Mind Campaign (2010) Proposal Pack

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- Hsin Yee Wong - Hellen Njagi - Emily Marsh - Rasha Muhyeddeen - Carol Chung - Shama-Rose Morgan -

Contents Page Proposal summary What’s the story?

3 4

Mind Who are Mind? Mind’s mission and values What is mental health? Raising awareness

5 5 6 7 8

Proposal Area Brighton Neighbourhood Shops in Brighton Calendar of events Transport links Competitors

9 9 10 11 12 14 15

Campaign Concept ideas Staff and customer research Campaign proposal

19 19 21 22

Store concept Window inspirations Window displays Visual merchandising inspiration Visual merchandising 6WRUH ÀRRU SODQ Green credentials )XUQLWXUH ¿[WXUHV VRXUFLQJ Stock room system

23 23 26 29 31 34 36

Marketing Strategy Launch day

37 41





List of furniture



Proposal Summary Both our campaign and store concept aims to raise awareness and highlight what mental health distress is. Consistency is seen throughout - from campaign, to shop windows to in store. Campaign photographs are framed and hung on the walls around the store as we continue to highlight the facts. :H UHĂ€HFW WKH FKDULW\ HOHPHQW WKURXJKRXW WKH VWRUH ambience by re-using and re-inventing what we have, keeping the budget to a minimum, but still updating it to a boutique, vintage feel, keeping the charity shop, homely feel. Swing tags on each garment highlights issues and sends Mind’s message across to the consumer PRUH HIÂżFLHQWO\ 7R UHLWHUDWH RXU PHVVDJH ZH KDYH a ‘speak out’ pin board above the sofa with up-andcoming fundraising events and ways to Mind. To tie in with the campaign, past and present sufferers DUH DOVR DEOH WR H[SUHVV WKHLU H[SHULHQFHV HQDEOLQJ them to gain and provide advice through others. On our launch day we encourage and make it fun for consumers to donate and help through a photobooth and message board system – where customers write what they have bought/donated and have their photograph taken. To create an effective concept and advertising campaign we researched Mind, Brighton and the customers and staff of the store. We also visited a Mind association, and a young persons centre where people opted to be part of the concept. We felt this was an effective approach to the campaign, EHLQJ DEOH WR JHW ÂżUVW KDQG H[SHULHQFH RI 0LQG DQG people in relation to mental health, enabling us to make the campaign more meaningful. Written by Emily Marsh and Hsin Yee Wong



What’s the story? Mental health distress is still a very real taboo in modern society and both the subject and those affected by it are stigmatised against, and often met discrimination. We continue to challenge the perception of mental health distress by developing our original advertising campaign proposal with Mind’s missions and values in consideration. Also creating an effective store concept that will be installed in the Brighton Mind shop. With our concept and ad campaign we are raising awareness, bringing everyone together in ending discrimination. This is adapted throughout the store in a range of ways. Aims

Raise awareness by emphasising the facts

Prevent stigma and discrimination.

Encouraging people to recycle and make good quality donations to increase brand loyalty.

Providing information on how people can fundraise.

Promote mental health distress by educating people about mental health as people aren’t DZDUH RI H[DFWO\ ZKDW PHQWDO KHDOWK LV DQG WKH side-effects it has. Written by Hsin Yee Wong



Who are Mind? Mind is the leading mental health charity for England and Wales, supporting people with problems.

legislation; protection of legal rights, and for a more accepting attitude among employers.

They campaign for change, creating a society that promotes and protects good mental health for everyone. Bringing together a society where SHRSOH ZKR KDYH RU DUH H[SHULHQFLQJ PHQWDO KHDOWK treating them fairly, positively and with respect.

Mind is independent 7KH ¿JKW IRU JRRG PHQWDO KHDOWK UHOLHV RQ VXSSRUWHUV taking action and donating funds. The broad base of funding from the public, from trusts and from companies - but never pharmaceutical companies - gives mind integrity and the independence and freedom to stand up and speak out on the real issues that affect daily lives.

Mind are both a local and national network, working with around 250,000 people every year. Mind deals ZLWK SHRSOH ZKR H[SHULHQFH DOO W\SHV RI PHQWDO distress, and who may require help from one or more of our services. They achieve this by offering local support and access to a range of networks. With 180 local Mind associations - registered charities in their own right - offering specialised community support and care based on the needs of the communities they support. These networks, in turn, inform Mind’s policies and campaigns, giving a powerful voice to members of some marginalised communities.

Source: mind.org.uk Researched by Hsin Yee Wong

3HRSOH ZKR H[SHULHQFH PHQWDO GLVWUHVV SOD\ DQ important part in Mind. They get their voices heard, ZKLFK FRQVHTXHQWO\ LQÀXHQFHV FKDQJH Mind demands higher standards in mental health care and challenge discrimination wherever it occurs. Mental health problems is more common than we WKLQN :LWK RQH LQ IRXU SHRSOH OLNHO\ WR H[SHULHQFH a mental health problem every year it is critical that awareness is raised, promoting good mental health IRU WKH EHQH¿W RI DOO PHPEHUV RI VRFLHW\ Mind campaigns for change Mind campaigns for the rights of people affected by mental health issues. They strive to ensure that those who use mental health services will have their voices heard. Seeking for improved services; better



Mind’s mission & values Mind’s Mission ‘Our vision is of a society that promotes and protects good mental health for all, and that WUHDWV SHRSOH ZLWK H[SHULHQFH RI PHQWDO GLVWUHVV fairly, positively, and with respect.’

We provide information and support, campaign to improve policy and attitudes and, in partnership with independent local Mind associations, develop local services. We do all this to make it possible for people who H[SHULHQFH PHQWDO GLVWUHVV WR OLYH IXOO OLYHV DQG play their full part in society.

7KH QHHGV DQG H[SHULHQFHV RI SHRSOH ZLWK mental distress drive our work and we make VXUH WKHLU YRLFH LV KHDUG E\ WKRVH ZKR LQĂ€XHQFH change. This is how we are making our vision a reality: We are working to: Our independence gives us the freedom to stand up and speak out on the real issues that Change society: affect daily lives. 0LQG LQĂ€XHQFHV DQG FKDQJHV SXEOLF DWWLWXGHV and government policy and practice towards people with mental distress.

Provide support: Mind helps people to take control over their mental health. We do this to make it possible for SHRSOH ZKR H[SHULHQFH PHQWDO GLVWUHVV WR OLYH full lives, and play their full part in society. Give people a voice: 7KH QHHGV DQG H[SHULHQFHV RI SHRSOH ZLWK mental distress drive our work and we make sure their voice is heard. We will champion the ULJKW RI SHRSOH ZLWK GLUHFW H[SHULHQFH RI PHQWDO distress to have a voice and be heard. Create mentally healthy communities: Mind works with the local Mind association network and other partners to improve the delivery RI VHUYLFHV IRU SHRSOH H[SHULHQFLQJ PHQWDO distress. Source: mind.org.uk Research by Hsin Yee Wong 6


What is mental health? Mental health problems can affect anyone, rich or poor, young or old, shattering the lives of those affected and the lives of the people close to them. Each week... 104 people in the UK will take their own life. 2,038 adults will be admitted to a mental health

hospital in England, resulting in about 5 million bed days per year. There will be 912 detentions under the Mental Health Act 1983. 385 of these will be voluntary admissions. Every year... 33 million prescriptions for antidepressants are written in England and 16 million for sleeping pills, DQWL DQ[LHW\ GUXJV RU WUDQTXLOOLVHUV The total cost of mental health problems in England is estimated at £77 billion. The Mindinfoline responds to 25,000 queries. A further 17,373 queries go unanswered due to lack of resources. In our lives... 2QH LQ IRXU RI XV ZLOO H[SHULHQFH PHQWDO GLVWUHVV DW some point in a year. Depression will be the second leading cause of global disability by 2020. Mind is the leading mental health charity in England and Wales. Mind works to create a better life for HYHU\RQH ZLWK H[SHULHQFH RI PHQWDO GLVWUHVV Source: mind.org.uk The popularity of mental health is high, and very few people know this. As a result, raising awareness is the best way to prevent stigma. It is a problem that no one wants and discrimination will not help these people. ,Q RXU FDPSDLJQ ZH ZDQW WR GR H[DFWO\ WKDW Promoting mental health and changing peoples’ perception of it. Research by Hsin Yee Wong



Raising awareness Hellen Njagi’s interview with Mental Health Nurse, Nancy Njagi $V D TXDOL¿HG FRXQFLOORU DQG PHQWDO KHDOWK nurse for 10 years, she is currently working at Cygnet Hospital in Stevenage. How do you think people with mental health illnesses are viewed and treated in the UK? I think there is still a fear of the unknown when it comes to interacting and dealing with people with mental illnesses.

fundraiser. What do you think is the best method Mind can campaign their messages? I think they should try and educate people by including as many facts and statistics as possible that emphasise how many people in the UK suffer from a mental health illness, furthermore displaying the variety and diversity of our patients. Through this interview, it was established that promoting mental health awareness is key. Highlighting the effects they have on people and the support that is needed to allow everyone to live a normal life.

Why do you believe that is? A combination of a lack of knowledge and understanding for illnesses, how they are treated and who could have a mental illness. Stigma and discrimination will not help make Today, its commonly acknowledged that not things better as the sufferers worry about others only 60year old women can get cancer but perception and actions towards them. that anyone has the same chance of getting it. Additionally, procedures such as chemotherapy Interview by Hellen Njagi are no longer taboo to the general public, so we need the same to happen with mental health illnesses. Illnesses such as beliemma, Bi-polar, Psychophrenia, all need to be words common to the average person. How do you think people with mental health should be treated? Just like anyone else with an illness; with compassion and empathy, but not sympathy, as many mental health illnesses are controllable, if not treatable. Are you aware of Mind? Yes, I’m aware its a mental health charity and 8


Brighton & Hove Brighton is located on the south coast of Great %ULWDLQ LQ WKH FRXQW\ RI (DVW 6XVVH[ 7KH FLW\ LV a diverse community, welcoming tourists all year round. With a population of over 260,000 people and 25,000 commuters into Brighton everyday, the city is constantly moving. VisitBrighton (2009) Renowned for several things - the Brighton Pier, regency architecture and the merging of gays and straight. Brighton welcomes diversity and eccentricity. Mind is situated in a convenient location, minutes away from some of the towns landmarks. The town is a busy and cosmopolitan place with a range of activities, events and places to visit. This suggests that the Mind shop will be open to a whole range of different consumers; the locals, families as well as the travellers. Offering a range of goods will be highly important to attract all these different possible consumer typologies.

Green Brighton Voted green capital of Britain, Brighton has lots of sustainable awards under its belt, plus a great choice of green hotels and green activities making the location a community changing for the positive. Residents buy more green products than any other city in Britain. Keeping this in mind, when designing the charity boutique concept, we want to consider the green FUHGHQWLDOV WR DV JUHDWHU H[WHQW DV SRVVLEOH DV WKLV LV what the city is now known for, and we want to show this throughout the store - by reusing, recycling and reinventing what we have. Consumers would be interested in shops that have considered sustainability therefore transforming the charity into a natural boutique will attract people. Report by Hsin Yee Wong



Neighbourhood Brighton is one of the most vibrant, colourful and creative cities in Europe. Cosmopolitan, compact, HQHUJHWLF XQLTXH IXQ OLYHO\ KLVWRULF \RXQJ H[RWLF and free-spirited, it’s a city like no other.

Brighton Pier A Victorian pier with various food and drink outlets, fairground attractions and Palace of Fun arcade.

Nestling between the South Downs & the sea on the stunning south coast, Brighton offers everything from Regency heritage to beachfront cool. $ IDQWDVWLF PL[ RI LFRQLF DWWUDFWLRQV IDPHG QLJKWOLIH award winning restaurants, funky arts, culture & year round festivals & events Brighton really does have it all. Royal Pavilion Transformed by John Nash between 1815 and 1822 LQWR RQH RI WKH PRVW GD]]OLQJ DQG H[RWLF EXLOGLQJV LQ the British Isles. The Pavilion houses furniture and works of art including original pieces lent by HM The 4XHHQ DQG D PDJQLÂżFHQW GLVSOD\ RI 5HJHQF\ VLOYHU gilt.

Brighton Racecourse

Written by Shama-Rose Morgan City Sightseeing Tour of Brighton Duke of York’s Picturehouse Brighton Dome Brighton Museum & Art Gallery



Shops in brighton Brighton Brighton is a large town with a range of key shopping destinations. They range from boutiques to independents to specialists to market stores - making Brighton a great place for a day out shopping, The lanes Alleyways of independent shops and boutiques. Collection of 350 independent shops, bars and restaurants. North Laines PL[ RI HWKLF ERKHPLDQ VW\OH +RPH WR VW\OLVK studios selling local made products such as jewelry, VFXOSWXUH FHUDPLFV JODVV 0H[LFDQ IXUQLWXUH Vintage, up and coming designer, and vegetarian friendly shoes

Kemptown Seafront village shops, has been the main shopping area since 18th century. Collection of independent wine shops, second hand stores and chic design shops in the city’s ‘gay quarter’. Rottingdean: Situated moments up the coast from Brighton Marina, making Brighton Marina and Rottingdean a great shopping combination to visit in one day. An ideal place to browse range of shops and boutiques, VSHFLDOLVW FRQIHFWLRQHUV WKH ÂżQHVW IRRWZHDU WR unusual glass, china, and interior design. Research by Carol Chung

Churchill Square Shopping centre, 10 min walk from Brighton station and 5 min walk from beach. Collection of 90 high street shops, two car parks Brighton Marina Best bargain stores, great range of homeware and sport goods, footwear, accessories and books, as well as the largest Yacht chandlery in the South-East of England and an ASDA superstore. Offers free parking and 24 hour public transport and restaurants in the waterfront eating area. Surrounding areas Hove funky interiors, design shoes, boutiques, independent shops, organic grocers, international restaurants and specialist champagne shops. +RYH WRZQ FHQWUH D JUHDW PL[ RI KLJK VWUHHW EUDQGV QH[W WR TXLUN\ OLIHVW\OH ERXWLTXHV



Calendar of events Brighton is a very cosmopolitan town with festivals, events and activities going on all year round. Taking this into consideration, our shop windows can be themed according to upcoming events. This would increase sales of certain products and would make goods ideal for customer purchase for a particular occasion.

Brighton Festival - 1 to 23rd May A creative cornucopia of world-class art and entertainment.

6XVVH[ %HHU )HVWLYDO Âą WR WK 0DUFK A celebration of beer, cider, perries and wine, many from the local area, providing a great opportunity to sample real ale in a friendly environment.

Brighton Fringe Festival -1st to 23rd May Brighton’s answer to the Edinburgh Fringe and offers the perfect complement of cabaret, comedy, classical concerts, club nights, theatre and H[KLELWLRQV

Brighton Food & Drink Festival - a must for foodies everywhere, The Brighton & Hove Food and Drink Festival is a celebration of the best food and drink DYDLODEOH DFURVV 6XVVH[ Brunswick Festival - 11th to 21st March Celebrating the diverse nature of the Brunswick area of Hove, Brunswick festival offers a fun and friendly PL[ RI IRRGLH WUHDWV VWUHHW WKHDWUH DQG MD]] Artists Open Houses - 1st to 19th May Offering a fantastic opportunity to see artwork displayed in a domestic setting, as well as buy affordable work direct from local artists.

Brighton Great Escape - 13th to 15th May Over 200 new local and international artists across 25 venues over 3 days. Past performers have included acts such as the Kooks and Pigeon Detectives. Charleston Festival - 21st to 30th May A conjur up of an impressive array of literary and DUWLVWLF KHDY\ZHLJKWV HDFK \HDU IRU D URXVLQJ PL[ RI WDONV GLVFXVVLRQV ÂżOPV DQG ZRUNVKRSV Brighton Kite Festival - 11th to 12th July Stunning aerial displays and family activities in beautiful Stanmer Park.


Soundwaves Festival - 16 to 18th July $ XQLTXH DQG HFOHFWLF PL[ RI LQVWDOODWLRQV YLGHR DQG performance art, music, theatre, concerts, ensemble performances and outdoor events. Brighton Carnival – 25th July A celebration of everyone who makes up Brighton & Hove and featuring costumes, steel pans, Soca, Samba and energetic other dance music, in addition to performance from renowned carnival bands from across the UK. Brighton Summer Pride - 31st July to 8th Aug The biggest and gay pride festival in the UK, FHOHEUDWLQJ HYHU\WKLQJ OHVELDQ JD\ ELVH[XDO DQG WUDQVJHQGHU LQ D ZHHN ORQJ H[WUDYDJDQ]D RI HYHQWV and parties culminating in a spectacular carnival parade and party in Preston Park on Saturday 7th August. CINECITY – late September $ JOREDO PL[ RI SUHPLHUHV DQG SUHYLHZV WUHDVXUHV from the archives plus the latest digital adventures and artists’ moving images. Brighton Live – late Sept $ ¿YH GD\ OLYH PXVLF IHVWLYDO VKRZFDVLQJ %ULJKWRQœV wonderfully diverse, up-and-coming scene. Every gig, seminar and event is free! Brighton Comedy Festival - 7th to 23rd October The festival laughs its way through 3 weeks of thigh slapping comedy, establishing itself as one of the top comedy events in the country. Brighton Sacred Music Festival – 12 to 19th October An eclectic musical feast, Brighton Festival of World Sacred Music seeks to promote understanding and tolerance between people of different faiths (and none), through the powerful medium of music. ([SHFW HYHU\WKLQJ IURP %XGGKLVW PRQNV WR ZKLUOLQJ dervishes. Burning of the Clocks - 21st December The gathering and carrying of lanterns through Brighton, culminating in a spectacular pyrotechnic DQG ¿UHZRUN GLVSOD\

Research by Hellen Njagi



Transport links Brighton and Hove Is easy to get to by road, rail, air and tunnel. The shows why tourists love visiting the town. With infrastructure easily accessible, people are coming from all directions.


Car clubs – Brighton and Hove has two pay and as you drive car clubs, where you simply pay a membership fee and then an hourly rate to use the cars.’ City Car Club and Street Car’

The Mind charity shop sees people commuting from areas outside of central Brighton. With so much on offer, people are happy to spend a day in the area.


Bus travel in Brighton and Hove is easy and conYHQLHQW ZLWK D ÀDW VLQJOH UDW IDUH RI … … within the city centre) and a day’s unlimited travel for £3.00.


North of the town the A23 connects to the M23 and M25 motorway.


Buses run every few minutes on main routes and there are plenty of city centre bus stops.


East and West directions are served by the A27


7KHUH DUH ÂżYH FRORXU FRGHG PHWUR OLQHV ZKLFK run through central Brighton and Hove.


1DWLRQDO H[SUHVV VHUYLFHV FRDFKHV UXQ VHUYLFes from London and other major towns and cities around the UK.


Stagecoach Service 700 provides local travel between Kingsway and the city centre.


Rail services to and from Victoria (London) are fast and frequent with southerns 49-minute service.


The Big Lemon also runs a bus service between the city centre and universities.


Easylink - a door-to-door transport service


Thameslink trains also connect Brighton to London King’s Cross St Pancreas and Bedford and there are direct inter-city trains to Birmingham, Manchester, Scotland and Wales.


London Gatwick is only 30 minutes away by train 0r 28 miles by road.


Heathrow is 60 miles/ 1! hour by road.


TransmarchĂŠ Ferries operates from local ferry port Newhaven, 9 miles from Brighton and Hove.


Less than two hours away from Brighton and Hove, either via London Victoria, Waterloo or Ashford international, the channel tunnel avoids delays caused by weather and customs and connects to France and Belgium.




A network of cycle lanes is across the city.

Research by Rasha Muhyeddeen



Competitors $V RXU EULHI VWDWHV ZH DUH IRFXVLQJ RQ WKH ÀDJVKLS Mind store in Brighton, I have concentrated on Mind’s competitors on St James’ Street in Brighton, DQG VXUURXQG DUHDV ZKHUH WKH 0LQG ÀDJVKLS VWRUH is situated. These could currently be seen as competitors. However, with our re-branded boutique style charity store, Mind would have the competitive edge because of its uniqueness. Below are Mind’s charity store competitors on and around St James’ Street, Brighton. ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡


After the re-brand of the Mind boutique charity store, 0LQG ZLOO KDYH PRUH FRPSHWLWRUV IRU H[DPSOH IURP independent shops and boutiques on The Lanes and other boutiques on St James’ Street. However, due to Mind being a charity store gives them the competitive edge by attracting not only charity shoppers but boutique/vintage shoppers as well. Our re-branded Mind store encompasses the vintage boutique store ambience Brighton is known for as well as in keeping with the charity shop feel. Keeping in mind the customer will be important when re-designing the store, as we don’t want to completely change our target audience, but instead attract more customers Written by Emily Marsh


Location of other charity shops in Brighton:

Key A – Age Concern B – The Friends Shop & ± 2[IDP &KDULW\ 6KRS ' ± 2[IDP ( ± 2[IDP ) ± 6XVVH[ %HDFRQ &KDULW\ 6KRS G – Traid H – British Heart Foundation I – Altzeimers Society J – Books and Music



Competitor report

, YLVLWHG 2[IDP ERXWLTXH WR VHH ZKDW WKH\ ZHUH doing, and how this differed to their ordinary charity shop.


The charity shop aims to raise money to help people around the world rebuild their lives. So like Mind, they raise money through their nonSURÂżW RUJDQL]DWLRQ WR KHOS RWKHUV LQ QHHG +RZHYHU RQH WKLQJ WKDW 2[IDP LV GRLQJ EHWWHU that Mind is their visual merchandising, their shop layout. It is a lot more visually pleasing. As can be seen from the pictures, you can easily tell which charity organization works on their visual merchandising a little bit more. :LWK WKH 2[IDP QHZ EUDQFK RI ÂłERXWLTXHV´ WKH\ have transformed their shop into more of a haven for people. It makes people believe they are buying more than just ‘second hand clothing.’

When I walked into the shop I didn’t get the feeling I was in a charity shop with peoples unwanted clothing. It felt as though I had walked into a vintage shop, VHOOLQJ RQH RI LWHPV WKDW , ZRXOGQœW ¿QG DQ\ZKHUH else. The items placement looked as though the employees had really thought about where they should be. From side table used to store men’s ties, to candle holders used to hand hats on and baskets for books to cabinets for shoe displays Things that I would say really stood out for me


LQ 2[IDP ZRXOG EH KRZ WKH\ GLVSOD\HG DQ RXW¿W without even using a mannequin they styled WRJHWKHU D ODGLHV RXW¿W RQ D KDQJHU KDQJLQJ RQ D simple hook. This is very clever of them, as it will attract people to purchase more, as they see it as a set that works well together. Another thing which I liked about the store was that all clothes were on wooden hangers and colour coordinated, it not only raises the mark of the store, it also makes it look a lot more organized and put WRJHWKHU ,W ¿WV YHU\ ZHOO WRJHWKHU The store is visually appealing thus it attracts more people, the display of clothing makes a bid difference, it attract the consumer, even one who doesn’t usually shop at a charity shop. The quality RI GLVSOD\ LQ 2[IDP LV UHPDUNDEOH ,W PDNHV WKH clothing look as though they are more than just someone’s old clothing.

2QH RWKHU WKLQJ DERXW 2[IDP LV WKDW QRW RQO\ DUH their window display a lot more eye – catching, they also have sponsors, and stock other brands, maybe Mind could collaborate with other nonSUR¿W RUJDQLVDWLRQV RU EUDQG LQ RUGHU WR JDLQ further recognition brand such as Bonos RED FKDULW\ PD\EH QRW VSHFL¿FDOO\ 5(' EXW D VLPLODU organization, that one, will increase their recognition with the public but also will encourage celebrity sponsors, which could heavily increase their awareness. Report by Rasha Muhyeddeen



Our campaign ideas Our campaign is all about equality. Through JHQHUDWLQJ RXU LGHDV WR UHÀHFW WKLV ZH H[SORUH ZD\V to show not only how common mental health is, but also highlight how people with the illness are no different to people without the illness. Stand Out From the Crowd This projects a positive side of mental health, illustrating that you may be one to have it and stand out in the crowd because of it, but you are happy to be who you are. Glow This thought highlights an enthusiastic side of a person who suffers from mental health. Making them glow in front of a crowd, not only makes them stand out, but this can show the popularity of mental health. Expressional Shots This concept can project the different emotions seen in people with mental health. It can bring to viewers attention both the positive and negative sides of mental health - signifying the effects they may be going through and also how their illness shouldn’t hold them back in what they can do.

of this campaign was highly successful as this got people interested in what was going on. 'HÂżQLWLRQ E\ &RORXU Another way that we can stop discrimination, is through colour. Emphasizing people in a crowd could highlight the popularity, but also that these SHRSOH FDQ MRLQ LQ DQG VKRXOG QRW EH H[FOXGHG IURP what others can do, as this would be stigmatizing. Our campaign to is stop the stigmatizing and discrimination, and to highlight the popularity of mental health. We cannot always identify people with the issues just by appearance because mental health could be someone with a phobia or depression, to someone who has bipolar disorder or dementia. Whatever it may be, these people should be treated equally. Discrimination affects them and could cause serious harm. Allowing them to speak out, live a normal life will help them stay positive and make them feel acceptable in society.

Written by Hsin Yee Wong

Blurring This idea demonstrates the negative impact on people with mental illnesses. It shows how they can be isolated because they have the issues to deal with, but should never be discriminated because of it. Imagery & Props Using props we can display the negative effects mental health has, and as a result make others act upon this to make a change. A campaign by AIDs in Denmark showed what similarities a mental health person has in comparison to someone being isolated - in this case in a human ball. The effects




Staff & customer research We carried out surveys with both staff and customer of Mind to gain more knowledge about them, so that we can adapt our campaign and store design to them. Staff

People who have or have had mental health distress do work or volunteer in Mind shops. They feel that it’s a place to interact with others. %ULJKWRQ VWDII ZDQW D VWRUH WKDQ UHÀHFWV FKDULW\ with a old and vintage store ambience.


They range from children to those as old as 80.

Current core customer is middle aged men and women.

They visit Mind shops for a browse as you never NQRZ ZKDW \RX ¿QG

Local customers

Often travel by bus or walk

Key interest in charity shopping

Most of them have time to spare. They enjoy reading and doing things in their social time, such as draw, watch TV, join a club.

:LWK WKH QHZ VKRS ¿W ZH KRSH WR WDUJHW D \RXQJHU market as there is a huge student base in Brighton but without alienating Mind’s current customer.



Campaign We have maintained the main format of our original campaign - but making it more meaningful by using real people who have or have had mental health distress from Mind. People were given a range of quotes which they were able to choose from - selecting quotes that WKH\ IHOW UHÀHFWHG WKHPVHOYHV 7KHVH TXRWHV UHÀHFW RXU FDPSDLJQ DLPV ZLWK WKH intention to raise awareness with facts that other people don’t know about. A simple way of educating

people which we found was the most effective way to end discrimination. Through highlighting the facts, this will enable sufferers to be able to speak out, as from our primary research, we have found that this KDV EHHQ GLI¿FXOW IRU WKHP DV WKH\ DUH IDFHG ZLWK stigma and discrimination. We hope that our campaign will put an end to all this and people simply can’t judge from what they see until they hear about peoples stories. Mental health distress is not something anyone would ask for, so why should they be treated differently?

Photographed by Carol Chung. Edited and designed by Hsin Yee Wong



Window inspirations Whilst walking the streets of London, I was inspired by the visual merchandising Selfridges had up. Known for their creativity, their current display was H[DFWO\ ZKDW ZH ZDQWHG WR SRUWUD\ LQ WKH FKDULW\ boutique store in Brighton. With the old look, we can use this idea too, but making use of the donations and recycled goods which represent charity well. Selfridges have successfully used props and SURGXFWV WR GLVSOD\ D YDULHW\ RI GH¿QLWH WKHPHV From the old, vintage look, to the bold brights which all stand out in an effective way. With the consideration of the layout of props, guiding the viewers eye to certain parts of the

merchandising. Our windows can highlight different themes as well, DV WKLV PDNHV WKH SURGXFWV PRUH H[FLWLQJ 7KH\ FDQ be based on colour, season, occasion, event, or a subject. With themed windows this will add interest to the goods and attract passers-by to make impulse purchases. Inspirations were also gained from other shops on the high street. I found that the wood effect and crates were quite popular in windows at present. Not RQO\ GRHV WKLV UHÀHFW RXU VWRUH FRQFHSW EXW WKH\ FDQ help display products in a way that will help sell the product.



Photographed by Hsin Yee Wong and Rasha MuhyeddeenWritten by Hsin Yee Wong



Window displays Displaying of windows is the key to encourage people to come into the store. As a result of this, they need to stand out effectively and have to be able to sell the goods to someone who is just passing by. When visiting the shop, we realised that the windows were themed. In this case they had an Asian theme because it was around Chinese New Year. Having windows themed makes the displays more interesting to view. With all these lovely products, we feel that something can be done with them, rather than just placed on the base. Props should be used to bring the small goods to eye-level as people don’t tend to see what’s on offer if goods are low down. Having taken this in to consideration, using our store concept design - we wanted to project through what Mind has to offer right at the windows because this would be a glimpse of what the store has to offer, making it more tempting to pop in. With our store design based on old and vintage; XVLQJ ZRRG WR UHÀHFW WKLV ZH KDYH FRPH WR WKH

GHFLVLRQ WR XVH FUDWHV RU ZRRGHQ ER[HV WR GLVSOD\ items in a lifestyle manner. Inspirations come from Selfridges shop windows and many other high street shops where wood is widely used at present. The windows will tend to be based on a theme according to upcoming occasions, or can be based on fashion trends as charity goods can be fashionable too! 7KH VFKHPH ZLOO FRQWLQXH WR UHĂ€HFW WKH VWRUH GHVLJQ ZLWK WKH XVDJH RI ZRRGHQ ER[HV 7KHVH can be played around with, by changing the angles, positioning, stacking etc. We want to make the ZLQGRZV IUHVK DQG H[FLWLQJ Window display prior to launch Knowing that the launch will take place at the end of March, we looked to see what occasions were FRPLQJ XS 7KH QH[W RQH ZRXOG EH (DVWHU $V D result of this, our windows will have an Easter and the start of Spring theme. 8VLQJ SURSV ZH FUHDWH D ZLQGRZ ZKLFK LV H[FLWLQJ UHĂ€HFWLYH RI WKH RFFDVLRQ 2XU ZLQGRZV DUH QRW MXVW displays, we aim to sell these goods as well.


These are window displays aimed for the Brighton store ready for the launch day. As the launch is on 31st March, the window display is based around an Easter/spring theme, with clothing and accessories UHÀHFWLQJ WKLV

campaign slogan ‘EQUALITY in Mind’ attached to the backdrop along side our campaign images in frames. This is a smart themed window aimed at middle aged customers which is Mind’s current core customer.

Below is the left-hand window display, with our

Left hand window

Womenswear mannequin dressed in D ÀRUDO SULQW HFKRLQJ WKH 6SULQJ WKHPH trend. Teamed with a denim jacket to show the dress can have a more casual approach. Belted at the waist to transform the look and add-on sales.

Menswear mannequin styled in a smarter way than the right-hand window. When changing the window this look has to remain. However, colours, shapes, style of the trousers and jacket can change. Jacket can be buttoned or unbuttoned. Tie can be added to the look.

Campaign photograph hung from the ceiling

Use other products as props to emphasis on the theme. Display with a natural look

Crate showing a selection of womenswear accessories, this can be changed to menswear when the windows are rotated.

0DNH WKH RXW¿WV complete by adding shoes and bags.

Wallpaper or paint LQVLGH RI ER[ WR ¿W the window theme

In keeping with the crate theme, two crates are positioned on the outsides of the mannequins, so the central focus us on the clothing – whereas the righthand window main focus is on the accessories.


Right hand window This is a casual themed window display targeted towards the younger customer, in doing this we will ZLGHQ RXU FXVWRPHU SURÂżOH DQG DWWUDFW WKH \RXQJHU market.

with light tshirts or polo shirts. Add accessories, EHOWV EDJV KDWV MHZHOOHU\ WR PD[LPLVH DGG RQ sales. Footwear needs to be kept casual, ballet SXPSV ÀLS ÀRSV VDQGHOV VXPPHU\ KHHOV IRU WKH ZRPHQ DQG WUDLQHUV SOLPVROHV ÀLS ÀRSV IRU WKH men.

When changing the clothing on the mannequins, keep with the spring/easter theme and similar FORWKLQJ FRPELQDWLRQV RI ÀRDW\ IHPLQLQH JDUPHQWV (dresses and skirts) for the women and jeans/ combat trousers/cargo shorts for the men, teamed

Mind campaign slogan attached to the backdrop, with the campaign images in frames below

Two mannequins, one female, one male, both dressed in Spring ensembles accompanied with accessories. When dressing this window keep clothing casual and focused on a spring/ summer theme

A basket of toys catering for children. $VWUR WXUI RQ WKH ÀRRU KDYLQJ the splash of green colour of the grass highlights the spring theme

Two crates stacked one on top of the other, either front facing or at a slight angle. Bottom crate containing mens spring accessories and top crate focuses on women’s.

Brown polyester volie backdrop hung up to close off the window display, preventing from any distractions in the background.

Several easter eggs used as props placed on the ÀRRU HPSKDVLVLQJ WKH easter theme and adding interest without taking away the main focus of the clothing and and crate display.



Visual merchandising inspirations Inspirations were taken from a range of retail stores. Mainly of those whose store has a vintage and ‘green’ element to it. Inspirations came from: 8UEDQ 2XW¿WWHUV 2[IDP %ULJKWRQ H&M Jack Wills and an antique furniture independent in Brighton. When gaining inspiration, I was looking for interesting displaying techniques that really stand out successfully. We want to make our shop no normal charity, creating a unique look that will make Mind the place to go for charity goods. 7KH VKRSSLQJ H[SHULHQFH ZLOO EH D NH\ DVSHFW WR consider. Ensuring that the whole shop ties in to one will be important as consistency will be key. As we focus on the green credentials, we hope to

source old and antique furniture. 8UEDQ 2XW¿WWHUV LQ /RQGRQ RQFH D WKULIW VKRS KDV now become a popular retailer amongst many. 7KH\ UHÀHFW WKHLU EUDQG LGHQWLW\ ZLWKLQ WKHLU YLVXDO merchandising - using the wooden and natural scheme throughout the store. I gained inspiration from their displaying techniques learning how old household goods can be used differently yet very VWURQJO\ WR VHOO JRRGV )RU H[DPSOH GUDZHUV QDLOHG against the wall to display bags. The current shop needs more colour, and further inspiration as to how to go about it was gained from WKH %ULJKWRQ 2[IDP VKRS 7KH\ FRORXU FR RUGLQDWHG their clothing range which created a more vibrant look. We also wanted to minimise the cluttered look, so lifestyle displays will be used to showcase homeware goods. Since we found that customers enjoy being able to browse, we use baskets for linen products adjacent to the homeware range. This will make the goods look more saleable.


Photographed and written by Hsin Yee Wong



Visual merchandising The in store visual merchandising has been thought out thoroughly following the insight we got when visiting the shop in Brighton. After speaking to the manager, we were able to gain knowledge of what were the best and worst sellers at present. From this we analysed how we could change this to achieve a better result in the new design. We found out that the best sellers are womens clothes, whereas the worst sellers are linen products, followed by childrens toys. Having observed the on goings within the shop for a VXI¿FLHQW DPRXQW RI WLPH , IRXQG WKDW ERRNV ZHUH also hugely popular, for both men and women. Customers were happy to walk all the way to the back to browse. :LWK WKHVH ¿QGLQJV , IRXQG WKDW SURGXFW SODFHPHQW was probably the cause of linen not selling well. This was because the range was almost in a hidden ORFDWLRQ QH[W WR ZRPHQV ZHDU :H GLGQœW ZDQW WR remove this range; consequently we have decided to position the goods in a more ideal location near the home ware section in the bronze zone (back) of the store. In deciding the layout, we considered product adjacencies in detail - categorizing sections. ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡ ‡

Mens, Womens Children Bric-a-brac/home ware/linen goods Books, music, CDs, DVDs

In doing so, customers are more encouraged to make impulse purchases.

Displaying of goods On entrance of the store - the pause area, we have FKRVHQ WR GLVSOD\ RXW¿WV RQ PDQQHTXLQV SURYLGLQJ customers with inspiration with a glimpse of what Mind has to offer. This can also draw attention from the outside. We have made the displaying of products more HIIHFWLYH E\ XVLQJ LQWHUHVWLQJ IXUQLWXUH DQG ¿WWLQJV that all tie in to the whole antique, vintage feel of the store. )ROORZLQJ WKH YLVLW WR SRWHQWLDO FRPSHWLWRUV 2[IDP we gained inspiration from their way of displaying garments in particular. We wanted to display clothing ranges in a more appealing way, and felt that colour was much needed. As a result of this, clothes within each section will be colour co-ordinated, with key pieces front facing to split up the rail. This makes the H\H PRUH UHOD[HG DQG WKH SURGXFW SODFHPHQW OHVV cluttered. Tops will be hung on the top rail, with bottoms on the bottom rail. Single item displays will allow customers to recognise where they have to go should they be ORRNLQJ IRU D VSHFL¿F LWHP Much of the store projects a natural and homely feel DV ZH XVH IXUQLWXUH WR UHÀHFW SURGXFWV IRU H[DPSOH an armoire unit to showcase CDs and DVDs. A table situated at the back that will display home ware in a lifestyle way. It is all about selling the goods through effective displaying techniques that will encourage people to purchase. Charity is all about old and new unwanted goods. It doesn’t mean these products can’t be used again. The usual charity would see clutter, but we want to minimise this and make goods saleable. Product placement is key to this.


On entrance

Left hand side

Right hand side

Written and designed by Hsin Yee Wong



6WRUH ÀRRU SODQ We have considered greatly the placement of products within the store, minimising clutter and displaying products in an appealing manner. Every charity shop we walk into have a similar concept, and by being more imaginative can create a better brand identity for Mind charity. Focal points within the store have been thought about, with key product ranges placed within these points. We have placed best sellers - womenswear at the front of the store whereas worst sellers - linen products are located towards the back of the store. Signage is made clear, making it easy for consumers to navigate through the store. 7R HQVXUH WKDW WKH FXVWRPHU VWRUH H[SHULHQFH ÀRZV through front to back, the placement and choice of IXUQLWXUH DQG ¿[WXUHV KDYH EHHQ FRQVLGHUHG )RU H[DPSOH ZH KDYH FKRVHQ WR XVH D FLUFXODU WDEOH to display homeware as this makes customers naturally walk round the table, this will enable them to see other products on offer nearby, and can encourage impulse purchasing. Written by Hsin Yee Wong



Green credentials The new concept of the Brighton Mind store will be aimed towards bringing a positive approach to the environmental surroundings in the local area. Donated products Donated products are to be separated as wanted/ unwanted. The unwanted items will then be recycled in recycling centre Carrier bags Cutting down on carrier bags and encouraging customers to bring your own environmental friendly bag Lights Light bulbs used throughout the store will be lower voltage bulbs, which saves energy and money Displays Furniture and display items will all be donations and/ or recycled products Collaborations Mind store is encouraged to collaborate with Local recycling projects/stores to bring its awareness as a green store. Projects/ stores such as: Brighton & Hove Wood recycling project- where Mind could recycle unwanted furniture and/or DIY furniture from the wood store

Written by Carol Chung



)XUQLWXUH ¿[WXUHV VRXUFLQJ Together we have complied a list of furniture from a range of places. Our main priority is to source free furniture from places such as freecycle.com to keep our store as ‘green’ as possible. :H WKHQ VHHN WR ¿QG XQZDQWHG IXUQLWXUH WKDW DUH IRU sale at a low cost from websites such as gumtree. com, freebay etc. Within the local Brighton area, we found there to EH D UDQJH RI LQGHSHQGHQWV DQG ÀHD PDUNHWV ZKLFK also stock furniture at a low cost. We are not looking for anything brand new due to a tight budget. When sourcing furniture, they do not need to be in pristine condition as we can re-invent them ourselves through sanding and painting. This would also help create a vintage effect that would tie into the store concept. The list of furniture will be found towards the back of this pack.



Stock room system 7R FUHDWH D VPRRWK ÀRZ RI JHWWLQJ GRQDWHG JRRGV EDFN RQWR WKH VKRS ÀRRU WKH VWRFN URRP QHHGV D system that staff work to. This will reduce clutter, and FUHDWH D IDVWHU ÀRZ ZLWKLQ WKH VKRS DV QHZ VWRFN goes out everyday. Utilizing the space effectively will be key to this. Stock room system: 1. Newly donated goods will be carried through by volunteer and put into a pit downstairs. 2. Stock room staff will carry through donated items to be sorted into four pits upstairs in the main stock room area upstairs‡

Mens wear


Womens wear


Childrens wear


Homeware, including, bric-a-brac,


Books, videos and dvds

3.. Menswear and womenswear are then put onto

WKH UDLOV RQ WKH ULJKW KDQG VLGH RI WKH WRS ÀRRU ZLWK childrenswear on the left, ready to be ironed and freshened up. 3. Homeware and videos, dvds, books are separated into the two sections and put in pits at the IURQW RI WKH WRS ÀRRU Downstairs: 4. Items for themed windows are collected GRZQVWDLUV LQ ER[HV Books are sorted into genre. Other shoe to the shoe that is on display are kept on shelves ready for staff to collect on purchase. With a system that is constantly in use, this will SUHYHQW JRRGV PL[LQJ ZLWK HDFK RWKHU &DWHJRUL]LQJ the products in the stock room, will make it easier for VWDII WR WDNH VWRFN RQWR WKH VKRS ÀRRU

Written by Emily Marsh and Hsin Yee Wong



Marketing strategy Our branding and promotional strategy has been FRQVLGHUHG LQ JUHDW H[WHQW HQVXULQJ WKDW WKH FRQVLVWHQF\ Ă€RZV WKURXJKRXW WKH VWRUH IURP product placement in the windows, to the selling of the goods. Promotinal strategy We have created a store that highlights what our campaign is all about promoting ‘Equality in Mind’‡ ‡ ‡

Raising Awareness Bringing Us Together Ending Discrimination

With this in mind, we wanted to make sure our message is clear to consumers and staff. We have thought about each of these points and we carry them through into the store. Promoting Our Campaign Our campaign is all about raising awareness through educating people who are unware of what effects mental health distress has on people and what is PHQWDO KHDOWK H[DFWO\ EHFDXVH WKLV LV PRUH WKDQ what people think. We continue to raise awareness within the store in several ways. We frame our campaign photographs and hang them across the top of the shop. These quotes are personal and are statements that raises awareness as to what mental health distress is. Getting other people to understand the consequences of suffering from mental health will hopefully end discrimination as it is something that no-one wishes to have and therefore one should not frown upon it. :H DOVR RIIHU FDPSDLJQ À\HU SHQV ORFDWHG DW 326 which can be taken following £1 donation to Mind.


As part of our campaign we have produced postcards that will help promote ‘Equality in Mind’. They will come in three different colours - all will have a different message. This is an effective way to communicate the message to other people. On reverse we use the same caption as in our campaign to continue to raise awareness and encourage people to play their part in helping.

Mental health distress occurs in 1 in 4 people. Speaking out, giving support is the best way for people to live a quality life.

Your nearest Mind: 79 Buckingham Rd, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3RJ Phone: 01273 749600 Fax: 01273 771253 Website: www.mindcharity.co.uk Registered charity number 219830. Registered in England number 424348.

Both the bold colours and image are strong, therefore will catch people’s attention. These will be displayed with the shop for people to take.

Make a change by doing your part to help


Speak out board Our store concept interlinks with the campaign. We make it a shop where people can interact, enabling those who feel stigmatised to be able to speak out, bringing everyone together to end these issues. Sufferers are able to hear about other people’s distresses and can even get support from past sufferers. We make the store interactive by placing a pin board within the store where people can leave their quotes for others to read. Quotes or messages can be left within the changing rooms where some people may like their secrecy. Staff will pin them up on the boards. This continues to raise awareness for mental health. Brand attraction As part of our campaign, on our launch day we will arrange for a photo booth to be placed outside of the Mind shop - making it an attraction for passers-by. This is to encouarge people to donate quality goods and be part of revolutionising charity retailing. This will hopefully be the start of getting people to donate unwanted treasures.

that the best sellers were womens wear, thus we are going to dedicate a reasonable amount of space in the store for it. The price points for these items will depend on a range of factors highlighted in the pricing strategy section below. However the store does have poor selling items, such as childrens wear and linens. We considered removing both sections, however after visiting the Brighton store we came to realise that this is due to product placement – which is very poorly managed – they are placed in unnoticeable areas within the store, adjacent to products that don’t relate to each other. In that case, what we will do is create a stronger product placement for all the items. Pricing strategy Charity is all about donated unwanted goods that are sold at a fraction of the original price. We want to up the quality of our donations, only stocking good condition unwanted treasures, as this ZLOO LQÀXHQFH QHZ FXVWRPHUV DQG LQFUHDVH IRRWIDOO Brand identity is important. Pricing of the donation is important. As Mary Portas VD\V µZKDW DUH WKH IHDWXUHV DQG EHQH¿WV¶ RI WKH product? Mary, Queen of Charity Shops (2009). The price is dependant on the suitability of the product for consumers. So, what to consider: Is it on trend? What is the condition like? Recommended retail price (RRP) What is it worth? What product category does it fall into? The properties? - Fibre content/material What is the brand? With these taken into account, we can price the goods so that consumers are interested, as these will be points that the consumer will naturally consider when purchasing. The prices can be considered according to competitors nearby and the internet can be a great source of information - even websites such as ebay.

Product range Following our primary research and our meeting with Amanda from the Brighton store we came to realise

We have decided to take on the pyschological pricing approach instead of the current strategy where products are priced to the pound. This is because, we feel that this will encourage people to give the change as a donation - every penny counts.


Branding strategy 2[IDP RQH RI 0LQGÂśV FRPSHWLWRUV KDYH D VWULQJ brand identity and we want this to carry through to Mind. This newly refurbished store will be a start, but considering the packaging of goods and labeling will be key to promoting the brand. Carrier bags Mind has its own carrier bags, bag for life and a woven bag for consumers. We need to encourage consumers to use less packaging when possible. Through primary research, we learnt that the bag for life were not popular, nor are they big enough. As a result of this, they are now being given away for free. In that case if we have enough budget, we hope to re-design them in a way which will encourage usage of ‘green’ bags, and also make them bigger and suitable for its purpose. Swing tags 7KH QHZ VZLQJ WDJV ZLOO EH PRUH H[FLWLQJ DQG informative - carried through from the campaign. We continue to highlight the facts and effects of mental health distress. The message is communicate to the consumer more effectively. This also makes purchasing more entriguing as a selection of facts are used randomly within the product range. This strategy will also get consumers thinking. We use a more informal approach to selling the goods by being more imaginative to encourage consumers to snatch up great pieces.

Written by Hsin Yee Wong and Rasha Muhyeddeen



Launch day Digital Flyer -

Post Invite -

:H SODQ WR VHQG RXW WKHVH LQYLWHV RXW WR VSHFL多F guests, press, Mind volunteers and celebrities. We intend to hang this banner in the Mind store during the launch event.


Order of Programme 11AM Start - Cutting of the ribbon & unveiling window display - Photo Opp with Press; Amanda, Thomas & Bob Monteth - Introduction of New Store Concept by Thomas 12PM - Fashion Show by UCA Year Zero Students - Drinks & CanapĂŠs served to guests - Speechs from fashion show stage by; Group C, Thomas, Amanda, M.Director, From 1PM - Store open to general public


We plan to invite;

Local Brighton Press - Red Wrist Band -

Brighton Fashion Bloggers - Red Wrist Band -


We plan to invite;

Sponsors - Blue Wrist Band -

Mind Volunteers - Blue Wrist Band -

Celebrities -Yellow Wrist Band -

From 1pm the store will be open to the public for customers


Fashion Show We plan to host a small fashion show from 12pm It will include the reworked clothes made by UCA Year Zero students, also involving aspiring models and photographers from the Brighton community.

Written By Hellen Njagi



Rationale 7KURXJK H[WHQVLYH SULPDU\ UHVHDUFK VXFK as speaking to those part of the mind team, sufferers of mental illness and a nurse who deals directly with mental health patients, our group has established that the most powerful way to prevent stigma and discrimination of a group of thousands of people who through their mental illness, have had to suffer all kinds of pre judgment and stigmatisation would be to raise awareness through the power of education. Through educating society with the facts of mental illness we believe a difference on how individuals view such an illness will change dramatically, as all misinterpretations, prejudice, judgment and discrimination that we face in this world that we live in, simply boils down to the ignorance of individuals. 2XU FDPSDLJQ H[SUHVVHV WKDW PHQWDO LOOQHVV LV not something which should be frowned upon or something which one should feel ashamed to talk about.. But that factually 1 in 4 individuals suffer from mental illness and they look no different to you and I and that by donating what you can more programs and groups can be formed to support those with the illness.

Brighton is known to be one of the most vibrant, colourful and creative cities in Europe, its compact energetic, unique, historic and freespirited. Recycling goods is very key in this little city, there are many boutiques which have an amazing look, with our store we are trying to get WKDW VRPHWKLQJ H[WUD DQG LI \RX ORRN DW RXU ÂżQDO layout which has been likend by MIND staff and managers you will see that our revamp of the VWRUH ÂżWV LQ ZLWK %ULJKWRQ DW SUHVHQW DQG PRVW importantly still has the charity feel but also has that all important VM factor which is to attract customers into the store. It would not be a moving concept if we did not involve those who suffer with the illness or even so those who are apart mind. We intend to keep it as real for the individuals as possible. By raising awareness, bringing us together and ending discrimination Written by Shama-Rose Morgan

As it is a charity our store concept maintains the same store ambience, through the usage of vintage and old furnishings sourced from donators. Although we are using vintage goods, we will show that vintage and recycled goods can still give the store a fresh, vibrant and classy environment as currently the store looks quite lifeless and morbid. The new concept ZRXOG DOVR ÂżW LQ ZLWK WKH OLIHVW\OH RI %ULJKWRQ 47


Bibliography VisitBrighton (2009) http://www.visitbrighton.com/ Mary Portas, Queen of Charity Shops (2009) DVD recording


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