Annual report 2014 2015

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Holy Redeemer Catholic School 2014-2015 Annual Report

2014-2015 Letter From The Principal Dear Friends of Holy Redeemer, It is with great pride and gratitude that we present to you the 2014-2015 Annual Report. Catholic schools are charged with the dual mission to educate the mind and lead students to God. It is this mission of combined faith and strong academics that drives our daily work. It is your continued support that makes the pursuit and attainment of this mission possible at Holy Redeemer. Among the many blessings of sharing in the mission of Catholic education is being a part of the countless experiences that surround us each day in our school. We know we have much to be thankful for. We thank God for all His blessings, including the opportunity to be a part of an excellent Catholic community. Each day, we see the witness of faith and love shared without restraint in our community, and we know that His love is present on a daily basis through the talents and dedication of our staff, through the words and actions of our students, and through the kindness and generosity of our families.

Catholic education is the work of the entire community who support us in our partnership with parents to care for and educate the children entrusted to us. In turn, we seek to form people strong in faith and knowledge, building a strong foundation so that our students may serve one another and the greater community both now and in the future. We, along with our fellow Catholic schools in the archdiocese of Atlanta, are building the future of our Church and of our world. In the following pages, you will see some of what we have accomplished with your support. Ever mindful of our responsibilities as stewards of your generosity and of the gift of our work and of our students, we strive to use our treasure well and provide for both the present and the future. As we reflect on our accomplishments, we do so with the awareness that without the grace of God and the support of our parents and benefactors, we would not be what we are today--a community strong in faith, producing students well-equipped to face the future. We are grateful for your support and ask that you keep the students, staff and families of Holy Redeemer in your prayers. May God bless you. With Gratitude,

Lauren Schell Principal

Graduating Class of 2015

Principal of the Year Congratulations Mrs. Lauren Schell, Principal of the Year!

2014-2015 School Statistics Mission Statement Holy Redeemer Catholic School is a faith-centered community, dedicated to living the principles of the Catholic Tradition rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our school’s environment and curriculum challenge the full potential of each child and embrace a visionary approach toward life-long learning. Authored: August, 1999

School Statistics 2014-2015

Accreditations &Affiliations

Enrollment: 482 Families: 306 Parishes: 13 Faculty and Staff: 54 Student/Teacher Ratio 13:1

National Junior Honor Society

High School Attendance Class of 2015 Blessed Trinity 34 St. Pius 14 Marist 0 Public 1

High School Attendance Cumulative

Tri-M Music Honor Society North Atlanta Metro League (NAML) AdvancED National Catholic Education Association (NCEA) Georgia Independent Schools Association (GISA)

National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS)


Blessed Trinity 438

Holy Redeemer School provides a Catholic education through which Gospel values are presented, lived and fostered. The administration, faculty and staff believe:

St. Pius 123

Our Catholic faith is evident in everything we do.

Marist 65

Our community is committed to the success of our school. Our implementation of the curriculum is based on best practice research. Parent education is vital for the success of our instructional pedagogy. Our curriculum is implemented by highly credentialed and experienced teachers and administrators. Students’ learning is facilitated by teaching that is direct and systematic.

Public 82

  

2014-2015 School Highlights Catholic Identity               

Weekly liturgy on Fridays at St. Brigid Catholic Church Nine grade-level Masses throughout the year All-school Rosary in October Monthly Saint Family activities Retreats at Cove Crest and St. Brigid for our 8th grade class Faculty retreat at St. Ignatius House Grade-level reconciliation Preparation for Holy Communion and reconciliation for our 2nd grade class Nativity Pageant by our 3rd grade class Food Drives Grade-level service projects Service from the Heart in February Living Stations of the Cross Rosary Guild — student-made rosaries for those in need Catholic faith integration across curriculum areas

Curriculum/Activities              

Facility Enhancements     

New laminate hardwood floors throughout the school Three additional Smart Boards Phase 1 playground renovation (summer 2015) Magnetic closing devices for the doors to common areas Mimio projectors for each grade level

30 additional Twist tablets (bringing the total to 240) 500+ new books for the Media Center International Week Middle School Oratorical contest Spelling Bee Geography Bee Battle of the Books (grades 3-6) State Winner in Handwriting Contest Catholic Math League Contest - division winners for our 3rd grade class Odyssey of the Mind – National competition NJHS and Tri-M Honor Societies Student Council Middle School Musical – The Wizard of Oz Extra-Curricular Middle School Cross Country, Golf, Swim and Tennis teams Band and Chorus Girl and Boy Scouts Chess Club Extended Day Program ( August 2015)

2014-2015 Financial Statement 2014-2015 Expenses

2014-2015 Revenue Tuition—Gross


Salaries and Benefits

Less Financial Aid






Student Services




Archdiocesan Subsidy for Financial Aid Grace Scholars - Financial Aid

$50,000.00 $105,065.00






Archdiocesan Assessments


Development & Events




Archdiocesan Subsidy For Construction Debt




Facility Rental


Archdiocesan Construction For Debt Reduction


Interest Income


Other Income




Capital Replacement


Student Services




Total Expenses




Total Revenue


2014 - 2015 Net Development Revenue Events Revenue $10,550.00

Donations $5,500.00 Annual Appeal


Gala $116,651.00

Events Revenue Donations

Annual Appeal $225,687.00

Fund Balance Enrichment Fund


Capital Enrichment Fund


Technology Fund


Student Aid Fund


Restricted Fund


Fine & Performing Arts Fund


Athletic Fund


Text Book Fund


Common Fund Capital Replacement

$247, 616.00

Permanent Catholic Foundation Endowment


Cost to Educate






2014-2015 Honors and Awards National Junior Honor Society: Inducted Spring 2015 Grade 7: Alexis Bender, Dominic Bozzuto, Justin Cellilli, Daniel Heim, Caroline Knight, Kathryn Macken, Ryan O’Donnell, Juliana Ramirez, Ethan Schmitt, Kelly Scott, Ryan Scruton, Kathryn Woods Grade 8: Grace Greer, Ryan Hunt, Mirielle Nixon Battle of the Books Winning Teams: Grade 3 - Bella Groesser, Daniella Eaton, Ellie Swearingen, Clare Bleekrode Grade 4 - Declan Adams, Kayla Mumma, Kylie Avitabile, Caitlyn McGowan Grade 5– Lauren Broderson, Ryan Scott, Mary Grace Delfino, Jack Driscoll Grade 6– Ryan Palmieri, Alex Alderman, Chloe Woods, Sebastian Taborda Odyssey of the Mind: Both teams had an outstanding year, competing in the regional tournament, the state tournament and the world finals. Intermediate Team - Nicholas Dagnino, Christopher Kammerer, Caitlyn McGowan, Shannon McGowan, Caroline McMichael, William O’Brien, Jack Woods Middle School Team - Elyse Daniel, Caroline Hopkins, Caroline Knight, Angelo Nordone, Robert O’Brien, Chloe Woods Blessed Trinity High School Book Award: Ryan O’Donnell (7th grade)

St. Pius X High School Chi-Rio Award: Mirielle Nixon (8th grade) National Geographic Geography Bee: 1st Place: Ryan Hunt (8th grade) Spelling Bee: 1st Place: Michael Delfino (8th grade) 2nd Place: Will Morlan (6th grade) Catholic Math League Competition: 3rd Grade - 1st place Brendan Brown, 2nd place Laurie Lewis, 3rd place Patrick Muir 4th Grade - 1st place HB Todd, 2nd place Joe Sansone, 3rd place John Sansone and Maeve Scruggs

5th Grade - 1st place Samantha Rizzo, 2nd place Ryan Scott, 3rd place Emily Mondi MLK Essay and Poster Contest: Essay Winner: Ryan O’Donnell (7th grade) Poster Winner: Matthew Steele (1st grade) Archdiocesan Oratorical Competition: Kate Oman (8th grade) Archbishop Donoghue Award: Julia Schlueter, Wesley Smith

2014-2015 Service Projects Holy Redeemer Catholic School is a faith-centered community that is committed to living the principles of the Catholic Tradition rooted in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Our school community takes seriously Jesus’ command to live the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy. From our kindergarteners to eighth graders, Holy Redeemer Catholic School’s mission is evident. Kindergarten students begin their journey of service by creating Christmas stockings filled with items for Catholic Charities’ Refugee Resettlement children to use in their new homes. First Graders multiply their talents and collect funds to purchase beds for children in orphanages run by the Mustard Seed communities of Nicaragua. Second Graders reach out to their home and school communities by organizing a coat drive to collect coats for children and adults being assisted by the Atlanta area St. Vincent de Paul Society. Third Graders realize the potential within themselves to help others less fortunate by walking in the shoes of children who have been suddenly removed from their families due to neglect. They multiply their talents to buy backpacks and items needed by the children assisted by the Foster Care Support Foundation. Fourth Graders practice stewardship of God’s creation through a year-long recycling project on the Holy Redeemer campus. Fifth Graders reach out to their school and neighborhoods to collect new and gently-used winter blankets for needy families received by North Fulton Community Charities. In Middle School, the students begin a formal program focused on the Corporal Works of Mercy. Sixth Graders work together in small groups in local organizations that assist the homeless. Seventh Graders explore the issue of hunger among low-income Georgians in the context of their faith and raise funds for local food banks by participating in Atlanta’s only Hunger Walk. Eighth Graders combine all their service experience from previous years to collaborate through small groups on various service organizations that focus on the Corporal Works of Mercy. Our mission of service reaches a new level every February. In place of Valentine’s Day parties, every Holy Redeemer student participates in a Service from the Heart hour. Students work together in their Saint Families on service projects that help local organizations in the Atlanta area reach out to those most in need to emphasize the love of Christ for everyone.

2014-2015 Ways to Give When considering gifts to Holy Redeemer Catholic School, there are many opportunities that will not only benefit the school’s exceptional programs, but may also provide a tax-deductible contribution that is allowed by law. To learn more about ways to give to the school and its mission, contact: Jennifer Leonard, Director of Development at (770)-410-4056 ext. 216,

Annual Appeal The Annual Appeal is the foundation of giving to Holy Redeemer Catholic School. As with most private schools, tuition does not cover the full cost of educating our students. Giving to the Annual Appeal each year bridges the gap between tuition income and the full cost to educate our students. Each year, the Annual Appeal is an indispensable part of the school’s operating budget, enabling the school to fulfill its commitment to academic programs. Gifts made to the Annual Appeal are fully tax-deductible since no goods or services are received by the donor. 100% participation from faculty and staff, families, grandparents and alumni is a valuable endorsement of our mission and makes us a stronger candidate for foundation and corporate grants.

Annual Gala, Car Raffle, Golf Tournament These events held throughout the school year are the largest fundraising events for Holy Redeemer.

Honorariums and Memorials Opportunities exist within the school to honor or memorialize a loved one. The Director of Development can assist with arrangements for these thoughtful gestures.

Cash Contributions Unrestricted gifts of cash are the most popular and convenient way to support Holy Redeemer Catholic School. Gifts can be made in a single contribution or pledged and paid in installments. An outright gift of cash qualifies as a charitable deduction for federal income tax purposes.

Matching Gifts Today many businesses have matching gift programs that will double or even triple an employee contribution. Some companies match the gifts of spouses and retirees as well, greatly increasing the impact of a donation. Matching gift information is available from the Development Office.

Gifts in Kind These non-cash gifts are items that the school needs and uses including, but not limited to, office supplies, computer equipment or printing services.

Securities Gifts of securities, stock or bonds benefit the donor and the school. This type of gift is tax-deductible and the donor may avoid paying capital gains tax on the appreciated stock or security.

Planned Giving The most common planned gift is through a donor bequest, trusts, gift annuities, real estate, memorial gifts, life insurance and other financial instruments. A codicil naming Holy Redeemer Catholic School as a beneficiary can be added to an existing will.

GRACE Scholars, Inc. Any Georgia taxpayer can make a donation to GRACE Scholars and qualify for the Georgia Private School Tax Credit. Donors receive 100% credit against their Georgia State tax liability. Money that would have gone to the State of Georgia is now supporting Catholic schools in Georgia. Please visit the GRACE Scholars website: for more information.

Holy Redeemer Catholic School Endowment w/Catholic Foundation of North GA An endowment fund was established with an initial gift from Joseph Mitchell. This fund is in trust for Holy Redeemer through the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia. Additional contributions can be made through the Catholic Foundation.

2014-2015 Donor List The Annual Report has been prepared by the Development Office. Every effort has been made to accurately list all contributions made through June 30, 2015. Should any inaccuracies or omissions appear, please accept our apology for any inconvenience.

Faculty and Staff Participation 100%

Mrs. Pam Alesch Mrs. Jeannie Barden Mrs. Michele Baumgarth Mr. Jerry Beck Mrs. Janelle Bohan Mrs. Doris Calvario Mrs. Julie Carrier Mr. Matt Chambers Mrs. Heather Chando Mrs. Carol Crosby Mrs. Valerie Davis Ms. Natalie Esser Mrs. Alma Flores Mrs. Janet Foster Mrs. Lynn Foster Mrs. Maribel Gabriel Mrs. Cheri Gonor Mrs. Jeanna Guy Mrs. Julie Hall Ms. Amber Hamilton Mrs. Jan Hartzell Mrs. Judy Hearn Mrs. Colleen Hein Mrs. Linda Henderson Mrs. Cheryl Hogan Mrs. Karen Hogan Mrs. Sandra Hude Mrs. Ann Jump Mrs. Sue Kalinauskas Mrs. Carol Kler Mr. Ron Kratz Mrs. Jennifer Leonard Mrs. Serena Martin Mrs. Bouchra Massou Mrs. Brenda Maxwell Ms. Colleen McNulty

Mrs. Stacy McWatt Ms. Wendy Mykyten Mrs. Sally Nimmo Mrs. Runette Norton Mrs. Serena Parks Mrs. Lauri Potter Mrs. Sarah Ricks Mrs. Lauren Schell Mrs. Marylee Sleeth Ms. Catherine Spencer Mrs. Betsy Spickard Mrs. Jane Sullivan Mrs. Joanne Szabo Mrs. Darinda Teeling Mrs. Toni Trevisan Mrs. Kathy Vega Mrs. Ardean West Mrs. Jackie Zurinaga

School Families Participation 80%

Visionaries (Gifts of $5,000 or more) The Conrads Family Education Fund at the Catholic Foundation of North Georgia Mr. James and Mrs. Joanne (Szabo) Dobos Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Glavine Mr. and Mrs. Gene Whobrey

1999 Founder’s Society (Gifts of $2,500-$4,999) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bagwell Mr. Tracy Brown & Mrs. Rachel Cassidy Mr. and Mrs. David Dabbs Mr. and Mrs. Greg Heller

Redeemer Circle (Gifts of $1,000-$2,499) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alderman Mr. and Mrs. Peter Avitabile Mr. and Mrs. John Baker Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bataillon Mr. and Mrs. William Bobar Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bohman Mr. and Mrs. David Borsh Mr. Fred Bruce Mr. and Mrs. Richard Capuano Mr. and Mrs. Clark Coles Mr. and Mrs. Paul Collett Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Cook Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Dagnino Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dooling Mr. and Mrs. Ken Doucet Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Eaton Mrs. Anne Eisenhauer Mr. and Mrs. Michael Flanagan Mr. and Mrs. Drew Fleming Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gibbs Mr. and Mrs. Scott Gilkey Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Grisik Mr. and Mrs. Jason Groesser Mr. and Mrs. Wes Heerboth Mr. and Mrs. Mark Hughes Mr. and Mrs. David Imhoff Mr. and Mrs. Paul Joseph Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Kammerer Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Karalexis Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Kaufman Mr. and Mrs. Jon Kerr Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kim Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Kler Mr. and Mrs. Donald Knapp

2014-2015 Donor List Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knight Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Knuth Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kuipers Dr. and Mr. Seok Hyung Lee Mr. and Mrs. Steven Leonard Mr. Scott Macolino Mr. and Mrs. Sean MacKenzie Mr. and Mrs. Brian McCoy Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McGowan Mr. and Mrs. Tad McMichael Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McSherry Mr. and Mrs. Keeffe McSweeney Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Millsaps Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mondi Mr. and Mrs. Steven Moody Dr. and Mrs. Alberto Morejon Mr. and Mrs. William Morlan Mr. and Mrs. Justin Mraz Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Murray Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nall Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nark Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Navarro Mr. and Mrs. Brandon Nelson Mr. Kirk Nelson and Dr. Lisa Roberts Dr. and Mrs. Robert O’Donnell Dr. Kathryn Parris Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Polli Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Powell Mr. and Mrs. David Prologo Mr. an Mrs. Marty Schmidt Mr. and Mrs. John Scott Mr. and Mrs. Francis Shappard Mr. Dan Solomon Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Steimer Mr. and Mrs. Parker Stodghill Mr. and Mrs. Jason Stravinski Mr. and Mrs. Garry Swearingen Mr. and Mrs. Craig Wade Mr. and Mrs. Scott Woods Mr. and Mrs. Pete Yensel

Cardinal Guild (Gifts of $650-$999) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Alex Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Baumgarth Mr. and Mrs. Paul Bozzuto Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broderson Mr. and Mrs. Robert Brown Dr. and Mr. Jack Callicutt Mr. and Mrs. John Camardella Mr. and Mrs. Milo Cantu Mr. and Mrs. Pablo Cella Mr. and Mrs. Brian Cellilli Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chung Mr. and Mrs. John Clancy Mr. and Mrs. Dan Cole Mr. and Mrs. Dominic DeCrescentis Mr. and Mrs. Jay Devlin Mr. and Mrs. Juan DeIrisarri Mr. and Mrs. Greg Dore Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Downing Dr. and Mr. Travis Epperson Mr. and Mrs. Brad Falberg Mr. and Mrs. Michael Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Brian Fish Mr. and Mrs. Brian Ghannam Mr. Glen and Dr. Leslie Gray Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Guevara Dr. and Mrs. Chris Hart Mr. and Mrs. Jay Heim Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Hill Mr. and Mrs. Dan Horras Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Hudson Mr. and Mrs. Greg Huff Mr. and Mrs. Mike Hyser Mr. Brian Iselin & Mrs. Christy Esser Mr. and Mrs. Javier Jimenez Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kennedy Mr. and Mrs. Mike Kler Mr. and Mrs. Jason Lamp

Mr. and Mrs. Rafael LopezMorton Mr. and Mrs. George Madelil Mr. and Mrs. John Masterson Mr. and Mrs. Brad McKee Mr. and Mrs. Skip McManes Mr. and Mrs. William Mosley Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Muir Mr. and Mrs. Michael Mulligan Mr. and Mrs. Ruben Navarro Mr. and Mrs. Edward Nixon Dr. and Mrs. Albert Nordone Mr. and Mrs. Patrick O’Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Osucha Mr. and Mrs. Joe Rexroat Mr. and Mrs. Keith Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Nick Sansone Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schlueter Mr. and Mrs. James Schubert Mr. and Mrs. Rick Smith Mr. and Mrs. Adam Steele Mr. and Mrs. Shawn Still Mr. and Mrs. Hal Todd Mr. and Mrs. Eddy Urrea Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Walker Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Weidner Mr. and Mrs. David Weis Ms. Meredith Wilbanks Mr. and Mrs. Matt Wise Mr. and Mrs. Peter Woods

2014-2015 Donor List Red and Gold Friend (Gifts of up to $649) Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Xavier Balderas Mr. and Mrs. Richard Barden Mr. and Mrs. Michael Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Pierre Bartholomew Ms. Rosemarie Bennett Mr. and Mrs. James Bertrand Dr. and Mr. Thomas Brunner Mr. and Mrs. Ray Colleran Mr. and Mrs. Michael Chambers Mr. and Mrs. Richard Cook Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Damas Ms. Kristin Deitrick Mr. and Mrs. Lou Delfino

Mr. and Mrs. John Delvac Mr. and Mrs. Charles DiGiacomo Mr. and Mrs. Eric Drudge Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Ray Foster Mr. and Mrs. Gregory Galvez Mr. and Mrs. William Green Mr. and Mr. John Hannah

Mr. Juan Hernandez and Dr. Patricia Hernandez Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Michael Horton Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hunsucker Mr. and Mrs. Todd Hunt Mr. and Mrs. William Janousek Mr. and Mrs. Brent Jenos Mr. and Mrs. Seth Katz Ms. Beatrice W. Lester Mr. Michael Ling and Dr. Amy Dayries-Ling Mrs. Betsy Lewis Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mancini, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marcoccio Mr. and Mrs. Patrick McDermond Mr. and Mrs. Bryan McFarland Mr. and Mrs. Kevin McVeigh Mr. and Mrs. Michael Miller Mr. and Mrs. Juan Molina Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Moore Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mountain Mr. and Mrs. Leonel Nava-Varela Mr. and Mrs. Greg Northway Mr. and Mrs. Don Novak Mr. and Mrs. James O’Brien Mr. and Mrs. Brian O’Leary Mr. and Mrs. Alessandro Orelli Mr. and Mrs. John Ostronic Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pacer Mr. and Mrs. Frank Palmieri Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Podojil Mr. and Mrs. Richard Quinnelly Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio Ramirez Mr. and Mrs. Guillermo Ramos Mr. and Mrs. David Rawson Ms. Marilyn Rich Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rizzo

Mr. and Mrs. Craig Scruton Mr. and Mrs. David Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Sik Mr. and Mrs. Mike Sleeth Mr. and Mrs. Ryan Strong Mr. and Mrs. Brian Terry Mr. and Mrs. Jason Thibo Mr. and Mrs. Michael Turner Mr. and Mrs. Steven Valenti Mr. and Mrs. Chris Weber Mr. and Mrs. Scott Weir Mr. and Mrs. Donald Zuhlke

Alumni Ms. Lauren Hogan

Alumni Parents Mr. and Mrs. William Calpin Mr. and Mrs. John Hogan

Gifts In Kind Mr. and Mrs. Michael McCavitt

2014-2015 Grandparents & Friends Mr. and Mrs. William Baker

Mrs. Kathleen Fryman

Jack Gilkey

Kathleen & Ian Drudge In Memory of Donn Fryman

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Beckman Maddie ‘13, Charlie ‘15, John & Elizabeth Heller

Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Gerker

Mr. Gerald Belanger

Mary Grace ‘14, Henry, Emily & Charlie Mondi

Mrs. Janice Bell Kaitlyn & Lauren Mackenzie

Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bible Sadie Schmidt

Mrs. Carol Bobar Brooke, Bailey & Ann Marie Bobar

Mr. and Mrs. David Boucher Braxton ‘09 & Gracie ‘15 Greer

Mr. and Mrs. Art Brown Matthew Steele

Mr. Carlton M. Byrd

Dr. Russ Ghannam Chase ’14 & Alexis Ghannam

Ms. Shirley Graham Liza Karalexis ‘15

Mr. and Mrs. Brack Greer Braxton ‘09 & Gracie ‘15 Greer

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Guest Lily G. & Ellie Swearingen

Mr. and Mrs. J.S. Hagan Annalisa & Nicholas Dagnino

Mr. and Mrs. John Hart

Mr. Lawrence Cordek

Anna ‘14 & Margaret Hart Joe, John & Isabella Sansone

Natalie & Kylie Collett In Memory of Joyce A. Cordek

Ms. Jeanne Haas

Mr. and Mrs. Donald Crowley Sean Balderas

Mrs. Peggy Cryer Dominic, Isabella & Anna Grace Cryer

Mr. and Mrs. Lynn DeGrote Bryce, Luke & Jack Hughes

Mrs. Marcia L. Devlin Alexander Devlin

Mr. and Mrs. Ted Derda Jackson & Lindsey Weir

Mr. and Mrs. William Eaton Isabella, Francesca & Daniela Eaton

Mr. and Mrs. Alan Etter Natalie Iselin

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Falter Christina & Jack Powell

Mr. and Mrs. Rafael Fernandez Isabella, Francesca & Daniela Eaton Gabriella & Veronica Strong

Mrs. Vivian Fernandez Vivian & Andrew Dabbs

Mrs. Madeline Foster Emily Catherine Foster ‘15

Mrs. Joanne Franke Matthew & Luke Franke

Sarah ‘12, Lindsey ‘15 & Danny Kuipers

Mr. and Mrs. Martin Haynes Ben Katz

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Heller Maddie ‘13, Charlie’15, John & Elizabeth Heller

Ms. Patricia K. Hene Catherine Hannah

Mr. Dan Henning Alec Devlin

Ms. Judy Henning Alec & Kate Devlin

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hoch Hannah, Hallie ’13 & Harrison Hoch ‘15

Ms. Pauline J. Holleran Friend of Jordan DeCresentis ‘15

Deacon and Mrs. Tom Huff Andrew & Rachel Millsaps

2014-2015 Grandparents & Friends Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Huff

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Miller

Reagan E. Huff

Peyton, Charlie & Will Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence A. Jones

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Miller

Courtney Brooke Wilbanks

Kate & Haze Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Don Knapp

Mr. and Mrs. Gene Mulligan

Laurel ‘14, Alex & Grayson Knapp

Brady ‘13, Meghan & Sean Mulligan

Mr. and Mrs. James Knight

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murphy

Caroline & Sarah Knight

Alessio Toniolo

Mrs. Marie C. Leonard

Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Navarro

Sarah ‘13 & Kathryn ’15 Leonard

Thomas, ‘13 & Davis Navarro

Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Ling Jr.

Mr. and Mrs. Bob O’Connor

Madeleine ‘14, Sarah, Charlotte & Olivia Ling

Mr. and Mrs. Mario Lizaso Olivia & Lillian Delvac

Allie Maldonado

Mr. and Mrs. Richard Peischl Grace ‘13, Claire ‘14, Joe & Charlie McCoy

Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Manganiello

Mr. and Mrs. Adolfo Ponce De Leon

Mrs. Rita Mark

Sabrina Fernandez

Gabby Doucet

Mrs. Shannon Rardon

Mrs. Pollyann Matson Avens Matson ‘15

Mr. and Mrs. Jess McCavitt Michael, Patrick & Liam McCavitt

Mr. and Mrs. Francis P. McGing

Madeleine Rexroat

Mr. and Mrs. John Reinhardt Katie ‘15, John Patrick & David Eisenhauer

Mr. and Mrs. Don Richey Maddie ‘13, Kelly & Ryan Scott

Declan & Colin Hill

Mr. and Mrs. John Rossman

Mr. and Mrs. Spencer McManes

Wesley Smith ‘15

Spencer ‘09, Carter ‘10, Mackie ‘13 & Olivia McManes

Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sansone Joe, John & Isabella Sansone

Mr. and Mrs. Black McSherry

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Schar

Blake & Emma McSherry

Meghan & Aidan McVeigh

Mr. and Mrs. David McSweeney

Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Schneider

Anne & Ben McSweeney

Brian & Colleen Dooling

Mr. and Mrs. Astro McVeigh

Mr. Ardis Schnittjer

Aidan McVeigh

Isabella Horras

Mrs. Judy Measor

Mrs. Eunice Shanamatwi

Abby & Robert Measor

Kalabi Kamau

Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Sik Hannah ‘14 & Andrew Sik

Mr. and Mrs. Jim Steele Matthew Steele

Mrs. Elaine Tegart Mackenzie ‘14, Sophie & HB Todd

Mr. and Mrs. Hal Todd Mackenzie ‘14, Sophie & HB Todd

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Urie Andy Lamp

Mr. and Mrs. John Wise Kallyn & Brayden Wise

2014-2015 Playground Fund (Phase 1) Anonymous **Mr. and Mrs. Maurice Agresta * Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Anderson Caroline Hopkins

** Mr. and Mrs. Becky Bain *Mr. William A. Baker Jack Gilkey

*Mrs. Janice Bell Lauren & Kaitlyn MacKenzie

Mr. and Mrs. Brian Brown Mala Webb

Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bruner

*Mrs. Susanne Haynes Ben Katz Family

Mr. and Mrs. Milo Cantu

*Mr. and Mrs. Ted Derda

Mr. and Mrs. Clark Coles

Jackson & Lindsey Weir

*Mrs. Harriet Collingwood

Mr. and Mrs. James Devlin

David, Mario & Luis ‘15 Jimenez

* Mrs. Marcia Devlin

*Mrs. Mary Beth Cook

Alec & Kate Devlin

Olivia, Alexis & Amelia Cook

* Mr. and Mrs. Donald Dexheimer

*Mr. Larry Cordek

Mr. and Mrs. Charles DiGiacomo

Natalie & Kylie Collett

* Mrs. Peggy Pryor Cryer Dominic, Isabella & Anna Grace Cryer

Mr. and Mrs. David Dabbs ** Mr. and Mrs. William Danish Adam, Elizabeth & Lauren Danish

*Mr. and Mrs. Richard Decker *Mr. and Mrs. Lynn DeGrote Bryce, Luke & Jack Hughes

Mr. and Mrs. John Hart Holy Redeemer Staff

Mr. and Mrs. Brad Falberg Elizabeth Freeman

* Mrs. Vivian Fernandez Vivian & Andrew Dabbs

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fernandez * Mrs. Joanne Franke Matthew & Luke Franke

* Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gerker Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Gibbs Mrs. Cheri Gonor *Mr. and Mrs. Duane Griffin Kate & Haze Miller

Mr. and Mrs. Perry Hopkins *Mr. and Mrs. Wendell Huff Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jacob *Mr. Larry Jones Courtney Wilbanks

Mr. and Mrs. Don Knapp *Grandparents ** Alumni parents

2014-2015 Playground Fund (Phase 1) Mr. and Mrs. Seok Lee

Mr. and Mrs. Don Novak

* Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ling

Dr. and Mrs. Robert O'Donnell

** Mr. and Mrs. Paul Maggard

*Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Pacer

* Mr. and Mrs. Alfonse Masi

* Mrs. Jean Parris

** Mr. and Mrs. John McCarthy

Lauren Lewis

*Mr. Jess McCavitt

*Mrs. Concepcion Phillips

The McCavitt Family

*Dr. and Mrs. Jesus Plaza

Mr. and Mrs. Sean MacKenzie

John & Sandra Cryer

The MacKenzie Family

* Mr. and Mrs. Jim Podojil

Mr. and Mrs. Skip McManes

Regan & Emerson Podojil

* Mr. and Mrs. Spencer McManes Livvie McManes

* Mrs. Nora McSweeney * Mr. and Mrs. Mark Miller

* Mr. and Mrs. Adolfo Ponce De Leon Sabrina Fernandez

*Mr. and Mrs. Donald Richey * Mrs. Patti Rouster Jack & Chloe Woods

Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Millsaps

* Mr. Joe Sansone

Mr. and Mrs. Eric Mondi

*Mr. and Mrs. Charles Schneider

The Mondi Family

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Muir Margaret, Patrick, Claire & Catherine Muir

Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Murray

*Mr. and Mrs. Robert Schwartz Luca & Olivia Orelli

* Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Sik Andrew Sik

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Nall

** Mr. and Mrs. David Smith

Mr. and Mrs. Michael Nark

*Mrs. Elaine Tegart

Juliana & Elizabeth Nark

The Todd Children

Mr. Kirk Nelson and Dr. Lisa Roberts

* Mr. and Mrs. Richard Terry

** Mr. and Mrs. Bill Newton

Brantley Terry

**Mr. and Mrs. Tom Tooley *Mr. and Mrs. Robert Trammell Pope Francis I

Mr. and Mrs. Bryan Weidner

Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Weir Jackson & Lindsey Weir

* Mr. and Mrs. Earl Woods Whitney Woods

*Grandparents ** Alumni parents

Gifts in Kind Dutton Grading Corporation

2014-2015 Matching Gifts & Grants Matching Gift Companies


Aspen Insurance

The Catholic Foundation of North Georgia

AT&T Cisco Systems Coca-Cola Enterprises Dixie Seal and Stamp Company Eaton Corporation Fair Isacc Corporation GE Foundation Honeywell International Jackson Healthcare, LLC Kimberly Clark Merck Company Foundation Mondelez Food Service Pimco Foundation Providence Advisors, LLC Regions RLI Insurance Company Shell Oil Company SunTrust Bank Time Warner Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc. UPS Foundation

US Bank Verizon Foundation VMware

2014-2015 GRACE Scholars In 2008, Georgia lawmakers voted to allow state taxpayers to redirect a portion of their State Income Taxes to support Catholic Education. Each donation provides a dollar-for-dollar tax credit. GRACE Scholars, Inc. provides scholarships to those families in need of assistance for Catholic Education for grades K-12. Thank you to the following taxpayers who re-directed their 2015 Georgia tax dollars to GRACE Scholars. Currently, Holy Redeemer Catholic School has 47 GRACE Scholar students.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Alderman Mr. and Mrs. Michael J Bagwell Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Baratta Mr. and Mrs. Paul G. Bataillon Mr. and Mrs. Paul C. Bozzuto Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence J. Bracken Mr. and Mrs. Brian E. Brown Mr. and Mrs. Anthony N. Dagnino Mr. and Mrs. Walter P. Dembowski II Mr. and Mrs. Brian T. Dooling Mr. and Mrs. Ken M. Doucet Mr. and Mrs. Mark Dwier Mr. Thomas Eaton & Mrs. Elizabeth Fernandez Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Eikenberry Ms. Christy Etter and Mr. Brian Iselin Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Falberg Mr. and Mrs. James B. Galicki Mr. and Mrs. Gregory A. Galvez Mr. and Mrs. Thomas V. Gebhardt Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Grisik Mr. and Mrs. Jason C. Groesser Mr. and Mrs. Christopher J. Hart Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Henderson Ms. Patricia K. Hene Mr. Mickey Hernandez and Mrs. Cynthia Dolan Mr. and Mrs. John G. Hogan Mrs. Pauline Holleran Mr. and Mrs. Perry A. Hopkins Mr. and Mrs. Daniel A. Horras Mr. Nishan Jayaratnam Mr. and Mrs. Javier E. Jimenez Mr. and Mrs. Gediminas L. Kalinauskas Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey M. Kammerer Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kennedy Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Knuth Mr. and Mrs. Craig E. Lengyel Mr. and Mrs. Myron C. Livingston Mr. and Mrs. Christian G. Louis

Mr. and Mrs. Christian S. McAuliffe Mr. and Mrs. Scott A. McKee Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer McManes Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steven A. Miller Mr. and Mrs. Steven J. Mondibrown Mr. and Mrs. William E. Morlan Mr. and Mrs. Kevin P. Murray Mr. and Mrs. Carlos Navarro Dr. and Mrs. Robert J. O'Donnell Mr. and Mrs. Scott W. Oman Mr. and Mrs. Thomas J. Pacer Mr. and Mrs. Robert Paredes Deacon and Mrs. John D. Puetz Mr. and Mrs. Casey H. Quinn Mr. and Mrs. Mauricio Ramirez Mr. Daniel J. Ruane and Jacqueline M. Jenna Mr. and Mrs. William Schell Mr. and Mrs. Bill Schell—INP Mr. and Mrs. David A. Schmitt Mr. and Mrs. Charles R. Schneider Mr. and Mrs. Warren Craig Scruton Mr. and Mrs. Thomas L. Scully Mr. and Mrs. Francis G. Shappard Mr. and Mrs. Preston T. Shirmeyer Mr. and Mrs. Jeff S. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael P. Stapleton Mr. and Mrs. Neil Stephansson Mr. and Mrs. Alan E. Stinchfield Mr. and Mrs. Garry D. Swearingen Mr. and Mrs. Robert W. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Troy Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Vigil Mr. and Mrs. James Brian West Mr. and Mrs. Matthew R. Wise Mr. and Mrs. Scott F. Woods Mr. and Mrs. William J. Zaryski Mr. and Mrs. Bruce M. Zorich

Holy Redeemer Catholic School 3380 Old Alabama Road Johns Creek, GA 30022 770-410-4056

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