QUESTION FOR YOU TO THINK ABOUT: Are you building a bird cage or a bird feeder? Stay tuned in. I’ll explain this question at the end of the article.
Many, many years ago I learned this valuable lesson: Don’t worry about things you have under control because you have them under control. Don’t worry about things you can’t control because you can’t do anything about them anyway. Guess what the #1 problem the Team Foster Strategy LLC clients are currently dealing with. Yes, you guessed it! Filling positions with competent, hard-working, and well-behaving employees. As you well know, we have a nationwide problem. Many pre-pandemic employees are not returning to work. We can’t control that. But – we can control attracting ‘blue chip’ applicants and building an organization that no one wants to leave. Here’s the objective: Align all company programs, policies, practices, and procedures to build an organization that, if it existed, would put you out of business. Let’s make work so good that they will not leave to make more money and they will encourage others to join the team.
HOW DO WE DO THIS? It starts with a SMILE . Train leaders to smile at employees. Try this exercise to raise awareness: Each day put 10 pennies in your right pocket. Each time you smile at an employee, move a penny from the right pocket to the left pocket. If you end the day with an empty right pocket, treat yourself to a Frosty on the way home! Smiles are contagious. Spread the joy. You can control this.
Next, SHOW YOU CARE! Four of the most important words an employee can hear are, “I care. You matter.” The importance of recognition must not be overlooked. Review your recognition program. Team Foster Strategy LLC calls this program the “Ovation Program”. Give them standing ovations every chance you get. Revamp your program if needed. Be sure to show you care in meaningful and authentic ways. Kindness goes a long way towards earning the trust and loyalty of our employees. 44
about a puppy? a dozen hot, fresh donuts? babies or children? a local celebrity? Surprise the team with something that will immediately lift their spirits. However, please check the company policies first to ensure what you plan to bring is allowed.
Fourth, EMPOWER A FUN COMMITTEE. At a national manufacturing company where I once worked, we placed “Swear Jars” in the breakrooms or Human Resources Departments of each plant. When an employee used profanity, he was fined $1.00. Leaders were fined $5.00 and executives $20.00. We used the money to pay for quarterly fun activities at each location. I am happy to report I learned during a team meeting that the swear jars were not producing as much money. (Thankfully the swearing had almost ceased!) We had to find another way to fund the events planned by the Fun Committee.
Fifth, PLAY TOGETHER . Place board games in the breakroom or plan Game Night after work once per month serving pizza and playing games. Start a company Athletic Department. Sign up for volleyball, softball, soccer, bowling, etc. leagues in the community. Doing so will breakdown silos formed by departments. Company spirit will increase. Incentivize employees to attend games and cheer for their co-workers.