Asian american experience since 1820

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Asian American Experience Since 1820 Instructor: Bianca Louie Presenter: Husan pi

Hawaiian history  James cook and his crew in 1778 encountered the islands accidently and is the first one to have documented clearly the existence of Hawaii islands.  Kamehameha 1 united the islands and the Polynesian people into a single kingdom in 1810 deciding to make it into a monarchy.  The first Christian missionaries came to Hawai’i in 1820 and Hawaiian children began attending school and learned to read and write in the Hawaiian language.

The overthrow of the Hawaiian kingdom  in 1887 the white minority which held most of the important economical and political positions found the reform party and an armed militia called the “Honolulu rifle” advised by David kalakaua that will become king kalakaua after sizing the royal place he then formed a brief republic with a lot of conflicts and inequalities towards other races. This ended up taken over by the united states after the death of kalakaua. Despite the queen lili’uokalani and the native Hawaiian are not accepting the over throw, it is useless.

The Hawaiian Language Was Banned After the Overthrow  After the territory of the United States in 1898, the Hawaiian language was officially banned from schools and the government. Note that people were still allowed to speak Hawaiian on a daily basis. However, since the official language in schools was English, many people believe that if they being more “civilization” like American people, they can earn more money in business and improve their live. With this in mind, the amount of native speakers decreased and English become a priority.

Creative project

 Youtube: xQw&list=LLiUy7eOLNCRX6YJaqcFgXTw&ind ex=3

Creative project

 Far from a “past” event, it connects things through time and encourages people who are in the present. Sometimes, we can see similar thing which happened in the history and present, maybe the names and places change, but the conflict remain same. Therefore, we can learn and remember the painful event of history, and being more respect to each culture and I think as minorities, the more we appreciate each other’s cultures, the more we influence mainstream society

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