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HEART Q&A What’s your heart? It’s a strong muscle in the centre of your chest.

What does your heart do? It pumps blood to every part of your body.

What makes the heartbeat sound? Each time your heart pushes blood out, flaps of muscle close tight to keep the blood from flowing backward. That makes a thump.

Where does the blood go? Fruit juice, water or soda pop? After-school soccer, television or homework? When you were little, your parents made all your choices for you. Now that you’re getting older, you’re making more of your own decisions - what movies to watch, how to dress, how to spend your money.

First to the lungs, where it picks up fresh oxygen from the air you breathe. Then back to the heart and out through your arteries to your brain, your feet and every part in between. The blood brings food and oxygen to all the parts of your body, and picks up wastes like carbon dioxide.

What choices can you make to keep your heart and your body strong and healthy? • Choose a variety of healthy foods. • Choose active play every day. • Choose to live smoke-free.

DID YOU KNOW? One of the most important choices you can make is to live a heart-healthy life. Whether to eat a healthy diet or eat junk food, to be active or start smoking - it’s up to you to choose health. And if you do, you’ll not only feel better, but you’ll be happier and healthier, too. This magazine gives you information about heart health. Check out the facts, read the stories and try the activities in the rest of the magazine. Then use them to make the right choices for your life.

• Your heart beats over 100,000 times a day. That’s about 36.5 million times a year! • The heart muscle works almost twice as hard as the leg muscle of a person sprinting. • Kids’ hearts beat from 90 to 120 times a minute. As an adult, your heartbeat slows down to about 72 beats a minute.

For more information about your heart, visit the Heart and Stroke Foundation of Canada’s Web site (www.heartandstroke.ca). 2

Whew – we really scored! Shopping always makes me hungry. Want to get a bite?

Crispy Chips and Frozo-pop, please.

Sure, sounds good.

Want to super-size that? You can get a mega-jug of Frozo-pop for only a nickel more and a Double Dip of Crispy Chips for just a dime more.

I’ll have a burger. Want to super-size that? You can get an extra patty and a triple bun for only 25 cents more.

Sure! What a great deal.

No, thanks.

It’s only a quarter—

No, thanks! I know how much I want to eat!


Yummm! I love their Crispy Chips. And that was such a bargain, too! How’s your burger?

I’m absolutely stuffed! I really didn’t need all that – but boy, did I score on the price!

Boy, I’m getting full. They sure give you a lot! Want some chips? Delish. And just the right size, too.

Later that night...

Drink me! Slurp me! Guzzle me all up!

No, thanks, I’m good.

Sure, I’ll super-size. It’s such a great deal!

All the Crispy Chips you could ever eat… times two… times four… times six…



More sugar… more fizz… more slush… What a bargain!

More fat… more salt… more crunchy crispiness… and only pennies more!

No! No more Frozo-pop! Go away!


Aagghh! Gross! That’s the worst deal in the world! I’ll never super-size again!

No! No more! It’s too much… too much…

The End


The guide helps you choose the right amounts of each type of food: •


servings of Grain Products, like rice, bread and pasta. Go with high-fibre and whole grain choices.

5 servings of Vegetables and Fruit - from apples to zucchini! • 3 servings of Milk Products, like yogurt, cheese and milk. • 2 servings of Meat and Alternatives: fish, eggs, beans, tofu and all types of meats.

If you are growing or very active, you may need more servings, but try to keep your choices in balance. Try adding more vegetablesand fruit! Other foods, like cookies, candies, chips and pop, taste good too, and it’s okay to eat them once in awhile. But choose small amounts, and save them for special occasions, not every day. 5

Young people need about 15 servings of foods in a day...

more if you are very active. Usually you get several servings in a meal. For example, a burger with milk might be four servings: • two Grain Products servings, • one Meat and Alternatives serving, and • one Milk Products serving. There’s not usually enough lettuce or tomato in a burger to count as a vegetable serving.

Use this guide to see how much a normal serving is. Then make your choice. Grain Products

Servings per Day 5 - 12

Vegetables and Fruit

5 - 10

Milk Products


Meat and Alternatives


Serving Amount 1 slice of bread, 1⁄2 burger bun or bagel, 125 mL of pasta or rice, 175 mL hot cereal, 30 g cold cereal 1 medium size potato, banana or apple, 125 mL fresh, frozen or canned vegetables or fruit, 250 mL salad, 125 mL juice 250 mL milk, 50 g cheese, 2 slices processed cheese, 175 g yogurt 50-100 g meat, chicken or fish, 1⁄3 - 2⁄3 can fish, 2 tbsp peanut butter, 100 g tofu, 125-250 mL beans 6

s e r v i n g s So just what’s in a super-serving of Frozo-Pop, or a Double Dip of Crispy Chips? Here’s a typical example of a well-known brand: Small Fries

Supersize Fries

68 grams total weight

198 grams total weight

210 calories

610 calories

10 grams of fat

29 grams of fat

135 milligrams of sodium (salt)

390 milligrams of sodium

The Supersize has three times as much fat and calories as the small!!!

What about your fast food favourites? Check them out!

What’s another 100 calories?

• Look for the Web site of your favourite fast food restaurant. It should list the ingredients, calories and fat in each product they sell. If it doesn’t, send an email and ask why not!

Food gives you energy. The number of calories tells you how much energy the food gives you.

Tip: If you can’t find the information on the company’s Canadian Web site, look for a U.S. Web site. • Search for “fast food facts” on the Internet. • Remember: Some Web sites may have biased information or unreliable sources. Sometimes, they are actually trying to sell you something. Read critically. Do you think they’re dishing the straight goods?

You burn off the calories you eat when you move your body. More active movement uses up more calories. Use this chart to estimate how much movement you need to burn off a super-sized snack. 100 calories from food equals: • 20 minutes of walking • 14 minutes of cycling • 11 minutes of swimming or jumping rope


Super-sizing adds 400 calories to the order of fries in the example. How much extra walking would you have to do to burn off the extra calories? __________ minutes. Do you still think that super-sizes are a good deal?

SUPER strategies

It seems like everyone wants you to

SUPER-SIZE your order. What do? can


• Say “No, thanks.” Save your money for better choices. • Share your order with a friend. Then you both save money.

Oven-Baked French Fries 4 medium potatoes (11⁄2 lb/750 g) 15 mL (1 tbsp) vegetable oil Paprika (optional) Grated Parmesan cheese (optional)

Per Serving Calories g fat mg cholesterol mg sodium g protein g carbohydrates

179 3 0 11 3 35

Good: fibre, niacin, iron Excellent: vitamin C

Wash potatoes but don’t peel; slice into 1⁄2 -inch/1 cm-thick strips. Toss potatoes with oil in a bowl until coated; sprinkle with paprika. Spread on baking sheet and bake in 4750F/2400C oven for 25 to 30 minutes, or until golden, turning occasionally. Toss with Parmesan (if using). Makes 4 servings. — Adapted from Anne Lindsay’s Light Kitchen, Macmillan Canada (Toronto, 1995)

• Get your friends to join you in writing letters to the fast food or convenience store head office asking for healthier choices.


What’s the best strategy of all? Decide for yourself! Don’t be pressured by advertising or sales gimmicks. Look for reliable information, carefully judge the choices, and make the decision that’s best for your life.

• Low-fat crackers. Add healthy toppings, like nut butter, fruit spread or lower fat cheese.

Healthy food doesn’t mean boring food. Try these tips for yummy fast foods: • Fat-free popcorn. Hold the butter (or topping). To add flavour, shake on some salt-free seasoning, Italian herbs or spicy Thai!

• Low-fat pizza. Many pizza makers now offer low-fat choices. If you’re making your own, choose lower fat cheese. • Baked “fries.” Most fries are deep-fried in hot oil. But you can bake them in a hot oven. They come out crispy and golden, but with much less fat. (See the recipe above.)


Breakfast choices

A good breakfast may be one of the most important choices

For the best start to your day, try

you can make. After a night with no food, your body needs energy -

to include at least three of the

fast! Plus, you can learn better at school and play better in sports with

four food groups. Here are some

a good breakfast.

quick and easy examples:

8 Get an adult to help you with this.

• Peanut butter and banana on whole-grain bread or in a wholewheat pita pocket, with milk;

Per Square Ingredients: Calories 75 mL (1/3 cup) margarine g fat 175 mL (3/4 cup) liquid honey mg cholesterol 125 mL (1/2 cup) lightly packed brown sugar mg sodium 500 mL (2 cups) rolled oats (not instant) g protein 250 mL (1 cup) natural bran g carbohydrates 250 mL (1 cup) sunflower seeds Good: fibre 125 mL (1/2 cup) chopped nuts 50 mL (1/4 cup) sesame seeds 250 mL (1 cup) dried apricots, dates or raisins, or a combination

• Low-fat muffin, yogurt or lower fat cheese, and juice or fruit; • Nuts, fruit and milk; • Whole grain toast, lower fat cheese and juice or fruit; • Whole-grain cereal with milk, raisins, fruit or nuts;

104 5 0 15 2 15

In a small saucepan, melt margarine over low heat. Add honey and sugar; stir and bring to boil. Simmer for 5 minutes; remove from heat and let cool slightly.

• Whole-grain bagel with lower fat cream cheese and juice or fruit;

In a large bowl, combine rolled oats, bran, sunflower seeds, dried fruit, nuts and sesame seeds. Gradually stir in sugar mixture. Firmly press into lightly greased 11 x 7-in/2 L baking dish; bake in 350ºF/180ºC oven for 15 minutes or until golden. Let cool and cut into squares.

• Boiled egg, crackers and juice; • Low-fat cottage cheese and fruit, sprinkled with granola.


If you choose cereal or granola, use one that has a short list of ingredients starting with a whole grain, like bran or oats.


• Breakfast squares (see recipe) and juice or milk;

- Adapted from The Lighthearted Cookbook, Anne Lindsay, Key Porter Books, (Toronto, 1988).



Want to stay healthy and have fun? Get moving! Active living helps keep you healthy, so you can play more and enjoy good health.

Move how? Scientists say people need three different kinds of physical activity: • Endurance activities make your heart and lungs strong and healthy. • Flexibility activities keep your joints moving. • Strength activities build your muscles and bones. Choose games that build your endurance, flexibility and strength every day.

How much?

Young people should get 90 minutes of physical activity a day. That may sound like a lot, but it’s not, when you include the time you take to walk to school, do household chores, play sports and run around with your friends.

Add and subtract: • Increase your active time by 30 minutes a day; and • Decrease your non-active time (watching TV, playing computer games) by 30 minutes a day. Canada has a new physical activity guide for youth. It gives the details about being active. You can get a copy at Health Canada’s Web site (www.healthcanada.ca/paguide).

What’s your favourite endurance activity? ___________________________________ Flexibility activity? _____________________________________________ Strength activity? _____________________________________________


ACTIVE LIVING Come on, Trevor, let’s go shoot some hoops.

Nah… I don’t feel like it. Maybe later.

Come on, man, it’ll be fun. Get your you-know-what off the couch.

OK, you lazy slug. See you— Nah. You go without me.

Whaaa! Whooaaa!

Where are we?

See these big pink balloons… and those branchy things… and those spongy sacs…

We’re in somebody’s lungs!


The air comes down that tube…

Listen! Hear that beep?

ep Be eep B ep Be

That’s Trevor’s game boy. We’re inside Trevor!


Hey, guys, I won!

And his lungs stretch and fill up… and empty out… nice and easy and slow…


Woah! Wow! He’s moving – fast!

Where are they?... Oh, yeah, they’re shooting hoops. Hmm… think I’ll join them after all.

Hey, look how big his lungs are stretching now to take in more air! They’re huge! And listen to that ka-thump-ka-thump. His heart’s beating loud and strong!


And those sac things are pinker and healthier-looking— 12

A muscle – and look at it go! Expanding and contracting… oxygen flooding in and wastes flooding out – fast!

Woah! Where are we now? What’s that?


Hey, where are they? Guys?

Oh, man, it’s so awesome when you run!

Where were you?

Your lungs fill up like these huge balloons— And your heart’s pounding like a drum solo—

And your muscles are going like crazy—

Huh? Lungs? Balloons? Heart? Muscles? What’re you talking about? Let’s play ball! Sure. Shoot!

The End

Listen to your body!

You can’t go inside your body like Matt and Rashid. But you can still tell what your heart and muscles are doing when you are active. Compare your breathing after a vigorous game with your breathing when you are taking it easy. What can you observe about your body? (Hint: When you are working hard, your muscles need lots of oxygen.) Can you find a way to compare your heartbeats after being active with your heartbeats when you are taking it easy?


Going Places,

Getting to School If you live near enough to walk

Here are some ideas:

to school – or skip, jog, bike,

• Talk to your parents or guardians first. Explain that walking to school is a good part of active living (and walking is a good habit for the whole family).

roller-blade, even ski – you can take responsibility for getting yourself safely to school instead of getting a ride. A little planning will make sure you arrive on time and safely.

• Choose a safe route. Avoid streets with heavy traffic, and find safe crossings such as corners with traffic lights. • Time your route on a day with no school so you know how much time to leave. • If possible, walk with a family member or friends for safety and company. • Start a Bike to School club with your friends. Arrange a time and a place to meet, then bike to school together. • Talk to a teacher or the school principal to make sure there is a safe place to lock up bikes, skateboards, in-line skates or other equipment. • Organize a “Walking School Bus” in your neighbourhood. Whatever way you choose, getting to school can be a good way to be active and have fun with your friends.


I have to take the real school bus! What can I do? Many people live too far from school to walk or bike. You may be able to use one of these ideas to make the trip more active: • If you take public transit, arrange with your parents or guardian to get off the bus early with a group of friends and walk the last few blocks. (But don’t be late for school, or late getting home!) • Arrive at your stop early and play catch or tag with your friends. • Organize a bus sports team – if several of you get off at the same time, organize a team to play soccer or basketball after the trip.


Mr. Muscles uscles Dear Mr. M try cross-coun When I go ds and eart poun h y m , g n skii to I’m going I feel like for it possible explode. Is om blow up fr to rt a e h your too much? exercising x g, Port Au in d n u o P — fld. Basques, N ding Dear Poun ave a ormal to h n ’s It ! y a No w fter eartbeat a h t s fa , g n of stro e. Instead v ti c a n e e you you’ve b tely when le p m o c g stoppin , try s activities do vigorou ing wn to walk o d g in w tes. slo t five minu s la e th r speed fo st art beats fa e h r u o y When al, it’s ws to norm lo s n e th and out. good work a g in tt e g scles — Mr. Mu

Dear Mr. Muscles I really like taking my dog out for a walk, but I don’t get much of a workout. Is it true that dog-walking is a HeartSmart™ exercise? — Walking, Woodstock, N.B. Dear Walking What are you doing, snoozing with your dog? Walking is great because you use all your muscles, but it’s a HeartSmart™ activity only if it makes your heart beat faster. Get out there and walk fast or run with the dog, or throw a ball and chase your dog. Make like a dog – and move! — Mr. Muscles

Dear Mr. Muscles My mom always tells me to get out and exerci se more. But exercising mak es my muscles hurt! How can I tell her I don’t want to ? — Protesting, Pa rksville, B.C. Dear Protesting Your muscles hurt ? Duh… you probably don’ t use them enough! Keep th em active every day and th ey’ll feel great! And remem ber to warm up and cool down, including stretchi ng. — Mr. Muscles

Dear Mr. Muscles I am so bored! When I get together with my friends, we just sit around and do nothing. How can I convince my friends that being active is fun? — Bored, Borden, Sask. Dear Bored Sounds like you need to show your friends a thing or two! Force them, trick them, bribe them if you have to – but get them to join you in some of the active games in this magazine. Show them the fun you can have together. If they’re not interested, don’t let them slow you down. — Mr. Muscles

Now it’s your turn! Make up your own question. Then pretend you’re Mr. Muscles and answer it.


You know you’re grown up when: • Your teacher asks you to get a book from the top shelf … because you’re taller! • You stay up late on Friday night... to babysit! • Someone offers you a cigarette... and you refuse! When you get older, you have more responsibilities. You make decisions because you know they are right, not because they’re the easiest choices. You make them for yourself, not because your friends want you to. Choosing not to smoke is like that. Even though tobacco companies want you to think that smoking looks grown-up and cool, more and more kids are making the really grown-up choice – not to smoke.

Only 22 per cent of young Canadians (aged 15 to 19) smoke.

And the percentage is going down!

cent 58 per dians g Cana n u o y d. of smoke r e v e have n t er cen p 0 1 r othe it And an but qu d e t r a t s till in while s eens! their t

Why are so many people saying NO to tobacco? • Tobacco smoke contains over 4,000 chemicals. Many of them are harmful, and over 70 can cause cancer.

85 per cent of adult smokers started in their teens.

And most have tried many times to quit!

• Smoke from someone else’s cigarette can be even more dangerous, because it is not filtered. Smokers can hurt their friends’ health.

• Carbon monoxide in smoke blocks oxygen from getting to the lungs. So you feel more tired when you’re playing active games.

• Young people’s lungs are more sensitive than adults’ lungs.

• Nicotine in tobacco can clog blood vessels and damage your heart.


BLOCKED UP Smoking makes you get more tired when you are playing active games. Why? Try this experiment to find out.

You will need: • A sheet of writing paper • Tape • Cotton batting (a cotton ball or the cotton from a medicine bottle)

Breathing through the stuffed tube is what your lungs, and the cells in

What to do: • Roll a sheet of writing paper into a tube about 2 cm in diameter. Tape it so it won’t unroll. • Breathe through the tube. Write three or four words describing how your breathing feels. • Stuff some cotton batting loosely in the tube. • Breathe through the stuffed tube. Write three or four words describing how your breathing feels now.

your muscles, feel like when you’ve been smoking. The tar in smoke coats the inside of your lungs and makes it harder for your body to take in oxygen. When you can’t get enough clean air in your lungs, and nutrients in your cells, your body starts to choke. When you breathe clean, fresh air, you stay healthier. You can play the games you want and have fun with your friends.






Do you think that a company would deliberately encourage people to buy products that make them sick? That’s what tobacco companies do. They know that tobacco products kill 47,000 people in Canada every year (and far more in the rest of the world). Still, they spend large amounts of money marketing – trying to get people to buy their products. In Canada, some types of tobacco advertising are illegal. But that doesn’t stop tobacco companies from promoting their products. They use: • Displays in stores;

• Advertising on cigarette packages;


• They show smokers who look tough and independent.

• Agreements to show cigarettes in movies and TV shows; and

• They make cigarettes look cool and elegant.

• Concert promotions.

• They show cigarettes in adult situations, like parties with alcohol.

Canadians also see a lot of tobacco advertising from the United States, where tobacco companies have fewer limits. Tobacco companies try to get young people to smoke. Why? When smokers get addicted to tobacco, they can’t stop buying more cigarettes. How do the tobacco companies get kids to smoke? Mainly by making it look like smoking is more adult. 18

• They link cigarettes with sports events, music shows and fashion events. Do you want to be fooled into smoking? No way! Talk back to the tobacco companies. Make a poster about tobacco marketing and arrange to post it in your school. Or use the next activity to design your own truthful cigarette package.

GROSS ME OUT In Canada, tobacco companies must print a health warning on all tobacco products. Cigarette packs are a good place for these warnings because smokers have to look at gross pictures and messages every time they light up. Warnings say things like: • Cigarettes are highly addictive. • Tobacco smoke hurts babies. • Cigarettes leave you breathless. • Cigarettes cause mouth diseases.


You can see all 20 messages and pictures (some are really gross!) at Health Canada’s Web site (www.hc-sc.gc.ca/english/media/ releases/2000/2000_07ephotos.htm). Also, check out www.tobaccofacts.org.

Put your best gross-out skills to work! Design a cigarette package with your own health message for young smokers. You can use the blank template below, or make your own. Put in pictures and warnings. Get together with your friends, pool your cigarette package designs and make a display for your school, public library or shopping mall.




Health message

Brand name



“Sometimes they advertise sales,” Ben said. “Yes,” Jen agreed. “But you can’t always believe what they say. The ads exaggerate, or they want you to think things that just aren’t true.” “What do you mean?” Ben asked.

“You deserve a break today,” Ben was humming as he flipped through the channels.

“Five or ten, I guess,” Ben said. “More like 50 or 60, I’ll bet,” Jen replied. “And what about ads on the radio? You hear at least one after every song.” “Usually a bunch,” Ben admitted. “I hate it when they play so many ads.” “What I hate are the ads on the computer,” Jen said. “There are ads on Web sites. Pop-up ads that come up when you are trying to see something. Email ads. Sometimes I even get ads when I’m instant messaging my friends.”

“Stop singing that idiotic song,” said Jen, Ben’s older sister. “It’s not idiotic. I like it,” Ben said. “It’s not a real song,” she told him. “It’s just advertising.” “So?” “So ads can take over your mind so you don’t even think about what you’re buying,” Jen told her brother. “It’s like you turn into a zombie. And you’re practically one already!” “I am not!” “How many ads do you think you see in a day?” Jen asked. “Not many. Mom only lets me watch an hour of TV on school nights.” “So how many ads do you think you see in an hour?”

“And ads at the movies. Sometimes they seem as long as the movie!” “And ads in your skateboard magazine.” “And ads on billboards and ads on buses,” Ben added. “Ads on tee-shirts and ads on sneakers.” “I heard they’re going to put ads on cell phones soon. You think it’s your friends phoning, and it’s an ad! Next thing we’ll be dreaming ads!” “That would be crazy,” said Ben. “But ads give you good information sometimes.”“True,” Jen said. “But how many times do you see ads for nutritious meals or active living? Most of them are for candy bars or pop or toys.” 20

“Like you’re going to be more beautiful or have more fun just because you buy the product,” Jen explained. “But buying something doesn’t make you prettier or healthier.” “Like when I got my new skate shoes, and I almost broke my arm sliding on the curb?” “Right. Just because people can do tricks in an ad doesn’t mean you can do them when you buy their stuff.” “So how do you know what to believe?” Ben asked. “There’s only one thing you can do,” Jen said. “Decide for yourself if the ads make sense. Think about what they want you to believe. And then make up your own mind like an adult.”

Take Jen’s advice. Take notice when you see advertising. Ask what the ad wants you to think. Does it make sense? Does it help you live a healthy life?

Add ’em up Try counting all the ads you see or hear in a day - or even an hour! Write down the type of ad (radio, billboard, magazine, tee-shirt, etc.) and make a mark for each ad you see of each type. At the end of the day, count the total. E.g.:

Radio ///// ///// /// Newspaper ///// ///// ///// Bus ad ///// ///// // Etc. // Total 42

Advertising Tracker Are the ads you see and hear believable? Use this ad tracker to find out. Product

Where you saw or heard it


Is it believable?

E.g.: Cool Cola

Radio ad

Cool Cola is more refreshing than other drinks.

Not really. They are all refreshing.

E.g.: Tiny Toys

TV show

Tiny Toys do cool tricks.

The tricks are not as cool as on TV.


You’re getting older, and you have to start making choices for yourself. But it’s not always easy to make the right decisions. So how do you figure things out? Use this trick: SNAP!

Good choices are a


stands for Stop Now And Plan. Often, we get into trouble because we make choices without thinking things through. For example: You’re at a burger place to get an order of chips. The cashier asks if you want to super-size your order. It sounds like a good deal, but . . . SNAP! What do you do?

When you stop and plan, you make better choices. When you face a choice, Stop. Take a few seconds before you act. You’re leaving a convenience store when you meet a friend. She offers you a cigarette. It might be fun to try, but . . . SNAP! What do you do?

Think about what options you have. Then Plan. What are the consequences of your choice? What’s the best choice?

You’re going to the playground to play soccer. Your buddy asks if you want to play a new computer game instead. You want to try the new game, but . . . SNAP! What do you do?

fill in the best choice here

fill in the best choice here

fill in the best choice here


At the movies Create a funny story with your friends. Use the text below the line to ask your friend for a word, but don’t let them see the story.Write the words in the blanks. Then read the story back. How does it sound? Bella and her brother Sammy went to a movie. But first, they stopped at the snack bar. The ads showed a _____________ of ________________ and popcorn covered with _____________ topping. “I’ll have a plain [container {type of candy [colour] _________________ and a _______________ ,” said Sammy. “Super-size it?” asked the cashier. “Only a nickel [snack food] [drink] more.” “Sure,” said Sammy. “Then Bella won’t need to buy anything.” They sat down, and the movie ads started. There was one for ___________________ , two for ______________________, and three for [type of pop] [type of clothes] ___________________ . There were _______________ for new movies. Finally, the movie started. [type of toy] [number] They were watching ______________________________, the latest action-adventure flick. The hero, [name of action movie] ______________, was captured by a _____________________, and the heroine, _____________, had to save him. [girl’s name] [type of criminal] [boy’s name] First, _______________ ate a meal of _______________________ and ______________________________. Then, heroine [junk food] [junky drink] when she chased the bad guy, she fell on her _______________. So, she went to her _______________________ [body part] [type of computer] to outsmart him. But she played __________________ for hours instead. So when she fought the bad guy, she [computer game] tripped over her _______________. Then she lit up a ___________________________ and coughed so hard that [body part] [something that burns] she collapsed. Finally, _______________ figured he had to save himself. He ate ___________________ and his muscles [hero] [healthy food] _______________ out. He played _______________ for six hours and was as strong as a _______________. He sport [animal] [verb] threw all of the bad guy’s cigarettes in the _______________________. Then he escaped. “Get lost, [type of container] _______________”, _______________ said. “I’m going to live a HeartSmart™ life until I’m ____________ years [heroine] [hero] [number] old.” And he did. “That was a great movie,” Bella said. “Yeah,” Sammy agreed, “But I miss the commercials.”





M ™ M A A R R TT ™

CRAZY QUIZ 6) When Trevor’s muscles are working hard: a) They take in oxygen and give off waste. b) They pop up like balloons. c) His lungs turn pink and his face turns blue.

1) The thump your heart makes is from: a) Muscle closing tight to keep the blood from flowing backward. b) Blood vessels filling up with blood. c) Veins and arteries snapping back and forth.

3) The good thing when you super-size your order is that you get: a) Twice the fat and twice the salt. b) Enough food to share with friends. c) Nightmares from overeating. 4) To burn off 100 calories you have to: a) Sleep for eight hours. b) Walk for 20 minutes. c) Play really exciting video games.

2) Information about heart health helps you to: a) Make healthy choices in your life. b) Win friends and influence people. c) Show your teacher how smart you are.

5) For good health, young people should get: a) 90 minutes of physical activity a day. b) 90 minutes of sleep a night. c) 90 minutes of Physical Education a week.

7) Four out of five adults choose not to smoke because: a) The pictures on the cigarette packs are too scary. b) Tobacco companies only market to young people. c) They know tobacco causes sickness and addiction. 8) Tobacco companies want young people to think smoking is: a) A way to look really old really fast. b) A good way to cover up bad breath. c) More adult looking. Answers: 1 – a); 2 – a); 3 – b); 4 – b); 5 – a); 6 – a); 7 – c); 8 – c).

Choose the best answers to see how much you know about heart health. Answers are on the bottom of this page.

www.heartandstroke.ca 1-888-HSF-INFO (1-888-473-4636) The Heart and Stroke Foundation thanks CIBC for providing funds to make the production of this magazine possible. This support does not imply an endorsement by the Foundation of the products or services of CIBC. CAT23130422

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