4 minute read
Miami, Florida | Labadee, Haiti | Falmouth, Jamaica Explorer of the Seas

Early Registration is open - Use the QR Code

Secure your registration with a $50 Deposit by using FRIENDOFCYNTHIA at checkout.
$599 Conference Registration price
$100 in On Board Credit per stateroom
Early registration ends 5/31/23
We’ll invoice you for the balance (registration and stateroom) payable 12/15/23
Stateroom Pricing (per person/double occupancy):
March 3-8, 2024 Ocean View with balcony
$ 599 $ 709 $ 659 $ 819 $1069
2023 2023

98% of employers said they would hire another WGU www.HRProfessionalsMagazine.com

Contact HR Professionals Magazine:
To submit a letter to the editor, suggest an idea for an article, notify us of a special event, promotion, announcement, new product or service, or obtain information on becoming a contributor, visit our website at www.hrprofessionalsmagazine.com. We do not accept unsolicited manuscripts or articles. All manuscripts and photos must be submitted by email to Cynthia@hrprosmagazine.com. Editorial content does not necessarily reflect the opinions of the publisher, nor can the publisher be held responsible for errors.
HR Professionals Magazine is published every month, 12 times a year by the Thompson HR Firm, LLC. Reproduction of any photographs, articles, artwork or copy prepared by the magazine or the contributors is strictly prohibited without prior written permission of the Publisher. All information is deemed to be reliable, but not guaranteed to be accurate, and subject to change without notice. HR Professionals Magazine, its contributors or advertisers within are not responsible for misinformation, misprints, omissions or typographical errors.
©2023 The Thompson HR Firm, LLC | This publication is pledged to the spirit and letter of Equal Opportunity Law. The following is general educational information only. It is not legal advice. You need to consult with legal counsel regarding all employment law matters. This information is subject to change without notice.
37 Save 20% on HRCI Courses in 2023 with Code HRMAG23

38 Disrupt HR in Memphis June 8
43 University of Illinois School of Labor & Employment Relations
48 WGU – Invest in Your Most Important Asset: PEOPLE

SHRM Conferences
3 Register Today for the March 2024 HR Conference Cruise by 5/31/23!

28 Highlights from the 2023 SHRM Talent Conference in Orlando April 16-19
30 Register Today for SHRM23 in Las Vegas June 11-14
39 Register Today for the 2023 Tennessee SHRM Conference in Chattanooga September 20-22
40 Highlights from the 2023 ARSHRM ELLA Conference in Little Rock April 13-14
44 Highlights from the SHRM-Memphis Legal Conference April 18
June 2023 Issue features the 2023 SHRM Conference in Las Vegas plus the ALSHRM Conference at Perdido Bay and the West Tennessee SHRM Conference in Jackson – and updates on Employment Law and Employee Benefits.
Deadline to reserve space May 15 cynthia@hrprosmagazine.com @cythomps
Spring is finally here! The SHRM spring conferences are in full “swing,” and we are excited to bring you highlights of some of the top conferences we covered during April. You will find the highlights from the 2023 ARSHRM ELLA (Employment Law and Legislative Affairs) Conference in Little Rock April 13-14. The mock trial was as amusing as it was educational. We have highlights from the 2023 SHRM Talent Conference in Orlando April 16-19. We also have the highlights from my hometown chapter, the 2023 SHRMMemphis Legal Conference, which was the best one ever! This conference was also virtual and featured the top legal minds in employment law in the city. Hat’s off to the talented SHRM leadership who made all these conferences happen.
It's an honor to feature Yvonne Thomas, SHRM-CP, Director of the 2023 Alabama SHRM State Council on our cover. You can read her exciting career profile in human resource management on Page 6. We are looking forward to seeing our Alabama friends May 15-17 at Perdido Beach! This is always a fun time as we get to visit our grands in Birmingham. I just can’t resist sharing this photo with you.

Closer to home, we will be in Jackson for the 14th Annual West Tennessee Human Resources & Employment Law Spring Conference May 10 at the Union University Carl Grant Event Center. This event is in coordination with our friends at the law firm of Rainey, Kizer, Reviere & Bell, P.L.C. We will have highlights from both of these excellent conferences in our June issue. We are looking forward to seeing you in Las Vegas for SHRM23! What a lineup of speakers they have for us this year! You can earn up to 28 SHRM PDCs! We have a preview of this fantastic conference on Page 30-31. Register today!
Have you registered for the March 3-8, 2024, HR Conference Cruise? This is an unforgettable experience that you do not want to miss! We are honored to be the official media sponsor for these cruises. This is a 5-night cruise on the Explorer of the Seas beginning in Miami sailing to the island of Labadee off the coast of Haiti and Falmouth, Jamaica. You will earn HRCI Business Credits and SHRM PDCs. Make your $50 deposit by May 31 to secure your spot. You will be invoiced for the balance with payment due by 12/15/2023. What a deal! Go to HRCruise.com and use Promo Code: FriendofCynthia. See Page 3 for more information.
We have some excellent articles for you in this issue covering all the hot topics in our profession. May is Mental Health Awareness month, and WGU has contributed an excellent article on mental health in the workplace on Page 8. See Page 13 to get your free 500 $10 gift cards for your employees from Advantage Refreshments. JER HR Group has provided an article on a very hot topic, “Sales Commission Design” – Where to Begin,” on Page 14. Another hot topic is about dispelling the 5 biggest earned wages access myths by DailyPay. There are many more timely articles in our May issue that you don’t want to miss!
Watch your email for our May webinars to help you earn lots of SHRM and HRCI recertification credits! Save the date - May 25 for my next webinar sponsored by Data Facts!