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Ryan Noye Sr., left, wife Nancy and son, Ryan Jr.

Ryan Noye of Summerside completely recovered from a stroke after receiving t-PA at Prince County Hospital last fall. “I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you,” Ryan told Foundation volunteers in Summerside, citing their ongoing efforts and support of the Heart and Stroke Foundation on PEI.

Each year more than 74,000 Canadians die from heart disease and stroke. Close to 500 of these deaths occur in Prince Edward Island.

TABLE OF CONTENTS MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR AND CEO ................................2

Almost 40 per cent of us will develop heart disease or stroke over our lifetime. In one way or another, these diseases will touch us all.

Heart and Stroke Foundation of Prince Edward Island

The best approach to heart disease and stroke is to stop them before they start. The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Prince Edward Island provides healthy living tips that are helping women, men and children in our province to do just that.

Healthpartners ........................................................................3

Thanks to advances in research over the past five decades, Islanders today have access to improved preventive measures and treatments that are providing them with healthier, longer and more rewarding lives. The Foundation’s well-earned reputation for leadership in health promotion and advocacy is largely due to the hard-working, committed and caring volunteers, and the generous support of many individuals and businesses. Together, we are proof of what can happen “When you put your heart into it.” The Heart and Stroke Foundation’s publications and comprehensive website are there to provide expert help and guidance at your finger tips. Find everything you need at www.heartandstroke.ca or call 1.888.HSF.INFO.

Board of Directors ..................................................................3 Staff ..........................................................................................3

A HEARTFELT THANK YOU .......................................................4 JUMP Rope for Heart ...........................................................4 Bequests ..................................................................................4 Memorial and In Honour Programs ......................................4 No Stress Dress.......................................................................5 Dazzling in Red .......................................................................5 ONE FOUNDATION, MANY HEARTS .......................................6 GENEROUS AND CARING HEARTS .........................................8 STATS Charity Golf Tournament ...........................................8 Red Island Relay .....................................................................8 Maritime Electric Tourney ....................................................8 Hoof Beats for Heart ............................................................8 Gerard Gallant Memorial Golf Tournament .........................9 Legends of Golf .....................................................................9 GOOD THINGS HAPPEN WHEN YOU PUT YOUR HEART INTO IT: HEART MONTH IN PEI ...............................10 Person-to-Person Campaign ..............................................10 Our friends and supporters lend a hand to an important cause ...................................................................10 Time to bridge the gender gap .........................................10 Spring Flings in four Island communities honour P2P volunteers ......................................................................10 BUILDING COMMUNITIES .......................................................12 Health Promotion: Keeping Islanders informed and healthy ...........................................................................12 Lifelines for those recovering from heart disease and stroke .............................................................................12 Stroke Clubs ..........................................................................12 RESUSCITATION/EMERGENCY CARDIAC CARE .................13 STROKE ......................................................................................14 PEI Integrated Stroke Strategy ............................................14 Professional Education.........................................................14 STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS ...............................................15





he Heart and Stroke Foundation, a volunteerbased health charity, leads in eliminating heart disease and stroke and reducing their impact through the advancement of research and its application, the promotion of healthy living, and advocacy.

Wilma Hambly

Here, at the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Prince Edward Island, we live this mission every day of the year. We are a volunteer-based health charity, and as such, our volunteers continue to be the cornerstone of our success, and our ability to fulfill this mission. Vital to our programs and Our mission is straightforward activities, they assist us in raising and clear, and it guides our funds, developing strategies and our day-to-day strategies and work. We are proud of our governing our mission-related accomplishments, organization with yet we also recogize that there transparency and are challenges we must meet if accountability.

we are to continue to achieve results that will improve lives.

The role we play in leading our province in the battle against heart disease and stroke is indeed a role that we take great pride in. Over the past year, we have continued to work with our partner, the provincial Department of Health, in guiding the Provincial Stroke Strategy implementation for PEI, which is already having a positive impact on those with stroke, as well as others who are at risk. For proof positive of this, be sure to read about Summerside resident, Ryan Noye’s experience in the stroke section of this report.

Motivated by a need to combine and thereby maximize limited resources, and fueled by common goals, our liaisons with community partners continue to be an important priority. The PEI Tobacco Reduction Strategy (PETRA) is an excellent example of this. PETRA is a group of health charities, government and committed organizations and individuals who are combining forces to provide support to Islanders wanting to quit using tobacco, or wanting freedom from secondhand smoke. Our work as a member of PETRA bears testimony to the theory that more can be accomplished when we work together as a team.

Because of research funded by the Heart and Stroke Foundation, we now know that many heart attacks and strokes can be prevented by living a healthy lifestyle that incorporates physical activity, healthy eating, maintaining a healthy weight, and not Charlotte Comrie smoking. In addition, new treatment methods and rehabilitation regimes have also been devised due to the results of Heart and Stroke research. These outcomes benefit all Islanders. In the pages of this report, you will read about how we have taken this information gained from research to your doorstep, your workplace, or your classroom over the past 12 months. Whether advocating for smoking cessation, working with physical education teachers in making our Jump Rope for Heart program available to elementary students, or introducing effective new changes to CPR, we have strived to turn research into action. Our mission is straightforward and clear, and it guides our strategies and our day-to-day work. We are proud of our mission-related accomplishments, yet we also recogize that there are challenges we must meet if we are to continue to achieve results that will improve lives. We look forward to the many opportunities that await us as we embark upon the next year. On behalf of all Islanders who depend on our work, we extend heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who has contributed in any way to our accomplishments. Our promise to you is that we will continue to be resourceful, to provide judicious stewardship of precious donor dollars, and to use these dollars where they will have the most impact on improving the health of Island people. Wilma Hambly, Chair Charlotte Comrie, CEO


Heart and Stroke Foundation of Prince Edward Island Board of Directors Governance of Foundation affairs is ably led by our diverse and experienced Board of Directors. These individuals give freely of their time and talents on behalf of those affected by or at risk of heart disease and stroke in PEI Wilma Hambly (Chair) Helen Flynn (Past Chair/Chair of Governance Committee) Karen Creighan (Chair Finance Committee) Gordon MacKay (Federation Board Representative) Jonathon Ross Michelle Currie Dr. Ed Harrison Margo Thompson Heather Cutcliffe Mary Lynn Kane Bill Dow Cindy Walker Charlotte Comrie, ex-ofďŹ cio


Staff Day-to-day management and implementation of our programs and activities is accomplished by a small but hard-working group of staff members, who have also played a major role in our successes over the past year. Charlotte Comrie Executive Director/CEO Cathy Sinclair (P/T) Stroke Coordinator Susan Taylor-McConnell (P/T) Health Promotion Coordinator Lori Ferguson-Brown (P/T) Health Promotion Coordinator Lynn Ellsworth (P/T) Project Assistant Joan Sinclair Director of Development Susan Platts School Program and Events Coordinator Airlie Ellsworth Development and Administrative Assistant

HE A L T H P AR T NERS A partnership of 16 national health charities, Healthpartners provides Canadians working in the federal government with the opportunity to direct gifts to their charity of choice, through payroll deduction or cash donations. The Government of Canada Workplace Charitable Campaign takes place in the fall of each year. The Foundation is grateful to each of the federal employees supporting the work of Healthpartners and its 16 member charities.


Lloyd Adams Accounting (P/T Contract) Sharon Hollingsworth Communications (P/T Contract)



A heartfelt thank you … to the many individuals, companies, foundations and service clubs who have given time, money and resources to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Prince Edward Island over the past year. Our achievements are a direct result of the generosity of an entire community that has rallied behind the Heart and Stroke Foundation. They are also the strength and source of exciting opportunities and accomplishments that lie ahead. We are extremely grateful for the generous support provided through individual donations, bequests, volunteerism, committee work, special event participation, matching gift programs, corporate foundations, employee giving programs, sponsorships and major philanthropic gifts. Every gift is truly appreciated and we thank you all.

JUMP Rope for Heart – Engaging Kids and the Community JUMP is a national Heart and Stroke Foundation FUNdraiser that motivates kids into action, encourages them to stay healthy, and inspires them to raise funds for a cause that’s important to their communities. It’s good for the kids, it’s good for the schools and it’s definitely good for the heart.

In 2006-2007, students in three PEI elementary schools raised a total of $16,400 in pledges from family and friends for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of PEI. In return, they received great incentive prizes from the Foundation, and earned equipment for their schools. Thanks to the students, their families and friends, and the physical education teachers who organized the JUMP events in their schools. Bequests We are grateful to the estate of Helen Glen of Summerside for the bequest of $25,000 to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Prince Edward Island. Helen’s husband, MacNab, predeceased her, and they both had a history of heart disease. Helen and Mac had retired to PEI several years ago, from Ontario. Helen was a piano teacher, a music lover, a gentle and gracious woman; her generous gift at the end of her life will be used to improve outcomes for heart disease and stroke survivors here on PEI. Memorial and In Honour Gifts Memorial gifts are a valuable way to honour a loved one, neighbour, friend or colleague who has passed away, because those gifts support research and health promotion programs to benefit Islanders.

Students from Greenfield School in Summerside “Put their hearts into” their JUMP Rope for Heart event earlier this year.




… In Honour Gifts are a popular way to recognize special occasions such as weddings, anniversaries, birthdays, graduations, and retirements. Travis Maund and Lindsay Kelly of Southwest Lot 16 made a gift to the Heart and Stroke Foundation of PEI this summer in lieu of wedding favors for their guests. Ruth and Clair Sudsbury of Summerside named the Heart and Stroke Foundation as their charity of choice for their 40th wedding anniversary. Winston and Marguerite Wood of Bethel Rd., Mt. Herbert celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary this year and generously requested that their friends and loved ones remember the Heart and Stroke Foundation of PEI, rather than give gifts to them. We are touched and grateful for such thoughtful support, and wish all these folks continued health and happiness. During 2006-2007, we received $82,000 from Memorial and In Honour Gifts. These gifts will allow the Foundation to continue its work toward decreasing the incidence of heart disease and stroke among Islanders, through the support of research and health promotion programs to benefit Islanders. Memorial and In Honour gifts can be made online at www.heartandstroke.pe.ca. No Stress Dress Again this year, businesses in PEI encouraged their employees to “dress down” on casual or “No Stress” Fridays in support of the Foundation’s programs and activities. Fifty businesses and associations raised over $3,000 during the 2006-2007 fiscal year. Thanks to all for their outstanding support of our work.

Razzle Dazzle guests enjoy the festivities at the annual February fundraiser.

Dazzling in Red, Gala attendees put their hearts into it On February 3, the third annual Norton’s Razzle Dazzle Red presented by title sponsor, Nortons Jewellers, again enjoyed great success, raising $40,000 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of PEI. Guests at the Culinary Institute of Canada enjoyed a delicious fourcourse dinner provided by the Culinary Institute. With approximately 100 generous donors contributing auction items, highlights of the evening included a silent and a live auction, including a trip for two to Bermuda, sponsored by Air Canada, and five nights at the Fairmont Southampton. To round off the festivities, guests in their red dresses and red ties danced the evening away to the music of the Red Clay Band. Sincere thanks to the 24 committee members and their friends and to Nortons Jewellers for ensuring the success of this year’s event.



One Foundation, many We acknowledge with gratitude the monetary and in-kind contributions from the following forward-looking businesses and individuals:




Kwik Kopy Design and Print Centre Mark’s Work Wearhouse Pepsi Bottling Group Results Marketing

Canadian Cable Ads The Guardian Mark’s Work Wearhouse Ocean 100.3 Pepsi Bottling Group Sun Life Financial

$1,000+ Global Conventions Services

$2,500+ $2,500+ Nortons Jewellers Ltd. Air Canada $5,000+ $5,000+ Murphy’s Pharmacies

IN KIND DONORS $250+ Bacardi Birt’s Furniture Plus Allan Ford Ken A. Gillis Hallmark Gold Crown Store Home Hardware Charlottetown Hearts & Flowers Jackson Triggs Keep on Shucking Padinox Inc. Prince Edward Aqua Farms The Dunes Studio Gallery Celia Wight

Graphic Detail Inc. Maritime Electric Nortons Jewellers Ltd.






We further acknowledge with thanks the following Island businesses and individual donors who have, over the past year, provided significant financial support to our programs and activities:

Norm Hambly-Bryenton Allan Burgoyne Pauline Cary Natasha Dollar Earl D. Foster Elaine Fraser Bernard Gillis Ed & Darlene Harrison Hillside Motors (1973) Ltd. Island Pride Farms John Lloyd & Associates Landscape Architects Myron R. MacKay Sheila MacKenzie Blaine MacPherson Metro Credit Union Central Sylvia Mulligan PEI Mutual Insurance Co. Quartermaster Marine Brad Richards Scotia Investments Limited Douglas Stark Alan Watts Don Wood

$5,000+ Maritime Electric Red Island Relay STATS Charity Golf Tournament $2,500 + Insurance Brokers Association of PEI $1,000+ Aliant Cavendish Farms HSBC Bank of Canada Tracy McKillop $500+ Dooly’s Fun League John Horrelt Frances McAlduff Snowbowlers Sun Life Financial Wal Mart Staff, Charlottetown PEI Store Wal Mart employees Tracy Lunn, centre, and Kelly Griffin, right, with Charlotte Comrie, CEO.

If we have overlooked your gift or listed it incorrectly, please notify us so that we may apologize properly and amend our records. Every form and amount of support is important to us and we appreciate it.




Honouring and remembering friends and family members, helping to create a healthier future for our children, encouraging active and healthy lifestyles – these are but a few of the reasons why growing numbers of Islanders across the province continue to mount fundraising events in support of Heart and Stroke Foundation of PEI programs. STATS Charity Golf Tournament bigger and better than ever! On Sunday, June 3rd, 2007, 36 teams teed off at at the Glen Afton Golf Club for the annual STATS (Swinging Together Always To Support) golf event. Golfers participating enjoyed a day of their favourite sport as well as a chance to win great prizes on every hole and the proceeds from a 50/50 draw. Once the final team had left the green, close to $16,000 had been raised for this year’s two PEI health charities, the Autism Society and the Heart and Stroke Foundation.

STATS- Swinging Together Always to Support

Red Island Relay a Runaway Success! Hundreds of athletes from all three Maritime provinces took part in the first-ever Red Island Relay at Brudenell, PEI. Previously named the Red Cross Relay, the event consists of two legs Ardelle Hynes, left, and Ken of running, two legs of Sampson present their cheque for $5,000 to Michelle Currie, biking, combined with Director. one final leg of canoeing or kayaking. Teams were either 6-person, 2-person, or solo and the top team finished the course in just under three hours.

Organizers Ardelle Hynes and Ken Sampson divided this year’s proceeds between the Heart and Stroke Foundation of PEI, and the Red Cross Society of PEI, with each of the organizations receiving $5,000. Maritime Electric tourney raises $7,500 for Heart and Stroke Foundation Maritime Electric Ltd., a Fortis company, hosted its annual charity golf tourney in early June and raised $30,000 for its four charities of choice, including the Heart and Stroke Foundation of PEI. Now in its 11th year, this popular golf tournament attracts players from as far away as Montreal. This year’s event was held at the lovely Fox Meadow Golf and Country Club, in Stratford, just outside Charlottetown. Hoof Beats for Heart raises $3,637 for Heart and Stroke Foundation August of 2007 saw the return of an innovative fundraiser for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Prince Edward Island, Hoof Beats for Heart. Event organizer Connie Gaudette was joined by Darlene Bernard, Ricky Hogan and Trailblazer Ricky, Darlene and Connie are shown in photo with ambassador riders from the Duke Karen Curtis in front and board of Edinburgh Awards. member Margo Thompson at The group rode their rear, right. horses from North Cape Interpretive Centre to East Point, collecting more than $3,600 in support of Heart and Stroke Foundation programs in PEI. Karen Curtis of Summerside was the Ambassador for Hoof Beats for Heart this year. Karen, 14, shares a genetic heart disorder with her brother Matt, and in the last few years she has lost both her mother and her older brother Robert to heart disease.




Making the Connection™ is a national cholesterol education program, a partnership that includes the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, the Canadian Lipid Nurse Network, the Canadian Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation, Diabetes Quebec, and Pfizer Canada Inc. Its goal is to help Canadians take action to control high cholesterol in order to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Proceeds from Legends of Golf are distributed to each provincial Foundation based on a national sharing formula. The Heart and Stroke Foundation of PEI received approximately $4,000 from this year’s event. Winners of the Gerard Gallant Memorial Golf Tournament (and friends!) pose for our official photographer with their fabulous trophy!

St. Felix golfers raise $940 in memory of Gerard Gallant Eighty golfers gathered this summer for the Gerard Gallant Memorial golf tournament at the St. Felix Golf and Country Club, and helped raise over $900 for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Prince Edward Island. This tournament honors Gerard Gallant who helped build the course, but died of a massive heart attack soon after its completion. The course’s owners, Claude and Joanne Gaudette, were good friends of Gerard’s and this is their eighth year of remembering him with this golf tournament. Gerard’s wife Angela, his son Kendall and grandson Seamus were on hand to present the winning trophy to the team of Alan Hardy, Kyle Fraser, Doug Gallant and Kenny Fraser. Making the Connection Legends of Golf Former Masters champions, Vijay Singh and Mike Weir played in 2007’s Making the Connection™ Legends of Golf on July 29 and 30, at The Links at Crowbush Cove located at the Rodd Crowbush Golf and Beach Resort.

Vijay Singh and Mike Weir on their way to the final hole at Making the Connection Legends of Golf.




Person-to-Person Campaign February means it’s Heart Month, and time for Heart and Stroke Foundation of PEI volunteers to swing into action for the Personto-Person (P2P) residential campaign. For more than four decades, this dynamic program has put important heart health information directly into the hands of Islanders. In return, residents of PEI have opened their doors – and their wallets – to support health promotion, research and advocacy. “Blitz Night” saw 12 Heart and Stroke Foundation of PEI and Murphy’s Pharmacies staff bundled up against the cold to canvass several Charlottetown neighbourhoods. Not only did they enjoy a heart healthy activity, their evening of canvassing also resulted in over $700 in donations from generous householders in the capital city.

Spring Flings in four Island communities honour P2P volunteers OUR HATS ARE OFF to all the volunteers who helped with the P2P campaign in February to raise money for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Prince Edward Island’s ongoing work — preventing heart disease and stroke when we can, and improving outcomes for survivors when we can’t. An army of 900+ Islanders canvassed door-to-door in the bitter cold of February to raise over $115,000 for this important cause. This spring the Heart and Stroke Foundation of PEI responded with four ‘Spring Fling’ volunteer appreciation nights, each in a different part of the Island — Alberton, Summerside, Stratford, and Montague.

A tip of the hat to the more than 900 volunteers who put on their parkas and knocked on their neighbours’ doors during Heart Month, raising a grand total of $115,000 by month end. Our friends and supporters lend a hand to an important cause Her Honour, Lieutenant-Governor Barbara A. Hagerman, Honourary Patron of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of PEI, signed an official proclamation designating February 2007 as Heart Month, and assisted key Foundation volunteers in raising the Foundation flag on the Government House grounds.

Ethel White receives her prize of a cookbook by Bonnie Stern from Ray Murphy of Murphy’s Pharmacies, this year’s Heart Month sponsor, at the Stratford ‘Spring Fling’.

Time to bridge the gender gap Once again, the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s annual report card on the state of Canadians’ health was distributed nationally in February, with this year’s theme the gender gap in the diagnosis and treatment of heart disease in Canadian women, as compared with their male counterparts. The report card raised major concerns that women’s heart health has not kept pace with men’s, and included a call to action on the part of governments, research funding bodies and universities, and the health care system.

Volunteers turned out in large numbers for their special evening in Alberton.




Ryan Noye of Summerside, who completely recovered from a stroke after receiving t-PA at Prince County Hospital last fall, thanked the Heart and Stroke Foundation volunteers gathered in Summerside. “I wouldn’t be here tonight if it wasn’t for you,” said Ryan, acknowledging that the door-to-door canvassing by volunteers each February helped make possible the 2006 launch of an Integrated Stroke Strategy for PEI. Because of this strategy, the clot-busting drug t-PA is now available in the Island’s two largest hospitals. Less than three weeks after the launch of the provincial Stroke Strategy, Ryan Noye was the first Islander to receive the drug, and make a complete recovery.

Gary Gray is grateful to be back to his regular activities, including driving a car, thanks to recognizing the signs of stroke!

Volunteers from the Montague area heard Gary Gray’s remarkable story of recovering from a hemorrhagic stroke five years ago. At the time of his stroke, Gary’s family was given little hope; his home was closed up and his car was sold. Today, he lives independently, works part-time as a business consultant, drives a vehicle again, and credits all that to an unrelenting daily regime of physical and mental therapy. Important to Gary’s story is that he recognized his own symptoms that day he collapsed in a Montague coffee shop, and his whispered words, “I’m having a stroke. Call 911” helped in his getting fastracked to a neurologist in Moncton.

Mike Schurman spoke to Charlottetown area volunteers about his heart attack and resulting surgery, and his appreciation for the ongoing efforts of the Heart and Stroke Foundation. Mike, originally from Summerside and now retired in Stratford, remains healthy after undergoing triple bypass surgery in Halifax, one of many surgical techniques pioneered with funding from the Heart and Stroke Foundation. These moving testimonials from Mike, Ryan and Gary clearly illustrated to the P2P volunteers how vital the funds they raise during the door-to-door campaign are in preventing heart disease and stroke, and in ensuring more positive outcomes for those who are affected by these diseases.

Mike, originally from Summerside and now retired in Stratford, remains healthy after undergoing triple bypass surgery in Halifax, one of many surgical techniques pioneered with funding from the Heart and Stroke Foundation.




Lifelines for those recovering from heart disease and stroke While prevention remains a key Foundation priority, we also strive to provide support-based programs to those who have been affected by these diseases. Our Heart To Heart™ rehabilitation program enjoyed a successful year, with three programs held in Charlottetown, and one in each of the communities of Summerside, Souris, and Montague.

Health Promotion: Keeping Islanders informed and healthy The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Prince Edward Island continues to work to lower the risk of heart disease and stroke by increasing awareness among Islanders of their risk factors, and providing them with tools and information to assist them in taking charge of their health. Incorporating the concepts of a healthy lifestyle into our daily routines can be challenging. Our lives are sedentary. We live further away from work and school, so we drive or are driven to our destinations. Our work is less physical, so we sit all day. Organized activity has replaced the spontaneous play of past years. There are more demands on our time away from work. We snack on unhealthy foods from vending machines or fast food outlets. The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Prince Edward Island has developed a binder called Childhood Obesity Resources to assist family physicians as they work with families of overweight and obese children. An easy-to-use binder, organized with information, food guides, recipes and activities for different age groups was developed for physicians to discuss with appropriate families. The Resource will be piloted by 12 physicians/pediatricians this fall, in preparation for distribution to family physicians and pediatricians.

Residents of PEI who have had a heart attack, heart surgery or procedures to diagnose heart problems now receive information on the Heart to Heart™ program from hospital staff when they are transferred or discharged. This has resulted in an increased number of calls to the Heart and Stroke Foundation from people seeking program information. Stroke Clubs The road to recovery for stroke survivors is always challenging. Support from family and friends is vital. The opportunity to spend time and share experiences with others who are working toward their own rehabilitation and recovery from stroke is also important. Our stroke clubs provide this opportunity to many Islanders whose lives have been affected by stroke. During the past year, stroke club meetings were held monthly in Alberton/O’Leary, Charlottetown, Summerside, and Rustico. While weather was often a limiting factor in getting together, we stayed in touch to support and assist each other.





Because most of us are familiar with the concept of Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR), we have come to expect that someone in the room will have the necessary training to assist if a person has a cardiac arrest (heart and breathing stop). We know that CPR – cardiopulmonary resuscitation – can keep the person alive until paramedics arrive. This is important, as a large number of cardiac arrests occur in the home. The changes in the guidelines governing resuscitation emphasize the administration of good CPR. In order to have members of the public respond when confronted with this emergency, CPR has been simplified. The new mantra is: • • •

In December 2006, Island Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) Instructors and Medical Directors were updated to the new guidelines. They then began teaching provider courses to their colleagues. In June 2007, Island ACLS instructors offered their first ACLS Instructor’s course for ten candidates. All in all, it has been a full and productive year for our diverse corps of Instructors, Instructor Trainers and Medical Directors. One of the Foundation’s resuscitation goals is to increase the number of Islanders trained in CPR, so that they are able to respond confidently when confronted with this emergency. Through our Instructor volunteers, we keep working towards that goal.

Push Hard Push Fast Release pressure on the chest between compressions

As well as simplifying the skill, the teaching format for all Foundation Resuscitation courses has also been revised to take into account new research findings about adult learners and skill retention. The Heart and Stroke Foundation has been busy ensuring its existing instructors, instructor trainers, and medical directors are updated to the new guidelines. This has therefore been a busy year for Emergency Cardiac Care volunteers on Prince Edward Island. Basic Life Support (BLS) Instructors received their updates to the new CPR guidelines in September 2006. Since then they have been teaching the new guidelines in the new teaching format to very positive feedback from students. Two BLS Instructor courses have taken place, registering about 20 new CPR instructors.

Pediactric Chain of Survival




PEI Integrated Stroke Strategy The Heart and Stroke Foundation is committed to reducing the human and financial toll exacted by stroke. Our efforts are focused on reducing risk factors, educating individuals on the warning signs of stroke and what to do when they occur, and working with the PEI Department of Health to implement the necessary system changes to improve stroke treatment, care and rehabilitation. Over the past year, together with the provincial Department of Health, we have continued to work towards full implementation of the PEI Integrated Stroke Strategy. One of the 19 recommendations in the stroke strategy, released in August 2006, was for t-PA to be made available. In September, 2006, Ryan Noye of Summerside was the first patient to receive this clot-busting drug at Prince County Hospital. It completely reversed his stroke symptoms and he remains healthy today. During the fall of 2006, the Acute Stroke sub-committee of the Integrated Stroke Strategy Advisory Committee-2 (ISSAC-2) was formed. The sub-committee, comprised of three work groups, was tasked with developing a plan for the implementation of some of the strategy’s Emergency and Acute Care recommendations. Progress continues in these areas.

Professional Education The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Prince Edward Island works with local health care and science professionals to identify and provide continuing education and professional development opportunities. Over the past year, we have facilitated the following forums for healthcare providers in an effort to assist them in translating current knowledge to best practice in the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of heart disease and stroke. • In early December, 2006, the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the PEI Medical Society co-hosted a visit from University of Calgary’s Dr. Norm Campbell, who is Chair of the Canadian Hypertension Education Program (CHEP). • Dr. Campbell was guest speaker at the Medical Society’s Clinical Day and also participated in a public forum for the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Prince Edward Island, entitled High Blood Pressure – HOW IMPORTANT IS IT? Approximately 100 were in attendance at the forum, held at the Summerside Legion. While in PEI, Dr. Campbell also spoke at a workshop for health care professionals entitled, Hypertension – WHAT’S NEW TODAY? • The Foundation co-hosted a second Medical Society Clinical Day in May, 2007, entitled TIME IS BRAIN. Speakers were Dr. Gord Gubitz, Stroke Neurologist, QEII Health Sciences Centre in Halifax and Dr. Gordie Beck, Emergency Room Physician at QEH in Charlottetown.

Dr. Gord Gubitz on the left with Dr. Gordie Beck at the Medical Society Clinical Day in May, 2007.






20 0 6



Fundraising Revenue Community Campaigns Bequests & Memorials Direct Mail

274,445 137,377 15,357

326,831 211,479 18,243

Direct Program Costs

427,179 115,311

556,553 114,754

Net Fundraising Revenue Other Income

311,868 73,882

441,799 180,619

Total Revenue



Fundraising Administration

34,034 54,894

35,960 79,559



Net Revenue before mission expenditures



Mission Expenditures Research Health Promotion

91,938 195,033

99,370 140,725







20 0 6

Current Assets Long-term investments Property, plant and equipment net

$ 164,996 239,226 12,273

$ 391,703 0 11,349

Total Assets



Current Liabilities Net Assets

111,321 305,174

107,729 295,323

Total Liabilities and Net Assets






Excess of revenue over expenditures

The data on this page has been extracted and summarized from the audited ďŹ nancial statements. A complete set of ďŹ nancial statements is available upon request from the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Prince Edward Island Inc. (902-892-7441).

180 Kent Street PO Box 279 Charlottetown, PE Canada C1A 7K4

Telephone: (902) 892-7441 Toll Free: 1-888-473-4636 Facsimile: (902) 368-7068 Email: info@hsfpei.ca


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