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Grade Thre e

Jump (Horizontal) Good jumpers can play:

Good jumpers:



1. Reach their arms back. 3. Explode off the floor 4. Land on their with both feet! Push heels, with both 2. Bend their knees (it’s like pushing down on a coiled spring ).

off with their toes and swing their arms upward. Soar like Superman!

Try a Rhyme

Good jumpers coordinate the arm and spring action for power. Swing your arms up as you spring off the floor for a powerful jump.

to help get the rhythm Diving


Helpers Say: “Try two or three swings to get a rhythm before you take off.” “I can’t believe you can jump so far!”

feet at the same time, shoulder width apart.

“Swing my arms and bend my knees and like a rocket... one, two, three!”

It’s fun to jump! H

the length of your body - lie down, have a partner mark the distance from head to foot try to jump that distance.


try to jump from one sidewalk crack to another


continuously for different distances like a frog jumping away different heights short and high long and low


long short

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