ARCH 218 FINAL portfolio

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HSUAN PI Fall 2018 | CCSF | Arch 218 portfolio | Instructor: George X.Lin

Table of content

04 08 12 18 22 Assignment 0 : Line Types & Weights

Assignment 1 : Multiview Drawing

Assignment 2 : Planar Objects & Folding

Assignment 3 : Stereotomy / Boolean

26 38 44 50 Assignment 5 : Mashrabiya Morphology

Assignment 6 : anamorphically projection

Assignment 7 Assignment 5 : solid (chess piece : Mashrabiya - rook) Morphology

Assignment 4 : Grafting

Assignment 0 : Line Types & Weights

It is my first time using the curve, line, and hatch command.

Strength: I can draw the real things in 2D and able to use the various of hatch to represent the depth of the space. Weakness: some line and curve could be more smoothly and connecting. Moreover, I discover that some combination of color and line weight is not appropriate and clear when it comes to PDF or printing machine. Opportunity: Since I had already learned the way insert control point, maybe I will smooth the angle of the curve, and add more detail to the car. Risk: since the exercise is practicing the lineweight and linetype, I don’t think there is any difficult parts. However, I need more time to explore that which lineweight and linetype is the best in the PDF or printing machine.

Assignment 1: Multiview Drawing

Learning the make 2D and the extrude Command.

Strength: learning the way to doing the Walt Disney Concert Hall with only the curve, extrude, add solid control point, cap and gumble commands. Weakness: since the project is about the Multiview Drawing, I am actually spending too much of time on the exterior looking not the multiview drawing. Therefore, at the end, it is too rush and complex to make 2D drawing. Opportunity: utilizing the Raytraced to explore the exterior material, and doing more stuff on the lineweight and linetype.


Right elevation

Front elevation

Assignment 2: Planar Objects & Folding I really enjoy this assignment. Especially, when we decided to do the paper airplane. In this assignment, I tried every things I had learned and put my best effort in it. I’m using the planarsrf, line, mirror, gumble, and raytraced commands.

Utilizing the planarsrf with the black glass raytraced as the ground to create the reflection.

Strength: I have patience and a lot of time (in that period) to do the thing I want to accomplish. For example, the angle of planarsrf. Weakness: There are still a lot of things that I need to compromise with. For example, the way we fold the airplane, we need to cut off some part of paper first and then able to create the exact same shape model as the Rhino has. Opportunity: Doing more folding part on the Rhino to make the paper don’t need to cut off. Risk: Maybe when I’m doing the more job at the airplane, my angle will be wrong, and, as the result, inner planarsrf will show up at the exterior.

Explode, axon:

Assignment 3: Stereotomy / Boolean Process :











Strength: the model is doable and this assignment help me a lot to learn the Boolean. Weakness: Maybe I can make it less abstract and more things-like Opportunity: Create something recognizable, not just a random shape

Process (make 2D):

Assignment 4: Grafting

This assignment is actually pretty easy cause the commands I need to remember is extractisocurve, intersect, clippingplane, and network surface.

Strength: I got 33 intersect !! Weakness: I got too much intersect. Therefore, the time is not enough (only sleep like one hour) when I need to fix some issue and do the explode and axon. Moreover, sometimes when the curve is not intersect with other lines, the networksrf will not work.

Opportunity: Since I’m learning the most efficient way to doing the intersect, I would like to do it again and make the intersect more than 33. Risk: It is hard to predict what the curve will be like and what problem will show out at the surface. Most of the time there are still some small surface will show out on the networksrf.

Assignment 5: Mashrabiya Morphology The previous version that Saue and I don’t like.

Exploring process

At the end, we create this kind of simple, light, geometric and elegant design, which just start at three simple line with different angle and height. We using the loft, line, mirror, and raytraced commands to create this wall.

Version, Dimension

Strength: the design is simple and easy to draw. However, in the same time, it is complex enough to build up and turn into the Mashrabiya Morphology format. Weakness: The structure is obviously too weak to hold up as a wall. Moreover, the pattern of the loft is not clear enough when the component become the wall.

Opportunity: zoom in the wall and make the pattern and component more obviously.

Version (raytraced), Explode, Axon



From different angle

Wall perspective: utilizing the sunlight to create the shadow and close the skylight to enhance the contrast.


Elevation, Plan

Assignment 6: Anamorphic Projection Since my flash drive was lost, and I don’t have any final version in my computer or backup file. Therefore, I’m using the old version to complete it based on my memory of final version.

STEP 1: Draw the projection line to every object and make the line going through the wall. For the cylinder, draw the line as many as I can to make sure the planar surface can looks like the curve.

STEP 2: Drawing the big planar surface to intersect with the projection line, and type “intersect” to create the point. then , draw the planar surface to connect each point in order.

STEP 3: Project the object on the wall and use the loft to create line on the wall. For the cylinder, I’m drawing the big planar surface to intersect with the line and then connecting all the point together with the planar surface.

Anamorphically objects

Strength: I have a lot of patient to draw the line, and able to think about how to trick people eyes in different way. Weaknesses: Rendering and light control is my major weaknesses. At this point, I found out that I have a lot of trouble and still struggling in the rendering part and light control part. Opportunity: Maybe try more different kind of material to make the rendering looks better, and play with the light more to make it looks more realistic. Risk: Need more time on the rhino rendering.

Original objects

Anamorphically objects

Anamorphically objects

Original objects

Narrative: My original thought about this project is trying to trick people’s eyes in the way that the original objects’ rectangular at the right is not going through the cylinder, and the anamorphically objects’ rectangular ar the right is going through the cylinder.

Assignment 7: solid (chess piece-Rook) Background: At first in order to make sure our members are in the same style, our group (gold team) decided to have a theme “universe� and use the pentangle based. Then, I choice the earth as the rook because rook can be represented as strong as earth or rock. (Actually I don’t really understand what is rook and why the rook looks like the castle during that period)

Definition: To begin, I decide to do some research on the symbol of earth, which is the element of : “+ and O”. In addition to the symbol of earth, I also do the research on the meaning of rook, which is the “Chariots”, and the symbol of the Chariot is also + and O. Therefore, I combine these two meaning together into my work.

Hand drawing: Later, I do a lot of hand drawing to help me understand what kind of format or style is perfect for my rook.

Narrative: At the end, I decided to make a twisting four rectangular objects into one direction to retain the format of rook, and put the sword inside to represent the cross of the earth and chariots. Moreover, the sword inside the chess can represent the power of the earth, which means the only live around whole solar system. In addition to the sword, I also put the sphere on the top of the chess to not only represent the symbol of earth and chariot but also emphasis the theme in our team.

Strength: The symbol, thought, and the process are very enjoying able for me, and actually, I really like the final design version. Weakness: The rendering and the surface reflection are the biggest trouble for me. I tried many different angle and material to make it looks polish and not too shine. In the end, I decided to make the sword in the alumni material and the other in the polish gold material. Opportunity: As has been aforementioned, first, I’m using the different version of material to fit my model and make it not too shining. Second, I’m using different light source to make it beautiful. Risks: Time consuming problem is always the biggest problem for me due to the multiple choice of material and light reflection.

3D printing chess piece

3D printing weakness: When it comes to the 3d printing, I just find out that I have several point disconnect to the sphere. Therefore, that parts are just broke while printing.

Assignment 8: Curtain wall house This building assignment is really exciting for me because we are finally going to do the building based on whatever we had learned. This building is curtain wall house which design by the Shigeru Ban. At first, Saue-chen Chang and I decided to remodel this building based on the curve and what we had learned in assignment 4 : grafting. However, as the building in the progress, we found out that it is too hard and too much work to do. Therefore, we decided to follow the original thought behind this building.

Existing model:


Second floor plan:


Third floor plan:

First interaction model: This model is the first things we comes out. We are thinking about putting the stair into the garage and put the actual wall around it to make the building more private and in the same time have the space to look the outside. Moreover, we are rising the roof to create some kind of curve to open the view and accessible of the sunlight.

Final model:


First Floor plan:


Second Floor plan:

Third Floor plan:

At the final building, we decided to change the wall because in the first interaction model, wall is not consistent with the pattern of the roof. Therefore, we change the wall into triangular in order to make it echo the pattern of the roof and the meaning of the design behind the existing building.

Strength: Able to echo and correlate the original design of building. Finally know how to do the rendering in the property ways. Moreover, we changed the stairs way to make the movement in the building more fluently. Weakness: We forgot to put a people in/ nearby the building, and also we raised the wrong place of the building. Therefore, when we see the building from the people’s perspective, they cannot see the interesting raised and curve of the roof. Opportunity: Maybe we can change the raising angle and place of the roof to make the people see the interesting part of the building more easily. In addition to the raising building, we also can try to apply different material at the building. Risk: In this project, we are really kind of rush, the time is not enough for me to think and do the interaction of this building.

Thank you

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