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Issue: Designer 黃 尹 伶 / YIN-LING HUANG 張 雨彤 / YU-TONG CHEUNG 丘 澤 俊 / CHET-CHIM KIU Discipline Product design User interface
Dimensions(unit:mm) Firefighter mask:200*200*300 Symbiosis mask:180*180*320
Material Plastic,Glass Textile
Real World
Quasi Mask
Project brief /
“Quasi Mask” is an industry cooperation project between Corning. The characteristic of glass is applied to solve problems that may cause in the fire, including the unclear sight and the inefficiency of communicating. By showing the alert information on the mask and integrating the equipments, along with hardware designs like infrared thermographer and fiber guiding, then match with the symbiosis masks for the victims in order to let the firefighters execute missions smoothly. 此次的作品是與康寧玻璃進行產學合作,運用其玻璃特性解決消防員 在火場中視線不清、消息傳遞無效率等問題。藉由在面罩上顯示警示 資訊,並整合紅外線熱顯像儀、光纖指引等硬體設計,搭配給予受困 者使用的共生面罩, 讓消防員無後顧之憂的救災。
Material Application
Finding Problems Amid the dense smoke in fireground, the firemen can only go forward slowly by touching the wall or counting upon the infrared thermal imager. In such a pressing condition, failure to timely know equipment information and the noise and mess of fireground make them unable to precisely receive instructions, which are the causes of danger.
由於火場裡濃煙密佈,消防員只能緩慢摸牆前進或仰賴紅外線熱 顯像儀,但在進行灑水工作時現有手持式顯像儀卻成了負擔。在 分秒必爭的情況下,無法即時掌握裝備資訊或因火場的吵雜導致 他們無法精確的接收指令,都是造成危險的原因。
With stiffness and wearability, it serves as the outermost layer glass of mirror, to avoid being easily worn or ruptured in fireground.
Its light, thin and flexible properties are applied to the mirror of infrared thermal imager. It can be bent and stored on side of the mirror for adaptive use.
The stable luminance of fiber-optic is utilized to direct the firemen in fireground.
Design Principle hardware
Hard to press the button
Blurred vision
Unclear to equipment state
Maximize sight zone
Functional integration
Intuitive operation
Easy to operate
Easy to identify the information
Design System
Deliver an order
Can’t forecast the emergency
Communication difficulty
Inefficient symbiosis mask
Report back
Voice control
Unclear to Equipment State
Communication difficulty
Equipment Check
Version 1 Considering the massy firefighting gloves are not favorable for keying, it occurs to us that we can wear hand sensor under the gloves. However, the wearing and the wiring are the problems.
The consistent and clear-out icon design facilitates the reading and the judgement for firemen. 在icon 的設計上維持一致性,主客體分明,使消防員容易 判讀。原先將撤退原因分別顯示,後將提示訊息分類整合為 撤退、提示及系統,分別在不同區塊固定出現。
考量到消防手套厚重不易操作按鍵,最初設想在手套 內戴上感應裝置,但除了穿戴麻煩外如何連線也是問 題。
Version 2 Sensor and gloves are combined, yet as hands are needed to operate a lot, mis-touching causes trouble.
將感應裝置與手套結合,但由於手部需要大量操作,反而容易因誤觸造成困 擾。
Small information letters make reading and judgment difficult.
make a fist +
Slim lines are easily confused in fireground.
Final Version report back
Can’t forecast the emergency
hot/cold spots tracking
Lastly we decided to use frame distinguishing system to realize operation through gesture.
(information)(information) out in
Speaker Originally, the display of evacuation reasons is separated. So we integrated them into three categories: evacuation, notification, and system. They are displayed in different blocks.
Hazardous Materials
To cope with the difficulty in the bad environment of fireground among team members due to the bad environment of fireground, we utilize the dint of body resonance which enhances the sound amplification effect. 火場環境惡劣,隊員間難以溝通。利用人體共振,增加擴音效果。
Blurred Vision Defogger / The structure of defogging can solve the problem of fogs caused by breathe.
Fibrance / The frontmost fireman in the team can utilize the sound to control the optic fibre to direct the rear firemen and the trapped.
利用除霧結構排出因呼吸產生 的水氣。
在隊伍最前方的消防員能利用聲音操控光纖為後方的消防 員及受困者指引方向。
Thermal Imager / Version 1. The hand-held infrared thermal imager is changed to be worn on hand, which, however, is not intuitive enough as the firemen often use hands to operate in disaster relief. 將手持的紅外線熱顯像儀改為穿戴在手上,但消防員在救災時手部 經常需要操作,使用上不夠直覺。
Version 2. To facilitate firemen's operation, the infrared thermal imager is integrated on the facepiece as cover type or left-right opening type, while the protruded imager is prone to collide and fracture and is incompatible with helmet. 為了讓消防員更容易操作,將紅外線熱顯像儀整合在面罩上作為上罩式 或左右開蓋式,但考量到突出易碰撞破碎且與頭盔無法相容。
Final Version We applied the flexibility of Corning willow glass to the exterior mirror, which can be stored on side, and drawn out for use. 我們將康寧的willow glass的可撓特性運用 在外側面鏡上,不使用時收納於側邊,需要時 則可立即拉出。
Inefficient Symbiosis Mask
Final Version
Symbiosis Mask /
Finally we adopt the way of folding for storage, and minimize the coverage area and weight, with only the most important eyes and noses shielded. To prevent the firemen from wasting the quantity of their air bottles after spotting the trapped, we choose to use silica gel not only because of its well fit with the face, but also the function of poison filtration, which allows the trapped to avoid breathing temporarily in the dense smoke without the supply of air bottle and escape with more time.
Version 1. Commensal facepiece and firemen facepiece are combined in order to shrink the volume. However, it cannot really solve the gas wasting problem of existing equipment due to the poor airtightness.
最後採用折疊的方式收納,將覆蓋面積及重量最小化,僅遮住最重要的眼睛、 鼻子的範圍。為了避免消防員在找到受困者後浪費本身氣瓶量,我們使用矽膠 更貼合臉部外,加上濾毒的功能,讓受困者在沒有氣瓶供應的時候也可以暫時 不呼吸到濃煙,爭取更多逃生時間。
為了減少體積,我們將共生面罩與消防員用面罩部分結合。由 於氣密性不足,無法真正解決現有設備浪費氣體的問題。
ze junn 的sketch
Version 2. Then, we designed semi-cover type mask which combined with display screen as a medium to communicate with firefighters. However, it cannot protect the eyes well, making the trapped impossible to open eyes to see the road. 半罩式,將顯示玻璃結合在面罩上作為與消防員的溝 通媒介,但眼睛保護性不足受困者無法睜眼看路。
Version 3. Considering the reasons above, we decided to design an independent commensal facepiece which can be hung on firemen's bodies. The initial conception is to utilize peripheral folded structure to expand the protection area with different facial forms of the victims, yet it is inconvenience to carry due to the overlarge area. 考慮以上,決定將共生面罩獨立,讓消防員掛 在身上。最初的構想是利用周邊折疊的結構, 可以因應受害者臉型擴大保護範圍,但整體面 積過大不好攜帶。
“Quasi can bring firefighters and sufferers home safely.’’