priate and tbe Non-Co mpl ying Bidder sha ll be liable for the defic iency, if any, betwee n the ham mer pric e and the net proceeds of a sa le to a sub seq uem purcha er, whether at auctio n or by pri vate treaty, as well as for a ll costs and expen ses of both sales , all other charges du e thereund er, including commissions with respect to both sa les, wheth er payable to Hanner s or to a third part y and a ll incide ntal dama ges. It shall be in Hanners ' so le discretion to detem1ine whether to re-offer the lot there tofo re hamme red -dow n to a No n-Comp lying B idder at the sa me auction, or by pri vate treaty in due co urse , or at a sub sequent auction conduc ted by Hann ers. In no eve nt shal l any surplu s arising from the sa le of a re-offe red lot be payab le to a on-Comp lying Bidd er. (c) A defaulting pur chaser sha ll be deemed to have granted Hanner s a securi ty interest in property in Ham1ers possession ow ned by suc h pur chaser. Hann ers shall have a ll of the rights afforded a sec ured party under the New York Uniform Co mm erc ial Code wi th respect to such property an may appl y agai nst such ob ligations all monie s held or rece ived by it for the account of, or du e from Ham1ers to such purchaser. 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EXHIBITION AND INSPECTION OF LOTS; QUALITY AND AUTHENTICITY 7. (a) On Premises Inspection and Postal Viewing. Amp le opport uni ty is g ive n for on premises inspection pri or to the auction date , and , upon written req uest and at Ham1ers discretion , for inspec tion by posta l view ing (a ll as deta iled e lsewhe re in this Cata log ue). (b) Each lot is so ld as genuin e and cor rec tly described, ba ed on indiv idual de scription as mod ified by any spec ific notat ions in this Catalog ue, incl uding but not restrict ed to the sec tion entitl ed "Key to Ca ta log uin g" . (c) Qualit y. Any lot which a purchaser considers to be incorrectly descr ibed may be returned to Hann ers w ithin two weeks of its receipt by suc h purchase r ("Rc n,min g Purchase r"), provided, however , that the same is received by Ham1ers within four weeks of the date of the auction; howeve r, Harm ers may, in its discretion, refuse accep tance of such return ed lot. If an opini on of a ge nera lly recog nized author ity is desired , the period of time within whic h a lot mu st be received by Hann ers wi ll be extende d in acco rdance w ith Co nditi on of Sa le 8. In the eve nt that a disp ute ca nnot be reso lved by refe rence to a ge nera lly recog nized auth ority, and Harmers thereupon undertakes to re-offe r the lot with a description identical to the description disputed , the Returning Purchaser shall be liable for the deficie ncy, if any, between the pro cee ds of the sa le to the Returning Purchase r and the pro cee ds of a sale to a subsequ ent purch aser , as we ll as for all cos ts and expe nses of the re-sa le, includin g co mmi ss ion , and all inc identa l damages. Any lot, the description of wh ich is disputed. must be returned intact in the cond ition received by the purchaser. The following lots are not returnab le except at the discretion of Harm ers: (i) lots from pmchasers who anend ed the exh ibiti on of the lots: (ii) lots exa min ed by posta l viewers: (ii i) lots on accou nt of th e ir appearance , if they are illustrated in thi s Catalogue; (iv) lots described as having repairs, defec ts or faults- for any reaso n: (v) U.S. sta mp s (throu gh I 9 I 8) for reaso ns of paper inclusions , (vi) no enca psulated stam ps unless origin a lly offe red in this conditi on. (d) Aut hent icity. Any lot which is declared ot herw ise than ge nuine by a ge nerally recog nized authority is returnabl e, pro vided suc h lot is rece ived by Harmers w ithin four weeks of the date of the auction. Proof that a genera lly recognized auth ority dec lines to exp ress an opini on is nonnall y gro und s for the return of a lot. (e) Expenses incurred in the submiss ion and the return of a lot und er Co nditi o ns of Sale 7-9 are not refunded. 8.
EXTENSION OF TIME Successful bidders who wish to submit an item for experti zatio n must spec ify their request in one of the follow ing ways: I) when submitting their bid, 2) by ca llin g our offices w ithin 24 hours of the end of the sa le, or 3) w ithin 5 days of receipt of the lot(s). All lots being se nt for expenization must be sem by H.R. Hann er, Inc ., excl usive ly. If it is dec ided by the buyer after he has received the items that an expert op inion is needed , the items must be remm ed to the offices of H.R. Ham1er, Inc. , at the buyer's ex pen se. Paymem in full is expec ted for all items being sent for ex perti za tion. If a mutually acceptable expert determines an item is not as described , then H.R . Har mer, Inc. wi ll refu nd the full pur chase price and the buyer's premium for the item. If a lot is altered, it ca nnot be return ed. Lots with ce rtifi cates from the P.F. or the P.S.E. less than 5 yea rs old, are not el igi ble for re-submission. Lots may not be returned for rea so ns of grade , if thal grade is different from that stated in the description. EXPENSES OF CERTIFICATION Expe nses of certifica tion shall be borne by the purch aser except where a lot is cert ified other than as desc ribed and is ren,med to Ham1ers in accordance wi th Co nditi on of Sale 8.
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Table of Contents Great Britain . . ...........
. ... . . .. . .....
Ant igua .. ... ..... . ...... Austra lia & States .. . ....
. .. . .......
Bahamas ... ... ....
... .......
S aturn
. . . . . . .. .. ..............
.. ....
. ... 2303-2307
. . . ...........
.. .....
. . .2333-234 1
British Hon duras .... .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . ........... Brunei ....... . .. .. . .. . ....... . . . .. .. . ....... . ...............
.. ............. Ca meroo ns .. .. ..... . . . .. .....
Nor thern N igeria ... . ....... Nyasa land Pro tecto rate . ....
. ........
. . . ... . . . . .. . .. 2696
. ....
. .... 2747
St. Helena . .. .. ... . . . .. . ............
.. . . . .. . . . ... . .. .. .. ....
. .. 2366 -239 1
Seychelles ..........
2400 -2404 . .......
. .... 2406-2408 Falkland Islands . ... .. . .. . .. . . . ... . .. . ... .. .. . .2409-24 15 Fij i ......... . . .... .. .. ........ . . . . .. ..... 24 16-2428 . . ... . ... . .. 2429 -2474
.. ... . . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. ... . ... . .. 2475 -2477
Grenada ...................
. .. ... . .. . .. ............
. . .............
India & States . .. .. ......
. .. ... . .....
. .. . .....
. .............. . .. . . ......
. ..........
. .............
British East Africa . .. .. . .................. East Africa and Uga nda Protectorates ........ .......................
. . .. .. ......
2749 -275 1 . .. 2752-2759 2760-276 4
. ......................... . .......
2765 -2774 . ... .. ...........
So lomon Islands ... . ...............
2775 .. . . .. 2776 -2786
. .....
Cape of Goo d Hope ... . . . .. . . ... ....... atal .. . ... . ....
. .........
. . . . ... 2788 -2806
. .. . ... . . .. .........
. .. . ... 2807-28 11 ew Republi c . .... . . . ............ . .... . ..... .28 I 2-28 I 4 Orange River Colony .. . . . .. .. . ... . .... . ....... 28 15-28 18 Transvaa l ....... . ....................... . . . .28 19-282 1 Schweizer Reneck . . . .. ... ... .. ....
. . .. . ... . . .2822 -2823 . . .. . . . . ........
. .2506 -2507
2508 -25 14 .. ... 25 15-2517 . .... 25 18-2524
.. .... 2525 -2532
. . .. .. . . ... 2829-28 39
Tanganyika ... .. . . .. . .. . . .. ... .. . .. ....
. .. . .. . . ... .286 1
Mafia Island ..........
. .. . ... 2862 -2868
2847 Stellaland . . .... . .. .... .. . ... ....... . . . . . .......... 2848 Stra its Settlements .... ..... . . .... ... . ... .. ..... 2849 -2856 Sudan ... ... .. .. ....... ... ....... . .. .. ...... 2857 -2859 Swaz iland ... . .... . .. .. . . ... . . .. . . .... . ........... 2860
. . ....
. .. 2560 -2577
2824 .. . . ... . . . . ... . .. . .. .. . .282 5-2828 . .. . ... 2840-2846
. .. .. ....
South Afr ica .......................
. ........
. ....
Southern Rhodesia ...................... South West Africa ..................................
. ........
South Africa
Leewa rd Islands .. . ... . .. . ....
.. . . ... ....
. ....
. ... .. . . .. .. ..........
. . . ....
. .. 2740
. . . . .. ... . ... 2748
Sierra Leone ... . . . . . . . . .. . .. ... . ........
Kenya, Uga nda & Tanzania ... .. .. . . . .. .......... 2545 -2549 Kuwa it ........ .. .. . . . ... . . ... . . . .. .. .. . .. . . .2550-255 1 Labuan ............. . .......... . ..... . . ... . .. 2552-2553 Lagos ... . . .. . ... .. ......................... 2554 -2558 . .....
.. .......
27 I 3
Wolmarass tad ...... Zululand .. . .........
. . . ... .. . .. . ... 2533 -2544
... .. .. ......
. ....... .. . .....
... . . . ........
. ... . . ... .2494-2505
.. .....
St. Vincent ........ Samoa . .. . ....
249 1-2492
. . . .. . ............
Ireland . ...........
. .. 2478 -2479 . .. ... .. 2480 -2486
.. . . ..............
2697-27 12 27 14-2739
St. Kitt s-Nev is .. .... . . ................ St. Lucia ... .. .. .. .. .. ..........
Gi lbert & Ellice Islands ...... . ............... Go ld Coas t .. ... .. .. . .. . . . . .... ... ....
. .......
Rhodes ia . . ... .. .. ............. .. .. . .......... St. Christopher . . ...... . . . .. . ......... ... ........
. .. 2350
. ... . ....
. .. 23 5 1-2364
Ga mbia . .. . ... . .. .. .. . . ... . . .....
. ......
2345 -2349
Sarawak ..........
Madagasca r .....
. .2687-2693 . . .. . ... . .. 2694 -2695
Palestine ...............
Cyprus ... . . . .. .. . ...........................
. ... . ..........
. .. 2365 -2365
Dominica ... .. ................ . ........... East Afr ica and Uga nda Protectorates .........
.. 265 1-2665
. . . ... . . .2666-2686
. .......
. . . .. . .. . ....
. ..........
.. ... . .....
. ... . .. ....
Nor th Borneo ................ Nor th West Pacific Islands ....
Cayman Islands .. .. . .. .. . . .. . ..... .. ..... . .... 2392 -2396 Cey lon .. . . . . .... .. ..... . ... . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .2397 -2398 Cook Islands ...... . .. ... .. . ... . . . . ................ 2399
Jordan . .......
. . . .....
N iger Coas t Protectorate ....
2342 -2344
.. .......
Bushire .........
. .... 263 1
New Zea land . ...........
Bermuda . . ... . . ... . .. ..... . .... Britis h Guiana ..... . ................
Heligoland .......
.. . . ... . . . . . ... . . ......
2295 -2296
23 12-2323
Griqualand West . ......
.. 2627 -2628
2297 -2302 . .. 2308 -23 I I
Gibraltar ......
. ... .. ... .. ... 2629 -2630
.. . . .. .. ..........
. .. . ... . .. .. ...........
Ca nada & BNA ....
. .............
. .. . .. . . . .. . .......
229 1-2293 . .. . ... 2294
Bechuanaland & Protecto rate ... . ................
Burm a .. . .. . .........
Mo ntserrat . . .............
Nev is ...... . .. . . . . . . ........... .. . . ........ 2632 -2637 New Britain .. .. ............. . .. .. . . . . ... . .... 2638 -2647 New Guinea . . . .. . . ...... .. .... . ...... . ..... . .2648-2650
.. . . ......
.. ... ....
2265 -2290
. . ... .. .. .......
. .. ... .........
Basuto land ...............
. ... 2262 -2264
.. .......
. . . .. . . . .. ....
Bangkok ... . .... Barbados ....
. .....
.. . ..........
. .. . .......
Bahrain ...........
. . . .... 220 1-226 1
. ................
Tobago . .................
. . . .. . ....
. . .. . . . . .. .. . .....
. . ..........
... . . ... . .2869 -287 1
.. . . . .. . . . . . . .2872-2887
. . . . .. . ....
. .. . ... .. .....
.. 2888
Ma laya . .. .. .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. ........... . ......... 2578 Ma laya-Malaysia n States . . . . .. ... . . . . .. .. ....... 2579-26 14 Ma lta . ......... ...................... .. .. . .26 15-26 16
Trinidad .... . ................................ 2889-289 1 Turks Islands . . ...... . .... . ........... . . .. ........ .2892 Turks & Caicos Islands ... .. .. .. .. . ... . ...... . .. 2893-2906 Uga nda ........ . ...... ... .. . .. . . .. .. ... . . . .. .2907 -2933
Mauritiu s . . ....
Virgin Island s .. . . ... ............
Meso potamia ....
. ......
. . ......
... . . . . .....
... ............
26 17-2620
. . . . . . .. .. . .. .... 262 1-2626
Zanzibar . ....
.. ............
.. . . . .. ... .. . .. . .. ... . ......
2934-2935 . ... 2936 -2944
The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Emp~
Catalog or Estimated Value
PUBLIC AUCTION SALE The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire Friday, June 6, 2008 Session 1 Lots 2201-2614 10:00 am edt Session 2 Lots 2615-2944 1 :30 pm edt H R Harmer Headquarters 5 Francis J. Clarke Circle, Bethel, CT 06801 Telephone 203-702-8490 • Fax 203-791-1832 Great Britain ,....?~ ' .\
.. . ,' , ,
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P!'. 1/1~Yll~ ,
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2201 22010 0 1840 ld Mulready envelope, Stereo Al 80, used from Manchester to Rochdale with neat red "June 20 1840/ AM. " ms. and red straightline penny post handstamp , beautifully struck red maltese cross and red "Mancheste r/ ju 19, 1940" backstamp , light vertica l fi le fold, Very Fine (Scott #Ul ; $375) . ........................ £ 425
S.G. #2, 1840 ld Black, large margins to clear at upper right , rich color and fine impr ession on fres h paper , skillfull y regummed over faint vertical creases , Fine appeara nce; signed Bloch (Scott # 1; $6,000) ...... ....... £ 6,500 2203 0 S.G. #2, 1840 ld Black, unpl ated examp le with four large even margins , cance lled in red, choice Very Fine
(Scott # 1; $275) ...................... ........ ................. ..................... ................ ....... ........... ,......,............... ..................
June 6, 2008
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£ 275
H,R. Harmer, Inc,
The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Catalog or Estimated Value
2204 1:8:1 S.G. #8, 1841 ld Red-brown , large margins all around, tied by "359" in barred oval to Ocean Penny Postage propaganda cover, partia l blue Hertford 1849 receiving postmark at lower left, opening tears repaired with scotch tape at left edge, otherwise Fine ..................... .............................................. ................ estimate£ 150-200
* S.G. #75, 1862 3d Deep carmine , unu sed (no gum ), character istic intense color, reperforated at right , Fine appearance (Scott #37a; $3,250). ...................................... .............. ................................ ............................ .... £ 3,500 2206 * S.G. #93, 1872 4d Dull vermilion, Plate 13, fresh mint single , strong color on bright paper, original gum , barest trace of hinging , Fine (Scott #43a ; $525).. ...................................... ........................ ........ ..................... £ 525 2205
2207 *
S.G. #103, 1867 3d Rose, Plate 4, left wing-margin horizontal pair , full original gum , the left stamp with some short perfs at base, otherwise Fine and scarce (Scott #49; $ 1,700 for singles) . .............. .................... £ 1,800 2208 * S.G. #103, 1872 3d Rose , Plate 8, fresh right wing-margin single , vivid rich color, original gum, small paper h.r., Fine (Scott 49 ; $525). ........................................ ..................... .................................... ................... £ 525 Jun e 6, 20 08
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Ca talog or Estim ated Value
strong fresh color on clean paper, original gum, Fine (Scott #52; $1,250). ...................................................................................................................... £ 1,850 2210 * S.G. #112, 1867 10d Red-brown, Plate 1, rich color on fresh white paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine (Scott #53; $2,400). ................................................................................................................................ £ 2,500 22 11 * S.G. #127, 1874 5/- Pale rose, Plate 2, well centered, part original gum, small thinned spots, Very Fine appearance (Scott #57a; $7,500). .................................................................................................................... £ 8,250
2209 * S.G. #110 , 1867 9d Straw, attractive right wing-margin single,
good color on fresh paper, original gum, Fine and scarce (Scott #57a; $7,500)................................................................................................................................................... £ 8,250 2213 0 S.G. #129, 1878 £1 Brown-lilac , well centered, luxuriant deep color on fresh paper, bold "Dublin/Ap 21, 82" c.d.s., light horizontal crease, Very Fine appearance (Scott #74; $3,750). .............................................. £ 3,800 2214 * S.G. #143 , 1873 3d Rose, Plate 11, fresh and well centered, original gum, Very Fine (Scott #61; $350). £ 350
2212 * S.G. #127, 1874 5/- Pale rose, Plate 2,
22 I6
Fine (Scott #62; $425)..... £ 425 2216 * S.G. #153 , 1877 4d Sage green , Plate 15, bright and fresh, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine (Scott #70; $925). ........................................................................................................................................ £ 1,000 £ 400 2217 * S.G. #161 , 1881 6d Grey, Plate 17, deep rich color, original gum, slight h.r., Fine (Scott #86; $425).
2215 * S.G. #147, 1875 6d Grey, Plate 14, well centered, original gum, h.r., Very
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Catalog or Estimated Value
111 : . ~· {
.. ;:
2218 E Perkins, Bacon Essays for the 1880 Tender, lot of nine items comprised of three different designs for the
1d, three in red and two in violet-brown, a I 112d in purple, two different 2d designs in purple and an imperforate ld in mauve, all on ungurnrned and unwatermarked paper, Fine-Very Fine..... ......................estimate£ 200-300 2219 0 S.G. #185, 1884 £1 Brown-lilac , watermarked three crowns, fresh and attractive used example, well centered, rich color on fresh paper, relatively lightly cancelled, faint crease, Very Fine appearance; signed Richter (Scott #110; $2,400). ...................................................................................................................................... £ 2,400
2220 2220 EE ** S.G. #206, 1892 4 112d Green and carmine, mint pane of twenty, fresh, original gum, Never Hinged,
some perf. separations, Very Fine (Scott # 117; $230 for hinged). ................................................................
£ 300
2221 2221 E 1910 7d Yellow-green Downey head essay on white unwatermarked paper, fresh and Extremely Fine; a
nice example of the earliest form of photogravure......................................................................................... June 6, 2008
Page 4
£ 350
H.R. Harmer, Inc.
S_o_u_th_ Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire _ h_e _"__ T
Catalog or Estim ated Value
. 0I 4 OLC .lj.
P 1901 1/- Edward VII die proof of head only in black on glazed card, endorsed "BEFORE HARDENING" and "4 DEC 01", wonderfully clean and fresh, Extremely Fine and rare. .......................................... £2 ,000
* S.G. #264, 1902 5/- Deep bright carmine, sumptuously rich color on fresh paper, original gum, very lightly hinged, faint comer crease at top left, otherwise Very Fine (Scott # l 40a; $400). .................................... £
* S.G. #266, 1902 £1 Dull blue-green, outstanding centering, good color, lightly toned original gum, h.r., otherwise Extremely Fine (Scott #142; $1,750). ............................................................................................ £ 1,750
* S.G. #266, 1902 £1 Dull blue-green, well centered, strong fresh color, original gum, several h.r.'s, Very Fine (Scott #142; $1,750). .............................................................................................................................. £ 1,750
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Catalog or Estimated Value
P Downey head die proof of the accepted design, deep carmine on proof paper, without value and with reversed "2" above the design, thinned spot at bottom center well away from the indicia, otherwise Very Fine and rare. .......................................................................................................................................................... £ 1,800
* S.G. #399 , 1913 2/6 Deep sepia-brown , fresh and well centered, full and even perforations, rich characteristic color, original gum, very lightly hinged, choice Very Fine (Scott # 173; $275). ................................ £ 250 2228 * S.G. #400, 1913 2/6 Sepia-brown , beautifully centered, deep rich color on fresh paper, original gum, light h.r., Extremely Fine (Scott # 173a; $260). ...................................................................................................... £ 225 2227
2229 2229
* S.G. #400, 1913 2/6 Sepia-brown , excellent centering, vivid rich color, original gum, light h.r., Extremely
Fine (Scott # 173a; $260). ................................................................................................................................ £ 225 2230 * S.G. #400 , 1913 2/6 Sepia-brown , deep rich color on fresh paper, original gum, trivial h.r., Very Fine (Scott # l 73a; $260). .................................................................................................................................................. £ 225 June 6, 2008
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Cata log or Estimated Value
* S.G. #400, 1913 2/6 Sepia-brown, rich color , original gum , lightly hinged , Very Fine (Scott # 173a; $260) . ................................................................................................................................................ £ 225 £ 400 2232 * S.G. #401, 1913 5/- Rose-carmine, rich color, original gum, h.r., Very Fine (Scott #174; $375).........
223 I
* S.G. #401, 1913 5/- Rose-carmine , bright and fresh, full perforations, original gum, Very Fine (Scott # 174; $375)................................................................................................................................................................ £ 400 2234 * S.G. #401, 1913 5/- Carmine-rose, intense color on bright paper, original gum, tiny h.r.'s, nearly Very Fine (Scott #174; $375) .......................................................................................................................................... £ 400
* S.G. Spec. N70(4), 1915 10/- Deep (intense) bright blue, a striking right sheet-marginexample of this very scarce and seldom offered shade variety, featuring characteristic intense color on fresh paper, nicely centered and good perforations, original gum, h.r., choice Very Fine; 1983 R.P.S. certificate (Scott# 175c var). ................ £ 4,000
SP S.G. Spec. N72t, 1913 £1 Green, overprinted "Specimen " type 26, excellent centering, fresh color, original gum, Extremely Fine and scarce. ............................................................................................................ £ 2,500
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Catalog or Estimated Value
* S.G. #403, 1913 £1 Green, excellent centering and fresh, full and even perforations all around, original gum, Extremely Fine (Scott # 176; $2,100)..................................................................................................... £2 ,200 2238 * S.G. Spec. 72(2), 1913 £1 Deep green, handsome mint example of this scarce shade, characteristic intense color, well centered and with full perforations, original gum, Extremely Fine; 1972 R.P.S. certificate (Scott # 176 Var.). ............................................................................................................................................ £2 ,200 2237
S.G. #404, 1913 £1 Dull blue-green, gorgeous rich color, full and even perforations all around, original gum, Very Fine and attractive (Scott #176a; $2,100). .................................................................................... £2 ,200 2240 * S.G. #409, 1915 5/- Bright carmine, well centered, vivid rich color, full and even perforations, lightly toned original gum, tiny trace of hinging, slight gum crease, otherwise Extremely Fine (Scott# 174a; $425) £ 425 2239 *
2241 2241 *
S.G. #410, 1915 5/- Pale carmine, strong fresh color and full perforations, original gum, Very Fine (Scott
# 174c; $525).................................................................................................................................................... £ 500 2242 * S.G. #411, 1915 10/- Deep Blue, attractively centered and fresh, rich color, original gum, h.r., Very Fine (Scott# 175c; $2,200) ...................................................................................................................................... £ 2,500
2243 2243 *
S.G. #415-17, 1918-19 2/6-10/- Seahorses cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott # l 79c-181; $855) ........................................................................................ .................................................... £ 750
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Catalog or Estim ated Value
* S.G. #415a-17, 1918-19 2/6-10/- Seahorses cplt. , original gwn , first two lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott # l 79a-181 ; $840 ) ......... ............ ..... ... ............ ....... .......... .. ....... ....... ......... ............ ........ ... .. ...... ....... ......... £ 735
* S.G. #415a-17, 1918-19 2/6-10/- Seahorses cplt. , handsome mint set, fresh and well centered, good perforations , original gum , first two h.r. and 10/- toned gum , otherwise Very Fine (Scott # 179a-181 ; $840). ... . £ 735
* S.G. #416, 1919 5/- Rose-red, lot of 6 mint singles , generally well centered, original gum , two h.r., others lightly hinged, some perf. flaws , otherwise Very Fine (Scott # 180; $1,740) ........................ ............. ............. £ 1,500
* S.G. #450-52, 1934 2/6-10/- Seahorses cplt. , deep rich colors , original gum , lightly hinged, 10/- h.r., Very Fine set (Scott #222-24 ; $660 ) ................................... .............................. ............................... ............. ........... £ 575
224 8
* S.G. #450-52, 1934 2/6-10/- Seahorses cplt. , wonderfully well centered, gorgeous rich colors , original gwn , h.r., Extremely Fine (Scott #222-24 ; $660) ............... ............. ............ ........... .......... ............. ................ £
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire -
Catalog or Estim ated Value
* S.G. #450-52, 1934 2/6-10/- Seahorses cplt., handsome mint set, each beautifully centered and with full perforations, lightly toned original gum, very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott #222-24; $660). ........ £ 575
P 1937 1 112d Coronation, imperforate proof on thick paper affixed to l 14x94mm presentation card, endorsed on reverse " 181" and "8/4/37", Extremely Fine and rare .................................................estimate £ 300-400
S.G. #Vl , 1840 ld Black "V R" official, unused, four ample to clear margins, rich color and sharp impression on crisp white paper, a Fine example of this sought-after rarity; 1975 R.P.S. certificate (Scott #01 ; $13,500)........................................................................................................................................................... £ 18,000 2252 * S.G. #07, 1885 1/- Dull green with "I.R./Official" overprint, original gum, small h.r., light soiling, otherwise Fine and scarce; 1994 Brandon certificate (Scott #07 ; $4,000). ........................................................ £ 4,250 225 1 (*>
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire ~
Catalog or Estimated Value
S.G. #09 , 1900 5/- Rose with "1.R./Official" overprint, well centered, rich luxuriant color, regummed, Very Fine (Scott #0 8; $3,500). ...................................................................................................................... £ 3,750 2254 * S.G. #036 , 1902 112d Blue-green with "0. W./Official" overprint , deep rich color on fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, nearly Very Fine (Scott #049 ; $575). ...................................................................... £ 550 2255 * S.G. #038, 1902 2d Yellowish-green and carmine-red with "O.W./Official" overprint , select mint example, uncommonly fresh, strong colors on clean paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #051; $1,500). ............................................................................................................................................................ £ 1,600 2253 (*l
* S.G. #039, 1902 2 112d Ultramarine with "O.W./Official" overprint , bright and fresh, original gum, small h.r., Fine and scarce (Scott #052 ; $1,800). .......................................................................................... £ 2,200 2257 * S.G. #072 , 1900 1/- Green and carmine with "Govt./Parcels" overprint , fresh mint single, vivid rich colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; 1995 A.PS. certificate as regummed, which it is not (Scott #038 ; $400). .............................................................................................................................................................. £ 475
* S.G. #077, 1902 9d Dull purple and ultramarine with "Govt./Parcels " overprint , original gum, h.r., fresh and Fine (Scott #042 ; $525). ................................................................................................................ £ 500 2259 * S.G. #082, 1902 1/- Green and carmine with "Board/of/Education " overprint, a lovely mint example of this rare stamp, rich fresh colors, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #066 ; $5,000). .. £ 6,000
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Catalog or E tirnated Value
original gum, h.r., Fine-Very Fine (Scott #063 -64; $630). .......................................................................................................... £ 700 2261 * S.G. #0109 , 1904 1112d Dull purple and green with "Admiralty/Official" overprint, vivid rich colors on fresh white paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine (Scott #080 ; $675). .............................................. £ 750 2260 * S.G. #091-92, 1902 112d Blue-green and ld Scarlet with "R.H./Official" overprint,
* S.G. #1, 1862 6d Blue-green, particularly fresh mint single, deep rich color, full clean original gum, lightly hinged, Fine (Scott # 1; $900). .................................................................................................................... £ 800 2263 * S.G. #15, 1872 6d Blue-green, rich color and sharp impression, original gum, Very Fine (Scott #7; $550). £ 500 2264 * S.G. #18, 1876 6d Blue-green, rich color on fresh paper, original gum, h.r., Fine; 1973 B.P.A. certificate (Scott # 11; $400). ............................................................................................................................................ £ 350 2262
* S.G. #13, 1913 5/- Grey and yellow, bright and fresh, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine (Scott# 12; $400). £ 325 2266 0 S.G. #15, 1913 £1 Brown and ultramarine, a pleasing used example, fresh colors on clean white paper, Melbourne c.d.s., nearly Very Fine (Scott # 14; $1,900). ................................................................................ £ 1,800 2267 * S.G. #15, 1913 £1 Brown and ultramarine, handsome right gutter margin single, excellent centering and remarkably fresh, original gum, faint trace of hinging, Extremely Fine and choice (Scott #14; $2,000). .... £ 1,700 2265
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire ----
2269 EX
Catalog or Estimated Value
S.G. #15, 1913 £2 Black and rose, rich colors on fresh white paper, neat and unobtrusive c.d.s. cancel, Very Fine (Scott # 15; $2,750). ..................................... ........................... .......................................... .............. £2 ,400 2269 * S.G. #20-23 , 56-58, 61-66, 76-81, 1914-24 1/2d-4 112d George V, nineteen different values, fresh, original gum, some h.r., Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 19-37; $338 .50) .................................................... .......................... £ 318 2270 * S.G. #30, 1915 5/- Grey and yellow, radiant rich color on fresh paper, original gum , minor h.r., Very Fine £ 700 (Scott #44; $900) . .... ..... .................. ......... ........................................... ..... ........ .................. ................... ...........
2268 0
2273 EX
227 1 * S.G. #44, 1916 £1 Chocolate and dull blue, very fresh, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #56a; $2,400). ........... ............. ............ ................... ...... ............ ............ ............... .......... ......... .......... .............. ... £ 2250
* S.G. #45b, 1924 £2 Purple-black and pale rose, deep rich colors , attractive ly centered with large margins , lightly toned original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine; signed "AD" (Diena) and Raybaudi and accompanied by 1980 Raybaudi certificate as S.G. #45 (Scott #59; $4,000). .............................. ............................. ............... £ 2500 2273 * S.G. #107-12 , 1929 6d-10/- Kangaroo , includes duplicate 9d and 2/- values, original gum , h.r. or lightly £ 790 hinged, Fine-Very Fine lot (Scott #96-101; $1,290) ......................................................................................
2274 * S.G. #112, 1929 10/- Grey and pink, wonderfu lly well centered, bright and fresh , original gum, lightly £ 375 hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott # 101; $550). ............................................... ................................................... 2275 * S.G. #114, 1930 £2 Black and rose, beautifully centered, rich fresh colors , original gum, lightly hinged, light toning on the top left comer perf. tip, otherwise Extremely Fine (Scott # 102; $4,000). ................... ... £ 3,000 June 6, 2008
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Brit ain and E mpire
2276 EX
Catalog or Estimated Value
* S.G. #132-37, 1932-35 6d-£1 Kangaroo , rich colors on fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, 2/- and £1 Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #121-22, 125-28; $2,632) .............................................................. £ 985 2277 * S.G. #136 , 1932 10/- Grey and pink, bright and fresh, original gum, slight h.r., Very Fine (Scott #127;
$450). ······························································································································································ * S.G. #137, 1935 £1 Grey, original gum, minor h.r., nearly Very Fine (Scott #128; $775). ..................
£ 300 £ 500
2279 * S.G. #D61 , 1909 10/- Dull green, an especially choice mint example, wonderfully fresh and well centered, rich color on crisp white paper, watermark inverted as always, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and scarce (Scott #137; $4,250). ...................................................................................................................................... £ 2,500 2280 * S.G. #D73 , 1909 £1 Rosine and yellow-green, fresh colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine (Scott #149; $850). ······························································································································································ £ 475
Australian States- New South Wales * S.G. #264cb 20/- Ultramarine , perf. 12xll , bright and fresh, well centered, original gum, h.r., Very Fine (Scott #88; $275) ............................................................................................................................................ £
228 1
2283 EX
S.G. #O38R , 1895 £1 Violet and claret, overprint ed "Postage" and subsequentl y "OS", perforated 11 and watermarked " SW" Ty. Sa, reprint, a beautiful example of this scarce stamp, cancelled to order as
2282 0
usual, fresh and Very Fine; only 158 of this 1895 reprint were produced, 2007 Brandon certificate. ........£ 750-1000
Australian States-Queensland 2283
* S.G. #159-61 , 1886 5/- to £1 Victoria , generally quite fresh for these, full original gum, Fine (Scott #81-
83; $487) ........................................................................................................................................................ --
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Catalog or Estimated Value
Australian States-South Australia
nicely centered and fresh, deep rich color, original gwn, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott # 143; $200). .......................................................................................................................................... £ 250
2284 * S.G. #292, 1904 £1 Blue,
Australian States-Victoria
2285 EX
2286 EX
2287 EX
overprinted "Specimen", original gum, lightly hinged, 3/- with a diagonal crease at upper left, otherwise Fine-Very Fine and scarce (Scott #AR38a , AR40-42) . ........................................................................................................................................estimate £ 200-300 2286 * S.G. #322-23, 1888-89 1/6 Pale Blue and Orange, original gum, h.r., Fine; former signed Schlesinger (Scott # 167-68; $210) .................................................................................................................................... £ 161 2287 * S.G. #384/398, 1901 l/2d-5/- Victoria, basic run of eleven values, without 1d and 2/-, original gum, h.r., Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 193/205; $179.25) .................................................................................................... £ 158
2285 S.G. #268- 70, 292a , 1884 2/6-5/- Postal Fiscals,
Australian States-Western Australia ~
-.~... 96 \J. '
P 6d Die proof in black on white glazed card, endorsed "BEFORE HARDENING" and "9 DEC 96", slight crease away from the stamp, otherwise Very Fine............. ..............................................................estimate £ 300-400 2289 * S.G. #124-28, 1902 2/- to £1 Victoria, attractively centered, rich fresh colors, the "5/- with inverted watermark," original gum, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #84-88; $855+) ........................................................................ £ 645 2290 * S.G. #138-48, 1905-12 1/2d-5/- Definitives, cplt., including most listed shade varieties, original gum, lightly hinged, h.r. or slightly glazed gum, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #89-98 and shades; $434 as cheapest) .... £ 440
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Cata log or Estimat ed Value
229 1
S.G. #34, 1863-77 ld Scarlet (aniline), unused single showing the aniline ink well on reverse, intense color, Fine; 1979 R.P.S. certificate (Scott # 17; $1,500). ................................................................................ £ 1,000 2292 * S.G. #35, 1876 4d Bright rose, remarkably fresh and well centered, vivid rich color, original gum, Very Fine; signed Sismondo and accompanied by his 2003 certificate. ................................................................ £ 375 2293 * S.G. #57, 1884 £1 Venetian red, particularly fresh, rich color, original gum, light h.r., Very Fine (Scott #32; $325). .............................................................................................................................................................. £ 275
2291 <*l
2294 EX
* S.G. #1/14w, 1933-37 3p-5R George V overprinted "Bahrain " cplt., original gum or hr, some lower val£ 225 ues minor perf tip toning and/or some small foxing spots, otherwise Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 1-14; $306).
Bangkok S.G. #4, 1882-85 Sc Purple-brown with "B" overprint, well centered, rich color, original gum, Very Fine (Scott #3; $400). .............................................................................................................................................. £ 350 2296 * S.G. #7, 1882-85 10c Slate with "B" overprint, original gum, h.r., Very Fine (Scott #6; $450). ........ £ 400 2295 *
S.G. #13, 1860 (112d) Yellow-green, used, scissor separated but with perforations nearly all around, lightly cancelled, Very Fine for this; 1973 P.F.certificate (Scott# 10; $500). ...................................................... £ 425 2298 0 S.G. #16, 1860 (112d) Yellow-green, used with" l " in barred oval cancel, perforations virtually all around, good color on fresh paper, Very Fine; 2003 Brandon certificate (Scott #12; $800). .................................... £ 650
2297 0
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Ca talog or Estimated Value
2299 2299 0 S.G. #86, 1878 "ld. " surcharge on half 5/- Dull rose, surcharge reading down on left half , with comma
for period after "d" variety, light neat cancel , Very Fine ; 1986 A.P.S. certificate (Scott #57; $850) . ..........
£ 650
2300 2300 P 1897 Jubilee die proof in black on glazed card with blank value tablet, mounting stains and/or thins in corners on reverse , otherwi se Fine and scarce . ................................................................................estimate £ 300-400
2301 EX
* S.G. #125-33 , 1897-98 1/4d-2/6d Seal of Colony on blued paper cplt. , original gum , a couple h.r., 1/4d £ 940 toned spot and 2 112d creased, otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #81a-89a; $ 1,090) . ................... ......... dousurcharge orange, and 2302 * S.G. #153b, 1907 "Kingston/Relief/Fund/ld " surcharge on 2d Slate-black £ 850 ble, exceptiona lly fresh , original gum , tiny trace of hinging , Very Fine and scarce (Scott #B 1d; $925). ....
2303 * S.G. #12g, 1935 2p Silver Jubilee , "Dot to left of chapel " var., original gum , very lightly hinged, choice
£ 180 Very Fine (Scott # 12 var.) .............................................................................................................................. 2304 ** S.G. #19a , 1938 lp Scarlet, "Tower flaw", P.O. fresh , original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine (Scott # 19 £ 140 var.) ................................ ....................................................... ........................................ ................................... Jun e 6, 200 8
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire ~
Catalog or Estimated Value
On His Majesty's Ser
Al cf'~ÂŁ; , t;> f ,
/!_f. ~~ ~~
0 01(4), Blk on Official Env addressed Nova Scotia, Canada cancelled by MASERU 8.JUN.34 CDS (last day of usage), Extra Fine. #01 only 300 stamps issued and supplied in January 1934 for use by the Secretariat in Maseru, one of the greatest rarities in Basutoland Philately , 2008 Brandon Cert . ........ ÂŁ 42,000
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H.R. Harmer , Inc.
The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire --------
Catalog or Estimated va lue
2306 0 S.G. #03, 1934 2d Bright purple with "Official" overprint, tied to small piece, light and unobtrusive
cancel, Very Fine and scarce; photocopy of 1994 Rendon certificate for the larger franking piece from which this was taken (Scott #03 ; $800). .................................................................................................................. £ 800 2307 0 S.G. #04, 1934 6d Orange-yellow with "Official" overprint, a desirable used example of this rare stamp, tied to small piece by neat town cancel confined to the upper left comer, bright and fresh, Very Fine; a stamp which is missing from most collections; 1994 Rendon certificate for the larger franking piece from which this was taken (Scott #04 ; $5,500). ...................................................................................................................... £ 4,750
2308 2308 * S.G. #22, 1920 S0r on 2k Yellow-green imperforate, large margins, original gum, lightly hinged, Very
Fine (Scott #26; $625).....................................................................................................................................
£ 600
2309 2309 * S.G. 29-37, 29a-33a, 1920 25r on Sk to 25r on S0k Black and blue surcharges and S0r on 2k to S0r on
Sk surcharges the complete set of all fourteen values, remarkably fresh, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine;
a difficult set to assemble; many signed and accompanied by three 1981 or 1983 B.P.A. certificates covering the entire set (Scott #33-46; $1,370)..................................................................................................................... £ 1,194
2310 2310 <*l S.G. #Pl, 1919 35k on 4k Red postal card surcharge, unused without gum as is to be expected, pulled
perf. at right and tiny thin at base, Very Fine appearance and rare; signed Rossica and others (Scott# 11;$1,750). for on card ...................................................................................................................................................... £ 4,500 June 6, 2008
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H.R. Hanner , Inc.
The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Catalog or Estimated Value
2311 (* ) S.G. #P2, 1919 35k on 4k Carmine-red Romanov issue postal card surcharge, unused without gum as is to be expected, since these were surcharged and then affixed to postal cards, small stain at top center, otherwise Very Fine and very rare; a mere 46 stamps were produced making this the rarest of all the Batum issues, signed Bloch and Holcombe and accompanied by the latter's 1989 Certificate (Scott # 12; $6,500). for on card ....................................................................................................••....•..•••••••....••........···......····..·.... £ o,ooo
231 t
23 l 2 * S.G. #20, 1887 £1 Lilac and black, unusually fresh, original gum, lightly hinged, faint horizontal crease,
Very Fine appearance (Scott #2 1; $ 1,000). .................................................................................................... £ 800 23 13 0 S.G. #21, 1887 £5 Lilac and black, used with bold grid cancel, faint creases, Fine appearance (Scott #22; $1,700)............................................................................................................................................................. £ l,500 23 14 O S.G. #23c, 1888 "2d" surcharge in green on 2d Lilac and black, used, w~ll centered, fresh color, small thinned spot at top, Very Fine appearance and rare, only a single sheet was issued at Vryburg all of which were used; 2002 Brandon certificate (Scott #27; $4,000). ...................................................................................... £ 3,500
2315 * S.G. #47, 1888 2/- Green and black, fresh and well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and
choice (Scott #55; $700). ................................................................................................................................ £ 600 2316 * S.G. #49, 1888 5/- Green and black, strong fresh color, original gum, Very Fine and scarce; 1987 R.P.S. ce1iificate (Scott #57; $ 1,400). ...................................................................................................................... £ 1,200 23 l 7 (* l S.G. #50, 1888 10/- Green and black, precisely centered, good color, regummed or part original gum, Very Fine; signed Bloch (Scott #58; $4,750). ................................................................................................ £ 4,000 June 6, 2008
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Cata log or Estimat ed Value
Bechuanaland Protectorate
* S.G. #30c, 18891/2p Grey black, Double overprint, One vertical, rich color, original gum , lightly hinged, £ 800 light horiz crease, still Fine and quite scarce ; 1953 RPS certificate (Scott #29b, unpriced) ........................
2320 EX
23 19
* S.G. #84a, 1914 5/- Rose carmine, Double overprint, One albino, well centered with full perfs all around, £ 375 original gum, lightly hinged, choice Very Fine; 1978 Brandon certificate (Scott #93b, $450) ....................
* S.G. #88-89, 1920-23 2/6 and 5/- Seahorses, Bradbury-Wilkinson printing, vivid rich colors , original £ 195 gum, 2/6 light hr and 5/- lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #94-95 ; $240). ...................................... 2321 * S.G. #88b, 1923 2/6 Chocolate brown, Double overprint, One albino, original gum, barest trace of hing£ 550 ing, fresh and Fine ; 1983 PFSA certificate (Scott #94 var.) .................................................... ......................
rn** S.G.#112c, 1935 2p Silver Jubilee, "Lightning Conductor" var., block of four with top left stamp the £ 120 variety, original gum, Never Hinged, fresh and Very Fine (Scott # 118 var.)..................................................
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H.R . Harmer, Inc.
The "South Beach
Collection of Great Britain and Empire --
Cata log or Estimated Value -
original gum, very lightly hinged, fresh and Fine (Scott #120 var.)...................................................................................................................................... £
2323 * S.G. #114a, 1935 6p Silver Jubilee, "Extra Flagstaff" var.,
* S.G. #3, 1866 2d Dull blue, select mint example of this difficult stamp, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #2; $450)....................................................................................................................................... £ 450 2325 <*) S.G. #12, 1874 "Three Pence" diagonal handstamped surcharge on ld Rose Red, unused, Fine, small faults, nonetheless one of the great Bermuda rarities , ex-Burrus, 1963 BPA certificate, (Scott # 11; $19,000)........................................................................................................................................................... £ 18,000 2326 0 S.G. #13, 1874 "Three Pence" diagonal handstamped surcharge on 1/- Green, used, Fine and scarce; signed Champion (Scott # 12; $975). .............................................................................................................. £ 850
2328 EX
lightly cancelled, Fine (Scott # 10; $950). ............................................................................................................................................ £ 650 2328 * S.G. #15-16, 1875 ld on 2d Dull Blue and ld on 3d yellow-buff, good colors, regurnmed,Fine,-Very Fine (Scott # 13-14; $1,425) .................................................................................................................................... £ I , 150 2329 ( * ) S.G. #16, 1875 "One/Penny." surcharge on 3d Yellow-buff, unused, fresh color on clean paper, Very Fine; signed Bloch (Scott # 14; $550)....................................................................................................................... £ 450
2327 O S.G. #14, 1874 "Three Pence" diagonal handstamped surcharge on 1/- Green,
233 1
2332 EX
wonderfully fresh and well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott #54; $400). .................................................................................................... £ 325 2331 * S.G. #55, 1918 £1 Purple and black on red, fresh and well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #54; $400)..................................................................................................................................... £ 325 2332 * S.G. #88-93, 92g, 1924-30 2/- to 12/6 George V cplt, including both l 0/- shades, all are well centered, original gum, some hr, Very Fine set (Scott #94-97, 96a; $765). ........................................................................ £ 565 2330 * S.G. #55, 1918 £1 Purple and black on red,
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Catalog or Estimated Value
British Guiana
used with light Demerara c.d.s., four uniformly large margins, rich color on crisp clean paper, faint corner creases at bottom left not noted on the certificate, Extremely Fine appearance; signed Enzo Diena and accompanied by his clear 1986 certificate (Scott # 14; $7,750). .......... £ 8,000
2333 0 S.G. #24, 1856 4c Black on magenta,
used with clear strike of Belfield c.d.s., excellent centering, fresh and choice Very Fine (Scott # 124; $600). ........................................................................................................................ £ 550 2335 * S.G. #188, 1888 $4.00 Green, good color, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; signed Perez (Scott # 127; $525). .................................................................................................................................................... £ 475 2336 * S.G. #188a, 1888 $4.00 Green, larger figure "4", a select mint example of this elusive variety, good color, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; 1994 Brandon certificate (Scott # 127A; $1,650). .......................... £ 1,600
2334 0 S.G. 185, 1888 $1.00 Green,
O S.G. #317a, 1951 $1.00 Bright violet, perf. 14x13, scarce used example, light town cancel, Very Fine (Scott #239a; $550). ........................................................................................................................................ £ 550
* S.G. #03 , 1875 Sc Rose with "Official " overprint, bright and fresh, original gum, Fine; signed Champion twice (Scott #03 ; $375). ................................................................................................................................ £ 2339 O S.G. #04, 1875 12c Brownish purple with "Official" overprint, used with Georgetown c.d.s., Very Fine for this (Scott #04 ; $575). .............................................................................................................................. £
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325 500
H.R . Harmer , Inc.
The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire ---
Cata log or Estimated Value
* S.G. #011, 1877 12c Pale violet with "Official" overprint, a pleasing mint example of this rare stamp , which was prepared for use but never issued, rich color on crisp white paper , original gum , light h.r., Very Fine (Scott #0 IO Footnote)...... ........... ................................... ................ ......................... .......................... .............. £ 1,500 2341 * S.G. #012, 1877 24c Green with "Official" overprint, a wonderfully fresh mint example of this rare stamp , which was prepared for used but never issued, original gum , lightly hinged, perforations slightly clipped at left, Very Fine ; 1997 Brandon certificate (Scott #010 Footnote). .. .. ...... .. ............ ...... ............ ...... ............ £ 1,800
British Honduras
2342 2342 * S.G. #10, 1872
1/- Green, good color on fresh paper , original gum , Very Fine (Scott #7; $500). ........
£ 475
2343 * S.G. #30, 1888 "SO/Cents" surcharge on 1/- Grey, particularly fresh and well centered, original gum , £ 400 small h.r., Very Fine (Scott #25; $450). .................. .......................... .............................................................. 2344 * S.G. 43a, 1891 Red "6" surcharge on "10/Cents" surcharge on 4d Mauve, "6" and bar inverted,
remarkably fresh and well centered, rich color on crisp paper , original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine and £ 600 scarce (Scott #34a; $525) . ...... ........... ......... ..... ........... .... ...... ...... .. ..................... .... ....... ....... ..... ...... .. ..............
2345 O S.G. #lla, 1906 le Black and purple, overprinted "Brunei" in black in error, a desirable used example of this rare error , neatly cancelled by c.d.s. confined to the bottom left comer , Fine (Scott # la ; $2,500). £2 ,500 2346 * S.G. #48, 1910 $25.00 Black on red, well centered and fresh , original gum with tiny specks of interleav£ 550 ing adhering as often , Very Fine and attractive (Scott #39; $650). .................. .............................................. 2347 * S.G. #J9, 1942 8c Grey-black, original gum with some interleaving adhering as often , Very Fine and £ 700 scarce ; 1993 B.P.A.certificate (Scott #N9 ; $775) . .................. ..................................................... .................
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain an':!_Empire
Catalog or Estimated Value
beautifully centered, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine; signed and accompanied by 1998 Brandon certificate (Scott #Nl8 ; $750). ........................................ £ 900 2349 * S.G. #Jl9, 1944 $25.00 Black on red, select mint example of this high value, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine and scarce; 1988 Brandon certificate (Scott #Nl9 ; $1,350)................................................. £ 900 2348 * S.G. #J18, 1944 $5.00 Carmine on green,
Burma neatly cancelled, fresh and Extremely Fine (Scott # 18; $425)............................................................................................................................................. £ 300
2350 0 S.G. #18, 1937 25R Orange and blue overprinted "Burma",
* S.G. #14, 1915 l0Kr Rose and bistre brown, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine; signed Kerr (Scott #Nl4; $300). .............................................................................................................................................................. £ 140 2352 * S.G. #15, 1915 lch Deep blue and carmine, excellent centering and very fresh, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine; only 186 stamps were issued (Scott #Nl 5; $525). .................................................. £ 450 2353 O S.G. #17, 1915 3ch Deep green, nicely centered and neatly cancelled, Very Fine; only 149 stamps were issued (Scott #Nl 7; $700). .............................................................................................................................. £ 550
* S.G. 19, 1915 6ch Carmine and green, a pleasing mint example of this very rare stamp, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine; signed three times; a mere 29 copies of this value were issued (Scott #N 19; $6,250). £ 6,000 2355 * S.G. #20, 1915 9ch Deep violet and brown, type 3, setting II, part original gum, Very Fine; signed Allen, Bloch and Holcombe and accompanied by the latter's 1986 certificate; only 115 stamps were issued (Scott #N20; $1,100). ................................................................................................................................................ £ 850 2354
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Catalog or Estimated Value
(* l S.G. 21, 1915 lOch Brown and deep green, well centered, regummed, Very Fine; only 66 stamps were issued (Scott #N21; $1,750). .......................................................................................................................... £ 1,300 2357 (* l S.G. #22, 1915 12ch Ultramarine, unused, excellent centering, small violet stain on reverse just showing through at right center; otherwise Very Fine; only 58 stamps were issued (Scott #N22; $1,750). ................ £ 1,600 2358 * S.G. #23, 1915 24ch Sepia and brown, choice centering, original gum, h.r., tiny thin at top, otherwise Extremely Fine; signed Champion; only 143 stamps were issued (Scott #N24; $1,000). ............................ £ 600
236 1
* S.G. #24, 1915 lKr Black, brown and silver, original gum, diagonal crease, Extremely Fine appearance; only 174 stamps were issued (Scott #N23; $1,200). ...................................................................................... £ 600 2360 * S.G. #25, 1915 2Kr Carmine, slate and silver, affixed to small piece, Very Fine; signed Champion twice, Holcombe and Stanley Gibbons; only 189 stamps were issued (Scott #N25; $1,000). ................................ £ 600 236 1 * S.G. #26, 1915 3Kr Sepia, dull lilac and silver, affixed to small piece, Very Fine; signed Champion twice, Holcombe and Stanley Gibbons; only 139 stamps were issued (Scott #N26; $1,000). ................................ £ 700
* S.G. #27, 1915 5Kr Slate, sepia and silver, choice mint single, particularly fresh and well centered, original gum, light h.r., Extremely Fine; only 145 stamps were issued (Scott #N27; $1,500). ............................ £ 650 2363 !* l S.G. #28, 1915 1T Black, violet and gold, unused, precisely centered, Extremely Fine; only 170 stamps were issued (Scott #N28; $1,750). .................................................................................................................. £ 600 2362
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H.R. Harmer, Inc.
The "So uth Beach" Collection of G reat Britain and Empi re--
Catalog or Estimated Value
2364 2364 0 S.G. #29, 1915 3T Red, crimson and gold, a fantastic used example of this very rare stamp , of which a
mere 48 copies were printed , on piece with a neat cancel confined to the top right corner , well centered, fresh colors, Extremely Fine and choice ; 1960 B.P.A . certificate (Scott #N29 ; $3,500). .................................. .... £ 4,500
2365 EX
* S.G. #B2-13 , 1915 112d on Spf to 5/- on SM Kaiser Yacht cplt. but for the 112d on 3pf low value , quite fresh, original gum , except the 3/- regummed, most lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #54-65; $887 .75) . £ 800
Canada * Scott #8, 1857 112d Rose , clear to huge margin s, fresh color on white paper , original gum , Fine (S.G . # 17; £800). ........................................ ......... .. ....... ............. .. .......... .................... ...... ............... .......................... Scott $750
2369 EX
le Brown red on laid paper, choice appearing used examp le of this rare and difficu lt stamp, wonderfully well centered, luxuriant deep colors, neat target cance l, a coup le mild creases , Extremely Fine appearance ; 1998 Greene Foundation certifica te (S.G. #55a; £2,750). ...................................... Scott $5,500 2368 O Scott #33, 1868 3c Bright red on laid paper, sound used examp le from which a cance llation has been skillfully removed, Fine (S.G. #58a; £450 ). ........................................................................................ Scott $ 1,500 2369 * Scott #46-47 , 1893 20c and 50c Victoria , original gum , 20c several hr 's, 50c lightly hinged, Fine (S.G. # 115- 16; £475). ......................................................................................................................... ............. Scott $750
2367 O Scott #31, 1868
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Catalog or Estimated Value
237 1
#62, 1897 $2.00 Jubilee, incredibly well centered amid large even margins, rich color on fresh paper , Toronto roller cancel , Extremel y Fine. .. .......... .......... ...... ...... ...... .. .. .......... .. ............ ........ ............ .......... Scott $500 2371 O #64, 1897 $4.00 Jubilee, incredibly well centered within uncharacteristically wide margins , strong color, smudg e cancel , Extreme ly Fine ........ ............................................................ ........... ....................... ....... Scott $950
2370 O
2372 EX
2373 EX
2372 *
Scott #74-84, 1898-1902 1/2c-20c Victoria cplt, generally well centered, original gum, 2c purple with some foxed per fs, otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set (S.G. # 150/65; £900). .............. .......................... .. Scott $ 1,512 2373 * Scott #74-84, 1898-1902 1/2c-20c Victoria cplt, original gum , l/ 2c creased, 2c purple with some foxed perfs and 8c pulled perf, otherwise Fine-Very Fine (S.G . # 150/65; £900). ................ .......................... Scott $ 1,512
2374 EX
2375 EX
Scott #88B, 88C, 1899 le on one-third of 3c Carmine, 2c on two-thirds of 3c Carmine, the "Port Hood Provisionals", each large part original gum , le with only a slight trace of the handstamp remaining , 2c thinned , st ill Fine and co lle ctable genuine examples of these rarities which are seldom offered in any condition unpric ed due to extreme rarit y in unu sed condition , Scott catalog $12,500 as u sed, la st so ld in H.R. Harmer's 1969 Dale Lichtenstein sa le , these being pair of few that escaped postmaster destruction ; each with Stan ley Gibbons hand stamp, 2002 Brandon certif icate for the set, SG # 169-170 ; ex-Dale-Lichtenstein ........................................................ .................................. estimate $ 15,000-20,000 2375 * (*> Scott #89-95, 1903-08 lc-50c Edward, original gum which is somewhat disturbed on the 10c and 20c , 2c and 5c never hinged, 1c thin spot, 10c and 20c couple nibbed perf s, 50c comer crease , otherwise Fine-Very Fine (S. G. 173/87;£800). .................................. ................ ........................ .............. ............ .................. Scott $2,098 2374 <• 1
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or_______ _L_
_he_ "_S_o_u_th_ Beach" CoIIection of Great Britain and Empire T
Ca talog or Est imated Value
2376 EX
** Scott #104-22, 1911-25 lc-$1.00 Admiral cplt set of eighteen values, fresh , origina l gum all except #'s 106 and 115 never hinged, Fine-Very Fine set (S.G . 196/215, 246/55; £355 for hinged) . .................. Scott $ 1,965
** Scott #158b, 1929 50c Dark blue imperforatevertically,choice horizonta l pair, large margins and excelScott $950 lent centering , original gum , Never Hinged, Extremely Fine (S.G. #284 Var.; £450). ........................ .. 2378 * Scott #C3b, 1932 6c on Sc Brown olive, double surcharge,typica l centering for this, as all genuine copies Scott $550 are quite off center, original gum, Fine for this (S.G. #313 Var.)....... ....................................................
British Columbia & Vancouver Island
2379 2379 *
Scott #1, 1860 2 112dDull rose, without gum as produced, large even margin s all around, bright and fresh ,
three small ink stained spots, otherwise Very Fine and rare; 2002 Sismondo cert ificate (S.G. #3 Footnote; £4,000) . ... ............... ............. ...... ............. ............ ........ ..... ............... ..... ... ........... .......... ........ ..... ................ Scott $9,000 2380 0 Scott #3, 1865 Sc Rose, a superb used example of this very rare and sought-after value, being in a quality that is seldom encountered, as it is completely free of the myriad faults and repair s that plague most , plus it boasts large and even margins all around, strong color and fine impression on crisp white paper, while a neat blue "Pai d" in double oval cance l serves to further enhance its great eye-appeal , an Extremely Fine gem (S.G. # 11; £9,000) . ................................ ................................. ......................... .................. .................... .......... Scott $ 10,250 2381 * Scott #10, 1867-69 toe on 3d Lilac rose, select mint sing le, uncommonl y fresh , vivid rich color on clean paper , original gum , Very Fine ; signed Sismondo and accompanie d by his 2007 certificate (S.G. #30 ; £1, 100)......................... ...................... ................................................. ............................ ................ ......... Scott $ 1,300
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H.R . Harme r, Inc.
The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Catalog or Es timated Value --
2383 2384 2382 * Scott #12, 1867-69 50c on 3d Violet, rich fresh color, original gum, small h.r., Fine (S.G. #32; Scott $750 £600 ). ............................................................ .......................................................... ................................ 2383 * Scott #16, 1869 25c on 3p Orange, exceptionally well centered, bright color, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine (S.G. #25; £600) . ................................................................................ .......................... Scott $ 625 2384 0 Scott #17, 1869 50c on 3d Violet , used with " 1O" in barred oval postmark of William's Creek, rich color on fresh white paper, Very Fine (S.G. #26; £650) . .......................... ...................................................... Scott $ 725
New Brunswick
2385 2385 '*l Scott #3, 1851 1/- Bright red violet on blue paper, rare unused example, three clear margins, fourth at upper left just touching, vivid rich color on fresh clean paper, nearly Fine; 1976 P.F. certificate (S.G. #5; £ 15,000) ............................................................... .......................................................................... .......... Scott $ 12,500
2387 2388 2386 0 Scott #2, 1857 2d Scarlet vermilion, large margins to cutting outer frame line at base, intense color on crisp white paper, grid cancel, nearly Fine; 1952 R.P.S. certificate; ex.-Glassco (S.G. #2; £5,000). .... Scott $4,500 2387 0 Scott #4, 1857 4d Scarlet vermilion, three large margins, four at top close to just touching, light grid cancel, thinned spot, Fine appearance; 1962 P.F.certificate (S.G. #4; £2,500) . .......................................... Scott $3,000 2388 * Scott #8, 1957 8d Scarlet vermilion, select mint single, with large to mostly huge margins all around, luxuriant color, original gum, h.r., fresh and Extremely Fine (S.G. #8; £275). .................. ........................ Scott $325
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H.R . Harmer, Inc.
The "Sou th Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Ca talog or Estimated Value
2389 2389 EE*/. * Scott #12A, 1860 5d Violet brown, fresh mint block of four, large to huge margins all around, original gum, top stamps light hinged and the bottom pair Never Hinged, Extremely Fine (S.G. #13; £440 for hinged)..................................................................................................................................................... Scott $350 2390 * Scott #C18 , 1933 $4.50 "Gen. Balbo Flight" surcharge on 75c Bistre, particularly fresh and well centered, original gum, barest trace of hinging, Extremely Fine (S.G. #235; £275). .................................. Scott $ 350
Nova Scotia
2391 2391 O Scott #6, 1857 1/- Reddish purple , scarce sound used example, margins clear to just touching at upper right, rich color and clear impression, light grid cancel and a bit of ms. from the address, about Fine; 2001 A.P.S. certificate (S.G. #8; £2,750). .................................................................................................................. Scott $4,500
Cayman Islands
2394 2395 2392 * S.G. #19, 1907 "1D" on 5/- Salmon and green, bright and fresh, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; 1978 Warwick & Warwick certificate (Scott #19; $300). .............................................................................. £ 250 2393 O S.G. #25-32, 34, 1907-09 1/2d-10/- Edward VII, complete used set but for the 1/- crown CA watermark, the 3d to 5/- each tied to separate piece, Very Fine (Scott #21-28, 30; $492). .............................................. £ 426 2394 * S.G. #35, 1908 "2 1/2d" on 4d Brown and blue, rich color, original gum, lightly hinged, a couple faint toned spots not noted on the certificate, otherwise Very Fine and scarce; signed Allen and accompanied by clear 1987 P.F.certificate (Scott #20; $1,800)......................................................................................................... £ 1,700 2395 * S.G. #55, 1917 "War Stam p/1 1/2d" surcharge on 2 112d Deep blue, select mint example, rich color on crisp white paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; only 420 stamps were issued; signed Bloch and accompanied by 1975 R.P.S. certificate. ........................................................................................................ £ 750 June 6, 2008
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H.R. Harmer , lnc .
The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and E mpire
Catalog or Estimated Value
* S.G. #84-95, 1932 l/4p-10sh Centenary, cplt., fresh and well centered, original gum, h.r., Very Fine set (Scott #69-80; $556.35). ................................................................................................................................ £ 400
2397 2397 * S.G. #172, 1885 "Five/Cents" on 32c Slate, perf. 14xl2 1/2, a pleasing mint example of this very elusive
stamp, which is missing from most Ceylon collections, rich color on fresh paper, original gum, Very Fine (Scott # 112; $750). .................................................................................................................................................... £ 750
* S.G. #360, 1927 l00R Dull purple and blue, fresh mint example of this scarce high value, gloriously rich colors, well centered, original gum, light h.r., choice Very Fine (Scott #247; $1,500). ................................ £ 1,400
Cook Islands
2399 EX 2399 * S.G. #98a, 98b, 118-21, 1932-44 2/6-£5 Arms, original gum, very lightly hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine
(Scott # 103-08; $697). .................................................................................................................................... June 6, 2008
Page 32
£ 755
H.R. Harmer , Inc.
The "Sou th Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Cata log or Est imated Value
2400 2400
* S.G. #100, 1923 10/- Green and red on pale yellow, original gum, h.r., Fine (Scott #87; $425).
£ 375
2401 * S.G. #101 , 1921 £1 Purple and black on red, luxuriant rich colors on fresh paper, original gum, Very Fine and scarce (Scott #88; $1,150). ...................................................................................................................... £ 1,100
* S.G. #102, 1924 £1 Purple and black on red, rich colors on fresh paper, original gum, Very Fine (Scott # !10; $350). .................................................................................................................................................... £300 2403 * S.G. #102 , 1924 £1 Purple and black on red, well centered, gloriously rich colors, original gum, Very Fine (Scott # 110; $350). .......................................................................................................................................... £ 300
attractive mint example of this popular high value, gorgeous rich colors, original gum, Very Fine (Scott #109; $3,200). .................................................................................. £3 ,000
2404 * S.G. #117a , 1928 £5 Black on yellow,
Dominica * S.G. #37-46 , 1907-08 l/2d-5/- Island View and Edward VII cplt., original gum, some values including 5/- hr, 2d toned o.g., otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set. .................................................................................... £
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Cata log or Estimated Value - -----
East Africa and Uganda Protectorates
* S.G. #64b, 1919 4c on 6c Scarlet, Double surcharge, original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Fine (Scott #62a, $150)...................................................................................................................................................... £ 120 2407 * S.G. #64c, 1919 4c on 6c Scarlet, Inverted surcharge, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine and scarce (Scott #62d, $325)...................................................................................................................................................... £ 275 2406
4 cent&
;: 16 )6~t-
* S.G. #64d, 4c on 6c Scarlet, Missing surcharge, top right corner margin control and sheet number strip of three with right stamps the error pair, shifted surcharge causing the error and only a partial surcharge on the· center stamp and portions of two surcharges on the left stamp in addition to partial surcharges in the margin, original gum, stamps Never Hinged, multiple h.r. and paper adhesions in the margin, fresh and Very Fine, only ten pairs exist with this being the unique top corner margin strip (Scott #62c, $1,900 for hinged)...... £ 1,600
Falkland Islands
24 11
* #S.G. 1, 1878 ld Claret, rich color on fresh paper, original gum, h.r., Fine and scarce (Scott # 1; $775). .............................................................................................................................................................. £ 750 2410 * S.G. #2, 1879 4d Grey-black, good color, original gum, light hr, some nibbed perfs, otherwise Fine and scarce; 1949 R.P.S. certificate (Scott #2; $1,300)........................................................................................... £ 1,200 24 11 0 S.G. #69 , 1914 £1 Black on red, used with sock-on-the-nose "Port Stanley, Falkland Islands/De 28, '20" datestamp, Very Fine (Scott #40; $600). ........................................................................................................ £ 500 2409
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2412 24 12
* S.G. #69, 1914 £1 Black on red, original gum, small h.r., Very Fine (Scott #40; $525).
•• • •••
£ 450
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EE */** S.G. #115, 1928 "2 1/2d" provisional surcharge on 2d Purple-brown, a striking top right corner margin mint block of four, incredibly well centered, strong and intact perforations, original gum, lightly hinged in the selvage and on the bottom left stamp, the other three stamps Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome; only 1,179 stamps were produced; R.P.S. certificate (Scott #52; $4,000 for hinged singles). for hinged singles ............................................................................................................................................ £ 4,000
24 13
24 14
** S.G. #126, 1929 £1 Black on red, handsome top right corner margin single, wonderfully fresh, original gum, lightly hinged in the selvage only, the stamp Never Hinged, Very Fine (Scott #64; $350 for hinged). for hinged ........................................................................................................................................................ £ 300
24 14
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2415 2415 * S.G. #137, 1933 10/- Centenary, original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Fine (Scott #75; $700). ......
£ 600
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(* l S.G. #1, 1870 ld Black on rose quadrille paper "Fiji Times Express", pos. 17, handsome unused example showing roulettes on all four sides , usual faults , Extreme ly Fine appearance; 1985 Rendon certificate (Scot t # 1; $3,750). ···································· ·································· ····················································· ························· £3 ,250 2417 (* ) S.G. 4, 1870 1/- Black on rose quadrille paper "Fiji Times Express", pos. 8, an especially choice unused example, being completely free of the myriad faults that plague most , plus it shows full roulettes on three sides , strong impression on fresh clean paper, Very Fine; sound copies are very few and far between ; 1981 B.P.A. certificate (Scott #5; $1,750). ........ ................................ ........................ ............................................ .................. £ 1,500 2418 (* l S.G. #5, 1871 ld Black on rose laid batonne paper "Fiji Times Express", a remarkable unused example of this scarce stamp , being one of the few copies that we have encountered that is completely free of the myriad faults that plague most , plus it is incredibly fresh , with full roulettes on two sides and large margins on the other two, Very Fine and rare this nice ; 1984 R.P.S. certificate. ............. .................................. ............... £ 900
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(* l S.G. #5, 1871 ld Black on rose laid batonne paper "Fiji Times Express ", fresh unused single , with full roulettes on three sides, small thin spot at top, Very Fine appearance (Scott #6; $1,000). .... ....... ..... .. .... ...... £ 900 2420 * S.G. #6, 1871 3d Black on rose laid batonne paper "Fiji Times Express", choice appearing mint example , being one of the very few copies we have seen that still retains its original gum, full roulettes on three sides , incredibly fresh, original gum, h.r., top left corner thinned, Very Fine appearance; 1988 Brandon certificate (Scott #7; $1,750). ............ ........... ............................................................ .......................... .................... ......... £ 1,500 2421 <*> S.G. #6, 1871 3d Black on rose laid batonne paper "Fiji Times Express" , fresh sound unused example , with full roulettes at right , other margins clear to large, Fine and scarce (Scott #7; $ 1,750) . ...................... £ 1,500
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Catalog or Estimated Value
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* S.G. #7, 1871 6d Black on rose laid batonne paper "Fiji Times Express", pas. 1, an incredibly choice mint example of this scarce stamp, without any of the faults which plague this issue, plus it is one of the few copies that still retains all of its original gum, full roulettes on two sides, with ample to large margins on the other two, original gum, small h.r., certainly Extremely Fine; 1999 R.PS . certificate (Scott #8; $1,300). .............. £ 1,200 2423 * S.G. #8, 1871 9d Black on rose laid batonne paper "Fiji Times Express ", handsome and choice mint single, being completely free of the myriad faults which plague so many, full roulettes at left and large margins on the other three sides, small part original gum, fresh and Very Fine; seldom found this nice; 1978 P.F.certificate (Scott #9; $2,200). .................................................................................................................................. £ 2,500 2424 * S.G. #9, 18711/- Black on rose laid batonne paper "Fiji Times Express", uncommonly fresh mint single, full roulettes at top and bottom, wide margin at left and ju st touching at right, part original gum, tiny thin spot not noted on the certificate, Fine appearance; clear 1999 B.P.A. certificate (Scott# l 0; $ 1,500). ........ £ 1,300 2422
scarce mint single, bright and fresh, original gum, h.r., Fine (Scott #24; $1,650). ................................................................................................................ £ 1,500 2426 0 S.G. #25, 1875 Black "2d" surcharge on "Six/CentsN.R." surcharge on 3d Green, used with neat starburst cancel, fresh and Fine (Scott #27; $750). .............................................................................................. £ 700 2427 * S.G. #114, 1903 £1 Grey-black and ultramarine , bright and fresh, original gum, Very Fine (Scott #69; $400). .............................................................................................................................................................. £ 325 2425 * S.G. #17, 1874 "Six/CentsN. R." surcharge on 3d Green,
a 2428
* S.G. #124, 1912 £1 Purple and black on red, wonderfully fresh, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #78; $375)..................................................................................................................................... £ 300
Gambia an exceptionally fresh mint example, with four ample to large margins, strong color on clean paper, full original gum, trivial h.r., Very Fine (Scott # la ; $575). ........................................ £ 500 2430 * S.G. #3, 1869 6d Deep blue, a premium quality mint example, large margins all around, wonderfully fresh, with deep rich color on c1isp clean paper, full original gum, light h.r., Extremely Fine (Scott #2, $550). ...... £ 475
2429 * S.G. #1, 1869 4d Brown,
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243 1
Catalog or Estimated Value
* S.G. #7y, 1874 6p Deep blue, Watermark inverted and reversed, ample to large margins, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #4a var.)(). ................................................................................................... £ 475 2432 * S.G. #7y, 1874 6p Deep blue, Watermark inverted and reversed , clear to large margins, original gum, Very Fine (Scott #4a var.) .............................................................................................................................. £ 475 2433 * S.G. #8w, 1874 6p Blue, Watermark inverted, full balanced margins, original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Very Fine (Scott #4 var.) .......................................................................................................................... £ 450 243 1
* S.G. #lOA, 1880 1/2p Orange , Watermark sideways, strong color, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and choice (Scott #5 var.)................................................................................................................................ £ 325 2435 * S.G. #12Bw, 1880 lp Maroon , Watermark upright , Watermark inverted , original gum, fresh and Fine (Scott #6 var.) .................................................................................................................................................. £ 120 2434
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............ .. 2436
EE*?** S.G. #14B, 1880 3p Pale dull ultramarine , Watermark upright , full sheet of fifteen from the third consignment, original gum, stamps Never Hinged, margin lightly hinged and with some minor faults not detracting from appearance, still Very Fine, an attractive sheet (Scott #8 var.) ............................................ £ 900
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Cata log or Estim ated Value
.•• ••• .•.•• •• ........... •• .••. . .. .•••• 2437
EE** S.G. #14cBw, 1880 3p Pale dull ultramarine , Watermark upright, Watermark inverted, right margin block of six, lovely fresh color, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and choice, a desirable multiple in all respects (Scott #8 var.) .............................................................................................................................. £ 450
243 8 2438
* S.G. #15A , 1880 4p Brown, Watermark sideways, original gum, small h.r., Fine (Scott #9a var.) ....
£ 475
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······ 2439
EE*/** S.G. #32d, 1880 6p Olive green, full sheet of fifteen, original gum, the four corner stamps and margin h.r. (also a margin perf reinforcement), other eleven stamps ever Hinged, fresh and Very Fine (Scott # 18a, $1,237 for hinged) .......................................................................................................................................... £ 975
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Cata log or Estimated Value
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*/** S.G. #33, 33a, 1886 6p Bronze green, Sloping label var., full sheet of fifteen with 5th stamp the variEB ety, original gum, stamps Never Hinged, margin h.r. and minor faults not detracting from appearance, Fine-Very Fine, a desirable and scarce full sheet as most have been broken up (Scott # 18b, l 8bd, $490 for hinged) .. £ 490
fresh colors, original gum, small h.r., Very Fine and choice (Scott #21 var.) .................................................................................................................................... £ 350 2442 * S.G. #39a, 1898 2p Orange and mauve, Malformed "S" var., bright colors, original gum, couple perf thins at top, otherwise Very Fine (Scott #22 var.) .......................................................................................... £ 375 2443 * S.G. #40a, 1898 2 1/2p Ultramarine , Malformed "S" var., part original gum, fresh and Very Fine (Scott #23 var.) .......................................................................................................................................................... £ 325 2444 * S.G. #42a, 1898 4p Brown and blue, Malformed "S" var., very well centered, large part original gum, Very Fine and choice (Scott #25 var.) ............................................................................................................ £ 450
2441 * S.G. #38b, 1898 lp Carmine, Repaired "S" var.,
original gum, fresh and Fine (Scott #28 var.) £ 100 2446 * S.G. #50a, 1902 4p Brown and ultramarine, Dented frame ("Glover flaw"), vivid colors, original gum, choice Very Fine (Scott #33 var.).................................................................................................................... £ 190 2447 * S.G. #51a, 1902 6p Pale sage green and carmine, Dented frame ("Glover flaw"), well centered, original gum, h.r., Very Fine (Scott #34 var.) ........................................................................................................ £ 225 2448 * S.G. #52a, 1902 lsh Violet and green, Dented frame ("Glover flaw"), original gum, fresh and Very Fine (Scott #35 var.)................................................................................................................................................ £ 450 2445 * S.G. #45a , 1902 1/2p Green , Dented frame ("Glover flaw"),
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Catalog or Estimated Value
245 1
* S.G. #54a, 1902 2sh Deep slate and orange, Dented frame ("Glover flaw"), strong color, part original gum, h.r., Very Fine (Scott #37 var.) .............................................................................................................. £ 475 2450 * S.G. #56a, 1905 3sh Carmine and green on yellow, Dented frame ("Glover flaw"), select mint single with excellent centering and bright fresh colors, original gum, very lightly hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott #39 var.).................................................................................................................................................................. £ 375 245 1 * S.G. #74a, 1909 2p Greyish slate, Dented frame ("Glover flaw"), original gum, fresh and Fine (Scott #44 var.) .......................................................................................................................................................... £ 150 2449
EB ** S.G. #74a, 1909 2p Greyish slate, Dented frame ("Glover flaw"), top right comer interpanneau margin block of six with top right stamp the variety, original gum, stamps Never Hinged, margin h.r., Fine-Very Fine, a showpiece positional multiple (Scott #44 var.) .................................................................................. £ 150
2453 2453
* S.G. #76a, 1909 4p Black and red on yellow, Dented frame ("Glover flaw"), well centered, original gum,
h.r., fresh and Very Fine (Scott #49 var.).................... .................................................................................... £ 160 2454 * S.G. #77a, 1909 Sp Orange and purple , Dented frame ("Glover flaw"), original gum, small h.r., Very Fine and choice (Scott #51 var.)...................................................................................................................... £ 170 2455 * S.G. #79a, 1909 7 1/2p Brown and blue, Dented frame ("Glover flaw"), very well centered, original gum, h.r., choice Very Fine (Scott #55 var.)...................... ...................................................................................... £ 180 2456 * S.G. #82a, 1909 lsh6p Violet and green, Dented frame ("Glover flaw"), striking beautifully centered mint single, original gum, Extremely Fine (Scott #60 var.) .......................................................................... £ 325 June 6, 2008
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2458 EX
Catalog or Estimated Value
select mint single with fresh unrubbed color and excellent centering, original gum, lightly hinged, choice Very Fine (Scott #62 var.).................................................................................................................................................................. £ 300 2458 SP. S.G. #86s-102s , 1912/22 1/2p-5sh George V, SPECIMEN overprints , cplt. set with especially fresh and vibrant colors, original gum, h.r. many lower values with some paper adhesion on gum to varying degrees, FineVery Fine; ex-Latto (Scott #70-86, $400) ...................................................................................................... £ 350 £ 90 2459 * S.G. #86c , 1912 l/2p Deep green, Split "A" var., original gum, fresh and Fine (Scott #70 var.) ...... 2457 * S.G. #83a , 1909 2sh Purple and bright blue on blue, Dented frame ("Glover flaw"),
2460 * S.G. #90b, 1912 2 l/2p Deep bright blue, Split "A" var., original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Fine
(Scott #74 var.)................................................................................................................................................ £ 246 1 * S.G. #9ld , 1912 3p Purple on yellow, Split "A" var., rich color, original gum, small h.r., Fine (Scott #75 var.).................................................................................................................................................................. £ 2462 * S.G. #93a, 1912 Sp Orange and purple , Split "A" var., dazzling color, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine and quite attractive (Scott #77 var.) ................................................................................................................ £
170 140 160
rn. S.G. #94a, 1912 6p Dull and bright purple , Split "A" var., block of four with bottom left stamp the variety, original gum, very lightly hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Scott #78 var.) .................................. £
original gum, lightly hinged, Fine and elusive variety (Scott #82 var.) ................................................................................................................ £ 450 2465 * S.G. #99a, 1912 2sh Purple and blue on blue, Split "A" var., well centered, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine and choice (Scott #83 var.).... ............................................................................................ £ 425
2464 * S.G. #98a, 1912 lsh6p Violet and green, Split "A" var., bright colors,
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EB*S.G. #143a, 1935 1 l/2p Silver Jubilee, Extra flagstaff var., bottom left comer margin block of four with top left stamp the variety, original gum, Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #125 var.).................... £ 275
EB*S.G. #143b, 1935 1 1/2p Silver Jubilee, Short extra flagstaff var., top left comer margin block of four with bottom left stamp the variety, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott # 125 var.).............. £ 250
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EB*S.G. #144a, 1935 3p Silver Jubilee, Extra flagstaff var., bottom left comer margin block of four with top left stamp the variety, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine (Scott # 126 var.) ............................................ £
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......................... .
... ... 2469
top left corner margin block of four with bottom left stamp the variety, original gum, variety Never Hinged, choice Very Fine (Scott # 126 var.) ................................................................................................................................................................ £ 200
2469 EB** S.G. #144b, 1935 3p Silver Jubilee , Short extra flagstaff var.,
2470 2470 ** S.G. #145a, 1935 6p Silver Jubilee, Extra flagstaff var., P.O. fresh,
original gum, Never Hinged, Fine (Scott #127 var.)........ ...................................................................................................................................... £ 170
bottom left corner margin block of four with top left stamp the variety, light evenly toned original gum, variety Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 127 var.) .................................................................................................................... £ 170
247 1 EB** S.G. #145a, 1935 6p Silver Jubilee, Extra flagstaff partially erased with sharp point
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S.G. #146a, 1935 lsh Silver Jubilee, Extra flagstaff var., bottom left comer margin block of four with top left stamp the variety, light evenly toned original gum, h.r., Very Fine (Scott #128 var.)........................ £ 225
2472 ffi*
* S.G. #146a, 1935 lsh Silver Jubilee, Extra flagstaff var. partially erased with sharp point, original gum, lightly hinged, choice Very Fine (Scott #128 var.)................................................................................ £ 225
** S.G. #146c, 1935 lsh Silver Jubilee, Lightning conductor var., original gum, Never Hinged, fresh and Very Fine (Scott #128 var.) ............................................................................................................................ £ 300
* S.G. #64, 1908 £1 Deep purple and black on red, intense color, original gum, h.r., fresh and Fine (Scott #64; $600). ...................................................................................................................................................... £ 500
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Ca tal og or Est imated Value
OUND 2476 EX
* S.G. #102-07, 1925-32 1/- to £1 George V cplt, deep rich colors on fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine set (Scott #84/92; $270)..................................................................................................... £ 200
** S.G. #108, 1925 £5 Violet and black, an especially choice mint single, post office fresh and well centered, rich colors, immaculate original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine (Scott #93; $1,750 for hinged). for hinged ........................................................................................................................................................ £ 1,300
Gilbert & Ellice Islands
* S.G. #24, 1924 £1 Purple and black on red, fresh, original gum, h.r., Very Fine and scarce (Scott #26; $650). .............................................................................................................................................................. £ 550 2479 * S.G. #24, 1924 £1 Purple and black on red, right sheet-margin single, rich colors on fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #26; $650). .................................................................................... £ 550 2478
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Gold Coast
248 1
* S.G. #10, 1883 lp Blue , unu sually well centered with strong color, original gum , lightly hinged, Extremely Fine , seldom found this nice ; 1994 Rendon certificate (Scott # 12, $1,000) .............................. .................... £ 850 248 1 * S.G. #25, 1894 20/- Dull mauve and black on red, rich co lors, original gum , Very Fine (Sco tt #25; $ 190) .... ................................................................................................................................ .......................... . £160 2482 * S.G. #102 , 1921 £2 Green and orange , gorgeous rich colors , original gum, Fine (Scott #95; $450) . £ 425
* S.G. #113a , 1935 lp Silver Jubilee , "Extra Flagstaff" var., orig inal gum , lightly hinged, choice Very Fine (Scott # 108 var.).... ........................ ................................... ............................................................................. .. £ 130
.... :.. ~~~ ... . .. .... ················································· ... .. . 2484
** S.G. #115a, 1935 6p Silver Jubilee , "Extra Flagstaff" var., bottom left corner margin block of four 2484 EE with top left stamp the variety, original gum , Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 110 var.).................... £ 180
** S.G. #115c , 1935 6p Silver Jubilee , "Lightning Conductor " var., truly P.O. fresh , original gum, Never Hinged, choice Very Fine (Scott # 110 var.) ................................................................ ......... ..... .................... .. £ 225 2486 ** S.G. #116c , 1935 1/- Silver Jubilee , "Lightning Conductor " var., original gum , Never Hinged, fresh and £ 250 Very Fine (Scott # 111 var.) ........................................................................... ...................... ...........................
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an appealing used example of this rare error, radiant color, neatly cancelled by clear "Grenada/My 12, 83" c.d.s., Very Fine and attractive (Scott #16a; $2,600)......................................................·····.................................................................................................. £ 2,250 2488 0 S.G. #28, 1883 "Postage " overprint of half of ld Orange , the upper left diagonal half tied to piece by 1883 c.d.s., Very Fine; 1958 P.F.certificate (Scott #14; $275)....................................................................... £ 225 2489 0 S.G. #29 Footnote, 1883 Gou yave manuscript provisional "Postage " overprint on ld Orange, a desirable used example of this very rare provisional, which was only used from the small town of Gouyave dming February and March of 1883,Iightlycancelled showinga bold "FEB" of the postmark, bright and fresh, VeryFine; a stamp that is missing from most advanced collectionsof Grenada; signed Bloch (Scott #19; $5,500). ........ £4 ,000 2487 0 S.G. #27a, ld Orange overprinted "Postage" , overprint inverted,
tied to small piece by light c.d.s. cancel, Very Fine (Scott # 1Sa; $525)..................................................................................................... £ 450
2490 0 S.G. #29a, 1883 "Postage" overprint on half of ld Orange , unsevered pair,
Griqualand West 2491
(* l
S.G. #1, 1874 "ld " Manuscript surcharge on 4d Blue , fresh unused example with a bold ms. surcharge,
strong color, nibbed perf. at lower left, otherwise Very Fine and scarce (Scott # 1; $1,350). ........................ £ 1,300 2492 0 S.G. #9ab, 1877- 78 1/- Green with "G" overprint Ty. la , overprint inverted , lightly cancelled, Very Fine and scarce (Scott #9a; $475). .......................................................................................................................... £ 500
especially well centered used single with partial SP 29 1875 cancel, fresh and Very Fine; 1988 PF certificate (Scott # 14, 575) .................................................... £
2493 0 S.G. #10, 1875 lpf (1/4p) Deep green and rose ,
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2494 0 S.G. #Sl, 1852 "Scinde Dawk" l/2a White, huge margins all around, relatively transparent starburst can£ 850 cel, horizontal crease , Extremely Fine appearance; 1995 Brandon certificate (Scott #A 1; $825). .... .......... 2495 0 S.G. #Sl, 1852 "Scinde Dawk" l/2a White, four ample to huge margins , neat circle of dots cancel , light £ 850 horizontal crease , Very Fine appearance.................... ........................ ..................... .............. ................... ....... 2496 O S.G. #S2, "Scinde Dawk" l/2a Blue, cut more or less to shape with margins all around, used on small
piece with "96" in grid postmark , faint horizontal crease at right , otherwise Fine and scarce; 1992 A.P.S. certificate (Scott #A2; $3,750). .................................... ................ .......................... ......... .............................. ..... £ 3,750
2497 2497 0 S.G. #S3, "Scinde Dawk" l/2a Scarlet, used with circle of dots cancel and affixed to portion of native
cover to which it probably did not originate , vertical crack along the right side, which is usual since this stamp was produced on sealing wax, Fine appearance ; 2002 Sismondo certificate (Scott #A3 ; $8,250) . .............. £ 10,000
2498 0 S.G. #017, 1866 4a Purple official, luxuriant rich color, diamond grid cancel , fresh and Fine (Scott #013 ; $1,250) ....................... ......................................................................................................................... ............. £ 1,100 2499 <*) S.G. #018, 1866 8a Purple official, scarce unused example, intense color, horizontal crease, Fine appearance ; 1941 R.P.S. certificate (Scott #014 ; $5,000). ........... ........................................................................... £3 ,750
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India Convention States
2501 EX
2502 EX
* S.G. #34, 1896 3R Brown and green, fresh and well centered, rich colors, original gum, Very Fine (Scott #60; $525). ...................................................................................................................................................... £ 500 2501 * S.G. #109-26, 1937-38 3p-25R George VI cplt, original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Very Fine set (Scott #133-50; $691.55). .......................................................................................................................................... £ 650 2502 * S.G. #77-94 , 1938 3p-25R George VI cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Very Fine set (Scott #69-86; $550.65). ............................................................................................................................................ £ 425 2500
2503 EX
cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Very Fine set (Scott #80-97; $423.15). ............................................................................................................................................ £ 475
2503 * S.G. #80-97, 1937-38 3p-25R George VI
Indian Feudatory States Cochin S.G. #O53a , 1938-44 6p Red-brown officia l, Ty. 011 overprint, very lightly cancelled, Very Fine and scarce; 1984 B.P.A. certificate (Scott #O53A; $325). .................................................................................... £ 400
2504 0
* S.G. #2, 1894 1 annas dull green, without gum as issued, a lovely unused example of this rare stamp, huge margins all around, strong impression on crisp clean paper, Extremely Fine; 1979 A.PS. certificate (Scott #2; $2,000)............................................................................................................................................................. £ 1,800
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Catalog or Estimated val ue
* S.G. #92, 1931 25R Violet, well centered and fresh, original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott #27; $650). ...................................................................................................................................................... £ 750 2507 * S.G. #0105 , 1931 25R Violet official , rich color on fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and scarce (Scott #900)... ................................................................................................................................ £ 750 2506
2508 EX
*/** S.G. #44-46, 1922 2/6-10/- Seahorses cplt., original gum, first two h.r., the scarce 10/- Never Hinged, 2/6 light toned spot, otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #36-38; $ 1,925 for hinged). for hinged ........................................................................................................................................................ £ 1300
* S.G. #64-66, 1922 2/6- 10/- Seahorses cplt, brownish original gum, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #56-58; $325). .............................................................................................................................................................. £ 302
25 10
* S.G. #65b, 1922 5/- Rose-red, accent reversed, wonderfully fresh with gloriously rich color, original gum, bery lightly hinged, Very Fine and scarce (Scott #57 Var). ............................................................................ £
25 10
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The "South Beach" Collection of Gr eat Britain and E mpir e
Catalog or Estimated Value
top stamp the narrow date, wonderfully fresh, original gum, never hinged, weak perfs and top stamp with trivial gum inclusion, still Very Fine (Scott #77A; $500). ........................................................................................................................ £ 275
25 11 ** S.G. #83a , 1927 2/6 Chocolate-bro wn, wide and narrow date pair, vertical pair,
2512 2512 * S.G. #86a , 1927 2/6 Chocolate-bro wn, wide date, circumflex accent over "a", pos. R. 9/2, deep color on
fresh white paper, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #77b Var).........................................
£ 275
25 13
rn. S.G. #86a , 1927 2/6 Chocolate-bro wn, wide date , circumfle x accent over "a", the top right stamp in a mint block of four, boasting near perfect centering, strong and intact perforations, original gum, top pair very lightly hinged and the bottom stamps never hinged, Extremely Fine; a gem block in every regard (Scott #77b, 77bVar). .......................................................................................................................................................... £ 419
25 13
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e The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empir ~--
Catalog or Estimated Value
2514 2514 * S.G. #99-101 , 1935 2/6-10/- Seahors es, re-engraved cplt., select mint set, excellent centering and very
fresh , origina l gum , lightly hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott #93-95; $725). ....................................................
£ 375
25 16
25 15
2515 * S.G. #82, 1923 1/2p on Sp Purple of Palestine , Ty. 1 black overprint , Ty. 4 red-purple handstamp and
subsequentl y surchar ged Ty. 7 in black, deep rich color on fres h white paper , origina l gum, h.r., Fine and rare; 2000 Brandon certificate (Scott #96; $1,800) . ................... ............. ............................................................. . £2 ,000 2516 * S.G. #83, 1923 (Apr.-Oct.) lpi on Spi Deep purple, Perf 15x14, on Dec.1922 overprint in black, an outstanding examp le with rich color, orig inal gum , lightly hinged, Fine and quite rare; signed Bloch (Scott #89, $1,900) ...................................................................... .................... ..... ......................................... .................... £ 3,750
25 17 EX 2517 * S.G. #208-21 , 1933 lm-£Pl Pictorial s cplt., fresh mint set, original gum , h.r., Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 185-
98; $847 .95). ·················································· ···························· ················· ····················· ····························· · June 6, 2008
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£ 650
1-1.R.Harmer, Inc.
The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Ca talog or Estim ate d Value
Kenya, Uganda & Tanganyika
25 18
* S.G. 3, 1890 "4 Annas" surcharge on 5d Dull purple and blue, exceptionally fresh and well centered, £ 500 original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine; 1995 A.P.S. certificate (Scott #3; $575). ................................ ........ 2519 o S.G. #23, 1891 "1/2 Anna" manuscript Mombasa provisional surcharge on 2a Vermilion,used with maximum strike of "Mom basa/Mr 12, 91" c.d.s, slight internal crease , otherwise Fine; signed Bloch (Scott #33; $975). .......... ................... .............. .......... ............... ....................................................... ............................. ...... £ 850 2520 * S.G. 44, 1895 2R Brick red with "British/East/Africa"handstamp, gorgeous rich color on fresh paper , original gum , h.r., Fine (Scott #49; $525).................................. .............. ................ ....................................... £ 450 2518
252 1 EX
* (* l S.G. #65-79, 1896 1/2a-5R Victoria cplt. , original gum except 2 1/2a and 3R unu sed, some hr, 4 l/2a small thin spot , otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #72-87 (less 1a rose) ; $457) ..... .... .. .... ...... .. ...... .... .. .. £ 325 2522 * S.G. #95, 1897 4R Carmine, choice mint single , near perfect centering , luxurian t rich color, original gum, trivial h.r., fresh and Extremely Fine (Scott # 105; $400). .............................................................................. £ 375 2523 * S.G. #97, 1897 lORYellow-bister,wonderfully well centered, sumptuously rich color, original gum , lightly hinged, choice Very Fine (Scott # 107; $375) . ........ .............................. ................................ .......... ............ £ 350
* S.G. #99, 1987 SORMauve, well centered and fresh , original gum , lightly hinged, slight crease at right , otherwise Very Fine ; 2000 B.P.A. certificate (Scott# 109; $1,900) . ............ .......... ............................ ............ £ 1600 2525 O S.G. #16, 1903 SOR Grey and red-brown, rare used example , with a complete strike of "Mo mbasa /De 7, 06" datestamp , well centered , rich color , pressed-out vertica l crease , Very Fine appearance (Scott # 16; $2,900). ........... .................................... ................... ............................................ ................ £ 30002526 * S.G. #32, 1907 20R Grey and stone, fresh mint sing le, strong unrubbed colors , original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #30; $625). .................................................................................... .......................... £ 550 2524
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__ T _h _ e "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Catalog or Es timated Value
* S.G. #33, 1907 SOR Grey and red-brown, a desirable mint example of this scarce high value, gloriously rich color s without any trace of rubbing , original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #30A; $1,750). .... £ 1700 2528 * S.G. #57-59, 1912 5R-20R George V, fresh and well centered, original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine £ 538 (Scott #53-55 ; $6 10). (No PH).................... ................................................ .......... ..................... .....................
S.G. #60, 1918 20R Purple and blue on blue, scarce used example , with clear Mombasa postmark , strong £ 450 colors on crisp clean paper , nearly Very Fine (Scott #56; $550). .. .... .... .. .... .. .. .... ...... .. ...... .... .. .. .... .. .. ............ 2530 S.G. #6las, 1912 SOR Carmine and green, overprinted "Specimen", post office fresh , pristine original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine (Scott #57s, $175 for hinged) ... .................... .................. ................ for hinged £ 160 2529 0
S.G. #62s, 1912 lOORPurple and black on red, overprinted "Specimen" , wonderfully fresh and well centered, original gum , lightly hinged, small red ink spots at lower right , otherwi se Very Fine. .. .. .... .. .. .... .... .. .. £ 350 2532 S.G. #63s , 1912 500R Green and red on green, overprinted "Specimen", well centered, rich colors , orig£ 700 inal gum , h.r., choice Very Fine (Scott #59s; $750). .......................... ........ ........................ .............. .............. 2533 ** S.G. #96, 1925 £2 Green and purple, well centered with rich colors , light evenly toned original gum as often , Never Hinged, Very Fine, a lovely example of this high value; signed Bolaffi (Scott #38, $725 for hinged ) (No PH) .............. ............. ............................ .................. ................ .................. ......................... ................... ... £ 700 253 I
** S.G. #96, 1925 £2 Green and purple , a fantastic mint single, being in a quality few others enjoy, as it is in a post office fresh state of preservation , with eye-catching luxuriant colors on fresh white paper , excellent centering , full and even perforations , unblemish ed original gum , Never Hinged , Extremely Fine ; a nicer exam ple would be a challenge to locate ; 1978 Nu ssbaum certificate (Sco tt #38 ; $725 for hinged ). for hinged .. .. ..................... ....... ........ .... ........ ............ ........... .. ... .... ........... .. ....... .. .......... .. ...... .. .... ...... ........... .. .. . £ 700 2535 * S.G. #97, 1925 £3 Purple and yellow, original gum , lightly hinged, fresh and Fine (Scott #39, $ 1, 100) £ 950 2536 * S.G. #97, 1925 £3 Purple and yellow, handsome mint single, radiant rich colors , well centered, original gum, h.r., choice Very Fine (Scott #39; $ 1, 100). .................. .......................................... ............ .................... £ 950
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Ca talog or Estimated Value
* S.G. #98, 1925 £4 Black and magenta, particularly fresh mint single, gorgeous rich colors on crisp white paper, original gum, very lightly hinged, Fine (Scott #40; $1,850). .............................................................. £ 1900 2538 * S.G. #99, 1922 £5 Black and blue, well centered with lovely pastel color, original gum, very lightly hinged, choice Very Fine; 2001 BPA certificate (Scott #41, $2,000) .......................................................................... £ 2250 2539 * S.G. #99, 1925 £5 Black and blue, a handsome mint single, strong fresh colors, excellent centering, full perforations, original gum, hr, choice, Very Fine (Scott #41; $2,000). .......................................................... £ 2250 2537
* S.G. #99, 1925 £5 Black and blue, rich fresh color, original gum, very lightly hinged, some light toning on gum, otherwise Very Fine (Scott #41; $2,000). ........................................................................................ £ 2250 254 1 S.G. #102s , 1922 £25 Black and red, overprinted "Specimen ", fresh and well centered, gloriously rich colors, original gum, h.r., choice Very Fine (Scott #41Cs). ................................................................................ £ 550 2542 S.G. #103s, 1922 £50 Black and brown, overprinted "Specimen ", rich colors, small part original gum, crayon line on reverse, otherwise Very Fine (Scott #41Ds). .......................................................................... £ 650 2540
incredibly fresh, vivid rich colors, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine (Scott #41Es). ............................................................ for hinged £ 900 2544 S.G. #105s, 1925 £100 Red and black, overprinted "Specimen", ri ght sheet-ma rgin singl e, gorgeous rich color s, original gum , Ne ver Hin ged , Fine and scarce ; signed Brun (Scott #41 F s) .. .........................................................................................................................................for hinged £ 1100 2543 S.G. #104s, 1925 £75 Purple and grey, overprinted "Specimen",
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empir _e _
Catalog or Estimated Value
* S.G. #120a , 1936 3/- Blue and black, perf. 13x12, a desirable mint example of this rare and sought-after perforation variety, rich colors on crisp white paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine for this; 1984 Brandon certificate (Scott #56a; $2,150). ...................................................................................................... £ 2250
rn.. S.G. #135a, 1949 10c Black and green, Mountain retouch var. block of nine with center stamp the variety, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine (Scott #70 var.).......................................................................... £ 75
PP S.G. #138P, 1938/54 10c George VI, Frame proof, horizontal bottom margin pair in issued color on green unwatermarked ungummed paper, Very Fine, nice specialty item. ......................................estimate £ I 00-150
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Ca talog or Es tim ated Value -
2548 2548 PEEPS.G. #139P, 1938/54 20c Orange, Frame plate proof, right margin block of four in issued color on blue lined security paper without gum or watermark, Very Fine showpiece...........................................estimate £ 200-300
* S.G. #144a, 1938 50c Purple and black, Rope not joined to sail, original gum with some light bits of £ 225 toning as often, fresh and Fine (Scott # 179b, $175) ......................................................................................
2551 EX
Kuwait 2550 * S.G. #29, 1937 lSR Blue and olive overprinted "Kuwait", rich colors, original gum, small h.r., Very Fine
(Scott #35; $650). ............................................................................................................................................ £ 650 2551 * S.G. #01-14, 1923-24 1/2a-15R King George V Officials, cplt., attractive set with unusually fresh colors, original gum without the heavy toning usually seen, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #01-14 , $598) £ 475
Labuan 2552 O S.G. #24, 1885 "2 CENTS" surcharge Ty. 7 on 16c Blue, rich color, bold strike of oval grid cancel con-
fined to corner, Very Fine and elusive (Scott #25, $975) ..............................................................................
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£ 900
H.R. Harm er, Inc.
The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Cata log or Estimated Value
* S.G. #140, 1904 $2 Dull green overprinted "LABUAN", strong color, large part original gum, fresh and Fine; signed A. Diena , Senf, T Allen, 2002 BPA certificate (Scott # 121, $3,250).......................................... £ 3250
Lagos * S.G. #16, 1879 1/- Orange , strong color, original gum, Very Fine and choice; 2001 BPA certificate (Scott # 12, $675)........................................................................................................................................................ £ 650 2555 * S.G. #28, 1886 5/- Blue original gum, lightly hinged, Fine sound example; 1994 PSE certificate (Scott #35, $650)................................................................................................................................................................ £ 600 2554
P S.G. #28, 1886 5/- Blue , Sperati die proof, 36x59mm in black on glazed paper, usual blue "REPRODUCTION INTERDITE" handstamp at top and pencilled signature below, accompanied by an example of the "used" forgery (rare) with the forged barred oval cancel, in addition are a crude forgery of the 3p perf 14 (mint), 2sh6p Sperati reproduction ("used")and some photographic prints of the keyplate design, 2sh6p and Ssh value tablets and four of the barred oval cancels, a Fine lot for the specialist ..................................................estimate £ 750-1,000
2559 EX
* S.G. #29, 1886 lOsh Purple brown, unusually well centered, light evenly toned original gum as usual, lightly hinged, Very Fine and choice sound example of this scarce high value; signed E. Diena and Holcombe and with their respective 19 78 and 1984 certificates (Scott #37, $1,700) .................................................... £ 1,600 2558 0 S.G. #29, 1886 lOsh Purple brown, well centered, fresh and Very Fine sound example of this scarce high value; signed Biihler and with his 1983 certificate (Scott #37, $1,150) ........................................................ £ 1,000
Leeward Islands 2559
* S.G. #9-16, 112d - 5/- Jubilee cplt, 2 112dunused (no gum) and lightly toned at upper left (cat. £6), others
all original gum, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #9-16; $820). .................................................................................. June 6, 2008
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-- ---
- ---------
The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Catalog or Estimated Va lue
... /
.. , ' .-
___ ._
...... .
256 1
* S.G. #la , 1886 6p Magenta with "British Vice-Consulate " handstamp in violet, comer original gum, small thins as often, Very Fine appearance (Scott #13, $2,400) .................................................................... £ 2,000 256 1 * S.G. #2, 1884 1/- Magenta with "British Vice-Consulate " handstamp in black, comer original gum, couple tiny thin spots as usual, Very Fine appearance (Scott #6, $425) ........................................................ £ 375
____ ' ___.,
t Q'OR PENCJ;: . - _.... -~
S.G. #5, 1884 1p Magenta with "British Vice-Consulate" handstamp in black, unused, Very Fine and choice sound example (Scott # 1, $500).. ........................................................................................................ £ 450 2563 * S.G. #8ab , 1884 4p Magenta with "British Vice-Consulate" handstamp in violet, corner original gum, shallow thinning at top, comer fault bottom left, Fine appearance for this elusive variety (Scott # 12, $1,350) ............................................................................................................................................................ £ 1,200 2562 <*l
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Lot The "South Beach" Collection ______________________________
of Great Britain and Empire __,,______
Catalog or Estimated Value
2564 0 S.G. #11, 1886 6p Rose red with "British Vice-Consulate" handstamp in in black, diagonal red ink
line but retaining the corner original gum , light vert. crease in left margin , Very Fine appearance (Scott # 11, £ 650 $625) ........................ .................................................. ........................... ........................................................... spots thin small unused, 2565 <*J S.G. #12, 1886 4p Magenta with "British Consular Mail" handstamp in black, as often , Very Fine appearance (Scott #14, $1,850) ................................................................. ..................... £ 1,600
2566 * S.G. #15, 1886, 1 1/2p Rose, Ty. I, with "British Vice-ConsuJate" handstamp in black, corner original gum , thin spots as usual, Very Fine appearance (Scott #27, $1,500) .............................. .............................. £ 1,600 2567 <*> S.G. #16a, 1886 2p Rose , Ty. I, with "British Vice-Consulate" handstamp in violet, unused, trivial tiny
corner crease, Very Fine (Scott# 18, $350) ........................................... ......................................................... Jun e 6, 2008
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£ 275
H .R. Harmer, Inc.
The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire -
Catalog or Estimated Value
O S.G. #18, 1886 4 l/2p Rose , Ty. I, with "British Vice-Consulate " handstamp in black, typical crayon ms. cancel, shallow thinning at top as often, Very Fine appearance (Scott #30, $575) ................................ £ 500 2569 * S.G. #26a, 1886 Sp Rose , Ty. I, with "British Consular Mail" handstamp in violet, select mint example without any of the thins or creases normally associated with these, corner original gum, choice Very Fine sound example (Scott #40a, $1,500) .............................................................................................................. £ 1,300 2568
257 1
* S.G. #28, 1886 1p Rose , Ty. II, with "British Vice-Consulate " handstamp in violet, corner original gum, pinhole but otherwise sound (scarce thus), Very Fine appearance (Scott #16a, $1,050) .............................. £ 900 2571 * S.G. #30, 1886 3p Rose , Ty. II, with "British Vice-Consulate" handstamp in violet, premium example being without any of the thins or creases endemic to the issue, corner original gum, choice Very Fine (Scott # 19a, $1,150) .................................................................................................................................................. £ 1, 100 2570
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Cata log or Estim ated Value
* S.G. #30, 1886 3p Rose, Ty. II, with "British Vice-Consulate"handstamp in violet, corner origina l gum , some shallow thinning at top as often , Very Fine appearance (Scott # 19a, $1, 150) ................... ................... £ 1, 100 2573 <*l S.G. #38a, 1886 6p Rose, Ty.II, without handstamp, a handsome unused example of this scarce variety marred only by a trivial light corner crease , still Very Fine (Scott #51 a, $4,250) ... ....... .. ...... ......... ......... .... £ 4,250
S.G. #45, 1886 1/- Rose, Ty. III, with "British Consular Mail" handstamp in black, unused, rounded £ 450 corner and a tiny corner crease , otherwise Very Fine (Scott #54, $525) ......... .................. ....... ....... ............. .. 2575 * S.G. #45b, 1886 1/- Rose, Ty. III, with "British Consular Mail" handstamp in violet, corner original gum , shallow thinning spots as often , Very Fine appearance (Scott #42 , $1,350) ........................................ £ 1,200
2574 f* l
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Ca talog or Estimated Value
S.G. #46b, 1886 1/6 Rose, Ty. III, with "British Consular Mail" handstamp in violet, corner original gum, couple small thin spots as often, otherwise Very Fine (Scott #43, $1,500) .......................................... £ 1,300 2577 (* ) S.G. #47b, 1886 2/- Rose, Ty. III, with "British Consular Mail" handstamp in violet, fraudulently gummed over thin spots, Very Fine appearance (Scott #44, $1,750) ............................................................ £ 1,500
2576 *
Malaysian States Federated Malay States to Federation of Malaya
* S.G. #82, 1928 $25 Green and orange, light evenly toned original gum, Fine example of this high value (Scott #76, $1,200).......................................................................................................................................... £ 950
* S.G. #4, 1884 2c Rose, Ty. 4 overprint, wide "H", narrow "E", original gum, small h.r., fresh and Fine (Scott #2d, $1,950) .......................................................................................................................................... £ 2,250 2580 SP* S.G. #128s, 1926 $500 Blue and red, "SPECIMEN" overprint, fresh colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine (Scott # 125s, unpriced) .............................................................................................................. £ 850
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Catalog or Estimated Value
2581 EX
cplt., fresh mint set, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine ........................................................... £ 800 ........................................................................... $863). (Scott #29-43; 2582 * S.G. #J25, 1942 "30 Cents" surcharge on 4c Scarlet, with red Sunagawa seal, premium example of this scarce value, rich color, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine and choice; signed Chan (Scott #N8, $1,100) ............................................................................................................................................................ £ 2,000 2583 * 1941 10c Purple , Ty.1 overprint in black, lovely example of this value which was not made available to the general public, original gum, Very Fine (Scott #N 1, $400) ......................................................estimate £ 200-300
2581 * S.G. #40-54, 1937-40 lc-$5 Sultan Ismail
2584 EX
also includes the 30c, $2 and $5 values which were not made available to the general public, particularly fresh colors, original gum, most lightly hinged, few light even gum toning as often, Fine-Very Fine, one of the scarcest of the popular Japanese Occupation sets high values signed (Scott #Nl- 14, $9,445).... ...................................................................... £ 14,485
2584 * S.G. #J45-55, 1942 lc-$1 Straits Settlement, with large red Malacca chop,
: ll ~
& ~
~f: .
2585 EX
2586 EX
* S.G. #JDll-16 , 1942 lc-50c Malayan Postage Dues , with large red Malacca chop , unusually fresh color, original gum without any of the toning so often seen on these, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine, a select set; each signed Chan (Scott #NJl -6, $6,075) .............................................................................................................. £ 6,775
Negri Sembilan * S.G. #Jl61a , 162-63, 164d, 165, 167-68, 169b, 170-72, 174-75, 1942 lc-$5 Coat of Arms, with Ty.1 red or violet single frame chop, also includes the unissued 6c Scarlet and 8c Grey values (both violet ovpts.) 15c used, others mint, original gum, most lightly hinged, Fine-VeryFine, a fresh group of this issue; 40c, $5 signed Chan (Scott #Nl-7 , N9-16, $3,374)................................................................................................................ £4 ,800
Pahang strong color, part original gum, h.r., small light bend, Fine and scarce as only 540 were issued; signed Stanley Gibbons, Ltd. (Scott #2, $1,950) ................................................................ £ 1,800 2588 * S.G. #10, 1891 "PAHANG/ Two CENTS " Ty.8 surcharge on 24c green, fresh color, light evenly toned original gum, small h.r., Fine, undercatalogued in that only 312 were issued (Scott #10, $800) .................. £ 900
2587 * S.G. #2, 1899 8c Orange ,
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Catalog or Estimated Value
2589 0 S.G. #18 , 1897 "2c" on diagonal half of Sc Blue , red manuscript surcharge , an attractive example of
the scarce Kuala Lipis provisional bisect with ms. bar across the "5" and initialed "J.F.O." in the same red ink, tied on piece by Pahang DE 1897 cancel , Very Fine (Scott #21, $450) ................ ........... .......... ................... £ 375 2590 o S.G. #18d, 1897 "3c" on diagonal half of Sc Blue , red manuscript surcharge, initialed "JF O" in same red ink, tied on piece by partial town cance l, Very Fine and choice (Scott #22, $450) ............. ................... £ 375
259 1 EX 2591 * S.G. #J176b, 177b, 178c, 179, 180b, 181-82, 183b, 184-89, 1942 lc-$5 Sultan Sir Abu Bakar, Ty.1 vio-
let single frame chops , fresh colors, original gum (25c toned) , some lightly hinged, 8c Grey NH , Fine-Very Fine (Scott #N l-12 , $2,8 19)................................ ...................................................... ...................................... £7 ,700
1895 Cover Kedah to Dutch East Indies Franked with Straits Settlements Privately Overprinted "PENANG", cover addressed to "Bindje y DEi" and franked on back with Straits Settlements 1892/95 le pair, 3c carmine rose (2), each stamp with small privately applied purple "PENANG" overprint in same ink as "G.H . SLOT/ PE ANG" sender's handstamp , three different squared circle cancels includin g Medan (20 7 95) and light Bindje y arriva l (20 7 95), address side with Penang JY 19 95 c.d.s., cover bit worn with small corner faults at top , still Fine and quite unusual ; 1977 APS certificate ........... .......................... ...................... ....estimate £ 100-150
2593 EX
2593 * S.G. #J56-66, 1942 lc-$1 Straits Sett. George VI, with red Okugawa seal, cplt. to $ 1, original gum or slightly dist. o.g., most lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott #N l4- 24, $854) ......................... ................... £ 800
* S.G. #J68 , 1942 Straits Sett. $5 George VI, with red Okugawa Seal, exceptionally well centered, usual brownish original gum , lightly hinged, choice Very Fine; signed Tung (Scott #N26 , $2, 100) ...................... £ 2,250
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2597 EX
2596 EX
Cata log or Estimated Value
* S.G. #J72, 1942 Straits Sett. Sc George VI, with red Itchiburi Seal, original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Fine, elusive Japanese Occupation issue; signed Chou (Scott #N 17a, $2,100) ...................................... £ 2,250 2596 * S.G. #J77-89, 1942 Straits Sett. lc-$5 George VI, with "DAI NIPPO /2602/PE ANG" overprint, fresh colors, original gum with usual light to moderate browning, lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine, a select set (Scott #N 1-13, $662) ...................................................................................................................................... £ 600
Perak * S.G. #Jl90a-192a, 193c, 194, 195a, 196-97, 198b, 199-205, 1942 lc-$5 Sultan Iskandar, Ty.1 violet single frame chops, fresh colors, original gum with couple values bit of light toning as often, most lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine, a scarce set; $2, $5 signed (Scott #Nl -16, $3,234) .............................................................. £ 7,750
U S.G. #1,1878 2c Brown, overprinted "P" surrounded by Crescent and Star in oval, right wing margin single with light cancel,Fine (Scott #1, $1,350) ............................................................................................ £ 1,600 2599 <*l S.G. #30a, 1887 "ONE CENT/PERAK" surcharge Ty. 27 on 2c Rose, surcharge in black, rich color, unused, Fine and scarce; 1986 APS certificate (Scott # 15A, $2,100) ............................................................ £ 1,900 2600 0 S.G. #31, 1887 "1/CENT/PERAK" surcharge Ty.28 on 2c Rose, well centered used single with light cancel, jarred impression of the surcharge gives it the look of a double impression, Very Fine and choice; 2004 £ 700 BPA certificate (Scott #18A, $700) ................................................................................................................
2601 * S.G. #56, 1891 "PERAK/One/CENT" surcharge Ty.37 on 2c Rose, surcharge without bar over origi£ 850 nal value, strong color, part original gum, h.r., fresh and Fine (Scott #35a, $950) ...................................... 2602 * S.G. #08, 1889 "P.G.S." overprint on 24c Green, lovely color, large part original gum, h.r., Fine; 1999 Brandon certificate (Scott #02 , $700)............................................................................................................ £ 750
Selangor S.G. #8, 1882 "S." overprint on 2c Brown, partial black "B 172" and red Kuala Lumpur cancels, light horiz. crease, Fine appearance, a rare stamp seldom offered in any condition; 2002 BPA certificate (Scott #2, $2,900) ............................................................................................................................................................ £ 2,750 2604 * S.G. #38b, 1889 "SELANGOR" Ty.30 horizontal overprint on 2c Rose , an exceptionally scarce mint example of this overprint, strong color, original gum, Fine, showpiece sound example of this sought-after issue; 1998 BPA certificate (Scott # 18A, $3,750) .................................................................................................... £ 3,750
2603 0
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* S.G. #66, 1897 $25 Green and orange fresh unrubbed colors, large part original gum, h.r., Fine sound example (Scott #41, $1,000) .......................................................................................................................... £3 ,250 2606 O S.G. #66, 1897 $25 Green and orange light Kajang 1897 cancel, fresh and Very Fine, scarce postal cancel on this high value; signed JS chl(esinge r) , Thier (Scott #41, umpriced) .................................................. £ 3,250
2607 EX
* S.G. #J206b, 207a, 208, 210b, 211b , 212, 213b, 214-20, 223, 1942 lc-50c, $5 Mosque, Hisamud-din Alam Shah, Ty.1 violet single frame chops fresh colors, original gum, some lightly hinged (rare 2c small h.r.), Fine-Very Fine; 2c signed (Scott #Nl -15, $1,593) ........................................................................................ £ 3,200
Sungei Ujong fresh color, original gum, Fine (Scott #6, $350).... £ 300 * S.G. #48, 1891 "SUNGEI UJONG/Two Cents" Ty.33 overprint on 24c Green , large part original gum, fresh and Fine (Scott #30, $850) .................................................................................................................... £ 900
2608 * S.G. #12, 1882 2c Brown, with "S.U." overprint , 2609
26 10
26 11
26 12
select quality single with excellent centering, original gun1, lightly hinged, fresh and Very Fine (Scott #19, $1,100) ................................................................................ £ 1,000 26 11 * S.G. #44 , 1938 $5 Green and red on yellow, vivid colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and choice (Scott #38, $350) ................................................................................................................................ £ 425 £ 800 2612 * S.G. #45, 1921 $25 Purple and blue, deeprichcolors, well centered,originalgum,VeryFine(Scott#39, $750)
26 10 * S.G. #18, 1912 $25 Rose carmine and green,
26 13 EX
26 14 EX
* S.G. #J97-98, 100-04, 106-15, 1942 lc/$5 Sultan Suleiman, Ty.1 violet or black single frame chops, fresh colors, original gum, some lightly hinged,Fine-VeryFine; $1 (Ji 13) signed Chan (Scott #N l-17, $2,996) .... £4 ,900 2614 * S.G. #J97b-98b , 102b, 103a, 104b, 106a-llla , 114b, 1942 lc/$3 Sultan Suleiman, Ty.1 red single frame chops, original gum, few lightly hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Scott #N 18-29, $1,320) ...................... £ 1,200
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Session 2 Lots 2615-2944 1 :30 pm edt Malta
2615 (*> S.G. #96, 1919 10/- Black, slightly dist. original gum , nearly Very Fine (Scott #65 , $3,500) ............
£2 ,750
2616 0 S.G. #104, 1922 10/- Black, very well centered, unobtrusive Valetta corner cancel , fresh and Extremely £ 700 Fine (Scott #73 , $750) ....................................................................... ......... ............... .................... .................
2617 0 S.G. #3, 1848 lp Orange vermilion on yellowish, Earliest impression , clear margins three sides , clear to touching at right , small thin in the left margin, still a Fine example of this classic (Scott #3, $ 15,750) .. £ 13,000
* S.G. #27, 1858 (4d) Green, ample to large margins all around deep rich color, original gum , Very Fine, £ 450 signe d "AD" (Diena ) (Scott #9; $500) .................................. .............. .............................................. .......... ....
26 18
2619 O S.G. #41a, 1859 lp Red on white laid paper, partial strike of barred oval cancel , margins to just clear at left, a Fine and elusive sound example (Scott # 16b, $1,700) .................... ............ .............. .......................... £ 1, 100
** S.G. #222, 1924 SORDull purple and green, well centered with fresh color, original gum , Never Hinged, £ 700 pinhole, otherwise Very Fine (Scott #200, $900) .. .. .......... .......... ............ ...... .... ........ ........ .... .. ...... .. ..............
** Issues for Baghdad, S.G. #4, 1917 1/2a on lOpa Green, Mosque of Selim, rich color, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine and choice, a very rare stamp (only 119 issued) in exceptio nal condition (Scott #N7 , $1,100) .................................................................. ........................... .................................................. ............. £ 1,200 2622 * Issues for Baghdad, S.G. #8, 1917 2a on lpi Blue, with additional red 5 point star overprint, unusually fresh color, original gum , Fine, a rare sound mint single with only 59 issued ; 1968 EPA certificate (Scott #N9, $4,000)......... ........ .................. ............................................ ...................................... ............................... £3 ,750
262 1
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* Issues for Baghdad , S.G. #15 , 1917 la on 20pa Rose , with 6 point star and crescent overprint , fresh example of this rare issue, original gum, cancel-like spots most likely extraneous ink from an uncleaned plate, Fine, only 288 issued ; signed Holcombe and with his l 983 certificate (Scott #N22, $400) ........................ £
2624 * Issues for Baghdad , S.G. #16, 1917 la on 20pa Carmine, with 5 point star and crescent overprint ,
additionall y overprinted in Arabic, well centered, original gum, Very Fine, seldom offered in any condition but to find an original gum example in sound condition, especially with only 65 issued , is an opportunity not to be missed; signed Champion, 1970 BPA certificate; ex-Gibralter (Scott #N20, $5,000) ........................ £4 ,250 2625 * Issues for Baghdad , S.G. #21, 1917 la on 20pa Rose , with 5 point star and crescent overprint , well centered, small part original gum, Very Fine (Scott #N24, $120) .................................................................. £ 140
2626 O Issues for Baghdad , S.G. #25, 1917 2pa on lpi Blue , with 5 point star and crescent overprint ,
partial Baghdad cancel, fresh and Fine, quite scarce with only 657 issued; 1988 RPS certificate (Scott #N23, $1,750) ............................................................................................................................................................ £ 1,800
Montserrat 2627 0 S.G. #2b, 1876 6p Green , with "S" of "MONTSERRAT " inverted,
light cancel, fresh and Fine, scarcer than most of the other inverted "S" varieties as it was thought to have been corrected; l 961 BPA certificate (Scott #2c, $1,350) .......................................................................................................................................... £ I , I oo 2628 0 S.G. #11, 1884 4p Blue, transparent cancel, Very Fine; 1981 PF certificate (Scott #9, $300) ............ £ 250
2629 EX
2629 * S.G. #1/12, 20, 22, 23, 24, 1916-23 1/2d-10/- George V overprinted "NAURU"
cplt., original gum, most lightly hinged including 10/- very lightly hinged, high values even gum toning as often, Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 1-16; $670). ·················································································································································· £ 585 2630 ** S.G. #21-23 , 1916 2/6 to 10/- Seahorses overprinted " AURU", De La Rue printing , wonderfully fresh, well centered and full perforations, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine (Scott# 13-15; $495 for hinged) ... ..........................................................................................................................................for hinged £ 420 June 6, 2008
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263 1
* Scott #11, 1917 1/2a Red orange on native wove paper, strong color , large to wide margins , without gum as issued, Extremely Fine , a choice example of this key issue .... .. ... ........ ........ .... .. ........ ........... .......... .... ...... £ 1350
Nevis * S.G. #6a, 1862 4p Rose on bluish wove paper, well centered, disturbed gum , few blunted perfs , otherwise Very Fine (Scott #2, $850). .. ............ .. ..... ............. ......... ............... ...... ........................ .......... ............ ...... ......... £ 800 2633 <*> S.G. #7a, 1861 6p Grey on bluish wove paper, strong color, unused, fresh and Fine ; signed Bloch and Sismondo, 1979 Friedl and 2004 Sismondo certificat es (Scott #3, $700) ...................................................... £ 650 2632
2634 * S.G. #Sa, 18611/- Green on bluish wove paper, rich color, large part original gum , some blunted perfs at
left, otherwise Fine ; signed Sismondo and with his 2004 certificate (Scott #4, $1,050) ................ .............. £ 950 * S.G. #14, 1876 1/- Yellow green, excellent centering , small part original gum , paper adherence on back , Very Fine (Scott # 11, $950) ............................................................................................................................ £ 850 2636 0 S.G. #14a , 1876 1/- Yellow green on vertically laid paper, rich color, barred oval cancel , small faults incl. vertica l crease ending in small tear, Fine appearance , a very rare stamp seldom appeari ng at auction in any condition ; 1997 APS certificat e (Scott # 13, $5,750) ........................................................................... ................. £6 ,000 2635
2637 * S.G. #32, 1883 6p Green, large part original gum , fresh and Fine (Scott #28, $425) ..........................
£ 400
New Britain * S.G. #10, 1914 Sp on Spf Black and purple on buff, nicely centered, part original gum , Very Fine (Scott # 10, $500) ......................... ·····... .................... ............. ............ ........... .. ......... ....... ....... ...... .............. ......... ......... £ 475
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attractive example of this high value, original gum, fresh and nearly Very Fine, only 57 2M stamps were surcharged (Scott #13, $1,800) .................................................................. £ 1,800 2640 * S.G. #14, 1914 3/- on 3M Violet black, rich color, part original gum, Fine; only 48 3/- values were issued (Scott #14, $3,500).......................................................................................................................................... £3 ,500
2639 * S.G. #13, 1914 2/- on 2M Blue,
(* l S.G. #21, 1914 2 1/2p on 20pf Ultramarine, nicely centered, unused, Very Fine; signed (Scott #21, $1,750) ............................................................................................................................................................ £ 1,600 2642 * S.G. #54, 1914 3p on 25pf Black and red on yellow, Setting VI, pos. 3, excellent centering and strong colors, large part original gum, choice Very Fine, examples from setting VI are rare; signed Calves, Holcombe, et £ 300 al, 1995 Holcombe certificate (Scott #34, $325)............................................................................................ 2643 * S.G. #58, 1914 Sp on 80pf Black and carmine on rose, rich colors, original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Fine; signed Champion (Scott #38, $575) .............................................................................................. £ 400
264 1
* S.G. #59, 1914 1/- on lM Carmine , rich radiant color, original gum, very lightly hinged, Fine and rare with only 85 issued (Scott #39, $2,200) ........................................................................................................ £ 2,250 2645 * S.G. #60, 1914 2/- on 2M Blue, well centered, rich color, original gum, Very Fine, only 200 were printed; 1936 EPA certificate (Scott #40, $1,400) ................................................................................................ £ 1,200
(* l S.G. #61, 1914 3/- on 3M Violet black, regummed over small repair at bottom right, Fine appearance, only 45 3M stamps were surcharged ; signed Both e, Buhl er (Scott #41, $4,000) ...................................... £ 4,000 2647 * S.G. #64, 1915 lp on 2p on 20pf Ultramarine, excellent centering, large part original gum, choice Very
Fine example of this rare provisional surcharge (Scott #45, $3,250) ............................................................
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£ 3,250
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Cata log or Estimated Value
mint block of four, post office fresh and well centered, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, a few perf. separations at bottom, Extremely Fine (Scott #5; $280 for hinged). £ 280
2648 tE** S.G. #5, 1914 2 1/2 on lOpf Carmine,
New Guinea
2649 * S.G. #204, 1935 £2 Bright violet,
original gum, very lightly hinged, fresh and Extremely Fine (Scott #C44; $260). .............................................................................................................................................................. £ 250 2650 * S.G. #205, 1935 £5 Emerald green ,nicely centered with strong color, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #C45, $625) ........................................................................................................................ £ 550
New Zealand
2651 2651 * S.G. #186, 1878 5/- Grey, attractive mint example with fresh color, original gum, very lightly hinged, some
light natural gum wrinkles, Fine (Scott #60, $550) ........................................................................................
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£ 375
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* S.G. #259, 1898 5/- Vermilion, well centered, rich color, original gum, hr, choice Very Fine (Scott #83; $400)................ .................................................................................,,,,,,........................................................ £ 225
2654 EX
* S.G. #405a, 1909 ld Carmine, imperforate, horizontal pair, ample to mostly large margins, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #13la ; $350). .............................................................................................. £ 350 2654 0 S.G. #412-15, 1913 1/2p-6p Auckland Exhibition Overprints, cplt., lightly cancelled, fresh and FineVery Fine (Scott # 130e-137e, $1,000) ............................................................................................................ £ 600
Official Stamps
* S.G. #03 , 1891/1906 1/2p Black, Perf lOxll , "O.P.S.O." handstamp in rose, original gum, fresh and Fine; 1990 Brandon certificate (Scott #09 , $250 for used) ..SG for used...................................................... £ 325 2656 0 S.G. #08, 1891/1906 2p Mauve lilac, "O.P.S.O." handstamp in violet, Wellington 8 SP 10 squared circle cancel, few blunted or short perfs at bottom, otherwise Fine; 1979 RPS certificate (Scott #08 , unpriced) £ 375 2657 0 S.G. #011, 1891/1906 Sp Olive black, Perf 12xll 1/2, "O.P.S.O." handstamp in violet, partial Wellington cancel, usual rough perfs, fresh and Fine; 1999 RPSNZ certificate (Scott #04 , $500) .............. £ 500 2655
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S.G. #015, 1891/1906 2 1/2p Blue, Perf 11, "O.P.S.O." handstamp in violet, large part original gum, £ 500 SG for used ..... ....... .............. fresh and Fine; 1996 Brandon certificate (Scott #011 , $425 for used) 2659 0 S.G. #015, 1891/1906 2 1/2p Blue, Perf 11, "O.P.S.O." handstamp in violet, indistinct cancels, usual £ 500 rough perfs, Fine (Scott #011 , $425) ......................... ....................... ......... ...... .............................................
2658 *
* S.G. #Ol 7a, 1891/1906 Sp Purple brown, "O.P.S.O." handstamp in green, rich color, original gum, fresh £ 500 and Fine; signed Bloch, 1996 Brandon certificate (Scott #015 , $500 for used) for used...... ......................
266 1
* S.G. #018 , 1891/1906 Sp Indigo, Perf 11, "O.P.S.O."handstamp in violet, strong color, large part original gum, h.r., fresh and Fine; photo copy of 1995 Brandon certificate (Scott #014 , $625 for used) £ 650 SG for used. ................................................ ................................................................................................ ..... 2662 * S.G. #018 var., 1891/1906 Sp Indigo, Perf 15, "O.P.S.O." handstamp in violet, well centered, original gum , usual rough perfs , Very Fine; 1969 RPS certificate (Scott #010 , $575 for used ) £ 650 SG for used ............................... ................................................. ............................................ .......................... 2663 * S.G. #020, 1891/1906 lp Carmine, Perf 14, "O.P.S.O." handstamp in violet, very well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Very Fine; signed Bloch, 1996 Brandon certificate (Scott #018 , $275 for £ 350 SG for used ............................. .......................................................... ... used)
266 I
* S.G. #022 , 1891/1906 3p Yellow brown, "O.P.S.O." handstamp in violet, rich color, large part original £ 550 gum, fresh and Fine; 1968 RPS certificate (Scott #012 , $525 for used) ....SG for used................................
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* S.G. #O72a , 1908/09 £1 Rose pink , overprinted "OFFICIAL.", well centered, original gum, barest trace of hinging, usual rough perfs, fresh and Extremely Fine, a select example (Scott #040 , $800) .................. £ 550
Niger Coast Protectorate
* S.G. #7a, 1893 1/2p on Half of lp Lilac, Unsevered pair, large part original gum, Fine; 1958 EPA certifi £ 475 cate (Scott #7c, $550) .................................................................................................................................... 2667 * S.G. #7a, 1893 red "1/2d" on half of ld Lilac, unsevered pair, fresh mint example, strong color, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine; 1983 Rendon certificate (Scott #7c; $550). ........................................................ £ 475 2668 * S.G. #11, 1893 112d on 2 112d Purple on blue, Ty. 4 surcharge in green, rich color on fresh paper, original gum, h.r., Fine (Scott #25; $250). ............................................................................................................ £ 300
* S.G. #14, 1893 112d on 2 112d Purple on blue, Ty. 4 surcharge in blue, original gum, Fine (Scott #24; $325). ······························································································································································ £ 375 2670 * S.G. #19, 1893 112d on 2 112d Purple on blue , Ty. 6 surcharge in vermilion, incredibly fresh mint single, rich color on crisp paper, original gum, barest trace of hinging (appears N.H.), Very Fine; 1990 B.P.A. certificate (Scott #21; $350). .............................................................................................................................. £ 425
267 1
bright and fresh, tied to piece by light town cancel, Very Fine (Scott #8; $250). .......................................................................................... £ 250
267 1 0 S.G. #20, 1893 112d on 2d Green and carmine , Ty. 7 surcharge in violet,
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0 S.G. #21, 1893 112don 2 112dPurple on blue, Ty. 7 surcharge in vermilion, used with maximum strike of "Brass River/Mr 26, 94" c.d.s., Very Fine (Scott# 10; $325)..................................................................... £ I 80 2673 * S.G. #27, 1893 112don 2 112dPurple on blue, Ty. 8 surcharge in green, rich color on fresh paper, original gum, Very Fine (Scott # 13; $475). .......................................................................................................... £ 425 2674 * S.G. #30, 1893 112d on 2d Green and carmine, Ty. 9 surcharge in blue, an attractive mint example of this rare stamp, fresh colors, small part original gum with some light adhesions, Fine; only 60 of the blue surcharges were produced (Scott # 15; $1,700). ................................................................................................ £ 1,800 2675 * S.G. #32, 1893 112d on 2 112dPurple on blue, Ty. 9 surcharge in blue, fresh mint single, strong color, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; 1986 Brandon certificate (Scott #18; $400)................................... £ 425 2672
S.G. #33, 1893 112don 2 112dPurple on blue, Ty. 9 surcharge in green, fresh and well centered, lightly cancelled,Very Fine; signed Brun (Scott # 19; $450). ................................................................................ £ 475 2677 * S.G. #35, 1893 112don 2 112dViolet on blue, Ty. 10 surcharge in green, well centered and fresh, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and scarce; only 120 stamps were issued (Scott #28; $475). ................ £ 500 2678 0 S.G. #37, 1893 1/- on 2d Green and carmine, Ty. 11 surcharge in violet, fresh color, neat c.d.s. cancel, Fine and scarce; only 176 stamps were printed (Scott #29; $400). ................................................................ £ 350 2679 * S.G. #38, 1893 1/- on 2d Green and carmine, Ty. 11 surcharge in vermilion, original gum, very lightly hinged, light even toning, otherwise Very Fine (Scott #30; $675). ................................................................ £ 600
2676 O
S.G. #40, 1893 5/- on 2d Green and carmine, Ty. 12 surcharge in violet, an attractive mint example of this rarity, nicely centered, fresh color, original gum, Very Fine; an important British Commonwealth rarity, with only 28 copies printed; 1969 B.P.A. certificate (Scott #32; $10,250). ........................................................ £ 9,000 2681 * S.G. #41, 1893 10/- on 5d Dull purple and blue, Ty. 12 surcharge in vermilion, a select mint example of this terribly rare stamp, bright and fresh, centered a bit to left as are all known genuine examples, original gum, Very Fine for this; a mere 32 copies were printed; 1981 B.P.A. certificate (Scott #33; $6,750). ...... £6 ,500
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o S.G. #58, 1894 "1/2" Opobo red provisional surcharge on half of ld Pale blue Victoria, the left half tied to piece by clear "Opo bo River/ Au 23, 94" c.d.s. , Very Fine (Scott #49 ; $375). ............ ...................... £ 325 2683 O S.G. #59, 1894 "1" Opobo provisional surcharge on half of 2d Green and carmine, the right half tied to small piece by partial "Opo bo River/Oc 23, 94" c.d.s. , Very Fine (Scott #50; $400) . .............................. £ 375 2684 o S.G. #63, 1894 "1/2" Opobo violet provisional surcharge on half of lp Vermilion Victoria, the right half tied to piece by full strike of "Opobo River/Oc 7, 94" c.d.s. , intense color , fresh and Very Fine (Scott #52; $750) . ················· ········································ ··································· ···························· ························ ·············· £ 700 2685 O S.G. #64, 1894 "1/2" Opobo provisional blue surcharge on half of ld Vermilion Victoria, the left half tied to small piece by partial "Opobo River/Oc 30, 94" c.d.s. , Very Fine ; signed Kohler and accompanied by 2001 Brandon certificate (Scott #51; $475). ............. ............ ...................... ......................... ............ .............. £ 450
2687 EX
2689 EX
2686 0 S.G. #65, 1894 Old Calabar "One/Half Penny" surcharge on 1112d Blue Victoria, used with full strike
of "Old Calabar /Au 21, 94" c.d.s., fresh and Very Fine (Scott #54; $250). ................................ ..................
£ 225
North Borneo 2687 * S.G. #178-83, 1911 25c-$10 Coat of Arms cplt. , original gum , lightly hinged, Very Fine set (Scott # 152-
57; $255). ..................................................... ........................................ ............... ......................... ................... £ 550 2688 * S.G. #201, 1916 25c Green, Cross overprint in vermilion, rich colors , original gum, fresh and Fine ; only 900 were printed signed Champion (Scott #B 13, $450) .............................................................. .................. £ 350 2689 * S.G. #277-94 , 1925-28 lc-$10 Pictorials cplt. , fresh mint set, original gum , lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 167-84; $449). ............... ........................................... .................................................... ................... ... £ 750
2690 EX
* S.G. #Jl-15, 1942 lc-$5 Japanese occupation overprints , cplt., fresh colors, original gum($ values lightly toned) , most (incl. $5) lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine ; $5 signed Chan (Scott #Nl-15 , $3,355)......... ..... £ 3,450 269 1 * S.G. #J16b, 1942 le "WAR TAX" overprint, additionally overprinted in violet for Japanese occupation, nicely centered, original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Very Fine and scarce, violet overprint unpriced mint in SG, used are priced at 2.5x the value of the black ovpt (Scott #Nl5A , $625) SG for normal black ovpt........ ................................................ ............... ............. ...................................... ...... £ 600
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Catalog or Estimated Value
2692 2692 ** S.G. #Jl6b, 1942 2c "WAR TAX" overprint , additionall y overprint ed in violet for Japanese occupa-
tion, excellent centering, pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine, scarce so nice, violet overprint
unpriced mint in SG, used are priced at 1.8x the value of the black ovpt (Scott #N 15A, $625) SG for normal black ovpt................................................................................................................................ £ 1,400
2693 2693 O S.G. #J34 , 1944 $5 on $1 Carmine and brown, with black Japanese occupation overprint, well cen-
tered single tied on piece by 1945 cancel, choice Very Fine, a select used example of this very rare occupation issue; 2000 EPA certificate (Scott #N31, $3,800) .......................................................................................... £ 3,000
North West Pacific Islands
2694 2694 * S.G. #85, 1916 Brown and ultramarine , Die II, overprint type b, original gum, liughtly hinged, fresh and
Fine (Scott # 10, $500) ....................................................................................................................................
£ 425
2695 2695 * S.G. #85, 1916 Brown and ultramarine , Die II, overprint type c, original gum, Fine (Scott #10, $500) £ 425
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Northern Nigeria
2696 * S.G. #19, 1904 £25 Green and carmine,
an excellent mint example of this high value world class rarity, well centered, rich fresh colors, full and even perforations, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; one of the most sought-after rarities of the British Commonwealth , of which it is believed that fewer than ten examples exist; . signed Rendon and accompanied by 1980 B.P.A. certificate (Scott # 18A; $42,500). ................ £ 50,000
Nyasaland Protectorate
2697 2697 * S.G. #14, 1891 £1 Deep blue with "B.C.A." overprint,
original gum, Fine ; signed Brun (Scott # 14; $825). .................................................................................................................................................... £ 750
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____! he "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and E mpire
Cata log or Estimated Value
* S.G. #30, 1895 £10 Black and orange-vermilion, an especially choice mint example of this popular high value, being considerablybetter centered than typically encountered,plus it is marvelously fresh, with vivid rich colors on crisp clean paper, original gum, lightly hinged, choice Very Fine; seldom found this nice; signed Block and Diena and accompanied by 1974 Alberto Diena and 1982 Friedl certificates (Scott #30; $6,500). ...... £ 5,500 2699 * S.G. #31, 1895 £25 Black and blue-green , fresh mint example of this rare high value, uncommonly well centered, rich colors on crisp white paper, original gum, lightly hinged, small piece of foreign matter adhering the the head of the right figure from after the certificate was issued, otherwise Very Fine; signed Alberto Diena and accompanied by his 1971 certificate (Scott #31; $11,500)......... ...._........................................................ £ 11,000 2700 * S.G. #40, 1896 £1 Black and blue, incredibly well centered, bright and fresh, original gum, lightly hinged, shallow gummed-over thinned spot in the top right corner not noted on the certificate, Extremely Fine appearance; signed Bloch and accompanied by clear 1980 Friedl certificate (Scott #40; $1,050). ........................ £ 900 2698
270 I
(* ) S.G. #41, 1896 £10 Black and orange, a handsome mint example of this popular high value, being considerably better centered than normal, vivid rich colors on fresh white paper, skillfully regummed, Very Fine (Scott #41; $7,750). ........................................................................................................................................ £ 7,500 2702 S.G. #41s-42s, 1896 £10 Black and orange and £25 Black and green, overprinted "Specimen", luxuriant colors, original gum, h.r., minor gum creases, otherwise Very Fine (Scott #4ls-42s ; $585)......................... £ 505
S.G. 67s, 1903-04 £10 Grey and blue, overprinted "Specimen", rich color on crisp white paper, original gum, lightly hinged, nearly Very Fine (Scott #69s; $400). ............................................................................ £ 400
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Catalog or Estim ated Value
* S.G. #69- 71, 1907 2d Dull and bright purple and 4d Grey-green and black, watermarked multiple crown and "CA", a lovely duo of these incredibly rare stamps, fresh and well centered, original gum, 2d light-
ly hinged and the 4d h.r., Very Fine; only eighteen examples of each of these values ever reached the philatelic marketplace, and with a set of singles in the British Philatelic Library Collection and a set of singles and blocks of four in the Royal collection, this leaves a mere twelve examples of each value available to collectors; certainly the centerpiece of any British Commonwealth or British Africa collection (Scott #71-72; $25,000). £ 26,000
* S.G. #75w, 1908 3p Purple on yellow, Watermark inverted, nicely centered, original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Very Fine (Scott #4 var.) ................................................................................................................ £ 250 2706 * S.G. #76w, 1908 4p Black and red on yellow, Watermark inverted , well centered with rich colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine (Scott #5 var.) ................................................................................................ £ 120 2707 * S.G. #81, 1908 £1 Purple and black on red, original gum, usual bit of rubbing in vignette, Fine (Scott # 10, $500)........................................................................................................................................................ £ 475 2705
27 10
8 S.G. #82, 1908 £10 Purple and ultramarine , a particularly fresh mint example of this popular high value rarity, clean original gum which has only been very lightly hinged, some minor light rubbing which is endemic to the chalky papers, Very Fine; signed Diena and Bloch and accompanied by 1980 Friedl certificate (Scott # 11; $8,000). .......................................······.................................................········.............··········.........···········. £ 9,000 2709 * S.G. #95f, 1913 4/- Carmine and black , Damaged leaf at bottom right var. original gum, fresh and Fine (Scott #21 var.) ................................................................................................................................................ £ 250 27 1o * S.G. #99e , 1919 £10 Purple and royal blue, vivid rich colors, nicely centered, original gum, lightly hinged, some foxing, Very Fine appearance (Scott #24; $3,750). .............................................................................. £ 3,500 2708
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Catalog or Es timated Value
27 11
2711 * S.G. #109b , 1926 2/- Purple and blue on pale blue, Broken crown and scroll var. original gum, very
lightly hinged, fresh and Fine (Scott #33 var) ................................................................................................ £ 160 2712 * S.G. #llla, 1927 4/- Carmine and black, Break in scroll var. excellent centering, original gum, lightly hinged, choice Very Fine (Scott #35 var.) ...................................................................................................... £ 170
2714 EX
27 13
Palestine cplt., original gum, lightly hinged, lm and 4m thin, otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #48-62). ........................................................................ £ 400
27 13 S.G. #71s/89s , 1922 lm-20P Definitives , overprinted "Specimen "
Rhodesia PP S.G. #1P/12P, 1892 lp-£5 Arms, Imperforate plate proofs, 1892 issues complete to the £5 in issued colors on gummed unwatermarked paper, original gum with some values somewhat dist. gum, £5 small thin spot, otherwise Fine-Very Fine (Scott #2/18 var.). ..............................................................................estimate £ 1,000-1,500 2715 O S.G. #12, 1892 £5 Sage-green, used with neat registry postmark, strong color on fresh paper, pulled perf. at top, otherwise Fine (Scott # 18; $450)......................................................................................................... £ 450
27 16
O S.G. #13 , 1892 £10 Brown, used with Bulawayo c.d.s., rich color on crisp clean paper, a couple nibbed perfs. at base, otherwise Fine (Scott # 19; $800).. ........................................................................................... £ 700 27 17 * S.G. #51, 1896 "One Penny" on 3d Grey-black and green, well centered, part original gum, Very Fine (Scott #40; $525)............................................................................................................................................. £ 500 2718 * S.G. #73, 1897 £1 Black and red-brown on green, luxuriant colors on fresh paper, large part original gum, Very Fine (Scott #57; $400). .......................................................................................................................... £ 350
27 16
well centered for this, lovely fresh color, disturbed part original gum, Very Fine; 2000 B.P.A. certificate (Scott #58; $1,775). .......................................................................................... £ 1,700
27 19 * S.G. #74, 1897 £2 Rosy red,
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Catalog or Estimated Value
............................... - - - · 2720
B. S.G. #77b , 1898 lp Rose , Vertical pair, Im perforate betwee n, block of four comprised of two pairs, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and choice, a rare multiple of this desirable error (Scott #60b, $1, 150) ............................................................................................................................................................ £1 ,000
272 1
* S.G. #92, 1901 £5 Deep blue, premium mint single with intense color, original gum, nearly Very Fine, a rare stamp made especially so in this select quality; signed Oliva, Diena , 1985 RPS certificate (Scott #74, $3,500) ............................................................................................................................................................ £ 3,250 2722 ** S.G. #93, 1898 £10 Lilac, a fantastic mint example of this scarce and difficult high value, possessing several desirable physical characteristics which would be hard to improve upon, including being in a post office fresh state of preservation, with pretty pastel color on crisp white paper, particularly well centered, full perforations all around, pristine original gum, ever Hinged , Extremely Fine; signed and accompanied by 1997 H. Richter certificate (Scott #75; $3,750 for hinged). ...................................................................... for hinged £ 3,250 2723 ** S.G. #93a, 1901 £20 Yellow-bister, handsome appearing mint example of this very rare stamp, vivid rich color on fresh white paper, full original gum, ever Hinged , horizontal creases, Very Fine appearance; a stamp which is missing from most collections; 2002 B.P.A. certificate (Scott #75A; $19,000) .................... ......... £ 14,000 272 1
S.G. #113c , 1909 £2 Brown, intense color on fresh white paper, neat c.d.s. cancel, Fine (Scott # 100; $325). ······························································································································································ £ 300 2725 * S.G. #113d , 1912 £2 Rosy red on bluish paper, Perf 14 1/2x15 original gum, lightly hinged, few nibbed perfs at left, still Fine example of this high value; 1994 PSE certificate (Scott # 100 var.) .......................... £ 3,250 2724 0
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Catalog or Estimated Value - ----
* S.G. #141ab, 1910 Sp Purple brown and ochre, Error of color, lovely characteristic shade, large part light evenly toned original gum, Fine; 1985 RPS certificate (Scott #107a, $525) ................................................ £ 600 2727 * S.G. #149 , 1910 lOp Scarlet and reddish mauve, "Gash in ear" var., well centered, original gum, Very
Fine (Scott # 1IO var.) ......................................................................................................................estimate £
* S.G. #164, 1910 10/- Blue-green and orange , strong colors on fresh paper, large margins, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #1 17; $425). ................................................................................................ £ 375 2729 * S.G. 166a, 1910 £1 Crimson and slate-black, deep rich colors on crisp white paper, original gum, relatively lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott # l 18a, $1,250). .................................................................................. £ 1,400
0 S.G. #179, 1910 £1 Red and black, perforated 15, used with neat Bulawayo registry postmark, good col-
ors on fresh paper, blue crayon registry marking partially erased causing slight rubbing and fading in the middle, otherwise Fine and rare; I 979 P.F.certificate (Scott # l l 8c; $3,500). .................................................... £ 3,000 2731 * S.G. #lSSa, 1910 Sp Grey purple and dull purple, Perf 13 1/2, excellent centering, original gum, h.r., Very Fine and choice; 1984 PFSA certificate (Scott # 109a var.) .................................................................. £ 375 2732 * S.G. #lSSa , 1910 Sp Grey purple and dull purple, Perf 13 1/2, "Gash in Ear" var., very well centered, original gum, small h.r., fresh and Very Fine (Scott # 109a var.) ....................................................estimate £ 400-500
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Cata log or Estimated Value
P 1913/22 "Admiral" Head Proof, in black on cream paper, large official punch hole at top just into rim of cap, some light wrinkling as usual, Very Fine......... ........................................................................estimate £ 150-200
* S.G. #199a , 1917 1 l/2p Drab brown, Horizontal pair, Imperforate between , original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and scarce (Scott # 12 l d, $625).......................................................................................... £ 750 2735 * S.G. #240 , 1913 7sh6p Blackish purple and slate black, Perf 14, Head die II, very well centered, original gum, Very Fine example of this scarcer shade; 2000 Brandon certificate (Scott # 136a, $260) .............. £ 300 2736 0 S.G. #242, 1913/19 £1 Black and purple , Die II, Perf 14, nicely centered, light transparent cancel, Very Fine (Scott # 138, $625) .................................................................................................................................. £ 550 2734
PEES.G. #273P, 1913 2sh Black and brown, Waterlow proof, Perf 14, Head die III, bottom margin block of four with official punch holes on gummed stamp paper, Very Fine (Scott #132 var.) ..............estimate £ 150-200
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Cata log or Estimated Value
* S.G. #276a, 1913 7sh6p Maroon and slate black, Perf 14, Head die III, deep rich colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and scarce; 2000 Brandon certificat e (Scott #136a var.) ...................................... £
* S.G. #290 var., 1 1/2p Brown olive, Perf 15, imperforate interpanneau margin at top, original gum, "stamp" Never Hinged, margin h.r. and horiz. crease, still Very Fine (Scott #121a var.) ................estimate £ 75-100
St. Christopher
181 1792/1845 Covers to London, group of five folded letters, 1- 1792 folded lettersheet (datelined "St. Christopher") with ms "5" and light "PORTSMOUTH SHIP LRE" marking, 2- 1816 folded letter with ms. "2/2" and nice strike of "ST. KITTS" dated fleuron cancel, 3- 1844 folded letter with St. Kitts dbl circle cancel on reverse, 4- 1844 folded letter with ms. "1/-" and an indistinct red cancel, back side with crisp strike of black St. Kitts fleuron, 5 1845 folded letter with ms. " 1/-" backside with strong St. Kitts eds and London arrival cancels (letter in French datelined Marigot (St.. Maarten) and mentioning Governor of Guadeloupe), Fine and interesting lot. ..........................................................................................................................................estimate £ 300-400
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Ca talo g or Est imate d Value
St. Helena
274 1 274 1 * S.G. #16, 1871 6d Dull blue, fresh and bright , original gum , slight h .r., Very Fine (Scott #3; $850).
2742 EX
£ 750
2743 EX
V, cplt. , fresh , most lightly hinged, Very Fine set (Scott #95-99 ; $589 .50)....... ............................................................... .................. ....... ...... ...................... ................................ £ 450 2743 * S.G. 92-96, 1922-23 4d-£1 George V cplt. , fresh and well centered, original gum , 4d h.r., 2/6 and 5/- N.H. , others lightly hinged, Very Fine set (Scott #95-99; $589. 50). ............ ...... ...................... ................................ £ 450 2742 * S.G. #92-96, 1922-37 4d-£1 George
2744 EX
rn./** S.G. #99c-101c, 1922 1 1/2d-3d George V, cleft rock, pos. R. 5/ l , the bottom left stamp in a bottom left comer margin blocks of four of the 1 112d and 3d, the 2d a single, original gum , lightly hinged or small h.r., the I I/2d variety Never Hinged, Extremely Fine.............................. .................... .................. ....................... £ 255
* S.G. #113, 1922 15/- Grey and purple on blue, original gum , h.r. , Very Fine (Scott #94; $1,025)..... 2746 * S.G. #113, 1922 15/- Grey and purple on blue, original gum , fresh and Fine (Scott #94; $ 1,025) . .. 2745
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£ 900 £ 900
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_ _ _The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empi ~
Cata log or Estimated Value
0 S.G. #172-75, 1961 2 1/2c + 3d to 10c + 1/-Tristan Relief cplt. , each used with neat " St. Helena /Oc 12, 61" first day of issue postmark , all well centered, Very Fine and attractive; only 434 sets were issued ; 1979 B.P.A. and 2004 Sismondo certificates. .................................................... ........................... ........................... £ 2,250
St. Kitts-Nevis
* S.G. #60, 1923 £1 Black and purple on red, original gum , lightly hinged, fresh and Very Fine (Scott #64, $850)................................................................................................................................................................ £ 750
St. Lucia
2750 EX
275 1 EX
* S.G. #10, 1863 "Six/Pence " on (4d) Indigo , attractive example of this rare stamp , which was prepared for use but never issued, rich color on fresh paper , original gum , Very Fine for this ; 1996Brandon certificate (Scott #26; $1,250). ···················································· ······························································································ £ 1, 100 2750 * S.G. #43-52 , 1891-98 1/2d-10/- Victoria , Die II cplt., original gum , lightly hinged, 5/- and 10/- trivial light ton ing, Fine-Very Fine set. ........... ............................. ......................... ........... ...................... ............................ £ 170 2751 * S.G. #64-7, 1904-10 1/2d-5/- Edward VII cplt. , original gum SG #75 some gum toning spots , still a Fine£ 250 Very Fine set (Scott #50-63;$244). ................................................................................................................ 2749
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Lot -----------
Catalog or Estimated Value - ~
St. Vincent
* S.G. #14, 1869 1/- Brown, rich color and clear impression, part original gum, Fine (Scott# 10; $600). £ 500 S.G. #20, 1873 1/- Lilac rose, perf. 11 to 12 1/2 x 15, unused example of this elusive stamp, rich color
2753 <* l
on crisp clean paper, pulled perforation at right not noted on the certificate, otherwise Fine; 1955 B.P.A. certificate................................................................................................................................................................... £ 5,500 2754 0 S.G. #20, 1873 1/- Lilac rose, perf. 11 to 12 1/2 x 15, used with "AlO" in barred oval and a bit of red c.d.s. as well, strong color on fresh paper, Very Fine for this (Scott #22; $425). .......................................... £ 350 2755 * S.G. #28, 1880 "d/1" surcharge on half of 6d Deep blue-green, the left half, part original gum, Very Fine; 1949 B.P.A.certificate (Scott #30; $475). ...................................................................................................... £ 500
S.G. #32, 1880 5/- Rose-red, unused with trace of original gum, much better centered than usual for this difficult stamp, Very Fine (Scott #29; $1,250). .............................................................................................. £ 1,000
2756 <* l
O S.G. #34, 1881 "One Penny" on 6d Bright green, neat 1881 c.d.s. cancel, fresh and Fine (Scott #32; $425). .............................................................................................................................................................. £ 350 2758 (*l S.G. #35, "4d" on 1/- Bright vermilion, unused, intense color on fresh paper, pulled perforation at upper right, otherwise Fine and scarce; 1962 Friedl certificate (Scott #33; $1,900). .............................................. £ 1,600 2759 * S.G. #93, 1911 £1 Purple and black on red, deep rich colors on fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #89; $325). .......................................................................................................................... £ 275 2757
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Catalog or Estimated Value
* S.G. #64ba, 1898 2/6 Deep purple on toned paper, Vertical pair, Im perforate between, top pair in a bottom margin vertica l strip of three , very well centered, original gum, Very Fine and choice (Scott # 19i, $500) £ 450
* S.G. # 110, "1 Shillings ." surcharge on IM Carmine , nicely centered, light evenly toned original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine, quite rare with only 100 printed ; signed Bothe, Dr. Oertel, Richt er, Champion (Scott # 110, $3,000) .............. .................................... ........................................................................................... ............... £ 3,250 2762 * S.G. #112, 1914 "2 Shillings." surcharge on 2M Blue , excellent centering , light evenly toned original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Extremely Fine, quite rare with only 126 issued ; 1988 Buhler certificate (Scott # 111, $3,000) ....................................................... ................................... ................ ........................................ £ 3,250
276 1
* S.G. #113, 1914 "3 Shillings." surcharge on 3M Violet black, deep rich color , original gum with some bits of black offset , Very Fine , only 458 were issued ; sig ned Brun , 1992 EPA certificat e (Scott # 112, $1,200) ................................. ................................................................... ........................................................ £ 1,400 2764 * S.G. #114, 1914 "5 Shillings." surcharge on SM Carmine and black, strong color s, original gum, Very Finer and scarce with only 534 issued ; signed Champion, 1994 RPS certificate (Scott # 113, $1,000) ........ £ 1, 100
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Catalog or Estimated Value
2765 EX
* S.G. #1-8, 22-25, 28-36, 1890-1900 2c/R2.25 Victoria, original gum , lightly hinged or small hr, various lower values with small bit of gum toning incl SG #6 with toning showing through at bottom , otherwise FineVery Fine (Scott #1-21; $467).............. ............... ..................................... .................................................... ... £ 443
2766 2766
EB./•• S.G. #26, 1896 18c on 45c Brown and carmine, top partial pane of 48 (split vertically down the cen-
ter) and containing the full overprint setting of 30 and the varieties short "T" (pos. 3, 33), short "N" (pos. 5, 35), sliced "8" (pos. 20), narrow "E" (pos. 27) but does not show the raised "S (pos. 12) or broken "C" (pos. 19) found on other positional examples of the setting , original gum, stamps Never Hinged, top margin hinged, Fine-Very Fine, an extraordinary showpiece multiple (Scott #27, $384+) .............. ...................................... £ 336
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Ca talog or Estimated value
/** S.G. #38, 1901 3c on 16c Chestnut and ultramarine, bottom left corner plate no. 2 margin block EE* of 30, complete overprint setting showing many varieties in the "3 cents" and bars surcharge incl. broken letters and "3", partial bars, etc., the 9th stamp (pos. 7/3) shows the malformed "S" variety , original gum, top stamps lightly hinged, others Never Hinged, Fine-Very Fine, nice positional block for the specialist (Scott #30).................................................................................................................................................................. £ 325
2768 * S.G. #38c, 1901 3c on 16c Chestnut and ultramarine , "3 cents " omitted , light evenly toned part original gum, Fine; I 987 RPS certificate (Scott #30a, $625) ................................................................................ £ 550 2769 * S.G. #40a, 1901 6c on Sc Brown purple and ultramarine , Surcharge inverted, great color, original gum, Fine and attractive; 1942 RPS certificate (Scott #32a, $750) ........................................................................ £ 650 2770 * S.G. #46a , 1903 2c Chestnut and green, Dented frame , particularly fresh colors, original gum, Fine (Scott #38 var.)................................................................................................................................................ £ 130
2773 EX
* S.G. #56a, 1903 2R25 Purple and green, Dented frame, strong colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine and scarce (Scott #48 var.) .............................................................................................................................. £ 650 2772 * S.G. #74a, 1913 12c Olive sepia and dull green, Split "A" var., light evenly toned original gum as often, lightly hinged, Fine (Scott #86 var.)................................................................................................................ £ 140 2773 * S.G. #82-97 , 1917-22 2c-5R George V cplt., original gum, lightly hinged or hr, few with some gum toning as often, Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #74-89; $204). .................................................................................. £ 170
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Ca talog or Estima ted Value -~
. ·················································
EE**S.G. #128b, 1935 6c Jubilee, Short extra flagstaff var., top left corner margin block of four with bottom left stamp the variety, original gum, Never Hinged, fresh and Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 118 var.) .......... £ 250
2775 EX
*/** S.G. #Jl-26, 1942 lc-$10 Japanese occupation overprints in violet, cplt., fresh colors throughout, original gum, 3c black, 4c, 6c carmine, 8c red brown, 10c, 12c blue, 15c orange, 20c, 25c Never Hinged, most others are lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine; $3, $10 signed Chan (Scott #Nl-22, $4,750).............................. £ 5,750
Sierra Leone
* S.G. #38, 1893 "Half Penny" surcharge on 1 112d Lilac, watermarked crown and CC, well centered, fresh color, original gum, Very Fine and scarce (Scott #32; $525). .............................................................. £ 475 2777 * S.G. #39a, 1893 1/2p on 1 1/2p Pale violet, Surcharge inverted, original gum, fresh and Fine; 1983 Brandon certificate (Scott #33b, $125) .......................................................................................................... £ 110
E S.G. #49E, 1896 6p Victoria, Imperforate trial color in green and blue with handpainted "SIERRA LEONE" in upper tablet, original gum on unwatermarked paper, Very Fine keyplate essay; 1963 RPS certifi cate (Scott #42 var.)..........................................................................................................................estimate £ 400-500
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Catalog or Estimated Value
* S.G. #58, 1897 "2 1/2d." surcharge Ty.12 on 3p Dull purple and green, select mint single with unusually fresh colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine and choice; signed A. Rendon and Sismondo and with £ 325 the latter 's 2004 certificate (Scott #51, $400) ................................................................................................
* S.G. #59-62, 1897 "2 1/2d." surcharge Ty.10-11-12-8 on 6p Dull purple and green, horizontal strip of four showing all four of the different surcharge types, unusually fresh colors, original gum, lightly hinged, FineVery Fine, a scarce multiple (Scott #52-55, $535) ........................................................................................ £ 445
278 1
#65, 1897 "2 1/2d." surcharge Ty.10 on 1/- Dull lilac , very well centered, slightly discolored as quite often on this type, Very Fine appearance (Scott #59, $1,750)........................................................................ £ 850 2782 * S.G. #67, 1897 "2 1/2d." surcharge Ty.8 on 2/- Dull lilac, well centered, large part original gum, h.r., Very Fine and scarce (Scott #60, $2,100)................................................................................................................ £ 1,700
278 1 (*> S.G.
* S.G. #85, 1903 £1 Purple on red, remarkably fresh, original gum, very lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #76; $225). ······················································································································································ £ 225
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Catalog or Estimated Value
* S.G. #129, 1912 £2 Blue and dull purple , well centered, original gum, small h.r., short perf, still Very Fine (Scott # 120, $375) .......................................................................................................................................... £ 600 2785 . * S.G. #130, 1912 £5 Orange and green, radiant colors, original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Very Fine (Scott #121, $1,400).. ...................................................................................................................................... £ 1,700 2786 * S.G. #148, 1923 £5 Orange and green, eye catching mint single with vibrant colors, very well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Extremely Fine in every respect; signed A . Rendon and Sismondo and with the latter's 2004 certifica te (Scott #139, $1,300) .................................................................................. £ 1,600 2784
Solomon Islands
2787 EX
* S.G. #1-7, 1907 1/2d-1/- War Canoe cplt., fresh colors, original gum which is slightly disturbed on thel/' usual rough perfs, Fine-Very Fine set(Scott # 1-7; $309). ............................................................................ £ 250
Cape of Good Hope Mafeking
* S.G. #10, Mafeking, 1900 6p on 3p Lilac and black, nicely centered, original gum, Very Fine (Scott# 171, $425)................................................................................................................................................................ £ 375 2789 * S.G. #3, 1900 3d Mafeking surcharge on ld Carmine, uncommonly fresh, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine; signed Bloch (Scott # 164; $260)................................................................................................... £ 225 2788
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Catalog or Est imated Value
279 1
S.G. #4, 1900 6d Mafeking surcharge on 3d Magenta, tied to small piece by full clear strike of "Mafeking, C.G.H./Ap 14, 1900" c.d.s., fresh and Very Fine (Scott #165; $290)......................................... £ 250 2791 0 S.G. #5, 1900 1/- Mafeking surcharge on 4d Sage green, tied to small piece by partial "Mafeking/My 17, 1900" c.d.s., fresh and Very Fine (Scott # 166; $400)............................................................................... £ 350
2790 0
0 S.G. #15, 1900 1/- Mafeking surcharge on 6d Purple on rose-red, select example tied to small piece by full clear strike of "Mafeking, C.G.H./My 10, 1900" c.d.s., fresh and Very Fine; only 240 stamps were printed; 1968 R.P.S. certificate (Scott # 176; $800). .................................................................................................... £ 700 2793 0 S.G. 22, 1900 3d Deep blue on blue, wide format, tied to small piece by full strike of "Mafeking, C.G.H./My 3, 1900" c.d.s., nicely centered, tiny scuffs at top center, otherwise Very Fine (Scott # 180a; $1,250). .......................................................................................................................................................... £ 1,000
* S.G. #1, 1899 Vryburg surcharge 1/2p on 1/2p Green, original gum, lightly hinged, fresh and Fine; 1988 £ 200 Rendon certificate (Scott #Nl, $230) ............................................................................................................ 2795 ** S.G. #3, 1899 "2 Pence/Z.A.R." Vryburg surcharge on 6d Mauve, choice appearing left interpanneau 2794
margin mint example of this rare stamp, deep rich color and incredibly fresh, original gum, Never Hinged, horizontal crease at top, Very Fine appearance; 1993 B.P.A. certificate (Scott #N3; $2,500). .......................... £ 2,000
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Catalog or Estimat ed Value
* S.G. #4, 1899 "2 1/2 Pence/Z.A.R. " Vryburg surcharge on 2 112d Ultramarine, an excellent mint example of this elusive stamp, extraordinarily fresh , good color, full original gum with a light pencil notation , Never Hinged , Very Fine; a rare stamp, but especially so in this state of preservation; 1967 B.P.A. certificate (Scott #N4 ; $2,000 for hinged) ... ...... ...................................... ........... ............... ......... ....... ................. ..... for hinged £ 2,000
S.G. #2, 1853 4d Deep blue on deeply blued paper, unused, large to very large margins all around, rich color on fresh paper , Extreme ly Fine (Scott #2a; $2,750). ................................... .................. ....... ................ £2 ,250
2797 <*l
* S.G. #6a, 1855 4d Blue , pair , clear to mostly large margins all around, luxuriant color on fresh white paper , original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #4; $1, 100 for singles) . ...................... ............................... ... £ 950
* S.G. #Sa, 1859 1/- Deep dark green, a super b mint pair , with large to huge margins all around, incredibly fresh, luxuriant rich color, full original gum, lightly hinged, Extremely Fine and handsome (Scott #6a; $630 for singles) ......... ...................... ..... ........... ................. .................................... .............. ......................... for singles £ 550
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Cata log or Estimated Value
* S.G. #8b, 1859 1/- Deep dark green, rich characteristic color, large to wide margins, original gum, trace of hinging, Extremely Fine; 1962 Ray baudi certificate (Scott #6a, $315) .................................................... £ 275
280 1 2801
* S.G. #8b, 1859 1/- Deep dark green, pair, deep rich color, ample to large margins, large part original gum,
Very Fine (Scott #6a, $825) ............................................................................................................................ £ 550 2802 * S.G. #18, 1864 lp Deep carmine red, pair, strong color, clear to wide margins, original gum, Very Fine (Scott #12, $1,100).......................................................................................................................................... £ 340
* S.G. #18b, 1863 lp Deep brown red, lovely deep color, ample to wide margins, original gum, Very Fine, nice example of this scarcer shade; signed, Diena, 1992 APS certificate (Scott #12a, $450) ...................... £ 375
* S.G. #19, 1964 4p Deep blue, pair, especially strong color, ample to large margins, original gum, Very Fine and quite attractive (Scott # 13, $1, 100) .......................................................................................................... £ 340 2805 * S.G. #20, 1864 6p Bright mauve, pair, fresh color, ample to large margins, part original gum, Very Fine, a fresh sound pair (Scott # 14, $575) .............................................................................................................. £ 450
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Catalog or Es1i111 ated Value
* S.G. #21, 1863 1/- Bright emerald green, rich verdant color, ample to wide margins, original gum, Very Fine (Scott #15, $475) .................................................................................................................................... £ 400
0 S.G. #31, 1869 1/- Green , Ty.7a "POSTAGE" overprint , fair strike of killer cancel, rounded corner bottom left, Fine and scarce; 1956 RPS certificate (Scott #37, $1,550) ............................................................ £ 1,200 2808 O S.G. #37, 1869 1/- Green , Ty.7b "Postage " overprint , legible " l " barred oval cancel of Pietermaritzburg, partially reperfed on two sides, otherwise Fine; 2007 Sismondo certificate (Scott #25, $2,300) .................. £ 900 2807
28 10
28 11 EX
S.G. #127-44s, 1902-03 , 1/2d-£5 Edward VII , overprinted "Specimen ", original gum, some h.r., 10/- with a diagonal crease at lower left and $1 shallow thin, otherwise a Very Fine set. ............................................ £ 475 28 10 * S.G. #162 , 1908 £1.lOs Brown orange and deep purple , fresh colors with only the slightest bit of rubbing in the frame only, original gum, Fine (Scott #109, $1,525) .................................................................. £ 1,200 281 1 * S.G. #165-71, 1908-09 6p- £1 Edward VII cplt., vivid colors, original gum, most (incl. £1) lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine, an attractive set (Scott # 110-16, $537) ................................................................................ £ 375 2809
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Catalog or Estimated Value
New Republic ----'il:?)
17 JAN 87
24 N OV 86
. .
- 2813
28 12
0' ' 2814
2812 0 S.G. #1, 1886 ld Black on yellow, 9 Jan 86, an especially desirable example of this very rare stamp, which
is only known used, wonderfully well centered within particularly large margins for this, usual violet oval handstamp cancel, natural s.e. at left, a few nibbed perfs. at right (most have more serious faults), otherwise Extremely Fine and quite attractive; the rarest stamp of New Republic (Scott # lA; $3,500). .................. £ 3,000 2813 * S.G. #15, 1886-87 4/s Violet on yellow, 17 Jan 87, precisely centered, wonderfully fresh, original gum, light h.r., Very Fine and choice (Scott # 11; $450). ........................................................................................ £ 450 2814 * S.G. #23 , 1886-86 13s Violet on yellow, 24 Nov 86, large margins and attractively centered within them, bright and fresh, original gum, light h.r., Very Fine (Scott# 16A; $425). ...................................................... £ 450
Orange River Colony
::.r. ,--
.. -
Zes [)enc-c.
28 15
28 17
28 16
bright and fresh, neatly cancelled, Fine; 1995 B.P.A. certificate (Scott #33; $550). ...................................................................................................... £ 500 2816 * S.G. #121a, 1900 "ls " surcharge Ty. 32 on 1/- Orange yellow, error of color, rich fresh color, nicely centered, original gum, lightly hinged, a couple lightly toned perfs., otherwise Very Fine; quite scarce and seldom offered (Scott #52j; $1,500). .......................................................................................................................... £ 1,300 2817 * S.G. #129, 1900 6p on 6p Bright carmine , Thick "V" overprint , original gum, fresh and Fine; 1992 £ 425 Brandon certificate (Scott #50f, $450) ..........................................................................................................
28 15 O S.G. #59, 1890-91 "ld" surcharge Ty. 7c on 4d Ultramarine ,
EE*/** S.G. #150a, 1907 4p Scarlet and sage green, "IOSTAGE" for "POSTAGE " var.,
bottom left corner margin block of six with bottom row center stamp the variety, nicely centered, original gum, bottom row (incl. variety) Never Hinged, top row lightly hinged or small h.r., Fine-Very Fine, premium example of this popular variety (Scott #66 var.) ...................... £
28 18 June 6, 2008
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Cata log or Estima ted Value
2819 <*l S.G. #10, 1870 ld Carmine , thin paper, coarse impression , fine roulette 15 1/2 to 16, unused, roulettes
nearly all around, well centered, good color, Very Fine; 200 1 Brandon certificate (Scott# 11; $775). ........ £ 700 2820 0 S.G. #187, 1892 £5 Deep green, pos. R.4/9, choice used example, beautifully cancelled by well struck "Johnnesburg, Z.A.R./28 Jan 96", fresh and Very Fine; 1994 B.P.A. certificate (Scott #135; $210). .......... £ 180 2821 0 S.G. #274b , 1905 lp Scarlet, error of watermark, cabled anchor of Cape of Good Hope, partial machine cancel, fresh and Fine, known only in used condition; signed Sismondo and with his 2004 certificate (Scott #282a, $275) ........................................................................................................................................ £ 325
Schweizer Reneck
2822 2822
0 S.G. #1, 1900 112d Green Schweizer Renecke "BESIEGED" handstamp, reading up, tied to small piece
by clear "Schweizer Renecke/ 12 Sep 00" c.d.s., Very Fine (Scott #232; 250)............................................. £ 250 2823 0 S.G. #2, 1900 ld Rose-red and green Schweizer Renecke "BESIEGED " handstamp , reading up, outstanding centering, neat "Schweizer Renecke/ 12 Sep 00" c.d.s., fresh and Extremely Fine; 1983 Brandon certificate (Scott #233; $375). ............................................................................................................................ £ 250
Wolmarasstad * S.G. #4, 1900 2 112d Blue and green, Wolmaransstad "CancelledN-R-I." Ty. L3 handstamp , original gum, h.r., diagonal crease and a couple short perfs., Fine appearance and rare; 1996 B.P.A. certificate (Scott #240; $2,000). ················································································································································ £ 1,800
2825 EX 2825
* S.G. #1-10 , 1888-93 , 1/2d-1/- Victoria , original gum except 3d no gum, h.r., 112d and ld with foxed perf.
and 4d lightly toned, otherwise Fine-Very Fine (Scott # 1-10; $491.75) ........................................................ £ 442 2826 0 S.G. #11, 1892 5/- Rose , with "ZULULAND " overprint, well centered, nearly full strike of Eshowe JY 16 94 c.d.s., fresh and Very Fine (Scott # 11, $700)........................................................................................ £ 600 2827 * S.G. #11, 1892 5/- Rose , handsome mint example, excellent centering, fresh color, original gum, small h.r., Extremely Fine (Scott # 11; $600). .................................................................................................................. £ 550 June 6, 2008
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Ca talog or Estim ate d Value
SP,*i S.G. #29s, 1904 £5 Purple and black on red, "SPECIMEN" overprint, well centered, unused, Very Fine; 2003 Sismondo certificate (Scott #24s, unpriced) ................................................................................ £ 450
South Africa * S.G. #17, 1916 £1 Green and red, rich colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine and attractive (Scott #16, $850)................................................................................................................................................................ £ 600
••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •• • 2830
* S.G. #29 var., 1925 9p Green Air Mail, Imperforate at left, bottom left comer margin horizontal pair with left stamp the variety, light evenly toned original gum, lightly hinged (h.r. in bottom margin), Very Fine and scarce (Scott #C4 var.; SACC 28a, R3,000/$450) ....................................................................estimate £ 200-300
EEE 1923 lp Springbok Harrison Essays, 23x18 314mm,Perf 13 1/2x13 three horizon-
tal blocks of ten mounted on special page from a Harrison presentation book of specimens, in blue & black, carmine & green or purple & blue, Very Fine, a stunning exhibition calibre set and believed to be one of only two complete sets extant.....................estimate £ 1,000-1 ,500
2831 June 6, 2008
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Catalog or Estimated Value
~ ~ ~
2832 EX
2833 EX
P S.G. #40P-41P, 1929 4p, lsh Air Mail, Imperforate proofs, in black on gummed unwatermarked glossy paper, Very Fine (Scott #C5-6 var.) ..................................................................................................estimate £ 200-300 2833 P S.G. #41P, 1929 lsh Air Mail, Imperforate plate proofs, in the five known colors printed on the back of obsolete land charts, Very Fine and quite scarce..... ........................................................................estimate £ 400-500
E 1929 Booysen lp Springbok Essay, in black on gummed (NH, fingerprint) paper , roughly perforated, Very Fine and rare , apparently only one sheet of 80 was prepared and a majority of those are imperf orate . ....................................................................................................................................estimate £ 100-150
2835 EX
S.G. #42/49b, 1930-45 1/2d-2/6 Views, thirteen values, original gum, lightly hinged or hr, most with gum toning spots to varying degrees including 2d blue, otherwise Fine-Very Fine (Scott #33-44 + shades; $914+).£
S.G. #42b, 1930 1/2p Black and green, Tete-beche pair, two pairs in a "block of four", original gum, small h.r., fresh and Very Fine, a desirable exhibition block, the tete-beche pairs are quite rare in there own right, even more so in multiples (Scott #33c, $2,500) ............................................................................................ £ 1,800
2836 EE*
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Catalog or Estimated Value
** S.G. #43, 1930 lp Black and carmine, Joined/ repaired paper var., bottom margin vertical block of 2837 EE eight with the paper joined in the center block of four (one stamp is folded open to show the variety), bottom left stamp shows the "semi-circle" light patch top right center vignette and the bottom right stamp with "line through sunrays" varieties (pos. 20/3, 20/4 respectively), original gum, stamps Never Hinged, h.r. in margin only, fresh and Very Fine, wonderful and visually attractive variety (Scott #34) ............................estimate ÂŁ 200-300
2838 2838 EE**S.G. #56a, 1934 lp Grey and carmine, Imperforate, inverted watermark as always, bottom right cor-
ner margin block of eight, original gum, Never Hinged, Very Fine and choice, an exceptional block (Scott #48 var.).................................................................................................................................................................. ÂŁ 640 June 6, 200 8
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Catalog or Estimated Value
2839 2839 EB** S.G. #56a, 1934 lp Grey and carmine, Imperforate , inverted watermark as always, block of four, orig£ 320 inal gum , Never Hinged, choice Very Fine (Scott #48 var.) .................... ................. .................................... .
Southern Rhodesia
..· ·············-··········•·
. ··············:-·············
2840 EB** S.G. #1, 1924 1/2p Blue green, Interpanneau gutter block of four, bottom pair imperforate margin at top, original gum , Never Hinged, Very Fine (Scott # 1 var.) .......... ................ ................. ...........estimate £ 150-200 2841 EB*/** S.G. #1, 1924 1/2p Blue green, Interpanneau gutter block of four, bottom pair imperforate mar-
gin at top, Waterlow & Sons imprint in gutter , original gum , left vert pair lightly hinged, right pair Never hinged, Very Fine (Scott # 1 var.) ........................................................................................... ...........estimate £ 150-200
2842 2842 * S.G. #lb , 1924 l/2p Blue green, Vertical pair, Imperforate between, rich color, well centered, original
gum , lightly hinged, choice Very Fine (Scott # la , $950).. ......................... ....................... .............................. June 6, 2008
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£ 900
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Cata log or Estim ated Value
•? ••••••••••••••
S.G. #2, 1924 lp Bright rose, Interpanneau gutter block of four, top pair imperforate margin at bottom, original gum , small h.r. in top stamps , Fine-Very Fine (Scott #2 var.) ................ .................. estimate£ 150-200
2843 EE*
S.G. #4a, 1924 2p Black and purple grey, Horizontal pair, Im perforate between , fresh colors , very well centered, without gum , Extremely Fine and choice , a great rarity of British Commonwealth philately as only 12 pairs can exist (Scott #4a, $12,500) .. ...... .. .... ...... .. ...... .... .. .. ...... ...... ...... .......... .... ........ .... ............ ...... ...... .... .. £ 12,000
2844 <*)
2845 EX
S.G. #15-27 , 1931-37 l/2d-5/- George V cplt. original gum , most lightly hinged, most even gum toning or £ 130 small toning spots , otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set (Scott # 16-30; $167). ..................... ...............................
Jun e 6, 200 8
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Cata log or Estimated Value
2846 2846
BP./** S.G. #16c , 1933 l l/2p Chocolate, Booklet pane of six, well centered with full perfs all around, orig-
inal gum, five stamps Never Hinged, other (top center) lightly hinged, insignificant bit of the tab missing, fresh and Very Fine, quite rare as an intact pane (Scott # 18a, $600; significantly undervalued) ........estimate £ 2,000-3 ,000
South West Africa
* S.G. #12, 1923 £1 Green and red, Setting I, bilingual pair, fresh colors, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine (Scott #12, $800) ............................................................................................................................................ £ 700
Stellaland (* l S.G. 6, 1884 "Twee" sideways handstamp in violet on 4d Olive-grey, unused, well centered for this, some light soiling not noted on the certificate, Very Fine and rare; clear 1984 B.P.A. certificate (Scott #6, $4,000)............................................................................................................................................................. £ 3,500
Straits Settlements * S.G. #72, 1884 "4 Cents " surcharge in black on Sc Blue , lovely mint example of this rare issue, large part original gum, fresh and Fine, short-lived as was quickly replaced by the more visible red surcharged issue; 2004 Brandon certifi cate (Scott #67, $3,250) ................................................................................................ £ 3,250
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2850 EX
Catalog or Estimated Value
285 1
* S.G. #110-21, 1902-03 lc-$5 Edward VII cplt., moderately toned original gum, otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #93-104; $440). ...................................................................................................................... £ 350 285 1 SP* S.G. #122s, 1903 $100 Purple and green on yellow, "SPECIMEN" overprint , fresh unrubbed colors, original gum, h.r., Fine and scarce (Scott # I 04As, unpriced) ........................................................................ £ 550
2852 EX
2852 * S.G. #127-36, 138, 155, 159, 161, 162, 164-67, 1904-12 lc/$5 Edward VII, original gum, with a good num-
ber moderately toning as often, many lightly hinged,Fine-VeryFine (Scott #109-28(less #125); $780). ...... £ 639 2853 SP* S.G. #168s, 1911 $25 Purple and blue on blue, "SPECIMEN" overprint, strong colors, original gum, fresh and Fine (Scott # 145s, unpriced) .......................................................................................................... £ 450
2856 EX
excellent centering and particularly fresh color, original gum, small h.r., Extremely Fine and choice example of one of the scarcest of the Malaysian Japanese occupation issues; signed Chan (Scott #N6A, $2,875) .................................................................. £ 3,000 2855 * S.G. #J155 var., 1942 30c Dull purple and orange , Violet single frame chop, fresh colors, typical brownish streaked original gum, lightly hinged, Fine; unlisted in SG with a violet chop signed Chan (Scott #Nl4 , $2,200) ..SG for red ovpt.................................................................................................................................. £ 2,750 2856 * S.G. #J156-60, 1942 40c-$5 George VI, with violet single frame chops, deep rich colors, original gum, lightly hinged or small h.r., fresh and Fine-Very Fine, unlisted in SG with violet chops (Scott #Nl 5-19, $597) SG for red ovpts .............................................................................................................................................. £ 555 2854 * S.G. #Jl47, 1942 2c Green, with violet single frame chop,
P S.G. #51P, 1931 10m Gen. Gordon Air Mail, Imperforate frame and vignette proofs in blue, left margin singles on ungummed paper, Extremely Fine (Scott #C6 var.) ................................................estimate £ 150-200
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Catalog or Estimated value
2858 2858 PEE S.G. #127P, 1951 Sm Warrior, Imperforate plate proof, in black on ungummed unwatermarked dull claret paper, Very Fine (Scott # 102 var.)..........................................................................................estimate £ 100-150
2861 EX
2859 * S.G. #O3c, 1902 lm Brown and pink, "O.S.G.S." overprint inverted, original gum, lightly hinged, fresh
and Fine; 1946 RPS certificate (Scott #Ola , $325)........................................................................................
£ 250
Swaziland 2860 * S.G. #9, 1890 10/- Dull chestnut overprinted "Swazieland", pos. 32, a fresh mint example of this, the
rarest regularly issued stamp of the country, good color, original gum, h.r., a couple nibbed perfs. at top not noted on the certificate, Fine; 1983 B.P.A. certificate (Scott #8; $5,750). .................................................... £ 6,000
Tanganyika 2861 * S.G. #83a-88a, 1923-24 1/- to £1 Giraffe watermarked upright , except for the 3/- which was only issued
with sideways watermark, bright and fresh, original gum, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #23-28; $310).
£ 285
Mafia Island
2862 * S.G. #MIC, 1915 2 l/2h Brown, overprinted "G.R. MAFIA" in reddish violet, P.O. fresh single,
unblemished original gum, Never Hinged, Fine and quite rare with only 40 being issued ; 1965 EPA certificate (as MIA) (Scott #NL25, $275 for hinged) .................................................................................................... £ 200 2863 ** S.G. #M3B, 1915 7 1/2h Carmine , overprinted "G.R. MAFIA" in deep purple, very well centered mint single with frewsh color and pristine original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine, scarce with probably only several sheets issued; signed Kilian (Scott #NL20, $650 for hinged)............................................................ £ 550
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2865 EX
Cata log or Estimated Value
** S.G. #MSC, 1915.20h Black and red on yellow, overprinted "G.R. MAFIA" in reddish violet, premium quality mint single being very well centered with rich colors, original gum, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine, a rarity with only 40 issued ; signed Mansfield (Scott #NL29, $450) ............................................................ £ 325 2865 * S.G. #M33-38, 1915 3p-3a I.E.F. George V, overprinted Ty.M4 "G.R. POST MAFIA", fresh colors, original gum (bit toned on 3p), h.r., Fine-Very Fine, only 384 of the 2 l/2a were issued (Scott #NL79-84, $565)................................................................................................................................................................ £ 488 2866 0 S.G. #M40 , 1915 Sa I.E.F. George V, overprinted Ty. M4 "G.R. POST MAFIA", niceley centered, light cancel, Very Fine, only 200 were issued; signed Kohl (Scott #NL86, $400) ................................................ £ 400
2868 EX
O S.G. #M42 , 1915 lR 1.E.F. George V, overprinted Ty.M4 "G.R. POST MAFIA", well centered, light cancel, fresh and Very Fine, only 159 issued; signed Kohl (Scott #NL88, $575) .......................................... £ 550 2868 * S.G. #M43-45 , M47-50, 1916 3p/8a I.E.F. George V, overprinted Ty. MS "G.R. POST MAFIA", rich colors, original gum, lightly hinged or h.r., 3a tiny edge break, still Fine-Very Fine, only 200 of the 8a were issued; 8a signed Hille (Scott #NL89-9 l , 93-96, $1,650) .............................................................................. £ 1,465
Tobago * S.G. #6, 1879 £1 Mauve, a premium quality mint example of this rare and difficult stamp, vivid rich color on uncommonly fresh white paper, original gum, slightly clipped perforations at lower left which is normal, as quite a number of the known copies were partially separated by scissors, Very Fine and highly desirable; 1996 Holcombe certificate (Scott #6; $4,500) ........................................................................................................ £ 4,250
287 1
2870 0 S.G. #7, 1880 "d/1" manuscript provisional surcharge on half of 6d Orange , the left half, tied to small
piece by "Al4 " in barred oval cancel, Very Fine and quite scarce (Scott #7; $875). .................................... 2871 * S.G. #11, 1880 6d Stone, fresh color, original gum, Fine (Scott #11; $400).........................................
£ 800 £ 375
Togo * S.G. #H7, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation " Catholic Mission wide setting overprint on 40pf Black and carmine , rich colors on fresh paper, original gum, lightly hinged, choice Very Fine; signed Holcombe and accompanied by his 1990 certificate (Scott #41; $275)......................................................... £ 225
June 6, 200 8
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Catalog or Estimated Value
* S.G. #H9 , 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" Catholic Mission wide setting overprint on 80pf
Black and carmine on rose, fresh and well centered, original gum, lightly hinged, choice Very Fine; signed Kosack (Scott #43 ; $275) . ......... ...................... ............................ .................................. ........... ...................... £ 225
2874 2874 * S.G. #HlO, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation"
Catholic Mission wide setting overprint on lM Carmine, a pleasing example of this very rare mint stamp , centered a bit to left as usual, rich color on uncommonly fresh paper , original gum , h.r., Fine ; only about 100 stamps were overprinted in this setting, the large majority of which were used; signed Bothe , Buhler , Hoffmann-Giesecke and Kosack and accompanied by 1972 Bothe certificate (Scott #44 ; $5,750). .................................................................... ............................ .... £ 5,000
2875 2875 0 S.G. #H16, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation"
Catholic Mission narrow setting overprint on lOpf Carmine , tied to piece by perfectly struck blue "Anecho /Togo/31/12 , 14" postmark, fresh and Fine; this immensely rare stamp is only known used, and Gibbs estimates that only fifteen to twenty copies exist; signed Both e and accompanied by 1979 B.P.A. certificate (Scott #50; #3, 100). ...................................................... £2,750
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Catalog or Estimated Value
2876 2876 <*l S.G. #Hl 7b, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" Catholic Mission wide setting and narrow set-
ting combination overprint on 20pf Ultramarine, vertical se-tenant strip of three , the top pair narrow setting from pos. 38 and 48 , and the bottom stamp wide setting from pos . 8, bright and fresh , strong and intact perforations , without gum as usual , Very Fine ; this variety came about when one of the complete sheets of 100 was folded in half to receive the forme of setting 1, the upper half was not overprinted, by the time the sheet was found the overprint setting had been altered and therefore the upper half was overprinted with the second setting making se-tenant vertical pairs , only six such pairs have been recorded; 1990 Holcombe and 1997 B.P.A. certificates; ex.-Bute (Scott #5lb ; $7,250). ..................... ........................................................................ ..... ÂŁ 7,52 1
Catholic Mission narrow setting overprint on 40pf Black and carmine, used with partial Lome c.d.s. , rich colors on fresh paper , Fine and very rare; Gibbs estimates that only 25 to 30 stamps were issued, most of which were used ; 1979 B.P.A. certificate. ...... ÂŁ 1,500
2877 O S.G. #H20, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation"
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Ca talog or Estimated Value
2878 2878 0 S.G. #H21, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation"
Catholic Mission narrow setting overprint on S0pf Black and purple on buff, tied to piece by mostly clear "Lome /Togo/29.9.14 " c.d.s. , excellent centering and very fresh , choice Very Fine; a great rarity of which Gibbs estimates only about twenty examples were issued, all of which were used; signed Champion and accompanied by 1991 Rendon certificate (Scott #55; $6,750)....... ............... ......................................................................................................... .............................. £ 6,000
o S.G. #H22, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" Catholic Mission narrow setting overprint on 80pf Black and carmine on rose, used with partial Lome c.d.s., outstanding centering and wonderfully fresh, light diagonal crease at upper left, Extremely Fine appearance; Gibbs believes that only fifteen used examples exist out of his estimated 25 stamps overprinted ; signed Champion and Calves (Scott #56; $2, 100). ........ £ 1,900
2880 2880 0 S.G. #H23 , 1914 "TOGO/Anglo -French/Occupation" Catholic Mission narrow setting overprint on
lM Carmine, tied to piece by "Lome /Togo/29.9.14 " c.d.s., incredibly well centered, bright and fresh , Ext remel y Fine and choice ; a great rarity of which Gibbs estimated only 40 stamps were overprinted, most of which were used; signed Hoffmann-Giesecke and Wittmann and accompanie d by the latter 's 1970 certificate. .............. ........................................................... ....................................................................................... £ 4,000 Jun e 6, 2008
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Catalog or Estima ted Value
2881 2881 O S.G. #H24, 1914 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation"
Catholic Mission narrow setting overprint on 2M Blue, handsome right sheet-margin single with guide lines in the selvage, tied to piece by
"Lome/Togo/3.10.14" c.d.s., remarkably fresh, Very Fine and.exceedingly rare; while twenty stamps were originally overprinted a mere 12 used copies have been recorded, and no mint examples have ever been found; 1969 R.P.S. certificate (Scott #58; $10,000)................................................................................................... £ 9,000
2882 2882 O S.G. #H29 , 1915 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation " Catholic Mission third setting overprint on 3pf
Brown, tied to small piece by blue "Lome/Togogebeit/ 8/4, 15" c.d.s., excellent centering, rich color, fresh and
Extremely Fine; this setting was overprinted on a small find of stamps from Sansane-Manguand only 50 stamps were allotted to the British; Gibbs estimates that only 30 to 40 used copies exist; signed Kohler and Richter and accompanied by 1977 B.P.A. certificate (Scott #61; $3,250). ................................................................ £ 2,500
o S.G. #H30 , 1915 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" Catholic Mission third setting overprint on 5pf Green, used with bold Lome c.d.s., fresh and Extremely Fine; 1964 B.P.A. certificate (Scott #62; $150). £ 130 2884 ** S.G. #H31, 1915 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" Catholic Mission third setting overprint on lOpf Carmine, post office fresh mint example, excellent centering, original gum, light natural gum bends, Never Hinged, Extremely Fine and choice; signed Bothe (Scott #63; $225 for hinged). for hinged ........ £ 200 2885 O S.G. #H32, 1915 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" Catholic Mission third setting overprint on 20pf Ultramarine, used with blue Anecho c.d.s., well centered, fresh color, choice Very Fine; scarce and under-
cataloged as only 200 stamps were allotted to the British for overprinting from the Sansane-Mangu find; signed Champion and accompanied by 1995 B.P.A. certificate (Scott #64; $600). .................................................. £ 400 June 6, 2008
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Cata log or Estim ated Value -
2886 2886 O S.G. #H32a, 1915 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation"
Catholic Mission individual setting on 40pf Black and carmine, Gibbs Ty. 3C, tied to piece of commercial cover by blue "Lome/Togogebiet/8.14.1915" c.d.s., vivid rich colors and beautifully centered, Extremely Fine ; a great rarity of which only five copies are recorded; while this stamp is listed with the third setting overprint applied to the Sansane-Mangu find, it is not really from this setting as all known copies are from individual settings; signed Holcombe and accompanied by his 1993 certificate (Scott #64A ; $8,500)... ........ ..... ............................. ...................... ....... ............ ........ ......... ÂŁ 8,000
S.G. #H33, 1915 "TOGO/Anglo-French/Occupation" Catholic Mission third setting overprint on 50pf Black and purple on buff, tied to piece by clear strike of "Lome /Togo/7 .1.15" first day of issue postmark, wonderfully fresh and well centered, Extreme ly Fine and very rare ; a mere nineteen copies of this overprint were made; signed Champion and Holcombe and accompanied by the latter 's 1989 certificate (Scott #65; $ 10,000) ................. .................................................... ........................ .............................................................. ÂŁ9 ,500
2887 0
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Cata log or Estimated Value
2888 2888 <*l S.G. #36A , 1896 "Half-I-Penny-" typewritten surcharge on "1 1/2d" on 2d Light blue, Tongan sur£ 450 charge reading down, unused, bright and fresh, Fine and elusive (Scott #36; $500)... ................................
a especially desirable sound unused example of this very rare and popular stamp, being completely free of the myriad faults that plague so many, huge margins to well clear at bottom right, sh·ongcolor and fine impression on clean paper, certainly Very Fine when compared to the others; 1957 P.F., 1973 A. Diena and 1996 Brandon certificates (Scott# 1 Forenote; $50,000)..... .................... £ 25,000
2889 <*> S.G. 1, 1847 (Sc) Blue "Lady McLeod",
cplt. including both types of the ld, original gum, lightly hinged or h.r., 10/- light diagonal crease, otherwise a Fine-Very Fine set (Scott #74/90; $997). .................. £ 700 289 1 * S.G. #116, 1900 6p Dull purple and rose, Ty.II,originalgum, Fine; 1987 PF certificate(Scott#77, $400) £ 325
2890 * S.G. #114-24 , 1896-1906 1/2d-£1 Britannia
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Catalog or Estimated Value -
Turks Islands
2892 2892 P S.G. #6, 1979 (1/-) Lilac, die proof of the vignette only sunk on 49x5 l mm proof paper, fresh and Very Fine. ..................................................................................................................................................estimate £ 200-300
Turks & Caicos Islands
2893 (* l S.G. #6, 1879 1/- Lilac, an attractive unused example of this rare stamp, showing a portion of the papermaker's watermark, actually well centered for this, characteristic pastel color on fresh clean paper, Very Fine when compared to the others; signed Bloch and accompanied by 1992 P.F. certificate (Scott #6; $5,750). £ 5,000
* S.G. #21, 22a, 24, 1881 "1/2" setting 12, Ty. 11, 12 and 14 surcharges on ld Dull red, a highly desir2894 EB able mint block of four, the top pair with Ty. 11 surcharges, the bottom left stamp Ty. 12 and the bottom right stamp Ty. 14, plus the bottom left stamp shows the Throat flaw from pos. R. 3/4, extraordinarily fresh, with strong and intact perforations all around, strong color on crisp paper, clean original gum which has only been lightly hinged, Fine-Very Fine; en excellent exhibition worth multiple (Scott #11, 12 Var., 13). .............. £ 1,900 Jun e 6, 20 08
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Cata log o r Estim ated Value
* S.G. #26, 1881 "2 1/2" setting 2, Ty.16 surcharge on 6d Black , fresh color, disturbed original gum, Fine; signed Bloch (Scott #18; $375)....................................................................................................................... £ 350 2896 * S.G. #29, 1881 "2 1/2" setting 5, Ty. 19 surcharge on 1/- Lilac , exceptionally well centered, good color, £ 550 original gum, h.r.'s, Extremely Fine; about as nice as it comes; 1955 R.P.S. certificate (Scott #21; $625). gum, original part color, fresh strong red, Dull ld on surcharge 2897 * S.G. #34, 1881 "2 1/2" setting 8, Ty. 23 Fine and scarce (Scott #29; $600)................................................................................................................... £ 650 2895
(* ) S.G. #35, 1881 "2 1/d" setting 8, Ty. 24 surcharge on ld Dull red, unused, vivid rich color on fresh paper, scissor separated as often causing loss of perforations at top and right, Fine and quite scarce (Scott #30; $1,350). .................................................................................................................................................. £ 1,400 2899 (*l S.G. #37, 1881 "2 1/2" setting 8, Ty. 24 surcharge on 1/- Lilac , unused, strong color on fresh paper, s.e. at base, Very Fine for this; signed Bloch and Sismondo and accompanied by the latter's 2003 certificate (Scott #32; $1,350). .................................................................................................................................................. £ 1,200 2900 <*l S.G. #38, 1881 "2 1/2" setting 9, Ty. 25 surcharge on 1/- Dull blue, unused, well centered, Very Fine; signed Economist and accompanied by 1960 R.P.S. certificate (Scott #26; $850). ...................................... £ 850
290 I
barred oval cancel, fresh and Fine (Scott #35; $350). ............................................................................................................................................ £ 300 2902 * S.G. #43-44 , 1881 "4" settings 2-6, Ty. 29 and Ty.30 surcharge on 6d Black , fresh horizontal combination pair, the left stamp Ty. 30 and the right stamp Ty. 29, strong and intact, clean original gum, trivial h.r., scissor separated at base but with full perforations, Fine and scarce multiple (Scott #33-34; $460 for singles). for singles ........................................................................................................................................................ £ 400 2903 <*l S.G. #45, 1881 "4" setting 2-6, Ty.29 surcharge on 1/- Lilac , unused, well centered for this, strong color, Very Fine; 1970 R.P.S. certificate (Scott #38; $450). .................................................................................... £ 400
290 I O S.G. #42, 1881 "4" setting 1, Ty. 28 surcharge on 6d Black , used with
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Ca ta log or Estimated Value
o S.G. #47, 1881 "4" setting 2-6, Ty. 29 surcharge on ld Dull red, used with neat barred oval cancel, scissor separated on three sides but with all perforations intact, Very Fine and scarce (Scott #37; $550). ........ £ 475 2905 0 S.G. #48, 1881 "4" setting 2-6, Ty. 28 surcharge on ld Dull red, fresh used example, light barred oval postmark, rich color, scissor separated at base but perforations intact, Fine and scarce (Scott #36; $625). £ 550 2904
* S.G. #140ab, 1917 lp Red "WAR TAX". Double overprint in horizonta l pair with normal, left stamp the error, light evenly toned original gum as often, lightly hinged, Very Fine (Scott #MR la , $200) ............ £ 400
u ·20
• '
•u I
G 30
• I
0 S.G. #4, 1895 20(c) Black, wide letters , wide stamp, used on small piece with pencil "X" cancellation, a bit roughly separated as often and diagonal crease at upper right, Fine for this; 1991 R.P.S. certificate (Scott #5; $1,300). .................................................................................................................................................... £ 1,200 2908 * S.G. #6, 1895 30(c) Black , wide letters, wide stam p, without gum as issued, well margined showing dividing lines at left and bottom and traces of dividing lines at top and right, quite fresh, faint creasing, Very Fine appearance (Scott #3; $1,800)......................................................................................................................... £ 1,400 2909 * S.G. #6, 1895 30(c) Black, wide letters, wide stam p, without gum as issued, another well.margined copy, showing dividing lines at left and right and traces of dividing lines at top and bottom, light vertical crease, Very Fine appearance (Scott #3, $1,800)................................................................................................................. £ 1,400 2907
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
- -u
- .
-- - ---
Catalog or Estimated Value
without gum as issued, a select example of this rare particularly fresh, a bit roughly separated at top sides, four all on lines dividing the of stamp, showing portions Kohler and accompanied by 2007 Brandon signed thus; desirable especially and Fine and bottom as often, Very ................. £ 2,750 ............................................. .............. ............................................ certificate (Scott #7; $3,250). 29 1I * S.G. #8, 1895 50(c) Black, wide letters, wide stamp, without gum as issued, well margined showing dividing lines on three sides, fresh and clean, usual light creases that are endemic to this frail paper issue, Very Fine appearance (Scott #5; $1,550)......................................................................................................................... £ 1,200 2912 * S.G. #18, 1895 lO(c) Black, wide letters, narrow stamp, without gum as issued, dividing lines at left and bottom, thinned spot, Very Fine appearance; 1977 R.P.S. certificate (Scott # 18; $1,750)............................. £ 1,700 2913 0 S.G. #19, 1895 15(c) Black, wide letters , narrow stamp, scarce used example, cancelled by customary blue crayon strokes, dividing lines at top and bottom, usual faults, Fine appearance (Scott #19; $1,150)... £ 1,000
2910 * S.G. #7, 1895 40(c) Black, wide letters, wide stamp,
u 20
29 15
without gum as issued, a pleasing sound example of this very scarce stamp, completely free of the myriad faults which affect so many of these frail paper issues, dividing lines at sides, fresh and Very Fine; 1985 R.P.S. certificate (Scott #20; $ 1,500). ................ £ 1,700 2915 * S.G. #21, 1895 25(c) Black, wide letters, narrow stamp , without gum as issued, an especially choice example, featuring full or partial dividing lines all around, plus it is free of the numerous faults that plague so many of this frail paper issue, fresh and Extremely Fine (Scott #21; $1,100). .............................................. £ 950 2916 * S.G. #29, 1895 20(c) Black, narrow letters, narrow stamp, without gum as issued, attractive example showing partial dividing lines on three sides, very fresh and completely free of any faults, Very Fine and choice; signed Bloch (Scott #29; $800)....................................................................................................................... £ 750
2914 * S.G. #20, 1895 20(c) Black, wide letters, narrow stamp,
20 2917
issued, another sound example, with dividing lines at left and bottom, remarkably fresh, Very Fine (Scot #29; $800). .......................... £ 750 2918 * S.G. #35, 1895 5(c) Violet, narrow letter s, narrow stamp , without gum as issued, select example showing dividing lines on three sides, wonderfully fresh, Very Fine; signed Bloch (Scott #35; $575). ................ £ 500 2919 * S.G. #36, 1895 lO(c) Violet, narrow letter s, narrow stamp, without gum as issued, remarkable example showing full dividing lines nearly all around, light stain spot at bottom center, otherwise Extremely Fine (Scott #36; $550). ...................................................................................................................................................... £ 475
2917 * S.G. #29, 1895 20(c) Black, narrow letters, narrow stamp , without gum as
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
l l
Catalog or Estimated Value
292 1
* S.G. #37, 1895 15(c) Violet, narrow letters, narrow stamp, without gum as issued, a spectacular example in a quality rarely encountered, being one of the few copies of this issue that we have seen showing full dividing lines all around, incredibly fresh, an Extremely Fine gem; ex.-Hind (Scott #37; $700). ................ £ 600 2921 * S.G. #39, 1895 25(c) Violet, narrow letters , narrow stamp, without gum as issued, portions of dividing lines show on three sides, fresh and Very Fine; signed Holcombe (Scott #39; $800). .................................. £ 750 2922 * S.G. #42, 1895 50(c) Violet, narrow letters , narrow stamp, without gum as issued, small thin spot, Fine appearance; signed Bloch (Scott #42; $1,000). .............................................................................................. £ 850 2923 * S.G. #45, 1896 lO(c) Violet, fifth issue , without gum as issued, well margined and fresh, periods puncture as often, Very Fine; 1984 B.P.A. certificate (Scott #45; $500)....................................................................... £ 425 2920
• ti
e,~"1 d · 2924
2924 * S.G. #46, 1896 15(c) Violet, fifth issue,
without gum as issued, fresh example with dividing lines at right and bottom, Very Fine (Scott #46; $550). ...................................................................................................... £ 475 2925 * S.G. #47, 1896 20(c) Violet, fifth issue , without gum as issued, one period punctures as often, fresh and Fine; signed Holcombe (Scott #47; $325). .................................................................................................... £ 275 2926 * S.G. #50, 1896 40(c) Violet, fifth issue, without gum as issued, dividing lines show at left and bottom, usual punctures at the periods, light diagonal crease not noted on the certificate, Very Fine appearance; signed Champion and Bloch and accompanied by 1983 Friedl certificate. .............................................................. £ 600
V.OJ. ,J
J 2927
2927 * S.G. #51, 1896 50( c) Violet, fifth issue ,
without gum as issued, thinned spot at top left, Fine appearance; signed Schlessinger and accompanied by 1991 R.P.S. certificate (Scott #51; $700)..................................... £ 600 2928 * S.G. #52, 1896 60( c) Violet, fifth issue, without gum as issued, dividing lines show on three sides, fresh and Very Fine; quite scarce (Scott #52; $1,600). ............................................................................................ £ 1,500 2929 * S.G. #53, 1896 100( c) Violet, fifth issue, without gum as issued, light toning not noted on the certificate, otherwise Fine and scarce; clear 1995 Brandon certificate (Scott #53; $1,500). .......................................... £ 1,400 Jun e 6, 2008
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Emp ire
VtR * -x-
I tT O
Catalog or Estimated Value
A N 11 A
l'O S'l' ,\GI-:
VtR * I *VtR * I *VtR* I ,J(.
-J-;-o A s o " I u o A N o A I u o A s u 0- :-~ E--1 POTAGE I POSTAGE E- IPUS't'AO POSTAG
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*VtR * 1 A!(NA
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EB*S.G. 54, 1896 la Black , thick "1", without gum as issued, a striking full pane of sixteen, with pos. 9 showing the small "o" in "postage" variety (S.G. #54a), four stamps with thinned spots and one with toned spots, otherwise Very Fine and attractive (Scott #62, 62a; $405)................................................................... £ 380
S.G. #61, 1896 SR Black , without gum as issued, handsome bottom left corner margin single, faint toned spot, otherwise Extremely Fine (Scott #68; $250). ........................................................................................ £ 250 2932 * S.G. #72, 1896 3a Black overprinted "L'' for local use, without gum as issued, generous margins, fresh and Very Fine (Scott #56; $275). .................................................................................................................... £ 250 2933 * S.G. #75, 1896 lR Black overprinted "L" for local use, without gum as issued, bottom sheet-margin single with generous margins on the other three sides, light crease in the selvage only, fresh and Very Fine (Scott #59; $425). ······················································································································································ £ 375
293 1 *
Virgin Islands
S.G. #11, 1867 1/- Black and rose carmine , very well centered, light! cancel, few blunted perfs at top right, still Very Fine (Scott #7, $400) ().......................................................................................................... £ 375 2935 0 S.G. #42c , 188 "4D" on 1/- Black and rose carmine , Long-tailed "S" variety, pos. 11, well centered,
2934 0
light cancel horiz. crease, Very Fine appearance, only 125 issued as only 125 sheets of the 1/- were locally handstamped with "4D" provisional surcharge (Scott #18 var.)....... ..................................................................... £ 550 June 6, 2008
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The "South Beach" Collection of Great Britain and Empire
Cata log or Estimated Value
small part original gum, small tear at lower left and minor surface abrasions, otherwise Very Fine; a rare stamp made even more so by the variety; 1996 B.P.A.certificate (Scott #2 Var.; $2,600 for normal). for normal ................ £ 2,500 2937 * S.G. #24, 1896 "2 1/2" on la Plum , black surcharge Ty. 4, good color on fresh paper, original gum, slight h.r., Fine; signed Brun (Scott #19; $450). ...................................................................................................... £ 400 2938 * S.G. #30, 1896 "2 1/2" on la6p Sepia , red surcharge Ty. 7, nicely centered, fresh color, original gum, trivial h.r., Very Fine (Scott #27; $425). ........................................................................................................ £ 375 2939 * S.G. #34, 1896 "2 1/2" on la Plum, red surcharge Ty. 5, uncommonly fresh, rich color, original gum, lightly hinged, Fine; signed Brun and Champion (Scott #22; $500). ............................................................ £ 250 2936 * S.G. #2 Var., 1895 la Plum overprinted "Zanzibar " in blue, small second "z" in "Zanzibar",
294 1
* S.G. #243, 1908 50r Black and mauve, very well centered with fresh colors, original gum, lightly hinged, choice Very Fine (Scott #117, $450) .............................................................................................................. £ 500 2941 * S.G. #244, 1908 lO0r Black and blue, intense colors, original gum, Very Fine and attractive high value (Scott # 118, $750) .......................................................................................................................................... £ 700
* S.G. #260d, 1913 40r Black and vermilion, original gum, h.r., fresh and Fine (Scott #137, $400) .... £ 400 2943 * S.G. #260f, 1913 lO0r Black and blue, lovely colors, evenly toned original gum, very lightly hinged, Fine (Scott #139, $450) .......................................................................................................................................... £ 475 2942
I nsufflclently
Zanzibar OC 29 29 cancel, insignificant tiny corner crease bottom left, still Very Fine and quite scarce (Scott #J8B, $1,500) ................................................................ £ 1,300
2944 0 S.G. #D13 , 1926/30 25c Black on magenta,
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