Final project_ Catch the wond

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Issue: Discipline UI/UX design Designer 黃 尹 伶 / YIN-LING HUANG Programmer 曾 台 綸 / TAI-LUN TSENG

Real World

Catch the Wind 小風的城市大冒險

Project brief /

In order to make parents and kids closer, we display traditional illustrated books on iPad. Leading the parents to tell story with animation and illustrated book which is in two-way interaction, it makes the storytelling before sleeping funnier. Besides, AR technology will be combined with mobile interface to promote users to explore outdoors, it is not one-off tale but the carrier of memory of parents and kids as well. 為了增進親子感情,希望將傳統繪本呈現在iPad上,利用動畫及繪本的 雙向互動,讓睡前唸故事的時光能夠更有趣味性。此外,在手機界面上 結合AR技術促使使用者前往戶外探索,讓繪本不只是一次性的故事而是 成為親子回憶的載體。

Work delivery iPhone iPad info Video Dimensions(unit:pixl) iPad 12.9’: 2732*2048 iPhone 6s: 1334*750

Insight /

Know People /

Increase interest

Create Interaction

Most of the parents are too busy to play with kids. Due to lack of accompany with each other, nights and weekends are the only time to make it up.



34-40 years old office worker

6-10 years old elementary school student

Use the motion to make that story no longer boring.

Create personality by drawing on their own.

Make the relatio -nship get closer.

System / Resource Sharing




Story map


Picture books

Parents & Kid


Story map





Reading Unlock the mission Practice


Augmented Reality

Character Design /

Interaction /

Initially, relatively real and round modeling is adopted. 最初,採用較為真實、圓潤的造 型。

Through integrating the technology into traditional illustrated books, it gets parents to tell stories with animation and delight the children in two-way interaction of illustrated books.

Replace the previous turning page with pages which are connected by animation. To make parents and - kids more focused on story progression and more attentive to the details in the picture.

Change to strong individual style which is lack of consistency. 改以較強個人風格呈現,但並未有一 致性。

The action of opening the illustrated books by parents and kids symbolizes the beginning of parentage.

To reach the consistency of vision, finally we decided to use geometric shape for the faces of form of animals. 為了讓視覺有一致性,最終决定以 幾何形狀創作動物的臉型。

To maintain the completeness of the pictures, the previous hamburger menu is abandoned and changed into long-press to call out main menu to switch paragraphs and exit, etc.

The parents and kids are attracted to outdoors by AR to create memories via real interaction. Dissimilar reactions are produced by different operations, which is different from the one-off reading illustrated books in the past.

“Catch the Wind is not only an APP but also a carrier of memories.”

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