Mind Shop Visual Merchandising Pack

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Visual Merchandising Store Pack 2010

This pack includes information on how to dress the store windows according to the season/theme, what clothing to put WRJHWKHU WR FUHDWH FHUWDLQ RXWÂżWV DQG KRZ WR PDNH EHVW XVH RI WKH VWRUH VSDFH

Contents Page Dressing a window Left window Right window

2 3 4

Floor Plan Left side of store Store back wall Right side of store

5 6 7 8


Dressing a window The following window displays are aimed for the Brighton store prior to the launch day. As the launch is on 31st March, the window display is based around an Easter/spring theme, with clothing and DFFHVVRULHV UHĂ€HFWLQJ WKLV The left window will project a smart casual, middle aged look, whereas the right window will showcase a casual look targeting the younger customer, in doing this we will widen our target audience and attract more of the younger market and well as old. When changing the clothing on the mannequins, maintain the spring/Easter theme with similar clothing combinations, of elegant, feminine garments (dresses and skirts) for the women and jeans/ combat trousers/cargo shorts for the men, teamed with light T-shirts or polo shirts. Consider adding DFFHVVRULHV EHOWV EDJV KDWV MHZHOOHU\ WR PD[LPLVH add on sales. )RRWZHDU QHHGV WR UHĂ€HFW HLWKHU WKH FDVXDO RU VPDUW look, depending on window. Think about the season and what would or could be worn at the time of display.


Left window Womenswear mannequin dressed in D ÀRUDO SULQW HFKRLQJ WKH 6SULQJ WKHPH trend. Teamed with an unbuttoned denim jacket to show the dress can have a more casual approach. Belted at the waist to transform the look and add on sales.

Menswear mannequin styled in a smarter way than the right-hand window. When changing the window this look has to remain. However, colours, shapes, style of the trousers and jacket can change. Jacket can be buttoned or unbuttoned. Tie can be added to the look for a more smarter look.

Brown polyester voile backdrop hung up to close off the window display, preventing from any distractions in the background. Use other products as props to emphasis on the theme. Display with a natural look

Crate showing a selection of womenswear accessories, this can be changed to menswear when the windows are rotated.

Campaign photograph hung from the ceiling.

0DNH WKH RXW¿WV complete by adding shoes and bags.

Wallpaper or paint LQVLGH RI ER[ WR ¿W the window theme when required.

In keeping with the crate theme, two crates are positioned on the outsides of the mannequins, so the central focus is on the clothing – whereas the righthand window main focus is on the accessories.


Right window Mind campaign caption attached to the backdrop, with the campaign images in frames hung from the ceiling.

Two mannequins, one female, one male, both dressed in spring ensembles accompanied with accessories. When dressing this window keep clothing casual and focused on the theme.

A basket of toys catering for children. $VWUR WXUI RQ WKH ÀRRU KDYLQJ the splash of green colour of the grass highlights the spring theme

Two crates stacked one on top of the other, either front facing or at a slight angle. Bottom crate containing men’s spring accessories and top crate focuses on women’s.

Brown polyester voile backdrop hung up to close off the window display, preventing from any distractions in the background.

Several Easter eggs used as props placed on WKH ÀRRU HPSKDVLVLQJ the occasion and adding interest without taking away the main focus of the clothing and crate displays.

TV at the back, displayed high on the shelf so people walking passed the store are drawn in.

Circular table at the back of the store, acts as a focal point, drawing the consumers eye to the merchandise on the table and in the baskets around it.


Floor plan Bric-a-brac, linen and childrenswear sold near the back in the bronze/silver sections due to them being the worst sellers Card stand, placed near the till to add-on sales. Customers in the queue to pay are therefore more likely to impulse buy.

Accessories sold in the middle in the gold section, due to them being consistent sellers

Men’s and women’s outerwear

Some items facing front of the rail will be teamed with accessories to match, to add-on sales.

Sale rail, containing any products that haven’t sold particularly well or needs to be cleared for new stock.

Womenswear and menswear sold at the front in the platinum section due to them being the best sellers.

Main focal point, mannequin display, drawing passer by’s attention to the store and what’s inside the store. The mannequins styled in new seasons products.

1H[W WR ZRPHQV and menswear are accessories and footwear. This is to promote the sales of these goods and povide the consumer with more of an understanding of what accessories to put with what garments.

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