Foundation Office: 1037 Topsail Road, Mount Pearl, NL Mailing Address: P.O. Box 5819, St. John’s, NL A1C 5X3 Tel:709-753-8521
Fax: 709-753-3117
Annual Report 2008
Table of Contents Page 2
Our Mission
Page 2
Our Values
Page 2
Who We Are
Page 3
President’s message
Page 4
The Facts
Page 4
Where Your Money Goes
Page 5
Provincial Integrated Stroke Strategy
Page 6
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Page 7
Statement of Revenue and Expenditures
Page 8
Board of Directors
Page 8
Foundation Staff
Our Mission
President’s message
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador, a volunteer-based health charity, leads in
As a province, Newfoundland and Labrador has some of the highest rates of risk factors for heart disease and
eliminating heart disease and stroke and reducing their impact through the advancement of research and
stroke in the country, however, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador is continuing
its application, the promotion of healthy living, and advocacy.
its efforts to achieve its stated Mission of eliminating heart disease and stroke and reducing their impact. We are committed to helping Newfoundlanders and Labradorians live healthy lives free from heart disease and stroke.
Our Values Our Health Promotion program focuses on promoting public awareness of the signs and symptoms of heart Collaboration:
Committed to working together in common cause across the Federation
disease and stroke and promoting healthy choices. Recognizing the importance of educating the young, our
and with our partners.
Fruit and Veggie challenge is presented to every grade four child in the province and our Heart Smart healthy eating program is becoming more recognized.
Committed to quality in all we do.
A passion for and the courage to explore, stimulate, and engage in new ideas,
This year we launched a new program, Friends and Family CPR - helping everyone to learn the life saving
behaviours and approaches.
techniques of Cardio-respiratory resuscitation. In addition to this we continue to work with the health care providers in the province, providing training and instructor courses for basic and advanced life support. So
Acting ethically to ensure transparency, accountability and public trust.
Valuing, appreciating and recognizing our donors, volunteers, staff and partners who help us achieve our mission.
you have help when you need it. Our partnership with the Canadian Stroke Strategy and the Department of Health in the development and implementation of the provincial stroke strategy has led to exciting changes in how we care for stroke survivors in this province. Together we are giving health care professionals the tools they need to provide the best
Who We Are
possible care to you and your families. We are partnering with the Health Regions to provide necessary stroke education to staff and to stroke survivors and their caregivers through our Living With Stroke Program.
The Heart and Stroke Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador was founded in 1964 when a group of 12 highly motivated volunteers recruited canvassers to complete a residential campaign that raised $15,000.
Most important though, is you our donors. We couldn’t do any of these things without you! You make it
Over the years the organization continued to grow and develop into the strong entity it is today.
possible for us to fund heart disease and stroke research right here in our province. Your contributions allow us to offer Heart Smart programs. You are helping us make a difference! On behalf of the Board of Directors,
The Heart and Stroke Foundation raises funds to support research and health promotion programs. We
our volunteers and our staff, I thank you from the bottom of my heart‌. And we pledge to continue our work
believe we can help more people by investing in research and education to prevent heart disease and stroke
in eliminating heart disease and stroke.
and to develop better treatments for the diseases. Leona Lewis, President The work of the Foundation is governed by a volunteer Board of Directors and is a member of the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada, a federation of ten independent provincial foundations and one national foundation.
The Facts More Canadians die of heart disease than any other disease – more than 74,000 deaths every year in Canada. More women die of heart disease than all cancers combined.
The Heart Truth The face of heart disease is changing. Once considered “a man’s disease”, the number of deaths from heart disease and stroke are now virtually the same for men and women in Canada. The Heart Truth campaign educates women about identifying the risks and warning signs of heart disease and stroke, and shows them how to take charge of their heart health by making lifestyle changes that can reduce their risk by as much as 80%.
More children are affected by heart disease today than ever before. 40% of Canadians will develop some sort of heart disease or stroke in their lifetime.
Heart to Heart Heart to Heart is an educational and support program for individuals and families who have had a cardiac
Every day in our province two more individuals have a stroke - 750 strokes annually.
event or who are at a high risk for cardiovascular disease. The Heart to Heart program usually runs one night a week for eight weeks and offers sessions on heart health, nutrition, physical activity, medications
Of those who survive, one in five will require institutional care and more than 75% will live with some
and stress management.
form of long-term disability. 20% of people die when having a stroke.
Fruit and Veggie Challenge
Stroke is the leading cause of long-term disability – 75% of survivors are disabled after a stroke
Newfoundland and Labrador has the highest rate of childhood obesity in Canada. Eighty percent of children don’t eat adequate servings of fruits and vegetables per day.
Where Your Money Goes
In May 2008, the Heart and Stroke Foundation and the Janeway Hospital’s Lifestyles Program joined forces to offer a challenge to all Grade 4 students and their parents to eat their servings of fruit and vegetables,
Research The Foundation funds research at both the national and provincial levels with more than $1,000,000
based on the Canada Food Guide. The challenge is designed to help foster healthy lifestyles in our children that will continue throughout life.
being contributed to Memorial University and upwards of $2,000,000 in support of health promotion and professional education programs in the Province.
Provincial Integrated Stroke Strategy
At the provincial level, the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador funds grant-in-
Newfoundlanders and Labradorians are at particularly high risk of stroke, both from hereditary factors
aid of research applications at Memorial University. The number of grants funded in any given year is
and from unacceptably high rates of smoking, obesity, diabetes, hypertension, physical inactivity and
dependent upon the quality of the applications submitted and the score awarded to the grant upon review
cholesterol levels. An epidemic increase in stroke incidence is expected as our population continues to
by the National Scientific Peer Review Committee.
age, however, stroke is both preventable and treatable.
Funding of research also occurs at the national level with the Foundation’s commitment to the National
In Newfoundland and Labrador, the annual cost of stroke is estimated to be $35.5 million. In human
Personnel Awards Program and Federation Research Fund.
terms, the cost of stroke is immeasurable.
The research commitment to the National Research Fund allows for potential funding for new and
Every day in our province there will be two more individuals who experience a stroke, resulting in more
innovative research initiatives not currently addressed in the research funding.
than 700 strokes annually. Of those who survive, one in five will require institutional care and 75% will live with some form of long-term disability.
Health Promotion Health promotion programs and resources are at work to help people learn how to live healthier lives. Programs about nutrition, blood pressure, smoking and physical activity help reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. The Heart and Stroke Foundation is working with health organizations to encourage all levels of government to commit greater resources to public health education and to preventing chronic disease.
To meet this challenge, an organized system of stroke care is required. Work continues on the implementation of a Stroke Strategy. Stroke Committees are actively working to improve stroke care in the regional integrated health authorities. Stroke Strategy representatives have communicated with family physicians regarding the need for secondary stroke prevention and are facilitating professional development to create staffing expertise in stroke care. A provincial pre-hospital stroke screening tool for paramedicine and medical transport has been developed and will be implemented in 2009. Efforts are underway with the Newfoundland and Labrador Centre for Health Information to measure the current status and improvements in stroke care consistently throughout the province.
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
Heart & Stroke Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador
Each day in Canada, an average of 100 deaths occur suddenly and before victims reach hospital. The
For the Year Ended August 31, 2008
Statement of Revenue and Expenditures
majority of these are the result of cardiovascular or cerebrovascular events (heart attack or stroke). Interventions on the part of bystanders and/or appropriately trained health care providers bring hope of reducing or delaying a significant number of these deaths. The Heart and Stroke Foundation can 2008
Resuscitation programs specifically include education in:
• • • • •
In memoriam donations
Accessing the emergency response system (911 or equivalent)
Provision of early Basic Life Support (BLS) including CPR and defibrillation at the scene when needed.
Activities and events
meaningfully advance its mission of reducing death and disability from heart disease and stroke through its active involvement in the area of resuscitation programs (CPR).
Recognition of early warning signs of heart attack and stroke
Provision of Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) or Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS) Transfer of patient to hospital where definitive care can be provided
CPR Anytime: Family and Friends Fast, easy and affordable the Heart and Stroke Foundation’s CPR Anytime Family and Friends is a portable
CPR course in a box. The kit teaches skills to perform CPR on a child or adult and can be used by an
Organization and development
Professional education
individual in their home or easily offered in a group setting. * Almost 80% of cardiac arrests occur at home or in public places and almost half are witnessed by a family member or friend. * The survival rate of victims of sudden cardiac arrest is a dismal 5% because the majority of those witnessing the arrest do not perform CPR. * Knowing how to respond to a cardiac arrest can increase the odds of survival and recovery by 30%.
Excess of revenue over expenses (expenses over revenue)
Board of Directors Leona Lewis – President, Mount Pearl Steve Tessier – Vice President, Conception Bay South Chris Abbott – Treasurer, Torbay Dan Breen – National Representative, St. John’s Elizabeth Coleman – Past President (Leave of Absence), Paradise Mark Andrews - Director at Large, St. John’s Judy Applin-Poole - Director at Large, Flower’s Cove Norma Buckle - Director at Large, Corner Brook Chuck Hamlyn - Director at Large, Maddox Cove Don McKay – Director at Large, St. John’s Darren O’Rielly - Director at Large, St. John’s Kay Woodford - Director at Large, Happy Valley-Goose Bay
Foundation Staff Elizabeth Coleman – Chief Executive Officer (Interim) Jodine Kean – Director, Health Promotion/Resuscitation Leigh Thorne – Stroke Navigator Steven Keats – Manager, Marketing and Development Judy Howlett – Campaign Director Sheila Maher – Financial Officer