November 2022 Digital Issue of HR Professionals Magazine

Page 20

Are You a Benefits Superhero?How How being being aa benefits benefits superhero superhero can can dramatically dramatically increase increase employee employee loyalty loyalty and and retention. retention.

By ByWilliam William Brown, Brown,CPA CPA

Pretend Pretendyou youlive liveininaadystopian dystopianworld worldwhere wherevillains villainsterrorize terrorizethe theplanet planet and andsuperheroes superheroesare arethe theonly onlythings thingsstanding standingbetween betweenorder orderand andchaos. chaos.

To Tosave savehumanity, humanity,this thisleague leagueof of heroes heroesmust mustmake makeaachoice: choice: 1)1) defeat defeataa band band of of supervillains supervillains or or 2) 2) hire hire and and retain retain aa team team of of valuable, valuable, loyal loyal employees. employees. Everyone Everyonein inHR HRwould wouldimmediately immediatelyscream, scream,"Defeat "Defeatthe thesupervillains!" supervillains!"

It's It'saafunny funnyquestion, question,but butwhat whatisn't isn'tso sofunny funnyisistrying tryingto toattract attractand andretain retain top toptalent talentin inthe thereal realworld. world.And Andit's it'snot notjust justabout about"fickle" "fickle"employees employeesor or"too "too much much competition." competition." With With76 76percent percentof ofemployers employershaving havingbeen been'ghosted' 'ghosted' by byaacandidate candidateand andaalabor laborforce forceparticipation participationrate rateof ofaround around62 62percent, percent, it's it'sgetting gettingtough toughout outthere. there. So, So, here here you you are, are, trying trying to to remain remain culture-minded culture-minded and and budget-focused budget-focused while whileyou youcraft craftthe themost mostappealing appealingcompensation compensationpackages. packages.Your Yourmission? mission? To To attract, attract, interview, interview, hire, hire, and and onboard onboard employees employees who who will will fit fit with with the the company companyculture culture and andstay stayloyal loyaland andgrow growin invalue. value. That's That'saa lot lotto to handle, handle, even evenfor forsuperheroes. superheroes. The Thesolution solutionisismulti-pronged, multi-pronged,and andno noone oneperson personhas hasall allthe thetools toolsneeded. needed. In In fact, fact, every every superhero superhero needs needs aa team. team. With With their their team, team, they they are are unstoppable. unstoppable. So, So,who's who'son onyour yourteam? team?Right Rightnow, now,I Ibet betyou youhave haveaaleague leaguemember memberyou you think thinkof ofmaybe maybeonce onceaayear yearduring duringrenewal renewalseason. season.And Andyet, yet,all allyear yearlong, long, what what they they provide provide to to your your team team isis instrumental instrumental to to everyone's everyone's health, health, loyalty, loyalty,and andvery verylives. lives. I'maa"broker "brokercrusader" crusader"to tomy myclients-to clients-toHR HRprofessionals professionalslike likeyou youwho whowant wantto tobe besuperheroes superheroesin inthe the I'm I'mWill WillBrown—and Brown—andI'm eyes eyesof oftheir theiremployees. employees.But Butwhat whatabout aboutrising risingcosts? costs?Insurance Insurancepremiums premiumsare arerising risingmore morequickly quicklythan thaninflation! inflation!That's That'swhy why you youneed needaabroker brokerwho: who: •• Understands Understandsthe thelevers leversthat thatdrive drivepremiums. premiums. •• Knows Knowshow howto tosearch searchfor forcreative creativestrategies. strategies.

•• Recognizes Recognizesemployee employeegoals, goals,so soyou youonly onlypay payfor forthe theinsurance insuranceperks perksyour yourteam teamneeds. needs. •• Performs Performsaathorough thoroughyearly yearlyanalysis analysisrather ratherthan thanadopt adoptthe the"set "setand andforget" forget"attitude attitudethat thatplagues plaguesmost mostbrokerages. brokerages. At AtThe TheBenefits BenefitsGroup, Group,we weare aredefying defyingthe the"order-taker" "order-taker"broker brokerstereotype. stereotype. We Wesee seethat thatsmallsmall-to tomid-sized mid-sizedbusinesses businessesare are being beingunderserved underservedin intheir theirability abilityto tooffer offerFortune Fortune500 500benefits benefitsto totheir theiremployees. employees.And Andwe're we'redoing doingour ourbest bestevery everyday dayto to change changethat. that. Can Canaabenefits benefitsbroker brokerchange changethe theworld? world?For Foryour youremployees, employees,I Ibelieve believewe wecan. can.We Wethrive thriveon ongetting gettingthe thebest bestdeals dealsand andbeating beating the themarket. market.In Invirtually virtuallyevery everycompetitive competitivesituation, situation,we wewin. win.Not Notall allheroes heroeswear wearcapes. capes.But Butwe're we'reready readyto tomake makeyou youlook looklike likeaa superhero superheroto toyour youremployees. employees.Let Letyour youremployees employeessee seehow howmuch muchyou youcare carethrough throughthe theaffordable affordablebenefits benefitsyou youoffer. offer.

Let Letus usturn turnyou youinto intoaaBenefit BenefitSuperhero! Superhero! 20

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